#tomoe hiyori letter
esidolmail · 5 months
to hiyori: ignore my previous letter! some extra effort i put into acquiring your card paid off!!!
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For @clueless-shapeshifter
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ohii-san · 1 year
yes tell us about eihiyo!!!!!
folds hands okay so . to me it's very fundamental that you keep in mind eichi and hiyori were childhood friends and they've known each other likely longer than keito has known eichi and i DON'T KNOW WHY THEY KEEP FUCKING DISREGARDING IT I HATE AKIRA anyway . i'll put it under the cut i know i am very rambly
edit; i hit the image limit i am not normal
so starting with checkmate which is translated by dreamwidth user shivalries but i have a screenshot of the wiki here no i don't how the fuck am i supposed to find it it's so far back in my gallery oh my god OH I GOT IT
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it's like never stated when eihiyo meets but it's Obviously fairly young because of the way they refer to each other . i have insane bias so i put them as like toddler friends but realistically they may have met shortly before nagisa came into the tomoe family, since it's stated that the foundation is falling as of ! era meaning they were far more likely to have met years prior in its peak .
SO . let's look at what eichi says here . he says he's similar to hiyori by admitting it would be like looking at himself, and this is a sentiment they both repeat in other stories; i haven't read altered but i am so sure it probably echoes this . he also knows hiyori well enough to understand that they're not particularly amicable, nor is hiyori someone who's easy to deal with when he doesn't fancy it . additionally, in pretty mission, we get these interactions;
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it's very likely the two of them attended social gatherings for high society families, which would also perhaps be where hiyori could vaguely know the himemiya family from aside from word of mouth ( it's established in a hiyori side story from ! that he has met tori before, but i believe tori says it was during his time with exfine ? )
we also get to see, in altered, that eichi is more than capable of courtesy and awareness of hiyori's false behaviors . he also says here that they've known each other a long time 🧐 fascinating . okay then . so they mutually understand one another and can't lie to each other ? sounds like something people in a FORMER RELATIONSHIP WOULD SAY !!!!!!! congrats to eichi for being the most divorced nineteen year old in the world
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moving on . sorry for the poor image quality i combined two screenshots so i could add the altered one since i NEED people to see it
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moving onto summer live which ummm was done by kotofucius ( a long inactive tl :( hope they're okay ) right here, but i have screenshots from the wiki saved so it's what you get lol ❤️ anyway hiyori states it's been a long time since he's seen eichi, and we know this is after the war so we can assume hiyori and eichi more or less fell out after hiyori transferred to reimei . tsumugi states ( in a story i can't recall ? may be ss ) that he keeps in contact with hiyori and nagisa, and that ibara ( <- i believe he says "that kid" or something though, referring to nagisa's roommate and partner, who is ibara ) has helped nagisa grow as a person etc etc so Why did hiyori ghost eichi 🧐 but it's easy enough to understand .
i accidentally grabbed so many screenshots but wonder game gives us a decent glimpse into their dynamic too .
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i put them all side by side on mobile to save space a little but the gist of this is that eichi is . very .. aware ? of hiyori's personality and mannerisms, and feels comfortable calling them out . hiyori is someone who canonically wears a facade so imo it's very interesting that eichi calls his bluffs, points out his flaws, etc without much thought at all . they're obviously close and well acquainted no matter how much they appear to hate one another .
we see it later in summer live too, he advises hokuto almost nonstop for the trickstar/eve meeting because he understands hiyori and grasps quite well that he's difficult when he wants to be, which is exactly how he ends up acting with hokuto; really the only reason they get through that meeting is eichi's guidance and hokuto getting pissed off enough to get hiyori to respect him . a tiny bit .
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also, in wonder game again, we get to see the fact that hiyori is eventually dedicated to eichi's cause despite hating him . in my opinion this is hiyori deflecting; i believe they're actually much closer than either of them admit in ! era stories ( which is Basically all i've referenced so far ), and their !! banter is definitely meant to be read as far more playful
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hiyori acknowledges eichi's dedication and seems to admire it, and also shut up look at what hiyori says in summer live you will not believe this shit
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?!?!?!?!?! BUT YOU PERFORM WITH EICHI AND WORK ALONGSIDE HIM . YOU DON'T HATE HIM YOU BIG BITCH BABY JESUS CHRIST !!!! ohhh my god they're so insufferable okay . i'm running out of intelligent thought but i hope you now understand that eichi and hiyori do definitely respect one another, they work well together, i believe hiyori had a crush on eichi as a child and they ( like reichi ) have insane divorced energy . their fights in !! are much more tame compared to them outright saying "i hate you" HAHAH . going back to that second pretty mission screenshot ( as i said at the top, i hit the image limit ), you can definitely read it in a way more amicable teasing kind of way . i would also like to give a shoutout to this white brim moment where hiyori smacks eichi for pretending to die and traumatizing tori . real exes behavior idk personally i wouldn't assault people i wasn't close with HAHAH i also want to mention *this* white brim moment where eichi says that hiyori has been a maid, presumably worn a maid dress also ( for him ?!?!? ) before . it's probably a reference to them playing as children but i am losing my goddamn mind at the idea of like 15/16 year olds eihiyo fucking around and making a bet which ends with hiyori serving eichi .
okay i need to shut up this has been so much please read white brim ( i haven't even read it in full ) and wonder game THANK YOU FOR LISTENING PLEASE SEE MY VISION I SPENT AN HOUR TYPING ALL OF THIS AND GATHERING SCREENSHOTS
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
『Best friends to lovers trope + first kiss』
Characters: Souma Kanzaki, Yuta Aoi, Suou Tsukasa, Himeru, Kohaku Oukawa, Kanata Shinkai, Arashi Narukami, Hiyori Tomoe, Ritsu Sakuma and Ibara Saegusa.
C/w: fluff, jealousy (?), somewhat angst depending on some parts like (i can’t really specify since it’s up to the readers pov 🥲) , long post ?? (Ten characters meaning more scrolling if you see it that way?), Madara’s a chismoso in Kohaku’s part (snitch; I swear he did it cause Kohaku wasn’t making a move LMAO) it’s just cute and kisses rahh i love fluff (not proofread my bad) [WHY IS HIYORI’S PART SO LONG HELLO im not biased i swear] ugly cried making Ritsu’s part help. 3.5k words woah-
A/n: hello everyone :3 first off I wanna say tysm for the support in my last post!! I didn’t think it a lot of people would like it but im glad you guys enjoyed it, it made my day seeing all the support <3! And second, I’m working on those requests I PROMISEE (atp spam me to motivate me pls /hj), and I will be posting the remaining parts of the series “Kissing/Making out + hcs” soon as well, writers block really is making me not post 😭 but anyways!! Hope y’all enjoy this super cute trope >:3
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Souma Kanzaki✰
Your absolute best friend in the marine bio club, he loves researching about cute creatures and taking care of them too!! Souma isn’t really focused on romance, he’s really glad to have found friends like you and Adonis. But, why was he feeling some sort of way around you? Your smile was so soft, he felt his heart beat at the thought of it, and how warm your personality was with him. He was scared to even confess because you’ve been such a good friend to him that he really doesn’t want to ruin that friendship.
But its not like you have hinted anything towards him. It’s always been Adonis or Kanata, hell, even Kaoru, he wants you to look at him for once, just once and say you love him. Souma started to doubt whether or not to tell you, when suddenly as he opened his locker, saw an envelope with your name in it, addressed to him. He decided on going to the place you mentioned in your letter, seeing you there with a smile.
“Y/n…do you feel what I feel? I really enjoy your presence, but I can’t help but feel I want to be more than your friend, perhaps a partner? If you want to stay as friends then I understand-“
With that, you kissed him, he felt like his world was just surrounded by you and just you both. As you parted away, Souma blushed a bit, smiling brightly but slightly embarrassed as you spoke
“I love you too Souma, I’ve been waiting to say those words to you”
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Yuta Aoi✰
Let’s face it, you’re friends with Yuta and best friends with Hinata. He hates feeling like a second option towards you when Hinata isn’t there. Of course, you share moments like any good friend would, talking and spending time together. But it was all about Hinata; Hinata this, Hinata that. Yuta started growing feelings of jealousy for a while, but he couldn’t just go to his brothers best friend and admit of their crush, opening his heart out there and waiting for it to be held or acepted, anything but crushed.
Yuta knew he had to act one day or another, it can’t stay like this when you’re just there, being so kind to him even if he felt like a filler for when Hinata wasn’t there. Until one day, his brother found out about his crush, and promised him that he wasn’t interested in you, after all, Hinata felt like you were the sister they never had. After that day, Yuta saw things clearly, not blinded by the silly jealousy towards his brother and now focusing on winning your heart. Eventually, he invited you out to hang out together, which could be considered a date but he liked saying they were only going out as friends. Right after ending the date, Yuta held your hands softly, sighing before speaking.
“So, I wanna thank you for accepting my invite um to go out..but I also want to say something important-“
You cut him off by kissing him, he stood still, a bit in shock while his heart felt like it was about to burst.
“I like you too Yuta..sorry if I made you feel in any way less than your brother, you’re very important to me, you both are”
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Suou Tsukasa✰
Your friendship began with your father’s company partnering up with Tsukasa’s. You both instantly clicked having somewhat same interests, going to cafe’s around japan whenever your families traveled to other cities. Suou loves going to Yumenosaki Academy with you, it’s a routine going in and out and after school, taking you to the sweet fan club. It’s no surprise when the members of the club ask if you’re dating, to which Suou just blushes and denies it. Perhaps he was developing feelings for you?
