#tomi soko
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Entrevista com Tomi Soko, o malabarista e a importância do olhar em cena!
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[TL] JPN/ROM/ENG The Champion
The Champion by Matenrou Music: Riki and Zeebra Lyrics: Zeebra Arrangement: Riki and Zeebra
これがシンジュク Kore ga Shinjuku This is Shinjuku
麻天狼 Matenrou Matenrou
Let’s go
[Chorus:] 俺らがナンバーワン Orera ga nanbaawan We are number one
Yes we a di champion
When we go rap-pap-pan
聴いたら皆Jump around Kiitara mina jump around When you hear it, everyone jump around
俺らがナンバーワン Orera ga nanbaawan We are number one
Yes we a di champion
When we go rap-pap-pan
聴いたら皆Jump around Kiitara mina jump around When you hear it, everyone jump around
俺らがナンバーワンラッパー Orera ga nanbaawan rappaa We are the number one rappers
そうシンジュクがナンバーワンラッパー Sou Shinjuku ga nanbaawan rappaa Yes, Shinjuku are the number one rappers
今晩はガンガンTurn up Konban wa gangan Turn up Tonight, bang bang, turn up
目の前にはどデカイシャンパンタワー Me no mae ni wa do dekai shanpan tawaa Before your eyes in an enormous champagne tower
今日は祝杯朝までHigh Party All Night Kyou wa shukuhai asa made High Party All Night Today we toast, high until the morning, party all night
祝杯終わることない祝勝会 Shukuhai owarukoto nai shukushoukai Cheers, there’s no end to our victory party
祝杯さあ全部飲み尽くせ Shukuhai saa zenbu nomitsukuse Cheers, now, drink it all up
店の酒飲み尽くせ Mise no sake nomitsukuse All the drinks in the shop, drink it all up
ついに立ったディビジョンの頂点 Tsui ni tatta dibijon no chouten Finally, standing at the top of all divisions
俺らなら当たり前だ当然 Orera nara atari mae da touzen Naturally, it’s us, of course 誰がやろうが真似出来ねぇ Dare ga yarou ga mane dekinee No bastards can copy us
派手なフローで上げてくぜ Hade na furoo de agetekuze We rise with a flashy flow
でもまだ満足には程遠い Demo mada manzoku ni wa hodotooi But we’re still a long way from being satisfied
いつだってウォリアーの装い Itsudatte woriaa no yosooi We always don our warrior clothes
雑魚がつまらねぇ物乞い Zako ga tsumaranee monogoi Mooks are boring beggars
相手にゃしてねぇぜ来やがれ一昨日 Aite ni shiteneeze kiyagare ototoi That don’t deserve to be our opponents, get out!
俺らがナンバーワンって事は Orera ga nanbaawan tte koto wa Now that we are number one
誰に狙われるか分からない Dare ni nerawareru ka wakaranai Who knows who might be targeting us?
必要以上素性明かさない Hitsuyou ijou sujou akasanai I won’t reveal any more than I have to about us
とでも言いたいが職場は変わらない To demo iitai ga shokuba wa kawaranai But I want to say, my job hasn’t changed at all
仲違いする程馬鹿じゃないだろうが Nakatagaisuru hodo baka janai darou ga It’s so stupid to ruin a friendship
んな事あったらばたまらないな Nna koto attaraba tamaranai na Such a thing would be unbearable
妄想と情報が錯綜 Mousou to jouhou ga sakusou Paranoia and reality become entangled
ノンストップで脳内駆け巡って吐きそう Nonsutoppu de nounai kakemegutte hakisou Running around nonstop in my head, it’s sickening
ただ俺のスキルが大勢の前で Tada ore no sukiru ga oozei no mae de But my skills - before a crowd
証明出来たのは光栄 Shoumei dekita no wa kouei I’d be honored to prove myself
この俺が独歩キレたら誰一人ストップを Kono ore ga Doppo kiretara dare hitori sutoppu wo If I, Doppo, lose control, no one could stop me
掛けれない程フルボッコ Kakerenai hodo furubokko Total annihilation
結局やるしかねえんだろ? Kekkyoku yaru shikaneen daro? In the end, it has to be done, right?
誰が相手でも勝つしかねえんだろ? Dare ga aite demo katsu shikaneen daro? I’ll win no matter who my opponent is, right?
