#tomi mei
thefigureresource · 7 months
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Mei Hatsume [My Hero Academia] 1/8 scale from Kotobukiya coming June 2024.
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i wanna draw some of my fav characters
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seraphimcollections · 2 months
fading part. ii
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pairing: johnny silverhand x reader
summary: fate was a double edged sword. finally you were free of your gilded cage, free to possibly start anew. but old habits die hard.
warnings: gun violence, murder, blood, kidnapping, grooming (not by johnny), rockstar behavior, angst angst angst! sexual implications, eventual smut, slowburn, secret enemies to lovers, fluff.
a.n: hey everyone! thx for the love and for your patience. luv ya!
word count: 3k
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///[memory shard detected]…uploading…//[2010][memory uploaded]///
You squirmed in your seat across from your uncle. You found yourself seated across from him in your parlor, sat at the table in the center of the room. You couldn’t rid the feeling of shame not knowing your uncle’s visit was scheduled for today, not having the courage to look him in the eye — even if they were hidden behind his glasses. Saburo Arasaka seemingly didn’t feel the need to fill the silence, choosing instead to stare you down from across the table. His gaze alone made you feel small like a child. The painful silence finally ended when Yumi set the kettle of piping hot green tea between the two of you. 
“It seems my presence comes as quite the shock to you, niece,” Saburo finally spoke in his gravelly voice. 
You gulped before finally speaking up, choosing to keep your gaze safely in your fiddling hands, “yes, well it was a bit of surprise.” 
“I tried to warn you,” Tomie spoke over you, making you flinch. 
You laughed nervously, “I suppose you did, didn’t you?” 
Saburo watched as Yumi poured him some tea before serving you, only speaking when Yumi left you, bowing deeply before. 
“You’re slacking on your studies,” Saburo said sharply. “Your teachers have told me so.” 
You sighed. “Yes, well I haven’t felt the motivation to learn something I have no passion for….” 
“That may be so, but you’ve also been slacking in your monitoring of the Net as well, mei.”
You supposed there was no way news of your slump would make its way back to your uncle eventually. Everything did. You let out another heavy sigh, encasing the small cup of tea in your hands. 
”How is Yorinobu? I’m sure he’s making strides. And pretty Hanako, how is she holding up?” You try. 
“話題を変えるなよ、ヒナ。don’t try to change the subject、 Hina,” Saburo frowned. 
You bowed your head again, “ごめんなさい I’m sorry” 
“Must I remind you of how integral your skill is in the protection of Arasaka?” Saburo said. 
“No, uncle,” you said submissively. 
“Good. Enough of this rot, tomorrow you are to resume your lessons while continuing your surveillance,” Saburo sipped his tea. 
He continued to talk but it all but faded away. It was all the same, day in and day out. Wake up, eat, lessons for the majority of the day then surveillance late into the night until you were on the edge of letting your brain fry before collapsing to sleep. And then start all over again the next day. Never stopping, the wheel keeps turning. Even when you showed signs that you needed help, like now, it went ignored. When will it end? 
Your gaze hardened as your hands turned to fists in your lap. It’s now or never.
”Uncle, can I ask you something?” You say, trying your best to keep your voice steady. 
“Anything, my child,” Saburo said, though you knew in his tone he was only half interested. 
“What would you say if, if I were to go out for a little while,” you say, carefully looking up to watch his expression. 
Saburo nods, “of course, an outing to grab more essentials. We can arrange something for you that way security can accompany you.” 
You almost wanted to laugh. Was it that hard to believe that you wanted to experience life beyond these walls? Did he truly believe that you would only aspire to be under his thumb? An unfamiliar feeling began to bubble in your chest, your face beginning to get hot. This feeling, you recognized it from the faces of those people rioting in front of your family’s name. Anger. 
Angry how you are constantly dismissed, overlooked. Only seen for your skills and nothing beyond that. Part of you should know better — this may be a family business, but it was still a business as your uncle had been at the helm for almost a century and there was no sign of him releasing the reins, completely anyway. You were grateful, of course, no one who wasn’t in your position would have access to the best chrome and tech in the industry. Your life was privileged, you just weren’t sure just how privileged — and there was no way of knowing if you remained trapped in this gilded cage. 
You remained silent for a moment, shuffling your thoughts in your head. You knew your uncle was a clever man so you had to play your cards carefully. You took in a breath before straightening your posture. Saburo met your gaze of conviction as a twinge of interest. 
”I meant going on an extended stay, somewhere beyond the city. Possibly the country,” you say firmly. 
Saburo cocks an eyebrow, “a trip? That’s preposterous, where is this coming from?” 
