#tommy imagine
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I Don't Feel Safe
Here is the new Tommy Kinard imagine I promised, it's been far too long since I wrote for him so I'm trying to do a few more Tommy ideas.
I hope you will all like it, any feedback would be lovely.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
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Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: When (Y/n) goes into labour, things seem to go smoothly. Until the nurses they get are unkind and their rude, uncaring manner makes (Y/n) feel uncomfortable. And Tommy tries to rectify the situation.
A groan tumbled past Tommy's lips as he slowly flopped over from his back onto his side. His left arm stretched out over the duvet and landed with a thud on the other side of the bed, causing his head to perk up and he lazily opened his eyes.
It took a moment or two for his eyes to adjust to the darkness but he felt a shiver crawl down his spine when he noticed the other side of the bed was empty.
Why was he alone in bed?
His bleary eyes focused on the alarm clock on the side table opposite him and he noticed it read 5:09am. He had another hour before he had to wake up and start getting himself ready for his shift.
A growl vibrated through his chest as he turned his head a little more to smother his face in the pillow. He wouldn't be able to get back to sleep now until (Y/n) was back in bed. His mind wouldn't let him relax or shut down without her tucked safely under his arm. If she wasn't in bed beside him, Tommy would simply listen and try to make sure she was okay and work out what she was doing.
It was a comfort to Tommy when (Y/n) was laid beside him or wrapped around him like a blanket. He didn't often take naps at work when he was on double shifts and even when he tried, it didn't happen because he was so used to listening to (Y/n)'s breathing pattern or wrapping around her to calm himself down enough to go to sleep.
When a minute ticked by and slowly turned into two, Tommy flumped his hands down on the bed either side of him and pushed himself up from his chest. His head spun and swayed from side to side as he threw off the cover and grunted, pushing up onto unsteady feet. He rubbed the base of his hand against his eye to try and wake himself up and become more alert as he started to shuffle across the carpet.
"Alright baby, what're you up to?" His voice came out in a soft groan, thick and laced with sleep as he left the bedroom.
It wasn't often that (Y/n) got up during the night, she always tended to sleep through the night and neither of them were prone to getting up during the night for the toilet either. Although that had changed somewhat since (Y/n) became pregnant. But still, she had been a while and Tommy wanted to make sure she was alright.
He couldn't imagine (Y/n) going into the kitchen at this hour to find a snack, her cravings had never woken her during the night to go and eat something and that wouldn't be like her at all.
His feet thumped loudly against the floor as he plodded like he was about to collapse and sleep right then and there in the hallway. He headed down the hall and turned in the direction of the bathroom when he noticed it was open a slight inch and there was light creeping out into the otherwise dim hallway.
Tommy was used to waking up in the morning with (Y/n) curled around him, refusing to let him get up for work, and that was the way he liked it. If she wasn't in bed with him then he couldn't settle and he couldn't just lay and wait for her unless he knew what she was doing and that she was alright.
The light blinded him when he pushed open the bathroom door and he stood in the doorway for a few seconds with one hand knitted in his short wavy hair. His eyes squinted in the brightness and his nose crinkled as one side of his mouth quirked up displaying a few teeth as he tried to see his wife through the brightness.
"Baby…" There was a hint of confusion in Tommy's voice as his hand moved down from his hair to rub over his temple and the bridge of his nose while his other hand grabbed the doorframe to steady himself. Despite his confusion and tiredness, he managed a smile when he looked across at his wife.
"Why are you in the bath?" Tommy spoke as if it was the most normal thing in the world when really, for them, it was the exact opposite.
He knew his wife, she didn't like getting out of bed for anything, not even to go to work. He only knew her to happily get out of bed early when it was his birthday and she wanted to surprise him with something. His last birthday was when she made an elaborate plan to tell him she was pregnant.
And it wasn't really part of Tommy's morning plan either to get a bath first thing when he got up. He begrudged getting a shower in the morning because it made him more tired as opposed to waking him up. So seeing his wife laid in the bath at five in the morning made Tommy wonder if he was still in some strange dream-state.
Something softened in his chest when he watched a timid expression flood her face and she leaned down to hide her shy smile against the rim of the bath. Her nose perched on the edge of the tub and her bright eyes made him melt into a puddle on the spot.
"It's uh, it's five in the morning baby. Quite an unusual time to get a bath, don't you think?" As he spoke, Tommy shuffled across the room until he could crouch down beside the bath. He folded his arms over the rim and perched his chin on his forearm while he grinned tiredly at his wife.
His nose scrunched up again and his biceps flexed as he tilted his head to one side, still keeping his gaze locked on (Y/n) as he waited to be informed of why she was awake this early in the morning.
"We couldn't sleep," Her voice was quiet and timid but her eyes shone bright, especially when Tommy edged his head forward and pressed his temple against hers. "She only seems to settle in the bath… I didn't wanna wake you."
(Y/n) watched Tommy closely as a grin spread across his face and he tilted his head on his left arm so he could lower his right arm down and trace his hand through the water. His fingers caused ripples in the water that vibrated back to (Y/n) and she followed his movements, watching as he reached out for her stomach.
They were eight months along now and Tommy had been on countdown since month five, waiting until he could finally meet and hold his baby girl.
He knew (Y/n) was getting more and more uncomfortable as the weeks passed, but he didn't think she would be so unsettled and uncomfortable that she would take to trying to sleep in the bath like this.
More recently, Tommy had been coming home to find (Y/n) laid in the bath in the evening. It seemed to be the one place that she could be comfy and relaxed without aches and pains.
"Wanna tell me how long you've been in here? The water's lukewarm." Tommy wasn't stupid, he could see by her hands that she had been in here for a while, probably refilling the water every twenty minutes or so to keep it warm. And when she shook her head and nuzzled her nose into his arm, he rolled his eyes. "If you can't sleep, you wake me."
Tommy kept nudging his hand against (Y/n)'s stomach, but his eyes remained firmly locked on hers. She didn't have to worry about waking him, if she couldn't sleep or she didn't feel well or something was wrong, she should wake him and tell him. He would rather know than sleep in ignorance.
"Move up baby."
For a moment, (Y/n) wasn't sure what Tommy was thinking or what he was trying to do. She wondered if he was going to try and coax her out the bath and back into bed when he patted the back of his hand against her hip to try and ask her to sit up.
But when he pushed up from his knees and leaned on the edge of the tub, she realised what he was doing. He was going to join her.
"No, baby you need to sleep you have work soon-"
"And I can't sleep without you. We're all awake now so you may as well let me in." There was no way he was going back to sleep on his own for an hour, he was awake now too and he wanted to spend the little time he had this morning with his wife before he had to go to work.
He made quick work of kicking off his boxers and leaned over the tub, helping (Y/n) sit up and ease forward so he could climb in behind her. It was a bit of a squeeze to get Tommy's broad frame in behind her, but they managed.
Although (Y/n) felt him hiss and tense behind her and he leant forward to twist the hot tap, muttering "It's lukewarm." under his breath. He couldn't have the water this tepid, and it told Tommy just how long (Y/n) had been laid here trying to ease her discomfort.
Tommy sank back into the waters and leaned his shoulders back against the tub while his arms waded through the water until they curled beneath (Y/n)'s arms around her waist. He propped his knees up and nudged his thighs against hers and moved his hands to cup her stomach.
He knew she could feel the shiver that bolted through his chest when she turned her head and tucked her face into his neck, pressing a deep kiss there and nipping at the skin.
He could feel (Y/n)'s finger idly tapping against his thigh and sparking ripples to surge through the water. The melodic tapping against his leg was rhythmic and almost put him in a trance, if it wasn't for the feeling of her teeth grazing his neck that kept him focused on her.
They stayed like that for a while, and Tommy pressed his lips against her temple, breathing in her scent as he tried to keep his eyes open. He didn't want to fall asleep here or they would be here all morning and he would be late for work. But it was so peaceful and serene in here, and Tommy could sit for hours with (Y/n) in his arms like this.
(Y/n) closed her eyes as she leaned a bit further back into Tommy, relaxing back against him as she stopped tapping against his thigh. Her hands moved to grip both Tommy's wrists as he started drawing and making squiggles in the water against her stomach. (Y/n) knew he was doing it to see if the baby was still awake and try to feel some movement but since she had been in the water, the baby had settled down again.
Turning the tap off, Tommy began to sway his fingers through the water and his other hand stayed cupped under (Y/n)'s stomach. The longer they stayed there tangled together, the more Tommy was sure (Y/n) was almost about to fall asleep.
He turned his head to kiss her temple again and smiled. He had about forty minutes to sit here and hold (Y/n) while she drifted off for a nap before he would have to wake her and get ready for work.
He was going to make the most of those minutes.
It didn't take long for (Y/n) to drift off into a quick power nap, but Tommy knew she hadn't fallen into a deep sleep. Every few minutes she would move or shuffle or squeeze his wrist as if to make sure he knew she was still somewhat alert.
He let his cheek rest against (Y/n)'s forehead and he closed his eyes, gliding his fingers up and down her stomach while he felt the baby move and wriggle quite a lot after ten minutes or so.
They stayed there for a good half an hour before Tommy finally moved his hand from (Y/n)'s stomach to cradle the side of her jaw and neck. His thumb brushed along her cheek and his lips pressed fleeting kisses against her skin as he sighed into her hair.
"Time for me to get ready for work, baby." He didn't want to, Tommy really didn't want to go to work yet, but he didn't have much of a choice. And when their baby girl was born, Tommy would have two weeks at home with them without work needing to cross his mind.
Sometimes it was funny to think that just a few years ago, Tommy would never have imagined himself in this position. Married, stability, and a baby on the way. He wanted kids and a family of his own, but it never seemed like a possibility. Until (Y/n) came along.
(Y/n) groaned softly when Tommy's hands moved to her waist and he helped her ease forward so she was sitting up rather than slouching back against him.
Her head flopped down so her chin was pressing into her chest and she sighed, clicking her neck from side to side as she tried to wake herself up a bit more.
She moved her hands to grip the edges of the tub, waiting for Tommy to get up and climb out the bath first before she tried. But (Y/n) found herself smiling sheepishly when Tommy leaned over her and held his hands out. She didn't even have to ask for him to know she might want- or need- some help getting out the bath.
"Come're sweetheart."
Tommy heard the quiet "Thank you," that (Y/n) murmured against his bicep which she kissed before she leaned her cheek against his arm and pressed into his chest once they were both stood up and the bath was draining.
Tommy kissed her damp hair and reached out for a towel, wrapping one around (Y/n) and one around his lower waist before he turned to face the sink. He might as well get ready while he was in here.
It was a lot of effort for (Y/n) to shuffle away from the bath that she was desperate to climb back into. But she knew it wouldn't be ideal to spend most of the morning or even the day in the bath. As much as it was comforting, it wouldn't do her circulation any good to lay there for hours in the bath constantly refilling the hot water. And sometimes being in the hot water for too long made her feel sick, so it was best to get out now.
She felt the chuckle that radiated through Tommy's chest when she stood behind him and curved one arm around his torso so she could press up against his back. Her cheek pressed against his flushed skin in between his shoulder blades and her fingers tapped against his abdomen as she tried her best not to lean her weight onto him, but she wanted to be close.
Her stomach suddenly felt heavy and weighed down now that they had gotten out the bath. (Y/n) had a feeling that she wouldn't be doing very much today after Tommy went to work.
Her left arm stayed tight around Tommy's torso while he rested one hand on the sink and began brushing his teeth. And (Y/n)'s other hand was tapping against her chest as she scrunched up the towel and held it against her chest, letting her body naturally dry as she didn't have the willpower to do it manually yet.
But (Y/n) soon closed her eyes and pressed her face further into Tommy's back when a strange feeling dwelled in her stomach. She held her breath to try and compose herself, not wanting him to think anything was wrong when it was probably just a twinge rolling through her.
Tommy heard the gasp (Y/n) suddenly let out and another noise that he couldn't place. And the feeling of her arm tightening around his waist and the way she leaned against his back made Tommy freeze.
"Baby what's wrong?"
He dropped his toothbrush back into the holder and tried to quickly but carefully turn around in (Y/n)'s grasp so she was leaning against his chest rather than his back so he could look down at her.
His hands moved to hold her arms and his chin tilted down into his chest as he tried to gauge her expression and see what was wrong.
"Baby?" One hand moved to press beneath her chin and he carefully tilted her head up so their eyes were level, but the confusion and panic dwelling in (Y/n)'s eyes made Tommy uncertain.
"I don't… w-was that my waters?"
It seemed more like (Y/n) was asking Tommy rather than telling him and he quickly tilted his chest back so he could look down between them as (Y/n) moved the towel and looked down.
She felt a strange sensation in her stomach and the feeling of a lot of water rushing between her thighs. That wasn't normal and she was already almost dry from the bath, so it couldn't be that either.
One hand clutched Tommy's tense bicep while her other hand moved to cup the underside of her stomach. While she felt Tommy's hands glide down to hold her hips and he leaned down to attach his lips against her temple and press a few kisses against her flushed skin.
"I think it might have been, sweetheart." His hands curled and tapped against her hips, but (Y/n) could feel him smiling against her temple as he tried to nudge her into walking backwards.
"Hm?" She looked up at him whilst she complied and began to let Tommy steer her slowly towards the doorway.
"We should go sit down, baby, and I need my phone. Gotta call the boss and get them to cover my shift; I won't be going into work today after all."
Suddenly Tommy was glad he hadn't already left for work and that he had joined (Y/n) this morning. He dreaded to think what might of happened if he had already gone to work and then (Y/n) went into labour. It wasn't always easy to get hold of Tommy, especially if he was up in the air flying in an emergency.
Tommy had a feeling his Captain wasn't going to be thrilled at having to find someone to fill in Tommy's shift today at such short notice. And the rest of his shifts for the next two weeks, but it couldn't be helped. (Y/n) was going into labour, and Tommy was allocated his paternity leave from this moment onwards.
They were going to have a baby.
"I-is Stella here?" (Y/n) rolled her lips together as she perched on the side of the bed.
Her hands gripped the mattress, keeping herself leaning backwards while her toes pressed into the floor to steady herself. She looked over at the midwife who was fluttering around the room like a fly, not really paying much attention to them or really speaking to them at all.
Stella was the midwife that had been to nearly all of (Y/n)'s appointments. She was the one who went through everything with them and explained and helped them come up with their birthing plan.
She watched the midwife cast a look over her shoulder and arch a brow like that question surprised her.
"Nope. She's on annual leave this week, she won't be back until next Friday." She spoke as if it was the most normal thing in the world and then reached out to write a few things down on the notes at the end of the bed.
(Y/n) couldn't help the way her shoulders slumped and she glanced up at Tommy who dragged his hand across his jaw and sighed.
Well this wasn't the best start. (Y/n) was four weeks early, being thirty-six weeks pregnant which wasn't ideal, but thankfully wouldn't be dangerous either. And now their midwife who they had been hoping to see and help them through this, wouldn't be here.
If (Y/n) had gone into labour next week or the week after, when she thought she would have- when she told her body she was supposed to- then Stella would have been at work. (Y/n) knew it couldn't be helped. She knew everyone had to have time off and their holidays and were entitled to days off, but it was nerve-wracking to have to go through this with strangers.
She had been hoping to have at least one familiar face in the room- Tommy excluded- who could help coach her through this. But she would just have to make do without her. As long as they had a capable midwife then everything would be alright.
"This is ridiculous."
(Y/n) lifted her head to look over at Tommy when his sharp yet low voice cut through the air. She watched the way his hand began to scratch along the back of his neck until she was sure he was going to leave indents and blood wheels beneath the skin. And she could see his other hand puncturing into his hip which was cocked out to the side.
His boot was tapping incessantly against the floor and he leaned back, clicking his spine into place while he craned his neck to try and peek through the blinds to look out into the corridor.
He tried to peer into the corridor, but he couldn't see anyone passing by, and the nurses station was further down the corridor, not within sight from the window.
His head snapped back towards (Y/n) when she groaned and he couldn't help but wince at seeing the pain she was in, though she tried to hide it well. Her head was bowed down, her legs were loosely crossed on the bed and her hands were gripping her knees so harshly it looked to Tommy like she was going to dislocate the joints.
Each breath that (Y/n) took was deep and ragged and the rise and fall of her shoulders showed how she was starting to tremble.
For what felt like the hundredth time, Tommy cast his eyes down and looked to the watch strapped to his wrist.
No one had been in to check on (Y/n) in well over an hour, probably nearer to two hours now. She was supposed to get regular checks to see how frequent the contractions were becoming and how dilated she was. No one bothered with them, it was as if they had been placed in this room and forgotten.
Just as Tommy went to open the door, he stepped back when a nurse waltzed in. She clearly didn't expect him to be stood there because she gasped and glanced up at him with wide eyes and carefully weaved around him.
"Finally." Either she didn't hear the sarcasm in Tommy's voice or she chose to ignore it, for she moved towards the bed and grabbed the sheet of notes hanging at the end.
With a quick scan of the notes, she moved to stand at (Y/n)'s side and started looking at the monitors.
"Baby's heartbeat is stable, let's check your blood pressure."
(Y/n) tried not to groan at the thought, but her eyes widened when the nurse roughly grabbed her arm and pulled it out to the side. She didn't even ask. Unease flooded (Y/n)'s eyes as she watched the nurse wrangle the cuff up her arm and strap it tight.
When the nurse let go of her arm, (Y/n) tried to lower it back down to her side so she wasn't holding her arm out like an injured bird spreading out its wing.
The nurse didn't seem very happy with the movement, for she held onto (Y/n)'s arm again, muttering "Stay still." with a sharp tone that made (Y/n) hold her breath and look down.
She could feel Tommy edging closer and when she looked up through her lashes, she saw he was standing at the foot of the bed. His jaw was locked tight and his shoulders were hunched up while his hands clenched around the bedframe at the end and he stooped forward with his head angled to one side.
He didn't look impressed. He looked like he wanted to intervene or say something, and it took a lot to get Tommy riled up when he was a very easy going, passive person.
"All fine, you're moving along steadily."
(Y/n) nodded but she couldn't help the way she shivered and coiled her arm back to her chest when the nurse practically ripped the cuff from her arm and moved back to make some notes on the file.
"The- the contractions are getting closer." (Y/n) finally lifted her head to look up at the nurse, but she was a little more than surprised to find that the nurse wasn't looking at her. She didn't seem to be very interested or concerned right now.
This might be (Y/n)'s first pregnancy, but she could tell that she was getting close now. She wanted to push, she was feeling increasingly more and more uncomfortable and ready, and if someone had come in before now they might have noticed how close the contractions were. After all, they had waited at home all morning until the contractions were ten minutes apart before they came down to the hospital, just like Stella had told them in their last appointment.
"That's what we'd expect." The way the nurse nodded her head and looked down at (Y/n) with an upturned lip made (Y/n) hold her breath again. It was almost as if she was being sarcastic.
"But I-" (Y/n) cut herself off when another sharp pain ignited in her stomach and made her heels press down into the bed. She moved her hands from her knees to press into the bed and she couldn't help the way she fidgeted to try and refrain from crying out or even pushing.
"I think I'm ready," She didn't know how else to phrase it or how else to get her point across. If this wasn't her body telling her it was time then (Y/n) didn't know what was.
But again, the nurse was looking down at the notes rather than at (Y/n) or paying attention to the discomfort and the signs she was clearly displaying.
"You haven't been here long, this takes a while. You won't be ready yet."
When it looked like the nurse was about to set the file down and leave the room, Tommy shook his head and stepped to the right so he was standing in front of her, effectively blocking her path to the door. She wasn't just going to walk out and leave, surely? Did she not realise that there was a bit more to do than simply check (Y/n)'s blood pressure?
"That's it? You won't even check her?" The disbelief in his voice was clear and suddenly Tommy was glad he was over six foot so he could look a bit intimidating. He didn't want this nurse to just walk out and leave the room, she hadn't even checked the contractions or how dilated (Y/n) was.
They had been waiting in here for long enough and hadn't gotten as many checks as they should have. But she was here now, and she could do her job a little better than this.
"I've done the hourly checks, when things progress then we can prep for labour. I can find someone to go through it with you."
The way she shrugged made Tommy's lips curve into a sarcastic kind of smirk that (Y/n) hadn't seen often and she watched the way he tilted his head back before he sighed and looked back down at the nurse. All traces of a smile now faded from his lips as his fingers tightened around the bed frame he was leaning down against.
"I think you might need a new watch as we've been in here far longer than an hour without any checks. And that chart probably tells you to check for dilation too, so please check her over."
Tommy was trying. He was doing his best to be calm and considerate, but she was testing his patience. He was a first responder, had been for almost ten years now. He knew the kind of checks the nurses would need to do and he knew that they had to keep checking and noting down the dilation, which this nurse hadn't done.
If (Y/n) said she was ready then she was, and Tommy could see she was in enough pain and discomfort to be close to giving birth now. They couldn't just ignore her wishes and leave the room if she was this close.
When (Y/n) muttered "Please." under her breath, the nurse let out a sigh and her shoulders slumped before she moved to find a pair of gloves.
It was clear that she wasn't impressed, but it was also evident that if she left the room then Tommy was either going to follow after her or find someone else who would take them seriously. She might as well do the full checks and listen to them now rather than cause a scene later.
(Y/n) let her head tilt back into the pillows and shivers coursed beneath her skin when another pain wracked through her. She tried closing her eyes and waited as best and patiently as she could for the nurse to check her over.
If she weren't in so much pain, she might have gloated at the disgruntled look on the nurse's face when she finished her checks and looked over at (Y/n) without meeting her eyes.
"Almost ten centimetres. I'll fetch the doctor."
(Y/n) was glad to see the back of that nurse, but she had a dreaded feeling that she would be coming right back in with the doctor in a few minutes.
She knew she had been close to dilated.
Her hands began to fiddle and interlock on her lap as she stretched her legs out which were burning and numb from being bent and tense for so long. She bowed her head down and tried to take a few deep breaths, but she couldn't stop the tears that were starting to build up in her eyes.
Maybe they should have thought about a home birth. Maybe being in their own environment might have made this feel a bit less intimidating and easier, but being in the hospital seemed like the safest bet. And at their appointments, (Y/n) had never felt unsettled or uncomfortable, but then again, most if not all of her appointments had been with their designated midwife. Stella. The one familiar face (Y/n) expected to see who wasn't here right now.
She felt Tommy perch down on the side of the bed beside her thigh, and it was a comfort to feel his hand curl around her thigh and feel the way he leaned in close to her.
But when she wouldn't lift her head to look at him, a frown settled on his features and he reached over to press his free hand beneath her chin. He was gentle and careful when he tilted her head up so they were level once again and his thumb glided across her chin for a few seconds.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Concern dripped from his voice and it made (Y/n)'s heart do summersaults in her chest while her stomach tingled with adrenaline as well as unbridled pain and contractions.
"Yeah, just… I don't like her, she wasn't exactly kind."
Maybe it was the hormones or maybe it was the agonising pain making the tears well up in (Y/n)'s eyes and making her take that nurse's words and actions personal. But whatever it was, it still made her uncomfortable.
She felt Tommy's hand move up so his thumb could brush away the single tear that traced down her cheek and she leaned forward when he gently pressed his temple against hers. His lips ghosted across hers and their noses brushed while he moved his other hand up from her thigh to glide across her stomach.
"She won't be talking to you like that again, I promise. Let's have our girl, hm?"
Tommy wasn't quite sure what or who he had been expecting to come back through the door, but seeing that same nurse whose name he learned was Sasha walk right back in like she was in charge, it made his skin crawl. Only five minutes ago she had been acting as if (Y/n) was overreacting and now she was helping get things ready and clearly here for the long run.
A midwife who they had briefly spoken to when they first arrived followed in, along with a doctor they had never spoken to.
In the back of her mind, (Y/n) had been hoping for Doctor Brown, someone she knew and had spoken to on a few occasions. Just one familiar face in this room or a calming smile would have been greatly received. But she and Tommy didn't know these three, and none of them seemed exactly thrilled or joyeous to be here.
It was almost as if this was their lunch break or supposed to be their day off and they weren't pleased about having to work here today. It made (Y/n) feel like she and Tommy were an inconvenience; exactly how she didn't want to feel when having her baby.
Things seemed to move quickly, almost like a whirlwind but (Y/n) didn't like it. At all.
She didn't like how the doctor barely spoke or introduced himself or explained what he was doing. She didn't like the elder midwife, Moira, who was blunt and straight to the point and had a very screwed up, unsettled expression.
They were all moving about and saying orders and taking control without really talking or explaining.
When Stella had talked things through, she told (Y/n) that this was her experience, that she could choose how she wanted to do this. Whether she wanted a home birth, a water birth, to sit up or lay on her side or move about. She could do whatever felt comfortable and natural.
And (Y/n) didn't feel as sick when she tried to lay back, she felt the tiniest bit more relaxed when she laid down. But that wasn't an option. Moira tilted the bed up and practically arranged (Y/n) so she was sitting up and her knees were pushed up. It all felt very forced and rehearsed.
Reaching out, (Y/n) deadlocked her hand in Tommy's and curled her other hand around his wrist, pulling on his arm until he moved closer.
"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart." He murmured quietly and peppered a few kisses against her hair while he sat down on the side of the bed next to her. It was a bit of a squeeze, but Tommy could tell (Y/n) felt better the closer he was to her.
He looped his left arm around the back of her shoulders and kept their entwined hands resting on (Y/n)'s thigh with her leaning against his chest.
"Okay, it looks like you can start pushing whenever you're ready."
The doctor's words weren't very encouraging as he stood at the end of the bed with the midwife while Sasha was stood at (Y/n)'s side, checking the monitors and watching the baby's heartbeat.
(Y/n) tried. She did what her body was clearly trying to tell her to do, and it felt right for the first few minutes.
She could feel Tommy kissing her hairline and whispering words she couldn't make out over the thrumming of her pulse in her ears. She could feel his chest rising and falling steadily and his hand periodically squeezing hers like he was trying to keep her calm and set up a rhythm for her to focus on.
But it didn't take long before it felt like something was different, that something wasn't quite right.
(Y/n) tensed up and pressed her left hand down into the bed to try and prop herself up a bit more. But her nails almost punctured through the thin sheets and her heels suddenly jabbed down into the mattress when another strange pain tore through her.
Tears burned like acid in the corners of her eyes and she pressed her head back into Tommy's shoulder so she could look up at him. Her teeth sank down into her lower lip so harshly that she began to taste blood on her tongue and she squirmed, pushing back into Tommy who frowned, clearly seeing that something wasn't right.
"I-it hurts." The whimper at the end of her words made Tommy's pulse skip a beat and his hand tightened around hers as he tensed beside her. But he didn't have chance to respond before the midwife was piping up.
"You refused an epidural and now it's too late to get one. We can't do anything about the pain now." Her voice was snappy and the unamused look she gave set fireworks off in Tommy's system.
He felt the way (Y/n) flinched into him and he could see she was fighting back tears, both from the pain, the concern that something was off and the unsettling attitudes of the people in the room.
(Y/n) began to shake her head as she looked up at Tommy again. "No, something doesn't feel right…"
She tugged on his hand as nerves errupted in her stomach and something between a groan and a whimper tumbled past her lips when the baby's heartbeat fluctuated.
"This is your first, it's going to hurt a lot more than you expected. Nothing wrong with that." Sasha, the nurse shrugged but she clearly made a note of the baby's change in heartbeat which they were monitoring in case something went wrong.
"That's n-not what I…" That's not what (Y/n) meant at all and she could see in Tommy's eyes that he understood.
She wasn't complaining about the pain or thinking that the pain was worse than she had expected. The pain was off the scale and that was what (Y/n) had been preparing for. She knew it was going to be bad and she wasn't trying to say that it was bad.
(Y/n) didn't want an epidural and that was fine, she wasn't regretting that decision. And she knew this was her first and clearly it was a kind of pain she had never experienced in her life before. But there was something strange in her body, some kind of sign that felt wrong, that didn't feel like the kind of pain she should be having.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"Don't encourage her-"
"Really? You think you're gonna stand there and tell me to ignore my wife when she says something isn't right?"
A few stray tears fell down (Y/n)'s face as she cowered into Tommy's side when he rose his voice.
Were they really going to stand around and try to act like (Y/n) was some kind of hypochondriac who was making this up? Did they truly think they knew (Y/n)'s body and pain better than she did and that they had any right to dismiss her like that?
If she thought something was wrong she had to tell them and Tommy was going to listen to her. He would never dismiss (Y/n)'s thoughts and concerns and he wouldn't let anyone else try and dismiss them either or talk to and about her like that.
The midwife's mouth opened and closed a number of times while the nurse bowed her head, clearly not wanting to get involved in an argument. But it was the doctor who caught Tommy's attention when he dragged the medicine cart closer to the bed and leaned over the foot of the bed.
"Just a small bleed, once we get it under control, baby's heartbeat will settle."
That didn't sound very encouraging and part of Tommy wanted to scoff and make some sort of comment to the midwife. So that was the reason (Y/n) felt something was off, she was having a haemorrhage.
(Y/n) tried not to squirm too much when the doctor gave her an injection in her stomach and the pain mingled in with the next contraction which dulled it somewhat.
She tried to wait, she tried to hold steady and put off pushing until the doctor nodded and muttered "Alright, carry on." because she knew trying to push while she was starting to bleed wouldn't do her any favours.
Her teeth grated down so harshly that (Y/n) feared she might chip a few teeth or even break her jaw. And her eyes slammed closed as she pulled Tommy's hand against her chest and tucked her chin down into her chest. She tried to pull her knees up a bit higher to her stomach as she screamed and put as much of the effort she had left into pushing.
"You're doing so well; my brave girl." Tommy's words were both encouraging and soothing and (Y/n) tried to smile.
But when she felt the midwife moving round and trying to reach out for her, she shifted her left arm to shrug off her touch and leaned herself more into Tommy's side until it seemed like the pair of them were about to topple off the bed.
"Come on now-"
"No." Her head turned to the right and her face meshed into Tommy's shoulder, her tears soaking into his skin which made him shiver. "I don't f-feel safe. I don't like this."
Despite how quiet her words were, Tommy heard them and it made his heart shatter.
He began gliding his hand up and down her waist while his lips and nose buried into her hair, inhaling her scent to try his best to calm down his own breathing. He felt like he was going to implode. He felt like screaming. They were upsetting (Y/n). They made her feel uncomfortable and they weren't welcoming or calming or even helpful. Tommy would have preferred (Y/n) to go into labour in the middle of a shop and have the 118 there to deliver their baby rather than being here with these so called professionals.
"It's okay, baby. Almost there, you're so close now then it's all over. I've got you."
The sooner this miracle was over and their baby was here, the quicker the staff could leave them all alone in peace. Tommy just wanted to get them all out the room. He wanted his daughter in their arms and the room back to themselves so (Y/n) wouldn't have to put up with them and their attitudes any longer.
"Head's out now, let's have another push." The doctor was a bit more encouraging and (Y/n) didn't bother answering or nodding, she just closed her eyes and tried to push.
"Keep doing little pushes."
"Baby's heartbeat is steady."
All their voices mingled together in (Y/n)'s ears, but it was Tommy's quiet words of "She's almost here," that spurred (Y/n) on with that final push that made her feel like all her insides had been yanked out and suddenly left her so empty and hollow.
