#tom hiddleston parted fic
smolvenger · 9 months
❤️Happy Birthday ❤️
🎉🎉🎉I hope you have a wonderful day 🎉🎉🎉
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Please can I request a little blurb with Prince Hal and "touch her and you die" 😻😻😻
Thank you!
Why hello there! Thanks, I got a manicure and went to a bookshop and ate Italian food so it was great! And here is the blurb!
Rain Within Doors (Prince Hal x fem! Reader)
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Summary: When the king falls ill, your betrothed, Prince Hal, returns.
Word Count: 1923
Warnings: some sexual harassment but the a-hole is saved in time, I try to keep it close to Shakespeare. Angst and fluff. I stole a line from Game of Thrones because it fit (the Shakespeare histories WERE kind of the Game of Thrones of their time minus the dragons and excessive exploitation of women)
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You waited anxiously and eagerly for your dear betrothed. He needed to hurry here. Things had all turned for the worse. 
Poor King Henry the Fourth was one minute at a table with all of you The Lord of Westmoreland arrived delivering the news of success in battle against Hotspur’s followers attempting to usurp the king. Everyone gasped. The lords who allied with Henry the Fourth were there- the Lord of Harcourt, Sir John Blunt, and others, all drooped their shoulders in relief. You, the younger two princes Thomas and Humphrey, The Lord of Warwick, and the King all smiled. The king shakily rose to praise Westmoreland
…then suddenly he began wheezing and fainted. 
Everyone gasped. Humphrey and Warwick met them on the grounds to give aid to the old king. Little Thomas cried for his father and you put him, your soon-to-be brother-in-law, in a hug, rubbing his back. 
“It’s all right, you know these fits happen often,” Warwick assumed, ever the voice of peace.
As the king came to, he was supported up. You were among the party to help settle him into bed. He asked the crown be placed on the pillow next to him with a raspy voice. And for musicians to play in the next room. Everyone complied.
You knew your betrothed had business in London. Even if it was in a bad place, he assured you it was nothing involving anything criminal (or whores) and that he would be back. The second eldest, Thomas, was dealing with the rebels with forces of his own and was on his way back.
“My lord, let me sit with you, so you need not be alone,” you offered, gathering a chair.
You had been sent here to marry the notorious Prince of Wales. Though you were nervous in this new castle, King Henry the Fourth was gentle with you. He welcomed you with a smile and open arms. The man who already considered you a daughter-in-law in his heart and the other princes saw you as a sister. He would let you dine with him and even play a little dice game with the family, smiling at you. Warmth on the face of the aged Bolingbroke- the lord who, long ago,  won the favor of the people so much it broke him out of exile and then thrust him into the role of king unexpectedly. Once Henry Bolingbroke, christened Henry the Fourth, wore shining golden armor as he rode on a horse. Paraded through the city as people threw flower petals at him.
Now how…weak he was! A shell of himself! Hardly the proud golden king anymore!
He reached out for your hand and you accepted it.
“Why-dear lady, I thank you. To think a pearl may be thrown to swine… to think my Harry should of all men be your husband…” he wheezed.  
“My lord, you must know- your eldest son has not….treated me poorly.” 
You didn’t know him well- the beautiful, fiery, mischievous, wild prince Henry- or Harry as called by his friends or family. Or Hal as those thieves and whores so affectionately called him.
This was to be a marriage for alliance and station, not of affection. When you arrived, you expected a frivolous, drinking, philandering Baccus. But Hal…. he was kind to you. He always smiled at you and called you sweet names. He was rumored to spend time studying in libraries more than drinking. One time, he found a romantic poem, copied it on paper, and gave it to you as a lover’s token. It touched you- who knew how he would fare as king but you felt he would make at least a decent husband!
“Just rest my lord, please,” you asked. The king indeed settled.
You walked out to the hallway to face the others. They peeked in and soon saw his eyes were closed, but he was breathing. The musicians in the next room played such calm, nearly dreamlike melodies compared to the anxiety storming inside of your being. 
Soon enough, the king settled into a deep sleep. You smiled a little- poor Henry the Fourth was a notorious insomniac, wandering the castle in the late hours from his racing worries. That should give him some relief and help with his sickness. 
But to think…here you were about to watch that old man die. Die before you could officially call him family.  
A couple of tears fell, and you walked out to the hallway staring out. It was a cold, bitter day. The winter chill stinging the glass window when you touched it.
But there was a sound- hooves.
When you leaned closer to the window, you let out a gasp. 
Hal was here in a long, beautiful black and red cape on a beautiful black horse as if he were about to rescue a damsel. And behind him a couple of others. You covered your mouth but felt a smile on your lips.
Picking up your skirts, you hurried down to the others in the outer hall. Warwick was hushing the two boys from talking too loud, to watch over the king in his sleep. 
“Humphrey! Thomas! He’s back!” you whispered.
“Who?” replied Thomas. 
They turned and then heard Hal’s voice asking for him. You and the others hurried there.
In the torch-lit hallway, your eyes feasted on Hal. The most beautiful man you had ever seen with the most deliciously fitted black velvet doublet, swooping off his cape with a gallantry that made your insides tingle.
He turned and went to you first.
“How now, My most fair lady?”
“Oh, much worried but cheered by your return, my lord,” you replied.
Hal’s eyes softened at you, then he looked at his crying brothers- Humphrey and Thomas.
“What- all of this rain in of door when it should be out of doors? How is the king?” Hal asked.
“ Exceeding ill” explained Humphrey sadly.
“Please be quiet, His grace is asleep,” warned the Lord of Warwick. 
Hal requested to see his father, and the lord of Warwick led him to the bed.
Everyone hushed and walked out to the other room, keeping quiet to give the king as much rest as he needed. Everyone worried. It was all so much- you needed some space.
With your heart calming, you went to one hallway, hugging yourself to look at how the moon shone over the winter evening through the windows. 
The Lord Harcourt went up to you. An older man with sharp cheekbones and a sharp chin, a pale face, and dark eyes. You only knew him as an ally and advisor to the king.  As you stood alone, staring out the window.
“Good evening, Lady Y/N.” he greeted.
“Good evening, my lord,” you replied. 
“You do look rather lovely tonight in the moonlight,” he complimented.
Already you felt uneasy. Alone with him, when all the others were fretting over the king. You began to take a step to return.
“You…you flatter me, my lord, thank you.”
Right as you turned, the lord reached an arm from his rich, velvet clothes and grabbed you.
“It seems a shame for such a fine lady to be wasted upon riotous Harry. I should have had you for my wife instead.”
“My lord, then wait until the king awakens and discuss it with him and announce you will-will-will court me openly like a gentleman,” you blubbered out, though you were starting to get scared.
He tried to sweetly, seductively brush your cheek but you had enough and swatted it away.
“Oh! The lady is a bit too cold, methinks.”
“And a lady is treated with respect, sir! My lord, please let me go.  I must attend on his majesty.”
“Your drunken oaf of an intended is waiting on him, who is going to stop!”
“But you are a fool! Please, let me leave!”
He backed you up until you were in a corner. Your heart pounded hard.
“Please- my lord, I swear, do not do anything that might insult my honor! I don’t want to-Please!” you cried.
“Then be not so fair and tempt a man to sin! And you have tempted me long enough. The one crown Prince Hal is deserving of is the Cuckhold’s horns.”
“Please, my lord- let me go!” you begged. 
To your horror, you felt a thin, clawlike hand reach for your leg under your skirt, then up, trying to lower your bodice to show your breasts. You squirmed, but one arm held you back.
“No, my lady. I want a see what I could be enjoying on our wedding night.”
He placed a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t scream. Tears welled up in you. 
With a free hand, though it shook, you slapped him hard. 
His hand dropped. He was shocked you were going to fight back. You tried to flee when he grabbed you back, ready to drag you off and force you to strip or do more when-
“Release yourself from the Princess of Wales right now!” threatened your intended.
Hal hurried in and grabbed the lord. He then took out his dagger, pointing it to your attacker’s chest. You jumped off and went behind Hal.
“What- my lord!” the lord was shocked that dishonorable, silly Prince Hal was capable of this. Then he scoffed. 
“She is not yet your wife-” he argued. 
“She is your princess and soon- your queen!” Hal reminded him.
The Lord of Harcourt pointed to where you stood and backed away behind Hal.
“She’s-she was trying to seduce me! The Lady is nothing but a common strumpet”
Hal punched him in the face. You let out a gasp. The Lord nursed his cheek. But Hal kept his dagger up at him. You heard footsteps and murmurs as the others went into the room. The younger Lancaster brothers staying by you loyally. The lords turned pale and slack-jawed.
“You are not welcome in this court until after our marriage. And then you will have to beg to be let in. And If you ever lay a hand on that sweet lady again, it will be the last time you have hands!” Hal barked at him.
The Lord of Harcourt shook and then relented, bowing his head. 
“Now, flee. Before I decide to persuade my father to behead you when he awakes.”
The lord fled into the shadows, a few attendants seeing him out. The others asked after you, but it was Hal who boldly embraced you. It was quite intimate for court protocol, but when had Hal ever done what everyone expected?
 “He-He frightened me.” you choked out.
“You need not be frightened, my lady, you’ll be safe. Did he hurt you? Do anything?” Hal questioned.
“He groped my leg, and tried to take my dress off, but no more. You caught him before more could be done. I-I -I promise you, Hal, I never intended to seduce him in any way! Do you believe me?”
Hal clasped your hands in his.
“Why would I not believe my dearest lady?” Hal replied.
Full of emotion, you leaned down and kissed them. Hal’s mouth opened a little and he smiled at you. He cupped your cheek sweetly. 
The party returned to wait on the king. You saw Hal was pale, but you kept your hand clasped in his as you walked back.
For as uncertain as this time was, no matter what the next day or hour could bring, you had each other and could endure it side by side.
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kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
You're Mine (request on Tumblr for a jealousy filled fic featuring Tom Hiddleston)
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WARNING: For those that do not like SMUT, I'm sorry, you can skip this one. This is a request I got on Tumblr and I do honor all requests... within reason, LOL. 
Today was Hugh and I's third anniversary. The last three years have been amazing to say the least. We met five years ago when I'd stumbled into his coffee shop, Laughing Man Cafe, a coffee and tea shop he owned, located in New York. Hugh had stopped in to sign autographs and meet a few fans, I'd stopped in for a coffee, not realizing Hugh Jackman owned it. 
We began dating shortly after, getting married two years later. I'd always been extras in films, but he'd help me kick start my career as being a lead in some smaller films. I was always apprehensive about doing bigger films, so I strayed away from them. Hugh would spend hours going over lines with me to prepare me for various roles over the last few years. I checked my email noticing a script my manager sent over to me. It was a bigger film, of course and I had managed to get the part after a stressful audition. I didn't bother reading the script before auditioning, but I knew it was a rom-com with Tom Hiddleston, who was well known for playing Loki. 
"Holy shit." I mumbled, reading over the script. Hugh looked over at me from the opposite end of the couch, wearing his glasses, "What? Did you get dropped?" He asked concerned. 
I rolled my eyes, "Why do you automatically assume I was dropped from a film?" 
He chuckled, "What's with the 'holy shit' reaction?" He sat his laptop down, scooting beside me to see my phone. 
I took a deep breath, "Uh, well... There's a sex scene with Tom and I." 
He shrugged, "It's just acting, babe. You'll do fine. Sex scenes are fun to film."
I cocked my brow looking at him, "Really?" I asked sarcastically. 
He laughed, shaking his head, "I don't mean it like that. They're awkward. You're wearing these little bags and cover-ups, stimulating sex for hours. It's weird, but the key is to make each other laugh." 
He would know. He's the man that's always down for a good sex scene. 
I continued skimming the email, "Holy fuck! We're filming it at 5." I said mentally face palming as I jumped up to grab normal clothes, rather than the sweats and over sized t-shirt I was wearing. 
Hugh looked at his watch, "Oh fuck, it's 3:45 now. Let's get ready and I'll take you. Tom's a nice dude, you'll be fine, baby." He said as he jumped up to change out of his comfy clothes. 
As we got ready and jetted out of the door of our home in NYC, we flew through traffic and made it to the set with 10 minutes to spare. When we arrived on set, I was greeted by my manager, Tom's manager, Tom and a few of the film crew. 
"Ooooh, she brought Wolverine with her, Tom. You better be careful." one of the cameramen teased. 
Tom chuckled, "I'm always careful." as he made his way to Hugh smiling, "Nice to see you again, Hugh." 
Hugh smiled, "Hey Mate, nice to see you."
The director walked over to us, "Okay Jackman, as much as I love your beautiful ass, you're not in my movie. Get off the set." She teased. 
Hugh laughed, throwing his hands up, walking towards the side of the set, "You knew it would cost too much to book me." he said jokingly. 
Tom and I sat in the middle of the set with the director as she explained the script and how she wanted the intimate scene to take place. "So, we're going to get you two ready for the shot, you'll both be wearing cover-ups, so you won't actually be naked, but you'll appear naked to the audience and to the cameras." We nodded in agreement. "Whenever she comes in, I want you to pin her to the door in a full on make out with second base type thing, but you'll both still be clothed for that scene." 
We nodded, "Alright." we said in unison while going our separate ways to get into our character outfits. After about 30 minutes of changing and fixing our hair, we met back on set. A door separating us. This was my first time doing an intimate scene in a movie. I'd had brief kissing scenes over the years, but nothing to this level. I could feel my anxiety building as I took a deep breath, staring towards the door. 
"And, action!" The director yelled, slamming a marker. 
