sleek-mendes · 6 years
Fratboy Luke! Pt 3
Warnings: Language, mention of alcohol
I don’t know how long I sat there. My mind was spinning and the alcohol swimming in my veins was not helping. A knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts.
‘Katherine?’ Haley called softly, pushing the door open.
‘Hey.’ I whispered. Her eyes fell to my neck and she raised her eyebrow.
‘I saw him walk out, I figured you guys got into an argument but clearly you were up to something else.’ She laughed. I wasn’t in the mood to laugh. I wanted to cry, but it felt dramatic.
I knew what I was getting myself into. And my gut told me not to. But I did it anyways. It was my fault. I should’ve listened to my gut.
‘Okay you aren’t laughing or telling me to fuck off so what happened?’ Haley asks, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.
‘Things were fine but then he just stopped and told me he couldn’t do this. Whatever that means. And then he left.’ I explain and Haley’s face falls from confusion to anger.
‘That little shit im gonna-‘
‘No. Haley don’t do anything. I just want to go home.’ I sigh, zipping up my jeans and trying my best to cover the hickey with my hair.
‘Ive had too much to drink but, I’ll ask Calum. He hasn’t been drinking for the last hour.’ She explains and I nod. Haley takes my hand and leads us both out of the bathroom and down the long hallway back outside where Calum stands with Michael.
‘Hey, could you take us home? I’m really drunk. But i’ll come get my car in the morning.’ Haley asks and Calum nods, looking towards me.
‘You good?’ He asks.
‘I’m fine. Please just take me home.’
He opens his mouth to say something but Haley shakes her head and he quickly closes it.
‘Let’s go then.’ He purses his lips, eyeing me carefully before leading the way to his car.
‘Katherine, wait!’ I heard Lukes voice getting close but i shook my head and continued walking, Haley’s grip on my hand tightening.
Luke’s hand wrapped around my arm and my movements halted.
‘Don’t fucking touch me.’ I berated, ripping my arm from his grasp.
‘Please just let me talk to you!’ He begged.
‘No. Don’t ever fucking talk to me again.’ I yelled, a few heads turning in our direction but I couldn’t even care if I wanted to. All i could see was red.
‘You don’t get it! I-‘
I laugh sarcastically at his comment and turn to face him fully.
‘No I get it. You won. You wanted to fuck around to prove you could do it? You win. Fuck you for making me think I might’ve been wrong about you.’ I say it calmer than I thought I would and turn away, rushing to meet Haley in the car.
‘Are you okay?’ I’m surprised it’s Calums voice that asks the question.
‘I’m fine.’ I answer shortly.
‘He’s had a fucked up love life. That’s why he acts like that.’ Calum explains quietly.
‘And the rest of us haven’t?’ I ask, raising my voice slightly.
‘No but.. nevermind. It’s not my business to tell’
Calums words remained in my head for the entire week. It made me wonder just what Luke has been through that makes him act like such an asshole.
I hadn’t seen Luke around at all. He’d avoided me successfully and i’d done the same. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little disappointed that he didn’t try at least one more time.
But that was also the problem wasn’t it?
I had turned him down, I made it hard to even be my friend, yet I STILL wanted him to run after me? I hadn’t been easy on him. Yet I excepted him to be easy on me.
It was getting harder and harder to convince myself that everything was working out the way it’s supposed to.
‘I’m leaving! Are you sure you don’t want to come?’ Haley announces as she walks into the living room, fixing her hoop earring.
‘I’m sure.’ I smile.
‘Alright well, i’ll miss you.’ She smiles waving goodbye before leaving to go to the small kickback Calum was having.
I knew enough to know that ‘small’ still meant Luke would be there. Plus partying on a Thursday night put a bitter taste in my mouth.
I would enjoy my Thursday night on the couch, take out and netflix on the tv.
Not even two hours later my phone lights up with Haley’s face, a sigh escaping my lips as I press the phone to my ear.
‘Haley i’m not coming!’
Haley giggles into the phone. ‘You’re so silly, I-I was actually calling to see if you could come get me?’ She’s clearly drunk as she stumbles her words.
‘Come get you? You’re not staying with Calum?’
