#toman souya
bluerskiees · 2 years
Hii!!! Can I request a reader where the reader had just done surgery (like any kind of surgery) and after the surgery they're tired and everything and stressed out.
Characters included: Mikey, Angry and Chifuyu
Tokrev men reacting to your surgery :
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🌬 Since there was no mentions of the era, I'm gonna assume it's toman era cuz that was the time these 3 were together <3
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Having an accident in the middle of the night wasn't good. It's worse if you got seveal bruises and badly injured. What makes it even worse is when the doctors claim that you're gonna have to undergo a surgery with a success rate of 10% . How do you think the invincible Mikey and his gangmates Angry ( Souya Kawata) and Chifuyu would react?
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Would hurry to the hospital in his CB205T, breaking all the road rules known to ever exist to the history of mankind. No like for real, he's ditching his family, his friends, his work, his teammates, everyone. All for you. Would stay by your side during the surgery, holding your hand through it. Puts on a smile and gives of an "I knew the surgery was gonna be successful", but deep down he's still not over the fact that someone had guts to try to kill you. It all happened too quickly. Buys you dorayaki, ice creams and any other stuffs you'd like to have with you in the moment. He'd definitely ask his men to bring ur life sized teddy bear so that you'd be able to cuddle it and sleep peacefully no matter what <3. Hold your hand, runs ur head and whispers sweet words into your ear till you fall asleep. Leaves in the middle of the night to have a fight with whoever tried to kill you earlier. He had Sanzu obtain the informations for him when you both were in the hospital and Sanzu, being the loyal man he is, agreed to do it for his king. Would stay by your side no matter what till you get discharged because what if someone tries to do something again? No, he won't take any chances.
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Would try to keep a calm facade but fails. Angry is generally known to care for his friends a lot. He would go through life and death if it means protecting you. But the only issue is, he's too nice. Too nice that he hesitates to beat up people. But dont let that fool you for when he feels his friends or brother is attacked by someone, he enters his typical " Crying Blue Ogre" and we both know how strong he becomes during that particular period. Its safe to say that thos fuckers who tried to hurt you wont ever be seeing the golden rays of sunshine ever again. He would also buy you lots of soft pillows and plushies to make sure you feel comfortable there. I feel like he's the type of person to infuse lavender or any other essential oil because vibes. Would sing or play any instrument for you to get better. Randomly hugs you, kisses your forehead and gives you nose boops >.< . Suspicious of everyone around you. The nurse, the doctor, hell everyone. Would check ur food before feeding it you. Yes he would definitely bonk your head with his hand or a book when you get too stubborn to eat medicines.
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Golden ray of sunshine was very worried when he heard the news. Immediately rushed to the hospital one he heard the news, not bothering to complete eating the yakisoba noodles he was eating. Losing keisuke already took a huge toll on him and he ain't letting anything similar happening to you too. He's usually a calm and composed person but thats all until you mess with any one of his friends. He's pretty strong, so he would take all punches during the beginning of the fight, almost as if he was loosing. But he's also smart and intelligent. Would probably calculate his opponents moves when he got hit. Would cuddle you down in the bed for hours whispering things he loves about you, how strong you are, how much u mean to him. And i swear, you could see the whole universe in his eyes. But behind every strong soldier, is a weak child. Would totally cry and scold you cuz what if something happened. But aside from that, he'd make you watch your favorite cartoons or shows. Buys you flowers and room fragrances to keep the atmosphere a little bit less hospitalistic. Visits you often in both the hospital and at your house after you're discharged. Yes he gave u a lecture after that.
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rubyrins · 7 months
ֺ⭑Tr boys making you cake- Toman boys
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We getting too cyclical is loving too difficult difficult,difficult, difficult
!You asked them to bake for you
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A/n:been so long since I last updated💗💗(sorry for the grammar mistakes)
Part 2;)???
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vincent-4ever · 2 months
thinking of like cuddling with different tr characters 🥹🥹
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Characters: Ran Haitani, Izana Kurokawa, Manjiro "Mikey" Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Keisuke Baji, Souya Kawata
Warning: G!n reader, implied relationship
all banners from Pinterest
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ His favorite place is literally his bed, says enough as to why I'm writing for him 😭♥️
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He cuddles you every night and he has like this strong ass grip on you, basically what I'm saying is you're not getting up.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ if you're a morning person and you get up before him, if you even try to get up he'll be all like "why are you getting up.. it's so early..are you not comfortable" and he won't let you go until he's ready to get up, which is hours later.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ For example, if you wake up around 8 AM, you're not getting up until like 12 PM.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Whether it's he prefers to hold you or be held, it's kinda in between. it really depends. If he is worn out he'll probably prefer to be held, but if he's not worn out or if you're upset he'll hold you
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 100% prefers to be held istg
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He was bullied a lot growing up, he believes everyone besides you and kakucho hates him, and almost everyone he loved has betrayed him
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ istg all this man needs is someone to love him 😭
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ If you play with his hair or earrings he will literally lose it
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He likes to bury his face in your chest or neck
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Loves it when you kiss his head/forehead when you cuddle
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Now.. this just depends on what Mikey were talking about
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Toman!Mikey is REALLY clingy. He prefers being held, he loves kissing while cuddling, not like full on make out sessions but like quick pecks on the lips or like his or your forehead
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Dark impulses Mikey prefers holding you. You're one of the only people who can calm him down so he likes the feeling of protecting you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ same with Bonten!Mikey, but sometimes he likes to be held. he has his days, like everyone else.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Bonten!Mikey would have full on makeout sessions with you while you cuddle, not necessarily in a sexual way, but just because he loves you
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He doesn't care rather he's being held or holding you, as long as you're together yk
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he doesn't care whether you're talking, or you're silent, he's comfortable.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He probably prefers cuddling in your bed rather than his, claims your bed is "more comfortable" (it's because your bed smells like you)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He likes to tell you about his day while you guys are cuddling, he doesn't care if you answer he just likes to know you're listening
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ he prefers to hold you. he likes to protect you, or to have the feeling of protecting you
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He likes when you wear his shirt when you cuddle (also in general, but extra points when you're cuddling)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ plants kisses all over your face, he loves to hear your little reactions to him doing it
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ unfortunately, if peke j walks in, that's where all his attention is going 😭 I'm sorry
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He loves being held simply because of the reason he likes having your face buried in his hair.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Also likes when you play with his hair.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ If he's at your house and you're at his house he refuses to sleep without you
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He likes hearing you rant about random things like your day or a game you're playing or the show you started watching
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ He doesn't seem like he's listening, and sometimes you have to check if he is, but he is
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the only time he's not really listening is when he spaces out while listening to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ kisses your neck lazily before you fall asleep and after you wake up
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I'ma be honest. I don't think I did good with this but I just wrote it for fun 🥹🥹🥹
likes and rebloggs appreciated
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Random Tr headcannons
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✦ A dog barked at Mikey and Baji and they barked back 
✦ Draken will purposefully drop Mikey while carrying him if feeling annoyed
✦ Mikey stole smileys food. That day smiley showed his eyes and Mikey was found taped to the ceiling 
✦ all the TR girls have an outing once a month
✦ Hinata and Takamitchey help Emma get Draken
✦Baji punched Chifuyu for being rude to his mom once 
✦Kazutora smiley and izana are all secretly afraid of dogs
✦Darken can cook like a chef but leaves no evidence and is always quiet so u have to catch him in the act
✦Mikey and baji can surf 🏄 🤙
✦Emma sometimes doesnt feel as connected to everyone else cus she's not fully Japanese 
✦Angry was one of those paranoid kids who was worried of ppl being upset him or how he'll die
✦Baji hates ur mom jokes
✦Smiley makes ur mom jokes
✦There was a fight between baji and smiley 
✦Hakkai has severe anxiety 
✦The twins have smoked weed before 🍃(there momma beat there ass)
✦Smiley is one of those ppl who like pushes u to ur crush (he's done it to angry)
✦Takemitchy hosted a game night and now no one besides the Mizo middle is allowed at his house
✦Mikey listens to childish gambino 
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bones4thecats · 5 months
When Their S/O Meets Their Family
Type of Writing: #4 - Poll Result Characters: Manjiro Sano, Mitsuya Takashi, Souya Kawata, and Hakkai Shiba Family: Sister (M.S.), Mother and Sisters (M.T.), Brother (S.K.), and Sister (H.S.) Name: When Their S/O Meets Their Family Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: For Hakkai's part, it only features Yuzuha meeting the reader because of how Taiju is an abusive a-hole to them. Anyways, have fun reading this!
Slight spoilers for: Black Dragons Arc
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���� Mikey is very close with his family, and everyone who has ever met him knows this
🍡 When you first met Mikey, he no doubt wanted you to meet his sister, Emma, because he knew that she would like talking to his brother's S/O
🍡 He introduced you guys to one another a couple weeks after your relationship began, in which he just rode up to your house and asked you straight-up if you wanted to meet someone important to him
🍡 You hopped on his bike, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and rode with him from your home to his to meet this person
🍡 Mikey has told you all kinds of stories about his family, from his late older brother Shinichiro to his younger sister Emma
🍡 His bike came to a stop in front of a Dojo, it was his family's, the same one that he was raised in and technically adopted his sister, Emma
🍡 He grabbed your hand and dragged you through the doors, announcing his and your arrival loudly for someone to hear
" Emma! You here? " " Yeah, oh! Who's your friend, Mikey? Is this your S/O? "
🍡 A youthful girl walked out from around the corner of the hallway and looked into the Dojo-themed room, her yellow eyes stared into your (E/C) eyes and she smiled
🍡 Introducing herself, you learned that this was Emma Sano, Mikey's younger half-sister, specifically her father's mistress' child
🍡 Unfortunately for Mikey, you and Emma bonded so much that you were pushing Mikey's affections down a peg, meaning you were ignoring him slightly, prompting him to start pouting
🍡 Why was his family such good conversationalists?
