#tomas freiburg
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admireforever · 6 days ago
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foxsoulcourt · 1 year ago
I'm back home, s l o w l y re-entering society, AND HAVE T H OU GHT S! 😉
@dassandre-00qpidsarrow + @stilettochat, thanks for asking what we thought about it! Like @eleanor-is-fine, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Which, honestly, surprised me. Infidelity is not one of my fave topics, so wasn't sure I could be fully present + curious while the characters navigated their respective choices + subsequent consequences. It's a tribute to how complex Sachs + Zacharias made each of the characters and their story together, plus how talented the actors are, that I sunk right into the story.
Ten months ago I started seeing pics from the movie; in January I went down rabbit holes to listen to + read interviews, looking at more pics & gifs (and yes THAT clip) to glean a sense of what the overall movie might be like. All of this was helpful for anticipating. However, it's n o t the same as watching a WHOLE creation. WoW, what a gift to finally experience what Sachs + Mauricio Zacharias sought to say + show. #context The story is alternately biting, REAL + tender; the three central characters are deLiciOusLy complex + FuLL; and the COSTUMING IS INCREDIBLE. There are SO MANY AMAZING outfits!!! The set design is outstanding; the C o L o U r S are practically their own character. Overall, the movie is visually DeLigHtFuL.
I knew Ben would be brilliant, but he was even better than anticipated. There are many.small.moments where he shines, including one where he's standing in their flat wearing a navy sweater. His posture, gestures + spoken words made me believe he WAS Martin, not Ben. Rogowski is phenomenal; he makes all.of.Tomas believable, not an easily dismissed caricature. The longer she was on screen, the more I fell in love with Agathe as a character + Exarchopoulos as an actor. And thank goodness for Kepoa Falé; his Amad was the perfect tonic for Martin + Tomas' dynamic.
While I would have loved to be able to watch the movie in a theatre, what was lost on a small screen, while not incidental, was more than made up for by watching it with a fandom friend. That was a TREAT! And, yes, @macontheweb , we thoroughly enoyed our time together. [BTW @anyawen, E rented it through Vudu so we had it for 48 hours. It's also available in the US through Apple.] The first time through we mostly sat gape-jawed, taking it all in. MUCH DisCuSsioN ensued so that during the second viewing, we stopped + started it several times to sift through what we thought might be going on inside Martin, Tomas, Agathe + Amad's minds. Super fun.
As a director, Sachs makes two choices which, while sometimes disconcerting, ultimately support the story’s realism. One: we often don't see the face of characters, especially in several cRiTicaL moments, and two: there are few indications of how much time elapses between when Life Gets Complicated for Martin + Tomas and the end of the movie. There are clues, but nothing definite. Both give the whole experience a realistic sense of topsy turviness.
Seeing this film makes me want to see more of Sach's work, so if you have recs, please send them my way. The writing + cinematography was SCRUMPTIOUS. I love how Sachs + Zacharias --elder gays-- selected younger actors who had their own interpretations of the characters, and then they celebrated Whishaw, Rogowski + Exarchopoulos' respective adaptations to the scripted story. I respect this BRILLIANT, evolutionary strategy!
And The Sex™? For many reasons (including the illogic of more harshly rating sex, but! not! violence! ...grrrr) that's primarily what I first heard about + saw. As Sachs set out to accomplish, all.of.the physical + sexual intimacy provides a FABULOUS dimension to the overall story. It's real, sometimes awkward, other times deliciously sensuous; often simultaneously more. Y'know, like what can happen in real life.
Recommendation: Watch it once for the story. Watch it a second time for the visuals. Both times keep your eyes on who exercises their agency + when/why they do so.
FINALLY, while together, one of the things E + I discussed was Betty Martin's Wheel of Consent. Wow. It's going to take A MINUTE to unpack this wOnDeRfuLL model + its potential applications in so.many.settings. Translation: I'll want to watch Passages again thinking about this framework.
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Here ends Foxy's film review. Thanks for asking!
How about YOU? Have you seen it? What did YOU think?
so… @eleanor-is-fine + I are going to watch Passages
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kneipe · 5 years ago
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freiburg 2019
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judydogblog · 6 years ago
Decadência da ética
Analisando-se a situação socioespiritual do planeta na atualidade, não há como negar-se a presença da destrutiva onda de pessimismo e utilitarismo que domina as criaturas humanas em toda parte.
Apoiados no niilismo, embora os comportamentos rotulados de religiosos de alguns de seus segmentos sociais, o cinismo das pessoas e a decadência da ética dão-nos a dimensão do desespero que avassala as mentes e os corações atormentados.
Em consequência, a violência e o despautério, a drogadição e o erotismo substituem as aspirações de enobrecimento dos seres, como mecanismos escapistas para preencher o vazio existencial e o desencanto que se apossaram do século XX, que se desenhava com perspectivas iluministas, libertadoras, ricas de anseios de felicidade e de beleza.
A amargura toma conta dos indivíduos que se sentem coisificados, enquanto a revolta arma as multidões desvairadas que se levantam contra os abusos do poder, as injustiças sociais, os desregramentos dos dominadores, a desonestidade dos legisladores que perderam o respeito moral, a liberdade, e o direito de viver com o mínimo de honorabilidade que seja...
Pode-se afirmar que a aparente calma que ainda paira sobre algumas nações não esconde os paióis de explosivos prestes a deflagrar o estouro prenunciador das tragédias que produz.
Não se trata, porém, de uma ocorrência inesperada, quando se observam as suas raízes plantadas no fim do século XVIII, por ocasião da Revolução Francesa, quando a tirania substituiu os ideais dos filósofos da liberdade, instaurando os dias do terror.
Em desesperada tentativa de manter a ordem na França, Robespierre, chamado o incorruptível, que lutara pelos ideais da fraternidade, da liberdade e da igualdade, não teve forças morais para resistir às pressões do desespero das massas e de outros pensadores, mantendo a guilhotina a funcionar sem trégua, a ponto de tornar-se ultrajante ditador e sanguinário. Vítima de um golpe de seus adversários da Convenção, foi preso e também guilhotinado.
Nesse período difícil, a morte de Deus foi anunciada, e a revolta retirou os vestígios da Sua presença no país, inclusive mudando os nomes de ruas, boulevards e praças que os tivessem de santos ou denominações religiosas, assim os objetos de culto das igrejas, tentando apagar a lembrança da fé e da crença espiritual no território francês.
Logo depois, com o retorno de Deus por meio da Concordata de 1802, firmada por Napoleão Bonaparte com o Vaticano, permaneceram os ódios e resquícios do período de revolta e de perseguições inclementes, dando lugar a um amortecimento ético dos sentimentos.
O Iluminisno em declínio favoreceu o Positivismo em ascensão, enquanto as ideias pessimistas e destrutivas de Arthur Schopenhauer espalhavam-se por toda parte, proclamando a desnecessidade de Deus e de qualquer formulação religiosa no comportamento humano.
À medida que o materialismo tomava conta da cultura, a amargura doentia de Friedrich Nietzsche passou a comandar as mentes e os corações desesperados, amparados no ceticismo científico das Academias, que assevera ser a alma uma sudorese cerebral que desaparecia com a morte do encéfalo. Nessa paisagem de morbidez e desencanto, o ateísmo tornou-se a diretriz comportamental dos indivíduos, que logo depois se atiram à guerra perversa de 1869-1870, que ressurgiu entre 1914-1918 e retornou calamitosa entre 1939-1945, com as mais inacreditáveis cargas de ódio e destruição de que a História tem notícia.
