Chapters: 26/30 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Tokoyami Fumikage, Jirou Kyouka/Tokoyami Fumikage, Tokoyami Fumikage/Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto/Tokoyami Fumikage Characters: Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Dark Shadow (My Hero Academia) Additional Tags: Tokotober, prompt oneshots, Dark Shadow is a little shit, Headcanon that Hawks and Fumikage are half-brothers Summary:
series of one shots based off of the Tokotober prompt list by Mymindisfloodedwithideas I'm going to do my best to go through all of them. All hail the dark chicken!
a bunch of BakuToko throughout but there will be a few other pairings in here as well
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korkietism · 5 days
Should I make an account dedicated to my nextgen? Or just post it here and make like a mega post? My bnha nextgen is so… it’s a lot. My document regarding it doesn’t even cover all of it yet. Would anyone be interested in a summary?
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aheckinmess · 4 months
Songbird [Tokoyami] (Fluff)
(One-shot 13/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Tokoyami x OC, Fumikage Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Tokoyami Fumikage-centric, Tokoyami Needs a Hug, Tokoyami is a Cutie, Dark Shadow is the Best Wingman, Cute Dark Shadow, OC Likes to Sing, Tokoyami Likes Apples, So She Sings, And He Invites Her to the Apple Orchard, I Dunno, I Think It's Adorable, Includes Walks On the Beach, And the Stars Keeping Their Secrets, Songbird
Word Count: 792 Words
Summary: When Tokoyami overhears Ichijiku singing to the stars, he decides to take a chance asking her a serious question.
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
The full moon stretches toward the sky as my friends laugh with each other on the beachfront. I grin at their joy and continue my stroll by the ocean waves as sand squishes between my toes.
Stars wink down at me as I attempt to pick out their stories, sifting through the twinkling lights with keen eyes until they paint a picture of star-crossed lovers and tyrannical kings. My feet wander of their own accord and I shove my hands in my pockets as the autumn wind raises goosebumps on my skin. Soon, winter will dance across our toes with snowflakes and I’ll go from a stroll on the beach to a pair of ice skates on a frozen pond. 
A smile tickles my lips as anticipation for snow and Christmas floods me down to the tips of my toes. Christmas makes me think of snow makes me think of falling flakes makes me think of a song from my favorite Disney movie.
I pause in my journey and look around to make sure I’m alone. I sit in the sand and when the coast seems clear my eyes close as sweet notes serenade the seagulls and sea life.
“Silent as the snowflake in the night,
holy is the spirit of this night.
All the world is calm and peaceful,
all the world is bright and joyful…” 
I hum the rest as I rest my chin on my knees and watch the shimmering bioluminescence of fascinating creatures at sea splash into the ocean, wave after wave. Lapping water harmonizes with the refrain as the song ends and I’m left with the soothing background noise of nature.
Daydreams of my feathered classmate dancing with me in moonlight skirts my mind until his voice caresses my ear, no longer a fantasy. 
“You sound like a songbird.” His deep voice whispers.
I gasp and jolt to my feet, eyes snapping open as a blush paints my cheeks. 
“T-Tokoyami! H-Hi! Sorry. Hi. I didn’t hear you.” I sputter, before his comment registers and my cheeks turn a shade darker. “Oh, um, thank you? It scares me to sing in front of strangers.” 
“My apologies, Songbird,” He grins and gives a bow of his head as Dark Shadow squawks and swoops over to nuzzle me. “Your sweet singing helped me soothe Dark Shadow.”
“Oh! That’s right,” I stroke the foggy mass of Dark Shadow’s face. “You get rowdy at night, don’t you, my cloudy companion?”
A sad chirp whistles past Dark Shadow’s nostrils but he tips his head into my palm. I rub my thumb over the cool, momentarily tangible clouds of his cheek.
“You…” Tokoyami begins, but when I meet his eyes he looks away and shuffles the sand with his feet. A moment passes before he looks back up at me. “Would you like to go to the apple orchard with me this weekend?”
I stop petting Dark Shadow as it’s my turn to stare at my feet.
