#tonifying kidney
spacesl · 2 years
養腎護腎牢記“6做3不做” 養出兩顆好腎臟 提升先天之本!
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madamlaydebug · 11 months
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Deeply Revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for their ability to prevent premature aging - Goji Berries are packed with Antioxidants and Polysaccharides with benefits ranging from Vision Optimization, Neuro Protective Properties, Replenishing Vitality, Tonifying Yin Energy, and Protecting against Oxidative Stress. This Yin Enhancing Berry has been used in Chinese Magickal practices to promote Harmony and Heal Discord as well as offering #Prophetic Insight regarding an Individual’s Ultimate Goals and Purpose. To offer Clarity on the nearly Mythological effects of Goji Berries on Longevity - One must understand that to access the Divine Energy is, in essence, to Realize true Unity of the Soul with all of Creation. And that my friends - is True #Immortality.
Native to the Ningxia Hui region of China, this Miracle Berry has thousands of years of traditional use in Chinese Medicine and Culinary Creations! It is said that the region in which Goji grows, produces 16 times the Centenarians (humans living over the age of 100) than the rest of the country. Goji Berries, originating in the Solanaceae or Nightshade Family, are known by many names such as Boxthorn, Wolfberry, and Matrimony Wine.
High quantities of Proteoglycans, Flavonoids and Carotenoids appear to be the Pharmacologically relevant compounds for Goji’s Longevity properties. The Immunostimulatory Activity is attributed to Goji’s AntiTumour properties! This Super Fruit will offer you relief from Fatigue and allow you to Live a Vital Existence of Divine Potential. This plants nourishing Kidney properties Improve your Mind / Body Balance and Optimize your Well BEing.
This plant can be found in our Divine Elixir and used as a Daily Tonic for its Longevity magick!
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Traditional Chinese medicine talks about tea, have you been drinking it correctly?
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When I was young, I only knew of two types of tea: "big bowl tea" and "Biluochun" tea. Later, I learned about tea because of studying traditional Chinese medicine and discovering that tea is also a type of medicine. For example, the Chuanxiong tea blend is recorded in the "Essentials of Materia Medica": "Tea leaves have a bitter and sweet taste. They enter the Hand and Foot Shaoyin, Taiyin, and Jueyin meridians. They are effective in clearing the heart and lungs, purging the intestines and stomach. When combined with chamomile, it can treat headaches; when combined with ginger, it can relieve water retention and stimulate the bladder and kidney meridians when consumed after drinking alcohol." However, tea is ultimately cold in nature, and since my body constitution is weak and cold in the spleen and stomach, I remember drinking Pu-erh tea once and having to go to the bathroom halfway through, so I rarely drink tea. But one chance encounter changed my perspective.
Recently, I went to visit a small shop near the Wudaoying Hutong next to the Beijing Yonghegong Temple. The shop owner is a good friend of mine who invited me to try Biluochun tea. This is a type of green tea, and at the time it was dinner time, so how could I dare to drink green tea on an empty stomach? So I politely declined. But my friend said, "Just take a sip, I guarantee it won't be too cold." She said that this tea comes from an 80-year-old tea tree growing on a sunny mountain in Dongting Lake. This is the first crop of early spring tea picked by hand and processed with firewood, so it is not like other green teas. Unable to resist her persuasion, I sat down and tasted the Biluochun tea. After drinking a few cups, I was surprised to find that my stomach and intestines felt slightly warm and comfortable, with no signs of diarrhea. I let out a few belches and felt quite comfortable, and even had a slight feeling of fullness. I stayed until 8pm, drinking the tea on an empty stomach, without any discomfort, and even feeling slightly full without hunger. The warm tea entered my stomach and I broke out into a light sweat, feeling very comfortable. Later, my friend gave me some Biluochun tea, and every time I drank it, I felt the same way, so it seems to be no coincidence.
This chance encounter changed my understanding of tea, especially green tea, and reminded me of an elderly person who once said that his father, who was over ninety years old, had been drinking tea his whole life and lived a long and healthy life, as did many other elderly people. At first, I thought it was due to their physical constitution, but now I see it's not entirely the case. Recently, I've been thinking carefully and have had some realizations.
Although the nature of tea is generally cool, ultimately its temperature can be influenced by two factors: first, the growth environment, whether it is in a relatively yin, cold, and humid area or a warm and sunny one. Just like the difference between grapes grown in the north of China and those grown in Xinjiang, or the difference between two types of Chinese medicinal herbs called niuxi: Sichuan niuxi promotes blood circulation, while Henan niuxi nourishes the liver and kidneys. Similarly, ginseng grown in the northeast is warm in nature, while American ginseng is cooler. These differences in nature are due to their different growing environments, including temperature, sunlight, soil, and planting methods.
Second, the processing methods are also important. Most teas need to be withered and then undergo a process called "kill-green," which involves roasting with fire. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that medicinal herbs and raw herbs that have been processed by fire have different cold, hot, warm, or cool properties. For example, raw licorice has a cold and cool nature that can clear away heat and detoxify, while roasted licorice can tonify the spleen and supplement qi. Raw rehmannia has a cool nature that can cool and activate blood, while steamed rehmannia has a slightly warm nature that can nourish the kidneys. Most herbs that have been processed by fire tend to have some warm properties, depending on the specific method of fire processing, which can even vary between using firewood or an oven.
