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Nothing is unimportant.

People are not content, and they are not measured by value. They are not data, they are not numbers. We’re creatures that cry when we’re sad and bleed when we cut.
(日本語テキストは��ちら | Click here for Japanese version)
People with difficulties in their lives explain their experiences, but are misunderstood, and end up in another difficult situation. I have been hearing many such stories lately, and it is frustrating.
How many times do we have to repeat these frustrations before we can reconcile them with the circumstances surrounding them?
It is often said that the words of those involved are persuasive when promoting understanding of illness, disability, and other difficulties in life. I really dislike that. I think it is cruel to ask those who have already been injured to explain themselves. I also think it is arrogant to affirm it as a solution.
If you are interested in the issue, the person asking for an explanation must also be a party to the problem. Why is one party playing the referee in the audience while the other party is bringing an already exhausted person on stage?
Also, in this case, “persuasiveness” is for whom and for what? What will happen to the people on the stage if we fail to persuade them? Or rather, how will they be “treated”?
I once wrote in a blog that “understanding of minorities and the difficulties they face in life is slowly but surely improving. But I was wrong. What has spread is not understanding, but only recognition. And what was fostered was not mutual understanding for the sake of coexistence, but the exclusion of those who were deemed “incomprehensible” by the majority.
In some cases, of course, this is not the case. But taken as a whole, it is true that we are moving in a direction that makes one want to lament.
No,thisis not “move.” It would be more accurate to call it a regression.
Still, it is heartening to know that there are people who fight on without losing hope. I want to be that kind of light like them.
Every day I wonder what I can do in a society that is regressing and going crazy. To cherish those who are close to me, to cherish the everyday things that are close to me. For a while, I thought that was the least I could do.
But what is the difference between living each day that way and settling for the status quo? I don't know anymore.
In the past, someone might have noticed. But now, someone might even say, “If you can't stand up, throw it away. It is cruel.
The pain and sacrifice associated with change is inevitable. In theory. I know that, but I am heartbroken and want to be angry at each and every event. I don't want to get used to people's pain. People are not content, nor are they measured by value. They are not data or numbers. People are creatures that cry when they are sad and bleed when they are cut. I don't want to be indifferent to that temperature.
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Who de fucks amns wantings to sniff mine guitars???
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tokiblog replied to your post: 7 minutes until I’m old
Wait… is your birthday on the 9th? If so… holy crap… Mine is too, what a coincidence. o.o
happy birthday to youu
happy birthday too youuuu
#tokiblog#replies#vy talks#happy birthday! OvO#you are probably the first person i've heard of having my birthday
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Hey, are you a Templar? Because you just brought out my Hidden Blade.
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walking on no eternity

In the past few days, I've experienced something very happy and something very sad.(後半に日本語文があります)
Two days after I woke up thinking, ``Such a wonderful thing could come into my life,'' I woke up thinking, ``Maybe that sad story was just a dream,'' and I was in a daze for a while.
I realized that events, body, and mind are all separate.
At first I couldn't believe what had happened. But in my head, I think of reasons and stories that make sense to me. However, when I feel dazed or feel unwell, I finally realize that ``Oh, this feels like happiness!'' or ``This is so sad that I can't accept it.''
The story I wrote at the beginning, both happy and sad, is about a person who has had a long-standing relationship with me from the past. Regarding both stories,I thought that the distance between me and them would not change, so I was surprised to find out, ``is life be updated?''
Until now, I believed that I was the one to forge my own path.
But lately, I've started to feel that I'm not the only one who decides how I want to live my life.
The presence of the people who support me and the people I meet sometimes determine the direction of my life.
What we take for granted and what we perceive as normal are actually made up of small miracles. That's why when you're sad, cry, and when you're happy, let's dance and have fun.
Life isn't always okay, nor is it always bad.
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Power is not always justice

The other day, when I was watching the news, I was surprised to see the headlines ``McDonald's retreating from DEI'' and ``Meta abolishes fact-checking'' at the same time.(後半に日本語文があります)
It was shocking to me that the values we had built up until now could be so easily undermined by money, business, and negotiation.
The trend in society that to think, ``Because of this situation, I have to more power.'' instead of ``Let's stand together in this situation,'' makes me feel very sad.
As a result of using power, the value of power is reproduced and reinforced. Thinking about it makes me feel heavy.
The idea of valuing power is felt not only in the press but also in daily life.
For example, when talking about social care for people who have difficulties in daily life.
When we talk about nursing care and social security, we often hear people say, ``Let's help them because I might become vulnerable in the future.''
I always feel uncomfortable with this word.
This is because it sounds like the idea that if they have the power (if they are not weak) then they can make it someone else's problem.
"Power'' is not something that everyone can obtain. I feel uneasy about the trend in society that places importance on this.
While there are many discouraging events, there are also many encouraging events and people who give us hope! I hope that by building on that light, I can somehow pass on that light to others.
I'm just confused!
But I also think that if I stop wondering, it will be over.
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A whisper of resistance, a flag of rebellion waved with a hunched back