No it couldn’t be, you were his best friend, and childhood one too. Kohaku had seen Suou doubtful at times and comforted him, encouraging his cousin to give it a try if he truly loved you. Even if things wouldn’t be the same after, Suou was really going to give this a try. The following days consisted of him acting more affectionate and close with you, gifting you small things like your favorite sweets even jewelry as well. To the point where you confronted him about all the sudden coddling.
“Okay Suou listen I appreciate the gifts and the kindness, but..is there a reason why you’re doing this? I mean- wait, you’re definitely hidding something right? Come on I know you and I’ve done so my entire life, it can’t be that bad-“
Suou leaned forward, kissing you softly as he had felt brave in that moment, soon pulling away muttering a small apology as he sighed
“I-I’m sorry, I really love your company and your sweet personality, you’ve showed me how to love and feel loved. I truly hope you feel the same as I do”
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After the incident regarding his brother, Kaname, Himeru learned everything about his brother. People didn’t find him strange, or acting weird when referring to himself in third person, after all Himeru knew how to blend in well with the crowd. Except for one person, you. Knowing Kaname well had it’s things, like predicting what things he wanted to do or talk about in the moment, even sharing class schedules with each other, so you knew he was not Kaname, but instead his brother who he had mentioned briefly before Himeru had come in as ‘him’. Still, Himeru had that side of him that made you look at him in another light.
Of course, he was portraying as his brother but, something about Himeru was just so different, he was more mature, rationalized everything and serious in a way that made you like him? He was kind and gentle with you, almost sickening, but in a good way. A year passed by and Himeru invited you to see his brother, how the incident had left him in a state of coma, tears were shed that day, and a lot. But you knew how much trust and care he had in you. So when he pulled you aside as you walked towards the place he’d ask you to meet him at, you weren’t surprised at what he said.
“Himeru hopes this is enough appropriate to aproach you this way. Himeru asked for you to meet him here, Himeru is thankful for that…would you be willing to give Himeru the opportunity to show you how much ‘I’ love you?”
You smiled, one he loved seeing so frequently. He placed his arms around you in a comforting way, kissing you softly while smiling
“Yes Himeru, I love you, not because you’re ‘impersonating’ your brother but, because i fell in love with the real you, the real Himeru thats under that façade”
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Kohaku Oukawa✰
Being part of whatever Madara dragged him into, wasn’t easy, especially with making acquaintances rather than his unit mates and Madara himself, not to mention his cousin Suou who is somewhat friends with you. He can’t even recall the time you both met, perhaps his cousin introduced you or he had seen you around the Reimei dormitories. Even if Kohaku didn’t attend school, he looked forward in meeting you in the hallways of the dorms. His conversations being short and direct but well mannered, he seemed to have taken a liking to you.
Or more like a slight fling of trust towards you since you knew his cousin and friends well. It wasn’t like him when he offered you to join him and share some of his favorite sweets or chatting online when you didn’t have time to hang out, always ending up with photos of Kohaku and the thing he was so busy at. Sometimes it would be photos of him at the practice studio or helping Madara out with something, they were really cute, but he didn’t have to know that, right? Then he suggested you both went out, taking you to his favorite shops and cafe’s filled with pastries from around the world, sharing a bite of the (favorite pastry) you were eating as he spoke, now having the opportunity to do so since you were both in a much more secluded area.
“Hey so..would it be alright if I..confessed? Okay no I’m not gonna beat around the bush, I like you, a lot. I talked this with Madara and he said i should tell you since honesty is important and”
He stopped, looking at you briefly after you had kissed him momentarily on the lips, he stared for a bit before snapping back into reality, coughing a bit as he averted his eyes across the room, trying to hide the embarrassment he felt because you liked him back and kissed him, even though he wanted to do so first
“Perhaps a little birdy might’ve told me something like that before…however the answer is still the same, I like you too Kohaku, thank you for being honest, I really like that about you too”
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Kanata Shinakai✰
You both met thanks to Madara and Ryuusetai. Since you worked with Madara on some missions, you actually knew Kanata when he was proclaimed to be a ‘god’. The shinkai cult was a very harsh one but, after Madara had saved Kanata, he was in your ‘debt’. But it never felt that way to either of you, Kanata is your best friend, one that always drags you towards any nearby water or anything you both enjoy. He really likes spending time with you and will not back off if you tell him he’s “too clingy”. People always say you were like platonic soulmates, but you’d always denied it with a small blush on your face.
However, feelings started to develop when he would always go towards you in need of help or advice, even saying good morning before anyone else, you were first and it made you feel something whenever he smiled at you or dragged you into the cold water of the fountain. Kaoru was the first to notice your feelings whenever you came by the marine bio club, cheeks a bit pink as Kanata hugged you. It was kinda obvious of how much you liked each other but were oblivious to it. Till one day, he invited you out to meet him in one of his favorite spots, laying out a blanket with some of your favorite snacks, looking at the ocean in front of you as he held your hand under the afternoon sun.
“I think I’m developing ‘feelings’ for you~ Y/n~, do you ‘like’ me too~?”
Smiling, he knew to take that as a sign to kiss you, his lips soft against yours as you parted away slowly, taking the time to admire his features and how the wind moved his hair slightly
“I love you Kanata, it feels like we’re destined to be with one another”
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Arashi Narukami✰
The cool stylish best friend you were so proud to have. Arashi knew the best skin care products and even gave you tips from time to time. She was the best to go to if you had any problems about anything. You both met at one of her regular make up stores to go to in the daily, she just so happened to love your fit and exchanged numbers. Arashi invites you to a couple of her shootings sometimes, looking your way when she’s posing or winking and the staff is quite positive that you’re dating each other. To which Arashi has no objection to but you’re almost sure she’s teasing you.
Besides you both have been friends for a couple of years, it’s nothing serious…or so you thought. Arashi had arranged a dinner after her regular model shootings and invited you, alone. Which caused some doubts because she would normally invite the rest of the Knights with you to eat together, especially for dinner. Upon entering the restaurant, placing your orders and sitting down, Arashi took out what seemed to be a box, you almost thought she was asking you to marry her but as she opened it, there were two rings, almost equal, she smiled and seemed a bit bashful as she spoke.
“You know I’m not really used to any of this but, I like you Y/n, I saw these rings and thought why not use them as promise rings? I hope you like it~!”
You smiled and held her hand as she kissed your cheek softly, then moving to kiss your lips briefly. Arashi then placed the ring on your finger as you did to her’s too. Many people thought it was an engagement and congratulated you both, even if it wasn’t, you ended up getting free dessert and a wonderful time with her
“I like you too Arashi! What just happened feels like something out of a fairytale, it was so romantic, thank you for the wonderful time~!”
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Hiyori Tomoe✰
Your 'archnemesis’ that turned into your best friend. Hiyori really didn’t get along well with you, especially when you hanged around with Jun most of the time, talking about similar interests as he watched you both from the sidelines while he waited for Jun to finish his conversation. It wasn’t fair whenever Jun opt to spend more time with you rather than him and his dog Bloody Mary. However one time, Jun went off with Makoto, leaving you alone with Hiyori and his dog, he then realized how kind you were with everything, especially Bloody Mary. After that day you both became the most inseparable of friends. Always giving you tips on your wardrobe and going out to get lunch or a cup of coffee to start the day. When he invited you to his concerts and events, you were always there, first row cheering him on as he looked at you from the stage. Something about seeing you so cheery in the crowd made his heart flutter, he felt so loved and cherished by his best friend.
Although he wouldn’t consider that anymore, it had developed into a crush throughout the weeks, leaning into your touch more as you both linked arms or his arm around your shoulder. He trusted you with some of his worries and inquires, always looking forward to your advice whenever he felt down or lost. He eventually ranted towards Nagisa and Bloody Mary, to which Nagisa pretty much replied with “be honest with them, you never know unless you say something”. Nagisa was right, he had to do whatever it took to say how he was feeling and Hiyori wasn’t backing down on this. It was when he had the idea to confess after one of his concerts with Eve, after briefly finishing and the majority of the people had left, he requested for your presence in his dressing room, escorted by one of the bodyguards Ibara had hired for the concert. Soon entering his dressing room and seeing flowers everywhere, even a small rose petal line leading directly towards Hiyori as he smiled and held a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“Hiyori! Wow it’s so beautiful..but, why all this commotion? I mean I love it but-“
You felt his lips against yours briefly, a soft giggle leaving his lips as he leaned towards you once more, catching you by surprise again
“My dearest Y/n! I must admit you’ve caught my eye, and I have developed feelings for you, I hope you truly feel the same”
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Ritsu Sakuma✰
Ritsu had admired you from afar for quite some time now, noticing how happy you were with his brother and unit, too busy to even notice his presence whenever he was sleeping nearby, but that all changed once his brother had invited you over to dinner at their home. That’s how the friendship became to grow, you both shared similar tastes, music and even things like sleeping. He was your best friend since then and has been for a couple of months. Unfortunately, since he still holds a grudge against his brother Rei, you were kinda forced to choose between them, although not necessarily since you’d seen Rei almost everyday and Ritsu too, separated from each other. He opened himself up to you, telling Y/n how he felt like his brother had abandoned him at one point and how he didn’t want to feel that ever again, to which you had promised to stay by his side no matter what.