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🪡 You have heard millions upon millions of stories of Mitsuya's younger sisters, Luna and Mana, and his mother
🪡 He has wanted you to meet them for so long, but, since his mother worked late and normally wasn't given many breaks from work, he hasn't had any time to actually set up a meeting
🪡 Both thankfully and not thankfully, his mother was given time off, only because she had gotten sick
🪡 Mitsuya was putting in a lot of effort to helping his mother get better fast, so, when you called and he explained the situation, he was shocked when you said you were coming over with some soup
🪡 He tried to protest, claiming he didn't want you getting sick, but, you protested his protests (omg i've never typed that word that much) and you hung up after telling him you'd be there later that day
🪡 Mitsuya sighed and and laid the phone down, you really were a stubborn person when it came to things like this
🪡 When he heard the sound of his sisters yelling that a person was at the door, he got up from the kitchen stove, where he had a tea kettle and opened the door
🪡 You held out a tupperware filled with a reddish-orange thick liquid, he was guessing it was the soup you had made, probably tomato
" Love, you really didn't have to do this. " " Well, I can't have my future mother-in-law staying sick for long, now can I? "
🪡 Your boyfriend directed you to his mother's room while his sisters played in the living room, and when his mother saw you, she smiled and laughed, teasing her son
🪡 He smiled lightly as he handed her a spoon and laid the smooth-vegetable soup in her hands, before wishing her health to reach her and leaving the room with your boyfriend
🪡 This may have not been the most ideal way for you to meet his family, but it did remind him of why he loved you, you're an amazing person with an amazing heart
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💢 If you met Angry, you no doubt were destined to meet his twin brother, Nahoya, or Smiley
💢 Angry has wanted you to meet his brother for a while, but, his brother could be quite a lot to take at once, and he understood that, he grew up with him for Pete's sake
💢 When you called his home one day and Smiley picked up, he pretended to be his twin brother, since he obviously wasn't gonna step up to have you meet him anytime soon
💢 He snickered once you hung up, bidding goodbye, and he began to start laughing, though he attempted to hold it in, his brother was in the next room after all
" Who was that? " " Oh, just a spam. I decided to prank the scammer, it was fun! "
💢 Angry was relaxing on the sofa, messing around with a plush you had gotten him a few days prior, by what he knew, they weren't expecting any guests, especially ones after 5:00pm
💢 When he opened the door and saw you standing there, his eyes widened and he cocked and eyebrow, asking why you showed up unannounced, and when you replied with how he asked you to come over for dinner that night, he connected the dots
" That must have been Nahoya, my brother... " " Oh! Now I'm embarrassed, I can't even tell my boyfriend apart from his brother. " " Not by voice, no, but, you'll definitely tell us apart by our physical features... "
💢 Nahoya jumped out from behind the corner and hugged you, saying how happy he was that he could finally meet the person that his brother raved about when healing or resting
💢 This was gonna be a long night...
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☄️ I'm gonna layer this on very thickly, he does not want you to meet his older brother, he's a sadistic man by heart, and he doesn't need you to suffer from his cruelty
☄️ Hakkai wanted you to meet his sister, yes, but, due to your busy schedules, he couldn't seem to find the perfect time where Taiju and Yuzuha were apart
☄️ So, whenever you guys had met up to hang out, he normally led you to your home and away from his, he didn't need any trouble now
☄️ But, when you came to his house unannounced, he froze in place
☄️ Oh God, why were you here now?! Taiju wasn't in the brightest moods by what Yuzuha told him, and he didn't need to risk your safety like this!
" Hakkai! Who's at the damn door?! It's takin' you forever! "
☄️ You cocked and eyebrow as he yelled out to the male how it was someone he needed to speak to outside for a few minutes
☄️ He ushered you back outside the doorway and stood with you outside his home, and he sighed, knowing you were gonna ask him a ton of questions on what was going on
☄️ Hakkai slightly teared up as you asked what was happening, and, when he just told you that they had some 'familial bonds' that were kinda rusted over, you groaned, knowing he was lying
☄️ Instead of pushing salt into the wound, you hugged him, allowing him to sigh and wipe his tears away as the door opened
☄️ He swung around to shield you as a young girl walked out, she had light-orange hair and piercing amber eyes, and when she saw you she tilted her head
" Who are you exactly? " " I'm- " " This is the person I've been telling you about, Yuzuha. Y/N, this is my older sister, Yuzuha, and this is my S/O, Y/N L/N. "
☄️ Yuzuha smiled and held her hand out for you to shake, saying how she figured he had an S/O with how cheery he was whenever he hung up the phone sometimes
☄️ Hakkai got flustered and tried hiding his face as you and Yuzuha exchanged stories about Hakkai being a dork as he mumbled about how you guys were 'ganging up on him'
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mulletmitsuya · 7 months
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, the topic of sex is brought up a lot, mentions of the r word (i don't actually say it i just say "r word"), gayness, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, teenage boys. also snuck in a lot of personal headcanons so that might not be your thing
Desc: Mikey lost his V-card
Mikey: just had the sex
Mikey: it's not all that, tbh
Mikey: i didn't like it
Mikey: i was quite indifferent to the situation actually
Mitsuya: that's great 👍
Smiley: you're the last one to lose your v-card and you come back with a report like this?😒
Smiley: we want details
Draken: whose we?
Mitsuya: no we don't
Chifuyu: it must have been difficult tackling the whole issue with you being 5'3 and all
Mikey: you're an inch taller than me😐
Chifuyu: "taller" being the key word
Baji: what didn't you like about the sex?
Baji: i think sex is great
Kazutora: i think it's super nice until you get in over your head and freak out about your performance so you end up having a panic attack and she just leaves
Draken: that's actually kinda sad, you good?
Kazutora: no? i'll never emotionally recover. never again
Baji: maybe it should be with someone you trust and have been friends with for a number of years. maybe even your best friend who would do anything for you. that's just my opinion tho
Draken: just tell him ffs. anything but this
Kazutora: i have no girl friends?? the only women i know who're affiliated with this friendgroup are hina (taken), emma (mikey's sister and also taken), and yuzuha (gay)
Baji: why does it have to be a girl
Mikey: bro
Hakkai: 💀
Smiley: mention homosexuality once and here Hakkai comes
Hakkai: 😐
Kazutora: Baji i know you're gay and i support your lgbtq+ lifestyle but i'm not into dicks like you are man
Baji: what about assholes
Mitsuya: what's the point of this, like just ask him out atp
Mikey: you'd let KAZUTORA top???? insane
Kazutora: what's wrong with me topping? also who am i topping??
Smiley: well you're a twink so you're obviously a bottom
Chifuyu: Kazutora are you actually just gonna ignore what everyone else is saying
Kazutora: aren't you guys talking to Baji?
Draken: are you stupid or what
Kazutora: i'm really confused rn can we just to back to talking about Mikey
Mikey: yes actually. i've decided that i don't like sex and won't be doing it again
Chifuyu: bad day for Takemitchy
Takemitchy: what?
Chifuyu: well since you ride his dick so much
Takemitchy: HUH
Takemitchy: i've never done that with Mikey-kun tho??? i'm with Hina? also I'm straight so I don't understand what you mean by that 😥
Chifuyu: i don't actually mean-
Chifuyu: nvm
Baji: are we allowed to call people the r word anymore
Angry: no it's a slur
Baji: you're probably mad because people said it to you huh? lmao
Angry: yes
Baji: oh
Smiley: i didn't even mean it Angry it was just that one time
Angry: several, one times. but okay
Angry: i still love you
Smiley: can you not say that in front of our friends like idk what to do rn cause i can't say it back so it looks embarssing for you
Angry: 😕
Smiley: ...
Angry: ☹️
Smiley: i love you too
Angry: thank you
Chifuyu: very rare Smiley human decency moment
Draken: you guys are such weird siblings but that was great to watch. character development in a matter of seconds
Smiley: you should all kill yourselves
Mikey: man i really want to
Mikey: that was a literal joke before you guys get weird
Draken: you've actively tried to kill yourself tho
Mikey: yeah but like i won't do it anymore
Baji: we must just, believe you?
Mikey: i know that's hard to do because i lie all the time but yes
Draken: not a convincing argument but nice try
Mitsuya: terrible try actually. Mikey should we be worried?
Mikey: miss me with that gay shit, i'm fine
Mitsuya: i hate you guys so much
Draken: not me tho cause i'm your og
Mitsuya: 😐
Mitsuya: yeah i guess
Draken: 🤞
Draken: i'm gonna go out with my girlfriend now
Draken: also Mikey you're probably asexual. or you haven't found the right one to do it with yet idk
Mikey: what's asexual
Draken: google it
Mikey: Ken-chin c'mon i'm having a crisis rn
Draken: basically low or very little sexual attraction to others
Draken: there's a whole spectrum to it tho so you should probably do some research because that was an extremely watered down explanation
Draken: i'm ace too if that helps
Baji: Emma's a whole ass slut so how does she deal with that
Smiley: imagine bagging Ryuguji Ken with his sexy ass and he doesn't wanna smash. tragic
Draken: first of all, Baji i'll fucking kill you, never say that about Emma again
Draken: and fuck you Smiley
Angry: are you traumatized because of living in a sex orientated/obsessed environment so you eventually began to detest any affiliation with the act?
Draken: yes actually
Angry: i see
Mikey: i just don't like it. i'm not traumatized like Ken-chin :(
Draken: it's whatever
Baji: calm down i didn't call Emma a slut as an insult i just mean it as a describing word because she likes fucking
Baji: i've known her longer than you and she's been fucking since she knew what the thing was
Mikey: i probably should have addressed that as an older brother or something
Mikey: yk, cause i take care of my family
Baji: now she takes care of you with your chronically depressed ass
Mikey: 😒
Kazutora: is Emma also traumatized? like the opposite of Draken?
Mikey: wait should i ask?? her mom did abandon her and she did grow up without a father figure so like maybe i should talk to her
Smiley: you didn't have to dish out her problems like that 💀
Baji: she's got the Sano slut genes because wasn't Shinichiro falling in love with different people everyday? then your dad was impregnating people all the time. skipped Mikey tho
Draken: not everything is trauma related. also Emma just likes sex. it's not a huge deal breaker and if it was she would tell me and we'd talk about it
Mikey: what about having kids?
Draken: stop asking me this shit we'll do that when we're ready
Smiley: it's crazy how Draken is one of the healthiest people here. always reacting sensibly to situations and dealing with his trauma normally. he's such a good guy. hate him
Draken: love you too
Mikey: did he deal with it all that healthily if he beats people to a pulp most of the time
Draken: i stopped doing that
Baji: why though, you were an actual unit
Baji: wasted talent. i still beat people up
Draken: Emma said to
Mikey: fair
Smiley: Mitsuya could be on Draken's level too but something went wrong along the way cause he's a boy liker
Mitsuya: 🖕
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quartzalynlove · 9 months
Being A Kawata Sister
Summary: imagine being the sister of out favorite demon twins
A/N: black fem reader and blasian angry and smiley
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The boys look out for each other and love each other dearly
That being said
They bicker nonstop at home
You can't count how many times nahoya snitched to you or you had to desperately stop souya from crying out of frustration after Smiley's been playing too much
Sometimes they even try to make you the judge in their squabbles but you have none of it
"Y/n, tell him he's being stupid!"