Despite the adrenaline rushing through her system, (Y/n) could barely feel her hands or her fingertips anymore.
She shakily let go of Tommy's hand which must have been numb by now and she slowly raised her hands to clamp them around his bicep when he moved his arms.
His left arm shifted down to curve around her lower back and his right arm curved around her front like a blanket with his hand on her shoulder and his lips attached to her cheek. He was swaying them from side to side while (Y/n) kept trying to squeeze his arm to gain some feeling back into her hands and let him know that she was trying to settle her system and reconnect to reality.
Her eyes fell closed and her face tucked into the crook of Tommy's neck, panting and heaving against his skin.
When Tommy tried to stop swaying and rocking them from left to right, he felt the whimper that vibrated from (Y/n)'s lips right through his neck and he chuckled.
"I've got you baby." He pressed a dozen kisses against her temple while he went back to swaying them from left to right, but his eyes moved to focus on the nurse who was currently holding their baby. "Is she okay?"
"Just a bit shocked, here you go."
The effort it took (Y/n) to let go of Tommy's arm and shakily reach out for her baby was more than she thought possible. Every inch of her body was starting to shake but the moment their baby was settled in her arms, it felt like her heart had stopped and her system momentarily calmed.
She tilted her head down, attaching her lips to the top of her baby's head as the little girl was nuzzling into her chest, mewling and croaking to take her first breaths.
The words "She's perfect," murmured into (Y/n)'s hair and she smiled at the scratchy tone to Tommy's voice that gave away he was on the verge of crying.
She could feel his hand gliding up and down her arm again and she slouched back into his chest, trying her best to keep her eyes open, but she just felt like going to sleep. (Y/n) found herself humming against her daughter's head, trying to get used to the feeling of this new weight, this new life, settled on her chest and wriggling and moving against her. It didn't seem real; all these months, all this preparation, leading up to this.
The sound of the doctor and nurse flitting about the room and muttering different things didn't seem to reach (Y/n)'s ears.
She could feel her head spinning and twisting and swaying from left to right and the shaking in her system was suddenly multiplying until she was jittering her baby up and down on her quaking chest. She was suddenly aware of the sound and feeling of her heart pounding in her chest and her breaths were becoming shallow.
"Tommy, I don't f-feel good." (Y/n) let her head flop back on Tommy's shoulder as her hazy eyes barely managed to focus on him.
His left arm tightened around her waist and his right hand quickly moved from trying to reach out for their daughter to cupping the side of (Y/n)'s face. He looked her up and down while he felt her pulse and tried to listen to her breathing.
"She's haemorrhaging again."
The doctor was suddenly hovering at their side as a round of expletives left Tommy's lips. This bleed was clearly worse because (Y/n) looked like she was going into shock and the doctor was starting to flutter about like a fly.
"Give her to me." Sasha was a bit less harsh this time and there was a trace of emotion in her eyes as she leaned over to carefully take the newborn from (Y/n)'s trembling arms. She moved to the corner of the room and began doing a few checks on the newborn, staying out the way so both the midwife and the doctor could focus on (Y/n).
Tommy wasn't too pleased about the midwife urging him to get off the bed, but he understood all the same. He climbed onto his numb feet with trembling knees but he took (Y/n)'s hand in both of his and brought her hand up to kiss her fingers.
He watched intently as the midwife lowered the bed down and swiped the pillow so (Y/n) was laid down flat.
"I'm still here." He wasn't about to walk away or leave the room, he wasn't moving a foot away from (Y/n)'s side unless by force.
He continued to press kisses to the back of her hand, but his eyes focused on the doctor who tried to give her another injection into her stomach, but it was clear it didn't work. The sheets were steadily turning red and (Y/n)'s free arm wrapped around her stomach that felt like it was pulsing and setting on fire. And the whimpers she let out made Tommy wince and coil his elbows into his sides to try and calm himself down.
He heard the midwife muttering "Let's take a look," as she leaned over to try and touch and assess (Y/n)'s stomach. And when the doctor got the oxygen mask ready, Tommy didn't wait for him to move or ask.
Tommy took the mask from him, murmuring (Y/n)'s name as he held the mask out towards her. He knew (Y/n) would panic if it was the nurse or doctor forcing the mask over her lips and Tommy waited until she nodded to press it over her mouth and nose.
He let go of her hand and began to card his fingers through her hair as he leaned down to kiss her temple.
"Just breathe for me, sweetheart. It's okay,"
Tommy started to regret and doubt his words when he heard the doctor huff "Still bleeding," in a gruff tone. He didn't sound too concerned, almost as if he was annoyed and this was putting him out rather than worrying him.
Another minute or two later and Tommy felt like his heart was going to burst. (Y/n) was gripping his wrist as tightly as she could, pushing the oxygen mask further onto her face which showed how panicked and ill she felt because she was desperate to feel better and take deep breaths. Tommy knew his wife. She wouldn't be clinging to his grip and the oxygen mask she usually hated if she felt her usual self.
With his lips pressed against (Y/n)'s temple, Tommy tangled his fingers in her hair again and tried to murmur sweet nothings into her skin. But his head turned to the right and he looked over at the doctor when he stood beside hm and tapped (Y/n)'s arm to gain her attention.
"Alright (Y/n), if the bleeding doesn't stop in a minute we'll prep you and send you for surgery."
"Wh- no, why?" (Y/n) began to shake her head and pushed the mask off her face, but it was Tommy she kept looking up at.
Why did she need surgery? Was she still bleeding? Why couldn't they make it stop with another injection? Why did she have to go for an operation? She wasn't even sure if she had passed the afterbirth or not. Was that why she was bleeding, was it not coming away properly?
"To put a balloon in the womb to inflate it and stop the bleeding. You'll go under anaesthetic."
"Jesus." Tommy moved his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose while his other hand curled around (Y/n)'s shoulder.
He had seen the midwife deliver the afterbirth a few moments ago, which meant that at least (Y/n) wouldn't need invasive surgery to remove the placenta. The surgery would be simply, inflate the balloon to try and get the bleeding to stop and Tommy prayed it would work. The last thing they needed was anything else going wrong.
Shivers coursed up and down (Y/n)'s system as she grappled to cling onto Tommy's wrist and pull on his arm. She didn't want surgery. She didn't want to be knocked out under anaesthetic. She just wanted them to stop the bleeding and make her feel better.
(Y/n) began to shake her head again, muttering a round of "No," beneath her breath as she shrugged away from the midwife and tried to lean towards Tommy.
"It's a perfectly normal procedure, and if the balloon doesn't stop the bleeding we will simply remove the womb."
The midwife spoke as if it was the most normal thing in the world, but her words caused a floodwave of tears to pour down (Y/n)'s face as she mewled and grappled for Tommy.
"No! Tommy- Tommy no, I don't want t-that-"
She felt sick. She couldn't breathe. Her head was spinning.
(Y/n) didn't want that. She didn't want them to do that and give her a hysterectomy. It couldn't be that bad, surely. Surely a bleed couldn't mean they would go to the extreme of doing such an invasive procedure and take away her choices like that. If they did that then (Y/n) wouldn't be able to have anymore children. They couldn't make that choice for her the moment she had just had her first baby.
Her shoulders pushed back into the bed and her breaths came out in splutters as she closed her eyes and tried her best to fight off the overwhelming sickness that was building up inside her.
"Baby, baby shh it's okay. That won't happen, that's extremely rare that they'd do that, one in a thousand odds. They won't do it, I swear it'll be fine, trust me baby."
Part of Tommy was relieved when the midwife pressed the emergency button and another team flooded into the room to start prepping for the surgery.
He repeated "One minute, just one minute baby," against (Y/n)'s temple before he unravelled from (Y/n) and pointed towards the door until the doctor took the hint.
And once they got towards the door, Tommy reached out for the midwife, Moira, and tugged on her arm until she obliged and stepped out into the hallway with them.
The moment they were all outside, Tommy's hands punctured into his hips and one knee pushed forward as he stared between the pair of them. His nostrils flared as he took deeper and deeper breaths until it looked like his chest was going to explode and his upper lip curled into a snarl.
"Do you really think that was necessary?" Tommy refrained from pointing towards the door as if to make sure that they knew what he was talking about.
"We have to explain the procedure to her."
"You didn't explain the procedure to her, you generalised it and then told her the extreme odds for a worst case scenario. You frightened her for no reason, you don't tell a first time mother you might go and do a hysterectomy while she's under anaesthetic. What kind of midwife are you?"
She couldn't frighten (Y/n) with the odds like that and expect Tommy to let it happen.
Tommy knew the odds for this kind of procedure and he knew that it was extremely rare for women to have hysterectomies if the balloon didn't work and the bleeding wouldn't stop. There were other procedures and medications that could be tried while she was under anaesthetic rather than aiming straight for a hysterectomy.
(Y/n) was a first time mum, she didn't need to think about the rare event of not being able to have anymore kids. Especially not when she was vulnerable and emotional and had just given birth to her first baby. There was no need to scare her like that when it wasn't necessary.
If they had to inform (Y/n) of the risks then Moira should have explained or the doctor should have intervened and expressed how rare that possibility would be.
Moira looked down at her shoes as if she was suddenly embarrassed or uneasy about the fact that Tommy had called her out and knew more than a simple first time dad might. But when she tried to talk again, a sarcastic grin flooded Tommy's face and he shook his head.
"We need to prep her for surgery-"
"No, no I don't want either of you overseeing (Y/n)'s care anymore. God knows what else you'd do. Find another colleague to take over."
Straightening up, (Y/n) stretched her arms out in front of her and slowly started to reel up the sleeve cuffs so they weren't flopping over her hands anymore.
The perks of wearing Tommy's clothes was that his stuff was always baggy on (Y/n). It felt comfortable around her chest and it didn't scratch or rub against her sensitive stomach. But his sleeves were always just a bit too long for her and they hung over her hands and the neckline usually slipped down one shoulder.
She sighed as she pushed up to her feet and stepped away from the bed that was getting increasingly uncomfortable with each passing minute.
When she took a few steps forward, (Y/n) allowed a smile to form on her lips when she looped her arms around Tommy's waist and felt him tense for a moment. She had taken him by surprise.
He held his breath and tilted his head to look over his shoulder, but he couldn't see (Y/n) properly. Not with the way she had her arms tightly bound around his middle and her face pressed into his back in between his shoulder blades.
His thumb continued to glide over the back of Tilly's head and he tried to stay still to keep their daughter curled up against his chest.
He still couldn't quite believe how small Tilly was, considering she was only four weeks early, Tommy didn't think it would make that much of a difference. But she almost fit in both his hands and with how she curled her knees up into her stomach, she felt and looked even smaller.
"You okay, baby?"
"I wanna go home now… please?" (Y/n) finally lifted her face from Tommy's back and pushed up on her tip toes so she could rest her chin on his shoulder, allowing him to finally be able to look at her.
He arched a brow and the smile slowly faded from his face when he saw the perplexed look in her eyes.
She had only just had the surgery last night. It hadn't been major, it had been a relatively minor surgery and the bleeding had stopped almost immediately, much to their relief.
(Y/n) had been back on a ward for the night, she had showered and changed this morning and gone to the toilet and she was eating. She had met all of the requirements they needed for her to be released. And Tilly was feeding properly, she had been checked every few hours and she was fit and healthy.
There was no reason why they couldn't both go home today, maybe it was a bit sudden and soon but (Y/n) wanted to go home.
She wanted to be back in her own environment, in her own bed and walk around her own house and be safe.
She wanted to be safe.
(Y/n) wanted to be home with Tommy where no one would come in and start making orders and become pushy and snappy and ignore her when she said something was wrong or she didn't feel well. (Y/n) wanted to feel comfortable and safe and protected. She didn't feel any of that here, and this wasn't the environment she wanted to be in.
"Baby, you were just in surgery last night and you were sick-"
"But I'm okay now." When Tommy carefully turned around in her arms, (Y/n) pressed her cheek against his shoulder and moved one hand up to curve around the back of Tilly's head.
"Really?" He didn't sound convinced, but there was no stern tone to Tommy's voice and his expression wasn't the one that showed he would fight (Y/n) on this. If she truly wanted to go home and she was well enough, then Tommy wouldn't object.
"Please? I'm feeling better, and Tilly's perfect. I wanna get out of here, please take us home."
This had been one of the more terrifying experiences of (Y/n)'s life which she wanted to forget. She wanted to take their daughter home, bask in this new life as a family and forget what happened yesterday.
They had their baby, she was here and she was thankfully safe and sound. Now they just needed to go home and spend this time together where they would be safe and happy and comfortable. Everything they weren't while they were here at the hospital with these people.
"Alright sweetheart, let's get you both home."
#imagine#911 imagine#tommy x reader#tommy kinard#tommy kinard imagine#tommy kinard 911#tommy kinard x reader#tommy imagine#911
79 notes
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black out love
in which; you faint, and tommy doesn't mind
about; fainting, descriptions of fainting, medical conditions, good tommy, mention of yelling, mention of emergency line, mention of loosening tight clothing (nothing too bad), happy fluff good feels, tommy is supportive dude
word count; 305
taglist; @phxntomsdusk, @pheliiaa (ask to be added)
- he’s not judgemental at all about it and he’ll gladly yell at someone if they make a comment about it.
- he’ll joke around with you and if you’re fine with it, he’ll make silly little jokes about you fainting that he knows won’t hurt your feelings.
- he’d notice fairly quickly that you’d get a lazy, droopy face just as you’re about to faint, and he’d be there in an instant.
- he’d brought up the topic of saying something if you knew you were about to faint, and you’d both agreed for you to say “tom, faint” or something along those lines.
- when you first fainted, he didnt know you fainted so he searched up so many different things to see what happened
- he is always there to catch you or let you lay on him when you faint.
- if you get up too fast after fainting, he holds you head to steady you and lays you back down.
- knows you’re about to faint when you start breathing heavily randomly or you start sweating randomly
- will sit down with you and figure out why you faint if it randomly starts happening.
- you’ll realise it’s probably because it runs in your family or a health condition like low blood sugar, irregular heartbeat etc.
- if you have low blood sugar, he always has lollies in his pocket for you and himself because he has the same thing.
- but you have POTS, he will make sure that you sit down if you have been on your feet for a long time
- he always makes sure to loosen any tight clothing (without being too intrusive), keep your legs up with a pillow, and call 999 if you don’t regain consciousness after one minute
- all in all, your safety and health is his number one priority, and he sticks by that.
#tommyinnit#tommyinnit x reader#tommy x reader#tommyinnit imagine#x reader#tommy x y/n#tommyinnit x you#tommyinnit fluff#tommy fluff#tommy imagine
116 notes
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Yandere Mobster
Chicago - 1931 The Height of Prohibition The mafia is earning top dollar smuggling alcohol into the country. And one mobster has his eye on you.
Yandere! Mobster who's a made man, who drives a nice car even after the stock market crash forced most people to sell theirs.
Yandere! Mobster who wears a tailored suit and fedora, his black hair swept back. Who everyone in the neighbourhood says is a good guy, a decent man, even if he does work for the don.
Yandere! Mobster who pulls up next to you when you're walking home from work. It's late and clouds are scudding across the moon.
Yandere! Mobster who leans out his window and offers to drive you home. Who says these streets ain't safe for a pretty girl like you.
Yandere! Mobster who's known you since you were children. Two kids from immigrant families, playing together in the tiny bits of open space your apartments could offer.
Yandere! Mobster who keeps looking at you and marvelling at how grown up you both are. Where did that scruffy little girl go? And when did you get so pretty?
Yandere! Mobster who spends the whole drive chatting about old times. Who makes you laugh at his stories about running from the landlady and stashing his school books behind the canteen.
Yandere! Mobster who leans over you and pulls the door closed when you move to get out. Who looks you dead in the eye when he asks if you're having trouble with your rent.
The mob is a big part of the community afterall, and he knows just about everything.
You drop your eyes, embarrassed. Your brothers have their own families to care for, you say. Things are hard but if you pick up a few more shifts at the factory, you might manage it.
Yandere! Mobster who sighs and digs in his suit pocket. Who pulls out a stack of cash and counts it right in front you.
Yandere! Mobster who offers you enough for two months of rent. A small fortune to someone from your part of town.
You shake your head, horrified. You can't afford the interest, you tell him.
Yandere! Mobster who scoffs and asks if you really think he's offering a loan when you've known each other for years? It's a gift, to keep your mama out of the cold.
Yandere! Mobster who smiles at the hesitant way you accept the money. You're too proud to ever ask for help and he knows it. Just like when you were kids.
Yandere! Mobster who gets out and opens the car door for you like a gentleman, even if he knows the whole apartment building will talk about it.
Yandere! Mobster who grins that charming, good guy smile even though he has a gun holstered under his jacket and a shovel in the trunk. Who says he'll consider things even if you cook him dinner some time.
Yandere! Mobster who visits your ma while you're at work. Who tells her he's interested in you and wants her blessing. And your ma is all too happy to give it. He's such a good boy, she says, and she knows he's always had a soft spot for you.
Yandere! Mobster who insists on driving you home after work everyday. Even when you blush and complain that he's going out of his way.
Yandere! Mobster who gratefully accepts the gifts you offer him. Fresh baked bread, jars of your mama's famous marinara sauce, homecooked meals... Who eats so much better when you take care of him.
Yandere! Mobster who eventually runs out of luck and straight into trouble. What was supposed to be a routine whiskey delivery turns out to be a sting operation.
Yandere! Mobster who sees his partner get a hole blasted right through him and almost die. Who fires at the cops until his tommy gun is red hot and smoking. Who ends up with so much blood on his hands he ain't sure it will ever wash off.
Yandere! Mobster who finds himself at your door afterwards, his coat drenched by the rain.
Yandere! Mobster who doesn't resist when you pull him inside and strip away his jacket and shirt. There's blood on your hands after you hang up his coat, and you pretend not to notice it.
Yandere! Mobster who can see your curiosity fighting against your sense. In the end, you don't ask him a single question about it.
Yandere! Mobster who sinks gratefully into the bath you draw for him. And who falls asleep the second his head hits your pillow.
Yandere! Mobster who's gone by morning. His bloodstained coat gone with him.
Yandere! Mobster who asks around about you and finds out you've got a whole score of fellas vying for your hand.
Yandere! Mobster who let's it be known that he's interested in you and watches with satisfaction as all your potential suitors drop away.
Except for one. He just spits and says you're a grown woman and can choose your own man.
Yandere! Mobster and his buddies pick the guy up after a late shift. Tie his hands behind his back and gag him before they toss him in the trunk.
Yandere! Mobster who beats the shit out of him. Who breaks his nose with a knuckle duster and his ribs with a crowbar. Who grabs his hair with bloody fingers and hisses that you're off limits.
Yandere! Mobster whose buddies lounge against the warehouse wall and smoke, never bothering to question what a simple dock worker did to deserve such a brutal beating.
Yandere! Mobster who sniffs your hair when you hug him. He's like a dog - always making sure other men haven't left their scent on you.
Yandere! Mobster who let's his hands wander when he takes you out dancing. Who kisses you goodnight and let's his lips brush your neck before he pulls away.
Yandere! Mobster who goes home and jerks off to you, his teeth bared and head bent forward. Who snarls at you to take it, take it like a good girl.
Yandere! Mobster who tells his don about you - how pretty you are, how clever, how discreet. The man leans back in his chair and pulls on his cigar.
She'll never make a liar of you. You should marry her just for that.
Yandere! Mobster who shows up at your door a week later, an engagement ring burning a hole in his pocket.
Be my girl. And I promise I'll take care of you.
You think about the night he came to you covered in blood and not speaking a word. You think about your friend from the docks and the way he dissappeared. You think about the way people look away when you're with him in public.
You say yes, as though you have a choice.
#mafia 1#tommy angelo#yandere#yandere x reader#reader insert#x reader#yandere imagines#yandere drabbles#yandere scenarios#yandere oc
4K notes
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phone call
synopsis - tommy receives a phone call in the middle of having sex with his wife.
pairing - tommy shelby x reader / thomas shelby x reader
warnings - SMUT +18, rough sex, use of foul language, breeding kink, praising kink, creampie, just full of porn, unprotected sex, p in v
notes - short (w.c <850), gif and picture isn't mine, divider is mine
main masterlist | peaky blinders masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist
His hands explored every inch of your sensitive body with a satisfying touch that sent shivers down your spine. There was an irresistible affection between the two of you that was endless. Your breath caught as his dominant, wild hip thrusts into yours, causing hectic, unrestrained moans with every thrust.
"Oh my God- yes, Thomas!"
As he pushed you farther into the mattress, his weight and heat surrounded you as you lay beneath him, your bodies linked. He drew closer as your legs coiled around his hips, stretching you in the most delicious way as he slid deeper with each thrust. Tommy started to breathe hard, his chest heaving as sweat collected on his forehead and trickled down to mix with the heat from your smooth skin. He met your gaze with lust and something deeper than that.
"Yes, baby.. fuck- you take me so well.. so fucking well," he praised on your ear as he rested his head on your neck, his deep thrusts not stopping.
The telephone on top of the nightstand beside your shared bed rang loudly. Your husband stopped, looking at the phone near him.
Who the fuck is calling at this hour?
Tommy picked the phone up, not leaving the bed.
"Thomas Shelby." he answered.
You expected him that he would draw away and stop, especially when the phone rang. He stopped and reached for it, and you felt upset. Tommy, though, chose to stay still and answered the phone with one hand while tightening his grip on your waist with the other and suddenly thrusting his hips forward once more.
His thrusts continued to shock you, causing your body to tense in surprise, but before you could respond, pleasure took over. His cock sank farther, each malicious movement finding that exact spot. You ended up speechless by both of his soothing phone voice and the way he caused your body to react to him.
"What ha-happened?" Tommy asked over the phone, his breathing heavily telling each question with a struggled and unsteady voice. He attempted to keep his composure, but the force of his motions made it almost impossible as his chest rose and fell quickly. As he tried to concentrate on the talk, you could feel his heart thumping against your body and his breath rapid and hot against your skin.
Tommy looked at you, a smirk painted on his face. With his free hand, his fingers toyed with your hardened nipples, brushing them and squeezing it.
"Tomm-" you covered your mouth immediately as you nearly moaned his name out loud, afraid of whoever is on the phone hearing that Tommy is fucking his wife at the moment.
"Yeah, I'll handle that tomorrow morning," his voice was deep making you feel wetter and wetter. A familiar feeling coiled down through your stomach.
"Tommy, I'm so close," you quietly moaned. Your fingers gripped the silk bedsheets tightly as you felt your high coming.
The room was filled with the constant sound of your bodies meeting, the heat between you growing with each slap of flesh on skin. Your thoughts were taken over by the intense pleasure that was shooting through your entire body as your eyelids fluttered closed, buried in a fog of ecstasy. You vaguely heard Tommy drop the phone somewhere in the distance, but it didn't really matter. The way he grabbed you closer and pounded your hips with such merciless pace that every thrust sent shivers of pleasure through your entire body was all that mattered. Heavy intakes of breath from him, merging with your groans as he pushed you both to the edge.
"Good girl, yes, yes.. Finish on my cock."
Tommy experienced the same closeness as your cock clenched all over it. With a deep moan, he raised your right leg to his shoulders. He treated you like the most precious gemstones that thieves like him could take. Tommy groaned and praised as his head rolled back.
"D'you want me to cum inside you? Breed you? Make you mine?"
"Yes, yes! Fill me up, sir! Please!"
His back was scratched by your nails, and in a few hours, scars will definitely begin to appear. You groaned, breasts bouncing and the bed creaking with every pound.
And then, after a few more thrusts, he smashed deep inside of you until he poured all of his seed into your abused and tight walls. It was warm and filled. Tommy groaned loudly and pleased, then rested his head on the side of your neck to inhale yourself. He waited until every last drop of his cum filled you before pulling out.
As soon as he pulled out, a mixture of his and your load leaked outside your throbbing pussy. Tommy got up, grabbing a box of tissue and cleaned the both of you up.
"Who was that?" you asked.
"Just the betting shop asking for me to check on something."
"You think they.. heard me?"
"I'm sure they did and I'm glad so that they know how much I fucking please my lovely wife." he chuckled before planting another kiss to your lips.
You gladly kissed him back but the kiss deepened and the both of you know what that means.
Another round.
#peaky blinders#peaky blinders x reader#peaky blinder fanfic#cillian murphy#cillian murphy smut#cillian murphy x reader#tommy shelby#thomas shelby#thomas shelby x reader#x reader#tommy shelby smut#thomas shelby smut#tommy shelby x reader#peaky blinders smut#peaky blinder imagine#jonathan crane smut#neil lewis smut#robert fischer smut
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Tommy!! :)
#hlvrai#wake up and smell the pronouns or something#food 4 u my followers that haven’t received hlvrai art from me in almost a year I still love you I prommy#you know that clip of baaulp doing his tommy voice and ranting about half life 2 coming soon? imagine that with the last picture#hlvrai tommy#I don’t show my love for Tommy enough#all the little pictures and things i make
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Now that the competition is out of the way
#hehehehhe#911#911 abc#911edit#911 spoilers#buddie#buddieedit#my gifsets#anti bucktommy#anti tommy kinard#parallels#just imagine that these gifs are cohesive please#no.132#911113#1k notes
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Tommy Shelby x Reader: By Order of Blood
Summary: Tommy Shelby thought sending you away would keep you safe, until the carriage was intercepted. Now, as he cradles your trembling, broken body, he swears two things: he will never let you go again… and the men who touched you won’t live to see another sunrise.
Word count: 8.5k
Warnings: angst, violence, injury descriptions (mentions of blood, torture, SA), PTSD, nightmares, and panic attacks, emotional distress, and revenge-driven violence (also includes lots of hurt / comfort).
A/N: Lost all motivation to write my normal stuff recently, but currently rewatching peaky blinders and feeling all sorts of ways about my boyyy tommy shelby.

"Tommy, please. Don't do this." Your voice was barely above a whisper as the weight of the moment pressed down on your chest like a stone.
You reached for him, fingers trembling as they grazed the fabric of his coat.
But he didn’t budge. He stood rigid, back straight, his jaw locked so tight you could practically see the muscle ticking underneath his skin. A cigarette burned low between his fingers, a thin wisp of smoke curling in the dim light.
His face was unreadable, a mask of cold detachment. It was the same one he wore when giving orders that decided life or death.
"You’re leaving tonight," he said, his voice quiet but firm.
You shook your head before he was even finished speaking, your breath catching. "No– no, I don’t want to leave."
Tommy exhaled slowly, as if he was gearing up for a fight. "This is not about what you want."
Your throat tightened. "Tommy, please–"
"You’ll be safer away from me."
You let out a dry, hollow laugh. "Safer?" The word tasted bitter on your tongue. "Tommy, I’m safe when I’m with you. The further away you are, the less safe I’ll feel."
For a second, you thought you saw something flicker in his eyes. Hesitation. Regret. Maybe even doubt. But then, just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. Buried beneath layers of steel.
His shoulders stiffened, his fingers tightening around the cigarette. "You’ll have guards."
"I don’t want guards." Your voice wavered. "I want you. What if something happens, Tommy? What then?"
His breath hitched, but he remained stoic. "It won’t," he said firmly.
You searched his face, desperate for something, anything, that would tell you he wasn’t as sure about this as he was pretending to be. That this was tearing him apart, too. But all you saw was cold resolve. Complete certainty.
A hollow feeling spread through your stomach as the truth settled in your bones. He had already made up his mind. And there was nothing you could say to make him change it.
Panic pressed against your ribs. You wanted to tell him that being away from him would be worse than any danger that lurked in Birmingham. But you couldn’t find the words.
For a long moment, neither of you spoke.
Then, Tommy took one last drag from his cigarette before putting it out with slow, deliberate movements. When he finally looked at you, his blue eyes were unreadable.
"The carriage is waiting."
The words hit you like a blow, stealing whatever fight you had left.
You felt yourself nod, but you didn’t say anything. There was nothing left to say. Without another word, you turned and walked away, the sound of your footsteps echoing in the silence.
And Thomas Shelby let you go.
The wooden seat beneath you felt cold and unforgiving. But not nearly as cold as the hollow feeling in your chest.
You sat stiffly, arms folded across your body. Your stomach churned– a mixture between fear, anger, and grief. Each emotion fought for dominance, and yet all you could do was stare blankly at the road stretching endlessly ahead of you, your surroundings blurring past the window.
You tried to rationalize his actions and remind yourself why he made the choices he did. But this didn’t feel like protection anymore.
It felt like a punishment.
The hours dragged. The rhythmic clatter of hooves and the occasional creak of the carriage were the only sounds filling the silence. You hadn’t spoken a word to the driver or to the men Tommy had sent to guard you. You refused. Who cared if they thought you were some entitled brat?
But then, suddenly, something in the air shifted.
You weren’t sure what it was at first. Maybe it was just a feeling, an unease that coiled in your stomach like a vice. But then you noticed the hooves come to a gradual stop. One of the guards riding ahead straightened in his saddle, glancing toward the dense trees lining the road.
Your pulse quickened, but before you could even part your lips to ask what was wrong, you heard the gunshot.
A sickening crack followed by shouting. One of the men slumped forward on his horse before crashing onto the dirt road in a heap. The horses screamed, rearing violently. The carriage lurched, sending you slamming into the side with a sharp gasp.
Another shot. Another thud.
The second guard fell before he could even draw his gun. Then the driver let out a strangled yell, yanking hard on the reins.
But it was too late.
Figures emerged from the darkness of the trees, their boots pounding against the dirt, moving fast. Panic seized you. Without thinking, you scrambled toward the door, heart hammering, fumbling for the latch. You could still get out, still run, still–
But when you threw your weight against it, the door didn’t budge.
The impact from the gunfire, the carriage rocking on the uneven road– it had bent the frame inward. The wood creaked, but the metal hinges were jammed tight.
"No, no, no–” you pleaded. You pushed harder, shoulders slamming against the door.
Then, the other door was yanked open violently, nearly ripping off its hinges. You barely had time to turn before rough, gloved hands grabbed you, wrenching you forward. You thrashed against them, kicking, clawing, screaming for them to let go.
"Shut her up!" A voice snapped.
And just like that, the back end of a gun slammed into your gut, knocking the air from your lungs. Your vision blurred as your body doubled over. Fingers fisted in your hair, yanking your head back so hard your scalp burned.
One of the men leaned in, his breath hot against your cheek.
"I guess Shelby should’ve sent more men."
Your heart pounded violently in your chest as the other men chuckled darkly.
Your hands shook as you tried to fight, but there were too many of them, too many voices, too many shadows closing in around you. You screamed again.
Then, a final, crushing blow to the side of your head sent the world tilting. Your knees buckled.
And then– total darkness.
The office smelled of whiskey and smoke as the low glow of candlelight flickered against the walls. Tommy sat behind his desk, fingers wrapped around a glass he hadn’t yet touched.
Across from him, Arthur was talking. Something about business, numbers, men needing paying, but Tommy wasn’t listening. He had been distracted all night.
His mind kept circling back to you. It didn’t matter how many times he told himself he made the right choice– that sending you away had been for your own good, that it was the only way to keep you safe. That image of you, eyes wide, pleading, your fingers brushing against his coat before he had forced himself to turn away remained at the forefront of his mind.
"Tommy, please," you had begged.
He had ignored the way it made his chest ache, forcing himself to shut down the part of him that wanted to keep you close.