I grabbed the door, pushing it open to be met with Tom, grabbing me and intensely shoving me against it, pushing his lips onto mine. The kiss was deep, it was messy, there were shots where you see his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. Tom wasn't a bad kisser by any means, I will say that. The director decided the scene wasn't her favorite and wanted to re-do it two more times afterwards, wanting Tom to be more aggressive each time we'd kissed. 
I glanced over to Hugh, who was on the sidelines, playing on his phone. I could tell he was getting annoyed, but being the professional he is, not wanting to show it. Tom shook me from my thoughts, "You know, kissing you is pretty fun." He said, winking at me. I chuckled, not wanting to cause issues, but also shaking off the uncomfortable feeling his flirting was giving me. Hugh is typically not a jealous man, but I knew if he overheard the flirting, he'd knock this dude's teeth out and make sure he never did another Marvel movie again. 
On the third shot of the kissing scene, I felt Tom's hand brush slightly across my breast. Not enough for me to really react, but enough for me to know he did it. Not knowing if this was truly a coincidence, I shrugged it off as we went to get ready for the sex scene. I was completely naked, besides a small skin colored cover-up that literally only covered my vagina. Tom was wearing a skin colored bag that hid his dick. 
We wrapped ourselves in robes while we weren't filming to meet the director as she explained how she wanted the sex scene to go and what her expectations were. This was my first big film, and I knew if I wanted to score a good career, I had to sell it regardless of how I was feeling. As we made our way to the bed and stripped our robes, we both laid on the bed, under the comforter. The director wanted Tom on top of me, so he climbed on top of me and looked me dead in the eyes. I couldn't force myself to look over at Hugh, so I blocked him completely out of my brain and continued looking at the guy that was on top of me. 
"And, action!" The director yells, slamming her marker. 
Tom looked down at me, "Is this what you want?" He asks seductively, moving his hips in a motion as if he were positioning himself to enter me, throwing the comforter off of us, revealing our naked bodies. 
I moaned, biting my lip, "I want you." 
Tom stimulated his hips as if he'd slammed into me while I stimulated the scene to make it look as if I were matching his thrusts as both of us moaned. He took one of my nipples in his mouth and began sucking on it while still pretending to thrust into me while I drug my fingernails down his back and cried out his character's name. 
The scene in the movie only showed the sex for about two minutes, before cutting to a scene of both of us cuddled in bed talking about how we couldn't let our spouses find out about what we'd done. 
Tom giggled, "We can't let them know. This needs to be our dirty little secret." 
I smirked, "I know, I know... But you fuck so much better than anyone I've ever been with. He'll be out of town working all week anyways." 
Tom leaned down, kissing my head, holding me, "Do you know how long I've waited to do that? How hard it is being around you two and having to hide how hard my dick gets when you're around me... We're horrible people." He chuckled. 
I rolled my eyes, "What they don't know won't hurt them." I said as I playfully trailed my fingers down his stomach, "I want more..." I said seductively. 
"Cut! That was perfect, guys!" The director exclaimed, running towards us with our robes. 
Filming for the day had ended and I hadn't looked at Hugh in hours. I was too afraid to. I know this is what actors do and he knows good and well how acting in films can be, but something in me felt like this was going to be a disaster. As I put my normal clothes back on and told everyone bye, I noticed Hugh was outside on his phone. He looked pissed.
I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him, "I'm finished, baby. Do you want to get dinner?" I asked sweetly. 
He glanced at me, ending the phone and walking to get in the car, "Not hungry." He grunted. 
I opened the door of the car, awkwardly getting in, "We're going home." He said coldly. 
"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching for his arm, only to have him pull away. 
He kept his eyes focused on the road, "What's wrong, love? You won't even look at me." I said, starting to tear up. 
He scoffed, "What's wrong? You enjoyed that! You were really getting into that wannabe Wolverine motherfucker all over you!" He spat. 
My jaw dropped, "Excuse me? What are you talking about? I was doing my job, Hugh!" 
He laughed annoyingly, "Really? Your job wasn't to look like you were shooting a motherfucking pornography movie. It was to do a two minute sex scene and you took it too fucking far with him. Do you want to fuck him that bad?" 
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he really that jealous by me doing a sex scene in a movie he told me to audition for? 
I shook my head, "What are you talking about right now? I did exactly what the director asked me to do." I said in defense. 
He looked at me, "Really? Do you realize how fucking heartbreaking it is to watch a younger man, closer to your age all over you, sucking on your tits? Then you're both talking about good thing our spouses don't know. You know you were turned on by it. I know you."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, Hugh. Just get me home before I start walking. I'm seriously about to get out of this car." 
He scoffed again, "Yeah? Go ring Tom, I'm sure he'll pick you up." 
As we got home, he hopped out of the car, making sure he slammed the door and every door inside the house. He was being dramatic. Does seeing me stimulating a fake sex scene with an attractive actor that's younger than him bother him that badly? I'm literally doing what he does with other women, well maybe not that extreme, but does he forget that I have to see him kissing or flirting with other women onscreen in almost every movie or interview he does? I mean shit...Excuse me for just furthering my career. 
As the night went on, he seemed to calm down. I found him playing his piano, looking lost in his own thoughts. I walked towards him, "Are you finally calm?" I asked bluntly, bracing myself for the reaction. 
He shook his head cheekily, "I'm fine. Do you want to have a cuddle in bed?" He asked, smiling at me.  
I nodded, "Of course, love." I said, while grabbing his hand, leading him to our bedroom. 
As we approached the bed, he pushed me down, kissing me aggressively, biting and sucking on my bottom lip as if he were going to literally gnaw it off. "You really think he's better than me, huh?" He mumbled against my lips, causing me to roll my eyes. 
I brushed the comment off and continued the kiss, "Answer me." He growled while pushing his boner into my hips. "No..." I said lowly. "No, what?" He spat back, pushing himself further into my hips. "No baby, I don't." I said, looking up at him. 
"I sat on the side and watched him practically fuck you and touch you for hours. Do you know how fucking bad I wanted to rip his face off for touching my wife?" He asked as yanked my shirt off. "Watching him suck on your perfect tits... You're mine, do you understand that?" He said while pulling my pants off, leaving me in my bra and underwear. 
I nodded, "Yours..." He sat back up pulling his own clothes off as he climbed back on top of me, pulling my panties to the side, shoving his fingers inside me, while sucking on my neck. "This is my pussy." He whispered into my ear as his fingers danced inside me. 
I couldn't help the moan that escaped from my lips, "Oh fuck... Baby, don't stop." I moaned, while reaching for his boxers. "I want you." 
He pulled them down, revealing his hard cock, "You want me? Are you sure you don't want Tom?" He asked, cocking his brow at me as he rubbed my clit. 
I nodded, biting my lip so hard I could taste blood, "You're the only one I want..." I said as I reached for his cock, wrapping my hand around the length. 
"Show me." He said, pulling me on top of him. I slid down his frame, kissing every inch of his torso as I made my way down to his manhood. I felt him place his hand on the back of my head as I took him into my mouth. I sucked hard on the tip while letting my hand work the base as I felt him start roughly thrusting into my mouth as he threw his head back, his moans filling the air. 
"That's a good girl. Show me how much you want my dick." He moaned, as I began bobbing my head quicker taking his rough thrusts deep into the back of my throat. 
This was not like Hugh, but I was loving every minute of it. It almost makes me wish I'd taken more opportunities to push his buttons. I could feel him throbbing in my mouth as he pulled out not wanting to cum just yet. He glanced down at me, motioning for me to get on my knees. 
I did as I was told as I felt him push my panties to the side, entering me. His thrusts were fast and rough, not the sweet, romantic I was used to getting. He slapped my ass hard, "Is this what you wanted?" He grunted, "You wanted this cock, you don't want anyone else's cock, do you?" He gave a deeper thrust, "Answer me or I'll stop and you can go ring Tom instead." He yelled. 
I threw my head back, trying to form words as the feeling of euphoria overtook my body. "Fuck! Don't stop!" I managed to scream between moans, "I only want you." I said, trying to not let myself go this soon. 
He grabbed a handful of my hair, turning my face to look at him, "This is mine. All mine." He moaned. I could tell he was getting close, I could feel him throbbing inside me. "Cum for me, baby. Let me see how good I make you feel." He said while tugging on my hair. 
I let go and exploded on him, literally falling down to the bed as I felt him cum deep inside me. He collapsed beside me, breathless. "Do you feel better now?" I asked him chuckling, sounding a bit amused while trying to catch my breath. 
He chuckled, "I do. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked sweetly. 
There he was... There was my sweet baby. I smiled, "You didn't hurt me in a bad way, if that's what you're asking. Maybe I should make you jealous more often." I joked.
He laughed, pulling me closer to him, "Maybe so, love."  
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jiyascepter · 4 months
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───── May
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So I decided that I should be making my monthly reading lists to promote some fellow writers even more, even if one person reads a fic from here it would change something, wouldn't it?
(idk if tumblr would let me tag so many writers at once, but the links to fics work so pls check out their profiles too!)
And also if I ever want to reread them it would be easier to find 👀 I'll try my best to make these lists every month ✨️
So here are some lovely fanfics I've read this month, please make sure to give them some love by commenting or reblogging, it means a lot to us writers 🤍
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Fluff: 🥰 | Angst: 💔 | Hurt/Comfort: ❤️‍🩹 | Smut: 🔥 | Dark: 🖤 | Humor: 😆
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Loki's Island Fever [Avengers!Loki x reader] | ongoing 🔥😆
Talk to Me [Loki x f!reader] Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 is wip | ❤️‍🩹🥰
From The Horny Misadventures of Nomad Steve:
Disciplinary Action [Nomad!Steve Rogers x Agent!reader] 🔥
Positive Reinforcement [Nomad!Steve Rogers x Agent!reader] 🔥😆
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Distractions [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Like a Queen [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Also check out her upcoming series : The Rite
His name, his property [Dark!Steve Kemp x f!reader] 🖤🔥
Glazed (donut) Holes [Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x girlfriend!reader] 🔥
Teasing [Dom Bf!Bucky x Sub gf!reader] 🔥
Little Perv co-written with @lanabuckybarnes [Stepbrother!Bucky Barnes x Stepsister!Reader x BestFriend!Steve Rogers] 🔥
Bucky Offers You a Better Job [CEO!Bucky x Assistant f!reader] 🔥
Domination [SoftDom!Bucky x Sub!reader] 🔥
How Love Works [Ransom Drysdale x reader] 🥰
Loki imagine (based off The Avengers) [Loki x reader] 🥰
Help you bear it [Loki x f!reader] ❤️‍🩹
You Can't Hurt Me [Loki x f!reader] ❤️‍🩹
What Prank? [Bucky x f!reader] 🥰😆
Running Into Trouble [Loki x f!reader] 🥰
Whatever It Takes [Loki x f!reader] 🥰 slight🔥
The Dress [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Don't Forget [Loki x Disabled Female reader] 🥰❤️‍🩹
Keeping Score [TVA!Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Vanilla and Honeycomb [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
How Long Could We Be a Sad Song? [Chris Evans x Secret Girlfriend!Reader] 💔
Curiosities [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Feral [Frost Giant!Loki x f!reader] 🖤🔥
Give Up [Alpha!Bucky x Fem Omega!reader] 🔥
The Interview [Rockstar!Bucky x f!reader] 🔥
Truly Desperate [Loki x f!reader] 🔥😆
The Accident and the Misunderstanding [Tom Hiddleston x Reader] 💔🥰
You Stayed [Steve Kemp x reader] 🥰
If You Wanna Come, Give My Brother Some [Steve x reader x Bucky] 🔥
No Sacrifice Without Blood [Vampire!Loki x reader] 🖤🔥
A Show Of Temptation [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
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So yeah these were all the amazing stories I read this month, make sure to give these a read ! Also if you have any fic recs please let me know ;)
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silverpen-and-paper · 24 days
💚 2011-2013 loki ask game 💚
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i haven’t seen a 2011-2013 loki ask game before (or any loki ask games, actually), so i decided i’d make one! there are thirty-one questions, so if you want, you could answer one for each day of this month (+1). or you could go by the normal ask game rules. or you could answer them all at once in a single post. up to you :D
(fans of ragnarok and the series can participate too if you’d like! the questions are aimed mostly at the 2011-2013 era fans, but i’m not gonna ban people from having fun)
post dividers by @/cafekitsune
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pick a favorite movie: thor (2011), the avengers (2012), thor: the dark world (2013)
how did your interest in loki begin? (optional: how has it evolved over the years?)
what do you think happened in the time between loki’s fall from the bifrost and avengers 1?
how do you interpret loki’s “death” in thor: the dark world? (“it was an illusion,” “loki was actually wounded but it was part of the trick,” “loki didn’t intend to pretend to die at all,” etc)
do you have any headcanons/theories about loki’s biological mother?
have you watched any deleted scenes from thor 1, the avengers, or thor 2? if yes, choose one deleted scene that definitely deserved to have stayed in.
which do you prefer: jotun loki with horns (a popular fanon design), or jotun loki without horns?
pick one (or more) of loki’s powers and explain how you think it works.
favorite loki quote?
favorite tom hiddleston quote about loki?
how would you describe thor and loki’s dynamic to someone who has never seen the movies?
do you think laufey actually abandoned loki to die, as odin said, or do you prefer the theory that laufey put loki in the temple for their protection?
do you have any headcanons about asgard? (phsyics, culture, environment, history, etc?)
do you have any headcanons about jotunheim?
do you have a favorite loki fanfic? (if you’re a fic writer, you’re allowed to choose your own)
do you think loki would keep a journal? if yes, what kinds of things do you think they’d write/draw/glue/etc in it?
choose any ship involving loki and share your opinions of it, whether positive or negative.
what do you think loki’s biggest fear is? (if not *the* biggest, one of the biggest.)
find an insect/arthropod that reminds you of loki (aesthetically, behaviorally, etc).
what hobbies/interests do you think loki has, outside of magic and fighting?
headcanons about loki’s childhood?
what styles of midgardian outfits would loki be most comfortable in?
headcanons about loki’s jotun form?
what song lyrics remind you of loki?
loki’s worst moment?
loki’s best moment?
say you go back in time and get hired as the director of a mcu loki movie, series, or episode that you dislike. assuming you’re already changing the biggest stuff you criticize, what is the pettiest thing you’d change?
if you could have one of loki’s powers, which would you choose?
if you could watch one movie/tv show with loki (as in, you are both sitting on the couch together and watching it), what movie/show would you choose? what would loki think about it?
imagine you were in loki’s place — you’re the frost giant baby that odin took from jotunheim. what do you think your life would be like?
has loki ridden a bilgesnipe? (would you ride a bilgesnipe?)