There are many steps involved in tea processing, and many of them involve using fire, either by roasting or steaming. The tea processing method determines the warmth or coolness of the tea. I used to think that fermented teas, such as black tea and Pu-erh tea, were not cool, but that was because I didn't understand the fermentation process of tea. Tea fermentation is usually done by spreading the tea leaves flat and letting them sit at room temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius, so it's different from using fire. Therefore, to sum up, the warmth or coolness of tea depends on the environment and processing method.
In light of this, people with a cold constitution are not necessarily unable to drink green tea, while some fermented teas, such as Pu-erh tea, may not be suitable. Therefore, finding the right tea for oneself and knowing the principle of moderation is the key to health.
Author: Zhang Dong, Chief Physician of the Cardiovascular Department at Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.
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easternmedicine12 · 4 months
Herbal Chinese Medicine Near  Arizona
Herbal Chinese Medicine Near  Arizona
Chinese medicine herbs are essential for good health, Chinese natural herbs are commonly used today for their effectiveness for a number of common illnesses – this method goes back at least 2,000 years.
Over that time, a vast amount of experience has been gained that has gone towards perfecting clinical applications. Our herbs can greatly increase the effectiveness of modern drug treatments, reduce their side-effects,
Our herbs consist of thousands of plant species. Herbal Chinese Medicine Near  Arizona are most often taken in combinations of herbs rather than on their own. By combining herbs, synergies have been discovered that vastly increase the medicinal effects. Our formulas consist of principal herbs, assisting herbs, directional herbs, and herbs that reduce the side effects, or aid the digestion of a particular herb.
At Eastern Medicine Center, we have the most comprehensive supply of 350+ dried raw herbs from China, America and other countries in the valley.
Visit Our clinic and herbal medicine store online and in. person located in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Herbal Chinese Medicine Near  Arizona, a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has been practiced for thousands of years, leveraging the therapeutic properties of plants and natural substances to promote health and treat illness. This ancient practice is deeply rooted in the philosophy of harmony and balance within the body and between the body and its environment.
Historical Context
The origins of herbal Chinese medicine date back to ancient China, with the earliest records found in texts such as the "Shennong Ben Cao Jing" (Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica), which dates back to around 200 CE. This text lists hundreds of herbs and their medicinal properties, forming the foundation for later developments in TCM. Over the centuries, herbal medicine evolved through empirical practice and scholarly refinement, integrating new herbs and formulations as they were discovered and tested.
Principles and Theory
At the heart Herbal Chinese Medicine Near  Arizona is the concept of Qi (vital energy), Yin and Yang (the dual forces that must be balanced for health), and the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) that represent different aspects of physiological functions and their interactions. Disease is seen as a result of imbalances or disruptions in these elements and forces.
Herbs are classified according to their energetic properties, such as temperature (hot, warm, cool, cold), flavor (pungent, sweet, sour, bitter, salty), and their specific effects on various organs and meridians (energy pathways). For example, ginseng (Ren Shen) is considered warm and sweet, beneficial for tonifying Qi and strengthening the spleen and lungs. Conversely, mint (Bo He) is cool and pungent, used to expel wind-heat and soothe the liver.
Common Herbs and Formulations
TCM practitioners typically use herbal formulations rather than single herbs to create a synergistic effect, enhancing therapeutic efficacy while minimizing side effects. One famous example is "Liu Wei Di Huang Wan" (Six Flavor Rehmannia Pill), a classic formula used to nourish Yin and treat deficiencies in the liver and kidneys. This formula combines six herbs, including Rehmannia root, Cornus fruit, and Dioscorea, each contributing to the overall balance and effect.
Modern Applications and Research
In contemporary times, herbal Chinese medicine has gained global recognition, with growing interest in its integrative approach to health. Modern research has focused on understanding the pharmacological properties of these herbs, aiming to validate their traditional uses and explore potential new applications. For instance, studies have demonstrated the immunomodulatory effects of astragalus (Huang Qi) and the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric (Jiang Huang).
Challenges and Considerations
Despite its benefits, herbal Chinese medicine faces challenges such as quality control, standardization, and safety concerns, particularly regarding herb-drug interactions and contamination with heavy metals or pesticides. It is crucial for practitioners to source high-quality herbs and for patients to consult qualified TCM practitioners to ensure safe and effective treatment.
Herbal Chinese Medicine Near  Arizona represents a rich tradition of natural healing, blending ancient wisdom with modern scientific inquiry. By focusing on the body's intrinsic balance and using the natural properties of herbs, it offers a holistic approach to health and well-being that continues to be relevant in today's world. As research progresses, the integration of herbal Chinese medicine into mainstream healthcare holds promise for enhancing our understanding and management of health and disease.
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theproject500x · 4 months
Kidney Tonifying Capsule Women: Irregular Periods and Menopause Support
Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule Women Are you tired of feeling fatigued, experiencing irregular menstruation, or suffering from discomfort during intercourse? Look no further! Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule Women is specially formulated to invigorate your kidneys, remove toxins, and enhance your overall well-being. This powerful herbal concoction is a perfect solution to any…
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greenworldghana · 7 months
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Green World Female Care Products:
You can look younger when you detoxify your breast, liver, ovaries, womb, kidneys, and replenish your immune system with the following supplements:
Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Women)
Green World Uterus Cleansing pill
Green World Soy Power Capsule
Green World Ovary Nutrition Capsule
Green World Breast Care Tea
Green World Anti-Aging Capsule, etc
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qqdahao · 8 months
"Offense" and "defense" are good strategies for treating breast cancer
Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in women, and the most important treatment for this disease is mastectomy, which not only brings physical harm to women, but also psychological pressure caused by the change of their own image. The process of radiotherapy to prevent metastasis and recurrence after surgery is even more physically and psychologically destructive to female patients. Many breast cancer patients said that before the clinical effect of radiotherapy is shown, their bodies have been tortured by the adverse reactions, and they even want to give up the treatment.
