#tony hendra
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This Is Spinal Tap (1984) dir. Rob Reiner
#this is spinal tap#filmedit#filmgifs#moviegifs#cinematv#rob reiner#christopher guest#michael mckean#harry shearer#tony hendra#*
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"What's it like being in the army?"
Truthful Answer:
"Fine. If you don't mind waking up at 5 in the morning with some burly loudmouth cocksucker yelling at you."
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Hendra Hemeto Siap Dukung Program Sofyan-Tony untuk Memajukan Daerah
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Wakil Bupati Gorontalo, Hendra Hemeto sekaligus salah satu kandidat pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) Kabgor mengaku siap mendukung program calon Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Gorontalo terpilih, yakni Sofyan Puhi dan Tony Junus untuk membangun daerah. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Hendra saat datang dalam kegiatan temu dewan kerja penegak-pandega di Kwartir Daerah (Kwarda) Provinsi…
#Calon Bupati#Calon Wakil Bupati#Dukungan#Hendra Hemeto#Kabupaten Gorontalo#Pembangunan Daerah#Program#Sofyan Puhi#Tony Junus#Wakil Bupati
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In his days as an elected official he would never tread the line between work and his personal life . The way he is now ? He still tried to separate his bias' unless the man responsible for ruining his life has a connection to the movement . -- and he does oh , how he does -- he recognized this guy , the curve in his nose , the cruel fixed brow , remembering him mocking him . He's one of Hendra's boys alright.
Hendra ; He's on the run , he knew Dent was coming for him . Tony Hendra had been running a rival gang since Two Face took to the streets in a crime spree . This was beyond business , more than an old grudge , that swine had went after his ex-fiance a few days ago , blew up her flat for God's sakes . He wasn't going to stop until he found him.
Minutes bled into hours of torturing this mere lacky . He's out here without so much of a clue for the information they're demanding .
Mary's [ @babydxhl 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙽𝚄𝙴𝙳 . ] watching the door and all the way Harvey has slipped further and further within himself , leaving Two Face to take the short comings out on the stooge , beating him half to death , over half he's probably got precious seconds left . Knuckles coated in not just crimson but snot and spit , he's really giving to him . The skin their bruising from hours of impact . With intervals , tools used to brutalise .
❝ I'm gonna beat all the life outta him unless this birdie starts't'singin' I don't care if it finishes'im off ; he's better off dead ! ❞
The temptation to just make a corpse out of this man right here and right now ran the risk of overruling the demand of their silver , twin-headed numen . Mary's words reminded them of it in the moment , and Harvey begged Two Face to listen within them .
Fist draws back as they observe the man -- more bloody pulp , unable to even open an eye , the skin around the sockets were so swollen . No pity for the sorry sight .
He reaches for his coin , seeing the red mist give way to clarity and flips . ❝ He lives . ... for now . ❞ One last belt to the ribcage would suffice until they inevitably get their hands on Hendra . ❝ C'mon we got more important things t'do . ❞
#◖𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 ? / 𝐢𝐜 .#�� 𝐈 𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 . 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 / 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 . 彡#𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 / 𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐯.#babydxhl
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,, Important News "Kepri Daily Narsum News
~~~ ☆ ~~~
MESSENGER OF THE PEOPLE: Government Observer Assesses from the Sidakan made by mass organizations or NGOs and local communities by feeling Not accepting the increase in the price of bordinging the bordinging pas for the ticket to the port of Sri Bintan Pura, which was applied by General Manjer Tony Hendra Chahyadi. The actions taken by Pelindo members actually cannot be the community showing an orang and not accepting, because of the people Pelindo members have worked well following the central government's rhythmic tone stakes, because Pelindo may be said to be an Istan that stands as an entrepreneur in the name of Wirasewasta but has a Pelindo link related to the government, namely BUMN. If a thuggester opening a business land cannot gain better profit of business in Non Activize from the large pegs than the pole.
Because the central government has a tantrum of raising a tax of 12%, resulting in this case an emphasis on a small community for the actions of the central government who intentionally conducted persecution in the community in the economic factors. If Pelindo wants to buy goods for community facilities at a price that is expensive then Pelindo serves for the community geratis of the facility is feasible or not according to you from a collection that does not accept the attitude of the Pelindo members. Maybe Pelindo may receive complaints of the community, but do not society and NGOs and organizations and parties that make a sound of a shining and a sense of hatred of Pelindo if Pelindo holds a makeshift facilities given by Pelindo not what you want and expect. - Editor by The Best Journalis MKN. Online profile of Rambun Pamenan.

