#todoroki family fluff
dira333 · 7 months
The cutest Todoroki - Touya x Reader
A/N: Angst to Fluff, Real Life AU, requested by @chelseaquake
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at 5 years old
You think little Natsuo is the cutest, with the little streaks of red in his hair and his deep grey eyes. You wish you could hold him too, but Fuyumi’s not giving him up, cradling him like an expert as her mother watches.
“He’s not that special,” Touya points out again, pouting a little. He comes to stand next to you, twirling a forgotten volleyball in his hands.
“Do you want to play?”
“But we’re playing happy family right now,” you point out and he huffs.
“That’s boring. Play ball with me.”
You consider it for a second. Fuyumi’s probably not going to let you hold Natsuo any time soon, and Touya never plays with you in school because he’s one class over you and much cooler. 
Before you can say yes, though, his father appears, and you shrink away. Todoroki-san is scary, taller than any other parent you know, and always angry-looking.
“If you’ve got time to stand around, you’ve got time to practice,” he calls out to Touya. “Come on.”
“Do you want me to braid your hair too?” Fuyumi asks when you are awed by her skills. Her hair looks so nice. Tomorrow, when her hair has dried, it will curl a little. 
“Would you really? That’s so nice!” You take your place in front of her, thinking once again that sleepovers at Fuyumi’s place are the best. Her Dad might be a little scary, but everything else is so much better than at home.
Fuyumi’s working diligently, not noticing when the door to her room opens slightly.
Someone peeks through. You recognize those bright turquoise eyes immediately and wave a little shyly. Does he think your All Might Pyjamas are childish? Or does he think they’re cool? You don’t own fancy sleepwear like Fuyumi.
He waves back just as quietly but does not speak. You pull a face in the hopes of making him laugh and he presses his hand against his mouth to silence it. 
It’s only when Fuyumi looks up that the moment shatters.
“Ugh, Touya, go away!”
at 7 years old 
Little Shouto is so cute, with his pouty mouth and his mismatched eyes. You even get to hold him once, but only because Rei had to discuss something with her husband in the kitchen and Natsuo dragged Fuyumi out of the room for a second.
“He’s not that special,” Touya points out. He’s still pouting like he always does when you spend more time praising his brothers than him. But there’s an angry furrow to his brows now that you haven’t seen before.
“He looks a little like you,” you tell him. “He’s got that cute little pout from you.” You tap your fingertips against Shouto’s puckered lips and bite your own right away, realizing how that sounded.
Most girls in your class think that Touya’s really cool. Most boys in your class think that girls are annoying. What if Touya thinks the same?
“I am pretty cute,” he huffs next to you but when you blink at him, he’s blushing.
“And he’s got your pretty eyes,” you whisper because it has to be said, but not as loudly. 
“Only one,” Touya points out, leaning into you a little. You nod, swallowing awkwardly.
“Ah!” Todoroki-san makes from where’s appeared in the doorway and you flinch. Touya stiffens next to you. “Where’s Fuyumi? Rei, please, I don’t want just anyone to be holding Shouto!” 
Rei shuffles up to you, smiling apologetically and brushing your hair as she takes her son. You might not be as smart as Fuyumi, but you’re pretty sure Todoroki-san just insulted you.
“Touya, if you’ve got the time to stand around, you’ve got the time to practice,” Todoroki-san points out. “Come on now, get going.”
When you wake up at night, throat parched and unable to fall asleep again, you creep into the kitchen.
In the soft glow of a reading light, Touya’s sitting at the kitchen table, head bowed over a book.
“Aren’t you going to sleep?” You ask, too surprised to see him there to care about the fact that you’re still wearing your Allmight Pyjamas, threadbare, and a little too short around your ankles. 
“Dad said I can only go to bed after I’ve got all the answers.” He explains, his voice both tired and annoyed. “I hate math.”
“Let me see,” you slip onto the chair next to him. “I’m not good with languages but I’m good at math. Maybe I can help.”
One look at the questions tells you that you’ll be no help at all.
“But…” You’re shocked. “You’re just one class above me.”
“That’s high school math,” he explains. “Dad says I have to unlock my full potential.”
“My Mom always says that I can’t learn if I’m tired. She always has me take naps before doing homework.”
“Your Mom sounds nice.”
“She is!” You smile. “But she has to work a lot. That’s why I can come over so often. When I’m sleeping over she can work a double shift.”
at 9 years old 
The house feels different without Touya there. 
It’s only ever Natsuo, who interrupts your playtime with Fuyumi, who asks you to play with him when you’re supposed to be doing your homework, who asks if he can, too, sleep over. 
Fuyumi’s not good at saying no and neither are you, so you end up sandwiched between the two, thinking about how weird it is that the only time you ever see Shouto is during meals when he looks at you like you’re something alien. He rarely talks, not like Natsuo who couldn’t shut up way before he turned four.
You wonder, with fear in your heart, if Fuyumi will have to go to a boarding school too next year.
She’s the only friend who doesn’t mind sharing her lunch with you when your mother forgets to pack it yet again. Who lets you sleep over this often without getting annoyed. Who doesn’t make fun of you for still wearing the same clothes as last year, a little too short and a little too tight on you.
