#tony is very susceptible
dontcare77ghj · 8 months
Baby Fever
Tony x reader x Steve x Bucky
Parenting Universe
"Did you ever think about being a mother again after Ohio?" You asked, internally wincing as your mother froze.
"I didn't stop being a mother after we were separated, dorogoy," Melina said, turning towards you as she leaned against the sink. "I spent all my time keeping you girls safe from what Dreykov wanted to do to you all. And then when he was gone, it didn't feel right to fill that hole." She told you. 
"Right." You said slowly, nodding in understanding.
"Besides, I had the pigs. I was busy enough. Why do you ask?" She asked, raising a brow.
"It doesn't matter. It's nothing." You shrugged, focusing on the mug in your hands.
"Don't lie to your mother. She can smell them like bloodhound." Alexi said, entering the kitchen with a bloody bag from the butchers.
"You know me so well." Melina smiled, patting Alexi on the cheek as she took the bag from him. "And yet you never remember the wine." She tsked, moving towards the fridge.
"Ah, not this time!" Alexi exclaimed, pulling a bottle of red wine from behind his back.
"If that was from your pants, I'm not drinking it." You were quick to say.
"Oh hush, is still good." Melina waved you off, kissing Alexi as she took the bottle. "Now, out with it. Why the baby talk? You're not pregnant. Is Peter pregnant?"
"Mama, Peter's a boy."
"I know that I can see, dorogoy, but we don't know all his spider powers, do we?"
"Oh my God, Mom, Peter is not pregnant!" You hid your face in your hands, wishing your sisters would hurry up and get here. "I only asked because the boys and I were talking about maybe adopting another." You admitted with a sigh.
"That's fantastic! Melina, we're going to be grandparents again!" Alexi exclaimed, rushing to pull you into his chest.
"Nothing's set in stone yet, Dad." You groaned as your lungs started to collapse.
"Why not? Malysh, Y/N." He whined.
"We're trying to work things out, Dad. We've still got to ask Peter, and work out logistically how it would work with work, and" You started to explain, only for Melina to wave you off.
"Oh, you think too much. You don't have to think about children. You have children. You have other children. It is life." 
"You know we were all technically abducted from an orphanage, right?" You asked, raising a brow.
"The point is life happens, and sometimes you don't have time to think it through," Melina told you.
"Yes, life happens, roll with punches, all good. Now hurry up and decide your mother and I are getting old. We want to meet the new grandbaby. We want to see great-grandbabies. We want to see it all." Alexi said with a clap.
"Great-grandbaby? Is Peter pregnant?" Yelena exclaimed, entering the room with Natasha behind her.
"Someone kill me." You groaned, smacking your head against the table.
"This feels like an intervention." Tony sighed, slipping into a seat beside Bucky.
"You would know." You snorted, sipping your smoothie.
"In all fairness, the last one did work." Bucky pointed out, wrapping his arm around Tony's waist. "He hasn't had raw cookie dough in seven months."
"I miss it."
"Seriously, Tony?" Steve sighed, lifting your legs and placing them on his lap when he sat.
"Oh, lighten up, med." You said, offering the blonde your smoothie as FRIDAY announced Peter's arrival.
"Underoos, take a seat," Tony said, nodding to the bean bag you'd placed before the four of you.
"Okay, if this is about the putty arrows, it was entirely Clint's fault," Peter said, raising his hands innocently. "I told him not to do it. I told him it would piss off people, and he made me help. I am very susceptible to peer pressure,"
"Okay, I am going to stop you right there," Tony said, holding up a hand. "This isn't about the arrows, though we are gonna circle back to that later,"
"And talk about peer pressure," Steve added, causing Peter to groan.
"No more Rappin' with Cap. I've seen enough." Peter complained, collapsing onto the beanbag. "Okay, if it's not the arrows, what did I do wrong this time?"
"Why do you just assume you're in trouble?" You cocked your head.
"Because this feels like an intervention."
"What did I say?" 
"Don't yell in my ear, Tones."
"You don't kill people you love. You don't kill people you love. You don't kill people you love." You muttered to yourself, rubbing the space between your eyes as the two continued to argue.
"Getting back on topic," Steve said, causing Bucky and Tony to fall silent. "We just want to get your opinion on something, and we want you to be completely honest with us."
"Honest like we are about Mama's driving, or honest like we are Dad's cooking?"
"You're grounded."
"What's wrong with my cooking?"
"The driving one, kiddo." Bucky chuckled. 
"We have been talking, the four of us, and we would like to expand this family. Our family." Steve explained, watching Peter's face carefully.
"You want to have a baby?" Peter gasped. "Wait, no. That doesn't make sense." He said after a second thought.
"Med, we're thinking of adopting." You told the teen.
"And, just for clarity, bud, it's not happening yet," Bucky spoke.
"Yeah, right now, we're just laying the groundwork, seeing what happens." Tony nodded. "And your opinion matters here, so be honest, you know,"
"I'd get to be a big brother?" Peter cut Tony off, looking between the four of you with glassy eyes.
"If that's what you want, of course, med." You nodded.
"I'm gonna be a big brother!" Peter screamed, launching from the beanbag and towards you and Steve. The teen wrapped his arms around both your necks, squeezing you both tightly before moving on to do the same to Tony and Bucky.
"I take it you're okay with this?" Bucky clarified as Tony fake choked.
"Yes!" Peter exclaimed, pulling away. "Are we thinking boy? Girl? Twins? Triplets? Oh! I could make them a suit." He gasped. "I love you guys! I'm really excited, but I gotta call Ned!" He said, blowing kisses before turning on his heel and rushing from the room.
"Well, I guess we have Pete's approval." You smiled, hearing the sound of his door slamming shut.
"See, there was nothing to worry about," Tony said, rising to a stand. "This calls for a celebratory drink, but since I'm sober, who wants coffee?"
"Nat, I need a drink." You huffed, falling face-first onto Natasha's couch.
"You need to get your feet off my couch," Natasha said, wacking your legs with a magazine. "Who raised you and Lena?"
"Murderers." You said, shfting to sit upright.
"Why are you moping? Why are you moping on my floor? I'm trying to watch my movie." Natasha sighed.
"Well, I can't mope in my room because Steve's doing some mindfulness meditation yoga bullshit that's making me question my marriage to him in there." You said, running your hand over your face. "And Tony's hiding in the lab, and Bucky took Pete to the Lego store, so you're all I've got."
"Alright. Alright." Natasha said, pausing her movie to turn to you. "What happened?" 
"We got another rejection letter." You sighed, letting your head hit the back of the couch. "No one wants us to adopt."
"Well, that's bullshit. Why?" Natasha asked, moving towards her drinks cart.
"One wouldn't take us because of Tony's past, another for me and Buck's, a lot said no because we're poly, and there's a few that won't take us because we're avengers." You told your sister as she poured two drinks.
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." She said, handing you your drink. 
"To be fair a lot of people are dead because of me."
"Oh yes, terrorists and murderers. A lot of human traffickers on that list as well."
"What have we talked about?" Natasha cut you off, taking your free hand. "C'mon, say it."
"For as much bad as we've done, we're trying to do the same good." You sighed, trying to believe your words meant something.
"Look, every reason they have listed is bullshit, and I'm surprised Tony's not suing to be honest," Natasha told you.
"Steve's handling the lawyers." You said before downing your drink. The burn a familiar and comforting feeling.
"It's probably for the best." Natasha hummed. "I don't get it. There weren't this many problems with Pete."
"We were his legal guardians. May made it very clear in her will." You shook your head. "According to the lawyers, it would have been a lot harder without that."
"Look, Y/N, you guys are great parents, which is surprising given how you all grew up,"
"Buck and Steve had stable childhoods."
"As stable as it could have been in the forties, sure." Natasha amended. "But you four are good parents. Peter loves you, and you are doing better than your best to keep him alive and in school. There are other adoption agencies, and any kid would be lucky to have the five of you."
"Thanks. I love you, Nat." You said, leaning over to hug your sister.
"Love you too," Natasha said, patting your back. "You want to get drunk and watch the rest of this with me?"
"God, yes."
"I'm ready to just call it a year." Bucky sighed, laying his head on your lap. 
"It's March, med." You reminded the brunette as you tangled your fingers in his hair.
"It's been March for six years." He groaned.
"I know." You sighed. "You think either of them are going to come down for lunch?"
"Steve was still on the phone with the lawyers when I checked." Bucky shook his head. "He was starting on the risking our lives tangent so he'll be a while."
"Tony had three cars pulled apart when I went to check on him." You said, causing Bucky to roll his eyes. 
"Married life. You feel the bliss yet?" Bucky asked, causing you to chuckle.
"Well, I think it's too late to leave ya, so I must love you lot."
"Mom? Pops?" Bucky pulled himself upright and the two of you turned to see Peter hovering in the doorway.
"Hey, bud. I thought you were out with Ned." Bucky said, gesturing for the teen to come in.
"I was, but it looks like he got what his sister had last week because he upchucked halfway through the movie," Peter said, settling onto the recliner beside the couch.
"Hm, lovely." You wrinkled your nose.
"Yeah, but at least it wasn't on my lap this time, like when we went to Coney Island. So, that's something." Peter shrugged as Bucky chuckled.
"Your Dad wasn't exactly thrilled to have you in the car after that one." 
"Well, I'd let you into my car, but I wouldn't be thrilled." You told the teen.
"Your Ma doesn't like vomit." Bucky teased.
"No, I don't. And I'll thank you to keep that to yourself. I don't need terrorists finding that out and vomiting on me." You shuddered, poking Bucky's side before turning to Peter. "Well, since you're home, you want to have lunch with us?"
"Yeah, sure. Are Dad and Pa going to join us?" Peter wondered.
"I don't think so, bud," Bucky said after hesitating. Peter frowned at the words but didn't say anything.
"Pete, everything okay?"
"I wanted to ask, is everything okay?" Peter asked, causing you and Bucky to share a look.
"What do you mean, dorogoy?"
"It's just that it's been a while since we talked about you guys adopting, and nothing's happened, but you seem upset," Peter said, shifting uncomfortably.
"Come sit, kid," Bucky said, shifting and patting the space between the two of you. Your arm wrapped around his shoulders, and Peter relaxed into your side.
"There are just a few people who aren't exactly keen to let us adopt, but it's alright, it's just a couple of setbacks. We're working through it." Bucky explained, placing his hand on yours.
"I'm sorry." Peter frowned
"There's nothing to be sorry for, Pete. It's not your fault." You promised, squeezing the teen's shoulder.