"Will yall quit it! Kill each other about it for all I care but leave me out of it."
They're big softies at home tho
They've trusted you with many secrets to take to your grave
Their fellow delinquents could never find out about the stuffed panda that angry sleeps with (or the times you and Smiley had to keep him from crying when he couldn't find it)
Not to mention the fact that Nahoya still sucks his thumb and cried at every movie
Yall could watch the funniest comedy where the lovers get together and the dog doesn't die and he'll still find something to sob over
When it comes to cooking they'd be dead without you
Souya overthings every step
While nahoya doesn't think enough
They both annoy you in that brotherly way
Nahoya will constantly poke you then insist he isn't doing anything when you get agitated
And souya will crash himself into you without warning
It's not all malicious he'll just want a hug or something but he knows being all up in your space at first will irritate you
You do their hair exclusively
Souya will have the decency to manage his own hair twice a week but nahoya treats you like a personal stylist
Them hardly being injured after a fight is only partly from them being that good
You hate it when they've been out all day and stumble back in the house all beat up
It only ever happened twice and that's because you held your tongue the first time
They felt so guilty for making you worried like that and swore they wouldn't fight so recklessly anymore
Being together brings all of you a lot of comfort
It always feels a bit empty between them when they're out with toman while you're back home
If they come home late and you're already in bed they might just jump in your bed
While you don't mind in theory, they both toss turn and kick like they fight demons at night
At the end of the day you love your brothers and they love you
But it'll always irritate you that you're the only who knows how annoying they are
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
These are literally ideas I was planning to use for my upcoming fic, so technically these are possible spoilers 😭 buttt i guess I'll indulge you with a few more!
BAJI and gangleader! reader getting into a pool noodle fight that sparks an all out brawl, leading to all the members being banned from the pool after someone RKO'D someone in the water.
gangleader! reader falling asleep on CHIFUYU'S shoulder after reading manga with him and him getting flustered and too scared to move.
gangleader! reader begrudgingly carrying MIKEY after he falls asleep since draken wasn't there to do it.
MIKEY poking gangleader! reader with his dorayaki saying "Blob, blob, blob"
whenever gangleader! reader's gang and TOMAN have conflicts with each other, they settle things with a water balloon fight.
gangleader! reader putting hair clips and accessories in the TWINS hair.
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l-tora-l · 2 years
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Credit: @/seilo.art on Instagram
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airbendertendou · 11 months
sunscreen and doughnut shaped floats! ♥︎ tokyo revengers
anon requested : Hello, may I please request the Tokyo Revengers characters (as many and anyone you feel like including) + the reader having a water fight (with balloons, water guns and hoses)? I loved the karaoke night with Toman!!
synopsis : a pool day with toman! gender neutral reader wears a swimsuit and puts on sunscreen. [name] used in place of y/n. everyone is a lil in love w reader <3
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
Baji grins as he turns the dial on the stereo, turning the volume up even higher. A sound of protest is drowned out, the song overlapping any disagreements. A loud whoop! is heard, followed by a splash as Mikey cannonballs into the pool.
You shake your head with a small laugh as Draken waves his spatula in the air, frown on his face. The sunscreen bottle in your hand is more than half empty, slowly falling into your open palm. Cold, soft hands land on your bare shoulders, them jolting and stiffening in response.
"Sorry," Mitsuya grins at you, raising his hands. He points to the bottle in your hand, "want me to get your back? Ken's got the grill covered for now."
You nod, handing him the bottle. "Sure. Thanks, 'suya."
His grin widens, "no problem." You turn, bare back facing the lilac-hiared boy as he lathers his hands in sunscreen. You jolt, the cream ice cold and frigid as it glides onto your skin. You can feel Mitsuya's laugh as his breath hits your neck. "S'a little cold, hm, [name]?"
Letting out a huff, you stare at him over your shoulder, "yeah, a little." Mitsuya only winks in response as his hands lower to your waist. "Think I can handle it from here—"
"[Name]." Chifuyu is suddenly in front of you as he frowns. Green eyes narrow at the boy over your shoulder — you curl your lips into your mouth to stop your laughter. "Can you put that on me when you're done?"
"I don't mind doing it." But, Chifuyu ignores Mitsuya, eyes widening at you in an attempt to look innocent. Another laugh is huffed against your neck, fingers trailing around your waist until they're on your torso. "[Name]'s busy."
"Doing what?"
You clear your throat — another useless attempt to hide your amusement. "Here," you reach a hand back to Mitsuya, "I'll put some sunscreen on you while Mitusya finishes up. Alright?"
Chifuyu frowns again, but turns his back to you anyways. You lather the sunscreen into your hands, hoping to warm it up a little before putting it on him. Mitsuya laughs again — closer this time — before placing a small kiss to your shoulder.
"I'm going to help Draken out," he speaks. Chifuyu's shoulders relax at the words, moving with your hands as he's slathered with sunscreen. "Be back soon. ...Maybe tell Mitchy to get out of the sun."
The green-eyed boy turns to face you, eyes scrunching as you layer cream onto his face. He watches Mitsuya leave, "don't rush back."
You tap his nose, "don't be mean." You look to the left, where Takemichi is laying out, snoring as he slowly roasts. His skin is already reddened, tender to the touch as his sunburn worsens. "Mitchy! Lookin' lobster-like, bud!"
The blond startles, sunglasses falling to the side as he sits up. "Ack!" he lets out at the color of his skin. Big, comical tears well up in his eyes, "I look like a giant strawberry!"
Baji — ignoring everything around him other than the sound of his favorite song — slaps the blond on his back. "Lookin' good, Mitchy!"
Another whine leaves Takemichi's throat at the feeling. You let out a sigh, lightly tapping Chifuyu's shoulders. "You're all covered, 'Fuyu. Baji, be careful with Mitchy's skin, okay?"
Emma waves you over as she leans against the pool wall. You sit with your legs in the water, smiling down at her. She pouts, "Mikey won't stop splashing me."
You shake your head playfully, "Mikey, be nice to your sister."
"She doesn't play mermaids right."
Emma spins to face him, frown deepening. "You don't play right!" She crosses her arms over her chest, "you keep copying me."
Mikey shrugs, sitting on the steps of the pool as he swings his legs together, mimicking a mermaid tail. "Your ideas are better than mine. But, I want a purple to blue glitter tail and water powers."
Emma groaned, "I wanted water powers! You wanted to talk to animals."
Mitsuya comes to sit beside you, a bag of chips in his hand. He holds the bag out to you, eyeing Mikey and Emma. "You can both have water powers, right?"
"Then it's not fun anymore." Mikey turns his head with a pout. Emma lets out a sigh, rolling her eyes before swimming off. Mikey looks at you once more, "food almost done?"
"Only a few more minutes!" Smiley calls from the yard. He's helping Draken grill as Angry holds an aluminum pan for the cooked food to go in. "Go ahead and get dried off."
"Baji Keisuke," you speak between teeth, "do not play in the fire like that."
The boy scowls, putting the tiny stick he'd picked up back to the ground. Draken sighs as he manages the fire, shaking his head at Mikey's marshmallow covered cheeks. Takemichi winces with every move he makes, his sunburnt skin aching and burning with the movement.
Mitsuya had gone home to care for his sisters ; Emma leaving to wash the chlorine out of her hair. Angry hands you a new marshmallow, holding a small piece of chocolate for you next. Smiley is across the fire, trying to take the designated fire stick from Draken.
"Hey," Chifuyu sits to your right, draping a blanket over your lap. "If you get any colder let me know, okay?"
You nod, taking the fully made s'more from Angry. As you bite into the sweet, you watch as Baji burns the marshmallow he has before handing it to Smiley. Mikey swoops in, though, eating the piping hot sweet directly from the stick.
"Mikey—" Draken lets out another sigh, shaking his head.
——♥︎—— airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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sucka4pain · 8 months
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𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒!𝑇𝑜𝑘𝑦𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
Previous chapter, Chapter 2
wc: 3.9k
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠/𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠: 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑎𝑛𝑥𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑦, 𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑘, 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒, 𝐹𝑢𝑗𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑘𝑜 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑓𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑤𝑘𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠.
𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒈𝒐 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒅! 𝑩𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒅, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌!!
The bright sunlight beamed through the white curtains and gazed over Y/n’s sleeping figure. The light hit her in the face making her groan and stuff her face in her pillow.
Her alarm on her phone went off, the loud noise blaring in her ears making her grumble and slam her hand on her phone to turn it off.
‘Why does it have to be so early?..’
She thought before sitting up and rubbing the sleep away from her eyes. Her vision was blurry for a few moments until the room in front of her now became clear.
Her legs shifting out of the warm soft blankets and her feet placing down on the fluffy white carpet. She stretched her body, her arms slightly shaking from the well done stretch and standing up. Her body moved along to the bathroom, stripping off her clothes and getting inside the shower.
The perfect room temperature water gliding down her skin making her sigh in relaxation. She reaches over for her shampoo, squirting some of the white liquid in the palm of her hand and rubbing it in her scalp while bringing some of the product down to the rest of her hair.
Her hands massaging the shampoo into her scalp and hair follicles, making sure it is hydrated and clean. She then takes her luffa, applying some body wash on it as she watched it foam up under the water. Her hands gripped the soft luffa and scrubbed it all around her body, making sure to not miss a single spot on her skin.
The body wash dripping down her body as she started to rinse off the shampoo from her hair. After a relaxation time in the shower, she gently stepped out the shower and dried her body off with the towel that was hung up.
A towel wrapped around her hair to get it dry and the towel wrapped around her body getting every little droplet of water. She takes the towel off of her head after her hair dried up for a bit and starts to do her hair care, making sure that her hair is fully healthy and hydrated.
It took a while but it was a good thing she woke up early since she knew how long it usually took to do her hair. Once her hair was done and finished to her likings, she brushed her teeth, put on some deodorant then walked out the bathroom and went into her bedroom. Making her way to her closet and taking out her school uniform.
‘Today is the first day….I really hope I don’t end up having a panic attack…’
She thought before putting on her undergarments and then her uniform on top.
“The top is a little tight…”
The mumble leaving her lips as she noticed her uniform top was a bit tight but not too tight. She shrugged and put on her socks then grabbing her phone, chapstick, bag, and the key for her apartment door.
