23 posts
Black creator | She/Her | Enjoys writing and art
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creative-minds01 · 11 months ago
I have the urge to write something after months 😭 finally.
also what characters would anyone like to read about
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
What if… the Strawhats learn that you sleep best with others close by?
A.N. - This is a sequel of sorts to my post on the Red Hair Pirates and this topic. I got a sweet request from @huhuhhuhh for a Strawhat version, so please enjoy!
Setting: You met the crew after they escaped from Thriller Bark. It wasn’t long before you reached the Sabaody archipelago and things took a sudden turn. Two long years later, you finally get to be reunited with your dear friends. All of your stress and turmoil during that time apart has lingered though. You feel anxious, afraid of being alone again, and the nightmares begin to run you ragged.
You try to power through your day without worrying your crewmates. Unlike larger crews, the Strawhats are able to pay close attention to each other’s well being. You think you’re being sneaky, think that they’re none the wiser, but it slowly becomes obvious to everyone what’s happening. You drink more coffee, zone out during conversations, and are slower than usual.
Sanji, Nami, and Robin are the first ones to pick up on your exhaustion. They have a little meeting in the kitchen to talk about what they can do to help you. Sanji’s actually quite serious despite being alone with the ladies. He’s gone through so many nightmares of his own and absolutely hates thinking his friends are hurting like that. He at least had Zeff back then to help reassure him that they were far away from that damn rock.
Heck, the whole crew have plenty of experience with nightmares. Robin, Sanji, Brook, and Luffy have the most vivid ones, but the others get them often enough. Lord knows this crew of friends is traumatized from all their depressing backstories.
After the meeting in the kitchen, Sanji and the ladies slowly begin to rope the rest of the team into their plan to help you. It didn’t take long for Robin to get Franky and Brook on board. Nami talked to Chopper and Zoro (two very different conversations, I can assure you), while Sanji pulled Usopp and Luffy aside last. He was a bit concerned that they’d tip you off ahead of time and you’d get embarrassed. The chances of you accepting help would be way slimmer.
Luffy, surprisingly enough, is the most calm about the situation. He’s not acting goofy, fully aware that this is a serious manner, but he tells the others that he has an idea. Last thing you’re expecting is to get jumped by the captain at sunset, his stretchy noodley arms tangling around you as he pulls you into the grass on deck. You’re stuck on top of him. You want to shout at him, tell him to let go, but then his hat is placed firmly on your head. 
“I wanna camp out here tonight, Y/n! Stay with me!” Luffy’s smile isn’t something you can easily deny. Plus, his rubbery body is actually pretty comfy to sleep on. After you fall asleep, when Nami asks where Luffy came up with this plan, he tells her that Ace used to do the same for him when he was a kid. The brothers would lie down together and Luffy would sleep like a rock knowing he was safe. It only makes sense the same would work for you, right?
The crew knows now what they need to do. Zoro, being the loyal vice captain, follows Luffy’s lead and drags you into his naps. If it weren’t for Chopper snuggling into your lap, you’d be frustrated by the interruptions. Brook’s violin can be heard in the distance, softly playing “Bink’s Brew���. In fact, you begin to notice that he plays his violin more often now compared to his guitar and the songs are always slow and soothing.
Usopp and Franky begin to insist that you’re their first opinion for inventions. You’re carried over Franky’s shoulder to their workshops - completely disregarding your complaints about getting another cup of coffee first - and are told to lie down and close your eyes. “It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if you saw us finishing the final details. We want you to experience the final product,” Usopp explained once. As you sprawl across the floor, the rhythmic ‘tinks’ and 'clinks’ filling the room get the best of you and you find yourself dozing off.
I don’t think anyone would be surprised to hear that Robin reads to you. Her low, steady voice is downright hypnotizing and the way she brushes through your hair in between turning pages would relax even the most tense person.
Nami takes a more direct approach. She tells you that she thinks better when she has something to fidget with and demands you let her use you as her personal stress toy. Like Robin, she’ll occasionally play with your hair while she’s working on maps, but she prefers to just stroke your arm. The budget won’t fix itself, she says every time you argue, but she’ll be generous and give you a few extra berries for your assistance.
And now back to the man who first brought the issue up to begin with… Sanji knows plenty of culinary tricks to help soothe a person to sleep. Turkey, tea, etc. Hell, he runs through them all with Chopper to double check his sources. Any of it that passes their thorough research is added to your diet. A nightly routine develops between the two of you where he cleans up the kitchen and brews you both a cup of lavender tea before you sit together in the aquarium and discuss the day. Slowly but surely, you slump against him as the conversation drawls on until you’re sound asleep and ready to be carried back to bed.
While he wasn’t around during the initial intervention, Jinbei gets a quiet order from Luffy to follow suit. He’s more than happy to meditate next to you while you slumber and finds it rather endearing that such an oddball crew can be so united in this one task.