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For those like me who cast a skeptical eye upon Carlin image macros and are wondering about this one, this is a real quote from his "sortabiography," Last Words. First conceived in 1993, the book was a collection of stories culled from conversations between Carlin and now-disgraced (and dead) satirist Tony Hendra. It was published in 2009.
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Analysis of 'This Is Spinal Tap'
This Is Spinal Tap: A Rockumentary by Martin Di Bergi is a mockumentary film co-written and directed by Rob Reiner (who plays Di Bergi), his feature directorial debut. It stars him, Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer, with Tony Hendra, RJ Parnell, David Kaff, June Chadwick, and a host of celebrities playing small parts throughout the film. Most of the film is improvised by all…
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Deklarasi Pemilu Damai Antara Forkopimda - Relawan Provinsi Lampung

Mewujudkan Pemilu yang sejuk, damai dan aman di Provinsi Lampung. Forkopimda, Partai Politik, Penyelenggara Pemilu dan Ormas serta Relawan se-Provinsi Lampung menggelar deklarasi Pemilu Damai. Deklarasi tersebut digelar di Wisma Haji AL-Khairiyah G. Harun Metro Jalan Mr G. Harun Noc. 20, Metro, Kecamatan Metro Pusat, Kota Metro, Provinsi Lampung, Senin (21/8/2023) pukul 09.00 WIB. Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri oleh jajaran Forkopimda Provinsi Lampung antara lain Sekda Provinsi Lampung Ir. Fahrizal Darminto, MA mewakili Gubernur Lampung, Ketua DPRD Provinsi Lampung Mingrum Gumay, S.H., M.H, Kapolda Lampung Irjen. Pol. Helmy Santika, SH., S.IK., M.Si, Kabagops Binda Lampung Kolonel Ivans Romell, S.I.P., Dir Intelkam Polda Lampung Kombes Pol Nowo Hadi, S.H, S.I.K., Dir Krimum Polda Lampung Kombes Pol DR. Reynold Elisa P. Hutagalung, SE, SIK, M.Si, MH. Selain itu hadir juga, Kasiter Kasrem 043/Gatam Kolonel Inf.Jaka Sutanta, S.Sos, AKBP Vicky Dzulkarnain, MM (Kasubdit Politik Dit IK Polda Lampung), Letkol Pnb Yosi Hadi Wiyanto. (Danlanud P. M Bunyamin Menggala Lampung), Letkol Mar Tantahara, S.A.P., M.Tr., Hanla (Pasi Intel Brigif 4 Mar/BS) mewakili Danbrigif 4 Mar/BS, Mayor Laut (PM) Suhawan (Dandenpomal) mewakili DanLanal Lampung, DR. Edi Hasmi, SH, M.Hum (Hakim Tinggi Pengadilan Tinggi Tj. Karang) mewakili Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi Lampung, Drs. Hi. Helmy Thohir, MH (Ketua Pengadilan Agama Lampung, Dr. Aliansyah, SH, MH Asintel (Kejati Lampung) mewakili Kajati Lampung, Erwan Bustami, S.H, M.H. (Ketua KPU Prov. Lampung), Mashur Sampurna Jaya, S.STP.Msi (Sekretaris KPU Provinsi Lampung), Iskardo P. Panggar, S.H, M.H. (Ketua Bawaslu Prov. Lampung). Adapun Partai Politik Peserta Pemilu yang hadir dalam kegiatan, antara lain; - Seh Ajeman (Sekertaris DPW PKB Prov. Lampung) mewakili Ketua DPW PKB Lampung. - Fahrurrozi (Ketua OKK DPD Partai Gerindra Prov. Lampung) mewakili Ketua DPD Partai Gerindra Lampung. - Watoni Nurdin S.H., M.H. (Anggota DPRD Prov. Lampung fraksi PDIP) mewakili Ketua DPD PDI P Lampung. - Supriyadi Hamzah, S.H. (Wakil Ketua Bappilu Partai Golkar Prov. Lampung). mewakili Ketua Partai Golkar Prov. Lampung. - Drs. Herman HN, M.M (Ketua DPW Partai Nasdem Lampung). - Sulaiman Ibrahim, S.H (Ketua DPW (EXCO) Partai Buruh Lampung). - Purwadi (Ketua DPD Gelora Lamtim) mewajili Ketua DPW Partai Gelora Lampung). - Ibni Dalian (Pengurus DPW PKS Prov. Lampung) mewakili Ketua DPW PKS Lampung. - Elvy (Operator Silon Pimda PKN Prov. Lampung) mewakili Ketua PKN Lampung. - Aliaman, SE, MM (Kepala Sekertariat DPD Partai Hanura Lampung). - Wahyu Widiatmoko (Ketua DPD Partai Garuda Lampung). - Ir. H. Irham Jafar Lan Putra, M.H. (Ketua DPW PAN Lampung). - Jefri Trisanjaya, S.E, S.Kom, M.M. (Sekretaris DPW PBB Lampung) mewakili Ketua DPW PBB Lampung. - Midi Iswanto (Sekretaris DPD Partai Demokrat