Because this was the only way.
But if it was the right choice, then why the fuck did it feel like such a fucking mistake?
"Tom?" Arthur’s voice cut through his thoughts.
Tommy blinked, setting the untouched glass down with slow, deliberate movements. His fingers tapped against the wood, a restless habit. "What?"
Arthur frowned, watching him closely. "You haven’t heard a single thing I’ve said, have you?"
A muscle in Tommy’s jaw twitched.
Arthur exhaled, rubbing a hand over his face. "Jesus, Tommy. Forget about it. You did the right thing, yeah? She’s safer out of Birmingham. You said so yourself."
Tommy leaned back in his chair, running a hand down his face. He shook his head, reaching for the cigarette pack on his desk, desperate for something to quiet his mind. But just as he struck the match, the door burst open.
Tommy’s head snapped up.
John stood in the doorway, breathless and pale.
"Tommy–" he panted, eyes wide with urgency. "The carriage– we just got word– it was intercepted–"
For a moment, the words didn’t register. A slow, heavy silence fell over the room. Tommy just stared at him, cigarette burning between his fingers, unmoving. Then, a sharp, cold wave of panic slammed into his chest.
His chair scraped against the floor as he shot to his feet. "What?" His voice was dangerously quiet.
John swallowed hard. "One of the scouts came back. The men– the guards you sent– they’re dead. Driver too."
The room tilted. A deafening ringing filled Tommy’s ears, drowning out everything else.
No, no, no. No.
"Where?" Tommy demanded, his voice now urgent, raw, trembling with barely contained terror.
"We don’t know yet–"
Tommy’s chest heaved, his breath coming sharp and ragged. "Find out," he snapped, grabbing his coat. His hands were shaking. "Find out right fucking now."
Arthur was already up, grabbing his gun. "We’re going after her, Tommy."
Tommy ran a hand through his hair, pacing, trying to think, trying to breathe, trying not to fucking lose it.
He had sent you away.
He had sent you away.
His heart pounded violently, his throat tight with a kind of fear he had never felt before.
Not anger. Not fury. Not vengeance.
Because if they had taken you…
If they had hurt you…
Tommy couldn’t finish the thought.
Because the moment he did, he wouldn’t be able to fucking breathe.
When you woke up, the first thing you registered was the pain.
The deep, aching throb in your skull. The metallic taste of blood coated your tongue, thick and suffocating.
Your body felt heavy, your limbs sluggish as you tried to move, only to realize that you couldn’t.
Panic slid into your chest, sharp and immediate as you became aware of the restraints, of the rough, biting feel of rope digging into your wrists, binding them behind the back of a chair. Your breath hitched, vision swimming in the overwhelming darkness that surrounded you.
You struggled against the restraints, muscles screaming in protest, but the chair barely creaked beneath your weight. The air was damp, thick with the scent of rotting wood and stale sweat. Somewhere in the distance, you heard the faint melodic drop of water.
A basement. Maybe a warehouse. Somewhere completely forgotten.
A door creaked open and your breath stilled. There were footsteps– slow and leisurely.
A shadow loomed at the edge of the room, then a man stepped forward, boots scraping against the concrete floor. The dim light of a lantern illuminated his features, dark eyes full of amusement, a smirk twisting his thin lips.
"Well, well," he drawled, tilting his head. "Look who's awake."
Your stomach coiled in disgust as he came closer, circling you like a predator playing with its prey. You clenched your jaw, forcing yourself to stay still, to keep your expression blank.
The man stopped just beside you, tapping a finger against his chin, mockingly thoughtful. "You’re prettier up close," he mused. "Is that why Shelby keeps you so close? Well… not this time I guess."
A beat of silence. Then, his voice dropped into something colder, sharper. "Where’s he keeping his next shipment?"
You didn’t answer but his smirk only widened. "Playing the silent game, are we?"
He moved closer to you, and before you could react, a sharp, stinging slap cracked across your cheek.
Your head snapped to the side, your vision blurring with the impact.
"You’ll want to answer me," he said menacingly. "Or this is going to get a hell of a lot worse for you."
You clenched your teeth, forcing your breath to stay even.
He let out a disappointed sigh. "Stubborn little thing, aren’t you? Brave, even?" He stepped closer, gripping the arms of your chair, leaning in until his breath was hot against your ear. "But tell me, sweetheart… how brave do you think you’ll be when we’re through with you?"
You refused to let him see your fear. But inside, terror clawed at your ribs, sinking in deep.
The man stepped back, studying you. His smirk hadn't faltered, but you could see the frustration flicker in his dark eyes.
"Not talking, eh?" He exhaled sharply, rolling his shoulders as if this were some inconvenience, some tedious task he had to complete before moving on with his night.
Then, without warning, his fist slammed into your stomach.
Your body jerked violently against the ropes, a strangled gasp ripping from your throat as the air was stolen from your lungs. White, hot agony flared in your gut, the chair beneath you rocking from the force of it. You coughed, your body instinctively trying to double over, but the ropes held you upright, forcing you to endure it.
Still, you said nothing.
The man let out a humorless chuckle. "Tough girl, huh?"
Another blow. To your face again. You bit the inside of your cheek, swallowing the cry that threatened to escape.
"Tell me," he continued casually, shaking out his fist, "where the Peaky Blinders keep their weapons."
You lifted your head slowly, breathing heavily through your nose. Then, you spat blood onto the floor at his feet.
A muscle in his jaw ticked. And then, his hand fisted in your hair, yanking your head back so sharply you let out a strangled gasp.
"I was hoping you’d be difficult," he murmured, tilting his head. "It makes this so much more fun for me."
Deep fear curled around your bones like ice. Because you knew exactly what men like him were capable of. He let go of your hair abruptly, your head snapping forward from the force of it, pain splintering through your already throbbing skull.The next blow came before you could brace yourself. It was a heavy, brutal punch to your nose. Pain exploded behind your eyes, your body lurching sideways, nearly toppling the chair. Your ears rang, the room spinning wildly.
Your nose was dripping. It took you a second to realize it was blood, warm and thick as it trailed down your lips. Still, you didn’t speak.
He let out a long, slow breath, tilting his head as he studied you. "I can do this all night," he said lightly, as if he weren’t already beating you bloody. Then, something darker crossed his expression.
"But maybe," he continued, voice lower, silkier, more dangerous, "I could find other ways to make you talk."
Your stomach churned at the sight of his gaze, predatorial. Every muscle in your body seized as he took a step forward, one hand reaching for his pocket. Then, metal glinted under the dim light.
A knife. Not small, not discreet, but long, sharp, wicked.
He flicked it open with an almost lazy motion, rolling it between his fingers like a coin, as if the weapon was nothing more than a casual accessory to him. "You know," he mused, tilting his head, his eyes dragging over your bound, broken form with something close to amusement, "I've always wondered how many pieces a person can be cut into before they bleed out."
He crouched beside you, the blade dancing along his fingers, before slowly pressing the cold steel under your chin.
"Tell me what I want to know," he murmured, his voice almost gentle, like a whisper of silk against your skin.
More silence.
He smirked. A devilish grin spread across his face. “Maybe I'll start with the fingers."
Your heart pounded violently, every nerve in your body screaming at you to run, fight, do something–
But what were you supposed to do? The ropes bit into your wrists, your limbs too weak, too battered, your breath too shallow.
"Think I'm bluffing?" he asked, watching your reaction. "Think I won’t carve you up, nice and slow?"
The knife dragged downward, grazing lightly along the column of your throat, just enough to prickle your skin, to remind you how easily he could cut deeper.
He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your cheek.
"Because I will, sweetheart," he whispered, almost fondly. "And when I'm done, I’ll send the pieces back to Shelby. One by one."
“I don’t know where the weapons are,” The words spilled out before you could even think, desperate, shaky, but holding just enough bite to make them believable. “Tommy doesn’t tell me those things– says it’s not a woman’s business to know– that we’d break too easily if we got questioned.”
Your breath hitched, your pulse roaring in your ears as you held his gaze, willing yourself to look small, weak, unimportant.
He laughed. Low, dark, amused. He leaned in again, the overwhelming stench of sweat and smoke rolling off him in waves.
"You think I believe that?" His voice was smooth as he tilted his head, watching you with something cruel, calculating. Your breath came in short, shallow bursts, your hands twisting uselessly behind your back, fingers numb from the ropes cutting into your skin.
You didn’t answer. Because you knew better. Men like him didn’t want the truth. They wanted excuses to hurt you.
He sighed, feigning disappointment. "See, sweetheart, here’s the problem with your little lie." He reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a scrap of paper, something smudged with dirt and blood.
"One of your guards had this tucked in his coat. An order from Mr. Shelby himself," he said, unfolding it with a lazy flick of his wrist. "Says to keep you safe. Says not to let you out of their sight."
The bastard grinned as he tossed the paper onto your lap. "Now, why would Thomas Shelby go through all that trouble for someone who doesn’t know anything?"
You felt cold all over. He knew. No amount of lying was going to save you now.
"Yeah," he murmured, standing upright. "That’s what I thought."
His hand shot out suddenly, gripping your jaw, forcing your head back. You winced, but didn’t look away. A cruel smile spread across his face. "That’s good," he murmured. "I like when they look at me."
Then, cold steel pressed against your cheek. You flinched violently, your breath stuttering, but he only grinned wider, his grip tightening, holding you in place.
"You’ll tell me what I want to know," he promised, his fingers digging into your bruised skin. "Sooner or later."
The blade slid downward, slow, deliberate, tracing the delicate line of your jaw.
Then, it pressed in. A sharp, searing pain bloomed beneath your skin, and you gasped, body jerking instinctively, but the ropes held you tight, trapped.
A thin line of warm blood trickled down your cheek. He hummed in satisfaction. His thumb dragged across your bottom lip, slow, taunting. "Maybe I’ll give you some time to think about it," he mused, releasing you with a sharp shove.
Tommy paced the office like a caged animal, fingers tugging through his hair, his mind racing faster than his body could keep up.
The room was too small, too fucking suffocating, and the longer it took to get information, the more his chest tightened, the more his hands shook.
"Where the fuck is she?"
No one had an answer.
Tommy turned on John. "Who told you? Who gave you the fucking word?"
John swallowed, shifting on his feet. "A scout, one of our boys in Small Heath– he saw the wreckage. The guards, the driver… all dead, Tommy."
His stomach dropped.
But no mention of her.
He felt sick. Cold. A new kind of fear he hadn’t felt since the war clawed its way up his throat like bile. He clenched his fists, forcing himself to focus. If they had taken you alive, that meant they wanted something from you.
He had to find you. Now. A sharp knock on the door cut through the tense silence. Isaiah stepped in, breathless, eyes wide.
"We’ve got something."
Tommy’s head snapped up so fast his vision blurred.
Isaiah wiped a hand down his face, shaking his head. "We don’t know for sure, but one of the lads caught wind of a group setting up shop in an old distillery just outside the city– on the outskirts near the river."
"Who?" Tommy’s voice was deadly calm, but the way his hands shook slightly at his sides betrayed him.
Isaiah hesitated. "You’re not gonna like the answer, Tom."
Tommy’s chest tightened. "Say it," he demanded.
Isaiah exhaled. "Sabini’s men."
The room went deathly quiet.
Arthur swore, kicking the leg of a chair so hard it splintered.
That filthy fucking bastard had been waiting for an opportunity to strike, and Tommy had handed it to him on a silver fucking platter when he sent you away. Tommy felt his pulse roar in his ears, drowning out every other sound in the room.
He turned to Arthur. "Get everyone. We move now."
His brother didn’t hesitate. As Arthur stormed out, barking orders to the rest of the men, Tommy grabbed his coat, his revolver already in his hand.
He didn’t just want to kill them.
He wanted to wipe them from existence.
Because they had taken you.
And Thomas Shelby was going to burn the fucking city down to get you back.
Your wrists were raw from the ropes, skin rubbed red and torn from how hard you had fought– fought for nothing, fought for no one to come, fought just to survive another minute, another second.
You were too weak to fight anymore. Your entire body was screaming in agony, every nerve burning, every muscle aching with exhaustion.
Your stomach throbbed violently, a deep, searing pain radiating from one of the larger gashes that had been carved into your skin. You could still feel the sting of the blade as it sank into your flesh, the warm trickle of blood spilling down your ribs, soaking into the shredded remains of your clothes.
What was left of them, anyway.
Your dress had been ripped apart, torn from your body in jagged, humiliating shreds, exposing bruised, violated skin.
The men had touched you, their hands roaming, gripping, forcing you still, their laughter ringing in your ears as they stripped you down like you were nothing more than something to be used.
You had fought, God, you had fought, thrashing, kicking, but their hands had been stronger, crueler, unyielding.
Now, you could feel the cool air biting at your skin, the exposed places where they had left their marks– dark bruises, bloody scratches, shame carved into your very bones. Your arms shook, the fabric clinging to what was left of you, offering little protection, little dignity.
You felt disgusting.
And even though they had been interrupted before they could take it any further, the damage was already done.
The way they had laughed. Cruel, mocking, like your pain was amusing, like your struggle meant nothing.
"Shelby won’t want you now."
The words had sliced deeper than the knife, burrowing into your chest, your ribs, your bones.
"Damaged goods."
"Bet he won’t even look at you when we’re done."
It was all still there, burned into your mind, bleeding into your skin like an invisible brand you would never escape.
And your ribs– God, your ribs. Every inhale was a battle, every breath felt like knives digging into your sides, sharp and relentless. You didn’t know if they were bruised or broken, but the deep, throbbing ache that rattled through your chest made you certain that something was damaged beyond repair.
Even the slightest movement sent sharp, unbearable pain lancing through you, making your vision blur, making bile rise in your throat.
Your face was swollen, beaten, the metallic taste of blood thick on your tongue.
Your body flinched violently as hands roamed over you, rough fingers gripping, bruising, tearing fabric, exposing too much. A cruel chuckle ghosted over your ear.
"Not so tough now, are you?"
The words barely registered through the haze, but the hot breath against your skin did, the weight of a body pressing against you. Suffocating.
You turned your head, gasping sharply, choking on a sob as your body tried to shrink away, but the ropes held you firm, like an animal waiting for slaughter.
Another pair of hands gripped your thigh, fingers digging hard enough to bruise.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to disappear inside yourself, trying to will yourself into a place where this wasn’t happening, wasn’t real.
Then– footsteps, shouting.
Not inside the room, but outside.
The hands stilled.
More voices now, low, urgent, laced with something that sounded close to alarm.
"Go check it out," one of the men shouted.
A few of them grumbled, hesitating, as if reluctant to leave, but then another loud thud echoed from beyond the door, followed by the distant clatter of metal hitting the floor.
The man above you cursed, pushing off of you abruptly, leaving behind a nauseating heat where his body had been pressing against yours.
"Fucking deal with her," he ordered the one who stayed behind before storming toward the door.
You heard them shuffle out, their boots heavy against the floor, the door creaking as it was pulled shut behind them. One remained.
Then– Gunfire. A sharp, brutal crack shook the walls. The man froze. Another shot. Then another. Shouts of panic cried outside the door, the unmistakable sound of bodies hitting the ground. And then the door burst open.
The man barely had time to turn, barely had time to lift his knife, barely had time to do anything, before a bullet tore through his skull, the shot echoing like thunder.
His body crumpled to the floor.
More boots pounded into the room. Your swollen, half-lidded eyes struggled to focus, your mind fading in and out, but you knew– you knew those voices. Someone dropped to their knees beside you.
"Fuck– It’s her." The voice was urgent, but familiar. "She’s alive. Love, it’s me– it’s John. Can ya hear me?"
He moved to untie you, but you let out a small, broken noise. Weakly, you tried to turn away, as if you could somehow hide your exposed body from him– hide from what had been done to you.
"Shit– someone get her a coat, something!" John hollered.
More hurried voices. More boots scuffing against the ground.
Then a voice rang out. "Get out of the fucking way!"
The tone was raw, shaking with rage, sharp enough to cut through the chaos like a knife. Everyone moved aside instantly.
Tommy’s blue eyes locked onto you, widening as he took in the bruises, the gash on your stomach leaking blood, the torn fabric barely covering your body.
Then, under his breath, so low it was barely a whisper, he muttered, "Jesus Christ.”
His coat was off his shoulders in an instant. He crouched down and carefully draped it over you, covering as much of your exposed skin as he could. The weight of it should’ve been comforting, should’ve felt like protection, but you flinched. The sudden movement sent a fresh wave of pain coursing through your body, making your breath hitch sharply in your throat. Tommy’s jaw tightened. His hands hovered, like he was unsure if touching you would only make things worse.
John knelt beside him, fingers moving to quickly undo the ropes.
Your body swayed forward as the last rope fell away, your muscles too weak to hold you upright, but Tommy’s hands shot out instantly, catching you before you could collapse completely. He felt the way you tensed. The way your body tried to shrink away, as if you weren’t sure whether his hands were safe ones or not.
“Can you walk?” His voice was low, controlled, but his heart was fucking pounding.
You didn’t answer. Couldn’t even manage to look up at him– like you didn’t even register his question.
Your head hung limply forward, resting weakly against his shoulder. Your breath came in shallow bursts as the weight of exhaustion and pain dragged you down.
That was all the answer he needed. Without hesitation, he scooped you up into his arms. The moment he lifted you, a sharp, strangled cry tore from your throat as the wound on your stomach pinched.
“I got you,” The sound of your pain sent a violent shudder through Tommy’s body, his grip instinctively tightening. “I know, love. I know.”
Your head lolled against his chest, another small whimper escaping your lips as his arms adjusted their hold, careful but unrelenting. His breath was uneven as he stood, keeping you pressed tightly against him, shielding you as much as he could.
Your pain was his pain now.
Your suffering was his burden to bear.
And he was going to make every last one of those bastards suffer for what they had done to you.
The night air was cold, but Tommy barely felt it. His grip on you didn’t waver, his arms locking you against his chest, shielding you from the world as he carried you through the bloodstained corridors of the warehouse.
Every step he took was controlled, deliberate, but inside he was barely holding it together. You were too still, your body too limp in his arms.
“Almost there," he murmured, his voice softer than he’d ever let it be, barely audible beneath the pounding of his own heart.
You didn’t respond. But when his arms shifted slightly, having to adjust his hold as he stepped over a body on the ground, you let out a small whimper of pain. His grip tightened instinctively.
"Shh," he soothed, his lips brushing against your temple, voice raw. "I’ve got you."
The car was waiting outside, its headlights cutting through the darkness, and the backseat door already open. Arthur was barking orders to the men, his voice clipped and deadly, but the moment Tommy stepped outside, all movement stopped. The others watched as he carried you– silent, grim, waiting.
They had seen Tommy Shelby furious before.
But this was something else entirely.
Without a word, Tommy laid you down in the backseat, before climbing in himself. He adjusted his coat so that it covered you again before guiding your head to rest more comfortably on his lap.
The door slammed shut and the engine roared to life. The moment the car jolted forward, you let out another soft whimper, your fingers weakly reaching for him.
"It’s alright," he murmured, as his hand brushed through your matted hair. "You’re alright."
You heard his words, but they felt far away… like a voice carried through water, muffled, distant. Your head shifted slightly against his lap as you forced your swollen eyes open.
And then you saw it.
Deep red, seeping through the white fabric of his shirt, thick and dark, staining the material all the way down to his waist. Your breath hitched. For a second, you didn’t understand. Your dazed mind struggled to catch up, struggled to process how he might’ve gotten hurt.
Then it clicked. It wasn’t his blood.
It was yours.
Your fingers twitched weakly, brushing against the soaked fabric.
The word came out slurred, almost inaudible.
His hands tensed around you instantly. "I’m here, love," he said quickly, his voice sharper now, urgent. "I’m right here."
Your vision blurred. The world was tilting again. The blood, so much blood–
"Tommy, am I dying?"
His arms tightened around you, his grip firm, protective, as if holding you together was enough to keep you here.
"No," he said immediately, but there was something frantic beneath his voice now, something breaking. "No, you’re not dying. You’re alright."
You blinked slowly, the exhaustion dragging you down.
Tommy turned his head sharply.
"Drive faster," he snapped, his voice thick with something close to desperation.
Arthur was already pushing the car to its limit, the tires kicking up dirt and gravel as they sped toward home. Tommy’s hand cradled your cheek, his thumb stroking gently along your skin, even as his grip shook.
"You’re alright. But you have to stay awake," he said, almost pleadingly.
You tried. And really, you wanted to.
But the last thing you felt before the darkness pulled you under was the way his fingers trembled against your skin.
You felt the car lurch to a stop, the tires skidding against the dirt, but the world around you was hazy, your body heavy, weighed down by exhaustion and pain.
You jolted further awake when Tommy shifted, pulling you onto his lap before he pushed the door open.
Then, a rush of cold air. Sharp as it bit at your skin. Tommy stepped out, his grip on you unwavering, unrelenting. There were voices, then footsteps. The sound of boots pounding against the ground.
Polly’s familiar voice. "Oh, my girl," she gasped. “What have they done to her?”
You tried to lift your head, to focus, but your vision swam, the world tilting in and out of darkness.
Polly was moving fast, her skirt rustling as she rushed toward you, her hands reaching for you before you even realized what was happening.
"Get her inside," she ordered, her tone sharp, controlled, but beneath it there was fear.
Tommy didn’t hesitate. You felt the urgency in his body, the tension coiling tight in his arms as he carried you up the steps, past the doorway, into the dim warmth of the house.
Everything was spinning.
When he set you down, the wound in your stomach pinched and a warm rush of liquid poured from it. You clutched at it– felt the blood pooling between your fingers.
"Tommy, put some pressure on that!" Polly’s voice cut through the haze, sharp and commanding.
Your breath hitched, your body already trembling from exhaustion, from blood loss, from the deep, horrible throbbing wrapping around your ribs like a vice.
Tommy moved instantly, his hands already reaching for you. You felt him brush your hands away before pressing a towel firmly against the open wound on your stomach.
The moment the pressure hit, white-hot pain exploded through you.
You screamed.
Your body arched off the mattress, hands flying to his wrist, gripping hard, your nails digging into his skin, trying to push him away.
"I know," Tommy rasped without budging, his jaw clenched so tightly it looked like he might break his teeth.
You tried to twist away, but his hands didn’t move, didn’t falter, didn’t let up.
Your vision swam, a high-pitched ringing buzzing in your ears, agony coiling through your body like fire, licking up your ribs, burning through your spine.
Polly was moving fast, grabbing bandages, ripping fabric, preparing whatever she needed, but all you could focus on was the pressure, the unbearable weight of Tommy’s hands pressing against your stomach.
"Fuck," Tommy cursed under his breath. "Pol, do something. Help her–"
"I need supplies, Tommy," Polly snapped. "I need you to go get them."
You saw Tommy hesitate.
"Tom," Polly’s voice was firmer now, demanding. "Go. Now."
A beat. Then, the pressure on your stomach lifted as he moved away. The moment Tommy’s hands left your body, you felt the loss like a cruel snap of cold air.
Your breath hitched, your body instinctively tensing, but Polly’s hands were already there, replacing his.
She pressed tightly against the wound, and fresh agony ripped through you, another strangled cry spilling from your lips.
"Shh, darling," Polly murmured, her voice softer now, gentler than before, but still edged with urgency. "I know, I know. We’re going to get you all fixed up."
You let out a soft, weak noise as Tommy moved, as if your body somehow knew it was losing its only source of warmth, of safety.
"I’ll be right back," Tommy’s voice was hoarse, raw, full of something broken.
And then, the door swung shut.
Your fingers clutched weakly at the sheets, your body writhing slightly, trying to escape the searing pain, but Polly held firm. "Easy," she murmured, one hand moving up to smooth your hair back from your face, her touch gentle despite the blood coating her fingers. "Just breathe."
You tried. But every inhale sent sharp daggers through your ribs, every second felt like your body was tearing itself apart.
"That’s it," Polly encouraged, even as her hands remained firm, even as she continued pressing into the wound. "Just keep breathing, sweetheart."
Footsteps. A door swinging open.
Then, his voice.
"Here," Tommy said, sounding breathless as he stormed back into the room. His hands were full of supplies.
Polly barely glanced up. "Put them on the table."
He did, his movements fast and urgent. But the moment he turned back to you, his face fell.
His blue eyes flickered to the blood pooling around Polly’s hands, to the torn fabric soaked with red, and then, to your face.
Your body was trembling, your breath coming shaky and weak, your skin far too pale.
Tommy’s hands curled into fists. Polly looked at him before releasing the pressure on your wound.
"It’s not clotting," she said, flat, grim. Polly exhaled sharply, grabbing the needle and thread. "We’ll have to stitch it up."
His jaw clenched, his throat working around words he couldn’t say, his hands hovering uselessly at his sides. Without a word, he took his place back beside you, his hands finding your shoulders, his grip steady, firm, unyielding.
Polly met his gaze. "Hold her down."
And with agony in his eyes, he did.
A sharp, searing sensation that tore through your body like fire, ripping you from the darkness and into the cruel reality of the moment. Your eyes flew open, your breath catching instantly as a white-hot, unbearable sting shot through your stomach.
A scream tore from your throat before you even knew what was happening.
"Keep her from moving!" Polly’s voice was urgent, firm, cutting through the haze of pain and confusion as she clutched the bottle of alcohol she was using to clean your wounds.
Then, strong hands gripped your shoulders.
"Shh, love, I know, I know."
Tommy pinned you down, his weight pressing against you just enough to keep you still, but not enough to hurt you.
You fought against it anyway, your body thrashing violently, panic and agony blurring together as Polly’s hands worked quickly, pressing something sharp against your skin. Another wave of pain crashed through you, and you sobbed, gasping, your body twisting uselessly beneath Tommy’s grip.
"Please–" Your voice cracked, weak and frantic, as the burning sensation only grew worse. “Please, stop–”
Tommy’s grip tightened, his breath harsh against your ear as he whispered, "I know,” he repeated. “You have to let her do this."
You couldn’t do it, couldn’t bear the pain, the sting, the relentless wave of agony pressing down on every nerve in your body.
But Tommy wasn’t letting go. His hands stayed firm, keeping you still as Polly continued, her voice clipped, professional– but you could hear the pain in it too.
"It’ll be over soon," she murmured, but it barely reached you over the sound of your own ragged sobs.
Another sharp pain seared through your ribs, and your body arched violently, another broken cry ripping from your throat. Your fingers latched onto Tommy’s arm, gripping him so tightly your nails dug into his skin.
He didn’t flinch.
His voice was hoarse, desperate, like this was hurting him just as much as it was hurting you. "I got you," he murmured, his breath warm against your temple. "I’m right here, love. Just hold on. Just hold on."
But you couldn’t.
You felt yourself slipping away, the pain too much, too unbearable.
Your sobs grew softer, weaker, until the darkness swallowed you whole.
Sleep clung to you like a heavy shroud, pulling you under, keeping you trapped beneath the surface.
But then… voices.
Low, hushed, urgent.
You weren’t awake, not really. But the words drifted through the haze, barely reaching you, like an echo through water.
"I don’t know what happened in that room," Polly said, soft but grave, laced with something heavy, unspoken. "But our girl was hurt beyond what the eye can see."
There was silence– so suffocating that you could feel it settle over the room like a funeral shroud.
Then, Tommy’s voice, low, rough, dangerous in a way you had never heard before.
"What are you saying, Pol?"
A pause.
"You saw the bruises on her thighs, Tommy. The way her clothes were torn."
The words barely registered before a deep, unbearable shame clawed its way up your throat.
You wanted to pull the blanket tighter around you– to disappear, vanish, sink back into the darkness where none of this was real.
But your body wouldn’t listen. Your fingers twitched, barely moving against the sheets. Another silence. Longer this time. Heavier.
Then, Tommy’s voice, but it was different now. Not sharp, not angry. Shaken.
“Jesus Christ."
Another pause.
Then, a sound you never thought you’d hear from Tommy Shelby. A shaky exhale, almost like a breath that had been trapped in his chest for too long, forced out in a way that wasn’t entirely controlled.
You wanted to open your eyes.
Wanted to reach for him, for Polly, for something that made you feel whole again.
But your body was too broken, and your mind was too tired.
The room was quiet when you woke up.
Not the kind of peaceful quiet that brought comfort, but the kind that felt hollow, empty, like something had been ripped away. Your body felt heavy, every inch of you aching, wrapped in a deep, throbbing pain that radiated from your ribs, your face, your legs.
For a moment, you didn’t move. Didn’t even breathe too deeply.
Just listened.
The soft crackling of the fireplace. The distant murmurs of voices downstairs. The faint scent of whiskey, tobacco, and something familiar lingering in the air.
Then, movement
Your eyes shifted, and that’s when you saw him.
He was sitting in a chair beside the bed, his head bowed, his elbows resting on his knees, hands clasped together like he had been praying but never finished the prayer.
His hair was disheveled, his coat abandoned somewhere, his sleeves rolled up. He looked worn down. Like he had been carrying too much weight for far too long.
Your throat felt tight. When you shifted slightly, trying to ease the ache in your body, the mattress creaked softly beneath you.
Tommy’s head snapped up instantly. His blue eyes locked onto you, and for a brief second they widened, raw and unguarded, before he jolted forward, hurrying to your side.
"Hey–" His voice was rough, low with exhaustion, relief, and something deeper, something broken. “Hey, hey, hey. I’m here. I’m right here.”
You tried to speak, but nothing came out. Your throat tightened painfully, your lips parting as if to form words, but all that came was silence. Then– tears. Hot, silent tears spilled over your cheeks, streaking down your skin before you could stop them.
Tommy’s breath hitched, his face contorting slightly, as if the sight of you like this physically hurt him.
"Hey," he repeated, his hands reaching up, cupping your face carefully, his thumbs wiping away the tears as fast as they fell. "It’s alright. You’re alright."
But you weren’t. And you both knew it.
More tears spilled, your body trembling despite the warmth of the blankets, despite the fact that Tommy’s hands were steady, firm, and safe. You let out a weak, shaky exhale, your breath stuttering.
Tommy’s jaw tensed, the pad of his thumb still brushing along your cheek.
"You’re safe now," he whispered, his forehead nearly pressing against yours. "You hear me?"
You closed your eyes and nodded weakly, but the tears kept falling. They wouldn’t stop– wouldn’t slow, no matter how hard you tried to breathe through it, to swallow it down, to push it away like it wasn’t happening.
His hands never left your face, gentle, steady, as if he thought you might shatter completely if he let go.
He watched you closely, his expression tight, unreadable, but his eyes gave him away. They were soft. Without a word, Tommy shifted, slowly, carefully, and sat on the edge of the bed. His weight made the mattress dip. And then, he reached for you. Not all at once. Not suddenly. Just gently. One of his arms slid behind your back, the other under your legs, his movements slow, deliberate, giving you time to pull away if you wanted to. But you didn’t. So, when he finally pulled you into him, when he gathered you against his chest, you just let him. Because the desire to be held so gently by him outweighed the pain in your stomach.
A soft, shuddering sob broke from your throat the second your face pressed into his shoulder. His arms tightened and his chest rose and fell beneath you.
"I’ve got you," he said.
You just cried harder. Cried into his shirt, into his chest, into the only thing that felt remotely safe.
And Tommy just held you.
Like you were the only thing in the world that mattered.
The hands were everywhere. Gripping, clawing, pressing against your skin.