You’re no fool. You can hear the crew whispering to each other, every 'congratulations’ when one of them mentions your previous nap. You had already figured out what was happening as soon as Luffy grabbed you that first night… but isn’t that why you loved them so much?
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
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Batman and Robin (2023-) #6
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
I just wanted to put in a request for part 2 of your Damian x surgical intern reader? (If that’s not too much to ask - I loved it so much!!)
Surgeon!Damian Wayne x Surgical Resident!reader
Part One, Part Two
You were, decidedly, over it. After a ten hour long heart transplant- unusually long- you could feel your every breath, every blink, and every move you made was slow and manual. Dr. Wayne- no, Damian- was more exhausted than you could imagine.
When he stumbles, you grab his shoulders quickly to stop him falling. It takes him a second to stand upright again and thank you with a set of lethargic nods.
“You don’t look like you can drive home,” you tell him as you follow him out the OR, close behind in the event that he stumbles again.
“I’m fine,” he grumbles, and you can only sigh at the stubborn man’s words.
“At least let me drive you home so you don’t cause an accident,” you insist, moving in front of him to ‘block’ his path.
Narrowed eyes and a grunt are all that follow for a few seconds after, regarding you with tired confusion. Did he seriously expect you to just let him drive home and cause an accident? To end up like the heart donor who was driving too fast and couldn’t be saved?
“Alright, fine.” He gives in, letting you lead him to the car park begrudgingly.
He unlocks his car, an expensive car by the looks of it, though you don’t know what kind- and gets into the passenger seat as you get behind the wheel.
“Wait.” his words are drawls now. “What about your-”
“I take the metro,” you reply, starting the car and driving out into the dark streets of Gotham.
Damian frowns, but in a few seconds, his head rests against the window and his eyes are closed, face relaxed for the first time that day.
It puts a soft smile onto your face when you see it, but then you realized you don’t know where he lives. And you can’t bring yourself to wake him up and ask.
You arrive at your building, gently coaxing Damian’s half-awake self, barely coherent when he mumbles something about his head. It’s certainly a challenge to get the man up the stairs since the elevator’s out of service as someone was murdered inside, but once you get him inside your (in all honesty, not even average sized) apartment, you have an odd choice to make.
He won’t fit on the couch- you have to crane your neck up to look at him, for crying out loud- but it’s awkward having a stranger in your bed, no?
Give the man a break, your mind chides. He’s worked too hard to be squished on the cheapest couch you could find.
Giving in, you let him drape across your bed, covering him with the blanket after taking off his shoes. You eat a pre-prepared meal, have a long and hot shower before finally being able to fall asleep.
You’re trying to get a blanket from the top of the closet, standing on your tiptoes as you attempt to wrestle the darn thing out when Damian drowsily speaks up from behind you.
“What’s the fuss? Just sleep here,” and now you’re uncertain if you’ve really got the world’s scariest attending surgeon in you apartment or not.
“No-no, it’s okay, just go back to sleep, you must be exhausted,” you reply, returning to the blanket that refuses to cooperate.
Damian huffs, and that was the end of that.
Until he gets up and drags you into your bed, arms wrapped tightly around you waist as he settles once more.
“You shouldn’t sleep on the couch,” he murmurs into your shoulder, lips brushing your skin gently when he talks. “It’ll hurt your neck.”
Damian had a point, but this wasn’t an option you were going to consider, but now that it was happening, you weren’t exactly opposed to it. It’s been a while since you’d been held like this, and it was... nice. Nice enough to make you drift off into sleep.
You’d never know that at four in the morning, Damian awoke. Still tired, admittedly, but instantly aware of you in his arms.
A smile crossed is face as he watched you sleep, admiring your features as well as he could in the dark; your lashes, hair, nose, and (most importantly) your lips.
He admired them as long as he could before his eyes grew too heavy and he fell asleep for much needed rest.
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
i know we just met, but i love you
synopsis: love at first sight with the tokyo revengers men.
characters: manjiro 'mikey' sano, takashi mitsuya, chifuyu matsuno
genre: fluff
warnings: none (i think...?)
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manjiro 'mikey' sano
"ken-chinnnn" the leader of the toman whined at his taller friend. draken rolled his eyes in response, "no mikey, drop it."
"come onnnn-" the said man pouted exaggeratedly, "what did i do wrong?"
"nothing." the delinquent replied taking his wallet out of the pocket of his jacket, "you just don't need to eat twenty-five taiyaki."