Muito contribuíram para essa tragédia as ideias do super-homem do referido Nietszsche e o pensamento de Heidegger, que muito influenciou o surgimento do nazismo, partido ao qual ele se filiou por algum tempo, embora rompendo depois quando da perseguição aos professores judeus da Universidade de Freiburg, onde era reitor...
A ética do mais forte substituiu a dos direitos humanos e da dignidade, em face da aristocracia do poder totalitário e mesmo de alguns governantes...
Heidegger influenciou filosoficamente Jean-Paul Sartre com o seu pensamento sobre o ser, servindo de inspiração para o existencialismo e total desinteresse pelos valores ético-morais que conduziram a civilização ao longo dos séculos.
Viver agora e fruir ao máximo, não poucas vezes sem qualquer respeito pelos direitos dos outros, cultivar o prazer até a exaustão, passaram a ser os comportamentos aceitos e divulgados como recurso valioso para a preservação da vida e das experiências de alegria e de bem-estar.
Lamentavelmente, as religiões ortodoxas, incapazes de oferecer resistência filosófica e ética aos absurdos da nova ordem, por se manterem fiéis aos programas medievais totalmente ultrapassados, foram desprezadas e consideradas responsáveis pela miserabilidade do ser humano, pelos seus desaires, pelas suas amarguras.
Carregado pelas heranças teológicas do pecado e da culpa, o ser humano rompeu com as tradições enganosas e preferiu arrostar as consequências da sua liberdade, derrapando na libertinagem.
Sucede que, toda vez quando se arrebentam as algemas da escravidão de qualquer tipo, a ânsia de liberdade é tão grande que, por desconhecimento dos seus limites, aquele que a aspira tomba nos revaladouros da irresponsabilidade, da agressividade aos direitos alheios, do abuso desrespeitoso.
Assim ocorrendo, desaparece a ética da conduta para apresentar-se o direito de exceção, colocando-se o indivíduo acima da lei, da ordem e de qualquer restrição.
Os avanços da Ciência, demitizando algumas das informações e dogmas religiosos, os milagres de Jesus, que passaram a ser observados do ponto de vista das doutrinas psicológicas e parapsicológicas, reduziram a cultura ao materialismo, desde 1859, quando Charles Darwin, por intermédio do Evolucionismo, aplicou o golpe de misericórdia ao mitológico Criacionismo bíblico,  servindo de suporte para a vitalização do ateísmo.
A contribuição da Tecnologia, alargando e aproximando os espaços e as distâncias, facultando a demonstração dos postulados científicos por meio das experiências dos fatos, foi fundamental para a indiferença humana pelos códigos de dignidade e de valorização da própria vida.
O século XX, portanto, herdeiro da revolução filosófico-científica do passado, rapidamente aceitou o novo comportamento que se consolidou durante a revolução hippieista  dos anos 60, quando se deram as grandes mudanças de conduta, e a tradições nobres como a família, o casamento, a dignidade, a ordem passaram a ser instituições ultrapassadas.
Irrompendo em avalancha avassaladora, tomou conta da juventude, que se sentia castrada pela intolerância e pelo poder dominador, passando a constituir um novo mundo, um modo diferente de vida...
O aborto, a eutanásia, o suicídio, a agressividade, passaram a ser éticos na linguagem nova, que iam culminar nos homens e mulheres bombas, nos atentados terroristas, no crime organizado, na violência urbana, no alcoolismo exacerbado, no tabagismo, na drogadição e no sexo destituído de qualquer sentido moral e afetivo.
Dando-se largas aos instinto primário, o nadismo, estimulando o erotismo, coisificou os seres humanos, que passaram a vender-se no mercado da luxúria sem qualquer pudor, sob o disfarce de experiências artísticas, desde que economicamente rentáveis.
Nesse comércio hediondo, em que pouquíssimos logram alcançar os patamares elevados, multidões de jovens inexperientes são devorados pelas máfias que o administram, passando os tratores da indiferença sobre os corpos e as almas mutiladas daqueles que ficaram vencidos durante as tentativas iniciais.
Inevitavelmente, houve uma total decadência ética da cultura e da civilização, que passaram a adorar os novos deuses do prazer e do engodo, da utopia e da mentira, embora vivendo-se o vazio existencial que leva à depressão e ao suicídio.
Nada obstante, nesse ínterim surgiu o Espiritismo em 1857, revitalizando a ética moral, baseada nas lições insuperáveis de Jesus, que foram corrompidas pelas ambições e conchavos humanos através dos séculos, desde o dia em que se uniram ao Império Romano, passando de perseguidas a perseguidoras.
Com a revelação dos imortais, a vida passou a ter sentido profundo e significado psicológico indiscutível, como decorrência da proposta filosófica erguida pelos pilotis dos fatos demonstrativos da imortalidade da alma, da vida futura, da Justiça Divina e da Lei de Causa e Efeito, responsável por todos os fenômenos humanos.
A partir de então, embora lentamente, vem sendo restaurada a proposta do amor como fonte inexaurível para a felicidade, em razão dos seus conteúdos otimistas e realistas, que dignificam a espécie humana, proporcionando-lhes os necessários estímulos para desenvolver e atingir as culminâncias da iluminação pessoal.
A falência do novo comportamento niilista encontra-se em toda parte, porque a sua doutrina enganou os seus adoradores, conduzindo-os às aflições superlativas e às angústias dantes jamais vivenciadas.
Aturdidas, essas multidões decepcionadas e sem rumo buscam, mesmo sem o saber, retornar às origens do bem e da alegria, ao encontro  da pureza de sentimentos e de convivência nobre, sentindo falta da fraternidade que deve sempre viger entre os seres humanos, sequiosos de paz e de esperança.
Ninguém pode viver em equilíbrio sem a bênção confortadora da esperança que abre perspectivas formosas para o futuro.
O Espiritismo, portanto, possuindo os paradigmas que foram deixados para trás pelo anarquismo e ceticismo, apresenta-os como propostas que levam à ética do dever e da harmonia, proporcionando ventura.
A crença em Deus, a crença na imortalidade da alma, a crença na comunicabilidade dos Espíritos, a crença na reencarnação, a crença na pluralidade dos mundos habitados e as propostas ético-morais de O evangelho segundo o espiritismo,      que proporciona uma releitura das lições insuperáveis de Jesus, conforme as conhecemos em as narrativas dos evangelistas, são as novas diretrizes para a construção do ser humano feliz e da sociedade contemporânea, reflexionando e vivendo a vigorosa ética espírita, que resume as mais grandiosas formulações da ancestral diante das novas necessidades que tomam conta da sociedade.
Revigorada, a ética lentamente ressurge e passará a comandar os destinos humanos na direção da paz e da alegria de viver mediante o correto culto dos deveres.
Vianna de Carvalho Psicografia de Divaldo Pereira Franco, em Boca Raton, Flórida, EUA, na manhã de 24 de junho de 2009. Em 12.4.2019.