In breast cancer treatment, western medicine mainly focuses on local symptomatic treatment, emphasizes "tumor-based", and focuses on the traditional confrontation way of killing tumors, which is "only attacking but not defending", and kills normal cells while killing cancer cells. Radiotherapy is the most common treatment for breast cancer. Radiotherapy is the application of various kinds of rays with different energies to kill the tumor cells, but the normal cells will also be damaged, resulting in gastrointestinal reactions, fatigue, hair loss and other problems, which not only makes the female patients suffer physically, but also injures their "beauty"; chemotherapy is the treatment of chemicals, and most of the drugs have immunosuppressive effects, damaging the cancer cells. Chemotherapy is a chemical drug treatment, most of the drugs have immunosuppressive effect, damage to the patient's immune system, but also red and white blood cell reduction, nausea and vomiting, hair loss and other adverse reactions.
In treating breast cancer, Chinese medicine emphasizes the "people-oriented" approach, starting from the perspective of regulating the body's internal environment, immunity and lifestyle, and attaches importance to "regulation". In recent years, it has been found that the combination of Chinese and Western medicines in the treatment of breast cancer can bring into play the respective advantages of Chinese and Western medicines, and make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, which will help patients to recover their health, and allow the combination of "attack" and "defense" to play a better synergistic role.
Yiling Yangzheng Xiaoji combined with radiotherapy has four major advantages
Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule developed under the guidance of the theory of Chinese medicine is a typical representative of integrated regulation of breast cancer treatment, which takes "strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney, dispersing knots and collaterals, detoxifying and anticancer" as the treatment method, and matches with the medicines of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney, dispersing knots and collaterals, resolving blood stasis and detoxifying toxins, which has the function of supporting the positive and dispelling the evil spirits and enhancing the ability of the body's self-adaptation, self-adjustment, self-repairing and significantly improving the adverse reactions brought by radiotherapy and chemotherapy to achieve the effect of both symptomatic and radical treatment in combination with western medicine. It can significantly improve the adverse reactions brought by radiotherapy and combine with Western medicine to achieve the effect of treating both the symptoms and the root cause.
Improve anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms of radiotherapy patients. Cancer patients generally have adverse reactions such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc., which will be more serious after radiotherapy, and the reduction of food intake and nutritional deficiencies will aggravate the patients' conditions.
Reduce the inhibition of red and white blood cells by radiotherapy. Radiotherapy in killing tumor cells at the same time, red and white blood cells are also easy to be attacked, resulting in female patients pale, palpitations, shortness of breath and other symptoms of anemia, but also produce a sense of fatigue and weakness. Meta-analysis of the safety of Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsules in the treatment of malignant tumors and precancerous lesions proved that Yangzheng Xiaoji can reduce the inhibition of hemoglobin, leukocytes, granulocytes, platelets, and erythrocytes by radiotherapy, improve the symptoms of anemia and fatigue after radiotherapy, and also has a good safety profile.
Enhance the immune function of patients. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, "when positive qi exists in the body, evil can not dry it up", similarly, the occurrence of breast cancer has a direct relationship with the strength of the body's positive qi. The concepts of positive qi in Chinese medicine and immunity in western medicine are the same. Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule can assist radiotherapy treatment of tumor, increase the body weight of breast cancer patients, improve the body's self-adaptation, self-regulation, self-repair ability, to improve the immunity of the body.
Prevent the recurrence of breast cancer metastasis. Radiotherapy can not completely kill cancer cells, so breast cancer is very easy to recur and metastasis, and the latent tumor cells are especially easy to resurface. Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsules can improve the therapeutic efficacy and reduce the adverse reactions in the process of radiotherapy, meanwhile, it can rapidly improve the immune function of human body and build a line of defense in the body to prevent the tumor cells from coming back, effectively preventing the recurrence and metastasis of the tumor.
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fellowup27 · 11 months
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Then my brother just retracted and couldn't go back in.
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- Deer antler glue
- Antler Cream
- Psoralen
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- Rehmannia glutinosa
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tipsycad147 · 11 months
Libra: The Astroherbology Profile
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Alexis J. Cunningfolk
It's time to explore the sign of Libra! You're getting a snapshot into the ever expanding astroherbology magick of the Lunar Apothecary - amazing! 
I will be exploring all twelve signs from a medical astrology perspective with an emphasis on herbal healing. Learn more about the series and what all the correspondences mean check out the introduction to The Introduction to Astroherbology Zodiac Series. Missed the other signs of the Zodiac? Find out about the astroherbology wisdom of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo!