‘No. Everybody’s still here and i’m really really... really tired. wanna come home yknow?’
I shake my head and laugh at her state.
‘Yeah Hal, i’m come get you. Be there in 15.’ I don’t let her answer as I hang up and stand from the couch, stretching out my limbs from the last two hours of being lazy.
I throw on a pair of leggings and some shoes before stepping in to the cool night air.
I knew I was gonna see Luke. There was no way Haley was gonna get all the way out to the car with ease and I had a feeling a drunk horny Calum wasn’t gonna be much help.
I pulled up to the frat house and let out a sigh before making my way to the door. I didn’t bother knocking because I knew they wouldn’t hear me. The music was blasting from Calums room so I made my way up the stairs, following the music.
I opened calums bedroom door and my eyes fell to the ground where Luke sat, a girl sitting on his lap, her lips attached to his neck.
His eyes met mine and a small smirk started to play on his lips as he saw my reaction.
‘Where’s Haley?’ I ask, looking around the room.
‘Bathroom. With Calum. Normally it’s curtesy to knock.’ He chuckled, the blonde girl pulling away from him to look at me.
‘Normally it’s curtesy to fuck in your own bedroom.’ I spit back, slamming the door as I stepped out of the bedroom, trying not to think about the image as I made my way to the bathroom which I could now hear Haley whining at Calum.
‘Katherine! I’m SO glad you’re here. Everybody’s getting horny and I feel like i’m part of an orgy.’ She giggles, leaning her head against the shower door.
‘She’s better now but I still think she’s gonna puke a couple more times.’ Calum explains and I nod softly and bend down to look at Haley.
‘Let’s go.’ I sigh holding out my hand for her to grab.
A pout falls on her lips as she puts her hand in mine.
‘Are you mad at me?’ She asks quietly.
‘Why would I be mad at you?’ I ask, helping her off the ground.
‘Because I knew Luke had a girl here and I still made you come get me.’ She hiccups.
Calum chuckles beside me and I send him a glare before focusing back on Haley.
‘No baby, i’m not mad at you. It’s not your fault he’s a tool.’ I smile as I pull her out of the bathroom only to be met with Luke’s cocky face.
‘So i’m a tool?’ He asks, crossing his arms across his chest as he smirks down at me.
‘Yes. Now if you’ll excuse me, i’m literally right in the middle of something.’
‘In the middle of me!’ Haley shouts loudly, putting her head on my shoulder. ‘Wait,’ she giggles. ‘Not like that. But fuck off Luke.’ I’m the one to chuckle this time as I step past him, pretty much carrying Haley down the stairs.
‘You couldn’t have avoided this forever!’ Luke shouts.
‘Avoided what? You? I could very easily never talk to you again. Don’t get it twisted , Hemmings.’ I scoff, Calum rushing down the stairs and lifts haley off of me, picking her up bridal style.
‘I’ll take her to your car.’ He says quietly, taking the keys out of my hand.
I nod and turn back to Luke who is now half way down the stairs.
‘Last time I checked, you were begging me to fuck you and I walked out. Don’t forget.’ He says lowly, stepping in my face.
‘Are you upset princess? That I let somebody else fuck me? Even after you wanted it so bad?’ He steps even closer, his hand falling on my hip as he pulled me against him.
‘Fuck you.’ I reply reaching my hands up to push him away from me but he grabs them before I can do so.
‘You already tried.’ He smirks.
‘You’re a piece of shit. Whatever the fuck- WHOEVER the fuck did what they did to you for you to be like this- you deserved every minute of it.’ I shout, pulling my hands from his and stepping backwards.
His eyes sadden at my words and I try to push away the guilt I feel for saying something I knew would hurt him.
‘Just... fuck you.’ I add before leaving the house.
‘Everything okay?’ Calum asks.
‘It’s fine. I’m fine. Thanks for your help. I have to go.’ I say quietly.
‘I’m sorry you had to see that.’ He sighs, clearly talking about the bedroom incident.
‘See what? Me and Luke were never a thing. We kissed one time. For a game.’ I lie, my voice getting louder than I intended.
‘Katherine... that fight last weekend had nothing to do with the game. I know what a face of Luke’s victims looks like.’
