#tommy didn't “bring it up out of nowhere”
y'all acting so upset over a daddy kink being brought up in a CANON RELATIONSHIP with Buck looking PERFECTLY HAPPY ABOUT IT as if we didn't all see that look on Buck's face when Maddie asked him why he had a ring cutter
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eddiestommy · 20 days
so the 118 obviously has a boyfriend tax jar that's exclusively for buck. when buck starts dating tommy everyone's very happy for them so they're willing to put up with buck constantly bringing him up and talking about everything he gets up with his boyfriend thinking that it'll stop once they leave the honeymoon phase except that it's been nearly six months now and he won't stop talking about tommy and there's only so much one can hear about a coworker's sex life before starting to go a little bit mad, so, the jar is introduced
buck gets three free passes a day and after that every mention of tommy requires money in the jar ($1 every time he mentions his name, $2 if he calls him "my boyfriend" because that's somehow even more sappy, $5 if he mentions what they get up in bed, $10 if the words "dick" and "hole" get brought up (after one conversation where everyone learns way much more than they ever need to know about buck's sex life a new fine is installed: $20 if buck ever calls tommy "daddy" at the station))
so anyway, the jar system is working. it doesn't stop buck from talking about his boyfriend at all, if anything since the jar started he talks about him more, but at least the money collected funds the A-shift's once a month happy hour so we're calling it a success. except that one day out of nowhere eddie also starts bringing up tommy and just won't stop. one day he spends a good twenty minutes talking about tommy's hands and how massive they looked when they were working on some car's engine, another day is all about how big tommy is and how his muscles look while he works out, three days after that is about how nice tommy is with animals and kids and how he can bake the fluffiest cakes, did you know that? and whenever this is happening buck will only look at eddie and smile and doesn't say a word
so the 118 is very fucking confused because the tommy jar is exclusively for buck because they thought no one else would have a reason to not shut up about him but now here eddie is and they don't know if they're supposed to start making him put money on it too because like, it's the boyfriend jar after all. they also don't know what to make of it. is buck exploiting a loophole they didn't consider before through eddie? are those actually eddie's thoughts? does eddie have a crush on buck's boyfriend? does buck know? is he okay with it? do they need to rename the jar to simply "the tommy jar" and make everyone who brings him up put money in it?
(the confusion is cleared out a couple months later one day that buck and eddie get to work together one morning and before doing anything else eddie drops twenty dollars on the jar and loudly announces to everyone "so, turns out buck wasn't overselling how pretty tommy looks when you ride him. truly life altering experience". everyone considers just banning mentioning tommy at all during working hours)
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What Do You Regret? | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by @cillmequick
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Tommy and (Y/N) talk about some regrets in life over a drink and a quiet moment at the Garrison. When (Y/N) suddenly brings up the topic of 'them’, she gets a pretty interesting response.
Warnings: language, smoking, drinking
Word Count: 2252
A/N: well I surprised myself with this one by writing it in one day after not writing for a few days…I hope it makes sense. The prompt I was given by the lovely Alex is italicized in the story. I have to say that I had a bunch of fun writing it. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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"I figured you'd be here," (Y/N) said as she walked through the main doors of the Garrison. She immediately found Tommy, sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the empty room.
"Is someone looking for me?" Tommy asked, his eyebrows raised as he held his glass in his hand. It looked to be that he was about to take a drink from it, but stopped to talk instead.
"No," (Y/N) shook her head as she sat in the chair across from him, "I was just wondering where you'd gone off to...and took a lucky guess that you were here," she explained then.
"Someone's always been looking for me these past few weeks," he mumbled, still stuck on his previous train of thought as he finally took a drink from his glass.
"Well fear not...I was only wondering if you were ok..." she trailed off as she grabbed the bottle that he'd been drinking from and and the other empty glass on the table so that she could pour a drink for herself, "...if you were safe..." she continued, raising her eyebrows slightly as she looked over at him; bringing her glass up to her lips so that she could take a sip. "You had a second glass here...you weren't expecting someone, were you?" she decided to ask him.
"No. It's a habit," he brushed her off, shaking his head slightly as he set his glass down, exchanging it for the cigarette that had been smoldering in the ashtray. "What did you want, love?" he asked her after he exhaled a line of smoke.
"Nothing," (Y/N) answered simply, shrugging her shoulders slightly.
"Nothing?" Tommy checked, his eyebrows raised. There was always something.
"Nothing at all," she doubled down on her answer, smiling over at him.
Tommy hummed in response, nodding his head as he took another drink from his glass. He kept his eyes on her, not saying anything as silence fell in the room.
"What, is it so unusual for me to wonder where the person I've been seeing is?" (Y/N) then bursted out with a question, unable to take the silence mixed with his gaze on her.
"I didn't say anything," he said to her, holding his hands up as he bit back a grin.
"Your eyes were saying it," she told him, trying, and failing, to keep a glare on her face as she crossed her arms over her chest. He chuckled at her statement, shaking his head slightly as he took another drag from his cigarette before stamping it out in the ashtray.
Silence fell between them again. It was comfortable this time, and it made (Y/N) tip her head back to rest against the chair, allowing her to stare up at the ornate ceiling.
They sat like this for a few minutes until she spoke again, "what do you regret?" she asked as she lifted her head from the chair to look at him once more.
"What?" he asked, not because he hadn't heard her question, but rather because it had come out of nowhere.
"Do you regret anything you've done in the past?" she rephrased it for him, "like I regret the one time that I snuck out of my house at night to go and meet a boy that promised he'd meet me in the park, but when I got to the park I found him already with another girl. My parents found out about me not being in bed and when they asked, I told them that our elderly neighbor, Eloise, had needed me to help her with some stupid task," she then recounted a time that she regretted.
"Which part of it do you regret more?" Tommy was curious now.
"The boy...the lie didn't hurt anyone, and it was the only one that I'd ever told them. That boy though...it was hard going to school for a handful of days after it happened," she frowned at the memory before her eyes found his again, "so is there anything that you regret?" she then turned the question onto him.
There was a pause in the conversation as Tommy pursed his lips, making it look like he was thinking of any possible stories to share. "No," he said finally, the grin spreading across his lips being an almost dead giveaway that he wasn't being honest.
Seeing it made (Y/N)'s eyes widen, "Tommy!" she exclaimed as she sat forward in her chair, "you are lying right now!" she accused him, pointing to him then as she continued, "it's clear on your face!"
Caught in the act, he held his hands up in surrender, glancing over at her to see that she'd been trying to hold back her giggles. "Of course there's stuff that I regret," he said to her once their laughter had died down.
"Like what?" Now it was her turn to be curious, and she leant forward to prop her chin up on her hand as she waited for him to, hopefully, tell a story.
He took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, thinking of where to start as he busied himself with pulling another cigarette out of its tin. "I regret telling off my teacher," he started.
"You told off your teacher?" (Y/N) made him stop as she asked in shock, her eyes wide in surprise. She was a good student all throughout her schooling years, so it shocked her that anyone would do such a thing.
"Yeah," Tommy nodded before continuing, "she'd looked over my work and told me that it wasn't good enough; that I needed to add more substance to it, and I told her that maybe if she'd of been a 'better fucking teacher' that I would have been able to write more. She wrote me up and told me to go to the headmaster's office, and I ripped that up as well and told her to go to hell, so she kicked me out of the class."
"Tommy!" she exclaimed much like she had earlier, "that's terrible! What year were you in?"
"It was in primary school," he admitted.
"That's even worse!" she exclaimed, her jaw going slack as surprise overcame her. She couldn't stop the smile from forming on her lips and the giggles from bubbling up though. It was hard not to as she pictured a young Tommy doing this to the poor woman who had been tasked to teach him.
"I know..." he agreed with her, trying to hold back his smile as well, "that's why I regret it," he paused for a moment, placing the unlit cigarette he'd been holding between his lips before he made a motion with his hands. He grabbed his lighter and flicked it to life so that he could light the cigarette before continuing, "she'd only been trying to get something more out of me. I told her she was a shit teacher and then disregarded her authority when she was disciplining me. I fucking deserved all of it," he ended his statement by shaking his head as he laughed softly at the memory. He glanced over at (Y/N) then as he took a drag from his cigarette, seeing that she pursing her lips together tightly. "What?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised.
"Nothing," she brushed him off with a slight shake of her head.
"Nothing?" he asked, much like he did when she'd first come into the tavern.
"Nothing at all," she repeated the exact phrase she'd said to him earlier, the callback to it making him smirk as he shook his head softly. Silence fell between them for a moment then before (Y/N) decided to continue the conversation. "Is there anything else?" she asked him, looping them back around to their initial topic.
Tommy took a drag from his cigarette as he contemplated how to answer her. Of course there were things that he regretted doing...he just wasn't sure if he wanted to elaborate on them to her. "I've done a lot of shit over these past years...some things maybe I should have handled differently..."
"Like me?" (Y/N) asked a little too eagerly before he was able to finish his statement.
"What?" he asked her, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Like your relationship with me...like how you're going to go back to your estate once everything blows over with the vendetta here and I'm just going to be left here in Small Heath," she elaborated on her previous statement, her composure now more solemn in nature compared to what it was moments ago.
"(Y/N)..." was all Tommy was able to get out before she cut him off again.
"I'm sorry, I...I don't know why I just said any of that," she said, her words coming out in a frantically mumbled mess as she averted her eyes from his.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop the blood from rushing to her face as she began feeling sheepish for even steering the conversation in that direction. She'd finally got him smiling; surely for the first time since he'd been back in Small Heath, where he's been stuck while he and his family fought out the vendetta between the Changrettas.
They found each other by happenstance - the details didn't matter - and they'd entered into a sort of a situationship rather quickly. Despite the nature of how they began seeing each other, (Y/N) felt closer to Tommy than she was anyone else, and Tommy had found that he could confide in (Y/N). For him, she was someone that he could see and talk to that was removed from the fighting going on all around him. And (Y/N) liked that he let his walls down around her.
But now things had gone to shit....all because she'd decided to ask an unneeded question. She couldn't even look at him because she was worried about what he'd say.
Tommy noticed this rather quickly. "Hey, look at me love," he said to her, his words prompting her to do as she was told. He held their gaze and took a deep breath, a serious expression forming on his face as he got ready to speak. "Nothing about any moment I've ever spent with you will ever be a regret, do you understand that?" He looked at her with raised eyebrows as he paused. (Y/N) was only able to nod her head, but it was enough of a response for Tommy to keep talking, "spending time with you has made being back here worth it. It's helped me so fucking much; having someone to confide in like I do with you. And I'm never going to regret it, so don't ever think that I will, eh?"
(Y/N) nodded again as she swallowed the lump in her throat. "I...I just thought that since being back here has brought on all of this other stuff, you'd hate every part of it," she told him her worries, her voice sounding much smaller now than it did before.
"You've thought wrong then, love...very wrong," he continued to dispel her thoughts. He glanced down at the glass that he'd been spinning with his fingers for a moment then, pursing his lips as he thought of how to say what he wanted to. "If anything, you should be regretting the time you've been spending with me," he finally said after a few moments passed, looking back at her once he was done speaking.
(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed together as she heard his statement, "now why would I do that?" she asked him, "I've enjoyed every second I've spent with you," she then concluded, speaking definitively now.
The left side of Tommy's lips quirked upwards in a smirk as he heard what she had to say. He brought his cigarette up and took one last drag from it before stamping it out in the ashtray. He then nodded his head at (Y/N) before mumbling "c'mere." She heard him loud and clear, and a smile formed on her face as she stood from her chair and moved over to where he was sitting. He waited until she was sitting comfortably on his lap before he spoke again, "y'know, maybe there is something I regret about you and I..." he trailed off, looking into her eyes as she sat inches away from him.
A slight expression of surprise formed on her face as she processed his words, and she searched his eyes for a moment before asking, "what?" She waited on bated breath for his answer, worried that this was where the other shoe was going to drop, and he was actually going to say that he did regret the two of them ever getting together. But then logic came back and she wondered why he'd admit this when they were sitting so close that they were able to feel each other's breath.
Tommy looked at her for a moment before answering, "I regret not meeting you sooner."
(Y/N)'s worries were quelled instantly with those six words, and she let out a shaky laugh before she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his face close enough so that the tips of their noses were touching. "I think that's something I regret too," she admitted to him, a grin forming on her face before she closed the space between them and matched her lips with his.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @lora21 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable
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abbysbitch · 1 year
Piedmont | Ellie Williams (pt.1)
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part one
a/n: i hope you guys enjoy, I seriously wasn't even expecting like 10 people to see the announce post but 200 notes? are you kidding? thank you all so much *kisses every one of your foreheads* i hope this lives up to the anticipation, i feel like i didn't do it justice but i dont wanna postpone anymore so have at it
cw: pet names (babe, baby, pretty girl, pretty thing, princess) the TINIEST smidge of a blood kink(reader bites her lip too hard), edging, fingering, cum eating(kinda?) slight angst, making out, prob more that i missed
wc: 4.1K
tags! @acecardly @dani-ellaed1 @sevignyes @nil-eena (if i missed you its because i couldn't find your handle when typing them in)
Ellies always hated you, for arguably no reason.
 It’s pathetic really, seems like since the day you guys have met she’s had it out for you- whether it be throwing snarky comments at you or just being an ass in general, it’s always been a competition between the two of you. It’s been years since you've had a somewhat civil conversation with her. 
Ellie was just an outright dick to you. Since the time you guys were sent on a mission over a year ago (just the two of you, which Ellie bitched about to Tommy for approximately an hour), she was just awful towards you.
You tried so hard to get her to like you but nothing seemed to work. During socials you’ve tried countless times to get her to engage in even a card game between you, Dina and Jesse and shes always declined. You’d go up and try to start a conversation one time and - to say the least when you went home you cried out of pure frustration.
You didn’t hate Ellie, just hated the way she hated you, for fucks sake you had a crush on her that you couldn’t seem to rid. But who could blame you when she had those gorgeous green eyes and auburn hair that just seemed to frame her face so perfectly when she put it up to get it out of the way. And her tattoo- you’re sure she's caught you staring before. Staring because of how bad you wanted her fingers inside you.
Especially with the way that she carried herself. Careless, and always with such a serious look on her face. Her sarcasm entertained you; of course only from afar. 
And god she was just so beautiful.
It hurt, knowing you couldn’t have done anything for her to like you. Not even just a little. Not even just enough to be acquaintances. You would’ve been at least happy with that.
So it seems like just your luck when Tommy asks another favor of you. And just your luck when he invites Ellie to ‘tag along’.
The air was cold, and the bone chilling tension between you two even colder. 
It was now around 6pm, and you had gone to the stables to tack up and get ready. Though you weren’t supposed to go out until 7, Ellie had already beat you there. Attempting to break said tension, you shakily start with “Make sure you tie her-”
“I know how to tack a fucking horse.”
Obviously it didn’t help anything with the tension and unbeknownst to you it was going to stay that way for a while even as you left the gates of Jackson into the harsh winter of the outside.
You and Ellie keep on the path, looking for anything that was asked of Tommy to bring back. It’s only been 30 minutes of absolute silence and you’re starting to get mad with her stubbornness.What did you do to make her hate you so much? Nobody else seems to have a problem with you, so why does she? To be fair it didn’t matter before, but now that the two of you are in the middle of fucking nowhere and she’s not saying a word, it’s really getting to you.
Not being able to stand it any longer you decide to say something.
“What is your problem with me, Ellie?”
She turns to look at you for just a moment and then gazes back to the path in front of her. God, you just wanted to curl up and die of embarrassment. Of course she wasn’t going to say anything, because she didn’t care enough to have this conversation with you. 
Staying silent was the hard part of it all. So desperately did you just want to scream at her for everything she's been to you. She makes you feel like a fucking burden and, duh, it doesn’t feel good. At all.
So many more minutes pass by without a word. The air’s even colder by now, your watch showing the time as half past nine. Goosebumps have spread across your skin and your legs are shaking. Shivering was an understatement. It’s pitch black, making you even more on edge now than you were starting this little assignment. You decide to go off the path in search of a cabin you’ve been in before. For some reason this out of everything else causes Ellie to speak up.
“Where the fuck are you going?” You immediately notice her tones changed completely from the beginning. It was rougher and she sounded like she was genuinely going to snap at you.
“A cabin.” You state flatly.
She looks at you for only a second and then reverts her gaze back to the trail in front of her. You can tell she wanted to say more but kept her mouth shut for your sake, so you indulge.
“It’s getting cold and I want to warm up a little. If you don’t want to follow me, suit yourself, but it’s not on me if Tommy gets all mad.”
She scoffs as she follows you through the overgrown brush that covers the trail, taking interest in the way you pick at the greenery along the way. Why were you so intent on taking all the leaves off the different trees? She wasn’t just looking at you now, she was staring. 
And she couldn’t stop.
She watched the way you rode ahead and shook your hair to get it out of your face, watched the way you would drink out of your bottle, watched the way you’d rub your hands together to get rid of the cramps in them. She kept watching- no, staring at you.
You’d be lying if you said you couldn’t feel the eyes on the back of your head. It honestly concerned you. What was she planning to do? Hurt you? Worse? Every bad thought ran through your head within the span of just ten seconds. You were in the middle of nowhere, it was the middle of the night and you’re with someone that absolutely despises you. What couldn’t go wrong? It’d be a perfect place to hide remotely anything, and your mind went to the worst possible option of that being you.
Not feeling the need to mention anything you keep on the trail. At this point you see the cabin a little bit ahead of where you were. You let out a sigh of relief and kept on. As you reach the cabin, you both stall the horses in the small barn nearby and head inside.
“This is an absolute shithole, are you kidding?” Ellie starts, “what is this going to do for us from the cold?” She scoffs as she follows you around the house, surveying it like you two are spending the night there or something, which is far from true.
“Listen, it’ll work for a while and then we can get back out. Can you stop bitching for once and just chill out?” You were getting irritated at this point and she's pushing your limits. Egging you on, wanting to know how much you can really take.
“I’m the one bitching? We wouldn’t even be here if you weren’t such a pussy about the damn cold!”
“Like I said before, chill the fuck out Ellie.” You try to deescalate the situation.
“I’m pretty fucking chill, I just don’t get why we had to stop here, are we not wasting time?” At this point you realize she just likes to argue for fun.
“If you’re so worried about wasting time then go on your own and do this shit! I never asked for you to come with me in the first place!” You are so close to absolutely breaking. You’re so frustrated with her and her shit you could just cry.
“I never volunteered!” She just kept pushing and pushing you, god you hated her so much in this moment.
“Do you know how fucking irritating you are? Ever since I came to fucking jackson you’ve had it out for me for absolutely no reason at all! What the fuck have I ever done to you? Wanna explain or are you just going to keep treating me like shit?” You had finally broke.
You could tell Ellie wasn’t expecting that. She looked taken aback. Good, you hope it got to her like she got to you this whole time.
“Yeah, stay the fuck silent.” Now you’re the one pushing.
She stares idly tracing her tattoo, the tension clearly eating her up alive. She's at a loss for words right now- her mind is blank as she just looks at you. Not saying a single word for what feels like minutes when she finally decides to sigh. She stands up and walks towards you, still silent. You move backwards and she doesn’t let up as you eventually hit the wall with a gasp and she cages you between her arms. “What’re you-” you try, but with the way she was staring into your eyes, with a different look than normal, you found your words to be stuck in your throat. When were her arms so…big? It never hit you how tall she truly was, but now with her towering over you and her so close? As much as you’d want to think of her like that again, right now just wasn’t the time. 
Jesus, she groans. And it goes straight to your cunt but you know it shouldn’t.
“I guess I’m upset at the fact I’ve always wanted you and couldn’t have you. Do you know how frustrating it is seeing you make friends so easy? Flirting with Jesse so effortlessly? This whole time I’ve wanted you and you couldn’t have cared less. Never batting a single eye at me. I’ve wanted you since you stepped foot through those gates and its making me fucking crazy.” 
“Ellie i-” you try but are immediately cut off by her going,
“I know that’s not what you wanna hear but if I’m being honest I needed to tell you or else the guilt was going to eat me alive. I’m sor-” She shakily breathed out before she was cut off- by you. 
Closing the gap at her confession, you captured her lips in an aggressive kiss, making her whine on impact. Using your shaky hands you cup her face, trying to find a way to stabilize yourself and she catches on, slotting her leg right between yours. The sound of your mouths moving was erotic and her actions even more so. She bit at your bottom lip, silently asking you for access, letting out a breathy moan that was followed suit by her licking the same area. Her mouth was absolute bliss and every lick into it had you wanting more. More of her, her noises and her hands as they traveled slowly up and down your sides.