She left her bedroom and went to the front door, putting on her shoes and leaving, of course locking the door behind her. She then made her way to the elevator, pressing the button to the main floor.
The ding echoed through the walls of the elevator as the doors opened and she stepped out.
Fujisiko looked up and smiled softly at Y/n’s walking figure to the front door.
“Good morning Y/n!” His voice beamed making Y/n slightly smile.
“Good morning to you too, Fujisiko.” She replied.
Her handed her a bento box that had a black cloth tied on it and white cartoon cat doodles all over it making her slightly smile at it.
“I had a lot left over so I thought I’d give you some!” He said.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to.” She replied.
He waved it off. “Don’t worry, it was the least I could do.”
She paused for a moment before looking up at him again.
“If you don’t mind, can you accompany me to school? I know it sounds childish but-“
He immediately cuts her off. “No no! It’s fine I’ll be glad to accompany you! Plus, it’ll feel like taking my daughter to her first day of school.”
He said with a soft slightly sad tone before standing up and going by her. she raised a brow at his words.
“You have a daughter?” She asked as they started to walk towards the entrance.
He looked down a bit before opening the door, letting her go out first and him behind her.
“I do but…I can’t see her anymore.” His tone was shifted to a different direction, almost a sad tone.
Y/n hummed and curiosity got the best of her.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?”
She felt the atmosphere of the air between them go tense when she asked him.
A small bead of sweat dripped down the side of his cheek as they began walking.
“Well…it was years ago when I was in my early twenties. Me and my girlfriend at the time, we had intercourse. I used protection just in case but, I suspected something. She didn’t take her birth control and she ended up pregnant because she apparently poked holes in the condom.”
Y/n could tell by his body language that he wasn’t comfortable with speaking of the subject from his past. She placed her hand on his bicep which caused him to slightly flinch and look down at her.
“Hey, you don’t have to continue. I won’t force you to. I can tell by your body language that you aren’t comfortable with the topic.” She softly spoke reassuring him.
He felt his eyes slightly water but her quickly wiped away the tears before they could spill.
“Do you think that I’m a good father? Or could be?” The crack in his voice from the overwhelming emotions build up in his throat.
“Of course. You seem like to be an amazing father. A father anyone could ask for, hell…a father even I could ask for.” She said.
He looked at her with slight widen eyes before shifting to a soft expression.
“You’re just like her…” He mumbled making her look at him confused before soon realizing what he meant.
In his eyes, she reminded him of his daughter.
“Well then…is it alright if I call you dad?” The word rolling off her tongue was something he never thought he would hear ever again.
Fujisiko’s bottom lip quivered as he nodded eagerly.
“Yes! Yes you can. I’ll make sure to the best father for you.” He spoke and crossed his heart.
They had made it to the school and he looked at Y/n one more time before patting her head, slightly ruffling up her hair.
“Hey! I spent all morning taking care of my hair dipshit!” She huffed and shook his hand off of her head making him chuckle.
“Sorry sorry! Have a good day at school, sweetie.” He said with a bright smile and turned his back but glanced at her one more time.
“I’ll pick you up, let me know when you’re done.” His last words rang in her ears before he started to walk away.
She nods and looked at the building in front of her. She glanced over and noticed many motorcycles in the school parking lot and saw the flags that were flying in the wind underneath the motors.
Her breath hitched and her grip on the strap of her bag tightened.
‘Baham?…Black Dragons?…Toman?…Tejiku?…Vahallah?…those gangs go here?!’
A panic thought went through her mind, making her breathing her slightly heavy. Suddenly, a female with short pinkish hair and another with medium length blonde hair walked up to her.
“Hi there! Are you new?” The short haired pinkette asked. She was pretty, a sweet smile and a beauty mark by her bottom lip. The blonde had a small pout on her lips and her hands on her hips as she had a pink and white checkered cardigan tied around her waist.
“I’ve never seen you here before, this your first day?” The blonde asked tilting her head.
Y/n felt her social anxiety rising and she started to panic. Her throat went dry and she immediately ran past them without giving them an answer.
“Hey, wait!” The pink haired girl said wanting to stop Y/n but she had already ran.
“Man…that was kinda rude.” The blonde said.
“Maybe she just got nervous? She was shaking a bit.” She replied.
Y/n kept running until she found the girls restroom and went inside. She got into a stall and pressed her back against the cold tile wall, sliding down to the floor as her hands trembled in her hair.
“Stay calm…stay calm…” She mumbled to herself as her heart raced.
‘They were just being nice, why did I have to fucking ruin it?…stupid social anxiety..’
She thought to herself before reaching in her bag, grabbing her water bottle and drinking some while taking her anxiety medication.
After a few minutes, she managed to get her breathing back to normal. She stood up and got out the stall, heading towards a sink and washing her face.
“You got this..it’s fine,” she mumbled to herself before drying her face and grabbing her bag, making her way out of the restroom. She felt everyone staring at her, making her grip tighten on the strap of her bag.
She looked down at her schedule and saw that her first period was algebra II. She looked up and down until she found the room.
‘Deep breath…’
She thought before inhaling deeply and opening the door of the classroom. Many eyes were sent on her making her scream internally.
“Oh! You must be the new student!” The teacher spoke making her nod.
“Go ahead and sit there on the right side in the back behind Shinichiro.” The teacher pointed to a short black haired boy who had an empty seat behind him.
Y/n nods and made her way to the seat, she could practically feel their eyes burning holes into her. Once seated, she kept her head down to avoid eye contact with anyone.
He looked behind him and smiled.
“Hey! My name is Sano Shinichiro, what’s yours?” He introduced.
She looked at him and then remembered that Fujisiko said to pretend to be his daughter. It shouldn’t be that hard, right?
“Kowada Y/n.” She replied quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
“Kowada?! As in the daughter of Kowada Fujisiko?!” He exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes.
“Shinichiro, lower your tone.” The teacher called out sternly making his face red up from embarrassment and his friends laughing at him.
“Chill out Shin..you’re gonna scare the poor girl.” A tall muscular man that had white buzz up like hairstyle spoke. Another man with purple and yellow mixed hair was sucking on a lollipop and just lazily grinned. Another with slicked back hair and a scar going down his left eye chuckled.
Y/n felt her anxiety rising again as she recognized them as the gang, Black Dragons.
‘Just my luck…I have to sit behind the Black Dragons, let alone the damn founders…’
She sighed mentally before hearing the teacher start the lesson and she took out her notebook to take notes.
As her day went on, the first five classes passed by like a fly. They went by so quickly that it was already lunch time. She started to walk in the crowd of students who were heading to the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was enormous, it had many tables mostly full. Her anxiety slightly coming up but she managed to keep her composure. She walked over to a vending machine and bought a drink. Her legs then brought her to an empty table that sat in a far corner, away from everyone else.
It felt like an introverts dream, being alone in a table with no one else. Her fingers untied the cloth on her bento box and opened it up. A small sparkle in her eyes as she looked down at the beautifully variations of protein and grains.
She clasped her hands together, uttering ‘Itadakimasu’ before digging into her bento.
‘This is really good…feels like I’m eating heaven..’
She thought as she savored the flavors and textures of the food. The peace she had alone was cut short when the two girls from the morning walked up to her but they had three more girls with them.
“Hey!” The blonde said with an angry pout and furrowed brows.
Her shoulders tensed up and she looked up at the girls with her leg bouncing which was normal for her anxiety.
“Why did you run away from me and Hina when we talked to you in the morning?” She asked squinting her eyes down at Y/n
“Emma-Chan please…” Hina said with her hands up In defense.
“Uhm…sorry, my social anxiety got to me. I’m not used to talking to people.” Y/n said with her head down but it was loud enough for them to hear.
Emma blinked blankly at her.
“Oh.” She said.
“Hey, how come you’re the only female wearing the boys uniform pants? You’re supposed to be wearing a skirt.” A white haired girl pointed out.
“Yeah, that’s true.” A girl with orange-ish hair spoke and crossing her arms.
“The principal said it was okay for me to wear it. I don’t feel comfortable in skirts after an incident in my past.” Y/n explained.
The girls looked at her with softened eyes and nodded their heads.
“My name is Akashi Senju by the way!” Senju introduced.
“I’m Sano Emma.” Emma spoke up.
“Shiba Yuzuha, pleasure to meet you.” A small smile on Yuzuha’s lips.
“Seishu Akane.” Her yellow lashes batted with her sparkling eyes.
“Tachibana Hinata, but you call me Hina!” She laughed.
Y/n looked at the girls and introduced herself as well.
“Hey, why don’t you come sit with us?” Hina offered since she noticed Y/n was sitting alone.
“O-oh, are you sure?” Y/n asked with her face slightly red since she wasn’t used to people being this nice to her.
“Yeah! Come on!” Senju exclaimed and started to pull on her arm.
“Quit pulling on the poor girl’s arm, Senju!” Yuzuha scolded before pulling her away from Y/n.
Y/n stood up, grabbing her things and walking with the girls to another table.
“Emma! Where’s the dorayaki you promised me?!” A blonde haired boy whines to Emma making the girl roll her eyes at his attitude and toss him a brown bag which he immediately dug into it.
“Hey, who’s that?” A lilac haired boy pointed out as he looked at Y/n.
“This is Y/n! She’s new!” Hina spoke making the whole table look at her.
‘Ughh..I hate stares…’
Y/n thought as she thickly gulped when she noticed their black jackets with gold writing.
‘First, I have to sit behind the first founders of the Black Dragons in class and now I’m here about to sit by Tokyo Manji gang known as Toman?..what the fuck!’
She groaned mentally before the girls pulled her to sit between them causing Y/n to yelp.
“So Y/n, what made you come to this school?” The lilac haired boy from before asked. He had a sweet welcoming smile on his lips making her feel relaxed just for a little.
“Well, it’s really the only one that’s close by to where I live at.” She spoke after finally managing to get the words out of her dry throat.
“That’s cool. My names Mitsuya Takashi.” He introduced.
“Kowada Y/n.” She replied.
“Kowada?!” A short blonde haired boy exclaimed making Y/n flinch at his sudden outburst.
“Takemichi hush! You scared her!” Hina scolded.
“It’s fine, it just caught me off guard.” Y/n defended.
Eventually, everyone introduced themselves which Y/n made mental notes on their appearance so that she doesn’t forget their names or what they look like.
The boys went back to doing what they were doing before. Some of them just chilling and calmly talking to each other while others were fighting over food.
“So Y/n, what do you like to do? Any hobbies?” Akane asked curiously.