Fonte: http://www.divaldofranco.com.br/mensagens.php?not=567
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realmadridnews · 6 years ago
Real Madrid squad 2018/2019
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1. Keylor Navas
13. Kiko Casilla
25. Thibaut Courtois
2. Daniel Carvajal
3. Jesus Vallejo
4. Sergio Ramos
5. Raphael Varane
6. Nacho Fernandez
12. Marcelo
19. Alvaro Odriozola
23. Sergio Reguilon
8. Toni Kroos
10. Luka Modric
14. Casemiro
15. Federico Valverde
18. Marcos Llorente
20. Marco Asensio
22. Isco Alarcon
24. Daniel Ceballos
7. Mariano Diaz
9. Karim Benzema
11. Gareth Bale
17. Lucas Vazquez
Transfers in:
Philipp Lienhart (back from loan) - SC Freiburg
Martin Odegaard (back from loan) - sc Heerenveen
Fabio Coentrao (back from loan) - Sporting Lisboa
Raul De Tomas (back from loan) - Rayo Vallecano
Federico Valverde (back from loan) - Deportivo La Coruna
Lucas Torro - CA Osasuna
Omar Mascarell -  Eintracht Frankfurt
Julen Lopetegui - Spain NT
Andriy Lunin - Zoria Luhansk
Alvaro Odriozola - Real Sociedad
Thibaut Courtois - Chelsea London
Mariano Diaz - Olympique Lyon
Sergio Reguilon (promotion) - Real Madrid Castilla
Transfers out:
Zinedine Zidane - free agent
Lucas Torro - Eintracht Frankfurt
Omar Mascarell - FC Schalke
Lucas Silva (loan) - Cruzeiro EC
Cristiano Ronaldo - Juventus Turin
Achraf Hakimi (loan) - Borussia Dortmund
Philipp Lienhart - SC Freiburg
Mateo Kovacic (loan) - Chelsea London
Theo Hernandez (loan) - Real Sociedad
Martin Odegaard (loan) - Vitesse Arnhem
Raul De Tomas (loan) - Rayo Vallecano
Andriy Lunin (loan) - CD Leganes
Fabio Coentrao - Rio Ave
Borja Mayoral (loan) - Levante UD
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academyguide · 2 years ago
[ad_1] Times Higher Education - QS World University Rankings 2007 - World's oldest universitiesThe oldest universities, by foundation date, in the worldYear School Name Country0 Freie Universität BERLIN Germany1088 University of BOLOGNA Italy1096 University of OXFORD United Kingdom1175 University of MODENA Italy1200 Université Paris Sorbonne (PARIS IV) France1209 University of CAMBRIDGE United Kingdom1218 University of SALAMANCA Spain1220 University of MONTPELLIER III - Paul Val... France1222 University of PADUA Italy1224 University of NAPLES - Federico II Italy1229 University of TOULOUSE I - Sciences Soci... France1229 University of TOULOUSE II - Le Mirail France1240 University of SIENA Italy1258 Université PARIS I Panthéon Sorbonne France1272 University of MURCIA Spain1290 University of COIMBRA Portugal1293 University Complutense MADRID Spain1303 Università degli Studi di ROMA - La Sapi... Italy1308 PERUGIA University Italy1339 Universite Pierre Mendes, GRENOBLE II France1339 Université Stendhal GRENOBLE III France1339 Université Joseph-Fourier, GRENOBLE I France1343 University of PISA Italy1348 CHARLES University Czech Republic1361 Università degli Studi di PAVIA Italy1364 JAGIELLONIAN University Poland1365 University of VIENNA Austria1386 HEIDELBERG Universität Germany1388 Universität KÖLN (Cologne) Germany1398 SUNG KYUN KWAN University Korea, South1402 Universität WÜRZBURG Germany1404 University of TURIN Italy1409 Universität LEIPZIG Germany1413 University of ST ANDREWS United Kingdom1425 Katholieke Universiteit LEUVEN Belgium1425 Université catholique de LOUVAIN (UCL) Belgium1432 Universite de CAEN Basse-Normandie France1434 CATANIA University Italy1450 University of BARCELONA Spain1451 University of GLASGOW United Kingdom1453 ISTANBUL University Turkey1457 Universität FREIBURG Germany1460 University of BASEL Switzerland1461 University of RENNES France1471 University of GENOA Italy1472 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (... Germany1477 UPPSALA University Sweden1477 Johannes Gutenberg Universität MAINZ Germany1477 Eberhard Karls Universität TÜBINGEN Germany1479 University of COPENHAGEN Denmark1495 University of ABERDEEN United Kingdom1495 Universidade de SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA Spain1499 Universitat de VALENCIA Spain1527 Universität MARBURG Germany1531 University of GRANADA Spain1537 University of LAUSANNE Switzerland1542 Universidad de ZARAGOZA Spain1551 Universidad de SEVILLA Spain1551 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ... Mexico1558 Universität JENA Germany1559 University of GENEVA Switzerland1559 University of Lille 2 France1560 University of LILLE III - Charles de Gau... France1562 Université des Sciences et Technologies ... France1567 Université Louis Pasteur STRASBOURG I France1572 University of NANCY II France1575 LEIDEN University Netherlands1582 University of EDINBURGH United Kingdom1585 Karl-Franzens-Universität GRAZ Austria1592 TRINITY College Dublin Ireland1607 Justus-Liebig-Universität GIEßEN Germany1611 University of SANTO TOMAS Philippines1614 University of GRONINGEN Netherlands1632 University of AMSTERDAM Netherlands1635 EÖTVÖS LORÁND University Hungary1636 UTRECHT University Netherlands1636 HARVARD University United States1640 University of HELSINKI Finland1663 LAVAL University Canada1665 Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu KIEL Germany1666 LUND University Sweden1669 Universität INNSBRUCK Austria1693 College of WILLIAM & MARY United States1701 YALE University United States1707 CZECH TECHNICAL University in Prague Czech Republic1737 Universität GÖTTINGEN Germany1740 University of PENNSYLVANIA United States1742 Universität ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG Germany1743 University of DELAWARE United States1745 Technische Universität BRAUNSCHWEIG Germany1746 PRINCETON University United States1747 École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées E.
.. France1754 COLUMBIA University United States1755 Lomonosov MOSCOW STATE University Russia1764 BROWN University United States1766 RUTGERS, The State University of New Jer... United States1769 DARTMOUTH College United States1770 Technische Universität BERLIN Germany1773 ISTANBUL Technical University Turkey1780 Universität of MÜNSTER Germany [ad_2] Source link
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icon188 · 4 years ago
Prediksi Bola Augsburg Vs Stuttgart 10 Januari 2021
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Pada hari Minggu, 10 Januari 2021 pukul 21:30 WIB akan di adakan laga Pertandingan Bundesliga Jerman antara Augsburg Vs Stuttgart yang nantinya akan di laksanakan di Stadion WWK Arena. QQICON188 selaku Agen Bola Terpercaya akan memberikan prediksi bola untuk member dan player yang suka bermain betting sport bookie.
Augsburg mendapat kesempatan untuk menjadi tuan rumah pada pertandingan kali ini. Di pertemuan terakhirnya pada tanggal 2 Januari 2021, Augsburg mengalahkan Koln dengan skor akhir 0 – 1. Dari catatan 5 pertandingan terakhir, Stuttgart bermain dengan cukup buruk dengan catatan 2 kali menang, 1 kali bermain imbang dan 2 kali kalah. Untuk pertandingan kali ini seharusnya Augsburg sudah menyiapkan strategi tim yang handal agar bisa membawa pulang kemenangan, serta bisa mengamankan 3 poin dalam pertandingan kali ini agar bisa meraih posisi yang aman dan terhindar dari deglarasi.
Stuttgart yang akan bertanding ke markas Augsburg tidak akan gentar dalam pertandingan kali ini. Di pertandingan sebelumnya pada tanggal 3 Januari 2021, tim ini dikalahkan tim RB Leipzig dengan skor akhir 0 – 1. Jika di lihat dari 5 pertandingan terakhir Stuttgart cukup buruk dengan catatan 2 kali menang, 1 kali bermain imbang dan 2 kali kalah. Hasil ini tentunya akan membuat Stuttgart lebih semangat lagi untuk menghadapi Augsburg. Untuk pertandingan kali ini Stuttgart juga sudah mempersiapkan strategi yang bagus untuk memenangkan pertandingan agar bisa merebut 3 poin dari markas Augsburg.