Soon, friendly cuddles were a thing under his favorite spot at the garden before going to the tea club. It felt like a routine; waking up, going to school, spending time with Ritsu and so on. Whenever he saw you with his brother, he really wasn’t jealous, just annoyed and bothered at the sight of Rei touching your arm slightly, whenever that happened he always approached you and placed his arm linked with yours as he waited for you both to finish said conversation. Feelings started to grow when he saw you waking up from one of your usual naps together, the way you slowly opened your eyes and how the sun softly graced your face, you looked like a sleeping angel, quite literally. He took it upon himself to confess the very day you both graduated, the last time you would’ve seen each other if it weren’t for his plans. Ritsu had pulled you aside, taking you to your usual spot as you both smile, a bit tearful at the sight of not being able to come back and share moments with each other but that’s when Ritsu held your hand softly
“Y/n..I want to apologize for how late this confession came to be but..I love you, I don’t want to let go of you just yet, or ever..please stay with me”
Ritsu asked as you smiled, his hands now on your cheeks as you pulled him in for a kiss, it felt so right to share such intimate moment with your now lover as he pulled back, looking at you dumbfounded for a moment as you spoke
“I love you more Ritsu~ I can’t wait to find more spots under trees so we can spend all the time in the world cuddling together”
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Ibara Saegusa✰
The protective best friend who doesn’t like anyone coming near you. He’s always been like that, since day one of your friendship. Ibara at first offered you to work with him since the job was open to be his assistant. Then it turned into late night talks and drinking some coffee in the morning before attending to important stuff that he realized he had actually found a friend for the first time in ever. Apart from Eden and Adam if that counts, he really felt at ease around you. His work became less heavy and less dull, thanks to the help of a kind friend like you and the company he had every day, he seemed to be in a better mood each week. In business meetings or Eden/Adam practices, he’s always keeping an eye on you, if anyone makes you uncomfortable or your well-being overall. Even attending his lectures, he felt happy seeing you taking notes and being so attentive when he told his speeches.
It’s so weird seeing that he prioritizes your friendship over his work a few times like taking you to lunch or spending time doing whatever you both want. It caused some curiosity between the members of Eden since Ibara would always be swarming in work and the progress of their units. They sincerely have to thank you for letting him see his soft spot, his sweet side to all that workaholic Ibara. It was quite refreshing to be honest, seeing him so at ease and the strees and burden from over the years were at much calm now beside you. It was love, he couldn’t imagine a life without you, Ibara imagined the day where he would wake up beside you, smiling softly as he kissed you so dearly in the morning. He thought that those “daydreams” of you both spending time together was normal, but he was just really catching feelings. After a long time of consideration, he decided to take you out to a very exclusive dinner, one which the entire restaurant was worth more than the entire ensemble square. He sat in front of you, letting you choose a variety of dishes before grabbing your hand and speaking
“I’ll keep this short and simple, I really love your company, and I can’t help but wish more of it, more of your touch..if you catch what I mean..please don’t keep me waiting, the thought of being rejected is harsh but I’d rather know that- mmmphf-!”
He felt himself turn red, cheeks flaired with a pink hue as he felt your lips against his, his face was priceless. Chapped but so soft against yours, he didn’t want to let go, even for a catch of air, however when you did, your hands linked as you smiled
“I love you as well Ibara, don’t stress over something that was already expected from the both of us~”
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Angels and Devils 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Akiomi, Rei, Wataru, Kanata, Shu, Natsume
Translator: Mika Enstars
EN Proofer: PitXRoxas
"That isn’t what is of my concern. What does the O in fine-O stand for?"
Season: Winter
Location: SS Finals Live Stage
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Rei: Now that you mention it, I did hear something about it being Sakasaki-kun who came up with the idea for OO. Is that true?
Kanata: Is it not~? Nacchan is always thinking of all sorts of “splendid plans”. ♪
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Natsume: Hm~… In a wAY, it is trUE, but you could say it is also untrUE.
What appears to be true is that OO seems to be based on a plan I created for the final performance with Wataru-niisan back during the confliCT.
I can tell that because of the name “OO”. That is the performance I dreamed up back thEN.
But it’s stranGE. Back thEN, I had burned the proposal for “OO” and disposed of iT.
“Tsumugi-niisan” added it to the bonfire that evening alongside the records that cast the student council and it’s main forCE, fine, in a bad ligHT.
And yET, incomprehensibLY, here is a performance based on the proposal that should have been turned to ashes on that dAY—it’s been turned to realiTY.
So what’s to explain thIS? Perhaps this is some conspiraCY?
Wataru: ……~♪
Natsume: Why are you grinning like thAT, Wataru-niisan?
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Wataru: Am I not always grinning cheerfully? I’m a jester after all!
Natsume: HmPH… Oh weLL. Even if this is the same sort of conspiracy that brought us down during the wAR…
I won’t fall for the same pitfall twiCE. We will overcome anything in our wAY, and wE, the Five Eccentrics, will emerge victorioUS.
Just as I had envisioned it that dAY, within the plot of my own dreams and ideaLS.
Wataru: Fufufu, it would be nice if it were so easy.
There’s no easy way for me to put it as of now, but fine isn’t so sweet to just allow you to win so easily, you know.
Shu: It may be a minute detail, but our enemy today appears to be called not fine, but fine-O.
Rei: Mhm. That is because in OO, official units registered in ES cannot appear.
Only temporary units that are not officially registered can, such as how we temporarily teamed up to form Altered.
As such, they are not fine, but under a separate name, fine-O.
Shu: That isn’t what is of my concern. What does the O in fine-O stand for?
Wataru: It is unclear! Much like I haven’t a clue what OO stands for!
Shu: Hm. The notation “OO” appears to merely be blank letters to me, however.
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Kanata: Ooh ooh…? Ouh, ouh…?
…I am (oresama), OK (okkei)?
Rei: For some reason, an image of Koga wearing a big smile came to mind.
Natsume: Don’t goof arouND, let’s be serioUS. It may be meaningless saying this to my niisaNS, but feel more of a sense of urgency with thIS.
Rei: The time for sitting comfortably is over. Look, our enemies are making their appearance.
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Akiomi: “And in the white corner! The unit of justice whom overthrew the once-strongest Five Eccentrics and revolutionized Yumenosaki Academy—fine!”
“As you may know, fine is the strongest unit, touted as one of ES’ big three!”
“But here, fine-O here refers to the four people who were active during the revolutionary era in Yumenosaki, and are considered to be the strongest in all it’s history!”
Rei: First time I’m hearing that.
Shu: It’s all ’strongest this, strongest that’, what a pain to the ears. But, this appears to be the type of event OO is, so nothing can be done about it.
Akiomi: “Now, let’s introduce the members of fine-O! The four seraphs who sing of justice and love—Aoba Tsumugi! Ran Nagisa! Tomoe Hiyori! Tenshouin Eichi!”
Shu: Seraphs…?
Natsume: Kunugi-sensei’s giving it his aLL, hUH? He’s just reading from a scriPT, thouGH.
Kanata: Mhm~, Sensee[1] is always “hard-working” and “splendid”. ♪
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Akiomi: Over there, you, refrain from small talk, please! How many times do I have to tell you guys until you actually listen… Just who you think you are!?
Rei: You’ll have to bear with me here. If I can’t find room to joke about it, even I can’t help but begin to shudder.
Look’ere, the messengers of justice have arrived to exterminate us villains!
Natsume: Hm? BuT, hold oN. Isn’t something not quite rigHT?
Shu: You’re right, how come he isn’t here…?
Rei: Hmm. It appears that something abnormal’s going on here.
Shu: When it comes to abnormalities, haven’t things been abnormal since the very beginning?
Natsume: You’re rigHT, things have beEN.
You knOW, my niisans of the Five Eccentrics... Like you saID, when on earth did all of “this” begIN?
Fine and the Five Eccentrics are here as sworn enemies, just like during the former Yumenosaki confliCT…
It’s too late to ask wHY, but who on earth could have thought up such an idEA, where both sides have a head-on showdoWN?
Shu: Was it not you who had conceived this idea?
Wataru: Right? It was Natsume-kun’s proposal that was the basis for this event, yes?
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Natsume: On the surfaCE, yES. The name “OO” and the key aspects match uP, resulting in the plan I had envisioned to come trUE—That’s what should be the caSE.
But that is exactly what makes it all so puzzliNG. …This isn’t the plan I came up wiTH.
My plan has been twistED, alterED, and disguised as something elSE.
There is probably a mastermind behind all of this fuss.
This is nothing but a festival, as long as one is unaware of “that person’s” motives… So I’m not sure if we should be so innocently excited over this.
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Not a typo—Kanata calls him “sensee” (せんせえ), which is a playful or cutesy say to say sensei.
30 notes · View notes
ibarap · 9 months
[Scout] White Bear / Pure White Diary 2
Tsumugi: Hiyori-kun, you've been quiet for a while now. What's wrong?
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Leo: Oi~, what are you guys talking about? Let us in on it too. ☆
Yuzuru: We've finished talking to all of the children. Here's the list of presents they want.
Tsumugi: Thank you for taking care of that for me.
Truth is, apparently there's a bedridden boy in this hospital, and he wants permission to go outside as his Christmas present.
Adonis: Permission to go outside...? Is he allowed to do that, Staff-san?
Tsumugi: ...Hmm, I see. his health is so frail that the winter season means he can't even leave his room.
Leo: Not even his room? So that means he won't get to join the Christmas party?
Yuzuru: ...I see. The white teddy bear will be the one to join the Christmas party in place of him.
Leo: Hm~? But this lil guy doesn't look like he's got a camera or anything. Is he really gonna take that kid's place?