"I know, but I know that you wanted this," Peter said, looking between you both. "I know you wanted a family."
"We have a family, and we love our family." You promised, kissing the side of his head. "Having another child was just an idea." You added, sharing a sad look with Bucky.
"Yeah, just a thought. But we're pretty happy with how things are right now." Bucky told the teen, pulling him into a side hug. 
"You know what? I am going to get the boys. Family lunch, no excuses." You said, jumping to a stand and rushing from the room.
When you were safely in the elevator, and the doors closed behind you, you allowed yourself to curl in on yourself and let out a half-sob.
It was just an idea.
Life continued to move on. Six months later, you, Tony, Steve and Bucky came to an uneasy acceptance of the situation and, for the most part, put it behind you.
You had the Avengers, your family, Peter, and each other and that was all that mattered.
And unfortunately for you all, the world still needed your help.
"Spider-Man, I swear if you jump in front of another bullet, you are so grounded." Tony snapped over the coms. "I'm too young to have another heart attack."
"It's not my fault. I'm trying to neutralize like you asked me to. I didn't ask to be shot at." Peter snarked, causing laughter to be heard over the gunfire as Tony gasped.
"Sass back! Oh, you are so grounded!"
"If you two are done, I found an exposed vent. I'm going in." You interrupted the two.
"Exposed? That sounds risky, doll." Steve worried.
"Oh, it wasn't exposed before now, don't worry." You said, shimming into the hole you'd created.
"Oh yeah, because blowing a hole in the wall is real subtle." You could just hear Tony rolling his eyes.
"Unlike you, Tones, I don't blow holes in walls." You said, slowly crawling through the vent.
"Damn, Stark, what did you get up to in your playboy days?" 
"Y/N, there's a heat signiture coming from your left." Bruce spoke, watching through FRIDAY and guiding people where he could.
"You see anything weird up there, all knowing one?" You asked, turning left.
"It's a small heat signiture if that counts." Bruce said as you came up to a grate. You kept just behind the vent for a moment, trying to hear if anyone was outside, but when you heard nothing, you ventured to peak through the mesh.
"There's a lot of blankets out there." You frowned, seeing nothing else in the sparse room. 
"Maybe it's just a rat." Steve suggested as you watched a blanket move and something peek out.
"Oh shit." You swore, quickly pulling the vent free and jumping to the ground.
"What, you scared of a little rat, Y/N?" Clint teased as you knelt down. 
"Shut the fuck up, Barton." You swore, staring unblinking at the bundle before you. "I'm gonna need medical and some help in here." 
"Y/N, what happened?"
"On my way, Mama."
"Speak to us, Y/N."
"There's a baby here. A live one." You said as the baby before you started to cry.
"There's a lot that aren't." You said, reaching out to pull the baby into your arms and shield them from the sight. "Someone's gonna have to call Xavier. I think these were all mutant children." You said, brushing tears from the baby's blue skin.
"I'll handle it," Bruce assured you as you started to bounce the baby soothingly.
"It's okay, malen'kiy. You're safe. I have you." You hushed, fixing the blanket with one hand. "No one I don't know is coming through that door, okay? Anyone bad tries to touch you again, and I will shoot them." You promised.
"It's not what you say to a baby, Y/N."
The baby let out a snuffling sound as it reached a hand from the blanket and rested it on your collarbone.
And for the first time in so many years, you wereactually surprised at what happened next.
"Holy fuck."
"The files definitely indicate female at birth," Tony said, placing the manilla back on the table. "So we can stop calling her it."
"FRIDAY, did the files help turn up on any living family?" You asked as Bucky played got your nose with the baby in your hold.
"No boss spider." FRIDAY replied. "I found the death certificates for an Elijiah, Mila and Raven Darkholme as well as the burial plots for Elijiah and Mila."
"I'm going with they faked Raven's death certificate." Bucky commented.
"I have also concluded the same for the six other children found today." FRIDAY informed you all.
"I hate HYDRA." Peter shivered, looking down to Raven who had taken his thumb and was getting salivia all over it.
"Well the social worker said she can stay with us until they find a home to take her." Steve said, reentering the room. "She said it might take longer than normal."
"What? Why?"
"There's not a lot of orphanages for mutants, Pete." You said, smiling when the baby made her hair look like yours.
"Yeah, unsurprisingly she had space until I mentioned that part." Steve shook his head, sitting on the coffee table before you. "Doesn't Charles have space for her?" 
"Wheels doesn't have a space for babies yet," Tony said, reaching out to take the baby from you. "You're holding her wrong."
"We'll have to order some supplies." You commented, laughing when Raven copied Tony's goatee.
"How are we supposed to know how much we need in supplies?" Bucky asked, looking to Steve, who frowned.
"Depends on how much the social worker was exaggerating." Steve scowled.
"So, she just goes into the system?" Peter asked, causing you all to turn to him. "Into a home where there's no one like her? Where she may not even get adopted?" He clenched his fists.
"Pete," Tony started, stepping closer.
"It's not fair, Dad." Peter shook his head. 
"We know, dorogoy." You said, reaching out to take his hand. "That's why they want her to stay here until they can find her a home with other mutants. So she doesn't grow up alone."
"Why can't you take her?" Peter asked, causing the four of you to look between each other.
"We can't just claim a child, Peter." Steve shook his head. "She's not a lost pen."
"No, but you could adopt her. Like you did me."
"She deserves a family who'll love her, and you've always made me feel loved."
"Aw, kiddo."
"And you know she wouldn't be alone in this family. We're all different kinds of different."
"Well, you do eat cereal on the ceiling."
"And I would be the best big brother. I'll teach her to love Star Wars, the perfect amount of butter to put on popcorn, and I'll teach her all the best ways to avoid FRIDAY for when she's a teenager."
"You know, you were doing real great until you got to that, right?"
"You took me in when I had no family left, and you gave me a family. Why can't we give that to her?" Peter asked, smiling when Raven let out a coo.
For a moment, you all stayed silent. Contemplating Peter's words before,
"You know I don't go to church much anymore, but ma would call this a blessing." Steve commented. "She would call her a little blessing." He nodded to the baby in Tony's arms.
"No matter where she goes, HYDRA will be after her." Bucky murmured, placing his hands under his chin. "We could keep her safe. Try to give her a childhood that they can't take from her."
"Buck." Tony gently handed Peter Raven as he sat beside Bucky, wrappping his arms around the super-soldier.
"Dad? What do you think?" Peter asked, adjusting his hold on Raven.
"I think she grows a better beard than you do, and you're almost seventeen." Tony was quick to quip.
"Look, this is what we wanted, right? To give you a sibling? To expand our family? Why are we looking the gifthorse in the mouth?" Tony shook his head. "I say we take the chance. It may be our last one."
"Mama?" Peter turned to you.
"When I got out of the Red Room, I knew I could never have children after what they did to us. And I didn't think after all we've done, that I deserved any." You admitted, staring at the wall behind Peter's head, where a photo from your last beach trip hung proudly.
"But you changed my mind." You said, looking to Peter with a smile. "You are my child, and I would burn the world down if you asked me to, and as soon as that little girl looked at me with those same trusting eyes, I knew I would do the same for her."
"Call the lawyers in the morning. They can start making arrangments." You smiled, reaching out to take Raven from Peter. "I guess this is welcome home, malen'kiy."
"Be quiet, Alexi!"
"Don't hit, Melina! Yelena, you see the abuse your mother heaps on me?"
"Please get him to lower everything." You sighed, looking to the bedroom door.
"Why? He's your father." Tony smirked, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Your father-in-law. I didn't have a choice, you had a choice." You said, leaning into the hold.
"You love him."
"I love him, but if he wakes Raven, I will kill him." You promised, causing Tony to chuckle.
"Go, I got this." Tony said, kissing you before heading towards the sound of your other family.
It had been two months since that fateful day you had found Raven and your family had been completed. Surprisingly, everything had gone smoothly with the adoption.
Your heart hurt to think of the children like Raven who were struggling to find a home, so you, along with the Avengers were working with Charles Xaviers school to make this less of a reality.
And now you were free to watch your children together and only allow yourself to feel happiness.
Both your children lived in rooms down the hall from you, Peter a little further down because no mater how much you soundproofed his room, sometimes he could still hear the four of you.
And while you were happy that meant you'd always hear Raven cry, you worried that Pete would still have to to.
As you neared Raven's room, you heard a familiar sniffling but before you could enter the room intent on drying your daughters tears, you heard something that made your heart swell.
"It's alright." Peter cooed. "Dedushka is pretty loud, but he makes up for it with pretty great hugs. Babushuka's probably already warned him to be careful with you, so you don't have to worry about crushed ribs." You peaked around the doorway to see Peter holding Raven and making faces at her.
Raven let out a laugh as she attached her hands to Peter's face, taking on his hair and eye color.
"You know, I don't like loud things either, but we'll talk to Dad, and he'll be able to make something for you like he did for me." Peter said, bouncing back and forth. "Did you know our family are superheroes? Yeah! They save the world. They saved you and they saved me too in a way. And you know what, this family is never going to let anything happen to you.
We're really lucky, you and me. We got picked by the best family because no matter what we do, they're always gonna love us. And I meant it when I promised to be the best big brother. You are never going to hate me a day in your life, and I am always going to be here."
Peter finished his speech by pressing a kiss to Raven's hairline, causing her to flash him a big gummy smile.
"Should we tell Mama we know she's in the doorway?" Peter asked, turning to face you with a smirk. "You're slipping, Mama."
"Not a spy here." You shook your head. "Just a very happy mother." You smiled, walking over to embrace your children. "I love you, Pete."
"Love you too, mama."
"And I love you, malen'kiy, but I do have to make you suffer through your dedushka." You spoke to Raven in a high pitched tone.
"You love dedushka." Peter accused as the two of you made your way to the living room.
"I do, but it's fun to tease him." 
Remember, all Taglists are open, as are requests. Taglists include the main taglist, individual characters, all male/female, and venom stories.
@rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainx @hopingforbarnes @starlingelliot @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @jelly-fishy-babie @skeletoresinthebasement @agent-barnes40 @reann-shitposting @skadikh @summergeezburr @buckybarton03 @sunshinepower17 @bindythedemon @natasharomanoffismywife @keenmarvellover @bbybarness @storiesbystarlight @buckybarnesplumwhore @bromieeomieee @marvelmenarebeautiful @niki-is-a-thing@pauloonig @beautybyfire @officalmarvelbaby @acertainredhead @reapersan @adoreyou976 @casperlikej @songbirdcannabe @montygator17 @cecedrake2217 @nyx2021 @black-dhalias @idontwannagomrstarkk@chiyongberry @bunnyweasley23 @ratzy @taylorsm1dnights
Tony Stark Taglist
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infiniteeight8 · 3 months
I don't know if you are familer with this trope but:
Guide and Senital ironstrange
Anon, not only am I familiar with this trope, I wrote the tumblr post that quite a few people have used to explain it. 😀
I can actually rationalize Stephen and Tony in either role, but I decided to go with the most obvious (to me, anyway) version. This time, anyway! 