“I like to draw and write. I might not be the best at drawing but I’m trying. I mostly write short stories and poems.” Y/n said, for some odd reason she didn’t know why but she felt comfortable already with the girls.
Almost as if she knew them her entire life!
“Poems? I heard that it’s also a way to vent when you don’t have someone to talk to.” Yuzuha mentions.
“Yeah, I actually turn my problems into poems and short stories.” Y/n said.
The girls turned their head towards her.
“Really?” Emma tilted her head.
“That sounds fun! Wait no- not as in fun of your trauma but-!” Hina stumbled on her words making the rest laugh.
“Don’t sweat it, I know what you mean.” Y/n waved off.
“Ken-chin…” Mikey whispered to the taller blonde making him hum.
“I don’t know why, but I feel my stomach tingling.” He said in a hushed tone.
Draken raised a brow at him and glanced over at the girls.
“Why is that?” His deep voice spoke.
“It’s only when I look at Y/n. My stomach gets this weird feeling.” Looking over at Y/n as he talked.
“So you feel it too?” Mitsuya said joining in on their conversation.
“I only get those type of feelings when I look at Emma and Emma only.” Draken said making Mikey playfully push him.
“Cmon’ Ken-chin! It doesn’t hurt to crush on two people.” He teased making Draken shove him.
“I haven’t even known that girl no longer than twenty minutes, I don’t get attached that quick unlike someone.” He huffed and aimed his last sentence to Mikey, making it obvious that it’s aimed.
“Let’s maybe not argue and try to be civilized for once?” Mitsuya said pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Taka-Chan…” Hakkai gulped nervously.
“Yes?” He replied.
“I think you spoke too soon.” The buzz cut boy said pointing to a scene where Baji jumped over the lunch table attacking Chifuyu after he took the last bit of chocolate mushroom shaped biscuits.
Watching the scene unfold made Mitsuya face palm and stand up to go separate the chaos.
“Is that normal?…” Y/n asked seeing Baji on top of Chifuyu as he was holding a box with chocolate mushroom shaped biscuits.
“They’re like cats I swear. If their past life was them as cats I wouldn’t be surprised.” Emma shrugged making the girls giggle.
“Hey! Y/n-Chan!” A voice yelled out making Y/n and some other attention from other tables look over.
It was Shinichiro who had his friends behind him.
They had caught up to the table as the black haired male flashed a smile.
“I have a favor to ask if you don’t mind.” He panted a little out of breath.
Y/n raised a brow at what his favor was.
“So I didn’t quite get the lesson for first period and I saw how good you are at solving the equations! You made it seem easy and I was wondering if you could help me out a bit?”
He asked rubbing the back of his neck nervously with red cheeks and a shaky smile.
‘Me? Seriously? My introverted ass? Dear anyone above please help me…’
She mentally sighed before nodding.
“Sure…” She mumbled.
“Great!” He said and sitting in front in front of her with his friends sitting with them.
“Hey! Hey! You guys know that this is the Tomans table, go to your original table Black Dragons!” Nahoya spoke with a vein slightly popping out of his cheek but he still had a smile on his face.
“Shut it Ice Spice.” The purple and yellow mixed hair boy said making some of the boys laugh.
“Me personally…” Yuzuha mumbled with her jaw slightly dropped.
“The disrespect..” Senju gasped.
“I wouldn’t take that to be honest, but that’s just me.” Emma replied.
“The hell you say?!” Souya said defending his older twin brother.
“Great, here comes Cold flavored water.” The male said while swirling the lollipop in his mouth.
“What?!” Baji said before holding his stomach from laughing.
“It’s not funny, it’s not funny.” Mitsuya said bitting the inside of his cheek to restrain himself from bursting into a laughing fit.
“Alright, that’s way beyond disrespectful.” Y/n said with a flabbergasted expression.
“Sorry about them.” Shinichiro apologized and elbowed the droopy eyed male.
“By the way, I’m Imaushi Wakasa.” He introduced.
“Akashi Takeomi.” The slicked back haired male spoke up with a grin.
“You can just call me Benkei.” The short almost buzzed white haired male said.
“Nice to meet you three, I’m sure you already know my name by now.” Y/n said.
They all nod.
“Okay so, am I still gonna help you with the lesson or?” She asked making Shinichiro to frantically gather his things and stand up.
“R-right! Let’s go?” He spoke as she nodded and gathered her things.
She then stood up, bidding a goodbye to everyone at the Toman table and walked away with Shinichiro to another table that wasn’t too far and was empty.
“Hey, who’s that over there?” A male with two braids spoke and pointing his baton towards the two.
“I’m assuming that’s a new student?” A male with a buzz cut and heterochromia spoke up.
“But Shinichiro isn’t a new student.” A blonde with a half shaved head while licking his brass knuckle.
A male with tan skin, short white hair and violet eyes spoke.
“Of course he isn’t a new student, we’re talking about the girl that’s sitting with him you dumb fuck.” His voice spoke with his long red earrings dangling along his ears.
Now the attention was shifted over to Shinichiro and Y/n who sat alone together. Y/n was helping Shinichiro with the lesson, getting just a little bit frustrated.
“How did you mess that up? It’s one of the simplest formulas in this lesson.” She huffed in frustration.
“It’s not my fault! I can’t remember all of these formulas. It’s too much.” He complained making Y/n pinch the bride of her nose.
“You asked me to help you because once you’re done with high school, you said that you wanna open up a motor shop. In order to get into that type of business, you need to know these!” She groaned making him frantically find a reason.
“Damn, looks like he’s giving her a real hard ass time.” Wakasa chuckled.
“Watch her probably switch schools. I bet $30.” Takeomi betted.
“You guys are seriously betting?” Draken spoke up.
“Hey, it’s only them. I’m not part of this.” Benkei blankly defended.
“I hope he’s not making her uncomfortable by how close he’s sitting with her.” Emma said as she realized how close Shinichiro was sitting next to her.
“Awwe~ Emma-Chan being protective.” Hina coos with a sweet smile.
“Can you blame me? You girls would feel the same too, especially since she’s new!” She exclaimed.
“True.” Yuzuha nodded in agreement along with the others.
Y/n could feel the tension coming from everyone around her. After Shinichiro finally got the concept, she stretched her arms out and turned her head and made eye contact with a tan blonde haired male that had glasses.
She didn’t want to seem rude so she sent him a quick smile before standing up and going back to the table she at with the girls.
“Kisaki is blushing~!” A black haired man with a blonde on front teased, pointing his finger at him.
“Shut up Hanma…” Kisaki grumbled and adjusted his glasses to try and hide his blush.
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: @reiners-milkbiddies, @0fftherec0rd, @simpingfor-wakasa, @melou008
(Let me know in the comments if you wanna be added to the tag list!)
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Smiley: Here's a fun Christmas idea, we hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Angry: No.
Baji: Mistlefoe.
Smiley: Baji go all out this time.
Mikey: I'm kinda liking this idea.
Draken: please stop encouraging them
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Tokyo revengers with a muslim friend :D
part two , tr with a muslim wife
Hey guys, I just wanted to write a quick blurb on how the tokyo rev characters would react/ or have a friend who is a muslim, sth like an exchange student. It's going to be character x fem!reader mostly. Also, I am writing this for a friend who is a muslim and she wanted me to write this because "Ramadan" => fasting season for the muslims is arriving in less than five days, so yeah, happy reading!
Its sfw, with mostly platonic things but getting a little romantig and crush like for the characters and yeah, I also Indulged Hinata and Emma cuz I love Them
Also I have never really watched tokyo revengers, so I'll try to make it into headcannons:D
Warnings: cursing, stupid boys trying to be polite and whatnot
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Takemichi, Hinata, Emma, Angry, Smiley, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Baji
Scenario: You moved to Japan because your parents had better salaray here and now your are here, in a new school and with many people you don't know, and of course, you are asked about the thing around your head, why you never wear pants and just long skirts, and in over all, always vanish at a certain time - multiple times a day.
man had no idea why your hair was covered
Mikey thought that you had cancer or something to be honest
when you explained him why you were wearing it, he understood. Partly.
When you also told him about ramadan and about the fasting season, mans was not having it.
"wait does that mean that you're not allowed to eat and drink anything for a whole month?!"
he was feeling pity on you (you had to explain that you'd be fasting everyday form four in the morning to the fourth praying time around 18 o'clock and that it was actually fine
then you had to explain to him that it was actually okay and that you cherished this season because you could repent to your god and beg for forgiveness for all the "sins" you committed
like girl shut up you are too pure and precious, the most you could've done is steal a lollypop when you were eight
he didn't really make a huge deal out of anything else but just freaked out at the food part bc why would you fast a whole month??
Mans just loving food and can't understand why you'd do it even when you give him valid reasons
also doesn't understand when you sometimes look at your phone before excusing yourself quickly
thinks that you have an important meeting but you return like ten minutes later? Whenever you guys meet up with the others, and you guys are doing sth from 12 to 16 o'clock, you vanish at 1 and 15 and come back shortly
Mikey doesn't like that whole dissappearing thing and just decides to follow you one day
He finds you in the girls bathroom at first and you step out after a few minutes with a wet face and socks in your hands, going into an empty classroom
As he opens the door, he sees you standing in the room on a rectangular carpet and hands folded on top of each other on your chest while facing a specific direction
he tries to analyse what you're doing but doesn't get the hang of it
then you bow with your upper body going down with your hands on your knees and straight legs in a 90° manner, stand up, raise your hands to your heads level, and lower your whole body this time, then sitting up, and bowing down again all the while muttering something
as you were doing this movement a three more times and you were at the end where you look to your right choulder and then to your left, you fold your hands in front of you and close your eyes while muttering something
Mikey just stood there, watching you as you finished...whatever you were doing and then asked you about it.
"praying five times a day? So often? and you have to wash your hands, face, ears, hair, neck, arms and feet for that?" "Yes, to be clean for my prayer. Sorry that I didn't tell you sooner.."
Assures you that it's okay, apologizes for following you and now knows why you always dissapear, but doesn't understand what you are doing at the end of your prayer
When he asks you about it, you just go: "It's called a "dua". There, I can ask god for whatever I crave and "insha allah"(=if god wills, it will happen), I will get it. I usually pray for us all to have a bright future, my family staying wealthy and healthy, my brothers finding good wives and for all kind of the living in this world to find their way to heaven."
at that, Mikey blushed a little and his eyes lit up
you were really praying for everybody and everything to be okay
his heart started beating faster when he thought about how you were praying for him too to come to heaven
As you are talking about your religion so passionately, he can't help but wonder more.