Hot breath ghosted over your ear, cruel laughter filling the darkness as rough fingers bruised their way over your body.
"Not so tough now, are you?"
You thrashed, but you were trapped, bound, helpless. No matter how hard you fought, kicked, screamed, you couldn’t get away.
"Shelby won’t want you now."
"Damaged goods."
"Bet he won’t even look at you when we’re done."
No. No, please.
You screamed.
You jerked awake violently, gasping, drenched in sweat, heart pounding in your chest like it was trying to escape. The room was dark, shadows stretching across the walls, but the nightmare was still there, lingering, suffocating.
A figure moved beside you, reaching for you– Too close. Too fast.
"Don’t fucking touch me!" The words ripped from your throat before you even registered them, your voice sharp, frantic, trembling with terror.
"Hey, hey, hey. It’s me. It’s just me."
You sucked in a sharp breath, your pulse roaring in your ears as the terror began to splinter, reality bleeding through the nightmare. Your eyes darted to his face.
Not them.
A shuddering sob broke from your lips as you reached forward. Tommy caught you immediately, his arms wrapping around you, holding you firmly but carefully.
"Shh, you’re alright," he murmured against your hair. "You’re safe. I’ve got you."
His warmth grounded you, but the nightmare still clung to you like poison, lingering in your skin, in your bones. You inhaled, your cheek resting against the curve between his shoulder and neck. His scent wrapped around you, familiar and safe. He smelled of whiskey, tobacco, gunpowder, something darker, something uniquely him.
The fabric of his shirt was soft, worn, and beneath it, you could feel the subtle heat of his skin, along with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was faster than usual, uneven, like he wasn’t as composed as he wanted to be.
The silence stretched between you for a long time, a heavy, fragile thing hanging in the air.
Then, Tommy’s voice finally broke it. "What did they do to you?"
You stiffened. Every muscle in your body locked up, panic flaring hot in your chest. Your breath shook, your fingers twisting into his shirt as your mind raced, panicked, hesitated.
If he knew, would he still want you?
"Shelby won’t want you now."
"Damaged goods."
"Bet he won’t even look at you when we’re done."
The cruel messages from the men lingered in the forefront of your mind. You were damaged. Used. Broken. What if he’d see you differently now? What if he never touched you the same again? What if he’d–
"Please,” he cut in. “I have to know."
Slowly, you swallowed, your throat tight, aching, before you finally forced the words past your lips. "They–" your voice was barely a whisper. "They touched me, Tommy."
The air in the room shifted as Tommy stiffened. Then his jaw clenched, his breath sharp and ragged through his nose. Before you could process it, he was moving. Standing up and turning toward the door. For a second, your brain didn’t register it– or understand.
Then, it hit you.
He was leaving… Heading straight for the door. Panic slammed into your chest, raw and frantic.
"Tommy–" Your voice broke, but he didn’t stop.
No, no, no–
"I’m sorry, I– I tried," you choked out, your throat burning, your hands reaching for him but too weak to move from the bed. "I swear, I fought. I– I should’ve fought harder, I–"
Tommy froze in place.
You didn’t realize you were crying again, but the words kept spilling out, rushed and broken, desperate to keep him here, to explain how hard you fought. "I’m sorry," you gasped, barely able to breathe. "Please– please, don’t go– don’t leave me– I’m so sorry–"
Tommy turned sharply, crossing the room in two strides, and then, his hands were on your face, cradling you, forcing you to look at him.
"No." His voice was firm, steady, but his eyes… His eyes were shining, raw, and shattered. "This is not your fault."
Your breath hitched, but he didn’t let go.
"I should’ve been there," he whispered, voice thick with agony, regret, fury… at himself, at the men who did this, at everything. "You hear me? I should’ve been there. And I should never have sent you away. I was wrong. And I’m so fucking sorry."
A tear slipped down your cheek, and Tommy wiped it away with his thumb, his touch careful.
“I thought–” you stammered. “I thought you were going to leave.”
"Christ, I’m not leaving you love," he murmured, his voice so quiet, so broken it nearly undid you completely. "I just–" he swallowed thickly, his jaw tightening. "I want to go back there and kill every last one of those bastards for what they did to you."
You closed your eyes, your body shaking, exhausted, drained. But when you leaned forward, Tommy caught you instantly, pulling you into him, holding you tightly against his chest.
"Please stay," you whispered, your voice thin, fragile, desperate. "Please, Tommy– don’t go."
His hands tensed against your face, thumbs still brushing against your cheekbones, his blue eyes searching yours, reading every ounce of fear buried beneath the words.
"I’m not going anywhere, love," he murmured, his voice low, rough with emotion, as if saying the words out loud solidified them in stone.
A quiet, broken noise escaped your throat– not quite a sob, not quite relief, but something in between.
His hands slipped down, his arms gathering you close. Your forehead pressed against his chest, his warmth grounding you.
He dipped his head, his lips brushing against your temple, barely a whisper of contact, but the weight of it was enough.
"I never should’ve sent you away," he murmured, his voice softer now, but still laced with the guilt he would never forgive himself for. "And I promise you, love, I won’t make that mistake again."
Your fingers weakly clung to his shirt, your body melting against him as the last of your strength gave out.
And Tommy held you together.
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Instant Attraction
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 11.5k
Notes: Stepmom!Wanda, pining, masturbation, kissing, thigh riding, cheating, mommy kink, lmk if there's anything else,
Summary: Your dad calls you home from college unable to afford for you to dorm. He doesn’t let you know that in the time you were gone, he had gotten married. When you meet his wife Wanda, you're instantly attracted to her. That attraction doesn't seem so one sided.
An: Could be persuaded to write another part... after I finish my request
You grew up in a single-parent household. Your dad spent most of his time at work, trying to provide you a better life. You could never hate him for that. Your mother, she decided that motherhood wasn’t for her when you were around 5. She left one night and never came back.
You weren’t a very social kid. You had a few friends, but no real affinity for going out. There was a preference on your side of things to stay in, watch movies, and play games. Even when you grew your interest stay the same.
There were times were your father nearly forced you out of the house, just so he could see the sun touch your skin.
You weren’t the smartest kid, but you weren’t an idiot either. You took your average grades and went to community college securing yourself a general AA before you decided to transfer to a Cal State University. Though your father originally paid for you to dorm, he mentioned that it was a bit expensive.
So next semester you’d be commuting between home and school. Honestly, you’d only dormed because your father had pushed for it in the first place. He’d thought it’d be a good opportunity for you to branch out.
Your roommate, Kate was pretty cool, but in actuality she was a bit of a loser just like you were.
“Back so soon Y/n L/n?”
The thick accent made a smile tug at the ends of your lips, “What can I say, I missed the scariest neighbor on the block. Who’s going to tarnish your hardcore image if it’s not me, Lena?”
You and Yelena had grown up together, she’d been your neighbor for as long as you could remember. One of the few people that you’d let into your social circle.
“I’m back to stay. My dad told me dorming was too expensive, so I get to come back home.”
Yelena laughs lightly, “I bet it’s out of his range now since he’s caring for a woman and her children .”
You look at her dumbfounded. Slowly the laughter stops and the smile disappears from her face.
“What are you talking about?”
“Do you not know?”
Her eyes are wide as she stares at you.
“Know what Yelena?”
She begins to sputter, “Holy shit, what kind of father doesn’t tell his daughter this things?”
You grab her by the shoulders and shake her a little, “What kind of things, Yelena? Would you just tell me?”
“Y/n… you’re father. Sometime near the beginning of your semester, he got married.”
Your eyes bulge out of your head, “He did what?!”
“Her name is Wanda, she’s got 2 sons, twins.”
You open and close your mouth a few times. Laughter builds from inside of you and before you know it, it’s spilling out, “Good one Lena, you almost had me there. My father, married. Jesus Christ, this is why I don’t have too many friends.”
“Y/n, I’m serious.”
“Sure you are, now help me take some of this in the house, since you’re here,” you grab a bag from your trunk, shoving it into the blonde’s hands.
You don’t fumble around looking for your keys, instead opting to ring the doorbell. You told your dad you were coming this weekend, and he said he’d be home to let you in.
“Y/n, I’m really not lying about the marriage,” Yelena nudges you as you wait for the door to open.
You roll your eyes, “Even if I did believe you, what poor woman would marry my father?”
You ring the doorbell again, becoming impatient with waiting.
“Red head, green eyes, mother of 2 kids but you can’t tell from her body. She honestly a really attractive woman, don’t know how he did it,” Yelena goes into the details.
You laugh a little more, “This hypothetical woman sounds like my type. Maybe I could steal her from him.”
Yelena joins in on the laughter, “Not with your inability to speak to women.”
You glare at her, “Not funny.”
Finally the door opens, except it’s not your dad. It’s a woman with red hair, green eyes, a body that definitely doesn’t look like she had two kids. You can’t help but gawk at her.
“You must be Y/n, I’m Wanda. Your father told me to welcome you in, he’s working, but he’ll be back soon.”
“Hi, Mrs. Maximoff,” Yelena spoke with a smirk on her face.
“Yelena, it’s good to see you again. Helping Y/n with her bags?”
Yelena nods, “She needs all the help she can get.”
You shove the blonde while maintaining your gaze on the redhead, “You married my dad?”
She laughs at the disbelief in your voice, “Yes, I did sweetheart. Is that alright with you?”
You’re at a loss for words when you hear her call you sweetheart, “I um… I’m going to head to my room.”
You rush into the house and up the stairs past the red head. Yelena offers the woman a bright smile as she trails behind you a much slower pace.
When the blonde enters your old room she finds you pacing back and forth. Your teeth are sinking into one of your knuckles as you try to get your thoughts going.
“You weren’t lying,” you whisper, more to yourself than her.
“I was not.”
You keep pacing, “She has two kids?”
“Yup,” she pops the ‘p', taking a seat on your bed.
You pull out your phone to call your dad. The phone rings, so long that you almost hang up.
“Hey kid, what’s going on?”
You feel your anger growing at his relaxed tone, “ I just got home… and there’s a woman in our house. A woman that Yelena told me that you are married to! Dad, what the fuck? When did you get married? Who is this woman? When did you start dating? She has kids?”
“One question at a time Y/n, please.”
You scoff over the phone, “No, you’ve been lying to me for months now, possibly longer. I deserve the truth.”
You hear him sigh over the phone, “You’re right. I wanted to tell you, but I just didn’t know the right time. Wanda and I had been dating for almost 2 years, I didn’t want to introduce you two before I was sure she was the one.”
“Well technically you still haven’t introduced us. You were supposed to be here today.”
He sighs again, “I know kid, but work called last minute. I know I should’ve been there for this, and I’m fucking it up, but I swear Wanda is amazing, you just have to get to know her.”
“When did you get married?”
“A week after you left, it was… spontaneous. We ended up at courthouse and next thing I know, I’m Mr. Shawn Maximoff.”
You furrow your brow, “You took her last name?”
“It sounds cooler,” he concedes.
It does sound cooler so you don’t argue with him.
“I can’t believe you kept this from me. We’re supposed to be in this together. Thick as thieves, I have your back and you have mine, but you’re lying to me about things this important,” you sit on your bed next to Yelena.
“Y/n, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to I promise. How about I come home right now, and we can talk about it in person?”
“That’s a start,” you relent.
“Alright, I’ll see you soon, love you.”
You let out a sigh of your own, “Love you, bye.”
When you hang up the phone, your head lands on Yelena’s shoulder. She pulls you into her side, rubbing your shoulder for comfort.
“There, there my friend. I’m sure everything will work out fine between you and your father. If not, you could always go with the plan of stealing Wanda away from him.”
You push her away from you, “Not funny.”
Yelena raises her hands in surrender, “It was just a suggestion.”
“Help me unpack,” you begin to unload your belongings.
Yelena deflates, but helps you regardless. When you’re done you can hear a car pull up in the driveway.
“Looks like your dad’s home.”
Yelena starts making her way to your bedroom door, “I love you, but I am not staying for whatever talk is about to transpire.”
“Fair,” you follow her to the front door.
“Last thing, will you be calling her mommy because-"
You open the door and push her through it, “Goodbye, Yelena.”
Your dad walks into the frame, chuckling at the scene. He waves to your friend, “Goodbye Yelena.”
She waves back, “Bye Shawn, bye Y/n.”
He closes the door behind him. Your dad turns to you and opens his arms. As upset as you are with him, you can’t deny him the hug. You wrap your arms around him, and he squeezes you tightly.
“Believe it or not, I really missed you kid.”
“Enough to get a whole new family,” you shot back him.
“That’s fair, let’s talk in the back.”
You agree, but you don’t make it to the backyard before running into Wanda again.
“Honey you’re home early,” Wanda strides past you and kisses your father.
The sight is strange to you. You knew that your father had dated after your mother, but he never brought anyone home. You had never seen him be intimate with anyone, it felt weird. At least that’s what you think the feeling is.
“I am, I owe Y/n an explanation for some things . So I thought it was best to come home and straighten things out.”
Wanda seems to understand what he’s alluding to, “Alright, while the two of you talk how about I get dinner started.”
They kiss again, and this time you turn away.
“Sounds good, let’s go kid.”
You follow your dad through kitchen and to the backyard. He stops for a second in the kitchen to grab two beers, before continuing outside. The two of you sit on the patio chairs, facing out towards the yard.
He opens both the drinks and hands you one wordlessly. You hate beer, but you’re not turning down this moment with your dad.
“I was lonely for a long time when your mom left Y/n. I wanted to unpack those feelings, but there was one feeling that I felt more than loneliness and that was fear. Fear that I wouldn’t be able to take care of you and that someone would take you away. There was nearly 10 years that I pushed those feelings of loneliness down, to focus on you, on us. It was what I supposed to do and I don’t regret it. I know I wasn’t always there for you in the way you needed me to be, but just know I was always thinking about how I could be better for you.”
He stops to take a swig of his beer, “Eventually, once I thought that you were old enough, I started dating. Nothing really stuck until I met Wanda. It was a chance encounter at some coffee place, she’d just had finalized her divorce. I wasn’t sure about it, but I also just couldn’t let her go without giving it a shot. Low and behold a shot turned into 2 years.”
You take a large gulp of beer, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was scared. I didn’t know how you’d react. We don’t really talk about your feelings about your mom, I just didn’t want you to think- that I was trying to put someone in that spot for you."
“I understand that feeling, but I would’ve like to meet her before you know, you got married.”
“It was so just such a quick decision. That we were already married before I realized that I fucked up. There wasn’t a ceremony or anything,” he explains.
You drink some more, “But it’s been months dad. You know I thought Yelena was lying to me in the driveway when she was saying something about a wife and 2 kids.”
He looks into his lap, “The longer I waited, the harder it got. I felt like a kid who was going to get scolded, I didn’t feel like I had the right words. I still don’t think I do. ‘Hey sport, so I’ve been seeing someone for 2 years and I got married how’s your first week of college going’.”
You laugh, “I guess I can see where you’re coming from, but I don’t want to be left in the dark like this ever again.”
“Yes mam,” he salutes you. “So how was your first semester? Get into any trouble, join any clubs, get a girlfriend maybe?”
You stop him there, “Pump your brakes, I still have questions about… your marriage. Like where are the two kids?”
“They’re at their father’s house. They usually do two weeks there, two weeks here. I think they might be spending more time with him this summer. Billy and Tommy are great kids, I think you’d get along with them pretty well. They’re into games and stuff like you. You’ll meet them. ”
“I’m assuming they’re younger.”
Your eyes go wide, “She has two 15-year-old kids?”
Your dad chuckles, “Yes, she does. Wanda is actually older than me.”
“Bullshit,” you say in disbelief.
“Swear to god, I’m serious. She’s a really cool person once you get to know her.”
You hum, “Well she’s already in the family, so I don’t really have a choice, do I Mr. Maximoff?”
He gets up from his seat, beer bottle empty, “Isn’t your generation supposed to be the progressive one?”
You follow his lead, downing the rest of your drink, “You’re the one giving it negative connotation.”
“Whatever kid, I'm going to change out of my work clothes. How about you see if Wanda needs any help in the kitchen?”
You take in a deep breath, “I’ll do my best.”
He places a hand on your shoulder, leading you back inside, “She’s a nice woman Y/n, she’s not going to bite your head off or anything.”
Once you’re back inside, your dad heads upstairs, while to go towards the kitchen.
“It smells really good in here,” you say entering the space.
“Thanks, I’m trying something new today. Your dad said you’re a bit of a picky eater, but I hope you’ll like it.”
“Between us, I’ve always just said that because dad only knows how to cook 3 things,” you joke, and find yourself smiling harder when you hear Wanda laugh.
“Let me guess, burger, steak, salmon?”
“You survived eating the salmon?”
She laughs even harder, covering her mouth, “There were a few bones, but it was an honest attempt.”
“Is there anything I can help you with?” You ask, but you can see that she’s about done with everything.
“Could just get the plates for me, I know they’re right by me, but I have to keep stirring or-”
“It’s no problem, Wanda.”
You cut her off politely. The plates are stashed right above the stove. You come up behind Wanda, who is stirring the food in the skillet. You are taller than her so reaching above her is no problem. The only thing that you are unsure about is standing so close behind her.
Your front is only centimeters away from touching her back. When you reach over her, you think you hear her curse to herself.
“Is everything alright?”
“The food just got me a little, all good.”
You grab the plates and sit them on the counter next to her.
“So Y/n I hear you’re an English major.”
You nod, “I am.”
“I was too back in my day.”
You can't help but shake your head, “You look like you could still be in college.”
You see her blush at your words turning off the stove. You don’t know why seeing her blush makes you feel smug, but it does.
“Oh stop it,” she looks away from you.
“I’m serious, Wanda. I would’ve never guessed you were a mother let alone to two teenagers,” you continue to compliment her.
“A lot of people are surprised when I tell them how old I am,” she admits. “They all say that I look good for my age.”
You catch her gaze, “They should just tell you that you look good. Age is irrelevant.”
“You’re quite the charmer Y/n. I don’t blame them, I’m nearly 50.”
Your eyes go wide, “Wanda, I don’t believe you.”
She laughs, “It’s true, I’m 45.”
“I’d believe you if you said 25,” you’re serious when you speak.
The compliment flusters her, “Could you help me take the plates to the table?”
You grab 2 of the 3 plates sitting them at the table. You would’ve thought that Wanda would’ve set her plate next to your dad, but instead she sits next to you.
“You can dig in when you’re ready, no need to let the food get cold waiting for your dad.”
You take her words to heart and begin eating. After the first bite you find it impossible to stop. It tastes as good as it smelt while cooking. You could cry at the home cooked meal. Ramen packets and fast food could not compare. You had been prepared for a burger that your dad made or to go out for dinner, but this was better than you could’ve expected.
“I take it, you like it,” amusement present in her voice as she watches you devour the food.
“I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a long time and if I’m bring honest they never tasted like this.”
“Do you cook at all?”
You nod, “You’re looking at the family chef. I didn’t want to always eat steak, burger, and spaghetti. “
“How could I forget about the spaghetti? He’ll literally eat it all week.”
“Now you see why I was surprised when I found out he was married.”
Your dad finally makes an appearance, “What’s wrong with my spaghetti?”
“Nothing its good spaghetti, but all week dad?
“Well if it’s good, then I don’t see the problem.”
The three of you sit and chat through dinner. It comes surprisingly easy as you find yourself enamored by Wanda. You hang on every word she says, there’s this twinkle in her eye when she speaks. Her expressions are right there on her sleeves.
You don’t miss the way she bites her lip while she’s thinking, or the small hint of an accent in certain things she says. It makes you wonder more about how your dad could ever manage a woman like this.
When everyone is done eating, you stand up and begin to collect the dishes.
“I’ve got it Y/n,” Wanda tries to take them from you, but you stop her.
“No, it’s alright, you cooked it’s only fair I do the dishes.”
She smiles, giving your father a pointed look, “Maybe someone else should take notes.”
He gives you a playful glare, “Home for a couple hours and already making me look bad.”
You start on the dishes, taking the moment to yourself to gather your thoughts. No matter how many subjects you tried to shift through, the one your mind kept falling back to was Wanda.
She was truly one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life. She was a virtual stranger to you, so there was nothing wrong with finding her attractive. You’d only just met her, it would take some time to get used to seeing her as your dad’s wife.
“I think that one is clean.”
Wanda’s voice startles you a bit causing you to jump lightly. Heat fills your face as embarrassment sets in.
“You caught me lost in thought,” your nerves are still high as you speak.
“What’s got you so far away sweetheart?”
You make the mistake of looking into her eyes. The genuine curiosity behind them paired with a gentle worry conveyed by the small furrow in her brow. You’re gawking again, your focus returns to the dishes.
“It’s just been me and my dad for long time.”
“I understand that , I know that you’re just meeting me-"
You stop her, “You’re lovely, Wanda. I’m not- I don’t have concerns about your relationship with him. I just… I don't know where I fit into all of this. With me moving back home, I feel like a stranger.”
Wanda takes the dish out of your hands and sits it in the rack. If she cares about the moisture level of your hands, she doesn’t say anything. She takes them in her own and looks into your eyes.
“This is your home Y/n. You will never be a stranger in it. It’s a lot to get used to, especially when it’s sprung on you so quickly and I'm sorry for that. Consider it my goal to make you feel at home.”
You don’t know when your eyes dropped to her lips, but it was abundantly clear they had when she stopped speaking.
You blink a few times regaining your awareness, quickly pulling your hand from hers, “Sorry, long day. I think I’ll turn in for the night, but thank you Wanda… for the food and the talk.”
You rush upstairs and close yourself in your room. What you never noticed was the faint blush on Wanda’s cheeks. She had seen you focus in on her lips while speaking. Honestly, she was finding the way you were looking at her hard to ignore. There was such a wanting in them. She was trying to ignore it, while still getting to know you, but that task was beginning to seem difficult.
She decided to wipe up the kitchen area. Her thoughts wander to when she opened the door for you. The way your eyes traveled the length of her body, the way your mouth stayed agape when she spoke.
You didn’t look a lot like your father. Wanda noted that you were tall and sort of lanky like he was, and you had a lot of his mannerisms, but physically she assumed you looked like your mother. You had soft features, that might have clashed a little with your urban aesthetic.
You presented yourself much how your dad described you. A bit shy, but truly a good mannered, funny kid. Wanda expected a little more social ineptitude, but she was surprised with how chatty you ended up being.
She wondered if it had anything to do with the way you perceived her. Truth be told she felt sorry for you, your father should’ve told you about this a while ago. She had heard about you and pressed to meet you, but he always had some excuse to why you couldn’t meet.
“So, what do you think?”
“I wish I would’ve met her a little earlier but she seems like a good kid,” Wanda turns to face her husband.
The man frowns, “I’m sorry, seeing you both interact made me realize that I could’ve done this much sooner.”
“How do you think she’ll interact with the boys?”
He smiles, “Y/n is basically one of the boys. You’ll see that side of her eventually. She’ll be in that room for the foreseeable future, until Yelena or someone else drags her out.”
“I could take her out for a girl’s day,” Wanda suggests.
Shawn laughs at her, “I’ve never known her to be into any of that stuff, but if that’s something you want to do, let me know. I’d probably have to convince her to agree.”
Wanda shakes her head, “I think I can get her to go all on my own.”
“Alright, don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’ll see you upstairs.”
The man makes his way upstairs to the bed. Wanda on the other hand, stays finishing up some minor things in the kitchen, before heading up herself.
She heads straight for the bathroom, ready to get the smell of the kitchen off of her. She wasn’t paying much attention on her way, looking at her phone. That’s how she found herself running straight into you. She would’ve fell if it weren’t your strong grip on her hips.
She went to apologize, but the words died on her lips as she saw water droplets falling from your skin. Her hands pressed against your slightly damp pajama shirt, in order to stabilize herself.
The shirt was thin enough, for her to feel your abdomen through it. She found herself at a loss for words.
“Are you alright Wanda?”
She nods meekly, “Sorry sweetheart, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
“It’s no biggie, as long as you’re ok,” you help her fully upright, hands not leaving her side.
“All good, thanks to you,” Wanda struggles to meet your eyes.
You are about to squeeze her sides when you remember who this woman is. Your hands fall to your sides quickly. Nervous laughter build up in your throat, “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Y/n I was wondering if you'd be interested in having a girl’s day with me, before my boys come. I think it’d be good to have some bonding time.”
“I um- I’ve never really had a girl’s day,” you scratch the back of your neck awkwardly.
“Well, it’ll be my treat?”
You nod, “Ok, like tomorrow or…”
“Tomorrow is perfect.”
You give a thumbs up and make your way to your room, while Wanda goes into the bathroom.
You plop straight into your bed, slapping your hand on to your face, “Really Y/n, a girl’s day. What were we thinking?”
You knew exactly what you were thinking. Alone time with Wanda, piqued your interest. The feeling of her in her hands felt like it was etched into your memory. The way she was looking at you made your heart pound in your chest.
As you lay in bed, your mind begins to paint vulgar images in your head. Ones that you had yet to experience due to your introverted lifestyle. The farthest you had gone with another girl was some lackluster dry humping.
That didn’t stop you from imagining your hands on Wanda’s body. The way she softly gasped when your hands stopped her from falling. The feeling of her fingers against your abdomen, blessed for the thing material of your shirt. The addictive color of her lips, and how they could move against yours.
You couldn’t sleep with her on your mind and the wetness pooling between your legs. You sit up in your bed, leaning back against the headboard. It’s only a moment of contemplation, before you stick your hand under the band of your pajama pants.
Your fingers are determined as they draw tight fast circles around your clit. You want to expedite the experience as much as possible. There couldn’t be anytime to dwell on who you were thinking about.
With your eyes closed you could see her taking her shirt off. Her skin soft and cool under your fingertips. A trail of goosebumps in your wake. You could see her craning her neck as you sucked on the exposed skin, marking her as your own. You could feel her hands tugging at your hair, moaning your name as you tasted her.
“Fuck, Wanda,” you came with a grunt. Your eyes still closed as your fingers stilled against the mess you made of yourself.
On the other side of your bedroom door, Wanda was standing there in shock. She had heard some sounds coming from your room after exiting the bathroom. When she realized what the sounds were, she thought she should leave. Yet the sound of her name being whispered on your tongue along with the sound of you playing with yourself, kept her in place.
She found herself worked up after her shower. Wishing that she would’ve cracked the door to see you, touching yourself with her in mind. Simultaneously scolding herself for having thoughts like this running through her head.
She married your father, she liked your father, he was a decent man. He was good to her and her boys. So what if he was always working, who cares that he hid their entire relationship from the most important person in his life, and does it even matter that he hasn’t ever really given her an orgasm. This was her new husband and she shouldn’t be thinking about his daughter in this way.
Maybe asking for a girl’s day, wasn’t a good idea. Being closer to you seemed like a dangerous game, lines that Wanda couldn’t allow herself to cross.
It was hard for her, knowing your young prying eyes were on her. From what she had heard, you already wanted her. The token of a youthful want and desire, it went right to her core.
When she finally made her way back to her room, she had decided that she needed some relief. She was going to seek it from your father, but the man already laid snoring. She shook him a couple of times in hopes to wake him up, but her attempts were met with swats of her hand and incoherent grunting.
Wanda huffed with irritation sliding into her side of the bed. She let herself get off to the thought of you that night unable to think herself guilty.
Your father was out of the house before Wanda or yourself had woken up in the morning. Wanda hated waking up to an empty bed, but it had become her new normal.
She didn't bother getting ready for the day yet. She simply stretched some, before brushing her teeth, and heading downstairs for breakfast. She was surprised to find you in the kitchen, cooking.
You hadn’t recognized her presence yet, too caught up in breakfast. Music played lowly through the kitchen and you hummed along. You thought it’d be a nice gesture to make breakfast since Wanda had cooked dinner last night.
The older woman watched you in somewhat of a trance. Your movements were a little clumsy, but it was clear that you had been doing it like this for a while. She could see herself coming up behind you and wrapping herself around you as you cooked for her.
Her muscles twitched at the thought. She took in a deep breath before she finally announced her presence, “Good morning.”
You turn away from the stove to smile at her, “Perfect timing, I'm almost done with breakfast.”
“You didn't have to do all of this, your dad’s not even here to enjoy it.”
You shrug your shoulders, “I figured he’d be at work anyway. Consider this a thank you for dinner."
You bring her a plate along with some coffee before getting your own.
“Y/n, this is amazing,” Wanda praises you.
You grow bashful, “It’s nothing really. So, what’s on the agenda for our girl’s day?”
Wanda ponders for a moment, “How about you tell me some things you like to do and we’ll go from there?”
You stumble a bit, “I uh- I don't really like to do much. Dad and I never really did anything more than like going to a park and sometimes fishing.”
“What about the mall? People your age are into shopping, right?”
You laugh, “I’ve only really been back to school shopping.”
Wanda shakes her head, “Today, I guess I’m going to introduce you to some of life’s little luxuries. I’m going to need you to trust me.”
You give her a small smile, “I trust you.”
You say it so earnestly that it nearly scares her.
“Good, so we’ll head out after we’re done eating and getting dressed.”
After cleaning up and getting dressed you regrouped in the living room. You tried your best to not let your eyes linger over Wanda’s attire. She wore a simple yellow sundress, it wasn’t anything extravagant but it looked good on her. It almost made you want to change out of your t-shirt and jeans, feeling a little underdressed.
You answer her, and soon you’re in the passenger seat of her car with no idea where you’re going. You both make pleasant small talk, not really feeling the need to fill the silence. The only thing you make conscious effort to do is not stare at her cleavage in the dress.
It hard to erase the images that you pictured last night, but for your own sake you try.
The first place Wanda takes you is a nail shop. You had been before, but it had honestly been years. She opted for a manicure and pedicure, while you just got a manicure. You were usually a clear coat type of girl but today you decided to get black paint.
After your nails, Wanda decides to take you to the mall.
“Ok, whatever you want in here, is on me today,” she says as you enter the shopping center.
Your eyes go wide, “Wanda, I couldn't ask you for that.”
“Good thing you didn't ask sweetheart,” she responds and you feel yourself melt a little.
“I’m not even good at shopping, I don't really know what looks good on me,” you admit to the woman.
She pauses her steps to give you a once over. Her eyes dragging slowly across your body, as if she was personally undressing you then and there.
“Honey, you should've never told me that. Now, I’m afraid you're going to have to indulge me through these stores.”
“What does that mean?”
Wanda’s tone is playful, “Don’t worry your little head about it sweetheart, I’m going to help you find some clothes.”
It's not a second later that she’s grabbing your wrist and pulling you into a clothing store. She starts grabbing clothes and holding them up to your body, trying to see what looks good. She had a pile of clothes in her arms that she was shoving into your hands.
“Try these on,” she pushes you to the dressing rooms.
A lot of the stuff she had was stuff you’d never grab for yourself, but it did all look good on you. There were a few pieces, particularly crop tops, that you weren’t too sure about.
“I think I look weird,” you come out in the crop top.
You have something of a jacket over it. You look down at your exposed stomach before looking up at Wanda. There’s something in the way she’s looking at you.
“It looks good,” her tongue swipes across her bottom lip. “But if you’re uncomfortable then you don’t have to get it.”
“Do you really think it looks ok?”
She stands from her spot and makes her way over to you. Her hands fiddle with the end of the shirt. She adjust the waistband of your jeans. With a few quick tugs, she has you seeing the outfit in a different way.
