#tonight I will listen to music and try to drift away in sleep
carefreevee · 7 months
sometimes I forget that life is hard and not just a “set amount” of hard but different levels of complexity. and not talking about obvious tragedies such as war (which is of course something else entirely and devastating)
but I am in my own head so often I forget I am alive and there is sunshine and blue skies and music and games and animals who love unconditionally and there is rain and mud and broken fences and torn pages from books and there are chipped mugs but there is proof that life is everywhere and it isn’t all stuck up in my head
even without the fanciful thoughts and clichés of sunshine, flowers, rainbows and such, there is a life happening in front of me. I am so sad a lot of the time and struggle to function as a person due to many complicated reasons but tonight, I am me and I am going to treasure that
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 6 months
Be Kind
I Know You're Chokin' on Your Fears (2)
Scarlet Witch x Witch!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Mommy Wanda seems to be here to stay, but you're worried about just how long this will last
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, R calls SW Goddess, W refers to herself as Mommy, pet names (little one, pet, puppy), SW is abusive towards R, W takes care of R.
A/N: Wow look at all the fluff you guys get hahahahaha. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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You lie in bed, eyes wide open, expecting any moment for the harshness to return. Your body still bears the tender bruises of the Scarlet Witch's punishments, but strangely, the pain hasn't been renewed. Every night, you brace yourself for the sting of red magic, but it never comes.
Tonight, as Wanda carries you to bed, a tremor of fear courses through you. Instinctively, you scramble off the bed, anticipating the punishment that never seems to fade. But Wanda is quick to scoop you back up, her touch gentle and soothing.
"It's okay, sweetie," she murmurs, her voice as soft as a lullaby. "Mommy's here now. She's gone, and I'm going to take care of you."
You cling to her, feeling the warmth of her embrace chase away the lingering shadows of fear. As she kisses away the imaginary boo boos, you can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you.
In Wanda's arms, there is no malice, no cruelty—only love and tenderness. And as you finally allow yourself to drift off to sleep, you know that you're safe, protected by Wanda.
You wake up to the tantalizing aroma of breakfast wafting through the air, stirring you from your slumber. With a jolt of panic, you scramble out of bed, your mind racing with thoughts of apologizing and groveling at the Scarlet Witch's feet for not being up sooner to cook breakfast for her.
But as you enter the kitchen, ready to beg for forgiveness, you're met with a scene that stops you in your tracks. Wanda stands before the stove, her voice like honey as she sings along to music in a language you don't quite understand. Her movements are graceful and fluid as she moves about the kitchen, a vision of beauty and serenity.
You watch in awe, feeling honored to behold such a mesmerizing sight. Gone is the harshness of the Scarlet Witch, replaced instead by the gentle warmth of Wanda.
For a moment, you forget about the bruises and the pain, lost in the tranquility of the moment. And as Wanda turns to you with a smile, offering you a plate of breakfast, you realize that perhaps, just perhaps, there is hope for a brighter future—one filled with love, kindness, and the warmth of a mother's embrace.
As Wanda pets you gently, her touch sending a wave of comfort through you, she asks a question that catches you off guard. "Do you like being her pet?"
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "I do, it's just... I don't know what I did to make her hurt me so much," you confess, feeling a lump form in your throat. You curl in on yourself, as if trying to shield yourself from the pain of the memories.
Wanda's expression softens with understanding as she listens to your words. "I think it was my fault. I kept telling her to let up, but..." You trail off, the rest of the sentence left unspoken but understood between the two of you.
"Just want to be a good puppy...be a good baby," you admit, feeling a sense of vulnerability wash over you. You lift your gaze to meet Wanda's, something you haven't been able to do since the Scarlet Witch became stricter.
Her green eyes shining like sea glass on the beach at noon that you marveled at. Her eyes held compassion and empathy, reflecting the depths of her understanding. In that moment, you feel a glimmer of hope, knowing that perhaps, with Wanda by your side, you can find the strength to overcome the darkness that has clouded your days.
As Wanda pets you gently, her touch sending a wave of comfort through you, she asks a question that catches you off guard. "Do you like being her pet?"
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "I do, it's just... I don't know what I did to make her hurt me so much," you confess, feeling a lump form in your throat. You curl in on yourself, as if trying to shield yourself from the pain of the memories.
Wanda's expression softens with understanding as she listens to your words. "I think it was my fault. I kept telling her to let up, but..." You trail off, the rest of the sentence left unspoken but understood between the two of you.
"Just want to be a good puppy...be a good baby," you admit, feeling a sense of vulnerability wash over you. You lift your gaze to meet Wanda's, something you haven't been able to do since the Scarlet Witch became stricter.
Her green eyes shine with compassion and empathy, reflecting the depths of her understanding. In that moment, you feel a glimmer of hope, knowing that perhaps, with Wanda by your side, you can find the strength to overcome the darkness that has clouded your days.
Wanda's words wash over you like a soothing balm, easing the turmoil within your heart. You bury your face into her hand, seeking solace in her touch as she cups your cheek.
"Oh sweet girl, you are good. It was nothing you did. It was Mommy's fault. She didn't like me treating you with kindness. Thought you'd like me better than her," Wanda reassures you, her voice filled with tenderness.
At the mention of possibly liking Wanda more than the Scarlet Witch, you snap to attention, panic seizing your heart. "No! No! Would never! She has to know that!" you protest, pushing up onto your knees, your head butting into Wanda's chest.
Wanda chuckles softly, her arms wrapping around you in a comforting embrace. "Shhh, sweet girl. She knows. She's just... well, you know. She wants you all to herself, but doesn't know how to express that properly," she explains, her words laced with understanding. “You see the two of us have been through a lot before meeting you and I think she's still hurting over all of it.”
You tilt your head in confusion, trying to make sense of Wanda's words. "Are you still hurting over it?" you ask softly, your heart aching for the pain you sense in Wanda's voice.
"In a way, yes," Wanda admits, her gaze distant for a moment. "But when we met you and how much love you already had for us... well, you had love for her. I don't even know if you knew about me."
You shake your head, recalling the information you had stumbled upon years ago. "Wanda Maximoff. Avenger. Neuroelectric interface, telekinesis, and mental manipulation," you recite, a sense of pride swelling within you at the memory of your own resourcefulness.
Wanda tilts her head and smiles, her nose scrunching up in a way that fills you with butterflies. "A smart little puppy we have," she says, her words wrapping around you like a warm embrace. And in that moment, as you gaze up at her with adoration in your eyes, you know that you've found a mother's love in the Scarlet Witch's gentle counterpart.
A few weeks go by with Wanda, bruises all gone and everything that had been aching you was all gone.
As Wanda finished dressing you up in the cute outfit she had picked out, you couldn't contain your excitement. It was a first for you - going out with Wanda. Your Goddess always left you at home when she had errands to run, but Wanda was different. She was making a day out of it, and you couldn't wait to spend time with her.
You bounced around the living room, the anticipation bubbling within you. Wanda had dressed you in a pair of adorable shorttalls and a baby pink crop top, complete with cute socks and matching pink converse. She had even pulled your hair back into a half-up do with a three-strand braid, although it had taken her well over an hour thanks to your excitement.
"Oops, sorry Mommy!" you would exclaim each time you accidentally messed up the braid, turning around to see Wanda patiently fixing it yet again.
Eventually, though, she managed to get your hair under control, and she quickly got herself dressed in something much simpler. She wore a black tank top under a white see-through shirt, capris leggings, sunglasses perched on top of her head, and sneakers. Her hair was styled in a casual half-up bun.
As you stood side by side with Wanda, excitement coursing through your veins, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment. With each step you took, you felt a sense of freedom and joy that you hadn't experienced in a long time. And as you walked out the door with Wanda by your side, you knew that this would be a day to remember.
As you walked through the portal with Wanda, excitement coursing through you, you found yourself on the outskirts of a small town. The vibrant energy of the bustling village market filled the air, drawing you in like a magnet.
But before you could dash off into the crowd, Wanda gently reminded you of the rules. You let out a whine, tugging on her arm, but she held firm.
"1. Don't let go of your hand, 2. Don't talk to strangers, 3. I must call you Mommy," you repeated obediently.
Wanda smiled, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. "Good girl. Now we can go have fun."
Hand in hand, you and Wanda ventured into the village market, taking in the sights and sounds around you. The market was a vibrant tapestry of colors and smells, with vendors selling everything from fresh fruits and veggies to handmade pieces of art.
You marveled at the array of goods on display, feeling a sense of excitement building within you. It had been so long since you had been around people, and you had almost forgotten how nice it was to interact with others.
As you wandered through the market, a kind old lady caught your eye. She was sitting at a stall, surrounded by handmade stuffed animals, each one more adorable than the last. Your eyes lit up as you spotted a little possum nestled among the other creatures.
The old lady smiled warmly at you, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Would you like this little possum, dear?" she asked, her voice gentle and kind.
You nodded eagerly, feeling a surge of affection for the cute creature. "Yes, please!" you exclaimed, reaching out to take the stuffed animal from her.
The old lady's eyes sparkled with delight as she handed you the possum, her heart touched by your enthusiasm. "I'm so glad someone finally showed interest in the little one," she said, her voice tinged with emotion.
You hugged the stuffed possum close to your chest, feeling a connection with it unlike anything you had felt before. And as you looked up at Wanda, the woman who had shown you love and kindness when you needed it most.
Wanda's gesture of kindness towards the old woman warms your heart as you watch her pull out her coin purse, ready to pay for the stuffed possum you've grown so fond of. But the old woman holds up a hand, a gentle smile on her face.
"Nothing. I've had him for ages, and no one's ever taken interest in him," she says kindly, her eyes twinkling with gratitude.
Wanda returns the smile, her eyes soft as she looks down at you. "Can you say thank you, little one?" she asks, bending down slightly to catch your attention.
You look up at the old lady, feeling a surge of gratitude for her generosity. "Thank you," you say shyly, your voice filled with sincerity.
With a nod of appreciation, Wanda leads you away from the stall, the stuffed possum held securely in your arms. "Let's go grab the fruits and veggies we need before the sun goes down," she suggests, her voice filled with warmth.
The rest of the day passes in a blur of laughter and joy as you and Wanda explore the market together, picking out fresh fruits and veggies for dinner. You end the day on a sweet note, indulging in homemade ice cream from a stall before heading back home.
As you walk hand in hand with Wanda, the stuffed possum nestled against your chest, you can't help but feel grateful for the love and kindness she has shown you. And as the sun sets on another day, you know that you are exactly where you belong.
As you lay on the couch, cocooned in warmth and comfort, you revel in the tranquility of the moment. With Nugget, your newfound stuffed possum, nestled in your arms, you feel a sense of peace wash over you.You were on the couch curled up with your Mommy, your eyes closed and a blanket covering you now clad in your pajamas. Wanda rubbed your back while reading a book, not the book the Scarlet Witch possesses. Though you couldn't understand the language so you assumed it was Sokovian. Your eyes flutter closed, exhaustion tugging at your senses as you sink into the embrace of sleep.
But suddenly, a rough tug on your jaw jolts you awake, fear coursing through your veins as you come face to face with the familiar sight of red eyes looming over you. The voice that speaks is harsh and commanding, sending shivers down your spine.
"Did you miss me, pet?" the Scarlet Witch demands, her tone sending a wave of panic through you.
Without hesitation, you nod, your heart pounding in your chest as you scramble to get off the couch. But in your haste, you lose your balance and land hard on your knees, pain shooting through your limbs as you look up at your goddess who has finally returned.
In that moment, as you gaze up at her with a mixture of fear and reverence, you realize that despite the fleeting moments of calm and happiness you've experienced with Wanda, the Scarlet Witch's hold over you is as strong as ever.
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shinestarhwaa · 2 months
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"Babe, you can't sleep again huh?"
You shook your head and sighed after an hour of staring at the ceiling. "Well, I have noticed your insomnia lately so I created a lullaby."
You laughed and rolled your eyes. "Don't make a fool of me. I made it in my studio. I think it could really help." Finally you let him play the lullaby and like a miracle you fell asleep in minutes, listening to his music.
Around 2am he awakens from his sleep and notices you sitting up straight, staring into the void. "Baby?" He said carefully to avoid startling you. You look at him and apologize. "Sorry, can't sleep." He nodded and opened his arms.
You laid back down and nuzzles your face into his clothed chest, smelling like cotton and the flowery fabric softener. The smell and the caring embrace brought your mind to silence and to sleep in no time.
"What can I do?" He asked carefully when he noticed you haven't been able to get any sleep even though you'd been trying to for hours. "I honestly don't know, Yu," you said with a tremble in your voice.
Yunho hated seeing you so frustrated and the only thing he could do for you now is be there for you and try to relax you to sleep by singing and holding you.
"Baby?" Yeosang's voice echoed through the hall. His head peeked into the bathroom where you sat on the floor. "Sorry, hot flashes, I'm sweating my ass off."
"Come to bed, I've got the fan out," he said, pulling you up and kissing the top of your head. "I'll grab you some water and you can get some nice sleep."