‘I’m NOT a victim. Don’t call me that. And it’s disgusting you all act okay with the way he treats people.’
‘Hey. He’s been through a lot. Like I said. I’ve seen him more broken than anybody. He has reasons. That’s not an excuse but... I know the real him.’. Calum explains, not letting me answer before he disappears up the driveway, leaving me confused & guilty once again.
I know it’s short i’m sorry :( if you want part 4 let me know! Thank you for all your feedback and patience with me. I love that people love it <3
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sleek-mendes · 6 years
The Color Series - Red (L.H.)
Thank you guys for being so patient with me. I’ve been so so so busy lately but i’m on vacation for the next 7 days so i’m gonna try to write as much as I can in that time period! I hope you guys enjoy this first ‘part’ of this series! Let me know what color you want next! xx
Red was the color of his shirt the first time I saw him. My best friend dragged me to this small building filled with a lot of people, screaming the lyrics of a band I had only listened to on car rides with my best friend driving. I stared up at the blonde from the second row, eyeing his movements carefully as his passion for the music had shined through his actions on stage.
Red was the color nail polish he had as he shook my hand later that same night. It was ironic that my best friend wanted to party afterward and we just so happened to run into him that night. His Australian accent was thicker than I recalled it being and I could see right through the ‘rockstar’ image as he laughed at my *horrible* jokes and kindly walked me home that night.
Red was the color of my lipstick that stained his neck from feverish kisses only days after meeting him. Rushed movements and whispered conversation in the darkness of his hotel room took over as I sat on his lap, his hands in my hair as moans escaped his mouth.
Red was the color of the heart Luke placed next to his name in my phone, a wide grin taking over his face as I saved it and left it as he put it. “And yours will be the same! We can be twins!” He gushed before pressing a kiss to my lips.
Red was the color of my badge that I flashed the security guard as I made my way backstage smiling slightly as I practically skipped my way towards Luke’s dressing room. 5 months had been way to long and I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing him anymore. I pushed open the door and leaped myself into his arms letting a sob escape my mouth at the sight of him after so long.
Red was the color of my eyes after the fight. So red they stung. My throat still burned from screaming at him, the sound echoing in my mind along with the sound of the door slamming after he left. The stupid, not important fight that went too far. The one where I didn’t know if he was coming back. The one that made me question our relationship. The one that had me drinking to forget. The sounds of him screaming overwhelmed me as I took another gulp of the alcohol he left sitting in the fridge, wondering if I would ever see him again or if I would only be left with the memories of his voice.
Red was the color of the roses he brought home the next day as he engulfed me in a hug and apologies spilled out of our mouths. “I don’t want to ever fight with you again.” He muttered into my shoulder. I put the flowers in a vase and set them on my bedside table next to the picture of him I had framed. I smiled at it before looking at him and smiling wider realizing he wasn’t gone and I still had him.
Red was the color of my dress the night of our one year anniversary. The restaurant was dimly lit but I didn’t care because it lit up my boyfriend perfectly. His hand resting in mine as mindless conversation took over, the smile never leaving my face the whole night. He was it. This was it. That was the night I realized i’d do anything to be with him for the rest of my life.
Red was the color of the wine Luke knocked over exactly a year later as we danced around the kitchen mindlessly. Giggles falling from my lips as he looked at me nervously. The engagement ring I received only hours before shining in the light as I helped the clumsy boy clean up his mess. “I’d be lost without you.” He sighed pressing a kiss to my lips to stop the laughs that were falling out of my mouth.
Red was the color of the bridesmaids dresses I spent months deciding over. The day had comes and no amount of nerves could over power the butterflies in my stomach as Luke read his vows to me. He was just as cliche as he was the night I met him. The smile that danced across his lips as I read mine to him was something I knew would never be able to forget. And the kiss he gave me at the alter, filled with nothing but love, passion, and excitement for the future. I looked at him with the same amazement as I did from the second row 3 years ago when I met the love of my life.
