#tog s2 spoilers
ylge · 2 months
He's here!!!
Also if no anime scout girl Khun the I'm drawing it myself 😔😔
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monomonommonn · 2 months
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I'm so insane about this frame
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strange-kalliope · 2 months
Lets take ibuprofen together
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nijigasakilove · 2 months
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Lmaooo Khun played the shit out his role today man. Gtfo with them fake ass tears. Rachel pack will feed generations
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raamitsu · 3 months
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Be careful everyone!
The full ending and entire second episode for ToG S2 has been leaked!
Please take care in avoiding spoilers
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the-messenger-hawk · 2 years
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He’s coming back He’s coming back~
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sweetpopcornkat · 2 years
I love that the cover art for tog s2 is showing the contrast between light (wangnan) and shadow (viole) by using lightning but also their facial expressions 👌
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www98vikitoo · 3 years
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Hello, long time no viole
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aj-draws · 4 years
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What do you mean this wasn’t what he said
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
ToG S2 Spoilers part 22/many
ft. Urek exposing everyone
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their beauty will never fade~
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monomonommonn · 2 months
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
begin again.
[day 6 - eyes/dreams]
They are in the golden field of grass again, out on the test floor of Evankhell.
The sky blazes blue, blue above them — it takes a while for Baam to remember it is an artificial sky, and it is the ceiling he is looking at. It always takes time for Baam to realise, so it seems. He knows, because he can see it in the way Baam looks around, and the little jolt of realisation that comes when his shoulders shift, and his wide eyes stop to a point slightly above them, instead of soaking it all in.
Khun looks at him, and feels his chest grow.
This is how he imagines Baam arriving. A Baam that has come back to life, fully intact as if nothing had happened. Across the field, he starts running.
Strange he can't imagine Baam anywhere else, but this place echoes of him — a sea of gold, and the forever blue of the sky stretching on.
"Baam," he breathes, name barely curling past his mouth. He can't hear him, he's still some distance away — sitting up, breaking off a bit of the tall grass to taste —
And then the announcement breaks. Khun barely hears it — after all, he knows it by heart. His heartbeat loud in his head.
He has to make it to him this time.
Baam, scrambling for the Black March, standing. Running, but with the distinct black-red of his clothes, it's only a matter of time before someone sights him as an easy kill.
"BAAM." The shout explodes out of him, surprising even him. Baam turns around, alarm in his entire stance, too shaky to even hold a sword let alone a legendary needle properly. Golden eyes look at him, pull him in, and Khun—
—feels the world fall away. It's just the two of them, in this moment of time.
Baam smiles, a tremulous thing. There is knowledge in his eyes, and grief. He feels it pull at his gut.
And Baam says the damning words, "Is Rachel still safe with you?"
He has to stop looking at him. There's a block, a feeling in his chest that won't go away. He recognises it as — yes, he's upset.
The moment sways, like oil across water, and he starts to feel himself waking up.
He's dreaming again. He's dreaming of where they began, long ago in a golden field under a fake sky, but that sky was the most beautiful Khun has ever remembered one being. He's always noted them as one may note a nicely wrought piece of architecture, but never has his mind dwelt on one.
(Blue for emotion, for horizons on the morrow. Always far away.)
Not when the boy he loved—
(no. did he? dissonance.)
Are you sure, Aguero? His mother's voice murmurs insidiously from the corners of his mind. Did you love him, or were you trying to gain more things from him? Who is he kidding? It's ultimately his own voice, forever asking himself, did he change? Or not?
He can't admit he misses him. He stares into space, the image stuttering as he opens his eyes to darkness. Not out loud, never. Whenever he talks about him to other people, he passes it as coolly as he would every other subject.
The impulse to laugh it off catches in his throat, and the summary always comes out brief and hard, so no one would even think of prying.
No one does, anyway. At this stage, everyone in the tower has lost at least a few people. It is nothing strange.
He wonders, if no one would ever light the same feelings in his heart as Baam had. With each year, he could feel himself becoming more and more detached. Allies were allies. He checked in with Shibisu and co., and could call them friends, but didn't feel the pressing need to socialise with them more than necessary. Getting ahold of Rak was an obstacle in of itself, so the conversations they had were sparse to most.
Ironically, perhaps the most he talked to, or put in the most effort for, was putting the facade on for Rachel.
