#ayase mayoi letter
esidolmail · 5 months
To Mayoi!!
hello! I've only recently gotten into listening to idol groups and ALKALOID is my favourite so far and you're certainly my favourite of the group (although it was hard to choose since you're all so amazing!)
anyways I think you're super cool, l've always thought people with purple hair looked great, same with sharp teeth so the combination is dead on coolness for me! You're like if a shark was mixed with a grape, I mean that in a positive way btw!
anyways have a lovely day and don’t forget to treat yourself!! <333 -ghosty
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For @ghostyyells
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cassielle · 2 years
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so I've mostly been making memes for myself the past week...
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lovuletters · 2 years
💌Dear My Fan💌Mayoi💌
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a/n your fan letter receives a reply. warning for negative self-talk.
Dear Fan-san,
I'm sorry you have to support someone like me...
Surely you must do it out of pity? Or some kind of sick joke? Maybe I am rude for assuming such terrible things of you. Aira-san cheers for idols with all of his heart. It would be much kinder of me to assume that you do the same for me.
So, I will try not to apologize... Instead, I will thank you for your support. I am not worthy to have the gaze of someone so pure turned in my direction. I mess up a lot in lives and tend to creep people out. But I will try to accept your love.
Tatsumi-san says humans are good, after all.
But I suppose I am subhuman...
That's no good. I shouldn't force my worries onto you.
In the end, I wanted to thank you for writing to me. I am so glad to receive fan letters and your words were very kind. I am a little happy that such words of kindness were for me and not for another idol... Even if I have trouble accepting those words... I am happy ♡
I hope you enjoy the snapshot I sent along with my letter. I was afraid to send such an unpleasant image, but Aira-san said any fan would be grateful.
I also put some stickers in from my collection. I don't think a lot of fans know this, but I very much enjoy cute things ♡
Well, I suppose that's why I love my fans so much ♡
I hope someone as kind as you can find it in their heart to write to someone as lowly as me at least one more time. I would love to know more about you. Do you like cute things as well? What compelled you to write to me? Though I'm not sure if I can handle the answer to that second question...
Thank you for looking upon this wretched form,
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ohii-san · 2 years
hello can i hear how you think a rinne mayoi dynamic would be 👁👁
okay so you sent this ask like three weeks ago minimum but i am so bad at answering things in a timely manner . i will in fact humor you now though SO sorry i took literally like years :FUCKKK: i'll put it under the cut also i'm going to she/her mayoi because i have a headmate who's a fictive and we don't like to use he/him for her source . jsyk . I HOPE YOU ENJOY SORRY FOR THE RAMBLES
so first off i want to note rinne mayoi and niki are very do not separate to me . putting aside my insanity about rinne long enough to detach hiyori, i think niki is very integral to the rinmayo dynamic whether he's there romantically or not . because niki and mayoi are friends !! but i will try to keep this mostly rinne/mayoi . also sorry this is more like a list of 'hcs' than actually explaining their dynamic . i ramble
"niki-kyun who's thiiis" "this is my friend mayo-chan ! she's in alkaloid with otouto :]" ( mayoi is seen cowering behind niki because rinne is notoriously So Loud and Overbearing )
rinne tries to dial himself down a little- because he's not incapable of it, it's just that his default is sort of A Lot, so he has to make a conscious effort to be gentler to not overwhelm mayoi
at first mayoi doesn't see the appeal but she realizes he must be pretty nice if niki deals with him so much
since mayoi is in the sweets club with kohaku and himeru, i like to imagine she'd hear a lot about rinne through those two complaining about all the shit he pulls HAHAH and she'd warm up to the idea of him through that, probably
"rinne-san seems so scary, but .. he's not such a bad guy, after all ..?" <- mayoi realizing that she and rinne may have something in common
mayoi puts herself down a lot and when rinne hears this, he immediately cheers her up to the best of his ability and praises her sooo much
"i'm so sorry for bothering you, rinne-san .. i'm such a waste of space" "NOT TRUE ! yer a real good friend to niki an' meru, hiiro too !! never a waste of space, mayoi-chan <3"
they hang out together and talk about their cultures .. because they are both indigenous .. mayoi doesn't discuss hers with as much umm openness due to the fact that, if i understood correctly, she's like . undocumented and she doesn't want people ratting on her but rinne talks about his ainu culture with pride and tries to teach mayoi some things when she asks !!!! this is probably similar to what hiiro and mayoi might do too btw :] i think they should bond
mayoi and rinne are both sort of considered strange in different aspects- mayoi has her little freak teeth and rinne is umm . well i have to tread lightly because he's such a bad stereotype of indigenous people, but the fact of the matter remains that he's got a fairly shitty rep and i think they would comfort each other when it gets to be too much . mayoi has such poor self image that even if people aren't cruel to her, i think she'd find ways to believe she's hated, while rinne sort of .. KNOWS that he is because he causes so much trouble for people early in the main story- and i'd think he would continue to do so later, just in more harmless and "fun" ways such as allowing kanata to flood the dorms- so . basically rinne would teach mayoi to try and embrace how she's viewed by others and figure out whose opinions she wants to Actually care for
bonus idea; they are cis guy with no interesting gender x transfem girlthing with a lot of gender . hc rinne saw mayoi and thought she was another producer and she was like oh .. no i'm an idol .. aren't you hiiro's brother .. shouldn't you Know his unit ..
alkakurei jam sessions where they all hang out after the amagis sort of reconcile <3 kohiiai and rinnikimayo do their little gay things and tatsumi and himeru fucking kill each other in the bg
"i'm sorry, i hope my teeth don't bother you .. i know they're odd .." "your teeth are THE coolest thing ever . you should get piercings mayoi-chan" <- conversations that occur a week before rinne and mayoi get matching tongue piercings
kanata and mayoi should also be friends as weird little freaks who love to be in places they should not . i think it makes sense and then mayoi can go to see the hikari dorm and be like omg .. rinne AND kanata .. in one dorm .. best dorm in ensquare ..
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kohakun · 2 years
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title » things that they still do even after you break up
pairing » kohaku oukawa, rinne amagi, kanata shinkai, mayoi ayase, mao isara, nazuna nito, kuro kiryuu, subaru akehoshi x gn!reader (separate)
requested? » absolutely not <3
genre » angst, kind of fluff (?)
a/n » idk im satisfied with all of these but im tired of scrapping everything and restarting, so.. here you go
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➳ kohaku oukawa
✧ he still writes letters to you — kohaku used to write letters to give you when you were still together. it always managed to pull at your heartstrings; pages filled with nothing but heartwarming words that he would never be able to admit to your face. he never stopped writing them, even after you broke up, even if he knew that you didn't love him, even if he knew that you wouldn't ever read them. he would never stop, not when you were still the only thing plaguing his mind every single day.
➳ rinne amagi
✧ he still looks for you when he comes home — on some days, rinne forgets that it's all over between you two. he had gotten so accustomed to you waiting for him to come home, so accustomed to it all; the kisses you'd greet him with, the cuddling after a long day and the soft conversations shared between the both of you. he finds himself looking for you in what used to be your shared bedroom, only to find the bed in the same state as it was before he left.
➳ kanata shinkai
✧ he still stares at where you used to sit on the edge of the school fountain — most yumenosaki students know that kanata often idles in the school fountain and you were usually found sitting on the edge, talking to him. well, at least when you two were still a couple. kanata finds himself blankly staring at where you used to sit, his dull eyes unmoving from that specific spot. he misses when you'd tell him about your day, about the most mundane things. he misses how much love you held in your gaze when you looked at him and how you'd hug him even when he was drenched in water. he misses when you were there.
➳ mayoi ayase
✧ he still looks at the pictures of you both — mayoi knows he shouldn't still be thinking of you, he knows that he should move on, but how could he when he was still so painfully in love with you? mayoi knows that he shouldn't be looking at the pictures he has of you both, reminiscing over the now bittersweet memories, but he couldn't bear to let them go. and so he continues to cling onto the only thing he has left of you, even though he knew all too well how pitiful it was.
➳ mao isara
✧ he still waits for you to tell him to take a break — mao knew he had a bad habit of overworking himself, constantly burying his nose in student council paperwork and not noticing how late it had gotten by the time he finished. you always used to be the one who checked on him, who made sure to tell him to take a break and force him to take one when he was being stubborn — it was always you. but now, when he looked up to meet your gaze once he finished his work, instead of finding the smile he was so in love with, he found the room empty. just like before.
➳ nazuna nito
✧ he still buys things that remind him of you — nazuna had the habit of buying you little trinkets that remind him of you; anything from jewellery of your favourite colour to cute plushies that he thinks resemble you. you were always in the back of his mind no matter what he was doing, even if you weren't together anymore. he knew that he wouldn't be giving you these items, he knew deep down that he shouldn't be doing this, and yet the pile of gifts that you would never receive continues to grow day by day, stuffed away in a corner of his room.