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sleek-mendes · 6 years
Starting Over (L.H) Pt. 4
Word Count: 2.6k This chapter starts off important but slowly becomes a filler, I know it’s not the best part i’ve written but it’s leading to something greater aha - I led Luke through the lobby and into the fashion closet, shutting the door behind us. He looked around confused and raised an eyebrow at my comfort with the room. “Why a closet?” He asked curiously as his eyes wandered the room. “Well, Gabi and I need a place that we can talk in when something happens in the office and it’s just easy in here.” I laughed and he nodded. “I need to talk to you.. about so much.” He said quietly, sitting beside me. His eyes filled with worry as he studied me intently, his lips in a tight line as he thought about what to tell me. “Me too.” I replied as he took my hand into his and began to play with the rings on it. “I was so stupid. We were so young.” He started and I nodded pressing my lips together waiting for him to continue. “I was such a douche for just leaving and never talking to you again. And I don’t even deserve to have this conversation with you. You’re a big part of this entire party, you planned this for us. For ME- and I left you alone in an airport!” He rambled. “Just because you’re a douche doesn’t mean you aren’t talented.” I said and he chuckled. “Anyways, nothing I say is going to make any sense and it doesn’t even really make sense to me because I don’t understand. I don’t understand how it’s been 5 years and I still drool over every picture of you. I don’t understand how it’s been 5 years and every time somebody mentions your name I still get butterflies in my stomach. I don’t understand how after every show I wish you were there. I don’t understand how every time we travel somewhere new I wish you were there so we can experience it together. I don’t understand how I still compare everybody to you and what we had. And we were kids! I loved you so much and we were children. Now you’re so successful and beautiful and strong and independent and you’re even more remarkable than I remember. I still love you Y/N. And I understand if you never want to talk to me again and if you tell me to fuck off but i’m in love with you.” He finished looking up at me as his eyes filled with tears. I took a deep breath and brought my hand up to his face wiping a stray tear away from his face. “You don’t love me Luke.” I said softly. His eyes filled with confusion and hurt at my words, causing tears to fill in my own eyes. “W-What?” He asked quietly, searching my eyes for an answer. “I always imagined this moment. The moment that you told me you never got over me. I waited so long to hear these words from you. I always imagined what this moment would be like. And i never imagined that it would really happen. I always thought that I would jump back into your arms and tell you that it’s me and you against the world. But Lu, it’s the world against me and you. Not the other way around.” I managed to choke out the words as tears freely streamed down my face. “I love you so much. Which is why I have to let you go.” I added as he shook his head lightly, gripping the hand that remained on his face. “You can’t be serious.” He said. I closed my eyes trying to stop the sob that was working it’s way up my throat. “No lu, YOU can’t be serious. Do you realize how crazy you sound? Confessing your love to me after this long? After not even talking to me for 5 years?” I asked. “I don’t care if it’s crazy Y/N. You’re it for me.” He said. “You can’t just come in here and tell me what I want to hear and expect me to forgive you for what you did. You weren’t just my boyfriend, you were my BEST FRIEND, and you cut me out of your life. How can you tell me i’m still important to you if you let me be in that much pain?” I explained. “I was a terrified teenager Y/N! I was leaving home and going on this crazy adventure. I didn’t know what I wanted. I wish I could forget you the way you think I did.” He said as I rolled my eyes. “Thanks Lu.” I said sarcastically. “I can’t. I don’t want anything else. None of this. Not the fame, not the success, not the fortune, not the happiness if I can’t come home to you.” “I love you. Please, give me the chance to prove it.” He asked quietly. “I did and you didn’t prove it.” I answered, taking my hands out of his. “I can. Now I can. Y/N. Please.” His eyes pleaded into mine and I could feel my heart melt. I also couldn’t shake the memories of how long it took me to even be okay without him. Was I really going to let him back in and give him a chance to break my heart again? “How can you promise that to me? This is the longest conversation we’ve had since we broke up and you act like it was no big deal!” I argue cursing myself for letting my voice get as shaky as it was. “I’m not 16 anymore