San made sure to provide a mini fridge next to your bed with cold water this night because he had heard you getting out of bed for water every night for two weeks straight. But even tonight you left the bedroom and sat in the kitchen.
He got up and followed you, rubbing his eyes and asking you why you were up again. You told him about your insomnia and San pouted but listened well to your worries and stories. After you let everything out he took you in his arms, lifting you up and taking you to bed, where you laid on top of him in his embrace the entire night, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Mingi noticed you not being able to sleep so he stubbornly tried to stay up too. "Babee, close your eyes. It must work. Or count sheep or whatever."
"Mingi, if you're going to keep talking I definitely won't be able to sleep." "Don't I have a soothing voice?" "You're shouting baby." Mingi grinned and hugged you tight. "I'll just whisper in your ears now then." "Creep."
Wooyoung whined when he saw you scrolling on tiktok at 3am. "Babe put that phone down." "Oh sorry," you apologized, "does the light bother you? I'll go downstairs."
"No, you're putting that thing away. If you can't sleep and I can't sleep we might as well do something fun together." "Wooyoung I'm not gonna have sex with you I'm tired." "Well then let me touch you so you can relax. Sounds like a win-win situation to me."
He noticed you having sleeping issues for a while, and he tried to stay awake until you slept but it kept getting later and later. "Y/N, lay down, you need to relax and clear your mind so you can sleep."
"But I don't know how," you sighed as you rubbed your eyes. Jongho gently massaged your body to relax your muscles and soon enough you drifted off to dreamland in his embrace.
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @vesvosmozhno @therealcuppicake @unholywriters @enbymingi @jjoongstar @igbylicious
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sp4ceqtown · 1 year
Late Night Snuggles - João Félix
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You lay there on your side of the bed, facing the wall, while Joao Felix peacefully snoozes beside you. You try to regulate your breathing and empty your mind, but your thoughts are racing, and your anxiety levels are high.
You toss and turn, hoping for a comfortable position, but nothing works. You tried counting sheep, and even listening to soothing music, but nothing seems to help.
The anxiety of having to wake up early for school tomorrow is overwhelming, and all you can do is toss and turn.
As the clock strikes 3:45 AM, you let out a deep, frustrated sigh. You glance over at Joao, envy brewing in your chest as he sleeps soundly. You close your eyes, wishing you could do the same.
But just as you start to drift off, you feel a shift on the bed beside you. You peek open your eyes to see Joao looking up at you, a small smile on his face.
"Can't sleep?" he asks softly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nod, feeling silly for being such an insomniac. "Yeah, I don't know why. I just keep thinking about school tomorrow."
Joao leans in closer, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He rests his chin on your shoulder, his warmth and scent enveloping you. "Don't worry about it now. Just focus on resting."
You snuggle into his embrace, feeling safe and loved. As his steady breathing lulls you closer to sleep, you're grateful for his presence in your life. He always knows just how to comfort you when you need it the most.
With Joao's arms around you, you finally feel your body relax. Your breathing steadies and your thoughts start to drift away. You close your eyes, feeling soothed and content.
As you drift off to sleep, you know that no matter what tomorrow brings, you'll face it with Joao by your side.
Author's Note :
expressing my feelings for school tomorrow through this little blurb, it's 12AM for me, not planning on sleeping tonight... この男は私に慰めをもたらします!彼を1秒間見たら、私の一日はすぐに良くなります。Requests are open!<3
- Megi.
!! Translation (i guess now everytime i can't express my feelings for someone in English, I'll use Japanese) : This man brings me comfort! One second look at him and my day instantly gets better.
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anniesannex · 10 months
You’re so art deco
Chapter two
Description: you are a struggling college student who needs some cash. Your friend suggests a sugar daddy but you wouldn’t do that. Right?
I’m so sorry it took a bit to get up but here’s chapter two! Also sorry abt the 1975 reference I was listening to that song. -A
“WHAT?!” Grace’s jaw dropped as she heard the news. “But I thought you didn’t want a sugar daddy.”
“I was wrong. And I’m sorry.” You heard yet another ping from your laptop.
“Is that him?” Grace looked baffled as you nodded. “What did he say?” As you looked you had seemed to find a mirror selfie. Of Johnny wearing a nice button up shirt and some slacks.
“Goddamn.” You spoke.
“Goddamn is right!” Grace exclaimed. “What do I even do with this information.”
“Please don’t tell anyone I wanna keep this lowkey.” You pleaded with Grace.
“Okay but only because I love you.” Grace started to get ready for bed herself.
“I love you too I’m gonna send him a pic back do I look cute?” You asked as she laughed.
“Yeah, totally.” She smiled as you took the picture. This was probably the happiest she had seen you since you moved in.
“Thank you so much, you’re literally the best!” You were grinning as it sent. “But we should get ready for bed.”
“I know you might be a little wired with this new sugar daddy but I’m ready to go to bed.” Grace laughed.
“Goodnight Gracie.” You pulled the covers up onto your body. “I love you.”
“Night (y/n/n). I love you too.” Grace smiled as you began to shut your eyes and drift off into sleep.
Waking up you checked your computer.
@johnC95: good morning Doll. Hope you have a good day.
@Y/n: good morning Johnny. You too. Luckily I’m off today.
@johnC95: so where do you go to school?
@y/n: UCLA.
@johnC95: oh cool, I’m not that far from there. Would you wanna do like coffee?
@y/n: sure, when would you wanna meet up?
Your heart pounded in your chest. What were you going to wear? How were you going to do your hair? What if he didn’t like you when you guys met up?
@johnC95: I’m kind of booked for the next couple days. Is Saturday okay?
You look at the calendar. Saturday was three days away. You looked to see if you were working as you typed.
@y/n: lemme check my schedule. I should be good though.
As you doubled checked you sighed in relief
“Thank god.” you said to yourself. “I’m off on a Saturday, for once.”
@johnC95: sounds good! I wanna hear your voice again so bad.
@y/n: maybe we can talk later tonight. Btw what’s your number?
@johnC95: oh I’m sorry it’s (xxx)xxx-xxxx.
You type it into your phone putting it under the contact ‘Johnny <3’. As you text the number you feel a strange sensation in you stomach, like it was being tied into knots. Why was it that you were so nervous to text him?
You decide on a quick ‘Hi it’s y/n :).’
‘Hello doll :).’
You sighed as you start to get out of bed.
‘What are you doing today?’
‘I’m not sure I might lounge around my dorm, do some coursework, just try to relax’
‘Fair enough. I really do wanna hear your lovely voice. Or even see that beautiful face (y/n).’
‘Why don’t we talk right now? Even if it isn’t for long.’
‘I’m going to be with my daughter soon and I want to make sure she’s my first priority.’
‘You have a daughter? What’s her name? How old is she?’
‘Her name is Cassie and shes 16.’
‘Okay awesome!’
‘Sorry gtg she’s here!’
You wonder what she was like. You went to your closet pulling out a baby tee that said ‘reading is sexy’ and a pair of low rise jeans. Putting on socks you lace up your black converse. Then putting on music you decided to do your hair and makeup.
“This has to be a little over kill to just go study.” You laughed to yourself as you put on mascara.
“Bitchhhhhh.” Grace yelled as she entered your dorm. “Hot psych guy wasn’t in class today. I wanna cry.”
“I’m sorry dude.” You turned to her with a frown. “Wanna grab coffee with me before I have to go to the library?”
“Sure. The local one though. On campus. It has such better coffee.”
“Obviously, it’s a local coffee shop. They’re always better.” You laughed. “But let’s go.”
You grab your stuff not forgetting your phone and headphones. Grace opened the door back up.
“Nice shirt.” Grace winked as she held the door open.
“Thanks, my friend got it for me.” You winked back. Remembering when you and her got baby tees on the boardwalk. Laughing she led the way to the shop. You held the door open for her as you guys chatted.
“Dude would you love me if I was a worm?” Grace asked, cackling.
“Are you like a talking worm or a regular one?”
“What the fuck?!” She giggled. “A talking worm! It’s so funny, like ‘help (y/n) I got turned into a talking worm!’ That’s so crazy.”
“It’s a hypothetical in a hypothetical!” You chuckled as you guys got up to the counter.
“Iced coffee oatmilk?” grace asked.
“Dude I asked I can’t let you buy it. It’s on me this time.” You tried, knowing she wouldn’t let you.
“No seriously. Dude, I love you and you deserve this.” She smiled. “Two medium iced coffees with oat milk please.”
“Fine you win, but I’m paying next time.”
“Never going to happennnn!” Graced took out her card. “Thank you so much, have a great day.”
You guys sat down and waited for your coffee as you talked about the whole sugar daddy thing.
“I’m nervous to meet him.” You admitted. “Like what if he doesn’t like me?”
“He’s gonna fucking love you!” Grace exclaimed. “Are you kidding me! You’re literally the best!”
“You’re right. I’m being silly.”
“Oh our coffee is ready!” She ran to grab them “I’ll walk you to the library. It’s a sucky walk without a friend.”
“You’re right.” You agreed as you felt your phone buzz.
‘I think can’t wait to hear your voice again.’ You smiled as you type back.
‘That is really sweet. Thank you Johnny.’
‘Cassie is gonna go out with a friend tonight. Should I come up tonight?’
“SHIT!” You yelled. “Grace. We need to go back to the dorm.”
“What’s wrong (Y/n)?” she followed you as you took a break neck pace towards your dorm building. “Stop running!”
You only stopped briefly as you texted Johnny.
‘So what were you thinking?’
‘Maybe we do dinner. How’s Italian sound?’
‘Great what time were you thinking?’
‘How abt I pick you up @ 8?’
“WHATS GOING ON?!” Grace yelled out of breath.
“It’s happening tonight.” You stared in awe.
“Oh-then lets go!” You both started running again. As you reached your dorm you both hastily got inside. “What are you thinking about wearing? Where is it? How long until he picks you up? “
“We’re doing Italian, he’s picking me up at eight and I have no fucking clue!”
“I have an idea how about that black and pink floral dress with kitten heels, my viviennes, that heart pendant and pink floral clutch?”
“You are literally a life saver! And how about a y2k claw clip half up-half down look for my hair?!”
“Let’s do this.” You laughed as Grace pulled out the outfit while you hopped into the shower. As you showered you thought about Johnny and that feeling came back. You cursed those damned butterflies as you calmed yourself down.
Making sure that you were properly cleaned you popped on some of the 1975.
“I like my men like I like my coffee, full of soy milk and so sweet, it won’t offend anybody.” You sang as you put your makeup on and danced around your bathroom.
“Dude I love that song!” Grace yelled out as she pulled you out of the bathroom.
“You’re lucky I was done.” You feigned a serious look. Before cracking up.
“I’m gonna help you get ready.” You stepped into the dress as she checked your messages with Johnny.
“He said ‘I can’t wait to see how gorgeous you look when I come pick you up, doll. And you sent me the right building?’’
“Text him back ‘awww Johnny, you’re too sweet. And yes I did.’”
“Okay and sent!” Grace watched as you put in the earrings. “Don’t forget the pink claw clip! It’ll match better!”
“Thank you grace!” You fixed up your hair and did final touches to your makeup.
“Wow, (y/n/n). If Johnny doesn’t like you, I’ll be your sugar daddy.”
You heard the buzzer to be buzzed into your dorm. Looking at your phone you saw his text.
‘I’m here.’
‘Okay buzzing you up!’ As you did so. Soon enough you heard a knock at your door. Letting him in you saw that he was even more gorgeous than on the screen. His perfectly quaffed hair was about to be in silver fox territory as he had evidence of smile lines beginning to form at his eyes. He was tall and muscular. As you could see from the curves of his suit.
“You look- wow.” He stared, face full of awe.
“Thank you Johnny. You look good too.” You smiled, catching a glance at what was in his hand. “What are those?”
“Oh-” his trance had been broken, as he held them out for you. “These are for you.”
“Thank you so much! They’re beautiful!” You took the bouquet.
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afatallovesong · 2 years
Hewwooo:3 I was wondering if I can request a Ashton smut when it’s late and you’re asleep with him in bed and you have a lil naughty dream of him that it wakes him up and he gets alil annoyed but turns your dream into a reality but in a rough way?
Okay, you'll be glad to know, I actually kept to the request for once, hoorayyyyy
Hope you enjoy!!
An Ashton Irwin one shot
18+, Smut, NSFW
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Word Count: 6512
There wasn’t a clock in your room. There never had been. For as long as he’d known you. It was just one of those sounds that grated on you no matter what time of day it was. In fact, you couldn’t stand any repetitive noises. The clicking of a pen lid, the tapping of fingers on a desk, it got to you, tickled you in an uncomfortable way. Your bedroom had to be a silent sanctuary, had to. You’d so often find yourself chasing sleep, unable to catch a single wink if there was nothing short of dead silence enveloping you.
Ashton had found it strange at first, unsettling really. It was one thing he never thought he’d be able to be on board with. He never thought you two would ever work with this sound barrier between you, but he fell hard anyway. He’d dwell in the quiet life if that’s what it took to be yours and he so desperately loved being yours.