With Rachel, he makes himself be gentle. The gentleness that could have gone to Baam, he dredges it up, and telegraphs the movements for her. He doesn't have to feel it to be able to do it. That has usually been how he's been able to keep winning, keep succeeding for every floor.
Rachel, of yellow eyes, slitted pupils, sallow skin. The viper in the grass that had bitten Baam's heel. Pale corn yellow that don't shine as Baam's do, not in the same way. Fool's gold.
She tells him she dreamt of Baam again. Yes, so did I. How much does she feel she needs to repeat this performance? Does she dream of Baam every night like he does? He doubts it. He really, really doubts it.
"I dreamt of him calling out to me," she says softly. She always looks at her hands when she recites these. They move minutely, fingertips aligning. "From a very dark place," she added, swallowing, as though to mask emotions. "There were fish all around him, and he spoke with their voice." She murmurs, eyes turning to the window for dramatic effect. "I think a great silvery fish had swallowed him, you see."
He doesn't see, but he supposes he can applaud her for varying up the routine. He opens his mouth, and soothing words tumble out.
He dreams of the throne in the crown game, Baam sat upon it resplendently, safely. This time, he simplifies things. This time, he takes liberties he would never have thought of before. He lovingly crowns Baam's mop of dark hair, leans against him, deposits himself in his lap like a cat in its favourite spot.
There's no place like napping in a sunspot. Khun closes his eyes, and feels warmth. The soft thigh beneath him, the slight brush of Baam's hands above him as they fidget and readjust.
The flush of his face for doing such a thing, but his eyes remain determinedly closed. He can absolutely will this blush away, damnit.
He dreams he dreams he dreams. He reconstructs times of when he was with Baam, he revisits, he redoes it in such a way he can be happy with. He could have touched him on the shoulder more. He didn't need to have focused on bickering with that ridiculous Samurai guy about his earrings, god — so instead, he turns to Baam and acts cute instead.
"Right, Baam?" He knows he's definitely a good-looking guy, courtesy of Khun genes, so just notice him more.
I'm here. You don't need to fixate on Rachel so much-
"Is Rachel happy with you?"
"I trust you, Khun-ssi."
A gentle smile that leaves Khun choking on wordless grief in the mornings.
Why is it that Baam seems to look more wide-eyed and delicate with each dream? What does Baam even look like? Is he sure of the exact contours of his face anymore? The exact hue of his eyes-?
(There were no photos taken. That damn Yu Hansung could have given them those instead of those nuisance rings, he's sure there's usable video footage somewhere in their archives.)
The shades of Baam's eyes:
Burnished, bronze, warm toffee, that gleam gold like coins, or amber in low light, like honey. Amber that Khun would allow to drip around and entrap him.
Amber that has gone away with the light, amber that is only a memory.
Nothing on the Lighthouse network too. Disappointing. He supposes he can't expect images of small fry on 2F to interest anyone.
If only they could have known Baam—
Trust Baam to never reproach him, even in the worst of his dreams where he cradles Baam's brokentornbleedingblue body. He never asks the words Khun always does to himself, everyday:
"Why didn't you save him?"
How could you have failed? How did you not take account of this? Did you underestimate Rachel? Why couldn't you have been there-
(Always: "Have you taken Rachel to see her stars yet?"
Not yet, he always answers at last, head lowered.
He never says the rest out loud: when she does, that's when I'll finally throw her off the tower. )
They do say to keep your enemies closer for a reason, he reasons as he leans in to lightly brush away Rachel's self-pitying tears, once again. They are disgustingly cold, he observes clinically. Not that fresh, hm?
Khun never gives Rachel a reason to doubt he is anything but gentle towards her.
(Khun A. A. dreams of the ways he could have saved the 25th Baam. Twenty-five nights and more, in a row.
It never changes. It begins and it ends with Rachel, bringing Baam to existence, ending his life. It begins and it ends with Baam, always asking him to look after her.
It begins and it ends with Khun Aguero Agnis, unable to look him in the eye, and tell him the truth.
What does Baam dream of? Where does he exist now? Khun doesn't believe in the afterlife, but —
—Baam should have died happy. Innocent. With no memory of what Rachel could have done to him.
If there is a god watching from the top of the tower, then Khun prays—
If pray is even the word to use — that he's happy. Perhaps even better, with no sensation or thought or memory.)