This is also a “Sentinels and Guides are known” style AU.
Tony tries very, very hard not to use his senses at all. 
It’s not that he doesn’t want them. He may have issues, but they aren’t those particular issues. He’d be happy to lean into those genetic advantages if, in his case, they outweighed the risks. Which they don’t. Three Sentinel and Guide centers (his local California Center first, then the California State Center, then the New York Center) all agree that Tony is, quote, “unusually susceptible to zone outs.” 
Which more or less means that damn near anything can tip him into one, and damn near nothing can get him out of one. Pepper, despite being so weak a Guide she only just registers on the test, is the best at getting him out of them. Given a quiet place and about half an hour undisturbed, she can get him back about half the time. The rest of the time, there’s nothing to do but wait. He usually comes out of a zone after four or five hours. Usually.
Once, he had to be put into care in the S&G Center for three days.
No one enjoys that, least of all Tony. So he does his best not to give his brain the opportunity to hyperfocus, and he meets the Guides the Center sends to match with him, and he tries not to envy the Sentinels who can snap out of a zone with a few words from the right person. 
Unfortunately, Tony’s work regularly involves intense focus on very small objects. Soldering a circuit board is legitimately dangerous for him, but like hell he’s going to give the job to someone else, especially when it concerns the armor. He tells himself that even when FRIDAY warns him against such work while Pepper is out of town.
The tiny…
The low rumble of a voice. A warm hand holding his, trembling faintly. The scent of tea and dust and something like but unlike ozone. It’s the scent that Tony follows back into the world. Blinking, Tony carefully straightens up from where he was hunched over his work bench. He doesn’t feel sore, which is unusual.
Tony turns to find Stephen Strange sitting next to him, eyebrows knitted in concern. Tony clears his throat, but it doesn’t feel dry. “Yeah, I’m here. How long was I out?”
FRIDAY answers, “Fifteen minutes. With Ms. Potts out of town, I considered calling the S&G Center, but Doctor Strange is a registered Guide and I decided he was more likely to respond quickly.”
“You did good, FRIDAY,” Tony reassures her automatically, and then really registers her words. He turns to Strange. “You got me back in fifteen minutes?”
“More like ten, once I got here,” Strange says. “I’m sorry, it shouldn’t take that long.”
“That long?” Tony laughs. “Strange, that’s the fastest anyone has ever gotten me out of zone out in my entire life. That’s assuming they even can get me back. Are you bonded? Tell me you’re not bonded.”
Strange lets out an incredulous huff of laughter and shakes his head. “I’m not bonded,” he says. “And to anticipate your next question, yes, I’m amenable to a courtship.”
“Amenable,” Tony snorts, but he’s smiling. “Fantastic. FRIDAY, is there paperwork? If there is, get it started.”
Strange looks bemused, but in a good way, like he’s enjoying the ride. It’s a good sign, Tony decides.
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ccalhoun · 1 year
≻ ┄┄ ♡ ┄┄ ≺
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steve rogers x m!reader x clint barton oneshot
wc: 1.3k
request: black widow's newest mission is having to protect her younger brother from the amorous advances of her male comrades. there's varying levels of success, but she notices how her brother seems most susceptible to steve and clint's charm - randomnamenottaken on wattpad
warnings: male reader, reader can be read as cis or trans, reader is natasha's younger brother, reader has similar/the same training as natasha, flirting, [name] used, kind of fanboy!reader, slight steve x clint i couldn't help myself, its a bit implied that clint and steve are together, possibly ooc characters (i haven't rewatched the mcu in awhile, apologies)
note: also, sorry for the unplanned hiatus! my computer broke and i got a new one recently. i finally have some spare time so i decided to finish some requests!! i kinda rushed it/ended it suddenly because i felt bad about taking so long, sorry!
i'm a bit rusty in writing fanfic, any and all criticism is very appreciated
cut for length!
you hesitantly walked into the avenger's tower, sticking closely to your sister's side. you were anxious about what the avengers would think of you. what if they don't like you? what if they kick you out despite needing you on a mission? your mind was racing with thoughts, though you were quickly snapped out of it by natasha's voice. not even realizing you were already at the door of the room where the avengers were. your entire future in one room.
"hey," natasha snapped in front of your face and finally got your attention, sighing in relief when you seemed to come back down to earth. "finally," she sighed, "in that room are the avengers, and the avengers are gross men who flirt with anything that has a pulse. last time i checked, you have a pulse, so," natasha sighed again before regaining her composure, "just be careful, ok?"
you nodded curtly before nat opened the door. you tried to act confident but the second the avengers turned to look at you, you felt like a deer in headlights. tony stood up when you entered, walking up to your place beside natasha and smiling charmingly at you.
"hello, mr. romanoff," tony practically purred out, taking your hand in his and almost kissing your knuckles before a soft hit to the side of his head made him drop your hand. he looked to his side only to be met with the sight of natasha staring angrily at him.
"get your hands off him, tony," nat snapped, tony took the very obvious sign and dropped your hand as he stepped back. "everyone this is my brother, he is off limits. none of you are good enough for him," she said blankly. it's not that she didn't like any of the avengers, she just didn't think they were good enough for you.
"nat it's fine, i can take care of myself," you whisper-yelled at natasha. who would want the avengers, the people who have saved the world multiple times, to think you can't protect yourself?
"you hear that? he's fine with my flirting!" tony said happily, trying to take your hand in his again before you shot your hand away from his.
"just because i can stick up for myself doesn't mean i liked your flirting," you tried to sound as confident as you could but you were talking to the tony stark, how could you not be nervous? "i'm not interested in you," you finished and were surprised when the room erupted in laugher.
"jeez tony, not everyone is as obsessed with you as you are." you heard the joking voice of steve rogers, captain america, say. you froze in place at the realization that you were about to meet captain america and stood dumbfounded at the thought. sure enough, captain america stood in front of you with his arm out in front of him to shake your hand. you quickly shook his hand as you internally freaked out.
"sorry about my friend's advances, [name], right? or should i call you mr. romanoff?" steve's voice was soft and respectful, caring in a way. you stared in awe at the much taller man before realizing he asked you a question.
"you can call me [name]," you stuttered out, failing at hiding how nervous you really were at the moment. steve nodded and smiled, releasing your hand before speaking again.
"i'm steve rogers, though you probably already know who i am based on your reaction," steve let out a small chuckle after his lighthearted teasing, giving you a small smile and shaking your hand gently, you didn't seem like the kind to enjoy firm handshakes.
"i assume you also know my colleagues but it would be impolite to not introduce you," he moved to the side of you as he started pointed to the members in the room, "that's thor, he's a god so i'd be careful around him. that's bruce banner, the hulk, he can help you with anything science related. that's clint, hawkeye, he can seem distant but he's the best guy on the team when it comes to anything you need. you've already met tony so i won't bother with him," steve let out a chuckle after the last bit, seeming to have a friendly rivalry with the brunette.
"thank you," you stuttered out, steve rogers, the captain america was talking to you! it was a dream come true! you were led to an empty chair, in between clint and where steve was sitting a few minutes prior. steve attempted to take a seat, being shoved by nat so she could sit next to you.
"nice try, rogers," she said playfully before shifting her attention to tony and bruce as they started talking about the mission that would take place in about a week. it was hard to focus, noticing the "secret" glances from steve and clint, they'd look to you and then each other as if they were having a conversation of sorts.
after the meeting, clint and steve caught up to you and natasha as you walking around the tower. tony was nice enough to give you a temporary room in the tower as you stayed for the mission and if you were lucky enough, a permanent place to stay with the avengers.
"hey steve, hey clint!" you chirp happily, waving at the two boys. they briefly wave back before seeing natasha's glare, and suddenly her warning was at the front of their minds.
"we just wanted to welcome [name] to the team, even if its only for a few weeks," clint quickly covered up, in truth him and steve were coming so they could ask you on a date of sorts, you caught both of their attention, they both found you interesting in the way they wanted to get to know more about you.
"oh, thank you, i'm happy to be here!" you said, natasha didn't buy it, she had a gut feeling that they had different intentions.
"let's get going [name], we need to be well rested. you boys should probably sleep too," natasha rushed out. it's not that she didn't trust her friends, it's just that you were her baby brother and you'll always be a baby to her!
"you're right," you said before focusing back on the two men in front of you, "goodnight clint, goodnight steve! see you in the morning," you smiled before turning back to your sister and resuming the walk to your room.
once you got to your room nat wished you goodnight, giving you a hug before going to her own room. you thought back on the day as you showered and changed, you met the avengers and two of them went out of their way to talk to you! you were buzzing with happiness, it was hard to fall asleep after a day like that! eventually after an hour of so of laying in bed you fell asleep soundly.
the next morning you were in the kitchen looking for food when you heard footsteps approaching, they seemed relaxed and fluid so you weren't worried about being ambushed. just as you thought, clint and steve walked in, stopping their conversation when they saw you. you could hear the last half of it, something about a weird dream clint had. you waved before deciding on making cereal.
"oh, [name], we meant to ask you this yesterday, would you be interested in dinner with me and steve? thor and bruce might come but that's a big might," clint said as he was opening the fridge.
"sure, when? can you pass me the milk please?" you answered, following up with the simple favor as you had poured a small bowl of cereal as you listened.
"tonight, 07:00? if that works for you," clint passed the almost empty jug of milk, "sorry about that, i guess thor got here before us," he joked.
"07:00 works, thanks," you poured the cereal and grabbed a spoon before heading back to your room, acting cool as if you hadn't just been asked to join dinner with some of the avengers.
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nitrateglow · 1 year
Halloween 2023 marathon: 12-15
Rope (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1948)
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Brandon and Philip do everything together: share aesthetic philosophies, go on road trips, and commit thrill kills in their living room. After strangling a classmate, they hide the body in a chest. They also happen to be throwing a dinner party that night. The thrill of possibly being caught excites Brandon, but Philip is on the verge of a breakdown all night. And when their old prep school headmaster Rupert shows up and starts to notice their combined strange behavior, matters grow potentially deadly.