He was partial to white noise. The waves on a shore, the light humming of traffic, birds singing outside, just soft, and subtle sounds to lull him into relaxation. Being a percussionist, it felt abnormal to be in complete silence. One time he actually panicked he may have gone deaf due to the conditions in your room. He could mostly blame his exhaustion for that scenario popping into his head, but it still freaked him out every now and then if he forgot.
It didn’t come without some advantages. It made him more sensitive to sounds and movements. It made him more perceptive of you and your routines. If he couldn’t catch any sleep, he’d lay there, waiting, hoping, trying to find something to send him away. He listened to music quite often. It was the most natural release he had. He’d lay and watch you, twisted onto your side, curled into a foetal position (you always ended up there eventually). He’d watch your form rise and fall on the mattress with each breath. He’d smile at how peaceful you’d seemed. He’d thank his lucky stars for bringing you into his life and then he’d listen to song after song until he joined you in slumber. Tonight, wasn’t going to be that easy.
He'd done his stages, he’d watched you drop into your routine, curling over, hugging your knees tight. He’d put his earphones in, picked a meditational track to try and soothe him. He’d been on the road for the last few months, so used to the engine of the tour bus or the movements of the other guys in their bunks to accompany him and rock him to sleep. It was difficult to adjust back to your silence. The tracks had helped him, they started noisily, a mixture of sounds to illustrate busyness in the environment. They died down, lessening, focusing on particularly calming vibrations. As the sounds condensed, his consciousness began to feel like it was slipping away. His breathing became deeper. His arms felt heavy. He was drifting away into his own wonderful mind. Almost in bliss.
He felt movements on the mattress. Beside him your body felt like it had dipped deeper before you shuffled back and forth back over to your side. He continued to focus on sleeping, he still felt ready to drop. Your movements subsided. He decided you were just adjusting yourself, getting more comfortable. He couldn’t blame you for that. He settled down again. Just a few breathing exercises would get him there. Breathe in. Hold for four. Breathe out. Hold for four. You moved again, backside nudging into his thigh. His eyes remain closed, his fingers start to twitch at his side with agitation and possibly sexual frustration, sharing a bed with you again after so long away definitely did things to him out of his control.
Next track. He needed to start again. He needed to repeat the process from scratch. Loud noise filled his ears again. He tries to still himself, but with your newly restless body shuffling beside him, he’s beginning to lose it. He starts tapping the bed on either side of his legs. Just slow beats drumming into the sheets. He’s still committing to his breathing exercises. You bump into him again only this time he swears you mutter as you do it. He keeps his earphones in but begins to listen out for you over the volume.
You’re mumbling. He wonders if you’re having a nightmare. If that’s why you can’t sleep in one set position. It was unusual for you to be so fidgety otherwise. He aches at the thought of you scared. He’d dive into your subconscious and protect you from your demons if he could. He wonders if he can soothe you from here, let you know he’s got you, that you’re safe. Your body stills as he thinks of it. Perhaps you’d made it out without him. He was alone once again.
You were still for a few more minutes. He’d been surrounded by the sweet sounds of the coast, sand crunching beneath footsteps, water washing over the shore, birds singing overhead as they flew. He was sinking. He was so close. He takes deeper breaths, mouth parting beyond his control. He starts to picture things in his mind, nothing that made sense, just images, colours, and shapes it would take hours to decipher the meaning of. It’s pretty, its bright and it’s so him. He’s so light, he’s weightless, floating away and- fuck. You made the strangest sound.
He removes his left earphone to see if you make it again. Nothing comes from you. Perhaps his own mind was playing tricks on him, keeping him awake as some kind of special torture created just for him. He definitely heard something. He swears it. There! You’re humming, almost whining. Your body shuffles a little. You’d left your ball of comfort, instead you lay on your side, one leg straight, the other bent on top of it.
He rolls onto his side now abandoning both earphones to focus his attention on you. He doesn’t reach out, doesn’t try to touch you. He just watches you. You seem peaceful enough. You were moving. You were rocking, sort of. He couldn’t find a better way to describe it. You were in motion, as if you were trying to get somewhere without ever really going. You huffed and sighed. It seemed like you were frustrated. He decided you could be stressed. Work had been hectic on both of your ends. You could just be tackling your problems in your sleep. He wasn’t sure. He wanted to help though.
He strokes over your back silently. He expects a reaction from you. He’s not sure what exactly, but something. You were well and truly, fast asleep. You continue your shuffling. He decides he may as well keep attempting to soothe you. It’s not as if he had anything better to do. He’d abandoned the idea of sleeping all together. If it happened later on then so be it but for now, all eyes were on you.
He swears your whines were getting louder. They were fewer and farther between. When they did appear, you were clear as day. He’d be lying if his attraction earlier in the night hadn’t crept back up on him again. He was rock solid, much against his will he thought. But then you moaned. You moaned his name. It was so sweet, so intoxicating. He thought he’d hallucinated. His eyes nearly bugged out of his skull. His hand dropped from your back. He waited for another. “Ash.” He held his breath. You weren’t having a nightmare, no, far from it. You were having a dream. A sweet like sugar, dripping with honey, sex dream. He’d never felt pride like it.
He thought about waking you. Even with the realisation that you were just as hot for him as he was for you, it didn’t feel right to purposefully stir you. He instead opted for sliding in closer behind you. He threw an arm around your waist. He buried his face in your hair and he held you. He held you closely into his chest. He just hugged you to him. The time for your shuffling was over. You’d leant back into him. You’d accepted his touch. It was as if he’d answered your prayers and given you what you needed unintentionally. He might have been slightly disappointed that all you wanted was a cuddle. He still wouldn’t say he didn’t love that. He did. He loved that you were needy for his closeness even in slumber.
“Ash.” You call. It’s quiet. It’s above a whisper but just barely. He wants to respond. He’s not sure if you’re sleep talking once more. “Ash.” You whisper it again. He kisses your shoulder to alert you he was there; he was with you. “You okay?” He chuckles into your skin, kissing you again. He wants to smother you in kisses. An appreciation. “I’m good, how are you?” He decides to do it. He litters the top of your spine, the tops of your shoulders. “I’m okay.” Your breath hitches as his kisses wander. “What you dreamin about?” You blush, he can’t see you, but you still blush. “You.”
He smirks into your skin. The blood is running straight between his legs. “Wondered what you were doing.” He begins his affections again. You shudder under the warmth of him. “Did I wake you?” Your breath is still shaky. “That would imply I slept at all.” He sucks a kiss into your left shoulder. “Which I haven’t quite managed.” You felt guilt. “It’s not your fault.” He adds, answering your thought. “So tired I’m not tired at all, you know?” You did. You knew it all too well. If you hadn’t been prescribed sleeping medication in the last year you don’t know where you’d be. Exhausted in a hole somewhere, was that too dramatic to imagine?
“Can I help?” You turn your face slightly. You try to catch a glimpse of him even if it hurts your neck to chase the idea. “I don’t know, can you?” You roll your eyes instinctively. He takes a bold step. He nudges your thighs, you separate them without question, allowing his knee to slot between them. He presses his leg right against your cotton clad cunt. You’re embarrassed at how wet you’d been. “I think I can help you though.” He rocks his leg torturously slowly over your pants. You don’t dare to fight the urge to grind down onto him.
He laughs a breathy chuckle over your neck. “Tell me about your dream.” You want to curl up and hide. You found it mortifying. You didn’t want to confess. You knew he’d never judge you. He never had. It still felt like this was something too personal. The inner workings of your mind. They were inner workings for a reason. “Come on, don’t be shy.” His leg switched pace. His hands grip onto your hips, burrowing into the thick flesh of them. He’s pulling you down onto him. You’re meeting his thigh, bouncing almost. You gasp, pussy clenching for something he hadn’t yet provided. “Tell me baby.” He nips your earlobe, and you lose it.
“Just you, you coming home, fucking me.” He gathered that much already. “That’s what got you all restless and rutting in your sleep.” He digs his fingers deeper, in a way that hurt, but a way that you’d begged for before. “Why don’t I believe you?” You bite down on your bottom lip as the heat pools between your legs. There was something so dangerous about the situation. You withholding information could lead to all kinds of punishment. Your pussy was drenched with your anticipation.
“I could stop. Let you go back to your dream; you liked me there.” You huff. “You’d really stop.” He hears the sadness in your tone, and he’s glad it’s there. “If you can’t be honest with me, how can I give you what you need?” You think about it but not for too long. You lean your head back, neck stretching, beckoning his lips to latch onto it. He does as he assumes you want. He attaches his teeth just below a vein pumping away.
“You fuck me everywhere. Every room. You just don’t stop. Say you missed me so much.” He’s humming with contentment at your words. “God, like a feral animal or something.” He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. “I loved it, Ash I need it. Need it like that.” He’s stirring from your words. He’s rocking his pelvis as well as his thigh. Shit. “You fucked me on the couch. Sat back and watched me ride you. Said you missed the way I wrapped around you.” He’s letting his hands wander, encouraging your words, drawing them from within. “You choked me.” Nothing new to him there. “Said you wanted to taste me.” This all seemed so normal. He retreats from you. “No, no please.”
He sighs. “Why do I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me?” He doesn’t limit his hips, or his thigh moving. He just refuses to kiss you until you spit it out. “You wanted to cum in me. You needed to.” He felt his cock twitch at the thought of it. He never tired of filling you, didn’t suppose he ever would. “You said you wanted to taste it, Ash.” You start to grind down desperately onto his thigh. He realises just how close you were from sputtering your secrets. His mouth parts, jaw going slack. “Taste you.” He repeats. You nod quickly. You’re chasing your orgasm and he’s in slow motion processing your words. “You cum in me and you beg for a taste.” You groan.
Ash doesn’t think about his next move. He just does it. He’s sliding away from you. He’s standing from his side of the bed and he’s walking to the door. You’re panicking. Your chest is tightening, and you feel like you might cry. You were scared. He’d forced it out of you, and he’d left you upon hearing it. You pull yourself into a sitting position, eyes fixating on the wooden panels that line your bedroom. “Living room, now.” He orders. Your head snaps into the direction of the door. You choke on air.
You scramble out of your bedroom. You run down the hall faster than a kid on Christmas morning. When you reach the living room he’s seated on the sofa, thighs spread, hands tapping into them with impatience. You walk over to him, not seductively nor confidently. You were too timid for that. Your teeth had been tucked away into your bottom lip so deep you tasted the metallic flavouring of blood. “You take all that time and don’t even have the decency to remove your panties.”
He's pulling you in by the hips. He’s looking up at you, chin resting just above the lining of your underwear. Your fingers tuck themselves into his hair. You couldn’t have loved him more. He thinks the same. Looking up at you, the light around your head pronouncing you as some kind of angel. You were more than that, to him you were far more.
His fingers start to shift the thin fabric separating you. You don’t speak as he removes it. You just watch him. He slides them effortlessly down your thighs and he kisses you every now and again. He gives into his temptations, and he showers you in his love. “Gonna make your dreams come true.” He prods your calf, alerting you to lift your leg to step out of your underwear. “Yeah?” He laughs. Why is he always laughing? Everything was so damn amusing to him. “If it gets you that worked up-“he jolts your body into him and you take the warning to sit, knees sliding on either side of his thighs. “I need to see what all the hype is about hmm.”
You’re stood on your knees, breasts just before his face. He doesn’t let his eyes drop to them even once. He’s so focused on your eyes, so present and in the moment with you. “Want me?” You whine at it. “Need you.” You lower your face to kiss him. Your breasts bump into his chest as your bodies meet. He’s sighing into your lips, arms wrapping around you, pulling you down onto his lap. You’d not realised how perfectly lined up you had been until he slipped inside of you within a moment.
You surge forward even more. Your kiss rough on his lips. He’s devouring you. You’re the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted, and he’d be lying if he didn’t accept that as an addiction because that’s what you were to him, an inescapable feeling, a drug, he was endlessly begging to be prescribed. “Fuck.” You breathe over his lips. “You’re soaking me.” His nose brushes against your own. “You complaining?” He pulls your hair, your neck tilting all the way back. “Don’t forget your place.” You clench down on him and he smirks. “Pussy knows who you belong to so why don’t you.” You’re shuddering at his words.
He brings his lips to yours as his hands lower. Your stomach flutters as his rough fingers skim over you on their path down to your throbbing clit. “You feel close.” He mutters. You nod. His gentle touch just above your clit sends you mad. He was doing it on purpose. “Just can’t seem to find it.” He rubs another portion of you, and you whimper. “You’re horrible.” He reaches it and you gasp. “Ahh, there she is.” You fasten your lips on his, tired of his teasing when you’re aching for a release. You’d known you were hot, known you’d been horny, but this was frantic. This was pathetic. You felt like you would have died if he hadn’t given himself to you. Maybe you would have. You’re glad you didn’t have to find out.
“Gonna cum.” You tear away from his lips to warn him. He’s grinning. He’s surprised, you’d never finished this fast. He was so pleased you were going to. He couldn’t claim it as entirely his doing, but he wouldn’t dare tell you that. He was going to own it, to own you and he was going to cum. His cock had been teetering on the edge of bliss since the moment your ass brushed his thigh accidentally.