“I do.”
You nod, “Ok, I see it.”
“You should wear it out,” she suggests and you comply.
You thought it’d be over after the one store but Wanda takes you into 3 more clothing store, racking up a whole new wardrobe. At the end you practically had to beg her not to spend any more money.
“Do you want to go in there, your dad mentioned you’re a big gamer?”
She nods her head to the video game store that you admittedly had been eyeing since the last store you went in.
You shake your head, “You’ve already spent so much and games are like $70 now.”
“ So I’m going to take that as a yes,” she starts walking ahead into the store.
You groan, but follow her in anyway, “Wanda, can I ask what you do for work?”
She laughs, “Why, so you can feel a little better about me spending the money?”
“Maybe,” you say browsing through a few games.
“Well, I used to work in real estate and now I do editing for major publications books, magazines, things like that.”
“That seems like a big jump,” you point out.
She nods, “It is, but I’m much happier editing than I was selling houses. The real estate did give me a good standing to be able to chase and finance my dreams. It’s honestly given me more money than I know what to do with. So I usually just don’t do anything with it.”
“Does my dad know?”
Wanda adverts her eyes, “No, he doesn’t. Your dad really enjoys being a provider. He wants to be the breadwinner and bring home the bacon. He doesn’t even let me pay for dinner. I pay for some of the bills at home and he doesn’t even want me to do that. I’ve been trying to coerce him into letting me do more but-”
“He’s a stubborn guy,” you finish her thoughts. “When I was in high school, I got a job at the movie theater to help out with some things around the house and for college. Dad was really…insecure about letting me help. He wanted to prove he could do it on his own.”
Her eyes soften, “Oh wow."
“Yeah, I think it has something to do with my mom walking out on us, but I don’t know. We never really talked about it,” you say picking up a game.
Wanda knew this topic to be sensitive to your dad. He had mentioned it, but never went into detail. When Wanda tried to press for information, he'd either shut down or get irritated, she wonders if he was the same with you.
“No pressure, but if you ever want to talk about it or vent, I’m here for you.” She takes the game from your hands, “I know it’s not your dad’s favorite topic and I know I don’t have the answers you’re probably looking for, but I don’t mind listening to you.”
You look at her for a long moment. Your eyes are watering against your will. You blink back the tears and nod silently. You never really talked about your mom, truth be told you never unpacked those feelings yourself.
“I- I’ve never really talked about it with anyone. I don’t know how I feel about it, I mean I was only 5.”
Wanda thinks of her words carefully, “Do you remember her?”
You laugh lightly, still pretending to browse the games, “Of course I do, she was my mom. She brushed my hair, tucked me in, put band aids on my scrapes and cuts, and she never got mad when I got grass stains on my clothes.”
Wanda keeps quiet as she senses you have more to say.
“She was a stay-at-home mom, so I spent most of my time with her. I don’t- I wish I remembered what she looked like more. I look like her, I know I do, but… I don’t know it’s not enough.”
Wanda rests her hand on your back. Rubbing small circles bringing you more comfort than you thought you needed. You place your hand in her other hand, sighing deeply.
“I wish I knew why she left. Dad never told me, I just know that one day I woke up and she wasn’t there. He told me she wasn’t coming back. I never wanted to ask him, he was already doing so much to prove that he could be enough. I’m grateful for that, for him… but in the back of my mind I can’t help but wonder, you know.”
A teardrop falling onto your cheek, pulls you quickly out of the moment. You wipe your eyes with your sleeve and take a step back from Wanda.
“I’ve heard really cool things about that game. I’ve been wanting it for a few months now,” you pivot topics, clearing your throat.
“Then it’s yours sweetheart.”
You were grateful that she just let it go.
After that you both decide to call it a day and head back home. You bring all of your new clothes to your room and begin to put them away. You decide to take a quick shower and change into more comfortable clothes before heading down to the living room. Usually you’d keep to yourself in your room, but you were secretly hoping Wanda would join you.
“What’re you watching?”
“Back to the Future, it’s one of my favorites,” you make room for her on the couch next to you.
She takes a seat, “Mine too.”
You perk up, “Really?”
She nods, “Me and my brother used to watch it all the time when we were younger.”
The two of you sit in silence as you watch the movie. Unbeknownst to either of, the space between you grows slimmer by the minute. You take a peek at the woman to find her eyes fluttering, before they finally close. She had already nearly been laying on the couch. Her feet are up, bent to lay over each other. She had been holding up her head in her hand. Now as she fell unconscious her head had drops into your lap.
You feel your heart rate pick up. The movie suddenly becomes uninteresting. You don’t want to move, unwilling to wake the woman. She looks peaceful in her sleep. You notice how she twitches lightly and though you shouldn’t your fingers begin to comb through her hair. She hums in your lap, but you don’t still. Your fingers work gingerly to bring her comfort.
She stops twitching and you refocus on the movie with your hand still in her hair. Eventually you find yourself dozing off as well.
“Well, well, well looks like girl’s day was a success,” it’s your father’s voice that wakes both you and Wanda.
The red head becomes alert first, she notes her position in your lap and your hand in her hair and immediately bolts up right. You’re slower to come to stretching widely before open your eyes.
“Yeah, it was pretty fun,” you say while yawning.
“I see some nail polish Y/n, that’s new.”
You shrug, “It’s not the first time.”
“I know but it’s been a while, having another girl around the house is nice, isn’t it?”
You let out a huff of irritation, completely aware of what he was insinuating. For the most part your dad was in support of your sexuality. However, there were some jokes he just couldn’t let go of. The “gay” thing was fine with him, but he still believed that you could stand to be more ladylike. Which was completely rich coming from the man that raised you on fishing trips, Miller Lite, and WWE.
“So, ladies what’s for dinner?”
Wanda goes to answer but you speak over her, “Honestly dad, I was hoping for some of your burgers tonight.”
Your father beams with excitement, “Will do kiddo, just let me shower first and I’ll be in the kitchen.”
You both watch as he wanders up the stairs.
“You didn’t want to cook, did you?”
“No, not really. Thank you for the save and for letting me nap on you,” she adverts her gaze as she speaks to you.
“I’m happy to help in any way I can,” you say to her, not noticing the undertone of your statement.
Her eyes become dark as she looks at you. The lust filled look in her eyes has you reeling at what you said. There’s no point in taking it back now. You swallow thickly under her gaze, but don't make any motion to move away from her. Instead, you find yourself compelled to lean in closer.
Wanda let’s you get within a few inches of her face, before breathlessly letting your name fall from her lips, “Y/n.”
You close your eyes, “You can’t just say my name like that, Wanda.”
“You can’t make statements like the one you made,” she fires back.
Both of you give leeway to how you’re actual feeling. You go to move closer to her, but her hand on your shoulder keeps you away. It honestly breaks you from whatever pulled you in, in the first place
The tips of your ears heat up as you stand abruptly, “Sorry, I- I’ll see you at dinner.”
Much like when you were a teenager you lock yourself in your room. Wanda picks up a pillow from the couch putting it over her head, pretending to scream into it.
You send a quick text to Yelena. Something along the lines of saying you should hang out tomorrow. She is in disbelief at the fact that you want to do something out of the house, but is equally as excited. She says she’s taking advantage of this and keeping you out all day.
You needed to get out of the house. You stayed in it so much because you deemed it as a safe space. However, with Wanda around… you didn’t know if you could truly call it safe. It had only taken two days for you to almost kiss her.
There wasn’t a bone in your body that was used to moving this quickly. It had taken you years to develop your first crush and even longer before you acted on any such feeling. Yet with Wanda everything felt different. You weren’t a believer in love at first sight, you wouldn’t call what you were feeling love. This attraction… for lack of a better term just felt intense.
It was almost as if every interaction had a double meaning to it. It was something that the other woman was clearly also aware of. Neither of you should be acting on it and technically you hadn’t done anything. The problem was that you wanted to, and you didn’t see those feelings going away anytime soon. It was only the second day and you had the rest of your life to go.
One day out with Yelena became a couple days of the week out with her. You even had started texting your former roommate to see if she’d be down to hangout as well. So save for the first two days, you spent every day out and about.
You had similar plans for the next week too, but they came to a halt quickly when your dad mentioned Wanda’s kids coming back from their dad’s. He made it clear that he wanted you to be there to meet them so your plans of avoiding home, became a little more complicated.
So once again you were stuck in your room. The doorbell ringing is the only reason you had left the space. You knew that your dad was out and Wanda was working in her office at the time, so you were the only option.
It rang one more time, before you got to it. When you open the door, you are met by two teenage boys and an older looking man. You stare at them and they stare back at you.
“Is Wanda in? I would like to have a talk with her,” the man in the middle speaks.
“She’s working right now.”
He rolls his eyes, “And who are you exactly?”
Something about his tone makes you jaw twitch, “I’m Y/n, Shawn’s kid.”
“Right, the one he was hiding away.”
Dealing with stuck up assholes was unfortunately nothing new to you, “Billy, Tommy you guys can head on in.”
They look from their father to you before quickly making the decision to go inside. The man trues to go in behind but you block his entry.
“They live here, you don’t. I suggest you try talking to Wanda again sometime next week…” you smile at him.
“Jarvis,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Goodbye Jarvis,” you slam the door in his face.
You clap your hands together as you turn around. You slightly startle at the presence of the teen boys behind you. There’s an awkward silence as you stare at each other.
“So, your mom said you guys are gamers?”
That’s all it took for the three of you to hunker down in the living room and start gaming. From Mario Kart to Mario Party to Mortal Kombat, the three of you rotted the day away. You end up ordering some pizza and junk food, which is essential for all gaming marathons.
“I love your style by the way,” Billy says grabbing a slice of pizza.
You raise an eyebrow at him, “You might as well just ask me if I'm gay.”
Tommy laughs at this, which earns him a slap in the arm from Billy.
“Well… are you?”
“Girlfriend?” Tommy asks.
“Nope, how about you two?”
Billy smiles, “I have a boyfriend.”
He goes on telling you some details. You genuinely feel happy for the boy. To be young, out, and dating is really cool.
“That’s really cool Billy.”
“Thanks, I wish my dad thought so too.”
Tommy jumps in the conversation, “Dad is fucking stupid, what does he know about any kind of relationship.”
You agree with Tommy, “I mean he did fumble your mom.”
They both laugh, but Billy brings the conversation back, “I just wish he was more accepting.”
“He’s either going to come around because he loves you or keep showing you who he really is. Either way you still have your mom, your bother, your boyfriend, and even me to rely on. So just cause your dad isn’t accepting doesn't mean you aren’t accepted,” you tell him sincerely.
“He wanted to talk to mom about Billy’s boyfriend. He thinks it’s… inappropriate,” Tommy spills.
“Well I don't think it's any of his business, and even if he did tell your mom she’d have your back,” you say like it’s obvious.
“If who told me what?”
Wanda comes out from her office and her kids greet her. She’s surprised to see you downstairs with them, but doesn’t comment on it.
“Dad doesn't approve of Billy’s boyfriend,” Tommy says again earning an agitated look from his brother.
“Yeah, he was going to talk to you, but Y/n kicked him out,” Billy says awkwardly.
You keep your focus on the game, “I didn’t kick him out… I slammed the door in his face.”
“It was well deserved. He asked who I was, I told him. Then the asshole has the audacity to refer to me as ‘the one he was hiding' when trying to get into my house. I think the fuck not.”
Wanda walks in front of your TV blocking the game. You pause it and look up at her to find an unexpected fury in her eyes.
“What did he say to you?”
You meet her eyes, urging her to calm down, “I handled it.”
She takes the hint, moving out of your way, “I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
She then focuses on talking with her children, recapping the week that they had. Billy also goes into some less than nice details of what his father had to say about his boyfriend.
Wanda’s hand presses against her brow line hearing the details. She’s clearly irritated with the twin’s father.
“I’ll talk to him, and you tell me if he says anything else. I have no issue coming to get you guys if he makes you uncomfortable,” Wanda says hugging the boys.
You take this moment between the family to go upstairs. You breath in the minute to yourself. The twins were nice, and it was cool to have people in the house to game with. They’d seem like people who’d you befriend at their age.
“Thanks for hanging out with my kids and for the stuff with their dad,” Wanda stands in your doorway.
You give her a small nod, “Billy and Tommy are cool. Their dad… less cool. So it was my pleasure to slam the door in his face.”
Wanda chuckles, “Jarvis is an asshole.”
You join in on her laughter, “Yeah, I definitely can’t see you with that guy.”
“I was young and naïve. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have stayed for so long.”
“How young?”
Wanda sighs, “18. He was older, more appealing back then.”
You can’t hide your reaction, “Oh.”
“Yeah, but that asshole gave me my kids. So I guess he was good for something.”
You disagree with her, “Just cause a guy is good for something, doesn’t mean he’s good for you.”
“Where were you when I was in my prime, Y/n?” her words have a double meaning.
You look at her, more serious than a heart attack, “I’m right here, and your prime is far from over.”
She shudders under your look, “Y/n.”
“I wish you could feel how hard it is for me to do the right thing, Wanda. I hate leaving the house, but I know if I was here all day with just you, I’d lose it.”
You’re lying on your back in bed. Your eyes cut from Wanda to the ceiling.
“Y/n, I’m married to your father.”
“He doesn’t even fuck you,” you say with a bored tone.
You don’t return her reaction, “I’ve been waiting to see if I’d have to plug my ears, or move downstairs so I didn’t have to hear. But it hasn’t happened yet. Probably too tired from work.”
“Y/n my kids are downstairs.”
Your head falls into your hands, “I’m sorry. I-I’m going to head out for a bit.”
You get up and go for your door. Wanda doesn’t move out of your way. She stands still in your doorframe.
“Where are you going?”
“I don't know, Lena’s if she’s home.”
Wanda frowns hearing this, “You don’t have to-”
You lock eyes with her’s, “I do.”
Wanda’s hand caresses your cheek. You lean into her touch. You hear her take an unsteady breath.
“You make this so hard for me.”
She slowly removes her hand, only to replace it with her lips. It’s enough to ignite a fire in your body. They linger, much longer than they should.
“Be safe,” she fixes your clothes a little, before finally clearing your path.
“I’ll see you back for dinner,” she says walking away from you.
When you think she can't see you anymore, you touch your cheek. The spot where her lips had been. You slip out of the house and make your way to Yelena’s.
You knock on the door and wait for her to answer. When she does, you don't let her say anything. You drag her upstairs to her room. You lock her door, before you start pacing in her room. She sits on her bed watching you.
“So… are you going to tell me what this is about?”
“I need this to be a judgement free zone.”
Yelena tilts her head, “Then why come here?”
“Yelena, I’m serious.”
She raises her hands in surrender at your snappy tone, “Fine, what is it?”
“I’m attracted to Wanda, and I think… she’s attracted to me.”
Yelena laughs as you stare at her. The laughter goes on for minutes before she realizes that you aren't laughing.
“Y/n, are you being serious?”
You close your eyes, “Lena there’s this tension. I just thought it was in my head. I almost kissed her, I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve been going out, and stuff just to stay away from her. She’s driving me insane.”
“You tried to kiss her!”
“She gave me this kiss on the cheek. She said I was making it hard for her. Yelena I’ve never felt like this for anyone,” you tell your best friend.
“Dude you’re fucked,” is all that she says.
“I know.”
“She’s your dad’s wife.”
“I know.”
“She has 2 kids.”
“I know.”
“Did I say she’s your dad’s wife already?”
You groan joining her on the bed, “I- I don’t know if I care about it. I mean I do, but he doesn’t even treat her that good. It could be worse, but it’s not great.”
“And you think you can do better?”
“I’d worship her.”
Yelena shakes her head, “I can’t believe you right now. You’re trying to get with your dad’s wife, she’s like almost 30 years older than you.”
“Can you blame me, you’ve seen her? It’s not my fault. If I would’ve met her before, maybe it would be different. It’s just like I come home and there’s this undeniably attractive woman in my house. She doesn’t feel like my dad’s wife to me."
Yelena nods along, “That’s fair, but Y/n this is insane.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Let’s go to a club.”
Your eyes widen, “A club?”
“Lots of attractive people who are closer to your age and eligible,” she reasons with you.
“I’m not even supposed to be out right now. My dad says I have to be home to get acclimated with Wanda’s kids. They leave in a week.”
She claps her hands together, “Alright then, next week we’re going clubbing.”
You get a text from Wanda saying your father is on the way home. You know it’s her way of saying you need to be back soon.
“What should I do in the mean time?”
Yelena searches for an answer before landing on, “Act like she’s your mom.”
You gag at the thought, “Ew.”
Yelena reacts gleefully, “Exactly.”
You pause before exiting, “Technically… she is a milf though.”
“Y/n L/n get a fucking grip,” Yelena says with amusement.
“I’m trying, but she won’t let me,” you whine.
“You having a thing for older women makes so much sense. No wonder you had a crush on Natasha.”
You send her a playful glare, “We do not talk about the dark ages.”
“It’s alright, I forgive you. I don’t know if your dad will be as forgiving as I am.”
You shrug, “I’ll test it out and let you know.”
She leads you to her front door, “Think about the club. Focus on it, breathe it in. Dream about it. Do not think about fucking your step mom.”
“Too late for that,” you shrug again.
“Just get out already, I’m running low on things to say back.”
“Bye Lena,” you say as she basically pushes you out of her door.
You make it back just before your dad gets there. It’s interesting seeing him interact with Billy and Tommy. It’s clear to you that he favors Tommy a little more. It’s just in the way he speaks. It bothers you a bit and you make sure to include Billy any time that you can in conversation.
You can feel Wanda’s eyes on you throughout the dinner, but you keep your attention with the boys and your dad.
“So I have a bit of an announcement to make,” your father says, gathering everyone’s attention. “I have an opportunity to get a promotion at work.”
“That’s great honey, we’re so proud of you,” Wanda gives him a quick kiss.
You try your best to hold back any malice with a fake smile on your face.
“Well, the thing is I’d need to go out of town for a bit to secure the position,” he says and you feel Wanda’s mood shift.
“For how long dad?” you ask, taking a sip of your drink.
He winces, “At least a month, maybe more.” He begins to pile on in an effort to make it seem less drastic. “It’s really a once in a lifetime opportunity, I've been working there for so long it feels overdue, but with this money our lives could change dramatically. We could move, Y/n you could go back to dorming, it would be-”
“You already accepted it didn't you?”
Wanda’s tone is guarded as she speaks. It's clear that she's unhappy and you don't blame her.
You sigh pushing yourself away from the table, “Congratulations dad, I’m going to head up to my room now.”
“Wait.” Wanda’s voice stops you in your tracks. “How do you feel about this Y/n?”
“I uh-”
“Don’t drag my kid into this.”
Wanda starts gesturing with her hands, “I’m not, she’s bound to have an opinion. She lives here, she’s your daughter, and she came back home because of you. Now you’re bailing.”
“It’s not a big deal. I’m used to him being busy,” you try to mediate.
Your dad throws his hands up, “What is that supposed to mean?”
You give him your honest opinion, “It means you’re busy. You were late to my graduation because of work. You missed my award ceremonies. There wasn’t any point in me signing up for extracurriculars because you’d never take me or show up anyway. It’s nothing personal dad, it’s just the truth.”
“I was providing for you,” he throws it back in your face.
Your shoulders drop, “I know and I’m grateful, but-” you stop yourself. Instead you just head for your room. You hear him call after you, but you don’t respond.
It’s not soon after that you hear footsteps coming up the stairs. There’s a soft knock on your door. You don’t say anything as Billy and Tommy slip into your room.
“They’re still going at it,” Tommy announces.
“Do they… do this a lot?” You ask the boys.
Billy answers, “When any sort of quality time is involved.”
You scoff, “Classic.”
Tommy places a hand on your shoulder, “We get it you know.”
“Sometimes you just wish they were there for you,” Billy finishes the sentence.
You feel yourself breaking down but refuse to let the tears fall. Tommy pulls you into a hug and Billy joins in soon after. You center yourself in their embrace. It’s not a comfort that you’re used to experiencing, you appreciate it immensely.
At some point during this moment the voices downstairs escalate to yelling. It quickly grabs your attention and has you realizing that you are the only other adult present in this moment. It feels like your responsibility to try to shield them from this, even if they are on the older side of things. Teenagers are still kids. Hell you still feel like a kid in your early twenties.
You place a hand on Billy’s head and the other on Tommy’s, “Thanks kids. I’m going to go handle downstairs, you stay up here.”
Tommy interjects, “I think-”
You stop him, “I’ve got it, trust me. They’re going to get noise complaint if things keep going.”
You steel yourself as you go downstairs to find Wanda and your father in the middle of a heated argument. They’re both standing, yelling in each other’s faces.
“ENOUGH,” you cut your father off in the middle of his sentence. The couple looks at you, and you can feel the anger simmering in their gazes. “It’s late, you’re going to get the police called with all of your arguing.”
“Well if-”
“Stop. The conversation is going nowhere because you aren’t having a conversation, you’re just screaming at each other,” you tell them.
“Y/n, you should stay out of this,” your father glare at you.
“I would love to, only we can all hear you upstairs. You either need to table this conversation for another time or go somewhere else to talk. Neither of you should be acting like this in front of your kids. I don’t care who started it, if you both plan on staying here tonight it’s over right now.”
Wanda is the one to take in a deep breath. She looks between you and your father. There’s something behind her eyes but you’re focused on the task at hand.
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight,” she walks away from the table, past you, and disappears up the stairs.
You muster up all the disappointment you possibly can as you take in your father’s appearance, “She has a right to be upset with you. It seems like you keep hiding these really important, life altering things from her. You have to be more upfront, more honest with her.”
“How was I supposed to know she’d react this way?”
You level with him, “You had to have expected something like this, it’s why you didn't tell her in the first place.”
“Maybe I did, I just… I really want this,” he says slumping down on the couch.
“Wanda doesn’t seem like the unsupportive type. It’s all in your delivery. You need to apologize, before you leave. When are you leaving?”
“In 3 days.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, “Christ dad.”
“I know, I know. I’ll take her out tomorrow and we'll talk it out there.”
You nod, turning to go back to your room.
“Kid wait.” You pause at his call. “What were you going to say back there, before you went to your room?”
It takes you a moment to respond, “Sometimes I just wanted someone to be there for me. My dad, my mom, just someone. You were always busy with work and I was always alone.”
You don’t give him a chance to say anything else as you go up the stairs. His eyes follow you until you disappear. He sighs, leaning back into the couch, feeling like he could scream. He was failing, and he had 3 days to fix it.
When go back upstairs the boys are passed out on your bed. You think about waking them up, but decide against it. You settle on going into their room. It’s not until you shut the door behind you, that you notice the red head sitting on one of the beds in the room.
You take a seat on the bed that she’s not sitting on. The silence is heavy as you stare at each other. You can see the emotions running through her eyes. The anger, the frustration, and the lust. Your heart beat is steady as you look back at her.
“Do you think I’m in the wrong?” her voice is small when she asks.
“No, I just don’t think you know what kind of guy you married. He’s never going to be around enough and he’s never going to pick you over work. I’m not trying to be an asshole, it’s just the truth,” you speak bluntly.
“If you-" Wanda stops her sentence in its tracks.
“Honestly if I were him, I’d turn it down. I wouldn’t want to leave you for a month, but he's not me.”
“No, he isn’t,” she breathes out.
There’s another silence. Then it happens, so suddenly that you nearly freeze. Wanda’s lips are on yours. Her hands are planted in your hair and yours rest on the dips of her hips. Your back lays flat against the mattress.
Your tongue slips into her mouth causing you both to moan. Her hips roll on your lap and you grunt at the sensation. Your lips leave her mouth only to kiss down the side of her neck. As much as you want to leave a hickey you don’t. It’s not until your tongue runs across the top of her breast that she partial breaks from the trance.
“Y/n,” it’s a whine from her lips. The sound is entirely to intoxicating.
You begin to guide her hips against your thigh. Her sundress not leaving much fabric between her cunt and your sweats.
“Y/n we shouldn’t,” her hips follow your movements though her words tell you different.
“Just let me make you cum, please. Please Wanda, get off on my thigh,” your words are low as you beg her.
“Fuck,” Wanda watches the way your eyes don’t move from where she grinds on your thigh.
She lifts the sundress slightly so you can have a better view.
“Oh god,” you groan at the sight of the dampness of her panties. It turns you on even more.
Wanda finds herself grinding down harder, chasing her orgasm. You hold her firmly, helping create more friction. You find yourself getting off on the image before you.
“Fuck, use me. I know he can’t do it, so let me be useful. Fucking use my thigh. You’re so hot, shit I wish I could have you like this every night. I’m so desperate for you. I’m going to cum just from having you on me, fuck mommy.”
Wanda’s body completely falls into your arms. She shakes as she cums, leaving a mess on your sweatpants. She’s trying and failing to catch her breath as you hold her upright. Her head lolls into your shoulder.
“Did you really cum?” she says lips brushing against your ear.
You nod dumbly.
She moans again, “That’s so fucking hot.” She places a kiss right below your ear. “And what did you call me?”
Your chest heaves as you breathe out a response, “Mommy.”
She purrs in your ear before pulling away some. She grabs a fistful of your shirt pulling you into a searing kiss.
“We’re doing this again. Do you understand sweetheart?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes mommy.”
She kisses your head one last time before getting off of your lap. You don’t miss the way her legs shutter as she gets up. You whine at the loss of contact.
“Don’t worry detka, we’ve got a little time to ourselves coming up. Mommy will let you go as far as you can handle, and maybe a little more than that.”
Next part
#lowkeyerror#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff imagines#billy and tommy#yelena belova
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butcher paper
Here's a young (maybe 19-early 20s) Simon struggling with his emotions, working as a butcher's apprentice, and fixating on the pretty student waitress at the café next door (':
Content: plus size f-presenting reader; allusions to domestic abuse (Simon's past); fat-shaming (not Simon); little bit of violence, unedited. (Link to Ao3)
He's not sure that it counts as desire. Interest. It crawls over him, makes him feel aggressive, makes him want to dig his teeth in and shake and snarl.
It's hunger.
And he knows hunger. Knows it like he knows the cigarette burns on the back of his hand. Knows it like he knows his old man's a waste of space and that he has to defend his mum and protect Tommy and- and-
He's the man of the house, only the house is rotten. Woodloused frames, crumbling bricks. Gutted. Empty shelves hidden behind broken doors. Chipped plaster, electricity cutting off. Squeaky steps that always clued them in when the old man was on a rager (not that it helped, creaking out a warning but giving no clue where to run. The percussion leading to a gallows' jig; the heavy step before the hit).
But the old man's gone now. And Simon is left trying to fill in the boots he doesn’t know how to wear. All growth spurt and gangly limbs and anger. So much anger at the old bastard. Tear-soaked anger at his mum sometimes (buried deep behind the shame that he feels when he thinks of her black and blue. Anger and shame, bitter roots that he chews at to soothe the clench of in his jaw and the grind of his teeth). And then he sees you through the window. Through the peeling CHRISTMAS SPECIAL sign highlighting ham joints and turkey and pigs in blankets.
You're so soft.
You look like you’ve lived a life well-fed and well-loved. Something round and sweet and helpless, like the puppies he and Tommy had seen dumped in the park while they snuck cigarettes and swigged from cheap supermarket cider.
And that brings him back to the hunger. He's an awkward creature, shuffling to the café where you work part-time. He's more feeling than man, all rage and appetite stuffed into a skin suit. You sense it too, nerves tugging at the tilt of your smile as you approach the scavenger that swept in to sit at the cheap plastic tables in this greasy spoon. He sits awkwardly, too, hunched over the table like his stomach is gnawing at him. Big hands snapping the disposable plastic coffee stirrers and shredding the napkins. That first day, he just stares at you. Sneers a little when you flutter over to take his order.
You slosh the tea a little when you serve it.
He sees the burn bloom, watches as you suck at the sting with plump cheeks and a rosy little mouth, and he just wants to dig in and scratch hard to see you do that again.
It becomes a habit, watching you. He finds out bits and pieces listening as he rends and chops and saws through muscle and bone, stinking of sweat and iron. You're here as a student. You're living in student digs (good, best that you avoid the up-and-downs and rough streets that would fit a student budget), and you're a real sweetheart. Old Sal who has been running the café for the past 30 years leans a heavy elbow on the display counter as he chats with the boss.
"She's lovely, taken to it like a fish to water," his raspy, smoke-charred voice is cheery as he waits for the bacon and sausages to be weighed and wrapped. "Only asked for Thursdays and Fridays off since she has afternoon classes then. Otherwise, I almost have to round her out of the shop, doing more afternoons and weekends than my own kid."
You're hardworking too, then. He wonders if it's because you're hungry too, needing something to do with your time, living on pot noodles and supermarket ready-meals like he'd heard some students do. It's strange how that thought sits uncomfortably, makes him want to hunch over you and bring you his scraps.
That week, he decides to talk to you. Only the words get caught, don't come out quite right as he stares at the way your jumper clings to the soft curves under your faded apron. When you turn around, bustling to other customers, he can't help but stare at the line of your skirt. It's real pretty, decent, sitting just above your knees but Christ, he wishes that it would roll up a little higher. That it would catch on the corner of a table or hitch up as you raise your arms and swish past with a tray full of fry-ups. He almost gets lucky as you bend over to mop up a spill just across the room. Your thighs widen as they press against the table, tights stretching thin and sheer and he just can't tear his eyes away-
(The hunger in his stomach turns hot and biting, makes his cheeks flush and his mouth dry-)
But it's ruined. Fly in the soup, hair in the dish, as you catch him and your eyebrows pinch together as you look away. There's something guarded, bitter, in your lovely eyes, and the dryness in his mouth turns wet and sour. You seem to take pains to avoid him, swapping out with Sal's son so that you can work the counter instead of the floor.
"'m Simon," he grunts as he goes to settle the bill. "Work at the butcher's across the street."
You clearly didn’t expect an introduction, shoulders relaxing and hesitant smile blooming as you give your name in return.
"Yeah, I know. Sal mentioned you a few times. He's tried to give me the rundown of practically everyone on the street, feels like."
"Y'should come in t'the shop," the invitation rushes out in a way that makes him feel clumsy. Perhaps that’s why he did it; to have you in his space, with his head and his footing right. Here, he feels every inch the artificial man. Pieced together, too big and too looming, with no help or guidance on how to talk to soft things and pretty girls.
You grimace a little, eyes focused on the till as you count out his change. "Not really on a butcher-shop budget right now."
"'S'alright. I can keep something aside for ya," he doesn't mention how it would come out of his wages. How it would come out of what he brought home to his mum and Tommy. It didn't matter, though, when he was used to going without.
"That's - that's really nice, actually," Your sweet face is glowing now, and he feels like he could bathe in the warmth of it. "Next time you come by lunch is on me."
He sees the way you tuck your chin and smile as he walks away, and that bottomless pit in his guts feels just a little more full.
(He doesn't quite catch the snickers of the boys at table three, whispering and nudging each other as you come to take their orders. This time.)
He stares more and more through the window of the shop, watching as you come and go. Watching the way you greet the regulars and skirt around the group of lads who like to linger in the evenings. There's something sharp, nasty, to the way they circle around the entrance. The way they cackle and hoot when the one with the eyebrow piercing smirks and whispers to his mates as they force you to brush past. They're a pack of hyenas, shrieking and smug as they toy with the poor little thing that's walked past their watering hole. He's seen this type before, practically grew up with them. His old man was probably one of them, perfecting his cruelty while young, cementing it as part of his nature.