“Y-Yeah. I would like that.” I answer before I can chicken out. Maybe I should clarify what he means by that. What if he just wants to go because we’re friends? “Are we going as friends?” 
“If you’d like,” Tokoyami’s feathers bristle against his head for a moment. He takes a shaky step toward me. “However, I was hoping you’d go with me as my date?” 
“Really?” My head whips up, eyes bright with enthusiasm. I swallow and play with my hair to calm down and not look so desperate. “I mean, I’d like that. I was hoping that’s what you meant.” 
Awkward silence simmers between us until Dark Shadow drapes around us, pulling me into a solid, warm chest. I look up and Tokoyami nuzzles his cheek against mine.
“Will you sing for us again?” He asks.
“Of course.”
After a few refrains of my favorite lullabies, I yawn and rest my head against his chest. But my eyes fly open when he sweeps me into his arms. 
“Ah!” My arms squeeze his neck as I regain my bearings. “What are you doing?”
“Carrying you back to your house, if you’ll allow me.” He coos.
“I don’t mind, but I know I’m heavy. Are you sure?” I barely breathe, as if any exhale of oxygen will crush him beneath me.
“I’m sure.”
He sets me down when we reach the door, for which I’m grateful. If Naomi caught me walking in at this hour, she’d ground me for life.
“Thank you for this evening.” I whisper, head whipping around every few moments as I listen for my live-in nanny. “I hope you’ll join me again sometime?”
“I’d be delighted.” He nods.
And the stars giggle above as I stand on my tip-toes and kiss his cheek.
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Birthday Bird
notes: just a few hours late, look at me go! I love him so much, and couldn't not do a little something for his birthday!
summary: three birthdays, three gifts, and a lot of feelings surrounding it all, a Hawks birthday fic!
ao3 version
The first birthday Keigo can remember is one of the few truly happy memories of his childhood.
It was his fourth birthday, at least that was what his mother told him when he asked why she let him sleep in, which was highly unusual for him.
She promised him that she would do the best she could to make today a good birthday, because birthdays are special.
That was news to Keigo.
But he did understand that today had potential, especially considering the fact that his father was nowhere to be seen, which probably meant he was away doing some scary work for some scary people.
After Keigo made himself some cereal, his mom helped him get dressed in his least raggedy clothes, and did her best at trying to brush his hair, which didn't do much, but it made his tiny wings flutter with affection, and his throat chirp as a quiet 'thank you'.
When they get into town, his mom lets him go and look in all the windows he wants, his wings fluttering and eyes beaming at all the shiny things in the displays.
Then they go to the food market that has a lot of free samples, and just as Keigo almost starts feeling full, his mother quietly tells an ice cream vendor that it's his birthday, and he gets a whole scoop for free.
He can hardly believe that this day is real.
Just as they are starting on the long walk out of town and back home, they pass this little store with a bunch of discount items out front, and there he saw it;
The Endeavor plushie.
His hero, right here, in a tiny, holdable size.
Keigo didn't have to say anything, for once his mother noticed something.
She quietly told him to wait here, went inside the store, and when she came back out, she didn't seem to have bought anything, so Keigo didn't ask.
Keigo didn't think anymore of it until has was about to go to sleep, and his mom discreetly pushed the little plush into his arms and gave him a little kiss on the forehead.
Keigo couldn't believe it.
His mothered had wandered off before he had snapped out of it, but he knew she understood.
She got quiet when she was feeling a lot, too.
Keigo had trouble falling asleep that night, because he didn't want to close his eyes and take his eyes of his new possession, and wake up to find this day had all been a dream.
When Keigo turns 18, he is thrown out into the world like a baby bird about to take its first flight.
Except he's been flying for years.
And he is as far from being free as ever.
But what he does have, is his own agency.
And a fresh, new Hero career to dive head first into.
So, at the night of his eighteenth birthday, Keigo was not out celebrating with friends. In fact, he didn't have any friends.
He had been doing prepping work at his agency the whole day, and when he finally landed on the balcony of his brand new penthouse apartment, courtesy of the Commission, he was ready to hit the hay.