“Give it to me.” He starts thrusting upwards from beneath you. “Come on.” He’s pulling you in. You’re almost there. Just a few more strokes. Just a few more bites of his fingernails into your hips and you’re spilling over. You’re crashing around him. “Oh god, oh fuck.” He’s cumming. He couldn’t handle it. The moment you tightened around his length he was a goner. He’s fastening his lips around your breast. Your nipple slotted between his teeth, pinching it, aiding your release. You were shaking. You’d felt so much and all at once. His teeth, what was he doing to you? You felt so light, so unreal. You weren’t even here in the room.
Your lap sinks down eventually, ass sitting comfortably on his thighs allowing you to catch a much-needed breath. He fastens his arms tightly around your waist, surging your body forward to capture your lips as if he’d been away from you for far too long. You’re panting into each other. He kisses you with an astonishing vigour despite the exhaustion washing over the both of you, the sleeplessness. Its only seconds before your tongue is back in his mouth, hands wrapped in his locks just like they had been before. His cock twitches ecstatically inside of you, still deep and leaking his arousal into you. He shocks you, lifting his lap, rotating you along with his knees, left towards the rest of the couch. You panic at the shift, not even the action itself. With a quick motion he’s lifting, cock nearly slipping from you entirely.
“Don’t, I’ll make a mess.” He wants to smirk and provide a proud “Yes you will.” But he fights the urge. You felt him leaking from you, it was only a matter of time before the mixture of your finishes were staining the couch beneath you. This is it; you think. He’d going to do it. He’s going to taste. He pushes you onto your back with a huff, bodies still tangled, cock still firm within you. “No, no baby.” He coos. He kneels between your legs, chest pressed to yours, eyes looking down between you both to your connected state that he’d managed to keep. “Cause you’re going to fucking keep it inside of you.” If you could do anything but moan, you don’t even think you would.
He brushes a gentle finger across your clit to accompany his words, your pelvis reacts, lifting into him, needily humping at him. He drops his mouth into a little “o.” Deep down he wasn’t surprised, you had always been desperate for him, even if you fought it, but he didn’t need you to know that. “Still sensitive.” You want to whimper; you suspect you may have. “Bucking your hips for me.” He observed. His knack for noticing even your most disguised form of pleasure taking had always gotten on your nerves. There was no surprising him, he was far too intelligent and in tune with your reactions to let an action like that go unnoticed. He tuts. “Still hard for you.” He laughs, his own hips rocking. Is that why he hadn’t moved yet?
“Feel it?” You nod. “Yeah?” He’d have liked words, words were always better than glances or pathetic shakes of your head, but you were so worn out, you’d done so well, and he was so proud of you, but your job just wasn’t done. “Want me to use you? Make it go away.” It was never what you intended but you weren’t upset. You nod more, pouting your lips for some kind of pity from him, any kind. “You want a kiss?” He cups your face in his hand. His fingers stroke over your tear-stained cheek. It wasn’t a terrible thing to find the dampness there. He knew he hadn’t pushed too far, knew he hadn’t hurt you, because he never would, and even if he had by some form of accident, you’d have told him. You instead cried from frustration and then more so for release. An orgasm you’d worked too hard for, held for so long and then finally on his commands you were elated to be granted it. So euphoric that you’d cried with joy.
“Maybe you should make me cum first. Since this whole thing was your idea and you dragged me into it.” He toys with the idea in his mind. You’d tantrum if he did it. Which would have been a hindrance if it didn’t result in some kind of punishment, he quite enjoyed the idea of giving. You hadn’t misbehaved in so long he was starting to worry that he hadn’t corrupted you as much as he’d been bragging about to his friends. On the other hand, you were so good for him recently, it would be fair to give you what you need, while he takes what he needs, and he could be fair. Choices, choices. Your lips were just there, so plump, swollen from his kiss already. “Fuck, you know you always get a kiss.”
He leans into you, his nose slots neatly beside yours, head tilting to glide his lips over your own. You release all of the tensions in your body, drowning in the sofa and his love. You give yourself over to him. A kiss with him was all you’d ever needed; you’d give your life for another if the occasion was ever there. He enjoys it too, just as much, if not more. He wanders back to the thought of you around him though, your tongue slipping into his mouth not as distracting as it usually was. Of course, he’s not usually inside of you for this long, never warms himself inside your wetness in this way and my God, you are so wet. You’re dripping.
Your mixed juices almost unbearable to contain. Even with a mesmerising kiss such as this, he found it nearly impossible to act as if he wasn’t enjoying the feeling of you. You’d ruined your couch, there was no doubt in your mind or his, about that. He felt bad, sure, but not enough for him to stop. Couch be damned, he thought. He could buy you a new one if it didn’t clean well enough, God knows he already built you a new bed after cracking the last one. It was an investment at this point, the use it would have. He may as well make the most of you now the damage was done, waste not, want not, just imagine it being sexier.
His hips pistol into you, skin slapping yours, the noise echoing through the living room just the way you liked it. You’re no longer a tight glove fixed around him, you’re instead just a wet hole, filled to the brim with him. You’re something he can ram into, no concern for the stretch, for the potential pain of his first thrust. He wished he had the stamina to do this more often. To take you like this. Your tightness over his cock was his weakness but this, this was just divine. The promise of your pleasure and the wetness of your orgasm had given him such a high level of satisfaction that you may as well have ruined sex for him for the rest of his life. This is what it means to make love, this is how good it feels.
“Fuck, so fucking good.” You mutter, tears forming again out of your control. “Say it again, tell me how good it is.” He latches his teeth onto your shoulder, hands kneading your ass, pulling you up from the cushions, allowing him to drive into you deeper. You’re melting under the intensity, and he knows it but it’s just too good, you’re too good. He feels like if he didn’t communicate it, didn’t run it by you, then he wasn’t doing it right. He needed you, your tone, your moans, your tears. “Fuck me so good. Use me like I’m nothing.”
He wants to roll his eyes with pleasure, you were so fucked out and still you knew the right words to say. You were stirring him in a way that only you could. “Not nothing baby, you’re not nothing.” You were fucking everything. He’d tell you if he wasn’t so pent up. He mumbles, shaking his head to focus on his cock, its sensitivity inside your slick cunt. “Best fucking pussy.” He’d be more romantic, but he didn’t have it in him. He wants to cry. You clench around him, and he wants to fucking cry.
Your eyes flutter closed, his lips find yours and you gratefully litter his soft lips with as many kisses as you can muster to encompass his moans. You wanted to help him so badly. “Fuck, fuck, I’m so close.” He’s whiny and desperate. He sounds like such a little bitch, and he knows it, worries about it, but he can’t stop. You’d wrecked him. He wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t capable of holding on, pretending he had it together. He was falling apart at the seams. He was succumbing to your hold on him. You had weakened him into a needy state he’d never once imagined he’d be adept to and there was no more holding off.
“Come on, sweet boy, cum for me.” You play with his chain, fingers grasping the metal, his eyes rocketing down to your fingers. “Doing so good for me.” He lets out a huff of air, before another small wail. He’s so close, he’s hellbent on fighting it. He wants more, wants you to finish too. He knew it was too ambitious. There was no way he’d last through it. He was so disappointed in himself. “Give it to me.” You push, hoping to awaken his dominant side. It was okay to take what he wanted from you. “Give me everything.”
You can’t describe the sound he made accurately enough. It was a gut-wrenching desperation. You felt so bad for him, fighting for his finish, holding himself back, sweet boy. “Want my cum?” His eyes are soft when they look to yours. You see water pooling at his lower lash line and your heart hurt to see it. You want to reach out and tell him it’s okay, so unused to seeing him this way. This was usually a reaction shown on your own face not his.
“Yes, yes please.” You moan melodically to coax him closer. You caress his cheek with the back of your hand and his lips slip down to your wrist to place a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss there. “Say it baby please.” He wants to be demanding and strong but he’s on the brink of utter despair. “Say you want my cum, please fucking say you want it.” He’s fucking into you so erratically, so harshly. He barely maintains eye contact, your precious gaze too much for him to bear. Your heart breaks for him. “Need it Ash, need your cum, want to feel it.” You kiss him between sentences. “Want all of it, give it to me, cum in me.”
He lets out a strangulated groan as his cock pulses and leaks into you drop by drop. His eyes snap shut, his lips twitching and contorting involuntarily. He’s overcome by an ethereal bliss he’d never known before. He felt rather invincible. He thought he came hard the first time but now saw that he was entirely wrong, never been more wrong actually. “Fuck, fuck Ash, oh it feels-“he cuts you off with ease, “like fuckin heaven.” He admits. “Exactly like heaven.” You confirm as his forehead pushes to rest on your own, his face is turning subtly as he comprehends the power of the emotion wracking his body. “You’re my heaven, you know that?”
He meets your eyes. You take heavy breaths together. Your eyes transfixed on one another. There was a connection between you so strong in this moment that it felt like you were the only two people in existence. No one else had ever come close. There were never two souls more meant for each other than you and him. Shaking breaths and the thudding of hearts against your two chests had envisioned that.
Water gathers, clumping your lower lashes together. He’d wipe them dry with his thumb only he can’t take his eyes away from them long enough to move. The small pearls of tears forming before beginning their journey of sliding down your pretty cheeks. How lucky they were to touch you in such a way. He wanted them to evaporate before they had the opportunity to fall but there was just something so touching about the way you empathised with him. Crying at the sign of his finish, so deeply grateful that he had the chance to, enough to stir you into a reaction like this.
He wants to stay. He wants to live in your warmth for eternity, but he still has a job to do. He has to make your dream come true. God help him he’d thought of nothing else since you uttered it. “Gonna pull out.” He pecks your lip. “Give you what you wanted.” You’re throbbing again. How was it that you were throbbing?
He’ll admit he wasn’t turned on by the idea of the taste. He’d never been curious. He hadn’t wanted to know. It was the way you had wanted it that caught him off guard. You were the only reason he’d ever attempt something like this. That’s what he thought at first. Then his tongue lapped up the waterfall cascading from you. He cleaned up the liquid you’d leaked. You pushed your pelvis into him and suddenly he was thirsty. He was dehydrated. He was parched.
He hooked his arms under your thighs bringing you ever closer to him and he buried his tongue inside of you. He only meant to try it. He only meant to lick a little, gather the taste on his lips before bringing them back to yours to share the flavour. He couldn’t pull himself away. He wanted more. He wanted every last drop. You were moaning so loud, even over the noises of him lapping away at your shared juices, he heard your moans. “Fuck, Ash.” He was so hungry. You were going to cum again from the determined look in his eyes alone.
He never stopped. Even when he felt the warm fluids dripping from his lips, down his chin and onto the cushion beneath him, he didn’t stop. You were cumming again, your hips were jittering, twitching into his mouth. He was like a man possessed. “Too much, oh my god, fuck Ash.” Your hands were in his hair, trying to pull him away and despite him wanting to fight you on it, he withdrew himself. You stared at him bewildered. He may have looked the same, wiping his chin with the back of his hands as he sat back on his knees. “I gotta lock you down.”
He leans to kiss your lips, but you let out and exhausted laugh before he can, just missing him by an inch. “Don’t know what’s so funny.” He feigns offence all while smiling, as if he hadn’t just done what he just did. As if it hadn’t phased him. He didn’t think he cared. He chases your kiss a second time, you escape him with an intangible ease again. He sighs with annoyance before trapping your face, his thumb on one cheek the rest of his fingers on the other, stationing you in place. He kisses your pouting lips, you let your eyes roll back as you taste yourself on his mouth. It was far greater than you ever thought it would be and you weren’t too wrecked to acknowledge it. He pulls away finally before releasing you to continue speaking. You were lucky you were cute.
“As I was saying.” You roll your eyes at his persistence rather than eroticism. “Don’t give me that. Where’s this attitude coming from?" He’s mocking you and you love that; he’d flipped the switch immediately back to sweet boyfriend mode. You loved it, but he also sounds demeaning and if you were brutally honest, quite parental in the way he scolded you. You knew a blush had coated your cheeks at the realisation. You wonder if this was the only time, he’d exhibited that authority or if it was just the only time, you’d caught it. “Just made you cum twice is all, think I get a little credit.” He nods his head, but you know it’s not in agreement it’s in consideration of your case. “Think you make the rules cause your pussy can’t keep away from me.” You sure hoped you didn’t, you wanted a telling off.
You try so hard not to laugh when he speaks again. “I’m just a big joke to you hmm.” He’s in a borderline tantrum state, ready to lecture you jokingly until you behaved. If it wasn’t for the pending pout, you’d continue to push him into retaliation. You instead kiss him sweetly to soften him, but his features remain depleted. “I’m not mad, baby, just disappointed.”
You can’t fight it anymore. “You’re so fucking weird.” You nearly snort, ruining any chances of being sexy ever again. He really was acing this paternal disapproval. He’d heard that line many times in his life. He grins back, he knew he was being ridiculous, but it was too fun to stop now. It was late, you were so exhausted, but you were hit with such a pleasant come down that you’d feared you’d be awake for the next 24 hours just to enjoy this euphoria with him. This level of giddiness and goofiness that had you quickly grasping the idea that he just might be the only other person on earth who understood you.
