#tokyo revengers various
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months ago
New tokyo revengers pop up shop art!!!
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queenendless · 2 months ago
🎄💋Merry Kiss💋🎄
Pairing: Various Aged Up Adult Characters x Adult!GN!Reader
CW: Basic holiday content with implied lovemaking at the end.
Happy Holidays!
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Oh the holidays. The snow be falling. The lights be glowing. The discount bargain sales. Reds greens and yellows are the color scheme of this month. You couldn't be immune to the cheery merry sensations. In your cozy decorated home on Christmas Eve, your significant other keeps an arm draped around you or holding your hand tenderly the whole night. Whether it be curling up together lost in your own starry eyed world or cuddling and immersing in your shared warmth. Through the hearty feast, the eggnog and cider, even the Christmas movie marathon, sharing this time of year with them swelled up your heart. To their surprise, mistletoe lined the ceiling all over. To their delight, you showered them in tender, burning passionate smooches. One thing leads to another, clothing falling and decorating the floor, as your bare bodies grew entangled in the thralls of passion before the crackling fireplace. As the clock tolls midnight, you both came with creamy thick pleasure. Bidding each other a Merry Christmas before savoring another few rounds of merry making throughout the powdery twinkling night. Awakening to the sunrise of Christmas Day, to where more kisses and smashes became your gift to one another. What a way to spend the holidays.
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ivrxquack · 8 months ago
Toxic! Tokyo revenger headcannons
(Back in my Tokyo revenger era 😭)
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Too clingy.
Acts like you’re his life support…literally.
One time you woke up in the middle of the night to get water, you were gone for about 5 minutes and in that short time Mikey was able to have a full blown panic attack.
“Y/N, where did you go?” He whined as you sighed shaking your head going to hug him, as he wiped his tears on your pajamas. “Mikey, I just went to the kitchen it’s ok.” You said as he rubbed his cheek against yours, pulling you back into bed with him burying his face in your chest mumbling about how you should never leave his side again.
Every time you guys go in public like the store, mall, out to eat or anything like that he has a death grip on you. You’re always to hesitant to tell him that it feels like you’re hand is about to snap due to his unnecessary grip.
The first red flag in the relationship was in the first few weeks of dating. You and an old guy friend spotted each other at the park you two were at, you didn’t realize it but Mikey was shaking like a mad man his eyes wide and full of rage. Mikey, didn’t want to beat him to death especially infront of you so he “politely” excused himself from the situation.He was gone for about 30 minutes you and your friend were only talking for about 5 or 7 minutes, you couldn’t believe what he said he was doing when you asked him about it.
“Mikey!? Where did you go!?” You asked spotting him sitting by the lake throwing pieces of bread, “I was feeding the ducks!!” He said smiling widely hoping you wouldn’t notice the giant hole in the tree beside you with blood stains on it. You’ve thought about breaking up with him but he’s honestly so sweet to you, so you’ll learn to deal with his behavior but it naturally will get old soon.
Very very very overprotective.
“Babe, I don’t think you should be around here.” Baji said holding onto your arm pressing your body against yours, as you two walked around downtown which was surprisingly kind of empty. “Baji, my aunt needs these” You said holding the bag of different medicines your aunt lived in one of the neighborhoods downtown.
“Yea, ok.” Baji said rolling his eyes hardly as you two turned a corner to see a homeless man “ma’am..do you perhaps have some money?” He asked as Baji’s guard was immediately up. “No, get lost” Baji said tugging you away from him only for to you push him away, as you pulled your wallet out and handing the homeless man a few dollars. Baji couldn’t believe his eyes and before you could even blink the homeless man was knocked out on the ground, Baji standing on his head.
What the fuck?!” You said pushing Baji off him. “Sorry…..I thought he was about to punch you.” Baji said as you stared at the poor man before tucking the money in his coat pocket, and storming off making sure to give your boyfriend a lethal death glare.
He’s like your own attack dog if you were crazy enough and ordered him to fight someone for you, he definitely would and wouldn’t stop until they couldn’t walk. He doesn’t care if it’s a old man, old lady, kid, girl, woman, boy, man, cat, rat, bat he’ll fight them cause he’ll do anything to protect you!
“Y/N, why are you crying?” Baji asked rushing up to you as you fell into his strong arms sobbing. “A-Abby” he heard you whisper as his adrenaline started to race(idk if I worded that right). Abby was your bully who so happened to have a “crush” on Baji, she had been so rude to you at work normally you would ignore her but today…she really got under your skin. After calming you down and making you a big comfy spot on the couch, Baji said he was going to go get your favorite snacks.
Later that night you and Baji were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Baji was half asleep laying his head on your lap, as your phone dinged from an unknown number You hesitantly clicked it. What you saw made your jaw drop it was Abby getting jumped by 4 guys. “What the freak” you muttered quickly deleting and blocking the number throwing your phone across the room onto a different couch.
Completely unaware of the wicked smile on Baji’s face.
He babies/ enables you.
He has child proofed certain things in the house.
“Mistuya, are you serious.” You said in disbelief as you stared at the plastic knifes and forks in the drawer. “Safety first!” Mistuya said patting your head as you saw him put the actual knifes and forks into a drawer with a lock on it. You felt more like one of his little sisters then girlfriend, sure he was the definition of perfect but damn. You wished he’d understand that you could do most things by yourself.
“Oh, your shoes are untied, here let me get that for you.” Mistuya said as you two stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, he smiled at you softly patting his knee gesturing for you to put your foot up.
“I can do it myself!” You bending down as you quickly tried to tie your shoes somehow tangling the string. “Come on don’t be silly, you still do bunny ears!” Mistuya said bending down pushing your hands away as you watched his cute little delicate hands undid the strings.
Sometimes without knowing he would embarrass you especially infront of his friends. “Remember that one time you tripped on the baby gate? I had to put up cause you’re so clumsy” Mistuya asked laughing as Mikey and draken started to laugh at you. “Baby gates? I didnt know Y/n was a toddler!” Mikey teased as Mistuya chuckled but quickly stopped seeing the way you were staring at him like you wanted to murder him.
Despite the fact you always check him on what he does, and how much he apologizes and promises not to do it again he obviously still keeps doing it.
But at the end of the day he’s still YOUR man so you can’t say too much since you’re choosing to date him!
Wayyyyy to obsessed with you.
At first you thought it was adorable how often he checked up on, how often he hung out with you, how often he was thinking and talking about you. Until it became weird and weirder.
“There’s motion at your front door.” The notification on your phone said as you sat up out of your bed, checking the camera to see two big indigo eyes peering into the camera scaring you to death. “Y/N, its me Hakkai” Your boyfriends soft voice said as he revealed his jaw dropping stunning gorjus smile. You quickly rushed downstairs and let him in as he hugged you, when you questioned him he nervously explained on how he had just been in the area and wanted to see you.
He clearly has the mind of a bed bug cause after he left after a few hours of talking, something was telling you to check all of the cameras you had around your house and when you did boy his ass was grass. You saw Hakkai, walking around your house his eyes glowing in the night vision camera like he was a wild animal or something. He was peering into all your windows as you heard your dog barking. ‘That’s why she was barking?!’ You thought as you saw Hakkai jump at the noise as he ran to the back of the house where your bedroom was.
It turns out he was actually taking pictures of you while you were sleep, you were a little nervous but the next morning you two met up at a cafe and you brung it up as soon as you two sat down at your table.
“What? I would never do that.” Hakkai said as he took a bite of the cake he had, as you tried showing him the footage only to not find it all. And you knew that you saved it to your camera roll.
“You feeling ok, baby? Are you sick?” Hakkai asked with a worried look as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, and you nodded sighing.
‘She didn’t realize I hacked into her phone!’ Hakkai thought happily
The first time you went over his house probably should’ve been the last….
“Wow, your room is cute.” You said looking around it was surprisingly neat and smelt like lavender, you were pretty sure he only cleaned up for you thought. “Thanks!” He said as you looked at the posters on the wall of many different things like sports and stuff. “I’ll be right back, I’ll go get you something to drink make yourself at home” Hakkai said excitedly as you nodded sitting down on the bed to see a picture of you framed on the nightstand next to his bed. There was also a picture of you and him together, him and his sister, and of course him and Mistuya, and a few with him and his other friends. You smiled widely at the thought of the love and devotion he had for his friends and family, before you noticed light shining behind a door. It wasn’t his closet cause his closet was one of the first things you saw when you walked in.