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
A Spell To Break?
model!Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Summary: When you have to witness Tom posing with another woman for a sexy perfume photoshoot, your insecurities are kicking in...
Warnings: thirst, angst, insecurities, swear words, fluff
Word Count: 4,3k
a/n: I couldn't help myself but to write a part three for this lil' series/AU. 👀 I had an idea and well... This is the result. I hope y'all enjoy it! 😁
Divider by the lovely @fictive-sl0th <3
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @eleniblue @muddyorbsblr @vbecker10 @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002 @chokeanddagger @smolvenger
°☆• Masterlist •☆° Hiddles Masterlist •☆°
Here's part one and part two of the model!Tom series. This can be also read as a stand-alone fic.
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(Credits for the pic goes to @multifandom-worlds )
The day had started so good. Better than the most days. You woke up early - but in your boyfriend's arms, had a nice breakfast, three wonderful photoshoots that morning, and the coffee machine wasn't broken. That was how every work day should be supposed to go. It was a perfect day - until after your lunch break. That was when the dream started to turn in a nightmare...
You had one photo shooting left for the day. A very huge photo shooting, to say the least... A perfume ad - and it was for none other than 'Dolce & Gabbana'. Yes, no joke. After you had landed the Calvin Klein job almost two years back, quite a few other big shoots followed. 'Dolce & Gabbana' was the fifth one this year - and it was July...
And not just that... Quite a few things had changed within those two years. You still worked with your best friend Sam - but she had promoted you and suddenly, you owned this little company as well; were the second boss. Beside that, you had found your soulmate and were in a very happy relationship. Remember that handsome lad with the tattoos and piercings, Tom Hiddleston? The newcomer in the model business? Exactly. You two were a thing now - a big thing.
All in all, you could say that the Calvin Klein photoshoot had turned your life upside down - in the best way possible.
You were in the studio now, setting everything up for the said perfume ad. A green screen, small wind machine and your camera, of course. The clothes your models were supposed to wear, laid perfectly folded on the little table in the corner. Sam had forwarded you the email of 'Dolce & Gabbana's management, so you knew what they wanted and what the setup should be. They didn't want anything super special, but it was definitely... spicy and sexy. A couple on a stony beach, with the sea and waves in the background. Wet hair and clothes; paired up with intimate poses.
You were totally lost in adjusting the camera and tripod, when you suddenly felt two muscular arms sneaking around your waist; big, gentle hands crossing in front of your tummy. You couldn't help but flinch at first at the sudden contact, but when you saw the beautiful, black inked flowers wove around the strong arms embracing you, you relaxed immediately. "Tommy?" You asked; giggling like a schoolgirl, as you felt his lips on the exposed skin of your neck. "What are you doing here?" You heard a deep chuckle rumbling through your boyfriend's chest. "Your humour is truly something else, darling." Uhhh, okay… Now you were a bit confused.
Frowning, you turned in Tom's embrace, hands landing on his white t-shirt clad pecs. His beautiful smile greeted you instantly; alongside those stunning baby blues. "My... My humour? Tommy, I'm afraid I can't follow you at the moment." Tom's expression changed at your words; eyebrows slanting. "Baby, I think we are talking past each other. You asked me, why I'm here. I thought you made a cute, little joke. I'm here because of you." You blinked, "Because of me?" before your cheeks turned red. "You are visiting me at work? Awww, cutie pie, that's so sweet of you!" Tom giggled, but shook his head. "No, darling. I'm here because you booked me for this photoshoot."
Your eyes widened. "Wait, what? No, I... I didn't book you for this photoshoot. I booked a couple, 'cause the management of 'Dolce & Gabbana' asked for it, so I booked Nicky and Tessa. Not you." Tom was visibly confused now as well. "What? But... But Luke told me I was booked for this photoshoot. Perfume ad. 'Dolce & Gabbana'. And since you were listed as the photographer, I didn't ask further."
Your frown deepened. "That's quite a bit quaint and... strange. Something definitely went wrong." Tom shrugged his shoulders; tongue darting out to wet his lips, bringing his tongue piercing on full display. "Perhaps it was a misunderstanding?" "Could be, yes. But that doesn't answer the question who booked you. Clearly, I didn't, the management neither and Luke had nothing to do with it as well. Who booked you th-"
You weren't able to finish your sentence. The thud of the wooden door to the studio closing shut cut you off. High heels click-clacked over the floor; announcing another person's arrival. And then her voice cut through the air. A voice you hoped you'd never hear again. Not after everything that happened.
"I did. He is here, because I wanted him to be here." Instantly - like struck by lightning, you let go of your boyfriend; eyes landing on the woman with blonde hair, leather skirt and skintight red top; looking as arrogant and tarted up as always...
Ivy. Your former high school best friend. Emphasis on former.
Back in school, you were like the yin and yang to each other. Soulmates. Inseparable. Now? Now you were not even close to what once was. Now, you were enemies. Why? Well...
It all started with you both sharing the dream of becoming a professional photographer. You followed this dream together. Bought your first professional camera together. Applied to various photo studios together. You encouraged each other. Always. For years. At some point, Ivy decided to switch to the model business instead - a decision you supported wholeheartedly. Since both your jobs were quite similar, you kept on helping each other to reach your goals - until that one particular day...
You didn't really know where you both took the wrong path, but suddenly, Ivy distanced herself more and more from you. She became bitter, harsh and especially jealous. Perhaps because you landed a big job first, but who knew? You spent endless nights awake; pondering about why things went as they did. Why you were losing your best friend. What mistake you made to get the ball rolling. You didn't know. You just didn't know. It ate you up inside. So, you decided to confront her - which caused things to escalate and get even worse. You walked in that conversation with the hopes of you and Ivy reunite as best friends. Instead, you walked out as enemies. She hurt you to the bones that day; called you unspeakable things and spat right into your face that you were nothing more than a millstone around her leg. With that, Ivy just moved on, but loved to give you absolute hell once in a while. It was exhausting, but it didn't stop you from reaching for your dream. And then you met Sam. She picked up all your broken pieces and puzzled them back together. She became your best friend - a true friend. Someone you could trust with your life.
They say time heals all wounds - but not the wound Ivy inflicted you. It was a scar so deep; bound to stay forever carved into your soul.
"I-Ivy? What... What are you doing here?!" The blonde-haired woman gave you a spiteful smirk. "What do you think, silly? I'm the female model for this photoshoot." Your face fell. "W-What? But... But that can't be! I booked Nicky and Tessa a-and-" Ivy cut you off with a high-pitched laugh. "Oh, you wish you did, sweetheart. I changed it. Well, my management changed it. They asked me to choose a male model as well and I chose Tom." Now you were even more speechless - and utterly angry. The problem was, that Ivy knew Tom - and Tom knew Ivy. She had casted an eye on your beautiful boyfriend a long time ago, and when he fell in love with you and the two of you got together, Ivy bursted with jealousy. In her eyes, you weren't worthy of the sweet, polite gentleman.
You were quite a bit bewildered and stood in front of your boyfriend and former best friend like an absolute fool. "I-I... B-But this was supposed t-to be a couple photoshoot. Dolce & Gabbana asked specifically f-for a couple..." Your former best friend faked a surprised gasp; "They, uh, wanted a couple for this photoshoot?" and clapped a hand over her mouth. "Oh... Whoopsies. My bad. I didn't know that. Sorry, bestie. In that case, Tom and I have to make it look very real."
A breathless gasp left your lips at her words and you had to fight hard against the rising bile in your throat. All of a sudden, you felt like absolute shit. She knew. She knew - and did this on full purpose. Only to get her filthy hands on Tom and torture you. What a bitch.
Another bitchy giggle left Ivy's lips. "You don't look well, Y/N. Perhaps you should call it a day, go home and let this photoshoot do someone who can stay professional." That was the point where Tom couldn't just stand by anymore. He had to intervene. And he did. He walked the few steps up to you and placed a comforting hand on the small of your back. The handsome Brit wasn't able to change the situation, but he was able to help you.
"Perhaps you should go and get changed already, Ivy. I'd like to have a moment alone with my girlfriend." Tom audibly underlined the last two words of his sentence, while pulling you closer towards him. Ivy just answered with a fake smile, then stalked past you and Tom; vanishing in the small side room.
"Darling..." Your boyfriend addressed you immediately, once Ivy was out of earshot and took your smaller hands in his bigger ones. "I am so sorry about this. If I would've known I-" You shook your head; interrupting him. "No, it's not your fault, Tommy. It's entirely her fault." "That may be true, but if I would've talked earlier with you about this, I could've prevented it from happening. Now, I'm afraid we both can't change this situation. But I can assure you that this photo shooting is going to be purely professional. I'll do what I have to do, but it won't change anything." You nodded; trying to look confident. Tom knew you better, though. He knew how insecure you were about yourself. Letting go of your hand, he lifted his up to gently cup your chin. "Hey... I love you, sweet girl - and you better know it." Once again you nodded; giving him a small smile. "Love you, too." Tom pressed a sweet, lingering kiss on your lips, before he left to the other side room, in order to get changed as well.
Once everyone was ready, the photo shooting could start. You tried your best to stay completely professional; block out everything around you. You'd pull through this shooting like every other shooting - and you did. At some point, you were so focused, that you didn't see your boyfriend and ex best friend standing in front of you and posing together for a quite spicy perfume ad. You saw two clients; doing what they should do, in order to get the job done.
At this point you were confident to believe that you had tricked your mind and dodged Ivy's attempt to fuck you up. Little did you know, that everything would come back at you later...
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It had gotten quite late. The photoshoot had taken more time than you had expected. After cleaning up the whole studio and sending Sam home, you decided to edit the photos you had just taken. You wanted to get over with it and move on.
Being still completely convinced of the strong wall you had built up around you, you sat down at your desk, connected the memory card to your computer and opened the program. When the first picture of Tom and Ivy came up, the walls came immediately tumbling down. It was the moment you realised, that these walls had been anything but strong; rather consisted of paper and not solid stone.
It was also the moment it dawned on you, that your mind couldn't be tricked. It had just tricked you into believing you had. How foolish, you thought of yourself. How fucking foolish.
With that, the damage was done. It got the stone rolling - and you wouldn't be able to stop it. You knew it. Your mind had you trapped now, and the bad thoughts - all your insecurities came crashing down on you; invading your system like poison. Every look on each picture hurt you more - and destiny had chosen one of the worst ones to start with...
It had been a picture you had taken towards the end. Scenery: Tom and Ivy were both wet; clothes absolutely drenched with water. Ivy wore nothing more than a scarce, white bikini; showing off everything she got - and Ivy got a lot. Way more than you did...
Tom wore a tight, white tank top, which literally clung to his chest, but also showed off his tattoos and especially nipple piercings. His hips and legs were clad in jeans dungarees - close to those who mechanics wore, but with the straps dangling loosely around his thick, muscular thighs. Of course, they were also wet. Water droplets ran down the skin of his neck, face and arms, causing him to look even sexier.
Ivy wasn't any less sexy. It was simply a fact. And the posture they were in didn't lack sexiness either. Quite the opposite...
Your former best friend stood in front of your boyfriend; literally clinging desperately to his wet body. Both her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, while they gazed each other deep in the eyes. Their heads were close; lips not far from touching. Tom's big hand was splayed out across Ivy's back; fingertips tantalisingly playing with the knot who held her bikini top together. It was perfect - and you hated it. Sure, you had told them to posture like that, 'cause 'Dolce & Gabbana' described something along that, since they had a TV ad which was similar, but nevertheless... It fucked with your brain. And the other pictures on which they were free to posture how they wanted weren't any better... Ivy being as close to Tom as somehow possible; always literally eye fucking him with her lusting gaze and touching him in places only you thought you were supposed to touch him. In one picture her hands were close to his ass - you could tell. Or in another, she was touching his pecs and six pack. Hence, she even had her hands in his hair once.
Watching all the pictures you had taken; it came all crashing down on you. But it wasn't jealousy, who poisoned and fogged up your brain, no... It were your insecurities who kicked in; causing you to fall down a deep, dark hole.
Seeing how utterly perfect Tom looked with a woman who was so much prettier and sexier than you could ever be, planted the toxic thought in your brain that you simply weren't good enough. Not pretty enough. Not sexy enough. Not smart enough. Not loveable enough. You were just you. And being just you didn't apply to Tom's standards. He was out of your league - by miles. What is he doing with a girl like me? you thought. He deserves someone better... Perhaps Ivy had been right all the time. You weren't worthy of such a handsome, loving and respectful man.