“You’re so right, and so fucking rude at the same time. I just ate your pussy so hard, and you’re sat here laughing at me. Got me tasting my own cum because you begged and you’re mocking me. Hurts baby. Remind me why I like you.” He arches a brow as if he didn’t know the million reasons inside and out. You try something, a gentle reminder, a simplistic action. You watch his face to see if it has any affect. You clamped your hand down on him, squeezing his softening length while tangling the fingers of your spare hand in his hair. You felt him twitch and almost think he’d hardened again from it. “Yeah, you’re right.” He sighs into your neck that he now buries his face in briefly. You smile with a satisfaction money can’t buy, not even his.
“Can’t just squeeze me like that to get a win.” He pouts against your throat. “It’s all I got baby.” You stroke his hair, taming his locks albeit aimlessly considering it was practically sentient with a life form of its own bouncing it back into its previous position. “Think you got more going for you than that.” Ever the sweetheart he beams at you. “That’s probably one of your finer skills though.” You take it back; he’s a dick and you hate him. “But you do it so well.” He patronises and strings out the Ls. “Thanks babe.” You scoff. “You’re so welcome babe.” He always needed the last word. “Love you babe.” You combat. He smirks before he speaks again. “Eh, you’re alright.”
He earns a swift smack to the side of his head, you didn’t apply much force, but you suspected that even if you had, that indestructible barrier of hair would have softened the blow anyway. “Love you sooooooo much.” He pecks your lip. “Babe.” You’d always hated the word but coming from his tongue, you loved the way it sounded. “Still gonna to lock you down.” You groan, writhing beneath him as if to escape the coming monologue despite knowing you were well and truly trapped beneath him. “Make you no good for anyone else hmm.” He pins your wrists like it’s nothing. “You’re hot.” He really was. “You’re also relentless.” He resents that, even if it is the truth. “Yeah, well if I annoyed you that much you wouldn’t be dreaming bout my dick.” He had several other points to add but he felt it best to with withdraw from the argument. “You love me though, right?” He couldn’t tell if he was playing or genuinely vulnerable enough to need it said. “Of course.” You kiss him, he let out a sigh of relief. “Dream Ash anyway.”
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chiimeramanticore · 2 months
Part of the Band - Chapter 1 - Unlikely
Fic summary: My take on the origins of the RAE but with a focus on slowburning Beach and Dook as a couple. Mostly plotted as I go, and I'm also notorious for never finishing my longfics so we'll just see how this one turns out lmao
Chapter word count: 1,196 Chapter 2 -> Read it on AO3!
Dook groans, sitting down against the outside wall of the bar. Kicked out... again. If he keeps this up, he's definitely going to get banned. But that deer was asking for it. He sighs, a hand floating up to his face to assess the damage. He got decked in the face... he can feel the swelling around his eye starting. Just great.
Other than that, he's... fine, for the most part. He moves his attention to his wallet. Opening it up, he finds a dollar bill, three quarters, three nickels, and two dimes. It might cover one last drink, but he's not allowed back in there right now... and it's not enough to do much of anything else. Let alone pay for another night at the motel.
Dook sighs, stuffing his wallet back in his pocket and leaning his head back against the wall. Looks like he'll have to play the town drunk for tonight. He considers finding somewhere more private to sleep, but he finds he has little desire to actually move. He considers going back home, but only for a second. He won't go back, and he knows it... but man, a bed would be nice right about now.
He feels a chill go through him, and pulls his coat tighter around him. It's cozier like this, and he closes his eyes. Someone's home nearby has left the window open, Christmas music gently making its way out onto the street. It's nice. So nice, in fact, that Dook doesn't realize he's drifting off to sleep until a voice knocks him out of it.
"Hey! You okay?"
Dook opens an eye– rather, he opens the eye that isn't swelling. "Huh?"
"You doing alright?" Dook looks up at him. It's a tall figure... a bear. White fur, blonde hair, dressed in a jacket and board shorts. By the looks of him, he's probably going to try to heckle him for money or something.
"Hey, can't you see I'm tryin' to sleep here? I don't got anything for you," Dook says.
"What? No, I'm– I'm trying to help you, man," the bear says, laughing a bit as he speaks. He crouches down to meet Dook, but is still taller than him at this level. "You look pretty beat up. Do you need me to take you to a hospital or something?"
"No," Dook says confidently. "Definitely not."
"Your face is pretty messed up, dude," the stranger says. "I can drive you, if that's what you're–"
"Listen, man," Dook says, "I can't afford a hospital, okay? Can't even afford a place to stay tonight, and you expect me to go with you to a hospital... It's just a black eye."
The stranger falls silent, and Dook avoids eye contact. He's embarrassed, but he's got to stand by this attitude if he wants him to leave him alone.
"...Well, a black eye isn't going to go away on its own, you know," the stranger says finally. "You could at least do with an ice pack. A bag of frozen peas, or something. I'm sure I've got something like that at my place. Free ride."
Dook looks at him, incredulous. "You expect me, to get into your car, and go to your house," he says. "You could be a serial killer for all I know."
"Do I look like a serial killer to you?"
The stranger sputters a bit. "Well, I. Well. Okay. That's fair. But the offer stands."
"How do I know I can trust you?" Dook asks.
"You can't, man," the stranger replies. "Just... I mean, it's either this or you stay out here in the cold all night."
Dook says nothing.
"Plus, it's... kinda the holidays," the stranger continues, standing. "Tis the season to be nice to people, or whatever."
Dook considers his options. It's true that his only alternative is falling asleep in the streets. Comparing that to being indoors, even if just for a bit... well, it's no contest. But he's still not certain he can trust this bear. Looking him up and down again, he considers his build. He's quite tall... and while not exactly lean, Dook can't tell if his size comes from actual muscle or just fluff. Realistically, if it came down to it, he wouldn't stand a chance against this guy in a fight.
...So why does he say yes?
"Alright," he says. "Fine. But only for that." He stands, and their height difference truly becomes apparent now. The stranger is at least a whole head taller than Dook.
"I never got your name, by the way," he says as they begin to walk.
"Oh. It's Dook," he tells him. "Dook Larue."
"Bond, James Bond," the stranger replies, and laughs at his own joke. "I'm just kidding. That's a nice name."
"What about you?"
"Call me Beach Bear."
Dook looks at him. "That's not your real name."
"But that's what they call me!" Beach Bear replies, picking up his stride. He stops at the corner of the street, the only car parked in sight. It's a faded blue convertible, thin and low to the ground. It's got some scuffs around the bumper and the front passenger door, but Beach Bear seems to smile proudly as he unlocks it.
"After you," he says, opening the door for Dook.
"...Sure." Dook gets in, followed by Beach in the driver's seat shortly after.
"Nice car, isn't it?" He says, turning the ignition. "I got her a few years back. Almost ten now, I think. We've been through a lot together, me and this car."
"I've never owned a car," Dook admits. "Never learned to drive."
"Awh, man, you should," Beach says. "Once you get a car of your own, and it's just you and the road, cruising down the highway... that's freedom. Feels like flying."
Dook's ears perk up. "Flying?"
"Yeah!" He laughs. "Or as close as any of us'll ever get."
"What about in a plane? Or– or a rocketship?"
"You ever been in a rocketship?" Beach Bear asks, eyeing Dook. Dook shakes his head. "That's what I thought. That's for a different breed, Dook. Different from me, at least."
"I dunno," Dook mutters, slouching a bit in his seat. "I think it'd be real neat to go to space someday."
"...Yeah?" Beach picks up on the embarrassment in Dook's voice, and softens a little. "That's interesting."
"It is," Dook tells him. "You saw the moon landing, didn't you?"
"Sure I did. Everyone has."
"I grew up during the Space Race," Dook says. "Guess it was just always in me." He chuckles. "But seeing a man on the moon... Gosh." He turns, staring out the window as they drive. "Guess it just made me feel like... anything is possible, y'know? Even I could do it if I really put my mind to it."
Beach Bear is quiet for a moment. "You really want to?" He asks.
"'Course I do," Dook replies.
"...Then hell, don't let anything stop you," he says. "We've got too many people giving up on their dreams these days."
"...Yeah." Dook doesn't say anything else, but he's grateful for those words. They're needed much more than Beach Bear knows.
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ediewentmissing · 2 years
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pairing / eddie munson x reader
summary / you wake up from a nightmare and eds is there to comfort you
warnings / nightmare relating to d34th
an / aah! thank you all sm for the love on the last one! ❤️
(————— ——————)
You jolt up from Eddie’s bed in a cold sweat. You feel gross. Your hands are clammy and your face is stained with wet tears. As you drift into proper consciousness, visions from your nightmare flicker through your mind; Eddie slowly levitating up and into the air while you’re frantically searching for his mixtape, bawling your eyes out as his bones snap one by one and his body topples in a heap on the hardwood floor.
You start to cry again, sniffling, all the while you’re trying to calm yourself down by reciting music in your head. Music always works, so this time when it doesn’t, you know that you’re really upset.
So as to not make it awkward, Eddie had decided to sleep on the couch in the living room that night. You weren’t sure whether or not to go ahead and wake him up. If anyone could settle your sobs, it would be him. But what if he didn’t want to be woken? What if he got mad?
The what if’s kept you crying in his bed for a couple minutes longer before you told yourself, ‘Fuck it’ and got out of bed. The springs groaned underneath you as you got up. It was only then that you realised how torn up you really were. The night air hit your body and you could feel the grogginess floating away, being replaced by sheer cold. You nervously sniffled and shuffled your way to the living room, shivering a bit.
Eddie’s body lay peacefully on the sofa, sloppily covered by the worn-out blanket on top of him that Wayne had so generously offered him. You stood nearby, watching his chest rise and fall and listening to his slightly heavy breathing. Although gazing at him was pleasantly calming at first, it soon brought back flashbacks of the nightmare; screaming, shaking Eddie vigorously, trying desperately to get him to wake up, his empty eye sockets and bleeding face staring back at you. The thoughts make you choke down a sob and Eddie stirs.
“E-Eddie?” You hesitate, but finally being yourself to speak up. He stirs again. “Eddie?”
He hums in response, not recognising the anxiousness in your voice because he’s still half-asleep. You walk up to him, trembling from the cold and from fear and tap his head lightly. You sniffle and he opens his eyes to find you looking terrified. He blinks a couple times and pinches his nose bridge to get himself to awaken completely.
“Oh, Y/N,” You release the tenseness holding you back from crying properly as he sits up and beings you in for a hug, “Hey, hey, hey. Sh. It’s okay. ‘M here. I’ve gotcha, Sweetheart.” You sit down with him and bury your head deep in his chest, wanting to be held and wanting to feel his heart beat to confirm that he’s well and truly alive.
He holds your head and runs his calloused fingers through your hair, scratching your scalp lightly with one hand and holding your lower back with the other. His body is warm. It’s like hugging a teddy bear. It feels perfect against your icy flesh.
He waits until you’ve settled down, your breathing was still hitching regularly, but the sobbing had stopped. He pulls you away from his chest so he can see your face, dotting kisses on your forehead and rubbing your arm.
“What happened, Y/N?”
“Nightmare…” You pause, “again.” He pulls you in again and rests his chin on your head.
“S-Sorry.” You splutter, guilt suddenly striking you for disturbing his precious slumber.
“No, no. Don’t be. Not your fault in the slightest.” His voice vibrates against you soothingly. You can hear the general sincerity in his tone and just how much he loves you shows.
“Hate to ask,” You look down, separating yourself from him, “but could I maybe sleep on the sofa with you tonight?” And his big, comforting smile told you everything you needed to know.
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arainbowofchaos · 1 year
Seven Moons : Monday, The Crystal Moon
In a world where each day of the week is governed by a different moon, two passionate souls try to embrace a love beyond the boundaries of time. Will they have to give up their love to preserve the cosmic balance?
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Tags/Warnings: Idol!Jungkook, Shy!Reader. Taehyung is Reader’s and JK’s mutual friend. A bit of unrequited love on Taehyung’s behalf. Impossible love. Strangers to lovers. Romance. It's kind of a Fantasy AU as each moon has an influence on the characters' destinies. Also reader's sister passed away. Mention of suicide, depression, grief.
Length: 2.4k words
A/N: I haven’t written in ages so please be kind as english isn’t my first language. I'm 28 and should probably do something else with my life but I have an injury and it's all I can do right now. Also the fantasy aspect of the story will be more pronounced in the upcoming chapters. (7 chapters, obviously)
It's midnight, and the week has begun. You gaze at the moon by your window with a sense of inquiry, wondering what the day has in store for you. Little do you know that your destiny is about to change forever. For now, you’re lying in bed and you just can't fall asleep; you feel too anxious.
Your phone vibrates on the bedside table making you startle. The light emanating from it illuminates the room. You wonder who could be writing to you at this late hour, and you reach out automatically to grab your phone. You can read Taehyung's name on your screen.
“Hello beauty. See you tonight! I hope you're ready to live the best night of your life!”