You walked up to it cracking the door open slightly as your jaw dropped. You saw a few dim lights surrounding pictures…:pictures of you, what really got you were the pictures from last night of you sleeping.
“Y/N?” Hakkai asked as you quickly back away from the door as he had a tray of drinks and snacks on it. “What were you doing?” He asked as you put on a fake smile . “I was just curious to what was in there, I didn’t see anything” you said as he tilted his head to the right as you sat down on the bed.
“Whatever you say, love” Hakkai said as you thought about ways to distant your self from him. (It doesn’t work and it never will.)
What’s not toxic about his bitch ass🙄 there’s a lot of things but let’s only go through the worst one, the way he’s roasts you like his life depends on it.
“You kind of look like a cracked out ferret in that jacket, take it off” Smiley said as you side eyed him zipping up the jacket that was actually cute asf. “Shut up for once, damn” You said frowning as you and angry stared at him like he was crazy.
No matter how many times you(really just angry) try to check him it just plays it off as joking, you’ve always been skeptical if he was. But angry always reassures you that’s his brother means no harm if he did he would’ve been made you bite the curb.
“Babe, you look like you eat mattresses for a living.” Smiley said as he helped you put on eyeshadow. “Are you kidding me? Why do you have to say things like that?” You said as his smile only seemed to get wider. “Like what?” He said snarkiliy as you rolled your eyes standing up to stare at your perfect face in the mirror. “You always make fun of me for everything I do…” you said walking out to the living to see angry sitting on the couch, you guys were going out to eat. “Don’t be stupid. You know I love you” Smiley said following you throwing his arm around your shoulder as angry stared at you with sad eyes.
A good thing is if anyone were to try to come for you he’d be very quick to put them in their place!
When you two were in the beginning stages you were getting picked on and smiley was the only one to help you out. “You wanna come for my, Y/N? First of all your lace front is literally lifting up, your underwear is probably crusty and musty just like your mom. Your built like a watermelon” Smiley went on and on until the girl finally went away tears in her eyes.
You can always count on him to have your back!
He got on smileys nerves so bad when he had a crush on you. Everyday smiley had to hear “she looked at me she must love me!” “She waved at me in the hall ways she wants to get married!” If smiley was out of his mind he would lay hands on angry, but he has some self control and he loves his brother a lot so he learns to silence him out. Angry’s delusional got 1000”x worst once you guys started to date.
“Y/N, told me to pick a box up I picked it up and she said thank you, she’s clearly madly obsessed and in love with me.” Angry said with a lovesick look as a few of the other members of Toman stared at him like he nuts.
Usually his delusionals are harmless but one time they got WAY Too out of hand.
You were going to the mailbox and the way your house is positioned, the window to your room is facing the whole front yard. Angry was watching you like a hawk with love in his eyes, well the love quickly turned into sadness as he saw a man a friendly looking man approaching you.
“Hi, Mr. Ronald! Long time no see” You said as you two started talking. Mr. Ronald was your old babysitter he was always kind to you and a joy to have around. Angry wasted no time in calling his brother “bro, I think Y/N is cheating on me!!!” Angry hollered as soon as smiley picked up the phone. “What?” Smiley said in confusion anger in his voice already planning on how he was going to beat you until your face was unrecognizable.
You were making your way inside when you heard angry yelling on the phone but is ceased once he heard the front door open. “Baby, is everything ok?” You asked walking up the stairs to see him with the most hurt look ever. “You’re cheating on me, aren’t you?” He asked as you saw him fighting back tears in his eyes. “My Little cotton candy head, is this about Mr. Ronald?” You said sighing as you made sure to keep your distance since you knew his alpha came out when he crowd.
“I love you please don’t leave me for him, I-i promise I’ll change!!” He said as he ran up to you hugging you extremely tight, it felt like your lungs could burst any minute. “Angry, he’s like family to me, let me go” You groaned out trying to shove him off you as he kept sobbing about how you and your neighbor were getting married, and all types of dumb stuff. “Angry…” you said feeling life slowly getting further and
Further from you, as you heard thundering footsteps racing up the stairs.
“Woah, angry! Chill” Smiley said as he rushed over using all his strength to pull his brother from you, normally he wouldn’t interfere with stuff like this but he knew that his brother would never be the same if you died especially from his own hands. “Y/N? Honey? What have I done?!” Angry yelled out crying as he let you go watching as you gasped for air on the ground. “I’d never cheat on you angry…” you said coughing as smiley roughly patted your back as angry stared at his hands before running out wailing hysterically smiley following instantly.
Let’s just say you couldn’t bring yourself to even look at angry. Let alone speak to him after this(you guys got back together cuz you love you’re little blueberry)
He’s. Such. A. Crybaby
It’s like every little thing that goes slightly wrong sets him off.
You got a paper cut? He’s already crying a river. You passed a test? He’s crying while planning a special suprise for you, it’s honestly just ridiculous.
“Takemichi, why are you crying?” Mikey asked watching his friend cry while staring at his phone.
“Y-Y/N, only put one heart in her message!” He said wiping the snot off his face showing Mikey the message you sent him. ‘Have a great day I love you♥️’ the message said as Mikey stared at him in confusion.
Ngl that about it for him cause there’s really nothing wrong with him but being with a crybaby is mad toxic trust me I know😭 (I was going to make it he still clings into Hina but I passed on that cuz yeaaa)
He also has cheated on you multiple times mainly with hinata.
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belindarimbi13 · 4 months ago
Draken and Mitsuya for Tokyo Revengers: Last Mission
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notyourd0lly · 2 years ago
Bro just imagine crying your eyes out because of Baji's death and shit right? And then you start saying shit about how you wanna save HIM AND THE OTHERS.. And next thing you know you're falling out of the SKY, ONTO KAZUTORA WHO WAS ABOUT TO STAB BAJI.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
".. Hm?"
Ran never fucking rubbed his eyes so hard. He was spectating the fight and got rather bored so he looked up, seeing a person falling from the sky.
"I think those brownies had weed in them."
"Wha- Holy shit."
"DIE BAJ-" *gets knocked the fuck out*
"ACK- Did I just get shat out by a goddamn PORTAL?!"
*looks around YOUR FACE IS LITERALLY: 😯😦😧😨😰*
'Now I know damn well I didn't get isekaid into Tokyo Revengers.. Hey.. Where's Kazut- OH.. OH SHIT BRO.'
Just know the gods are laughin at your ass but they'll help ya babes 😭..
Everyone: Kisaki Who's pissed:
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simp999 · 2 years ago
☆Simp's Masterlist☆
I specialize in fluff, hurt/comfort and (strangers to) friends to lovers! Basically my fics are 90% fluff and relationship building, and just a tad bit of angst for the feels~
(🌹/🍡 can be seen as either)
Note: some stories have all of the above, so the order of the emoji is the same as the order in the story. For example: 🌸🍡🌹⛓ starts fluffy and platonic, ends with romantic feelings and angst.
Most of my fics are gender-neutral, They/Them pronouns used! I'm much more comfortable writing gender-neutral and male readers for personal reasons ww
Love ya'll <3
Splatoon manga:
A New Home (series) 🍡🌸⛓🌹
(Various Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader)
What happens when you get sent to Inkopolis, and begin to meet your favorite manga characters? Will you change the story? Will they love you? Hate you?
(Bloopers/Notes. Updated every chapter.)