It has Simon sharpening his knives while he grits his teeth. Has the boss tutting at him when he cuts too close to the bone.
He knows there's something violent in him. The old man tried to bring it out then snuff it out, getting scared when the knife that he sharpened was able to cut him in return. He's no stranger to bloodshed. No stranger to the calloused, deprivation-dimmed apathy that breeds like algae in the environment where he was forged. Dripping, slimy, suffocating.
Doesn't mean he likes it, though.
(He'd gone back for those puppies, you know. Felt wrong leaving them. Felt like a rebellion against his old man's sick life lessons as he dumped the box outside the doors of a local veterinary clinic).
So he keeps his eyes peeled, stakes out the café like he owns it. Stares down anyone who looks at you wrong until they look away, muttering under their breath. 'Fucking freaky dead-eyed git.' It seems to work.
And you seem to like it, sparing more smiles for him. Bringing him bigger portions than normal and topping up his cup before he even needs to ask.
"I know you've been working since seven, Simon. Gotta keep your strength up," You seem bashful as you slide the plate across, and he just eats it up.
You've been looking at him, thinking about him. It's not something he's familiar with, having someone care for him. His mum loves him, of course. Tommy too. But it’s not the same, not when it's been his job to take care of them. His job to step up to the mantle and into the shoes that his father should've filled. Watching the sway of your wide hips as he tucks into the steak and kidney pie with gusto, he feels satisfied. The hunger is there, always is, but it's not gouging at him under the skin. It's satiated, pleased. The kind of comfort that leaves his eyes heavy and his belly warm.
It's a routine you fall into, and everything is rosy-
Until it's not.
He's closing up shop, wiping down the counters and getting ready to haul down the shutters when he sees them. Those stupid pricks, travelling in their pack and signaling that their quarry is in sight. Look, there it is alone and limping and- You're in a rush, leaving later than usual and shrugging your coat on carelessly as you shout your goodbyes to Sal. You're in that skirt again, the one that makes his lower belly tighten and mouth feel dry.
"Oi, look! Dirty scrubber has her fat arse hanging out!"
It sets them off, chittering and howling as you freeze wide-eyed and lip-quivering.
"Gonna be sick, mate. Don't want to see your knickers, love. Didn't even know they came in that size."
He doesn't even see red. Doesn't see anything but your pretty, round face crumpling as you try to tug your skirt out from where it got caught under your coat.
The ringing of the bell by the door muffles the sound of the first punch. His fist crunches into that prick's nose, and he wants nothing more than to keep going until his face is little more than meat and pulp and blood. He can taste it, smells the blood in the air like a shark.
But you're watching.
"Bit bored with y'taking the piss out of her," he snarls it as he hauls the man by his jacket, shoving him hard against the wall until his head thwacks against the bricks. Easy as hauling a side of beef. "Why don't ya try me next?"
The man seems dazed, head spinning and nose dripping. His mates, too, look floored. Ready to scatter and abandon their leader to the bigger beast. Only the promise of more blood keeps them watching, feeds their nasty appetites and he's just itching to let them see. Watch what happens; it's coming for you next.
"Speechless now, eh? Had so much to say earlier," he's spitting the words out, teeth snapping as he leans down so close to the man's face that he can see how his pupils constrict. "Apologise."
And he's smarter than he would give him credit for. Smart enough to whimper out his 'sorry, sorry, sorry' as he drops to the filthy, damp pavement when Simon swivels towards the others. Something about the set of his shoulders, the way his hands and apron are splattered with the gore of man and animal, has them scattering.
"That goes for the rest of ya! Don't ever want t'see your ugly fucking mugs around here again," he spits on the ground, itches at his jaw with his wrist as he watches them run.
He can't hear them anymore. Can't hear anything over the sound of his heavy panting and pounding heartbeat.
It's cold out. He's only realising it now, standing in the December chill with just an apron over his jeans and t-shirt. It has him shaking, flexing his hand as his knuckles start to sting and swell. He welcomes it, welcomes the familiar bite as he pushes down the savage, ragged anger rippling through his chest.
"Y'alright?" he cuts you off, faces you head-on.
And all the rage saps out. You're not cowering away. There's no disgust on your face. No tears or embarrassment either, no. You've got a crumpled packet of wet wipes in your hand, reaching out for him. Concerned.
"Figure you'd want to get that prick's blood off you soon as possible," you give him a sad little half-smile. "Didn't have to do all that for me, Simon."
"Yeah, didn't have to." He concedes as he steps closer to you. Crowds into your space until you're toe-to-toe and he can feel your warmth. He brushes his fingers against yours, lets them linger on your soft skin as he reaches for the wipes. "I wanted to."
Let's all pretend that this was okay and ignore the fact that I still haven't posted the wips that I keep going on about 🫠💖
Just a little self-indulgent drabble idea that I had today, thinking back to watching 'My Mad Fat Diary' as a teenager, feeling nostalgic ~ (The Finn-defending-Rae scene had 18yo me in a chokehold lol).
#you have a sweet little blossoming romance until tommy starts acting up and simon joins the army#but youre his first love and who knows...there may be a future for you years down the line#when old grizzled simon spots a familiar pretty face walking the streets of manchester while he's on leave#and really,him watching you and looking out for you is a relationship tradition at this point (:#idk im not confident with this and its not great but the idea was lingering and idk self indulgent#simon riley cod#simon “ghost” riley#simon riley#simon riley x reader#simon riley x you#simon riley/reader#ghost cod#cod mw2#cod x reader#cod fanfic#cod imagine#báirseach writes#cw implied abuse#cw fatphobia
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Thomas Shelby x Reader

Request made by @justsumtuffstuff: Could you do a tommy shelby imagine where you secretly have his kid but don’t tell him until one day aunt polly sees you and is like “holy shit” but that’s not the surprise, the surprise is you have twins. Just a lot of angst and fluff pretty please? ((:
This fic will have two parts!
Warnings: angst, swearing, violence, grieving, a lot of pain, eventual fluff, smut
A/N: It's a.. heavy fic, so beware. Interact for more
The land of Birmingham seemed to never change, not one bit. Ever since the first people settled there, the sky hung over them as if by force, never clear enough to see prospects for the future. Robbing the poor kids of dreams, of the loud thumping in their hearts caused by excitement for the good that never came.
It would seem that God has lost his way to Birmingham, not to mention Small Heath. Dirt, smoke and silence that rang too loud when working men would finish their shifts in factories seeking peace in their homes. After all, the human brain can get used to everything.
What was the difference between going to sleep hungry every night, and the relentless churning in the depths of her stomach that Y/N felt? Pain that never let go, waking up along her side like a loyal husband, never ceasing to accompany her throughout the day. Never loosening the hold on her heart.
Oh, how cruel the fate can be, Y/N thought, looking at the white ceiling of her bedroom. One she slept in for many nights too long, carrying the weight of the curse on her shoulders.
Because she was cursed, that one she was sure. Seeing the man she loved more than anything else in the world, losing himself in the grief after another woman.
Because that was the woman whose name Y/N dared not speak or even think. That's who she was, another woman. Embodiment of pain and betrayal of so many promises, taking away the beautiful, blue gaze Y/N yearned for so badly.
God must have been so cruel, putting her through the uncertainty of ever seeing him again throughout the war, and then taking him away.
Taking him away from Y/N, and letting her watch the process. Letting her see the distance growing, the dilated pupils in his eyes after each doze of opium, fruitlessly trying to numb the pain he carried.
Y/N couldn't help but wake up everyday, wondering how different his grief would be if it was her who died. Would he cry? Would he push the other woman away, like he did her? Sometimes the pain felt like too much to handle, but Y/N would never try to pull the trigger. Subconsciously feeling the weight of shame in her chest if she'd ever somehow found out she was right. That he wouldn't care.
So she lived, losing pieces of her heart day by day, warming his bed whenever he saw it convenient.
Until that one day came, that was. Hearing the... Scary, oh so scary news from her doctor she visited in secret. Putting both of her hands on her still flat stomach, she didn't feel anything physically. Yet it was enough to find the strength, buried so deep in her heart.
The love she felt for her unborn children outweighed the love for him.
The tension in Arrow house felt heavier than usual, as Y/N dragged her heavy suitcase down the stairs before slowly making her way to his office. The pain, longing in her heart slowing her down, extending the seconds into forever.
Y/N took a deep breath as her hand pressed down on the metal handle, the loud click echoing throughout the mostly empty room. Wordlessly she slipped inside, walking up to his desk quietly, letting out a shaky breath when she stopped mere inches away from the wooden furniture. His eyes didn't move from the documents he was reading, an empty gaze fixed on black letters despite knowing she was there. Y/N waited for a second, giving him a chance to look at her. Hoping he would.
But he didn't.
”I'm leaving” she said, loud enough to be heard. Silence followed her words, loud like never before as her heart squeezed in anticipation, silently begging him to stop her. To say something. Several moments passed before he finally did, making her heart stop for a mere second.
”Safe travels, Y/N Y/L/N” He responded in a cold, husky voice and for a moment, Y/N wondered who he was, wearing his face but sounding so different.
But the dust settled, just like the weight of his words as soon as she closed the door behind her back for what she thought would be the last time.
Polly's eyes cut through his skin like a blade, her gaze never changing after that one feral day. The look of contempt and disgrace not even a bit different than one she gave him finding out what happened, back then.
”I was hoping you wouldn't be so stupid” She hissed, leaning forward, reaching for a cigarette with a shaky hand. Her eyes were teary, as she inhaled the smoke. ”When you were younger I saw your mother in your eyes. Now, they're full of greed and foolishness. Just like your father's” She spat out with contempt, raising from the chair. Quickly walking up to his own, she kneeled down for a moment, to meet his gaze.
One so empty, that gave her goosebumps.
”I will never forgive you, and... Neither will you.” She whispered. ”But you will have to live with the choice you made.”
Her words echoed loudly in his head several minutes after Polly left... And they never stopped ringing now, thirty eight months later. Thomas counted, every morning to be sure. After sobering up it was difficult to tell days apart. He rarely slept, fearful of the dreams he had at first.
He saw her, she was so close and yet no matter how fast Tommy ran, he couldn't reach her. Out of his reach no matter how hard he screamed or cried. Looking at him with the burning tears he caused.
It took him three months to sober up, give up on opium and... Feel. Thomas wasn't ready for the hellish pain that dawned on him once the drug wore off. The terrifying longing that dawned on him when he felt the remnants of her perfume on his pillow. The lack of relief he hoped for so badly, throwing away every single Grace's belonging he held onto previously, burning the photos and destroying the items, but it never came.
As time stretched, it became more intense. Thomas carried the pain and guilt wherever he went, finding the smallest bit of relief only in his office, searching for Y/N in every piece of England day by day.
Replaying the ways in which he treated her, internally setting himself on fire and forcing himself to feel every bit of it. Because that's what he deserved, to feel and carry the cross he created with his own hands.
Oh how beautiful the pain was, as he'd lean back in his armchair, closing his eyes and remembering her gaze. Her scent and her laugh, echoing so lively in his mind.
...but none of it worked, no matter how many people searched. How much money he spent on the search. Almost like she disappeared into thin air.
Day by day he was dying a little, bleeding through the wounds he so desperately prevented from healing every single time. Keeping the memory of her alive in his mind, not letting the hope die. Because it was all he had. Glimmer of hope. The leader of Peaky blinders became even worse than before. The pain shaped his mind in unknown ways, as the limitless cruelty became visible to anyone who dared to cross his path. Peaky Blinders were unmatched.
Nobody besides Thomas held onto the hope anymore. Knowing Y/N for so long, John and Artur knew she wouldn't come back. Not if her life depended on it. Polly only prayed for her safety.
...and Y/N? She stopped praying once her children were born. After finding out she'd have twins, she prayed every night for them to be born healthy. It was all that mattered.
Not the fact that she had to be using a fake name after moving to Coventry, mere miles away from Birmingham. But she couldn't afford to move further.
It's been.. so fucking hard. Everything. Y/N spent every night crying, begging any God that would listen to take away the pain in her heart. The pain that her babies only managed to lessen. Working as a waitress on nightshifts after accepting the kindness of her older neighbour. Mrs Wilson offered to take care of her boys while she works to help her make ends meet. Y/N had no idea what she would do without a woman she grew to call her only family.
”It's no problem, honey. They're little angels” She said quietly with a kind smile, taking one of the boys into her arms mere days after they were born.
The pain Y/N felt by having to leave her kids every night was stronger than the physical one. Having to work a demanding job after giving birth to keep the roof over their heads.
She cried, cried so much that eventually tears ran out and all she could do was.. keep trying. The two little people by her side were giving her strength. Light that she couldn't see before them, and only existed because they were here. Keeping her own heart beating.
”Are you sure? I can take care of them while you go, honey. You know how much I love them, don't you?” The older lady offered eagerly, caressing Nick's cheek with a smile, and a hint of concern while she glanced at Y/N.
”Thank you, but I will take them. The least I can do is spend time with them throughout the day.” Y/N responded, smiling sadly to her neighbour who just nodded along, understanding the allusion.
Letting out a sigh, she put her hands together.
”Be careful, dear.”
Y/N squeezed her hand lightly before pulling away as she held her son's hand, while carrying the other one on her hip.
Travelling via train took no longer than forty minutes, and with each passing mile, Y/N's anxiety grew. She hasn't been in Birmingham for a long time now, not looking back.
Yet, because of her official address being still in the Arrow house, she needed to visit the office to complete documentation for boys. She put it off as long as she could, but it was inevitable now.
Despite the negative emotions, Y/N couldn't felt.. better, having her babies with her. The familiar facial expressions or blue orbs were enough to sometimes bring her to tears, but she couldn't love them more. They were a perfect little copy of the man whose name was engraved on her heart. The older they were, the more similar looking they were and now at dashing two and a half years, both boys were troublemakers.
Slowly making their way through Birmingham, Y/N held one little hand, chatting away with Nick, who was more energised than his brother who slept soundly in his mum's arms.
”...and dat?” He asked, pointing towards the building and glancing curiously at his mama. Y/N smiled at his curiosity, seeing how similar personality wise he was to her.
”that's a house” She replied calmly. The little boy cheered loudly, throwing his arms in the air.
"Yaay! Hooose!” He squealed making her chuckle, not caring about the scolding glances from other passengers.
A couple minutes later the other little one woke up, and started fussing because obviously he also wanted to walk now, while Nick wanted to be carried now. Sighing, Y/N put one of the kids down, and as she managed to pick up little Nick, she gasped loudly seeing her son's legs already in motion as he ran towards the crowd.
”Tommy! Thomas, stop!” She yelled after him, chasing him with Nick on her hip who watched the whole thing with his blue eyes wide open. ”Tommy!” She yelled once again, and he finally turned around, stumbling upon someone.
Y/N closed the distance as fast as she could, grabbing little Tommy and pulling him back to his feet, as she checked for any bruises – found none.
”I'm so sorry, i–” She started out, wanting to apologise to the random passenger, but words died on her tongue as soon as her eyes locked with the familiar brown ones.
”Y/N?” Polly stumbled out in shock.
Part two upcoming
#cillian murphy#cillian murphy smut#cillian murphy x reader#tommy shelby#tommy shelby dark#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby smut#thomas shelby dark#thomas shelby smut#thomas shelby x reader#thomas shelby#peaky fucking blinders#peaky blinders#peaky blinder fanfic#peaky blinder imagine#john shelby#arthur shelby
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#thomas shelby x reader#peaky blinder headcanon#peaky blinder imagine#peaky blinders#john shelby#micheal gray#john shelby x reader#thomas shelby smut#thomas shelby imagine#thomas shelby#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby
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tom hardy filming warrior (2011)
#tom hardy#eddie brock#venom#tom hardy smut#tom hardy icons#tom hardy fic#warrior#tommy conlon#2000s#venom x reader#eddie brock x reader#symbrock#veddie#venom symbiote#venom last dance#venom movie#eddie brock smut#eddie brock x venom#eddie brock fanart#eddie brock imagine#eddie brock x you#tom hardy x reader#tom hardy x you#moodboard aesthetic#messy icons#cinema icons#pink#icons#actor moodboard#actors
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could i request a small fic/imagine where tommy is soft with only his girlfriend/fiancé/wife and his kids?🫶🏼
Scary? My God you're divine!
A/N: hey babes, this is actually longer than I was expecting lmao. It still is under 1000 though. I am a huge sucker for soft!Tommy so thank you so much for this request 😍. I named the baby Charlotte before I realised how much her full name sucks and then couldn't be arsed to change it, so apologies to Charlotte Shelby. This is probably also ooc but I don't give a shit, but I hope you like it anon!!! 💕💕
You knew what Tommy did, what came with his job. All the illegal affairs and cutting people up. You'd be a fool not to. But you couldn't help but feel as if the real Tommy Shelby was the one who came out when he was with you.
Ever since the start of your relationship, Tommy had always acted differently around you, much softer, always there to place a soothing hand on your back or hunch over to talk to you with his lips brushing your ear, his words meant for no ears but your own. His hardened gaze softened and the corners of his mouth would quirk up in a a miniscule smile, only momentarily but you would count that as a win no less.
Arthur had employed you to help run things at the garrison, you weren't exactly excellent at maths but you were certainly better than Arthur so you would help with the books as well as working as a barmaid. The two of you met for the first time when Tommy burst into the office of the garrison with a cut on his sharp cheekbone, he thought he would be opening the door to his brother, you thought he was the most handsome man you had ever seen. You insisted on helping and sanitising the "wound" and although he initially refused he soon gave in to your worried frown and relentless offer of help. The two of you had been practically inseparable since, rarely seeing one without the other and if one was missing they were never very far behind.
Tommy took to you almost immediately after meeting you, and Polly clocked him the very next day. The woman always was good at reading Tommy and that day was no different.
Over the next couple of months, whenever he was around Tommy barely let you lift a finger, always eager to help lift things and assist in anyway possible, never letting you out yourself in any risk whatsoever, no matter how small. At first you were offended, thinking that he was doing it because he thought you incapable, what with you being a woman, or if he didn't trust you enough to do things on your own. But when you brought it up one day, thoroughly fed up, he was quick to quell your suspicions and doubts by instead admitting his growing feelings towards you. Absolutely zero persuasion was needed for you to agree to a date with the handsome Tommy Shelby, and now three years later you're married with an adorable little four month old baby girl named Charlotte.
Tommy often refers to your small family as his greatest weakness, saying that if it ever gets out how soft he is that his reputation would never recover. But you just laugh to yourself and cuddle in closer, hand coming up to stroke Charlotte's head. No one would believe it if it got out, he has nothing to worry about.
The first time Tommy had held her you would've thought she was made out of cheap glass, fragile and likely to break at even the smallest of mishandlings. You knew from the moment that little Charlotte Shelby first opened her eyes, sharp and blue like her fathers, that she had Birmingham's most feared gangster wrapped around her teeny tiny pinky. Once the doctor had shown him how to hold the baby properly, supporting her head and all that, it was hard to separate the two.
Every night when he came home to you he would lie in the centre of the bed with you curled up into his side, head resting on his firm shoulder, and he would place the small babe to lie on his bare chest, small legs tucking up in a scrunch like a frog and cute babbles making the corners of his eyes crease.
#tommy shelby x reader#thomas shelby x reader#tommy shelby#thomas shelby#peaky blinders x reader#peaky blinder fanfic#peaky blinders#peaky blinder imagine#tommy shelby imagine#tommy shelby fanfic#peaky blinders fic
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could you do a Tommy shelby fic?
in which he fucks Ada's bestfriend when she is 18!
hii, love this idea xx I have been writing this all day, time to celebrate with a jam sandwich:) xx
Finally mine
warning: agegap!, Thomas lusts after her while she is underage, grooming, virginity loss, virginity kink, innocence kink, unprotected sex, Tommy being a softie, possessiveness
pairing: Thomas Shelby x Innocent!Reader
summary: ever since he came back from the war, Tommy found himself wanting his sister’s lovely and sweet best friend, too bad he has to wait until she is 18

(Y/N) was the sweetest girl in the whole of Birmingham, always polite and kind. Thomas was smitten with her from day one. She and Ada met in school, she felt sorry that Ada was always alone, because everyone told their kids to stay away from the filthy Shelby’s. So, one day she gathered the courage and sat beside the sad girl, who was very excited to finally have a friend.
It was the age of war, so everyone was always on the edge of a meltdown. And money wasn’t exactly falling from the sky. While (Y/N)’s family weren’t considered aristocrats by any chance, she never had to worry about not getting fed, or not having a warm bed to sleep in. That was something that the Shelby’s couldn’t exactly relate to, there was little money and quite a few mouths to feed. Aunt Polly tried her best to feed the hungry children at the table, but she was failing more and succeeding less. Her sister-in-law’s three big boys were away at war, but they were always talked about.
One day, the thirteen year old (Y/N) plopped down beside her best friend Ada with a full lunch box in hand. She always had lunch packed with her, but Ada never did. For a long time, she just assumed that the malnourished girl was not hungry in school. While she was munching on her apple, she heard the growl of a hungry belly and Ada turned her head down in shame. While a girl is naive at 13, (Y/N) immediately knew that her friend was hungry, and that she probably didn’t get as much food at home as she did. When Ada looked back at her, she reacted with a wide smile to the outstretched hand towards her, holding a big red apple.
For the rest of the break, they just sat under their tree, silently chewing on their apples, with a smile on both faces.
That is how Ada knew that (Y/N) was going to be her lifelong best friend. She opened up to her when they were sharing a cigarette on the edge of the forest.
“We had more money before the war, if Tommy was here he would make sure that we have food.” Ada explained.
(Y/N) just blinked at her friend. “Who’s Tommy?”
Three years later, the girls were now sixteen and the war was finally over. Because (Y/N) herself didn’t have any brothers, or sisters, she didn’t know how many families waited for this day to come.
It was a pretty summer day, and she made her way to the Shelby household, where she was always welcomed by Aunt Polly. Except, when she walked into the house, there was only one man sitting at the table. Her breath got stuck in her throat and she blushed heavily, he was very handsome. For a moment she believed that she walked into the wrong house, but the photographs on the walls proved otherwise. He was smoking a cigarette and staring at the wall blankly, he was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t even hear her come in.
Thomas just wanted a moment to himself in his childhood house before going back to the Garrison, he was not the same man anymore. Suddenly, he saw a figure in the corner of his eye. A second later, the two pairs of eyes met. His previously sad eyes lit up at the sight of her, but he tried to conceal it. She was so beautiful… Slender and weakish frame, something that made him eager to protect her. Her long and soft looking hair. And that face, oh god, that pretty face.
“H-Hi… I’m (Y/N).” She walked closer to him and stuck her hand out for him, she recognized him from the pictures, he was one of Ada’s brothers.
He heard about her, Aunt Pol always told him what was happening on Watery Lane in the letters she sent to Tommy. She had mentioned Ada’s lovely friend, multiple times. She told him that the girl was pretty, very kind, and that she went with her to church on Sundays when no one else wanted to, just so Polly didn’t have to go alone.
Tommy smiled at her, and she felt herself get lost in those bright blue gems of eyes. Instead of shaking her hand, he brought it to his lips and planted a little kiss on it. Her hand was soft and warm, it was a while since he felt the touch of a gentle female. He smiled when she blushed more at his kiss. “Thomas Shelby.”
From that day on, Miss (Y/L/N) was under the protection of the Peaky Blinders. Thomas always had one of his men following her and Ada to school, and then back home. It killed him knowing that he couldn’t touch her, make her his, not yet anyway. That would have been immoral and awful, and he knew that aunt Pol would have broken his hand in two and cut off his cock. That didn’t mean he hadn’t spent too many night fucking his fist to the thought of her. Everyone in the Shelby clan could see how soft he was towards her, always making sure that she stays out of the bad things, and whenever she came over and he was working, his eyes basically formed into hearts and followed her everywhere. The family loved her, she enjoyed baking and she always made sure that at least once a week she turned up to the office with home-baked treats. Those kinds of sweet treats calmed everyone down, business was blooming after all.
Ever since Tommy came back from the war, he only let himself be pleasured by whores, the one girl he wanted was the one he had to wait for. He always hired prostitutes that resembled her even the slightest bit. He imagined that he was burying himself inside her wet and warm walls, he overheard her and Ada and he was very well aware that she was untouched, a sweet little virgin. In Small Heath, the girls started sleeping around in their teens, but she, at 17, didn’t care about the boys her age. She wanted a certain gangster, who was nearing his thirties.
He didn’t even claim her yet, but wherever she walked, everyone knew she was Tommy Shelby’s girl. He sent her gifts, and always a handwritten note. Her heart never failed to warm up when she saw the little T.S on the bottom of the cards. Flowers, chocolates, exotic spices that she could put in her sweet treats, jewellery, dresses, everything a 17 year old girl loves. She was spoiled by him. When she wore one of the dresses that he got for her, she always sent him a shy smile and a little nod.
Tomorrow was going to be the day when she would finally become 18 years old, a young lady. She felt so antsy getting to bed, knowing that she would wake up as an adult. She also deeply hoped that Tommy would do something, after 2 years of gifts, protection and lustful gazes from distance. It was safe to say that her standards were very much heightened.
When she woke up, she noticed a big box on the chair of her vanity, tied up in one of those big ribbons. Her mother must have brought it up for her, as she always did when her daughter’s name was on the box, written by the familiar handwriting.
She was smiling widely when she opened the box up, it had a beautiful silky dress and a gold locket necklace. She marvelled at the divine fabric, but quickly blushed when she looked into the box again. There was a set of white lingerie and a note.
Tonight, I’ll send a car to pick you up at 7pm, be ready.
She melted at that, and she felt her lower tummy warm up. This evening, she will finally be claimed.
By the time 7pm rolled around, she did everything she could to make herself look pretty for him. She took a long hot bath, made sure she smelled good everywhere. She washed her hair and tied up half of it with a bow. She put lotion all over herself, sprayed herself with perfume and put the lovely dress on. Sitting in her vanity, she put on some makeup. She felt beautiful.
She got her light coat on, along with kitten heels and she was waiting for his car to come. When it did, she sat in the backseat and greeted the driver.
She got driven to Arrow house, which she only heard about before. It was so huge, and overwhelming, but very nice.
A maid took her coat and escorted her to the dining roomom. Just like the rest of the house, it was quite big, both the room itself and the table. It was decorated elegantly, the candlelight flooded the room. Just as she stepped in, Thomas walked in the room on the other door. He looked so handsome as always, with his muscular frame and his tailored suit.
His heart nearly jumped out of his chest, she looked like an angel, and she was standing in his house, wearing his gift. The maid left, now there were only two of them in the room, he walked up to her. With a gentle hand on her waist, he pulled her closer so he could plant a kiss on her cheek and whisper in her ear. “You look absolutely gorgeous.” He got even closer, her head was spinning with him so close, his masculine scent sent her hormones into overdrive. “I hope the dress isn’t the only gift of mine on you.”
He felt his dick twitch when she looked up at him like that, a gentle glint in her eyes. She shaked her head, too lost in his eyes to answer with words. To shake her out of her trance, he guided her to her seat, with his hand still on her slender waist.
He sat next to her, the maids kept on serving the finest of foods. Thomas also brought out a bottle of red wine. Both of them were surprised how easy it was for them to talk. They talked and ate, and Tommy even found himself laughing. He also found out how innocent she was, she wasn’t stupid, just inexperienced, and he was more than happy to give her experience. She also had a big heart, and a gentle soul, she was everything he needed.
While everyone in Small Heath tried to warn her about Thomas Shelby, she never understood why. He was just trying to protect his family and give them a chance at a better life, he was also an absolute softie for her. She could see that he had a lot of love to give, he enjoyed being the leader and defeating other gang leaders, but he must have been craving someone who could take care of him for once, she knew that she wanted to be that person.
When they finished dessert, he pulled her chair closer to his and cradled one of her blushing cheek into his palm.
“Are you aware of my intentions towards you?” He asked in a serious tone, she knew that he wasn’t fooling around. Now or never. She nodded as much as she could with the gentle hold on her face, but he wasn’t having it. “Answer me with words, I want to see if you really want this.” She felt dizzy by hearing his dominating tone.
“Yes, I know your intentions with me.” She replied shyly.
“What are they?” His fingers started to move her hair out of her face, caressing her in the process.
“Y-You want to make me yours.” She spoke lowly, it was hard to speak when he was looking at her as if he was seconds away from ravaging her.
“Yes, and do you want that, (Y/N)? Do you want me to make you mine?” He was even closer now, he whispered seductively in her ear, his full lips were nearly touching the shell of her ear. “Just say the word, sweetheart, and I will give you everything you crave. Please, let me give you the world.” Thomas Shelby barely used the word ‘please’, but he was nearly begging for her. She almost giggled, as if she really needed much convincing.
“I want it, I want it so bad, Tommy…” She was getting impatient, and he saw it on her.
“Shh, sweetheart… Don’t let your pretty head worry, I’m going to take care of you so nicely.” He stood up and stuck his hand out for her to take. “Come.”
He walked with her to his bedroom, she was walking behind him so she couldn’t see the wicked grin on his lips. When they stepped in the door, he just kept on walking, which caused her to walk backwards, until her knees hit the bed and she had fallen down on it.
He didn’t waste a second and crawled on top of her, his lips slowly finding hers. Their kiss started out slow, he guided her lips with his own. After a few minutes, noticing that she was starting to become more and more confident, he slipped his tongue into her open mouth. His hand wandered to her back, where the zipper was, his head pulled away so he could ask for silent permission. Once he got it, he helped her sit up and he removed the dress. Sitting back on his heels, he admired the sight in front of him, her young body was just begging to be ruined. She was wearing the lace, she looked exactly like an angel. His lips glued themselves to her neck and they sucked and bit, her noises were proof that she was enjoying his touch. He made sure to really mark her up, she wasn’t going to leave his mansion for a while, he needed his time with his new prize. She bit down on her lips to hide her moans, something he growled at.
“Don’t you dare. I want to hear you, don’t hold back, sweetheart.”
He went down to her breasts, he also reached under her arched back and unclasped her bra. She tried to cover herself, but he was having none of it. He slowly unpeeled her arms from her chest and kissed all around her breasts. “How beautiful! Such a nice pair of tits you have, the best I’ve seen.” He sucked a nipple into his mouth and she mewled loudly, she didn’t expect to feel so aroused while getting her nipples sucked at. He made sure that he gave both of her tits the same treatment before going lower.
Before he could do more, he stood up to remove his shirt and pants, her presence was making him hotter by the minute. He hooked his fingers into her panties and his cock nearly tore his underwear when he saw how the crotch was stuck to her entrance. She was already so ready for him. He yanked harder and they finally parted, he brought her panties up to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Mhm, so sweet… But, I think I need to feel this from the source.” Tommy dropped to his knees in front of her spread legs, her mind was making her doubt herself. What if she looked ugly down there? What if it smelled or tasted b—
“OH— Tommy!” She moaned loudly when his tongue licked a long stripe up her slit. He just chuckled into her pussy darkly, then he moved on to her pleasure. His mouth was sucking her throbbing clit, his fingers slowly circled her entrance, teasing her.