You smile at his message because you know how happy he is to take you to his friend Jungkook's concert. Taehyung is one of those people who really love to please others. He's aware of the hardships you have faced recently. He also knows you've been listening to Jungkook's songs on YouTube non-stop. It's only natural for him to suggest going to this concert with you.
You reply, "I can't wait, I hope I won't embarrass myself. Counting on you to get us backstage, haha."
Maybe you're a bit nervous about going. You love listening to Jungkook so much, ever since Taehyung shared one of his videos on Instagram a few months ago. You've watched all of his videos on repeat. You know every single one of his songs by heart. It's almost embarrassing how obsessive you've become, but it genuinely brings you joy. It's been a source of happiness in your life, and in the end, you're not hurting anyone by enjoying his music. At least that’s what you tell yourself.
If you hadn't been able to find comfort in music, you honestly don't know where you would be today. You feel like you've been living a waking nightmare lately. Your heart tightens as you think of your sister, who passed away six months ago, leaving you alone with eternal unanswered questions. She left on her own terms, but you never gave your consent. How are you supposed to go on without her? 
Soon enough, Tae's response pulls you out of your negative thoughts.
"I'll do my best, I promise :)"
You sigh, feeling relieved. At least you know he'll be there with you, and with that thought alone, you manage to slow down the pounding of your heart, drifting off to sleep almost peacefully.
The stage is outdoors, and the night is slowly falling. You can already admire the moon, a thin crescent that you can barely make out. Taehyung places his hand on your shoulder and asks, "Are you okay?" He wants you to release the pressure. After everything you've been through lately, you deserve it. You smile at him and nod, as if to let him know that you're ready to let go tonight. It's just that everything feels almost unreal, and you find it hard to believe that you're not dreaming. 
Taehyung makes a phone call, and you can hear him talk to someone, "We just arrived, do you think you can get us to the front row? Okay thank you JK!" 
Everything happens very quickly after that phone call; a man in a suit comes to get you both and lead you through the crowd. There must be around 500 people. Jungkook already has a dedicated fan base; he's been successful for about a year, and the phenomenon only seems to be growing. Taehyung holds your hand to ensure you follow him closely without getting lost. Your hand is sweaty with excitement. You can barely believe your luck to be able to see your idol sing from such a close distance in just a few moments.
You finally manage to reach the front row when the spotlights illuminate the stage, and Jungkook appears before your eyes. A magnetic aura emanates from him, capturing your attention. He has this natural charisma that captivates you. He's dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a denim jacket. As he steps onto the stage, greeted by the cheers and applause of the crowd, you can't help but find him handsome. The electric excitement fills the air as the music unleashes its power. Your heart tightens, and you wish you could have shared this moment with your sister. 
Soon enough, you feel a shiver run through your body as Jungkook's enchanting voice penetrates your soul. It's been ages since you've felt such relief. The weight of the world has lifted from your shoulders, and your mind finally feels at ease again. You've decided that you're going to have fun and you start singing in harmony with Jungkook and the crowd. You wave at Taehyung, as if to thank him for accompanying you. He seems to be enjoying himself too, judging by his little jumps. You giggle as you watch him, and you recognize how lucky you are to have a friend like him.
Your adrenaline starts to subside as the spotlights just turned off. The concert just ended after two encores, and the night has completely fallen. Jungkook just gave a 2-hour performance. Is it even humanly possible to exhibit such energy? You have so much admiration for his talent that you feel your heart could explode with emotions.
Taehyung asks if you want to go back home. You shake your head with a pout on your face "Maybe let's try to meet him if he's okay with it?" you suggest. A broad smile appears on his face. He was teasing you, knowing that you wouldn’t want to leave right away. He promised to take you backstage, and he intends to keep his word.
As the crowd starts to disperse slowly, you see Tae taps on his phone. After a moment, he says,"Jungkook suggests that we meet outside for a drink. It's too crazy here, what do you think?" 
"Are you sure?" You hesitate. "I don't want to bother him; he's your friend."
Tae reassures you, "If he's suggesting it, it's probably because he's still pumped up from the concert and wants to wind down slowly, grabbing a drink is perfect."
"Okay, let's do it then!" You look so happy; it's been months since Tae has seen that expression on your face. He wishes he could freeze time to keep you like this forever. Your happiness is contagious. He could bring you the moon, literally, just to see your smile.
You've just arrived at the bar. You prefer to sit on the terrace as it's quieter there. Inside, the music is pumping, and you're hoping to have a chance to chat with your idol. You find a table and order two beers. Jungkook will join later as he always helps with the cleanup after a concert. He's more than just a decent human being; he's the definition of an angel you think.
You're almost done with your beer when the purring of a motorcycle catches your attention. You can't help but turn your head. The sight is too cool: a handsome young man, perched on a Yamaha motorcycle, dressed in black leather. He takes off his helmet, and a mane of black hair cascades out. You try to stay calm as you recognize your favorite singer.
The man gets off the motorcycle and after a few moments, he approaches your table. 
Taehyung welcomes him with a big hug, and the two men exchange warm words.
"Sorry for arriving so late," he says. He turns to you, and for the first time, his eyes meet yours directly. You find it hard to breathe properly. "Nice to meet you, you must be Y/N, I'm Jungkook," 
He is so handsome. In real life. Up close. You smile and try to say in return, “Thank you for coming.. after such a concert…You were incredible by the way.” Your cheeks flush as you say those last words. You hear Jungkook chuckle, in an absolutely adorable way. His gaze becomes warm, and a broad smile forms on his face. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he simply replies.
"We had a blast!” Taehyung adds “You rock on stage, my friend. It was cool to see you like that. How are you doing?"
The two men start a conversation, and you observe from the sidelines. You can't bring yourself to speak; there's just too much emotion inside you. Jungkook orders another round of beers. Eventually, Taehyung excuses himself to go to the restroom, leaving you alone with your idol. Your eyes haven't stopped gazing at him. He can feel it, and it amuses him, to be honest. He doesn't see you as a fan; you're his friend's friend. Or at least, that’s what he’d like to find out.
"You and Tae?” He asks with curiosity. “Are you friends, or something more? He has never introduced me to a female friend before." His pierced eyebrow raises, and somehow he becomes even more attractive that way.
You shake your head a bit too vigorously. "We're just friends." you state.
"Ah, that's a good thing," he chuckles again, nodding and finishing his beer in one gulp.
You're confused. He leans closer to you across the table and whispers, "You haven't been talking much. I can sense that you're nervous. You don't need to be. I'm just as intimidated as you, that's why I'm drinking." You can hear him laugh at himself, and you smile at his honesty. He's so genuine. You begin to feel yourself relaxing.
A long conversation about music ensues between you. He asks you about your favorite song, and you argue with such passion that he feels flattered. He can tell that you genuinely care about his music. He finds it adorable that after just two beers, you're almost tipsy. Your cheeks are rosy, and your eyes struggle to meet his intense gaze. He playfully teases you because he can.
Taehyung has returned, but neither of you has paid any attention to his presence. He senses the chemistry that developed during those 5 minutes of absence, and he is genuinely happy for you. However, he also feels a tinge of jealousy. He doesn't want to deprive you of this moment. He genuinely wants your happiness. Taking advantage of a brief moment of silence, he suggests that the three of you go dancing together. Jungkook accepts with enthusiasm. You decide to go along with it.
The music resonates inside. You can feel the rhythm of the bass in your own pulse. Taehyung is a great dancer, with an elegant style that's a pleasure to watch. You think back to Jungkook's question and wonder if Tae is just a friend. While you feel nothing but tenderness for him, despite all his wonderful qualities, you know what it's like to have butterflies in your stomach when thinking about someone. Tonight, it's evident as you watch Jungkook swaying on the dance floor. His movements are fluid and powerful. You feel like watching him dance is almost wrong.
After a while he catches you looking at him and smiles. He actually does his best to put on a show for you to watch as his body follows the rhythm of the music. It takes all your energy not to faint with such a sight. You feel him getting closer for a brief moment just to tease you with his words 
"You look very focused." 
"Sorry, I... I'm sorry," you stammer, feeling your ears turn red. The truth is that you're doing your best to hide your interest. But you've never been in front of someone who captivated you so much, and you feel quite overwhelmed. It's not the alcohol. It's him. He's worse than a drug, and you wish you were truly drunk so that it could give you a real excuse for behaving this way.
Taehyung interrupts your train of thoughts. "We need to go back, Y/N. It’s getting late.” He has a stern expression on his face. His voice is firm and steady, speaking calmly but with determination.
You understand that it's time to go, and you're disappointed, but you sense that Taehyung is right. You decide to let Jungkook know, but despite looking everywhere, he’s nowhere. 
You decide to step outside. That's where you find him. His skin is glistening, he looks so fucking good and to make matters worse, his face lights up immediately upon seeing you.
"I needed some fresh air," he explains. "It was getting hot inside." He winks at you, and you roll your eyes. His way of teasing you pleases you immensely, you must admit. It gives the illusion that you've known each other for a longer time. You really like it. 
You know you have to break the mood, so you speak up..."I have to go home, I'm sorry." You stammer. You're tipsy from the alcohol. You don't know why you're apologizing; after all, you had a great evening, but your head is spinning for various reasons and it's time to call a taxi.
"You're not leaving already, are you? I came just for you tonight. Please, stay" he pleads, grabbing your wrist. His palm is warm and strong. It burns your skin, and you feel feverish. His words feel like a bomb going off in your chest. 
Just for you. Is he being sincere? At that moment, you really want to give in. You want to stay with him forever. 
During your conversation, the sky has turned red because it’s past midnight. You had almost forgotten it was the Blood Moon tonight. You know you need to go home; nothing will compel you to make the right choices, and you'll only end up embarrassing yourself. Without releasing your wrist, Jungkook also looks up at the red orb. "Don’t leave" he repeats. His voice carries an alarm that makes your heart flutter. The chemistry between you is undeniable. But what if it's just the effect of the Blood Moon? What if everything disappears by daybreak?
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starsambrosia · 7 months
Hermes' Traveling Buddy (Astral)
I listen to the ocean waves, and it feels like it's calling me home it feels like souls are reaching out to me, grasping to me for life. Some days, it feels dry and empty. It turns into a salt flat for miles before it reaches the sea again, but when the tide rises, the lands flood, and a vast salty ocean grows.
Moonflowers love this landscape, the air is fresh and salty, the landscape is lush, and the stars are clear. Im not sure what this is where it is...but ive seen Hermes walk the beach. He took me here, i think. I've wandered further and found ruins of a temple of his he visits some times. There's a ruined shrine to him. i find him sitting by talking to someone who used to worship there
Theres something about this water, theres people in it, i can feel them, i know what life feels like, this is it...living water
Then it happens.
Here we go again. Fuck shit hhhh hahahaha
I hate this part
The stars have formed together, they move in unsettling patterns, and once familiar constellations now mean nothing. A shape forms in the sky, a titan, eyes pure white silouhette growing darker and darker, a grin spreads across his expanse showcasing a mouth and teeth within the very sky itself.
Its a terrifying sight.
I remember being swept off my feet, i remember gripping on tight and watching this world fade away for what i feel may be the last time as Hermes pulls me out of that place through a nauseating trip through some sort of gateway he was able to store in a coin.
I felt dizzy i couldnt feel him anymore i had just slipped away, drifting into a state of pure blank emptiness. Then i hit the ground hard, and i felt the sun setting on my face, i got off of the dusty brick red floor and looked outside, i hear life, people, chatter...a door creeks and he pulls me inside with a grin, he looks like a short rowdy child but his eyes are unmistakeable, and his grin stays the same. Always.
Im pulled along on another one of his schemes and i have to admit i missed this i missed feeling this way, not sure what it is other than a lot of love.
Music plays from street preformers, he shows me firedancers and various shimmering shops full of twinkling trinkets.
The people seem to be very realistic. They dont feel like spirits they feel like memories of people. Real living actual people. It felt good to be surrounded by soul and to be gripping his hand tight as he bolted through the crowded curving streets of wherever we ended up this time
I missed this
So much
Its been years
I feel so alive when i feel the wind on my face and through my hair, i watch him shift right before my eyes, taking the form he prefers
"You changed recently, im still getting used to the new form" i think to myself, and almost like he knew, he looked over his shoulder and gave me a smile
"The effort is appriciated!"
Right, he did know.
I lost focus, im getting scared
Re focus
That was so worth it, he took me up a hill in the city and to a place it opens up onto a cliff full of gardens and lush greenery, it smells like the sea and my eyes glittered as soon as i set them on the wide open sea before me. I adored the sunset, and it was sweet he stuck around with me
"Have fun?"
I didnt do well tonight, i was very mentally unwell, and i prayed to him for help, company, attention, just love i wanted to feel seen just a little bit. And i felt like he went abouve and beyond, i didnt really sleep tonight but i really dont care so much, i feel so loved...also kinda super light headed and dizzy now, it feels like hes holding me, i think i might try to ley down, maybe he wants me to try to sleep now...7am
Might as well
Sleep well void...