As his hand felt around the still unfamiliar wall for the light switch, and then found it, he realized there was a package left for him at the kitchen island.
A childish part of him thought maybe his mother had reached out to the Commission to send him something, but that idea quickly died as he flipped the card over.
Just some standard shit from the Commission.
Of course.
However, as he tore the paper off the package with this talons, he was actually taken aback with its content.
A small plushie, eerily similar to the one on his nightstand, but in stead of Endeavor, it was... him?
When he found the little note informing him this was the first, official merch made for him;
Wing Hero Hawks.
It felt oddly symbolic, the whole thing, and he hated himself for feeling like that.
He there the plushie in the nightstand drawer and tried not to think anymore of it.
Keigo's 24th birthday nearly passed without him realizing it.
But this time, it wasn't for the usual reasons.
Every year since his hero debut, Keigo had hid away on his birthday.
He hated the way the media blew it up, and all the extra attention from his fans and supporters made him uncomfortable.
If he were completely honest, he didn't like the reminder of how utterly alone he was, either.
But by his 24th, that had somehow changed.
Not unlike his on his eighteenth, he came back to his place close to midnight.
However, this time, his place was really his place.
It was smaller than the apartment the Commission had put him in, but he preferred it that way.
The place was warm, and homey, and Keigo actually liked spending time there.
That was all still new to him.
That night, he wasn't home late because of work.
He was home late because he had been out to dinner with Rumi, Hakamada, Taishiro, Aizawa and Yamada, who had all insisted on doing something to celebrate his birthday.
That had turned into drinks with Rumi, and just as he has started talking giving Dab-, no, Touya, his name is Touya, a call at the rehab center he knew he was staying at, Ruminator had decided it was time to call it a night.
When he entered his apartment, Keigo made sure to put all the little gifts he had gotten that day on his kitchen table to look at one more time, reading the cards and trying to take it all in.
Endeavor hadn't been able to join the dinner, but he had offered to take him out for lunch, and it had cost every ounce of self restraint he possessed not to ask about Touya.
At the end of the meal, Enji had given him a card that was signed by all the Todoroki's except Touya and a little envelope with a way too familiar handwriting on it.
From him, Enji had said.
However, Keigo new better than to open that when he was alone and bordering on the limit of drunk of his ass.
Maybe tomorrow.
But there was one more gift Keigo hadn't gotten to open yet, left at his office by his little protégé, Tokoyami.
Keigo dumped down on his couch as he started carefully unwrapping the small item, and when he pulled it out, he felt an odd, powerful mix of emotions overtake him.
A plushie.
A Tsukuyomi plushie.
With it was a note written with the tell tale calligraphy Tokoyami always used, telling Keigo it was all thanks to him that he had come this far, that he had gotten his first merch produced, that he had become the hero he always wanted.
If he were sober, Keigo might have held it together a little better, but as it was, the note was nearly drenched in tears by the end of it.
Still hiccuping slightly, Keigo headed towards his bedroom, still holding the plush, and made his way over to the nightstand, opening the drawer slowly.
He picked up the two plushies already inside, one old, withered and dearly beloved, and the other disregarded for the past six years.
He neatly sat all tree of them down on his nightstand, three hero plushies in a row;
All birthday presents, all representing a very different time in Keigo's life.
For the first time since in twenty years, Keigo fell asleep with a smile on his face on his birthday.