"sorry to bother you but there are a lot of people who are waiting take their orders so if you could-" daiki, as it was written on his name tag, tried to cut them off from behind the counter.
for the past ten minutes, the two delinquents were arguing about their order. draken wanted to buy mikey five taiyaki, while mikey wanted his friend to buy him twenty-five of them.
draken turned his head to the cashier, "yeah, so five taiyaki and-"
"twenty-five taiyaki." "damn you-"
"hurry up! unlike other people, some of us have important things to do!" a customer yelled from the back of the line.
manjiro snapped his head to the back of the line, narrowing his eyes at the older man who had just yelled at him. "see now you're making people angry, mikey. 'm not gonna spend ¥5,272 on snacks."
"i need to eat a lot if i want to be taller!"
"for the last time. you won't get taller! you are at your maximum height!"
"alright! i'm not going through this again." a soft voice cut both of them before they could start the same argument they had 2 minutes ago. "daiki, i'll pay for their order- just make his goddamn snacks, please."
when manjiro turned to look at the person who 'saved his life', he felt like he has just died and miraculously came back to life as he made eye contact with you.
you were... pretty.
his eyes were set on you, taking in every single detail he could as if he was scared to forget how you look the second he'll look away.
"thank you, but that's not necessary!" draken politely thanked you as you grabbed your fidelity card of the small shop.
"don't worry about it! after all, those fidelity points have to be used for something." you waved him off, looking back at daiki, "could you also add my regular oder with that, please daiki?"
"o-of course, (y/n)!" the young worker quickly tapped your oder in the computer, a red hue covering his cheeks when you smiled at him.
"mikey, what do you say?" draken looked at his friend, hinting him to thank you, but his words fell into deaf ears as mikey kept looking at you like you hung the moon and stars in the sky.
"mikey?" He nudged the said man's shoulder trying to snap him out of his thoughts, only to be ignored once more.
the tall blond dropped the smile as he turned to his friend hitting the side of his head, finally snapping him out of his thoughts, "mikey!"
"um? what?" mikey barely glanced at draken when he responded, his heartbeat increasing when you looked back at him with your receipt in hand.
"i said, what do you say to the girl who just bought you your snacks?" he replied, glancing between the two of you clearly wondering why his friend was acting weird all of the sudden.
"marry me."
ken ryuguji never whipped his head to look at his friend so fast in his life. What the hell did he just said?!
you felt your face warm up at his words, chuckling as you walk past him, placing your hand on his shoulder, "do you ask every girl who buys you snacks to marry you?"
manjiro felt like he was in heaven when you stood closer to him. how can someone be so pretty and be so nice and smell so good and be so pretty at the same time.
"what?" toman's leader came back down to earth when you handed him the box filled of taiyaki. "did i say that out loud?" manjiro mumbled, frowning to himself. before looking back at you, just to see you making your way outside. "hey- wait!"
he tossed the snacks at draken jogging to meet you outside of the shop. "w-wait!"
you turned to look at him, the soft summer breeze sweating through your hair, leaving your face completely out in the open, "yes?"
"you're (y/n), right?" he asked remembering how the cashier called you when you were ordering, "i'm mikey..." he wanted to say something else but the words got caught in his throat when you smiled at him.
"nice to meet you, mikey" you replied before your eyes drifted behind him to the small group of guys that were looking at the two of you intensely, the 'ken-chin' guy from earlier standing with them. "i think your friends are waiting for you"
manjiro glanced back to see his best friends looking at them with knowing looks on their faces, "never mind them- this is- you are more important."
you looked away from him, his intense eye contact making your face feel warm, "you really know how to talk to girls you know?"
"thank you for earlier... the snacks and all..."
"that was 2 months worth of fidelity points- you better eat every single one of those taiyaki" you playfully warned the gang leader.
"don't worry about that..!" mikey replied knowing damn well that he will inhale those snacks. "can i walk you home? it's going to get dark soon- wouldn't want my wife to get attacked or something!"
you suppress a smile at his words, "of course, wouldn't want it to get dark at 2 pm, and then get attacked by who knows what next to a bakery."
"exactly! let's go, wifey!"
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takashi mitsuya
"what did you say you're brother's name was?" you asked the crying girl in front of you.
"...t- taka-shi" the small girl sobbed in your shoulder as you gently patted her head.
"alright and what's your name?" you gently asked as you scanned the area trying to find someone who looked like they had just lost their child.
"i- i- i'm mana"
"you have a really pretty name, you know?" you smiled fondly at the girl as you whipped the tears of her face with your thumbs.
"heck yeah! it's a badass name!" you felt relief wash over you when you saw a smile spread across the kid's face, "i'm (y/n) and i'm gonna help you find your brother alright?"
"thank you..." she mumbled quietly.
"you're going to hop on my shoulders and tell me when you see your brother okay?" the girl looked up at you with stars in her eyes, you pulled mana on your shoulder, her small hands on your head.
you walked for a good 15 minutes before mana tapped your head with on hand while the other pointed toward an unknown man in the crowd of person, "they're there! that's draken!"
draken? wasn't her brother's name takashi? you wondered as you put mana to the ground your hand grabbing hers just in case she got lost again.