Tsumugi: I think so. It looks like the boy himself is using it as his stand-in.
Here's the letter that came with the backpack the teddy bear was in.
We could broadcast the Christmas party to him if there's a TV in his room, but... Hm?
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Hiyori: ...
Tsumugi: Hiyori-kun, you've been quiet for a while now. What's wrong?
Hiyori: ...I'm thinking of how we could grant his wish.
What if he we take him outside via car? He'll be warm inside the car, so it'd be easier on his body.
Leo: Ooh, great idea! I'll be taking the wheel then. ☆
Hiyori: You will? That's a little scary, I feel like you'll get into a car accident!
Leo: You're so rude~. I haven't been in one yet, though!
Hiyori: Even if you say that, I'm worried you will. I'll get a car and driver prepared!
Tsumugi: P-please wait.
It would be difficult for him to go outside even if he's in a car. We're not his family or his doctor, so what if something happens to him?
Hiyori: But Tsumugi-kun... I want to make everyone's wishes come true.
He'd feel left out if his wish was the only one we couldn't fulfill.
Adonis: Tomoe-senpai...
Leo: ...Staff-san, are visitors allowed in his room? Can we go see him and stuff?
I get that the teddy bear is supposed to be his stand-in, but if it's okay for us to go see him, we wanna talk with him face to face.
'Cause that's what we came here for. ♪
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<A few minutes later.>
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Leo: Hi there~, are you this lil guy's owne— no, friend?
Boy: Huh? The idol onii-chans? Why are you guys here?
Leo: We're here to bring him home. See? "I'm home~☆". (Leo waves one of its paws.)
Boy: Wah, thank you.
Ehehe... Welcome home, White Bear.
Adonis: White Bear...? Is that its name?
Boy: Yeah, 'cause that's what was on his ear tag...
I got White Bear for my birthday, so he's my best friend.
Leo: Wahaha! I love names that are easy to understand. ☆
Boy: Ah... The letter in my bag is gone.
Idol onii-chan, did you guys... read my letter?
Hiyori: Yes, we read it. You wrote, "I want to go outside for Christmas", right?
Boy: Yeah. The nurse said I could write anything I want, so...
But... you can forget about it, 'cause I don't have any hope it'll happen.
Hiyori: Eh, what do you mean?
Boy: 'Cause it's impossible — going outside even though I can't even leave my room...
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Yuzuru: (whispering) ...Um, Aoba-sama.
Judging from the medical equipment by his bed, it appears it'll be difficult to take him outside like you said.
Tsumugi: (whispering) Yes, you're right...
...Ah, okay.
Will you listen to what we have to say? We had an idea—
May we look after White Bear for a while?
Leo: Hmm? What are we gonna do?
Tsumugi: I actually saw it in a magazine or something, it's a business that offers to take people's plushies travelling for them.
It seems they would take pictures of the plushie and then send them to its owner.
What if we also take White Bear to different places so that it'd make fun Christmas memories for him?
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Adonis: That's not a bad idea, but won't he feel hesitant letting complete strangers look after something important to him?
It would be a problem if we lost it somewhere, on the off chance it happens.
Boy: Um, it's okay if you do.
Dad told me there's a button on White Bear's butt that lets him know where he is.
Hiyori: An Airtag? That's good then. [1]
Boy: Yeah... To be honest, I wanna go too, but I know I can't do that, so—
Idol onii-chans, will you take White Bear outside for me?
Let him see what Christmas is like outside the hospital for me.
Hiyori: Of course. We'll go to all kinds of places for you.
I'll make sure White Bear will have a fun Christmas... ♪
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<The next day, in one of ES' practice rooms.>
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Yuzuru: Good morning... Oh, it seems like the members of Flambé! aren't here yet.
I'll have White Bear-san sit on this chair.
Secure him in his seat so that he doesn't fall off... There. [2]
Subaru: Fusshi~, yahoo yahoo. ☆ What's with the bear?
Yuzuru: Allow me to introduce him. This is White Bear-san. ♪
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紛失防止タグ (lit. lost item prevention tag): refers to all GPS-tracking/smart tags. I used Airtag here since the kid called it a button, and it's what most people are familiar with.
You can see the picture Yuzuru took of White Bear in Tsumugi's 3* unbloomed.
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rubys-domain · 11 months
Personal Enstars Event Roadmap (Made By A 2winkP)
🚃 SS Arc/6th Stage Sanctuary (Tour Event)
5★ Wataru Hibiki | fine | Pf
5★ Tomoya Mashiro | ra*bits | Da
🔖 Fruitful OCTOBER (Scout) (11/24/2023 →25)
5★ (Awaiting the Day of Harvest) Yuta Aoi | Da
EXCEED - Eden (- 11/20/2023)
(11/21/2023 - 11/~26/2023)
🚃 SS Arc/7th Stage Sudden Death (Tour Event) (10/15/2021 - 10/23/2021) (11-26-2023 - 12-04-2023)
5★ Kohaku Oukawa | Double Face | Pf | Glitter Pf
5★ Tsukasa Suou | Knights | Da | Brilliant Da
(12/5/2023 - 12/10/2024)
4 unrelated events
Gekkou Kitan - Akatsuki (10/31/2021 - 11/08/2021) (12/10/2023 - 12/18/2023)
5★ (Moon of Fresh Blood) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | Vo | Glitter Vo | N/A
4★ (Blood Tide of the Moon) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | IR Total 57,236
(12/19/2023 - 12/24/2023)
FORBIDDEN RAIN - Undead (11/15/2021 - 11/23/2021) (12/24/2023 - 1/1/2024)
5★ (Beast and Ambassador) Adonis Otogari | Undead | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Beast and Artist) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,369
(1/2/2024 - 1/~6 7/2024)
Nekketsu☆Ryusei Ninpouchou - Ryuseitai (11/30/2021 - 12/8/2021) (1/7/2024 - 1/15/2024)
5★ (Ninpou, Modern-ize) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Ninpou, Hardworking-ism) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,364
4★ (Ninpou, Yuru-style) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | IR Total 58,577
(1/16/2024 - 1/20/2024)
Noir Neige - La Mort (Ritsu, Rei, Nagisa, Mayoi, Kohaku) (12/15/2021 - 12/23/2021) (1/21/2024 - 1/29/2024)
5★ (Eternal Reaper) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | Da | Glitter Total↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Freezing Reaper) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,520
4★ (Half-Reaper Boy) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | IR Total 56,752
(1/30/2024 - 2/~5/2024)
🚃 SS Arc/Final Stage SS (Large-scale Tour Event) (12/31/2021 - 1/8/2022) (2/~6/2024 - 2/~13/2024)
5★ (Red that Sings for the Advent of Morning) Eichi Tenshouin | fine | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
5★ (Red that Pierces Through the Clouds) Tori Himemiya | fine | Da | Flash Da↑ | N/A
5★ (White that Sings for the Break of Dawn) Nagisa Ran | Eden | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | N/A
5★ (White that Illuminates the Darkness) Hiyori Tomoe | Eden | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Sky-Clearing Red) Wataru Hibiki | fine | IR Total 55,405
4★ (Meditating Red) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 55,854
4★ (Sprouting White) Ibara Saegusa | Eden | IR Total 57,227
Feathers of Ark - fine
Deep Eclipse - Eden
(2/~14/2024 - 2/~21/2024)
🔖 Hinata Feature Scout (Scout) (01/10/2022 - 01/25/2022) (2/~22/2024 - 3/~8/2024)
5★ (Colors Mixed Together) Hinata Aoi | Da
3★ (Gamer Pride) Yuta Aoi
Finder Girl - Trickstar (01/15/22 - 01/23/22) (2/~21/2024 - 2/~29/2024)
5★ (Reminiscing on the Four Seasons) Mao Isara | Trickstar | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Snapshotting the Four Seasons) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 58,748
(3/~1/2024 - 3/~7/2024)
1 unrelated event
Believe 4 leaves - Alkaloid (01/31/22 - 02/08/22) (3/~7/2024 - 3/~14/2024)
5★ (Phantom Ship of Hope) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Phantom Ship of Dreams) Aira Shiratori | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,881
(3/~15/2024 - 3/~21/2024)
Chocolat♥Love Letter Covered in Hearts* (Unit Event) (2/15/2022 - 2/23/2022) (3/~21/2024 - 3/29/2024)
5★ (Heartfelt Love Letter) Yuta Aoi | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Authentic Love Letter) Hinata Aoi | IR Total 58,671
Swee2wink Love Letter - 2wink
*+ Valentine's Day Campaign...? idk unclear if it already happened or not from the wiki
(3/~30/2024 - 4/~5/2024)
1 unrelated event
Brilliant Smile - Switch (2/28/2022 - 3/8/2022) (
5★ (Steadfast Carat) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Skilled Carat) Sora Harukawa | Switch | IR Total 55,405
FUSION LIVE: Crazy:B × 2wink (Mini Event) (3/9/2022 - 3/14/2022)
1 unrelated event
Acanthe - Valkyrie (03/15/2022 - 03/23/2022)
5★ (Sealed Display of Specimens) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | Da | Flash Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 1 (Campaign) (3/15/2022 - 4/18/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | Da | Brilliant Total↑
First Bloom*A Spring Evening's Brief Respite (Unit Event) (03/31/2022 - 04/08/2022)
3★ (Evening Song) Hinata Aoi
No name yet - Double Face
5★ (Cherry Blossom-Colored Evening) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | N/A
🔖 Puffy☆Bunny (Scout) (04/15/2022 - 04/23/2022)
5★ (Sunny Bunny) Hinata Aoi | 2wink | Pf | Flash Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
Paradigm Reversi! - Puffy☆Bunny (Wataru, Hinata, Mika, Hiiro, Shinobu)