Y/N.” “It doesn’t matter! You grew up and you still didn’t even apologize. I’ve had to watch you be with girl after girl and watch you grow up when you promised me we would do it together. What makes you think I even want this?” I argued. “Because I know you and I know you wouldn’t go through all this effort and planning this party for just anybody. You don’t even like planning what your gonna eat for a week.” “It could’ve been for Calum.” I mused and he huffed before rolling his eyes. “I hope not.” “I swear to god Luke if you leave me alone in an airport ever again I will literally kill you.” I said after a few moments of silence. “Does that mean you forgive me?” He asked and I shook my head. “No. I don’t forgive you.” I stated and he sighed running a hand over his face. I grabbed his hand and laced it with mine. “But I do know that ever since we were 8 i’ve had a soft spot for you and I have to let myself explore that. Because I do love you, and i’m willing to try. But only if you’re actually ready to try. Because if this is just a fascination you had after seeing me again don’t do this to me.” I finished. “It’s not.” He smiled and I nodded. “I love you.” He breathed, his hand reaching my face as he pulled me into him and touched my lips to his. I sighed into the kiss and deepened it, letting his tongue wander in my mouth. “Hey debbie downers I brought some Cham- OH MY GOD!” Gabi yelled causing us to break away from each other. I turned towards her as she covered her eyes with the bottle of champagne that sat in her hand. “So i’m gonna say you guys worked everything out?” Calum mused raising an eyebrow. “Or you must’ve lost something deep inside her throat holy fuck.” Michael added laughing. “I’ll never be able to burn that image from my brain.” Ashton cried. “Are you guys gonna keep making comments or can we open that bottle of champagne?” Luke asked attempting to fight the smile that sat on his lips. “Yes! The champagne!” Gabi cheered as they all filtered into the closet. “We were getting really tired of everybody. Asking us weird questions and pretending to be interested.” Ashton sighed. “Hey quick question.” Calum added looking around the room. “What’s up?” I asked. “Why are we in a closet?” He asked. Luke chuckled wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side, pressing a kiss to my head. “That didn’t answer the question.” Michael said causing Gabi to huff. “It’s our comfort place.” She explained the ‘duh’ tone in her voice evident. “A closet?” Ashton asked, pulling her into his lap. “Yes.” I answered causing everybody to laugh. “Guys! The click is back together again!” Michael exclaimed clapping his hands together. I took a second to look around the room. Michael, who sat on the floor, legs sprawled across the white furry rug as he laughed at something dumb Ashton said. Calum, sitting next to Michael rolling his eyes at how non-funny he found his friends, though his eyes crinkled as he tried to fight a laugh. Ashton, trying to focus on the group but his eyes continuously going to Gabi as she threw her head back in laughter, the adoration he has for her evident on his face. And Luke. His piercing blue eyes stared back at mine as he grinned at me, squeezing my hand that sat intwined with his. “What are you thinking about?” He whispered into my ear before placing a soft kiss below it. “Nothing. I just didn’t expect us to ever be in a group again together.” I smiled. “Time to get drunk!” Gabi yelled as she popped the champagne open, causing Michael to shrink behind Calum. “Dude.” Calum said, arching an eyebrow at Michael. “It scared me.” He defended. I took the champagne bottle out of Gabi’s hand and held it to my mouth, letting the alcohol slide down my throat, leaving the burning feeling behind. I wiped the champagne that dripped past my lip and passed the bottle to Luke. “Cute.” He giggled before copying my actions. That’s how the entire night continued, passing around the bottle until it was empty and then Gabi grabbing another one, insuring that none of us were going home sober. “I missed you guys.” Gabi whined jutting out her bottom lip before swallowing what was left in her champagne glass. Everybody giggled at her words clearly not really listening. “I’m serious! I blame Luke!” She hiccuped as everybody grew quiet. “Gabi.” I warned narrowing my eyes at her. “She’s right. It’s my fault.” Luke pouted. “It doesn’t matter! It’s fixed!” Calum giggled. “I think we should bounce.” Luke slurred, his hand sliding down my back. “I don’t know who you think WE is.” I mused. “Me and you.” He pouted. “Where do you think we’re going?” I asked giggling through my words. “My apartment.” He smirked. “Nice try, Rockstar. You have to take me out. On a proper date.” I explained removing myself from his lap. “Deal! Tomorrow?” He asked and I agreed nodding slightly. “Alright boys lets