You pull back to catch your breath and she whines at the loss of contact. You stay for a moment, just listening and watching as her chest heaves up and down. Everything in the room is far too hot for your liking and you fix it the only way you know how.
“Take this off, now.” You motion her shirt up and off her figure. Fuck how cold it is outside, you need to feel her bare skin on yours- and god the sight was beautiful. Her toned abs felt so good under your touch, and her arms were veiny in the right spots, it was so unbelievably hot.
As she holds you tight against the wall- bodies directly pressed against each other, you do the same- grabbing the hem of your own shirt and lifting it above and off you. Sliding your hands up her stomach, you lightly yelp as she takes her own on your hips and forces you down on her thigh. Gasping at the contact, you chase after her lips like she did prior, and she groans. Now you’re desperate to hear it again, and again. You crave it.
She takes your hips and moves you across her thigh even harder now, almost as if she's desperate for you. Chasing your high rather than hers, but still for her pleasure. Grabbing at her shoulders as you take it into your own hands, you start grinding on her. God, her thighs were so hard and toned it was giving you just the right amount of friction. Leaning your head back she takes the opportunity to litter kisses and bites all over the exposed skin. You swear you’re in heaven and you’ve barely even started.
“Jesus baby, I can feel how wet you are through my fucking pants. And I haven't even touched you .” she spoke against your neck. Making a mental note at the nickname. You were biting your lip so hard you thought you tasted blood, and the fact turned you on soooo much more. 
Ellie kept her assault on your neck, but this time she trailed her hands along your body, stopping at your bra and sighing an, 'is this okay’? Taking your far too fast nod as a yes, she snakes her hands behind your back, snapping the bra off and slowly taking it off you. She threw it to the side and suddenly started to grope you, squeezing your tits and slightly grazing over your nipples as you jumped at her aggressiveness. She was giving you so much but it still wasn’t enough.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” she says as she starts on your breasts, sucking and biting at the flesh, leaving the area all sensitive and purple, and leaving you even more desperate.
Her threatening gaze stayed on you the whole time she played with your mounds, sending a wave of hot heat straight down to your cunt. The fact she had this effect on you was concerning you, but you were too entranced by her right now to notice any of it.
“Ellie,” you whine after her as she continues the assault on you, moving back up to your collarbone and jawline. She was staring at you like you were her prey, and she was the predator. 
“Hm?” she taunts against your ear and just hearing her voice alone made you so wet. God, the hold she had on you was crazy, and you’d barely even started. Even though she was the one that confessed to you just moments prior it seemed as though she was almost in charge of the situation regardless of you pouncing on her.
She had you grinding on her thigh even faster and harder now, pressing you into the fabric so you could get off, even if it was turning you on even more, it still wasn’t enough, you wanted her inside you, so bad. You needed it.
“I- …need more” You manage to say throughout moans and whimpers. Although she had just started, you think she’s already made you dumb. Off her thigh.
And that’s exactly what she wanted from you. To be so fucked out all you could say was her name over and over again, like a mantra coming from your lips, but she didn’t think it’d be so fucking easy nor did she think it’d happen so fast.
“Tell me what you need, baby,”  She says, spit dripping down your throat from how much she was sucking on you. Licking it up she brings her head to look at you.
At the words, you pulled her hands from your body and pushed further and further down until reaching the waistline of your pants.
“You’re gonna have to use your words, sweet thing.” She said as she swoops back down between your breasts. You could feel her smirking against your chest and god, she was going to be the death of you.
Being too desperate to be embarrassed you utter, “Ellie just fuck me, please” You were so needy and just needed the smallest amount more from her to teeter you over the edge and straight to your orgasm. “Atta girl.”
 She breaks past your waistband and ventures her hand further down until she reaches the part of you that wanted her the most. You gasp at the contact as she starts rubbing close circles on your clit, turning you into putty. Grabbing at her shoulders, you press your lips against hers once again and this time you’re the one licking into her mouth with a different kind of neediness behind it. She notices your legs wobbling and removes her hand from her spot in your pants and grabs your hips to gently move you over onto the couch nearby. Whimpering as your hips chase her hand she chuckles into you, pushing you down lightly.
Panting and trying to catch your breath you start, “Why haven’t you told me sooner Els, we could’ve done this so long ago.” Ellie just stares at you from her place straddling you, watching the way you look into her eyes and watching as your chest rises and falls from the heavy breathing.
“Why does it matter when I have you right here and now, falling apart in front of me?” she says with a smirk and your scoff doesn’t last long before she's on you again, kissing you with more passion than before. The kiss was softer, and wasn’t as rough with you as before. She moved against you so sensually and slowly and it was driving you crazy. "I've wanted this for so fucking long" she spoke against your lips before she slot her hot tongue into your mouth and moaned when she felt your own swirling around it. 
With your mouths still connected, she slides her hands down to your hips, grabbing for just a second before she moves down into your pants, slowly sliding them off and leaving them to pool at your ankles. With your panties still on the air hits where you were wet, chilling you for just a second before she breaks away from your mouth with a trail of spit connecting you together.
“You remember that one summer where you, Dina and I went down to the river and swam together for hours,” She started at the same time as her mouth attached to your pulse point.
“Yeah- fuck, why?” you asked between sighs and whimpers. Your brain’s so dumb right now, you barely even recall the situation she’s asking you about.
“That flimsy pink bikini you wore- fuck. You don’t even know how bad I wanted to devour you right then and there,” she kept on, drawing even louder moans from you at her words.
“The first time I saw you in something like that and, shit, I thought you were the hottest girl I’ve ever seen,”
“And now I have you in front of me like this, even more exposed. God, fuck I’ve wanted this for so long.”
Every single thing she said had you wanting her even more, although you couldn’t even say a thing because of how hard she was sucking at every inch of your body. She starts working her way from the base of your neck down to the valley between your breasts sprinkling kisses and bites all over. (and probably hickeys, you were too stupid only off her words to notice.) 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ pretty.” As you whine at the words you cover up your exposed breasts with your arms, so overstimulated with the way she’s speaking and touching and kissing you. You’re so drunk off her touch, her voice, so drunk off of her.
“Don't hide from me,” and with that she takes your wrists and pins them just above your head onto the armrest. “I wanna see all of you.” she finishes as she licks down from your neck to your breasts letting out a groan when she looks back up at you with that gaze, your doe eyes meeting hers and she smirks- she fucking smirks.
As she gets closer to where you want- need her most, she starts kissing at the inner parts of your thighs. Biting and leaving marks that are sure to be there for the next couple days reminding you of the things that took place (as if you’d want to forget).
Still soaked from being edged just moments ago, and now even more so with her actions, you plead with her to give you what you want.
“Ellie please, need you s’bad.” You’re whimpering for her touch, where you need her the most.
“Patience princess.” God, you feel like you’re going to die, what makes her take so much pleasure in teasing you and making you wait for more?
She licks your cunt through your panties, eliciting a moan she has to hear again. She bites at the fabric and slowly slides your panties down off your hips and leaves them to gather with your pants as she slides a finger straight through your slit, sighing when she feels and hears just how wet you are, and just from her.
“All this just f’me, babe?” she sighs into your thigh where her head was resting as she thumbed your clit lazily, loving the sounds you and your pussy made. 
Continuing to toy with your heat, she starts picking up the pace little at a time, leaving you a whining mess underneath her.
“More please el-” You start but are then cut off as she slips two fingers inside you, scissoring them making you groan lowly.
“I don’t think I caught you, what was that baby?” Babbling nonsense as she hits a particular spot inside you that has you moaning so loudly you take your arm and try to muffle your own sounds with it, biting down so hard you know you’re gonna bruise in the morning.
You can’t handle her teasing but at the same time it feels so good that you bite back whatever you were gonna say in response to any of it. Her fingers plunging in and out of you felt like ecstasy, and you were fucking hooked.
The sounds your cunt was making were obscene and absolutely disgusting. You were so wet and you can’t recall a time someone had ever made you feel this good. Ever. Your slick was leaving onto her forearm and soaking her fingers, slowly making its way onto her tattoo, which you couldn’t peel your eyes off of. The way her arms flexed while she was finger-fucking you was almost hotter than the way she was gazing up at you from her position between your legs.
You were so close on the edge now- riding the wave of white hot pleasure as she thrusts into you harder. And she could tell. Tell how close you were from how hard you clenched on your fingers, your muffled noises coming from above her and the amount of wetness that had already dripped down onto the couch just from her fingering you alone.
Taking your arm away from you she starts, “you’re clenchin’ so hard around me, you gonna come all on my fingers pretty?”
“Mhm, uh-huh” with nothing but incoherent words coming out of your mouth you try to warn, “‘m gonna cum ellie, f-fuck don’t- don’t stop.”
“Cmon baby, cum all over my fingers,”
And as if it were literally on command you cum so hard you swear you see stars, white hot flashes of your climax taking over leaving you loud and breathless, and Ellie loves all of it. “shit, good girl, good fucking girl.”
 She keeps on with fucking you with her fingers, letting you ride out your high as much as you possibly can. Moments later, she takes them out slowly, earning a drawn out whine from you as she kisses the inside of your thighs once again.
 She takes her fingers that were previously inside you just moments ago into her mouth, sucking and swirling her tongue around them. Although you had just come, you could’ve again just at the sight.
She comes back up to your collarbone and licks a long stripe up to your neck, whispering into it praises as she nips at the skin that is your earlobe.
“God you’re so pretty when you're under me like that,” She says to you- capturing her lips on yours once again. The kiss being messier than ever, feeling her tongue slide into your mouth just to take yours and suck on it-a mix of drool and teeth turning you on even more. Pushing her back onto the couch so you were the one on top of her now, you grab at her hips and start grinding down on her thigh once again. You taste yourself on her tongue and she pulls away just as fast as she had gotten up to kiss you and abruptly goes, 
“Wanna feel you on my tongue, fuck i need it, come sit on my face.”
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cowboyfromh3ll · 8 months
Heyyy there💖 First off i’d just like to say how obsessed i am with your fics🥹 they are perfect and you really nail the characters perfectly so here’s my request if you don’t mind:
Could i request an angsty fic with Arthur where he and the reader used to be together when they were teenagers and they joined the gang together but the reader left after a few years because she has such an innocent personality (kind of like Mary-Beth) and she just didn’t want to live in the gang with criminals so when she leaves she breaks Arthur’s heart. But they stumble into each other in Valentine (where she works as a waitress) when Arthur, Javier, Charles and Bill go to the saloon. At first their interaction goes very good until that fight breaks out where Arthur beats Tommy, after that the reader is in tears because she hates violence so she storms off behind the saloon but Arthur follows her and it’s there where they start arguing and throwing insults where the reader says that she left cause she didn’t wanna be associated with criminals so Arthur calls her naive and is extra mean to her because he can’t hold all his built up anger and judgment towards her decision to leave him anymore. When he returns to camp that night he can’t stop thinking about their heated interaction so he returns to Valentine to find her and apologise for his rough words.
Sorry for this extra long request but i just love how perfect and detailed your fics are so i knew you would be the best to turn to for this request😊🫶🏻
All We Ever Wanted Was Everything
(Arthur Morgan x Ex!Fem!Reader Angst/Fluff)
No smut sorry didn't feel like adding it, also thank u so much ur compliments mean so much to me 😭
Warnings: arguing, depictions of violence, blood
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Intimacy is the art of licking wounds. And the way Arthur loved was akin to the way a dog nurses an open wound, laving tongue and bared teeth and all. The truth was, Arthur longed to be loved so much that it made him sick. The smallest gesture of affection would bring a lump to his throat, and when he would inevitably fall into his grave, it would seep with all the longing he’s ever done. But like a dog, he dangles on his leash; and his need grows teeth. There are teeth marks on everything Arthur has ever loved.
Valentine was bleak, but it still maintained that hustle and bustle of a well-oiled machine. The town saw the daily passage of horse drawn carriages and hard working folks. Though everyone seemed to be there unwillingly, as though they had nowhere else to go; as though this was the only option they had. Such was the case for Arthur. He found himself left with no choice but to acquaint himself with the people of Valentine as the gang moved further east. The main road down Valentine had taken on the pungent weight of horse manure and wet earth. Arthur’s heavy leather boots stomped through mud, leaving deep, smeared imprints that proved he had been there. They traced him all the way towards the saloon, where he so ungracefully tracked more mud up the wooden steps and inside the establishment. He heard Javier’s voice call out distantly from inside.
He pushed open the dusty wooden doors of the saloon, the hinges groaning and squeaking as it let in another customer (it seemed even the furniture was equally as weary as the townspeople). The poignant scent of sweat, body odor, and what could otherwise simply be described as testosterone hung lowly amidst herds of inebriated men. The low hum of chatter and the lively playing of piano was nearly drowned out by Javier’s obnoxious hollering. He eyed the ox skull hanging decoratively on the wooden pillar ahead of him, as well as the dull, peeling wallpaper. The place was kempt, but just barely. Similar to the town outside, with folks just as tired and hard working coming through here. He approached Javier and Charles at the bar, who were accompanied by two women. Even with their backs turned to him, Arthur could tell they were escorts. With one of them having an off the shoulder blouse, a beguiling attempt at appearing more enticing; her burnt orange hair tied lowly into a bun that rested just above a black choker. Her counterpart was of a darker complexion, and she sported a floral top with a singular black braid cascading down her right shoulder; they both wore long purple skirts. Arthur sneered. ‘Unbelievable’ he thought to himself.
“Oh, Arthur!” Javier looked surprised to see him, his enthusiasm suggesting ulterior motives. Javier was not yet reeling drunk, but he was working on it (Arthur could tell the moment he saw the group raising shots together when he walked in).
“Arthur, Arthur, come here, come here, come over here” Javier pulled Arthur in by his shoulder, the rest of the group turning to face him. Wordlessly, he looked at Charles and gave him a nod of acknowledgement.
“I want you to meet our new friends.” Javier added.
Arthur looked utterly unimpressed by Charles and Javier’s ‘friends’. Arthur stood to the side, eyeing the women up and down, the ginger one busty, exhibiting her cleavage almost proudly. He could tell the two men were here for a lay. Though perhaps, he supposed they were fulfilling their duty of acquainting themselves with the townspeople after all.
“Pleased to meet you.” Arthur greeted flatly, nodding his head.
“Well ain't you just the tough as teak mountain man.” One of the women teased coyly.
“Oh, you be quiet, Anastasia! Anyone can tell this one is a pussy cat!” The other one added.
Javier seemed to butt in overzealously.
“Exactly, yes he’s a pussy…cat. Ain't that so Arthur?” Javier seemed entranced by these women, his judgement clouded by lust. Arthur thought it only bothersome. Charles said nothing the whole time, but Arthur knew he was just as enraptured as Javier was; spanning one of his hands behind one of the women's backs.
“Whatever you say.” Arthur murmured. “How much you cost anyway?”
The women looked at him scornfully.
“Well ain’t that a nice way to talk to a lady?” One of them said sarcastically. Javier and Charles looked on awkwardly, unsure of how to aid the situation.
“Oh, I didn’t know I was talking to a lady.” Arthur put emphasis on lady, even stepping forward to punctuate his sarcasm. That seemed to be the last straw, as the two women excused themselves and walked elsewhere, their unwillingness to stick around any longer suggesting that years in their business had diminished their tolerance for such derision. Javier and Charles looked on in disappointment, watching as the objects of their desires made themselves scarce.
“Well, I must say, you got a fine way with the women amigo…” Javier sighed in defeat, retreating back to the bar and leaning his elbows on the counter.
“Yeah, a regular and dandy charmer.” Arthur humored. He picked up one of the abandoned shots of whisky on the counter, throwing back the liquid and letting it simmer its way down his gullet. He cleared his throat, not expecting it to be quite so potent. Valentine's saloon didn’t feel quite as dismal as Arthur had expected, despite its appearance. Valentine had its fair share of shady gray alleyways and sordid, dodgy customers ducking in and out of low dark doorways, but the bar seemed lively enough.
“Is there anything else I can get you boys?” A strangely familiar voice called out. It was soft, but very sharp. It cut through Arthur’s tedious judgment like a serrated knife through butter. Pleasantly easy, but jarring. Arthur looked up, blinking away disbelief, as he beheld what he thought might’ve been a mirage in the middle of this stalemate of a town.
Arthur’s eyes squinted as he studied your face, noting with fondness the familiar way your eyes looked at him with a deep seated compassion. Your hair seemed to float around you almost angelically, the wispy ends of your hair illuminated by the gentle lighting coming in from the saloon windows— making it appear as though you were materializing from a dream. But when the hardness of your silhouette came into focus, you proved to be very real. Your hands maintained the same gentleness they had years ago. Your skin had matured wonderfully into a sophisticated womanhood. You had matured wonderfully. Arthur could still see teeth marks all over you.
“(Name)?” Arthur whispered. He watched the way your face hardened with realization before melting into a warm smile.
“Arthur?” You breathed, tightening your fists and digging your nails into your palm as if it would wake you up from this dream-like sequence. Charles and Javier looked at each other knowingly, a silent agreement between the two of them to move away from the obviously intimate scene. Arthur barely took notice of their absence; he was too entranced by the sight before him.
“Oh my god…” Your disbelief turned into happiness, your gasps turning into airy laughs. “How long has it been?” You exclaimed, becoming suddenly very excited. Part of you wanted to jump over the counter and pat Arthur down, unable to fathom that this was really him. Out of some sort of second instinct, you placed your hand over his, as if touching him would ground you in reality. He flinched, but he did not move his hand away, rather, he felt a sprinkling of butterflies in his stomach. Unlike yours, his hands had a new roughness to them, decorated with scars and calluses. These hands held stories; memories.
“How have you been?” You asked, feeling the faint but familiar feeling of tears well up in your eyes. Arthur was bashful, you could tell from the way he was hiding his face with his hat, not quite capable of looking you in the eye again.
“I’ve been just fine.” He smiled politely and nodded, fully taking your hand into his and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. There was a shakiness in the way he did this; you felt his hands tremble softly. In another act of familiarity, you placed your other hand over his, cupping his own fully. There was a noticeable tension in you as you contemplated your next question.
“You still ride with…uh…” You did not complete your sentence. Both of you knew you didn’t need to. He nodded in response, his smile hardening.
“Yes, still do.”
“Well… it’s good to hear you’re doing good Arthur.” You smiled. The two of you exchanged committal half smiles, not yet letting go of one another’s hands. You seemed to study each other for a moment, and despite customers calling for you, Arthur did not want you to go. And you seemed in no hurry to go either.
You shook your head gently in contemplation.
“Arthur, I… I’ve missed—”
In the not so far off distance, you listened, then watched, as two men bumped into each other. Your stomach dropped in fear as you watched the bigger of the two head-butt the other man, knocking him into a table occupied by patrons. Your hands tightened around Arthur’s as you heard a bottle break, and in a split second, the hammer dropped; the entire bar dissolving into a brawl. All around you, fists began flying and chairs were picked up, as men knocked into eachothers and swung in their clumsy, drunken haze. The testosterone in this saloon alone was nearly tangible. You looked to your left and watched the few women there flee out the back door. With Arthur’s hand still in your own, you began walking towards the back, half expecting him to come along with you.
But to no one’s surprise, and to your disappointment, you watched as he turned his back and threw himself headfirst into the fight. As the only woman there now, you felt safest behind the bar. You feared that if you stepped out, you’d be caught in someone’s flurry of fighting. You backed into the mahogany cases of liquor behind you, feeling the way the bottles vibrated and shook with the far off slamming of bodies against the floor. Your eyes remained fixated on Arthur, and you felt your blood run cold when you saw a man come at him, putting his entire body weight into swinging at him.
His name caught in your throat, but it quickly died down when Arthur dodged the punch, stepping to the side before landing a flurry of punches to the man, kicking him away with his boot. You watched in morbid mesmerization as Arthur continued to fight the man, the fight bordering on unfair as Arthur easily out did the man with skill born of experience. His face was already beginning to bruise a nasty red and deep purple after each punch he took, but Arthur never faltered. Eventually, he knocked the man out cold against a chair, and relentlessly, Arthur moved onto the next. He headed to a group of three men this time, seemingly on his way to help his friend; the same man who started this entire fight.
Arthur’s determination seemed to be helping his friends out of losing fights; it appeared this was something he was used to. Like it was just another daily occurrence for him. But to you, this senseless fighting had no other meaning than to prove who could punch harder.