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Element: Air Mode: Cardinal Guardian Planet: Venus Direction: West Season: Autumn (NH), Spring (SH) House: 7th House / Angular Lunar Mansions: 15th Mansion, 16th Mansion, + 17th Mansion Solar Gemstone: Blue Aventurine
Tarot: Justice, The Empress, 2 of Swords (9/23 - 10/2), 3 of Swords (10/3 - 10/12), 4 (10/13 - 10/22) of Swords, the Queen of Swords
Tissue State: Dry Tissue State, Damp/Relaxation Tissue State (learn more about the energetic system of traditional western herbalism)
Body Systems: Kidneys and urinary system. Anus. Hormones in general. Endocrine system. Estrogen. Ovaries. Veins. Acid-alkaline balance. Lumber region of the back. Distillation and filtration systems of the body. Posture. 
Imbalances + Diseases: Kidney disease and imbalancesincluding kidney stones, renal colic, and the need for dialysis. Diabetes and sugar addiction. Urinary tract infections and urinary system imbalances including anuria, abscesses, and ulcers. Inflammation of the ureters. Bright’s disease. Skin complaints that cause disfiguration. Eczema. Lower back pain. Varicosities and hemorrhoids. Hormonal imbalance including lack or excess of estrogen. Sexually transmitted infections, especially topical ones. Wasting diseases and general weakness. Struggling to attain equilibrium. Indecisiveness from trying to be too diplomatic. Passive-aggressiveness. Confusion and gullibility. Co-dependent and afraid of conflict.
Disease Degrees: 1 degree: renal pelvis; 2 degrees: renal cortex; 3 degrees: adrenals, abscesses; 4 degrees: kidney surface, abscesses, goiter; 5 degrees: renal pyramids, goiter; 6 degrees: pubis, goiter; 7 degrees: nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis, goiter, jaundice of the kidney and renal pelvis; 8 degrees: nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis, jaundice of the kidney and renal pelvis; 9 degrees: nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis, jaundice of the kidney and renal pelvis; 10 degrees: nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis, jaundice of the kidney and renal pelvis; 11 degrees: nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis, jaundice of the kidney and renal pelvis; 12 degrees: left renal system: 13 degrees: right renal system 14 degrees: left inguinal lymph nodes; 15 degrees: right inguinal lymph nodes, suicide, eczema, stroke; 16 degrees: renal arteries, eczema, abscesses, stroke; 17 degrees: suprarenal arteries, abscesses; 18 degrees: fatty capsule of kidney’s, chronic glomerulonephritis, Bright’s disease; 19 degrees: calyx major, Bright’s disease; 20 degrees: calyx minor; 21 degrees: renal hilum; 22 degrees: renal veins; 23 degrees: suprarenal veins; 24 degrees: blood vessels of renal cortex;  25 degrees: blood vessels of renal cortex; 26 degrees: vascular system of skin; 27 degrees: vascular system of skin, tuberculosis; 28 degrees: bladder, hair, tuberculosis; 29 degrees: right ureter bladder, bronchitis; 30 degrees: left ureter, bronchitis.
Remedies for Imbalanced and/or Weakened Libra: Astringent herbs that are also tonifying when there is too much laxity and indecision. Stimulating herbs as needed to counteract sluggishness. For those Librans needing more Venusian energies in their life (remember, they can swing out of their inherent need for beauty and Venusian healing), anything that is pleasurable and soothing, such as relaxing massages, aromatherapy, and gentle remedies such as flower and gem essences. Making firm choices. Goal-setting. Agreements of accountability around conflict. Establishing balanced relationships with others.
Gifts of Libra: Beauty, diplomacy, sensuality, adventure, a gift of mediation, gracefulness.
Rituals of Libra: Invoking beauty, justice and fairness, teamwork, cooperation, art-based magickal workings, romance, and self-awareness.
Libra Guardian Herbs: Damiana (Turnera diffusa), Violet (Viola tricolor), Rose (Rosa spp.), Beech (Fagus sylvatica), Jasmine (Jasminum spp.), Angelica (Angelica archangelica), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata), Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis).
Libra Remedy Herbs: Nettles (Urtica dioica), Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), Burdock (Arctium lappa), Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis).
Flower + Gem Essences: Chicory (Cichorium intybus), Vervain (Verbena officinalis), Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium), Rose (Rosa damascena), and Rose Quartz.
The Sun in Libra
Lovely Libras! They are the keepers of beauty and the cultivators of pleasure in the zodiac, guarded by the sensuous planet of Venus. Libra folk generally place great emphasis on the interpersonal - whether romantic, familial, or in friendships. Libra folk can often be the most graceful of the zodiac if not physically, than socially and intellectually. The scale is the symbol of this sign and Libra folk place great emphasis on fairness, diplomacy, and that everyone getting their equal share.
The great strengths of Libra can also be their great downfalls. The impossible mission of complete impartiality and the belief in objectivity can keep them from recognizing that the path of wise relationships is built on empathy and effective boundaries. They can easily get caught up in bending over backwards in attempts to be fair, forgetting or not developing their own sense of what they want and who they are in the world. Such dissipation of energy and focus on others can lead to an ungrounded airiness that leads to indecision, lack of focus, and a muddled heart. Attempts to please others can be taken advantage of and their autonomy lost if a Libra folk’s sense of love is compromised. It is all too easy for Libra folk to doubt that they deserve to be loved as much as they love others. It is key for Libra folk to realize what healthy relationships look like, detox from codependent tendencies, and develop a fierceness of judgement. Their desire for fairness and diplomacy can then transform into something more powerful: harmony.