"mana!" a little girl's voice called out as you arrived next to the very tall guy with a dragon tattoo on his head. the small girl that looked very similar to mana hugged tightly the younger girl.
"mitsuya! ' found her" the tall guy called out for someone else behind him. the 'mitsuya' guy appeared from behind the 'draken' guy not long after he called out from him. the purple haired teen practically attacked his sister with a hug, sighing in relief.
"don't ever do that again, mana." he gently scaled his younger sister, "you could've gotten lost and we would've been really sad, al-?"
"it's fine! (y/n) helped me find you!" she pointed her finger at her. mitsuya ruffled his sister's hair, before straightening up to thank the person that help his mini-him, "thank you so mu..."
he felt like the world had stopped moving. like it was only the two of them in the middle of the festival. takashi mitsuya was in a trance. he was simply mesmerized by the sight of you.
"it's no problem, really! " you softly smiled at him, "your sister is a real angel-"
anything else you said after wasn't even registered but the delinquent in front of you. he was usually so good at this- talking to people was what he did best so... why couldn't he utter a single word for you.
his cheeks were red, his palm were sweaty, why was he anxious?- he was hanging on everything you did. even if he felt like he had forgotten how to speak, your voice felt like melody to his ears.
he snapped out of his trance when someone nudge his shoulder. mitsuya glanced at draken beside him, suddenly remembering that they weren't alone and that you were talking to him.
you looked at him with a puzzled look, "are you alright?
your question made him overthink about everything that happened in the last 2 minutes of your meeting. Did he look like a creep?
"i- i- great."
the hell was that takashi? he cursed himself.
darken cleared his throat, holding back his laugh. he brought his fist to his mouth faking coughs as he muttered a small, "real smooth, mitsuya".
you chuckled at his friend's comment, making mitsuya straighten up, you pulled out your hand for him to shake.
"let's start over, alright? i'm (y/n)... you're takashi right?"
draken stepped up clearly expecting his friend to be to lost in space to answer you, "he prefers mitsuya-"
"takashi's fine!" the said man interjected, as he quickly grabbed your hand to shake it, sending one of his pretty smile in your direction.
"are you going to marry my brother?" he couldn't catch a break could he? luna asked you with big eyes.
you chuckled softly at her words, "how about this... i will give my number to your brother. then we'll go out to eat something to talk about marriage alright?"
"yes!" the girl tightly hugged your leg as you said that.
"does that sound like a plan to you, takashi?" yes!
mitsuya hurriedly started to look in his pocket for a pen, when draken pulled one out of his pocket with a piece of paper and handed it to the purple haired boy, "there you go, casanova"
takashi handed you the paper and the pen, before you wrote your name with your phone number on it.
"see y'a soon, taka! bye, mana don't get lost again alright?"
as soon as you were out of sight takashi turned to draken with a stern look, "not a word about this, alright?"
"you're crazy!" draken crackled putting his hand in his pocket, "i'm going to tell everyone!"
"as your wingman i feel like it's my responsibility-"
"no it is not!"
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chifuyu matsuno
"hurry up, chifuyu!" takemichi yelled at his friend. they couldn't be late. not for that.
"how come you are slow as hell during a fight, yet you sprint your life on a sunday at 8 am?" the blond joked as he calmly walked behind takemichi with not a care in the world.
"come on! we're gonna be late!" he repeated hurriedly before stopping abruptly while looking around him.
"late to what?" chifuyu yawned, before looking at his friend, who stood there looking around, up and down as if his brain had finally snapped, "you alright?"
"alright stand here and don't move." takemichi moved the delinquent around so that he would stand in the middle of a park- an empty park.
"did you finally snapped or...?" he asked when the time traveler started to back away from him, "are you going to kill me? is this really how it's gonna end-"
"watch out!"
a voice yelled, but it was too late.
a ball directly hit his face, knocking chifuyu to the dirty ground, his eyes closing due to the shock.
it took him a couple of seconds before finally opening his eyes again, only to realize that he was in heaven. the prettiest girl he had ever seen in his life held his head in her hands, her index and middle finger pressed against the front of his neck just below his jaw- making sure that his heart was still beating.
"oh- thank god! you're not dead!"
"are you an angel?" chifuyu mumbled placing his hand on top of yours- making sure you were real, "am i in heaven?"
you let a breathy chuckle at his words, "you're cute- but no you're not dead... i kicked a ball in your face- unintentionally of course!"
his eyes finally focused on you, remembering what had happened. he blinked a couple of time, his eyes scanning your face- a pretty girl's face... so close to his face with her hands on his face and his hands on her hand-
chifuyu's face became as red a tomato straitening his posture to apologize for touching you without your authorization, "i'm so sorry-"
his head came in contact with your head, making you pull back immediately from the blond. "ow! i told you i didn't do it on purpose!" you groan holding your head with your hands.
chifuyu gasped in horror at his own clumsiness as he placed a hand on the back of your head. hopping that the coldness of it would help you a little, "i'm sorry! i swear i didn't mean it! please hit me again so that we're even!"