➳ kuro kiryuu
✧ everything still reminds him of you — kuro always managed to find bits and pieces of you everywhere he went; desserts of your favourite flavour, buildings painted in colours you liked, clothes that fit your style — he thought of you wherever he went. he found comfort in that, up until you decided to break it off with him, at least. suddenly, being reminded of you at every instance became bittersweet. part of him was grateful for the memories he had made with you, but another part of him felt wistful at the fact that he wouldn't be able to make anymore of them.
➳ subaru akehoshi
✧ he still visits the spot you two used to hang out at — a quaint park, that was where you and subaru had met for the first time. it had become your unofficial meeting place — it was where you two got to know each other, and it was also where he had confessed to you, under the falling cherry blossom petals he adored so much. and yet, a year later, he finds himself under the same falling cherry blossom petals, but this time, the spot on the bench beside him was empty.
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Hi! I really love your works and it's always fun and enjoying to read them! It's a shame that I didn't made it for the event reqs but i saw that regular reqs are open, if that's what you call them? XD Anyway, can I request for Kohaku, Mayoi, and Hiiro being a secret admirer to the reader? Thank you!
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ft. amagi hiiro, ayase mayoi, oukawa kohaku
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: none (as of now)
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In my opinion, Hiiro is too honest and straight-forward to be considered a ‘secret’ admirer. I feel like he wouldn’t see any reason to hide the fact that he is the one sending you the letters?
Since he wants you to see them and feel appreciated, he would probably think you’d like it better if you knew who your admirer was.
The only reason he doesn’t is because Aira assured him it would be more romantic that way. Out of the two of them, Aira is the more well-versed in pop culture, so Hiiro decides to take him at face value.
I am a firm believer in the idea that Hiiro unironically enjoys puns. So he probably sends you lovemail in that style. Little sticky notes with cute doodles and adorable puns pasted on your desk, or on your doorframe.
If you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber ♡ or Are you a banana? Because I find you very a-peel-ing ♡
They’re small, usually mentioning food or animals, but they still manage to fluster you with their simplicity.
He places them at intervals–one in the morning, and one in the evening!
It’s especially sweet when you’re having a bad day and you just see these cute little notes. It makes you brighten up and forget your worries, even if it’s only for a little bit.
And that’s exactly what Hiiro wants! He’s glad that he’s able to bring you even a fraction of the joy he gets when he’s around you.
Signs off with little spades, just as a hint!
He does reveal himself eventually, though, because he feels like there’s no need for him to remain a secret anymore.
The only reason you didn’t suspect him to be your secret admirer despite the teeny spade doodles is because you thought that he wouldn’t hide it, rather he would just outright tell you, which is why you’re so surprised when you realise.
Even after you find out, he still makes it a habit to send you the puns–though not so secretly–because he likes seeing you smile when you receive them!
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Mayoi is probably the most secretive out of the 3. He would rather die than let his position be revealed.
He finds himself writing you flowery, poetry-esque short letters with cute little doodles whenever he’s thinking about you (which is a lot!). He would prefer to never have to send them ever, but he also thinks you deserve to be appreciated for all the hard work and effort you put into things.
You are strong, you are brave, you make flowers bloom in my heart. A whole garden, just for you. My heart, no matter how small and shrivelled, will always have a space for you. You are more perfect than you know ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
He’s certain you wouldn’t like any messages from a gross creature such as himself, so he decides to take the good ol’ secret admirer route.
Goes full-out super spy when it comes to planting your letters.
Crawls into the vents at 4am so he can place them on your desk before school starts, sneaks into the ES kitchen at midnight to place one in your mug, etc, etc. He’s putting those ninja skills to good use!
You’re like a blushing schoolgirl being serenaded, honestly. It’s sweet.
These letters are the highlight of your day. Not just because of how cute they are, but also because no one can figure out where they’re coming from? No matter how hard you try, you can never catch the culprit who is slowly but surely stealing your heart!?
The actual reveal happens by accident.
You wake up in the middle of night, craving the most delicious drink known to mankind. You open the kitchen doors and lo and behold, what do you find but Mayoi, a piece of paper in one hand and your favoured mug in the other.
Hang on… Your sleep-addled brain starts to connect the dots. Is Mayoi-san…my secret admirer?
Starts stammering about how y-you’ve got it a-a-all wrong and eep! I’m s-s-sorry for r-ruining your night!
You giggle, startling him, and tell him that it’s okay before thanking him for how sweet his words were. You tell him that he also has a special place in your heart and he nearly dies. Hopefully you know CPR? Or maybe…mouth-to-mouth?
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Sends you shoujo-style lovemail in the form of adorable letters praising all your virtues and commenting on how cute you are when you smile.
You wouldn’t expect Kohaku to write such cheesy things so easily, but all those Ghibli marathons with Aira have paid off. It started off as a way for Kohaku to express his feelings for you in secret, but after a few too-close calls with Rinne, he decided to kill two birds with one stone.
This way, he can tell you how he feels without embarrassing himself and also seeing how you flush every time you see one of his letters on your desk makes him more pleased then the cat that caught the canary.
Dear Y/N,
I hope your day is going well?
People always talk about how bright the sun is, but I think you’re the brightest thing in my sky. You push me to be the best version of myself, I want to be the way you see me. You manage to stay brave and strong, and I admire your desire to be the very best you can be. You’re a blessing to the people around you, and I thought you should know this. I’m not…very good at expressing my emotions but, I hope that this could make you smile just a little bit. That’s all.
You deserve good things.
Love, 🌸
His letters are so sweet and heartfelt, they make you giddy.
You slowly start anticipating the letters everyday. There’s always a kind note and a query about your day, it feels like the writer really cares about you.
This goes on for around a month, and then you decide that you need to find your so-called secret admirer so you can thank them for their kind words and praise.
When he finds out you’re looking for the writer of the letters, Aira pushes him to reveal himself but Kohaku doesn’t want to. He feels like it might be a letdown for you, and he doesn’t want to tarnish your experience.
But Aira, who knows that there’s no way you would shun him for something like this–actually there’s no way you would ever shun him, period–decides to casually let it slip in conversation that Kohaku’s been writing love letters for someone. Oh, Y/N, you are the recipient of these letters? How shocking~
When you thank Kohaku earnestly for how kind he is–and be sure to compliment him about his writing skills while you’re at it!–he’s flustered like you wouldn’t believe, but also incredibly happy as well. 
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WC: 1.1k
reze txt HELP this was so long omg im?? but secret admirers are sooo cute ahhhh <33 i hope this made up for u missing my 100 followers event anonnie! and that it was as enjoyable to read as it was to write!!
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rozestears · 2 years
Mayoi Ayase + Gift ( you know, either it's s/o or him went to be the gift of the other ( dress up with only ribbons in a gift box awaiting for the other at the Christmas tree in their house ))
Neutral or Fem reader.
Smut or suggestive Is fine too
👀 ya know who I am LOLOL AHAHAHA A
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SUMMARY: Merry christmas to you! You received a particularly strange gift for these holidays, well... strange only to other people's eyes that is. But for you it's super enjoyable!
Ayase Mayoi x Fem!Reader WC: 869
CWs: Blowjob, oral
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. By clicking on read more you are agreeing to sensitive topics or nsfw in general. If you feel uncomfortable by the content warnings, do not proceed.
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The holidays were practically just a normal day at this point. Nothing good happened during this time that was worth remembering anymore. But maybe there was atleast something. One thing that mattered to you the most. It was Mayoi, he's been with you for quite the long time... and he's never left you! You feel very thankful for that.
And those thoughts made you feel giddy and happy inside while walking yourself back home. You approached the doorstep and reached out in your bag, fumbling trying to find your house keys. It took awhile but you managed to find it. You inserted the key into the respected hole and turned it to open your door.
Your living room greets you with your christmas tree all set up. A surprise was cast upon you when you gazed towards a big present. It was a big red box with white ribbon, very professionally made it seemed. You were puzzled. Who was this for? Why is it here? You thought to yourself, then came to the conclusion that maybe Mayoi placed it.
You reached for the top of the lid of the box to try and find a tag, to find out who was this for specifically. You managed to find it, a white tag in cursive letters it was written. A surprise for you? That's what it read. "Open immediately once home." it followed. You were a bit skeptical. But why not.
You reached for the top and carefully unwrapped the ribbon, and finally, shakingly took off the lid slowly. As soon as light touched the inside of the box, it stumbled and fell in the opposite direction as to where you were facing. You got scared and almost jumped. But you still gathered the courage to check.