Berikut ini adalah data statistik dari beberapa laga terakhir head to head yang sudah dilakoni dan hasil dari 5 pertemuan terakhir masing – masing kedua tim sehingga dapat menjadi bahan untuk menganalisa skor pertandingan tersebut.
Data Statistik Augsburg Vs Stuttgart :
Head to Head Augsburg Vs Stuttgart 20/04/19 BUN Augsburg 6 – 0 Stuttgart 01/12/18 BUN Stuttgart 1 – 0 Augsburg 18/02/18 BUN Augsburg 0 – 1 Stuttgart 23/09/17 BUN Stuttgart 0 – 0 Augsburg 16/04/16 BUN Augsburg 1 – 0 Stuttgart
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Augsburg 13/12/20 BUN Augsburg 2 – 2 Schalke 04 17/12/20 BUN Arminia Bielefeld 0 – 1 Augsburg 19/12/20 BUN Augsburg 0 – 2 Eintracht Frankfurt 23/12/20 DFP Augsburg 0 – 3 RB Leipzig 02/01/21 BUN Koln 0 – 1 Augsburg
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Stuttgart 12/12/20 BUN Borussia Dortmund 1 – 5 Stuttgart 16/12/20 BUN Stuttgart 2 – 2 Union Berlin 21/12/20 BUN Wolfsburg 1 – 0 Stuttgart 24/12/20 DFP Stuttgart 1 – 0 Freiburg 03/01/21 BUN Stuttgart 0 – 1 RB Leipzig
Perkiraan Susunan Pemain Augsburg Vs Stuttgart :
Augsburg : Tomas Koubek, Raphael Framberger, Marek Suchy, Jeffrey Gouweleeuw, Iago, Carlos Gruezo, Rani Khedira, Daniel Caligiuri, Fredrik Jensen, Ruben Vargas, Florian Niederlechner.
Stuttgart : Fabian Bredlow, Marcin Kaminski, Pascal Stenzel, Atakan Karazor, Darko Churlinov, Gonzalo Castro, Orel Mangala, Nicolas Gonzalez, Daniel Didavi, Philipp Klement, Sasa Kalajdzic.
Jadwal Pertandingan Augsburg Vs Stuttgart :
Tanggal : Minggu, 10 Januari 2021 Pukul : 21:30 WIB Stadion : WWK Arena
Bursa Taruhan Augsburg Vs Stuttgart :
Handicap : Augsburg 0 – 1 Stuttgart Over/Under : 2 1/2 Tips O/U : Over Prediksi Skor Akhir Agen Bola Online : Augsburg 54% – 46% Stuttgart ( 2 – 1 )
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gokul2181 · 4 years ago
Premier League: Premier League: Major incoming transfers | Football News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/premier-league-premier-league-major-incoming-transfers-football-news/
Premier League: Premier League: Major incoming transfers | Football News
Here’s a list of major incoming transfers in the Premier League for the 2020-21 season (all transfer fees as reported by British media) ARSENAL (2019-20 Premier League position: Eighth) Willian – from Chelsea (free) Pablo Mari – from Flamengo (undisclosed) Cedric Soares – from Southampton (undisclosed) Gabriel Magalhaes – from Lille (27 million pounds; $35 million) Dani Ceballos – from Real Madrid (loan) ASTON VILLA (2019-20 Premier League position: 17th) Matty Cash – from Nottingham Forest (16 million pounds) Ollie Watkins – from Brentford (28 million pounds) Bertrand Traore – from Olympique Lyonnais (19 million pounds) Emiliano Martinez – from Arsenal (17 million pounds) BRIGHTON & HOVE ALBION (2019-20 Premier League position: 15th) Adam Lallana – from Liverpool (free) Joel Veltman – from Ajax Amsterdam (undisclosed) Lars Dendoncker – from Club Brugge (free) Jensen Weir – from Wigan Athletic (undisclosed) BURNLEY (2019-20 Premier League position: 10th) Will Norris – from Wolverhampton Wanderers (undisclosed) CHELSEA (2019-20 Premier League position: Fourth) Timo Werner – from RB Leipzig (50 million euros; $59.04 million) Hakim Ziyech – from Ajax (44 million euros) Ben Chilwell – from Leicester City (50 million pounds) Malang Sarr – from Nice (free) Thiago Silva – from Paris St Germain (free) Kai Havertz – from Bayer Leverkusen (71 million pounds) CRYSTAL PALACE (2019-20 Premier League position: 14th) Nathan Ferguson – from West Brom (free) Eberechi Eze – from Queens Park Rangers (20 million pounds) Michy Batshuayi – from Chelsea (loan) EVERTON (2019-20 Premier League position: 12th) Niels Nkounkou – from Marseille (250,000 pounds) Allan – from Napoli (25 million pounds) James Rodriguez – from Real Madrid (20 million pounds) Abdoulaye Doucoure – from Watford (20 million pounds) FULHAM (2019-20 Premier League position: N/A) Antonee Robinson – from Wigan (2 million pounds) Mario Lemina – from Southampton (loan) Harrison Reed – from Southampton (6 million pounds) Anthony Knockaert – from Brighton & Hove Albion (undisclosed) Alphonse Areola – from Paris St Germain (loan) Kenny Tete – from Lyon (undisclosed) Ola Aina – from Torino (loan) LEEDS UNITED (2019-20 Premier League position: N/A) Helder Costa – from Wolves (16 million pounds) Rodrigo Moreno – from Valencia (27 million pounds) Robin Koch – from Freiburg (undisclosed) Illan Meslier – from Lorient (undisclosed) Jack Harrison – from Manchester City (loan) Joe Gelhardt – from Wigan (undisclosed) Cody Drameh – from Fulham (undisclosed) Sam Greenwood – from Arsenal (undisclosed) LEICESTER CITY (2019-20 Premier League position: Fifth) Timothy Castagna – from Atalanta (21.5 million pounds) LIVERPOOL (2019-20 Premier League position: First) Konstantinos Tsimikas – from Olympiakos Piraeus (11 million pounds) Thiago Alcantara – from Bayern Munich (20 million pounds) Diogo Jota – from Wolverhampton Wanderers (41 million pounds) MANCHESTER CITY (2019-20 Premier League position: Second) Pablo Moreno – from Juventus (undisclosed) Ferran Torres – from Valencia (20.9 million pounds) Nathan Ake – from Bournemouth (40 million pounds) Scott Carson – from Derby County (loan) MANCHESTER UNITED (2019-20 Premier League position: Third) Odion Ighalo – from Shanghai Shenhua (loan) Donny van de Beek – from Ajax (35 million pounds) NEWCASTLE UNITED (2019-20 Premier League position: 13th) Mark Gillespie – from Motherwell (free) Jeff Hendrick – from Burnley (free) Callum Wilson – from Bournemouth (20 million pounds) Ryan Fraser – from Bournemouth (free) Jamal Lewis – from Norwich City (15 million pounds) SHEFFIELD UNITED (2019-20 Premier League position: Ninth) Wes Foderingham – from Rangers (free) Aaron Ramsdale – from Bournemouth (18.5 million pounds) Jayden Bogle – from Derby County (undisclosed) Max Lowe – from Derby County (undisclosed) Ethan Ampadu – from Chelsea (loan) Oliver Burke – from West Bromwich Albion (undisclosed) SOUTHAMPTON (2019-20 Premier League position: 11th) Kyle Walker-Peters – from Tottenham Hotspur (12 million pounds) Mohammed Salisu – from Real Valladolid (10.9 million pounds) TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR (2019-20 Premier League position: Sixth) Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg – from Southampton (15 million pounds) Joe Hart – from Burnley (free) Matt Doherty – from Wolves (15 million pounds) Sergio Reguilon – from Real Madrid (27.5 million pounds) Gareth Bale – from Real Madrid (loan) WEST BROMWICH ALBION (2019-20 Premier League position: N/A) Matheus Pereira – from Sporting Lisbon (undisclosed) Cedric Kipre – from Wigan (1 million pounds) Grady Diangana – from West Ham United (18 million pounds) David Button – from Brighton (undisclosed) Branislav Ivanovic – from Zenit Saint Petersburg (loan) Conor Gallagher – from Chelsea (loan) Callum Robinson – from Sheffield United (undisclosed) WEST HAM UNITED (2019-20 Premier League position: 16th) Tomas Soucek – from Slavia Prague (undisclosed) Ossama Ashley – from Wimbledon (undisclosed) WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS (2019-20 Premier League position: Seventh) Matija Sarkic – from Aston Villa (free) Fabio Silva – from Porto (35 million pounds) Fernando Marcal – from Olympique Lyonnais (two million euros) Vitinha – from Porto (loan) Ki-Jana Hoever – from Liverpool (10 million pounds)
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sknews7 · 4 years ago
Major incoming transfers by Premier League clubs
(Reuters) – Listing of main incoming transfers within the Premier League forward of the 2020-21 season (all switch charges as reported by British media):
ARSENAL (2019-20 Premier League place: Eighth)
Willian – from Chelsea (free)
Pablo Mari – from Flamengo (undisclosed)
Cedric Soares – from Southampton (undisclosed)
Gabriel Magalhaes – from Lille (27 million kilos; $35.92 million)
ASTON VILLA (2019-20 Premier League place: 17th)
Matty Money – from Nottingham Forest (16 million kilos)
BRIGHTON & HOVE ALBION (2019-20 Premier League place: 15th)
Adam Lallana – from Liverpool (free)
Joel Veltman – from Ajax Amsterdam (undisclosed)
Lars Dendoncker – from Membership Brugge (free)
Jensen Weir – from Wigan Athletic (undisclosed)
BURNLEY (2019-20 Premier League place: 10th)
Will Norris – from Wolverhampton Wanderers (undisclosed)
CHELSEA (2019-20 Premier League place: Fourth)
Timo Werner – from RB Leipzig (50 million euros; $59.19 million)
Hakim Ziyech – from Ajax (44 million euros)
Ben Chilwell – from Leicester Metropolis (50 million kilos)
Malang Sarr – from Good (free)
Thiago Silva – from Paris St Germain (free)
Kai Havertz – from Bayer Leverkusen (71 million kilos)
CRYSTAL PALACE (2019-20 Premier League place: 14th)
Nathan Ferguson – from West Brom (free)
Eberechi Eze – from Queens Park Rangers (20 million kilos)
EVERTON (2019-20 Premier League place: 12th)
Niels Nkounkou – from Marseille (250,000 kilos)
Allan – from Napoli (25 million kilos)
FULHAM (2019-20 Premier League place: N/A)
Antonee Robinson – from Wigan (2 million kilos)
Mario Lemina – from Southampton (mortgage)
Harrison Reed – from Southampton (6 million kilos)
Anthony Knockaert – from Brighton & Hove Albion (undisclosed)
LEEDS UNITED (2019-20 Premier League place: N/A)
Helder Costa – from Wolves (16 million kilos)
Rodrigo Moreno – from Valencia (27 million kilos)
Robin Koch – from Freiburg (undisclosed)
Illan Meslier – from Lorient (undisclosed)
Jack Harrison – from Manchester Metropolis (mortgage)
Joe Gelhardt – from Wigan (undisclosed)
Cody Drameh – from Fulham (undisclosed)
Sam Greenwood – from Arsenal (undisclosed)
LEICESTER CITY (2019-20 Premier League place: Fifth)
Timothy Castagna – from Atalanta (21.5 million kilos)
LIVERPOOL (2019-20 Premier League place: First)
Konstantinos Tsimikas – from Olympiakos Piraeus (11 million kilos)
MANCHESTER CITY (2019-20 Premier League place: Second)
Pablo Moreno – from Juventus (undisclosed)
Ferran Torres – from Valencia (20.9 million kilos)
Nathan Ake – from Bournemouth (40 million kilos)
Scott Carson – from Derby County (mortgage)
MANCHESTER UNITED (2019-20 Premier League place: Third)
Odion Ighalo – from Shanghai Shenhua (mortgage)
Donny van de Beek – from Ajax (35 million kilos)
NEWCASTLE UNITED (2019-20 Premier League place: 13th)
Mark Gillespie – from Motherwell (free)
Jeff Hendrick – from Burnley (free)
SHEFFIELD UNITED (2019-20 Premier League place: Ninth)
Wes Foderingham – from Rangers (free)
Aaron Ramsdale – from Bournemouth (18.5 million kilos)
SOUTHAMPTON (2019-20 Premier League place: 11th)
Kyle Walker-Peters – from Tottenham Hotspur (12 million kilos)
Mohammed Salisu – from Actual Valladolid (10.9 million kilos)
TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR (2019-20 Premier League place: Sixth)
Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg – from Southampton (15 million kilos)
Joe Hart – from Burnley (free)
Matt Doherty – from Wolves (15 million kilos)
WEST BROMWICH ALBION (2019-20 Premier League place: N/A)
Matheus Pereira – from Sporting Lisbon (undisclosed)
Cedric Kipre – from Wigan (1 million kilos)
Grady Diangana – from West Ham United (18 million kilos)
WEST HAM UNITED (2019-20 Premier League place: 16th)
Tomas Soucek – from Slavia Prague (undisclosed)
Ossama Ashley – from Wimbledon (undisclosed)
WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS (2019-20 Premier League place: Seventh)
Matija Sarkic – from Aston Villa (free)
Fabio Silva – from Porto (35 million kilos)
Marcal – from Olympique Lyonnais (two million euros)
($1 = 0.7517 kilos)($1 = 0.8447 euros)
Compiled by Shrivathsa Sridhar and Rohith Nair in Bengaluru
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thethao789bet · 5 years ago
Vì sao mà Real cho thấy được mình là đội bóng kiếm tiền giỏi nhất thế giới
Real đang là đội bóng có được nguồn lợi nhuận khổng lồ từ việc bán đi những ngôi sao sáng giá từng được đào tạo tại lò La Fabrica.
Alvaro Morata là cái tên mang lại nhiều giá trị nhất cho đội bóng Hoàng gia Tây Ban Nha trong những năm qua. Anh từng bị đẩy sang Juventus năm 2014 với mức già 22 triệu euro trước khi được mua lại với giá 30 triệu euro vào năm 2016. Cũng chỉ 1 năm sau đó Morata tiếp tục bị Real bán sang Chelsea với già 66 triệu euro.
Cái tên đứng thứ 2 mang lại cho Real nguồn thu nhập lớn đó chính là hậu vệ phải Achraf Hakimi. Cầu thủ sinh năm 1998 đã gia nhập Inter từ Real Madrid và hợp đồng có thời hạn tới ngày 30/6/2025 với giá 40 triệu euro kèm 5 triệu euro biến phí. Trước đó thì Achraf Hakimi cũng đã mang lại cho Real một khoản tiền không hề nhỏ bằng việc được CLB Dortmund mượn trong vòng 2 năm.