— begin again: Khun Aguero Agnis meets the 25th Baam in a golden field of grass. They become friends. They do not, and Khun passes him by, and Baam dies a bloody death early. They do not, and Khun wins for Team A, and Baam does not pass on, and Rachel leaves him behind. They do, and Khun wins for Team A, but the fiasco for Team B happens anyway and Baam finds Rachel, so they’re left behind.
begin again —
Where Jue Viole Grace sleeps, Baam emerges.
Baam dreams of Rachel, of stars and towers and being flung into darkness. Falling, from a great height, into the great dark, with no one to ever hear his voice crying out again. He dreams of a shaft of light opening into his dark world, and Rachel coming to save him once again. But no. Of course not — he wakes, and they tell him she put him here.
But he can't stop dreaming of her.
And of happier times. In the cafeteria. With the others. With Khun.
Baam dreams of blue skies and warm blue eyes, and a hand that reached out to him. Hands and words that cut through others so easily, but have always been gentle with him.
The dreams begin with Rachel, but they always end with Khun. From sunrise yellow, to deep night blue.
//or: the anime was khun's dreams of the test floor so they have more moments together. i projected my angst onto khun, so here we are. it began as a drabble, and after repurposing it for day 6 it’s still basically a long angst drabble set in canon.
...maybe i’ll rewrite it for AO3 one day. 3am brain is dead.
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nijigasakilove · 2 months
KHUN MY GOAT IS BACK. Ok they actually cooked finally. This felt like season 1 and the Khun and Rachel twist was so well done I was over mad as hell thinking Khun was being manipulated by her, whole time he’s pulling all the strings.
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First of all, man the visualisation of Edin Dan’s speed abilities is so cool it’s clearly heavily influenced by the flash tapping into the speed force and lowkey looks better than the flash movie lmao. Thought Khun was completely going off the deep end when we found out about forcibly recruiting people to climb the tower, but his heart is in the right place. Cool parallel between his journey and Bam’s
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Speaking of Bam, Khun said it had been years since Bam’s “death” so how much in universe time has passed?
🤢seeing Khun hug and pamper Rachel had me so annoyed, but all that went away when his inner monologue and plans started being revealed. She think she slick as hell and got away with Bam death, faking her legs not working etc. 😭 ain’t fooling no one sis. God I hate her.
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The Penkin OST during the team meeting when he was telling them all to not get attached to Rachel was so fucking fire too. This episode is his best work on this season for sure.
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On Viole side, team building seems to be going well, but Yihwa still understandably hesitant to trust Viole. We FINALLY getting to see the red hair eye patch chick that I’ve seen on anitwt for so long. Supposed to be a fan favourite so can’t wait to see what she can do
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Hi im several days late 2 reply but i hope its ok to send an ask ^_^ i am so so scared 4 season 2 you have no idea. season 1 had me gobsmacked stupified nonplussed rendered unresponsive to anything else for the following week partially bc im emotiomal and the rachel + baam plot had me So crazy and partially bc ToG is like insane in ways iv never seen b4. Part of me wants to read the manhwa so so badly so im prepared for the new season and dont get emotionally bulldozed but part of me wants to sit and wait. either way ive been religiously avoiding spoilers as best as i can. However Im indecisive i feel like reading the manhwa would be eye-opening but im similarly afraid to read it for fear of going crazy. I cant imagine what it wouldve been like reading ToG as it released i fear i mightve lost my mind by now if i had been into ToG since day 1. but im monologuing. Tldr. Im scared. heres an image summary of my s2 thoughts.
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I don’t think you know how happy this ask made me.
It’s always great to see new people in the Fandom. If you haven’t read through Season 1, I’d recommend that to hold you over until S2.
In terms of overall tone, I’d say S2 is more lighthearted, but it deals with a lot darker topics so you might want to prepare yourself for that. In the end, your ultimate choice is this: Do you want to be beat over the head with a chair reading the webtoon, or socked in the face repeatedly watching the anime?
And nice to see you’ve already taken an interest in our blonde boy. He’s a real hoot
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and I’ll answer them (so long as the answer isn’t a spoiler).
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kuhn's ponytail is impossible
so i'm think that siu grew their hair just for check and then we get the s2 ponytail
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