...what? now why would he say that?
"what? what's wrong with you?! do you get turn on by getting hit or something?!"
chifuyu panically looked around to search takemichi so that he could help him. when he finally spotted him, hiding behind the swings, the time traveler was smiling proudly with his two thumbs up in the air.
his action making him recall a conversation the two of them had a couple of weeks earlier.
"so... am i married in the future?" chifuyu asked takemichi as he bit down the sandwich he made himself for lunch.
takemichi raised his brows at the question, "yeah-"
"really?!" the blond gasped, with heart in his eyes, "do i know her?! no wait- that'll ruin the surprise- is she pretty?! no wait- of course she's pretty you idiot!"
the time traveler chuckled at his friend's words, rubbing the back of his neck, "do you want me to tell you how you met?"
"no! it has to be a surprise!" chifuyu refused, "wait am i going to meet her soon? is that why you said that?! takemichi?! answer!"
"nah- like you said it has to be a surprise~"
"if it makes you feel better- you embarrassed yourself in front of her"
"how would that make me feel better?!"
that sneaky bastard.
"i'm sorry! i don't know how to talk to pretty girls..." chifuyu mumbled looking to the ground, but his face snapped back at you when he realize what he had just say, your eyes round at his words, "i- i mean not that don't know how to talk you! wait- not that you're not pretty! you are pretty- beautiful even! but that is not the point! i don't need you to hit me! just please don't think i hurt you on purpose- i don't hit pretty girls! no wait- i don't hit girls at all! but you being beautifully-pretty is just a plus you know! an-"
you smacked your hand on his mouth, stopping his rambling, the butterflies in your stomach flying way to much due to his words. "please stop-! you're too cute..."
takemichi titled his head at the scene in front of him, clearly not remembering that part of the story your older self told him in the future about how chifuyu and her had met-
but... mission failed successfully... i guess?
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
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Lmaoo get wrecked idiot
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Reminded me of this
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
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We can be mad at home
orrrrrrrrrr we can go to Jason's
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
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AU where Damian feels really bad for hurting Tim but won't admit it out loud, so he goes into over protective mode.
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creative-minds01 · 1 year ago
I'M IN RUINS! ♡ mitsuya takashi
synopsis : maybe he really is just that nice to everyone.
song inspo ; going dumb by stray kids, alesso, corsak
cw : baji!reader ; reader has their period, but no pronouns ; baji is referred to as your brother, but looks aren't stated ; more of a college-ish au ; kazutora favortism briefly got the best of me
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
It's so unfair, you think. Being so close to him, yet not allowing to linger — it's disheartening. You ache ; suffer and beg and cry, thinking of your brother's friend.
Baji sighs as you frown at him. "Do you really need to go?"
"Why am I not allowed to?" You reply. You'd put on your cutest outfit and your favorite shoes. After hearing Mitsuya was tagging along to this little get together, how could you not? "I'm hungry and you're going to eat."
"You never want to go," your brother argues. You cross your arms and tilt your head, raising your eyebrows to look stern. It's the way your mom looks at him ; the way she gets him to listen. Keisuke clicks his tongue, "whatever. Come on, then."
By the time Chifuyu pulls up to the meeting area, your stomach is aching. You shuffle where you stand, sending a meek smile to Draken when he looks your way. Kazutora is distracting your brother, giggling together as you wait for the last guest to arrive.
A rumble hits the wind, covering the chattering of the other guys and numerous shoppers. Lilac hair shines in the light and you hold your breath — he's here.
"Boys," Mitsuya grins as he parks his bike. His eyes slide to you, smile growing gentle, less teasing. “Hey, trouble. Make a last minute decision to come?"
You nod silently, holding your stomach and trying to hide your grimace. Mitsuya tilts his head curiously, but gets taken into a conversation with Draken. You tug on the end of Baji's hair, "I'm going to the bathroom really quick."
A chest is pressed to your back quicker than you can think. A hand — gentle and firm simultaneously — leads you to the left. Mitsuya clears his throat as you scowl at him. "I'll show you where the bathroom is."
You want to cry. You're absolutely mortified at what you discover. Your pee is red — the reason behind your stomach pain is clear. Your favorite bottoms are stained and you're unable to wear them now. Having your period is natural, nothing to be ashamed about.
But, Mitsuya noticed. He shielded your backside so that no one else would see the splash of blood.
Leaning against the stall's wall, you sniffle as tears drip down your nose. You'd texted Draken about your current problem — Keisuke had broken his phone just yesterday. The blond was your only hope at this point ; you hoped he'd read your text soon.