I watched this one with my grandmother, who had never even heard of it before. She ended up really liking it, which made me happy because I think Rope is Hitchcock's most underrated film. Hitchcock himself dismissed the movie as a failed experiment. The central gimmick is that the film appears to be shot in a single take, lending the story the sense that it's all unfolding in real time. It's not a seamless illusion, but it is effective, so sorry Hitchcock, you're wrong.
Rope is a great companion piece to Dial M for Murder. Both are based on plays and both feature debonair, egomaniacal killers who seem more excited about the plotting of their crimes than any material benefit they could get from them. (Someone please write a crossover where Tony and Brandon compete to commit the best perfect crime ever. Like that is the fanfic content I want!)
Jeopardy (dir. John Sturges, 1953)
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Doug and Helen are an ordinary American couple vacationing in Mexico with their young son Bobby. They go to a remote fishing spot to picnic. The pro of this spot is its nostalgic quality for Doug. The con is that its remoteness is inconvenient when you get trapped under heavy ass timber just as the tide's coming in... which happens to Doug. With only four hours to save him from drowning, Helen drives off to find help. Instead she gets kidnapped by Lawson, an escaped criminal who isn't shy about murdering people. He's uninterested in helping Doug, so Helen has to find a way to either escape her captivity or manipulate Lawson into helping her before it's too late.
What an underrated thriller! I mainly watched it for Barbara Stanwyck, but Jeopardy is a great suspense film with a fiendishly simple set-up. It's the perfect example of writing advice I once received about how to deal with writer's block: just keeping making your main character's life worse. Got a husband about to drown? How about being kidnapped by an escaped criminal while you're trying to get help?
It runs at just 69 minutes and not a second of that runtime is dull. I had planned on only watching half of the movie before going to bed because it was very late, but I was so wrapped up in it that I said "Screw it" to getting a good night's sleep.
Stanwyck is of course amazing. Her character Helen is written as a terrified housewife susceptible to "hysteria" (hello casual 1950s sexism), but she's actually pretty crafty. Stanwyck plays her as a fighter and even when her captor gets the upperhand, you can see in her eyes that she's scrambling for the next potential escape plan.
The best scenes are between Helen and Lawson. There's both an antagonism and undeniable sexual tension between them from the start. When she seduces him in a shack, she starts lounging about and puffing at her cigarette like her character Phyllis Dietrichson in Double Indemnity, which is both funny and awesome. In addition, it's ambiguous how into Lawson Helen exactly is. You could say she seriously considers running away with him once he helps her husband out, but the opposite might be true as well.
In this kind of story, it would be easy to make the husband a wet rag in comparison to the attractive villain, but Doug is super likable, keeping a cheerful face on his increasingly hopeless situation, and his attempts to keep his son calm and optimistic are truly touching. And that just adds to the suspense-- you don't want to see that guy drown, even if Lawson is also charming and charismatic.
And hot. Cannot deny, Ralph Meeker is super hot in this, like holy shit. He's got some definite Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire vibes going on.
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Also this promotional image of Stanwyck and her two male co-stars cracks me up. It's the polar opposite of the film's actual tone.
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The Sealed Room (dir. DW Griffith, 1909)
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In an unspecified century in an unspecified country, an unspecified king finds out his mistress is having an affair with the court minstrel. What's worse, they have their trysts in a hidden room the king likes using as his love cave. He decides to brick the two up alive, just as a gotcha.
The Sealed Room is one of my favorite nickelodeon era movies. It's got a great Poe-themed story, enjoyably hammy acting (the king makes so many reaction image worthy faces and poses, I just CAN'T--), and a pretty sophisticated use of composition and space that emphasizes the claustrophobic terror inherent in the premise.
This movie also features a great example of what I often call "silent movie logic." It's those scenes where something happens that would technically make a hell of a lot of noise but other characters don't notice and most of the time, I don't notice unless I think about it too hard. But in this case, it's hard to miss-- the king's servants start bricking up the exit to the hidden room while the mistress and the minstrel are like five feet away. Those servants are either very good at their job or the lovers are too horny to pay attention to anything else.
It Follows (dir. David Robert Mitchell, 2014)
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When high school girl Jay loses her virginity at the end of a date, she expects her life to change. And it does-- but not in the way she expects. Her date tells her he's just passed on a curse to her-- a mysterious figure will follow her around until it gruesomely kills her and the only way to get it off her trail is to transmit the curse to someone else via sex. Terrified and hurt, Jay and her friends try to find a way to stop the monster permanently.
It Follows had so much hype around it back in 2014. It was the horror movie du jour, with everyone praising the hell out of its old-school vibe and intriguing premise.
I'm sad to say I was underwhelmed. The premise IS cool, as well as a fun meta commentary on the traditional sexual politics of the slasher genre, and the lead actress Maika Monroe is very good as the soulful young Jay. I was never really scared though-- and if you're a regular of this blog, then you know it's not because I don't like slow-burn horror. I love it, especially when there's a bare minimum of crappy jump scares. This one just felt meandering, slow for the sake of resembling artsier classics of cinematic horror, and I lost interest halfway through. Even the monster ceased to creep me out by the end.
And that makes me sad, because I loved the score and the atmosphere of the film. There's a weird out of time quality to it-- the score is very 80s synth, characters watch old horror movies on the TV (Jay and her date even go to see Charade at a movie theater), and there isn't much in the way of teens staring at their phones (though one of Jay's friends has a cool clam-shaped e-reader). However, I just could not get into the story. It just lacked that extra something to make me love it. Or maybe I just wasn't in the proper mood.
I don't know. It could very well be a "me" problem.
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doll-elvis · 1 year
re: mindi miller, she stated in an interview with ostjysk tv that elvis was concerned about how fans might react if they knew who mindi had dated previously. she relays this in the kindest possible way; i believe she understands him very well, is very protective of him still, and grants him enormous grace for the weight of things he suffered due to low self-esteem. she felt that his insecurities surrounding relationships were already so acute that any threat of outside judgment weighed on him and increased his anxiety to intolerable levels. he so wanted to preserve an ideal version of himself in the minds of his fans that he would often default to avoiding the issue, and he broke up with her because his fears made him feel so jealous and unsure. (about a year later, he continually asked his friends to call mindi to reconnect, but the calls were not made by the people around him at the time). in another situation, sammy davis jr. said the colonel convinced elvis his fans would abandon him if he starred with sammy in "the defiant ones," which was a story about a black prisoner and a white prisoner working together; the final film with tony curtis and sidney poitier came out in 1958. elvis was completely torn up about it and allegedly wept when he told sammy he couldn't do it, finally admitting to sammy what the colonel had told him. so here's an instance where the colonel used elvis' great love of his fans and his fears of losing them to make elvis believe the worst in others (they won't see you if you're too fat, too rebellious, too progressive), and so at times, elvis might compromise on what he really believed because he felt he had so much to lose. he was already highly, highly insecure about his ability to perform in romantic relationships, and mixing that with his fears about public reaction likely made him afraid to compare himself to boyfriends of another race or to pursue interracial relationships openly in front of his wary/bigoted friends. it was just a fight he wasn't able to handle all the time. there were people in elvis' life and the industry who kept these fears top-of-mind for him, just so they could avoid taking risks. and elvis' insecurities made him susceptible to bowing to societal prejudices at times, while at other times, he broke out of the box completely and made it known that he would not put up with those attitudes around him. i just think it's interesting how much elvis was punished by the people closest to him for being too forward-thinking or taking too many risks, when that's exactly what found him such lasting success. it's just very heartbreaking to realize that this cycle made it hard for him to trust himself, and it touches SO many aspects of his life and decisions. my two cents. :)
thank you so much for this and please everyone who sees this, take some time out of your day to read it because… wow 😭
not you adding “my two cents” at end so casually like this isn’t the greatest piece of insight on Elvis I have ever read !!!
I quite literally have nothing to add because you hit every point perfectly and all I can say is that I wholeheartedly agree, and like others have mentioned we have to take into account that interracial relationship were still considered taboo even in the 70s and could you imagine the backlash Elvis would have received had pictures of Mindi Miller with Fred Williamson surfaced while she was with Elvis?? Like you mentioned Elvis had an image he believed that he had to protect, especially with the Colonel pressuring him too
also if anyone is interested in reading more about Mindi Miller I would highly recommend Joe Esposito’s book, she is mentioned quite frequently
and I found this excerpt from the book really interesting as well and it gives great insight to the kind of life that Elvis had to live due to his profession
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Ok, ok.
Queer platonic Tony/Rhodes/Pepper.
Running their own Private derivative firm/business whatever.
And they are well known for solving some of the most outrageous unsolved cases.
Have fun.
Hh 🥺 This idea is so good and I am so stupid.
“Tony, you can’t just take on cases pro bono without talking to us about it,” Rhodey said sternly.
Tony opened his mouth, but Rhodey gave him a quelling look. He closed it. He took a moment to make his eyes as big and wet as possible before turning them on Pepper.
“I hate that you can do that,” Pepper told him sharply, taking a step back in horror. “Stop that immediately.”
“Hmm.” Tony let his puppy eyes drop. He’d forgotten that Pepper’s first response was always terror that he was capable of such a thing, and he’d missed his chance to turn them on Rhodey, who was the one actually susceptible to them. “I have a good reason,” he said instead.
“We are still paying for your last good reason,” Rhodey snapped.
Tony spread his arms, eyebrows raised in surprise. “How was I to know that searching for that old man’s grandkid would lead to us to getting involved with the mob?”
“Normal people would back off and get backup when they realized that not only were they dealing with the Ravagers, but they were also going up against the crime lord Ego,” Pepper said icily.
“I was only lightly stabbed,” Tony argued.
Pepper and Rhodey both went stonily silent. Tony winced. Perhaps he shouldn’t have brought up his injury. They’d both been very worried at the time.
“Why is it so important that you take this case that you’re doing it for free?” Pepper finally sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Tony manfully did not squirm, but only because they could sense weakness and would pounce on it immediately. “Sometimes it’s just good for the soul to do something nice.”
“You’re not nice,” Rhodey reminded him, putting his hands on his hips. “You’re kind, but you’re not nice.” He stared at him, hard, then added, “Spill it. Or I’m making tuna casserole for dinner.”
“I like tuna casserole?” Tony began, then noticed that Pepper was turning faintly green. “No! Pepper promised to rub my feet tonight!” he wailed.
“Tell me or hold her hair back,” Rhodey ordered.
Tony looked back and forth between them, wounded. Finally, though, he ducked his head, answering, “He tried to give me his allowance money to find his uncle. He’s pretty sure he’s dead, but insurance won’t pay out without a body, and he and his aunt are struggling without it.”