You walked over to it and seen a lying down teary eyed, tied up Mayoi. He wasn't wearing anything but bright red, silky ribbons. They look like they were tied up tightly. A big ribbon was made infront of Mayoi's chest. You took him out gently, and held him in your arms, climbing up to your room.
You placed Mayoi down on the bed and pinned him down. "Wh-why don't you open up your present, darling?" he said. You shook your head. Mayoi took it as a disagreement and a sign you were disappointed in his doings. But you held his chin in your hands and lightly kissed his lips.
He kisses you back, asking for your tongue to come inside your mouth. You smiled at first, and allowed him. Holding his head from behind, you pushed him more closer to you, sucking on his tongue and holding his waist close to yours. You pulled away to his mouth, only a string of saliva continues to connect you both to each other.
You unwrapped him quickly. The last turn of ribbon was removed from Mayoi, the poor boy was sweating, while waiting for you to come home. You apologized for that, and held his cock in your hands. It was surely leaking by now.
You felt the warmth of it in your hands, and started to move your fingers to the tip, teasing it lightly. He let out a small mewl from your light touch. But then, you stopped. Finally moving your hands up and down to help him release even just a bit of pleasure. Precum streams from his cock and to your hands, making it slippery.
Light drops of it started to spray around. One droplet even managing to go to your face, causing a bit of a mess. When it was wet enough, you tucked some hair behind your ears, and started to suck him off. He moaned rather loudly at the sudden motion. Your tongue licking him clean and your mouth wrapping him in it's warmth.
He held you head from behind, pushing his cock deeper to your mouth. You let out some small whimpers from his force. You were getting deepthroated by him at this point as well. You felt him twitch and throb inside you as you continued to move up and down on his member.
He was rock hard. Tasting his arousal as it came out his tip, you would drink it all up as fast as possible. He smiles at you before throwing his head back and rolling his eyes back. He came into your mouth and you hadn't had the time to pull yourself off him. But oh well.
As Mayoi came into your mouth, it couldn't handle the amount. some of his cum dripped on the side of your mouth and made it's way to your chin, making a puddle underneath you two. Mayoi then let go of your head, and looked at you softly, while blushing.
He apologized once more for he's gone too far for this... But you didn't mind, you said to him while removing the excess cum from your mouth and wiping your hands off on the sheets. You went up to him and kissed him again saying it's okay with you. He smiled, and hugged you.
It felt warm with him, and it made you happy. This truly was a strange gift, but a nice one to feel.
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iamgrape · 2 years
Incubus Mayoi Ayase: Preference
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Below this is a mature Content, YOU BEEN WARNED.
Content: Gender change /swap(?) But still use original Pronouns despite the genitals being different. Fem! Succubus! Mayoi Ayase. Male! Reader. Dom Reader. Double penetration, object penetration, lactating, overestimated. NOT PROOFREAD AND EDITED FOR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR YET
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
You look at the book that was lend to you by your neighbor and to the incubus who's seating on the floor on his knees.
You did not order him to seat in the floor. He just did that on his own after the visitor left. Maybe he get guilty he invited someone who you don't know inside.
"... What is this "preference" limit?" You ask as your eyes curiously trace the letters that tells you that incubus have the ability to follow what the target wanted. Or kink in simple terms.
"...i-- I'm not sure..." He don't explore what he can do as he was in a very terrible diet that unable him to freely use his powers too much for thousand of years.
"Oh! It's the tag isn't it?" You open your phone to go to the reference site you always went and went to the tag. You scroll to them and look at mayoi.
"Hmm.... Oh gore.... Zombie then? You know like those in Chinese novel. Smegsy zombies..." Your eyes sparkle as you look at him.
"e-ehmm..." He look at you surprised why would you choice dark at first.
But he cannot question what you like. Taking a deep breath. With a poof mayoi change to a very pale corpse. Through there's a black vine marking and long nails. His eyes are pure black as well his hair. Yet other than that he still look like mayoi.
"Ok, are you in for my brain or to fuck me? Ahaha." You joked as mayoi approach you in slow motion. He softly trace your feature and you thought how odd it was as he isn't speaking.
His hand felt like ice as he lean and run his cold skin against yours, he smell your scent and his particularly seating on your lap as he mutely felt your warm skin against his and hugging you even through each move his bone made a snapping sound.
"I'm hungry..." His sharps teeth's glaze on top of your flesh.
Threatening to bite yet before he could Mayoi poof back to normal. Breathing heavily as if he have to force himself back to normal. He hugs you as if he just saw something terrible.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing..." He don't say.
"Cool." You mumble, not wanting to dig more to his secret. Something are better off not knowing after all.
"Still want to continue?" You wanted to change the topic as you brush and pat his head to comfort him. "Hmm..." He nodded his head.
"Hmm..." You wonder which one he should try next. Suddenly you thought of something. " Hey hey can you be a genderbend of yourself --" your smile seems to be so wide by your smart idea
"O-oh... I can try..." He saw your smile, very excited smile. He suddenly felt very conscious if he can't do what you wanted to see, he takes a deep breath and transform to his gender swap version, an succubus.
He can't see himself but he saw you looking at him with wide eyes, enough for him to be so shy and turn away. "Y-your S-staring... T-too much!" Even his voice sound so feminine it shock him.
"I-i..." You mumble as you swallow a breath. You suddenly have hard time processing everything as you look Mayoi in his female form. Your eyes look at his female body 3 size.
Bust 94 cm (37)
Waist 58 cm (23)
Hips 88 cm (34)
Bra Size 37 H Cup
"....... shit." You quickly look away from him, all red and bothered. Even your ears are so red to see. "Nononononothiscantbe...." You wanna hit your head to the wall because it felt like this form would effect you with his lust demon aphrodisiac effect than his original form. Fucking succubus isn't one to mess with.
"(N-Name)...? D-do I l-look bad...? W-why are you looking away... I'm sorry I'm not good enough in this form...!" He seems to notice how your not able to look at him anymore in that form, he thought it's a look of disgust and disappointment. His horribly wrong! It's too much for you to handle!
Ahhhhh! Don't press your boobs on my back, I might faint....!!' you thought as you felt him giving you a hug from behind, his bosom pressing against to your back, it made you blush even more.
"D-do you hate it that much...? I'm I really ugly in this form...hic..." Tears start to fall from her--his eyes as he try to turn your head to look at him but if you look at him more, you really cannot help but drool or even do worse! It's too much l!
"N-no... It's not! It's not!" You try to comfort him but that's mean you have to look at his direction and at that very moment you saw his very seductive tearful beautiful face and his melon bosom against your arm, you lost it. Everything turn dark.
when you wake up you felt softness of your mattress and a moan when you rub your head against your very soft pillow.
"Hm...?" You question why your hearing a moan just now but your too doze off and love your new pillow!
You continue rub your face against your pillow and even went to check it out with your hand.
You hold your pillow haft asleep, grope the pillow that seem... Meaty. You start to sweat as you hear a feminine moan again very close to your ears.
"A~ah... (N-Name)..." You heard your pillow moan. You swallowed hard as you realize it's not really a pillow but you shamelessly continue to lay your head against Mayoi's female form bosom as you circle your arms around his waist. You felt your in heaven~ ah~ such a delight ~
"Hehehe..." You giggle as you look up to him who's face is so read yet so beautiful ~ "(n-name)... Your awake...!" He excitedly says as he hug you tightly smooching your face to his boobs, a heavenly feeling you dont mind being in even through you kinda need to breath.
You only giggle enjoying the feeling more. Through the lack of oxygen made you black out again, but your smiling like a perv.
"Nonononononoooooo." You complained like a child as you hug mayoi and not wanting him to turn back yet. You act so childish it's so new to him and made him taken back, by a lot.
"E-eh ... Do you like this form that much....?' he start to worry a bit but seeing you loving him more and showing an odd sight he never seen before made him forget his worry.
"I like all of you of courses! Ahaha. It's still you even if your a zombie or a succubus." You honestly says. " Remember that I'm someone reborn many times? Or reincarnated many times. I been both male and female. I'm neutral at the concept of difference of male and female now, either be a male or female. I still be a socket of a plug." You winked at him, he blush so red at your words.
"I remember when I was a dude once. Ya know the time I was a pirate. Some crew mate have this chitchat about a beautiful woman taken advantage of us and being fucked from behind. Ahahahah--...." Suddenly you stop laughing at fond memories as your eyes sparkle as you look at him. He saw your gaze and notice the hormones your releasing increase again. You put your hand to his shoulder.
"I read earlier. You can also change your target body for preference..." Your neither male or female but you would want to make one of your bucket list checked if he can do what you wanted.
"(N-Name)...?!" He ask you worriedly but a smile seems to slowly creep on his face as you pulled him into your bedroom. You went to get something to your drawer a gift you get from a neighbor. A chocolate lipstick. Literal chocolate.