You are also very nice to him and he never heard you swear to be honest
he also asks deep questions about if he'll ever see the gates to "Jannah" (=heaven), and you answer him that he should just pray, think about his actions and weigh them from if they are rally that important to make or if he really should do that (when beating up thugs)
he wants to try fasting too but ends up forgetting after an hour and starts eating taiyaki in front of you and when you look away with a strained smile, he remembers and freaks out, quickly stuffing the food away from your gaze while apologizing
And since you give around such a calm vibe, he doesn't have the energy to fight thugs and whatnot, just wants to stay where you are and talk
Honestly feels at the most peace with you
He actually knew about islam and that you were a muslim when looking at your hijab and long skirt as well as your jacket or long sleeved shirts which always covered your whole body except your hands and face
didn't really think that he'd get to meet a muslim tbh, let alone get a muslim friend
since you were the new transfer student from ___, he didn't really know you and what your intentions were but you were actually looking like the most peaceful person who walked on earth
thought you looked rather cute with that sweet smile and blushed when you asked him for a pen cuz you forgot your pencil case at home one time
notices that you're not eating anything one day and offers his bento to you only to decline and telling him that you were fasting
didn't really get it so he asked about it and found out that Ramadan had started the day prior and in the time zone from march, tuesday the 21st or thursday 23rd and ending on thursday the 20th on april
was really shocked cuz why would you fast when it was getting rather hot in Japan?
when you told him your reasons, he didn't really seem satisfied with your answers but accepted it when it was your religion
also asked himself whenever you left randomly and returned in the span of 20 minutes
so he asked and you told him that you were just praying
he also didn't understand and just looked it up on his phone and then he read the story about how the humans much earlier should have actually prayed 50 or 55 times a day, but one prophet asked for god to reduce it to five times, and so, you were praying every day in the morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night
bro couldn't understand how you could do that, he can't even brush his teeth twice a day
Then he does more research about your religion and finds out that muslims shouldn't/weren't allowed to get a tattoo
he deflates at that, his heart squeezing painfully at the though of you rejecting him for the tattoo on the side of his head and his hairstyle overall
suddenly doesn't wants to have bald sides, thinks about letting his hair grow
he also starts panicking if you'll ever think about dating him in the first place
aside from his love life crisis, actually thinks it's pretty cool that you're just happily living out to your religion and develops a big crush on you
cuz like, you're actually pretty nice, sweet, calm and polite
tries to fast with you but gives up after a week
then you praise him for doing such a great job he gains courage again
only completes another week but still happy, congratulating you for fasting through the hole month
Never heard of Islam, always in his own little world with spending time with toman, hanging out with his friends and trying to study
so when he sees you, bro was bamboozled
what is that? a-a hijam? Hijaaaaa? Hijab! Ah, now he got it! no he didn't
Is one of the kids who surrounds you at the start of the day and asks questions about that cloth hiding your hair and you answer with a smile
asks you various things about your religion and why you never yell when you are getting bullied or just fight them
"Because Allah will praise me for not raising my fists against those who don't know better than to start a fight."
Bro was mesmerized by those wise words and tries not to engage in fights that much
also used the excuse on some thugs and he just left them dumbfounded
one of them even cried after Takemichi quoted your words
his life just got a lot more easier from then on
one time he got called "the philosoph of Japan" for that and he just snickered to himself
occasionally invites you to hang out with toman but you only agree when Emma or Hinata or any other girl is there too
when asked why, you answered him that you were neither allowed to be alone with a bunch of guys- only with your brothers or father
and that you also didn't feel really that comfy around so many boys
from then on, always asks the girls and then you if you'd like to come sometime, also reduces his meetup with the boys from half of the toman gang to just him, mikey, Draken, smiley, angry, mitsuya, chifuyu and Baji
Thinks you look very pretty
like honestly, you have such a pretty smile and you are also so calm about everything
Your customised school uniform is also very cute, and your casual clothes fit your personality perfectly
you don't really wear tight stuff, more like wide shirts and skirts which don't give away your body form
she honestly doesn't even know herself if you're thin or thick, and she doesn't really care either, cuz what counts is the PERSONALITY
when you get bullied by the other girls for covering your hair and wearing "baggy", you either laugh along with them or ignore them
When she asked you why you didn't do anything against it, you simply answered: "Allah warned us to watch our mouths around snakes, otherwise you'll taste the venom and become a one yourself." (ok allah never said that I just added it for dramatic-ness)
Sis was amazed and took -just like Takemichi- your advice to heart
when she got bullied then sometimes, she just ignored the bullies like you and didn't think about their rude words
girl had an easier life from then on
also finds it cute how you are not trying to raise attantion on yourself, only engaging in conversation when another party starts it
highkey wants to protect you
is protecting you actually
When Emma saw you for the first time, she honestly thought you were some kind of model
The way your face looked like with sweet plump lips, thick eyebrows and long eyelashes and make up kept to a minimum
and you also wore stylish clothes, despite wearing that cloth on your head and covering everything up except your face and hands
thought you were one of the most beautiful girls she had seen
wants your fashion style
and like the others, she asked about that whole religious thing and you also answered her with a smile and soft voice
sister is lowkey developing a protection sense for you but can't help but look at you like a grown up
you're just...so mature for your age that in her sentences, she sometimes let's "older sister" slip out a few times on accident
tries to act all mature too from now on but can't help but crave a few things like sweets
doesn't understand the amount of tea you drink everyday
Angry (Souya):
When he saw you, boy was so confused but also mesmerized by the amount of rizz you had
no but like when he saw you, he thought of you as very gorgeous-which you are!
poor baby boy was too shy to start talking to you, but he wanted to know why you were even wearing stuff like that.. n-not that it was bad! you look amazing! Just...why?
We can not forget that all these boys are lowkey dumb so i imagine that he might have an ounce of what your religion is, but also not more than that
luckily-or unlickily for him, because when his brother sees him trying to start a conversation with you, smiley knows that angry is nervous and most possibly developing a crush on you
so he embarrasses his brother as much as possible
aside from that, you could be complimenting his baby blue hair and he'd become a blushing mess and stuttering out a quiet "th-thank you...!", with not being able to stand eyecontact or even your gaze on him
also doesn't really get that whole fasting thing, like, are you happy that you're not eating? will you be okay to not eat at all from morning till night?
poor baby is concerned about your health :( <3
tries to participate to get a feeling on how it'd be to not eat anything for a day
boy was exhausted by lunchtime
how could you live like it was no problem???
wanted to buy himself food but stopped when he remembered that he should be fasting
his stomach growled very loudly in disagreement in class the whole day and bro was in pain
he also had sport with you, but you were only sweating lightly while he was ringing for air
stormed into the bathroom to drink water form tap, but no drinking either so he didn't drink and just sat by the sink, thirsty as hell
felt like he'd pass out
when you found him, you gave him a water bottle and ordered him to drink, scolding him when he explained that he wanted to try fasting too
"Souya, you know that I've been doing that since I was eight, and aside from the fasting month, I usually also fast monday's and thursday's."
bro was flabbergasted, cuz why would you fast voluntarily??
"It's so that I can catch up to the times I was unable to fast." What you meant by that was that when muslim girls and women are on their period, they are either unable to fast or pray, but you forgot to share that info with him out of embarrassment for even thinking about bringing it up
angry doesn't really understand but doesn't want to pry either
tries to be as polite and touch you as little as possible
lowkey wants to ask you out but doesn't know if it's okay when looking into your religious mind
Smiley (Nahoya):
Ah yes, another dummy
thought that you were just a normal girl who had some sickness
nonetheless, started becoming friends with you cuz you were really nice and sweet
bro didn't understand that whole praying thing
When you explained, he asked in the end what you were mumbling, and when you said that you were reciting "sura" verses in arabic, bro was livid
"So you can speak arabic?" "yes/ no, sadly"
gets more interested in you and your precious religion
asks you about all that tea you're consuming with a close-eyed smile, and you said that you really loved black tea (chai tea..? I have no idea how to spell that)
gave it a try and fell in love with the tea
Also tries to participate in it, but looses it the moment his stomach growls
tries the other day but also only succeeds halfway
going on a rampage on how well you were doing despite not eating anything at all
tries again for the third time but gives into the food again when he was missing three hours until he could break the fasting
mans just loving food too much
also you have his respect cuz you're like, not really bothered by the lack of food in your tummy???
Like Emma, bro is mesmerized by your beauty and thought you were a model too
likes the sweet little emboidments on your scarf and skirt, inspires him to designing similar clothes to yours for a little more diversity
asked you where you got it from and when you mentioned the shop's/company's name, bro searched it up and was having a heart attack
the places you were shopping from were having the best looking clothes he's ever seen
from elegant to pastel coloured to prideful looking hijabs, niqabs and other types of shawls
or skirts and dresses and shirts with amazing cotton quality and sweet little logos
when he talks to you, he can't help but wonder why you never really looked him in the eyes or how calm your voice was
lowkey thought you hated him
but baby for what could you hate him!?!?
When he searched on google, he found out the reason
girls should not get in touch with boys
so he was a little more than arms length away from you
somehow fell in love when with the sight of you when he saw you staying by the traffic lights while the wind blowed and your hijab and skirt were swaying beautifully with the wind
tries to get to know you even better and finds out that you love children (my friend's family has aunts with three to seven kids and she herself is a child of four)
tries to woo you by meeting up with the girls, boys, and his little sisters
his sisters fall in love with you, complimenting your headshawl and you coo and giggle at their preciousness and he falls in love with you even more when he sees you interact with them so peacefully
googles or asks into chatgbt what type of guy a muslim girl shouldn't date and he saw that muslim boys shouldn't wear tattoos or piercings, he grabbed his one piercing and the side of his head in horror
was lowkey depressed for a while
Bro was not getting it
you were a muslim? but other muslim girls don't even go that far as you to wear long clothes and a headshawl
anyways, he found it nice of you to share your notes in class and fell in love with your handwriting
it was so...well, cursive, but straight, and as if you'd have to adapt form an oriental language to the asian one
bro didn't want ot give you your notes back but remembered that he could just take a pic
one time, he saw you petting a cat and it was honestly the cutest sight he's ever seen, cuz when you stroked one cat, another came and then another one and in the end, you were surrounded by cats and every single one demanded headpats
He went over to you to pet some of the cats too and asked you about them
"Oh, it's just...I really love cats. they're very cute"
'and so are you', but he never voiced out that thought, instead opting to just pet the cats next to you
lowkey planned the wedding for you guys cuz you were just so pretty and you treated cats with such big respect
bro was mad inlove
when you were fasting, Chifuyu was concerned just like Angry and asked you if you were okay every hour
one time you were holding your head with a frown and boy was he scared
"You need something? Water? Uh- that-th-that tea you always drink?? Uhhh, want sushi!?"