"[Name]," a knock to the bathroom door startles you. "Here. I'll wait for you, okay?"
Humiliation — Mitsuya had taken it upon himself to get you supplies. Taking in a stuttered breath, you fought to make your sobs unknown. You dab your face with toilet paper lightly before opening the door. Quickly, you snatch the bag you see and ignore the one standing in the doorway.
He'd gotten you a new outfit, too. The same color as your previous one, so that no one else would notice what happened. Your tears fell again as you situated yourself.
Once out of the bathroom, you sniff and avoid Mitsuya's gaze. Draken is leaning against the wall across from you, looking over you quickly as you walked to him. You brush your bottoms lightly, head to the floor as you stand in silence.
"No big deal," Draken reassures you. He pats the top of your head with a grin, "let me know if you want to go home, okay?"
Your nod is stopped by an arm wrapping aound your shoulders. Mitsuya squeezes you close to him, trapping you in the smell of his cologne. "S'all good, trouble. Tell us if you feel unwell."
The light catches through a window, shining on Mitsuya like a hidden halo. His eyes light up, his eyelashes curving against his cheek as he smiles. Mitsuya's nose scrunches as laughs at something Draken says. Peeking at you with his peripheral vision, he tilts his head.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re so nice to me.” It's said before you can even think. Because he is nice to you — kind, welcoming and warm. Mitsuya squeezes you a bit closer before letting go of you completely. Chifuyu waves your way excitedly. Your small, "thank you," is covered by the noise of the restaraunt.
Mitsuya had left the table not long ago. Keisuke shoves your shoulder, causing you to bump into Kazutora. The dual-haired boy gasps dramatically before shoving into your right shoulder, bumping you back into your brother.
Your giggles are drowned out by the sight of Draken shaking his head. Chifuyu speaks through his own laughter, "where's Mitsuya?"
"Flirting," Draken says with a roll of his eyes. Your smile fades, falling from your face slowly at the words. Draken lets out a loud sigh, "can't take him anywhere."
Baji grumbles into your ear, "I'll say."
Kazutora snorts, covering his mischivious grin with his hand. He lays his head on your shoulder, "oh, whatever shall we do with such a pretty boy?"
Your grin inflates again at Kazutora's casual teasing. You ruffle his hair, scrunching your nose as he scowls playfully at you. "You're a pretty boy, too, you know."
Kazutora's eyes widen, his cheeks pinkening at your words as he sits up straight. Your eyes slide across the table. "So is Chifuyu, honestly." You look to your brother and grimace, "don't know what happened to you."
Baji clicks his tongue before shoving you again. Kazutora catches you in a backwards hug, his forearm settling across your collarbones. "Be nice to [name], Baji!"
"Jus' cause you were called pretty..." your brother grumbles to himself.
The chair across from you is pulled out, a loud screech hitting the area you're in. Mitsuya plops down with a stone-faced expression, his eyes focused solely on you. "Enjoying ourselves, are we?"
"Like you can talk," Draken teases. The tall blond flutters his eyelashes and clasps his hands together. "Oh, it's you! From class! The fashion designer!"
"Can't talk to my classmates now?"
Chifuyu snickers, kicking your foot under the table as he does. You shake your head, sinking your chin below Kazutora's arm to hide your grin. Mitsuya eyes your position idly before tilting his head, "you both look comfy."
Kazutora pulls you closer, "[Name] thinks I'm pretty."
"I said Chifuyu was, too!"
The dual-haired boy hums into your ear. "But, you thought of me first."
"As fun as this is," Draken looks up from his phone. He sighs before pocketing the device. "Mikey is calling for us. Want me to take you home, [name]?"
"I'll do it," Mitsuya interrupts. He lets out a sigh, gaze drifting from you and laying on the table. "I'm going to check on my sisters, anyways."
You're waving to your friends as Mitsuya leans against his bike. You can feel him watching you, but you ignore his eyes to grin gleefully at Kazutora.
"He your recent crush?"
"What?" You blink, turning to face the lilac-haired boy. Mitsuya shrugs, making no move to leave as he gazes at you. "Kazu? He's not my crush, why?"
"But, you do have one," he steps closer to you. "A crush."
Gulping, you move away from him and to the back of the bike. "Maybe."
Mitsuya hums, "your brother know?"
"Why would I tell Keisuke about a crush?" You lean beside him now, frowning to the ground. Kicking at the sidewalk with your foot, you scrunch your nose. "He's horrible at keeping secrets."
He nods and you're hyperaware of the way his arm brushes against yours. It's like he's doing it on purpose — moving closer to you. "I'm not. You can tell me who it is."
"No thanks!"
"Why not?"
You grow silent, even as Mitsuya gets closer. His arm is behind your back at this point, his hand sitting on the seat of his bike. "You don't need to know."
"I want to."