Rhodey felt all the fight rush out of him at once. “Allowance money.”
“He was wearing his uncle’s suit to try and look older I think. It didn’t work,” Tony added quietly. “He looked so small.”
“One of these days, one of us is gonna have a baby, and then we’ll all be in trouble,” Pepper sighed. “They’ll have us wrapped around their finger.”
“If one of us has a baby, I’m going to become a stay-at-home dad, and you guys won’t have to worry about me doing pro bono work,” Tony said proudly.
Pepper and Rhodey stared at him, honestly considering how to procure a child for him. He was stabbed last month. And now he was going to be looking around for a missing dead person. And he wasn’t necessarily the most discerning person when it came to danger.
“You’ll find a way to do pro bono work,” Rhodey said after a moment.
“I will,” Tony agreed, sighing.
“If I find a baby in your car on a stakeout, I will beat the absolute shit out of you,” Pepper told Tony sternly. “And if you get stabbed again, I’ll kill you myself.”
“I’m not going to get stabbed!” Tony exclaimed.
“At least Pepper can’t get mad about me being stabbed,” Tony decided.
“Mr. Stark you’ve been shot please shut up,” Peter begged, gripping his hand tightly. “The operator on the phone says the ambulance will be here soon.”
“I am going to be so insufferable about not being stabbed,” Tony continued. “I might even get a baby out of it.”
“What?” Peter asked, aghast, but then the ambulance was pulling up outside the alley and he was very preoccupied with that instead.
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cantsayidont · 10 months
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May–August 1985. Conceived before the Crisis on Infinite Earths but published concurrently, THE SHADOW WAR OF HAWKMAN was an ambitious attempt by writer Tony Isabella and editor Alan Gold to forge a new direction for Hawkman and Hawkwoman, who'd been stumbling along since the late 1960s in a series of backup features and guest spots. The story borrows a page or three from the lexicon of paranoid '70s conspiracy thrillers, revealing that agents of the Hawks' homeworld of Thanagar are now on Earth, working in secret to lay the groundwork for a military invasion by using the Absorbacon, a Gardner Fox gimmick capable of gathering all the knowledge of a particular world, to gather exploitable secrets from the minds of Earth people. Thanagarians are immune to the Absorbacon's mind-reading powers, but the Hawks are cut off from most of their friends and allies, fearing that any information they share with their JLA comrades might immediately fall into enemy hands. The infiltrators, meanwhile, target the Hawks in hopes of seizing their now rare and valuable Thanagarian technology.
In the Silver Age Hawkman stories, Thanagar had been presented as a typical scientifically advanced post-scarcity society, where crime is mostly limited to a handful of thrillseekers and alien invaders. However, it had suffered a series of major crises in the '70s, which the miniseries helpfully summarizes while filling in a few blanks:
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(Inevitably, a few key points of the original stories have gotten lost in translation: In the original Equalizing Plague storyline in JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #117–119, Katar and Shayera are both infected, but Katar is able to cure himself and later Shayera, albeit not anyone else on Thanagar. The cure provided by Hyathis, an old JLA villain, is not part of that story, but is revealed in the 1978 Adam Strange/Hawkman crossover in SHOWCASE #101–103.)
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The original Equalizing Plague storyline is a weirdly reactionary effort for the usually humanistic Elliot S! Maggin, about a silly-looking space villain (the dude with the red helmet and the mustache in the first page above) whose desire for universal equality destroys whole societies by transforming everyone into nebbishes. Even Gene Roddenberry might have balked at that one, and a central problem with Isabella's "Shadow War" storyline is that it requires readers to not only take that story seriously, but even empathize with how it has left Thanagarians susceptible to fascism. (The villains are never very sympathetic, but you're supposed to see where they're coming from, which would be a lot to ask even in less ridiculous circumstances.)
Despite that, the SHADOW WAR miniseries is a decent effort, with higher-than-usual stakes and an effective sense of menace. The scripts are a bit florid — albeit fairly restrained for Isabella — but the art suits them very well, with Rich Howell's Murphy Anderson-like pencils given moody atmosphere by Alfredo Alcala's inking. It sold well, leading to a 1986 HAWKMAN SPECIAL by Isabella and Howell with new inker Ron Randall. This has Katar agonizing over the Thanagarian agents he's killed, which is most interesting for Isabella's novel take on the Gentleman Ghost, an old Hawkman villain who unexpectedly becomes the Hawks' new ally.
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Unfortunately, what Isabella and Gold had intended as a five-year saga quickly ran into trouble in the new post-Crisis HAWKMAN series that followed the SPECIAL. According to Isabella, the principal problem was that new editor Denny O'Neil, who took over soon after the launch of the new series, was annoyed that Isabella would attempt something so grandiose and demanded that the "Shadow War" be wrapped up quickly. Isabella soon bowed out, leaving Dan Mishkin and co-editor Barbara Randall to tie things up.
The dismaying resolution, in HAWKMAN #12, ends (temporarily) Thanagar's adventurism on Earth, but culminates in Katar deliberately choosing to leave the planet's new military government in power, with his father's old friend Rul Pintar taking the place of the previous ruling junta. Conceding that the Thanagarian people will be "helpless" without a dictatorship, Katar announces, "You lead them, Rul Pintar! Then at least their next dictator will be a benevolent one who remembers Thanagar's greatness--and can perhaps give a little bit of it back to them!" Thus, what had begun as a paranoid thriller about a secret alien invasion concludes with Hawkman's explicit endorsement of fascist dictatorship, after which he and Shayera fly back to Earth so it won't be their problem. Yikes!
Having lost any sense of narrative direction along with its moral compass, the book lasted only five more issues and was canceled in late 1987. Isabella says some of his original ideas were later recycled for "other company-wide crossovers," which I assume refers primarily to the 1988 INVASION! event, in which Thanagar was one of the invaders.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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The Scottish actor Nicol Williamson was born on October 14th 1938 in Hamilton.
Williamson was an enormously talented actor who was considered by some critics to be the finest actor of his generation in the late 1960s and the 1970s, rivalled only by Albert Finney in his generation.
Born the son of a factory owner. When he was 18 months old, his family moved to Birmingham, England. Williamson was sent back to Hamilton to live with his grandparents during World War II due to Birmingham's susceptibility to bombing, but returned when the war ended, and was educated at the Central Grammar School for Boys, Birmingham
He left school at 16 to begin work in his father’s factory and later attended the Birmingham School of Speech & Drama. He recalled his time there as “a disaster” and claimed “it was nothing more than a finishing school for the daughters of local businessmen”. After his national service as a gunner in the Airborne Division, Williamson made his professional debut with the Dundee Repertory Theatre in 1960.
In 1962 he made his London debut as Flute in Tony Richardson’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Royal Court Theatre. His first major success came in 1964 with John Osborne’s Inadmissible Evidence for which he was nominated for a Tony Award when it transferred to Broadway in 1965. 1964 also saw him appearing as Vladimir in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot at the Royal Court Theatre. In 1968, he starred in the film version. Williamson’s Hamlet for Tony Richardson at the Roundhouse caused a sensation and was later transferred to New York and made into a film, with a cast including Anthony Hopkins and Marianne Faithfull. Faithfull later stated in her autobiography Faithfull that she and Williamson had had an affair while filming Hamlet.
His most celebrated film role was as Merlin the magician in the King Arthur epic Excalibur in 1981. Director John Boorman cast him as Merlin opposite Helen Mirren as Morgana over the protests of both actors; the two had previously appeared together on stage in Macbeth, with disastrous results, and disliked each other intensely. It was Boorman’s hope that the very real animosity that they had towards each other would generate more tension between them on screen, as is evident from their scenes together. Williamson gained recognition from a much wider fanbase for his performance as Merlin. A review of Excalibur in the London Times in 1981 said, “The actors are led by Williamson’s witty, perceptive Merlin, missed every time he’s off the screen.”
Some of his other notable cinematic performances are as a deeply troubled Irish soldier in the 1968 Jack Gold film The Bofors Gun; Sherlock Holmes in the 1976 Herbert Ross film The Seven-Per-Cent Solution; and Little John in the 1976 Richard Lester film Robin and Marian.
Williamson had a reputation as a bit of a hellraiser and a troublesome man who was known for several tantrums and on-stage antics. During the Philadelphia tryout of Inadmissible Evidence, a play in which he delivered a performance that would win him a Tony Award nomination in 1965, he hit the equally mercurial producer David Merrick. In 1968 he apologised to the audience for his performance one night while playing Hamlet and then walked off the stage, announcing he was retiring. In the early 1970s, Williamson left the Dick Cavett Show prior to a scheduled appearance, leaving the host and guest Nora Ephron to fill the remaining time. In 1976, he slapped an actor during the curtain call for the Broadway musical, Rex. In 1991, he hit co-star Evan Handler on the backside with a sword during a Broadway performance of I Hate Hamlet.
In 1974, Williamson recorded an abridged reading of The Hobbit for Argo Records, with authorisation for abridgement provided by Tolkien’s publisher. The recording was produced by Harley Usill. According to his official website, Nicol himself re-edited the original script, removing many occurrences of “he said”, “she said”, and so on, as he felt that an over-reliance on descriptive narrative would not give the desired effect. In 1971, Williamson married actress Jill Townsend, who played his daughter in the Broadway production of Inadmissible Evidence. They had a son, Luke, but divorced in 1977.
Despite concerns over his health in the 1970s, Williamson admitted drinking heavily and claimed to smoke 80 cigarettes a day. In an episode of The David Frost Show in the 1960s, during a discussion about death, which also involved poet John Betjeman, Williamson revealed that he was very much afraid of dying, saying that “I think of death constantly, throughout the day” and that “I don’t think there is anything after this, except complete oblivion.” On 25 January 2012, Luke Williamson announced on his father’s official web site that Nicol Williamson had died on 16th December 2011, aged 75, after a two-year struggle with oesophageal cancer. The news was released late as the actor did not want any fuss to be made over his death.
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thenixkat · 1 year
My favorite redemption arc is Chur’s from Magi-Nation season two. It’s fucking wild that the writers decided to give Chur one the episode right after the arc where he’s the focus villain.
They really had this boy be a dictator, had bitches enslaved in mines and as gladiators. Stole my boy Strag’s dad’s memories. Shit was intense. 