"Here you go laddy~" you put it to his hand as he seat on the bed. He look confuse at the lipstick and at you. "H-huh...? W-what.... W-wait--. Do you still want to be a male ?" He ask you and you nodded. He bite his lower lips before he pulled you to a kiss. That very moment he pulled away, you felt odd. Familiar but odd. You look at your body and start groping yourself, inspection and check up happened at that moment.
You somehow have abs and muscle mass for some reason...??? And of course male genitals.
"Ohhhh...." You mumble and heard your voice lean in to the masculine and deeper side now. ".... Why are you blushing like that?" You turn to look at Mayoi who's face is so red and shyly look away when you notice his stare at you.
"Do I look pleasing in the eye for Mayoi?" You held his hand and made his hand touch your chest and let him do the exploring with a grin pasted in your face. With a blushing face he slowly trace your chest down to each of your muscle. Somehow you see your mirror in the wall, realize you look like your previous incarnation.
When your a pirate, through less of the scars that you taken from fighting other pirate and some accident you rather not remember in your body, maybe it's that time when you still debating if you should be a pirate or be low abiding citizen. Of course you take the first choice since being a normal citizen means boring life and you wanna hit reach rich at ez choice, through it's not the case when you start sailing.
"Ahaha~ I thought you would rather transform me to a shota/shouta or something." You chuckle as you jested which made him pause from trying to remove your t-shirt off you without you noticing (enough to give a care)
"H-huh...?! W-why d-did you even--"
"Don't worry we can still try that next time~" you don't let him finish his questions or else you might answer him that would make him more embarrassed about what you notice about him.
You take your t-shirt off and grab the chocolate lipstick. "Stick out your tongue." You instructed and he follow along through still red as a rose. You made him lick the lipstick before you apply the lipstick at his beautiful lips perfectly, with your previous experience in another life. Lipstick isn't a big deal. The whole other make up is.
"So beautiful ~" you complimented before you kiss him, licking thr sweet chocolate off his lips is such a good food play, you felt so lustful as the kiss become more passionate and deeper.
The mark on you felt so warm again, it made certain organ be fueled by it and be throbbing in pain, you even lose straight to stand up but before you can give way to the ground, Mayoi pulled you closer to him. Making you seat in his lap.
"Hmmnnn~" you slowly felt so drunk in something. You look at Mayoi with a soft smile with red tainted face. Something in your mind suddenly clicked as if a lock being open with a key and that very moment something become off with you.
Mayoi suddenly look at the lipstick mark and almost cry out when he realize it's Asmodeus blood Choco lipstick.
It's a fucking aphrodisiac made from the finest source material -- lord of Lust, Asmodeus blood. Most potent one out of all Lust demon. Of course he won't get effected by it but your a different case. He wonders how you get hands on those. But before he can question more he is push to lay on his back on the bed by you.
"Darling ~ do you want me to take your pussy virginity ~?" He saw your eyes become peach with fading pink, the same eye color of a certain Lord of Lust-- Asmodeus. A sweet seductive grin pasted on your face as his eyes drift down to his mark on you, it's seems to be spreading and forming a shadow like devil wings and tattoo outfit.
"Silence means yes...ehehe~" he was surprised when you suddenly went down to kiss him again, while your other hand is playing with his already harden nipples and groping his bosom causing him to moan to the kiss but it's all muffle as you continue to kiss him while your two hands busy exploring it's new domain.
"Ahnnn~ nuuughh...."he squirm under you as you start to play at his new form sensitive nerve in his lower region.
" Your so cute right now, darling ~" you commented as you give him a peck in his forehead, flattering gaze he look at you as you put his right leg up on your shoulder blade.
He felt something hard and warm against his already wet pussy abd shyly look down before he gap a mouthful of saliva and embarrassedly look away which cause you to chuckle.
"Don't worry ~ I'll foreplay with you first ~ don't Darling want to take control of me like you did before~?" You gaze at him with temporary lusty peach colored eyes causing him to jolt as he realize you know what happened to you when you eat his semen before.
"I swear I don't mean--ahhh~~~ " his words stop as you start to insert a finger and start to stretch and play with his pussy.
"Hhmnnnghnnn....~~" he moan as you start to use two finger doing a scissors like gesture as you slide in and out. his Inside clenching at your finger as you continue to add more finger and increase your pace. Your free hand held his right leg in place through you did squeeze his thick tight a bit.
"S-something is-- ughhhhnnnnn~" his inside suddenly tighten it's grip on your fingers before he suddenly throw back his head as he squirt in your left hand.
You giggle as you lick your left hand clean.
"Heads up, darling~" you suddenly says with shift move you held his hips and effortlessly carried him to your arms and as his still in the moment of orgasm, he suddenly felt you lining up against his pussy but before he can process faster, you already slam his hips down, entering in one go.
" Ah~~" he unconsciously wrap his legs around your waist as he once again throw back his head as he moaned at the feeling of being so full inside, all he could feel is pleasure, and endless amount of sexual hormones, feeding him along the way.
"Aha~ ahh~ ughhhhmnn...." You bite your lower lips as you try to muffle your moans as you felt his inside cramping and clenching around you, it's so warm and tight. It almost made you cum at that very moment but refuse to do so!
"What a slut ya are, darling~" you squeeze his hips causing him to moan as he lean his head against your right shoulder with his two hands holding onto you, fearing to fall. At that moment you saw his wings have long become a wing marking from his waistline to his upper back.
"Ughhhhmmnmnnnn.... D-dont m--hhmmm" you giggle as you finally able to find the key point of how to continue your little fun~ you held his booties up, leaving only the tip in before you slam him down.
"Ahh~~~" He moan so loud your neighbor would file public disturbance tommorow. His nails buried in your back drawing blood.
"o-oh nhooo!" He saw what he cause and almost become an apologetic mess if you don't continue ramming deep into him while you chuckle through you can't help but try to muffle your moans again when his warm and wet inside start to clinged and grip on is too much for you to handle.
you even felt your legs giving way but as you pummeled and ram inside him for few more times. you two collapse in the bed with him on his back and with a final thrust you felt something rushing out and shivered as you felt releasing inside of him. You felt so light headed, feeling as if in cloud nine as you rest your head against his bosom.
"S-so hot...ughhhhmmmnn~ y-your seeds is pouring deep inside of me...!" he whimpers as he ravish the warm liquid that is pouring inside out of him.
His heaved breath, drooling and sweating yet he still want more! He want more...!
"(N-Name)...~" he whimper as he start to move with his legs securing it's grip on your waist. You chuckle as you held his face and giving him a deep kiss.
"I guess certain someone isn't full yet~" you chuckle. "M-maybe~ fufu." He nibble on your ear lobes with a grin. You sigh, it be a long night ~
"Come on~ darling ~ don't run away~ " you giggle feeling less tired than you should be after uncountable rounds. You decided to do something yet it seems your companion is a little denial about liking the next position.
"Nguuhhhh.... T-too much..." He mumble as his on all fours in the bed, trying to crawl away as you held his hips in place. You did a little revenge on his habit of not pulling out even a second to leak out a single drop as take out a certain plug toy a certain incubus brought to your place a while ago.
You chuckle as you held his bulging stomach causing him to moan against the pillow. You lick the toy to be nice and slippery before you remove yourself from him but before he can leak out a drop, you ram the toy into him, plugging the hole shut.
"H-huh...?!" He look behind to see what evil ( through you doing something such only turns him on more ) your trying to do now.
He saw you opening a lube bottle, he brought here from demon realm, he felt something cold on his backdoor hole, his eyes widen as you give him a wink before you a line yourself in his asshole, he eyed you as he give you a watchful yet excited gaze.
You chuckle at the gaze his giving you as he was still ' reluctant ' to do this earlier. You tease him a bit and when his finally relax, you slowly enter him.
" hmmmnnnn....." you gasp a breath, as You reveled at the moment. It's so... Thight you question how you manage to enter with it's inside trying to milk you out of content at the very moment you enter.
"Ahh~ AHHH~ UGHHHHMNN ~~" Mayoi felt so full with both holes being penetrated at the same time. His tongue is out as his eyes roll back out of pleasure he unconsciously start moving his hips back and forth on his own seeking more of the pleasure.
"F-fuck... " You groan and grip on his hips as his movement cause you to be overwhelmed by intoxicating feeling. 'shit shit I'm blocking out--' you tried to maintain control of consciousness since you did do the same thing you did with his semen. But somehow you can maintain your own will for a while but it's slowly slipping away as you come in his ass unable to handle it.
Mqyoi felt you tag his hair back, causing him to groan and whimper yet he love it...!
"M-more~" he moaned as you seat down to the bed, and he ride you with his back facing you, his hips keeps it's repulsive movement and you moaned as move your free hand to play with the dildo in his pussy to synchronize the rhyme of penetration in the two holes.