Ch. 1: Where am I? Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 2: New people? Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 3: We are the Army. Wc: 1k
Ch. 4: If memory serves wrong... Wc: 1.3k
Ch. 5: Decisions, decisions Wc: 1.1k
Ch. 6: Hooooww Anooooying. Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 7: SUB WEAPON HELL! Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 8: Newfound Family. Wc: 1.1k
Ch. 9: Shopping Spree! Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 10: Skull's Territory. Wc: 1k
Ch. 11: A Misunderstanding? Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 12: Getting Too Comfortable. Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 13: Player Two? Wc: 1.7k
Ch. 14: ...You Didn't See That. Wc: 1.8k
Ch. 15: Sweetheart. Wc: 1.3k
Ch. 16: An Unexpected Meetup. Wc: 1.3k
Ch. 17: Not Much of a Choice, Huh? Wc: 1.8k
Ch. 18: Challengers Approach! Wc: 1.3k
Ch. 19: Freshest Squid on the Block! Wc: 1.4k
Ch. 20: The Absolute King. Wc: 1.6k
Ch. 21: A Crushing Defeat. Wc: 1.3k
Ch. 22: It Only Gets Tougher, I Promise. Wc: 1.4k
Ch. 23: New and Improved Team. Wc: 1.9k
Ch. 24: The Calm Before The Storm. Wc: 1.4k
Ch. 25: You're like me! ...not. Wc: 2.05k
Ch. 26: Another Step to De-throne the King. Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 27: Shoot For The Stars. Wc: 1k
Ch.28: Tranquility Before Chaos. Wc: 1k
Ch.29: What we Have. Wc: 1k
Ch.30: Pre-Battle Preperation Wc: 1.3k
Ch.31: Game On! Wc: 1.6
Ch.32: Someone to Remember. Wc: 1.1k
Ch.33: Someone to Miss. Wc: 1k
Ch.34: Someone to Hate. Wc: 1k
Ch.35: A True Family. Wc: 1.1k
Ch. 36: Bloodlust. Wc: 1.1k
Ch. 37: No, no! It's... Exactly What It Looks Like. Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 38: Mistakes. Wc: 1k
Ch: 39: The True Family. Wc: 1k
Ch. 40: What Now? Wc: 1k
Ch. 41: New Feelings. Wc: 1.2k
Ch. 42: Things are ... alright. Wc: 1k
Ch. 43: Things are not alright. Wc: 1k
Ch. 44: Healing. Wc: 1k
Oneshot - Bully the Charger 🌸🌹
Wc: 0.7k
Drabble - Please Rest. 🌸🌹
Wc: 0.7k
Oneshot - One of Those days, With a Twist. 🌸🌹🍡
It's one of those days- the ones where he just wants it to be over so he can feel better again. His hay fever was horrible, but maybe this time it wasn't so bad.
Wc: 1.6k
Team Yellow-Green:
Physical Affection? No Thanks.⛓🌹🌸
Wc: 0.9k
Rock On! Rider x Rockstar! Reader 🌸🌹
Wc: 0.4k
The Deca Tower Crush 🌹🌸
Wc: 1.7k
Team Monarch:
My Monarch.🌹🌸⛓
Wc: 0.6k
Team Fortress 2:
All Mercs:
The Moment the Mercs Realise they enjoy Being Around Reader 🌸🍡/🌹(bit of angst for one part.)
Wc: 2.3k
Merc's reaction to their S/O picking up on their words/phrases/slang that they use 🌸🌹
Wc: 2.4k
Mercs with a Badass Fem Pilot! Reader🌸🍡+🌹
Wc: 0.7k
I Appreciate You. - Oneshot ⛓🌸🍡/🌹
Includes reader comforting (hints of being autistic) Sniper who feels bad for being distant, and stargazing.
Wc: 1.7k
Sick! Teen! Reader - Oneshot 🍡🌸
Wc: 0.7k
Knowing sign language (drabble) 🌸🍡/🌹
Imagine Pyro's excitement when they meet someone that can finally understand them. Fluff ensues.
Wc: 0.3k
Heavy reads to you when you have trouble sleeping (drabble) 🌸🍡/🌹
A sleepless night turn into soft snores after heavy reads to you in his mother tongue.
Wc: 470
Heavy With Reader Who Struggles With Managing Their Anger 🌸🍡/🌹 (Headcannons+Mini drabble)
Wc: 0.7k
Demo x Male! Reader Headcannons+Mini Drabble 🌸🌹
Wc: 0.8k
Sick! Teen! Reader - Oneshot 🍡🌸
Wc: 0.7k
BLU! Soldier: You have me. - Oneshot (hurt/comfort) ⛓🌸🌹
Wc: 1.8k
The Red Means I Love You - Comfort/Fluff Oneshot 🌸🍡/🌹
Wc: 1.7k
Medic x Overworked! Reader - comfort/fluff oneshot 🌸🌹
Wc: 850
Sick! Teen! Reader - Oneshot 🍡🌸
Wc: 0.7k
Baby Birds~ Drabble 🌹🌸
Wc: 0.4k
I Like The Sound Of Your Voice - Drabble🌹🌸
Wc: 230
Scars - They're Not What You Think.🌹🌸
Wc: 240
Medic x reader who understands his birds🌸🌹
Wc: 320
Lutz Kruspe (Goth medic OC):
Dating headcannons 🌸🌹
Wc: 0.5k
Lutz x Punk! Reader🌸🌹
Wc: 0.4k
Little Fri-iend!! 🌸🍡
Proto x little! NV! Reader drabble
Wc: 0.7k
Misunderstandings 🌸🍡
...Yeah, humans usually have their heartbeat quicken. It's normal.
Wc: 370
Medibot Oneshot - Overstimulated ⛓🌸🍡
He knows what it's like, he really does. He'll do everything he can to help, and maybe reveal some hidden feelings while he's at it.
Wc: 2k
Philia; Platonic Love - Dexx/Sniper 🌸🍡
Is platonic love such a hard thing to understand?
Wc: 2.5k
Knuckles the Echidna:
Lazy Day. 🌸🌹/🍡
Imagine being the first person to help knuckles finally truly relax.
Wc: 1.1k
I'm So Proud Of You☆ ⛓🌸🍡🌹
I'm So Proud Of You☆ pt. 2 ⛓🌸🌹
You were the one good thing in his life and he wants to make the best of it.
Total Wc: 9.1k
All Good Things Come To An End. 🍡⛓🌹🌸
Sorry Arven, we'll have to hang out some other time.
Wc: 2.6k
Beyblade Burst:
Ken Midori:
Short Lived.🌸🍡🌹⛓
Just enough time for feelings to develop, but not enough to act on them.
Wc: 5.4k
Tokyo Revengers:
A New View On Life 🍡🌸
Oh how you lived for this thrill. Nothing could compare to the serotonin you get with these stupid boys.
Wc: 2.5k
Takashi Mitsuya:
Small Scares~ 🌸🌸🌸🌹
Halloween Special! Who would've thought that your strong gang-member boyfriend was afraid of horror movies? Time to comfort our favorite malewife!~
Wc: 1.2k
Shuji Hanma:
The Angel And The Reaper ⛓⛓⛓🌹
Halloween Special! Angst to the brim. What the hell is this feeling? Is it love? Disgusting. We love an unhinged reader.
Wc: 1.7k
Matsuno Chifuyu:
Familiar? 🍡⛓🌸
Baji? No, you're not him. But Chifuyu can't ignore the sense of comfort you give him.
Wc: 2.2k
2013 TMNT x Rise! Reader
Do I Know You? 🌸🍡
Do I Know You? Pt. 2 ⛓🌸🍡🌹
Damn it, Rise Donnie! Why'd you send me to 2013? Oh well, better make the best of it! (2013 Donnie x reader mostly, platonic for everybody else.)
Total Wc: 5.8k
Request info:
Taking requests for Viktor and Silco from Arcane!
Please include a senario idea in your request. I'll do it in whatever form I feel like unless specified: Drabble, headcannons, or Oneshot.