masterlist - wip list - ao3 - twitter
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hella1975 · 5 months
mha fics are so funny with the way they handle bakugo bc i can't COUNT how many times he's been given a nigh omniscient position in fics ive read like this fucker always seems to know what's up. tell me why im reading a TOKOYAMI CENTRIC fic and bakugo's NOSY ASS has shown up 'seeming like he knows something'. yeah he knows he's a fucking BITCH
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cuspidgoddess · 9 months
Archive of Our OwnMaster List
The Flock of Villains AU
A Gilded Cage is Still a Cage Completed Hawks is honest w/ the LOV from the start about his mission
The Best Things in Life are Free Completed Continuation of A Gilded Cage
How to Build a Nest In Process Fumikage Tokoyami centric
The Greatest Gift is Loving You Completed Co-Writer: @savi909 Natsuo Todoroki/Stolas Yew centric side fic
Sweet Dreams and Beautiful Nightmares
In Process
If the Mini Murder™️ became villains
Furless Babies
A Less Than Fluffy Situation Completed Hairless cat Dabi AU
Shedding Completed 1 Shot of the aftermath of A Less Than Fluffy Situation
Rough Patches Planned
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sug4rb0n3z · 6 days
Diet Mountain Dew - TGCH oneshot
Tags: Post-war, fluff and angst, unresolved feelings, repressed emotions, longing, unspoken confessions, hurt/comfort, haunted by memories, vomiting, <- mentioned but not described in detail, Hawks is a proud father, he loves his emo son so much, aka tokoyami, extremely togachako centric, the others are just offhandedly mentioned, inspired by music, song: diet mountain dew (Lana Del Rey)
This is a teaser; you can find the full version HERE!
Ochako is a pro hero — a successful one, at that. Not as successful as some of her old classmates who had, unsurprisingly, shot up to top 5, but she enjoyed her cushy number 8 ranking. She was doing much better than her teen-aged self had anticipated, though, the war had changed a lot.
Nightmares of Himiko haunted her. She’d wake up in the middle of the night, shaking and gasping, the guilt of not saving Himiko tearing at her as she pulled her bedside trashcan closer to throw up into.
It was only a month after Himiko had passed that she, despite still being in the hospital, had decided she would never let something like that happen again. She would make sure she’d help kids like Himiko long before they had a chance to get hurt the way she did.
In all honesty, she became mean after Himiko’s death finally settled into her and became real. She hid it well, but her blood boiled at even the slightest inconvenience. Every missed step, every delay, every careless remark from a fellow hero sent a simmering anger coursing through her veins.
Heaven forbid the war resurfaced in mainstream conversation. On those days, she was wound even tighter, her ears straining for any mention of Himiko’s name.
She kept her bitterness locked up, tucked neatly behind polite words and a calm exterior. No one saw the way she clenched her fists in the privacy of her apartment or the nights she spent staring at the ceiling, replaying every frustrating moment of her day. Not even her closest friends seemed to notice how tightly wound she’d become. Or maybe they did but were too afraid to point it out.
It was easier this way. Easier to be the hero they all expected. Easier to hide the resentment she felt growing inside her like a festering wound. But lately, the mask had been slipping, and she feared the day it might break altogether.
During her patrols, she sometimes caught glimpses of Himiko—a fleeting shadow, a distant laugh. She saw her most vividly when she was working too hard, pushing herself to the brink. It was a clear reminder to value the life that Himiko sacrificed herself to save.
Since it was such a common occurrence, that's what she had assumed was happening when she was patrolling late at night, unbothered by the rain.
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 3 months
watching mha S4 and my thoughts while watching ep1-14
their interveiwing 1A? this'll be funny.
nezu, it makes total sense to allow someone you dont know, who could be a villan onto school grounds, sure buddy (i will bully nezu about everything now) also i dont trust the interviwer, his name is tanayo i think
bakugo is so real for getting mad when a guy is photographing him eating breakfast love how tokoyami uses dark shadow to get food instead of waiting in line himself
why are their chess tiles flat, thats not chess bro
time to find out who overhaul is
okay, so a guy just exploded
shigaraki: "now i get it" well i dont, please explain okay so, i still have no clue whats going but i think its like: twice brings overhaul to base. they talk, shigaraki gets mad. they fight. some guy blows up, overhauls friends come, someone else died at some point and the guys arm gets cut off, overhaul and co. tell leage of villans to think about it, and leave
present mic calling almight emo is SO FUNNY wonder what happened with him and nighteye
nighteye, what in the actual fuck. he literally trapped a girl to a laughing machine, he's insane, like why, what is wrong with him.
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"oh no, hes not funny"
alright nighteye has an even worse almight obsession then deku
okay, so deku isn't failing
betting something happens with nighteye and almight in this season
Tokoyami is going to work study with a guy called hawks. I think hawks is goanna be cool
Deku and mirio found a kid. She was in the intro I think so she's important
so her name is ari. She's cute.