You miss Touya’s presence at school too, the way he sometimes came over during recess and talked to the two of you despite him being much cooler than you’ll ever be. 
But it’s only at his home, where he’s supposed to be, that his absence weighs the most.
at 12 years old
Every summer holiday you hope against hope that this year, Touya will return.
Last year he went to a camp for gifted children but surely, this year will be different.
But you can tell, right at the door, that he’s not home.
It’s the way Natsuo sticks close, hides behind your back even though he’s long grown taller  than you. He’s always preferred his big brother over you and Fuyumi over Touya.
But Fuyumi’s busy most of the time. 
You try to help her cook and clean, but in the quietness of the night when he rests her head on your shoulder, she tells you that all she wants to do is play with you, feel like she’s a child and not her mother’s replacement. 
“Do you want to come over then?” You ask softly. “If your mother needs to rest so much, we can sleep at my place. We can be as loud as we want there.”
The Todoroki’s place has been your refuge all through your childhood.
Maybe it’s only fitting that your place will be their refuge all through their teenage years.
It hurts though, when you pick them up. Because Touya should come with, and Shouto too. Sometimes you can see them though, in the single turquoise eye that peaks out from behind the curtains, in the pout on Shouto’s lips when he realizes he can’t come with, yet again.
“Touya said we can write him,” Fuyumi tells you one day, in the safety of the girls bathroom at school, “But not directly. There’s an older lady living down the street that gives him the letters once a week. Do you want the address too?”
“Yes,” you try to sound less eager than you feel. But Fuyumi’s been your friend for too long. She can read your mind from less than a word.
She smiles though.
at 17 years old
It’s the redness blooming around a single turquoise eye that brings everything down.
Fuyumi calls you crying after it happens.
You’ve never been more thankful for your mother than that day. She knows exactly what to do, never once freezes in the panic that has taken hold of you.
Shouto’s clinging to you, bandage covering his left eye, like the little kid he is.
This is how he finds you, crammed into an uncomfortable plastic chair at the hospital, Shouto in your lap, Fuyumi sleeping against your shoulder, Natsuo’s long body stretched out on two more chairs, head resting in his sister's lap.
You recognize him immediately, even after all those years, even after the terrible job he did at dyeing his hair. 
“Touya?” You call out to him, where he’s standing frozen in the hallway. 
You don’t want to get up, don’t want to wake up Fuyumi, or Natsuo, or Shouto, but there’s something flickering in Touya’s eyes that tells you that some moments need to be seized.
Touya sinks into your cautious embrace. He’s sorrow and hope at the same time, and it doesn’t matter that he hardly ever replied to one of your letters, that you haven’t seen him in years.
“Everything will be okay in the end,” you whisper into the blotchy blackness of his hair, “I promise.”
Your mother and you move into the Todoroki house until either one of their parents are able to care for them again.
It feels like a constant sleepover some days and a terrible idea on others.
More than once you wake up from Shouto climbing into your bed late at night.
More than once you find yourself wandering the kitchen late at night, hoping for Touya to be as sleepless as you, as yearning as you.
“Are you going to the dance?” Touya asks. 
You’re alone in the kitchen for once. Fuyumi’s out to visit Rei, Natsuo’s staying at a friend’s house for the night and your mother is out with Shouto until later, check-ups with doctors and the obligatory ice cream treat afterward.
“Depends,” you say, trying to focus on the stir fry you’re making. “Why?”
“Did someone ask you out?” His voice is coming out gruffly and you turn to look at him. 
The black’s almost completely washed out of his hair, darkening it only in some spots to something akin to blood. He’s staring at the floor, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. 
You have been thinking about the senior dance before, but more in an abstract way. There’s simply not enough money for a dress and no boy interesting enough to wonder if he’ll ask you out. Well, no boy but him.
“No.” You turn back to the sizzling food.
“Do you want to go?” Touya asks now.
“I don’t have a dress.”
“But do you want to go?”
“I don’t have-”
“If all that did not matter?” His tone is sharper now, more desperate, “Would you want to go? With me?”
You turn again. His eyes are open, wide and vulnerable, like is voice when he uttered the last two words. Your throat is tight, your hands shaking.
You nod, unable to speak for a second.
He smiles, shyly and slowly. There’s something in his eyes that is asking you over.
You turn down the heat without looking.
His hands meet yours readily.
He blushes a fiery red when you lean in to kiss his cheek.
He pouts and you think, that in the end, Touya is the cutest Todoroki.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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cozzzynook · 2 years
Big brother Touya being stuck watching Shouto who only wants him.
He has to carry him around everywhere and its a big distraction to his training which keeps him from burning himself further. Touya doesn’t even bother going to Sekoto Peak anymore since Shouto will cry so much he gets sick and makes a literal iceberg to block his path.
Just Touya never becoming Dabi but instead being Shouto’s favorite nii-san who makes an enemy out of Natsuo since he falls asleep on Touya and takes a lot of his time.