“What the hell is going on down here?!” Another burling man came stomping down the stairs, his ego just as big as he was, it seemed. Only a man with an inflated sense of self would insert himself into this mess, you thought. You ducked behind the counter, but peered over just enough so that you could see what was going on. You looked to your left, briefly, and saw another one of Arthur’s companions fighting a man. Another man pleaded with this “Tommy” to not involve himself. Your throat became dry as you saw him, with ease, knock back Arthur’s other friend.
Arthur tried to approach Tommy and Javier, but was promptly jumped by another man who wrapped his arm around his neck from behind. Arthur had to continually jab his elbow into the man in order to get him off, the struggle ensuing for excruciatingly long. As soon as Arthur threw him off, he made sure to turn around and land a punch in his jugular, knocking him out. Arthur’s fighting would’ve impressed you, if not for the fact you were terrified.
“Javier could use some help, Morgan!” Bill called out from across the bar.
You watched in terror as Arthur confidently, and calmly, sauntered up behind Tommy, who was ruthlessly slamming Javier into a table over and over, before landing a punch behind Tommy’s head. The impact barely seemed to phase Tommy, before he calmly turned around and punched Arthur across the jaw. The sound of fist meeting flesh made you squirm, especially when it was Arthur’s. You nearly shrieked as you watched Tommy grapple Arthur’s shoulders brutishly before throwing him over the same table. His body tumbled over the surface before landing on the floor with a grunt and a thud. To add insult to injury (and even more injury), Tommy walked around the table and picked Arthur up off the floor once again, before sending his body crashing through the saloon window.
“Oh my god!” You screamed, not caring for your own safety anymore as you followed the scene outside.
Arthur crashed through the glass, gaining new cuts and bruises as he rolled off the wooden porch and onto the mud. He skid across the earth, smothering his jacket and pants with filth. He stood wearily, taking notice of the crowd forming around them. Cold rain poured down on him, only making the surface beneath him even more slippery.
“Come on, pretty boy.” Tommy’s voice was gravelly as he marched down the wooden steps, a parallel to the way Arthur had marched up them earlier.
“Pretty boy? You’re kidding me. Pretty boy?” At this point, Arthur wasn’t sure why he was fighting. To not die, he supposed. He could’ve stepped away at an earlier point, but pride did not allow him to. Now he was stuck in this. The two sized each other up as they got into fighting stances, then Tommy stepped forward and grabbed Arthur’s neck, throwing him to the side.
You heard a cacophony of horrified screams, disapproving howls, and cheers for either Tommy or Arthur. You saw the rage sizzling in Arthur, and felt a combination of pity, horror, and disappointment. It’d been so many years since you last saw him, so many you had lost count, and this was the first time you had seen him since then. The only thing that had changed was how his eyes and hands had hardened. And suddenly, the calluses and cuts on his knuckles that you had seen earlier seemed to explain themselves.
For a moment, Tommy seemed to have gotten the upper hand on Arthur, and you feared the worst. You weren’t sure how far this would go, but your body flinched with each punch you saw Arthur tank. But against all odds, Arthur clambered on top of Tommy.
A smattering of blood and mud smeared all over Arthur’s face, he grunted with each brutal punch he landed onto Tommy’s head. He felt Tommy claw at the thick leather of his jacket, attempting to shove his face away, but Arthur persisted. Arthur got some sort of wretched exultation out of watching the way Tommy’s face turned into one of helplessness. His body thrashed and his limbs flailed as Arthur continued to strike his head, the skin breaking and bleeding from the repeated impact.
Arthur grit his teeth so hard he swore a tooth nearly cracked. He had tuned out the cheering surrounding him, an uninterrupted ringing replacing any other discernible sounds. The only thing he could focus on was the way he would slam his fist, over and over into Tommy’s head, as if in hypnosis. The man below him was a pitiful, bloody pulp; reaching his arms up as if he were begging for some unlikely act of mercy. But Arthur would punch again, and again, and again…
“Stop! Stop! Please!” You watched as Mr. Downes bravely stepped forward, pleading desperately with Arthur to stop. Arthur raised his fist, but did not connect it, instead looking at Mr. Downes. Arthur and Mr. Downes exchanged a few more words before Arthur pushed past him, covered in mud and all, limping away from the scene and pushing past people.
He caught sight of you looking on tearfully, and the gravity of what he had just done crashed down on him all at once when you turned your back and scurried down the alley besides the saloon. Arthur abandoned any resolve he had and followed you. You heard the rugged breathing and heavy footsteps behind you, which only terrified and spurred you on to run deeper into the alley. You turned the corner, back pressed against the rear wall of the saloon. You held your breath, and for a terrifying few seconds, heard the footsteps approaching. As if it were some sort of deliberate jump scare, you yelped when Arthur turned the corner and faced you. Normally you’d find the mud revolting, but now it served to scare you. It made Arthur seem all the more savage, traces of seething rage still present in his eyes. His hair was wild, face bruised and beaten; his blood mixed with mud and smeared his face in a grim unfamiliarity. He took a step towards you, and you flinched, trying to back away but you could not; you could only shuffle to the side.
At once, Arthur was overcome with an unfathomable sense of self hatred and disgust upon seeing the fear present in your face. He felt sickened with himself, and was given a moment of clarity as he looked down at his dirtied hands, his mud smeared clothes, his bruises and bleeding knuckles. Arthur saw his reflection in the window next to you, the person staring back at him unfamiliar, yet startlingly recognizable all the same.
Arthur’s eyes began stinging, a deep pang hitting his chest. His shoulders slumped and his body sagged, contracting your squared and tensed shoulders, your arms lifted and crossed over your chest protectively.
“You… You… I… I thought maybe you might’ve changed! But you proved me wrong.” You were sobbing at this point, and you weren’t sure whether you were trembling from your anger or fear. Probably both. Arthur could not find the words to respond.
“How dare you! Come into our town, into our businesses, and start a fight! And beat on us like you own the place! You beat that man half to death! WHAT FOR?” Your body buzzed in anxiety, unable to hold in any more of your anger as you shook.
“(Name), he was going to kill Javier back there if I didn’t—”
“You’re an animal!”
Arthur seemed to forget himself once more, feeling rage upon being called an animal. But perhaps it was more than just being insulted. Perhaps it was years of hurt and heartbreak behind his words.
“You don’t know what you’re saying. Listen to yourself—.” He spat through grit teeth.
“Oh I know!” You huffed, lowering your arms now. “Which is exactly why I left in the first place. Why I left you.”
You both felt that one, Arthur the most. The sting was reminiscent of being stabbed in the chest. He turned his sadness to anger, fueling the burning flame inside his chest. It kept him going.
“You left what we had, the good thing that we had, so that you could come and work at some dead end town? Is this really the life you want? Is your way of living any better than what we do?”
“I live a good honest life now!”
“You’re just a naive girl who doesn’t know that sometimes, this is all we got. Some of us don’t have the luxury of being able to just turn away and start anew. For some of us, we only have each other!”
You were enraged at this point, enough to let your guard down and walk up directly in front of him, sizing him up almost.
“I’d rather die working than live my life as a despicable criminal living with a lowdown gang constantly on the run. If that’s your idea of a life, then good god Mister Morgan, I pity you.” Your every word dripped with venom. And you made sure Arthur felt every bit of it, even going as far as to jab your finger in his chest.
“You’re a brat.” He growled. “You seem to forget where you come from. You were once a part of the gang, you went through exactly what I went through and you knew what it was like. And now you wanna act like you’re better than me? Like you’re above me?” He looked back down at you with malice, a hidden layer of hurt and sadness just beneath the surface. He looked somewhere between a kicked puppy and a crazed, rabid dog who’d been rolling in mud.
You said nothing in return, instead falling into some sort of stare off. He looked at you expectantly, but did not anticipate an answer. It was as if by looking into your eyes or expression, he could catch a slight change in your expression that indicated, just maybe, that you did not mean what you were saying. That this was all some adrenaline fueled attack on him after having watched him savagely beat a man. But even he could realize the irony in that line of thought.
But not once did your face soften, or look away from him in a show of discomfort or even intimidation. You stood your ground, heels firmly planted on the mud beneath you both.
Wordlessly, but with a grunt, Arthur moved past you, his arm brushing past and saturating some of your skin and clothes with mud. Arthur grumbled lowly to himself as every fiber in his body urged him to turn around and look at you one last time, to throw himself at your feet and ask if you really meant what you said, but his pride did not allow him.
Even as Dutch spoke to him at the front of the shop, his ears ringed and obstructed any other words from entering and being processed (He hadn’t even questioned Dutch’s sudden appearance with Trelawny). Arthur seemed to look past anyone who spoke to him, only nodding in response when they asked “are you listening?”. It was only when he was able to dunk himself in a nearby barrel of water, did the striking coldness snap him back to reality; the gritty veil over his consciousness being washed away.
The ride back towards camp was a gap in Arthur’s memory. He fell back into a pit of thought that tunneled his vision once again. He was all at once, keenly and uncomfortably aware of every sound and movement around him, but he could not be bothered to give it any thought. The shockwave of impact that traveled up through his body as he got off of his horse rather clumsily did not shake him from his pensive state. He wearily returned the greetings that people sent his way, not in the mood to entertain any sort of conversation with anyone. Arthur wanted nothing more now, than to rest his sore and aching muscles. He changed out of his caked, filthy clothes and changed into his union suit, the clean fabric feeling angelic in comparison to the squalid state of his clothes. His joints began to throb suddenly, as if the pain was triggered at once by laying on his cot, which suddenly seemed to sky rocket in comfortability. A deep ache settled into his side; the side he had landed on after being thrown.
His bed echoed his groan as he rested his weight on it, a large sigh leaving him as pain settled into every cell of his body. His exhaustion overtook him as he slid his eyes shut; his head hitting his pillow like there was a weight tied around his neck. Every bit of his being screamed for sleep, but his racing mind would not allow rest. He thought of you: the terrified look in your eyes after he followed you behind the saloon, the way you looked akin to a wild, injured animal backed up into a corner. He was sure he looked the same.
His bodily aches were accompanied by the pang in his chest as he remembered your heavy words. He squeezed his eyes in an attempt to prevent tears from surfacing, but the pressures in his nasal passages proved to be too much. He turned his back away from camp so that no one could see just how pathetic he looked.
The insults on him, his gang, his way of life. They were all too much to bear. He did not anticipate seeing you at all. He looked back regretfully on how the sweet encounter had turned so sour so quickly; part of him blamed Bill. He could at least find solace in the fact that you had missed him after all these years. As he did. Though he had had women since then, he never did quite forget about you. A boy never forgets his first love. And now that he was a man, those feelings amplified, and he knew it had been more than just puppy love. Part of him could not understand your rejection of the lifestyle. When you initially left the gang, and Arthur by proxy, you explained you could not withstand the violence and bloodshed, but that you respected and understood that this was his way of life, the only way of life he had known, even before he met you and joined the gang. But with the way he had heard you speak so lowly of the gang, he could not understand where all your compassion had gone, especially since you had been part of it.
Part of him still held onto a childlike sense of anger, feeling as though you wronged him in leaving him. But he could at least understand why you decided to up and leave. Perhaps his own judgment of your life had been harsh. You weren’t wrong in saying you lived an honest life, objectively it was better than his. You got to live freely without fear of the law, you made honest clean money, and as far as he knew, you only had yourself to support with the money you made. Arthur hadn’t even considered the possibility you were seeing someone, his stomach dropping at the thought. He was guilt ridden and anxious, nauseated by the thoughts. His temporary solution would be falling asleep to quell it.
When Arthur awoke, it was nighttime. The sun had set, the sky tinged with dark purple that faded into night. Most of the activity around camp had calmed, but many people were still awake. Arthur stood at once, bee lining towards his horse. He ignored any gang members that attempted to come forth and ask him if he was okay, where he was going. Wordlessly, he mounted his horse and spurred it on, riding back towards Valentine.
Perhaps it was unwise to go back into town so soon after raising hell there. But Arthur couldn’t care less. His objective at the moment was to see you. And he hoped to god you’d still be at the saloon. His heart thrummed in time with his horses running, and he began to pant as if he was the one doing the physical activity. Perhaps it was the anxiety that made him so short of breath.
He saw the promising glow of Valentine as he approached the small town, pulling on his horse's reins to try and slow down. His horse trotted down the streets of now dried earth, the prints of shoes and wheels having dried up into casts. He cringed internally when he saw the still broken window of the saloon, the glass having been cleaned up long ago. Luckily for him though, the lights of the saloon were on, and he heard the same lively piano from before. From the outside, it was almost as if nothing had ever happened, but he knew that as soon as he stepped inside, all heads would turn in his direction and stare him down. Arthur was used to looks, he would pay it no mind. But it was the thought of you sending him a disgusted look his way that had his head spinning in apprehensiveness.
Arthur was not a man who was scared of confrontation, and when it came to violence, he was best at letting his fists speak for him. But for more emotional matters, he sounded as eloquent as a child learning how to read for the first time. He would get stuck on using the right combination of words, and would opt towards not saying much at all. But this was something he wanted, and he knew that if was going to ask for your forgiveness, he’d have to put effort into sounding decent.
The hinges of the saloon doors creaked, and as Arthur expected, the volume level of the saloon lowered, the lively chatter dissolving into whispers and grumbles of threats. He looked over towards the bar to see if coming here had been worth his time. And there you were, standing in your confused, and frankly appalled, glory. You were wiping down a glass, continuing for a moment too long as you stared at him.
You had not expected to see him back here, grimacing at the tender purple skin of his cheek. Part of you felt pity, but it was replaced by indifference as you remembered he brought the injuries onto himself. As he began walking towards you, you slammed the glass down on the counter with a sigh and rolled your eyes. The sudden slam startling, but not fully waking, the passed out patron slumped against the counter.
“What are you doing here.” You asked, hand on your hip. It came out as less of a question and more as a statement professing your annoyance. Arthur leaned on the counter, moving his head to the side so he could look anywhere but at you as he attempted to find the right words to start off with. He opened and closed his mouth, and you were beginning to get impatient.
“I’m sorry…”
You were about to demand Arthur either leave or speak up, until you heard his meek apology. You felt your facial muscles relax from the scowl you had held for so long.
“What?” You asked in disbelief.
Arthur fidgeted where he stood, occupying himself by drumming his fingers along the counter. You lowered your arms to your side, fidgeting as well.
“I’m sorry too.”
A moment of awkward silence hung over the two of you before you grabbed his hand; bruised and callused, taken into soft and gentle. You pursed your lips in a half hearted smile before nodding your head towards the stairs. Before Arthur could even understand what you were implying, you were leading him past the bar counter and up the stairs towards a private room.
“What do we need this for? I just wanted to apologize…”
“I know. I just didn’t want my patrons hearing, y’know…” You laughed awkwardly. “A little privacy is nice, they don’t exactly keep their noses to themselves.” You fumbled with your keys, a sweat forming on the back of your neck as you struggled to jam the key into the lock before turning it. Arthur found it rather suggestive, but he decided to move along anyway. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t have the hots for you anymore.
The two of you stiffly scooted over towards the bed; first you, then him, the bed dipping significantly from his weight. The sudden dip caused you to bump into his arm, which neither of you wanted to acknowledge outright. Your thighs rubbed against each other, and at last, you were able to see side by side how much Arthur had grown since you last saw him. Seeing the way he dwarfed you tugged at your heart strings.
“Oh, Arthur… How I’ve missed you… I’m so sorry for saying all those nasty things. And I know it’s no excuse but I was scared and… I felt a little betrayed that you had gone off to fight instead of… coming with me.”
Arthur nodded as you spoke, processing each word.
“And I know I shouldn’t have expected that. They’re your gang afterall, they’re your family. And I don’t think you’re all lowdown, or any of those nasty things I said.” You were gripping Arthur’s arm by now, as if holding onto him at that moment might better help him understand and accept your apology.
“I know sweetheart, I know.” He began. “I’m a fool and fighting’s all I know. It’s all I’ve ever known. I ain’t the smartest… but…” Arthur seemed to lose his train of thought, physically pained by his own mental fumbling. “I’m just trying to say that I’m sorry. I especially don’t have any right to judge your lifestyle.”
It was your turn to nod, slowly breaking into a smile.
“I’m glad you came.”
“I wanted to see you.”
The two of you slowly began to intertwine hands, shyly at first, until you fully sent it and gripped his fully. You felt his arm go tense against you as he looked back and forth from where you two conjoined to your face. The tension in the air had a nostalgic feel to it. It brought you back to all those years ago when you and Arthur had first gotten together. You were so young then. Holding hands also allowed you to feel the size difference, causing the both of you to blush.
“You’ve uh… really grown.” You giggled together. “I mean, you always were much larger than me but my my…”
Arthur nodded, looking down at the noticeable differences between you.
“Yeah, I always did love giving you piggy back rides.” He added. The recalling of the juvenile memory had you laughing even more.
“Oh, how I missed those! And you were always so helpful. Could be really helpful to have you around the saloon, can intimidate some guys away like you did for me when we were younger.”
“Gladly will, sweetheart.”
As the laughter died down, you hesitantly leaned upwards, looking for a sign to stop on his face. Though with more hesitation, you abstained from kissing him.
That is, until he went ahead and did it himself. He let go of your hand so he could cup your face, using the other arm to wrap around your waist and hold you close, as though you might disappear if he didn’t. Your lips molded perfectly against one another. It felt like the reunion of lips that should’ve always been together. And even though you had attempted to peel away from Arthur for so long, the meeting was like two sides of a wound finally mending back together.
The muffled chatter of the downstairs saloon was drowned out by your and his heavy breathing. You pushed your own lips hard against his teeth, gripping the downy tuft of hair at the base of his neck. He was taken aback by your enthusiasm but returned it nonetheless. The men you had had in Arthur’s absence were insipid compared to his passionate kisses. The two of you idly palmed and groped each other, the same tenderness as when you two were younger, but with the renewed passion of lovers long separated, finally reuniting with a more carnal desire.
Memories come in waves, and tonight, you were drowning.
PHEW this took me days, I can finally work on all my other requests. Thanks for being patient y'all
All We Ever Wanted Was Everything - Bauhaus
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momowoah · 2 months
To add to the seemingly endless list of Chenford/Buddie parallels: both couples had moments before they dated (and before they even truly realized their feelings) in which they opened themselves to the possibility of that relationship and truly considered moving forward with it for the first time. (aka 7x01 is to Buddie what 3x14 is to Chenford) (long-ish post)
In the S3 finale of The Rookie, Lucy and Tim are finally out of their T.O.-Boot relationship, which opens up the possibility of them having something beyond that. Lucy even acknowledges that in 3x09 when she fake confesses her feelings for Tim in order to prove she can handle UC work. Even though the confession wasn't serious, it did bring up the fact that it could've been; Tim specifically actually had to consider how he'd respond to Lucy actually having feelings for him, since he believed her. This whole ordeal resurfaces in 3x14, first when Lucy flirts with him while UC, and later when they talk at the wedding, the first time both of them manifest being interested in each other and in pursuing a relationship. Lucy breaks away from Grey and Nyla to go talk to him (and they exchange looks over it); Tim checks her out; they bring up the flirting; Tim asks Lucy to save him a dance. It feels like they crossed a line, it feels like it's going somewhere, and it probably would've if not for all that happened after. 4x01 basically confirms that by showing both Lucy and Tim laying in bed(/couch), wondering whether or not to get up and go towards each other after a hug and an almost kiss. Although the show never acknowledges what would've happened if either of them had gotten up (and we know at least Lucy would've, because she was getting up when Tim interrupted her), it is heavily implied that during those two episodes they were interested in each other, but it ultimately led to nowhere (at the time).
(Unrelated kinda but we can also establish a parallel between Chenford and mid S2 Madney here. Jackson's death ruined what they could've had back then, but they still managed to have something else.)
(Btw this paragraph will be a little chaotic and I'm too lazy to reread it and organize it sorry but I swear it makes sense) We get this kind of subconscious-ish realization of feelings and openness to a possible relationship with Buddie too. For Buck, that happens in S7. I can't find that interview again for the life of me but remember when OS mentioned a few weeks ago that Buck felt something when he thought Eddie and Marisol had split up in 7x01? I think that was the moment when he finally opened himself to the possibility of dating Eddie (even if he didn't realize that's what he was doing). He had broken up with Natalia after he had realized that their relationship would always be about his death rather than his life and was actively trying to understand how he had changed since dying (if we go by his 6b plot). I think the fact that Eddie was missing from his coma dream is specifically significant for this reason. Eddie was the one major relationship in his life that Buck didn't confront during the coma. He was absent, because Buck wasn't ready to deal with what he meant to him yet. By S7, we see Buck way more open to dealing with his feelings, evidenced by the fact that he finally figured out his bisexuality and by how light that whole plot was/is. Buck was ready to deal with it, even if subconsciously, and I think a part of that was him finally opening himself up to the possibility of Eddie. His vibes in the locker room in 7x01 are a lot like Tim in 3x14 - he wasn't overtly flirting, but he was trying to take that step forward, willing to take that step forward, and only didn't bc Eddie told him he was still with Marisol. Unlike Tim, though, I don't think he has fully closed that door yet. He's redirecting these feelings to Tommy for now, but he's still there with Eddie. He just needs some time to figure it out.