“I believe it would help me get out of this slump,” you reasoned, “I wouldn’t be away for long, only a short while to regroup and resume my lessons and my work for the corporation. That way I can perform at my best-“
”And where would you go?” Saburo frowned, obviously not pleased by your proposal. 
You shrugged, “I haven’t given the location much thought, but-“ 
“The answer is no,” Saburo had shut you down. 
Your next words died on the tongue as your hope was beginning to drain quickly. 
“But uncle-“ 
“No,” Saburo glared at you, “you are safe here. Not out there where any lowlife could easily abduct you and use you for their own personal gain or pleasure. No, I won’t allow it.” 
“Uncle, please listen-“ 
“You shall remain here and resume your studies as planned, end of discussion.”
You let out an exasperated breath and shook your head, “why won’t you listen?” 
“Why should I? You are young and naive, my young niece. You are unaware of just how evil and corrupt this world is. No matter where you go, rot touches all — except here, where I can keep you safe,” Saburo stood to his feet. “I won’t hear anymore of this, understood?” 
You couldn’t justify an answer. Everything screamed for you to submit like you always had, to go with the status quo. But there was this small, irritating voice that nagged at you to not let this go. 
“Then I will remain miserable for the rest of my days,” your voice weakened, letting your head fall. “Uncle, I’ve lost count of the days, I don’t even know what today is. I’ve sunk into his routine that is slowly drowning me and tearing me apart from the inside out.” 
You looked up at him, fire in your eyes, “I am eternally grateful for the protection and life you have given me. Raising me from a young age, taking me under your wing as your own after mother…. But as I remain here, I feel as if I am nothing but a machine, built to only produce results. I am blessed with my skills, and I’m so very grateful for the tools at my disposal.
But please know, I will never feel like I have lived if you continue to keep me here. I will never stop asking, and my condition will continue to decline. Please, see reason, uncle.”
Saburo stood across from in silence, his eyes analyzing you. It was at this moment you realized his gaze didn’t make you falter, you maintained your gaze into his eyes. The silence felt like it rolled on forever until Saburo shattered it. 
“I will give it some thought,” he said, watching your face light up, “but until then you return to your studies, understood?” 
You beamed and nodded your head excitedly, “yes, of course, thank you uncle!” 
Saburo nodded, before leaving the room, signaling his goodbye. You couldn’t help but celebrate, jumping from your seat and throwing your hands over your head. 
“Yes!” You whispered to yourself, holding your hands to your racing chest. “I hope this works.” 
Saburo rounded the corner before stopping, his hands hidden in his sleeves. 
“Tomie, run a diagnostic,” he ordered. 
A few seconds passed before Tomie’s voice chimed quieter and out of earshot of you. 
“The young mistress remains healthy and uncorrupted, master,” she answered. 
“And her brain neurons, no discrepancies to be seen?” He said, his face stoic. 
”No master Saburo. Her neural pathways stay harbored at a safe 94%, two percent lower than last month however,” Tomie said. 
“Hm, very well then. Keep an eye on her and notify me of any differences,” Saburo began his path to the AV pad again. “I don’t need any ghosts rearing their heads now.” 
///[memory shard complete]...ERROR - MEMORY LOST///
/[new memory shard detected - upload commencing…]\
Surprising to you, the escalation to your spontaneous trip outside of Osaka. You were shocked when your Uncle had asked you (though it didn’t sound like he was asking) to accompany him on a business trip. You immediately jumped at the chance, excited to finally not only be able to leave your lavish apartment, but possibly even the country. You were excited, until he told you where this said business trip was taking place. Night City, one of the last free cities in the Western hemisphere and one of Arasaka’s strongest footholds. Also, home to one of the biggest rocker bands, Samurai. Your expression gave you away easily. 
“I expected you to be happier, are you perhaps not ready for a trip?” Saburo said. 
“N-No! I am uncle, thank you for the opportunity,” you said, flustered. 
You were in fact more ready than you could ever be. You had dived deep into the lore of what was the Anarchist group that was Samurai. In the short amount of time since you’ve discovered the riot video, you’ve listened to nearly every album, even going as far to memorize some of their lyrics. You scoured the Net to find more information about its band members: Henry, the bassist, Denny, the drummer, Nancy, she played the keys and there was the vocalist and lead guitarist, Kerry. And the one that had garnered your attention the most, the lead singer Johnny Silverhand. Interestingly, you found his old military file, learning he had served in the Second Central American War before leaving, somehow ending up in the claws of Night City. 
You weren’t completely oblivious to the treacherousness that belonged to Night City. You could tell from the sour expressions from the mention of the name NC that the name didn’t garner much good feelings. But you found yourself surprisingly in good spirits. Of all the places your Uncle could have permitted you to go to, it was Night City, Silverhand’s city. It felt like fate. 