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celesteleoves · 3 months
Could you do a todoroki oneshot/head cannons for him having a secrete crush on (y/n) and doing some cheesy confessions? Thanks a lot!!❤️🤍
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shoto todoroki x reader.
summary: shoto has developed a crush that even he himself doesn’t quite understand, so he’s hiding it. you however, have a small huge crush on him yourself aswell. hopefully he can confess!
warnings: mentions of the todoroki family, shoto being a little insecure, fluff with a SMALL tinge of angst! reader is as whipped as he is lol!
a/n: i decided to turn this into a little one shot. ty for requesting this ml! i really enjoy writing shoto and trying to understand his character (especially trying to interpret how he would do a confession lol!) enjoy!!!! pls send more requests. this is quite long i feel like :( i hope it’s to your liking!!!
“todoroki, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in love?”
that was a sentence shoto didn’t think he’d have to answer at 10 am in the morning. yet here he is. standing very stiffly next to a happy momo who is helping him make breakfast for their classmates. the question certainly woke him up at this early time.
“not really.”
“oh come on! you know i’m not the type to push boundaries but are you sure?” momo looked at him in confusion, for a boy like shoto everyone would’ve thought love defintely came easily to him.
“i don’t think i have. please hand me the knife.”
momo sighed and passed him the knife before moving around the kitchen and grabbing the rest of the ingredients to finish up their meal.
the conversation with momo had been stuck in shoto’s head all throughout the day (it was currently 1 pm). he felt as though he answered her wrong. yet, how would he know a thing about love? romantic love. souls being practically tied to another. he didn’t know anything about it.
shoto felt uneasy facing emotions he never explored: love. It was like standing on a cliff's edge, peering into an unfamiliar abyss. His usually composed demeanor faltered as he grappled with the intensity of these new feelings. yet, despite his apprehension, a part of him was curious, cautiously reaching out to understand this uncharted territory.
from a young age, shoto learned he couldn't rely on his parents to model what real love looked like or how to navigate relationships. they weren't an example he could follow, leaving him uncertain and unguided in matters of the heart. that’s something shoto learnt at a young age, he couldn’t rely on his parents to show him what real love looks like.
he’s not very good at lying. thats also something shoto learnt at a young age. it baffles him how he has been able to hide his crush on you for this long.
you sat comfortably next to shoto, scrolling through your phone and peppering him with questions about the various foods you were discovering on your Pinterest feed.
“oh my gosh! did you know that strawberries are the most common fruit people use to confess their love?” you grinned like a child and turned your phone towards shoto who was already paying attention to your scrolling.
“oh wow, i didn’t know that.” shotos answer came out more nonchalant than he wanted and he winced, praying you wouldn’t be upset with him.
instead, you felt a warmth in your stomach at his words. excited to teach him more about strawberries, you leaned closer.
shotos breath hitched at the smell of your perfume engulfing his senses, he could practically see ever detail of your face. to the way you did your makeup all the way down to the necklace you wore that shoto had gifted you for your birthday.
the sight made shotos cheeks flushed as he took deep breaths. as of right now, shoto wished he would be more calm like he usually is.
damn it, hiding a crush is not easy.
little did either of you know, you were both thinking the same thing.
strawberries. the history of the strawberry dates back to Ancient Rome where the fruit was considered the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love, because of its red color and enticing taste.
shoto had been sitting in his dorm for hours looking up facts about strawberries.
he gently placed his phone down and pondered. does the kitchen have strawberries? or would he have to go buy some?
“i’ll check the kitchen.” he mumbled, hurriedly making his way there.
upon his arrival, he realized everyone seemed to be also chilling in their dorms. it was only 5 o’clock and a free day for his classmates to relax and catch up.
he searched the fridge, a deep frown settling on his face when he realized there were no strawberries.
shoto stared at the fridge for a couple minutes, debating what to do.
“shoto? is that you?” he jumped at the sound of the kitchen door creaking open but relaxed after realizing it was just you.
“sorry! didn’t mean to scare you. what are you looking for?” you moved towards him, stopping right behind him and peering over his shoulder to look at what the fridge might contain for him.
much to shotos dismay, it didn’t contain the one thing he wanted. the thing he craved however was just standing behind him.
“i want strawberries. do you want to come to the store with me to get some?” shoto peered back at you with the cutest look on his face. your heart clenched at his unintentional puppy eyes.
“yes! i mean- sure.” you stumbled over your words and he softly smiled, moving to grab his hoodie as you excitedly walked beside him, leaving the dorms and heading to the store.
the walk was calm, exactly what you needed but also despised. for months, it felt as if you had been left in the dark with shoto. it seems as though he’s keeping something from you.
selfishly, you really want to understand his sudden demeanour change. he’s almost softer, sweeter and very careful with you.
selfishly, shoto also wants to just run away and hide. he is not good at keeping secrets from you. this secret is something he knows would affect your friendship greatly. which is why he’s afraid.
“shoto. we’re here.” you spoke to him softly, the chill evening air makes you feel at peace next to him and shoto swears you glow as the afternoon sun hits the side of your face perfectly.
“i really want strawberries.” shoto said and you swore you almost let out a cackle at his blunt words, why did he need that fruit so badly?