You clicked further through the pictures; tears starting to form in your eyes. Since you already were spiralling down that dark path, once thing was triggering another and fear joined the party. Fear of Tom leaving you. Why would he not? You're nobody, the voice in your brain whispered. He could get rid of you so easily. And he would. You were sure of it. One day, he was going to wake up and see. Tears trickled down your face by now, as emptiness spread within your stomach and radiating throughout your whole body, causing you to feel so utterly cold and lonely.
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You had lost every sense of time, but you could tell that it was quite late. You didn't care, though. All you cared about was if you should leave Tom before he could leave you, or beg him on your knees to stay. Anyways… It was both pathetic...
By now, you had abandoned your computer and the pictures; said huddled in a corner of the little office and positively crying your eyes out.
Tom, who had waited for you at home for way longer than planned started to worry, of course. Always checking his phone and walking impatiently up and down in the cosy, little apartment you two shared. He got uneasy. You hadn't texted him and you also didn't pick up your phone. What if something happened? He decided to not just sit around longer. He couldn't. So, he grabbed the keys of his bike, alongside his leather jacket and helmet, and swung himself on the vehicle; riding straight to yours and Sam's photo studio.
When he arrived, he saw that no visible light was on in the building, giving him an even more uneasy feeling. The unlocked door didn't quite help. Quietly, he entered the studio; switching on the light. "Y/N?" No answer. "Sam?" No answer. He swallowed hard, but made his way through the studio; checking every room - which turned out to be either locked or neatly cleaned up; ready for the next day.
Tom's heart was literally beating out of his chest, as he went to check the last possible room you could be in... Your office. With a slightly shaking hand, he opened the door. The lights were out, but he could see that the computer was on and the only thing which casted a small ray of light through the darkened room, was the display of your camera - on which he recognised himself. Small, soft whines and whimpers could be heard, causing him to immediately switch on the light. And then he saw you. Curled up in a ball in the corner. Your body was shaking with sobs. Relieved, that he had finally found you, but nevertheless worried about the condition you were in, he literally threw his helmet aside and ran over to you.
"Y/N!" He said with relief; dropping to his knees beside you, "I thought something had happened to you! My texts stayed unanswered and whenever I called, you didn't pick up... Gods, I was so worried!" and immediately scooped you up in his arms. You let him hug you tightly for a few seconds, bathing in his embrace and how good he smelled, before your brain kicked in again and you started to push him away from you, leaving the handsome Brit confused.
Frowning, he pulled back - like you obviously requested and letting go of you. "Darling? What's wrong?" Tom tried to reach for your hands, put you avoided his touch. It confused him even more. "Love, what- Why are you crying? What happened?" You didn't answer him, but pushed yourself further against the wall in the corner; wrapping your arms around yourself and hiding your face. Your boyfriend tried to connect the dots; figure out what could be wrong - and suddenly it fell like scales from his eyes... The pictures. The photoshoot.
"Y/N..." He spoke your name with his deep, velvety - but hushed voice; addressing you gently. "Is this about the photo shooting I did with Ivy today?" Her name upon his lips caused the tears to fall even more. "Please... My love... Talk to me," the Brit literally begged; tongue playing nervously with his black labret piercing.
You looked then up at him; eyes swollen and red due to all the crying. "Don't... Don't call m-me that..." You whispered; shaking your head. "Don't call you what?" "L-Love... D-Darling..." "But why? You are my love and you certainly are my darling." You squeezed your eyes shut, shaking your head again. "'M not worthy." Your boyfriend frowned. "Not worthy?" You nodded, "Of your love. Of you." and shed another few tears. "You deserve someone better, Thomas." The way you rolled his full name over your tongue left a bitter feeling behind. It sounded so wrong to him.
"It's okay if you're going to leave me for a woman who is smarter. Prettier. I can't force you to stay. Even if I wanted to. You are free to go." The words caused a stinging pain to shoot through your heart, like you've been just pierced by a knife. Your whole body was shaking; trying somehow to compromise the heartbreak.
Unbeknownst to you, was Tom looking at you like he had just seen a ghost. He was literally speechless; couldn't believe what he had just heard. His heart ached and screamed; suffering with you. "Y/N... How... How can you say something like... like that?" He needed a moment to find his ability to speak again. Tom knew about your insecurities and fears and he had witnessed them playing with your mind more than once, but that... That was a whole other level. He had never seen you like that - and it shook him to the core.
"Why should I ever leave you? I-" You interrupted him. "Because you can't waste your time on me!" "Waste... Waste my time on you?" That was it. He needed to stop this. Shaking his head and reaching out his hands, he slowly lifted your chin with his fingers, before he cupped both your cheeks; gently wiping away the tears with his thumbs. "Y/N..." He spoke - again, in that deep, velvety voice, which lulled you easily to sleep at night; having such a calming effect on you. "Look at me, please." You did what he asked you to and looked up into his baby blues - which were clouded with tears.
"My sweet, beautiful girl... I'd never... NEVER waste my time on you. Neither would I ever leave you. I don't want somebody else. I don't need somebody else. All I ever wanted is you." Your bottom lip wobbled dangerously as you spoke up again. "But-" "No, my love..." Tom interrupted you this time, before you were able to say something bad about yourself again. "Please listen to what I have to say. Don't listen to the voices in your head. They are wrong. I am not out of your league. You are out of my league. When I walked through that studio door, down the hall for the very first time and saw you there, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had never seen such beauty before. You literally swept me off my feet - and definitely not just with your good looks. You are beautiful from the inside and the outside. I had a hard time playing it cool."
You were still gazing in his eyes, listening to his every word. "It pains me thoroughly to hear how ill you speak of yourself, because you are the prettiest, smartest, sexiest, sweetest, kindest, funniest- Do you want me to keep going?" For the first time since hours darted a small smile over your lips. You couldn't help it. Tom noticed, of course. "Ah! I saw that, my love! I saw that!" He exclaimed like a happy little boy, who had just walked into a candy store.
He smiled and leaned forward to press a kiss on your forehead. You felt the cool metal of his piercing on your skin. When he pulled back and gazed at you again, you saw that a tear was rolling down his cheek. "I love you, Y/N. I love you so much it hurts and I promise you, I'll never leave you. You are enough. You are more than I ever dreamed of." You nodded, trying desperately to believe him. "Are those voices quiet now?" "A-Almost..." He shook his head. "Now, now, we can't have that. I must eliminate them from your sweet, creative mind. I can't keep on letting them poison the woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with."
Your heart literally skipped a beat at that sentence.
Tom leaned towards you again and kissed you repeatedly on the lips; whispering countless 'I love you's' in between - like a preacher a prayer in the church.
The voices in your head really disappeared and at some point, you broke out into giggles. "Tommy! I-" Kiss. "I need to-" Kiss. "Breathe!" Kiss. "I need to breathe!" Your boyfriend stopped then, chuckling softly and watching how you took a few deep breaths. "Was my mission successful?" You nodded; smiling up at him. "Voices gone?" "Voices gone." You shuffled; moved towards Tom and snuggled into his awaiting arms. "Thank you, Tommy... And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you and-" He interrupted you once more.
"Shush, baby. It's all good." He moved to sit on the floor beside you, then pulled you into his arms; making you sit onto his lap. Tom cuddled you close; not letting go. You accepted his touch and the comforting position; cuddled close and just enjoyed the moment.
"Did you feel that way because of the photoshoot?" Tom asked after a while. You nodded, "Uh.Huh. Seeing Ivy on those pics, having her hands all over you and giving you those 'Fuck me' eyes unleashed the insecurities in my brain." Your boyfriend nodded; interlacing your fingers with his. "I should've said no. I should've known..." You immediately shook your hand, "No, Tommy. You couldn't know. You did your job." and traced the tattoo on his arm with your free hand. "I just let Ivy get into my head..."
You felt how Tom's soft, warm lips pressed a sweet kiss against your temple. "Well, I won't let her do that again, baby."
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Hot day at the beach
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PAIRING | Tom Hiddleston x Wife!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tom go for a relaxing beach day whilst on vacation to celebrate your anniversary. The two of you are having a lot of fun and good conversations, enjoying each other's presents. At the end of the day, you top the day off with a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and some exploring of each other's bodies for the rest of the night.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning, do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Established relationship [ Tom & Reader are married ], smut [ Implied sex in the ocean, spanking, a little bit of nipple play, dry humping, panties used as a gag, oral F receiving, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), anal penetration, prostate orgasm, squirting, multiple orgasms, use of a vibrator, overstimulation, use of handcuffs, praise kink, daddy kink, Dom/Sub relationship ( Soft!Dom Tom & Sub Reader) ], swearing, aftercare in the form of cuddles (the rest of the aftercare is implied).
A/N | So, this is my first time writing a bit of a D/S-themed fic (the smut part at least) so I hope I did well! If not, I would love to get some constructive criticism, I'm not at all part of this lifestyle but I very much enjoy reading about it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Thank you so much for reading it! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
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''Good morning, Mrs. Hiddleston,'' Tom said as he walked into the bedroom with a tray of breakfast foods. He prepared breakfast while you slept in, and you sure could use every minute of sleep after last night. The two of you spent most of the night making love, and you were still sore from it but you welcomed it nevertheless. ''Mornin' Mr. Hiddleston,'' you said with a lovesick grin on your face, God you were still head over heels in love with your amazing husband. He put the tray on his side of the bed before pulling you in for a kiss, softly sliding his tongue against yours as a token of his love for you. ''I hope you're hungry because I've made you breakfast,'' he said as he pulled away and put the tray over your lap.
The breakfast was an assortment of fruits, pancakes, waffles, and orange juice. He couldn't decide what to make so he ultimately just went for everything so you two could share. The breakfast was spent with light conversation, soft kisses, and feeding each other various kinds of fruit, and maybe a not-so-innocent touch here and there, but it was the best breakfast the both of you shared in a long time. Due to Tom's shooting schedules, it was hard for the both of you to spend time together, but seeing how it was your 7th wedding anniversary, the two of you booked a two-week vacation in Mexico to enjoy each other and each other's presence.
''What is the plan for today?'' Tom asks and you tell him about your plans for today. ''I was thinking we could spend the day at the beach since it's going to be a beautiful day, and I was hoping to spend the evening around a campfire with s'mores and maybe some cuddles,'' you said with a small smile, this was your idea of the perfect day and it was finally time to make it come true. ''Sounds like the perfect plan, my love. But first, I have a special present for you that you may or may not want to use today,'' he said as he got off the bed and walked to his suitcase. He picked up a relatively small box with a red ribbon around it and he handed it to you.
You took off the ribbon and when you took the lid off, you were greeted with something both of you have talked about to spice up your sex life for a while - a new vibrator that has a clit stimulator in it too. ''Hm, I think this would be perfect to try out tonight, darlin','' you said as you got it out of the box and tried out the different settings so you had an idea of what you could expect. ''Can't wait,'' he said as he pulled you closer for another kiss, which he deepens instantly. The two of you spent the next half hour in a lazy make-out session before getting ready to go to the beach. You got a new bikini as a special surprise and you couldn't wait to surprise your husband with it when you were at the beach.
The two of you got ready and you put a beach robe over your bikini so you could keep it a surprise for him to open later. It didn't take long for the both of you to arrive at the beach and find a bit of a secluded spot, it was a relatively slow day for the time of year and the both of you were more than grateful for that. Tom laid out both of your beach towels before helping you sit down. ''Now, my love, are you going to show me what special surprise is underneath this beautiful robe? Because I have a feeling what might be underneath is delicious,'' he purred as he went to untie the knot that held your robe closed.
When it was untied he let that fall to the sides before hooking his hands underneath the fabric at your shoulders, allowing it to fall open and slide off your shoulders to reveal the gorgeous red bikini you've got especially for this trip. He took it off and put it away in your beach bag to wear later, and he didn't try to hide the fact that he was checking out how gorgeous you look in the bikini. It always made you feel good to know you could still surprise Tom in ways like this, even after all these years together. ''I take it that you like what you see?'' you teased as he slowly roamed his hands over your thighs and up to your hips. ''Delicious...'' is all he said before he surged forward to kiss you with a burning passion.
The two of you had another little make-out session on the beach before you had to apply sunscreen on both yourself as well as Tom. ''Why don't you lay down for me, darlin', that way I can rub you with some sunscreen,'' you purred this time and he happily complied, laying on his stomach first. You straddle his legs to apply it to his back and neck first, taking your sweet time before moving down to both his legs after which he turned around. That time you straddle him right over his groin and act like you're doing nothing wrong, but you can feel him growing hard as you softly grind on him while rubbing the sunscreen on his chest and stomach. ''If you keep doin' that, my love, we might be sent off for public indecency,'' he said as he grabbed your hips to get you to still your movements.
''But I wasn't even doing anything, Daddy,'' you whispered in his ear before giving him a soft pat on his chest as you sat back up. ''If you keep being such a tease you won't be cumming tonight, my love,'' he said with a stern voice and you immediately stopped, that's not what you were aiming for here. ''Sorry,'' is all you said before climbing off of him and laying on your stomach this time so Tom can apply sunscreen on your back too. He slowly massages it in and makes sure to get every single spot before doing the same to your legs and your stomach when you're flipped over. ''Hm, you're being such a good girl for me right now,'' he said as he leaned in for a kiss, and you chased him for more when he pulled away.