The giddiness didn’t subside as the AV soared over the towering mega buildings, your face pressed against the glass. You couldn’t stop smiling, trying to take everything in but it was impossible. Night City was so much different compared to Osaka. It had an edge as sharp as a knife that made your blood race with thrill. All this adrenaline and you hadn’t stepped foot in the city’s streets. 
“Remember why you are here, Hina,” Saburo said, his voice strict. “This isn’t all for childish fun.” 
You flinched at his harsh words, sinking back into your seat across from him. 
“Yes, I’ll try my best,” you said with your head bowed. 
Saburo nodded, “you’ll make sure to do so. This isn’t the same as hiding in your cradle and operating behind the scenes, child. This is reality, and I won’t tolerate any degree of failure.” 
Your eyes cast over to the veil folded neatly on the side table. 
“Yes but is the veil really necessary?” You question. 
“Your identity is our biggest asset, if those of our enemies were to know that Arasaka harbors the little netrunner that’s been slowing down all of their systems, they would not stop until they had a hold of such a weapon,” Saburo said matter-of-factly. 
His cold words cut you. Your hands clenched into fists in your lap. A weapon? Was that all he saw in you?
“Child, it is for your protection and first and foremost,” Saburo said. “This city has a ceaseless supply of opportunists who will be happy to hold you for ransom.” 
 You nod with a small smile, “I’m not worried, uncle. I know I am protected under your watchful eye.” 
Saburo grunted at your words as the AV began to lower itself into the landing pad of Konpeki Plaza. 
“The veil, don’t take it off until I say so. The veil will conceal your appearance to the naked eye but will be untraceable within surveillance as well,” Saburo said. 
You nodded and did as you were told, placing the veil over your head and letting the translucent fabric hide your face. The door opened up to a line of Arasaka soldiers standing tall. Saburo stepped out first and you quickly after. You kept your hands clasped together in front of you and your head lowered. You could feel the intense gazes of the men and women who stood in a stiff line. They were unwavering in their rigorous training, that’s why they were able to stand where they stood today, but even they were curious to glimpse upon the face of the forgotten Arasaka child. 
You followed Saburo through a doorway and down a long corridor. Servants and corp workers alike quickly stepped aside as you were escorted further into the lavish hotel. You followed him into a private elevator accessed only by an Access Card. The two of you were joined by two of Saburo’s staff and a single soldier. Finally the doors slid open to a penthouse that almost rivaled back home. Almost. You finally lifted your head to look around the room, finding it slightly smaller than your penthouse back home but equally as lavish. You stood unsure of what to do next as Saburo’s staff brought in your bags. 
Saburo finally turned back to you, “this is where you will be staying when you are not working at Arasaka Tower. You will be free to do as you wish within these walls, but if you are to wander outside you will have a guard by your side 24/7 and your all activities will be reported back to me.”
You couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed, your shoulders sagging. 
“Is something wrong?” said Saburo.
You shook your head, “no! It’s just..-” 
“Spit it out, my time is valuable,” Saburo frowned. 
“O-Of course, uncle. I was just hoping that this trip would come with more…freedom?” You voice quietly. 
Saburo scoffed, “a foolish hope. Remember your place.” 
You flinched but nodded. Saburo walked past you without as much of a glance. 
“I’ll leave you to settle in for the night. Tomorrow I will come to retrieve you for our visit to Arasaka Tower,” He stated. 
Your brow furrowed in frustration as Saburo entered the elevator and left without another word. You let out a frustrated sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. You looked at the two staff who were assisting in unpacking your things. 
“Please, leave those things to me,” you say gently. 
The two women looked at each other in unease before one spoke up, “but Arasaka-san, it’s would be-” 
“Please, I insist. Go and tend to your other more urgent tasks,” you say, turning your backs to them as you approach the living area. 
“Yes, mistress,” was all the women muttered before quickly shuffling to the elevator. 
It was only then when the elevator closed on them did you feel like you could finally breathe. You ripped the white off your head, throwing it on the marble floor in anger. This was not something you would have agreed to if you knew you were agreeing to be kept in another cage. How was this any better than Osaka? You almost wanted to cry. You shrugged off the robe from your shoulders before walking over to one of your suitcases left half unpacked. 
“Oh good,” you crouched down as you scrummage through the last items, “she didn’t find it.” 
You pulled out a slim case that you had tucked deeply in the case before you left Japan. Opening the slot revealed a small shard which you picked up and slotted into your neck. You hummed as the new software integrated itself into your cyberdeck. Your eyes glowed in a familiar white hue as you stood to your feet again. 
“Tomie, are you there?” You say quietly. 