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
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the-sage-libriomancer · 1 year ago
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this isn't even remotely true but the comedic timing is sending me adjksjshsjajsdnajhd
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marahuyomae · 2 years ago
𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼: 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓪 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓪𝓷: Chapter 2.5
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ꜰᴇᴀᴛ. ᴛᴏᴋʏᴏ ᴍᴀɴᴊɪ ɢᴀɴɢ [ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ], ᴍɪᴢᴏ ᴍɪᴅᴅʟᴇ ꜰɪᴠᴇ [ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ], ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ! ꜰɪʟɪᴘɪɴᴏ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ [ɪɴꜱᴇʀᴛ], ᴊᴏꜱᴇ ʀɪᴢᴀʟ [ɪɴꜱᴇʀᴛ], ꜰ! ʏ/ɴ'ꜱ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ [ꜱɪᴅᴇ], ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ [ꜱɪᴅᴇ]
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ/ꜱ: ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ-ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ, ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ :ᴡɪᴛᴄʜᴄʀᴀꜰᴛ:, ꜱᴜꜱᴘᴇɴꜱᴇ/ᴛʜʀɪʟʟᴇʀ, ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛ(ʏᴀ), ʜɪꜱᴛᴏʀɪᴄᴀʟ :ꜱᴘᴀɴɪꜱʜ ᴄᴏʟᴏɴɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴇʀᴀ ɪɴ ᴘʜ:, ᴡᴏᴍᴇɴ'ꜱ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ʀᴇᴀʟɪꜱᴍ, ʀᴘ612
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ/ꜱ: ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɪᴏʀ ʀᴀᴄᴇ, ʀᴀᴄɪᴀʟ ᴘʀᴏꜰɪʟɪɴɢ, ʀᴀᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴇQᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ, ᴘʀᴇᴊᴜᴅɪᴄᴇ, ᴀɴᴛɪꜱᴇᴍɪᴛɪꜱᴍ, ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ᴏᴘᴘʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ, ᴏᴏᴄ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ
ᴘᴜʙʟɪꜱʜ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ: [June 23, 2023] ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3040
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The Spanish guards began to point their guns in anger, "Brusco! Wala ka bang ibang alam na gawin kundi makielam sa mga trabaho ng mga authoridad?! Mukhang hindi ka parin nadala, gusto mo ba pa na pabigatin namin ang iyong kaparusahan sa pag-asikot sa mga trabaho namin?! Las Puta!"
["Disrespectful Wrench! Do you have anything else to do other than interrupting the work of us authorities?! It seems like you still haven't learned your lesson, do you want us to make your punishments heavier due to being so nosy with our work?! Fucking Whore!"Translation: Tagalog and Spanish - English]
The Toman members may not be able to understand anything, but from the looks of it, they seemed to be degrading the small 16-year-old woman, and they wouldn't let that slide as some of them tried to break free from the Spanish guards' grasp about to punch on their way. The [HC]-haired maiden motioned for them to calm down and stay in their place with the use of her hands. They did as they were asked and only hoped for the woman's safety. She returned her gaze to the guard in front of her, only to look at him with a very unbothered gaze. Her head remained held up as she strode closer to the spot where they all are with grace and browbeating in her steps. 
"Paumanhin po mga Ginoo, nawa'y unawain ninyo sana po na ako po ay wala talagang masamang intensyon sa panggugulo ko po sa inyong kasipagan sa inyong trabaho. Ngunit, sana ay unawain niyo po na ang mga banyagang negosyanteng Hapon na mga ito ay kanina pa dapat nasa bahay upang maituloy na rin po namin ang kaayusan ng negosyo ng aking ama sa aming mismong azotea kasama po sila. Nawa'y unawain ninyo po, at naligaw lang rin po sila." The tan skinned lady said in a calm manner.  (What calm manner? She's obviously screaming in lowercase letters. 🙄)
["I do apologize sir, but please do understand that I do not have any bad intentions when I interrupted you and your hard work. But, I do hope you would try to understand that these Japanese merchants were supposed to have arrived in our warm abode to continue their trade arrangements with my father in our very Azotea with them. Please do take note that might just have been lost a while ago."  Translation: Old Tagalog and Tagalog - English]
And they believed her that easily, they immediately lowered their guns and let the Toman members go. The [H-C]-haired female hummed in satisfaction and motioned the Toman members to follow her, her servants immediately following behind her; but the Toman members? They looked at her with suspicion and mixed feelings, feeling conflicted. Looking around, Takemichi realized that no one seemed to trust the short woman, he sighed and immediately stepped forward and bowed as a sign of thanking the Filipina. The woman only smiled and opened her fan, fluttering it calmly. 
Seeing the interaction, Mikey thought to himself, 'If Takemitchy trusts this woman, then I must do the same. She also helped us get away from those officers, that can be a valid reason to try and trust her.' 
Mikey began following them too, and this action made the other members follow their leader out of respect for his indirect decision. As they followed the 16-year-old lady, they started to take in and observe their surroundings. As they did, they realized that the place looked so vintage. There is not much electricity, nor are there any vehicles except horse-pulled carriages. If this is a dream, none of them wanted to stay, and that's a fact. The place looked so foreign to what they were used to that they feel like the whole place would swallow them whole. The world suddenly felt claustrophobic and suffocating as everything began to move closer and closer. (Mockingbird suddenly started playing lmao-) 
With ragged breaths in amidst their sudden adjustment, the feeling of being out of place made everything more worst as they suddenly felt little. Trying to calm down, Draken was the first to break the chain tight atmosphere, "Oi.." the tall blonde stuttered out as he tried to figure out how to make the Filipina maiden understand her. 
The [H-C]-haired female waited patiently as she find the tall blonde struggling to talk to her amusing. "I can speak Japanese if that is what you are struggling with," she said as she tried to hold back her laugh; Draken looked away embarrassed and disappointed in himself for underestimating her. "And no, I am not offended by it. So please don't feel bad; in fact, I find you a nice guy. How considerate of you to try to make a woman comfortable."
Draken sighed out of relief, "May I ask? Where are you exactly taking us uh miss?" He asked. To which she replied, "Call me [Name], but it seems like your friend over there fucking knew it already." they all looked at the piss-haired male in suspicion; but before anyone can voice it out, the soft feminine voice of the maiden rang among their ears once again,
  "And to answer your fucking question, I told those motherfuckers awhile ago that you are merchants; and you are about to trade with my manwhore of a father. A big ass lie at that, but they won't leave you and your troop alone if no one fucking handles your awkward situation." they all looked at her bewildered, her voice tone and actions defy from each other; her moves were full of grace and caution as if she was a pretty china doll that was so old that she might break if she tries to walk recklessly. Meanwhile, her voice is gentle and soft; and yet, it doesn't sit well with her way of talking- cussing in almost every phrase of a sentence.
"I don't want to be rude, but Miss [Name], I don't think it is necessary to bring us to your humble abode. You may have good intentions, but others may not view them as kindness but something inappropriate."  Mitsuya indirectly declined the offer. 
"I don't think that I can let you all go for now... You motherfuckers talk to me like ya'll handle yourselves in the most responsible my ass manner, yet you get captured not even ten seconds after any of you arrived here." The short woman stated in a matter-of-factly tone. "Not just that, one of you touched a property of mine even though he is not even my descendant nor is he blood-related to me." 
She said as she faced them and harshly slapped Mikey. A series of gasps and socked responses can be heard (Nahhhh- jit  liked tea.) A deafening silence followed right after the harsh contact of the short woman's hand in the face of the short man. Realization hit her and her darkened face switched into a panicked expression, "Shit! I AM SO SO SO SORRY! That wasn't meant for you!" 
"It's fine, really!" Mikey started, but his words were cut short when he was abruptly shoved to the ground. The maiden's momentary panic quickly turned to an expression of indifference. "Move aside, will you?" She pushed him without guilt, immediately heading toward Takemichi, who was standing a short distance away. She passed Draken, her pace quickening as she sped toward her target. Upon reaching him, she slapped Takemichi, hard, sending him sprawling to the ground. He looked up at her with a shocked and confused expression, wondering why she was so angry with him. 'Eh-Ehhhh?! Why would [Name]-san be mad at me?! What did I do?!'
"The book? Where. Is. The BOOK." She asked in an irked manner, her whole energy screaming pissed despite her dour facial expression.  "I was supposed to slap you when we get to confront each other alone and might as well strangle you, but nooooo... You and your piss-colored hair and I bet your parentless fat ass has ruined my mood and made me do it earlier than planned. Who in the name of Kan-laon are you to think that you have the right to touch what is MY property and NOT yours? Huh? OVER my Dead Body!" (Now why am I hearing Celestia Ludenberg's Voice and Accent- This is supposed to be [Name]! Not Celestia-)
Takemichi was far from confused- he was terrified. The way you looked meant 'I-will-not-hesitate-to-murder-anyone-who-comes-my-way-and-stop-me'. She strode closer to Takemichi, where he tried to crawl backward in response. His breathing became more ragged as he tried to crawl to freedom, only to feel himself being dragged somewhere by the right foot. Some Toman members tried to help only to be motioned by Mikey to halt. 
"Rest in Peace Takemitchy...."