"Ahh~ moremoremoremoreeeeee!!" He is already overestimated and he love it! He should been full long ago but he felt his so hungry! His eyes rolls back as he cum in his ass but it don't stop his movement. "Ahmmm~~" you put a few digit in his mouth with you free hand and he suck on it. His eyes show how he long have succumb to his lust demon nature, his pupil become crazy heart lustful peach (1)
"I love you! I love you!" He moaned as humping on your crotch, his drools falling down as he look how connected you two are with you deep inside of his pussy, it's so meant to be! He thought as he gaze on your lightless eyes. "Ughhhhmnn~" he mewls as the vibrator speed up on his ass. He long change position yet he keep his ass plugged to enjoy the warm liquid you left inside!
"Do you love my boobs~?" As he bounce on your crotch he grope his breast that is too much for his hand to hold. He pinch his nipples sending him more to the edge, his inside clenching the two penetrating hood inside of him. "Ahh~ my love you look so thirsty ~ do... You want to drink milk~?" He ask you who just nodded and he happily lean in as he slam his ass down one more time groaning as he use his abilities while he massage his tits and teasing his nipple before he guide your mouth to his right nipple to suck in it. Warm sweet liquid slowly flow into your mouth and down to your throat as you happily drink each drop as you start to massage his left breast. "S-so cute ..." He groan as he try to focus on your adorable face sucking his breast milk like a baby...
"Ahhh~ " he moan as his eyes roll back at the estimation from his two holes and his tits. He keep moaning as he held his slightly bulging stomach his mind suddenly drifted back to the sight of you sucking his tits as he continue to ride you.
"I..." He starts. His devil tail with heart shape end, that he never let lose and have made it stay in dormant state since a long ago-- or a marking on his tight suddenly move and unmarked itself and it start to swing behind him, he grin as he use move his tail to his liking.
"What....?" You saw something move behind him but not sure what to make out of it nor your overestimated mind would let you think too much of it and he made you return to sucking on his left nipples.
"Ah~ my love should just focus getting your fill ok?" He grin as he held your face, looking at you so adoringly as his tail slowly went near your asshole.
"Hmmmnn?!" You almost choke on the breast milk when you Felt something entering your ass. "Shh~ relax~ fufu. Your so cute~" he chuckle as he hugged you closer to his bosom. While his tail search for your sweet spot, you moan when he start pressing in it. "Fufufu ~ "he chuckle as start to move again making you cry out from too much estimations. "Won't you feed us more ~? Don't worry once we're feed well... We can rest~" he kiss your cheeks. You nodded your head not understanding much what his saying again, you held his hips as you meet his thrust. He moaned as he trace the mark that extended in your back its seems it extended and grow a silly thought come in his mind again as he look at your lightless gaze.
"If... If you become a demon of lust like me... We can live forever together... " He mumble as warm tears fall from his eyes. He don't know if it's the pleasure or it's pressure of his emotions that cause him to cry. "Won't it be great...?" He added.
"Ahmnn....~~" you shiver as you come undone inside of him, your nails dig on his hips causing him to moan from pain and pleasure. he felt the warm pouring inside of him and can't help but cum again.
His tongue hang out as his eyes rolled back, his thoughts from before is forgotten at the moment of climax. "Kiss..." You felt so tired but you reach out to grab the back of his neck and pulled him for one more passionate kiss before your knock out cold.
He softly lay your head against the pillow as he lay on top of you after he pulled the cover from the floor, it seems its been thrown out in the middle of the fun time.
He cover the two of you before he lay on top of you still connected with one another. He held his stomach as he complicating if he absorb the love juice of you two as nutrients or ...
He look at your peaceful sleeping form. He smile softly as he decided his choice. He lay back to sleep on top of you and you happily circle your arms around him with a soft hum.
"I love you..." He kiss your forehead. "Hmm. Love your too." You mumble to your sleep.
".... Hey when are you are going back to your incubus form?" You ask Mayoi who still in his female form. Your long back to your original self as you take mouthful of rice as he serve you seconds. He is wearing an apron and is cooking breakfast for you.
"D-do you not like it anymore...?!" He cried out as he look at you in wide eyes you quickly denied his claim.
"Nonono! I love it, I love all your forms ok? I keep eyeing your booing boing boobs everytime you move it bounce. Damn physics. It's too distracting..." You point out as take a bite of ( favorite cooked breakfast ) he made.
"Ooh..." He blush as he held the spatula firmly he shy away and his boobs jiggle again when he move. "I'll stay at this form for a while... If you don't mind..." He fidget in his hand as he look at you in the eyes before darting back to the plate.
"....suit yourself. It's doesn't really matter to me if you want to stay in that form. I'm just asking earlier cause, just because. Ahaha." You chuckle as you went back to your meal. He eats with you, enjoying a simple breakfast with you even through he don't really need to eat human food.
His gaze went to look at the fading marking in your shoulder and how your eye color return to it's normal lovely (color) orbs. 'its not permanent... Ah... I need to research how to turn a human to a demon....' he thought a bit sad that it's not a permanent thing that made you a haft step a demon of lust, last night.
"Do you wanna live as a demon with me...?" He blurted out.
"What?" You look from your meal when you heard his question.
"N-nothing...!" He quickly shake his head as if his embarrassed of his own question.
"Ah... It's just a stupid hopeless wish of mine... " He mumble a bit sad again.
"Oh. Is it the fact you demons live longer than humans?" You chuckle as you gets where his coming from. "It's been many lifetime already. It felt like an eternity, you know~ I just restart as a baby again in each dead end. It doesn't matter it I'm a demon or a human if you approach and love me again in each lifetime of mine. I will continue to love you again my dear soul mate~" you give him a honest words with a smile.
"...." He look at you unable to response on your reply.
"Well. Even if I wanna be a demon to live eternity with you, we dont know how." You added.
"I...." He start. "I will find a way for us! Even the insignificant devil as I, I desire to have a little demon family with you!" He seems very determined to find a way.
".... oh?" Suddenly you realize something base on his words. You grin as you look at him, you lay your head on the Palm of your hand as look at him, already read him like an open book. " I guess I understand the real reason your still in your female form." You chuckle causing him to blush red.
"Y-you do?" He felt so embarrassed, he been seen through by you already!
"I don't mind if you want too. Ahaha your so silly trying to hide it from me. I have long many years of experience of reading different type of people in many lifetime you know~" you drink your coffee.
"You can wear a disguise right? Go out with me today for a little date~" you and him always fucking like a bunnies in heat but a proper date is at in order beside your going to buy something today.
"D-date...? With me...?!' he was surprised before he start to worry, he don't like being around many people.
"Don't worry if someone try to hit on you, I will not let it pass or slide without a scar or a wound on them. " You chuckle menacingly and your possessive nature appear yet again.
"O-oh...! I-if you want! I'll go...! A date with you!" He can't help but grin like a lovesick man. He suddenly forgot his worries as excitement for the date have over come the fear of strangers.
The two of you went out for a date, he still in his female form and is wearing a black leggings and white long sleeve polo-- it's his polo he always love to wear but it become a dress as it's too large for his female form.
He hide his wings into marks again and his hand wear gloves as he happily link your hands together as you two walk down the street.
You guys went to watch movies, and went shopping and while his being harass by the gaze of pass by people, you throw a middle finger and give a menacing smile to scare them off and they did run away the moment they saw your smile.
Through your not someone who don't get attention as you walk by people. Mayoi can't help but held onto you tighter as he notice glance from both male and female looking at you, as your too charming and have a mysterious and rouge aura in you.
He felt being emotional again but you kiss him when you notice his salty gaze, leading the people who stares at you two to sworn at the sight and felt pang of envious of the two of you, yet you two love each other and no one can go against it.
You all went to different shop and eat many sweets and deserts in the street walk, in the end of the day the two of you went dating park and seat in a bench.
You made him lean on your shoulder as you held each other hands through you did reach out to get something to your pocket for a moment but return to held his hand again.
"I love you." You mumble with a smile, he grip on your hand tightened. "I love you too.." he smiled as he replied with the same honestly.
"Good. We're stuck forever and ever... " You chuckle as you raise your left hand linked to his right hand to a eye level to show him something.
"Ah... " His eyes widen as he saw a ring in his right, ring finger. He doesn't even notice you putting a ring in him as his too happy to be with you today.
"H-hic... Y-you..." Tears falling in his eyes out of happiness and you hug him and he cried in your arms so happy at the moment and you just smile and pat his back and pet his hair.
"I love you! I love you!" He happily repeated as he hugs you while crying and you return each words back
"I love you too~ I love you too~" as a he would repeat and feeling very happy as you two hugs one another. You smile at the thought your soul mate in this life finally yours for sure.