And then the next ep he got de-eviled by his boss for failing, forced to work together with the protags b/c he wants to be evil again and is the only person willing to risk their current allegiance to de-evil Tony’s brainwashed grandpa (Chur was the one who brainwashed Tony’s grandpa and turned him evil cause my boy Chur was putting in work for team evil). People very much did not trust non-evil Chur until he actually did good deeds. (Getting un-eviled did not make him not a jerk, he was only helping for his own selfish goals initially and the good guys decided to try and teach him to be good/encourage him to be a better person)
(It helps that Shadow Magi are literally infected with evil magic that demonstratably fucks with their mind. Two out of our three protags have gotten eviled at least once before, Strag in particular is more susceptible to turning into a shadow magi than most due to his ancestry, and Edyn’s dad got eviled last season and was saved from that)
And also Chur does go back to being evil at the end of the ep. He’s no longer on the same side as the bad guys and the experience did leave a mark on him even if he’s not with the good guys either.
Unfortunately Magi-Nation was cancelled b4 they got a season 3 so we’ll never know what actually happens with that in the future.
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Brainwaves Bios: Thomas Teufel (1984)
Mars & Nova's Cousin & Otmar & Remus' Younger Brother Thomas Teufel
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The younger brother of Otmar and Remus, and younger cousin of Mars and Nova, Thomas is very free-spirited and adventurous, signing up for any class at Columbia University he can get. He ended up in C.U.P.S via the persuading of his cousins and brothers.
"I have class in ten and I didn't read the book, someone give me the notes."
Full Legal Name: Thomas Jupiter Teufel
First Name: Thomas
Meaning: Greek form of the Aramaic name 'Ta'oma'' Meaning 'Twin'.
Pronunciation: TAHM-as
Origin: English, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Middle Name: Jupiter
Meaning: From Latin 'Iuppiter', which was ultimately derived from the vocative form of Indo-European 'Dyēws-pətēr', composed of the elements 'Dyēws', from the root 'Dyew' meaning 'Sky' or 'Shine' and 'Pətēr' 'Father'
Pronunciation: JOO-pi-ter
Origin: Roman Mythology
Surname: Teufel
Meaning: From a nickname meaning 'Devil' in German
Pronunciation: TOI-fel
Origin: German
Titles: Mr
Nicknames: Tom, TJ, JT, Tommy
Age: 30
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human (Touched by the 'Psychic Realm')
Nationality: American Citizen. Born in America
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: April 21st 1954
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Wiccan
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, German
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Actor: Tony Danza
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Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York
Current Residence: Glendale, Queens, New York
Height: 5'9" / 175 cm
Weight: 169 lbs / 77 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Clean Shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1984) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Occasional Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Affiliated Groups: Columbia University Paranormal Society (Member), Columbia University (Student)
Friends: Mars Teufel, Anselm Teufel, Milo Teufel, Gilbert Teufel, Norman Teufel, Otmar Teufel, Remus Teufel
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Matthias Teufel (73, Father), Magdalene Teufel (65, Mother, Née Bauer)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Otmar Teufel (34, Brother), Remus Teufel (32, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Level of Education: Currently attending Columbia University
Occupation: Student
Employer: None
Willing to Learn
Wiccan Knowledge
Spiritualistic Knowledge
Susceptible to Possession
Late to Classes
Easily Distracted
Backstory: Thomas Jupiter Teufel was born in Brooklyn in 1954, the elder of his two brothers was born in 1950, and the younger born in 1952. Their mother and father kept them safe, protecting them from the chaos their Uncle Conrad created for the family. Thomas had always been a follower, not a leader, it wasn't until his brothers told him to join them at the Columbia University Paranormal Society, that he finally found a place to be his own person.
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themculibrary · 9 months
General Rated Fics Masterlist 2
part one
5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. And the 1 Time Tony didn’t (ao3) - eva7673 G, 35k
Summary: Peter has a nasty habit of falling. And Tony, bless him, will catch him every single time. Until the day he can’t.
7 Times Peter Starts To Realize He Has A Family + 1 Time He Knows He Does (ao3) - JAWorley pepper/tony G, 46k
Summary: Peter knows he had been lucky to get to hang around with Mr. Stark before the blip… lucky to have a mentor to look after him, to patch him up after a rough night out as Spider Man, and to get him out of trouble at the foster home if he stayed out too late. After the blip, Peter is starting to realize just how lucky he is… because it’s no longer just Mr. Stark. Now he has a daughter, and a wife, and he could choose to just forget about Peter… leave him to his own devices, but the Starks seem intent on including Peter in activities like fall photos, trips to the pumpkin patch, and movie nights at their cabin. Whenever Peter leaves, he misses them. He misses home. A fic for Cozytober2023. OR A love letter to fall, to the fandom, and to families. Unapologetic fluff and family feels.
A Different Body (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: When you turn sixteen, you swap bodies with your soulmate. Steve and Bucky discover they’re soulmates.
Anti-Virus (ao3) - marinarusalka steve/tony G, 4k
Summary: Steve didn’t think he could get sick any more. He was wrong. Tony didn’t think of himself as the caretaking type. He was wrong too.
Carry on Wayward Son (ao3) - TinyButFierce G, 9k
Summary: Five times the Avengers didn’t meet Tony’s kid and the one time they did.
Cold (ao3) - vulcanscully steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: Steve Rogers never liked the winter.
Dogs of SHIELD (ao3) - TheGirlInTheB clint/phil G, 8k
Summary: Lucky’s a good dog. Lucky’s a smart dog. Lucky’s human? Not so smart. Like today he didn’t come home. And when he finally did, he was changed into a corgi! Lucky’s gonna do his very best to help get his human back on two legs >:3
Frostbite (ao3) - Lailuhhh G, 10k
Summary: The team go on a mission that takes them to the snowy mountains. No one pieced it together that it was probably a bad idea to take Peter with them when he was especially susceptible to cold weather.
Holiday Meetings (ao3) - Drappersky steve/bucky, bruce/natasha, clint/laura G, 3k
Summary: Steve and Bucky go to a "magical" Christmas tree farm up state. Steve gets lost in the snow, Bucky freaks out and they find everyone but who they're looking for. Happy Holiday's :)
Kissin’ Dynamite (ao3) - crime_fighting_spiderling G, 27k
Summary: “Maybe I shouldn’t go.” Peter spoke. MJ shoved a permission slip into his hand at his comment.
“You’re going.” She simply stated.
Where Peter and his class go on a field trip to Stark Tower.
Knit and Purl (ao3) - Six2VII sam/bucky G, 5k
Summary: Bucky has recently retired and joined a knitting circle.
lighthouse (guiding you home) (ao3) - kalina16 gamora/peter G, 13k
Summary: “Because they’re our song lyrics. Seriously, who else in space do you know that’s gonna be blasting the Pina Colada song all over galactic interspace? It’s like, the best homing beacon ever.”
In the wake of everything that happened with Thanos, Peter’s down a team member, down five years, and down his heart. But he’ll be fine, really. He’s just gonna keep playing music for someone’s who’s not there to hear it, and eventually things will make sense again.
Or, Peter and Gamora have always been better at finding each other than themselves.
Missing Clothes and Stolen Kisses (ao3) - purplemystic sam/scott G, 3k
Summary: After everything they went through, Scott Lang and Sam Wilson began to grow closer. Their friendship turned into best friendship, no matter how hard Sam tries to deny it and claims Scott is annoying.
Months have passed, and Sam has begun to notice his clothes are beginning to disappear and whenever he and Scott hang out and get drinks, they always end up sharing kisses.
Rebuilding (ao3) - vassalady maria/pepper/natasha G, 3k
Summary: Maria, Pepper, and Natasha eventually find their way to one another.
Survival Mode (ao3) - Good_As_I_Am94 steve/tony G, 25k
Summary: Peter shivered pulling the blanket tighter to him. It was 32 degrees outside and sleeping in an old beat up car in a Walmart parking lot didn’t allow for much warmth. He would have turned it on for some heat for a few minutes but it was broken. He had no money to fix it. Peter felt his stomach growl and took a sip from the water bottle in the cup holder.
He knew that the way he was living wasn’t good, but he also had no idea how to do better. He would have to drop out of school and if he dropped out of school then Mr. Stark would get wind of it. He knew that Mr. Stark would try to help but Peter felt his jaw clench—No, he could figure this out on his own. He wasn’t going to let him know how bad things were. He couldn’t chance him telling anyone that he was alone. He wasn’t about to get thrown into the system, but as long as no one knew what was going on. He’d be fine.
that’s why i love fall (ao3) - Skyler10 carol/daisy, phil/melinda, leo/jemma G, 7k
Summary: Carol is a park ranger in a growing mountain town. Daisy is a cybersecurity city girl in town for a job interview at the town’s biotech lab. Under the autumn leaves, fate brings them together (aided by Daisy’s parents, Phil and Melinda). As sweet as a PSL and with as much plot as apple pie.
The Wrong Wedding (ao3) - Xliviaxrtega steve/natasha G, 10k
Summary: Steve is getting married. Nat had left two years before, after one drunken “mistake”. Will a wedding invitation bring them together? Or farther apart?
To the end of the line (ao3) - Holdengrey0 steve/bucky G, 85k
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, a jet carrying Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes crashes in the Canadian wilderness. With winter starting and the temperatures plummeting, will the team find them in time?
New feelings emerge between the men, a whole world looking, an injury, and all sorts of challenges they have to face. How will it end?
Unwound (ao3) - panofcheese bucky/tony G, 6k
Summary; 5+1+several other times Bucky knitted something for someone that usually isn’t Tony but sometimes is, and one time Tony was Sick Of It.
(because I couldn’t stick to my fic outline, sue me)
Somebody in the tower is knitting things, everybody in the tower is having a laugh at Tony’s expense, and Tony Stark has Had Enough.
You Mean A Lot To Me (ao3) - falconisms (ichidice) sam/scott G, 5k
Summary: Scott is the newest hero at Avengers Academy. However Scott has admired the Avengers for a while, his favorites being Captain America and Falcon. So when Sam greets him dressed as Captain America, Scott is certainly starstruck.
