#tony ibarra amoroso
el-dritchknight · 5 years
11 tony x hailey for the kiss meme!!!!!
11. ‘We’re actually being kind of silly for once’ kiss
thank you so much for this prompt, zee aaa
“Okay,” Tony says, blue eyes sharply roving over the expanse of the hallway he and Hailey have managed to… decorate for the past half hour. “The door’s open, the oil’s on the floor, and the rubber chickens are in place.” He nods, pleased with their handiwork. “All we need now is Autumn to bring Wes over, and Operation: Flown the Coop will be in full-motion.”“Aww, hell yeah!” Hailey slings an arm over his slight shoulders. “I can’t wait to see his face!”
It’s a combination of Hailey’s sheer enthusiastic (if somewhat sadistic) glee and the mental image of Wes’ comically pissed off face that makes Tony chuckle. “God, same.”
“Hey, bro,” Hailey says, tone turning thoughtful. “Thanks for doing this with me, by the way. I know you’ve been so busy the past few weeks…”Tony waves them off casually. “Anything for you, bro. Honestly, this has been such a welcome break, and it’s great to be on the other side of your pranks for on–”Tony’s words are cut off by the feeling of soft, warm lips on his. It’s a sudden, if very pleasant surprise. After such a long time without them, Hailey’s kisses feel like a glass of water given a man who’d been stuck in the desert for days; like hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day; like sunlight breaking through the dark clouds after a storm.
As much as he’d love to stay in the moment, air becomes a thing they have to pay attention to. They break apart. Tony takes the opportunity to take in the soft curve of Hailey’s smitten smile, the way their brown eyes seem to light up with love, the way even their nose crinkles up with adoration…
It’s too heart-meltingly adorable to resist. Tony leans in, eager to chase their lips as ever, and his mouth meets something feather-soft and - filled with bristles?He pulls back to see Hailey extricate an actual feather from their face. A glance to the ceiling reveals that the bag of feathers they implanted has been slightly open, pouring down on the two of them like snow.
“Guess that’s karma for you.” He shakes his head, fondly, defeatedly, as Hailey’s bell-like laughter rings throughout the room.
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professor-abeloved · 7 years
Back In the Closet [an original story]
Title: Back In the Closet
Summary: Between stolen glances behind shades and lenses and stolen moments behind closed doors, Bill didn’t quite know what he entered when he started seeing Tony… but he knew it that shouldn’t go past the closet door.
Or: In Which Tony and Bill’s relationship is basically the chorus of The All-American Rejects’ “Dirty Little Secret”.
Characters: Tony Ibarra-Amoroso [nerd / hss mc], Bill Abandontao [wallflower / hss oc]
Ships: Bill/Tony in a secret “friends-with-benefits-except-they’re-both-catching-Feelings” thing
Notes: I’m just. Having Nostalgic Feelings about my stupid insecure bi boys who could be happy if they could just… show Emotions. Let me live.
Warnings for a implied/referenced transphobic, homophobic environment as well as abusive guardians (specifically a father and grandfather).
He kept absolutely still as the footsteps got louder.
Bill barely dared to breathe as the footsteps stopped directly in front of the closet’s door. The musty smell of the janitor’s detergent and other cleaning supplies made his nose itch, but he was determined not to make a sound. He bit his lip, praying and hoping and pleading that the person would move on before he and his... companion were discovered inside.
Bill met his companion’s gaze in the semi-darkness of the closet. He gave the stoniest glare he could muster. Say something, and I will end you.
Tony rolled his eyes, but blessedly kept his mouth shut.
After a few particularly torturous moments, the footsteps passed.
Bill let out a sigh of relief.
“Come on, blondie. Let’s blow this popsicle stand,” said Tony. Without warning, he kicked the door of the closet open. Light flooded in, making Bill hiss as he scrambled to put on his shades to shield his eyes from the glaring brightness. Damn light-sensitive eyes. They were useful for seeing a bit more in the darkness, but not so much for… well, everything else. Like when your companion-slash-secret-fuckbuddy suddenly opens the door without warning. Christ, Tony.
“I can’t believe I’m finally coming out of the closet,” Tony mused as he sauntered out, Bill following closely at his heels.
Under normal circumstances, Bill would’ve met Tony’s quip with a snicker or small smirk. However, he was still on edge and constantly kept checking the hallways to see if anyone else had passed by - or worse, had caught them.
Bill didn’t know what would happen if anyone did, but god, he wasn’t eager to find out.
“What?” Tony crossed his arms as he gave Bill a look. “You wouldn’t wanna be caught fooling around with me, is that it, coolkid?”
Although the shorter boy’s voice was mocking in a playful way, Bill caught a glimpse of the conflicting sea of emotions in his gaze. Although stubborn and downright infuriating at times, Tony had a side of him that was softer and sweeter than the ‘cocky playboy’ persona he presented in public. It was a side of him that allowed Bill to sense how secretly insecure Tony was.
It was a side of him that Bill had slowly come to know… and come to care about.
It helped him see Tony as a kindred spirit; after all, both of them were had carefully crafted reputations to keep. If people, especially Tony’s billionaire executive CEO father, saw Tony as anything less than his picture-perfect ‘daughter’… if people, especially Bill’s old-fashioned homophobic grandfather, saw Bill as anything other than the reserved yet often-overlooked honors’ student…
There would be trouble.
Bill couldn’t risk that. He wouldn’t risk putting both of them in danger.
He sighed softly, shaking his head. He stepped in closer to Tony and slowly brought a hand to cup Tony’s cheek. Tony looked up in surprise, blue eyes wide and questioning behind his lenses.
“Honestly, there’s no one I’d rather get caught with,” Bill admitted, a rare smile on his lips. His smile grew as Tony’s face turned the slightest bit red. Feeling a surge of fondness, Bill let his thumb softly caress Tony’s flushed cheeks. Guess you weren’t as unaffected as you tried to make out.
Not that Bill was one to talk, the way his heartbeat had sped up at the way Tony had inched closer after he said that.
“But?” Tony prompted, hope and doubt waging war within in his eyes.
Ah, yes, there was always a ‘but’.
Bill masked his uneasiness with vague half-smile.
“But I really rather not get caught yet. The game isn’t fun if it ends too early. You know that as well as I do.” He gently patted Tony’s face once and let go. Without a backward glance, Bill turned to leave, shoving his hands into pockets.
He tried to ignore the way his hands felt bereft of warmth, and the way Tony looked as he left him alone in the hall.
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el-dritchknight · 7 years
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how to sweep your six-foot tall boyfriend off his feet: a guide by tony “4′11″ ibarra-amoroso
thank you v much @7stars for this amazing art of my fave dorky rich bfs!! please commission them, guys!!
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el-dritchknight · 7 years
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a big gay thank you to the amazing @artsybarrels for this adorable tony/chase art 💕  commission them, friends, they were really quick and fun to work with!!
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