'my dearest eternal companion, my soul mate... Mayoi Ayase. I love you. Human or not.' you kiss his forehead as you thought those words.
FootNote: If Mayoi have done his incubus duty properly he should been the lord of Lust or under the command of the lord of the Lust , Asmodeus as the first demon in command. As his one of the first if not the first incubus to ever existed.
If feed well with sexual hormones he can do much more using incubus magic. Sometimes his transformation of preference is him transforming to another version of himself, like changing place with an alternative self of his that pass the preference.
But of course it Only apply if the category of preference is not a lust demon. He can also gender swap his target but for now it's the only limit he knows. Idk the other people concept of Gender neutral. But for me their body look like a doll body but no big bosom
(1) peach colored eyes with heart shape means a lust demon succumbing to their nature. It's the same eye color as the Lord of Lust. Asmodeus.
54 notes · View notes
rubys-domain · 11 months
Personal Enstars Event Roadmap (Made By A 2winkP)
🚃 SS Arc/6th Stage Sanctuary (Tour Event)
5★ Wataru Hibiki | fine | Pf
5★ Tomoya Mashiro | ra*bits | Da
🔖 Fruitful OCTOBER (Scout) (11/24/2023 →25)
5★ (Awaiting the Day of Harvest) Yuta Aoi | Da
EXCEED - Eden (- 11/20/2023)
(11/21/2023 - 11/~26/2023)
🚃 SS Arc/7th Stage Sudden Death (Tour Event) (10/15/2021 - 10/23/2021) (11-26-2023 - 12-04-2023)
5★ Kohaku Oukawa | Double Face | Pf | Glitter Pf
5★ Tsukasa Suou | Knights | Da | Brilliant Da
(12/5/2023 - 12/10/2024)
4 unrelated events
Gekkou Kitan - Akatsuki (10/31/2021 - 11/08/2021) (12/10/2023 - 12/18/2023)
5★ (Moon of Fresh Blood) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | Vo | Glitter Vo | N/A
4★ (Blood Tide of the Moon) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | IR Total 57,236
(12/19/2023 - 12/24/2023)
FORBIDDEN RAIN - Undead (11/15/2021 - 11/23/2021) (12/24/2023 - 1/1/2024)
5★ (Beast and Ambassador) Adonis Otogari | Undead | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Beast and Artist) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,369
(1/2/2024 - 1/~6 7/2024)
Nekketsu☆Ryusei Ninpouchou - Ryuseitai (11/30/2021 - 12/8/2021) (1/7/2024 - 1/15/2024)
5★ (Ninpou, Modern-ize) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Ninpou, Hardworking-ism) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,364
4★ (Ninpou, Yuru-style) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | IR Total 58,577
(1/16/2024 - 1/20/2024)
Noir Neige - La Mort (Ritsu, Rei, Nagisa, Mayoi, Kohaku) (12/15/2021 - 12/23/2021) (1/21/2024 - 1/29/2024)
5★ (Eternal Reaper) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | Da | Glitter Total↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Freezing Reaper) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,520
4★ (Half-Reaper Boy) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | IR Total 56,752
(1/30/2024 - 2/~5/2024)
🚃 SS Arc/Final Stage SS (Large-scale Tour Event) (12/31/2021 - 1/8/2022) (2/~6/2024 - 2/~13/2024)
5★ (Red that Sings for the Advent of Morning) Eichi Tenshouin | fine | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
5★ (Red that Pierces Through the Clouds) Tori Himemiya | fine | Da | Flash Da↑ | N/A
5★ (White that Sings for the Break of Dawn) Nagisa Ran | Eden | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | N/A
5★ (White that Illuminates the Darkness) Hiyori Tomoe | Eden | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Sky-Clearing Red) Wataru Hibiki | fine | IR Total 55,405
4★ (Meditating Red) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 55,854
4★ (Sprouting White) Ibara Saegusa | Eden | IR Total 57,227
Feathers of Ark - fine
Deep Eclipse - Eden
(2/~14/2024 - 2/~21/2024)
🔖 Hinata Feature Scout (Scout) (01/10/2022 - 01/25/2022) (2/~22/2024 - 3/~8/2024)
5★ (Colors Mixed Together) Hinata Aoi | Da
3★ (Gamer Pride) Yuta Aoi
Finder Girl - Trickstar (01/15/22 - 01/23/22) (2/~21/2024 - 2/~29/2024)
5★ (Reminiscing on the Four Seasons) Mao Isara | Trickstar | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Snapshotting the Four Seasons) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 58,748
(3/~1/2024 - 3/~7/2024)
1 unrelated event
Believe 4 leaves - Alkaloid (01/31/22 - 02/08/22) (3/~7/2024 - 3/~14/2024)
5★ (Phantom Ship of Hope) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Phantom Ship of Dreams) Aira Shiratori | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,881
(3/~15/2024 - 3/~21/2024)
Chocolat♥Love Letter Covered in Hearts* (Unit Event) (2/15/2022 - 2/23/2022) (3/~21/2024 - 3/29/2024)
5★ (Heartfelt Love Letter) Yuta Aoi | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Authentic Love Letter) Hinata Aoi | IR Total 58,671
Swee2wink Love Letter - 2wink
*+ Valentine's Day Campaign...? idk unclear if it already happened or not from the wiki
(3/~30/2024 - 4/~5/2024)
1 unrelated event
Brilliant Smile - Switch (2/28/2022 - 3/8/2022) (
5★ (Steadfast Carat) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Skilled Carat) Sora Harukawa | Switch | IR Total 55,405
FUSION LIVE: Crazy:B × 2wink (Mini Event) (3/9/2022 - 3/14/2022)
1 unrelated event
Acanthe - Valkyrie (03/15/2022 - 03/23/2022)
5★ (Sealed Display of Specimens) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | Da | Flash Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 1 (Campaign) (3/15/2022 - 4/18/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | Da | Brilliant Total↑
First Bloom*A Spring Evening's Brief Respite (Unit Event) (03/31/2022 - 04/08/2022)
3★ (Evening Song) Hinata Aoi
No name yet - Double Face
5★ (Cherry Blossom-Colored Evening) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | N/A
🔖 Puffy☆Bunny (Scout) (04/15/2022 - 04/23/2022)
5★ (Sunny Bunny) Hinata Aoi | 2wink | Pf | Flash Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
Paradigm Reversi! - Puffy☆Bunny (Wataru, Hinata, Mika, Hiiro, Shinobu)
5★ (Lively Bunny) Wataru Hibiki | fine | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Smiley Bunny) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 58,416
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 2 (Campaign) (4/28/2022 - 5/31/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | 2wink | Da | Brilliant Total↑
🔖 Band BB (Scout) (04/29/22 - 05/14/22)
4★ (Singing Keyboardist) Yuta Aoi
3★ (Harmonizing Bassist) Hinata Aoi
5★ (Howling Guitarist) Koga Oogami | Undead | Pf | Glitter Pf ↑ | Combo
Reminiscence*The Obbligato Played by Iridescence (Tour Event) (04/30/2022 - 05/08/2022)
5★ (Shards of a Brilliant Display) Tatsumi Kazehaya | Alkaloid | Da | Glitter Total ↑ | N/A
5★ (Shards of a Desired Brilliance) HiMERU | Crazy:B | Pf | Flash Pf ↑ | N/A
3 unrelated events
Daydream×Reality - Trickstar (5/15/2022 - 5/23/2022)
5★ (Games and IRL) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
Sustain Memories - Undead (05/31/2022 - 06/08/2022)
5★ (Bride of Blessings) Kaoru Hakaze | Undead | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Warm Bride) Adonis Otogari | Undead | IR Total 57,107
Natsudori no Uta -Summer Bird- - Akatsuki (06/15/2022 - 06/23/2022)
5★ (The Aspiring Star-in-Waiting) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Ever-Watching Moon) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | IR Total 54,812
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 3 (Campaign) (6/24/2022 - 7/9/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | Da | Brilliant Total↑
🚃 Yumenosaki Divided/The Tanabata Festival that Bridges Hope (Tour Event) (06/30/2022 - 07/08/2022)
5★ (Gazing upon the Tanabata Sky) Adonis Otogari | Undead | Vo | Flash Total↑ | N/A
5★ (Wishing upon the Tanabata Sky) Arashi Narukami | Knights | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | IDOL PIECE DROP RATE
4★ (Shouting Song during Tanabata) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 55,405
4★ (A Night to Enjoy Tanabata) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | IR Total 55,840
🔖 Polka Dots (Scout) (7/14/2022 - 7/29/2022)
4★ (Polka Dot Heart) Hinata Aoi
Romancing Cruise - Switch (7/15/2022 - 7/23/2022)
5★ (Cruise of Encounters) Natsume Sakasaki | Switch | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Cruise of Planning) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | IR Total 57,597
1 unrelated event
Coruscate Breeze - Knights (7/31/2022 - 8/8/2022)
5★ (Sunshine in a Foreign Country) Leo Tsukinaga | Knights | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Contest in the Sunshine) Izumi Sena | Knights | IR Total 58,898
🚃 Battle of Yumenosaki! The Sports Festival to Declare Your Presence (Tour Event) (8/15/2022 - 8/23/2022)
5★ (Bewildered Sports Festival) Aira Shiratori | Alkaloid | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
5★ (Optimistic Sports Festival) Tomoya Mashiro | ra*bits | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | N/A
4★ (Sports Festival Plans) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 56,389
4★ (Sports Festival Specialty) Sora Harukawa | Switch | IR Total 56,597
3★ (Advantageous Sports Festival) Yuta Aoi
1 unrelated event
FIST OF SOUL - Butou-kai (Kuro, Madara, Jun, Tetora, Adonis) (8/31/2022 - 9/8/2022)
5★ (Flame Within the Fist) Kuro Kiryu | Akatsuki | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Fighting Spirit's Flame) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,250
4★ (Gallant Flame) Adonis Otogari | Undead | IR Total 57,831
COVER SONG SERIES: Switch & 2wink with Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin・Len (Mini Event) (9/9/2022 - 9/14/2022)
3★ (Tell Your Song) Hinata Aoi
3★ (Tell Your Rhythm) Yuta Aoi
(ik eng isn't getting this, i just put it here anyway for torture to see wtf else is going to happen at the date this is supposed to happen)
🔖 MIRAGE (Scout) (9/14/2022 - 9/30/2022)