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involuntaryspya · 1 year
ok so how can you interact with bucky? he lives in indiana and he's a lil scurry. what even does he do during the day? well, read on to find out some things that can jump start interactions!
you need to hide. fairly straightforward--you don't want to be found? bucky's very good at disappearing from the public eye. in fact, he has a whole business now centered around helping people escape their past lives.
you need someone/something found. the reverse of the first one--did someone vanish? did some very important property get stolen? bucky's very good at tracking things down through his various networks and reacquiring whatever was lost. this can also include digging up some info on someone/something too.
you need a captain america. so this one might take a little bit of push back, i mean, there are two other captain americas out there. and a whole network who really love that red, white, and blue look. do you really need him? he'll eventually help, sans cap costume.
you need an avenger (reserve). ok, again, yeah he technically fits the bill but are you sure you weren't thinking of iron man? or thor? bucky doesn't even have an identicard, he's barely a real avenger on this front. but sure, he'll help however he can?
you've got some supernatural problems. after his brief run with the strikeforce team, he kind of swore off touching the supernatural stuff. doesn't mean the supernatural stuff agreed tho. he doesn't have a ton of experience here, but his level head and scrappy fighting do tend to make him helpful. especially if your supernatural thing is susceptible to C4.
you are lost in the middle of nowhere. there are literally corn fields for miles, you are lost, no doubt. but do you call bucky for a ride, directions, or keeping company on this several-miles-of-corn trip.
you did an oops and need help getting life turned around. oops could be anything from like, accidental murder, joining a cult or bad guy organization, getting a little in too deep over your head. either way, bucky excels in getting people out of a tough situation and into something more mundane for themselves.
you'd like to see the chickens, please. so he has a farm. a big farm. there's horses, a few goats, a dog named marty, alpine and the candy shop (aka a mess of other cats), and of course: the chickens. stop by for an afternoon of chores animal fun!
you're there to see tony but he's not available at the moment for whatever reason so you get bucky instead. you need iron man? well it's funny you should ask, he's not here right now, can bucky take a message? awkwardly talk to you on the porch? tell you 'no, that's dumb, build your own tech' because his husband won't?
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besidesitstoowarm · 2 years
"The Rise of the Cybermen" thoughts
i was dreading this one but actually it's good to me. so
this entire story is like, "what if iron man wasn't hot" like i'm not attracted to rdj but if you made tony stark an average looking old man without quips you really see how demonic and horrifying that veneration of industrialist exceptionalism is. the other difference is that i can feel sympathy for john lumic while i'm glad tony stark died
this story feels a lot like a second doctor one, like it reminds me a lot of "the invasion" but with that sweet sweet rtd social commentary on top. i'm sorry to say this also but it reminds me of morbius. like someone bending the rules bc they're going to die in agony is sympathetic, it becomes obscene when it's imposed on others (or when it requires sacrificing others). the homeless are rounded up, promised free food, and turned into robots. just to show off. helped along by pete tyler, who "made money selling a health food drink to a sick world"
this could have pretty easily been a "phone bad" black mirror style episode, but it's more like "ruthless capitalists will use your phone to kill you" which sounds related but isn't. i'm not generally a fan of most cybermen stories– i think most of them are wasted potential– but the potential is certainly a delicious hook. i'll ramble more about this in the next part, probably
a few points from this specific episode: ten knows that rose is very susceptible to temptation, and worries about her. mickey calls him out on not knowing anything about him and neither of them ever choosing him over each other, and he's right. the daily download from cybus ends with "joke" and everyone laughs. you used to be able to hop between parallel worlds, but now you can't since the time lords are gone, which i don't know enough about honestly. i tear up every time mickey talks to his grandmother. of course jackie owns a yorkie
okay next part let's go
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44gamez · 8 months
Bahnsen Knights Review (Switch eShop)
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Captured on Nintendo Change (Docked)Inside seconds of beginning Bahnsen Knights, the third in LCB Sport Studio's ‘Pixel Pulps’ collection of video games, we discovered ourselves impressed. We turned the lights down low, placed on some headphones and, with the clear goal of savouring each second, held the Change’s OLED display so near our face that we grew to become totally immersed on this visible novel’s wealthy four-colour pixel graphics and oscillating, unnerving chiptune soundscape. Our barely obsessive behaviour was no shock contemplating how a lot this author loved the earlier two Pixel Pulps, Mothmen 1966 and Varney Lake, visible novels of genre-defining high quality in probably the most essential of the way—that they have been loads of enjoyable to play (particularly Mothmen). These predecessors have been hyper-imaginative horror tales informed to a powerful storytelling customary, seemingly impressed by the retro likes of Bizarre Tales journal. To our tastes, this collection already deserves to be the customary bearer for visible novels as a complete. They’re the sort of idiosyncratic, high quality manufacturing that may elevate a style out of what's a reasonably small area of interest.
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Captured on Nintendo Change (Handheld/Undocked) Bahnsen Knights hits the identical excessive requirements from its opening scene. Story-wise, its broad-strokes horror narrative might sound acquainted. The Wicker Man and different tales and movies come to thoughts. All function the identical setup: somebody has gone lacking in a creepy, rural location with the accountability seemingly falling squarely on the ft—or ought to that be automobiles—of an odd cult. This model tells the story of Boulder, an undercover police officer looking for his associate, who went lacking whereas investigating a gang—the Bahnsen Knights, a bunch of car-driving, brooding psychopaths, whose primary pastimes embrace: portray pink crosses on their automobiles; ‘exorcising the highway’; a deep psychological entwinement with tornadoes; being underneath the spell of their enigmatic chief, Toni; and customarily posing an enormous risk to Boulder’s sanity and life. In the event that they uncover you’re a mole, then your life is over. There’ll be no going again to your deeply-missed spouse and child.
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Captured on Nintendo Change (Docked) A lot in regards to the Pixel Pulps makes them really feel genuinely particular. In Bahnsen Knights, the very first thing that jumped out at us was the tightness of the storytelling. The sport is informed in skilfully dramatised scenes. The writing sucked us in with robust moment-by-moment characterisation, elevating that semi-familiar story arrange simply the way in which robust writing at all times ought to. Very quickly, you’ll overlook any similarities to different tales. Bahnsen Knights has greater than sufficient character of its personal. Subsequent are the visuals—the fantastically atmospheric illustrations are rendered within the color palette of a Spectrum ZX, and so they make the sport really feel in some methods like a low-bit graphic novel. But, the animations, pacing, and interactivity inherent within the visible novel medium make sure that Bahnsen Knights is its personal beast totally. It is nonetheless very a lot a recreation. Like Mothmen 1966 earlier than it, this incorporates a near-constant, mesmeric cicada sound that’s so hypnotic that we began questioning if the video games have been designed with some bi-aural enjoyable beta-wave trickery, pushing us right into a dream state the place our imaginations grew to become a bit extra susceptible to the impressed dreamy nightmarishness of the story.
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Captured on Nintendo Change (Docked) We’ve heard loads of complaints that visible novels don’t have fairly sufficient precise gameplay—that they’re extra studying experiences—however we discovered Bahnsen Knights had a pleasant steadiness between story and interactivity. As with the opposite Pixel Pulps, the principle bulk of this interactivity seems as minor dialogue selections alongside the way in which, however this time there’s additionally a light-weight roleplaying factor. At occasions Bahnsen Knights feels virtually like a point-and-click journey—the investigation into your associate’s disappearance is well-realised as you seek for and interpret clues. Probably the most notable interactivity comes in the course of the motion sequences, which, whether or not depicting a brawl or a high-speed chase, really feel like easy however tonally acceptable diversions that you just may need performed as their very own video games on an alternate-dimension Grindhouse-edition of a Sport & Watch. Their retro really feel matches completely with the artwork type, and so they weave straight into the story—or, within the case of darts and solitaire minigames, flesh out the world and make it ever extra plausible. These sequences are well-timed. They add a bit burst of adrenaline-inducing motion and sometimes threat supplying you with one of many demise endings in the event you fail—then they’re completed, and the story strikes on as swift as ever. Notably, there's touchscreen management all through the sport, and in these moments it usually feels extra responsive than utilizing the joystick and buttons.
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Captured on Nintendo Change (Docked) Argentine developer duo Nico Saraintaris (writing and recreation design) and Fernando Martínez Ruppel (artwork and music) each come out of those video games leaving optimistic impressions that they're high-achieving artists of fantastic and universally gratifying style. We would like extra from them, and we’re not bothered how they go about it. They've a smattering of other games out there on-line too, and as at all times they nail the actually vital stuff. LCB makes high-quality and interesting work. A fast take a look at the screenshots will inform you that Bahnsen Knights, unsurprisingly, runs extremely nicely on the Change. Throughout its two-and-a-half hour runtime, you may really feel assured that nothing will get in your manner of delighting on this most gratifying of visible novels. The creativity on present is such that you just’ll doubtless be tempted to reload and tick off all the additional achievements when you’re completed. It’s not important that you just play the Pixel Pulp video games so as, though one character who does seem in every instalment will get his most thorough introduction in Mothmen 1966, which is then adopted up in Varney Lake. And there’s no less than one different backward reference, too. For probably the most half, nonetheless, Bahnsen Knights is a standalone story,
Should you’re intrigued by visible novels and their potential to please, then the Pixel Pulps collection is arguably the absolute best place to start out. Bahnsen Knights is the third entry and it’s fairly rattling fantastic. With its tighter emphasis on gameplay, it is arguably the perfect of the three, although that will be like selecting your favorite baby. It’s okay to like all of them. Bahnsen Knights is a simple suggestion, and one which turns into even stronger in the event you’re interested by horror and peculiar tales. Source link Read the full article
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One Piece - Volume 32
As you may have noticed, my consistent-posts-throughout-all-of-December have been called off. My friends have told me that I should take as long as I need to get back to posting, and that's a great idea.
I have a funnier idea:
I'm gonna see if I can post normally on December 24th and 25th, then go back to not-posting on December 26th. Will I manage it? Hmm... I wonder...
Chapter 296 - Ultimate Sky Situation
Zoro obeys Lufpy just in time to die, but he wasn't obedient enough, because gravity doesn't work.
It's fine though, because the vore snake is still relevant after all, because it had friends. Hmm... an animal that had friends... where have I heard that before... well, it didn't have friends enough, because gravity doesn't work.
It's fine though, because Usopp decides to also obey Lufpy, by disobeying Wiper. Nico Robin explains to Wiper that this is morally correct. Except Usopp wasn't disobedient enough, because gravity doesn't work. I thought better of you, Usopp.
It's fine though, because Wiper had a recording of gravity working.
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Danganronpa really IS a One Piece ripoff! In case that wasn't already thoroughly established.
The foolish Dumbledore expy isn't a Danganronpa fan.
Chapter 297 - Praise of the Earth
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Hmm... very on-the-nose.
Wiper says that no matter how much destruction happens, his people's history simply cannot be erased. Epic
The foolish Dumbledore expy realizes that Lufpy and Nami are members of all life on earth, and are therefore susceptible to his all life on earth ball, so he decides to go ahead and use it.
Lufpy counters with the very same special fetish move the foolish Dumbledore expy gave him: Sexy human testicle.