I go for a walk, depressed by the unpleasant news... I came across this sticker at a store when I was looking for a change of pace.(後半に日本語文があります)

I feel relieved when I come across people and place displaying political messages while out and about. (Of course, the goal is for each problem to be resolved)
In other words, the reason I can't let my guard down is because when I talk about social issues, people sometimes say things like, You're very conscious of issues,'' orThat's the kind of person you are.'' (It is often accompanied by ridicule). I'm afraid of being distanced from myself like that.
Recently, I have often seen and heard about ``excessive consideration'' and an aversion to the voices of minorities.Every time I hear such words, I feel scared, as if a knife is being pointed at me.
I tell other people, ``You should say what you want to say!'', but I'm not very good at it myself. I feel more strongly that I want to remain silent so as not to be attacked.
Actually, I'm basically disappointed in the current trend that says ``it's okay to ignore small voices'' and my inability to stand up to it.
But life is too long to spend feeling discouraged. And you never know when your life will suddenly come to an end due to disaster, illness, etc. At that time, you don't want to die with dissatisfaction and regrets. I often act or create works with this in mind. It's not like I'm the only one who has a special personality that cares about social issues, or that I act because I'm highly conscious. I just do it because I need it to live in peace.
However, when I walk with my head down, feeling discouraged and resigned, I often meet people who walk with a ray of hope. And, It's too embarrassing to sayI'm giving up'' in front of these people! ” I thought and started walking again. I feel that these people are really keeping me alive.
I can't be the personality to shout out loud. However, I think it's not such a bad thing that there are people in this world who don't stop walking even though they're nervous like me.
Sorry, but thank you as always.
「ニュースを見ても怖い話ば���りだな」とメソメソしつつ、お出かけ…。 社会派アンテナはオフにしよう…と思いつつ立ち寄ったお店でFree Palestinaと書いたステッカーを貼ったお店に遭遇。勝手に「同志〜〜〜!!」みたいな気持ちになっていました。
こうして、出先で政治的メッセージを掲げている場に遭遇すると、何かほっとします。(もちろん、それぞれの問題が解決されることが目標ではありますが…) ほっとする──、つまり、普段ほっと出来ないのは自分の中に、そういった課題に言及して「意識高い人」「気にするタイプ」とか言って線引きや忌避をされることへの怖さが染み付いているのだと思います。」
私はそんなふうに、小さな声は切り捨てて良いとする風潮や、そこに堂々と抗えない自分に、基本的に落胆していて、あまり希望を持っていません。 ただ現実的には落胆したまま過ごすには人生は長すぎる!そして、災害とか病気でいつ何時、思いがけず人生が終わるかわからない…。その時、不満や後悔を抱えながら死ぬのは嫌だなあ。と思い、しばしばアクションを起こしたり作品を作ったりしています。
「気にするタイプだから」「意識高いから」そうしてるんじゃないのだ。 安心して生きるのに必要だから、そうしているだけだよ〜。
ただ、そうして落胆と諦めの中とぼとぼ歩いていると、先の道で希望の光を持って歩く人としばしば出会うのです。 そして「こんな人達を前に「諦めてる」なんて言うのは恥ずかしすぎるな!」とか思ってまた歩き始める。そういう人たちに私は本当に生かされていると感じます。
胸を張って大声を出せるタイプだったらかっこいいけど!! こんな及び腰でキョドキョドしながら、それでも歩いている人がいるというのも、まあ、そんなに悪くないんじゃないかなと思っています。 すみません、でもいつもありがとう。
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Applause alone is not enough. (Though it is.)