"Do you have a crush on anyone?" As he doesn't answer, you finally look his way. Soft, dreamy eyes are looking at you. His gaze feels heavy ; heated as he stares your way. "Mitsuya?"
He blinks and looks away, "maybe."
"Would you tell me who it is?"
"Well, that's not fair," he leans closer, his lips brush against your ear, "is it, [name]?"
You freeze, eyes widening as Mitsuya tilts his head at you curiously. Staring at the ground, you think about it for a second. You think maybe I should tell him ; maybe it's time. Then your mind flashes back to before — to when Draken said he was flirting.
"Oh, is it someone from your class? The one Ken was talking about?"
Mitsuya doesn't answer — that means yes, you think. Downhearted, you frown and scoot away from him, leaving room to breathe. He doesn't allow that, though, scooting until your arms are pressed together once again.
"It's a friend," Mitsuya speaks up. He leans more to the left, his chin almost resting on your right shoulder. "A close friend."
You gasp dramatically, hoping to interrupt the intense atmosphere. "It's Chifuyu, isn't it? Knew it — he's irresistible."
Mitsuya snorts, rolling his eyes. You smile at the sound, oblivious to the way he gazes at you. He bites his lip, hesitant, but nudges the tip of his shoe against yours anyways. You meet his gaze — his eyes flicker from yours briefly before he smiles tenderly. "I'll tell you who it is. Eventually."
You trust he'll keep his word.
——♡—— idk abt a part two for this one... tbh i like how it ends. if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyo revengers content, let me know! ♡
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @straysugzhpe ♥︎ @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @thatpoindexterpixy
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
✨Sorry for not posting I’m gonna be taking a break from posting for a while to work on my style of writing. I also wanna say thank you for 34 followers.✨
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
Trip to the Beach
Ft. Manjiro (Mikey) sano
Synopsis: Going with your boyfriend to the beach
Cw: one kiss (probably badly written)
I think Mikey would enjoy the beach and just staring at the ocean.
If you ask to go with him to the beach he would automatically agree and plan a date for you two.
“Baby hurry up I wanna find a good spot on the beach.” He whined.
“I’m coming just making sure I got everything hold on.”
After you checked that you had everything you hopped onto the back of his bike and held on tight while he drove towards the beach. On the way there he rambled about his favorite things to do at the beach and expressed how excited he was to take you.
When you got there he made sure to find the perfect area for you two and helped you set up. He went and dragged you to play with him as soon as y’all got situated.
I think that Mikey is the type to try and grab you and throw you into the water. Which sucks if you can’t swim. He’d probably end up trying to teach you how to if you can’t.
The rest of the day you two walked around the edge of the beach, built sand castles, and went to the pier and watched the water. Mikey wanted this date to be amazing for you and he tries to keep the delinquent stuff away from you for this.
As the day ended you both ended up going to a nearby shop that sold sweets and smoothies. You both enjoyed your treats as you walked along the shore one more time before leaving.
“Thank you so much for taking me to the beach today.” You said.
“It was no problem, I wanted my girl to be able to have a nice trip to the beach today.” He said as he smiled at you.
Suddenly the sun set and Mikey reached to move a loc from your face and held your cheek while looking in your eyes. He then kissed you softly in front of the sun set. When the kiss ended he looked at you with a bright smile and grabbed your hand to keep walking along the shore. Altogether it was an amazing trip to the beach.
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
Beach time
Ft. Mitsuya Takashi
Synopsis: what it’s like going to the beach with your boyfriend
a/n: Sorry if it’s not good I tried to rush to post this on time so it’s not proof read if you feel I could improve on anything let me know so I can get better.
Reader: gender neutral
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You sat outside eating a popsicle when you got a sudden text from Mitsuya inviting you to go to the beach. Apparently Toman wanted to enjoy a day at the beach for summer break and he thought he should invite you. You obviously accepted his invite and went to hurry and find a bathing suit to wear. Soon after you heard the sound of his bike slowly approach your place so you went outside with all of your things.
“Hey baby you look amazing. You ready to go?” Mitsuya asked.
“Thank you! Yea I have everything we can go.” You replied grabbing the extra helmet he kept for you.
The ride was nice and peaceful as you enjoyed each other’s company on the way to your destination. When you got there you were greeted by other Toman members as well as Hinata and Emma. You ended up talking and playing around for a minute until the drifted off to hang out with their boyfriends. This left you to relax in one of the chairs under the shade the group had set up.
“Hey babe you alright?” Mitsuya asks as he sits in the chair next to you.
“Yea I’m fine just relaxing for a minute.” You reply.
“Well if you’re done relaxing how would you like to go have some fun with me for a bit?” He says.
“Of course, what did you have in mind though?” You ask.
“You’ll see c’mon!” He answers while grabbing your hand.