Is it coincidence that ari and shigarako have te same hair?
Crack ship: grand torino/recovery girl
I love Tomiki. He's my favourite.
random but, i'm gonna say that ectoplasm (the guy who makes clones) is the traitor. cause the leuge of villans has a clone guy (mimic) and ectoplasm is a clone guy. so same guy.
red riot is a pretty sick name ngl
kirashima tragic backstory unlocked? (had to check his name with google)
tomiki is allergic to postitvity its so funny i love him
okay, i need explanation, why is everyone here okay got it, this is boring, waiting for the actual rescue misson
nighteye: I cant! (regarding him not using his quirk right then) Aizawa: most jujdmental sideye ever (why does he have the funniest expressions)
loving aizwa right now, with him saying that to deku, like hes so.. also that little chest punch, then also the "i'll be your man" "no"
also ari is so cute and i love her (i barely know her)
ida is so silly, like why
TAMAKI-CENTRIC EPISODE, LETS GO, right after i decided he's my favourite too lol (4 ep8) also just realised his name is tamaki not tomiki
i love miriyo, hes so nice and just generally a good person
tiny plauge doctor becomong big :( he was kinda cute when he was little
tamaki's hero name is sun-eater?
we gonna talk about how miriyo is "sun" and tamaki is "sun eater" i need the backstory of tamaki's hero name okay, not what i expected, i still think theres more we can read into with sun/sun eater (yes im shipping it, sue me)
what if tamaki just starts eating random stuff, imagine if he eats paper and becomes his own notepad
tamaki is not okay (he got hurt and collapsed after a fight)
how come fat's skinny now. like why. i despise skinny fatgum
"a few pounds" you are literally less than half the size you were before
i love how evryones usually obsessing over almight, but we also have kirashima with crimson riot, and i think thats neat
okay, so i think ari's quirk is destroying someones quirk forever? give my kid a break, shes like, 5
also, on one hand, i think overhaul is a really cool and interesting power. on the other, child experimentation is not ok
alright, i'm betting someone gets shot, dunno who yet, but someone will get shot by those permanent quirk destroying bullets
how many personas does twice have?
someone has a truth quirk, also taking back the ectoplasm=twice thing cause they know who twice really is, and who ectoplasm is too, probably
the upside down drunk guy is so funny to me "what are you, drunk" "no, that would be you" (what if this became a ship)
ari is missing a horn, she has one, but its not centered, therefore she's meant to have 2, cause these things are supposed to be symetrical
i would die for ari, and also kill overhaul for her (MD i see why you hate him now)
going to say this now, capes are dumb, especially for million, cause his clothes are made of his hair, so you'd expect for there to not be much fabric, but he has a cape.
nimoto/chisaki new ship
(minimum requirements for ship is that they breathed the same air for at least a scene, and possible are loyal to eachother, but we dont need that)
what if miryo become the first quirkless hero?
miriyo, stop getting hurt
deku came and saved the day (and so did evryone else, probably)
i like locklock
chisaki killed nimoto, like dude, he was, like, the one guy who genuinely liked and supported you.
what if shigaraki and ari are related, i'm pretty sure they are.
ari is also favourite, i love her and would die for her
everytime someone screams "chisaki" i feel like their gonna say "Chisaki smash" and idk why
ari's quirk is to rewind
this scene (deku and ari right after quirk reveal) is going to break me
what if almight and nighteye became "messed up stomach due to villan" buddies
i like dabi, i think he's neat
shigaraki, u good bro? probably not but still
okay, nighteyes dead
i hope we get to see more of ari later on
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evvwenthome · 4 months
I'm writing a bsd x mha fanfiction, it's chuuya-centric and I want to make him sorta gey close with a ua student that vaguely reminds him of Dazai (bc its skk and Chuuya doesn't wanna admit he misses hanging out with Dazai)
I was thinking Hatsume, bc she's kinda like Dazai, but I'm not too sure.
Someone in 1A would be better maybe...