Lampung) mewakili Ketua DPD Partai Demorkat. - Zulkapeta Heri (Ketua Bidang Internal DPW PSI Provinsi Lampung) mewakili Ketua DPW PSI Lampung. - Sofyan Dalem Permata (Wakil Ketua Bidang Hubungan Antar Lembaga DPW Perindo Prov. Lampung) mewakili Ketua DPW Partai Perindo. - Supriyanto, S.P., M.M (Ketua DPW PPP Lampung). - Hi. Abdullah Fadri Auli, SH (Ketua DPW Partai UMMAT Lampung) Organisasi Masyarakat tingkat Provinsi Lampung antara lain; - Prof. Dr. Moh. Bahruddin Mukri, M.Ag (Ketua FKUB Prov. Lampung). - H. Hendra Mukri (Ketua Majelis Besar Paku Banten Prov. Lampung) - Iqbal ardiansyah, S.Si., M.M. (Ketua DPD KNPI Prov. Lampung) - Suminto Martono (Wakil Ketua PWM Lampung) mewakili Ketua PW Muhammadiyah Lampung. - Sholihin, S.Pd., M.H (Pengurus PWNU Prov. Lampung) mewakili Ketua PWNU Prov. Lampung. - husnul Mufachir, SE (Bidang Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan) mewakili Ketua MPW Pemuda Pancasila Prov. Lampung. Serta para Relawan Bacapres tingkat Provinsi Lampung antara lain; - Ir. Ahmad Hujairin (Ketua Relawan Ganjaris). - Toni Cakaradinata (Ketua Relawan Pasukan 08). - Hj. Yuhelva Nuch (Ketua DPW Garda Nasional Anies (Garnies) Lampung). Acara tersebut diawali dengan pembacaan deklarasi damai bersama Forkopimda, Parpol, KPU, Bawaslu dan Ormas serta Relawan, yang dipandu oleh Ketua Bawaslu Provinsi Lampung dan diikuti oleh seluruh peserta. Disampaikan oleh Erwan Bustami, S.H, M.H. (Ketua KPU Provinsi Lampung) dalam sambutannya sejak 14 juni 2022 telah dilaksanakan rangkain kegiatan Pemilu. "Kurang lebih 176 hari lagi menuju momentum untuk menentukan arah bangsa ini kedepannya. Kami KPU akan siap melayani bapak ibu semua dalam hal Pemilu 2024," jelasnya. Dijelaskan juga terkait dengan tahapan pemilu saat ini KPU sedang melaksanakan penentuan Daftar Calon Sementara (DCS) DPD RI, DPRD Provinsi dan DPRD Kabupaten Kota. Selain itu Irjen. Pol. Helmy Santika, SH., S.IK., M.Si (Kapolda Lampung) kegiatan ini membuktikan bahwa jajaran Forkopimda dan elemen masyarakat dapat kolaborasi dan memperkuat silaturahmi dalam menghadapi Pemilu 2024. "Pemilu bukanlah tujuan akhir tetapi sebagai sarana berbangsa dan bernegara. Kita menghadapi Pemilu tahun 2024 akan berbeda dari Pemilu sebelumnya. Semua ini harus kita sikapi kepentingan umum dan rakyat harus berada diatas kepentingan pribadi," jelasnya. Disebutkan juga oleh Irjen Pol Helmy Santika Residu Pemilu 2019 sampai dengan saat ini masih ada, yang mana masyarakat Indonesia terpolarisasi menjadi dua golongan. "Kita akan melaksanakan Pemilu 2024, yang mana pelaksanaannya serentak dan hal tersebut untuk pertama kalinya. Jangan sampai ada Politik Identitas pada Pemilu 2024. Dalam kegiatan estafet Kirab Pemilu 2024 menandakan estafet pembangunan, estafet pendidikan yang berjalan setiap 5 tahun sekali," tutupnya. Ir. Fahrizal Darminto, MA (Sekda Prov. Lampung) mewakili Gubernur Lampung menyebutkan acara kegiatan Pemilu tahun 2024 harus berjalan aman dan damai. Provinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu Provinsi yang memiliki jumlah DPT yang besar. Pada Pemilu tahun 2024 semoga partisipasi pemilih masyarakat akan meningkat. Pada Pemilu tahun 2024 lebih di dominasi oleh generasi Z dan generasi Milenial tentu pada pemilu tahun 2024 akan menjadi warna tersendiri. "Kita semua menyadari pandangan dalam politik sangat wajar tetapi kita harus bisa saling menghargai agar dapat memutuskan hal terbaik untuk masyarakat indonesia. Mari kita berjanji menjaga unsur kesatuan dalam melangkah bersama kita merupakan bangsa yang besar agar Indonesia lebih baik," pungkasnya. (Rls/Basuri) Read the full article
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@tcmparty live tweet schedule for the week beginning Monday, January 04, 2022. Look for us on Twitter…watch and tweet along…remember to add #TCMParty to your tweets so everyone can find them :) All times are Eastern.