You just reassured him that it was sometimes like this when you didn't feel so good and you had migraine sometimes or you didn't feel well
he thought that muslims were terrorists, cuz he played many racist games without thinking deeper into it, like cmon he's like what, thirteen? fourteen?
When I tell you that he was just looking at you with a big frown, his fangs accentuating the downwards-turned corners of his mouth
he honestly expected some kind of ugly and scary looking guy whose face was covered up and who'd be throwing his backpack somewhere into the classroom and then running away while laughing evilly
like, baji...NO-
when he sees you, his idea of the religion does a 360°
like, how can games represent muslims in such a bad way when there was such a sweet girl with a headshawl around her head cutely introducing herself with that soft smile and calm voice???
thought ramadan was a relative of yours at first
didn't believe you when you said you'd be fasting for a whole month
bro was looking at you with suspicion written all over his face
Baji didn't really understand your religion
"so you fast to get a feeling on how the poor people must have felt like?" "Yes :D"
"Why are you washing yourself so often?" "To pray :D"
"Why aren't you eating anything?" "I'm fasting :D"
Then, a few weeks later
"What are you drinking???" "Black tea :D"
bro was concerned on a whole other level
desperately wants to know if you have a second head like that one guy in harry potter
or if you have short or long hair
like, chill, you will tell him what you're willing to spill
unlike the others, he actually fights the ones who try to bully you, but before he can land a hit, your voice echoes in an angry echo through the classroom, hallway, and his soul
He lets go of the bitch who tried to talk shit about you behind your back and it runs of like the rat it is
baji faces you with a deep frown, asking you why you stopped him, cuz he was defending you
"The one's who try to make the living of other people miserable will end up with the worst life."
Bro didn't fight anybody that day
you got my man really into thinking, huh?
anyways, tries to get on your good side because he thinks that you might not like him for getting violent, and you hate violence, but you cherished that he stood up for you
wants to know if you really are fasting or if you're secretely eating something from time ot time
bro is just suspicious like that :/
BONUS: It was the end of the fasting month and you invited the ones closest to you over at your pace for them to taste what you and your mother (/and sisters) cooked or baked. when the doorbell rang, you went over and opened it, happy to see that all your friends had made it. "Come in guys! Before the food gets cold!"
And none of the kids didn't want to be told twice. Baji and Mikey were the first ones to take of their shoes and followed after you like eager puppies, with Chifuyu and Takemichi running after them a little clumsily. Angry and Smiley went with no haste while Draken, Mityua, Emma and Hinata were wandering around your sweet home where there were no family pictures, but more like, arabic terms or big paintings of landscapes or a forest with a house or a sea in the forest.
When they all arrived in the dining room, they couldn't believe their eyes; sure, there were other kids present from your siblings' side, but there was enough for everybody.
You quickly served the table for everyone, giving them either juice, tea, water or sprite and cake, other, homecooked meals and the best of all: Dates.
"They look weird.", Baji stated. Smiley and Draken confirmed with a nod.
"Why are they so soft, yet so firm?", Chifuyu asked, while he, Angry and Takemichi inspected the weird fruit in childish wonder.
"And they are really sweet?", Mikey asked, squinting his eyes at the treat. Emma and Hinata, and even Mitsuya were giving each other uneasy glances while you just nodded eagerly.
"C'Mon guys, I also always eat sushi and whatnot with you, just give it a try!"
And so they bite in. Mikey is the first one ot moan in delight, closely followed by Baji who gave out a satisfied groan and the others also hummed their new found love for the nice fruit.
Baji and Mikey end up taking three packages with them while the others take one or two of the dates you offered. in the end, everybody got to take something to eat with them and they were all happy that they got to be your friends.
They were all glad that you introduced your religion to them, if not, they'd never have understood you and maybe thought that you might be a weirdo.
"You'll invite us next year again, right?", Mikey asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes to which you nodded reassuringly. "Yes, of course! You guys are my best friends!", at that, all the boys had a pained expression on their face.
Well, seems like they'll have to be more gentleman-like from now on.
Hey guys? How was that? I am also fasting alongside my friend and it's actually pretty fun! Sure, you might feel very hungry from time to time, but it's really worth it in the end!
Should I make a part two out of that? If yes, please tell me in the comment or via asking box for who I should write next.
Read you in the next post!
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kunikya · 2 years
𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆!!
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ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~ toman members x fem! reader
cw: afab! reader, needy boys :((, oral(m reciving), spanking(like one time lmao), praises with slight degradation
wc: 0.5k
a/n: ofc the inevitable nnn post. imma try to post more often.
— how long would toman members last on no nut November ?
💌— tokyo revengers masterlist
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—lasts a week.
Pathetic if you ask me. asks for a last fuck on October 31 and gets so pussy drunk. the moment it turned November it was torture for him. Poor baby :(( but hey at least it gave you the opportunity to tease him.
"m–mhm! baby please, don't do that." his soft whimpers echoed around the room. "hm? do what." You're such a fucking tease, how could you not see what you're doing to your poor boyfriend. You straddled his lap, wearing nothing but a skimpy dress, and coating his bulge with your bare pussy; your juices spilling onto his pants. "fuck..can't take it anymore–" he undid his belt and pants letting his hard aching cock spring out. 
"I need you so bad." 
takemichi, chifuyu, KAZUTORA, all of Mizo five, Hakkai
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—2 weeks at best
Really tried not to fail this year. The universe wasn't on his side this year sadly, the more days of November go by the more he gets horny and needy. failed halfway but called it a win.
"oh fuck I missed this." he threw his head back as he pushed your head further onto his shaft. You gagged at his length hitting the back of your throat and making you whine. he only chuckled at your reaction. "aw cant your throat take me anymore ?" he grabbed and bunched some of your hair as he roughly thrust into your mouth. "don't worry, baby. I don't mind training this throat for the second time."
BAJI, katawa twins, Mikey, Inui
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— lasts a month
ooh, congrats he won 🎉. but you shouldn't celebrate for too long. Man's didn't jerk off nor used your holes for a month. he expects compensation and ofc you give it.
"I bet you've been needy all this time too yeah ?" he rubbed circles onto your clit. "y-yes…please missed you so much." he chuckled knowing damn well you can't live without his cock. "that makes the two of us, baby." finally slipping his cock inside he felt euphoric. He never gets old with your pussy squeezing him tight. "gonna use this pussy all night." no surprise his thrusts got faster and rougher after putting it inside. His Stamina never seems to run out, making you cum over and over again and making you dumb was a well-deserved reward for lasting a month.
DRAKEN, mitsuya, Muto
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— didn't participate 
Do you think you can convince him to not fuck you and even nut for a month?  just give up there's no way of convincing him. also has the audacity to punish you when you "tried to keep him away" 
"See ? u bet you can't even survive without my cock for a month" moaning and skin slapping bounced off the walls as he pounds into your poor cunny. "i-i can!" poor you, your sadistic boyfriend decided not to participate in nnn, now you're being punished for even mentioning the challenge for him. "yeah right." he slapped your right ass check, you made a bad mistake of slipping out a moan, that only boosted your boyfriend's ego. "see baby? you like it when I fuck you, don't be shy I can feel you squeezing around me just cum you slut."
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Hiii omg could u write these tokrev hcs for chifuyu, smiley, mitsuya and angry catching the eye of a fem reader during the valhalla vs toman fight? She's there as a spectator with some of her subordinates (also something you don't have to necessarily add: she is tall and elegant, like a rose amongst thorns;)
Catching the Attention of Valhalla! S/O
Type of Writing: Request Character: Chifuyu Matsuno, Nahoya Kawata, Takashi Mitsuya, and Souya Kawata Name: Catching the Attention of Valhalla! S/O Requester: Anonymous
A/N: Not me listening to hot edit audios while writing this :p
P.S: These are shorter than my normal pieces, my ideas are just super low right now
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💘 Chifuyu did not want to see his friends being beaten, but he had no choice, these members of Valhalla are so brutal with their beatings
💘 When he finally knocked one member down, he heard a wolf-whistle and looked behind him to see a small, yet decently sized group of Valhalla members
💘 But the member highest up caught his attention the most, it was you...
💘 Your eyes were trained upon the male, never loosing contact, you were very shameless when it came to your interests. To the point where your followers were kind of uncomfortable underneath your stare
" Well Boss, whatcha think of that little runt? "
💘 You blinked slowly, analyzing the guy standing there and dodging the many fists of your subordinates being thrown at him
" He'd be a good addition to our forces. But- " " Ha! I doubt he'll even try joining our ranks, damn Toman loyalty. " " Let me finish. "
💘 Your right-hand froze in fear as you grabbed their hair and pulled them back, smashing their head against one of the many car hoods
" S-sorry, Boss. " " BUT. The way that he has been around their rankings, despite Baji joining our side is quite alarming. After all, many trade sides with those they deem worthy, or close. "
💘 Chifuyu was by far one of the most interesting members of Toman, you'd have to keep an eye on the male from now on
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☀️ As a high-ranking member of Valhalla, you were forced into observing the match between the gangs Toman and Valhalla
☀️ You just sat there with a small majority of your group, only sending those out if needed
☀️ It was during your many gazes across the large battle where you saw a large puff of orange hair with a bright smile washing around, whooping the asses of your followers
☀️ Your right-hand looked back at you and flinched before asking;
" Uh... Boss? Are ya' alright? " " Yes, why? " " You just seem upset. " " Why wouldn't I be? That orange-haired one is sending my members to hell with his minor punches! " " I'll go down and teach him a lesson! " " Sit your ass down, Haruto. "
☀️ This guy was proving to be a problem, if you kept losing your members, Valhalla would be in deep shit, as your's were by far some of the strongest fighters in the gang
☀️ The guy, whom you learned by a fallen comrade was nicknamed 'Smiley', due to his smile he always wore, even during fights
" Smiley? Oh! That guy! His real name's Nahoya Kawata, the twin brother to Souya, y'know that blue-haired boy that would come into my store a lot growing up. " " Hm. Interesting, I must keep an eye on this Nahoya from now on. We mustn't have him interfere with any future plans. "
☀️ Maybe if you could motivate him enough, you could put this guy to his max potential...