I am still working on my paintings every day, but the more enthusiastic I become, the more impatient I become with the paucity of what I can do.
I am still working on my paintings every day, but the more enthusiastic I become, the more impatient I become with the paucity of what I can do. It's not so much the drawing or cartooning skills, but the experience and knowledge to write them.
I do a lot of drawing work related to mental health, and it is the result to the cause that makes them think about the importance of mental health care. And when I look at the causes, they are truly diverse, and I am stunned at how much I didn't know.
I have no choice but to do what I can do, but sometimes I get stuck in a feeling like “I'm doing it, but (what I can do) is not increasing at all.” In reality, there is some increase. In terms of work alone, I am a creator, so naturally, I leave the area of expertise to the experts. But I can't say “I'm not a professional in that area, so I don't have to do anything” when I see people actually being hurt.
I used to say, “For those who are in need, painting and art are of no use. It doesn't make money, it doesn't provide medical care.” I had blurted this out to a friend who works as a psychotherapist. I remember what she said to me at that time, “But people can't live with only what they need. That is certainly true. A simple conversation with a friend or a simple “I see…” can have a greater impact on me than medical treatment. There are also many paintings, art, and music that have saved me.
I often tell people, “I'm praying for peace of your mind.” In truth, I think to myself, “What good is just praying?”.
I have no idea what is the best in this case. I'm sad that maybe my voice can not reach to you.
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Let's Explore old animation👀

There are many things that are worrying about the world situation, but it's in these depressing times that I decided to share some fun stories! ! !
After seeing the famous Japanese manga "Norakuro" from the 1930s, I became interested in learning about Japanese manga, anime, and the historical background before World War II. So I'm reading a lot of books.
Yesterday I finally finished reading the book I had been reading since the end of the year.
📚How was Japanese animation established?/Tomohiro Nishimura(日本のアニメーションはいかにして成立したのか)
A book that unravels the history of how anime came to be known as ``anime.'' I wanted to read the story before the TV anime, so I found it very interesting. I was thrilled to learn that there was such rich expression before the anime we see in our daily lives (mainly movies and TV). It was a fun learning experience watching the actual videos on YouTube while reading the book.
This is an animation that I love💜 Too cute😍. I can't stop loving💓
Although it is a fantastical expression, it contains a strong anti-war message.
Look!This is``norakuro”. I just love this so much!🥰💞
Those are may not the same Category as entertaining ``Anime", but it is a shame that so few people have the opportunity to know that such a variety of expressions existed in the past too! I hope that all experts will create opportunities to spread these works!
By the way, I'd like to introduce of the anime work I did in the past. I want everyone to watch it. But It's only available in Japanese.It's frustrating…😅
Today's header image is a picture of the art room used in the prototype for "Oshiete Hokusai!(Teach me Hokusai!)"

I hope I have a chance to work on anime again...💭
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We can chat before the story's end.