When the two of you were done you both picked up your books that you brought with you and just laid there reading in a comfortable silence for a while. You started to have the strange feeling you were being watched, so you put down your book and noticed a few fans staring at both of you, not sure whether to approach you or not. ''Darlin', want to go for a swim with me?'' you asked and he happily agreed, getting up so he could help you get up too, interlacing his fingers with yours as you walked towards the ocean. When you were almost here the two of you were stopped by the fans, asking for a picture and an autograph. ''Do you want me to take the picture for you?'' you asked, they usually wanted one just with Tom and that is perfectly fine, you were only known as Tom's wife anyways since you had a 'regular' office job.
''Oh no, we would love for you to join us!'' one of the girls said and you were pleasantly surprised by that fact, but you agreed happily. When the pictures were taken and Tom gave them all an autograph you were thanked profusely and the lovely girls wished both of you a happy vacation together. Tom grabbed a hold of your hand again and pulled you closer to him. ''I don't think I'll ever get used to people wanting to meet you,'' you chuckled. It was a part of your daily life, but it was still a little strange that people stopped him on the streets - or the beach, in this case - to take photos with him. ''It's okay, my love, you don't have to get used to it, and if you don't feel comfortable with it you know we don't have to stay for the photos right?'' he reassured you and you nodded.
After that the two of you went into the ocean and may or may not have had sex there, nobody will ever know even though you most definitely did. You spent time reading your books after that before it was time to go back to your beach house and get ready for your anniversary dinner that you had thought out. You and Tom switched each year who would make the reservations for your anniversary dinner and this year, it was your turn again. You found a fancy restaurant with authentic Mexican cuisine so you could get a true taste of the culture. Tom chose to wear a burnt orange suit and you wore a burnt orange dress to match him perfectly. Your hair was loose and your make-up light to let the dress be the star of the outfit.
When the two of you arrived you were treated like true celebrities and it felt nice, they probably knew who Tom is, and for once you wouldn't mind it if they treated you like that because they know who he is. ''To the rest of our lives, my love,'' Tom said as he picked up the glass of red wine and you did the same. ''To the rest of our lives, darlin','' you said and the two of you clinked your glasses before taking a sip and tasting the wine. Not long after the food arrived and the two of you were wrapped up in conversation. By the time dessert arrived you had a little surprise planned for Tom, because they put sparklers in the dessert to make it just a little bit more fun. ''Happy 7th anniversary'' was written across the plate and Tom stood up to give you a kiss, which you happily reciprocated.
After dinner, the two of you went back to your beach house and changed into comfortable lounge clothing so you could sit around the campfire that was currently roaring in the small backyard attached to the house. You got all the stuff needed for s'mores and Tom already sat down, eagerly waiting for his wife to come sit next to him and enjoy the warmth coming from the campfire. ''Welcome back, my love,'' he said as you sat down, leaning into Tom's side as if you were enjoying the atmosphere of the campfire right now. ''I love you, so much, my darlin', and I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you,'' you said and you laid your head on his shoulder.
Making the s'mores was a pretty easy task and before the two of you knew it, they were all gone. Not much later you were straddling Tom and grinding your hips softly over his growing hardness as the two of you were wrapped up in yet another make-out session, you could never have enough of each other, and it was very noticeable with the everlasting honeymoon phase in your relationship. The passion was still there with a burning fire, and you two could be wrapped up in one another for days on end and still not have enough. But then again, that's why Tom got you the vibrator as a present, so the two of you could spice up your sex life in a different way.
You were letting out soft moans into Tom's mouth as he wrapped his arms around you and let his hands glide up and down your back, down to your ass where he have a gentle squeeze followed by a spanking on both cheeks which made you let out a little squeal. ''Oh Daddy, you make me feel so good,'' you moaned in between kisses, and Tom slowly lifted your shirt over your head as you continued your rolling motion on his lap, feeling the friction and the heat pooling there more and more. You decided not to wear a bra after dinner and you're glad you didn't, seeing the content look on your husband's face as he saw your bare breasts and perky nipples in front of him.
''Hm, already starting to get a little needy for me, my love?'' he asked as you let out a soft whine at the summer breeze blowing over your nipples, and all you could do is nod in response. He bends over to take one of your nipples in his mouth and starts suckling on it a little, as his hands wander over your hips and waist, rubbing circles on your back before moving to the front as he cups your breasts in his hands. He lets out a groan at the same time a deep moan leaves your lips as you grind harder onto his achingly hard cock. ''Fuck, love, just like that,'' he grits out through his teeth as he starts rubbing his thumbs over your nipples, making you writhe under his touch. When your orgasm is getting closer, Tom can tell by the way your moans get quicker and he takes one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and slightly biting it until you become a complete mess and soak your panties and both your pants from your orgasm.
''Hm, someone's a little eager this evening,'' he says as he gives the same treatment to the other nipple, letting you ride out your orgasm and come down from your high which he manages to extend a little by playing with your nipples. He could do this for hours on end and never get sick of it, but now he wants to taste you after your orgasm, so he wraps his arms around your waist and he stands up. You instinctively wrap your legs around his hips and he walks both of you inside before gently placing you onto the bed. ''Such a good girl for me, my love,'' he says as he pushes your thighs apart, enjoying the wet spot your juices have created in your pants. ''So needy that you couldn't even wait to cum, huh?'' he asks and you nod, ''Yeah Daddy, need you so bad right now,'' you whimper and Tom just gets a big grin on his face, he loves having you like this.
''Now tell me, what is it that my baby wants? Does she want to cum like the good girl I know she is?'' Tom teases a little and you desperately nod, you want all the orgasms he's willing to give you, in whichever way he wants to give them to you. ''Yeah Daddy, please, need to cum again for you,'' you beg a little and Tom feels himself getting even harder, not that he thought that was even possible after the way he just made you cum. He kneels on the bed with his legs on the sides of yours and goes to take off your pants, leaving your panties on just a little longer, because he has a plan with those. When your pants are off he leans over to give you one more deep kiss before grabbing the handcuffs you brought your favorite red fluffy pair to match the new bikini you bought.
''I want you to be a good little slut for me tonight, so I can make you cum as many times as I want. That means you will have your hands cuffed together, so you won't be able to touch me, or yourself, is that okay with you?'' he asks and you tell him it's okay. ''Yes Daddy, please cuff me,'' you sigh a little and he gladly cuffs you to the top of the bed so you can't move your hands below your head. After that, he slowly litters your chest and stomach with kisses until the reaches the band of your panties, tugging them off with his teeth to make you go a little crazy and squirm under his touches. When he's pulled them off, he stuffs them in your mouth as a gag, to keep you a little more silent. ''As much as I love all the pretty noises you can make, I want you to be silent tonight, my love. You wouldn't want to disturb anyone else when you fall apart over and over, would you?'' he asked and you shook your head in response.
You relax a little as he rubs his hands over your stomach and hips, and he gets into position to eat you out like you deserve, he wants to drink every last drop of the juices that flow out of you and he can't wait any longer. He drags two fingers through your folds and he can feel you're soaking wet for him, making him go almost feral. ''God, such a wet slut for me, bet you're such a desperate, needy girl now,'' he smirks before slowly inserting two fingers in you at once, making you groan deeply as your back arches at the feeling, you're still sensitive from the orgasm you had earlier and Tom is well aware of this fact. Shortly after pumping his fingers in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace, he attaches his mouth to your clit and it feels like you would combust right then and there, your orgasm so close you can almost taste it.
You let out a few muffled moans from behind your gag and Tom just smirks a little as he licks and sucks on your clit, while picking up the pace of his fingers, making that impeding orgasm come closer at a quick pace. ''Want to cum for me, love? Need to cum for your Daddy?'' he asks and you nod frantically while letting out muffled whimpers, your hips bucking up involuntarily as your back arches too, and you fall apart not long after. He picks up the pace of his fingers and tongue even more as he starts licking through your folds, but keeping his attention mostly on your clit and before you know it, you squirt all over his face when he curls his fingers to find your perfect spot. ''Oh fuck, yes, squirt all over my face, cum for me love, you're doing perfect right now,'' he says and he rides out your orgasm on his fingers before he gives a trail of small kisses up your face.
''For this part, I need to loosen up those beautiful hands of yours, my love, because I'm going to need some help working the vibrator into myself,'' Tom said, as your eyes grew wide. Sure, you've done this before with him, but your new vibrator would be even better, and Tom grabs both the vibrator and some lube so you can help him get ready. You squirt some lube onto your fingers as Tom spreads his cheeks for you, his face laying on the pillows where your head just was. Then you proceed to squirt some on his tight hole before rubbing it softly, trying to get him to relax. ''You're doing so well for me, darlin', just relax and before you know it you will have all the pleasure,'' you said softly and you could feel him relax under your touch, and before you know it, you can slide one finger in, working him open slowly.
Not long after you can fit in 2 more fingers and when he's comfortable with that, you slowly pull your fingers out as Tom lets out a soft whine at the loss of your fingers. ''I know darlin', but you will feel something much better than my fingers soon,'' you cooed as you lubed the vibrator, before pushing it up to his now relaxed hole. It takes a bit for him to fully relax but before you know it you can slowly slide in the tip, and the more the takes, the noisier he becomes. He lets out soft whines and moans at the feeling of immense pleasure, and it isn't even turned on yet. You turned it in a way that the clit stimulator part would fit perfectly against his perineum, giving him even more intense pleasure as it would be turned on soon. ''It's in, darlin','' you whisper in his ear and he sits up, adjusting to the feeling.
''On your hands and knees in front of me, ass up in the air,'' he commands and you happily agree with it, as you do what he says, awaiting what will happen to you soon. He lands a few slaps on your ass before spreading your ass and looking at both your hole and your pussy looking back at him. ''Hm, such a perfect girl for me, sitting like this for your Daddy. Tell me, do you want Daddy's cock inside you? Are you needy for Daddy's thick cock?'' he asks and you whimper again, this time into the pillows where your head is buried. Tom grabbed the remote of the vibrator and turned it on, making sure it was not too high as he doesn't want to cum too soon, but the second he turns it on he already lets out a needy whine at the feeling of it against both his prostate and his perineum.
He grabbed your hips with a bit of force and pulled you towards him, so he can rub his cock through your folds, using your dripping juices as the lube he needs to sink into you. He doesn't wait long as he thrusts into you in one smooth motion, bottoming out immediately making you let out a very high shriek that turned into a long moan as you adjusted to his size again. ''F-fuck Daddy, feels good,'' you moan and he starts thrusting into you, which makes the vibrator thrust into his prostate so Tom knows he won't last long like this, but he didn't care. It felt too good to worry about that, all he cares about is making both you and himself cum. ''Pussy feels so tight, feels so good for me, god you're made for me, love,'' he groans as he chases both your highs, and you snake your arm underneath your body to play with your clit.
''Oh, D-daddy, gonna cum, need to cum!'' you moan out and with a few more thrusts you squirt all over, the stimulation becoming too much as you can feel the vibrator too. Not long after Tom squirts thick ropes of his warm cum deep inside your pussy as his orgasm takes him over completely, the vibrator stimulating his prostate more and more, prolonging both your orgasms until neither of you can take it anymore. Tom pulls out of you and you whine at the loss, and he quickly takes out the vibrator because he's overstimulated, and he turns it off before he lays down beside you. He pulls you close to him and cradles you into his arms as he rubs soothing circles over your back.
''You did so well for me tonight, my love. You were perfect for me, and I love you so much,'' he cooed in your ear along with other sweet nothings and you smiled a little bit before finally being able to lift your head a bit. ''Love you,'' you muttered and Tom bent down to give you a longing kiss on your lips, which he slowly deepened, but he still kept it soft as he explored your mouth with his tongue in a lacy pace. When he pulls apart he tucks a curl behind your ear as he looks loving into your eyes, he would never get enough of seeing those beautiful eyes of yours. The rest of the night was spent with cuddles, a nice bath, and even more cuddles before falling asleep in each other's arms, limbs tangled in a way that neither of you knows where one begins, and the other ends. Neither of you would ever want to have it any other way.
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mochie85 · 2 years
Part of @the-slumberparty Week 1: "I Spy" Writing Challenge
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki plays a game with you on making the right decision. A/N: Also, 🥳Happy Birthday🥳 Tom Hiddleston! I think it's very fitting I post a Loki fic for his birthday, no? And shout out to @gigglingtigger for giving me an idea about this story. Word Count: Over 1K Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: Smut. Some fluff.
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“Oh, darling…” Loki’s voice sang through the hallway. His tone was what worried you the most. Whenever he sang like that, it could go one of two ways.
One, he found something that you had done that was so egregious, so criminal, that he would have to act and punish you. That thought alone sent a heated flow of arousal down the length of your spine.
Or two, he was up to mischief and wanted you to sanction/be an alibi/or take part in a scheme that would inevitably end with you having done something so egregious and criminal anyway.
“I have a surprise for you, sweet girl,” he said when he found you in the bedroom. Option number two, it is then.
You were laying on your stomach, propped up on your elbows. Your feet dangled in the air cross-legged as your hands splayed over a book, keeping it open. You had only your black cotton panties and a t-shirt on as you decided earlier that it was going to be a lazy kind of Sunday.
Loki took a moment to appreciate the view in front of him as he leaned on the doorframe. “Oh, if only I didn’t have something so delightful to show you, I’d like nothing more than to join you in your leisure.” He paused for only a moment, biting his lip, before he gave in to your temptation, “Oh, what the hell.”
You giggled, scooting over to make room for him in bed. He laid on his back staring up at you, as you gazed down at him. “What is it? What’s the surprise?” you asked eagerly.