"So... You are saying that I would find a lover somewhere in my future and once I did, they suddenly married him off to someone else because some people in your clan are racist?" She tries to confirm if her understanding of the story makes sense.
Takemichi sighs and sits down steadily while the maiden applies the ointment to his bruises, "I supposed that is the full summary..."
"A-Ah! Ouch..." The piss-haired male winced in pain as the ointment came in contact with his bruises. "Dumb fuck! Of course, it would hurt." the [H/C]-haired female retorted as she applied more of the cream to his other bruises. 
"Are you alright Takemitchy?"  Mikey asked as he observed your movements. She then scoffed, "Does he look alright?" immediately shutting the blonde up.
The way you tend to Takemichi's wounds, was as if you weren't the cause of it; so much gentleness and care, that is as if he would break if you don't do it carefully. Like a glass heart globe filled with beauty, yet could break with the slightest movement. 
"I am extremely sorry for being unable to take good care of your journal [Name]-San." 
"That's fine, you didn't know anyways." She muttered in understanding, "The others already changed their clothing in the other room. Would you like to join them? Or do you want to head to the dining hall immediately?"
'A while ago, she was acting like we are long-time enemies that resolved our rivalry by deciding to kill each other- but now, she is acting as if she was my mother and I am her child that basically went to war and just came back so she patched me up.' Takemichi thought as his brain tried to comprehend the female in front of him. 
He cleared his throat as he tried to form an understandable sentence, "I would rather go change first [Name]-San, my clothes still haven't dried yet."
"If that suits you more, then proceed to the next room. A servant shall be summoned to that room, she'll guide you and your companions to the dining hall later." The [HC]-haired woman stood up as she placed the kit back in the closet, but because of her height- she accidentally let the kit slip off her hands, and out of panic, she let out a scream; but to avoid the embarrassment, she continued where she left off and released more high pitched sounds that made it sound like she was performing in an opera. 
"[Name]-San, I would have clapped if only you showed more expressions on your face," Takemichi said as sweat dropped off his face. In honesty, Takemichi knew that [Name] dropped the kit out of some 'problems'; he just doesn't want the [H-C]-haired woman to get more embarrassed.
[Name] only sulked in the corner as she tried to hide out of embarrassment. "If you try to tell anyone what happened, I am going to kill you in your sleep." she threatened as she motioned Takemichi to get out.
The room was cozy, and they all sat down feeling themselves to be at ease with the house's ambiance. The food in front of them looked foreign to what they got used to, but the smell was still divine.
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(If ya'll are on a diet do NOT go to the Philippines... You just moved into your new apartment and your neighbor is knocking? DO NOT open it... they would invite you to their side of the apartment... they would let you eat.. and the moment they see you eat less they would automatically add more... Do take note this is not an insult... this is just how we have always been... Do they stare at you?? Do not think of it as anything wrong, Filipinos have this fixation with how foreigners looked like, they are just curious, not hostile; just smile at them and they would try to approach and talk to you... Filipinos may not try to hurt you intentionally but once it comes with your weight... they would they will attack your weight...Filipinos especially older generations are always breaking the 10-second rule... )
Their mouths watered as they stared longer. The aroma that wafted across the room gave them a sense of security and the welcoming warmth of the hosts of the house spread. Even the servants welcomed them with open arms.
"Dig in, have as much as you like...." the [HC]-haired female announced in a calm yet authoritative tone. As they were given permission, they took a lot of food that they would digest. As they began eating happily, [Name] sat down on a chair near Mitsuya and she began eating too.
"All of you can stay here for as long as you can go back to your timeline."  she suddenly announced, making everyone gasp or yelp in surprise.
Draken's eyes widened, "Oi, We never told you how we got here... How did you know?"
This alarmed the gang and they started to try to stand up from their seats with dour expressions. The maiden sighed as she tried to signal them to sit own, which they did.
"I did not bring any of you here... I wouldn't dare disrupt time by making a very negative change in history," she explained to them calmly as she started to reassure them.
The first to trust her words was Mitsuya, "Then... if you didn't bring us here.... Who did?" the lilac-haired man asked as he waited for an explanation along with the whole gang.
"Take... Explain it to them for me..." the Lady sighed as they looked at Takemichi with skeptical expressions.
"Are you sure [Name]-san?" Takemichi asked unsure as he felt like death himself is coming.
"This is your fault, take responsibility for what you have done." the Lady reminded him as the rest of the Gang looked between [Name] and Takemichi.
"Uhm... well, you see, [Name]-san over here," he paused, trying to steady his breathing due to the holes they are creating in him as they stared intensely. "Is actually the lover of my ancestor..."
Silence engulfed them as they try to process the information handed to them. 
"What?" Someone voiced out, clearly unable to process it well. Takemichi looked at his associates and gave a small apologetic smile.
"I believe you all deserve an explanation." Takemichi paused for a moment, thinking about the words he was going to say. He cleared his throat before proceeding. "I came into possession of an old diary with spells stored inside it, and Lady [Name] is the owner of this journal." he proceeds to gesture to the Filipino maiden who only nods in acknowledgment.
With a sharp inhale, he proceeds to explain the rest of the story, "I found a spell that could bring me back in time, and out of curiosity, I tried it. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work as I had hoped, for I caused all of your trouble and accidentally brought you along in my own mess."
His companions looked at him with stunned disbelief as they tried to comprehend what they had just heard. 
Mikey was the first to speak up, "So we time-traveled back here because of some kind of spell that you found in this old diary?" he asked as the information processed inside his mind, too stunned to even attempt to make a joke.
"That's right," Takemichi replied. "And we're stuck here until I can figure out another spell that can get us back." The other friends all began talking among themselves, trying to figure out how they were going to deal with the situation.
The tan-skinned woman frowns as she smacks Takemichi's head with a flying slipper, she sighs in irritation and spoke in a gentle manner, "Have you forgotten who wrote in this very journal? I did, and since your irresponsibility is now my own responsibility- I would help all of you go back to your timeline, I'll swear to the stars and moon as my witness that I would assist all of you and assure your safety during your stay."
The members of Toman listened to the maiden's offer, considering the offer for a moment before accepting.
Although none of them showed outward signs of this, they were all cautious of the certain [E/C]-eyed female's offer and didn't quite trust her yet. However, they could not pass on the offer and agreed to stay at her house while they waited to be sent back to their time.
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This fanfic is already a one-year-old fanfic..... That is already finished in my head and not on wattpad or tumblr....
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months ago
Best girl in tr?
Baji and Chifuyu
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Ryusei definitely doesn't agree
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queenendless · 5 months ago
A/N: I am so sorry for this improvised mess of a piece. F Hurricanes. F Florida. F my ADHD self that can't force ingenious masterpieces outta my anxious fatigued brain. How does anyone put out long ass pieces on a consistent basis? I'll never know.
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Your very presence changed the foundation of the anime universe. They are the moths, and you are the flame. An anomaly like one. The dozens to hundreds of certain folk you crossed paths with immediately rewired their brains and tainted their cores.
Each one taking every chance to show off for you flexing their skills and pros to win your favor. Cheering on champion class soccer games. Taking motorcycle rides with fine delinquents. Treated to private tea parties with tier layered savory and sweets.
Having all this special treatment was flattering even though all those eyes on you was quite overwhelming, like the Six Eyes.
But of course, none are satisfied with having so many opponents standing in the way of you being with just themselves. All walks of life and death stalked you from every corner. Wizards gone overblot. Duelists who wacked their duel disks in others' faces. Apple- obsessed Shinigami employed shady tactics to derail everyone else's endeavors.
Cue the bloodbath.
Giant killer robot bears swarming the streets to laser eye and topple buildings on those from their master’ hit list. Geass brainwashed many to take their own lives. One of your lovesick options wanted you to unalive yourself with his bandaged wrapped self right off a roof. Not even butler cutlery was safe as it clashed with holy loaded guns for ownership over your soul. The sword wielding slayers beheaded many in their path.
Devil hunters trembled, crybaby heroes broke down, rangers' smiles cracked in fury, and so many unfortunate hunters were crushed; literally. Sinful demons would relish in the chaos. For crimson enveloped their now shared world.