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Real kiếm khá nhiều tiền từ việc bán cầu thủ trẻ
Marcos Alonso là cái tên thi đấu thành công dưới thời HLV Solari thế nhưng kể từ khi Zidane lên nắm quyền và anh không thể tìm được 1 suất chính thức do đó đã được Real đem bán cho Atletico Madrid với giá 30 triệu euro.
Cầu thủ đứng thứ 4 trong danh sách này là cầu thủ chạy cánh Jese. Anh được PSG mua về với mức giá 25 triệu euro. Tuy nhiên gã nhà giầu nước Pháp đã bị hớ khi mà Jese không thể hiện được nhiều và bị PSG đem đi cho mượn tại các đội bóng khác.
Raul de Tomas cũng là cái tên sáng giá của lò đao tạo La Fabrica, tuy nhiên cầu thủ sinh năm 1994 này không thể cạnh tranh được 1 suất đá chính tại Real và phải tìm đến CLB khác để thể hiên tài năng. Anh bị Real bán cho Benfica với mức giá 20 triệu euro.
Những sao mai khác thuộc lò đào tại La Fabrica cũng đã từng được Real Madrid đem bán thời gian gần đây là Cheryshev sang Valencia (7 triệu euro), Javi Sanchez sang Valladolid (3 triệu euro), Mariano sang Lyon (8 triệu euro), Diego Llorente sang Real Sociedad (7 triệu euro), Burgui sang Alaves (3 triệu euro), Omar Mascarell sang Schalke (10 triệu euro), Lucas Torro sang Frankfurt (3.5 triệu euro), Lienhart sang Freiburg (2 triệu euro).
Như vậy tổng doanh thu từ việc bán cầu thủ của Real từ năm 2016 đến nay rơi vào khaorng 247 triệu euro và còn khả năng tiếp tục tăng thêm nữa trong kỳ chuyển nhượng mùa hè này. Rõ ràng qua những con số trên chúng ta có thể hiểu được vì sao mà Real Madrid lại là một trong những đội bóng kiếm tiền giỏi nhất thế giới.
Bài viết Vì sao mà Real cho thấy được mình là đội bóng kiếm tiền giỏi nhất thế giới đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Tin Tức Bóng Đá - Thể Thao Quốc Tế - Thể Thao Việt Nam.
source https://www.789bet.org/vi-sao-ma-real-cho-thay-duoc-minh-la-doi-bong-kiem-tien-gioi-nhat-the-gioi/
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admireforever · 5 days ago
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bundeslihaha · 7 years ago
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Random break from routine: If you’re curious about my non-Bundeslihaha writing, here are some of my favorite out of context quotes from my Fresh Off The Gegenpress articles~
[ID: Five screenshots from my articles on freshgegenpress.com. They’re all black text on a light gray background.
First image: (in bold) “WARNING: The next part of this article does not contain derogatory insults towards Die Roten Bullen. Proceed with caution.”
Second image: “For many, Werder find themselves in the right [bottom] half of the table, but this could be too much. If Werder gets relegated like Stuttgart and Hannover, who’s gonna keep Bundesliga’s status as the most-watched European league?! Ingolstadt, Darmstadt, Leverkusen, Freiburg, and Hoffenheim’s stadiums are clearly too small for the first division! (Yes, let’s all ignore Hertha’s half-empty 75,000-capacity Olympic Stadium. Double standard much?”
Third image: “In contrast of his current club, [Markus] Weinzierl’s former club FC Augsburg didn’t do so well. The Bavarians came to Schwarzwald-Stadion with many chances, some as dangerous as their neon yellow kit to the retinas of those watching.”
Fourth image: “Yes, [Dortmund is] sixth. You heard right, dear readers. The Bundesliga that we used to know is on the verge of dying. Without Dortmund to stop their evil schemes, Bayern will win the next 150 championships. We’re doomed. Especially with RB Leipzig taking the Dortmunders’ rightful place.”
Fifth image: (in all caps for emphasis)  “WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BULI THAT I USED TO KNOW?” (in normal case) “Good thing Dieter Hecking didn’t want his team to be called ‘Bayern hunters’, because this season they sure aren’t.” End description.]
Bonus under the cut!
From my unpublished article about Karlsruhe vs. Stuttgart in last season’s 2. Bundesliga:
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[ID: Black text on white background saying “Yep, as you can see, Stuttgart has a huge advantage over Karlsruhe, at least statistically. Also, Hannes Wolf is much more attractive than Tomas Oral. Not that it’s relevant at all... *awkward laugh*” End description.]
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kneipe · 6 years ago
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freiburg 2019
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emryshq-blog · 7 years ago
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Sabe quem mora ali? Isso mesmo, é WOLFGANG “WOLF” HANS SULZBACH, uma cria de ZEUS de nível MEDIANO. Fiquei sabendo que ele veio de FREIBURG, ALEMANHA, tem VINTE E CINCO anos, trabalha como CAÇADOR DE RECOMPENSAS e se identifica como CISGÊNERO MASCULINO. Muitos me disseram que ele tem VALOR como virtude, mas não sei como isso poderia se manifestar. Eu o achei bem parecido com CHRIS WOOD! Que tal darmos as boas vindas?
Atmocinese: Como prole do Senhor dos Deuses, Wolf possui aptidões climáticas, podendo sentir, criar, modificar e manipular o clima, ou seja, os padrões meteorológicos, criando chuva, vento, granizo, raios, neve, gelo, névoas e mudanças de temperatura. Isso inclui a habilidade de gerar vários fenômenos naturais ou controlar a intensidade do clima de uma maneira densa e concentrada (dentro de um quarto) ou em áreas extensas (países ou continentes).
Eletrocinese: Também como prole de Zeus, o moreno tem a capacidade de  manipular e criar ondas de energia elétrica, sendo possivel de canalizar a energia elétrica por um objeto, como um cajado e lançar um raio diretamente dele.
Keravnó ( o raio divino )   Quando o rapaz completou 18 anos, Zeus o presenteou com uma espada – a qual apenas Wolfgang consegue manejar – de oitenta centímetros de comprimento, feita de uma mistura de bronze celestial, prata e forjada a partir de um dos raios de Zeus, sendo que a lâmina é extremamente afiada em seus dois gumes e em sua forma de repouso toma o formato de um bracelete cor de bronze, o qual o rapaz nunca tira de seu pulso.
Não possui.
Hera não toleraria mais um bastardo provindo de Zeus, ainda mais um bastardo reconhecido tardiamente. Portanto, a deusa colocou uma pequena maldição – com ajuda de Afrodite – para castigar tanto o seu marido, quanto o bastardinho. Wolf sofre pela solidão. Ainda que tenha diversos casos românticos, assim que apega-se e se apaixona, a maldição de Hera entra em cena, fazendo com que a pessoa em questão não retribua tal sentimento, assim, Wolfgang nunca realmente foi retribuído em seus sentimentos amorosos.
O jovem de cabelos negros e olhos claros – e em nada parecido com sua mãe – é fruto de um golpe arquitetado por Zeus para frustrar o irmão Poseidon. O Pai de Todos vendo seu irmão se afeiçoar demais a uma mortal, utilizou-se de toda sua malicia, tomando a forma do amado de Hida a engravidou. Meses depois viria ao mundo Wolfgang, mas este só conheceria sua paternidade cinco anos depois de sua concepção, quando Zeus mais uma vez interveio e declarou o jovem como seu filho.