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salvagevillaintalk · 3 months
New Updated MHA Nemesis Unrestrained
Because what better way to welcome the new blog than by posting the updated version of Class A and who'd I choose to have them as rivals...becuase yes.
Even now my brain still has better match-ups for some of them. This time Kaminari and Jiro!
Given this is a new blog will only be posting the line-up with the newest rivals, though if you want to check out what I had before, you can look at it here.
Deku - Shigaraki
Ochako - Toga
Todoroki - Dabi (For all three above, you likely know why already xD)
Bakugo - Muscular (Same as before, genuinely think that Bakugo beating down against one of the strongest of Deku's Rogue's Gallery who was supposed to kidnap him as a way to return the favor just writes itself)
Iida - Stain (Speedster vs someone who stops you in your tracks, both are very morally centric figures with codes on how they feel heroism should be upheld - really wished they clashed in the Final War)
Kirishima - Rappa (seriously, these guys were perfect rivals. Incredible defense veruse overpowering offense. WHERE WAS RAPPA DURING THE FINAL WAR??!!!)
Tsu - Spinner (already spoke of this in the series, but both are Heteroromorphs that dealth with ostracization and are their group's mutant support)
Momo - Re-Destro (Leader of the First Years vs Leader of the MLA, one that forged her own path as a Hero and overcome her anxiety to be a proper leadervs guy who was essentially groomed to be Destro V2 and his whole ordeal is putting himself under mass stress to be strong, even if he isn't liberated.)
Tokoyami - Twice (both struggle with keeping their powers under control and have a relationship with Hawks, so its pretty natural)
Aoyama - Kunieda (for what it's worth, Kunieda made for a scary villain for Aoyama, his loyalty to AFO made me want to know more on their relationship)
Kaminari - Tajima (Basically a match-up of two electric types of contrasting disposition, that also act as supports and backbones for their teams. Kaminari is a confident, if kind over his head, showoff that struggles with his reliability under pressure, but manages to overcome it for the sake of the right thing - for his pals. Tajima, meanwhile, is one consumed by his fear of AFO and gives in to his anxiety to the point of doing sabotaging efforts that could harm people to save his own skin)
Jiro - Shin Nemoto (A girl who could hear theoretically anything against a guy whose Quirk can allow him to always gain the truth. There's a potential for introspection on how people with these sorts of Quirks are trusted, or even distrusted. Perhaps Nemoto and her could relate to people always thinking they'll spy on them or that they can't ever speak freely? Just a thought!)
Mineta -Toya Setsuno (A villain whose had a rough love life and can steal anything against someone whose desperate for love/lust and can technically hold down anything with just his Quirk. In addition, Setsuno has low self esteem to Mineta's high ego. It's a dynamic/fight that really works)
Shoji - Chimera (a Spinner stand-in that Shoji actually fought, and lost, to before and would've been perfect to be his Nemesis)
Mina - Slice (Already have seeds of a good rivalry given how Mina ruined Slice's hair that she prides herself in. Perhaps Slice could have been similar to Mina in that both were their community's popular girls that tried their best to be defenders. But in Slice's case, those she helped eventually backstabbed her to leave her destitute, maybe even for someone else - hence why prides herself in, usually, just her power...least until she met Nine's crew )
Hagakure - Mummy (The Invisible (Wo)man versus a mummy. It writes itself and Hagakure presents an interesting dilemma to him since she's unaffected his Quirk due to her, ah, situation)
Koda - Trumpet (Yeah, still think Koda would've worked well as a shy yet caring boy standing against a cold, faux preacher)
Sero - Ending (Another person who wounded up being affected by a Todoroki and essentially waltzed through. Though while Ending became obssessed and wants to be done in by them, Sero's easygoing nature has him not revolve his life around his defeat or said Todoroki's beyond a few jabs. Basically Sero is the 'dude its not that serious' of the MHA verse that makes him prime to restrain someone whose kinda off the deep end or go against them.....and, you know, similar power sets).
Sato - Deidoro Sakaki (Scratch that. Guy who gains power from ingesting sugar, vs guy whose Quirk is stronger from ingesting alcohol makes for a far better match-up!)