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:) Themes Themes Themes
Next, something even more blatant happens. But I already smiled once just now, so I've hit my smiling quota and can't say anything about it.
Chapter 298 - Love Song
Now that he no longer has access to all life on earth, the foolish Dumbledore expy tries a new strategy: Becoming even less effective against Lufpy! This'll definitely work!
It DOES work! You see, becoming less effective was a distraction from the fact that he could use stabbing as an attack.
Lufpy decides to not give up. In fact, Lufpy does the thing: He rings the bell. I, uh, don't think I mentioned previously in these posts that that was what he was trying to do, but it was.
Chapter 299 - Fantasia
Everyone is happy that this happened. Well, Tony Tony Chopper is missing crucial context, and last chapter Sanji was complaining, but it's fine.
Whoops, I accidentally summarized the entire chapter. I could say something like "To be clear, 'everyone' includes:" and list various individuals, but like
Oh, I spoke too soon: Exposition reveals that the giant silhouettes were the shadows of regular-sized people. In case anyone was still wondering about that. I certainly wasn't after a multi-day break! Thanks for reminding me!
Oh man, the Hanukkah-themed JoJo character... when he was like "I must find a way out of this!!!" and then Tony Tony Chopper just went ahead and moved on with his life, that was actually just his (Hanukkah's) last moments of relevance weren't they? Comedy gold?
I ask because the foolish Dumbledore expy is also drowning, now.
Chapter 300 - Symphony
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Oh man, yeah, the stakes have raised so much, even specifically for Asia, from the days when Wiper not letting Asia have some dirt mattered at all in the grand scheme of things.
Tony Tony Chopper is still missing crucial context and Sanji is still complaining. At least Zoro is around, to Get It.
Everyone discusses what souvenirs they want. Some people want recording device souvenirs. Other people want souvenirs that don't exist.
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Sanji has a new sexual orientation. He no longer lusts after women. He now lusts after big sacks. Finally, some representation, for um, that, sexual orientation!
Everyone is sad that Papaya is dead, especially Papaya! Everyone is mad that Papaya is alive, making Papaya even more sad! Sucks to be him!
Oh, the foolish Dumbledore expy's four friends actually have four corpses. All's well that ends well. As for the foolish Dumbledore expy himself, well... he's an astronaut. Wow, One Piece was truly ahead of its time. People with god complexes really DO sit upon unfathomable amounts of money and then go to space! Oda knew!!!
Also, there's more fire. This is a clever callback to earlier on, where there was fire!
Chapter 301 - I Hereby Guide...
Lufpy has a get-rich-quick scheme.
Usopp gives people garbage in exchange for recording devices. Now, recording devices can be a major aspect of the series! However, garbage can't be. This will ruin the Space Junk Galaxy ecosystem! Everything good comes at a cost...
Lufpy's get-rich-quick scheme was vore, naturally. What other kind of get-rich-quick scheme would Lufpy have?
Nico Robin impresses everyone with her Indiana Jones powers.
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What a good sequence of panels. I loven't weaponry! What a relatable character! That must be why people love Nico Robin: she's relatable!
Also, the king of pirates was also there. The One Piece guy. No not Lufpy. The One Piece guy.
Nico Robin is taking the Bible to the end of Space Junk Galaxy. That's her mission. Everyone is very happy about that. Wait, did I call it the Bible before? I need a refresher. Maybe between the 26th and my earnest return I'll spend time on a refresher for myself.
Oh, right, having the middle name "the" is actually very significant. And in the One Piece guy's case, his name as it is commonly known is actually a mispronunciation of Goal the Roper.
Everyone takes a page out of Nami's book even though only one of them is Nami, and they all busy themselves entirely too much with stealing money to have any time in their schedules for receiving money legally as payment for a service. Nico Robin likes this!
Chapter 302 - Finale
Asia gets a haircut.
The knight god gets to be a government guy again. He reminds everyone what his favorite vegetable is, in case they forgot. Hee hee hee... however, try as you might to discern the identity of his favorite vegetable via my posts, you NEVER will! You'll NEVER learn it!!!
Lufpy and his friends leave using a hot air balloon. Zoro thinks the hot air balloon is his enemy from back before they even went into the Space Junk Galaxy, but Zoro was just confused.
Chapter 303 - The Wealthy Pirate Gang
The DK Crew will continue to fight... in the name... of, um, bananas? I don't know. I don't know what they're fighting for.
One of the seven strong guys is terrorizing those people Lufpy disliked ages ago.
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The implication that Zoro spent that entire arc telling himself "Okay, so this is what the afterlife'll be, huh? This particular physical location? I can't wait!" is already hilarious enough, but Usopp's objection to this sentiment being "No, dude, you're destined for eternal torment" adds something as well.
So... Lufpy can never go to the sky EVER again, right? Narratively speaking, I mean. Like... as far as Sky Arcs go, One Piece can't top this, right? I could picture there being a better food arc, a better fish arc, a better snow arc, a better desert arc... but a better sky arc? I dunno, man. I don't think it can be done.
No one bothers to deliver the punchline to Tony Tony Chopper's "where's a doctor when you need one?!" bit, so he has to do it himself. Is that character development? I can't tell.
Nami gets to be a jetski character for the rest of time now, huh? Kind of like... uh, I have no idea how pertinent it is to Dragon Ball itself, and if I ever did I've long since forgotten, but kind of like that one Dragon Ball opening, right?
Nami says "It's time to do some accounting work! It's not time to do some accounting work!"
Lufpy says the next arc should be about recruiting TWO characters to make up for the fact that this one wasn't about recruiting any. They should be an Usopp Replacement and a musician. No one agrees. They don't like Usopp, but they don't like music either.
Bicycle cops are revealed to be the strongest kind of cop.
Chapter 304 - Long Island Adventure
The Depression Pirates are approaching. Their boat has a frog face. Well, so much for them.
Nico Robin doesn't have much to say about the transition to a new arc. Lufpy wants her to be more interesting.
Everyone decides to "boy who cried wolf" Usopp. "Depression definitely isn't real," they say. I'm sure he'll forgive them. He's used to being boy who cried wolfed, after all.
Maybe not, maybe this isn't the arc
This is the homeland of Endermen from Minecraft, that's not arc material
Also, there's a normal guy. And now a ship wearing a fursuit REALLY wants this to be an arc. They're preventing it from lasting a shorter amount of time than one single chapter.
Chapter 305 - Foxy the Silver Fox
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This is a good manga.
This random socially awkward guy from the homeland of Endermen is a laugh riot. He will most likely die.
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See? It's canon. Um, not the part about him dying. The other part.
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Literally any method of encoding secret messages would work for espionage if it was up against the crew of the Merry Go. Pig latin would work.
...Wait, that's not true, Nico Robin is there. Welp, better get rid of her.
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"Saddest episode of Futurama"? More like "any chapter of One Piece"
Anyway, some horse hunters come to make this chapter of One Piece less sad. However, they do it backwards. It's fine though, because Tony Tony Chopper does it frontwards.
The horse hunters challenge Lufpy to a game. Lufpy says "Punching? Okay" but what's actually happening is that it's the Depression Game.
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madnesstrust · 2 years
Lightning strikes by zip code
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Lightning strikes by zip code skin#
Join the conversation about the world of V.C. Andrews's life story is told in The Woman Beyond the Attic. Andrews novels, which have sold over 107 million copies worldwide and have been translated into twenty-five foreign languages. The measuring technique of the lightning radar makes the decisive contribution here: Each lightning/lightning strike emits an electromagnetic wave that. The family saga continues with Christopher's Diary: Secrets of Foxworth, Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger, and Secret Brother, as well as Beneath the Attic, Out of the Attic, and Shadows of Foxworth as part of the fortieth anniversary celebration. Andrews has been a bestselling phenomenon since the publication of Flowers in the Attic, first in the renowned Dollanganger family series, which includes Petals on the Wind, If There Be Thorns, Seeds of Yesterday, and Garden of Shadows. Something that could turn Rain's most precious dreams into an inescapable nightmare.Ībout the Author One of the most popular authors of all time, V.C. Behind the icy sheen of wealth and privilege lies something unspeakable. And everything about the place-the air, the silence, even the somber household staff-is as cold and soulless as a museum. She sees strange lights in rooms that are supposed to be closed off. Rain hears footsteps at night, and the high-pitched laughter of a little girl. Their estate is breathtakingly austere, filled with antiques and a long, storied history. In fact one of Bartletts clients has a Pecan tree that was struck three times over the course of about 20. According to Deputy City Manager Tony Reyes, a lightning strike appeared to have hit City. Pecans are very susceptible to lightning strikes. Enrolled in one of England's most prestigious drama schools, Rain is sent to London to live with her great-aunt, Lenora, of the renowned Endfield family. BAY CITY, MI - A lightning strike from a summertime storm caused some electrical issues for Bay City Hall. Her heart's true passion-the theater-may prove to be her salvation, as she embarks on a journey to unmask a legacy of long-buried family secrets. must risk it all and fight for a future that depends on lightning striking. Torn from the embrace of her poor but loving family, Rain Arnold now lives surrounded by opulent riches but feels more like an outsider than ever before. of cover.īook Synopsis The second novel in the thrilling Hudson series, from bestselling author V. Andrew's Hudson series: Eye of the storm"-P.
Lightning strikes by zip code skin#
Accurate color, lifelike skin tones, archival quality and a traditional photo finish are just a few reasons why customers love E-Surface Prints.About the Book "Includes an excerpt from the next novel in V.C. The White Base creates a fresh, bright appearance allowing all the details of your image to shine through with crystal clear precision.Į-Surface Paper is our most popular photographic paper. The ready-to-hang mount is positioned to meet both vertical and horizontal image orientations. Hang Vivid Metal prints with ease using a ¾” thick Float Mount on the back of the metal itself. Vivid metal creates show-stopping conversation pieces and add an artistic edge and contemporary elegance to the image. By combining lightning strike and radar data, RadarPlus can predict where. This image was featured on Good Morning America, in the Washington Post, and various other news outlets around the country. Users can choose to receive alerts for lightning strikes in selected areas. Well probably see a good round of showers and storms this morning, then a lull until later afternoon and. For the first time, I actually caught lightning striking the ground (or in this case, water), illuminating the Pittsburgh skyline. Wet weather is finally back At least for Monday. as strong thunderstorms rolled through the Gulf Coast. This particular strike is by far my favorite, captured in the early morning hours of May 2nd, 2016. Lightning strikes along Mobile Bay Tuesday in Fairhope, Ala. I've always been fascinated by lightning, and trying to capture it is always exciting.
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