go.” Michael sighed, standing up and yawning. “Yeah i’m really tired.” Ashton added, kissing Gabi’s forehead before joining Michael at the front of the room. “Thank you so much for the party Y/N. It means a lot that you set all this up.” Calum smiled. “Of course Cal.” I smiled. “Send us the link to the article when it goes up!” Michael called as Luke shoved everybody out of the room. I giggled as he closed the door and rolled his eyes before making his way back over to me and pulling me into him. “I finally get you to myself again.” He murmured, pressing his lips to mine. “Eager are we?” I smirked at his wandering hands. “It’s been 5 years of course i’m eager, baby.” He replied. “Oh stop.” I teased pushing him away from me. “So this date. Do i get to take you home afterwards?” He asked, smirking as his hand traveled down to my ass. “Play your cards right and maybe.” I mused, grabbing his hand and bringing it back up to my waist. He let out a groan and laid his head on my shoulder. “Alright Rockstar. Let’s get you home.” I sighed as he pouted up at me. I helped his stumbling figure out to Calums car and sat him in the back seat. “Thanks for talking to him.” Cal said as I attempted to put Luke’s seatbelt over him. “Yeah of course.” I smiled, clicking in the seat belt and stepping away. “I love him and I hope that things go differently this time.” I sighed. “Me too.” He smiled pulling me into a hug. “I’ll see you later.” I smiled before stepping back on to the sidewalk. “W-Wait. Y/N.” Luke slurred, his hand outstretched as he reached to me. “What Lu?” I asked turning around as worry filled my body at his urgency. “You’ll still be here when I wake up right? Like i-if I c-call you tomorrow you’ll s-still love me?” He asked quietly, gripping my hand in his. He looked like a small child the way worry took over his face, a pout permanently etched on his features. “Oh Lu.” I started kissing his hand softly. “I’ll still be here. You can call me when you first wake up.” I reassured him as I brushed a piece of hair out of his face. “Okay good.” He smiled lazily his eyes barely open as he searched mine. “Get some sleep bub.” I said softly before stepping on to the concrete once again as calum shut the door. “Night Y/N.” Calum smiled. “Night Cal.” I called. + The sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a yellowish tint on the white curtains that blocked the light from surfacing all the way in. I groaned as I came out of my sleep and pulled the comforter over my head in attempt to stop the pounding from my brain. I sighed from under the blanket before sitting up in bed and grabbing the computer, ready to finish the article. Words filled the page beautifully with my new found muse, easily composing the perfect article to shape the boys and their career. Once I had read over it 100 times I sent it in to Amanda and sighed contently before finally pulling myself out of bed. 12pm I made my way to the kitchen to spot Gabi sitting on the couch. “Hey” I smiled. “Are you okay?” She turned to face me as her eyebrows raised in confusion. “Perfect.” “Jesus it’s been less than 24 hours since you and Luke fixed things and you’re already annoyingly happy.” She groaned rolling her eyes. “Hey. We haven’t totally fixed things.” I defended as I poured myself a cup of coffee, blowing on it slowly before taking a sip and letting the liquid warm my throat. “Yeah his tongue down your throat really screamed ‘we’re still working on it’” She retorted slumping back into the chair as I made my way over to her. “I’m not gonna let him back into my life without working for it.” I had thought about this long and hard, I respected myself too much to just forget the way he broke my heart. “Right, ill check in a week from now and see how you really feel about that.” She giggled and I was saved from the bell when my phone rang from my bedroom. I rushed into my room and grabbed it off my night table smiling slightly when I saw it was Luke. “What’s up Rockstar?” I asked giggling as I could feel him rolling his eyes though the phone. “I want to see you today.” He stated. I plopped down on my bed and smiled softly at the thought. “Do you now?” “Yes. Tonight.” “That’s different from today.” I argued. “Stubborn as I remember.” He sighed. “Some things don’t change.” “So can I see you?” “I suppose.” I sighed. “Good. Be ready at 8, and sound less excited next time.” He replied sarcastically which resulted in me laughing loudly. “I’ll see you at 8.” I hung up the phone with a laugh and bit my lip softly. It’s been 12 hours and I already feel 16 again, yet I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not.
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sleek-mendes · 6 years
Luke Hemmings:
Starting Over (pt. 1) (ON HOLD)
(pt. 2)
(pt. 3)
Calum Hood:
The Color Series:
Red (L.H)
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