“Fuck… Your cunt tastes divine, and it’s only for my mouth to taste.” It wasn’t even a question. She was unable to form a coherent sentence, she could only moan and thrash on his tongue. He took one finger and he slowly eased it into her, she was so wet that it slipped right into her, he didn’t hesitate to add another one. “You’re going so good, I cannot wait to feel this tight virgin pussy on my cock.” He curled his fingers and rubbed them right into her spongy spot, her fingers grabbed his hair and tried to push his face more into her heat. He felt her clenching more and more, so he sped up his movements and grinned proudly when she came undone with a whiny moan and a desperate call of his name.
He kissed his way back up to her heaving chest and looked up at her flushed face. He talked her through it, until her breathing evened out again. He slowly slipped his underwear off, his back straightened out for her to see his big cock. It was veiny and thick and it made her nervous. He kept her legs spread, while he kneeled between them, one of his hand smoothing her face and the other one gripped himself at his base. “Want to give a little touch? Don’t be scared, I’m going to make this very pleasurable for you, my sweet girl.” He hissed when her fingertips made contact with his dripping tip, he was so pent up and her soft touch nearly made him blow his load all over her juicy tits, but he had to stay patient. “Are you ready? Ready to become mine?”
“Yes, Tommy, please, I want to feel you. I-I waited for you.” This caused him to grin and give her a deep kiss.
“I know you did, little one.” He positioned himself at her entrance and he slowly began pushing in, he felt a bit of resistance, but with a sharp thrust, he managed to break through it. He wrapped her up in his arms and whispered sweet nothings into her ear soothingly. “I know, I know. It will feel better in a minute, your pussy just has to adjust to my cock. Relax.” It didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would, but it still did, the girls in her class made it sound worse, or maybe their boyfriends didn’t take the time to prep them properly. That made her so proud, her Tommy made sure she was ready. She tried her best to relax her muscles and she felt the pain lessen. She planted a shy kiss on Tommy’s neck at which he chuckled at. “Good girl. You’re mine now, only mine.” He slowly began moving in and out of her.
Her walls gripped on him like a vice, he didn’t need any whores anymore, he had her now. His hands lifted her hips up a bit, so his cock was hitting her spot at every thrust. He went more and more faster, his fingers also began rubbing on her swollen clitoris.
“AH— Tommy, I’m going to—do that thing again.” His innocent little girl, so good for him.
“Good… I can feel you squeeze me, come on, sweet girl, come for me. Come on my cock. Let me fill you up. Let me make you mine.” With a shout of his name and a cry, she came around him. When he felt her walls pulsing around him, he let go too. His warm cum painted her walls, and it was such a delicious sensation. He stayed inside her for a few minutes, both of them trying to catch their breaths.
When he pulled out, he sat back so he could watch his cum leak out of her spent hole. He looked down proudly at his softening cock, which had some of her blood on it. Shit, he really filled her up with his load, there was so much of it. And the whiteness of him and the dark crimson of her virginity made such a lovely contrast together.
He took a rag from his bedside table and cleaned her up, making sure that he was gentle with her, the girl just got fucked and she was sensitive both physically and mentally, he had to be gentle.
After he made sure they were both clean, he once again brought her into his embrace. He smiled at her lovingly, which caused her to do the same. Her hair was all puffy from his touch, but he loved it.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt?” He cradled her cheek, and caressed her under eye area with his fingertip.
“I’m good, I feel a bit sore, but it’s okay.” She nuzzled into his neck and left little kisses. “I’m so happy to be here with you.”
He smiled in a way he didn’t for a long time, and he felt his heartbeat quicken. He wanted to give the world to the girl in his arms, and he felt the primal urge to protect her and keep her away from all the bad. “Me too. I’m happy to know that you’re finally mine.”

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Revenge - Tommy Shelby
Summary: Reader takes personal offense over Sabini’s attack on Tommy
Warnings: arranged marriage, graphic depictions of violence, reader leaves a message written in blood, smut, creampie, light degrading, oral smut (f receiving), overstim, p in v, let me know if I missed any
Notes: I made this text post about protective reader and decided to write it lmfao. I want Tommy with a feral woman. Thank you to @slut4thebroken for proof reading, encouragement, and suggestions💖
MDNI, 18+ only
You weren’t quite sure how it had happened.
Scratch that.
You knew exactly how it had happened.
Your father and Tommy had worked out a deal when Sabini had first started trying to intimidate your father. A bride in exchange for protection and both of them walked away with extra allies when the inevitable war against Sabini broke out. You’d protested the marriage at first, screaming that you were more than just a political pawn for your father to sell when he needed help, but it went through anyway.
You had to admit, it wasn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened. Sure, Tommy was distant and seemed obsessed with work, but you knew you could’ve ended up in a much worse situation. He treated you with respect, never let you open a door on your own if he was around, always had a protective hand rested in the small of your back, and… the sex was great.
Perhaps the thing you appreciated the most, was that he didn’t expect you to become the housewife you had feared you would be reduced to. You were your father’s only child, meaning when he died, you would become leader of his gang. You were a gangster the same way Tommy was and he seemed to realize that and respect it. You helped out with the daily runnings of the Peaky Blinders and helped with the daily runnings of your father’s gang at the same time. They both recognized your potential and weren’t afraid to use it.
It wasn’t until you were sitting in a family meeting about a year after your marriage that you realized you had grown to feel more than just okay with the marriage.
Tommy was a closed off individual and through the entire year you had been married, you felt like you were just starting to finally get to know the real him. You never pried because he never pried in your life. If you had general questions, neither of you were afraid to ask them, but anything more was left up for the person to tell. You had more questions than answers still, specifically about the matching scars on his cheeks, but you didn’t dare ask. He hadn’t asked about the scar that ran from your right shoulder blade down to your spine, so you didn’t ask about his scars.
It was a common occurrence for Esme, Ada, and Polly to sit with you at one of the desks in the betting shop, whispering things to you during family meetings to fill in any gaps and answer any questions you may have had.
“Alfie has informed me that the Sicilians are being provided aid by Sabini, in the form of cars and housing,” Tommy started, causing Arthur to let out a loud groan of frustration.
Before you could get dragged into hearing any more of it, you turned your head to Esme who was sitting next to you.
“Sabini’s a prick, I know that, but what has he done to us?” You asked quietly, your eyes still flickering back-and-forth between Tommy and the rest of his family as they spoke about what to do next.
Esme began explaining exactly what Sabini had done. How he and five other men came after Tommy in the dark of night, how he’d ripped out a tooth, sliced his cheeks, and beat him to an inch of his life.
The rage that settled inside of you was your first hint that you had grown to genuinely care for Tommy as more than just a friend and (amazing) fuck buddy. Your jaw remained clenched and set for the rest of the meeting, but as soon as the meeting was called to end, you wiped the look from your face and forced a calm expression to take over.
You stood up and walked over to Tommy, forcing a small smile to your lips,
“I’m not really feeling all that well. You go with your brothers for a drink, I’m just going to head back home, okay?” You said, meeting his eyes so he wouldn’t have a reason to not believe you.
Tommy’s eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to look for any sign you were lying. You had been fine that morning and fine two hours prior when you sat down for the meeting, but he had no reason to believe you were lying so he simply nodded, placed a hand on the small of your back to pull you closer to him, and kissed your forehead.
“I won’t be out long. Ask Frances for anything you need, okay, love?”
You nodded and the forced smile turned to a genuine one,
“I will, promise,” you told him before stepping away from him and waving goodbye to the rest of the family.
Yes. You had truly gotten lucky when it came to who you had been forced to marry.
The entire ride back to the Arrow House, you were silent and going over your plan in your head. You knew you’d have to earn Tommy’s trust back after this, but you didn’t particularly care. You were a force of nature on your best day. You were lethal when you were angry.
Once you arrived back, you immediately headed upstairs to yours and Tommy’s shared room. The marriage may have started off with the two of you in separate rooms, “I’m called the devil, but that doesn’t mean I’m some sort of monster. You can sleep in your own room until you’re comfortable sharing a bed,” but it didn’t take more than a couple weeks for you to eventually join him in bed.
Damn those blue eyes, full lips, and that jawline.
You grabbed a small bag and threw the first set of clothes you laid hands on into it, then, much more carefully, a dress. You grabbed everything else you needed and headed to Tommy’s office next.
I’ll be back soon. I’m sorry for lying, but I’ll be back.
You signed the note and left it in the center of his desk where you knew he would see it, held down by his ashtray.
As quickly as you had entered the house, you left it, getting right back into the car with the driver Tommy had employed for you. You told him the name of a hotel in London that you knew was just outside of anyone’s territory.
The drive seemed to pass by too quickly and soon you were saying goodbye to the driver and sending him home for the night. It was barely 7 in the evening when you got up to your room.
“If there is a God, please let me get through this. I’ll make it up to you… somehow,” you said quietly.
The beading on the dress swayed loudly around your body as you pulled the dress on. The pins in your hair seemed to be extra noticeable against your scalp. The straps on your shoes pressed into your skin more than usual. The blade held against your thigh and hidden by your dress seemed to refuse to warm up. Your left hand felt entirely too light with your ring missing.
You knew it was only your mind playing tricks on you. You’d worn this outfit before and it had always turned heads, which is exactly what you wanted.
You needed Sabini to notice you.
You greeted the cab driver politely as you stepped in and ignored the way his eyes seemed to follow you a bit too closely.
The doors of the club were held open for you and you made your way to the bar and took a seat, knowing you were just playing a waiting game now.
You could feel eyes on you. The wife of Thomas Shelby in Sabini’s club, hours away from Birmingham, far out of Peaky Blinders territory or her father’s territory. You stuck out like a sore thumb, even if you would have blended in during any other scenario.
It felt like an eternity passed before you finally saw the man that made your blood boil, but one glance at the clock above the bar told you it hadn’t even been an hour.
“You seem lost. I thought we had made it clear that your kind weren’t welcomed here,” Sabini said once he was in front of you.
A charming smile graced your lips and you looked up at him,
“My kind?” You questioned, playing innocent.
“Yes. Your kind. You’re the wife of Thomas Shelby and I don’t appreciate him ignoring the last warning I gave him and sending you-“
“I wasn’t sent here,” you stopped him, lifting your left hand and pushing a piece of hair that hadn’t fallen back behind your ear, “and I’m not really a Shelby or a Blinder, am I?”
His eyes were drawn to your hand and noticed the lack of a ring you wore and he quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Is that so? I was under the impression the two of you were lovebirds.”
You pulled your bottom lip between your lips and looked away, trying to come off as shy. When you looked back up to him, you hoped the look on his face meant he was intrigued and believing you.
“Perhaps we could talk about it somewhere else… somewhere private?” You asked him, batting your eyelashes as you did so.
Gods help you. The smirk he gave you made your stomach twist and you wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face, but patience was something you’d adopted a lot of.
“Allow me to show you to my office then,” he said, offering you a hand which you forced yourself to take.
He guided you through the club and towards the back. Some amount of luck seemed to be on your side as his office was behind the stage and provided some cover for any noise you might make. Even more so as you noticed a window just large enough for you to be able to crawl out of.
Once the door was shut behind you, he sat down behind his desk and motioned for you to take a seat in one of the chairs on the opposite side.
“Trouble in paradise, I take it,” Sabini said as he poured you both a drink.
“It was never paradise to begin with,” you replied, thanking him for the drink and taking a sip.
You had grown used to Tommy’s Irish whiskey and the bourbon he gave you wasn’t nearly as smooth going down.
“Was it not? From what I’ve heard, you two have quite the fairytale. Gang leader’s daughter married off to another gang leader, uniting two empires.”
“That’s not the way I see it,” you lied.
“And how do you see it?”
“A desperate father sold off his daughter to a desperate gang leader in an attempt for the both of them to gain more power and disregarded the woman’s wishes,” you replied simply, shrugging your shoulders.
“And so you’ve come to London for what?” Sabini questioned, wanting to hear you say it.
“Because I think we can help each other, Mr. Sabini,” you said, downing the rest of the bourbon and standing up.
His eyes followed your movements, his eyes trailing up your body before resting on your legs again.
“And how do you think we could help each other?” He asked.
You moved to stand in front of him, placing one leg over the side of his and straddled him, placing your arms around his neck.
“They trust me, Mr. Sabini. They don’t suspect me of anything,” you started. The shiver of disgust that rolled up your spine due to his hands trailing up the back of your thighs was one he apparently took as excitement as he gripped slightly at the backs of them, “I can tell you everything and, in return, I get out of my marriage once they’re all gone.”
“They don’t even realize the ticking time bomb they’ve got in their fingertips, do they?” He asked and a chuckle left your lips as a genuine smirk took over.
“They don’t…” you said, trailing your hands down his chest and then up your thigh, trying to make the move appear seductive. Your fingers wrapped around the hilt of your knife, “and neither do you, apparently.”
His eyes widened and he realized the trap he had walked into at the same time as you pressed the blade of the knife to his neck.
“I’d say that if you ever threaten my husband or our family again, you’ll regret it, but you won’t be,” you told him, unable to resist pausing for a touch of dramatic effect before adding on, “Never fuck with a Shelby.”
In the next second, you were quickly slicing the knife across his neck and flinching back as his blood coated you.
You knew your next move was morbid, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. It had been morbid for him and five other men to attack your husband when he was alone. It was morbid for him to rip out his tooth. It had been morbid for him to slice his cheeks. It was just as morbid for you to quickly and quietly clear off his desk, dip your fingers into his blood, and leave a bloodied message across his desk.
Revenge is a scorned Shelby
As soon as the message was written, you grabbed one of the coats from the coat rack and slipped it on, then crawled out of the window. The coat was long enough to cover all of the bloodied mess that was now your dress.
Sabini is dead.
That seemed to be the only thing you could think of as you were driven back to the Arrow House. It wasn’t the first time you had killed a man and you knew it wouldn’t be last.
But you hadn’t told anyone about this time. You hadn’t told anyone your plan, where you were going, or why you were doing it. You had also just started a war.
You weren’t surprised to see almost every light in the house still on when you arrived, and you made sure to slip the cab driver a little extra for the long drive.
You hadn’t risked staying in London longer than you needed to. You had gone into your hotel room, grabbed your bag, and promptly left, only taking the time to slip your wedding ring back on when you were in the cab.
When you stepped into the house, Tommy was in the hallway. All he saw as you stepped in the door was you, in another man’s coat, your wedding ring still on your finger, but your hair and makeup done much differently than it had been you had left.
You stayed silent as you stared at him with nervousness written on your face.
He put out his cigarette and quirked an eyebrow at you, a silent prompt for you to explain yourself.
Your silent explanation was to undo the tie on the coat and let it fall to the floor, revealing your blood stained dress.
“I need a fucking drink for this one,” Tommy grumbled, motioning for you to follow him. He guided you to his office and poured both of you a drink, handed you your glass, then sat down in his office chair. “What the fuck did you do?”
“Do you want the short version or the long version?” You asked, a smirk on your face as he looked up at where you still stood across the room.
Despite himself, he couldn’t help but chuckle and shrug his shoulders,
“Humor me. Short version first,” he told you.
“About a year ago I got married, and tonight I started a war.”
Tommy leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk and running a hand over his face, “Long version.”
“About a year ago, I got married. Over the past year my husband has been nothing but a respectful gentleman, making it nearly impossible for me not to fall for him when you combine it with his fucking blue eyes that could bring the devil to his knees,” you started, feeling the hint of a blush creep into your cheeks, which you knew he noticed by the way his eyes flicked to your cheeks and then back to your eyes, “then today we had a meeting with his family where he mentioned Sabini. When I asked, his sister-in-law told me about what Sabini had done to him. About how my husband had been beaten to an inch of his life and brutalized, leaving him permanently scarred, and I knew I had to make the bastard pay.
“So, I lied to my husband and said I didn’t feel well. I went home, packed a bag, left him a note saying I’d be back, and went to London. I rented a hotel room where I changed into a fancy dress and did my hair and makeup, then I wrapped a knife to my thigh and slid my wedding ring into my bag and went to The Eden Club. News of a Shelby woman spread quickly and Sabini showed up to question me within an hour. I lied to Sabini, told him that I didn’t want to be a Shelby and that I had never wanted to be one. He took me back to his office and I sat on his lap and made him think I was about to cheat on my husband when I slit his throat and made sure he knew it was because of what he’d done to my husband. I left a message on his desk, went back to the hotel, grabbed my bag, and then headed back to our house.”
Silence filled the room for a long moment as Tommy stared at you. His eyes were unreadable as he watched you.
“What did the message say?” He suddenly asked.
“Revenge is a scorned Shelby.”
“Nothing about the Peaky Blinders?” He asked curiously, tilting his head slightly.
“Why not?”
“It wasn’t Peaky business,” you answered confidently, watching him just as closely as he watched you as he stood from his chair and came to stand in front of you.
“Was it not?” He questioned, taking the untouched glass of whiskey from your hand and setting it on the desk before turning back to stare you down.
“No. It was Shelby business, but not Peaky business.”
“He didn’t just harm a Peaky Blinder. He harmed a Shelby, my Shelby.” Your gaze was unwavering as you held eye contact with him. You wanted him to know you meant your words. He was yours, and the protective touches on your back when you were in public and the way he intimidated and glared at any man who tried approaching you was all the proof you needed to know that you were his.
“So I’m your Shelby?” He asked as he took a step towards you and continued to do so until you pressed against the office door.
“And that means you’re mine?” He questioned, his hands now pressed against the wall on either side of your head.
You could feel that you were walking into some sort of trap, but you didn’t have a way out of it right now. All you could do was be honest.
“Then you should know something about what it means to be mine.”
“What’s that?” You asked, your breathing getting shorter as he lowered his face so it was level with yours.
In a second his hands were on your waist and he had you picked up against the wall with legs instinctively wrapping around his hips.
“My Shelby is to never come home wearing another man’s coat again,” he said, pressing his lips to yours in a rough kiss.
You don’t know what reaction you had expected from him, but being pinned to his office door and him kissing you hadn’t been one you had thought of. Your shock wore off after half a second and you returned the kiss as your arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close.
“You’re not mad?” You asked against his lips.
“At you starting a war?” He questioned, leaning down and beginning to trail kisses hastily down your neck.
“Yes,” you replied, leaning your head back to give him more access.
“Livid,” he said with no hint of joking in his voice.
“This is quite the punishment,” you replied sarcastically. A moan fell from your lips as he nipped at your pulse point.
“Oh, I’m livid,” he said, looking up at you, “but also extremely turned on at the thought of my wife slicing a man’s throat over me and coming home still covered in his blood.”
You weren’t given a chance to respond before he was kissing you again. Your hands came down to his tie, pulling it loose before starting to work at the buttons of his waistcoat.
He didn’t bother setting you down, only turned the two of you around and walked you over to the couch in the office. He laid you down on it and then pulled the waistcoat off before leaning back down between your legs and kissing you again once. His lips started trailing down your neck again while your hands went to undo the buttons of his shirt.
“Someone’s impatient tonight,” he teased as nipped at your skin again.
“You’re the one who pinned me to the door after I revealed I killed a man for you,” you replied in the same teasing tone as him. You undid the last button of his shirt and pushed the fabric off his shoulders, his undershirt following a second later.
He reached his hand to the side of your dress and unzipped it, pulling the fabric down your body while his hands grabbed hold of your underwear, stockings, and garters in the same move and pulled them off, leaving you completely naked underneath him.
He stared and looked over your body a moment longer before running his hands up your thighs and giving a gentle tap to your thigh,
“Up,” he said, causing your eyebrows to furrow in confusion.
You did as told though and sat up, leaving him enough room to lay on his back and pull you up to straddle him,
“Was killing a man not enough work?” You teased, not actually minding if he was going to have you ride him. At least it meant you wouldn’t be subjected to him teasing you when all you really wanted was for him to fuck you.
“That’s cute,” he said sarcastically, gripping your thighs and attempting to pull you further up his torso, “that’s not where you’re sitting tonight.”
The man was no stranger at using his mouth to make you see stars, but you’d never ridden his face before. You looked at him, the question obvious on your face.
“Seriously?” You asked even though you knew by his face that he was.
“Seriously. You were enough of a leader to go after Sabini, you’re enough of a leader to sit on my face. Up,” he repeated again while his grip on your thighs tried pulling you forward.
You did as you were told this time, shuffling forward until you were straddling his face. You weren’t given a choice of when to sit as his hands came to your hips and pulled you down, forcing your full weight onto his waiting mouth.
If there was one thing you were grateful for, it was Thomas’ ability to use his tongue and lips in more than just outsmarting his enemies.
His tongue trailed through your lips, his hands keeping your hips in place, while his tongue slowly explored you at first.
It had only taken a couple weeks for you to crack and make the first move on Tommy, joining him in bed one night when you’d decided you could trust him, and you’d been insatiable and addicted to him ever since, though he never complained. He’d spent the first couple times figuring out every move that made you tick and every name that made your cheeks flush and used them to his advantage at every turn.
His tongue was a gift with the way he knew exactly how to use it. He dragged it up and down between your folds, drinking in every bit of your arousal before focusing on your clit, alternating between quick flicks and long drags.
Tommy’s hands on your hips began guiding them, silently instructing you to take control. You didn’t hesitate in going along with what he wanted you to do and began rocking your hips. One of your hands trailed to his hair while your other went to lay on top of one his that gripped your hip. You hadn’t realized the volume of your moans until you felt the vibration of his moan against your clit.
Your hips jerked at the added stimulation and he hummed against you purposefully, his eyes never leaving you as your hips sped up, chasing your own high. Within moments you could feel it approaching and your grip on his hair and hand tightened, moans of his name falling from your mouth like a prayer.
“Please, fuck,” you cried, whimpers falling from your lips, “Tommy, Tommy…”
Your high crashed over you a moment later and you felt Tommy’s movements begin to slow down as you rode out your high, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you caught your breath.
You went to move off of him, but his grip on your hips tightened at the same time that his tongue started speeding up again.
Your moans of pleasure turned to whimpers of over stimulation and you squirmed against him, but he didn’t let up. Your hips jerked as you tried moving away from him, but all it did was add to the stimulation.
You could practically feel him smirking underneath you as he continued on, watching as your eyes clenched shut and you relented yourself to letting him torture you so beautifully.
If it wasn’t for the way your body was on edge from not being given any type of break after your first orgasm, you might have felt slightly ashamed at the way he was able to bring you to your second orgasm so quickly.
And then your third.
Tears were freely falling from your face when he finally slowed his movements to a stop and helped you to lay down on your back.
He trailed soft and slow kisses along your thighs and stomach to help bring you back down to earth. When his lips reconnected with yours, you returned the kiss, letting your eyes fall shut at the surprisingly tender moment.
“Next time you want to start a war, at least let me know your plans,” he said, causing you to open your eyes and be met with a smirk dancing across his lips, “and don’t doubt my punishments.”
You could’ve smacked the smirk off his face if it wasn’t for the fact he had turned your entire body into mush.
“Think you can be a good girl and handle one more?” He asked.
Your cheeks flushed at the praise and his hands moved to his belt and pants, pulling them off after you nodded your confirmation.
Once the rest of his clothes had been removed, he gently lifted your legs and positioned himself between them. He was gentle as he pushed inside you, but the smirk on his face from the way your voice cracked when you moaned was obvious.
The stretch was familiar at this point, but it didn’t mean you didn’t need the moment he gave you to adjust. When you nodded your head, he started moving.
Tommy knew your body like he knew his own after your time together. His hips immediately changed position as he started thrusting, making sure to hit the spot inside you that added to the ways your legs shook underneath him.
He leaned down and placed his elbows on either side of your head, capturing your lips in a kiss right as a moan parted through them. One of his hands came back to cradle the back of your head and his fingers tangled into your hair to keep you close to him.
His other hand went to one of your legs and pulled it up so it rested in the crook of his elbow, causing him to hit even deeper inside you.
The action caused you to let out a high pitched moan and you wrapped your arms around him. Your next moan broke the passionate kiss the two of you had shared while your nails raked down his back.
“Who do you belong to?” He asked, beginning to speed up the movements of his hips.
“Y-you,” you moaned out, your back arching underneath him.
“Say my name. Who do you belong to?” He repeated.
“Thomas Shelby,” you answered and dropped your head back.
“Good girl. You’re my fucking wife,” he moaned out. He sat up, using one hand to keep your leg up in the same position while his other hand went to your already over sensitive clit, “all mine. No other man gets to touch you, look at you, or even fucking think of you. It’s my cock that you’re whimpering over right now, and it’s the only cock you’ll ever be whimpering over again.”
“I’m yours, Tommy,” you repeated, your voice breaking as moan after moan fell from your lips.
“Then cum for me. Be a good Shelby wife and make a fucking mess on my cock just like how you made a mess of this war tonight,” he commanded.
You didn’t need any more encouragement from him as your fourth orgasm hit you, causing your back to arch again and your nails to run down his arms.
His moves start to become more sloppy and his pace sped up as he began to chase his own high, the feeling of your cunt squeezing around his cock only driving him closer to the edge.
“Want to feel you Tommy, please,” you moaned underneath him, “please, cum inside me.”
“Fuck,” he swore out. His hips pushing against yours as his high hit him and his arms came down to either side of your head again while he shoved his face into your neck, completely claiming you as his own while his cum filled you.
His hips slowed as he rode out both of your highs and your arms came to wrap around him, placing a gentle kiss on the side of his head you could reach.
Once the two of your breathing had slowed down to a normal pace, he moved to push himself up and your legs around his waist tightened along with your arms.
“Don’t. Not yet,” you said in a quiet voice.
“I’m going to crush you, love.” He placed soft kisses along your shoulders between his words as he tried warning you.
“I’m a grown woman. I’ll tell you if it’s too much,” you replied and began running your nails softly along the shaved part of his head, knowing the motion worked on him every time.
“Stubborn,” he falsely chided, but relented and relaxed back into your hold.
“Little late to the party if you’ve just worked that out.” Your reply causing both of you to chuckle. “Remind me to start more wars if it means you fuck me like that every time.”
His hand came down and gently slapped your thigh in response while a burst of quiet giggles left your lips.
“Stubborn and a brat,” he teased, sitting up again and carefully sliding out of you.
“Too bad you’re stuck with me,” you responded with a smirk.
“I don’t think of it that way,” he said as he stood up and wrapped his arms under your waist and legs before pulling you up into his arms.
“How do you think of it?” You asked him as he carried you across the hall and into your shared room.
“I think I’m lucky enough to be married to a woman who killed for me over a years-old attack even though we’d never even said that we loved each other.” He set you down in the middle of the bed before crawling in next to you and pulling you into his chest.
A bright blush rose to your face as he pointed out that you had never even said you loved each other, even though you had admitted to him earlier that you had fallen for him. You didn’t know how to reply immediately and you turned in his arms to look up at him, his arms staying locked around your waist.
He didn’t seem to expect you to reply though, because he leaned in to you, pressing his lips against yours. The kiss was tender and sweet, as if he was trying to communicate what your actions had meant to him without having the words to say it.
“I fell for you, too,” he finally admitted, “I don’t know when it happened, but I know that I realized it tonight. The panic I felt to see your note and to see you come home covered in blood. The anger I felt over seeing you another man’s jacket. The way I felt when you revealed what you had done and why…” He trailed off, looking down at you and seeming to try and memorize every part of your face, “You’re mine.”
“I’m yours and you’re mine,” you replied, leaning up to kiss him.
“I’m yours and you’re mine.”
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How the Peaky boys would react to “you wearing a sundress” -> headcannon
(NSFW) but more implied then truly written, but still read at your own risk
🪖it was a hot day, and you were rummaging through your clothing chest to try find something suitable to wear to bear the heat outside.
🪖Tommy had headed out early, business to attend to with Alfie Solomons.
🪖he hadn’t meant to wake you, trying to sneak around the bedroom to get dressed and get out of the house: especially after a… long night
🪖but still, you stirred and whined “Tom?” You breathe with a rasped voice “s’alright, back to sleep darling” he instructed but you endured, sitting up and stretching your arms high above your head and Thomas watched as the covers fell to reveal your bare torso and it took all his self control to stop salivating.
🪖you climbed out of bed and threw the slip dress over your head, heading towards your husband who was buttoning his shirt in the mirror
🪖you turned him towards you and swatted his hands away, and he allowed you to finish buttoning his shirt for him, finishing the top button and pulling the collar down to kiss him.
🪖”Solomons is coming by today” Thomas huffed and you looked up at him with narrowed eyes “long meeting?” You ask and he shakes his head “shouldn’t be” you nod “d’you want me to come by later? Bring you some lunch?” You ask and he connects his eyes with yours “y’know y’worry me when you stay in there all day” you continue and he offers a small smile. “I’ll take that as a yes” you say, kissing the corner of his mouth and tapping his chest, ushering him out of the door. “Go on, shoo.”
🪖he smirked and grabbed his cap on the way out, whistling as he went
🪖so there you were, already sweeting with mere silk on your body
🪖you saw a dress with the tags still on, yellow and billowing at the bottom: sundress
🪖you looked it over one before deciding it was the perfect choice for today’s endeavours.
🪖you’d nipped out to the market first, collecting some supplies to make him some soup or whatever you could conjure up.
🪖you even grabbed some sunflowers too; having bought him a vase for his office, thinking it needed some life brought into it, given the volume of lives that were lost in that room.
🪖later in the day you headed to Tommy’s office, assuming that his meeting must be done by now and to feed him.
🪖you’d headed to the Garrison, greeting Harry and having a few wandering eyes following you as you approached the Blinder’s designated room, thinking nothing of it as you turned the door knob.
🪖Tommy couldn’t be mad at your intrusion for the sheer sight of you. His pupils blew out of his head as he looked you over, he’d never seen this dress before. Yet his jaw gritted at the way Alfred fucking Solomons had the same reaction.
🪖”oh I’m so sorry gentleman” you said, pivoting to leave “no no, sweetheart. Alfie was just leaving. Weren’t you?” Tommy asked and Alfie creased his brows but with the eyes his business partner was giving him told him everything he needed to know. “Yeah yeah, just leaving Tom”
🪖Alfie stood, to leave and smiled at you “lovely to see you, poppet” Alfie said, you’d always gotten along with him; you hugged him as he welcomed it, and he grinned at you “you look gorgeous you, yeah? Lovely new dress. Fabulous it is” “fuck off Alfie” “yeah yeah I’m going, bye love”
🪖Tommy looked you over as the door clicked shut with tight lips. “I’m sorry Tom I didn’t think he’d still be here-” “have you had that on all day?” He cuts you off and you raise your brows “the dress?” “Mhm” “oh yeah, found it earlier. Never worn it.” You say, spinning to give him a giddy look at it.
🪖Tommy couldn’t help but smile “c’m ere.” He beckons you over and you approach him “I brought you some lunch-” you begin “nah, got all I need to eat right here” he says and grabs your hips, prompting you to discard your basket on his desk.
🪖he sits back in his seat; opening his legs to pull you to stand between them. He gently takes the fabric between his fingers, then drags his hands so slowly up to your torso, not looking at your face. You fidget anxiously, his hands dragging back down to the hem of the dress.
🪖”dangerous wearing this, love” he says, dipping his hands under the dress to rest on your upper thighs, finally looking at you. You smile. He realises how easily the fabric is lifted, pushing you back to sit on his desk “can’t do this to y’old Tom and expect to get away with it” he says, with a tut, unzipping his trousers and removing his suspenders as he pushes your underwear to the side.