When it comes to Eddie, I think this moment came much earlier and lasted a lot longer. His feelings finally came close enough to the surface (even if they didn't surface completely) when he got shot. In that moment, he reached for Buck, and he never truly stopped. He broke up with his girlfriend really soon after that; he avoided going on dates; he pulled Buck closer to his family life (s5/6 domestic Buddie my beloved) (also by revealing the will); he actually pretty much took Buck out on a date. Eddie was moving towards a romantic relationship for almost two years, completely open to dating Buck, until the cemetery scene. Buck thinks he's finally found his place with Natalia, and Eddie decides to stop pursuing him because he realizes (wrongly in my opinion but shhhh) that he'll never be able to be that person to Buck, because Buck has yet to realize that Eddie does see him and that Eddie sees him all the time. However, he resumes his pursuit in 7x01, because Buck breaks up with Natalia, and that means that Eddie still has a chance. Even Buck's relationship with Tommy points towards it, because it means Buck can feel like that about a man. So Eddie pulls Buck back into his family life by asking for advice and help with Christopher (and probably also through whatever is going to happen with the Diaz family now), starts to fuck up his relationship with his girlfriend (by moving too fast even though he doesn't want to, which was what killed his relationship with Ana), avoids his girlfriend, and indulges Buck's every idea (as seen through the bachelor party). Since the 7x01 locker room scene, he's been fully open to Buck, and Buck has been fully open to him. In conclusion: Buddie will be canon by the end of 8A.
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softguarnere · 3 months
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 39 - Epilogue: Donadagohvi
Summary: She studies her husband’s face. It’s lined with age, but still as beautiful and as bright as the day she met him. A/N: Alright, y'all - we've made it! But before we get started, I've got some things I have to say. This fic was started during a very strange era. I hated what was going on in my life but didn't know how to fix any of it. Long story short, but I decided to run away one day, and ended up in Toccoa. While standing in the military museum there, I started thinking about Deborah Sampson (a childhood hero of mine), and wondered what would happen if a story like hers happened during WW2 - specifically, if she was a paratrooper. Thus, Zenie appeared in my brain, and this epilogue wrote itself in my mind as I went through the museum. I was never sure if I would share this fic until the second that I hit "post." Zenie was just a way for me to blow off steam, to escape - to fulfill my desire to be someone else for a bit. (Coincidentally, all themes throughout the fic.) I didn't know how people would respond to this story, or to this character, and I only ever had the courage to start uploading chapters because of friends like @latibvles and @liebgotts-lovergirl who showed enthusiasm for it. So I couldn't upload this chapter without a massive sgi (thank you) to them, as well as to everyone else who has read this fic and been so kind to it, and to me. Thank you for welcoming me into this fandom. Thank you for allowing me to share the Cherokee language with you. Thank you for all the support you've given me for both my writing, and as friends. Whether you knew it or not, all that kindness came at a time when I really needed it, and I appreciate you all. Without further ado, here's the last laglam update, in which the fic's title finally makes sense. Much love 💖 Warnings: language, alcohol Taglist: @latibvles @liebgotts-lovergirl @lady-cheeky @dcyllom @mads-weasley @ithinkabouttzu @mrs-murder-daddy @lieutenant-speirs
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Eugene looks just the same as he did when Zenie first met him. So do all the other men on this side of the reunion. For her part, she also looks the way she did when she first met all of them – albeit like a girl rather than like a man. For now, her hair is long, and her chest unbound.
No one seems to have figured out why they all look young again, and it has only been mentioned in passing during the reunions. There are better things to do, like visit with those they can, and pass between the ones they left behind, feeling their hearts swell with love as they watch them laugh, watch them remember – watch them live.
Another thing that no one has figured out is why they seem able to come back to this world at certain times. David Webster says he once read that the veil between their worlds thins during certain times of the year, and that maybe this is true of the Easy Company reunions. Zenie, however, likes to believe that it’s the love of the people still living who allow them to come back. All that love with nowhere to go. Love so strong that remembering the people you felt it for brings them back.
No time to wonder now, though. Gene is already smiling at her in greeting.
“Hello again,” he greets as she joins him.
“Gene,” she teases him with an affectionate poke to his ribs. “You haven’t aged a day since I met you in forty-two!”
“Eh, I don’t know about that, Tommy Boy,” Luz’s confident drawl digresses as the radioman swaggers up beside her. “You look a little taller. What, did you finally hit puberty or something?”
Zenie rolls her eyes, but there’s no malice to it. She did, after all, keep him in the dark about her secret until her very last day in Europe. Instead of leading him on, she asks, “How does everyone look?”
“Us? The same as ever. Them? – “ Luz gestures towards the reunion that can’t see them. “ – Well, I guess they’re aging with grace.”
“Have you seen – “
“Bill and Babe are at the bar, as per usual. And your darling husband is somewhere around the middle.”
Zenie takes a step forward before turning quickly to face her friends. “Do y’all mind if I . . . ?”
Gene smiles. “Go ahead. That’s why we’re here.”
Grateful, Zenie takes off through the crowd. Visiting her friends like this is something she always looks forward to, but visiting those she left behind is a rarer treat, and she would like to check up on them. Especially Shifty. 
Bill and Babe – to no one’s surprise – are the easiest to find. They’ve got the bartender in stitches with their jokes, and their own accented guffaws are like a lighthouse cutting through the crowd that makes them easy to navigate towards.
“Siyo, boys!” Though they can’t see or hear her, Zenie takes a seat beside them at the bar. “What’s new with y’all?”  
“They’re drinking everyone under the table, as usual,” a familiar voice beside her announces as none other than Joe Toye takes a seat beside her. His expression is just as relaxed and confident as when they were young, but as he watches their living friends, something like longing flickers behind his eyes. “Too bad that we can’t show them who the real champs are anymore.”
“At least we can visit them.”
Joe nods, smiling sadly. “You made your rounds yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Well, we got time,” her friend assures her. They have nothing but time, actually. And they use it to sit with their friends, laughing along with their jokes and making their own, even though Bill and Babe can’t hear them.
As their jokes turn to remembrances, Zenie finds herself swept up in Babe’s retelling of the time she chucked an apple at Cobb’s head back in Holland. She barely remembers the scene, able to recall only a flash of anger and a split-second decision. Babe’s version is far better – he paints her out to be some sort of knight in shining armor coming to defend the honor of her friends.
Bill shakes his head and chuckles into his drink. “Goddamn. Zee sure could make a scene.”
“You weren’t even there when her secret got out,” Babe notes. “Now that was a scene!”
“No one ever brings it up,” Bill marvels, his eyes roaming over the crowd, searching for something. “You would think everyone would talk about it all the time. I mean – shit! A woman disguised herself as a man and made it from Toccoa to the bitter end before she got found out, and no one at the reunions brings it up.”
Zenie can’t help but smile at that. It’s true – her secret got out, she had to leave in a state of semi-disgrace, but at the Easy reunions, she was usually only acknowledged as Shifty’s wife. Sure, every now and then someone would tell a funny story about Sergeant Driver before throwing a knowing wink in her direction, but after all this time, it’s like they’re still keeping her secret for her. For her own part, she never brings up her service, except to mention in passing that she met her husband during the war. Even her own children seem to be under the impression that she must have been a nurse or a WAC, using that explanation to fill in the story’s blanks. Zenie never confirmed or denied their suspicions.
“Wish she were here,” Babe sighs. He orders another round of drinks, three this time, before placing one in front of the seemingly empty bar stool beside him – unknowingly, right in front of Zenie. He raises his own glass as he offers the last one to Bill. “To Zenie.”
Bill clinks his glass against Babe’s in a toast. “To Zenie.”
“To the best friends I ever had,” Zenie adds. During her last reunion – and even during the last year or so of her life – she could sometimes swear that she could feel a presence that she couldn’t explain. An unshakable feeling that those she loved who were already gone were somehow watching her would wash over her, though she could never explain why she felt that way. Now, she wonders if her friends feel that way about her. Just in case they do, she channels all her love into those words, hoping and praying that they can feel it.
As if on cue, the bittersweet moment ends when a woman with sleek, dark hair approaches the bar, smiling. “Uncle Babe! Are you ready?”
“Luna.” Zenie watches as her daughter throws an arm around each of the men at the bar, her smile just as bright as her father’s, outshining the sun itself.
“The real question is, are you?” Bill teases his goddaughter, cocking an eyebrow. “Don’t forget, kid, that your uncle is a champion jitterbug dancer.”
Luna sizes up the man in question. “Well, I’ve been practicing.”
“Don’t worry about her.” Babe takes one last sip of his drink and waves off Bill’s concerns. “Her mom could have been a champ, too. It’s in her genes; she’ll be fine.”
“The DJ said it’ll be the next song . . .” Luna begins explaining as she hooks her arm through her uncle’s and leads him towards the small dance floor.
Bill watches them go, chuckling to himself. “Real firecracker.” He glances at the drink set out in honor of Zenie. “God, I wish you were here, little brother. It’s not the same without you.”
“I am,” Zenie assures him. She’s only been gone for two years, but things have changed. That might have scared her once. Not anymore. “I have to go find Shifty. You don’t mind, do you?”
Bill doesn’t answer, of course, but it’s polite to ask all the same. Granny didn’t teach her to mind her manners for nothing.
Zenie weaves her way through the crowd of both the living and the dead. She greets several people, stops to exchange a handshake and a kind word, and sends a nod to those who she catches lurking at the edges of the room – people like Liebgott and Captain Speirs, who only show up in the margins of the reunions, watching, but never joining in. She needs to thank those two specifically at some point. But it’s like Joe said – they’ve got time.
As Luz promised, Shifty is seated at a table in the middle of the room. Their sons, Wayne and Willie, sit on either side of him, laughing along with some story that he, McClung, and Popeye are in the middle of telling. Zenie finds a space to stand behind her husband, being as present as she can. She places one hand on Wayne’s shoulder, and the other on Shifty’s.
At the moment of contact, Shifty’s posture stiffens, and his head turns slightly. Zenie freezes, like she’s just disrupted something. Has she? Can he feel her here?
Shifty only listens to the story being told halfheartedly now. He smiles and laughs in all the right places, but it’s obvious that he’s distracted. These reunions are supposed to be fun. Sure, they can get a little emotional at times, but she doesn’t want her husband missing out on her account. He’s still got a life to live. He needs to be in the present moment and enjoy it.
Zenie bends slightly so that she’s close to Shifty’s ear. She doubts anyone else at the table knows that she’s here, but she wants this to be a private moment for the two of them.
“Shifty,” she whispers. “I’m here. I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay.” She has to pause for a moment to think about what she wants to say. It’s one thing to plan what you’re going to tell somebody, and another thing entirely to deliver the message. Sometimes things get lost in translation. She learned that during their break back in the war.
She studies her husband’s face. It’s lined with age, but still as beautiful and as bright as the day she met him. God, she misses him. She misses all of them.
“The boys look well,” she continues, looking between their sons. “I hope they’re taking care of you for me. They’ve always adored you.” She pats Shifty’s shoulder. She shouldn’t take up his attention too much longer. “Take your time. Enjoy it. I’ll be waiting for you, okay? I’ll see you soon, Shifty.”
Not sure if it will work, she plants a kiss on his cheek. When she pulls away, she watches as Shifty’s hand comes up to touch the place where they made contact. Maybe he really can feel her here.
“Gvgeyui,” Zenie says. I love you.
Gene is waiting at the edge of the crowd when she finds him again.
“How’d it go?” He asks.
Zenie nods. “Good. You?”
“Good.” Gene’s dark eyes flick over the crowd. “It’s nice we get to do this.”
It is nice. Bittersweet, mostly, but it’s good to see their loved ones again, even for a short time before they have to go back. But returning isn’t bad, either. The weather is always warm. And there are people she loves waiting for her there.
In fact, she should get going for exactly that reason. Granny wants to dig ramps soon, and Mama informed her that there would be a pie waiting upon her return. No matter which side of the gauzy veil she’s on, there is always someone waiting for her, and always a place that she belongs.
For strength, Zenie takes Gene’s hand and gives it a squeeze. He returns the gesture, and they begin to walk away from the crowd. But before they go, Zenie can’t help but glance back at Easy Company one last time. Her eyes, as always, land on Shifty. She’ll see him again. She’ll see them all again, in one way or another.
“Until we meet again,” Zenie informs them all, whether they can hear her or not. “Donadagohvi.”
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
hey this is my first request and if you don’t feel inspired by this that’s completely okay but can you write something about dad lando or dad daniel with a small child who decides they don’t like apples but will eat them only when their driver dad cuts them up.
like they hate apples. but then suddenly dad shows up with an apple and a knife and his kid just appears.
if you don’t like the request don’t worry abt it just leave it. thank you
Note: I read this and jumped straight to write it.
You sighed exhausted. Another day and another apple uneaten on the lunch box. Tommy hated them but the school wanted the kids to bring some fruit each day of the week and Tuesday was for apples. Another Tuesday and another apple you would have to eat.
While you cleaned everything and started cooking dinner, Tommy watched cartoons. Danny would arrive soon.
When he did, he said hi to his boy and then went to the kitchen. He wrapped you in a hug and kissed your face.
"I swear you get more beautiful every day" He whispered and nuzzled his face on your neck.
"You are an idiot"
"You idiot"
"Of course"
His belly grumbled and you chuckled.
"Danny, when was the last time you ate"
He looked around the room and saw the apple waiting on the table. "That one looks delicious"
"Go for it. Tommy has ignored it once again"
He chuckled. "That boy"
You rolled your eyes.
You turned around.
"Yes buddy"
Tommy climbed on Danny's lap and peaked to see what he was eating.
"What's that?"
"Apple. Your apple"
Surprisingly, Tommy grabbed Danny's hand and pulled it close to bite the apple slice. You both gasped surprised. He hated apples.
"It's good, right?"
Tommy nodded and bit again.
That was the first time he ate an apple. Soon, you discovered it was a thing. You would ask him what his least favorite food was and he would say apples. But as soon as Danny grabbed one? His favourite.
"You know what I feel like eating? A big red apple". Danny would say on purpose. "I'm so lucky Tommy didn't eat his today."
And the little boy would appear out of nowhere.
It had become a tradition almost. To make your son eat the apples, you would cut a couple and sit with Dan in the table. Then Tommy would run to his lap and sit there on his dad's arms.
"Tommy, honey" You asked one afternoon. Him and Daniel were sharing a piece, one would bite first and then the other. "What's your least favourite fruit?"
"Apples. I told you mum"
Danny and you shared a smile. "Then, why do you eat one with us every afternoon" Danny asked.
Tommy shrugged and bit again. He gave himself a moment to enjoy it and then swallowed it with his juice. "Dad eats apples and he is really tall and strong. I want to be like Dad"
And that would make Danny pout and hug his son really hard.
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marwritesgood · 2 years
They Assume You Know Nothing
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader
Summary: Y/n brings her boyfriend, Steve, home to meet her dad for the first time.
series masterlist // main masterlist
A/N: this is a side-story (though technically a back-story) to my Steve series, Cardigan.
i definitely recommend reading at least the first two parts of the main storyline for context before reading this, if you haven't already!
January, 1983
Y/n had sobered up just barely enough to walk straight, and knew it was time to call it a night. Her heels were killing her feet, her winter-ball dress now had an assortment of stains and all she could think about was her morning shift the following day.
She marched toward’s the deck of Carol’s home and tapped her date’s shoulder.
“Danny, can you take me home now?” Y/n crossed her arms and waited for her date to finally shift his attention away from the keg stand competition happening.
“Huh? Yeah, sure,” Danny mumbled after giving Y/n all but a moment's once over. He put his red solo cup down on the outdoor table and stumbled forward as his hand slipped into the pocket of his jeans. He barely noticed Y/n's change of expression.
“Are you drunk?”
Y/n kissed her teeth and took a step back. She didn't need a yes or no response from him to know the answer. Danny smirked and reached for her hand.
“Wh- don’t worry, I’m a great driver," he defended, his speech slurred and eyes practically closed. Tommy's overconfidence had clearly rubbed off on the Hawkins High basketball team's center.
“Just forget it,” Y/n scoffed, turning around to head back inside. Danny stepped forward and reached for her waist. She whipped around and swatted his hand away in annoyance.
“Wh- C’mon, don’t be mad," Danny mumbled. Y/n narrowed her eyes at the inebriated sophomore and poked his shoulder roughly.
“I specifically asked you not to get shitfaced,” she hissed. If it weren't for the agreement they made, she would have never agreed to be his stupid date and needed him to know that. Y/n was not his girlfriend, much less a close enough friend to judge his drunken judgement.
“I’m not shitfaced!”
“You can’t even keep your eyes open, Danny!” Y/n watched him blink and stumble over yet again. She huffed, realising reprimanding him was a lost cause. He probably wouldn't even remember she was his date by the time he woke up the next morning. “You know what? Just go back to doing your stupid keg stand.”
He didn't need to be told twice. Y/n hated how disappointed she was that he didn't at least apologise. She scoffed and headed back inside, determined to sink herself into Carol's parent's sofa once more.
“Do you need a ride home?”
Y/n stopped in her tracks. Steve had come out of nowhere. He had the key to his car ready at his hand and seemed to be in far better shape than Danny. Even so, Y/n narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, unsure.
“Are you drunk?”
Steve shook his head sheepishly, knowing he was probably the only guy at the after party not wasted.
“I stopped after Tommy barfed on the porch."
He could not bring himself to reveal the whole truth. That after watching her dance with some other guy the whole night, he had given up on trying to drink his sorrows away. There was no getting over it anytime soon. Steve spun his keys around his finger and smiled crookedly at a still skeptical Y/n.
“I was gonna leave anyways,” he added.
Y/n cocked her brows in surprise.
“King Steve’s calling an early night?”
He inhaled sharply. After the night he had, he was feeling far from the overconfident keg stand record-breaker he had become known for at parties. Even so, Steve straightened his spine and smiled nonchalantly.
“He has a fair maiden to escort home.”
Y/n cringed.
“Now I’m about to barf.”
He faked a scoff before chuckling quietly. Y/n smiled at the carpeted floor before meeting his gaze, the knots in her stomach finally easing. Why did he have that effect on her?
“Thank you," she murmured, before following him out.
Y/n had ridden in the infamous BMW a handful of times prior, but still sat stiffly in the passenger seat with her hands on her lap, just as awkwardly as the first time. Steve was not oblivious to it. As they rode in silence he kept thinking of ways to break the ice, but found himself tongue-tied every time he glanced over at her.
He sighed defeatedly and focused on the road ahead. They passed through the suburbs and the blocks of stores and headed towards the trees. Steve’s attention was divided solely between the road and the portion of her dress he could see in his peripheral. Not on the glowing empty signal.
The engine sputtered loudly as they passed the last few houses before the road to the woods, prompting Steve to slow down.
"Oh, shit," he cursed, pulling over to the side of the road. Y/n blinked in confusion.
"What just happened?"
Steve turned the engine off and took his key out of the ignition. Running a hand through his hair he looked down sheepishly.
"I... forgot the gas was running low."
Y/n crinkled her brows in concern, watching intently as Steve instinctively rolled his window up and grab his denim jacket and wallet from the backseat.
"So, what now?"
"I think we passed a gas station, so I'll have to walk there," he explained, opening his door and stepping out. Just as he did, Y/n unbuckled her seatbelt and did the same. She took but two steps forward before noticing Steve staring at her.
"I'd rather go with you than sit alone and wait," she reasoned.
Only it wasn't confusion that led to his staring, it was infatuation. Even under a dimly lit streetlight, she looked breathtaking in her winter ball dress. Steve finally broke his gaze and nodded, meeting her at the front of his car before they both continued down the side of the road.
The first block they walked consisted of nothing but the familiar quiet and the sound of Y/n's high heels clicking against the stones on the ground. Steve cleared his throat.
"So... you and Danny?"
He waited nervously for her reaction, mentally kicking himself for being such a wimp. If he hadn't panicked the first opportunity he had to ask her to be his date, Danny would have never had the chance to beat him to it.