“Yes, I am here. There is no need to speak to me directly if you wish to be discreet, Hina-san,” Tomie spoke to you in your mind. 
You sighed, “thank goodness, I’m happy to see the upload worked.” 
“It is quite the accomplishment, young mistress. You were able to compress my AI presence into a simple shard all while being undetected. Your engineering skills are becoming more than sufficient.” 
“Guess all those hours of lessons really did pay off, huh?” You chuckle as you walk up to the floor-to-ceiling window showing the neon skyline of Night City. 
The city hummed, buzzed. It felt almost alive. A beast that wouldn’t hesitate at the chance to swallow you whole. The danger was seductive in that way, and you were sure that you would not be the first or the last of its victims. Countless opportunities, endless choices, all at your fingertips -- but you only wanted one thing. To finally break free of this cage and feel something. So you were going to seek out the one thing that made you feel something new in such a long time. His face flickered in your reverie as you pressed your palm against the cool glass. 
“If this is my only chance, then I have to take it,” your gaze hardened as you stared into your reflection. “No matter what.” 
“Are you prepared for what you might risk, young mistress?” Tomie questioned. “If you are caught, you may never step outside again. Your uncle would guarantee it.” 
You let out a shaky breath, “then so be it. I can’t live knowing that I didn’t try.” 
“Then I will try to be of assistance in any way that I can,” Tomie said. 
You nodded, fire in your eyes. There was nothing that would change your mind. You were going to find Johnny Silverhand, even if it were the last thing you’d do.   
///[Memory shard complete]///ERROR..MEMORY SHARD MALFUNCTION//[dATA LOST]///
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TAG LIST: @moldonfruit @0moonjelly0
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
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Image (Itadori&Sukuna)
S/o likes their Yandere behavior (Maki)
Multiple Yandere Hc's (Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo, Geto)
S/o has social anxiety (Itadori)
If only... (Mei Mei)
Sleeping with a Yandere (Yuji, Megumi, Maki, Sukuna, Gojo, Geto, Nanami)
Surgeon darling (Maki)
The first touch (Gojo)
Yandere Alphabet (Megumi, Inumaki)
The CEO and her bodyguard (Toji)
S/o gives them a gift (Yuji, Gojo, Sukuna)
S/o has a tattoo of the name of their ex (Megumi, Maki, Gojo, Choso, Mahito)
Yandere Alphabet (Sukuna, Inumaki, Choso)
Happy Death Day (Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Sukuna, Gojo, Mahito, Nanami)
S/o can nullify their abilities (Sukuna, Gojo, Mahito)
The curse of eternal obsession (Yuta, Gojo)
Pregnancy Hc's (Gojo, Geto)
Prompt 192 (Gojo)
Jujutsu Kaisen Hc's (Maki, Mai, Mei Mei)
Pregnancy Hc's (Sukuna)
Isekaid into their world (Gojo)
Concept of darling being like Tomie
Prompt 133+234 (Gojo)
Nsfw Hc's (Inumaki, Choso)
Soulmate AU (Inumaki, Gojo) 25
S/o has a tattoo of the name of their ex (Sukuna, Nanami)
Prompt 15 (Choso)
I love you but I can't be with you (Toji)
S/o is like Makima (Yuji, Choso)
Bloody and passed out (Megumi, Gojo)
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Lady Red and The Rainbow Legion (Magical Girl Story)
(There's still some concepts that are a work in process and you guys can give advice and ask questions about it if you want)
-In a different universe, there's a world with kingdoms of different colors. One day, The Lord of Darkness attacks the kingdoms. The rulers of each kingdom decide to send their children to earth so that they can one day take down The Lord of Darkness and restore their homes. Years later, our main character Àn Méi (Lady Red), a high schooler, is being raised her her human dads, Shuji and Tomi, in Japan where she arrived when her parents sent her to earth. While walking home from school, she meets a red bunny named Mei who reveals to her that she and other girls from school are magical girls. The characters and their colors are themed around different cultures. Àn Méi: Red. The red kingdom is based on China and Chinese culture since in China, Red is the color of good fortune (luck) and summoning. Àn Méi is very lucky and her powers are based around being able to summon creatures to help her fight. Àn Méi and Bella get along because they both like art. Àn Méi is a high school student who lives with her two dads who adopted her along with her little brother. She's very lucky and enjoys art and writing. Her animal friend is a red bunny named Mei. Kaira: Orange. The orange kingdom is based off of India since orange is seen as their most sacred color but also represents courage. Kaira is courageous and her powers allow her to summon fire since orange also represents purity because fire burns away impurities. She doesn't get along well with Lilou because of her water powers. Kaira lives with her adoptive mom and dad and her two older sisters. Kaira is a high school student who is a bit rebellious and a tomboy but still kind and cares about her friends. Her animal friend is an orange parrot named Mango. Bella: Yellow. The yellow kingdom is based off of America (Insert gun joke here) because in America, yellow represents creativity and happiness. Bella's powers let her summon a sketchbook and lets her draw whatever she wants and then have it come to life. Bella is raised by her single father. Bella is a high school student who enjoys art and other types of crafts like crocheting. Her animal is a yellow mouse named Sunny. Heba: Green. The green kingdom is based off of Egypt since in Egypt, green represents hope and spring. Heba has the ability to control plants like vines, flowers and grass. She doesn't get along well with Kaira because of her fire powers. Heba is raised by her two moms. Heba loves plants and wants to be a botanist. Her animal is a green hummingbird named Sage.