ならばいつもの食らわすまで Naraba itsumo no kuurawasumade If that’s so, then, forever, until I’m consumed
ブチ切れて暴言唸らすだけ Buchikirete bougen unarasu dake I’ll let loose and scream my worst
我々が麻天狼 Wareware ga Matenrou We are Matenrou
シンジュクの街は常に破天荒 Shinjuku no machi wa tsune ni hatenkou The other side of Shinjuku is always unprecedented
裏側見りゃ絡み合った螺旋状 Urasoba mirya karamiatta rasenjou See, the other side twists in a helix
そこで生きてそこで死んでく Soko de ikite sokode shindeku Such is how we live, such is how we die
国籍など問われない誰もすぐ馴染んでく Kokuseki nado towarenai dare mo sugu najindeku Anyone can fit in, regardless of things like nationality
ここに生きた証勝利こそが宿命 Koko ni ikita shou shouri koso ga shukumei Here is proof that we lived, victory is assured
毎夜眠れず憂う国の行方 Maiyo nemurezu ureu kuni no yukue Every night sleepless, such is the way of this lamentable place
道が開けず拳叩く机 Michi ga akezu kobushi tataku tsukue Unable to find a way out, striking the desk with my fist
勝った今こそ私達の国を救え Katta ima koso watashitachi no kuni wo sukue Now that we have won, we must deliver our country to salvation
王者つまり王だならば王が Ousha tsumari ou da naraba ou ga The ruler, the king, the sovereign
何を持って王と呼ばれ得るだろうか Nano wo motte ou to yobareeru darou ka What must one possess to be called the king?
それは力それとも知恵それとも富 Sore wa chikara sore tomo chie sore tomo tomi Perhaps power, knowledge, riches
それともその全て身を投げ打ち夢追うのみ Sore tomo sono subete mi wo nage uchi yui unomi All of it, throw oneself into their dreams
革命へのメスなら手の中に Kakumei he no mesu nara te no naka ni In my hand is a scalpel pointed towards the revolution
真っ暗闇抜けたら薄灯り Makkurayami nuketara susuki tomori Once the deepest darkness fades, there is a faint light
このオペいやこの奇な物語ならば Kono ope, iya, kono ki na monogatari naraba This operation—no, this strange story
たった今音を立てて始まったばかり Tatta ima oto wo tatete hajimatta bakari The sound of it has only just begun
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“La Ceremonia” brinda su última función
Por Lorena Sánchez
En la era del marketing político, la omnipresencia de la propaganda política y religiosa y la entronización del consumo, la obra “La Ceremonia” se re-actualiza, cuestionando la demagogia y los discursos vacíos como camino hacia la obtención y ejercicio del poder, mediante la venta compulsiva de ideas que se muestran trascendentales.

El unipersonal tragicómico de Tomi Soko (Tomas Sokolowicz), artista performer: actor cómico, payaso dramático y mimo, propone una historia de realismo fantástico, futuro apocalíptico y humor absurdo. Su protagonista puede ser candidato a presidente, un pastor evangelista, un vendedor ambulante o un militante new age. Todo lo convierte en argumento de venta y expone sus “ideas” de manera avasallante y continua y por todos los medios, hasta quedar envuelto en ellas y pasar de la entronización al descenso estrepitoso.

Con patetismo tragicómico, risa nerviosa y descontrolada, emite palabras, frases, párrafos, habla en castellano mezclado con un balbuceante inglés y un dudoso portuñol y tira decenas de besos al público, a quien manifiesta enfáticamente amar. Las escenas incluyen situaciones donde hace malabarismo, acrobacia y trabaja con manipulación de objetos en un impresionante despliegue físico. Y convoca al comic y a la animación en escenas como la que muestra al protagonista tragando y vomitando sus propias ideas cual cinta infinita proveniente del agobio que le causa el peso que va adquiriendo su cabeza.
En el saludo, Soko dedica la escena final de la obra: “Les deseo este final a los que están ahí arriba”.
El domingo 26 de Agosto “La Ceremonia” ofrece su última de la temporada 2018 a las 21 hs. en el Espacio Sísmico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Lavalleja 960.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/272808370
Ficha Técnica:
Idea, dramaturgia, creación y actuación: Tomás Sokolowicz Dirección y acompañamiento artístico: Gabriel Páez Vestuario: Sandra Szwarcberg Escenografía: Pía Drugueri Música: Santiago Oveja Blomberg Diseño gráfico: Lisandro Notario Diseño de luces: Fernando Cano Producción: Cía. TomiSoko Co-producción: Proyecto MIGRA - Galpón de Guevara - Café Muller – Centre des Arts du Cirque Le Lido.