5★ (Lively Bunny) Wataru Hibiki | fine | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Smiley Bunny) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 58,416
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 2 (Campaign) (4/28/2022 - 5/31/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | 2wink | Da | Brilliant Total↑
🔖 Band BB (Scout) (04/29/22 - 05/14/22)
4★ (Singing Keyboardist) Yuta Aoi
3★ (Harmonizing Bassist) Hinata Aoi
5★ (Howling Guitarist) Koga Oogami | Undead | Pf | Glitter Pf ↑ | Combo
Reminiscence*The Obbligato Played by Iridescence (Tour Event) (04/30/2022 - 05/08/2022)
5★ (Shards of a Brilliant Display) Tatsumi Kazehaya | Alkaloid | Da | Glitter Total ↑ | N/A
5★ (Shards of a Desired Brilliance) HiMERU | Crazy:B | Pf | Flash Pf ↑ | N/A
3 unrelated events
Daydream×Reality - Trickstar (5/15/2022 - 5/23/2022)
5★ (Games and IRL) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
Sustain Memories - Undead (05/31/2022 - 06/08/2022)
5★ (Bride of Blessings) Kaoru Hakaze | Undead | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Warm Bride) Adonis Otogari | Undead | IR Total 57,107
Natsudori no Uta -Summer Bird- - Akatsuki (06/15/2022 - 06/23/2022)
5★ (The Aspiring Star-in-Waiting) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Ever-Watching Moon) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | IR Total 54,812
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 3 (Campaign) (6/24/2022 - 7/9/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | Da | Brilliant Total↑
🚃 Yumenosaki Divided/The Tanabata Festival that Bridges Hope (Tour Event) (06/30/2022 - 07/08/2022)
5★ (Gazing upon the Tanabata Sky) Adonis Otogari | Undead | Vo | Flash Total↑ | N/A
5★ (Wishing upon the Tanabata Sky) Arashi Narukami | Knights | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | IDOL PIECE DROP RATE
4★ (Shouting Song during Tanabata) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 55,405
4★ (A Night to Enjoy Tanabata) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | IR Total 55,840
🔖 Polka Dots (Scout) (7/14/2022 - 7/29/2022)
4★ (Polka Dot Heart) Hinata Aoi
Romancing Cruise - Switch (7/15/2022 - 7/23/2022)
5★ (Cruise of Encounters) Natsume Sakasaki | Switch | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Cruise of Planning) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | IR Total 57,597
1 unrelated event
Coruscate Breeze - Knights (7/31/2022 - 8/8/2022)
5★ (Sunshine in a Foreign Country) Leo Tsukinaga | Knights | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Contest in the Sunshine) Izumi Sena | Knights | IR Total 58,898
🚃 Battle of Yumenosaki! The Sports Festival to Declare Your Presence (Tour Event) (8/15/2022 - 8/23/2022)
5★ (Bewildered Sports Festival) Aira Shiratori | Alkaloid | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
5★ (Optimistic Sports Festival) Tomoya Mashiro | ra*bits | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | N/A
4★ (Sports Festival Plans) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 56,389
4★ (Sports Festival Specialty) Sora Harukawa | Switch | IR Total 56,597
3★ (Advantageous Sports Festival) Yuta Aoi
1 unrelated event
FIST OF SOUL - Butou-kai (Kuro, Madara, Jun, Tetora, Adonis) (8/31/2022 - 9/8/2022)
5★ (Flame Within the Fist) Kuro Kiryu | Akatsuki | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Fighting Spirit's Flame) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,250
4★ (Gallant Flame) Adonis Otogari | Undead | IR Total 57,831
COVER SONG SERIES: Switch & 2wink with Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin・Len (Mini Event) (9/9/2022 - 9/14/2022)
3★ (Tell Your Song) Hinata Aoi
3★ (Tell Your Rhythm) Yuta Aoi
(ik eng isn't getting this, i just put it here anyway for torture to see wtf else is going to happen at the date this is supposed to happen)
🔖 MIRAGE (Scout) (9/14/2022 - 9/30/2022)
5★ (A Figure Like a Mirage) Yuta Aoi | Vo | Glitter Total↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
3★ (Mirage and Hesitation) Hinata Aoi
VERMILION - Alkaloid (9/15/2022 - 9/23/2022)
5★ (Determined Card) Hiiro Amagi | Alkaloid | Da | Flash Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Observing Card) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,192
🚃 Wandering Yumenosaki/School Trip to the Mainland! (Tour Event) (9/30/2022 - 10/8/2022)
5★ (Land and Continent) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | Da | Glitter Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
5★ (Land and Sun) Mitsuru Tenma | Ra*bits | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | IDOL PIECE DROP RATE
4★ (Land and Journey) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,295
4★ (Land and Foreign Country) Hajime Shino | Ra*bits | IR Total 55,863
3★ (Separated Land) Hinata Aoi
2 unrelated events
Ghostic Treat House - fine (10/15/2022 - 10/23/2022)
5★ (Ghostic Phenomenon) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Ghostic Experience) Tori Himemiya | fine | IR Total 56,763
Helter-Spider - Crazy:B (10/31/2022 - 11/8/2022)
5★ (Panic-Stricken Spider) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | Vo | Flash Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Sweet Spider) Niki Shiina | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,222
🔖 BLEND+ (Scout) (11/14/2022 - 11/29/2022)
4★ (Easygoing Blend) Yuta Aoi
5★ (Specialty Blend) Shu Itsuki | Valkyrie | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
Heart aid Cafeteria - BLEND+ (11/15/2022 - 11/23/2022)
5★ (Affectionate Blend) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Relaxation Blend) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,382
🚃 Vowing Yumenosaki/The Final Mystery and StarFes (Tour Event) (11/30/2022 - 12/8/2022)
5★ (StarFes of Bonds) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | Da | Flash Da↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
5★ (StarFes of Mystery) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Compassion and StarFes) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | IR Total 57,165
4★ (Magic and StarFes) Natsume Sakasaki | Switch | IR Total 55,841
6 unrelated events
Have you been naughty or nice? - Flambé! (12/15/2022 - 12/23/2022)
5★ (Igniting Motivation) Rinne Amagi | Crazy:B | Da | Flash Total↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Flame that Ignites Sensitivity) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 57,451
HELLO, NEW YEAR! - MaM (12/31/2022 - 1/8/2023)
5★ (Scenery of New Color) Madara Mikejima | MaM | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Scenery of Colored Memories) Arashi Narukami | Knights | IR Total 56,317
Harenohi Sugar Wave - Ra*bits (1/15/2023 -mde 1/23/2023)
5★ (Off to my Future Self!) Hajime Shino | Ra*bits | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Off to Search Possibilities) Nazuna Nito | Ra*bits | IR Total 55,486
Colors Arise - Ryuseitai (1/31/2023 - 2/8/2023)
5★ (Unlimited Power Struggle) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Unlimited Effort) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,322
4★ (Unlimited United Front) Chiaki Morisawa | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,066
Melting Rouge Soul - Adam (2/15/2023 - 2/23/2023)
Ruby Love - Eve
5★ (A Fragment of Fixation) Ibara Saegusa | Eden | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
Meikyuu Denshi Kairou - Valkyrie (2/28/2023 - 3/8/2023)
5★ (Creator of Machina) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
🚃 Beyond Turbulent Dreams/A Graduation Standing With You (Tour Event) (3/15/2023 - 3/23/2023)
5★ (Passion Beyond Dreams) Hokuto Hidaka | Trickstar | Pf | Glitter Total↑ | IDOL JEWEL DROP RATE
5★ (Brilliance Beyond Dreams) Subaru Akehoshi | Trickstar | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
4★ (Data Beyond Dreams) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 56,016
4★ (Trust Beyond Dreams) Mao Isara | Trickstar | IR Total 57,635
Expression of Gratitude! The Ebb and Flow of the Big Ocean (Unit Event) (3/31/2023 - 4/8/2023)
5★ (Challenging the Big Ocean) Hinata Aoi | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Crossing the Big Ocean) Yuta Aoi
🚃 Origin★Singing the Starry Sky Altered (Tour Event) (4/15/2023 - 4/23/2023)
5★ (The Origin of Desire) Rei Sakuma | Undead | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
5★ (The Origin of Legend) Eichi Tenshouin | fine | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (The Origin of Change) Kanata Shinkai | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,794
4★ (The Origin of Mastery) Nagisa Ran | Eden | IR Total 55,808
Twilight Pentagram - Altered (Five Eccentrics)
Dawning Angels - fine-O (past fine)
1 unrelated event
Or the Beautiful Golden Drop - Knights (4/30/2023 - 5/8/2023)
5★ (Mad Party Where Dreams Come True) Izumi Sena | Knights | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Watching Over the Mad Party) Leo Tsukinaga | Knights | IR Total 57,146
4★ (Stirring up the Mad Party) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | IR Total 56,641
🚃 Bridegroom Training?/Wedding March! (Tour Event) (5/15/2023 - 5/23/2023)
5★ (Burning Bridegroom Training) Chiaki Morisawa | Ryuseitai | Da | Sparkle Total↑ | EXP Tickets Drop Rate
5★ (Determining Bridegroom Training) Jun Sazanami | Eden | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
4★ (Heartening Bridegroom Training) Nagisa Ran | Eden | IR Total 57,120
3 unrelated events
Crazy Anthem - Crazy:B (5/31/2023 - 6/8/2023)
5★ (Number Carrying a Dream) Rinne Amagi | Crazy:B | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Number of an Unreasonable Demand) HiMERU | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,118