“then let’s look!”
you two trudged to the fruit section of the store, analyzing which strawberries would be perfect.
“y/n, look at these ones.” shoto beckoned you over and you happily walked over to where he stood.
shoto had managed to find the most perfect strawberries you had never seen, they looked so perfect! (just like him) and you quickly nodded your head towards the cashier.
“hello! my my, what a lovely young couple you two are! did you know, strawberries are a symbol of love?” the cashier, a friendly middle aged women, spoke endearingly at you two.
“oh! we aren’t a-”
“thank you, m’aam.” shoto softly smiled at the lady and she grinned back, winking at you as you blushed.
“have a good one, you two!” the cashier waved as you two exited the store, you being too flustered to reply while shoto waved back at her.
his nerves began to get the best of him, his idea didn’t seem like it would work now. what if his perspective of love is wrong and he’s doing the opposite of what you think love is? the questions continued to plague his mind like a sick joke and taunt. his mind seemed to be his biggest enemy.
were you against the idea of dating him? you didn’t reply to the lady in the store. was it his scar? was it his personality? shoto suddenly really liked the idea of crawling into hole.
you moved towards a bench nearby, patting the seat next to you. you didn’t enjoy how quiet shoto had been. normally he would at least say a few words and you would be able to continue the conversation. shoto seemed speechless suddenly.
shoto stared at the batch of strawberries in his lap, grateful they were washed. he could eat them now with you.
he picked up what seemed like one singular strawberry that laid perfectly on top of the rest. as he picked the strawberry up, it revealed to be a double strawberry. (press on the text to learn more!)
“woah! a double strawberry, can we split it?” you spoke for the first time in a while and shoto felt his heart swoon, you wanted to share a strawberry with him?
shoto only nodded and split the strawberry for you two, a red hue very evident on his cheeks as he took a bite of the strawberry.
“you know, i’ve been wanting to tell you something for a while.”
shotos nerve racking words caused you to perk up in your seat as you quietly ate the strawberry, encouraging him to continue.
“um, strawberries mean love.” shoto mentally face palmed. that is not what he wanted to say!
you giggle, “i know sho! i told you that.”
silence overtook you two once again as you gave shoto a moment to think about his words, patiently nervously swinging your legs back and fourth beneath the bench.
“it is also said that if you spilt a double strawberry with someone, you two will fall in love.” shoto whispered those words as if they were forbidden.
your eyes widened and you let out a huff of laughter, trying to make humour of the situation incase he does but agree with your next words.
“and what happens if you’re already in love?”
shotos eyes bulged, he looked up from where he was staring at his feet nervously to make eye contact with you for the first time in a while.
the feeling of being nervous about what the other will say seems so intense, but once you're already in love, every word they utter becomes a symphony that warms your heart. you two felt that way each time the other spoke.
“then… the two will grow their relationship and be more than friends?” shoto asked shyly.
“yeah, that sounds about right.” you grinned, shuffling closer to shoto, finishing your strawberry as you place your head on his shoulder.
shoto smiled a toothy grin, silently applauding himself. his confession wasn’t as bad he thought it would be! strawberries really do symbolize love.
A/N: UM HI… i hope this was how you wanted it!!! i kinda got carried away… if you guys can’t tell i really like strawberries so i had to include them. please send tips for me to improve my writing and requests for not just mha, but jjk too!
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randomchaosyay · 2 months
Shoto Todoroki - Morse Code
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Inspired by this post by @ouch-thats-harsh
A/n: Inspiration strikes! Im running on two hours of sleep!
Warnings: None :D
Sho always tapped his fingers against his desk. You thought nothing of it, chalking it up to a nervous habit or something he did out of boredom. But recently, you had decided to learn morse code. It was a random urge really, you weren’t quite sure where it came from, but you did it, learning little by little in the little free time you had over the past few weeks.
You were mostly always swamped with homework and doing hero work via your provisional hero license. The other free time you had, you usually spent with your boyfriend Shoto, cuddling as he caught you up to speed with what you’ve missed in class due to being out heroing, as well as talking about your new favorite theories. His current favorite theory was Shinso Hitoshi being Aizawa and Present Mic’s love child.
Currently, you and Sho were in the common room of your dorm, eating breakfast. You were rather excited to tell Sho about mastering morse code, but everytime you tried, you were somehow not so rudely interrupted by one of your classmates talking about something else.
Finally, you were all on your way to class, the loud food induced chatter settling down to quiet yawns and tired grumbles. Your hand was intertwined with your boyfriend’s as you walked to class. Just as you were about to tell him about learning morse code, you figured no one would interrupt you this time. You were wrong. What you could only assume was a caffeine fueled Midoriya was practically bouncing off the walls, asking everyone about any recent modifications to their hero suits and impacts on their quirks. You wondered when the last time was that the poor boy had slept.
Once you and Shoto reached the door, you decided to tap out a quick “I love you” to the back of his hand, before you had to untwine your fingers and separate from each other to get to your seats, which luckily were pretty close.
“I love you too.” Shoto responded out loud mindlessly.
Both of you froze. You just stood there. Looking at each other in complete and utter shock.