Love letters for you, smothered in bloody kisses and hand prints, fell from the sky. Bouquets of white roses splattered with crimons drops on the petals. You felt your stomach twist in knots, your chest suffocating from the various hands and arms wrapped around you, and your vision being flooded with the color red.
Basically …
The fight for your love would result in WWIII.
But who would win in the end?
At that point, would it even matter?
Who's to say?
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kurokawaia · 4 months ago
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* ˚ ✦ Welcome to Honey's first Kinkmas!! ೃ⁀➷ FANDOMS INCLUDE :: This contains a various amount of fandoms within Anime and/or Manga, such as; Bungou Stray Dogs, Naruto, Sk8 The Infinity, Hunter X Hunter, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Mo Dao Zu Shi, Bleach, death note .ೃ࿐
Please fill out this form to be tagged (here), when i put you on the taglist, if your age isn't in somewhere on your profile showing you are 18+ i will not add you to it !! make sure its easily visable too! in your bio or pinned! if i can't find it there, i will not add you!! (taglist closes on the 30th of November)
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MAIN KINK :: GUNPLAY ╰┈➤ extra kinkss; slight choking, overstimulation
WARNINGS :: yandere? dazai, controlling, Forced confinement, psychological manipulation, power imbalance, dark themes, dubious consent, overstimulation, gunplay, getting fucked by a gun on a desk, mean!dazai, slight choking, sucking the gun + more
fandom: bungo stray dogs
MAIN KINK :: Dry humping ╰┈➤ extra kinks: handjob, blow job (oral -> male receiving)
WARNINGS :: afab, x fem reader, dry humping, sub!armin, handjob, blow job, oral -> male recieving, cum swollowing, hair tugging, nicknames for armin 'min' 'minny'?, pet names for the both of you 'baby', begging, praise + more
fandom: attack on titan
MAIN KINK :: BONDAGE ╰┈➤ extra kinks; marking, biting
WARNINGS :: afab, x fem reader, dom!feitan, marking, biting, bondage, tied up, use of rope, tightly tighted up, bruises, blood, rough sex, mean sex, possessive sex, missionary? + more
fandom: hunter x hunter
MAIN KINK :: SOMNOPHILIA ╰┈➤ extra kinks; breeding
WARNINGS :: x fem reader, somnophilia, sex while you are asleep, piv, cervix fucking?, breeding, consent is given before hand, no protection
fandom: naruto
MAIN KINK :: MASTER DYNAMICS ╰┈➤ extra kinks; painting, degradation, praise
WARNINGS :: afab, x fem reader, dom!cherry, painting, bondage, degredation, praise, doggy?, desk sex, size difference implied, restriction, master dynamics, oral-> female reciving, pet names 'master' 'pet' 'good girl' + more
fandom: sk8 the infinity
MAIN KINK :: FACE SITTING ╰┈➤ extra kinks; chain usage, overstimulation, praise
WARNINGS :: afab, x fem reader, face sitting, chain usage, overstimulation, praise, oral -> female receiving, cunnilingus, bondage (chains), restriction of movement (chains), slight temperature play? (chains), cervix kissing/fucking, fingering + more
fandom: hunter x hunter
MAIN KINK :: VOYUERISM ╰┈➤ extra kinks; degradation
WARNINGS :: voyeurism? exhibition? fingering, light begging, light praise, degradation?. dom!Light x sub!Fem!reader, L looking at the camera while this happening + more
fandom: death note
MAIN KINK :: SIZE DIFFERENCE ╰┈➤ extra kinks; breeding, rough sex
WARNINGS :: afab, x fem reader, size kink, rough sex, manhandling, no protection, breeding, reader is shorter, reader is smaller than kenny, misogyny?? kenny likes how your his wife, how you prodive the food for him etc.. + more
fandom: bleach
MAIN KINK :: FOODPLAY ╰┈➤ extra kinks; bondage, praise, titty fuck
WARNINGS :: afab reader, x fem! reader, foodplay, maple syrup, titty fuck, bondage, restriction, praise, sub!zenitsu, oral-> male recieving + more
fandom: demon slayer
MAIN KINK :: DOM/SUB DYNAMICS ╰┈➤ extra kinks; bondage, cnc, biting, size kink, cockwarming
WARNINGS :: afab reader, x fem! reader, bondage, cnc, size ink, cockwarming, overstimulation, smaller!reader, timid!shy!reader, dom/sub dynamics + more
fandom: mo dao zu shi/the grandmaster of demonic cultivation
MAIN KINK :: THIGH FUCKING ╰┈➤ extra kinks; marking/biting
WARNINGS :: afab reader, x fem! reader, nsfw, thigh kink, mating press, slightly rough sex, piv, prone bone, no protection, cum eating, slight manhandling, implied orgasm denial
fandom: tokyo revengers
MAIN KINK :: BABY TRAPPING ╰┈➤ Breeding, yandere, manipulation, coercion
WARNINGS :: x fem reader, afab, yandere, coercion, manipulation, baby trapping, no protection, missionary, fingering, cervix kissing, NC cumming inside, + more
fandom: bleach
MAIN KINK :: CORRUPTION ╰┈➤ extra kinks; virginity taking, discrimination, breeding, degradation
WARNINGS :: corruption, virginity taking, discrimination, breeding, size kink, madara is mean, degradation, x fem reader, restraining (using hands), prone bone, slight choking? afab, she/her terms, reader is timid / shy / scared / inferior / shorter than madara, CNC, Old ideologies regarding birth! + more
fandom: naruto
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Schedule : (UTC +8 time !!) will be posted 4:00pm every stated date
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(the red gif animated line is made by @/cafekitsune)
the MDNI 18+ banner, the Izana banner is made by ME, so do not use it
the rose banner has been found :here: and :here:
the fading red banners can be found here adn here
© kurokawaia 2023 - 2024 (current).
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apollodarling-writes · 8 months ago
ik this might seem stupid but a scenario where the reader needs lube because they can’t get wet on their own due to antidepressants,, i don’t see it enough, if at all
author note : this isn’t stupid at all !! im so glad you requested this, and im more than happy to provide. you didn’t specify who you wanted, so i kind of just chose some characters tbh,, i hope that was okay, but if not — whenever reqs open again, id be more than happy to write for someone you want.
includes : mikey, mitsuya, chifuyu, kazutora, sanzu.
cws : smutty, fem-bodied reader but no prns used, edging mentions, overstim implications, manhandling, multiple creampie.
it wouldn’t bother mikey at all — his main focus is your pleasure. he would hate to bring you any pain, nor does he want you to be self conscious about needing lube to get wet.
naturally, he’d try to get you wet of his own accord, paying special attention to your most sensitive spots. mikey would latch onto your clit, his tongue curling around it as his fingers tease your cunt. he’d take his time with you, getting you so, so close before ripping your release away from you.
of course, once he finally decides to let you cum, his digits are curling into your gummy walls as he laps at you — his pace fast and harsh. he’ll make you cum on his tongue before he ever makes you cum on his cock.
even if that doesn’t work in his favor, he won’t ever degrade you or think any less of you for needing lube — just sit back and feel good for him, okay?
mitsuya is similar to mikey, i think. the only difference is that while mikey can be a bit rough with you, mitsuya is very gentle — handling you as if you might shatter beneath him.
he would never mind helping you become wet enough to make love, but even if it doesn’t work, he would reassure you that it doesn’t bother him — that you’re not an annoyance and that he’s still going to make you feel good.
mitsuya is a gentleman, of course, but when he’s making you cum on his tongue over and over, murmuring sweet words of praise into your sopping cunt as he splits you open on his fingers… you can’t help but think he can be a bit cruel sometimes.
chifuyu doesn’t understand at first. he thinks he might be doing something wrong — that he’s not giving you the right attention in the right places, or that maybe you’re not in the mood. you’ll have to explain to him that it’s not something he’s doing wrong, but that your medication prevents you from self-lubricating.
once he understands this though, he will absolutely reassure you that it’s completely okay and that the two of you can always use lube if you need it. he’ll make sure to pay special attention to how you’re feeling, using more if need be. he wants you to feel good with him, and if you need lube to do that, he’s more than happy to accommodate you.
kazutora would already understand, having looked up the side effects of your medication once he knew you were taking it. he knows how to make you feel good — he’s a pleasure top after all. he’s very observant too. he’ll watch your expressions to find what feels good and will commit it to memory.
kazutora knows that he’s good at it — which is why he’d already purchased a bottle in advance in the event that you would require it.
sanzu already has a bottle on standby. the moment he realizes you’re not wet enough, he’s slathering that shit on you.
sanzu will have one hand gripping his shaft as he spreads the lubricant with his cock, the tip bumping and brushing against your clit, before he’ll slowly sink into your heat. he’ll take his time with you, making sure that you’re not in any pain, and slowly lose himself in the feeling.
sanzu will wrap his fingers around your hips, lifting you slightly off the mattress as he forces you to meet his thrusts — grinding you against his cock. you’ll cum more times than you can count, in more positions than you can remember. you won’t need more lube if he cums inside of you, right?