5★ (A Figure Like a Mirage) Yuta Aoi | Vo | Glitter Total↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
3★ (Mirage and Hesitation) Hinata Aoi
VERMILION - Alkaloid (9/15/2022 - 9/23/2022)
5★ (Determined Card) Hiiro Amagi | Alkaloid | Da | Flash Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Observing Card) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,192
🚃 Wandering Yumenosaki/School Trip to the Mainland! (Tour Event) (9/30/2022 - 10/8/2022)
5★ (Land and Continent) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | Da | Glitter Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
5★ (Land and Sun) Mitsuru Tenma | Ra*bits | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | IDOL PIECE DROP RATE
4★ (Land and Journey) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,295
4★ (Land and Foreign Country) Hajime Shino | Ra*bits | IR Total 55,863
3★ (Separated Land) Hinata Aoi
2 unrelated events
Ghostic Treat House - fine (10/15/2022 - 10/23/2022)
5★ (Ghostic Phenomenon) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Ghostic Experience) Tori Himemiya | fine | IR Total 56,763
Helter-Spider - Crazy:B (10/31/2022 - 11/8/2022)
5★ (Panic-Stricken Spider) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | Vo | Flash Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Sweet Spider) Niki Shiina | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,222
🔖 BLEND+ (Scout) (11/14/2022 - 11/29/2022)
4★ (Easygoing Blend) Yuta Aoi
5★ (Specialty Blend) Shu Itsuki | Valkyrie | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
Heart aid Cafeteria - BLEND+ (11/15/2022 - 11/23/2022)
5★ (Affectionate Blend) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Relaxation Blend) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,382
🚃 Vowing Yumenosaki/The Final Mystery and StarFes (Tour Event) (11/30/2022 - 12/8/2022)
5★ (StarFes of Bonds) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | Da | Flash Da↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
5★ (StarFes of Mystery) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Compassion and StarFes) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | IR Total 57,165
4★ (Magic and StarFes) Natsume Sakasaki | Switch | IR Total 55,841
6 unrelated events
Have you been naughty or nice? - Flambé! (12/15/2022 - 12/23/2022)
5★ (Igniting Motivation) Rinne Amagi | Crazy:B | Da | Flash Total↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Flame that Ignites Sensitivity) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 57,451
HELLO, NEW YEAR! - MaM (12/31/2022 - 1/8/2023)
5★ (Scenery of New Color) Madara Mikejima | MaM | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Scenery of Colored Memories) Arashi Narukami | Knights | IR Total 56,317
Harenohi Sugar Wave - Ra*bits (1/15/2023 -mde 1/23/2023)
5★ (Off to my Future Self!) Hajime Shino | Ra*bits | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Off to Search Possibilities) Nazuna Nito | Ra*bits | IR Total 55,486
Colors Arise - Ryuseitai (1/31/2023 - 2/8/2023)
5★ (Unlimited Power Struggle) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Unlimited Effort) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,322
4★ (Unlimited United Front) Chiaki Morisawa | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,066
Melting Rouge Soul - Adam (2/15/2023 - 2/23/2023)
Ruby Love - Eve
5★ (A Fragment of Fixation) Ibara Saegusa | Eden | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
Meikyuu Denshi Kairou - Valkyrie (2/28/2023 - 3/8/2023)
5★ (Creator of Machina) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
🚃 Beyond Turbulent Dreams/A Graduation Standing With You (Tour Event) (3/15/2023 - 3/23/2023)
5★ (Passion Beyond Dreams) Hokuto Hidaka | Trickstar | Pf | Glitter Total↑ | IDOL JEWEL DROP RATE
5★ (Brilliance Beyond Dreams) Subaru Akehoshi | Trickstar | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
4★ (Data Beyond Dreams) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 56,016
4★ (Trust Beyond Dreams) Mao Isara | Trickstar | IR Total 57,635
Expression of Gratitude! The Ebb and Flow of the Big Ocean (Unit Event) (3/31/2023 - 4/8/2023)
5★ (Challenging the Big Ocean) Hinata Aoi | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Crossing the Big Ocean) Yuta Aoi
🚃 Origin★Singing the Starry Sky Altered (Tour Event) (4/15/2023 - 4/23/2023)
5★ (The Origin of Desire) Rei Sakuma | Undead | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
5★ (The Origin of Legend) Eichi Tenshouin | fine | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (The Origin of Change) Kanata Shinkai | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,794
4★ (The Origin of Mastery) Nagisa Ran | Eden | IR Total 55,808
Twilight Pentagram - Altered (Five Eccentrics)
Dawning Angels - fine-O (past fine)
1 unrelated event
Or the Beautiful Golden Drop - Knights (4/30/2023 - 5/8/2023)
5★ (Mad Party Where Dreams Come True) Izumi Sena | Knights | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Watching Over the Mad Party) Leo Tsukinaga | Knights | IR Total 57,146
4★ (Stirring up the Mad Party) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | IR Total 56,641
🚃 Bridegroom Training?/Wedding March! (Tour Event) (5/15/2023 - 5/23/2023)
5★ (Burning Bridegroom Training) Chiaki Morisawa | Ryuseitai | Da | Sparkle Total↑ | EXP Tickets Drop Rate
5★ (Determining Bridegroom Training) Jun Sazanami | Eden | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
4★ (Heartening Bridegroom Training) Nagisa Ran | Eden | IR Total 57,120
3 unrelated events
Crazy Anthem - Crazy:B (5/31/2023 - 6/8/2023)
5★ (Number Carrying a Dream) Rinne Amagi | Crazy:B | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Number of an Unreasonable Demand) HiMERU | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,118
Parallel Maze - Ra*bits (6/15/2023 - 6/23/2023)
5★ (Genuine Possibility) Tomoya Mashiro | Ra*bits | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Greatest Possibility) Mitsuru Tenma | Ra*bits | IR Total 57,192
RELAX PARADISE - Ryuseitai (6/30/2023 - 7/8/2023)
5★ (Yuru Star Paradise) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Individuality Paradise) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,753
4★ (Reborn Paradies) Kanata Shinkai | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,717
🚃 Cooking Showdown/Drifting? Island (Tour Event) (7/15/2023 - 7/23/2023)
5★ (Pursuit Island) Niki Shiina | Crazy:B | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
5★ (Acquisition Island) Nazuna Nito | Ra*bits | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (Rivaling Island) Mao Isara | Trickstar | IR Total 56,433
4★ (Wise Planning Island) Rei Sakuma | Undead | IR Total 57,119
3★ (Miscalculation Island) Hinata Aoi
3 unrelated events
Bye-Bye Buddy - Double Face (7/31/2023 - 8/8/2023)
5★ (Guardian of Dawn) Madara Mikejima | MaM | Pf | Brilliant Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Guardian of the Way Home) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,152
Dreaming Ocean - fine (8/15/2023 - 8/23/2023)
5★ (Crown of the Blue Sea) Tori Himemiya | fine | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Clown of the Blue Sea) Wataru Hibiki | fine | IR Total 57,174
Le temps des fleurs - Valkyrie (8/31/2023 - 9/8/2023)
5★ (Speaking Love Story) Shu Itsuki | Valkyrie | Pf | Flash Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Speaking Artist) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | IR Total 57,194
🚃 Riddle・Solution/Escape Mansion (Tour Event) (9/15/2023 - 9/23/2023)
5★ (Moonlight Escape) Koga Oogami | Undead | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | IDOL JEWEL DROP RATE
5★ (Victory Escape) Tsukasa Suou | Knights | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Quick-Wit Escape) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,103
4★ (Temptation Escape) Kaoru Hakaze | Undead | IR Total 56,554
Two Sides◆2×2 of Lies And Truth (Climax Event) (9/30/2023 - 10/8/2023)
5★ (The Back Road to Center Stage) Yuta Aoi | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Presenting Secret Tricks) Hinata Aoi | 57,142
Love×me⇄monsteR - 2wink
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon (Scout) (10/14/2023 - 10/30/2023)
3★ (Banquet of Reflecting Everyday Life) Yuta Aoi
UNDYING HOLY LOVE - Alkaloid (10/15/2023 - 10/23/2023)
5★ (Eternal Holistic) Tatsumi Kazehaya | Alkaloid | Pf | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
An Earnest Swordfight/Chanbara Night (Tour Event) (10/31/2023 - 11/8/2023)
5★ (Earnest Chanbara Night) Mao Isara | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
5★ (Moonlight Chanbara Night) Ritsu Sakuma | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (True Ability Chanbara Night) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 56,488
Split Paths*The Admired Figure and Flashback (Unit Event) (11/15/2023 - 11/23/2023)
5★ (Path of Ascertaining) Rei Sakuma | Undead | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Unwavering Path) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,150
Sublimation*The Grand Stage of the Rumbling Heavens and Earth (Unit Event) (11/30/2023 - 12/8/2023)
5★ (Grand Stage Under the Heavens) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Grand Stage Filled With the Heavens) Kuro Kiryu | fine | IR Total 57,164
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mikazuki1709 · 4 days
Oblivious | Tatsumayo Fic
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Ship: Tatsumi Kazehaya/Mayoi Ayase, Tatsumayo
Rating: G
Words: 1.181
Tags: Feelings Realization, Oblivious Ayase Mayoi, Pre-Relationship, Ayase Mayoi is bad at feelings, Eavesdropping, Crushes
Summary: As part of his ninja training, Shinobu has the opportunity to observe Mayoi's behavior more closely. He confronts his friend with his observations, thereby unintentionally throwing two young men into a state of emotional confusion.