“You know morse code??” You both questioned the other at the same time.
After a slight arguement about who was to explain first, Sho told you how he and his sibling use it to trash talk his father and to talk to his siblings when his father tried isolating him, Fuyumi and Natsuo originally came up with it for Touya but never got to use it with him. Giving him a hug for confort, you told him how you’d learned it just recently on a whim. Before you could converse any further, Denki and Jirou called the Aizawa alarm and you all had to get to your seats. There was a small smile on his face as he walked back to his seat, that went unnoticed by you.
As class went on, you heard Shoto’s familiar pattern of tapping, the way he did every class. Except now, you realized, it had a meaning. ‘I’m bored. I wish I could just ditch and go cuddle Y/n’. You had to hold in a gasp at that as your heart melted slightly, everyday Sho had been tapping that out, other varieties of that as well. And you had no idea until today. ‘Sho we can’t just ditch class’, you tapped back. He turned slightly to look at you, a pleasantly surprised smile adorning his handsome features.
‘Yeah but this stuff is easy and cuddling is more fun’. You could almost hear his voice saying it in a matter of fact tone. ‘Not everyone is top of the class like you Sho.” You responded playfully. You two went on talking to each other for the rest of class. Most of it was about random things, like when Sho reiterated how similar Aizawa and Shinso look, with their eyebags and smile and such. You really loved him, every single thing about him.
Aizawa didn’t notice somehow, but that was probably because your taps were quiet since the two of you didn’t sit that far apart. Or maybe you two were just oblivious to his glares, floating off into your own world until he’d given up with a shake of his head. Problem children.
‘I love you’
‘I love you too’
Learning morse code was a pretty good decision huh?
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unforgivenntired2 · 4 months
More than just butterflies
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The afternoon sun filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the cluttered desk where you sat, absorbed in your studies. Exams were coming soon and to be honest, everyone was scared about them. As you flipped through the pages of your textbook, trying to focus on the equations in front of you, a soft knock on the door interrupted your concentration.
"Come in," you called out, expecting one of your roommates.
The door creaked open, and you looked up to see Todoroki standing there, his dual-colored hair falling gently over his forehead. His expression was unreadable as usual, but there was something in his eyes, a glint of uncertainty perhaps.
"Hey, Todoroki. What's up?" you greeted him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Um, I was wondering if you're free later," he said, his voice slightly hesitant as if he wasn't sure as to what he was saying.
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his request. "Sure, I don't have any plans. Why, what's going on?"
He shifted on his feet, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "I was thinking... maybe we could go grab some coffee together?"
Your heart skipped a beat at his suggestion. To be honest, You had a small huge crush on him for a while. Momo and Ochaco had just laughed saying that it was practically impossible that Shoto would ever like you back. Todoroki rarely initiated outings, especially not something as casual as getting coffee. "That.. That sounds great. I'd love to," you replied, trying to keep your excitement in check and not accidently squeal in front of him and do your happy dance.
As you walked to the nearby café, the air between you was charged with a strange tension. Todoroki seemed lost in thought, and you couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something important he wanted to discuss.
When you reached the café, you ordered your drinks and found a quiet corner to sit. The atmosphere was cozy, with soft music playing in the background, but the silence between you felt heavy.
Finally, Todoroki cleared his throat, breaking the quietude. "I... I wanted to talk to you about something," he began, his gaze fixed on his cup of coffee.
You nodded encouragingly, giving him the space to speak.
"It's... It's about... us," he said, his words hesitant but filled with determination.
Your heart skipped a beat at his admission. But.. there was no way. THE Shoto Todoroki who was always so clueless about normal teenager things would never.
"Us?" you echoed, trying to hide the hopeful tone in your voice.
Todoroki took a deep breath before continuing, his gaze meeting yours. "I... I've realized that... I care about you a lot. More than I thought I would," he confessed, his cheeks flushing slightly.
Your cheeks practically turned as red as a tomato and you couldn't help but let out a huge shout. "WHAT?!"
Todoroki flinched a bit at it. "D-Did I say something wrong...?" He looked at you awkwardly and you practically gave yourself a hard mental slap. Greaaatt y/n. Great job on fucking embarrassing yourself in front of the man you liked.
"Wait- nononono No! Y-You spoke great! Wait I mean no! I care about you so much too Todoroki!" You gave yourself another mental slap, thinking about how dumb and childish that must've sounded. You coughed as if to clear your throat and made your pathetic attempt to sound professional. "I-I mean I care about you too."
His expression softened, a small smile gracing his lips. He loved how cute you looked all flustered and struggling to talk. "I'm glad," he murmured, his eyes holding yours in a tender gaze.
As you sat there, lost in each other's eyes, you realized that this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
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fluff-n-cookies · 4 months
Randomly off the bat Dabi, Shigaraki and Spinner (separately) With a quirkless girlfriend Who has an Ex that wants to get back with her, BUT……. The ex turns that “HE BROKE UP WITH HER” because she “had no quirk” and that she was “useless to him”
(Those are the quotes she says to them while telling them the short version of the story) Dabi, Shigaraki, Spinner, deals with the situation themselves.