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anisespice · 1 year ago
“ lemme hold that ” || tokyo rev.
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mha ver.
pairing: various x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, suggesting language, the word 'dick' said a million times, crack
note: i found the concept too funny to not do a tokyo revengers version - alsoooo i’ve been sleeping on wakasa and izana...yeh we gon fix that moving forward lol hope you enjoy <333
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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wifelinkmtg · 4 months ago
This was intended to be an essay about chivalry—its history, its uses, its various incarnations—medieval violence, the Romantic reinterpretation, the ideal of chivalry in the American South and its attendant lynch mobs. I would have talked about the chivalric triad: Knight, Innocent, Enemy—the way the Innocent serves as a fulcrum for the Knight to enact violence against the Enemy—the iterations of this triad in any number of places in our society, from the so-called sheepdog mentality trained into our police to the legion of revenge-fantasy Taken clones. I would have talked about the way Kierkegaard in Fear and Trembling incorporates chivalry with the sacrifice of Isaac, the theology of self-justified suffering that comes from that. I would have talked at some length about various portrayals of lesbian chivalry in media—Revolutionary Girl Utena, the Locked Tomb books, Signalis—how they use it, what they say about it, and whether at the end there is anything worth salvaging from this intrinsically violent way of relating to the world, to others, to oneself, to God.
I think a version of that essay might still be worth writing someday, but right now, there's something I need to talk about much more urgently. Right now, there's something I suspect you might desperately need to hear. Today I'm going to talk about Godzilla.
Godzilla Minus One (2024) takes place in Japan in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Its protagonist, Koichi, is a failed kamikaze pilot who in the opening scenes is repeatedly excoriated for his cowardice and dereliction of duty. When he returns home to a bombed and desolate Tokyo, his bereaved neighbor tells him, if people like you had done their duty, this would not have happened. The film spends the rest of its runtime doggedly refuting this idea. It says, out loud, that the relentless calculus of sacrifice that turns men into things to be spent has no place in this world, that it is needless and cruel. It is not subtle about this point. It is not trying to be.
I saw this movie in its black and white version in theaters in February, on the last day of its run. Its version of Godzilla inspires in me both terror and near-religious awe. It looms over the film, an echo both of the devastation of the war and of Koichi's guilt and shame, its presence inviting—demanding—the final consummation of the mission he abandoned.
I wept in that theater. I gripped my friend's hand and I sobbed. This is unlike me (unless I'm watching Gunbuster), and it took four days for me to work out why this Godzilla movie had affected me so profoundly.
arkansas kamikaze
and she looked, and behold! a beast rose from the sea, and against the beast he breathed glory in a Zero dive. his beatified smile shone from the wreck of the Little Rock Planned Parenthood clinic. and a great wind blew out of heaven, and she woke
and made breakfast, and watched her son wholly absorbed in Bonhoeffer, found her lipstick worn down to the nub for practice stigmata, and saw for a moment the dove descending, the tongue of fire over his head.
The thing about being raised in a right-wing fundamentalist family is that you are from birth being prepared to be a weapon, or a martyr, and there is really no difference between those two things. If my mother had had her way, I would have gone to a tiny far-right college and studied law for the sole and explicit purpose of getting Roe v. Wade overturned. She would, I believe, have settled for me bombing an abortion clinic. Certainly it would have been easier for her to reconcile with that than with what I became instead.
The other thing about being raised in a right-wing fundamentalist family is, some things stick. And it's very hard to notice, as your beliefs and values and identity undergo radical changes, that there is still a whisper in you that believes in the power of the glorious death, of the ultimate virtue of strapping explosives to your chest and walking into the halls of the Enemy. And when you feel helpless, when you watch systems and institutions that ought to prevent atrocities instead encourage them, that whisper grows louder and louder and louder.
Watching Koichi fly his last mission, watching him an instant before impact eject, and live—watching everyone live through the final confrontation because they had all rejected the calculus of sacrifice—allowed me to see also for the very first time this parasitic idea that had grown coiled inside me since infancy, allowed me to see where it had come from, its whole monstrous lineage, and then it allowed me to take hold of it and pull it out.
Twenty days later, Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, in protest of the still-ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. He was, like me, raised in a right-wing fundamentalist environment. He was, like one of my siblings, a member of the US Armed Forces radicalized by his experiences and his own conscience. People called him a hero and martyr—on this very site, in responses to the excellent Crimethinc piece circulating at the time, I saw people saying they felt like they should follow suit (even though the article in question explicitly and repeatedly warned against it!) As if the loss of a person of conscience and conviction could be anything other than a tragedy, as if anyone in power choosing to support the genocide could regard the death of one of their own soldiers as anything other than what soldiers are for, as if the moral response to a genocide could ever be to add another corpse to the mountain—and still I saw people lionizing him, praising his courage and his sacrifice, all but telling people to follow in his footsteps.
No. Aaron Bushnell was a suicide. He lived his whole life within organizations that taught him that he could purchase more with his death than he could ever accomplish with his life, and while we may praise his conscience, we can only mourn his loss and the grievous error that led him to it.
This is the thing about learning to see this parasite: you begin to see it everywhere. Our history for millennia is awash with human sacrifice: Abraham and Isaac, Jephthah and his nameless daughter, Agamemnon and Iphigenia, the crucifixion of Jesus—and later, litanies, row upon row of dead saints, stories of glorious last stands. The courageous martyred dead: blood and corpses, only and always, to Moloch.
In light of the recent US election, perhaps many of my American readers are feeling shock or horror or despair. I understand, and without blame, with love and gentleness, I tell you that this is because you have not correctly understood the scope of the problem. You imagine a discontinuity between the liberal version of American capitalism and imperialism and the fascist version of the same. No such discontinuity exists. Things will no doubt be different for us here in the US than they would otherwise be, and probably worse, but there is no distinction to be made between the genocide of yesterday and the genocide of tomorrow. The enemy is the same. The work is the same.
Above all else, this is to warn you: when you do this work, when you look for a place you can put your shoulder to the wheel, there will be people who want to spend their lives—or yours—like coin to purchase some great change immediately. Perhaps they mean well, and helplessness and desperation drives them to act without regard for the consequences. Perhaps they do not mean well. Do not follow these people. Perhaps they merely expect you to go to prison, and have no plan for how to support you after that. This is barely different. It is far better for you to languish in useless liberal nonprofits which will accomplish nothing of value than to attempt radical direct action with people with correct politics and no forethought, and end up dead or imprisoned—but these are not the only two options. Aaron Bushnell cannot ever again do anything for anyone. You can.
This is as much as I know for certain. I love you. Don't die.
End Notes
It would not be unreasonable to ask me, in light of what I've said here about martyrdom, what I think of it in other cultural contexts, especially since a similar word is often used to refer to e.g. Palestinian people murdered by Israeli soldiers. The answer is nothing at all. Such people get to use whatever words they want to salvage whatever meaning and comfort they can.
Godzilla Minus One, as effective a movie as it is, was not solely responsible for the scales falling from my eyes. It was an important part of the process, but I doubt it would have sufficed on its own were I not in community with people I trust and talk to about such things. "Godzilla and also my trusted friends saved my life" is, alas, a worse title.
There will be a part two to this. Part one seemed more urgent.