Since they are guarded by such a beneficial planet, Libra folks can be a bit lucky and a lot blessed. Sickness is rare for many Libra folks. They do tend towards the sweeter things in life and can be more prone to sugar addiction and complications including diabetes, unwanted weight gain, and compromised immunity. As they are pleasure-seekers who tend to get away with a lot of poor eating and health habits early in life, it is very important to know that later in life is when their bad habits will often catch up them. They can get caught up in cycles of addiction, especially in regards to sex and alcohol, in an attempt to find an outlet for their energy. Since they are a sign that can tend towards lack of self-interest, they can disregard the need for personal health practices, such as exercise, which is such an important activity for Libra folk to do in order to express their physical energy (even though they can sometimes come off as a low-energy sign). Find pleasurable movement to keep you healthy and well, Libra folks, and indulge! The gifts of Libra folk is that they are creatures of beauty, teaching us how to find and experience beauty in all parts of our lives. 
Libra Guardian Herbs
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Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)
Passionflower is a lovely herb that has both Venusian energies (the Guardian planet of Libra) and energies of the Moon. The herb is primarily used as a relaxing sedative, calming the mind and soothing the nervous system. It cools the hot-blooded, including gently lowering blood pressure, and relieves migraines, tension, and asthma brought on by heat. Spasms, tremors, hiccups, and convulsions caused by tension and over-excitation are all remedied by Passionflower. Passionflower is a great remedy for overworkers and those who have difficultly taking a genuine break or rest - the herb helps them connect to the Libran desire for beautiful rest in their lives. Speaking of beautiful rest, Passionflower is excellent for those who struggle with insomnia, restoring us to restful sleep pattens and helping us to wake up refreshed. Similar to Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), Passionflower helps relieve the constant chatter of a busy brain and at the same time can increase focused calm. Upset and teething children can be soothed by Passionflower’s anodyne qualities (consider using with Chamomile Matricaria recutita if upset tummies are also a problem) and it’s antispasmodic qualities relieve hacking coughs or asthma attacks in both adults and children.
Since it is cooling and dissipating, Passionflower can be used in cases of fever and inflammation of all sorts, including earache, eye inflammation, and toothache. The herb is useful for heavy menstruation and cramping, as well as easing difficult labor pains and contractions. Emotionally, Passionflower is a great ally to have around during nervous breakdowns and healing crisis where emotions are raw and anxiety is high. It helps to calm and re-balance through alleviating emotional confusion.
Enjoy a full profile on Passionflower and more Libran herbs in the Lunar Apothecary!
Libra Remedy Herbs
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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Ashwagandha is an herb that has been used for thousand of years within Ayurvedic medicine and is an excellent adaptogenic herb. Adaptogens in general, could fall under the umbrella of “Libran Remedy Herbs” because Libra guards homeostasis which adaptogens are so effective at bringing us back to. Since Libra has dissipating energies because of its planet Venus, the sign can tend towards general weakness and slow recovery time after illness. Ashwagandha is a supreme restorative, rebuilding strength and stamina in the body. Libra is also an air sign and when air is askew it can lead to muddled thoughts, poor memory, and difficultly learning. Ashwagandha restores mental clarity and prepares the mind for learning. It is useful in the treatment of learning disorders and conditions such as ADHD.
Additionally, Ashwagandha is a immunostimulant and is especially effective at increasing the effectiveness of a chronically underperforming immune system including conditions such as HIV, MS, lupus, and fibromyalgia. The herb can also be taken alongside antibiotics to protect the immune system and promote a healthy recovery from illness. Like other Libran herbs, Ashwagandha promotes fertility, balances menstruation, and has an affinity for the urinary system.
Want to learn more? Find more Libran herbs and herbs for the entire zodiac as well as tutorials, rituals, charms, and more in the Lunar Apothecary!
Sun in Libra Flower Essence
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Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
While Libra is a sign that can be the most magnanimous and desirous of love and a multitude of loving relationships, they are a sign that come become uncertain if they are loved when they fall out of balance. Balance is so important to our Libran folk, but sometimes the idea of maintaining balance is confused with always being fair or never experiencing conflict. Patterns can appear in their lives which have them questioning those they are in relationship with (wether a romantic, parental, or friend relationship), if they are really loved. Their need of reassurance becomes burdensome and problematic, which is when the flower essence of Chicory becomes indispensable. Chicory is the “unconditional love” essence. It is good not only for out-of-balance Librans but for folks who have truly experienced a lack of love and care in their life, which leads to being able to love oneself. Chicory helps us to connect to our self-love and to accept the love of others without the constant fear of love being lost. Chicory teaches us that, yes, love does transform and is transforming, but it can never be lost.
Ready to learn more?
Check out the rest of my Astroherbology series including Starry-Hearted + Wild-Rooted: An Introduction to Astroherbology which includes additional study resources and the other posts in my Astroherbology series.
Need a visual guide? Starmaps: The Astrological Body is for you!
The Lunar Apothecary is a full length course using the tools of moon-centered herbalism and ritual to help you discover who you are as a healer.
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qocsuing · 1 year
seminal emission, dizziness, rapid heart rates, mental fatigue, etc.).
seminal emission, dizziness, rapid heart rates, mental fatigue, etc.).