He first dragged you towards an area near the water but still on the sand and said that he wanted to make a sand castle with you. You both spent around half an hour making an sand castle together for him to show his sisters later. After that he took you out to the water and you hung out there for a while until you both started to splash each other with the water while laughing. As the sun started to set and everyone was leaving he walked with you along the beach while holding your hand. He eventually took you home when it started getting too dark.
“I had a lot of fun with you today.” You said as he walked you to your porch.
“I did too we’re gonna have to do this again sometime.” He answered.
“Yea and we could bring your sisters next time too!” You agreed.
He nodded and made it his plan to eventually go to the beach with you and his sisters in his free time. As you reached your porch he smiled softly at you wishing you a good night but not without giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and watching as you entered your house then leaving. This trip with Mitsuya to the beach was one of the many dates with him you will definitely remember.
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
Thank everyone for voting. I’ll try to post at least 2 times a week for these short fics I’m gonna start with Tokyo revengers let me know what characters you would like me to write for. 😊
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
takemitchy: baji wouldn't want y'all to fight!
baji if he was there with them:
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
Going on a ride with Mitsuya and watching the sunset.
Mitsuya is very busy with taking care of his sisters, sewing club, and toman so it’ll be a bit difficult to find some time to spend alone with him. When you two do have time alone together he tries make it worth your time. He just so happened to find free time one day and thought it would be nice to go on a date with you. After confirming that you were free as well he took you out shopping and exploring the city. When things settled down you two went on an ride on his bike enjoying each others company as the wind flew past your faces. He eventually parked in a nice secluded area and sat a blanket down to watch the sunset together. He lets you know that even though he’s busy often and can’t always be with you he loves spending the time he has in your company.
I feel like he’d say something along the lines of “ I know I can’t be with you all of the time, but I cherish the time I am able to spend with you in my company with all my heart” While holding your hand and making eye contact with you and the romantic scene makes it feel even more special.
A/N: I wanted to try something new while writing this leave some feedback on what you think.
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creative-minds01 · 2 years ago
“ You’re Mine” (part 2)
Obey me boys and their jealousy
Warnings: slight violence
READER: gender neutral
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Satan is the avatar of wrath I don’t think too many people will blatantly anger him by flirting with you in front of him
If he sees that a demon is flirting with you from a distance he’ll watch and make sure that they aren’t going too far and making you uncomfortable
He’ll then walk over to you and put an arm around your waist kissing the top of your head to show he was there and to let the demon know you were taken while giving them a look letting them know they need to back off
If the demon continues to flirt with you he’ll start getting angry but won’t do anything about it however if the demon starts getting touchy that’s a different story
Satan will look at the demon touching you and will slowly get angry since the demon has blatantly ignored he’s there if this continues he’ll eventually get violent with them
He’ll grab the demon by their shirt and threaten them to stay away from you or else there will be problems
After this you’ll have to calm him down by spending time with him reading or going to a cat cafe
I personally don’t think Asmo goes over board when he’s jealous
If he sees a demon flirting with you he’ll walk over to you and stand next to you while you talk
If the demon keeps flirting with you he might get whiny for your attention but won’t go overboard and annoy you too much
He’ll get a bit upset if the demon keeps touching you but won’t do anything about it however he’ll watch to make sure you aren’t uncomfortable with the demon touching you
If you look uncomfortable to him he’ll find a way to move you away from the demon and stop them from touching you
Afterwards he’ll take you to do whatever he wanted to do with you such as makeovers or shopping
Just like Asmo I don’t believe that Beel would get jealous often
If he sees a demon flirting with you from a distance he’ll just walk over to you and eat a snack while he waits for you to be done talking not really thinking too much about the demon in front of him
He might start to feel slightly uneasy of the demon starts to touch you a lot but will check to see if you’re feeling uncomfortable before doing something
If you seem uncomfortable with the demon and want to get away he’ll grab you by the hand dismissing the demon arguing against it and take you somewhere else
If the demon tries to get violent he’ll make sure you’re safe somewhere before handling the situation
As a thank you you can eat snacks and talk about your day together
Belphie is the avatar of sloth which means he likes taking naps especially with you so someone imposing on his time with you would make him jealous and irritated
If he was looking for you to take a nap with him and sees a demon flirting with you he’ll start to feel upset and walk over to you while you’re talking and slightly tug the end of your shirt to hurry your conversation
He’ll get irritated if the demon continues to flirt with you in front of him especially if they start to get too touchy with you
If he notices that you are getting uncomfortable he’ll drag you away from the situation so that you can take a nap with him but if the demon tries to start any issues he’ll remind them that he’s still one of the 7 most powerful demons there and that if they continue there will be consequences
If you cuddle and take a nap with him afterwards he’ll appreciate it and it’ll calm his irritated mood
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A/N: Thank you for the patience on part 2 of the headcannons. Please comment or go to my ask box if you have any suggestions on other headcannons I write for multiple fandoms as well.
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