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mchlgayser · 6 months ago
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐓 𝐆𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 [tokyo revengers various]
⸻ cw: hurt/no comfort, triggering events and poor writing skills.
qeena's brief note: i'm here after nearly a month went MIA
໒꒰ྀི o̴̶̷̤ ̯o̴̶̷̤ ꒱ྀ১ first of all, thank you so much for 1.13k followers on tumblr (i honestly still can't believe it lol) you guys did a lot for me throughout my years here in this platform like bro i love you guys sm andddd thank uuuu! ik lots of my ole mutuals are no longer active but still, thank you so much to you guys for your continuous support 💙 and thanks to my readers (from jude girlies readers to anime girlies readers), thank you so much. last to wrap things up, here a small sorry gift from me after went missing, a tokyo revengers drabble! happy (sad) reading xoxo!! i love you <33
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𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐎: too preoccupied with his work.
The sun disappears behind the horizon and the daylight soon fades. The once cheerful home, turn out dingy and dejected. Tears spew down your cheeks to your chin as you examine one single paper lay before your eyes. The saying above appear clear "Divorce Paper" with your signature on the very right and below.
"So, this is it?" You sneer, teeth grinding against each other "Don't 'so, this is it' me right now, you know well none of this would've have to happen if you could be a bit more considerate." He did not say a word, look down on the floor as if it could've been the most entertaining object in the world.
"I'm busy, there's too much works I need to tend-"
"You said that last week, and the other month and even months before that! How come you're always busy with your job that you can't loiter around with me even for a minute. You left at early mornings, before the sun pops out, you're gone, out of sight and when you came back, you're tired, hot and needed rest. I'm sick of it, Manjiro. I can't do this anymore, ...so yeah, this is it."
He didn't notice the luggage you had beside you until you pull it forward "I'll have my lawyer pick the paper tomorrow morning. Please have is sign by then." A last drop of tear fall cascade down your cheek, like a stray until you wipe it off.
"Goodbye, Manjiro."
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𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐉𝐈: cheated on you.
He said- No, he promised the last will be the last time. The last time you had to pick up the last shattering pieces of your dignity. The last time you had to faced the brutally honest reality of your marriage. He promised...
And yet, he broke it again. Today is supposed to be a good day. A happy day as it's a 'happy' birthday for a reason, right? But no, the happy day turned out to be your most saddening, fucked up moment in life. You left home to pick up a dress you custom made for yourself, to go buy your favorite cake at your favorite cafe. You didn't expect to come home, seeing him with your maid on the bed. She was half-naked, bra straps off her shoulder and his clothes thrash on the side.
It's a mess. The splat noise of the cake make a noisy sound and both of their ears perked up "Thought both of you had gone deaf that you both didn't hear me knock for five fucking minutes!" She frantically hid herself beside the bed, where you can't see her but you practically lunge at her, ripping strands after strands of her fake blonde hair "You fucking bitch. I picked you up at the gutter and this is how you fucking repayed me?!" Hanma tries to block into your attack but you punches him making him stumbled.
"And you, rot in hell with your fucking promises! I trusted you, not once, not twice but fucking three times!" He hold you by your shoulder but you slap his face away.
"Dont touch me! Don't you fucking dare..." Your punches ended weak and helpless. Tears pool beneath your eyes but no, they're not sad tears. It's resent, anger and betrayed tears.
"I'll file a divorce, fuck you and that bitch." You push him off, slapping him on the face one last time. The stone on the ring slash through his cheek and he bleed slightly "I'l fucking take half of your fortune, lustful bitch."
You turn to the woman "And you..." You peel the ring off of your ring finger aggressively and throw it to her chest "Keep that shit. I'm outta here." Hanma didn't try to say anything, just mumbling an apology before you walk out that door.
You turn back and look at him, he didn't look remorseful - he did, but it could never be enough to make you crawl to him once more "Shove your apology up your ass, Hanma."
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𝐇𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐊𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐈: can't move on from his past.
At first, it was okay. You can even claim it to be perfect. But that was at first, soon everything gradually becoming worse. He started to get busy with works or as he claimed it. He told you he won't be coming home at a day but sometimes, he remained unresponsive for days. You don't know where he go until you heard from his close friend, Inupi that Kokonoi had been sleeping over at his house.
That means he was not so busy after all. You confronted him about it and as you thought he'll get angry, he remained calm and apologised. He just said that he wanted some time for himself. Of course, that's foreign coming from him as he's always been the type to want to stay close to you.
He still bought you monthly gifts just as he promised he would when you both first got married but they are just not the same anymore. He started giving you tulips when your favorite flower is gerberas. He started giving you white flavored chocolate, and that's weird. You always like the original flavor with nuts in it. Kokonoi just started making unusual mistakes.
Then, one day, he did it. The mistake he can't never undo. You both had Inupi over to your house because Kokonoi wanted to discuss something with him regarding business and when he left for the bathroom, Inupi unlock his phone revealing whom seem like a teenage girl with a peach blonde hair like Inupi and she's holding a bouquet of pink tulips "Sei, who's this?"
He turn to look at you, wondering who you were asking about "...Oh, this is Akane. My older sister. She passed away when she was 16." You nod your head, sadden to hear that.
"I'm sorry for your loss." You look at Inupi then to the ground "But, can't I know if she had any sort of relation with Kokonoi before I met him?" Inupi is confused as to why you'd ask that but he nodded his head.
"Koko used to like my sister."
And he came into the living room. You turn to look at him, almost livid "Is that so..." Both Kokonoi and Inupi look at you, confused.
"What is it?"
"Can't you move on?" Your question caught both of them by surprise, especially Kokonoi "You've been buying me stuff recently but they're never what I like. You got me pink tulips, cute hairbands and books when you should know damn well I like none of those."
"Did you think of her when you got me all of those? Or was it Sei's sister you're trying to give that gifts to?" He tried to explain himself but you kept cutting him, not wanting to hear none of his excuses.
"Please, just listen Akane!" The silence defeaned and the occasional sound of the wind whisper in the background as it soon faded. You look at him, wide eyes "Wow. You are incredible, Hajime. So. Fucking. Incredible." You tried to walk past him but he kept you back, trying his best to talk it out.
Inupi just sat there, dumbfounded. He only back in his trance when he heard a crash and the vase on the table smash to the ground with puddle of water and the pink tulips scatter on the wet carpet.
You stare down at the tulips, scoffing to yourself "This is enough. I'm not nobody's rebound, I have respect for myself... I can't do this, I won't." You push him off and tread to your bedroom, slamming the door shut leaving Kokonoi alone in the living room as Inupi too, got up and left, disappointed by his friend's behavior.
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𝐑𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐈: constant jealousy and overprotective.
You know what you put yourself into when you started dating the Ran Haitani. Ran can be obsessive with you, overly jealous with whom you befriends with, and got really protective over it. But you'd never imagine even in your wildest dream would he start to oppressed your freedom away from you - objecting your idea to meet anyone other than him, that includes your family members as well.
You put up with it, begrudgingly until today, it's an important date for you to attend and besides, it's been a while since you meet your family members so you went ahead, not bothering to tell him because you know well he will say no, no matter how hard you. You are having a great time with your family, chatting together after a while and leaving Ran texts from time to time but you certainly did not expect him to burst his way inside the venue, all rigid and mad.
How rude of him. He pull your hand and immediately get you out of there "Ran, stop. Ran, stop it!" You smack his back and he halt in his steps. He look back at you, glaring down at you with his jaw clenched.
"Just what the hell are you doing, Y/n? Going out behind my back like this and for what? To flirt and whoring around─" Smack, blood trickles from the corner of his lips when you slapped him across the face.
"You had no respect for my family, and for me, Ran Haitani. You failed us." He tried to put his hands around you shoulder but you pry his hands away "Don't. I put up with your ridiculous acts for years. I obeyed like a goddamn dog for you to disrespect me like this? You are fucking insane, Ran..."
"Love, I just don't want you to mixed along with that kind of people─"
"What kind of people, Ran? They're my family. I may have not like most of them but they're my family and the least you should do is respect them as I do. You barged in, acting like you're the main event, embarrassing me, and disrespected them. You may think you're above others but you're not. My family, we may not be as rich and lavish as you - if we're talking about lifestyle, we're alien to each other but I always expect you to be kind, Ran Haitani."
"You can't go around acting like the world revolve around you. I can't, and I'm sorry for that." You look up at him with pitiful eyes "I'm going now, good bye." You turn around and enters the same room he barged into a couple of minutes ago.
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 is open ✦ all rights reserved goes to @mchlgayser on tumblr.
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