Traditional Chinese medicine method of tonifying kidney for hypertension
Hypertension is the most common chronic disease. A large amount of evidence showed that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) method of tonifying kidney (TK) combined with routine treatment is more effective and safer in the treatment of hypertension. This study integrated meta-analysis, data mining, and network pharmacology to explore the efficacy and potential mechanisms of TK in the treatment of hypertension. Meta-analysis was performed to explore the efficacy and safety of TK combined with routine treatment in the treatment of hypertension. To get more news about vigrx plus pills, you can visit vigrxplus-original.com official website. Data mining was used to screen the core herbs of the TK. Network pharmacology was used to predict the antihypertensive mechanism of TK core herbs. A total of 18 studies with 2,024 patients were included in this study. Meta-analysis showed that TK combined with routine treatment was superior to routine treatment alone in lowering blood pressure (systolic and diastolic blood pressures), lowering blood lipids (total cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), improving vascular endothelial functions (nitric oxide, endothelin) and TCM symptoms (headache dizziness, soreness, and weakness of waist and knees). In addition, TK was safe and has no obvious adverse reactions. Data mining showed that the core herbs of TK were Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.
(Duzhong), Vitex negundo L. (Huangjing), Taxillus chinensis (DC.) Danser (Sangjisheng), Ligustrum lucidum W.T.Aiton (Nuzhenzi), Astragalus mongholicus Bunge (Huangqi), Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) DC. (Shudihuang). Network pharmacology predicted that core herbs antihypertensive components were oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, and civetone, and the antihypertensive targets were NOS3, NOS2, MMP9, TNF, PTGS2, HMOX1. In addition, the antihypertensive targets were enriched in cGMP-PKG signaling pathway, calcium signaling pathway, aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption, HIF-1 signaling pathway. In conclusion, TK combined with routine treatment for hypertension is effective and safe. The mechanism of TK may be related to GMP-PKG signaling pathway, calcium signaling pathway, aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption. On the premise of syndrome differentiation and treatment, it is promising to treat hypertension with TK.
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wangbinghua · 1 year
Chestnuts. In addition to the function of tonifying the spleen and stomach, it also has the function of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the waist
Yams. Sweet taste, for the Chinese medicine "top quality" medicine, with tonifying lung and spleen function.
Goji berries have the functions of tonifying the kidneys and liver, benefiting shrewd eyes, strengthening muscles and bones, and removing lumbago.
Black sesame seeds It has the function of tonifying the liver and kidneys, moistening five viscera, and having a good therapeutic and health care effect on dizziness, white hair, hair loss, waist and knee tenderness, intestinal dryness, and constipation caused by insufficient liver and kidney essence and blood.
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kpcherbs · 1 year
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Enhancing Eye Health and Vision with Chinese Herbs
Maintaining healthy eyes and clear vision is essential for our overall well-being. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a holistic approach is taken to promote eye health, focusing on nourishing the organs, improving circulation, and restoring balance. Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to support eye health and enhance vision. In this blog, we will explore some popular Chinese herbs known for their beneficial effects on eye health and vision.
Wolfberry (Gou Qi Zi)
Wolfberry, also known as goji berries, has long been revered in TCM for its vision-enhancing properties. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, wolfberries help nourish the eyes and protect against oxidative stress. They are believed to improve visual acuity, reduce dryness and irritation, and strengthen the optic nerve.
Chrysanthemum Flower (Ju Hua)
Chinese yam is known for its tonifying properties, particularly in strengthening the kidneys and nourishing the liver. In TCM, the health of these organs is closely linked to eye health. By enhancing kidney and liver functions, Chinese yam helps improve vision, particularly in cases of blurry vision and night blindness.
Chinese Yam (Shan Yao)
Chinese yam is known for its tonifying properties, particularly in strengthening the kidneys and nourishing the liver. In TCM, the health of these organs is closely linked to eye health. By enhancing kidney and liver functions, Chinese yam helps improve vision, particularly in cases of blurry vision and night blindness.
White Chrysanthemum (Bai Ju Hua)
White chrysanthemum is another herb widely used in TCM to support eye health. It is particularly effective in treating conditions such as blurred vision, dry eyes, and excessive tearing. White chrysanthemum is believed to have a cooling and nourishing effect on the liver, helping to alleviate eye discomfort.
Chinese Skullcap (Huang Qin)
Chinese skullcap has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it beneficial for eye health. It is often used in TCM to address conditions such as conjunctivitis, red eyes, and eye allergies. Chinese skullcap helps reduce inflammation, soothes irritation, and promotes healthy circulation to the eyes.
Incorporating Chinese herbs into our daily routines can provide a natural and holistic approach to support eye health and enhance vision. However, it is essential to consult with a qualified TCM practitioner or herbalist to determine the most suitable herbs and appropriate dosages for individual needs. Additionally, it is important to remember that Chinese herbs should complement, not replace, conventional eye care practices. By combining the wisdom of traditional medicine with modern approaches, we can take proactive steps to maintain healthy eyes and clear vision throughout our lives.
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biomedres · 1 year
Current Research Progress on Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Application of Guhan Yangshengjing
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Current Research Progress on Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Application of Guhan Yangshengjing in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Guhan Yangshengjing (GHYSJ) is based on the essence of the bamboo slips “Healthcare Prescriptions” and “Endo-meridians” from the ancient tombs of the Western Han Dynasty in Mawangdui, Li Congfu, Liu Bingfan, and Ouyang Qi of the Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, condensed a compound recipe with their decades of clinical experience. GHYSJ,, composed of a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, has the efficacy of invigorating the kidney for strengthening the spleen, tonifying qi for benefitting essence, which is used for dizziness, palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness, insomnia, impotence and spermatorrhea and fatigue and weakness caused by deficiency of qi and yin and insufficient kidney essence [1]. GHYSJ has been put into production since 1986,of which two dosage forms, oral liquid and tablets are developed with multiple specifications and models, which can meet the purchasing needs of different groups. In the process of longterm clinical application, it has been found that GHYSJ also has a good effect on many other diseases, such as atrophic gastritis, coronary heart disease, alopecia areata, chloasma, hypotension, Meniere’s syndrome, senile habitual constipation and menopausal syndrome [2].