Não era preciso ser um filho de Atena ou uma pessoa muito inteligente para saber que Wolf em nada tinha puxado Poseidon, mesmo que o moreno tenha passado cinco anos como sendo filho do deus. Este já apresentava a aptidão para o controle climático, mas que passava despercebido por sua mãe. Quando Wolf estava chateado o céu de nublava, quando irritado a chuva era eminente e assim por diante. O rapaz aprendeu a controlar sua atmocinese e passou a trata-la com mais respeito, tendo uma afeição especial em criar tempestades de raios muito semelhantes às de seu pai.
Ainda que Zeus não o tivesse requisitado como seu filho, Wolfgang não poderia ser mais parecido com o pai. Desde sua infância o rapaz já demonstrava ser charmoso e cativante para com os outros e quando atingiu certa idade, estes traços de personalidade refletiram em diversas conquistas femininas, mas também a uma indiferença ao sentimento dos demais. Porém, não é apenas isso. Wolf também é um ótimo guerreiro, pois treina com afinco para satisfazer tanto o seu ego quanto o de seu pai.
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mitchbeck · 6 years ago
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - Paul Thompson’s four goals helped to propel the Springfield Thunderbirds to a 7-4 victory over the Hartford Wolf Pack at the XL Center before 1,876 fans Wednesday night. The two teams combined for 74 shots on goal for the game and as the Wolf Pack lost their third in a row and got into their third run and gun hockey game in three weeks second with Springfield in the last two weeks. “Third period with 12 minutes left in the game, 4-4 game against a divisional opponent here, those are games you’ve got to find a way to make sure that you’re taking care of pucks and finding ways to score goals.” said head coach Keith McCambridge. Springfield (20-19-6-4) for 50 points hopped into third place and the Wolf Pack remain in 8th place slip under .500 at (19-20-2-2). ”This a game we had to win. It’s a team we're chasing in the standings. We’ve got to make a decision here as a group at this point of the year or it's going to be another disappointing year,” remarked a tight-lipped, clearly upset, Steven Fogarty one of the three assistant captains. The Pack out of a possible eight points in this current stretch managed just two-not enough in a playoff push with 33 games to go. There are only 10 points separating second place Bridgeport and last place Hartford in the Atlantic Division, but it seems like Mt. Everest at this point. In the third period, the Wolf Pack had a critical early five on three power play for a 1:09 span and couldn’t connect on either penalty. The Thunderbirds scored the all-important fifth goal Thompson on the second flip pass against the same player (Ryan Lindgren) by Harry Zolniercyzk (one goal and two assists) that went over his head and landed on Thompson’s stick went in on a breakaway and went upstairs on Alex Georgiev. Springfield then got a five on three shortly thereafter and didn’t miss their chance. Thompson at the left side of the net took Zolniercyzk cross-ice pass from the right wing circle for his 21st of the season at 10:17. The Wolf Pack Lias Ande5rsson who had a team-high seven shots missed a breakaway that could have shut the gap, but he wasn’t alone in missing on quality chances. Thompson off a defensive zone faceoff win launched a 180-foot shot that went into the net for his fourth tally and 22nd goal of the season at 18:33 to seal the Thunderbirds victory. In the second period, both teams very arm weary from the first-period frenzy had just seven shots in the first half of the period. Then the second half finally connected on the net, but the Wolf Pack were the only team to score in the period. The Wolf Pack scored late on the powerplay as Peter Holland took Vinni Lettieri’s pass along the left wing boards and sent a perfect cross-ice pass to Steven Fogarty standing at the right side of the net and he made a perfect tip-in for his ninth of the season at 18:33 to even the score at four and hopefully give the Pack the momentum swing going into the third. “Credit Peter he told me when we out there to get there (at the net) he made a good play with the puck all I had to do was put my stick out,” Both goalies were superb last Saturday hung out to dry in the first period had a chance to make some key saves with a semblance of defense being played. Among Alex Georgiev’s better saves was on the Thunderbirds Jonathan Ang with 3:20 left in the period and he kept Matt Marcinew, Harry Zolniercyzk, Riley Stillman and Bobby Farnham at bay and the red light off. At the other end, Chris Driedger turned away Rob O’ Gara twice. The first period it was the shootout at the XL Corral featured seven goals and 32 shots between the two teams and barely enough time to breathe. The Wolf Pack and the Thunderbirds combined had four goals in the first seven minutes. The Thunderbirds struck first at the 50-second mark as Anthony Greco wide open easily deposited the rebound of a Juho Lammikko shot that came via a turnover by the Wolf Pack’s Chris Bigras from the right wing corner. Hartford’s quick response team went into action and scored 52 seconds later. This time Sean Day at the right circle spotted his new defense partner Rob O’ Gara coming in off the left point and all the rangy defenseman had to do was redirect the puck in the open side for his third goal of the year and first since December 1st against Charlotte. The Pack took the lead at 2-1 at 5:16. Ryan Gropp with a solid chip in along the wall behind the Springfield net and Steven Fogarty got to the puck first and gorgeous blind backhanded pass to Lias Andersson in front and he was stopped on his first shot, but got the rebound and chopped in his ninth goal of the season. “I knew he was there I just didn’t know how open he was and it was a good goal for us,” said Fogarty. Right back came the Thunderbirds as Ludwig Bystrom at the left point let a wrist shot go and veteran Thompson, an offseason free-agent signing was 10 feet out with an inside position on Pack defenseman redirected his 19th past Alex Georgiev with no chance on that play at 6:21. The Thunderbirds would take a 3-2 lead on a set play as Dryden Hunt’s center ice flip pass-the hockey ally-oop, went up in the air over Ryan Lindgren and Harry Zolniercyzk was right there to sweep in off the right and slip his ninth of the season on a breakaway behind Georgiev at 13:52. “I’d have to look at it again on the replay whether he might have been offside. The Wolf Pack didn’t wilt as John Gilmour took Shawn St. Amant’s pass zoomed in off the right wing and with a rolling puck slipped his 13th goal short-side over the outstretched goal of Thunderbirds Chris Driedger a 16:22. Gilmour has 13 points over a span of 13 games. The Thunderbirds 48 seconds later on the powerplay scored again to take the lead back at 4-3 and Tomas Jurco scored his third goal in three games since being reassigned by Florida at the side of the net on a short feed from Anthony Greco on the right wing. “We weren’t good enough tonight. Turnovers, this team is too good to take shifts off on. A good team like you can’t give those type of chances. It’s unfair to him (Georgiev) when he comes here and we play like that. He has given us a chance every night. He shouldn’t hang his head, it's on the players to play better in front of him,” remarked Fogarty. SCRATCHES: Shawn O'Donnell (upper body) Brandon