Loki held both his fists up in front of you, “Choose,” he commanded softly.
You kissed the hand that was closest to you and looked back at him. “How fitting,” he said as he opened his hand to reveal a small Hershey’s kiss.
Your eyes went wide. Such a small, simple gesture. But one that had you enthralled, nonetheless. You giggled as he opened the wrapper. “Open,” he directed again, and you could do nothing but obey as you parted your lips and held your tongue out slightly.
The rich chocolate melted on your tongue as you savored the sweet treat. Loki sat up and leaned on his arm as he kissed your lips, invading your mouth with his tongue, tasting the smooth chocolate for himself.
“Mhmm. My sweet girl. Choose again.” He broke the kiss and held his fists out in front of you a second time. A small smile playing on his beautiful face. You took your calculated time, making a show of thinking hard about this decision. Loki only chuckled, as he patiently looked upon your face.
“This one!” You kissed his other hand this time and he unfurled his fingers, letting drop a dainty gold chain with a diamond pendant on it. Your eyes grew even wider. “Loki! It’s beautiful!”
“Turn around, darling.”
“I couldn’t possibly accept...”
“You can. And you will. Now don’t make me repeat myself,” he decreed. You bit down on your lip, trying to stop your smile from expressing just how turned on you were right now. You faced away from him as he brought the chain over and down your head, securing the back and letting it hang on your neck.
The chain felt cool, and the pendant felt heavy. He kissed the fastening against your skin and continued to trail his lips to the side of your neck. His hands roamed around your sides and across your stomach. He pulled you closer to him as he settled you in between his spread knees. You could feel him, straining against his pants and you couldn’t help but brush against him, wanting to close that space in between your bodies.
“Before I give you your final choice, I want you to wear nothing but this necklace. Is that understood?”
You nodded quickly. His hands gripping and tugging at your shirt making you pant with desire. His fingers slid under the band of your black panties and slid them down your thighs.
As soon as you were bare, save the gilded trinket he just gave you, Loki pushed you down against the bed. He towered over you and took in your wanton figure. His eyes lingered with desire at every curve, every line, every dimple. As if he were taking notes of where he wanted to leave his mark on you.
He used his seidr to divest himself of his clothes as his hands traced your thighs, separating them for him to kneel in between you. The warmth of his skin heated yours as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Your hips sitting on top of his spread thighs. His smile broadened as he held his fists out to you again. “Choose,” he growled.
You were so intrigued and so lightheaded from this game Loki is putting on. He had nothing in his hands a second ago. What could he have conjured in such a short amount of time?
You held your hand up, pointing to his left fist. A sinful smile appeared on his face as he opened his hand, revealing a set of leather cuffs- seemingly falling from thin air.
He grabbed your hands and the cuffs slid from his grasp onto your wrists. He positioned your hands above your head as a small whimper made its way out of your lips.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me,” he feigned. “Are you going to stop?” he asked. His breath fanned your face, and you can smell the lingering scent of chocolate. You shook your head. “That’s my girl,” he praised as his nose nuzzled against you.
He left your hands tied to the headboard as his own traced a heated path down your arms and onto your sides. “So beautiful. So enchanting,” he murmured.
His fingers brushed the swell of your breasts, across your hardened nipple, making you ache with need. He clasped the diamond and gently placed it on top of your chest. “That would look so lovely glinting off your skin as I take you repeatedly.” The pendant felt heavy on your chest, like a weight was sitting on you.
“Loki…” you begged. His growing erection already rubbing against your sensitive bud.
“Ah, ah, ah. Patience, my sweet girl,” he cooed. “I want to take my time with you. I want to savor every moan. Every stroke,” he panted as he slid the very tip of his hard cock inside you. You moaned loudly feeling him stretch you.
“God, Loki, you’re so…” at that moment he thrusted his whole length inside of you causing you to cry out in the most exquisite pain you’ve ever felt. The weight of the chain keeping you grounded.
“Th-that’s my girl,” he huffed as he slowly pulled himself out, only to crash back into you, the base of his lewd erection ramming into your walls. “Now let’s see this pendant bounce, shall we?” he grinned wickedly.
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@emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @gigglingtigger @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @loopsisloops @muddyorbsblr @luvlady-writes @kellatron55 @huntress-artemiss @crimson25 @purplegrrl27 @sarahscribbles @ladyofthestayingpower @ozymdias @lokixryss @athalialaufeyson @thedistractedagglomeration @theotherspiderlady @cheekyscamp @gigglingtigger
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redfoxwritesstuff · 2 months
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Sunflower: Book 1 (Complete)
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Tom Hiddleston x ofc (Mia) Overall Rating:  Mature with explicit smut at later chapters. Series warnings:  Sexual content, drinking
(Note: Book 2 tentatively posting in late Oct.)
Summary: Las Vegas drew in people like him. Heart broken, lonely and rejected while his ex married someone else. Here he could be anyone though, flying under the radar of his skyrocketing fame. Las Vegas was home to people like her. Lonely, broke and with the weight of the world on her shoulders. There was never enough of anything except stress. She was one of the countless faces that lived in the shadow of the glittering lights. Two worlds collide in a drunken night neither can remember. What do you do when what happens in Vegas is a legally binding marriage contract between two strangers?
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, Bonus: Wedding night part 1, part 2
Sleepy Mornings (One Shot)
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Tom Hiddleston x Shy!Reader Rated: PG13
Requested: Heyy, If you Take requests, Could i request a Tom hiddleston x shy reader. Them Waking Up together and cuddling and Kissing so basically fluffy?
Offering and Taking: Merdicking
Pairing: MerTom Hiddles x OFC Rated: Adult Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, kidnapping, Merdicks (Tom and his Merpeen both), crisis of faith, dark waters, fluids, algae covered rocks
Summary: Salena, with no ability to fight the merman who’s eye she had caught is forced to go with him. Torn between wanting to live and wanting to accept death, between fighting to remain pure or to experience the earthly pleasures of the flesh, she finds herself in a cave lit by glowing plants of the likes she’d never seen. For better or worse, she doesn’t have to make any decisions herself for he knows exactly what he wants to experience.
The offering, The taking, The keeping
Extra Credit (On Shot)
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC Amanda Miyers Rating: Adult
Content Warnings: A professor Student sexual relationship is not moral or ethical in reality. Due to the power the professor has over their student, they cannot truly consent or not consent freely. The consent in this fic is extremely murky at best. Should you find yourself manipulated into a relationship with your professor, know that this is morally and ethically wrong and you are the victim of abuse. Story contains oral sex with male receiving, rough penis in vagina sex, degradation, manipulation, public classroom sex, cream pies, unprotected sex, mention of Plan B. Please read with caution.
Summary: Amanda Miyers is on a mission to complete University in America with as little debt as possible. To do so, she must pass every class and that includes the imposing Professor Hiddleston's class. When she is sure that she'll not be able to manage that, she's forced to ask for another chance at the exam or enough extra credit to pass. Her idea of extra credit and his idea of extra credit are two very different things.
Finding Bobby (requested) One Shot
Paring: Tom x unnamed ofc- first person story Rating: Everyone, Warnings: None?
Request:  In honor of dear bobby's birthday could you write a fic about reader and tom finding or adopting him as a puppy please?? Love you ❤
Camping (One shot) 
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC Rated: PG13
Summary:  When Mary catches word that Tom had never been camping it was decided that she had to fix that. What could go wrong?
The Things you find (In the rain) *complete*
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Maggie) Rating: M for light sexual content, nothing explicit warnings: Cheating, unhealthy relationships, excessive drinking, 
Summary:  Maggie and Evan had just married and were honeymooning in London. He was a difficult man but Maggie was a kind and forgiving soul. She loved him with all she was and when that is thrown away, not even 72 hours after they said their ‘I Do’s, what’s a girl to do? Except perhaps hit up ever bar her feet can take her to while the night sky opens up above her. When Tom’s out walking Bobby in the rain, he’s thankful. It’s true that beast will come into the house muddy and wet. He’ll even likely make a mess. But in the rain, even fewer were out this time of night and he was allowed the simple peace of walking around the park like any other man. In the rain no one expected him to take pictures with them. No one expected him to sign anything. In the rain, no one expected anything of him. 
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
Fanfic of the fanfic? Hell yes:  Day After The Rain- by @just-the-hiddles is a amazing, wonderful and hilarious story about Luke’s reaction to the events of Rain. Worth the read. It’s my new favorite thing. *warning* do not read while drinking/eating- this fic is a choking hazard.
Spring Showers One Shot 
A short follow up on Maggie and Tom. How do they hold up after a few months?
Lilith (One Shot)
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Demon ofc (lilith) Rating: M Warnings: Dub con, Sex, Oral, slight public masturbation.
Summary:  Thanks to a director with a misguided love for authenticity Tom experiences some unique side effects and a special visitor waiting for him at home
I’m Back (One Shot) *follow up to Lilith*
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Demon ofc (lilith) Rating: M Warnings: Dub con, Sex, Oral, slight public masturbation, rough oral sex (M receiving)
Clueless *Completed*
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x ofc (Sofya) Rating: T
Summery: Sofya was a perfectly plain woman living a perfectly average life in small town Arizona. She went to work, came home and repeated the process the next day. She dated average men who found her to be too plain and always left. Nothing remarkable every happened to her. When a tall British man named Tom walked into her life- or perhaps it’s better to say when she walked into his, spilling coffee all over them both in the process- her lack of experience with anything beyond plain and average left her clueless as to what was coming. Could Sofya ever be something more than perfectly plain to someone?
Chapters: Coffee, preparations, Hiking, Conventions, Whiskey
Of Mermaids and Fairy Tails  (Mermaid Series Part 1) One shot
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OC   Rated: G Warnings: Free diving can be a dangerous sport, please swim responsibly.  
Summery: Tom, Chris and Chris’ children are traveling, giving mom a break. In an effort to entertain the children, they visit a Mermaid show and it’s hard to say who’s more mesmerized by the mermaid, the children or Tom.
The Mermaid and The Prince (Mermaid Series Part 2) One Shot
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x ofc Rated: G
Summery: Rose and Tom had a few great dates and then, poof, he was off to live his life. If not for the friendly texting, it would be like he was never by her side at all. Yet the memory of his kiss still burns and Rose holds hope of seeing him again, of touching him again. He promised to return to her side and she believed him. But when she finds pictures of him with another woman, doubts creep in. He never said he was hers.
A Mermaid On Holiday (Mermaid Series part 3)
Pairing: Tom hiddleston x ofc (Rose) Rated: M Warnings: Non explicate sexual activity
Summery: Rose has no plans for Christmas and is content to laze around her apartment enjoying the three week break from work that was forced upon her. Tom found himself trying to pick between spending the holiday with Rose in the USA or traveling back home to Britain where he could spend it with his family. With his heart torn between two places and the advise of his Mum in his ear Tom had made his decision. He’d have his cake and get to eat it too. Rose, pack your tail. This Mermaid is going on holiday.  
Chapter: Part one, Part two
The Gift He Didn't Know He Needed *One shot Holiday fic*
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC Rated: M Warnings: Just some insinuated smut, drinking and hey- if you’re going out in below freezing weather please bring the correct gear even if you don’t plan to spend time outside.
Summery: Being newly single during the holiday season was a drag under the best of circumstances. Spending the holidays far from him and surrounded by happy families made it sting even more. In an effort to hide from the pain, Tom thought it a good idea to book himself a cabin away from town to wallow in his misery. Unfortunately, bad directions and even worse luck aligned and he found himself lost on a mountain during a blizzard. Woefully unprepared for the arctic weather, the world set about turning him into a true frost giant when the engine cut off and refused to return to life. With no cell phone signal, Tom was lost as to what to do about his situation until a truck rolled to a stop and his salvation stepped out into a flurry of snow.
Thirsty Tweets *One Shot*
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC Monica Rating: PG13 Warnings: sexual tweets
Summary: Tom and Monica visit Neil's late night talk show to promote their new movie 'Before Dawn' and get roped into playing Neil's favorite game- "Thirsty Tweets". When Monica finds the tweets she must read uncomfortably sexual she makes do the best she can in the name of being a professional. It wouldn't do to appear to be more because Tom most diffidently doesn't see her that way, right? What happens when its Tom's turn to read the tweets about her?
Too Late? *one shot w/ pick your ending*
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader Rating: G
Note- this is a pick your ending story. Happy or Sad- the ending is up to you.
Summary: While waiting at home for the man you love to return to you the internet serves up pictures that sting and cause all the doubt hidden in your heart to flair to life. When Tom returns home and can’t provide a answer good enough for you, you leave with nothing for the airport. Can Tom change your mind and convince you to stay or is it too late?
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smolvenger · 8 months
Also, I can't say no to blurbs and especially not to something extraordinarily fluffy like "Touch her and you die", tehehe... Perhaps with Henry V? 🤭
Hiiii bestie! I'm going to make the blurbs shorter and simpler if you don't mind!
His Queen (Henry V x fem! Reader blurb)
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Your boat docked right on the shores of France. So while your husband, the king, was determined to fight there- you had to see him.
Henry had waited with his whole army on the shore of a cliff. Then he dismounted his horse and ran up. It was a reminder of his youth- the young, firey, springy king. He easily bounded through the little beach and the plank right as you stepped up to get off the boat. Before his army and the guards, he embraced you passionately and you back.
"How are you, my sweet wife?"
"Weary from the journey though it was smooth," you confessed.
"For such a lady as you, even the seas and winds themselves would still and become gentle for you to cross," he said.