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🪡 You had heard many stories about the short-purple-haired fighter from Toman from your old allies Baji and Kazutora
🪡 And all of those stories ended in how much he stood out against other members of Toman, since he had a love for sewing and being quite calm
🪡 At the moment, you were thinking about those stories while searching for the young male that the two men had spoke of on multiple occasions, only stopping once you saw him
🪡 You narrowed your eyes in interest, he did seem to be a good fighter like they said
" Boss? Who are ya' watching over? Kazutora? " " I think they're watching over Baji. " " Shut it you two, Y/N doesn't have to explain their-self to your low-life selves. "
🪡 Rolling your eyes at your followers actions, you saw how this Mitsuya had looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows, he obviously was frustrated at the fact that you just watched this bloodshed without a care in the world
🪡 As he began to focus back on the oncoming members of Valhalla, you turned to look at your most informational follower and called his name
" Find as much information as you can on Mitsuya Takashi. And deliver it all to me as soon as possible. " " Why him? He's a pathetic fighter compared to other members of Toman- " " Just do it. " " Yes, Boss... "
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💢 God, your followers were getting more and more pathetic
💢 Every time you sent out one, they would get tossed off to the side by a member of Toman like a baby tossing around a ragdoll
💢 It was starting to piss you off...
" Y/N? I think we need to send out another round of fighters. " " Then do it. " " 18 through 28, deploy! "
💢 Watching them carefully, you noticed they had gone straight to hitting and kicking without remorse, didn't you teach them how to use their brains and not just their fists?
💢 It was during your overview of those meatheads that you saw a matching pair of hair, one orange and one blue poke out from the mass of blacks and yellows
" Souya and Nahoya? " " You know those two? " " Uh, yeah. They were my old classmates in elementary before I dropped out a few months into middle school. "
💢 Your third ally looked at you in confusion as you narrowed your eyes at the younger Kawata boy and smirked; he would be a good addition to your main squad
" Boss? What are you thinking? " " Nothing. Send out the next battalion, they need as much help as they can get. " " Understood. "
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat (everyone's alive so everyone is here, it's also extremely long)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive! chaos, kinda offensive (no offensive terms used)
Desc: this is how they joined toman btw wakui texted me and said this
Takemitchy: ok everyone's here now
Mikey: yeah we added everyone
Mikey: me and Mitchy made a groupchat that'll have all of us here so that we can all be friends. you cannot leave🙂
Izana: i want to call you a homophobic slur
Ran: unprovoked?
Baji: with Takemitchy and Mikey, it's always provoked
Rindou: aren't there actual gay people that you'll offend tho. i won't let the gays be offended by this
Rindou: Takashi don't worry i'll protect you bro
Mitsuya: great
Hakkai: leave him alone Ran😐
Ran: i didn't even do anything Hakkai leave me alone 😭
Takemitchy: only peace and love here guys
Smiley: bull fucking shit
Smiley: i will cause problems intentionally you fucknut
Angry: Smiley😡
Mochi: this isn't gonna work but okay
Smiley: shave off your eyebrows and start again
Mochi: they'll just grow back the same, motherfucker😐
Smiley: you didn't do that to look cool??
Mochi: no
Smiley: what side did you get them from?
Mochi: my moms?
Mochi: why does this matter
Smiley: she must be ugly as shit, damn
Senju: naur 💀
Mochi: i'm going to be violent with you
Smiley: come at me bro
Smiley: nvm you're 6'5 and built like a gorilla
Smiley: i'll accept my loss here
Mikey: i get so happy when i see you all like this
Baji: man stfu you always saying some weird shit
Baji: you and Takemitchy are weird and i'm on to you
Baji: always talking about how "the fruit of our labour has finally flourished"
Baji: weird
Mikey: i never said that wtf😭
Kakucho: Takemitchy did, he says it a lot
Takemitchy: uh do i? it's a lyric from a song that's stuck in my head lmao
Kakucho: you always say it while crying and looking at all of us you weirdo
Izana: this is why people used to be hanged for being gay
Mikey: can u leave him alone
Izana: i don't have to listen to you, i'm older
Mikey: ok, no pupils head ass
Izana: ok, no bitches head ass
Emma: stop fighting, I'll tell Shini-nii☹️
Izana: you're such a pick me Emma oh my god
Emma: i'm not, i only needed one man to pick me😚
Draken: 🙂
Emma: 😕
Draken: ...
Emma: 😒
Draken: 😑
Draken: fine
Draken: i love you Emma, my beautiful girlfriend and future wife❤
Emma: i love you too Kennyy omg😭❤❤❤
Senju: you just forced him to say that why r u so happy 💀
Yuzuha: why am i here
Takemitchy: we need a few responsible people who r scary
Yuzuha: but...nvm
Draken: why do you have fangirls following you
Yuzuha: idk i'm just pretty great
Draken: fair
Chifuyu: i wish i had fangirls
Kazutora: you're ugly
Chifuyu: 😐
Baji: if y'all start again i'll ram a cactus down your throats
Baji: Kazutora's troubled, stop provoking him. you make eye contact for too long
Baji: you know that agitates him
Kazutora: 😋
Mikey: why r u talking about him like he's a creature or smth
Baji: to some extent he is
Kazutora: hey
Chifuyu: but Baji-san he's doing this on purpose this is so unfair 😭
Draken: Kazutora stop using the mentally ill card
Kazutora: fine, jeez😒
Senju: it's great to have friends tbh
Sanzu: don't say that, it's embarassing
Shion: i still don't believe Sanzu's a dude
Shion: he's too pretty and petite like a girl idc
Shion: like you'll have to take your dick out and show it to me for me to believe me you
Rindou: yo?
Baji: 🤨
Mikey: dude...
Hakkai: can you ever behave
Chifuyu: c'mon man
Smiley: fucking Shion man
Izana: why did you speak
Shion: aren't we all equal here
Izana: who told you that
Shion: your brother, sir
Mucho: Shion stop talking
Shion: y'all switch up rq huh😒
Rindou: everyone shut up and pay attention to me
Mitsuya: i mean this genuinly, i hate it here
Rindou: you're a hater
Mitsuya: that's what i just-
Mitsuya: 😊
Rindou: ok now that Mitsuya's done whining i need help with my stage name
Angry: for what bestie
Rindou: DJing
Hakkai: i thought i was bestie but okay 😒
Angry: you're both bestie
Rindou: i thought I was bae tho lol
Angry: um 🙁
Rindou: i was joking you're ugly
Rindou: this is why your brother has bitches and you don't
Angry: why'd u get so triggered
Angry: and we have the same face😐
Rindou: it's different
Ran: shhhhh this is getting nowhere
Rindou: but my stage name
Smiley: stfu Ran you're a homosexual
Izana: i knew it 😟
Chifuyu: it's always violence with y'all damn
Kakucho: i thought Ran was popular with the ladies
Angry: so which is it Ran? homo or hetero
Kazutora: 💀
Ran: whatever i feel that day
Ran: a hole is a hole after all
Mucho: can you not
Sanzu: 🤢
Rindou: he's lying to you he has no bitches
Rindou: all he does is sleep and do his hair
Ran: i never claimed to have bitches all i did was say i don't have a preference when it comes to gender or sex
Ran: why do people attack me for no reason i'm just sitting here being pretty
Mikey: two flamboyant bisexuals
Mikey: silly Koko and silly Ran
Koko: pls don't say that
Mikey: that you're silly?
Koko: uh, yes
Mikey: ok silly goose
Koko: 😐
Baji: i hate you all and wish i wish i was dead
Baji: i would rather stab myself to death than be here
Mikey: don't fucking say that Keisuke😐
Mikey: i don't find you funny
Mikey: why would you say that
Baji: damn chill what's wrong with you
Takemitchy: we shouldn't joke about death😐
Takemitchy: and let's remember that suicide isn't the only option
Takemitchy: there's always help❤👊
Inupi: suspicious
Senju: shut up pretty boy
Senju: you're absolutely gorgeous
Senju: that didn't come out the way i wanted it to
Inupi: ?
Sanzu: how did you want it to come out???
Kazutora: i mean he's not wrong he's so beautiful
Kazutora: not in a gay way tho like it just is what it is
Inupi: ...thank you, i guess
Kazutora: i wanna fuck him
Kazutora: idk what happened there, my bad
Chifuyu: chill out
Kazutora: you have a tiny dick
Chifuyu: 😐
Baji: Kazutora c'mon man
Baji: i'm starting to think you're the problem
Kazutora: i'm just flirting
Kazutora: in a homie typa way if ykwim
Baji: i do not
Hanma: good morning my cockroaches
Smiley: fuck you
Hanma: it's a bdsm today💘
Hanma: we should go out and have a beach day and catch jellyfish so that they can sting us and we can pee on each other to stop the pain
Hanma: who ever gets peed on first loses haha
Mitsuya: who even let you in here
Smiley: you gotta go to jail for that
Smiley: he can't keep getting away with this
Draken: wait what did he mean when he said it's a bdsm day am i the only one who's concerned
Kisaki: he thinks it means beautiful day sunny morning
Draken: oh...ok
Mikey: ain't no way
Kazutora: i'll send you a link Hanma dw bro I got you
Kisaki: don't we're in public
Hanma: ohoho this is inhumane why are they doing that🤠
Kisaki: curse you, Kazutora
Kazutora: don't kink shame
Baji: please stop watching graphic porn
Kazutora: no one wants to have sex with me what else should i do
Chifuyu: it's cause of the way you act
Kazutora: let's go outside real quick
Chifuyu: i'm sick of you let's go
Emma: they are going to kiss
Senju: it's giving enemies to loves slow burn
Baji: it's all coming together
Smiley: stop normalizing gay people🙏
Mikey: homophobes get fired from Toman
Smiley: fine
Smiley: slay or whatever the fuck ❤🧡💛💚💜👁👅👁🏳️‍🌈
Yuzuha: feels like a hatecrime tbh
Yuzuha: anyway me and Hakkai r getting on the plane so our phones r gonna be off
Hakkai: see you soon Taka-chan 😊
Mitsuya: yeah stay safe🧡
Angry: what about the rest of us 🙁
Draken: kys Shiba's
Hakkai: huh???
Yuzuha: what'd we do even
Mitsuya: Draken? why'd u say that
Draken: what did I say??
Mikey: kys=kill yourself
Draken: no???
Draken: kys=keep yourself safe
Mikey: who told him that
Smiley: 😁
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