Lilou: Blue. The blue kingdom is based off of France since in France, blue represents trust, reliability and water. Obviously, Lilou has water powers. Lilou and Heba get along because Lilou helps water her plants. Lilou is raised by her mom and dad as well as her older brother. Lilou is a high school student and is calm and quiet and likes to play the violin. Her animal friend is a blue fish named Coral
Charlotte: Purple. The purple kingdom is based off of Europe, specifically the U.K. because purple represents royalty. She has the powers of magic including invisibility, teleportation, shape shifting and super speed. Charlotte is raised by her rich aunt because her adoptive parents passed away when she was seven. Charlotte is perceived by others as spoiled because she's raised in a rich family but she's actually a really nice person who loves animals and likes to collect dolls. Her animal friend is a purple cat named Ribbon. Other Characters:
Eiji: Pink. The pink kingdom is based off of Japan since in Japan, pink represents good health. Because of this, he has healing powers. I chose to make him pink because I mainly wanted to break gender norms. Also, pink is well liked by men and women in Japan. Eiji is an adult (Twenty Five) and his adoptive parents passed away when he was ten (Two years after e came to earth) which left him to be raised by his aunt and uncle (Not Fumiko's parents but his adoptive mothers family) who wanted to make him famous. He's older than the other girls and is an idol on earth. He's been aware of his powers for longer since he's older than the other girls (who are all sixteen and seventeen). He protected the city before the other girls could. The girls are big fans of Eiji because of his music. His animal friend is a Pomeranian dog named Candy.
Fumiko: Magenta. Fumiko is Eiji's cousin (that he didn't know he had) and the youngest magical girl in the group, being nine years old. Her animal friend is a magenta frog named Bow. She has the ability to summon a ribbon wand weapon that she can disarm by tying one of their limbs up and causing their bodies to freeze. This allows her to use her strength (which she gets from tying the person's limb up) to toss them away or throw them against a wall. She's meant to be a play on the "looks like a little girl but is actually a one thousand year old demon or dragon" when in reality, she is actually nine years old. She's not very good at using her powers at first, but learns more. She was born on earth because her parents, the rulers of the magenta kingdom, were able to make it to earth and live as humans.
Emile: Teal. Emile is the cousin to Lilou. Like Fumiko, his moms were able to get to earth when he was only 4 years old (like the other girls). He has the ability to summon and control ice and freeze things. He doesn't get along well with Lilou because of that but, in exchange for not melting his ice, Kaira and him get along and prank Lilou by freezing the water she controls and then melting it. He's a highschool student like most of the other girls and his animal friend is a gecko named Snowball.
Junseo (The Lord of Darkness): He was once the king of the black and white kingdom, which is based off of South Korea, with his wife, Miyoon. Miyoon was killed by shadow monsters and after her death, one approached him and tricked him into becoming their king. In exchange, they promised to bring his wife back but said it would take time to do. They said he needed to take over the rainbow kingdoms to gain power to bring her back so he did but it wasn't enough to bring her back. Now that he knows the children of the Rainbow Kingdoms rulers are on earth, he's trying to take it over with the help of his children. He can control shadow monsters that feed off of the color and power from the world (Similar to the buffoons from Glitter Force and yes I know that's not the real name of the show but I've never watched the original series so lay off.) so they can bring Miyoon back to life. He's a surprisingly good father.
Mari: Resembles her mother with her long white hair and pale skin. Her appearance makes her seem innocent but she's secretly evil. She once believed the Rainbow Legion was evil but her father revealed his plans to her and how they were technically the villains of the story. She still helps him though because she's THAT evil. She can also summon shadow monsters but also can summon strings from her hands and uses them like puppet strings. She's a lot like Azula from ATLA. Suwon: He's a bit more complex than his sister. He resembles his father with black hair and black eyes. He doesn't know the Rainbow Legion is actually the good guys because he still believes they're evil. He can summon shadow monsters and has a scythe that was gifted to him by his father. Eventually he discovers the truth about the Rainbow Legion and leaves his father. He forms an enemies to lovers relationship with Eiji and joins the Rainbow Legion to fight against his father.