#la ceremonia#tomi soko#espacio sismico#teatro argentino#actores argentinos#lorena sanchez periodista#contenidos culturales#critica teatral
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“AMISTÁ” de Tomi Soko. La otra cara del malabarismo callejero
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A3! Blooming Summer Ep
1 にゃんばれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃ☆にゃん生! / シロ&クロ 2 進め!パイレーツ / スカイ&ヘンリー 3 いつか王子様に… / 向坂椋(CV:山谷祥生) 4 いちにっさんかく / 斑鳩三角(CV:廣瀬大介) 5 Summer Time Love / 三好一成(CV:小澤廉)
進め!パイレーツ Susume! Pirates Onward! Pirates
スカイ&ヘンリー Sky & Henry
Ikaruga Misumi (CV: Hirose Daisuke) Sakisaka Muku (CV: Yoshitaka Yamaya)
ずっと待ち焦がれてた 歓喜の声を上げろ それこそ俺たちの 出発の合図だ
Zutto machikogareteta Kanki no koe wo agerou Sore koso oretachi no Shuppatsu no aizu da
We were always longing for it Let us raise our voice in delight That is the sign Of our departure
きっと手に入れるんだ 世界中の財宝 海賊になんて 怖いものはないさ
Kitto te ni ireru nda Sekaijū no zaihō Kaizoku ni nante Kowai mono wa nai sa
We will undoubtedly obtain The treasures of the whole world To a pirate, There is not a thing to be afraid of
でっかい野望持って 荒波を乗り越えて まだ見ぬ宝島 目指して進むんだ
Dekkai yabō motte Aranami wo nori koete Mada minu takarajima Mezashite susumun da
We have great ambitions Conquering the raging seas, We continue to aim For the yet to be seen treasure island
邪魔なものは全て 蹴散らしていくんだ 死にたくないなら さっさと退くことだ
Jama na mono wa subete Kechirashite ikun da Shinitakunai nara Sassato shirizoku koto da
All those in the way, Everything will be eliminated If you don’t want to die It’s ‘hurry up and retreat’ for you
航海の果てに 求めるモノ きっとそこに きっとそこに あるんだろうか 血塗れの名を 欲しいままに 追われても 追われてもひたすら
Kōkai no hate ni Motomeru mono Kitto soko ni Kitto soko ni Aru ndarou ka Chimamire no na wo Hoshī mama ni Owarete mo Owarete mo hitasura
At the end of the voyage The things we desire Surely, over there Certainly, over there Would they be right there? The bloodstained name As we desired Even if sought Even if sought in earnest
進め進めいざ進めよ 道なき道を行く 俺たちのやり方 進め進めいざ進めよ そうさ俺は海賊 冒険はまだ続いていくんだ
Susume susume iza susume yo Michi naki michi wo yuku Oretachi no yarikata Susume susume iza susume yo Sou sa ore wa kaizoku Bouken wa mada tsudzuite ikun da
Forward, go forth, onward now Continue down the path directionless That is the way we do Forward, go forth, onward now That is right; we are pirates Our adventure is still far from over
夢も希望も 富も力も 名声も全て この手に収められるさ 命懸けで行け
Yume mo kibō mo Tomi mo chikara mo Meisei mo subete Kono te ni osamerareru sa Inochigake de yuke
Your dreams, your hope Riches, power As well as fame, everything We will offer them all to you with these hands We would stake our own lives
航海の旅は 過酷だけど どんなことも なんてことも 乗り越えてきた 血塗れの名が 渇き果てて 綻びを魅せようとも俺は
Kōkai no tabi wa Kakoku dakedo Donna koto mo Nante koto mo Norikoete kita Chimamire no na ga Kawaki hatete Hokorobi wo miseyou tomo ore wa
This voyage of a journey Although relentless Anything No matter what it is We would conquer it The bloodstained name Has come to an end I will show you a grin, mate
進め進めいざ進めよ 絆が何よりの 財宝でもあるのさ 進め進めいざ進めよ 俺たちは止まらない 何処までも
Susume susume iza susume yo Kizuna ga nani yori no Zaihō de mo aru no sa Susume susume iza susume yo Oretachi wa tomaranai Dokomademo
Forward, go forth, onward now Our ties are above all The best treasure out there Forward, go forth, onward now We are unstoppable Wherever we go
進め進めいざ進めよ 道なき道を行く 俺たちのやり方 進め進めいざ進めよ そうさ俺は海賊 冒険はまだ続いていく
Susume susume iza susume yo Michi naki michi wo yuku Oretachi no yarikata Susume susume iza susume yo Sou sa ore wa kaizoku Bōken wa mada tsudzuite iku
Forward, go forth, onward now Continue down the path directionless That is the way we do Forward, go forth, onward now That is right; we are pirates Our adventure is still continuing
Kōkai wa mada tsudzuite ikun da
This voyage is still far from over
#my tls#A3!#ikaruga misumi#sakisaka muku#susume! pirates#blooming summer ep#エースリー#A3! エースリー#im extra proud of this translation <3
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apoie o canal: http://malabarizese.com/
Escuta só! Tomi Soko sabe o que fala!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWx7C7QHO0 mais em: http://bit.ly/paposdecirco Tomi Soko fala sobre a importância de ter um olhar presente na cena!
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Tomi Soko fala sobre sua visão do malabarismo enquanto malabariza!
Gostou? Compartilha que tem mais gente que vai gostar :D
Veja mais: http://bit.ly/paposdecirco
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWx7C7QHO0 apoie o canal: http://www.malabarizese.com Tomi Soko fala sobre malabarismo
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