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bestmofointhisbish · 1 year
M crush x chubby fem reader. pt1
(A week ago)
It’s a Wednesday afternoon. While walking home you noticed a new cafe opened and you decided to grab something to eat. When you walked in your nose was greeted the sweet smell of chocolate that made your mouth water and your stomach ache. you heard someone call to you from the room in the back.“Hello, welcome to (enter name of cafe) what would you like to order tonight?” You stood there stunned for a second, you didn’t expect the guy to be cute. “um hi what kinda of snacks do you have?” The man smiled and handed you a menu “here, I’ll give you a minute to look over everything” that smile made your heart ache, as you nodded, he walked back into the room he came out of earlier. You smiled to yourself, you just met this guy and yet you can’t help but to have a little crush. Maybe it’s his c/e/c or his silky smooth hair or maybe it’s just his smile. You looked on the menu and saw that there was a lot snacks to choose from. After a long debate you decided to get the brownie ice cream. You blushed when you looked up and realized the guy been waiting for you to look over everything.“Oh I’m sorry, I’ll take an ice cream with a brownie please.” He smiled “It’s ok, Is that all you’d like?” You nodded “that will be 3.75” you looked in your purse for change while the man went off the get your snack. Later, he came back to grab your money and get your change back “you can keep the change” he smiled once more “thank you have a nice night” as you walked towards the door, you turned your head calling back to the polite man “you too”
All you could think about was the man you had just met. Sighing you started to head home to watch your movie and try to get the man out of you head. But he came back to visit you in your dreams.
You woke up the next day feeling refreshed as you walked out of your apartment, you saw that the cafe was open. You saw He wasn’t there instead there was a woman that looked like a girl version of him. ‘brain, try to think about something else other than him’ you walked into the cafe and took notice that the smell was coffee instead of chocolate from the night before. The girl behind the counter smiled at you “Hi!, welcome to (enter name of cafe) what would you like to order for this wonderful morning?” “Just a coffee will be fine please” “Ok that will 2.49” you payed the young woman then she left to make your coffee. You stood to the side while waiting you decided to look around. only to see him from the night before he was minding his own business and cleaning tables. You stared at him for a while until he noticed and gave you a small smile. You blushed and looked away embarrassed from being caught. “Ma’am, here’s your change and your drink” You don’t notice her talking to you as you stared at him again “Ma’am?” “Huh? Oh thank you” she smiles “no problem, have a nice day” “yeah you too” You took your drink then looked for a place to sit where he couldn’t see you but you could see him. You started to listen to music as you looked around hoping to see him again or maybe even talk to him again. After a while you started to get bored and a bit tired. You slowly started to drift off into sleep. Around a 20 minutes after you fell asleep he softly tapped on your shoulder to wake you. You slowly opened your eyes to see him standing in front of you, you blushed. You quietly apologized and thanked the man before grabbing your things to leave. Before you left you turned around to look for the man, you needed to know his name. His name was (insert crush name) you smile ‘cute’ you thought to yourself. As you walked home you felt happier now that you could put a name to his face.
You sigh after making it home ‘I need to find a job soon, I can’t keep living off of my saved up money forever’
You started to wonder if the cafe down the street needed any help since they had just opened. Although the only reason you would want to work there was because of a little crush that you may or may not have had on (insert crush name). He seemed to be around your age and you couldn’t help but fall for a cute guy with long hair.
Which brung you here, are a week after first seeing him, applying for a job at the small family owned cafe.
I’m so tired, but I got this idea while daydreaming about my crush and I realized that there’s not much like this around or maybe I couldn’t find it.
in this your crush is kind of a druggie
thanks for reading.😮‍💨
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honeycreamsweets · 2 years
✦✦✦✦Kinktober/Flufftober Mashup✦✦✦✦
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October 1: Falling Asleep together. Flufftober. Prompt- alt#3
Hinata Shoyo x Gender Neutral Reader
Miffy’s Mashup List. And Flufftober list.
Mentions- Hinata living in Brazil. Hinata and Reader are best friends but they haven’t confessed yet. Being at the beach and on a metro train. He thinks about giving the reader a kiss on the head but chickens out. Very tamed. He just likes you so much <3.
Word count- 917,,, (I know I said 750, but this was cute 🥺)
Notes- Sunshine, bby. No beta reader but enjoy!!!
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Shoyo laid on the sand at the beach. He panted heavily after a long day of practicing. A smile was plastered on his face. His eyes stared up at the sunset sky. He felt satisfied with each day he played. The sounds of the waves sounded calmer as the sun was setting.
He closed his eyes as he tried to catch his breath. As if on cue, he heard the sounds of a bag being set down behind him. He didn’t open his eyes but he heard someone above his head, get on their knees on the warm sand. Hinata fluttered his eyes open to see your face. You were upside down from his perspective but nonetheless, you were perfect to him.
Your skin glowed softly in the soft orange sunlight. Your smile made him feel a mixture of excitement and calm. He thought you were the most precious thing ever. Seeing you the day you two first met, to this moment now. He felt the same. You were flawless.
“Had a good day of practice?” He heard your voice but he wasn’t focused on your question. He lazily nodded as he stared at your face. It was almost like he was taking in your facial features like he’d forget you if he didn’t. Hinata smiled at you. He mentally thanked himself for already being hot and sweaty. You wouldn’t be able to tell he was blushing from just admiring you and being so close to you.
Since moving to Brazil and practicing, he has grown more. Compared to you, he noticed when you offered your hand to pull him up. His hand was larger than yours. The action made him anxious to hold your hand. He never told you about his giant crush on you. He didn’t plan on it quite yet. Besides, you were here to visit him. Just a visit for two months. To see your best friend. Him, specifically. After you helped him dust off, you two walked towards the metro.
Your hotel was further from his place but he always insisted on going with you. The train ride was long and he’d rather spend the time being close to you than let you go alone. After getting on the right train, you two took your seats.
You sat closely together. The intercom announced the next stops before taking off. Tonight wasn’t so crowded. You held on to Hinata’s arm to stabilize yourself at the harsh stops. A small unintentional habit he learned to love. “Wanna listen to some music?” You asked as you held up an earbud for him.
Shoyo nodded quickly before taking it. He watched you pick a song on your phone and press play. Some rides you two would talk and laugh. And sometimes you two didn’t talk. But it was never a bad thing. Still, the poor guy used to feel awkward and tried to fill the silence. His awkwardness never fully went away but he learned to be more comfortable with himself around you. Well.. he was trying. The romantic feelings he had towards you, made it harder.
The music you played was softer and a slower tempo than the day before. Maybe you were feeling calmer? Or more relaxed? He’d have to ask you. He did keep you at the beach all day. You definitely have to be relaxed.
The rocking of the train was repetitive. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, you trying to hide your yawns. Yup. Definitely relaxed. Or you were still jet lagged. Your hold on his arm became looser and looser as you breathed softly.
Before he knew it, your head was resting against his shoulder. You had drifted off to sleep. The action would have set off his heart race if he wasn’t captivated by your contagious sleepiness. Shoyo felt his face grow hot as he blushed. You were so close and so peaceful. Hesitantly, he turned his head to press a small kiss to your temple but he stopped himself. The idea of you waking up to catch him or him bumping his face into your head if the train stopped abruptly would be humiliating. He shook his head and refocused himself to stay awake.
Your warmth and coziness rubbed off as Shoyo’s eyelids felt heavy. He was fighting sleep at every second. He needed to be awake for you. His head kept dropping from him falling asleep. Hinata begged for his sudden movements to not wake you. Thankfully… you stayed asleep but. The longer he was up, the harder it was to stay awake. He thought to himself that resting his eyes wouldn’t hurt. Just for two maybe three seconds.
You two fell asleep, leaning against each other on the train. Despite it all, you two had the best nap. Who knew taking a nap with someone you trusted and loved would make all the difference.
Thankfully, you woke up before your stop. You two exited the station, He sluggishly walked you to the hotel. With a lazy wave and a hug goodbye, Hinata headed back to the station. You thought for a moment while you watched the red head man that you grew to fall for, walk away to head back home. “Shoyo! Do you want to stay the night with me?”
The smile on his face was priceless once he turned around. His heart raced and his cheeks were rosy. He nodded at you with the happiness and sleepiness grin on his face.
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The last of us - Broken together 19
Master list
It was a summer afternoon when you felt a difference in yourself. The medication no longer gave you strength. Standing made you tired. For the last week you had sat on the porch swing and watched Joel tend to the sheep. Ellie would sit with you in the evening and read your favourite books to you as you slowly drifted to sleep before Joel carried you to bed.
On this particular afternoon you had made your choice and called Joel to you.
"Joel, I want you to do something for me and I don't want you to argue."
He would never know why or how but he knew what you were about to ask him.
"Tell Ellie to stay put tonight." You asked.
"You know she won't." He replied quietly.
"He's right. I'm not going anywhere." She was beside you. She had grown into the most magnificent eighteen year old in your eyes. Strong and headfast you had no doubt she would do well. With a nod you hold out your hand to her. Joel walked silent to the kitchen pouring out the bottle of pills into the counter and crushing them with his knife. He let a tear fall from his eye and he poured them into a bottle of Bourbon. He shook it and returned to you a glass in his hand.
"I didn't want to..." He started, your hand brushing his cheek stopped his words and he leant into your touch.
"Ellie, you make sure you look after him. Make sure he lives a long life." You pleased with her.
"No y/n I ain't gunna-"
"Yes you will Joel Miller. For once will do as your told!!" Your voice was strong for the first time in a long time. All he could do was nod. He poured out a full glass of the brown liquid and you gulp it down as fast as you could. Joel moved across the room, switching on his record player and placing your favourite song on. The record scratched into life and all three of you listened to the gentle music. Ellie held your hand, tears already falling.
"Ellie, my sweet girl, you are the bravest person on the planet and the best daughter anyone could have wished for." You say trying to comfort her.
"I wish you had been my real mum, I mean all my life." She replied, sniffing and rubbing away her tears on her sleeve. Joel stayed quiet, eyeing the bottle beside you.
"pour me another." You ask him. He does it without argue.
"Don't say it. Don't say anything. You drink that then I'm taking you to bed like any other night." His heart was breaking again, the seams you had fixed falling apart. You nod and finish the second drink. You keep it would be enough and nod to him.
Ellie gave you a final hug. You whisper in her ear. And she nods. Joel takes you up stairs laying you in bed and covering you in the quilt and laying beside you. He counted each breath. His fingers holding your wrist until the beat of your pulse ended. In a daze he walked back downstairs. Ellie stood at the kitchen sink.
"where is the bottle, Ellie?" He asked, desperate to be with you again.
"It was her last wish, Joel. She told me to pour the rest of this way and remind you that her last wish is for you to live."
Hating every word she said he turned and walked out of the house, dropping to his knees in the grass and sobbed.
Three years later
Ellie stepped out of the empty ranch house, every happy memory she had locked inside. Her heart broke its final break. She was now nothing, she would survive until she didn't anymore. Killing monsters, cordyceps or human alike.
Perhaps one day she would see Abbie again and she would go through with her revenge. Yet again perhaps she would just walk away.
Thoughts of her life danced in her mind as she stepped slowly across the grass to your grave below the oak tree. Joel's next to you. Ellie felt the weight of your side arm on her hip and Joel's rifle over her shoulder as she looked down at the fresh flowers decorating the plots.
"I'm sorry, I did my best." She said a tear falling down her face.
"Bye mum, Bye dad."
The end.
I'm sorry if I hurt anyone.
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vixace0279 · 2 years
Oh how beautiful
This is a FICTIONAL horror story so be warned. I myself would rate it 13+ because of the depiction of gore/blood, violence, and stalking. You have been warned. My eyes never did work that well. Yes, I could see, but not clearly. I was made to wear glasses. Things made of glass, plastic, and metal. I hated this device. Sure, it made the world crystal clear, but they set me apart from the other students. Some of those bastards would even try to break them and use the glass to damage my eyes even more. The teachers would always intervene, setting me even further from the others. One of these bullies was Elena. With her beautiful hazel eyes. Other parts of her were beautiful, yes, but her eyes. Oh how beautiful they were. How they shined. I even made sure that she didn't wear contacts. It was risky, of course, but I adored seeing her eyes at all hours of the day and night. I had been following her for 1 year. I met her the third week of high school. In the hallway. I had gotten in her way and she pushed me to the ground, calling me " four eyes ". Every quarter, I had to figure out her new routine. This was always stressful. I could have been discovered at any minute. But the thrill of it all pushed me to continue. But on the second week of the second year of high school, something changed. She stopped bullying me. Anytime I walked past her, she didn't push me to the ground or hit me into a locker. Something was wrong, I knew it. On Friday I stalked her home. Luckily, she slept on the first floor of the house. That way I could always look at her eyes. I could even go through her things to make sure her eyes were healthy. Once I even got to open her eye to check that it was still beautiful. But this time it was different. On weekends she usually wouldn't go to bed until 12pm or later. Tonight was her parent's date night too, so she was all alone. She entered her bedroom at 11pm and layed down. However, she didn't go to sleep. She listened to music and tried to stay awake. Finally at 2am, she drifted off. I was able to slip into her room. I quickly checked the entire room and bathroom for any contects or glasses. None. I was about to exit the bathroom when I heard a footstep. I hid behind the open door. She came in with a knife. Slowly, I left the the bathroom to go to her bedroom. Suddenly she came back into her bedroom and spotted me. " What the hell?! Wait, your that girl! " I couldn't hold back anymore, I leaped on top of her. She tried to stab me but I was able to take the knife from her. The feeling of almost getting stabbed by her thrilled me. Her eyes were opened fairly wide. I could better see their beautiful color." Violet please stop! I'm sorry! Please don't kill me! " She knew my name? She knew my name! She knew me! She noticed me! " What do you want from me? " she asked. I could see her panic growing, it meant that I could see her eyes more so I liked it. " I want your eyes " and with that her eyes widened even more and she began to struggle, trying to get away. With one motion, I stabbed her in the forehead. Then again and again. Afterwards she wasn't moving. I put my ear to her chest. Her heart had stopped beating. I removed the knife from her head and put it in one of her bags which I had stolen. I cut up one of her pieces of clothing I found in her room. I wrapped the fabric around her head so that the carpet wouldn't be stained with blood. I dragged her corpse to the window where I pick her up and dropped her outside. I exited her house for the last time. I dragged her to my house. To my benefit, my house was located on the same street as her. I then took her to the cellar. Where I carved out her eyes and put them in the glass case. I cut up the rest of her body and disposed of it in the woods behind my house. The animals would make sure to get rid of it for me. I took a shower and burned the clothes that I had been wearing. Over the weeks, I began to be bullied again. One of them was named Hannah. She had green eyes. Oh how beautiful.