Yubin: The secret older sibling to Suwon and Mari. They look like a fusion of both of their parents with their gray hair and eyes. They replace Suwon after he leaves to join the Rainbow Legion. They're nonbinary (FTNB). They can summon shadow monsters but can also turn things into stone. They become really close to Mari over time. Once they see their father try to hurt their brother, they begin to reconsider being evil. Danyi, Yeorin and Heeso: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Essentially the gods of the world the Rainbow Legion are from. Seiu: Rainbow. Seiu is genderfluid and has the ability to change their color or become all of them once they gain enough power. Seiu was raised by rich adoptive parents. She didn't realize that she was a magical girl because she was homeschooled and not allowed outside because her parents thought she would be mugged or kidnapped because of how rich their family is. Her animal friend is a calico cat with rainbow spots named Natsu. They hide their genderfluid identity from their parents and strictly pose as a girl around their parents. They aren't human. They were created as a last resort by the rulers of the kingdoms in case their children couldn't defeat Junseo by themselves and needed extra help.
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fallin4fiction · 3 months
Playing around with the Prescotts-1
I hardly see anyone play with the Prescotts from Copperdale, so I decided to check out their household myself
I 've seen a glimpse of a side story played out for Molly in anotherplumbob’s Lacey Legacy as an occult hating self-conceited villian. But what if she was able to live her truth and have the life she always wanted?
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First, when loading their household I found out the old man who lives with them is not considered the grandpa. So I decided to remedy that and Mcc his relationship with Mei as her father.
I also find it sad that Mei no longer keeps her job as principal so I pretended she took an early retirement from the position.
I made Molly the “president” of the LGBTeens club and I originally wanted to pair her up with Darling Walsh, but she didn’t care too much for them so I had her hook them up with Gemma Charm instead
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Any also joined the Adventures club and became fast friends with Tomi Markovic who is also a new member to the club. I find it hilarious that Amy doesn’t get along too well with Elsa Bjergsen even though she’s the leader of the club
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Some new teens were added to the game from the gallery and Molly had a crush on this sim named Angela Brooks. Unfortunately for Molly, Angela is Ace, but at lease they can still be friends. (Should have known this when Angela asked Molly out to prom as friends and was Molly was rejected when she tried to flirt with her)
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During prom, Molly voted for Luna as Prom Royalty and was shocked to find Cassandra Goth as Prom Jester. Who knew Cassandra had a funny bone?
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Luckily, Molly met another sim named Olga Torres and they hit it off immediately and ended up dating.
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I gave Tai Lum an Elders club amd it[s so cute to see them all gathered together. He even has a casual romantic relationship with Eleanor Sullivan.
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Dina saw the old people gater at this nice house and thinks she can swoop in on Tai. Sorry, Dina. Go back to Mortimer.
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At the end of this round, Amy turned into a teen.
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Sanemi: Semi Nemi / Salami
Obanai: Oba Boba
Mitsuri: Suri Yuri
Muichiro: Mui Gooey / Cheerios
Gyomei: Mei Pray
Tengen: Ten Pen / Lil Uzui
Suma: Suma Puma
Makio: Makio Pistachio
Hinatsuru: Tsuru Chiru
Kyojuro: Juro Churro / Cheeto Dust
Tomioka: Tomi Macaroni / Tapioca Goo
Shinobu: Shin Chin
Kaburamaru: Kabi Mabi
Sabito: Sabi Babi / Sabitoes
Yorichii: Yori Lori
Muzan: Mu Pew / Muzan Jacksin
Tanjiro: Tanji Banji
Nezuko: Nezi Wezi
Zenitsu: Zenny Penny
Inosuke: Ino Cappuccino / Baby Boar
Aoi: Ao Cayo
Genya: Gen Chen
Rui: Rui Ratatouille
Yushiro: Yushi Sushi
I like Yushi Sushi, Makio Pistachio and Tapioca Goo bc of the food references they’re so cute 😭
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utas-faerie-gf · 2 years
i luv the little nicknames u give to the characters u reblog its so cute!!