Parallel Maze - Ra*bits (6/15/2023 - 6/23/2023)
5★ (Genuine Possibility) Tomoya Mashiro | Ra*bits | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Greatest Possibility) Mitsuru Tenma | Ra*bits | IR Total 57,192
RELAX PARADISE - Ryuseitai (6/30/2023 - 7/8/2023)
5★ (Yuru Star Paradise) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Individuality Paradise) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,753
4★ (Reborn Paradies) Kanata Shinkai | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,717
🚃 Cooking Showdown/Drifting? Island (Tour Event) (7/15/2023 - 7/23/2023)
5★ (Pursuit Island) Niki Shiina | Crazy:B | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
5★ (Acquisition Island) Nazuna Nito | Ra*bits | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (Rivaling Island) Mao Isara | Trickstar | IR Total 56,433
4★ (Wise Planning Island) Rei Sakuma | Undead | IR Total 57,119
3★ (Miscalculation Island) Hinata Aoi
3 unrelated events
Bye-Bye Buddy - Double Face (7/31/2023 - 8/8/2023)
5★ (Guardian of Dawn) Madara Mikejima | MaM | Pf | Brilliant Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Guardian of the Way Home) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,152
Dreaming Ocean - fine (8/15/2023 - 8/23/2023)
5★ (Crown of the Blue Sea) Tori Himemiya | fine | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Clown of the Blue Sea) Wataru Hibiki | fine | IR Total 57,174
Le temps des fleurs - Valkyrie (8/31/2023 - 9/8/2023)
5★ (Speaking Love Story) Shu Itsuki | Valkyrie | Pf | Flash Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Speaking Artist) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | IR Total 57,194
🚃 Riddle・Solution/Escape Mansion (Tour Event) (9/15/2023 - 9/23/2023)
5★ (Moonlight Escape) Koga Oogami | Undead | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | IDOL JEWEL DROP RATE
5★ (Victory Escape) Tsukasa Suou | Knights | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Quick-Wit Escape) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,103
4★ (Temptation Escape) Kaoru Hakaze | Undead | IR Total 56,554
Two Sides◆2×2 of Lies And Truth (Climax Event) (9/30/2023 - 10/8/2023)
5★ (The Back Road to Center Stage) Yuta Aoi | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Presenting Secret Tricks) Hinata Aoi | 57,142
Love×me⇄monsteR - 2wink
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon (Scout) (10/14/2023 - 10/30/2023)
3★ (Banquet of Reflecting Everyday Life) Yuta Aoi
UNDYING HOLY LOVE - Alkaloid (10/15/2023 - 10/23/2023)
5★ (Eternal Holistic) Tatsumi Kazehaya | Alkaloid | Pf | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
An Earnest Swordfight/Chanbara Night (Tour Event) (10/31/2023 - 11/8/2023)
5★ (Earnest Chanbara Night) Mao Isara | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
5★ (Moonlight Chanbara Night) Ritsu Sakuma | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (True Ability Chanbara Night) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 56,488
Split Paths*The Admired Figure and Flashback (Unit Event) (11/15/2023 - 11/23/2023)
5★ (Path of Ascertaining) Rei Sakuma | Undead | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Unwavering Path) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,150
Sublimation*The Grand Stage of the Rumbling Heavens and Earth (Unit Event) (11/30/2023 - 12/8/2023)
5★ (Grand Stage Under the Heavens) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Grand Stage Filled With the Heavens) Kuro Kiryu | fine | IR Total 57,164
6 notes · View notes
leaderoffestivals · 2 years
CROSS FIRE: Strength and Strength Ch 2
Kuro: Oi oi, what the hell’s that? Yer ain’t a Mama, yer just ‘playin’ house’, aren’t ya? What’s more, Tetsu’s pride won’t ever allow him to ask fer help like—
Tetora: Mama, please~!
Kuro: that—OI!
Scenario Writer: Kino Seitarou (with Akira) Season: Summer Characters: Kiryu Kuro, Mikejima Madara, Nagumo Tetora, Sazanami Jun, Tomoe Hiyori Proofed by: @ryuseipuka​, Skyress
< The next day. In Ensemble Square, the Dojo.> 
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Kuro: 1, 2, 3, 4… …
… … Whoops. I started countin’ out loud outta habit. 
I just can’t get over the feelin’ of bein’ Captain and soundin’ out the count during warm-up, even when I’m doin’ stretches by myself, huh~ ♪
5, 6, 7, 8… …
(Sound of the door opening.)
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Madara: Yo~, Kuro-san. You’re going aaall out for practice today~ ♪
Kuro: Oh, Mikejima, huh? This is rare. Are you here fer a workout, too? 
Madara: Yup. The scope of my idol activities have been reduced enough as it is. If I don’t show up for Circle activities every once in a while, my existence would really be forgotten, riiight? 
Besides, I don’t have anything better to do right now~. It’s not a bad idea to play to my heart’s content while I still can. 
… … That’s how it is, Kuro-san. Since you’re stretching right now, how about pairing up with me? 
We’ve been training buddies for quite a while now. It must’ve been especially lonely for you when I wasn’t around, right? ♪
Kuro: It’s not like I particularly missed ya or anythin’, but whatever. I’ll accept yer offer of some easy company. 
Would ya mind stickin’ close to my back? I want to give my back muscles a real good stretch. 
Madara: I don’t mind at aaall. Ready, and go… …
Kuro: Ohhhh~, that feels terrific as hell. Just as one would expect from a big guy, like, yer real stable. I’m able to stretch without havin’ to worry. 
Alright, it’s my turn next—
(Sound of door opening again.)
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Tetora: This is terrible, this is just SO TERRIBLE!
Kuro: Hm, Tetsu?
Tetora: AH! Taisho, Mikejima-senpai! It’s great that the both of you are here!
Have you seen this flyer that’s been posted outside the dojo? 
Kuro: Nope, I didn’t notice anythin’ like that… … What’s gotten you so upset about it? 
It can’t be anythin’ that bad, even if it says the Circle’s about to be shut down or somethin’. You don’t have to go gettin’ upset over somethin’ as trivial as a flyer. 
Tetora: Th-that’s true, but errrm… Please take a look at this!
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Madara: What’s this… …? [Recruiting Those With Pride In Their Strength! A Search For The Strongest Man In ES]... …?
The P-Association should be the ones in charge of putting up this ad. It seems to be a job offer of some sort.
Tetora: Yes, that’s right! And the content of this job recruitment is obviously aimed at us from SHIN; in other words, it’s a letter of challenge! We have no choice but to accept it, right?!
Madara: U~mmm. I’m not feeling any attraction whatsoever towards the title of ‘The Strongest Man’, though. 
Tetora: Please don’t say such a thing! The entire pride of SHIN is at stake here, you know~!?
The martial arts Circle SHIN must definitely be the one to win the title of ‘The Strongest Man’! Taisho, you must think so too, right?
Kuro: Me? I ain’t particularly interested either, but… …
Well. Since Tetsu feels so strongly about it, it wouldn’t hurt to go and just hear ‘em out, I guess?
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Tetora: Hooray! As expected of Taisho, you have such an open mind! ☆ And, if you don’t mind, Mikejima-senpai, you definitely have to come join us, please!
I’ve been hearing so much about you from Morisawa-senpai for ages now, but we’ve never had much opportunity to work together. I’d absolutely love to have a chance to do that now!
Madara: Hmm? Aren’t you being unusually pushy about this?
But since you’ve gone and put it like that, I guess there’s just no helping it. If you were to ask me again by saying, “Mama, please~!” in a reeeally sweet voice, perhaps I’ll respond favourably to your request after all?
Kuro: Oi oi, what the hell’s that? Yer ain’t a Mama, yer just ‘playin’ house’, aren’t ya? What’s more, Tetsu’s pride won’t ever allow him to ask fer help like—
Tetora: Mama, please~!
Kuro: that—OI!
Tetora: Fu~fu~fu~. For the sake of discovering ES’ Strongest Man, I’ll grin and endure doing this much at least!
(Besides, if it happens that this flyer is really aiming to decide who the strongest man in ES is—
Then the truth behind last year’s Dragon King Competition and the real strength of Mysterious Fighter M will also be revealed! Haha!) 
<Meanwhile, in the Training Room…>
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Hiyori: Jun-kun, Jun-kun, come take a look at this! 
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Jun: Hmm? “Recruiting Those With Pride in Their Strength”~?
Ohiisan, did you really come all this way to the Training Room just to show this to me?
Hiyori: Yes, yes! I would never be caught dead doing anything as stinky and sweaty as muscle training. I’m already fit enough from normal lessons as is! 
Jun: That’s easy for you to say, but Ohiisan’s actually a pretty chubby guy, you know?
Hiyori: Seriously? How rude of you to use the word ‘chubby’ to describe me! A more appropriate way of expressing it would be ‘possessing moderate muscle tone’; but you don’t know anything about being polite with your words at all, do you, Jun-kun?
Jun: Well, if Ohiisan says so, I guess. 
But then~, ‘Those with pride in their strength’, hu~h… I don’t know what this project is about, but it smells pretty darn fishy. 
Hiyori: Haha! You’re worrying way too much about it, don’t you think? This isn’t the Reimei Academy of old, after all. This job is offered by the P-Association, so isn’t it likely that Anzu-chan will be in charge of this?