(I love those boys😍 and I thought it be a good idea story for you, so go crazy and have fun with it😅)
Okay, girlie, while I love the fact that you're sharing this stuff with me, I don't think you read this. the yellow paragraph. I hope you send this request to some other writers, @honeybubblebeeeeee is one of my personal favs. I do however like the idea of a reader having no quirk and being abandoned because of it, so I'll put a platonic spin on it.
Reader was abandoned by their family after being born to a quirk marriage meant to provide children with strong quirks only for their first child to have no quirk. not wanting their reputation destroyed they abandoned our dear reader at 5 leaving her in an orphanage and a note to near come find them less they wanted a bounty on their head. (reader is now 16)
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Dabi likes children, he likes how they have this innocent aura, he likes that they, hopefully, have not gone through the horrors he has. Hopefully. On the other hand, he hates quirk marriages, he hates hero's, in fact, I'd even say he hates fathers in general.
To tell Dabi that your relationship with your father or your mother is bad is to get them at the top of his hit list, VIP shit. Endeavor is just a couple seconds behind them.
but what hurts him more, what hurts him the most is if you actually believe them, if you push yourself through hand to hand combat, sniping, and other such practices not for the sake of improving yourself but to prove to them (not that they care) that you are not useless.
Oh how it pains him, to wake up in the dead of night to see your tear stricken face as you berate a poor punching bag to death on the roof. The wind is cool as you swing, and swing again. It's as if you dance for the stars of the night and the stars alone with not a thought for the trees or the mountains. Only ever the stars. 
The sting hurts, the impact of thinly wrapped fists against a leathery wall, but that anger that drains with it is enough to make the pain worth it, is it not?
That anger you feel, is an anger that Touya knows all too well. The type of anger that makes one want to yell of the heavens, yell that they are not a sinner despite being imprisoned in hell. He’ll watch as you swing with fury, fury of not being enough, fury of being thrown away like trash.
one man's trash is another's treasure though, right?
In that case, you're Touya's most darling treasure. Oh the urge to hold you close and tell you everything's going to be okay, as he pets your head, whispering promises of vengeance on your behalf. To give you a reason to smile.
Oh, it's strong.
Oh, the blood he's shed for you.
he won't say anything, if you see him get you water after you nearly faint from mental and physical exhaustion, no you didn't. if you saw him undo the bandages on your arms from training and replace them with new fresh ones, you're delusional. If you saw him stalking your family's socials and calling someone to leak their crimes, shhh, don't tell.
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"I mean, yeah, you kinda are."
Was his genuine first thought.
I mean, what do you want him to say? that your quirk doesn't determine your worth, like what?
and darling, when I say correct him, I mean correct him, please correct him. Please look dead into his eyes and say "I'm not useless!". for when I say it will escalate, trust me it will Escalate.
this boy has never had a true friend, and on top of that, he was teased as a child for, well being him. So the moment he gets a friend, his heart will swell, for once he feels cherished, and my poor boy, he doesn't show it correctly.
he's just so happy to finally have someone to talk to and joke around with, but doesn't realize just yet what is a joke and what is not. so he'll keep pushing it, it supposedly is an "inside joke" so he'll keep doing it.
So please correct him! tell him that it hurts, and tell him lightly to not risk breaking his heart.
Because he wants to make you happy, he can't stand the fact that you go quiet whenever he calls you quirkless, and that you're progressively distancing yourself more and more. And believe me when I say, it's painful for the both of you.
Please be his friend, and please let him make you happy correctly, you are just so perfect, we can't have such a perfect thing so sad now can we?
yeah, done admist some weird shit, and did I mention that I'm a horrible writer?
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zeke-best · 2 years
He really is the hero of this family…
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insomnyahhh · 4 months
thinking about bnha future and how izuku is taking his child to the park and he sees katsuki ( who’s also at the park with his kid) and there’s a lot of tension in the air because both of them like to one up each other when it comes to their kids, meanwhile the kids are cool and chill with each other.