In conversations with others, when I am emotionally involved, thinking over, or digging deeper into the conversation, I sometimes feel myself in the past or in a “time that might have been”.(後半に日本語文があります)
It may be my imagination of the other person that brings it up, or it may be a flashback.
The other day, after talking to friend like that, I was surprised to find myself suddenly confused on the way home.
I feel like I'm losing my footing and it's faster to give up than to resist. I wish the “now” would hurry up and pass, that whatever it is, it would pass already! I felt as if I were praying.
I was surprised by this feeling, but I also had a faint feeling that this might be important.
I usually get angry at things that hurt others. However, I think I have not been in a place where I myself have been hurt for a while.
For the first time in a long time, I remembered the tightening feeling of disgust in my chest, and I realized that the words “other people's pain” that I had been uttering recently were only images. Because it didn't hurt this much. In the image.
Hating myself, and hating the world.And don't want to depend on anyone, but I want someone to help me, and I almost lose my temper. For me, these feelings are the starting point of my work.
There are a lot of words that sound nice, like cheering people up or helping them, but I want to think of things from a tiny perspective as much as possible. And I want to talk from there.
With the people who are there, with myself who used to be there, and with all the background that created it.
It won't be a pleasant conversation, but at least I want to make sure people don't die there. If we get through this place, we'll be able to have a pleasant conversation, so let's chat for we survive together! I want to say that.
I can't talk like that with many people, but my work might make them talk like that. I want to make something like that. I feel like I am making it.
Maybe I will be able to deliver a new piece of comic work soon. Oh, I'm really nervous!! I hope that my work can talk with you.
人との会話の中で、感情移入をしてみたり、俯瞰で考えてみたり、わからないなりに「なんでなんで」と踏み入ってみたりしていると、ふと、相手の向こうに、過去の自分や、“あったかもしれない時間”を見ることがあります。 もし同じ経験をしていたら…という想像力からくるものかもしれないし、記憶のフラッシュバックなのかもしれません。
先日、そんなふうに人と話したあと、帰り道に突然なんだか「わー」という感じになってしまって、驚いたことがありました。 足がすくむような、諦めた方が早いような。抵抗も反抗もどうでもいいからとにかく早く「今」が過ぎてくれ〜という感じ。 唐突な混乱に驚く一方で「ああ、たぶんこれは大事な事だな」ともぼんやり思っていました。
ニュースを見たり、人の話を聞いたりしていて、誰かが誰かを傷つけるという事に私は頻繁に怒っています。ただ、自分自身が傷つくところにはしばらく立っていなかったんでしょう。 久しぶりに、身に染みるような“いやなかんじ”を思い出して、最近自分が口にしていた「他者の痛み」というのは、イメージでしかなかったのだなと気づきました。 だって、ここまで痛くなかったもの。イメージでは。
人を元気づけるとか助けるとか、聞こえのいい言葉はたくさんあるけど、私はやっぱり、なるべく、低くて重い目線からものを考えたい。それで、話したいです。 そこにいる人と、かつてそこにいた自分と、それを作り出した背景全部と。 それは楽しい会話ではないかもしれないけど、少なくともそこで人が死なないようにしたい。ここを乗り切ったら楽しい会話ができるようになるから、死なないためにおしゃべりしよーよ。という感じ。
そんなふうなおしゃべりを、誰彼なしにする事は出来ないけど、自分が作るものはそれをしてくれるかもしれないから。そういうものを作りたい。作れているような、気がします。 いよいよ、たぶん、もうすぐ(ってずっと言ってますが)新しい作品が、お届けできると思います。ああ、本当に緊張するな。 作品が、ちゃんとあなたの話し相手になってくれますように。
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Skwigelf. Drop your hottest take on cats.
Dey amns brutal, have you seens, eeeugh.... the claws? De wiggle dat kitty do to get de best stealths attack.
Dey have rough tongue licks dat can skins you too.
Has you SEEN big cats like tigers??
#skwisgaar rp blog#rp blog#skwigelf talks#asks#ooc:#did I not see this on the tokiblog too or am i crazy --
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#39 "Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier." I wish I had known that I could come out before I had. I was pretty late to the game since I was around 21 at the time, but I definitely liked guys before then. That stacked on top of a serious 5 year relationship with a woman (we were engaged) and my not-so-supportive parents (they're still not) really didn't help things. Needless to say... I wasn't the happiest person for a long time until I could be honest with myself.
buhrughbhb i'm sorry about your parents being obstinate and unsupportive, but i'm glad you were able to get that off of your chest, even if it was late!!
#i'm glad you could come out properly!!!#it must've taken a weight off of your shoulders for sure#<<3<3<3#tmi tuesday#tokiblog#ask
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I'm curious, how long are you going to do the "Talk About" thing, and how does one get in on that? :3
UHH just pick whatever you want to share! and also idk until i go to sleep i guess (whenever i stop posting these up)
(whenever i close my askbox)
(whichever comes first)
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Where do you see ARH going? :3c
Oh my god, for me I've always seen it as being cute and going in a cutie direction like wow so cute so gay i love it
But seriously speaking, I'm really looking forward to next chapter because I'm really not sure where Bell and Hazel will go from here! I love the fact that Adrian has been warming up to Carter recently; it's very clearly becoming the puppy love we see in a lot of comics where the protagonists start liking each other for the first time and GAHH IT'S CUTE. But at the same time I am hoping for a little more conflict and a little more drama, perhaps concerning Adrian's parents and how Adrian deals with his stress (hopefully not taking it out on Carter, but there is evidence enough that he might do it again!). I have a feeling that H&B will skip the prop making part of the story as a nonessential event (might even skip the musical itself who knows) to get to the deeper part of the story - specifically, how Carter and Adrian's relationship will develop further. Knowing Bell's writing style though, it's not going to be too melodramatic, and I'm sure other things will be going on in the background (school? sports? projects? idk), and that is precisely the part that is a mystery to me haha. In any case, I'm sure the next chapter will provide us with more moments where the boys can open up to each other and talk about their interests/motivations and just have fun (as friends or boyfriends)!
IN THE CASE THAT IT IS IN THE SAME ARC, we might see the consequences of Adrian skipping school and how that might affect Adrian's relationship with his parents, but again this is highly unlikely since this takes the focus away from the centerpiece (Carter and Adrian) for the sake of drama.
(I'M SECRETLY HOPING FOR MORE OUTDOORSY SCENES THO hazel pls draw more scenery porn ty)
#always raining here#sorry i'm kinda rambly it's midnight and i was writing a philosophy paper#yeeaaa#tokiblog#ask
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tokiblog replied to your post: Boys from livestream, except ...
"It’s a god damn arms race" to finish the back of that shirt?
YEEEEH someone draw it for me i'm too tired
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neapolitanswirl replied to your post: Oh man 24 hour comic day ...
study hard
tokiblog replied to your post: Oh man 24 hour comic day ...
Doooooo eeeeeeeet! :3
korlaena replied to your post: Oh man 24 hour comic day ...
dooo iiiiiitttt
One of these is not like the rest
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