🪖”I’m buying you more o’ these.”
🧸Alfie was sat reading the newspaper in his armchair, Cyril asleep beside him when you came into the room.
🧸”so, what do you think?” You asked and Alfie looked up but had to do a double take. A white sundress with frilled straps and tight torso. “Blimey poppet, what’s this then?” He asked, dropping his glasses to the end of his nose to get a better look at you.
🧸”a sundress Alf!” You say, “y’bought it last year, remember?” “Thought I’d remember buying something like this.” He says, standing to his feet, moving to take your hand in his own “give us a spin then darling” he says, turning you as the fabric billowed as you went only for your gorgeous beaming face to return to him.
🧸”now this is fucking fabulous ain’t it darlin’, fucking fabulous. Bloody love it. Suits you nicely” he mumbles as you smile “but y’can’t wear it” he says and your face drops “y’what?” You asks, brows furrowing. “Y’aint givin y’old man heart palpitations and expecting me to let y’out of the house, flower. Not like this” he says sternly, wagging an accusatory finger at you.
🧸”but we’re got to go to the market-” you protest “nah, we ain’t” he says, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as you yelp. He flips the rim of your skirt up so he gets a great view of your ass, smacking it lightly “Alfie!”
🧸”don’t think I won’t shag y’on these stairs, treacle, now let me get up the fucking stairs, yeah?”
🧸then later in the day when you’d finally manage to coax him off of you and out of the house to the market, there was a hand permanently on your waist. And then at some point you bent over to smell some flowers and Alfie couldn’t help but lean his hips into yours. You yelped “Alfie!” You hissed. “C‘mon love I can’t cope.” He grunts, impatiently prompting the rest of the shopping to go by faster, flipping the skirt of the dress up again when he finally got back to the car.
🍺so. Fucking. Antsy.
🍺can’t keep his fucking hands off of you.
🍺left early, didn’t he? Ended up waking you up; banging all the doors shut and all that as he clambered out of the house.
🍺you decided that was your wake up call regardless, knowing full well that if he’d have left in a state such as the one he was in last night then it wasn’t good business. Meaning it’d perk him up for you to visit him and calm down his anger during the day, even if it was only a chat to rectify his emotions.
🍺you’d gotten yourself dressed without a second thought, inly to do a double take and head right back into the house when you felt the sweltering temperatures outside the from door.
🍺you’d rummage through your clothing chest, struggling to find anything suitable for such an occasion, used to the drizzly cool downpour of the indefinite English winter.
🍺then you spotted it; the sundress
🍺Arthur had gone mad for it last year, and it was forgotten about at around Christmas time when it was way too cold for attire like that, but now was the perfect opportunity to wind him up again.
🍺and you were in a teasing mood after the way he’d slammed the front door shut and made a crack in the mahogany.
🍺so you’d slipped it on, it was a lovely shade of pink; baby pink to be exact. Arthur loved that colour on you, made him forget all his troubles and appreciate his woman for a while - especially when he couldn’t get his hands off you. So, giving yourself a once over you spritzed a bit of the expensive perfume Thomas had kindly gifted you the Christmas prior, the one you knew Arthur liked the smell of, and headed out the door.
🍺you decided to stop by the bakery on the way to his office, the bakery with the young cashier who had a large crush on you who Arthur absolutely despised, and you knew it’d get him even more rilled up knowing full well that you’d been in that dress, had leant over the counter while the young lad stumbled over his words and explained what was in every one of them, let you sample the one that the lad knew full well was your favourite, and gave you it on the house with a tip on the hat and a kiss on the hand.
🍺yeah this was turning out to be a pretty good day.
🍺so you waltzed through the building, little spring in your step as you greeted all the turning heads who watched you as you walked.
🍺you knocked on his door “fuck off” and you opened it “sorry Arth, thought you’d want some company” you say in the shyest voice you could manage to muster. His demeanour immediately changed when he heard your voice, his posture settled but when he looked at you his mouth ran dry.
🍺”brought you a bun” you say, taking it out of the bag you’d brought and knew full well he looked at the branding on the paper packaging. His jaw went slack. “Fuck me love, y’tryna kill me?” He asked, taking his cap off his head and shooting his head beneath it. “What do you mean, darling?” You asked, feigning innocence, heading to his desk as you placed the treat in front of him. “You know fucking damn well what. That bastard dress is back again” he says, grabbing your waist with calloused hands to bring you closer to him and he looked you over.
🍺”wearing the nice perfume too, ain’t ya love?” He asked meekly and you nodded “warm day and I couldn’t find anything else. Saw how quickly you’d left his morning so I thought I’d bring you something to eat” you say with a small, innocent smile as you stroked his cheek. He swallowed hard, eyes unwillingly shifting from you to the pastry on his desk.
🍺”y’ve been to that fucking bakery, ain’t ya?” He asked, gritting his teeth “well it’s your favourite-” “and that little bastard was serving wasn’t he?” He asked again, eyes narrowing “who? Daniel-” “yes fucking Daniel that little cock rocket who thinks he can get in your knickers that’s who” he seethed.
🍺then it dawned on him. “And he saw you in this fucking thing” he growled, bunching the pink material in his hands as he huffed “m’sorry Arth. Didn’t think” you reply. Liar. “Nah I think you knew. Knew to tease y’old Arthur didn’t you?” He asked, thumb drawing small circles into your waist. You replied with a small smile “I knew it! Y’little minx!” He chuckled, shaking his head.
🍺”well!“You exclaim, taking his hands and prying them from your waist as his face dropped “I’ll leave you be. Enjoy your pasty. Love you.” You say, turning to make your leave and he almost growled.
🍺”where the fuck do you think you’re going?” He asked, standing up after you as you walked back through his door, failing to suppress your smirk. He pretty much sprinted after you, grabbing you roughly and throwing you over his shoulder to turn right back around and into his office. “Got all I want to eat right fucking ‘ere. You ain’t leaving this office in this bastard dress” he promises, slamming the office door behind the two of you.
🥃bold of you to think you’re even leaving the house with it on.
🥃he’s not like his brothers, he wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye unless Tommy was literally at the door screaming for him, and even then he was quick to reassure you before he sprinted out the house.
🥃no he liked to wake up with you, especially now there were too many kids to count running around the house.
🥃he liked to wake you up with little kisses, grab you at the waist and pull you back into bed if you tried to leave, brush his teeth beside you in the bathroom, help get the kids ready, pick your outfit, and let you tie his tie which usually took a good half hour between all the songs he’d sneak in.
🥃gave him a sense of homeliness.
🥃a bit of normality.
🥃today was no different, he’d woke you up with little kisses, rolling you to sit on top of him, legs either side of his hips as he repetitively kissed you as you giggled and tried to rise for a breath.
🥃”mammy I’m hungry!” A voice came from the doorway and you saw your agitated son pawing at his pyjamas as he looked at you desperately. “Fucking kid interrupting. About to fu-” John mumbled quietly before you were placing a hand over his mouth with wide, warning eyes. He smirked at you. “Alright mate, I’ll come, leave your poor mammy alone” John answered, finally managing to pry your hand away. “Thanks daddy” he says, giddily, as John reluctantly placed you back in bed and rolled out, chucking a shirt on and turning back to you. “Don’t move” he says, wagging a jokingly warning finger at you and you laugh “yes sir” you salute and he smirk.
🥃”right c’mon mate.” John says, grabbing your son and slinging him onto a piggy back to go grab him something to munch on.
🥃you practically jumped out of bed to go grab the new sundress that you bought last week, you hadn’t shown John yet and decided that today was the day you were going to wear it, especially now you had the quick couple of minutes of peace alone.
🥃”right, little’uns eating his breakf- fuck me” you spun around to look at your husband and smiled “what d’y think?” You ask, “g’i us a twirl” he said, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. You did as he said and pivoted around, showing how the dress spun with you.
🥃”it’s a sundress” you say “I can see that flower” he replies, walking up to you to have a good feel of the fabric, gliding his hands from your upper back to your waist as he pulls you into him “y’can’t wear tha’.” He says simply and you giggle “why’s tha Johnny?” You ask and he raises his brows “that little name tells me you know goddamn why gorgeous.” He says “y’cannea wear it cause I’m not gonna be able to keep my hands off of ya.” He says, quickly turning to slam the door shut before picking you up and dropping you on the bed, climbing on top of you and leaning in to kiss you hungrily.
🥃you move to take the dress of and he shakes his head “now, now whole point of this dress is that it’s easy access now, ain’t it?” He hums “leave it on I’ll work around don’t you worry ‘bout me.” He says quickly with his tongue protruding to lick his dry lips as he looks you over.
🥃he dips his head under the hem of the dress and eats you like a man starved. “Mammy! Daddy we’re ‘ungry!” You hear from beyond the door and John stops his movement to come back up for air and clamp a hand over your mouth to stop the sounds coming out of it. John huffs, frustrated but clears his throat. “Harriet darlin’ can you reach the milk?” He asks after a minute “I can da’.” Her little voice replies “Toby can you reach the cereal?” “Uh-huh” the other retorts. “Great and Charlie? Bowls and spoons?” “Yeah I know where they are daddy!” The little one says “perfect. Harriet want you to get the milk, the big ‘un I’m not having you using up the fancy shit your mam bought from Camden. Y’here me?” He asks “yeah dad” “Toby, grab the cereal and Charlie get the bowls and lot.” He instructs “okay!” The collective voices come out. “Hannah need you to make sure it’s all gone to plan, alright hon?” He asks “sure thing” then you hear the patter of feel heading down the stairs
🥃”and I swear to god if any of you little shits make a mess y’ll all be up for the fuckin’ high jump!” He announces loudly, before quieting down and turning back to you “where were we?”
🥃and then when you’d finally managed to pry him off of you, he begrudgingly let you wear it “don’t forget we’re going to Alice’s garden party.” You say “what?” He asks, noticing how you’ve dressed all the kids appropriately “y’ain’t going looking like that flower” he says “I sure am. Come in you lot! In the car!” You say, ushering him out the door
🥃he managed to sneak you away one or two times at the party.
🥊Bonnie’s just as bad as John
🥊cannot keep his hands off of you
🥊”’m takin’ y’ to Bonnie Gold’s fight.” Your brother said walking into the room “wear summot nice, that dress I bought you” “why?” “Just get dressed” you nodded at Tommy, not opposed to visiting Bonnie Gold any day.
🥊”is his sister coming?” Bonnie asked his dad hopefully and the man smirked “why?” “J’st wonderin’.” “Yeah well keep y’eyes on the prize” Aberama told him “she is the fuckin’ prize” “try keep y’hands off of ‘er until the fights over, yeah?” He asked and him and Bonnie just shared a knowing smirk.
🥊you put on the sundress Tommy had bought you the other week, deciding it was a nice enough day to have a breeze against your skin, plus you had a pair of lovely shoes to match.
🥊so you rocked up downstairs, dress on and ready to go and Tommy just gave you a once over “poor lads gonna have a fuckin’ heart attack” John said, laughing “shut up John” you reply, as he opened the door to the car for you, offering his hand to help you up. “You look nice” Arthur commented with a raised brow “damn fucker better win this fight”
🥊”Bonnie” Thomas nodded as he entered the building, followed by his brothers, you at the back with John who’d strung an arm over your shoulder. “Mr Shelby” he nodded at him, but was clearly distracted. “Don’t you worry, Bonnie. She’s right ‘ere.” Tommy says, moving out the way for John and you to come into his view. “Hiya, Bon.” You smile “hiya flower” he manages to muster.
🥊yet, his breath had caught in his throat at the sheer sight of you. Your gorgeous face, hair done up nicely, and a fucking milkmaid dress. Some lovely sundress that other men didn’t deserve to see. Bonnie’s jaw clenched.
🥊”right, we’ll leave the two of you for a minute. Aberama, let’s chat” Thomas said, leading the others away “if he tries anything come and fuckin’ find me.” John said, looking Bonnie over once with narrowed eyes before strutting off after the others.
🥊Bonnie smirked looking at you “y’look lovely” he said quietly, approaching you “not too bad y’self Bon” you giggle as his hands wrap around you, leaning down to kiss you gently. “This fuckin’ dress. Y’do it on purpose?” He asks and you crease your brows “do what?” You hum and he sighs “I guess you’re not beautiful on purpose are you darlin’?” He grins, grabbing your hand to drag you into his changing room and lock the door behind you.
🥊he picks you up and you squeal with a laugh, wrapping your legs around his waist as he holds you against the door. He slips his hands under the hem of the skirt and holds your thighs gently.
🥊”this fucking dress” he says, chuffed that he managed to slip his hands all the way up to settle on your waist and you just smiled at him. You could feel him toying with the waistband of your panties and you laugh “Bon we’ve only got ten minutes!” You giggle and he sighs “guess we’ve got to be quick then, ay sugar?” He asks, undoing his trousers and just merely pushing your panties aside.
🥊you lean your head into the curve of his neck, muffling the sounds erupting from your mouth and muffling them with his bear skin and he slid in and out of you. “God ‘m so fuckin’ obsessed with you.” He groaned “y’know what this makes me think of?” He asks and you shake your head in question against him. “Makes me think of a mammy. What a mammy should wear when she’s pregnant ‘nd can’t get into nothin’ else.” He mumbles. “This wha’ya were tryna do t’me?” He asks “tryna get me to make y’a mammy? Cause it’s working darlin’. So well.” You whine at his remark.
🥊and when you both finish you try to pull up from his shoulder but he holds you firmly in place “Nuh uh. You dress like a mammy y’become one” he says and you can’t help but smile at his statement. Eventually, he unwraps you from his waist and lets you down onto shaky legs. A knock comes at the door “five minutes, son. Get your hands wrapped” you hear Aberama say to him followed by leaving footsteps. You smile up at him “c’mon I’ll wrap your hands”
🥊you pull him to where the wrap is, sitting him down on the bench and standing between his legs as you work on protecting his hands.
🥊He was being extremely difficult
🥊trying to wrap a man’s hands when all he wants to do is have them under your dress is an extremely difficult task as he kept groping at your skin rather than letting you work. “D’ya want your hands wrapping or not?” You ask with a huff and he smirks “would rather be doing somethin’ else.” He shrugs, but lets you finish. And when you do he pulls you into a tight hug, leaning against the fabric where your breasts were constricted.
🥊”Bonnie, c’mon lad it’s time” you heard your brother say from beyond the door, knocking on it thrice (sausage roll video lol)
🥊Bonnie groaned from under your dress (you didn’t know when he’d managed to snake his way back under there) but you grabbed his hand and yanked him from his seated position to standing; pulling him towards the door and unlocking it to take him to the ring.
🥊Bonnie pulled the hand that was dragging him, sending you flying into his chest with a force that nearly winded you as he gave you one last kiss. “Bonnie! Go!” You giggled, pushing him away and towards the ring, taking a stand beside your brothers as the match began.
🥊The rounds went by painfully slow for Bonnie; regardless of the fact that he was winning - but in reality it was only a good few minutes of pure fighting.
🥊then when the match was finished, he waltzed over to the Shelby family like he owned the place and offered a blood-filled grin as it dripped down his chin.
🥊”well done Bonnie lad.” Tommy said, lighting a cigarette. “Cheers Tommy.” He replied, adrenaline still pumping through his veins. “Didn’t y’get some money f’this match?” John asked, lighting his own. “Nah he’s got his own trophy right over there” Tommy replied, nodding at you as they all turned to see you chatting with Bonnie’s father.
🥊”just do us a favour” Thomas told him and Bonnie immediately nodded “marry her.” “Don’t have to tell me twice, mr Shelby.” Bonnie told him with a chuckle, heading to grab you to resume your activities.
♟️again, bold of you to assume that you’re getting fucking anywhere with that thing on.
♟️feel like it’d be a black sundress, one with frills on the sleeves.
♟️you’d gone for a walk with Finn, Tommy having told you both to fuck off for a while while they dealt with some deeper business; so a stroll around seemed to be the choice at hand.
♟️eventually though, Finn had gotten distracted by a sign you’d read that said ‘pretty women here shilling for a good time’ and left you to fend for yourself, opting not to follow your twin into the whore house, yet you weren’t in your own company for long, feeling a cap placed on your head and an arm around your shoulders.
♟️“Hey pretty, what’re you doing all alone?” Isaiah asked, as he feel into step with you, but came to a sudden halt almost lurching you back. “And who let you wear that?” His eyebrows raised as he looked you over. “Why what’s wrong with it?” You asked “nothin’ nothin’. J’st don’t understand why it’s not on my bedroom floor” you smacked his chest and giggled “Isaiah!”
♟️”y’shouldnt have been let out wearing this, love” he said, backing you against the wall of one of the nearby buildings. “Well I was with Finn” you reason “hmm? And where is Finn now?” He asks, taking your chin between his forefinger and thumb, forcing you to look at him.
♟️”in some whore house” you mumble in reply. He scoffs “some brother”. Then he starts again “why don’t we turn my house into a whore house and get that dress off you and into my room?” He suggests and you roll your eyes “such a way with words”
♟️”y’look fuckin’ insatiable” he says, leaning down to kiss that sensitive spot on the crevasse of your neck. “Dunno how I manage to keep my hand off you most of the time, doll” he shrugs “and in this? Fuck y’not gonna be walking anytime soon”
♟️you laugh at him “you wish peaky junior, now I was enjoying a lovely walk before you came along.” You hum, pushing him back by the chest and he scoffs “I’m a Shelby I can fend for myself” you shrug “not while I make you a Jesus.” He retorts, smirking like he knew he’d won. “Whatever, Isaiah” you say, calmly walking away
♟️he laughs loudly, running after you “c’mon Mrs Jesus we’ve business to attend to!” He announces, swiftly placing a hand onto your chest and pressing you back against the wall, lifting you up and placing hungry hands under the hem of your dress “Isaiah!” You scold, “not here!” He rolls his eyes “fine”
♟️and he places and arm under your knees and one to support your head as he carries you bridal-style back to his house. You clutch at his suit jacket and squeal at his action, holding on for dear life until you got to his home.
♟️did not wait until you got to the bedroom
♟️defo had his way with you against the door once it’d been firmly slammed shut and locked
♟️and on the sofa
♟️and the kitchen table
♟️and then bedroom
♟️(you never took the dress off)
♟️and eventually when you’d decided Tommy was probably done with his important business you managed to coax a begrudging Isaiah to the Garrison with you, who’d initially planned to keep you up all night with him but instead you were heading to a pub instead of his bed; which you’d end up in later anyways
♟️”oh she’s alive!” Arthur said sarcastically as you join them, noticing your presence and subsequently you noticed Finn’s. “How long did you last? Two minutes?” You asked and he scoffed “fuck off” “and of course I’m alive, I’m fine. It was Finn who left me alone!” You say, blame bombing your twin who looked at you with evil eyes.
♟️then Isaiah popped his head round “plus I wasn’t alone I was with Isaiah” you say matter-of-factly and Finn grits his jaw “what’ve I said about staying away from my fucking sister you fucking scrubber” Finn growls, landing a pent-up punch to Isaiah’s jaw who stumbled back slightly. “Didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout fucking her did ya?” He retorted and then he was running for the hills with three brothers sprinting after him.
♟️”men.” Polly said with a roll of her eyes
🎱he wouldn’t be here nor there
🎱loved how it looks on you
🎱but hates the fact that other men see you wearing it.
🎱he makes heart eyes when he sees you in it, believing it to be the typical dress of a wife and mother; so it pretty much feeds into his delusions.
🎱the only time it saw the light of day in public would’ve definitely been when he’d been courting you. When he’d been invited to some garden party of a rich aristocracy down southwards.
🎱what Tommy failed to mention was that the Capitalist had a daughter a few months younger than Michael, of whom was extremely well spoken, and ridiculously pretty.
🎱he’d obviously weaselled his way over to you and the rest was history.
🎱and of course, history tends to repeat itself.
🎱again, you were heading to a garden party: Shelby arranged this time around, to show your initial family that the marriage between yourself and Michael was going well and therefore Tommy’s expansion to a more wealthier estate was worth the investment.
🎱”I’ll meet you there darling, business to take care of.” Michael had told you that morning while adjusting his collar, allowing you to help him straighten the tie you had wrapped around his neck. “Okay” you hummed, he always loved how you’d never pried.
🎱in reality he was off to see a man about a dog, in other terms; kill a man. Kill a man who’d been eyeing you up like a fucking slice of meat the evening prior. Eyeing you like he wanted to eat you like a man starved, as if your husband didn’t have a firm arm wrapped around your waist and oversized number of carats around your finger.
🎱even had the nerve to try talk to you, had groped at your ass and Michael covered your eyes with one hand while he clocked the bloke around the jaw with the other.
🎱never wanted a woman to see him fight, especially his woman.
🎱so he went about killing the man the next day; well he’s probably dead by now. He took his cap calmly to the man, beneath that bridge by the canal, castrated then blinded the man and left him struggling on the ground, having a couple of lesser known Peaky men surveying the area for the rest of the day to make sure no aid was to come to him, and when his struggling stopped they were to sort his body out.
🎱you made your way to the garden party independently, having worn a darling sundress; white and pristine and freshly pressed, accompanied by a sun hat and some subtle shoes; conservative enough for Michael not to complain that you looked like a whore, but skin-showing enough not to overheat in this sweltering weather.
🎱you were there before Michael, embraced by John and given a kiss on the temple by an already tipsy Arthur who was in that sort of mood where a gent gets rather happy when squidgy, it was a fine line with Arthur.. happy to angered
🎱but you entertained him, saying your hellos and greeting the rest of the family you’d married into, patiently waiting for Michael’s attendance.
🎱he was there soon thereafter.
🎱and he was fucking seething.
🎱he took one look at you as his mouth ran dry, grabbed your wrist and dragged you away from the garden getting countless opposing arguments from the likes of Ada and John questioning what he was doing
🎱but nothing could soften the red he saw.
🎱how dare you wear that dress?
🎱practically threw you into the car, you’d never seen him this upset, let alone have it take it out on you; his loving, doting housewife of whom he trophied for every mistake he made, initially he thought you were his punishment from god.. sent an angel for a devil to take care of. But he’d gotten the hang of switching into a loving husband the minute he returned home
🎱but tonight was different
🎱”Michael, darlin-” “how dare you?” He seethed and you silenced yourself “pardon?” “How many fucking times have I told you you’re not wearing this fucking dress in public, hmm? And you wear it around my fucking horny cousin?” He growls and you don’t know how to reply “he looks at you like you’re a fucking piece of meet, sweets.” He tells you, finally looking at you
🎱”undressing you with his eyes. Watched him myself.” “John has a wife-” “John hires prostitutes. Y’think he’d be a better husband?” He asks, knuckles white as he grips the steering wheel harder “no-” “no. Cause I’ve never hired a fuckin’ prostitute since we’ve been together, and I work hard for you, y’know. Got no where to take my anger out cause I love you so much.” He says and despite the harshness of his words your heart swells.
🎱”killed a man for you and I show up to you actin’ like a fuckin’ whore?” Your mouth opened agape and he chuckled darkly “think I didn’t kill that bloke? Think I’d leave him safe? Nah, not with my missus I wouldn’t” he confirms, placing a hand on your leg as he speeds back home.
🎱he stops the car and doesn’t move for a minute.
🎱”listen to me very carefully, flower. I’m going to change my bloody shirt, and you’re gonna go upstairs, lay on the bed and wait for me. Yeah?” He asks “yeah o’course Michael.” You say as you get out the car
🎱”and leave that fuckin’ dress on!” You hear called behind you.
🎞️Finn is just horny 25/8 icl.
🎞️doesn’t know what does it for him about that dress, but it does something.
🎞️it was a hot day, and the family was in some beer garden, Arthur already off his head drunk and the brothers just enjoying one another’s company after successfully ridding the threat of a rival family, the head now dead and the rest cowering to surrender.
🎞️Tommy told Finn to bring his lady friend, the one who worked at the bookshop along, decided it was time to meet the family, and so he did.
🎞️waltzed into your little hole in the wall, grinning as you peered your head around to see the customer who’d caused the door’s bell to chime, and you broke out into a mighty smile just as he did, him opening his arms for you to rush over and into a bone crushing hug.
🎞️even shared a sweet kiss as he said a gentle “hello pretty”
🎞️he noticed the dress you were wearing was new, initially not noticing it as he was too caught up in admiring you. “What’s this? Is it new?” He asked, taking your hand to spin you around. “It is” you grin, allowing the white flowing material to spin as he made you “it’s lovely” he says, noticing something about it but he didn’t know quite what.
🎞️”why are you here?” You hum with narrowed, suspicious eyes as you leant your chin against his dress “aren’t I allowed to say hello to my favourite girl?” He asks with a smirk “yes but I can tell there’s something. A look in your eyes.” You say and he sighs, defeated “party at the Garrison” he says “when?” You ask “right now” he says and you laugh “Finn I can’t just shut shop at 12 oclock on Thursday!” You say, as he reaches into his pocket, throwing ten whole pounds onto the counter “Finn! Where did you get that much money?” You gasp “don’t worry bout it. Enough for you to close?” He asks and you scoff “I can’t accept ten whole pounds, Finn” you tell him “sure you can cause I’m not having it back” he shrugs, pulling your hand to coax you out the door “okay fine!” You surrender as you relent, allowing Finn to pull you out the door and in turn, you lock your door behind you.
🎞️then when you showed to the party, you were greeted by tipsy cheers and hellos as Finn introduced you to his family, Polly and Ada immediately dragging you away to have a separate conversation as they question you about everything to which you giddily go along with.
🎞️John came to stand with Finn, where he was stood still; drink in hand as he watched you interact with his family. “What’s up, Finn?” He asked, nudging him with his elbow and Finn finally broke out of his trace to smile at his brother. “Nothin’.” He shrugged. “Can’t be about your missus, y’head over heels for her.” John said, and Finn immediately raised his brows in panic “no! no! Nothin’ like tha.” Finn said, shaking his head. “Then what is it?” John asked, looking at you, trying to figure his younger sibling out.
🎞️”dunno. It’s summot about that dress” Finn said, eyes raking over you as he tried to figure out what it was and his brother chuckles “easy access, mate.” John said and Finn creased his brows “y’what?” “Sundresses mate, fuckin’ kill me. Easy access innit? Don’t have to even take the dress off” John told him matter-of-factly, necking the rest of his beer in one. Finn’s eyes darkened and John couldn’t hold in his laugh at the realisation that Finn had settled that that was what it was.
🎞️John claps him on the back “if y’wanna sneak off I’ll cover” he said, but by the end of the sentence Finn had already started after you “cheers, mate!” He said to John “sorry, stealing her” he said to Polly and Ada against their judgement, dragging you away from the conversation and into the Peaky office inside the Garrison.
🎞️you giggle at his actions as he locked the dork “what y’doin sill?” You ask “party’s outside!” You say, as he picks you up and holds you against the door, dropping his hands for them to head under the hem of your skirt “right, ‘nd I’ve just figured out that this dress is driving me fuckin’ crazy” he says “you’re fuckin’ insatiable” he says “d’you even know what that means?” You ask and he shrugs “find me a dictionary later or summot.” He says
🎞️”what’s up with the dress” you ask, as he undoes his trousers “easy access innit?”
🌞Aberama is a cultured bloke
🌞by that I mean he’s had many a trips around the sun, and in that time good women are few and far between in his opinion
🌞so regardless of you being substantially his younger, he was positive that you were the woman for him and therefore he had to have you.
🌞recently you’d moved into his vardo with him, having left the urban life behind.
🌞he’d woken up one morning to the sun blaring at him through the unclad opening of the vardo, stretching his arms above his head in a mighty yawn, almost certain it was almost midday by this point; especially after the long trek they’d had to get to this sight the night prior.
🌞he reached his arm over, but the spot in the bed was cold and empty, a lone spot where you should’ve been laid. He creased his brows, shooting up in bed to a sitting potion, realising that you were no longer in the vardo at all.
🌞he groaned. Damn you and your early rising tendencies.
🌞he rubbed his eyes and pulled on a pair of undershorts, smirking at the remembrance of the night prior once you’d arrived. He popped his head out of the doorway, looking left and right but curiously not being able to find any trace of you.
🌞he climbed down the steps and placed his hands on his hips, walking around the side of the wooden structure towards the lake that trickled slowly downstream. And that’s where he found you:
🌞his gorgeous bride.
🌞he’d always told you that he never expected you to conform to the traditional gypsy wife role, never needed you to bear him any more children or do the cooking or cleaning. Hell, you could lay around all day doing nothing and he’d look at you with the same adoration he always does. He didn’t even expect you to want to live in a vardo, yet you’d shown up with a bag and a smile when offered.
🌞 yet you refused, you demanded to help. Demanded to conform. You would cook the rabbit he’d kill (given you’d been a bit sick at the initial sight of it). And you’d kill his clothes, paying no mind to any blood shed on it.
🌞you were knelt against the river bank, ringing some clothes out you just washed then placing them into a small wicker basket, in a dress he didn’t quite recognise.
🌞”what y’doin up, sweetheart? Thought I told y’to relax today” he started, beginning towards you. Your head spun and those wide, innocent doe eyes gleamed back at him “had a big journey last night. No good f’little girls to be working the day after” he said, matter of factly with a stern look.
🌞”just wanted to get these clothes washed” you mumble, placing the final garment in the basket. “And what’s this you’ve got on, hmm?” He asked, as you look at your clothes “oh it’s a dress” “Mm I can see that, darlin. Just never seen it before” he tells you and you stand to give him a little spin. “My sister bought it for my birthday” you said and he grunts, gently grabbing your hips to pull you into him and sway you back and forth along with the breeze, dancing to nature’s music.
🌞”well y’know what these dresses are?” He hums and you shake your head, placing both hands on his chest. “These dresses are the kind that mammys wear. The kind you’d wear when they’re all pregnant and swelled up with little babes.” He says, accusingly. “Kind that little wives wear that are asking for a hiding” he warns
🌞”didn’t mean nothing by it, abe. Just thought it was nice” you admit and he smiles “I know you did, princess. Just an innocent little flower y’are.” He shakes his head.
🌞”but y’ve seen the other mammys around the camp haven’t you? Seen how they’ve dressed. Think you know what you were doin’ to your old man” he teases and you shake your head “m too old to be a da’ y’know. Way too bleeding old. Punishing me ain’t ya? Just asking for a little’un” he tuts and you giggle as he picks you up bridal style and carries you back to the bed where he’d began
🌞”Aberama! The clothes!-” “Can fuckin’ wait” he grunts “got a little’un to put in ya first” he says, dropping you onto the bed and lazily flipping up your skirt to do what he did best.
🌞make your skin fucking crawl.
#masterlist#xreader#smut#fluff#warner sister#angst#requests#x you#imagine#Peaky blinders#Tommy Shelby#John Shelby#Arthur Shelby#Alfie Solomons#Isaiah Jesus#Michael gray#Aberama gold#Bonnie gold#thomas shelby x reader#john shelby x reader#alfie solomons x yn#Alfie Solomons x reader#Bonnie gold x Shelby reader#Michael gray x reader#Aberama gold x reader#Arthur Shelby x reader#isaiah jesus x reader#peaky blinders x reader#Cillian Murphy x reader#Tom hardy x reader
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