“no, my kid is obviously better”
“actually mine is”
and then there’s todoroki, who’s out of it and barely paying attention at his kid force feeding sand to the peers around them
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
Being The Oldest Todoroki Daughter
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You're Toya's Twin Sister
The two of you had always been close ever since you were younger
Both of you felt pressured to be good enough for your father, pushing yourselves beyond your limit during training
You two were each other's support
However, things only seemed to get worse
Fuyumi and Natsuo being born made you both happy and worried
Then Shoto came along and your father focused on him, calling Shoto his masterpiece
Both you and Toya felt Jealous since you wanted your father's approval
You didn't hate Shoto, but Toya held more resentment toward the youngest of you all
You tried to make him realize that it was all your father's fault, but he didn't listen
Even comfort from Natsuo didn't help you feel completely better
You, Toya, Fuyumi and Natsuo didn't see Shoto very often, since your father kept him busy with training
You barely saw your mother either
Then came the incident when Rei had enough of the way she had been treated by Endeavor
She ended up pouring boiling water on Shoto's face, which caused her to be sent to a mental hospital
Things became even more tense in your home after that
And one day, Toya died
You were heartbroken, since out of all your siblings you felt closest to him
It was at that point that you distanced yourself from your entire family, even Natsuo and Fuyumi
You hadn't been that close to Shoto, but at that point you barely even went near him
You swore to yourself that you would become a better hero than your father ever could be
Not to make him happy, but to spite him
When you grew up, you made it as a hero, moving out of the home you had grown up in for some long
Deep down, you felt bad for your sibling, but you didn't know how to form a proper relationship with them
You wouldn't even consider trying to fix things with your father
Some time later, you finally found the bravery to visit your mother
Though it was awkward at first, you did end up mending things with her a bit
It made you happy to know she didn't hate you, considering how much you look like your father
She was glad you had moved out and started your own life, and she was proud of you for being such an amazing hero
After visiting your mother, you finally gathered the courage to talk to your siblings again
Fuyumi was the most willing, having missed you since you left the home
Natsuo was a bit hesitant, but came around after a short while
The two of you bonded over the anger you felt toward your father
Shoto was a different story
At first, he didn't really want to see you
Part of him resented you for leaving, and the fact that Endeavor wasn't as tough on you as he was on him
But, after some time, the two of you slowly became close
He really started to feel close to you when you stood up to your father how he was hurting Shoto
He started admiring you after that
He even picked your agency to intern with instead of your father's, which Endeavor wasn't too happy with that
Though, neither of you cared
It felt nice to be close to your siblings after all the time that you had spent barely being around them
You watched as Shoto made his way through UA
And despite all the dangers he faced along the way, he always persevered
During one of your patrols, you met Dabi
There was something familiar about him, but you just couldn't figure it out
It bothered you for a while, until you were given the answer
During what could only be called a war, Dabi was spotted on top of the giant villain
At that moment, you got your answe
Dabi was actually Toya, your twin brother
And he followed through with his plan of exposing your father and all that he had done
You tried your best to stop him, even if he was your brother
You knew your father wouldn't be up for.the task, so you would step up
There was no more Toya, only Dabi
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edens-pen · 2 years
“am i not my brother’s keeper?”
summary | it takes time for dabi to understand you, mostly because he doesn’t know how to ask. he supposes he’ll start with the scar on your back and go from there.
pairing | dabi/touya todoroki x fem!reader
word count | 1,405
warning | very minor/implied angst, minor hurt/comfort, mentions of god/God, reader has an older brother.
a/n | i don’t want to make this too long, so it might end up being a series of drabbles. but honestly, dabi as an older sibling, especially in shoto’s case, affects me so much. he believes he is irredeemable.
but what is the true extent of a sibling's love?
[ 18+ | minors, blank, ageless blogs dni! ]
It happens on one of those nights after disgusting, earth-shattering sex. The kind that you need to take a shower after. The kind that makes you strip the sheets before you get in the shower. The kind that makes you wonder if God really does see everything.
That’s when Dabi learns a little more about you. 
So far things have been pretty casual, Dabi comes in and out as he pleases, sometimes disappearing for weeks at a time and then staying the night but leaving promptly in the morning, usually before you wake up. 
You still insist on him wearing a condom despite the fact that you’re on birth control and you’re not having sex with anyone else (after you two become exclusive, he’ll reveal he hadn’t slept with anyone since the first time you two kissed).
It’s casual.
When two are tucked back in the sheets, with a candle burning in the corner of the room, Dabi looks at you.
Or, rather, he’s looking at your back. You’re a shitty sleeper and despite how many times he sleeps over, you still tend to sleep diagonally in a king-sized bed, on your stomach, drooling across the pillow.
That’s when he’s able to take stock of your skin when he’s not peeling the clothes off or shoving your face into the mattress to arch your back a little more.
His fingers run over scarred skin and when he pulls back, he sees a long jagged scar running down your back, and then a set of identical smaller ones, light and scattered over your skin.
“What happened here?” he can’t help but ask, his curiosity making him shed the mysterious and disinterested persona he tries to carry in front of you.
Of course, you’re already half asleep, but you still murmur out, “Where?”
Dabi’s fingers dig into the long scar a little bit harder as his mind runs wild. He needs to know who gave you that scar and he can’t explain why he’s already thinking about the repercussions for the person who did. 
He doesn’t know much about your life before you met him. Sometimes you tell him about work or your friends, but never much about your past. He can’t argue about it because he hasn’t told you anything about his own past.
“Here,” he grunts, indicating the scars that litter your skin. They’re all similar shades which must mean you got them at or around the same time, but the sizes vary so greatly he doesn’t know what could’ve happened to you.
“Oh,” you groan, pulling your face out of the pillow to speak a little clearer.
“Got pushed off the roof,” you say casually.
Dabi jerks back and forcefully rolls you over, making you look into his eyes. Your expression is completely bewildered but Dabi’s is hostile.
He spends an extra second looking at your face before gritting out, ”What?”
It takes you a little too long to respond because you’re taking in his face. You usually never get anything more than cool disinterest, or sometimes mild interest, but he’s never been mad around you. So you’ve never got the chance to see the way his eyes narrow, or feel how his hands heat up unintentionally. Now you have the chance to see the hard set of his jaw and flare of his nostrils.