Y/n furrowed her brows immediately and shook her head profusely, completely oblivious to the sigh of relief Steve let out.
"Oh my god, no," Y/n shuddered.
"I just thought-"
"He told me if I was his date, he'd stay sober enough to drive me home so I could go to Carol's party," she explained, feeling an impending urge to make clear that Danny was a one-time date. Y/n looked at Steve and smiled crookedly before turning back to the footpath. "I think he just didn't wanna be the only guy on the basketball team to show up without a date to the dance."
Steve winced.
"Sorry, I didn't-" Y/n turned to Steve and frowned. "If it's any consolation, I think I we'd have been better off just going alone."
"Oh yeah," she groaned.
All night, Danny raved on and on about himself, to the point where Y/n could barely get a word in. The rare times she was able to share something about herself, his attentionnwas elsewhere- often with the rest of his teammates and whatever it was they were doing or talking about.
Her words echoed in Steve’s mind, tempting a question he had toyed with all night but hadn’t dared to ask aloud. He placed his shaky hands in the pockets of his jacket and coughed quietly.
"What... was there someone else you wanted to go with instead?"
Her breath hitched and she an impending warm sensation grow on the apples of her cheeks. She glanced at him then quickly looked away when their eyes met.
"I… I don't know," Y/n whispered, despite knowing exactly who she would have preferred.
She couldn't bring herself to admit it yet. Not until she was sure the feelings were mutual. That she wouldn't be left out in the cold. Y/n had had enough of that.
"Was there someone you wanted to go with?" She stared intently at Steve, who was seemingly avoiding her gaze.
His feet came to a halt and, for a moment, it felt like his heartbeat did the same. He looked to her in quiet fear, as if he had been caught. Y/n’s gaze softened as she inched closer to him.
Steve looked over her shoulder and hardened his expression, before raising his hand to point to their destination.
"There's the gas station."
Before Y/n could register his words, he walked past her. She frowned and felt her shoulders slump as she turned around and watched him walk away. She didn’t see his flushed expression or heard the quiet curses he whispered to himself for wimping out yet again. All she saw was his back. All she felt was the searing pain of inexplicit rejection.
March, 1983
It was not her scene, hanging out with Tina, Carol, Oscar and Tommy on a random Saturday afternoon. On any other occasion, Y/n would have never even humoured the idea of accepting their invitation, but they weren't the ones who asked her if she wanted to come. Steve was.
The six of them walked out of the diner and gathered on the edge of the footpath. Carol was telling Y/n about the top she bought from the new store that opened up next to Melvald's, when Oscar elbowed Tommy and pointed to something across the street.
“Um… Y/n, is that your dad?”
Her eyes widened when she spotted her dad's truck parked outside the local bar, and him passed out in the driver's seat. She heard Tommy chuckle obnoxiously, before looking to Oscar and Steve to match his amusement.
“Ha! I want whatever Chief’s having."
Oscar laughed with him, but Steve was silent. He couldn't take his eyes off Y/n. Her eyes glossed over and her entire posture seemingly shrunk. Steve hated seeing her like that. Annoyed, he shook his head and shot Tommy a glare.
“C’mon dude, just shut the fuck up.”
Tommy cussed a defensive, ‘what the fuck, Steve?’, at him, but he had already turned away. He couldn’t care less about any offense Tommy took. Not when Y/n was on the verge of tears glancing back and forth between their friend group and her dad’s truck.
“You guys go ahead without me,” she whispered shortly, not wanting to turn the situation into a whole thing. She waved goodbye and walked in the opposite direction, feeling the smallest semblance of relief that she was alone, and a small semblance of sadness for the same reason.
She tried not to wonder the kinds of normal teenage Saturdays she might be able to have if her father weren't such a mess.
After passing a few stores, she glanced back briefly only to see Steve running after her, the rest of their group already long gone. Y/n knitted her brows together.
“Steve, what are you doing?”
He huffed when he finally reached her side and looked at her incredulously.
“I’m not leaving you alone,” Steve spoke softly.
“It’s fine, I’ll be ok,” Y/n shook her head and continued to walk. Much to her surprise, Steve continued to follow her. Something told her he was not going away easily.
“Y/n, you don’t have your license yet and your dad can’t drive, so how exactly are you gonna get home?”
“I’ll take the bus,” Y/n argued.
“No, let me take you,” he pleaded.
“Steve, I appreciate you wanting to stay with me, but I don’t need your charity,” she shouted.
He double backed. Y/n clenched her jaw instinctively as she maintained her ground and her stern expression. The sounds of the cars passing and nearby groups talking softened the silence, but not the tension. Steve’s gaze softened and he shook his head defetedly. Didn’t she realise?
“That's not what this is, Y/n."
What it was was something Steve had taken a great deal of time coming to terms with. That the girl he’d known for the better half of his life, who he’d only really started to talk to half a year ago, had quickly become the one person he couldn’t get out of his head.
Finally, Y/n let go of the breath she had held onto, feeling the tension in her shoulders release with it. Y/n had never been one to take risks, or to trust the word of another, but the way Steve gazed at her made her forget. As she continued to look back it, her narrow eyes studying his expression for even a trace of insincerity, Y/n had no rebuttal.
“... Ok,” she whispered, before turning to face the crossing.
Steve shuffled his feet until their shoulders just barely grazed one another, and, to his surprise, she let him. Once the road was clear, Y/n sped across to the other side of the street and paced up to the front of her dad's truck. When Steve caught up to her, she felt his gaze switch between her unconscious dad and her reaction to the sight of him. She huffed.
“He’s out cold.”
Steve's brows furrowed. There was a peculiar lack of urgency in Y/n tone. He studied her expression closely, left curious by the way she sprung into action. Like clockwork, Y/n approached the driver's door, carefully opening it and swiftly reaching towards the ignition.
Alarmed, Steve followed after her and spoke in a hush whisper, terrified of waking up the police chief.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“I’m getting the keys in case he wakes up and tries to drive himself home,” she explained curtly, quickly remembering why she made a point of being detached and stand-offish.
Explaining any aspect of her relationship with her dad to another person was always an uncomfortable conversation that left Y/n an anxious mess. It was the very reason she stopped going to her appointments with the school counsellor and why her friendships never went past the shallow end. At least, until Steve.
He tried to conceal how startled he was by Y/n's nonchalance, but couldn't keep himself from running his hand through his hair nervously and trying to wrap his head around it all.
“Wh- so, what are we gonna do with them?”
Y/n closed the door and paused for moment, contemplating whether she would tell him the truth or lash out at him.
“Take ‘em to the station and have Officer Robinson come and drive him home."
It wasn't pity or discomfort, but moreso concern.
“Y/n… does this happen often?”
A hot sensation bubbled in Steve's chest the more he pieced things together. He knew Y/n had a lot more going on in her life than she let on, but he was swiftly realising it went a lot further than merely having to work part time to help her dad cover the bills.
Y/n could see his expression harden and felt defensive.
“March is a rough month for him,” she mumbled quietly, feeling pathetic for once again making excuses for her dad.
Before Steve could question her further, she started heading towards the police station that was, thankfully, but a block away. He held the front door open for her once they got there, and Y/n donned a smile as she approached the woman sitting at the front desk.
She leaned against the counter until the lady stopped writing and looked up from her paperwork. Steve stood nervously behind Y/n, at. first puzzled by how at-home she was at the station before reminding himself who her dad was.
“Y/n! Honey, what can I do you for?”
She placed the keys down and the woman offered an apologetic smile. Flo had become much too familiar with the routine.
“Can you please tell Robinson he’s outside the bar again?" Y/n requested.
“Ok, sweetie," Flo nodded before taking the keys from the counter and standing up.
Before she turned around to go find officer Robinson, Y/n's eyes lit up at the half-empty box of donuts on the other end of the counter.
"Ooh, are those extras?"
Flo did a double take before looking back to the donuts she had forgotten about and chuckling quietly.
"Yeah, you kids help yourselves."
Y/n opened the box and reached straight for her favourite one and splitting it in two. Steve stifled his amused grin from watching the infamous Y/n Hopper rip into a box of baked goods with the excitement of a little kid. She held out one of the halves for him and he gulped.
"Here, Steve, you have to try the custard-filled one."
He cautiously took it from her with quipped brows. He hated custard but really really liked her, and didn't know how to say no.
"It's that good?"
"The best in the state, trust me," Y/n proclaimed, as she took a bite into it. She closed her eyes and shook her head in a way that left Steve even more smitten than he was before. "Mmm... forget that, the best in the country."
He didn't realise he was staring until she went to take another bite but stopped and smiled expectedly at him and his uneaten half. Steve braced himself and took a bite of the worst donut he had ever eaten, trying not to cough from the dry dough and the lumpy custard.
Steve looked to Y/n and her unfaltering smile, and quickly found the motivation to stomach the abomination. He forced a smile and nodded.
"So good," he raved.
She grinned and took another bite, inching closer to him until their shoulders touched. When she looked back to Flo returning to her seat, Steve took it as the opportunity to grimace as he scuffed the rest of the donut.
Instinctively, his hand rose to the counter and he began drumming his fingers against the surface noisily as he tried his best not to gag. Flo glanced up the two and squeezed her eyes shut momentarily.
“Y/n, honey, please tell your boyfriend not to tap on the counter, you know how that gives me a migraine.”
Steve's eyes darted to Y/n just as she almost choked on her donut. She laughed nervously before clearing her throat and dusting off the powdered sugar from her fingertips.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Y/n whispered sheepishly.
Flo smirked and looked up at the teenagers once more, unfazed by Y/n's clenched jaw and mortified expression. She was not kidding, Flo thought. That Steve character had a remarkable head of hair. The woman glanced back to Y/n and narrowed her eyes playfully.
“Not yet."
Y/n's eyes grew twice in size as her entire face rose in temperature. Steve looked down at his feet and grinned. Before the woman could embarrass Y/n any further, she turned around and grabbed Steve's arm before pulling him towards the exit.
“Goodbye, Flo," she deadpanned.
Y/n swore that was the last time she would ever humoured Flo when she makes inquiries about her love life.
November, 1983
Steve stopped outside his camaro before turning back to face Y/n. He hated how disappointed she looked and, even moreso, the fact that there was little he could do to change it.
“I’m sorry about him,” Y/n whispered, kicking herself for ever expecting her dad to be anything but the difficult and brooding grump he had been for the last 5 years.
“It’s alright,” Steve murmured. He reached for her waist and gently pulled her closer until there was little to no space between them. “Hey, look at me. I’m ok.... We’re ok. This was just one dinner.” 
She smiled weakly, but Steve knew his words made no difference. It was more than just one dinner, it was Hopper's first impression of him as his daughter's boyfriend. Steve shrugged, wanting nothing more than to lighten the mood and put a smile on his girl's face.
“I’ll win him over eventually,” he said, like a promise.
Steve leaned in and kissed Y/n softly. Before pulling away, he pressed their temples against one another and smiled goofily at her until she smiled back. Y/n waved goodbye and waited until he left the driveway before going back into her home.
She closed the door behind her and glared at the back of her dad's head. He had already began washing up the dishes. He was even whistling as he did so, as if he hadn't just finished spewing a plethora of insults at his daughter's boyfriend. Y/n crossed her arms.
"What was that?"
Hopper stopped and turned the faucet off, before sighing as he shook his hands dry and turned around to face his daughter. He shrugged nonchalantly.
"What was what?"
Y/n scoffed and looked away momentarily. It was moments like these that her father made it so unbearable to be around. She shook her head, refusing to back down. Hurting her was one thing, hurting him was another.
“Steve’s a great guy," she defended. "- and he didn’t deserve to have to sit through two hours of you interrogating him and painting him out to be an idiot.”
Hopper walked past the kitchen counter and turned to his bedroom door, resorting to his infamous tactic when it came to disagreements with his daughter.
“I wasn’t painting him out to be anything,” he denied as he stalked towards his room. Y/n sped after him and stood in his way, not letting him avoid their conversation as easily as he had become accustomed to.
“What don’t you like about him?”
Y/n narrowed her eyes and waited. If he was going to into her boyfriend, he should at least have the decency to tell her why. Y/n suspected it was a stupid reason, but she wanted him to tell it to her straight.
Hopper sighed and shook his head, unable to answer her. His daughter scoffed laughed incredulously. Of course, she told herself.
“You know, this is exactly why I didn’t wanna bring him home to meet you, because I knew you were gonna be like this,” Y/n shouted angrily. Was it really so hard to be a decent person to a boy who meant a great deal to her? She swore he got a kick out of making her life harder every step of the way.
Hopper furrowed his brows.
“Then why did you bring him here?”
“Because it was Steve’s idea!" Y/n yelled, oblivious to the way Hopper's expression faltered for the briefest moment.
She stepped back and shook her head, regretting ever letting Steve talk her into bringing him home for dinner. Y/n turned back to her dad, frustrated by the way he continued to stand there silently.
"You know, he's the one who wanted to do this stupid dinner. I would’ve been happy to keep you two separated for the rest of my life.”
Hopper raised his brows questioningly.
“You really think he’ll stick around that long?”
Y/n's face fell. She double-backed and scoffed, looking away momentarily to blink away the tears that began forming. Hopper realised too late he had gone too far.
“What the hell is does that mean? You think he’s gonna get sick of me at some point and leave?”
She tried to maintain her glare, but the growing lump in her throat made it impossible to steady her trembling voice. Her father had never insinuated anything so cruel.
“That’s not what I said, Y/n,” Hopper defended quietly.
“But that’s what you meant, isn’t it?”
Y/n turned her back to him and headed towards her bedroom door, not knowing how much more of the conversation she could bear. Hopper trailed after, struggling to find the words to explain why
“Look, guys like Steve? They don’t know a good thing when they have it. Sooner or later he’s just gonna end up hurting you.”
Y/n whipped her head around and narrowed her eyes. Did he even hear the irony in his accusation? It was far too late for him to try and offer her any kind of fatherly advice, she was not going to have any of it.
“Guess we’ll just have to wait and see then," she hissed, before slamming her door shut.
June, 1985
Y/n peeked through the five inch gap and cursed beneath her breath when she saw her father sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. She hoped she would be able to avoid his interrogation, but it appeared she had no other other option.
Gripping onto her duffle bag, Y/n walked out of her bedroom and made it halfway past the living room sofa when Hopper looked up. A brief honk from the vehicle outside sounded through the cabin.
"You're going to Steve's house?"
"No, I'm going to Nancy's. I already told you this," Y/n sighed, heading towards the kitchen counter to grab her wallet and her covergirl lip gloss.
Hopper put his newspaper down and rose from his chair. Y/n turned and huffed, realising he had finally had enough of her beating around the bush.
"Steve hasn't been around in a while," he stated cautiously, knowing outright asking her would only escalate things.
"Great observation, dad."
Hopper sighed defeatedly. He knew she had more than enough reason not to want to tell him things, but they could not keep doing this. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he stepped forward. Her back was still turned to him, but he was not going to wait any longer.
"Did something happen between you two?"
Y/n turned around and the typical angry glare Hopper had braced himself for was nowhere in sight. Instead he was met with a pair of
“Oh my god," she cried, her bottom lip trembling. "Will you just fucking drop it, please?”
“What’s going on, bug?”
“We broke up.” Y/n sniffled. Hopper had expected as much, but couldn't say he wasn't disappointed that was what happened. “He cheated on me and so we broke up. That’s why he’s stopped coming around and why I hang up on him when he calls.”
She could just imagine the look on his face, to the point where she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. After all, Hopper was the one who warned her something like this would happen and Y/n was the one convinced it would never.
“If you’re gonna say I told you so, can you make it quick because I really don’t-“
Before she could force herself to look up, her dad had closed the gap between them and braced his arms around her. Y/n had barely enough time to register what was happening before Hopper pulled away, leaving his hands on her shoulders.
“I won’t bring it up again,” he promised, which was exactly what Y/n wanted. “Are you… Are you gonna be ok?”
“Yeah, I’ll be ok," Y/n replied quietly, startled by how well he was reacting. "Nancy’s been helping me through it, that’s why I’m going over to her house tonight.”
“Ok, well, um… here."
Hopper reached for his jacket he left sprawled on the couch and rummaged through the pockets. He pulled out his wallet and took out a crinkled $10 bill before holding it out to Y/n. She stared at him, puzzled.
“What are you doing, dad?”
“Get yourself that ice cream you like, on me," he smiled.
Y/n sighed and accepted it. She had played out this conversation in her head countless times, but never imagined this. Hopper watched as she shoved the bill into her bag and went to say something.
Y/n stopped and cleared her throat. No, she told herself. She was not going to thank him. She gave him a small smile and shot a quick glance towards the door. Nancy was still waiting for her.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, dad," she murmured, before leaving.
Once she closed the door behind her, Hopper let out a sigh of relief. Finally, he thought to himself. Finally he did something right.
April, 1986
Y/n had taken Steve's BMW to deliver the last of their donations, while he stayed back to finish getting the cabin in order. The aftermath of the battle against Vecna meant that the cabin would become home-base for any planning and meetings to be held on what they were going to do next.
He was in Y/n's room when he heard a vehicle pull up outside and heard the footsteps of everyone else in the cabin race for the door. Thinking little of it, Steve took his time coming outside. When he walked out onto the front porch, a figure emerged from the behind the door.
“Steve Harrington.”
He turned and felt his jaw drop when he realised who it was.
“Hopper, oh my god-“
Before he could finish, the older man engulfed him in a hug, patting his back roughly. Steve stood frozen, too shocked to even move his arms.
“Thank you," Hopper whispered, choking up as he pulled away.
“F-For what?”
Steve furrowed his brows, confused. First he was coming back from the dead, now he was thanking him when he had no idea what he had done. Hopper chuckled and shook his head before tensing his brows and sniffling.
Joyce had filled him in of the first 6 months he had missed and and overexcited Dustin filled him in on the last 2. Hopper had nothing but gratitude for the Harrington kid. He cleared his throat and then explained his reasoning, one that was plain and simple.
“For keeping her safe.”
i do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, translated, or reposted onto another site.
cardigan series taglist:
@littlepadfootmoony @geeksareunique @agustdeeyaa @babygirlwilly @rqmanoff @midnightsgetawaycar @ilovereadingfanfics @lou-la-lou @dickgraysonspersonalwhore
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cutesyscreenname · 1 year
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I'd Be Home With You
One Shot
Pairing: Joel x fem!OFC
Summary: Based off the song In A Week by Hozier ft. Karen Crowley. On patrol, Joel and his love are attacked by clickers. They aren't so lucky this time so they do what they've always said they would if they both got bitten.
Word Count: 712
Warnings: death, decay, suicide, general angst and sorrow. I cried editing this.
A/N: I'm sorry I don't know why I felt compelled to write this. I hope its well done enough to make up for how deeply sad the story is.
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We lay here for years or for hours
Your hand in my hand
So still and discreet
So long we become the flowers
We'd feed well the land
And worry the sheep
All is quiet in the vast expanse of tall grass and wildflowers. The prey have skittered into hiding, the predators have had their fill. Scavengers have circled and gone away. All that remains is the fanned blanket of fungi weaving across their still forms, pushing up around their entwined fingers gone stiff.
The first comes out of nowhere, shoving her to the ground in an instant. She presses against its chest as the thing writhes and gnashes relentlessly above her. She can't risk reaching for her weapon and give way to the force of it's weight, clearing a beeline between herself and its gaping maw.
The dull scrape of a knife sheathed in its skull, followed by the creature slumping away from her trembling body, brings only a second of relief.
"Joel! Behind you!"
He's older now, still strong as ever but just a hair slower then he once was and this brief lapse in reflex costs him everything. He manages to shoulder the monster onto the forest floor and she takes her opportunity to return his favor, sinking her blade between its unseeing eyes.
The sun's midsummer kiss nudges the vegetation to rise around them, unsuccessful in waking the pair from their cool slumber.
She sees it on him first, the teeth marks. Hearts flailing with adrenaline, neither feel the impact of their combat.
"Joel-" she chokes on her lover's name, tears already careening down the slopes of her muddied cheeks.
He notes the gash on her hand as she reaches for him, soft brown eyes turning to vivid umber, catching the setting sunlight as they wet with the agonizing realization.
"Joel you're bit."
His voice is low, broken. "You are too, baby."
The flies, the flowers, the crows, and the cordyceps. They dance together in harmony, taking what they need from the stillness. If there was anything to give back, their silhouettes refuse it kindly.
After minutes, maybe hours, their tears slow and still in each other's embrace.