Jun: Ah~... … I get it now. So, this project is Anzu-san’s doing, huh? 
It’s kinda surprising, but that girl’s into well-built bodies and stuff like that for some reason. She says and does pretty weird things sometimes, too. 
When we bumped into each other here the other day, she actually said that she wanted to feel my muscles. 
Hiyori: Hmm? She must definitely have been very tired. 
Anyway. How about it, Jun-kun? Do you have what it takes to become ‘The Strongest Man in ES’?
Jun: Huh? Why are you talking as if it’s already decided that I’m gonna be part of this?
Hiyori: Because it’s interesting, that’s why! And I would also like to see Jun-kun’s muscles actually be useful for something for once ♪
Jun: Man! This guy’s honestly always making unreasonable demands of me… …
How do you plan on explaining this to Ibara in the first place? 
You know how he is; He’ll probably say, “You’ll ruin the image of Eden,” or “Don’t go working for Anzu-san as you please,” and stuff like that. 
Hiyori: Oh, there’s absolutely no need to explain anything at all! We’re blessed with the tools of modernity after all, so we can check in with each other on our smartphones instantly ♪
And so you see, I’m going to use ‘HoldHands’ to send a message to Ibara! And I’m going to say, “Jun-kun is interested in this flyer!”... … like this~ ♪
Jun: AH~! Wait a damned minute, Ohiisan! What are you doing—
(Phone buzzes.)
Hiyori: Ohhh. Just as one would expect from Ibara, he’s always so quick to reply! What does he say… …?
“It seems interesting, so you may proceed as you wish. It has been my long-cherished wish that Jun’s useless muscles be useful for some kind of work too.” There you go~ ♪
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Jun: That bastaaard~... …!
GODDAMN! This conversation’s progressing way too smoothly, dammit! There’s nothing more annoying than two people who’re in cahoots with each other… …!
Hiyori: Fufu~! Are you going to protest this decision that’s been sanctioned by both Ibara and myself? If you think you can do it, then go ahead and try!
Jun: Really? This guy is just too stubborn, that’s why… … 
Since there’s nothing I can do about it, I’ll approach this job offer with an open mind. I’ve only worked with Anzu-san a few times before this, and there’s probably still a lot I can learn from her. 
Hiyori: Yes, yes! Very good! I'm not too fond of the expression ‘approach with an open mind’ because it sounds too much like something that Ibara would say, but—
—It would be a good experience to work beyond the boundaries of the agency and the unit every once in a while, don’t you think? That’s what I call fine weather… …! ☆
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—————-To be continued——————-
Chapter 1   /  Chapter 3
Translator’s Notes:
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justsoohi · 2 years
Gift of Love/ (Hiyori Feature Live) - 1
Characters: Hiyori, Tsumugi, Niki
Season: Winter
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......-chan? Can you hear me~?
Tsumugi: Thank goodness you finally looked at me. I tried to reach you several times a few minutes ago.....
It so hard to get people to notice me that I was starting to think I'm a ghost or something.
There's no need to apologize. Anzu-chan was walking with her head down, so I just called you out because I thought it would be dangerous if you bumped into something.
Anyway, what's wrong? why do you keep looking down? If something happened that made you feel down, would you like to talk about it?
.......That's not it? you want me to see this?
Wow, what a splendid letter..... Is it an invitation? Who did it come from?
Eh, the sender is unknown? It was suddenly handed over to you through "P agency"...
It must be a big deal for the content to go through the "P agency". That's why Anzu-chan read through it with such enthusiasm......
Eh, Can I read what's inside? What do you mean, "read it and you'll understand"? What the—
『Today at 15:00, I want you to come to Cinnamon Cafe! I'm looking forward to seeing you...♪』
I see, I used to watch "him" a lot for a while, so I knew who is it from whith a glance. The identity of the sender, as suggested by the words and sentences, isـــــ
Fufu, Of course you think the same way don't you, Anzu-chan? That's why you're heading for "Cinnamon" right now.
I was just about to grab a late lunch myself. I'm also curious to know what "he's" up to. May I accompany you to the store?
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Tsumugi: ...Oya, it's so crowded. I didn't know it was this busy even after lunchtime.
or rather, it seems to have a different atmosphere than the usual “Cinnamon”. How should I put it, it's like a fragrant or sweet smell is drifting in the air...?
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Niki: Welcome~♪ to the Afternoon Tea Fair at Café "Cinnamon"!
Tsumugi: Shiina-kun? What is the afternoon tea fair....?
Niki: As the name suggests, Cinnamon Cafe is offering a special afternoon tea fair!
We treat our customers with sweets and savories that are only available for a limited time♪
.......or rather. I've been told to show Neesan to her seat when she comes, but Aoba-kun you'll be with her too?
Tsumugi: Ah no, I just came here to eat lunch. It seems difficult to get a quick tour in such a crowded place. If so, I'll just get a drink to take out.....
Hiyori: I don't mind, so I hope you two come together!
Tsumugi: Hiyori-kun!
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Hiyori: I've been waiting for Anzu-chan to come to me since she walked into the cafe.
Niki-kun doesn't show me around easily, and why is even Tsumugi-kun here? I want you to come by my side soon! Now, come here come here....♪
Niki: Sorry to keep you waiting, Tomoe-kun. With that said, I'll show you two around.~♪
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Hiyori: Hello Anzu-chan. Thank you for accepting the invitation from me♪
.....you were surprised by the sudden arrival of the letter? I thought of other ways to get it, but I figured if it went through the "P agency", you'd definitely read it
While wondering who the letter was from, I got a little excited. It's the result of thinking about a way to get people to read it quickly and reliably......♪
Tsumugi: Although it's exciting, that's a pretty aggressive approach, isn't it? But I too think it's a sure-fire way to do it.
Hiyori: Oops The seat in front of me is for Anzu-chan, so I want Tsumugi-kun to sit over there!
Tsumugi: I understand~. For my part I'm just grateful to be seated, and I won't bother you both.
Hiyori: I don't mind if you come into the conversation at least a little bit! I mean, first of all I'd like you to explain why Tsumugi-kun is even here.
Tsumugi: .. Well, in this and that way. Anzu-chan, who is heading to meet with Hiyori-kun let me accompany her.
Hiyori: Hmm? But I can't believe you knew it was from me just by reading it.
I guess Anzu-chan and Tsumugi-kun love me too.....☆
Tsumugi: Well, Hiyori-kun's writing style is just distinctive. And If you take a closer look you'll see that the seal also has the "Unit" logo of "Eden" on it.
Hiyori: It would be nice if you could honestly say you love me, but you lack a loving sense of humor, Tsumugi-kun!
Look, now anzu-chan is looking at me like this...
Hm? Anzu-chan seems to be into the cake stands, not me? Well, I can see why you're fawning over them. Everything looks delicious and sparkly
I've got one for you too, so let's enjoy it together♪
Tsumugi: Good for you Anzu-chan~. I was only going to eat a meal, but now I'm craving sweets too
Hiyori: Then why don't you eat it too Tsumugi-kun? I don't think you can miss this timing when the fair is being held don't you think?
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Hiyori: ....Hey, Anzu-chan. Do you recognize the aroma of the tea I'm drinking?
Soft, gorgeous, and fragrant... I had my favorite brand of black tea specially prepared for me
I have arranged the same thing for you, so I hope you like it.
What does it taste like? Fufu, you'll have to wait until you try it to find out♪I'd be more than happy to hear directly from Anzu-chan, too
Savor the aroma and taste of tea, and enjoy a delicious meal. Let's talk a lot with me today....♪
Tsumugi: ....Fufu. Hiyori-kun, you were really looking forward to having afternoon tea with Anzu-chan weren't you~ even I can feel her excitement
Hiyori: Of course! I even wrote on the invitation that I was looking forward to it!
Tsumugi: Yes that was true. But, even though it was a great opportunity you didn't invite anyone else to join you on this special occasion?
Like Nagisa-kun. or anyone from "Flavor"...
Hiyori: Yes. because I wanted to talk about the [Feature Live] with Anzu-chan.
0 notes
mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Asking God for a Favour ☆/Rinne Amagi 4*
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Woah woah, your favourite food is tissue? Eating paper makes you look like a goat ♪
Character(s): Rinne Amagi, Hiyori Tomoe, Kanata Shinkai, Niki Shiina, Kohaku Oukawa, HiMERU
Season: Autumn
Location: Resting Room
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Rinne: (The next job is in an hour… I would go play pachinko but there ain’t enough time for a full game)
(I could go to Cafe Cinnamon, but no point if Niki ain’t there)
(How can I kill some time here then…? There’s gotta be somethin’ I can do to escape boredom)
Oi, Hiyori-chan ♪ What are the chances, eh? I’m happy to see you
Seeing Hiyori-chan feels like a good omen. Your catchphrase must be some sort of blessing from God...♪
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Hiyori: Rinne-senpai. I know you’re so happy to see me that you’ve shed a few tears, but today looks like awfully bad weather…
Rinne: Huh, somethin’ wrong? You good? Have you caught a cold?
Hiyori: I came here to get a snack you see, yet the quiche I want is out of stock
I personally sent in a handwritten letter so they could stock the quiche I like. It’s disgraceful that I can’t eat it right now
Rinne: Woah woah, your favourite food is tissue? Eating paper makes you look like a goat ♪ [1]
Give us a “baaa”, Hiyori-chan…☆
Hiyori: I will not be saying that. I am not a goat!