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revivifyhealth · 1 year
In TCM, Cistanche was used to tonify the Kidneys and restore Yang Jing, restore blood and moisten the bowels. It was used to treat both male and female infertility and enhance the flow of yang energy and blood flow to the genitals. Shop Now.
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gardenofhera · 1 year
Ming Men: Fire of the Gate of Life
BY JOHN KIRKWOOD | Five Element Acupressure | 21 July 2015
Mingmen – Gate of Life – Governing Vessel 4
There is surely no point name more exalted than Mingmen – Gate of Life. It goes to the very core of our existence on this plane, our life itself. It is a very powerful point which accesses the gate where we emerge from the void with our essence, our constitution and our destiny. This point can help us reach our full potential and fulfil our destiny.
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Although according to the Five Elements the Kidneys belong to Water, they are also the source of Fire in the body, which is called mingmen, the “Fire of the Gate of Life”. This Fire is needed for our survival as warm blooded animals and fuels all activity. When the Gate of Life is open, it provides free access to this Fire and there is vitality, sparkle and zest for life. If the gate begins to close, there is diminishment and depletion.
Mingmen is a remarkable point for revitalisation. It can reconnect us with our essence, raise us to a new level of consciousness, and support the achievement of our highest potential. It is a point that helps us connect us with our original nature.
Lying as it does on the spine between the Kidney shu points (BL 23), Mingmen powerfully tonifies Kidney Qi and supports the Water Element. If there is timidity, it offers courage; if there is forgetfulness and disorientation, it clears the consciousness; if there is depression or emotional withdrawal, it coaxes the person to reengage with the world.
Gate of Life addresses the crucial Fire/Water balance in the body, and therefore treats both hot and cold conditions. It clears heat conditions such as a feeling of burning up as well as chills alternating with fever. More commonly it is used to treat cold conditions such as feeling cold all over the body, especially in the low back and belly, incontinence and abundant, clear urination.
It addresses reproductive disorders such as frigidity, impotence, infertility, irregular menstruation and menstrual pain caused by cold in the uterus. Other conditions include tinnitus, poor memory, haemorrhoids and prolapse of the rectum. It is an excellent point for stiffness, rigidity and pain in the low back and lumbar pain that radiates to the abdomen
This is an important point of focus in Qi Gong exercises and is known to be one of the places on the spine where it is more difficult to move energy, one of the three “tricky gates”. (The others are at the coccyx and the occiput.)
In people who have experienced a chronic, debilitating illness, this point is usually empty and needs considerable attention to persuade it to open. However it has the power to reconnect with the jing or essence and restore a person to health and vitality, a capacity reflected in its alternate name, Palace of Essence.
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Location of Governing Vessel 4
On the spine, between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae, approximately at the level of the navel. Use direct, moderate pressure.
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There is an art to drinking tea, which both protects the kidneys and nourishes health
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There is an art to drinking tea, which can both protect the kidneys and promote health. From ancient times, the Chinese have loved drinking tea and it has become an indispensable part of many people's lives. There are many benefits to drinking tea, including refreshing the mind, facilitating urination and detoxification, aiding digestion and preventing heatstroke, and enhancing immunity.
With spring bringing new life to the earth, people often say that spring is a time to nourish the liver, so many people tend to neglect the care of their kidneys during this season. In fact, caring for and protecting the kidneys in spring is the right thing to do. Learning to drink tea properly can protect the kidneys and promote health.
Drinking tea to promote health should be appropriate to the season and the variety of tea. Chinese tea culture is profound and can be divided into several types according to the processing method: green tea (unfermented and cool in nature), yellow tea (slightly fermented and cool in nature), white tea (lightly fermented and mild in nature), oolong tea (semi-fermented and moderate in nature), black tea (fully fermented and warm in nature), and dark tea (post-fermented and warm in nature).
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Generally speaking, as tea undergoes the transformation from unfermented to fermented, the color of the tea soup deepens, the fragrance changes from light to fruity, the taste becomes thicker, and the nature of the tea changes from cool to mild. After fermentation, the content of tea polyphenols in tea decreases, and the nutritional substances oxidize, which is less irritating to the spleen and stomach.
In traditional Chinese medicine, to maintain the balance of yin and yang, people with dry and hot constitutions are recommended to drink cool tea, while those with weak stomachs are recommended to drink neutral or warm tea.
Chinese culture also emphasizes following nature and respecting the season. For example, in the culture of the Jiangnan region, there is a tradition of paying attention to seasonal food, with a saying of "eating pond loach in spring, three shrimp noodles in summer, chicken head rice in autumn, and lamb soup in winter." In tea culture, there is also a saying that drinking flower tea in spring can regulate qi, drinking green tea in summer can dispel summer heat and dampness, drinking oolong tea in autumn can relieve dryness and heat, and drinking black tea in winter can warm the spleen and stomach.