Tuesday, Jan. 04 at 8:00 p.m. THIS IS SPINAL TAP (1984) A filmmaker documents the history of Spinal Tap, the world's loudest rock band.
#schedule#rob reiner#harry shearer#christopher guest#michael mckean#r j parnell#david kaff#tony hendra#bruno kirby#june chadwick#fran drescher#joyce hyser#billy crystal#fred willard#ed begley jr#howard hesseman#paul shaffer#anjelica huston#turner classic movies#classic movies#classic film#livetweet#comedy#1980s#mockumentary
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#this is spinal tap#christopher guest#michael mckean#harry shearer#june chadwick#tony hendra#bruno kirby#rob reiner#1984
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(via Tony Hendra, a Multiplatform Humorist, Is Dead at 79 - The New York Times)
Mr. Hendra, right, performing on television with Nick Ullett. The two maintained a comedy partnership throughout the 1960s.
Tony Hendra, a humorist whose wide-ranging résumé included top editing jobs at National Lampoon and Spy magazines and a zesty role in the mockumentary “This Is Spinal Tap,” died on Thursday in Yonkers, N.Y. He was 79.
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The Tony Hendra - Lee Tully Plagiarism Scandal
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Empat Paslon Pilkada Kabgor Menunggu Pleno Hasil Tes Kesehatan
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Setelah melalui rangkaian tahapan dari pendaftaran hingga pelaksanaan tes kesehatan, empat bakal pasangan calon (Paslon), yakni Roni Sampir-Adnan Entengo, Sofyan Puhi-Tony Junus, Syam T. Ase-Shohidin dan Hendra Hemeto-Warsito Sumawiyono, bersiap menunggu putusan pleno dari hasil tes kesehatan yang sudah dijalani selama dua hari kemarin. Ketua KPU Kabupaten Gorontalo Roy…
#Bakal Pasangan Calon#Calon Bupati#Calon Wakil Bupati#Hasil Kesehatan#Kabupaten Gorontalo#KPU Kabupaten Gorontalo#Pemeriksaan Kesehatan#Pilkada 2024#Pilkada Kabupaten Gorontalo#Pilkada Serentak 2024#Rapat Pleno
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Hendra on R. Crumb (as pertains to Lenny Bruce)
Crumb believed that even the most basic things were worth reconsidering.....It was a question worth asking. (it still is.) And the place Crumb asked it was from the street, looking up, not from the campus looking down. This is Crumb’s second area of kinship with Bruce (Lenny), for like him, he was a lower middle-class boy, from Delaware this time, who avoided college, and worked at real jobs (notably the American Greeting Card Company in the early sixties). This made him more significant and more dangerous than those who sprang from the college-educated class to which Official America (TM) insisted the revolt was confined. it meant that the skepticism spread farther and deeper than was suspected and that he had the common touch, to take it father and deeper.
And did he ever have the common touch. Like Bruce, he was obsessed and delighted with sub-Americana, the lumpy clothes and lumpy food, the dented cars, and hubcap curbs, the gaudy cornucopia of household names, the Kresge’s look. It came from him in images the way it came from Bruce in words, a whoosh from the gut, of corner bar faces, urban blight, hippie lunacy, schoolyard ridicule, Zen mastery, momma’s kitchen, old radio, new theologies, the hardened arteries of Motor City, fly-blown food, transmission fluid, orange peels, grime in the streets, And with him it seemed uncontrollable, sweeping you up in it’s flow, so that it’s rules were it’s own, and some beery tag from a Hamtramck dive could crop up in Acidland (TM) the way cowboys suddenly turned Yiddish on Bruce.
-Tony Hendra from Going too Far (1987) (parenthetical Lenny and TMs by me)
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