Crawley (healthy) Bobby Butler (healthy) Dawson Leedahlt (healthy) LINES: Holland-Beleskey-Meskanen Nieves-Lettieri-Brickley Fogarty-Gropp-Andersson Fontaine-Gettinger-St. Amant Gilmour-Lindgren Bigras-Hajak Day-O’Gara NOTES: Thompson was one goal short of the record for most goals scored against the Wolf Pack when Brendan Morrison then with Albany River Rats scored five in the last game of the regular season of the Wolf Pack’s first season in 1997-98. The Thunderbirds Driedger’s shutout on Saturday was the 100th against the Wolf Pack in their 22-year history. The Rangers off for 10 days for the NHL All-Star break made a paper transaction flip-flopping Dustin Tokarski and Marek Mazanec on recall. Maz was the backup for Georgiev. The Pack defense is tied for fourth-most goals against in the AHL with 148. The Thunderbirds like the Wolf Pack got players back from the parent Florida Panthers for the NHL All-Star break in defenseman’s Josh Brown and Ian McCoshen plus Pack killer, forward Jace Hawryluk. The Wolf Pack, of course, got back defenseman Ryan Lindgren and center Boo Nieves. The team released from PTO deals and returned to Maine (ECHL) center Terrence Wallin and defenseman Zach Tolkinen, a former QU Bobcat. Jordan Samuels-Thomas (West Hartford) another former QU Bobcat and Hartford Jr. Wolf Pack were recalled by Hershey after one game where he was a minus three at South Carolina (ECHL). Another ex-Bobcat Alex Barron leaves EHC Freiburg (Germany DEL-2) and signs with HK Propad (Slovakia-SLEL) the rest of the season. In an AHL game, Sunday former Wolf Pack captain Cole Schneider paced a 4-0 shutout by Milwaukee In Chicago against the Wolves. Schneider earned the second star with two primary assists on their opening goal, but, Nicolas Baptiste with a nice short backhand pass off a rebound to an open Baptiste who put it in an open net. He then made a perfect diagonal pass from the left wing side to Anthony Richard coming in as the trailer on the right wing scored from 30 feet out on their second goal. The Admirals third goal was scored by ex-Wolf defenseman Pack Vince Pedrie on a slapshot from the left point for his first goal of the year. The Admirals Mathieu Olivier, son of ex-New Haven Knights defenseman Simon Olivier scored the last goal an empty netter and had a solid toe-to-toe no buckets battle, the best one thus far this season with Alex Gallant of Chicago, younger brother of ex-Sound Tiger and current Cleveland Monsters winger Brett Gallant. The Bruins Paul Carey (Salisbury Prep) who notched his second hat trick of his career against the Wolf Pack to help the Providence Bruins pull away from the Wolf Pack 5-2 on Monday in a previously unscheduled MLK Holiday matinee in Providence. The game was originally scheduled for Sunday but was moved to Sunday because of Sunday’s ice/snow storm. Carey had a four-goal effort when he was with Hershey and was robbed of a 5th goal near the end of the game when two fights broke out and the refs never noticed his wraparound tally! Brian Flynn (Pomfret Prep) leaves San Antonio and signs with EV Zug (Switzerland-LNA) for the rest of the season. Earlier this afternoon in a first at the XL Center ACHA (American College Hockey Association) Division-2 club hockey meeting between the Central Connecticut State Blue Devils (New Britain) and the Westfield State Owls (MA) with the Blue Devils pulling away in the third period for a 4-1 victory. Read the full article
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realmadridnews · 8 years ago
Rumored transfers 2017
Transfer in:
Goalkeepers: David De Gea (Manchester United), Thibaut Courtois (Chelsea London), Kasper Schmeichel (Leicester City), Bernd Leno (Bayer Leverkusen), Jan Oblak (Atletico Madrid), Gianluigi Donnarumma (AC Milan), Luca Zidane (promotion), Alex Craninx (promotion)
Defenders: Jesus Vallejo (staying), Theo Hernandez (Atletico Madrid/Deportivo Alaves), Benjamin Mendy (AS Monaco), Hector Bellerin (Arsenal London), Marcos Alonso (Chelsea London), Achraf Hakimi (promotion), Leonardo Bonucci (Juventus Turin), Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid), Alvaro Odriozola (Real Sociedad), Kostas Manolas (AS Roma), Thomas Meunier (PSG)
Midfielders: N’Golo Kante (Chelsea London), Ousmane Dembele (Borussia Dortmund), Eden Hazard (Chelsea London), Thomas Lemar (AS Monaco), Marcos Llorente (staying), Enzo Zidane (promotion), Daniel Ceballos (Real Betis)
Forwards: Kylian Mbappe (AS Monaco), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munchen), Paulo Dybala (Juventus Turin),  Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (Borussia Dortmund), Vinicius Junior (C.A. Flamengo), Borja Mayoral (staying), Sandro Ramirez (Malaga CF), Domenico Berardi (US Sassuolo), Kasper Dolberg (Ajax Amsterdam), Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur)
Transfer out:
Keylor Navas: PSG, AC Milan
Kiko Casilla: Newcastle United
Ruben Yanez: Real Valladolid, Cadiz CF
Danilo: Inter Milan, Juventus Turin, Chelsea London, Manchester City
Fabio Coentrao: Sporting Lisbon, Galatasaray SK
Pepe: PSG, Inter Milan, Chelsea London, Hebei Fortune, Besiktas JK
Nacho Fernandez: AS Roma
Marcos Llorente: Atletico Madrid, FC Barcelona, PSG, FC Sevilla
Toni Kroos: Manchester United
Luka Modric: Bayern Munchen, PSG, Chelsea London, Arsenal London
Mateo Kovacic: Tottenham Hotspur, AS Roma, AC Milan, Juventus Turin (loan)
James Rodriguez: Juventus Turin, Manchester United, Inter Milan, Chelsea London, AC Milan (loan), Bayern Munchen (loan)
Isco: FC Barcelona
Marco Asensio: FC Barcelona
Gareth Bale: Manchester United, PSG, Chelsea London, Bayern Munchen
Cristiano Ronaldo: PSG, AS Monaco, Manchester United, Chelsea London, Bayern Munchen
Lucas Vazquez: AS Roma, Borussia Dortmund, FC Liverpool, Newcastle United, Atletico Madrid
Alvaro Morata: Juventus Turin, Borussia Dortmund, Arsenal London, FC Liverpool, Chelsea London, Manchester United, Tianjin Quanjian, AC Milan
Mariano Diaz: Real Betis, Olympique Lyon, RCD Espanyol, Malaga CF
Jesus Vallejo: VfL Wolfsburg (loan), Eintracht Frankfurt (loan)
Borja Mayoral: VfL Wolfsburg (loan), CD Leganes (loan), Deportivo La Coruna (loan), Getafe CF (loan)
Diego Llorente: Real Sociedad, Malaga CF
Burgui: Deportivo La Coruna, Celta Vigo, SD Eibar, Deportivo Alaves, Real Betis, RCD Espanyol, Getafe CF
Carlos Abad (Castilla): CD Tenerife (end of loan)
Achraf Hakimi (Castilla): Deportivo Alaves (loan)
Enzo Zidane (Castilla): Deportivo Alaves (loan)
Federico Valverde (Castilla): Real Betis (loan), Deportivo La Coruna (loan), RCD Espanyol (loan)
Philipp Lienhart (Castilla): SC Freiburg (loan)
Aleix Febas (Castilla): Getafe CF (loan), Real Zaragoza (loan), UD Almeria (loan), CD Tenerife (loan), Real Valladolid (loan), Sporting Gijon (loan), RCD Espanyol (loan), Real Betis (loan)
Alvaro Tejero (Castilla): Getafe CF (loan)
Raul De Tomas (Castilla): Real Zaragoza (loan), Getafe CF (loan), CD Leganes (loan), Real Valladolid (loan), CA Osasuna (loan), Rayo Vallecano (loan)
Lucas Torro (Castilla): CA Osasuna
Mario Hermoso (Castilla): RCD Espanyol (loan)
Alex Craninx (Castilla): Sparta Rotterdam
Javi Munoz (Castilla): Lorca FC (loan)
Nikos Vergos (Castilla): Olympiakos Pireus (end of loan)
Jose Lazo (Castilla): Recrativo Huelva (loan)
Abner Felipe (Castilla): Estoril Praia (loan)
Miguel Garci (Castilla): Union Adarve (loan)
Dani Hernandez (Castilla): CF Fuenlabrada (loan)
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