He hugged you again, peppering a kiss onto your cheek as you laughed, feeling the tickle of his facial hair and re-acquainting yourself with his lips.
He gestured to one of the lords. The Lord of York brought forth a beautiful white mare and you gasped.
"A gift for you, my lady," he offered.
You thanked him and he helped you to mount her. She accepted you- gentle was her demeanor and what a good companion she would make here in France.
"Why, the seas were quite misty- I should call her Mist, for she reminds me a little of it," you cooed, petting her mane.
"A noble, strong, yet sweet and beautiful thing, much like my dearest queen and lady," Henry said.
"My, what words roll off your tongue now! They shall call you a poet, not a ruler," you teased.
"Then it means I am an artist, and you are the muse then for such words. And if I must continue my pen, then my muse shouldn't be kept too long from me," he bantered back lightly.
He got up on his own horse- a white stallion quoting yours. You felt like a fairy queen, not a mortal one, as she trotted over the grass.
And you were led to ride and sit on your horse before the army. Dressed in their greys and blacks and scraps of leather, their eyes were big.
"This here, is Her Majesty, the Queen of England," announced Henry.
You smiled, though part of you went stiff. A few looks seemed to be borderline leers. How long have these men been deprived of a woman's presence?
Henry noticed, and his voice turned a darker tone, a fiercer one.
"She is both your ruler and a lady, and you must respect her as you do both. She is also my wife, I must remind you..."
His eyes darkened. The army stiffened, turning pale and attentive like naughty schoolboys caught by their teacher.
"You must guard her and listen to and follow her as you do Harry of England. She is England's Woman and it's most precious jewel. And should any miscreant or bully among you dare lay a finger on that precious jewel, I shall condemn you at once to hang. Remember the fate of Bardolph- one of your own who greedily robbed a poor church of its dearest sacraments- and she here is the greatest sacrament of England. And if none of you want to share worse than his fate, then cool your lust elsewhere...or I shall execute you myself." Henry threatened all of them.
The soldiers bowed their heads and complied. You gave him a smile. Though the only woman there, you were unafraid.
You were ready to join your husband and support him without fear.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
⬧ 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 ⬧
A collection of Loki/Tom Hiddleston characters x Reader Masterlist!
Everything here is 18+ so if you are not 18, you should not be looking at the content of this blog! (灬º‿º灬)♡
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I Have You - Loki x Reader | Ongoing - NEW CHAPTERS EVERY MONDAY
Kinktober - Loki x Reader | Incomplete - 12 days posted
Fluff-A-Thon - Loki x Reader | Complete - 3 posted
The Selection - Loki x Reader | Complete - Eleven Chapters
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Cabin in the Mountains || TS!Loki x Reader || 🢖 fic finished ↠ oneshots and skits added regularly
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I am yours, my Goddess (Will Ransome x Reader) - Complete
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢 🢖 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚍 (w/c 3.7k)
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬 🢖 Your Grace (w/c 4.9k)
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It's my plan (Loki x Reader, dad!Loki & child!OFC) - Complete
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢 ↠ It's my plan (w/c 4.1k)
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔬 ↠ It's my plan - part two (w/c 6.2k)
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I need him back (deceased!Loki x vengeful!corrupted!Reader) - Complete
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ↠ I need him back (w/c 6.7k)
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐 ↬ I have to get him back (w/c 12k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 🢖 I have him back (w/c 7.2k)
↳ A sadder ending (AU) (w/c 1.7k)
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Little Variant (Haven Lokidottir & TVA!adopteddad!Loki) - Complete
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ↣ Little Variant (w/c 2.7k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 ↣ My Sweet Variant (w/c 4.6k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ↣ My Alternative Variant (w/c 6.9k)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ↣ Can I trust a variant? (w/c 8k)
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A night of passion
One lazy morning
The sun is shining on us ↣ Thor & Loki oneshot
Every step of the way ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Hello Mummy
On The Wet Marshes ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Potential ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Meet your daughter ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
I missed you
Will you be my dagger
You'll learn to love me 
Right person, wrong time
Everything I wanted
What am I?
Clubbing Night
Cosy Nights
A false wonderland
Sing for me
I'll hold you through it
Rendezvous in the changing room
I do love you!
My darling
A walk in the snow 
Winter Drabble
Comfort me
A birthday to remember
A cool December night
See you again someday 
I am his safe space 
Don't wait ↣ Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Stay after class
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A little something
Can horror games scare a God
BBQ days
i thought she'd cry, not you
A test
Imagine 1
Imagine 2
Date night
A fun day 
The wedding
Moral support
A moment
Loki's bad day
Loki's shadow
Goodnight to Haven 
Lil' angst drabble
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Fluff-A-Thon - Loki x Reader | Complete - 3 posted
Take a breather, my love ↣ work motivation from Loki
Our little Haven ↣ Loki's first moments with Haven
Library meet cute ↣ meeting Loki for the first time
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249 notes · View notes
Fuck, Marry ,Kill. A game that the Justice League, Outlaws and some of the original Titans will never play again - Part 2
Masterlist of fics
Part 1
Summary: Almost the entire hero community know each other's identities. The only group that remains a mystery are the bats. Most know that they're based out of Gotham and they're a team. That's about it - After a successful accidental team up, Kyle suggest the group play FMK while eating.
The group had just finished with a team up. It had been a big case, Dick and Wally were working on it together, Donna and Kyle were working on it, and Jason, Roy and Kori were too. They had all bumped into each other and decided to work on it together. When the goons had seen the group together, some of them had just given up on the spot. It was great.
They returned to the warehouse they had worked out of, Nightwing and Arsenal had stopped to get food for everyone. When Red Hood removed his helmet to reveal a domino underneath, Donna threw a cup at him, “Who wears a mask underneath a mask? What is wrong with you?” Shrugging, Red Hood placed the cup down “It’s so I can take off the hood to eat.” “He’s just dramatic like that,” Roy leaned forward, removing his mask. As they ate, Red Hood and Nightwing were the only ones with their masks on. The bats are one of the few in the hero community that still kept their identity a secret.
Kyle broke the comfortable silence they were eating in, “Wanna play fuck, marry, kill?” “Absolutely,” Roy looked weirdly excited at the idea. “Yeah, why not.” Red Hood also seemed somewhat into the idea. “Famous people edition,” Kyle added, “Ok, fuck, marry kill. Doja Cat, Ryan Gosling and Andrew Garfield.” ”Marry Andrew Garfield, without a doubt.” Red Hood didn’t even consider it, “What I would do to be with that man. Um, fuck Doja Cat and kill Ryan Gosling. There’s something about him thats off to me.” ”You’re kidding right? I’d fuck Ryan Gosling, marry Doja and kill Andrew Garfield,” Donna stole some fries from Nightwing once she finished speaking.
“WHAT. You’d really kill Andrew Garfield?” Nightwing shoved her away from his food, “I’d fuck Andrew, marry Ryan and kill Doja.” Wally smiled at his friend, nodding in agreement, “Yeah I’m with Wing, we can be sister wives.” Nightwing leaned forward, and the two fist bumped. “I would marry Doja Cat. Hood plays her music a lot and I quite like it. I’d fuck Andrew Garfield, he seemed quite nice in the Spider-man movies we watched and kill Ryan Gosling.” Kori added. Kyle nodded at Kori. “I get that, I think I’m with you. Fuck Andrew, marry Doja and kill Ryan.” “I’m with Red, marry Andrew, kill Ryan, fuck Doja. Andrew Garfield is so fine,” was Roy’s choices.
“Ok, I’m doing the next ones. Jennifer Anniston, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston. For me, it’s marry Tom Hiddleston, fuck Chris Hemsworth and kill Jennifer Anniston.” Roy finished off his burger, tossing the wrapping into the trashcan without turning to look at it. Kyle hummed, thinking about his choices, “I’d marry Hemsworth, fuck Anniston and kill Tom Hiddleston.” Nightwing stopped sipping on his soda to contemplate it, “I’d marry Hemsworth, fuck Hiddleston and kill Anniston.“
“Roy and I in agreement again, I’d marry Hiddleston, fuck Hemsworth and kill Anniston. Without a doubt,” Red Hood was done with his food too, he lounged back in his chair, resting his arms behind his head. “I would marry Tom Hiddleston, fuck Jennifer Anniston and kill Chris Hemsworth. I do not find him very attractive,” Kori shrugged, also just finishing off her food. “Yeah I’m with Kori, marry Hiddleston, fuck Anniston, kill Hemsworth.” Donna got up from her chair, gathering her trash and throwing it away. “Uh, sorry Wing. I’d marry Hiddleston without a doubt, kill Anniston and fuck Hemsworth,” Wally reached across the table, grabbing another wrapped burger and unwrapping it.
“Alright, let’s spice it up,” Kyle finished his soda, throwing the cup at Roy who in turn threw it at Nightwing. Nightwing threw it at Hood and Kori caught it, throwing it in the trash to stop them before they did anything stupid. “The Waynes.” Nightwing and Red Hood tensed at those words. Before Kyle could continue, Nightwing’s phone dinged at the same time that Hood’s vibrated. They both picked up their phones and then locked eyes, seemingly coming to an agreement.
“Sorry Kyle, what were you saying about the Waynes?” Nightwing placed his phone down, giving Kyle his undivided attention. Looking at him warily, Kyle continued, “Yeah. Fuck, marry, kill. Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson-Wayne and Jason Wayne.” “Oh, I’d definitely marry Jason Wayne. Have you seen how he’s built? I’d love to climb him,” Roy looked completely serious as he spoke. “Fuck Dick Grayson-Wayne, he’s quite attractive and kill Bruce Wayne because him and Ollie are such good friends and thinking of him in that way is weird to me.” “What do the Wayne’s look like?” Kori asked Roy. He pulled out his phone and showed her some photos of them. “They are an attractive family. I would marry Bruce, fuck Dick and kill Jason.” Dick snorted and tried to cover it up with a cough. Ignoring that, Donna said, “Yeah, I’d definitely marry Bruce Wayne. He is so fine. Fuck Jason and kill Dick.” Jason could not even be able to explain the emotions he was feeling, he wanted to burst out laughing but couldn’t ruin it yet.
Wally finally finished eating just before he spoke, “I’ve thought about this alright. Marry Dick Grayson-Wayne, fuck Jason Wayne and kill Bruce Wayne.” “Wanna elaborate on the fact that you’ve thought about it?” Roy grinned. “Yeah, Bruce Wayne’s a bit old for me, and his sons would also have a good amount of money so I don’t have any reason to not kill him. Fuck Jason Wayne because he’s pretty attractive but I couldn’t see myself marrying him and there’s just something about Dick Grayson-Wayne that scream marriage material.” Jason almost lost it at that, but stopped himself from laughing. One glance at his brothers face, that was now turning a bright red, caused a crack in his composure, an amused grin spread across his face. “I’d marry Jason Wayne, there’s something about him for me that just lets you know he’d treat you good in a relationship. Fuck Dick Grayson-Wayne because have you seen that ass? And kill Bruce Wayne because his sons are just better.” Kyle spoke, looking at Hood and Nightwing he said, “Surprised you guys haven’t spoken yet, as Gothamites you’ve got to have opinions on this.”
Sharing one final look, Nightwing and Red Hood nodded at each other before Nightwing said, “Before we do this, I’d like to say that B just revealed his identity to the Justice League and that’s why we can do this.” Nightwing and Red Hood pulled off their dominos, Hood pushing his hair off his face. Kyle stared in horror, Wally looked ready to run to another continent, Kori quirked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow, Roy looked absolutely delighted and Donna burst out laughing “Oh my fuck,” Roy whispered softly. “WAIT, DOES THAT MEAN BRUCE WAYNE IS BATMAN?”
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Fuck, Marry ,Kill. A game that the Justice League, Outlaws and some of the original Titans will never play again.
This is an old-ish fic so ignore the errors and bad grammar. I promise I've improved. Not that this i bad (I still enjoy rereading it) but I can do better now.
Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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galaxythreads · 9 months
Why are some loki fans making takes that portray him as a sweet innocent pure angel who is a wonderful good person who is aweet to everyone?
Like. Guys? That isnt what a god of chaos is
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Me, at the fandom ^ I've been seeing this cycle around a lot since s2 came out, which is fine, people are allowed their own interpretations, but based on canon, I just don't see it like that? Loki isn't really a nice person in canon. He's a caring person, 100%, but nice is like ehhhh? Are you sure?
There is a massive distinction between Loki and Tom Hiddleston, and I think people are just blurring that recently because it's more tragic for Loki to have been a nice, sweet, angel who's constantly treated awfully, but Thor 1 doesn't really have any evidence for that. He's not...warm? if that makes sense. He's cold, aloof, and quiet.
The Loki series made him a lot nicer than he was before. He's so warm, with everyone, constantly. And I do find that somewhat irritating. I can honestly say that Loki is a nice person in the Loki series (except to Brad), which is kinda...weird, with retrospect? And, again, people are allowed their own interpretations, but I just don't view Loki as warm. Thor's the warm one between them. That's the one thing about Loki in Ragnarok that I will say I was glad they carried, because in Ragnarok, Loki isn't nice or wiggly. He's just kinda an idiot. and on the struggle train when it comes to a want, but that's a different story for a different time.
Do I want Loki to be cruel to everyone? No. Of course not. I don't want him to be cold to everyone either. I just think there's room for characters who are quiet to care quietly rather than with giant acts of love every 20 seconds, and Loki is a character who cares quietly.