"Okay baby. We talked about this. We're going out together. Just as we were, we ain't turnin'."
She nods slowly, hands cupping his saltwater scruff.
"I know baby. Just like we always said. It'll be alright."
"I ain't missin' this time." He says it to reassure her, so she won't fret that he might go mad all alone.
Hand in hand, resting on a plush bed of blooming pasture, eyes on each other's finding peace in what they find there, one last time.
"It's time, baby. I'm goin' home with you."
"I love you, Joel."
"I love you, darlin'."
Hammers pulled back, cool steel placing a goodnight kiss on their temples, counting together.
Starlings scatter to the horizon.
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When they didn't return that night from patrol, the search party began immediately. Joel's brother takes the lead, panic only sated by taking action.
It takes nearly a week, the groups rotating shifts and pushing out further each pass, until they find them.
The meadow is eerily silent, the tips of boots in grass catching the eye of the man who gives the alert.
Tommy comes running at the commotion before he's being held back by his fellow searchers.
Let me through right now that's my GODDAMN BROTHER! THATS MY FUCKING BROTHER LET ME GO!
There's nothing to be done, the narrative clear as day as mushroom caps blossom through the wounds at their temples.
Joel always knew things never turn out as planned, but since meeting her he felt certain that he would always end up where he was meant to be.
As the last light slips softly below the treeline so goes their essence back to the stars, ready to again run the race into each other's arms, footing surer with each pass through the cosmos.
They've done it time and time again, stardust and atoms cut from the same cloth.
He knew he would always end up home with her.
And they'd find us in a week
When the cattle show fear
After the insects have made their claim
After the foxes have known our taste
I'd be home with you
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I won't lie I've been shit at keeping track of the everything tag list so I'll just tag who I think might like it 😬😬😬:
@pedgeitopascal @mylostloversbookmarks @atinylittlepain @ladamedusoif @avastrasposts @ssuperficialspacecadett @swiftispunk @pr0ximamidnight @wannab-urs @iamasaddie @jksprincess10
61 notes · View notes
isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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deceitfuldevout · 2 years
Hidden Treasure (Part 5)
Arranged Marriage AU: Dark!Tommy Shelby x Wife!Reader
Warning(s): Minor character death, Murder.
Author's note(s): Tommy's a green-eyed monster in this one.
Now you're sat with Alfie, discussing a plan on how you would escape. He knew your husband well enough. Still, it was a surprise to find out about the little firecracker wife of Tommy Shelby.
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You were running on borrowed time, not wanting to waste a single moment. You skim though explaining your family’s relations to the Peaky Blinders. Alfie raises a hand in the middle of it, “You’ve gotta slow down love, my temples are 'startin to ache,” he rubs the sides of his head for a few moments before leaning in, “Now…what exactly did he uhh…do to scare a beauty like you off?”
A beauty. How ironic. You would expect your ‘dear’ husband to call you that, not some gangster. Never had you felt that way around Tommy, and that’s what hurts the most. You would be in deep trouble if he even heard another man compliment you…
Like any pub, the Garrison was busy during the holidays, the Shelby family had been busier than ever. Tommy would bring you along not as a companion, nor a business partner, but more of an accessory to drape around his arm. While wearing clothes he would allow you to wear. No one had taken you seriously unless your husband was there to bark orders. Other than that, you were known as the 'Wife of Thomas Shelby’ or 'Mrs. Shelby’. But today, you wanted to be yourself and look nice while doing so. Besides, Tommy had always expected you to look your best.
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You wore a rich blue gown with an open collar to adorn an expensive silver necklace. Your hair was tied in an up-do, while your lips were painted a deep shade of rouge. You wore satin gloves with a pricey fur coat. You would be kept in the house most of the time, so why not put these nice clothes to good use? It’s not like Tommy would mind. He'd always let you drift away from him during parties. Any other dame would’ve been excited that their husband would allow them to have a little fun. Yet why did it make you feel so...miserable?
It felt so meaningless these parties, extravagant events, wearing uncomfortable clothing, along with an unnecessary number of guests. Worst of all, Ada and Polly were nowhere to be seen to keep you company. You look around to find them dancing drunkenly and carefree. With Polly taking the lead. At that moment you understood, they had guests to entertain.
With a marriage like yours, drinking became a large portion of your “coping method”. by the third month you were downing shots as if they were water, seeing as your husband was never there for comfort. Only to keep his cock warm. You couldn't believe him. What kind of a man leaves his own wife alone, in a bar of all places? It didn't matter if he owned it, he still left. You curse that Shelby man.
You sat on a bar stool while sipping a glass of water instead. Tonight, Tommy would leave you be, and that also meant at peace. There was no point in getting drunk now. No reason to drink as much anymore. You had to take more care of yourself now. You were too deep in thought to even notice someone had been staring at you.
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You felt a sudden tap your shoulder. It was some chap, seemingly in his mid-thirties. He raises a brow to the seat next to yours, “Mind if I keep you company?” he gestures at the empty chair. You shrug it off, “Not at all, by all means,” you jerk your head to the seat. He takes the opportunity to hold your gloved hand to his lips. He places a gentle kiss against your knuckles. That wasn’t a common thing around here.
Usually, the men here would avoid even looking at you. But his eyes are hooded, as he stares directly into yours. Still cradling your gloved hand in his, “Tell me my dear; why on earth would such a beauty sit alone in a place like this?”
You smirk then look away, “To tell you the truth, I’m still trying to figure that out myself...” You shrug, staring at the half-empty glass. He chuckles, “You my dear, are a diamond in the rough,” he winks. You look down shyly while cradling your drink. Not taking notice at his eyes lingering your bodice. He takes his sweet time admiring the rise and fall of your chest.
Tommy, however, had seen the entire interaction. He knew very well of your long list of secret admirers, fending them off was a job itself. He just couldn’t believe you’d do it so boldly in public. As soon as you were given an ounce of freedom. He excuses himself from a conversation that he'd been in since arriving. His ears pick up on what you were saying, “Try telling that to my-”
“Who is this?” Tommy voice is heard right behind you. The other man reaches in to shake his but your husband ignores the friendly gesture. His hands rest on your naked shoulders, causing shivers to rake up your spine. His cold blues stare down the other man.
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Your eyes raise as you turn around, “…my husband.” your eyes widen in fear, “Tommy…this is…” you tried giving him an answer. But he hadn't given you a chance to explain, instead he interrupts, “I can’t even leave without you making a fool out of me.” he scolds. He always spoke to you as of you were a child. As if he weren't the one who made you a woman. He looks at what you’re wearing. There are visible peaks from your breasts hardening from the cool air, leaving very little to the imagination. Something that should only be open to his view only. He pulls you out of your seat, the other man intervenes, “You’ve mistaken sir, see I-”
“Piss off,”
“I beg your pardon?”
“And stay the fuck away from my wife,”
Tommy doesn’t give him a second glance. He quickly removes his coat and throws it on your shoulders. He drags you by the arm out of the pub. His brothers are quick to catch up on what was happening.
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Was he mad about your dress? Surely, you hadn’t meant to push him. Were you over dressed for the occasion? Or did he think you were flirting intentionally with a stranger? You were all alone and had no one to talk to! It's not like you wanted to sleep with the bloke!
But that didn’t matter now. Tommy was mad, very mad. It couldn’t be jealousy. Not with Tommy, no, It wasn’t jealousy. It was possession. Even if it were he was doing a damn good job at hiding it. The real reason was that you disobeyed his authority. You knew what would come from his anger alone. You didn't seek his approval for your outfit tonight. Which only meant a punishment was in store. The last thing you hear before being thrown into his car, was the sound of a gunshot firing.
Tommy muffles your screams with his gloved palm. You became dizzy. A sickness began to consume you. Trying your best not to puke in the passenger seat. When the car stops, Tommy is the first to exit. He slams the car door behind him. You stay put. Not as an act of defiance, but out of pure fear. So scared that it left you physically paralyzed. Consumed by a strong feeling of anxiety. He was going to kill you, just like that man. At that moment you knew, you would never be safe around him. You had to get away from him no matter what.
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awooga-llama · 2 years
The Cold
Technoblade x NB! Child reader
A/N: Just felt like doing something cute, I hope you enjoy and don't be afraid to give me feedback I don't bite unless you want me too :)
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(Y/N) had caught a cold after their little journey through the meadows, near the ocean's edge. They should’ve been more careful because of their allergies but as a rambunctious three year old they didn’t have the time for anything that was not fun. The child had not seen their uncles in two days, Philza roamed around the house looking for things to clean, and Techno had yet to come out of his room. (Y/N) was stuck alone with a runny nose, dry scratchy eyes, and a slight cough. They grabbed their favourite blanket off the couch and wrapped themself in it, looked around to make sure Grandpa Philza was nowhere to be found and waddled quickly towards Techno and their shared bedroom. (Y/N) had to jump to reach the handle, it took them three tries before the door went flying open. Inside the room, Techno sat at his desk surrounded by books and papers, a grey skull sitting in some liquid inside a mason jar sat nearby as well. The piglin looked over his shoulder at the little one. At first, he thought it was Philza coming to disrupt him and was prepared to yell but when he saw it was his little one standing there instead he felt his heart soften. He had yet to notice the sniffling and red scleras.
“What is it Orphan?” He asked. (Y/N) walked towards him and attempted to climb in their father’s lap but was struggling due to the blanket. Techno wrapped the child and picked them up, holding them close. (Y/N) sneezed and then the piglin knew what was wrong.
They’ve caught a cold
Get rid of it
Banish the child
Fix them
The voices were contradicting each other. Techno didn’t want to bring harm to his little one and did his best to ignore the raging voices. (Y/N) touched their father’s cheek seeing he was conflicted within. The noise in his mind disappeared when the cold palm touched his flaming skin. The big scary mercenary never had to take care of a sick child before, these types of situations weren’t exactly in his job description. He knew he couldn’t ask Phil because then (Y/N) would get in trouble for disturbing Techno while he was studying the summoning of withers. The piglin tried to think back to when Tommy would get sick. What did Wilbur and Philza do? He remembered warm washcloths or showers, thermometers, soft singing (sometimes the quiet strumming of an out-of-tune guitar), blankets, and cuddling even if there was a chance of catching the same cold. It couldn’t hurt to try those then. He thought.
(Y/N) went into a coughing fit. They covered their face with the blanket wrapped around their small frame. They leaned back even more into their Father’s body feeling the warmth radiate off of him. Techno shifted his grip on the child. He turned them to face his torso as he stood up and moved to a dresser on the far side of the bedroom. He held tightly onto (Y/N) as he kneeled to get out some light-weight sleep clothes for the child before making his way quietly to the door. Techno stuck his head out first looking and listening for any signs of his father roaming nearby before making a mad dash for the bathroom.
After closing and locking the door behind him Techno stripped down to his boxers and threw the clothes from his earlier mission into the laundry bin next to the sink. He turned the hot water on, mixed in cold with it and waited as the temperature turned warm, the Piglin grabbed the scented bubble bath goop and poured some of that in aswell. He turned around and stared at the wall as (Y/N) did their best to undress. They called to Techno for help getting their shirt off and then he lifted them gently into the lukewarm water. The three year old let out a shrill squeal, it was so loud that Techno was surprised Phil didn't come flying through the door.
"Shh orphan, you've got to be sneaky like a ninja." he whispered with a finger against his lips. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and they splashed around doing the arm waving thing others do when performing karate. Some bubbles flew up and landed in Techno's pink hair. The child thought they were going to get in trouble but the opposite happened. Their dad laughed quietly, anyone else would have mistaken it for a cough. Techno scooped up some water and splashed back at his child. (Y/N) let out a little shriek of happiness and things got out of hand. Both of them kept splashing each other and water got everywhere, Techno's white shirt now clutching onto his toned torso, his pink skin shining through. (Y/N) hair was sticking every which way and they had bubble a bit too close to their left eye. Techno reached up and rubbed away most of the water and bubbles on their face. The mercenary grabbed a small sponge and wiped the child down and rinsed them. He brushed their bangs aside and kissed their forehead just like how Philza used to do to Tommy when he was sick.
"There we go, now you're all clean." he cooed, his voice softer than ever before.
The child stared into his red eyes a smile tugging at their lips. He smiled too.
"Let's get you out and dried off ok?" He said helping them climb out of the tub. A couple seconds later he brought over the clean pajamas over his shoulder and handed it to his precious, the child dressed quickly, needing help with their shirt again. When Techno finished he pulled off his soaked shirt and hung it up on the shower rod the dry. He chuckled at the sight of his orphan trying to play with the sink and made his way over to them with a towel in hand.
"Here." He said putting the towel on top of (Y/N)'s head to dry their hair. They hummed happily and patted their hands against the wet towel.
Techno picked up (Y/N) and carried them back to their bedroom where he laid them down in bed.
"Do you want something to eat, sweetheart?" He asked, kneeling by the bedside as the child nodded. "Alright then, I'll be right back".
He left to find food for his child and a glass of juice. He could hear them shuffling about on the bed and figured their legs must be aching. Once he returned and placed the food down he put the glass on the nightstand and took his spot beside them.
"Thank you, papa." (Y/N) said, snuggling closer to their Dad. His chest was heating up again and he had to stop himself from smiling.
"Anytime, pumpkin." That was a new one. Techno could tell that (Y/N) liked it. The kid ate and drank what Techno brought. Once the three year old's belly was full they snuggled up under his arm and fell asleep. The piglin wanted to get up and continue working on his Wither research but was afraid of moving so instead he held his kin close and decided maybe he'd catch up on some sleep too.
Philza came into the room a few hours later concerned because he couldn't find (Y/N) again. When his blue eyes fell on the two sleeping figures in bed he immediately knew the rambunctious toddler was fine. He could hear both of them snoring and quietly left the room. He couldn't wait to tell all the others of what he had just witnessed.
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creativepawsworld · 1 year
Silence - Chapter 34
Pairing = Thomas Shelby x Reader
Summary = Tommy and Ana finally get reconnected. 
Warnings = Language, Grammar, SEX, 18+, Mature themes. 
Word Count = 3983
Note -Basically it’s 3000 words of smut with a breeding kink you have all asked for Enjoy... Those of you who do not like this kind of writing I shall put a * where it starts and you can stop reading :) 
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The sexual tension was killing me. Tommy and I had been dancing around each other for the past few days. We acted as though we were fine, forcing out smiles when we were in the eyes of his family but behind closed doors, we barely spoke two words to each other.
I closed the shop today for an extra-long lunch. I wanted to talk to Tommy after he slipped a contract into my purse without me noticing this morning and after reading it, I was annoyed.
My father had travelled to London late last night with my mother. After completing the suits for the unknown Italians, he boarded the next train available disappearing into the night, leaving me in charge once again.
Since returning to work I felt like the run of the shop fell on me, my mother came and went as she pleased, not doing any work. My father was more focused on his task that everything else fell to the way side.
Without noticing, I found myself doing everything. Sorting out the finances, which thanks to Tommy’s money was improving. I managed to store a little in the safe, for the start of the repayments. I even had a list of materials and fabrics we needed but at the minute I just didn’t have the time to outsource them.
Walking into Tommy’s office building in town, I first noticed Lizzies door was open but she was nowhere to be seen.
Rolling my eyes, knowing exactly where she would be. I marched up to the main office, opening the door without knocking to see Tommy studying the paperwork Lizzie was showing him.
She was bent over his shoulder, her long skinny finger pointing to the things she was explaining. Her dress was a size too small especially around the chest area but I could tell that was her intention.
Instead of feeling upset or jealous, I laughed. She was trying to shove her breasts into Tommy’s face, but he wasn’t paying attention. He was solely focused on the words written on the page.
Clearing my throat, Lizzie jumped away quickly, adjusting the dress, her face turning red from embarrassment as she brushed her dark hair behind her ear.
Tommy eyes left the page momentarily, blue eyes raking over my appearance. Clearing his throat, he excused Lizzie from the room, placing the document he was reading on his desk.
"Bring that dress to the shop, I'll re-adjust it for you. No charge." I smiled sweetly as Lizzie passed, making her way to the door, her face falling at my words.
"Anastasia, what do I owe the pleasure?" Tommy asked, a smirk growing on his face as he reached to his right, bringing the tumbler of brown liquid to his lips.
"You seriously didn't notice her shoving her breasts in your face?" I asked, walking into the room, resting my hands on the back of one of the guest chairs.
"I was well aware of it, didn't interest me." He shrugged, leaning back into his chair, his large frame quickly filling it out.
I felt my eyes rack over him as I brought my bottom lip between my teeth. The power simply oozing from him, just from the way he was sitting had my core tingling for attention.
I had to pull myself from my thoughts before a whimper could escape my lips. Clearing my throat, I reached into my purse pulling out the white document, throwing it onto his desk.
"Tommy, what's this? Is it supposed to be funny?" I asked, nodding down towards the sheet of paper when Tommy’s failed to take his eyes from me.
"I don't see how a contract of employment is amusing." He shook his head.
I watched as he reached forward taking a cigarette from his desk and placing it between his lips, running it along before lightening it. The smoke causing a light cloud in front of his face.
"I have a job, Tommy" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his blasé attitude, why did I have to explain this?
"I'm aware of your current employment status, Stace." He chuckled, pulling the white stick from his lips, pointing it at me along with his index finger. "Did you read it?"
"Of course I read it" I rolled my eyes at his question. Why would I be here if I hadn’t? "Is this all some kind of joke to you?"
"Am I laughing?" He asked, with a slight shrug of his shoulders and arms. A perfectly formed pout on his lips.
"Right, Tommy, this has to stop." I tell him, holding up my hand. I could feel a headache coming on already.
"I couldn't agree more." He nodded with a sigh, leaning forward in his seat he grabbed the document once more handing it to me. "Read it again."
Glaring at him, I left out a huff, snapping the paper from him and reading over the words for the second time today.
"My parents will never agree to this.” I tell him, shaking my head.
"Your father will. I've already spoken to him before he left last night. He said as long as you sign it, he will also be happy to sign."
"Just like that?"
"Just like that," He repeated, reaching across his desk and pulling a pen from the caddy offering it to me.
"Why are you repeating what I am saying, Tommy? I said no." I shook my head, my mind swirling with so many thoughts, my heart beating with so many emotions it was hard for me to process everything.
"Stace, speaking as a businessman, that is a good deal. No one else is going to offer you it." Tommy voice came out as rather condescending, as he exhaled a loud breathe.
"I don't want anyone to offer it we are fine as we are."
"What part of that business is fine, Stace?" He scoffed, squinting his eyes at me, his tilted his head to the side, the cigarette burning away between his fingers.
"Your father has worked so hard he has become delirious, your mother spends most of her time sniffing snow and you need a lot of materials but don't have the money or time to buy, and then there is the debt to me."
"My mother, what?" I asked, the sudden weight loss making sense. Everything else Tommy had said ignored.
"You didn't know?"
"Of course I bloody didn't know. She doesn't speak to me, not until recently." I defended. “How do you know she does that?”
“I told you before, nothing happens in Birmingham that I don’t know about.” He sighed putting his cigarette out in the ashtray. “And the reason your mother talks to you again is because she believe we are no longer together.”
“Why would she think that?”
"One of the lovely women at the bath house said you were alone for a few days, while I was in London, she made her own assumptions."
"I can’t believe this" I whispered, suddenly feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. My hands gripped the back of the chair so tight, my knuckles turned white.
"Sign the contract Stace. Look at this from a business point of view, it's a good investment, for everyone."
"Why are you doing this now?" I asked softly.
I knew that the deal he had drawn up was good. I just didn’t want to be going into business with him for the wrong reasons. We had enough issues personally, I didn’t want to add business to it as well.
"You want to be involved in my business." He spoke standing to his feet, walking to his drink caddy, pouring himself another glass. "It’s simply, your father signs the shop over to me, you run the place, money never becomes an issue. Your father retires happy, and your mother can snort herself to death."
"This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to know about the business Tommy. In fact this is so far from it. It’s actually stupid.”
"It’s far from stupid Stace and this is as close as you're gonna get. So sign it." He explained nodding his head towards the paper in my hands.
"You're an asshole," I spat, dropping the contract back onto the table, grabbing my purse, ready to make my exit, but Tommy stood in my way, glass of whiskey in hand. His blue eyes darkened as he stared down at me.
"You're not walking out of here until you sign that contract."
"You can't stop me leaving.” I sneered side stepping around him only he followed my movements.
"I can, and I will Stace."
"Why are you doing this?" I asked unable to pinpoint the exact emotion I was feeling inside. There was rage, lust, joy, fear, sadness and that’s only to name a few. 