I’m not in the mood to be teased, okay? Why are you trying to wind me up?
Rinne: If I’ve got a buncha free time, and I spot an acquaintance, can I not go have a chat with them?
We share the same room, so get along with me a lil’, yeah? Gyahaha ☆
Hiyori: The same room, hmm… In that case, wouldn’t it be lovely to go speak with Kanata-kun? He is also quite lucky, though obviously not as much as me
Rinne: Whaddya mean?
Hiyori: This is a rumour, but back when he attended Yumenosaki, it really seemed as he could grant some people’s wishes, and so he was worshipped for it
Rinne: People’s wishes? Gyahaha. That’s gotta be a lie. What, is he a God or somethin’?
Hiyori: Fufu. Believe what you want, Rinne-senpai, it’s up to you
Time: 6 hours later
Location: Rinne, Hiyori, and Kanata's room
Rinne: (Fuah, finally it’s over. Another day of hard work, good job me~)
(Gotta put my bags down then I can head out. My beloved gambling is waitin’ for me ♪)
(Should I go to the pachinko parlour first? Or maybe try that new place that opened up recently?)
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Kanata: Zzz…zzzzzz…
Rinne: (When did you get back, Kanacchi? I didn’t even notice)
(He’s fast asleep. Are ya havin’ a good dream?)
(He would “grant people’s wishes”, hmm…?)
(I get that this rumour’s pretty baseless but, it wouldn’t hurt t’give it a go—)
(Whispering) I’m prayin’ I win big
(Right then, let’s put this to the test ♪)
Time: A few days later
Location: Cafe Cinnamon
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Niki: Sorry for the hold up~. Here are your two specials of the day~
HiMERU: Thank you very much
Kohaku: …Hey, Niki-han. I have one thing I just gotta ask ya
HiMERU: Oukawa
Kohaku: Ain’t you worried HiMERU-han? It’s not jus’ us, Niki-han should know too
Uhh, over there…That’s Rinne-han, right? Sitting by the counter?
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Rinne: …………
Kohaku: He’s really engrossed in whatever he’s thinkin’ about, did something happen? Do you think he ate something strange?
Niki: Ehh. Please don’t say he got food poisoning from here
It is weird he hasn’t come over to bother us. Now that you say that, he’s acting different than usual
HiMERU: Well then, not even Shiina knows
Kohaku: HiMERU-han, where you goin’?
HiMERU: HiMERU is going to ask him directly. It’s a waste of time to sit around discussing matter when we don’t know anything
Amagi, are you alright?
Rinne: …Hey, Merumeru. Do ya believe in God?
HiMERU: …Huh?
Kohaku: Damn, Rinne-han’s already broken
Niki: Uwaa, this is bad. Who can fix him? Little brother-san?
Rinne: I ain’t broken, I’m just fine
I dunno how or why but, if you get on your hands and knees in the same room as Kanacchi and then go play pachinko, you will always win big
I thought it was bullshit, but I think he might actually be a gambling God…
Don’t get how it's related but, whatever ♪ Gyahahaha!
Time: A few more days later
Location: Rinne, Hiyori, and Kanata's room
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Hiyori: I’m home! If anyone’s here, I’d like a lavish entrance to welcome me!!
Kanata: Welcome home, “Ohisama”-san
Hiyori: Kanata-kun, are you okay? I’ve come back, yet you’re not in a good mood?
Kanata: My mood is “average”, but I am “confused”
Recently, “Chief”-san seems to be weirdly making a “fuss” over me
Hiyori: Making a fuss?
Kanata: Yes. He gave me an inflatable “pool”, and keeps bringing me to “seafood” restaurants
I do not understand his “intentions”. It is troubling
Hiyori: Ahh. I have an idea or two as to why. I’ll let you in on it
Time: A few moments later
Hiyori: —And that’s why. It seems he thinks that the more he pampers you, the better his gambling luck will be
I’m pretty sure he thinks you’re actually a gambling God now
Kanata: Hm. So that is why he is acting like a “suck-up”
This feeling of being used, I do not like it
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Rinne: I’m back~...
Kanata: Ah, “Chief”-san
We must talk. I am not a “gambling god”, yes?
Rinne: Ah...haha. So was I caught prayin' to you?
To be honest, that woulda been great to know earlier. I just lost majorly
Haa… What a society we live in. It was too good to be true…
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Hiyori: You’re banned from sighing in front of me! If Kanata-kun is no good, then you can worship me instead!
I am the one here who is from Eden, who carries the name of a paradise governed by an omnipotent and omniscient god, so if you treat me right, you may receive my blessings!
Rinne: Ew, no. Not a chance~. Are you tryna push your religion on me~? What should lil' Rinne-kun do~♪
Hiyori: Give it a try! Perhaps try making a bronze statue of me so you can worship it everyday
Rinne: Hehe~, Hiyori-sama~☆[2]
Hiyori: Hmm, I don’t like your tone! Say it with more respect!
Rinne: Damn. This god’s got a lotta demands~
I think Rinne misheard Hiyori saying quiche (キッシュ/kisshu) and thinks he said tissue (ティッシュ/tisshu). Goats do like to eat tissue apparently…
God is referred to with "sama", so Rinne's doing the same to Hiyori
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blue-macaron · 2 years
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☆ Starmaker Production
Eichi Tenshouin
Wataru Hibiki
Tori Himemiya
Yuzuru Fushimi
Hokuto Hidaka
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
Subaru Akehoshi
Makoto Yuuki
Mao Isara
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
Chiaki Morisawa
Kanata Shinkai
Tetora Nagumo
Midori Takamine
Shinobu Sengoku
Hiiro Amagi
Aira Shiratori
Mayoi Ayase
Tatsumi Kazehaya
☆ Cosmic Production
Nagisa Ran
Hiyori Tomoe
Ibara Saegusa
Jun Sazanami
Shu Itsuki
Mika Kagehira
Hinata Aoi
Yuta Aoi
Rinnie Amagi
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Kohaku Oukawa 
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Niki Shiina
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
☆ Rhythm Link
Rei Sakuma
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
⋆ a letter under the blossom tree, gn!reader
⋆ human, gn!reader (2022 birthday fic)
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
⋆ displays of affection, gn!reader
⋆ your war is over, gn!reader
⋆ kiss kiss kiss!, gn!reader (2023 birthday fic)
Kaoru Hakaze
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Koga Oogami
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Adonis Otogari
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Tomoya Mashiro
Nazuna Nito
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
Mitsuru Tenma
Hajime Shino
Keito Hasumi
Kuro Kiryu
Souma Kanzaki 
☆ New Dimension
Tsukasa Suou
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Leo Tsukinaga
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Izumi Sena
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Ritsu Sakuma
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Arashi Narukami
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Natsume Sakasaki
Tsumugi Aoba
Sora Harukawa
Madara Mikejima
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Producer (Platonic)
18 notes · View notes
esidolmail · 6 months
Dear Arashi, Hiyori & Mayoi
NGAHHHHSHDKXJWJFD HELLOOOO umm I have a band concert tmr and honestly I kinda fuck up on a song called dance of the jabberwocky so that's great!!;; okay but actually other than jabberwocky I perform NO fucky wuckies but WITH THAT ASIDE im in a drumline and I play the cymbals ummm....... I fucked up dominate kinda. in an assembly. anyways OTHER THAN THAT AGAIN I might actually do well because I only fucked up cause the other cymbals fucked up ngahhhhhh def procrastinating here hagabadabadoo
- Tin "The flute is easy to play" - Bin
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humbuns · 9 months
I really love your art style, could you do Hiyori Tomoe in your art style. He's my favourite character from ensemble stars ! 🥺💗
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i love that he uses his name as a pun!!!!! also insane vocals from this lil guy so hope you like it!!
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ohii-san · 2 years
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I posted 11,958 times in 2022
That's 11,295 more posts than 2021!
412 posts created (3%)
11,546 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,622 of my posts in 2022
#mecore - 348 posts
#kohakun - 230 posts
#the doctor's notebook - 199 posts
#evil bonk - 185 posts
#fave - 126 posts
#from the doctor's clipboard - 98 posts
#fan letters - 90 posts
#enstars - 88 posts
#ensemble stars - 84 posts
#hiyori tomoe - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#prev actually the metaverse still exists iirc ? i never played strikers but unless they kill the metaverse in strikers then it still exists
My Top Posts in 2022:
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488 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
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562 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
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645 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
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803 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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888 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
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COSMIC PRODUCTION; Delivering entertainment of the highest quality.
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Ran Nagisa
Saegusa Ibara
Tomoe Hiyori
Sazanami Jun
Confession Letter from Jun
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Itsuki Shu
50. “I'm glad I've met you. I love you.” When the first love ends - Ryo (supercell) ft. Hatsune Miku. (hurt/comfort, fluff)
Kagehira Mika
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Aoi Hinata
Aoi Yuta
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Amagi Rinne
Shiina Niki
Oukawa Kohaku
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2022. fallinfl0wers.
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esidolmail · 6 months
This one is for Hiyori, Rinne, and Kanata!! (The roommates lol)
I was just wondering. If you could do a duet with someone in ES (can't be in your units), who would you choose? And what kind of genre/song would you want to sing?
(Hiyori can you please give Bloody Mary a treat for me www she's so cute)
- smile
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esidolmail · 6 months
To Eve:
Your song "Trap For You" could never be so accurate, for I can prove, that the trap is effective. (I am wrapped around your finger and is completely, head over heels, obsessed).
– Cuphilia🌷✨
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