“Mayoi-dono! Thank you so much for following my invitation, and sorry for calling you out here all of a sudden, but there is something really important I need to ask you!”
Shinobu’s posture was as earnest and upright as ever, and his voice was loud and clear. He had asked Mayoi to meet him behind the school by placing a neatly folded letter into his locker. Since Mayoi was not exactly a frequent attendant in his class, it had been a wonder that he had actually found it in time. 
But he had, and he had gathered the courage to come, and now everything about this situation felt so wrong . 
While Mayoi’s childhood had been atypical in more than just one way, he still knew a thing or two about his country’s popular culture. About how every shoujo manga used to have a scene like this. About what usually happened when two people had a private meeting behind the school.
His mind was just about to go blank from all the implications filling his head when his beloved junior - and chieftain - took the floor again:
“Please forgive me if I’m being rude, Mayoi-dono, but there is something I have been wondering about for quite some time now.” 
At that point, Shinobu paused, and Mayoi lacked the necessary knowledge in interpersonal affairs to be sure if he was giving him a last chance to speak or if he was just collecting his own thoughts. 
Whatever it was, Mayoi did not take his potential chance, so it was once again Shinobu’s voice which ended the silence between them: 
“Could it be… that you are having a crush on Kazehaya-san?”
The squeak that escaped Mayoi’s lips now was ungracious, even by his own standards, and it took him more than just a moment to fully grasp what had been said just now.
This situation… this conversation… was about… him, having a crush on… Tatsumi?
Read the full fic on ao3
0 notes
sunnybrightparade · 3 months
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Hiii hello!!! (o’∀`)♪ My name is Valentine, I'm 21 and use he/it pronouns, and welcome to my self-ship sideblog! I mostly intend to post rambling posts of various scenarios I've dreamt of through the day. I follow from @candyculture.
My F/Os are Ayase Mayoi and Sakuma Rei. I'm okay with sharing and would love if you rambled to me about your love for any F/Os we share!
Just as a forewarning: I may occasionally post NSFW or suggestive content, but it is always properly tagged.
No DNI, I block freely.
Thank you for visiting! I love you and hope you can find something to find smile about today ♡
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I use the emoji.txt and emoji.png to tag my F/Os! ♣️ is Mayoi, 🌟 is Sora, and 🦇 is Rei.
I currently do not have a tag specifically for reblogged art containing my F/Os, but I tag my yumeposts with love letter archive and my other posts with unused envelopes.
platonic yumeposting is where I share my non-romantic love and dreams.
0 notes
esidolmail · 6 months
Mayoi Ayase
Support for Mayoi
Make friends with a fan
Hidden Love
Let's be friends!
To date someone
Favorite Dessert
Massive Fan
I will protect you
Didn't mean to scare you
Love you so much
Love you so much 2.0
Thank you for coming home
What makes someone cute?
Can you sign this paper?
Can you sign this paper (pt.2)
Name Insecurities
Yori's Birthday Mail
Become my friend
Sick and Performances
Similar Issues
Valentines 2024 - 1 2
Ryusei Purple
Picnic in the vents
Yarn Substitution (Hair)
Treat Differently
Shinsei Kamattechan
How are you doing
Favorite Part of Routine
Dance of the Jabberwocky performance
Firefox Theme
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Alkaloid Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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blue-macaron · 2 years
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☆ Starmaker Production
Eichi Tenshouin
Wataru Hibiki
Tori Himemiya
Yuzuru Fushimi
Hokuto Hidaka
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
Subaru Akehoshi
Makoto Yuuki
Mao Isara
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
Chiaki Morisawa
Kanata Shinkai
Tetora Nagumo
Midori Takamine
Shinobu Sengoku
Hiiro Amagi
Aira Shiratori
Mayoi Ayase
Tatsumi Kazehaya
☆ Cosmic Production
Nagisa Ran
Hiyori Tomoe
Ibara Saegusa
Jun Sazanami
Shu Itsuki
Mika Kagehira
Hinata Aoi
Yuta Aoi
Rinnie Amagi
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Kohaku Oukawa 
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Niki Shiina
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
☆ Rhythm Link
Rei Sakuma
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
⋆ a letter under the blossom tree, gn!reader
⋆ human, gn!reader (2022 birthday fic)
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
⋆ displays of affection, gn!reader
⋆ your war is over, gn!reader
⋆ kiss kiss kiss!, gn!reader (2023 birthday fic)
Kaoru Hakaze
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Koga Oogami
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Adonis Otogari
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Tomoya Mashiro
Nazuna Nito
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
Mitsuru Tenma
Hajime Shino
Keito Hasumi
Kuro Kiryu
Souma Kanzaki 
☆ New Dimension
Tsukasa Suou
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Leo Tsukinaga
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Izumi Sena
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Ritsu Sakuma
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Arashi Narukami
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Natsume Sakasaki
Tsumugi Aoba
Sora Harukawa
Madara Mikejima
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Producer (Platonic)
18 notes · View notes
esidolmail · 6 months
Mayoi! What's your favorite part about your day to day routine?
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For @puddingcake300
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esidolmail · 6 months
Dear Mayoi,
I recently achieved your card in the Phantom Airship event. I'm very happy, you're quite cool! I think the card captures you very well.
I've been thinking about fashions lately, and I was wondering what type of fashion you like? Personally, I'm a fan of Jirai Kei and Ouji Boy fashion.
I want to make a dress that shows off your elegance, and so I was wondering what style you enjoy. If you don't have an answer, though, I'll be content with making a dress that hints at you. How does little clover patches amongst the skirt sound?
Anywho, I hope you're having a nice day or night <3
- Sincerely, your biggest fan, Lucas
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esidolmail · 6 months
Dear Arashi, Hiyori & Mayoi
NGAHHHHSHDKXJWJFD HELLOOOO umm I have a band concert tmr and honestly I kinda fuck up on a song called dance of the jabberwocky so that's great!!;; okay but actually other than jabberwocky I perform NO fucky wuckies but WITH THAT ASIDE im in a drumline and I play the cymbals ummm....... I fucked up dominate kinda. in an assembly. anyways OTHER THAN THAT AGAIN I might actually do well because I only fucked up cause the other cymbals fucked up ngahhhhhh def procrastinating here hagabadabadoo
- Tin "The flute is easy to play" - Bin
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