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From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, drinking tea is not limited to green, yellow, white, oolong, black, and dark teas. Using dried tangerine peel and Poria cocos to brew tea can promote ventilation, strengthen the spleen, and dissolve phlegm and dampness. Using cassia seed, chrysanthemum, and honeysuckle to brew tea can clear heat and detoxify, relieve summer heat and thirst, and clear the liver and brighten the eyes. Using wolfberry, jujube, and astragalus to brew tea can nourish blood and Qi, moisten the lungs and nourish Yin, and tonify the kidneys and invigorate the essence. Using Lysimachia christinae, Plantago asiatica, and gardenia to brew tea can clear heat and dampness, promote urination and stone discharge, and relieve uric acid.
Of course, tea drinking for kidney protection also varies from person to person, depending on individual constitution, underlying diseases, age, sex, and other factors. Generally speaking, healthy people can choose tea with moderate or warm nature. If a patient has urinary system stones, it is recommended to seek medical attention and receive standardized treatment, and then drink tea that clears heat, detoxifies, promotes urination, and eliminates stones. This can also help shorten the duration of the illness.
Healthy Tea Drinking - Light Tea is Preferred Over Strong Tea
Tea is an elegant art, brewing, appreciating, and drinking tea in a quiet and peaceful place has become a popular way to cultivate one's mind and relax in busy life. Some people prefer to drink strong tea with its rich aroma, bitterness, and astringency, but from a medical perspective, this is an unhealthy way of drinking tea.
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Strong tea contains higher levels of tannic acid, caffeine, fluoride, and oxalic acid. Many studies in China have shown that drinking strong tea is an independent risk factor for gastrointestinal diseases, anemia, insomnia, and urolithiasis.
Therefore, patients with urolithiasis, gastrointestinal ulcers, anemia, and other related diseases are not recommended to drink strong tea, especially unfermented green tea.
On the other hand, drinking light tea at a moderate temperature is the most beneficial to health. The moderate temperature of the tea water is not irritating to the stomach and intestines. Drinking warm or hot light tea has many health benefits. The beneficial substances, such as tea polyphenols, flavonoids, polysaccharides, and vitamins, in light tea have diuretic and detoxifying effects, regulate immune function, and have anti-oxidant properties, which can prevent and alleviate urolithiasis, high cholesterol, hypertension, fatigue, and bad breath. Therefore, only by drinking light tea can we achieve the goal of preventing diseases and maintaining health.
Moderate tea drinking - following the rhythm of life activities
In daily life, many people prefer to drink tea instead of water. In clinical practice, patients often ask, "Doctor, I can't drink plain water, can I drink tea instead?" Clinically, it is advocated to drink water properly and drink tea in moderation. In addition, it should be noted that moderate tea drinking means paying attention to the amount and rhythm of tea drinking, the strength and nature of the tea, etc., which can indeed have a protective effect on the kidneys, such as promoting diuresis and clearing heat and toxins. However, unreasonable tea drinking may have the opposite effect.
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In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney stores essence, governs bones, and produces marrow, serving as the foundation of innate constitution and growth and development. At the same time, the kidney governs water and receives qi.
In "Ling Shu • Ben Shu", the kidney is described as the bladder, the residence of the body's fluids. Urinary tract infections in traditional Chinese medicine are called "hot lin", a common urological disease in daily life, mainly manifested as urinary urgency, pain, frequency, and hematuria, which can affect people of all ages, especially middle-aged and elderly women. There are many causes of urinary tract infections, including insufficient water intake, overwork, staying up late, high work and study pressure, and holding urine, all of which can lead to a decrease in the body's immunity and trigger urinary tract infections.
Urinary tract stones mainly include kidney stones, bladder stones, and ureteral stones, collectively referred to as "stone lin" in traditional Chinese medicine, which is also a common urological disease. The main symptoms are lower back pain and hematuria, which can lead to septic shock in severe cases.
Those with "stone lin" excrete stones through urination. The kidney governs water, and water can turn into stones if it accumulates. Drinking too little water, hyperparathyroidism, high blood calcium, gout, oxalate, and cystine metabolic disorders are currently considered the main causes of urinary tract stones.
The common cause of urinary tract infections and urinary tract stones is insufficient water intake, which involves specific amounts. The average adult needs to consume 2000-2500 milliliters of water per day, including the water content in food. In addition, specific situations need to be taken into consideration, such as seasonal changes, underlying diseases (such as heart failure, hypertension, etc.), gender, weight, and work nature, which can increase or decrease water intake.
Urologists generally recommend that adults supplement 1000-1500 milliliters of water per day, with water intake evenly distributed in the morning, noon, and afternoon. If you drink a large amount of tea or water at once or for a short period of time, the kidneys will quickly secrete diuretic hormones to accelerate the excretion of excess water from the body. Therefore, drinking a large amount of tea or water in a short period of time not only has no benefits, but may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort and increase the burden on the kidneys.
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In addition, it is recommended to drink a few sips of water before going to bed to relieve thirst symptoms, but it is not recommended to drink a large amount of tea or water before going to bed. Drinking a large amount of tea or water before going to bed can increase the burden on the heart and kidneys at night, leading to nocturia and frequent urination, and the caffeine in tea may also affect sleep quality.
Remember, tea drinking should be properly distributed according to the daily needs and follow the rhythm of life activities in order to have a positive preventive and health-promoting effect. For tea lovers who have health needs, they can drink tea according to nature and season, and maintain a calm mindset, which is also a good way to promote health and longevity.
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