Ojiro - Hakiji Tengai (A disciplined monk vs a disciplined martial artist; with the added bonus of a match of pretty 'basic' power standings: someone with a tail trying to whack a guy in a shield - it's a pairing I think could lead to an interesting way for Ojiro to win.)
But, yeah, if I had no restraints, this is who I would actually give as Class A's proper Nemesis throughout the series.
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khalss · 4 months
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A Little Birdie update! Tokoyami/OC centric fanfic
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 6 months
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ao3feed-hawks · 1 month
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swimmin-all-the-time · 6 months
🔗 links to all my gen fics coz why not :3 (also I’m delighted to have more than I thought!)
archiveofourown.org/works/54188941 - rei and Bakugou, rei-centric, mild bktd, healing, post canon
archiveofourown.org/works/52793023 - bakugou & Kaminari friendship study
archiveofourown.org/works/51891286 - Izuku character study, personal growth, healing
archiveofourown.org/works/51717331 - Bakugou’s healing journey post war
archiveofourown.org/works/51501664 - touya character study, post canon, healing
archiveofourown.org/works/49671790 - Shouto centric hurt/comfort, tdbkdk friendship
archiveofourown.org/works/49533916 - Shouto and his young fans
archiveofourown.org/works/48590365 - Izuku and Inko :’)
archiveofourown.org/works/47729896 - happy Todofam AU, todo siblings
archiveofourown.org/works/47727490 - Shouto and Rei
archiveofourown.org/works/47727235 - Bakugou family shenanigans
archiveofourown.org/works/47706958 - Enji and Shouto post canon relationship study, healing, bktd hints
archiveofourown.org/works/47468461 - Bakugou & Tokoyami post kamino
archiveofourown.org/works/46938625 - bakugou character study, Dynamight retires
archiveofourown.org/works/46614568 - MCD, post ch 362, class A
archiveofourown.org/works/44452006 - kiri & bkg friendship study, minor bktd
archiveofourown.org/works/44227321 - post ch 362, Katsuki & mitsuki study, mitsuki pov
archiveofourown.org/works/41841741 - Shouto-centric, time travel meeting his younger self
archiveofourown.org/works/34711534 - iida and Shouto friendship, introspection
archiveofourown.org/works/33746452 - class a messing with iida (this is one of my earliest fics don’t be mean 😆)
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ao3feed-spinaraki · 2 months
If it went a little different
by WwomanizerR
What if Shigaraki Tomura got saved before he became Shigaraki Tomura and still goes by Shimura Tenko to this day and in fact becomes a rescue hero alongside Himiko Toga, Spinner and Dabi, oh yeah and one more thing due to Tenko's mother's genes he also has a bird mutation and Hawks is the one who adopts him
Is this a crack fic? Yes Is this the randomest out there plot? Yess Is this purley for my own serotonin? YES
Words: 4749, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Tokoyami Fumikage, Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Ashido Mina, Uraraka Ochako, Amajiki Tamaki, Toogata Mirio, Eri (My Hero Academia), Hadou Nejire, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), U.A.'s Big Three (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Amajiki Tamaki/Hadou Nejire/Toogata Mirio
Additional Tags: Hero Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Hero Toga Himiko, Hero Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Hero Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Parental Takami Keigo | Hawks, Vigilante Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Monoma Neito and Toga Himiko are Cousins, Takami Keigo | Hawks Adopts Tokoyami Fumikage, Established Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hawks practically adopts everyone, Hawks adopts Shigaraki Tomura, Himiko Toga and Twice are siblings, Everone has shit parents so Hawks adopts them, Shigaraki Tomura a d Midoriya Izuku are like siblings, and they both ramble together about quirks, Shigaraki Tomura has a bird mutation, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Quirkism, Shigaraki Tomra is in class 3-A, Good Parent Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, shigaraki Tomura and Eri are like siblings, Vigilante Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Big Sis Magne as a drag queen, Dabi acts like a parent but denys the alligations, Fluff and Crack, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko-centric
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57921919
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