"I am trying to make you happy, fuck. Why can't you see that. Do you think I want to purchase a run-down tailor shop that is on its knees?"
"It's not run down," I defend with a scoff, crossing my arms across my chest.
"I would understand this attitude if I offered you a position within the Shelby Company but I'm fucking buying your dream job. Putting you in charge so you call the shots. But yet here you are, fighting me at every turn. What do you want from me?"
My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of his neck vein bulging out as he restrained himself from shouting and allowing Lizzie to overhear the argument we were having. 
There was so much fire, so much passion behind his eyes when he spoke about doing this for me, I could’ve pounce on him. He had never looked so sexy to me in all my life, and that was hard, considering that's all I thought about when it came to him.
The ache between my legs, making itself known as I stood before him all anger and annoyed feelings disappearing as he stared down at me. His fingers tightening around the rim of his glass as he waited for my answer. 
"Eh? What is it?"
Instead of responding with words, I raced towards him, planting my lips firmly against his, taking him by surprise for a moment before he returned the attack, dropping his glass of whiskey to the floor with a smash.
Our teeth clashed together as his hands rubbed along my upper arms, squeezing my shoulders before making their way to my hair, pulling the clasp holding it together, allowing my hair to cascade down my back.
Running my hands up his chest, I returned the squeeze on the shoulders before allowing my hands to tangle in his short hair, pulling it causing him to moan.
"Fuck I missed you." Tommy growled against my bruising lips, his hands working on the buttons of my dress, frantically pulling to get them apart.
"I missed you" I moaned, exposing my neck so his lips attached themselves to that spot under my right ear that drove me crazy.
"Fuck just watching you assert yourself in front of Lizzie. Almost had me bending you over the desk.”
"I wish you did," I groaned, allowing him to push me back towards his desk. My back hitting off the edge harshly causing me to hiss.
"Yeah you want me to fuck you in front of her show her who I belong to eh?” He chuckled, kissing his way down my chest.
His hand came up to knead the soft tissue of my left breast as his mouth nibbled and sucked through my bra before stopping suddenly. His head pulled back, eyebrows furrowed as he studied my breasts.
“What is it?” I asked, breathing heavily as his face hovered over my chest.
“Nothing” He shook off, diving back to work.
"You belong to me Tommy, no one else." I tell him brushing off his weirdness. My hands reached down to undo the buttons of his trousers.
"I do, fuck I do." He breathed dropping to his knees, grabbing the bottom of my dress bunching it up in his hands, holding it above my waist only to have me push him away.
"No, it’s my turn.” I shake my head, guiding him up to his feet before pushing the waistband of his trousers down towards his ankles, quickly followed by his cotton shorts.
"Get on your knees love.” His voice was coated with nothing but lust. Stroking the side of my cheek, I dropped to my knees before him. His hard cock standing tall to attention.
"Mine." I spoke sternly wrapping my hand around the base, stroking his cock gently.
Above me Tommy inhaled sharply, his hand coming down to tangle itself in my hair as I continued to tease his length, gently blowing on the tip.
“Fuck Stace, take it in your mouth.” He breathed, grip tightening at the back of my head, his hips thrusting into my face. “Please”
“Maybe I should lock the door first” I spoke, suddenly becoming aware that Lizzie could walk in at any moment.
I knew she had seen Tommy’s impressive cock before, I just didn’t want her to get another look at it. It was mine now. 
“Fucking let er, let her see how am your man.” Tommy groaned, thrusting his hips forward once again, the tip brushing against my lips coating them with his salty precum.
Biting my lip, I glanced behind him once more. The thought of her walking in and seeing how I can please Tommy excited me all of a sudden.
“Open your mouth Stace, I wanna fuck your throat” He growled when I ignored him.
Taking my head in his hands, he stroked my cheeks before forcefully opening my mouth. He pushed forward allowing his tip to enter my mouth, the both of us moaning loudly at the feeling.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I allowed him to push into my mouth further, his cock hitting against the back of my throat instantly causing me to gag around him. 
“You take me so well, don’t you love?” He moaned out, stopping his movements briefly allowing me to adjust.
Moaning in response, I leaned forward taking more of Tommy into my mouth. Inhaling deeply through my nose until it pressed against his groin. Tommy’s fingers gripped at the back of my hair, his breathing stuttering in his chest, eyes squeezed shut.
Pulling away from him, I swirled my tongue around his length, using my hand to roll around his balls before I started to bob my head up and down his impressive member. The ache between my legs growing so hard and painful, I began to thrust into the air begging for some fiction.
“Fuck…Stace, your mouth is fucking perfect.” He moaned above me.
Beaming at the compliment, I moaned in response, running my tongue along the thick vein on the underside which had Tommy gripping my head tightly.
I was so lost in my movements, so worked up giving the man I loved pleasure that I was in complete shock when he suddenly pulled my mouth from his cock. Whimpering, my mouth remained opened, a string of saliva was the only thing still connecting me to his member.
“Stand up.” He ordered, eyes much darker now.
Reaching up I wiped the side of my mouth, big doe eyes looking up at him as I cautiously stood to my feet. Every other time I had given him a blow job he would finish in my mouth demanding that I swallowed every last drop he would give me.
Shuffling from foot to foot, I looked up at him. His tongue ran along his bottom lip as he shrugged his gun holster from his shoulders, tossing it onto a chair.
“Loose the dress and underwear then bend over my desk princess.” He demanded, his fingers unbuttoning his waistcoat.
Biting my lip I looked past him towards the door, tempted to run over and lock it but when I got the raised eyebrow from him, I knew better than to disobey him. It wouldn’t be the first time Tommy had denied me a orgasm for my behaviour.
Pushing the dress from my shoulders, I allowed it to drop to a puddle around my feet before hooking my fingers into the sides of my underwear, pulling them down over my soft legs.
Standing back up to my feet, Tommy was watching my every movement, his hand ghosting of cock, up and down as he waited for me to follow through with his instructions.
Moaning with anticipation, I walked over towards his desk making sure to put an extra wiggle in my step before slowly bending forward over the table, stretching my arms forward as my ass hung in the air.
“I’m gonna fuck a baby into you” Tommy’s voice was suddenly loud behind me.
Jumping around at his unexpected confession, I tried to turn around to face him but he was right behind, hands now on my hips stopping me from moving. Looking over my shoulders at him, my eyes went wide as I felt his tip slowly slide along my opening towards my clit.
“You want me to prove your mine? I’ll prove your mine by watching your stomach swell with my child” His eyes were filled with lust but there was a twinkle of love as he stared down at me, one of his hands caressing my ass while the other pushed my shoulders back onto the table.
“Tommy…” I whimpered closing my eyes. Something about his words and the way he was looking at me was really getting to me.
“You’re the only woman to carry my children Stace, no one else can compare.” He continued, his fingers spreading my lower lips, teasing me.
“Tommy please.” I whined pushing my hips back into his tip, hoping to catch it at an angle that would allow him to slip inside. “I can’t wait much longer.”
“You desperate princess?” He chuckled, slowly sinking his tip through the hole only to pull it out again. “Want me to fill you up? Make you round with my baby?” He asked allowing the tip to evade my core a little more each time before pulling out.
“Jesus Tommy, just fuck me” I howled pushing back as far as I could go but he stopped me with his hands on my hips.
“Say it, say you want my baby Stace. I need to hear you say it.”
“Tommy give me your child. Please, fuck me until every last drop of your seed coats my womb. Just please, claim me, make me yours.”
With a low groan and a squeeze of my hips Tommy slammed his cock into my entrance with such a force I was sure I could see stars. Biting my lip, my eyes rolled shut as I adjusted to the delicious fullness feeling that was Thomas Shelby.
“Fuck Stace, you are fucking perfect” Tommy groaned pulling out of me slowly before snapping his hips back in. His fingers were digging into my sides, I could already feel the start of the bruising but I didn’t care.
“Tommyyyy” I breathed, rocking against the table. His hand was slowly sneaking up my body, squeezing where it could before wrapping around my neck pulling me off the table so my shoulders were against his chest.
Tommy had changed his angle, thrusting up no to match the position he had put me in. I could hear and feel his breathe in my ear mixed with his groans with the pleasure he was feeling.
“You like when I fuck you like this?” He grunted in my ear, his free hand coming around the front to rub circles on my clit.
“FUCK.” I screamed, slapping a hand over my mouth.
"Let it all out, baby. Let her hear how good I am making you feel. " His voice husky in my ear as his cock thrusted so hard inside me I couldn’t see straight. “You gonna come princess?”
Nodding, I cried out in pleasure, my orgasm fast approaching. I didn’t have much to compare to but Tommy knew exactly how to work my body, he knew all my pleasure points and he never failed to make me cum, I don’t think I could live without him. 
"Tommy. Tommy fuck...I'm-ugh, I." I couldn't formulate a sentence as I closed my eyes, my hands coming up to clasp around his hand that was around my neck, needing something to hold onto for support. 
"Jesus Tommy" I shrieked nails, sinking into his skin, tears of pleasure filled my eyes.
“That’s it Stace cum all over my cock and I’ll fuck a baby right here.” His hand that was on my clit now resting of my stomach. “Watch you swell, fuck you’d be perfect.”
He must have been imagining the scenario in his head as his thrusts began harder, faster, almost animalistic as he rutted into me. With one perfectly time thrust he hit that spot that had my knees weak.
A white blinding light exploded behind my eyes, my voice catching in my throat. I had never felt anything as powerful in my life. Tears fell from my eyes as my mouth hung open, I never wanted this feeling to end.
“Oh fuck, Jesus Christ that’s it baby milk my cock, fucking hell” He grunted his thrusts slowing to allow me to enjoy my release. “Fucking love you coming over my cock, makes you so fucking tight.”
“Tommy… Tom” I whined not really knowing what I was whining for. The release I had experienced was one I could happily die to with no regrets. 
Tommy chuckled deeply in my ear, letting me drop back down to his desk, his hand pressing down on my upper back, his other hand gripping my hip to hold me in place as he started to chase his own release.
“Oh fuck” I moaned, eyes rolling into the back of my head as he used my body how he wanted.
I loved this side of Tommy, it was very rare for me to experience the rough, dominant side of him as he sometimes treated me like a glass doll that would break at any moment but after today, I expected him to fuck me like this. There was so much more want and need, it had my head spinning.
"Fuck give me your baby" I squealed, legs physically shaking as another orgasm pended. I could barely keep myself together.
"FUCK" Tommy's hips snapped against mine harshly. His load shooting deep inside me painting my walls, the feel surprisingly me, triggering my second orgasm of the afternoon.
"Ohhh shit" I cried, squeezing my eyes shut. My body went completely limp against the desk, the only thing holding me up was Tommy’s hands on my hips.
“Perfect” Tommy spoke after he came down from his release.
Slipping out of me he leaned over my back, placing soft kisses along my shoulder blades. “I don’t think you’ll be returning to work today Stace.” He chuckled taking in my fucked out state. 
Shakily pushing myself from his desk, he pulled me into his arms. His right hand coming up to gently caress my cheek as he stared loving down at me, I felt my cheek heat up, simply soaking up the look of love he was giving me. 
“I love you.” He nodded, bending down to capture my lips with his own.
Pushing me back my hips hit off the edge of his desk once more. My hands clasped around the back of his neck as I returned the kiss, his hands squeezed my ass tightly in before he lifted me up onto his desk, spreading my legs wide so he could stand in between them. 
“Now I wanna see your face when I fuck a baby into you..” 
@shelbyteller @seleneshelby @forgottenpeakywriter @babayaga67 @sweetmilkshakeluminary @slutforcoffein @sydneyyyya @happysparklingshadows @margew76​ 
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Second nsft crue!slash fic finished for my moot @crueclown22 , hope you like this :)
Nikki sits on the porch at their residence in Moscow gazing up at the bright stars in the sky. The band were all living together again (this time with the added addition of Mick) to record their new album Dr. Feelgood.
The agreement had been that they all stay together, they all work together and that they all, and this was the most important one, stay sober together.
So far it hasn't been…a fantastic system. It turns out living with a group of recovering addicts while you yourself are a recovering addict isn't all that glamorous. Everybody is annoyed and pent up as not only do they not have drugs or alcohol but they didn't have the normal flow of chicks out here in the middle of nowhere like they were used to having.
But while everyone was a little bit bent out of shape about the new arrangement, their music was now at the forefront of their minds and so it was all about making every song as good as it could be without cutting any corners. So they started taking out all their anger and frustration on their instruments and so far it has been working wonders.
Until it didn't.
Or at least until it didn't for one of them. Vince was having a particularly hard time dealing with being sober, even though technically he should have been sober longer then any of them, as the court mandated that he be sober for his probation but obviously that didn't happen and music just wasn't scratching that itch anymore.
So naturally he started sneaking out, somehow got a taxi or a lift of some kind to show up for him every night in the middle of nowhere to take him out to drink.
Nikki found this out from Tommy who had gone with him one night and Tommy being the honest guy he pretends to be, told Nikki this out of sheer guilt for his actions and how hard him and Mick had been working while him and Vince took the cheaters way out and he felt very sorry and ratted out their singer.
Nikki thanks Tommy for telling him and assured him it was okay and that all was forgiven and that everybody falls off the wagon every now and then but that the important part was that he got back on. Tommy seemed relieved and left Nikki to go to bed. Nikki on the other hand skipped the notion of going to bed and instead sat down in one of the porch chairs and waited for their singer to come back to the house.
He waits a few hours, and it's a productive time for his lyrics as he jots down quite a few that he wants to bring up in the next session that he thinks could be massive chart successes.On the fourth hour a car pulls into the driveway as subtly as possible and Nikki sets his pen and notebook asside and goes to stand at the top of the porch steps with crossed arms and a practiced calm glare welded to his face.
Low and behold, Vince stumbles out of the car, he doesn't seem intoxicated though, but he assumes that's part of Vince's cleverly crafted plan, he drinks for a few hours at a bar somewhere, sobers up quickly through misterious means then comes home and acts as if he's been there the whole time, aswell as completely sober this entire time.
Nikki grits his teeth in anger but he bites back any actual words of hate to come. He wants the car to drive away first before he actually starts saying anything to Vince, so that he can't run away.
Vince walks all the way up to the bottom of the steps, looking and waving the car away ,before he actually sees Nikki standing atop the stairs, he freezes at first like a deer caught in headlights ,but just for a second before he smiles at Nikki all friendly like, like he hadn't just been caught red handed and as far as he knew he hadn't been caught fully red handed yet. He had no idea how much Nikki knew yet.
“Hey man, morning” Vince said jovially as he made his way up the stairs. Nikki merely glares him down.
“Are we a joke to you?” Nikki asks, seriously.
These words let Vince know the jig is up and so his fake happiness quickly falls away to defensivness.
“Who told you then?” Vince asks in a deadpan voice as he gets to the top of the stairs and walks past Nikki into the house. Nikki follows.
“Who told me isn't important” Nikki says and he's about to continue when he's rudely interrupted.
“So it was Tommy, I'm gonna kill that little bastard when I get my hands on him.” Vince grumbles as he takes off his shoes and throws them in the corner with all the other guys shoes.
Vince's sentence implies that somebody else other then Tommy knew about the sneaking out, he makes a mental note to ask around later.
“No you're not” Nikki says not caring to keep his voice down. Nikki steps infront of Vince, blocking him in his attempted stride to his room and towers over him menacingly.
“All you’re going to do is apologize to the band at practice today, especially Tommy since your the one who enabled that kind of behaviour again and you're never going to do it again, got that?” Nikki's tone is still relatively calm, but underneath he's attempting to calm a sea of rage at Vince's bratty little attitude.
It seems like he was forgetting who was in charge here and if he kept this behaviour going Nikki was just going to have to remind his singer who he answered to around here.
Vince laughed sarcastically as he tried side step Nikki and when he couldn't he headed into the kitchen instead which was open and right next to the living room, so that everybody who entered the living room could also see everything that was happening in the kitchen.
“And why would I do that, you're not the fucking boss of me, I'm here now and not drunk isn't that enough-”
Vince is then slammed into the kitchen counter with his back facing the aggressor and his front facing the stairwell pressed against the table, caged in by two strong tattooed arms. Vince shivers when Nikki's voice comes out as a gentle breath on his neck, like a spider was crawling on him.
“Don't you dare talk to me like that bitch” Nikki hisses against Vince's earlobe making him shutter again and his eyes widen in fear.
When the initial shock wears off Vince's panic revs up into anger.
“Let me go!” Vince says trying to squeeze out from under Nikki.
Vince then freezes up again when he feels Nikki start to grope him through his pants. Suddenly the fight leaves his body and he slowly melts in Nikki's hands.
Fuck, it's been far too long since anybodies touched him like this. Vince feels his eye lids droop with hazy lust. He bites his lip and adjusts his position between Nikki and the counter as much as he can until it's comfortable enough for him to lean against the table and for Nikki's hand to more accurately reach his dick.
Nikki chuckles in his ear darkly.
“I've barely touched you and already you've given up the fight, and you say I don't own you” Nikki purrs.
Vince growls but can't think of anything smart to say back so he just leans into Nikki's hand that's getting more insistent by the minute it would seem.
Vince whines softly as Nikki's hand teasingly peels away the waistband of his jeans and let's it hover over Vince's happy trail. Nikki laughs sadistically.
It seems like Vince isn't the only one with an old bad habit to kill.
“Touch me already” Vince demands breathlessly, already rock hard from just a minute of fondling,his eyes glued to where Nikki's hand disappeared below his waistline.
“Didn't hear a please there baby boy” Nikki teases, touching Vince's thighs and playing with his pubic hair and literally everywhere else except where he wanted Nikki to touch him.
Vince growls again but this time around it comes out far needier and between clenched teeth. Vince is so tempted to just spit in Nikki's face and save his pride and say nothing.
But he's far too horny to care about saving face right now, all that his brain wants from him now is to acquire an orgasm then fall asleep for the rest of time and hopefully wake up to this whole situation just being a dream.
“Please..” Vince says almost inaudibly, shutting his eyes in shame.
“What was that? You gotta speak up baby” Nikki says, a single finger of Nikki's lightly brushing the tip of his shaft.
“Please!” Vince breaks, he needed this and he'd do whatever it took to get it. Nikki smirked against his neck in satisfaction and finally retracted his hand, spat on it then took Vince's cock from his pants and wrapped his warm palm around Vince's cock.
Vince moans loudly, his back sinking into Nikki's chest. He's so glad that his previous lays can't see him now, broken down and moaning like a porn star over a simple shoddy handjob.
Nikki picks up the pace slightly and Vince embarrassingly enough feels himself getting close.
“Fuck, please Nikki just a little more!” Vince can't keep his own volume at bay that's how absolutely devastated and debauched he is in the moment and the way Nikki's grinding on his ass, actually makes the experience a lot better.
Just before he can cum Nikki stops, and Vince almost blows a fucking gasket. He kicks one of Nikki's legs in pure rage.
“Fucking finish me off already, please!!” Vince spits out, too far gone to care.
“Aww I'm sorry baby, I'll let you cum..as soon as you promise to apologize to everyone today. And you call me your master.” Nikki says with a fake sweet tone.
Vince knows that as soon as he cums he'll regret making this trade and he might just never recover from this loss, ego wise and Nikki would have control over him in a way he could never get back…but if he didn't cum right now he might just go into cardiac arrest.
“I promise I'll apologize…master” Vince breathes out and apparently that enough for Nikki as he strokes Vince tighter and faster then before and even twists his hand at the upstroke to make the orgasm even better.
“Ah!!!!” Vince moans as Nikki milks him for all he's worth.
When Vince finally comes down he pants heavily and crumbles in Nikki's arms, Nikki also pants but not as harshly as Vince does and they just stay like that for a while.
Nikki retracts his hand from Vince's pants letting Vince see his jizz covered hand in all its glory as it dripped from his palm onto the surface of the counter.
“I'm so glad we could come to an agreement” Nikki says cheekily.
“What the fuck is going on down her- Jesus wept!!” Nikki and Vince both snap their heads up to the staircase in terror, where Mick was currently coming down into the kitchen, but seemed to be on a fast track back upstairs again.
Nikki opens his mouth to try and fumble out an explanation but Mick stops him.
“I don't wanna know, but I am never eating off that fucking counter again!” Mick says storming off upstairs again.
Nikki and Vince are still for a while.
“.... See, you going out drinking causes a lot of tension.” Nikki says, trying to pin the whole situation on Vince.
