#tomorrow is shaping up to piss me off too 🙃
appropriatelystupid · 9 months
for anyone keeping track i’ve been with my dad for over 24 hours and he still hasn’t mentioned anything about the save the date i got just before thanksgiving for his wedding
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sarasa-cat · 9 months
Cough cough cough cough sputter cough
Charging up my iPad so I can take it will me to high tea in posh hotel atrium.
Partner has left to do some social things with elder family. I canceled bc I cannot talk and while I assume I’m not contagious with nasty ass common cold germs right now, I am being respectfully cautious. Also, no, I don’t want to fight 45-60+ min of traffic each way and be a coughing mess every time someone expects me to say more than one word.
Generally pissed off. For reasons. This set of travel legs amounted to 3+ weeks of carefully planned time I am not getting back and zero film shot, hardrive empty, gear still in fancy travel case, etc etc etc. so much cancellation. Fml. And my bank account. Especially my bank account.
Managed to drag myself out to a fave clothing store yesterday and get 5 outfits (all 100% cotton and well made and very nice and will last many years, not just many washes) for — oh how the strong dollar has favored me — the equiv of US 120 dollars.
Desperately need to go to other fave clothing store tomorrow for a massive raid that will hold me over til my next trip.
Need to check remaining space in luggage tonight.
Next international flight is on Wednesday morning (4am) so I really hope to NOT be a fucking mess on that plane. Bc that and the 4am takeoff (prolly 3am boarding) is a giant fml with getting over being sick.
My cough is way worse in evening so yeah. This will be fun. 🙃
Should have never agreed to rearranging the travel itinerary such that I would be heavily exposed to school kids immediately before a big series of (mostly canceled) exciting places that were designated stops for shooting epic amounts of pro photography and pro video. For various things. Fml.
So fucking cranky but too exhausted to crank.
We decided to redo the canceled itinerary within the next 8-12 months but scheduled so I remain in my bubble during critical days/weeks.
Honestly, I wish I wasn’t so susceptible to sinus infections and lung inflammation that will land me in US hospitals (outside of US doctors are far more competent and get me my drugs fast so I never loose lung function and lungs stay mostly or entirely clear while I recover at home) but because of this I just normally nope the fuck out of anything involving kids under age of tweens/teens, and yes, in the US it certainly shapes my circle of friends (lol- who have all left so my US circle in my metro area is now closing on zero).
I am more forgiving of my rules in nations that (a) have excellent health care I can access and are (b) not the US.
Had this one-two punch occurred in the US, 50/50 I would have had at least one trip to the ER and you know what that costs. Fuckjng American medicine. Fucking AMA. Fucking greedy capitalist shitbags is what American doctors are.
My Med bills so far including OTC and Rx drugs ongoing for 3 weeks, and doctor visiting me in my hotel: maybe the total equiv of 25 to 30 US dollars at most.
And while I have not been happy, never once was I in a bad situation as in need ER visit now. Bc I am Rxed the correct drugs. Unlike the shitbags in the US.
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