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leowolf0816 · 1 year
Let me read to you// Ch 15
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Chapter 14
Word count:1072
Amber's P.O.V.
It had been a few weeks since me and Matt first slept together and since that night we had gotten into kind of a routine. We go to work together do our jobs and get questioned by Foggy and Karen throughout the day as we secretly tempt one another in the simplest ways sneaking in a soft touch here and there but overall trying to stay focused on the important work we do. Then we walk home wicked smiles clouding wicked thoughts of what we would do when we got back to Matt's apartment except every now and then I would see his falter and his head peak up like a deer listening for the wolf as it stocks closer on the dark dense forest. He didn't think I noticed acting like everything was ok as if trying to hide this fear of an unknown danger from me. 
If I asked he would say it was nothing to worry about and that he would check it out later. We would get back and eat some food making jokes and playing teasing games as if the interaction hadn't happened before finally feasting on the meal we had been truly waiting for all day. 
He always waited to leave until I fell asleep only for me to wake after he left and feel weirdly alone. When he was gone I still felt observed like even a shift in my heartbeat would send something or someone towards me from the dark corners of the room. I wasn't scared just on edge always distracting myself with music or a video on my phone. Once he was back it felt like everything was ok again except that feeling of being observed as if through a microscope sometimes didn't go away it stayed in the back of my mind. Always leading me to wonder what was going on. 
Tonight was no different I had begun tossing and turning trying to sleep again until I gave up on it and decided to grab a book from my bag and reading next to the window while it rained deciding that I didn't want to turn on the lights. As I read I began to read out loud as a way to feel less alone. As the words left my lips following my eyes as they drifted along the page. Smiling at the cute moments and laughing at the dumb ones.
At some point I must have been so drawn into the book that I hadn't noticed when Matt had reapeared at the apartment. Because when I finally came back to reality to refill my water I chucked the glass at him as he stood in the dark out of fear only for him to catch it. I glared at him as he laughed slowly setting it down and walking into the light letting me see that he had already changed into his sweats and t-shirt. He asked me what I was reading stating that it sounded interesting. I shook my head confused before my eyes drifted to the book now sat next to me. 
I softly mentioned the title before looking back at him and asking simply if he was listening to me read outloud like a creep. His deep laugh rand through the apartment making me smirk teasing him about liking the sound of my voice while I read with no dinial from him. He slowly stepped closer with a lazy smile on his face as he planted a soft kiss on my head before he sat next to me and asked me to continue. With a soft smile I did. 
With each turn of the page he seemed to slowly relax until I paused to underline a sentence in the book making him question why I had stopped I simply put it as a line spoke to me so I emortalized its position on the page for when I re-read it later in life. He smiled at my words seeming to mull them over in his head as he thought about what they might mean. When he spoke he simply replied with saying "Or you are highlighting it's inportance to the next reader" his voice was soft and warm but held a small bit of sadness. 
The sadness was for something I did not know but I had a feeling it might be that he chould not look at the word for himself but only hear their meaning in my voice. I didn't ask him about it simply resting my hand on his with a knowing pressence before getting up to make myself some tea to sooth my throught now a little sore from reading out loud for so long. He let his hand follow mine as I drew him to his feet so we could both have some of the warmth the tea could provide. 
I hummed you are my sunshine as I made our tea gaining a few soft notes from Matt. It was only then that I realized how perfect the moment we where in was. Here we stood me making tea and Matt humming the soft song from my childhood as it rained outside. We where in a moment I had thought about often it wasn't dirty and it wasn't overly complicated. It was a soft and sweet moment bathed in warmth from both the tea and the energy. I smiled to myself for a quiet moment before a loud beep from the microwave shook me out of my daydream. I grabbed our mugs from the microwave and placed in the tea bags. Slowly as not to spill I turned around and handed Matt his mug as we discussed many things including why I always seemed to hum that song when happy. My voice had been soft and happy when I mentioned my mom a military vet from a big and poor family out of Massachusetts. I looked up to her all of my life even when she was the one who made it difficult. I laughed at a memory of us at a concert for my thirteenth birthday dancing and laughing without a care in the world. I felt my face drop as I softly mentioned her death not going into extreme detail but enough that he knew what I was saying. 
We ended that night with him hugging me as I finally cried over the person I had lost so long ago.
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carters-things · 2 years
Fly Away With Me
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x GN!Reader
Summary: Date night with Bradley in the stars
Tags: No gendered pronouns or descriptions of physical appearance used except the line "his fingers getting lost in your hair". Just some sweet fluff!
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You sat on the bay window with your knees tucked to your chest, your feet rubbing circles on top of each other. The cool breeze from outside drifts in through the open glass, running down your skin leaving goose bumps behind in its trail. You pull the throw blanket off the back of the couch and over top of you, being careful not to spill the drink in your hands in the process. You take a sip of your drink as the sun starts to set. You leaned back against the window frames, closing your eyes and basking in the light of golden hour. 
Your mind started to drift as you listened to the sound of the seagulls in the distance. You thought about Bradley. Being in a relationship with someone in the service wasn’t easy. There were more nights spent apart from each other than together. Never have a guaranteed day off, or date night, and plans almost always being moved at least once before they eventually fall through. Occasionally Rooster would be able to make it home, but it was always long after you were asleep. He would crawl into bed next to you, pulling you as close to him as he could, never wanting to let go. Sometimes he could only spend a few hours in bed sleeping with you before having to return to base, but he would soak up every second of quality time he could get. Loving Bradley was worth all of the sacrifices, but peaceful nights like tonight still left a small ache in your chest as his absence. 
The growing volume of music slowly draws you back to reality. Jazz trumpets ring softly from outside. You toss the blanket to the side, a cold shiver rolling across your lap in its absence. You place your drink down on the side table as you examine the empty backyard trying to find out where it’s coming from. 
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away…
The lyrics ring in your ears, bringing a smile to your face. Bradley always loved this song and sang it to you on your quiet nights in the house. His chest pressed to your back as he stood behind you, his chin resting perfectly on top of your head. His hands would rest on your hips, slowly swaying the two of you back and forth as he would sing softly. This song being his subtle way of asking you time and time again to be his. 
As you made your way through the house to the front door the music grew louder.
Once I get you up there, I’ll be holding you so near, you may hear, angels cheer, ‘cause we’re together…
You open the front door to see the love of your life before you. It took a second for your mind to process that he was actually here. Leaning against the front porch pole, wearing a half cocked smile, a small bouquet of flowers held carefully in his hands. The aviators sat down his nose just far enough to get a peak of his beautiful brown eyes, a small speaker sitting beside him on the railing. Your hands covered your heart as you took in the entirety of the moment. 
“Bradley…” You started to get choked up as you watched his smile grow larger with each step toward you he took. He set the flowers down on the ground before wrapping you tightly in his arms. You buried your face in his chest, relishing in his scent and warmth. He kissed the top of your head before pulling back and taking your face in his hands. 
“I’ve missed you so much, honey.” He pulls your face closer to his, your lips colliding with the same electricity as the first time he kissed you. You melted into the taste of him, his fingers trailing along your jawline towards your ears. Bradley’s hands flattened out against the side of your head, his fingers getting lost in your hair, as the two of you kept from parting lips.
The need for air finally breaks the moment. Heat rushes to your face, as you let out a small chuckle. "What are you doing home? I didn't think you'd have any time off this week."
"They had to do surprise maintenance on the jets, so they gave us the night. I have a surprise for you." He said taking your hand in his. You didn't question him because you already knew he wouldn't tell you. 
He opened your door before aiding you, even thought you didn't need it, into his bronco. He shut your door before kissing your cheek through the open window. 
With each turn you tried to figure out where he was taking you. The sun has since set, making it harder to figure out his plan in the dark. His hand rested on your thigh, your hand snaked around his wrist to rest on top of his hand in return. The closer you got you realized he was actually taking you to Maverick's hanger, before surely enough pulling onto his road. 
"What are we doing here?" You asked him puzzled. 
"You'll see." He gave your thigh a little pat as he parked the truck beside the building. He hopped put and again opened your door, taking your hand to get you safely to the ground. 
His fingers intertwine with yours as he leads you both towards the runway. You can see a blanket laid out on one of the two tarmacs, candles in Mason jars spread out all around. There was a basket of food, glasses, and a bottle of sparkling cider. 
"Honey! I love it!" You stood on the tops of your toes to kiss his cheek. The two of you took your place on the blanket as he set out plates for you both, serving the finger food meal for each of you. 
You spent the next little bit laughing and talking, eating and sipping in the drinks, just soaking in every minute of this rare quality time you get together. 
Bradley looked up to the sky before sighing softly. "I wanted to give you a meal under the stars, but apparently that didn't work out…" 
You joined his gaze at the sky to see some light clouds had rolled in, covering the shining lights. You rested your hand on his before turning his face towards yours. 
"It's still perfect darling. I love it, and I love you.” You kissed his lips softly, brushing away a fallen curl from his forehead as you broke apart. A mischievous grin lands on his face, yours wearing a concerned look to match. “What…” 
“I have an idea so you can see the stars. Come with me.” He pulls you up to your feet, his pace just short of a jog as he brings you to the bay doors of the hanger. He pulls them wide open to reveal Maverick’s plane, amongst all of his other belongings. 
“You can’t be serious…”
With little to no effort Bradley pulled himself up onto the wings and seated himself in the pilot seat of the plane. It started up with no problems, all lights and gauges reading perfect, so the two of you began to taxi onto the empty tarmac. 
“Maverick is on a sailing trip with Penny. He’ll never know!” Before you could argue
Bradley was already over at the plane, pulling the cover off. As skeptical as you were of his plan, the idea of seeing the stars in the sky, from the sky, was so exciting. So, you helped Bradley get everything prepped before he helped you climb into the backseat. He helped you secure your harness and headset, checking the mic and audio to make sure you could hear him and vice versa. 
“Are you sure you know how to fly this thing? It’s not the same as your fighter jets!” You called hesitantly into the com.
“I helped Mav fix this thing up! I’ve flown it before, don't worry honey.” He did some final checks of pressure levels, flipping switches that you were sure didn’t even do anything except make him look sexy, before the plane began to make its way forward, picking up speed rapidly. 
“Remember what I taught you!” He urged just before lifting off the ground. You were reminded to watch your hands, making sure not to grab anything you shouldn’t out of reaction. As you ascended into the skies you were quickly swallowed by the fluffy clouds. Your heart lurched at how all vision of direction and sense of surroundings was lost, taking in a small sharp breath. 
“It’s alright Honey, we’re almost there.” He reassured, “Ready?”
You tilted your head up to the canopy just as the rounded barrier broke through the clouds. The night sky opened up to reveal every constellation you could imagine. The clouds below blocking out any light, you could have sworn you were in space. 
“Oh my God! It’s amazing!” Your gaze searching all over the sky, never landing in one spot for too long. Rooster laughed over the radio at your amazement, pointing out the handful of constellations he knows. You could have stayed in the sky for hours, but after a while it was time to return to the ground. 
After a graceful landing, and a short taxi, you pulled into the hanger to see Maverick sitting in one of his chairs. He stood to meet you both as you deplaned, the wonder and amazement still flowing through you. 
“So you’re stealing planes now?” 
“I learned from the best!” Maverick crossed his arms and let out a soft chuckle. He couldn’t be too mad seeing as he “borrowed” a navy property F-18 to take Penny on a joy ride back in the day. 
He gave Rooster a look, but after seeing the way your face lit up, he dropped his tough guy act. He laughed and patted Rooster on the shoulder, before leaving the two of you to finish closing up the plane. This night was everything you could have hoped for and more.
Flight Crew
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