Vince just steps on Nikki's toe with the back of his sharp heel and let's a satisfied smile grace his lips when he hears a crack
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sjsmith56 · 3 months
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Treatment, Chapter 9 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Bucky undergoes treatment for his brainwashing in Wakanda. He is given the opportunity to have video calls with Lacey and Tommy.
Length: 4.4 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Shuri, Lacey, Tommy.
Warnings: Bucky remembers more. Crying moments. Angst over being a good enough man to be a father.
Author notes: The treatment given to Bucky is not the only focus of this chapter, despite the title. Other authors have done a much better job than I could have detailing their descriptions of Bucky’s recovery. This chapter is more about Bucky dealing with the consequences of his involuntary actions and the relationship that Bucky and Lacey form over their calls, along with the growth of Tommy.
<<Chapter 8
🛖 💻
Unlike the cryostasis forced on Bucky by HYDRA he found that his treatment in Wakanda allowed for his mind to remain somewhat aware but not completely alert.  It was like a dream state where he relived memories of his childhood, youth and adult life before his "death."  Every day there were new memories that seemed to come out of nowhere, including several sexual encounters.  As they came up he wondered if his body was frozen enough to keep down his reactions to his pre-war sex life which had been active.  His most emotional memories were those with Steve Rogers, starting when he was a sickly boy who was bullied mercilessly but still tried to stick up for himself.  Memories of them going to the movies, or going out to Coney Island often replayed in his mind.  It took some time reliving those memories before Bucky realized the Wakandans were retrieving the memories from whatever dark recesses in his mind they had hidden during the memory suppression treatments by HYDRA.  It didn't bother him.  In fact it brought him relief and some measure of happiness that the memories weren't completely lost.  It meant his brain was healing bringing him back to feeling human again. 
Before they put him under he was informed he would be awakened from cryostasis so that Princess Shuri could speak to him directly and assess his progress.  The first time they awakened him was somewhat confusing when he opened his eyes, unsure of what memory this was when he realized he was actually awake and not frozen.
"Is it finished?" he asked, making eye contact with the young scientist.
"Not yet, Sergeant Barnes," she said in her pleasant voice.  "This is just a little respite from the treatment, an opportunity to have a face to face conversation with you.  How do you feel?"
"Hungry," he said, quickly.  "May I have something to eat?"
"Certainly," she said.  "You may feel a little unsteady at first when you try to walk.  This is completely normal.  Put this robe on, in case you feel a little cool." She handed him a robe but didn't offer help in putting it on, wanting to see how he handled it.  "Follow me."
Bucky looked at the robe unsure how he was supposed to put it on.  Then placing the collar in his mouth, he grasped it with his teeth as he threaded his good arm into it.  Shaking the other part of the robe over his artificial shoulder cap he pulled it close with his hand then clumsily and loosely tied it.  He was shaking a little from the exertion but Shuri seemed satisfied with his effort and led the way to an eating area where a table was set for both of them near another table laden with food.  She offered him no assistance in filling his plate or glass, but helped herself then patiently waited while he put his plate down, spooned food onto it, then picked it up and brought it to their table.  Noticeably there was nothing that needed to be cut and she made a note that the next time he ate there would only be food that had to be cut.  Once he was seated she began to eat and looked at him thoughtfully.
"Is there anything you would like to ask about your treatment so far?" she asked.  "You have been in a semi-aware state throughout so you should remember much of what went through your mind."
"You've been looking for my memories from before the war," he stated. "I'm glad they weren't completely destroyed.  Does that mean my brain is healing?  How do you do it?"
"There are many theories of where memories are stored," she replied.  "For a long time scientists believed memories were stored in the synapses, which is a junction between two nerve cells in the brain.  Your synapses were destroyed by the treatment HYDRA performed on you, leading them to believe they had completely destroyed who you were, making you a blank slate they could overwrite, creating new synapses with their programming.  This was proved incorrect when you recognized Steve Rogers, even though it was just an echo of a memory.  It was enough to make you remember again as your old synapses began rebuilding themselves."
"So where are the memories located?" he asked.
"That is still up for debate," she replied.  "We believe they are stored in the neurons, or brain nerve cells themselves but access to them is controlled by the hippocampus, located deep in the brain and the neocortex in a sort of dance where they coordinate how those memories emerge.  Right now we are trying to stimulate your synapses which were destroyed to rebuild themselves.  This has resulted in the memories which you are apparently experiencing while in cryostasis."
He nodded, finishing the food on his plate.  "Excuse me," he said, and took his plate back to the food table, adding new items to it and bringing it back. 
He also poured himself a glass of water and brought the glass over.  This time there were items that needed cutting and he tried using the edge of the fork on them at first.  Some of the foods surrendered to the edge of the fork but the ones that didn't were not easy to cut when Bucky attempted it.  Putting the fork into one of them Bucky grasped the fork with his mouth, anchoring it then used the knife to cut several pieces before transferring a piece to his mouth.  Shuri smiled.  Apparently he had figured it out.
"You seem to have learned how to feed yourself with one hand," she pointed out.  "That's impressive."
"I have no choice," he replied.  "Until I get another arm I have to adapt.  What memories will you be accessing next?"
"We will be accessing your memories while you were in HYDRA's control," she admitted.  "We don't do this lightly.  We feel it is important for you to know exactly what was done to you.  You have already indicated you remember all your kills so we won't access those until we start treating your post traumatic stress disorder, commonly called PTSD.  In your day they called it shell shock or battle fatigue.  Any trauma, not just war related, can cause the disorder, so the name is now more all-encompassing.  When you are experiencing those memories it is important for you to remember that you are no longer in danger, that you are in control of your life.  You are amongst friends, Sergeant Barnes."
He nodded then he thought of another question.  "How long have I been in cryostasis so far?" he asked.  "Will you be accessing the activation words during this next session?"
"Four months," replied Shuri, then she chose her next words carefully.  "We already have a record of the activation words, from the HYDRA book that was confiscated from Helmut Zemo.  We believe it is not enough to destroy the synapses from the neurons that hold that information.  We have to render their association to the words meaningless and that is something we are still working on.  I cannot say with certainty we will be accessing and excising them at this time."
"Okay, I'm full now," he said, standing up.  "I assume I am going back into cryostasis after this meal.  Should I go back to the chamber?"
"Not yet," said Shuri.  "Come outside with me."
She led him outside into a garden.  It was full of beautiful trees and plants, many in full bloom.  They walked without talking for some time and Shuri occasionally stopped to breathe in the scent of a flower, encouraging Bucky to do the same.  As he visibly relaxed she sat down and pulled out a tablet from a slot in the side of the bench.
"I thought you might like the opportunity to speak with Miss Williams and your son," she said.  "At a later point in your treatment you will experience memories of your brief time with her.  Every moment of contact with them is precious and we are certain they will be an important part of your healing process.  I can set up the call then leave you with some privacy."
He nodded and watched with interest as Shuri made the connection before handing the tablet to Bucky.  It was small enough for him to hold comfortably in his hand but large enough that he could see everything in detail.  The Wakandans must have told Lacey they were planning this as she answered immediately and had Tommy with her.  Bucky felt his throat constrict when he saw his son for the first time.  Even Lacey looked wonderful and he coughed a little to loosen his throat before speaking.
"Hi," he said, then he looked away, getting his emotions in control.
"It's okay," she said sympathetically.  "First time seeing this little guy is bound to make you emotional.  Tommy, this is Dada.  Can you wave?"
When Lacey said the word Dada, Bucky did lose it and he wept openly, putting the tablet down on the bench.  He used the loose sleeve of his robe to wipe his eyes and nose before he picked up the tablet again.
"Sorry," he apologized.  "I wasn't expecting that reaction.  He's so beautiful.  Hi Tommy, I'm your dad."
Tommy looked at Bucky and put his hand on the screen.  "Dada," he said in his baby voice. 
Bucky wept again but regained his composure quickly.  "I'm not like this usually," he stammered.  "He's just so beautiful." 
"He's growing like crazy," said Lacey.  "He's been walking for a while and I've caught him climbing on top of things he shouldn't."
"You think he has super soldier blood in him?" asked Bucky.
"I think so," she replied.  "I wish there was a way to confirm it but he's early on a lot of things so it's likely."
"I wish I was there to see all this and be with you both," he said with a yearning.  "I'm sorry I missed his first birthday."
"That couldn't be helped,"  answered Lacey.  "I understand.  It's more important for you to get better first.  Having this video call helps, a lot.  He has Uncle Clint and Aunty Laura here as well."
"You're staying with him?" asked Bucky.  "That's good.  He's a good asset, shit I hate that word.  Sorry, language.  We barely talked when he came to Germany to help but I was impressed with his fighting and appreciated his sacrifice so Steve and I could get away."
"He thinks you're a good fighter as well," smiled Lacey.  "He's on house arrest so his wife, Laura, is keeping him very busy.  The FBI agent that was on my brother's case is Clint's minder.  I thought he was a jerk before but he's grown on me, in the sense that he knows you were tortured into being the Soldier.  He's pissed off at the CIA for letting you hang in the wind while HYDRA tortured you."
"Every bit helps I guess," he said.  "Any other news?  Written any new books?"
"Haha, no," she laughed.  "My second book is on its second printing though.  More royalties for me.  I have an idea for another book but until Tommy is a little older it will have to remain in the planning stage."
Both remained silent for several minutes having exhausted their small talk and unwilling to talk about their feelings.  Then Bucky looked at her intently.
"You've barely changed," he said softly.  "Your hair is still a mess but it's a good mess.  You're really tanned.  Does Clint live at the beach?"
"No, he's a farmer," said Lacey.  "It's kind of grown on me.  I might buy a farm when it's safe to do so.  That's why my hair is a mess.  Riding the tractor shakes it loose."
"You know I'm a city boy," he said.  "Brooklyn born and raised.  I'm not sure I would know what to do on a farm."
"You could learn," replied Lacey.  "It's just hard work really.  It's quiet and the sunsets are incredible."
"I'd be willing to give it a try," said Bucky softly.  "Ease into it."
This time when they were quiet it was with a smile on their faces.  Laura looked off to the side for a moment then back at the screen. 
"I guess I have to go," she admitted.  "Any idea when we can talk again?"
"A few months is my guess," answered Bucky.  "They're starting the second phase of my treatment.  I'm glad we talked.  You do look beautiful and so does Tommy.  Give him a kiss for me, will you?  I would give you one if I was there.  You know, I meant to give you a better goodbye at your place but knowing those scum were in the living room I just couldn't.  I've regretted that ever since."
"I wish you had as well," she replied softly.  "Take care of yourself Bucky.  You mean a lot to us, both of us."
"I will," he replied just as softly.  "You take care of yourself and Tommy."
The picture cut out and he whispered.  "I love you."  Within seconds Shuri was beside him and he handed her the tablet.  "Thank you, I needed that," he said sincerely.
She nodded and escorted him back to the medical lab.  After a trip to the bathroom, Bucky removed his robe and stepped back into the cryostasis chamber.  He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and the chamber closed, returning him back to a frozen state.  Shuri gave the order that there be no treatment that evening so that he could reminisce on the video call with his son and the boy's mother.  She wanted him to have that much.
It was good that Shuri had given Bucky a heads up of the second phase of his treatment.  Although he remembered every assassination kill he didn't remember much of what HYDRA did to him from the time he was found barely alive in that rocky crevasse to the last memory treatment he was forced to undergo in Washington, D.C. before HYDRA was exposed.  To call it brutal would be an understatement and Bucky felt pure fury for most of it.  He was never viewed as a human being.  Rather he was an object, a weapon for them to control.  The complete lack of empathy and decency in what they forced upon him was hard to take but he understood it was necessary for him to know. 
What was worse for him was his role in many destabilizing events in world history.  Assassinations and terrorist activities made up the majority of his existence as HYDRA's tool.  They farmed him out to many terrorist organizations, using his abilities to enrich themselves.  By the time he was awakened, Bucky felt angry but also ashamed and disheartened at how he had been used.  This time, Shuri gave him his robe and helped him on with it then sat him down in an office in the medical lab.
"So much evil was done with my hands," said Bucky, frowning and looking at the floor.  "So much death; more than the assassinations which I remember."
"It is true," she said.  "You were their puppet and they manipulated you to do their bidding.  Why do you think they wiped these memories from your mind?"
He looked at her blankly.  "I don't know," he admitted.  "They made sure I remembered the assassinations but I killed so many more people as a terrorist."
Shuri brought up some documents on her computer and turned them towards him.  They were in Russian but said she had translated versions if he wanted to see them in English.
"I can read Russian," he replied.  "What are these?"
"Decrypted HYDRA files," she said.  Then she pulled some sheets of paper towards her and began to read them.
March 1, 1951. Asset has returned from mission to Korea.  Severe arm damage caused by American super soldier.  Asset fixated on nationality of American targets killed prior to arrival of American super soldier.  Refused to take orders from handler.  Refers to self as a traitor to his country.  Finally restrained Asset and sedative given.  Recommend full memory wipe prior to cryostasis.
April 22, 1953.  Asset performed bombing of market in Pakistan as ordered.  Refused to return with handler and insisted on helping search for wounded.  Handler had to hit Asset with car to knock him out and bind him.  Upon recovery at lab Asset resisted memory treatment.  ECT was applied to render Asset more cooperative.  Recommend memory wipe after every mission involving multiple casualties to lessen original protective nature of Asset.
"Shall I go on?" she asked.  "You retained your protective nature. These are the two earliest instances of it but it came up repeatedly.  Your true nature to protect people came up every time and they wiped your mind continually to try and remove it but it just wouldn't take.   It came up every time."
"I still did it," he said dully.  "It never stopped me from doing those evil things."
"No, it didn't," she said.  "But you fought them every time and you wore them down as much as they wore you down.  They resorted to extreme measures to make you do these things.  Another one of these files tells of you being tortured prior to placing a bomb on a train in South Africa.  I don't even want to read out loud what they did to you to make you compliant.  It's likely why they started to put you into cryostasis between missions."
"How am I supposed to accept that I killed hundreds of people?" he asked plaintively.  "The assassinations I could rationalize that in the big scheme of things it wasn't a lot of people.  But these killings ...."
"You start by accepting," said Shuri softly.  "More importantly you remind yourself of what you vowed since you escaped from them."
He looked at her, his face stricken, and then he nodded his head.  "Never to kill again," he whispered, then he began to weep, and sob as he mourned the people whose deaths he had been responsible for.  It was a bitter pill for him to swallow that there would be no redemption for these deaths, just the knowledge that terrible things had been done to him first to make him perform those evil tasks.  Shuri said nothing while Bucky dealt with the revelations of his other activities.  She pulled the tablet out but he looked at it and shook his head.
"No, I can't talk to them," he insisted.  "Not now that I know the true extent of my activities as a killer.  They deserve better than me."
"They deserve to speak with the man who cares about them," said Shuri, "and who care about him in return.  The boy who has the eyes of his father, deserves to know that man now, the man who loves him even though he has only seen him on a computer screen."
Bucky drew in a strangled breath, wanting so desperately to see them again but fearful that his murderous past would be known to them. 
"What if they find out about the terrorism and they reject me?" he asked.  "I wouldn't blame them if they did but I can't allow myself to love them if they throw it back in my face later that I killed hundreds."
"Miss Williams already knows," said Shuri gently.  "She asked for the translations we made of the decrypted files.  To her they are not evidence of your crimes but proof of the crime that was perpetrated against you by HYDRA, the CIA, and any other intelligence agency that knew about you and did nothing.  In her eyes that was the true crime against humanity when they failed to protect a single man."
Bucky gasped and tears formed in his eyes at the realization that Lacey knew it all and still wanted him.  His whole body trembled at the thought of not just her but others who had helped him knowing the truth and still choosing to support him.  It was overwhelming to him and he found it difficult to say anything.
"Let us have our meal first," suggested Shuri.  "Afterwards, we can smell the flowers again and you can speak to your beloved then."
He looked Shuri in the eye at the use of the term "beloved", but it was true.  He did love both Lacey and Tommy, not just in the romantic sense for Lacey, but in the sense they were both important to him.  Nodding his assent the two went to the private eating area with the food laden table and Bucky ate his fill.  After they went to the garden and without prompting he stopped of his own accord to smell the flowers and fill his senses with their scents.  When he felt ready he told Shuri and she set up the video call.  Before she connected he looked at her.
"How long since the last call?" he asked.
"Four and a half months," she replied.
The connection was made and Lacey's face appeared, a face that showed her concern when she saw his.  "Hi Bucky." She greeted him gently.  "How are you?"
"A little down in the dumps," he answered truthfully.  "I learned the true extent of my activities and it's hard to accept."
"I wish I could be there to put my arm around you and tell you that what matters is the man you are now," she replied.  "It probably seems hollow coming over a computer screen."
"Not when it's coming from you," he stated, trying to smile.  "You still thinking I'm worth waiting for?"
"Oh yes," she said, her face beaming.  "Definitely.  Shuri told you I've been reading the decrypted files?"
"Yeah, she told me."  He coughed and looked out at the garden.  "Where's Tommy?"
"He's here."
The image changed to show his son running in circles on the grass with another little boy.  They would run around each other then fall to the grass and giggle. 
"He has a friend?" asked Bucky.
"Clint's youngest, Nathaniel," replied Lacey.  "He's a few months older.  They're good buddies.  Tommy, come say hi to Daddy."
The little boy came up to the cell phone and Lacey changed the view again as Tommy leaned against her.  He looked at Bucky then at Lacey. 
"Say hi," she encouraged him gently.
"Hi, Daddy," he said then suddenly leaned forward and kissed the screen.
Bucky laughed.  "Hi buddy," he replied.  "You're getting to be such a big boy."
Tommy leaned into Lacey's chest and looked at Bucky from the safety of that comforting spot.  "We had a late surprise Christmas gift delivered and installed on your behalf,"  said Lacey.  "I figured Shuri sent it while you were in cryostasis."
"What was it?" Bucky asked as Shuri never mentioned it.
"An outdoor play set," said Lacey, changing the view again to show a play set with slides, swings and ladders.  "He loves it.  It was a thoughtful gift."
"I'll make sure to thank her," said Bucky.  "Lacey, how do you feel about me?"
His question rattled her and she didn't answer for a moment.  "What do you mean?" she countered with a question.
"I think it's a pretty straightforward question," he replied.  "Do you love me?"
"We hardly know each other," she said in almost a whisper.
"Do you love me?" he asked again, his eyes intense.  "Yes or no."
"Bucky ...," she looked scared.  "You're asking ...."
"I'm asking if you love me," he said, softer now.  "I know we only had a night together but I never stopped thinking about you.  Every time I've seen you on this tablet I've felt better seeing your face and I long for the day when I can hold you again.  So, if you want to know how I feel before you answer me ... I think I love you."
Her face betrayed her before her words came out.  He read relief, gladness, and acceptance all in the few seconds before she spoke.  "I never stopped thinking of you either," she admitted.  "I do love you.  It goes against everything I thought how love happens but I do.  I think of us together, raising Tommy, having other kids.  It's all so wishful but then I ask myself what's wrong with that.  What's wrong with loving someone who made such an impact on me in such a short time?  The answer is nothing is wrong with that.  I'm yours, Bucky."
"I'm yours also," he replied.  "No matter what, I'm coming back to you and Tommy, even if it takes years and I lose hope sometimes.  Someday, I will show up on your doorstep and I will be home for good, because home is where you and Tommy are.  Don't ever forget that."
"I won't," she said.  "I love you Bucky, fully and completely." 
Her face was alight now and he realized she had kept her love hidden before, fearful that he didn't feel the same.
"I love you, Lacey," he replied.  "Just as fully and completely."
This time Lacey kissed her fingertips and blew him a kiss.  He caught it and pressed his fingers to his lips.  Then he disconnected and sat back, feeling hopeful.  Shuri approached and he looked gratefully at her.
"Thank you for sending the play set for Christmas," he said.
She looked confused.  "I don't know what you're talking about," she said.  "We sent some toys but not a play set."
"Lacey said ...," said Bucky, then corrected himself.  "Someone sent a play set but didn't acknowledge it was them.  Who would do that?"
"Who indeed?" replied Shuri.  "Are you ready to return to cryostasis?  We believe we have the procedure set that will remove the influence of the words from your mind.  It's going to take some time and we will have to test you when you are conscious to confirm it worked but we will worry about that when we have completed the procedure."
"I'm ready," said Bucky.  "Let's get this done."
He handed her the tablet and followed her back to the lab, stopping at the bathroom first.  Shrugging off his robe he stepped into the chamber and smiled at Shuri before closing his eyes and waiting for the chamber to close.  His faith in her was absolute and he knew that when he came out next time he would be a changed man.
Chapter 10>>
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