tanji banji is my fave one
Sanemi: Semi Nemi / Salami
Obanai: Oba Boba
Mitsuri: Suri Yuri
Muichiro: Mui Gooey / Cheerios
Gyomei: Mei Pray
Tengen: Ten Pen / Lil Uzui
Suma: Suma Puma
Makio: Makio Pistachio
Hinatsuru: Tsuru Chiru
Kyojuro: Juro Churro / Cheeto Dust
Tomioka: Tomi Macaroni / Gi Yi / Tapioca Goo
Shinobu: Shin Chin
Kaburamaru: Kabi Mabi
Sabito: Sabi Babi / Sabitoes
Yorichii: Yori Lori
Muzan: Mu Pew / Muzan Jacksin
Tanjiro: Tanji Banji
Nezuko: Nezi Wezi
Zenitsu: Zenny Penny
Inosuke: Ino Cappuccino / Baby Boar
Aoi: Ao Cayo
Genya: Gen Chen
Rui: Rui Ratatouille
Yushiro: Yushi Sushi
Nanami: Kento Bento
Maki: Maki Taki
Geto: Get Hoe
Power: Power Tower
Aki: Aki Baki
Angel Devil: Angie Tangie
Beam: Beam Team
Bakugoku: Baku Taku / Bakuhoe / Back You Go
Hawks: Keigo Ego / Hawks Bawks
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
I do this thang where I create lil nicknames for characters in animes
For ex, KNY, MHA, JJK, and OP
KNY is the longest cuz I like KNY ❤️
Sanemi: Semi Nemi / Nem Nems / M&M / Albino Skittle
Obanai: Oba Boba
Mitsuri: Suri Yuri
Muichiro: Mui Gooey / Cheerios
Gyomei: Mei Pray
Tengen: Ten Pen / Lil Uzui
Suma: Suma Puma
Makio: Makio Pistachio
Hinatsuru: Tsuru Chiru
Kyojuro: Juro Churro / Cheeto Dust
Tomioka: Tomi Macaroni / Gi Yi / Tapioca Goo
Shinobu: Shin Chin
Kaburamaru: Kabi Mabi
Sabito: Sabi Babi / Sabitoes
Yorichii: Yori Lori
Muzan: Mu Poo / Muzan Jacksin
Akaza: Zaza
Douma: Toema / Domama
Tanjiro: Tanji Banji
Nezuko: Nezi Wezi
Zenitsu: Zenny Penny
Inosuke: Ino Cappuccino / Baby Boar
Genya: Gen Chen
Aoi: Ao Cayo
Senjuro: Sen Jen
Shinjuro: Shin Jin
Rui: Rui Ratatouille
Yushiro: Yushi Sushi
AWWW I LOVE THEM i nickname characters in my head a lot of the time as i'm watching the show but i always forget what they are after 😭
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
I love youuuuuuuuuudiajskskvkxzjkzjgk(_3)#)$(+:3928_7:(3(#((*8&)$(6#)$!
Wait . .
I was gonna say sumn . .
You said you liked the nickname I gave Obama (Oba Boba)
I sent you like . . A whole list of nicknames
I think Tumblr ate my ask like some iHop pancakes 🥞
Pancakes 😍
See how I'm talking about pancakes now?-
Did you ever get it 🙁🙁🙁
I like sharing my nicknames 😡
Sanemi: Semi Nemi / Salami
Obanai: Oba Boba
Mitsuri: Suri Yuri
Muichiro: Mui Gooey / Cheerios
Gyomei: Mei Pray
Tengen: Ten Pen / Lil Uzui
Suma: Suma Juma
Makio: Makio Pistachio
Hinatsuru: Tsuru Chiru
Kyojuro: Juro Churro / Cheeto Dust
Tomioka: Tomi Macaroni / Tapioca Goo
Shinobu: Shin Chin
Kaburamaru: Kabi Mabi
Sabito: Sabi Babi / Sabitoes
Yorichii: Chi Chi
Muzan: Muzan Jacksin
Tanjiro: Tanji Banji
Nezuko: Nezi Wezi
Zenitsu: Zenny Penny
Inosuke: Ino Cappuccino / Baby Boar
Aoi: Ao Cayo
Genya: Gen Chen
Yushiro: Ushi Gushi
Hii !! ☺️ I must confess: Tumblr didn’t eat your Ask. 😅 I’ve been hoarding it to keep track of who you’re talking about in your tags. 😆 (if I answered it, then it’d eventually get lost in the sauce that is my blog 😵‍💫)
My personal faves are: Oba Boba 🧋, Makio Pistachio 💚, and Ten Pen ����. 🫶🏽
Sending you mismatched teacups and delicate porcelain spoons vibes !! 🫖
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Dampak El Nino, 119 Hektar Lahan Persawahan di Lampung Utara Kekeringan
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Dampak dari El Nino, terdata ada 119 hektar lebih lahan persawahan di Kabupaten Lampung Utara Provinsi Lampung mengalami kekeringan. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh pihak Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura Kabupaten Lampung Utara terkait dampak dari el nino, ada 119 hektar lahan persawahan yang mengalami kekeringan. Dari jumlah baku luas lahan persawahan yang ada ya itu 14 ribu hektar lebih, terdapat dua Kecamatan yang cukup tinggi mengalami kekeringan yakni di Kecamatan Abung Tinggi dan Kecamatan Kotabumi Utara. Kepala Dinas Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura Lampung Utara, Tomy Suciadi mengatakan, pihaknya telah mendata persawahan yang terancam mengalami kekeringan dan melakukan berbagai langkah bersama kelompok tani dan para petani. "Saat ini musim kering dan memang sudah diperingatkan oleh Pemerintah Pusat serta melakukan berbagai langkah untuk penyelamatan produksi padi. Dari data yang kami miliki, di Kecamatan Abung Tinggi dan Kotabumi Utara cukup luas wilayah persawahan yang terancam kekeringan," ujar Tomy Suciadi saat dihubungi via ponselnya, Minggu 10 September 2023. Diterangkan Tomy untuk Kecamatan Abung Tinggi terdapat 46 Hektar lebih dan Kotabumi Utara terdapat 72 Hektar persawahan yang terancam kekeringan, "Untuk Kecamatan Belambangam Pagar hanya 1 Hektar, langkah kami saat ini diantaranya memanfaatkan pompa air secara bergilir dan bahkan berkoordinasi dengan pihak pengelola Wayrarem agar dapat mengalirkan air (irigasi) ke persawahan warga," terangnya. Menurutnya, yang dikhawatirkan pihaknya saat ini adalah gagalnya panen di Bulan Nopember mendatang dikarenakan Bulan September dan Bulan Oktober adalah masa tanam dan pertumbuhan padi. "Sebenarnya kita sudah panen percepatan pada Bulan Agustus kemarin masa tanam di Bulan Mei dan Juni yang dikhawatirkan kekeringan itu. Dan, yang tanam September dan Oktober ini yang dikhawatirkan gagal panennya dikarenakan persawahan terancam kekeringan," urai Tomy. Ditambahkan Tomy Suciadi pihaknya intens turun ke lapangan untuk terus memantau dan melakukan langkah kongkrit agar panen tidak terjadi gagal panen, "Seperti di Kecamatan Abung Timur masyarakat para petani melakukan gotong royong membuat jalur air dari sungai ke persawahan, intinya kita berharap agar dalam waktu dekat ini para petani tidak gagal panen akibat kekeringan," pungkasnya. (**) Read the full article
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histoire-en-pyjama · 1 year
"Les aventures de Mei, Tomi et Kato avec leur ami l'ours fantastique" Il était une fois dans un petit village, une famille de trois enfants: Mei, Tomi et Kato. Leur mère était veuve et s’occupait seule de ses enfants. Mei était la grande sœur de 8 ans, Tomi était le frère du milieu de 6 ans et Kato était la petite dernière de 4 ans. Un jour, […] #HistoireEnPyjama #LectureEnFamille #HistoiresPourEnfants #MomentLecture #RituelDuSoir #Éducation #LireAuxEnfants #Parentalité #Imagination #LittératureJeunesse #HistoiresCourtes #HistoiresGratuites #ÉveilLecture #ComplicitéParentEnfant #5minutesdhistoires #LectureduSoir #Histoiresquotidiennes #Lectureenligne #TempsdeQualité
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prof-kenny · 3 years
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s4tanicgguks · 3 years
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ψ(`∇´)ψ★ 夢子 蛇喰 ! ## 她說把我毀了 破壊する?
please destroy me. ; like&reblog<3
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demoiselettes · 2 years
Here are the thingies
Tomi: Panromantic, demisexual, demiromantic, and transgender (and poly cuz he is dating UzuRenWives 🥰)
Shin: She likes women, asexual, (I just can't see her being into doing the deed), and grayromantic (also poly since she is dating ObaMitsu 😌), and bigender
Suri: Pansexual (this was obv) and polyamory (SHE HAS TWO HANDS FOR A REASON)
Oba: Unlabeled (he doesn't see a need for labels 🤷🏽‍♀️)
Nemi: So bisexual 💀 ik he had a crush on Masachika and Kanae
Mei: Panromantic, demisexual, and grayromantic (Demi cuz he is scared he might hurt his partner with how big he is 💀 IM SOR-)
Ten: 100000% OMNI AND POLY AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE (Omni means that they are attracted to all genders [kinda like pan] but he likes one gender more than the rest. Woman.)
Mui: He likes men. Asexual, grayromantic, (GRAY ROMATIC MEANS HE FELT ATTRACTION TO PEOPLE ONCE OR TWICE IN HIS LIFE), and gender fluid
Juro: Pansexual and poly!!!
Tomioka really got lucky 😨
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