That's one of the nice things about fics though, is you go and read them and Loki is so mean - but in a loving way (sometimes) - and it's just nice because it feels like him. Sarcastic, grumpy, quietly caring, growing on the characters because it's hard not to get attached to him. But the thing is, Loki's story isn't tragic because he's a nice, warm, loving character that was treated awfully by everyone in canon and then constantly got screwed over, it's that his circumstances hardened him to the point that he has to hold everyone an arm's length away and no one bothered to get closer and help him.
Now that I'm thinking about this and able to put it into words, I think that's why I liked what parts of the Loki series I did. When Loki hunts down Brad, when Loki tortures Brad, when Loki torments HWR, it was just nice because it felt like him, and I guess it felt like him because he was being mean. This is so weird. I think the important thing to remember about Loki is that he is, at heart, an extremely sarcastic a**hole who doesn't know how to communicate he cares about someone. He's one of those people that if you ask them "hey, can you do x for me?" he will immediately do it for you while saying "no, absolutely not, suffer" and then quietly take care of other things for you. Idk.
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peach-fiz · 10 months
I actually didn't even bother watching the second season of Loki because of the cheap marketing and inconsistent storytelling.
It just felt like the plot was lifted off somewhere it would have made sense, and a character with a similar ego was replaced with Loki and goes through an arc that might have made sense for a blank slate character, but not someone who already has a backstory.
Loki doesn't even feel like Loki after three episodes in S1. The whole point of having a show like that just seems to be about the TVA and Sylvie.
Also the whole genderfluid thing. They 'confirmed' it in the promo and had a line in the script that went completely against anything they just said.
I knew at once that the writers, directors and other parts of production were really just pulling it in different directions and it would probably sound like a jazz trumpeter and a metal guitarist trying to improvise after knowing each other for 15 minutes.
I've been meaning to watch it just so I can have educated opinions on all of it but it's just,, so hard to get into. I definitely agree the marketing was cheap, they did with the 80s McDonald's like they did DB Cooper!Loki and made it centric to the advertising because McDonalds was also getting something out of it which is kinda ass seeing as realistically Loki Laufeyson would burn 6 of them down before he ate in one 😭
I personally don't like either of the major ships in the show but the forced Sylki shit in season 1 really got to me. Like not only did she completely replace him as the main character in HIS show, she's also a variant of him who he wants to make out with and overall it just reads as lazy writing and it's extremely disappointing that Mike Waldron has been put in charge of Multiverse of Madness and The Kang Dynasty since, due to the popularity of the Loki TV show. I was talking to my boyfriend about this last night but it kinda reminds me of the complaints people had ab the last Indiana Jones movie but opposite? Like everyone complained his best friend's daughter was gonna replace him bc she's a Mary Sue and she rlly isnt, she's more reminiscent of Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark she just doesn't wanna fuck him. But the difference is Indy is a character who's majorly blank for little boys to project themselves onto. Which is great!! It works for those kind of movies, but they're not character development centric like the individual mcu movies tend to be. Loki is characterized in a way that he's drowning in identity issues and family problems and he experiences growth in every installment whether it be positive or negative. It doesn't make sense to take the formula of an Indidna Jones movie where he meets up with a woman who's typically a love interest and has her own issues that are only slightly touched on because that's not the focus, and they go do the plot.
Sylvie is not an Indy Girl, they straight up are trying to replace Loki with Sylvie. And you can tell the character wasn't supposed to have as much importance as she does in the show bc the character was worked on more after the actress they chose was buddies with a producer ( and this is no hate to the actress I'm sure she's delightful everything I've seen her in in terms of interviews has been lovely ).
I also absolutely agree they should've just made a tva mini series to introduce the tva rather than bringing back a dead character who soon will not make much sense anyway because Tom Hiddleston is getting older (and also he deserves to branch out in his career).
The genderfluid thing was a cash grab and it sucks ass, they just want money for acknowledging things already canon in the comics, same with confirming him as bisexual.
My boyfriend is actually writing a fic on ao3 called Find Me that's rlly good if you want Loki content that isn't related to the show.
(YES this is shameless promotion sshhhhshshsh) but fr the loki TV show makes me more confident in my screenwriting bc t h a t got put on disney plus. I'm also working on a Loki show rewrite in my spare time!!
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shadeysprings · 1 year
Beanie's Lucky 7 Sleepover
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Come one, come all, and join in celebrating this beautiful milestone with me with a writing challenge! Woot! Woot!
But before we get the party started, here are a few guidelines to consider;
🪩 You must be 18+ to join. Minors, please stay away.
🪩 Main concept of the event is to write a fic that is limited to 7 paragraphs only—no more, no less. But you can go crazy with the number of words. There is also no limit to how many works you want submit.
🪩 This is open to all genres but dark is preferred.
🪩 All tropes/AUs are allowed EXCEPT the following: underage, incest, bestiality, water sports, and scat.
🪩 Fandoms/Characters you can write for: MARVEL, Game of Thrones, Samuel Drake, Tommy Miller, Sebastian Stan, Pedro Pascal, Chris Evans, and Tom Hiddleston Characters. No RPFs, please. Though if you're unsure of a character, you can ask me through my DMs.
🪩 Reader inserts only.
🪩 Entries must be new and original. But if you really want to make it part of an existing fic you have, make sure that it can stand alone.
🪩 A list of tropes will be provided to help you kickstart your story. It is not mandatory though for you to use them.
🪩 I reserve the right to not read or interact with your work if it makes me feel uncomfortable or failed to follow the rules. Your work must be tagged accordingly as well.
🪩 Please use the tag #Beanie's Lucky 7 Sleepover when posting your work and tag me in it. If I haven't reblogged your work after some time, shoot me a message.
🪩 There is no deadline for this sleepover but the start date will be on the 7th of August.
🪩 Any questions that you may have, my DMs are open.
Meet Cute
Fake Relationship
Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers
Only one bed
Sugar Daddy
Boss/Employee Relationship
Professor/Student Relationship
DILF / Silverfox
NPT : @mochie85 @lokiandbuckysdoll @sarahscribbles @imyourbratzdoll @targaryenvampireslayer @flordeamatista @navybrat817 @sgt-seabass @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @honeystevie @iraot @ironlady1993 @slyyywriting @cockslutpadalecki @buckets-and-trees @loopsisloops @fictive-sl0th @cocoamoonmalfoy @late-to-the-party-81
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wwillywonka · 4 months
wwillywonka's Interests
(links are in red)
-here is my super long, super detailed list of the things i blog about. if you read the whole thing, you're amazing and i love you. thanks<33 -a more comprehensive list of my interests can be found here. i update it often. -please for the love of god do yourself a favour and listen to blooms by arthur sharpe
Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
special interest since 2014
read my ongoing willy character study fic here
my willy playlist
beside the original dahl books, the 2005 movie is the best and most superior version. i believe this with my whole body, mind, and soul and cannot be convinced otherwise.
other favorite versions of canon: gareth snook on the recent uk tour, gene wilder (of course). see gareth snook’s take on willy’s character here
i have consumed every single piece of wonka related media/content that is reasonably available to the public including horrible elementary school productions on youtube and random college theses. i consider myself the foremost expert about anything and everything regarding willy and can get defensive if that is challenged. i am also aware that i take this way too seriously considering willy is just a silly little fucked up guy who forever ruined my taste in men in my preteens. but i stand by my opinions.
i’ve also been writing a very self-indulgent willy x oc (ross able) fic for nearing 4 years now and have yet to publish it in any capacity. that being said, i tend to talk about it in tags for my own reference, so if you’re ever curious to know more, feel free to ask<3.
i do not support roald dahl, tim burton, or johnny depp in any way. their existences are entirely separate from my enjoyment of catcf. bigotry and prejudice are not tolerated on this blog.
i think the prequel is fine but unnecessary. it’s so whatever to me that i sometimes forget it exists.
i am literally charlie bucket (so obsessed with willy wonka that my parasocial need to be in a weird friendship with him is all-consuming and the only thing that keeps me going). if you ship any of the literal children ticket winners with willy, get off my blog.
willy is my specialist girl, a genius inventor evil capitalist, the blorbo i spin around in my brain 24/7 and want to put in a microwave, my wife, and also the absolute worst guy to ever do it. she is my everything. they’re just a sad gay twink. he’s even bigger than jesus.
Jesus Christ Superstar
the 1973 movie has been one of my favorites since childhood but i became obsessed after seeing the musical on stage in 2023.
yes i connect everything i liked about jcs back to willy and my other fav characters :)
things i write and blog about that are perfectly captured in jcs:
being mortal and being a god are not so different
the line between godhood and celebrityhood being more blurred the further society progresses. both are corruption
toxic, all-consuming co-dependency
sacrificing everything that makes one human for the sake of the “greater good”; becoming unrecognisable, becoming a monster (metaphorically and/or literally)
faith in something that ultimately betrays
being gay and being supppeerr dramatic about it
Alice in Wonderland
i love all versions but have a soft spot for the 2010 movie
fav character: the mad hatter/tarrant hightopp
the 2009 miniseries is weirdly good
alice in wonderland is a war story. to me.
i feel similarly about alice through the looking glass 2016 as i do about wonka 2023
once again, i’ve been writing a fic based off the 2010 movie for years but have yet to publish any part of it. one day, i promise.
my love for loki started in 2012 when i saw the first avengers movie in theaters but has since grown into a love of norse mythology and its extended history and lore. loki by mevlin burgess is one of my favorite books and is, in my opinion, the best portrayal of the character in recent years. neil gaiman’s norse mythology is also great.
i love tom hiddleston so so so so much<33. he is a phenomenal actor and also a really nice man and deserves so much more recognition than just being “that hot guy who played that villain in marvel.” i recently had the pleasure of sitting in the audience for an interview he did and it was the best day of my entire life. only lovers left alive is one of my favorite movies.
i hate the disney+ show except for the literal last 20 minutes of the last episode which gave me everything i’ve ever wanted out of a loki story.
i used to be really, really, really, extremely into marvel but pretty much stopped caring after endgame (which i feel is the case for a lot of people). that being said, i still love tony stark and spider-man, particularly the toby mcguire movies (cough cough…alfred molina as doc ock <3333).
Star Trek
obsessed with tos and tng, particularly the movies (undiscovered country is my fav!). huge fan of picard. don't really care about the aos movies or a lot of the newer series. i'm also currently watching voyager (janeway is insane i love her).
spent a lot of my nerd life not understanding the appeal until i started watching tng in april 2023 and swiftly became Aware of why it's one of the most famous franchises of all time. also as someone who's super interested in fandom history, particularly queer fandom history, i don't know why i didn't get into trek sooner.
spock is my fav character because he is literally me. i am always crying over him. no one understands spock like i do (<- is exaggerating knowing he is one of the most famous characters in all of pop culture history). we are both mixed race and jewish. we are both autistic and queer. there is literally no other character whose mixed identity is portrayed so well and as such a significant aspect of their story, and i (along with so many others) see so many of the internal conflicts he deals with in myself, particularly when it comes to his relationship with his parents.
sarek's biggest hater. like bestie, YOU married the human.
data is my second fav. mccoy is a close third. picard is a very close fourth. unification pt 1&2 are my fav trek episodes!!!
huge spirk/spones/mcspirk shipper. because duh.
Doctor Who
my favorite show since 2012
fav doctor: capaldi
fav companions/other characters: donna, river, missy/the master. and yes, the tardis
fav episode: heaven sent
murray gold invented music and is everything i aspire to be as a composer
please no moffat discourse i will block you
that being said, chibnall ruined doctor who. jodie whittaker deserved so much better and i do not blame her, an amazing actress, for the horrible writing she had to work with.
currently working my way through classic who and the eu
Other Notable Favorites
Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
The Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding/BritCom
Flowers/Will Sharpe Films
Good Omens
Dan and Phil
Adventure Time
Wes Anderson Films
The Beatles
The Picture of Dorian Gray/Oscar Wilde
The Adventure Zone/The McElroys
Other Things I Blog About
Robots & cyborgs, dolls
Body segmentation/body horror
Fashion/Fiber Arts
thanks if you read this far xoxo
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superficialdomina · 11 months
Writer Self-Rec Fics Ask Game
Rules: writers list your top 5 favorite fics of yours and then send this to 5 writers! :)
@divine-knight-hand thank you for this lovely ask!!! I'm sorry I forgot about it for so long - I think I was a bit embarrassed to answer, since I have such a pathetically short fic list, but I will list the five that I HAVE written in order of my favourites.
1. Devoted (sub!Loki/domme!Reader, established D/s relationship)
This is easily my personal favourite, even though it's much less popular than some of my others. It's rather fluffy (for a highly smutty story!), and I really like the way it came together (no pun intended).
2. Missed connection part 3 (Tom Hiddleston/Reader. Smutty/angsty fic with a hint of fluff and a bit of a sad ending. Total self indulgent nonsense.)
I don't know if it's fair to call these three separate stories, but this part is my favourite. It's long-ish but it was the most fun to write. It's also a bit more recent and tbh my writing is just better than in some of the earlier stuff.
3. Vulnerable (sub!Loki/domme!Reader)
I guess this is kind of my sub!Loki origin story. It was my first ever fanfic and... it shows? When I read it back now I cringe at it pretty horribly. But it's somehow by far my most popular story.
4. & 5. Missed connection parts 1 & 2 (Tom Hiddleston/Reader)
The opening scenes for Missed Connection 3, these are my least favourites. Not because I don't love and appreciate them - I really do - but again, I read back over them now and think how much better I could have written them. Part 1 is a bit thirsty/angsty but smut-free.
Tagging some authors - I would love to know your favourites! What are your self recs??
@acidcasualties @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @lokischambermaid
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