Dabi repeats himself, calling your attention back to the moment, “What happened?”
“My older brother pushed me off the roof,” you answer, still enthralled with Dabi and his face and the way his anger changes even the tone of his voice. But when your answer doesn’t placate him, you’re quickly realizing you need to diffuse the situation.
Bringing your hands up to cup his cheeks, you blow a prolonged stream of air into his face. It startles him enough to make him pull back and shake his head. It cuts the tension in the room and allows you to switch your position, forcing him onto his back while you lay on his chest.
“What’s wrong?” you whisper, eyebrows wrinkled in question.
The momentary lapse doesn’t completely pull Dabi from his emotions and you don’t know why he’s so incensed.
“Why the fuck would he push you off the roof?” Confusion ripples across your face and it only serves to make Dabi more angry. “Stop fuckin’ looking at me like I’m crazy. Your brother tried to kill you!”
Your hands come up and you lock eyes with Dabi, taking a slow breath in and slow breath out. Dabi’s forced to mimic your actions until you stop to speak to him.
“He wasn’t trying to kill me, Dabi. We were up on the roof, when we weren’t supposed to be, just playing around. He was like 10 and I was 8, and he pushed me by accident,” you explain as he listens. “I think he thought I would fly because of my quirk, instead I landed in my mom’s garden and now she blames us for her hydrangeas never growing in that spot.”
“What’d your parents do to him?” 
His question immediately shocks and you try to understand why he would ask that, but you answer anyway.
“Nothing. I told them that I slipped and fell off the roof, and after I got my stitches, they didn’t ask again.”
Dabi waits for the rest, “Then what?”
“That was it. It was an accident, Dabi. He wasn’t trying to hurt me, we were just being dumb. Aside from bringing it up on my birthdays and when I need a favor from him, we don’t really think of it,” you finish. 
When Dabi doesn’t respond, you repeat, “He wasn’t trying to hurt me, we were just kids. We didn’t know any better.”
Moments of silence pass between you both. Dabi’s looking in your eyes, trying to read your body language, searching for signs that you’re lying. You’re trying to figure out why he’s reacting like this. Most of what you say to Dabi comes up with little to no questioning, he’s never reacted so passionately in front of you.
“You don’t,” Dabi clears his throat, looking at you intensely. “You don’t hate him?”
Immediately, you shake your head. “He’s my big brother, I love him.”
“He pushed you off a roof,” Dabi reiterates like you forgot.
“And I broke his favorite action figure. I cut a chunk out of his hair. I accidentally stole the breath out of his body when I developed my quirk,” you volley back, laughing a little. “He’s my brother, I can’t imagine there’s much I wouldn’t forgive him for.”
At your words, Dabi relaxes a little bit. 
Another beat passes.
“What if he did something worse?” Dabi asks, his voice a whisper in the quiet of your room. The candle in the corner flickers a little bit. 
“You want me to get all philosophical on you?” Your words are a joke, but Dabi doesn’t laugh, and he doesn’t say no.
So, you’re serious when you say, “Simply put, yes, he could do something worse and I would forgive him. I would forgive him, as long as he doesn’t go where I cannot follow. He could kill god and it would be fine with me, as long as he doesn’t kill himself. He’s my brother.”
It’s your repetition of that phrase that does Dabi in. It keeps hammering itself inside him. You say it differently every time. 
An explanation, a curse, a vow.
“Is it like that for everyone?” Dabi implores, and you wish you could open up his head. You want to poke around and find out why he needs to know this information, because that’s how he’s asking you. He speaks like he’s investigating something and your answer could crack open a cold case.
You consider him for a moment. “I guess it depends on the relationship. I don’t know if you have older siblings, but it’s like…I was born knowing him, y’know? I watched him grow up and the entire time, I was powerless. I couldn’t stop my dad from screaming at him or my mom from scolding him, but I could love him and I could forgive him. I could protect him in my silence, in my being there.”
You hope that Dabi finds some peace in your answer. 
“I don’t know how to explain it other than—”
“He’s your brother,” Dabi finishes. “That makes him infallible.”
“No, but it makes all his sins venial.”
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hanrinz · 2 years
still thinking about little shouto who looks up to his big brother! touya in an alternate universe 💭
how he would always think, his big brother is so cool, 'i wanna be like him someday!' how he would always follow touya wherever he goes, his little feet padding on their floor trying to keep up with his brother's long stride. how he always wants to spend time with him.
copying some of his mannerisms and habits. looking up to his brother with wide eyes, like he just hangs the stars and holds the universe in his arms.
it was so cute :(( how he would always wear his brother's clothes that didn't seem to fit him and would always get caught by rei, when she realizes her youngest son is being too quiet. she would always tell him that it would be their little secret.
how every time you see him, when you visit their home, he would always ask you what his big brother does when he's out doing patrols & hero works. eagerly listening as you narrate to him how his big brother saves the day.
would definitely play heroes with you — you being a civilian that is yet to be saved by the mighty hero, shoto! and with the very evil villain, natsou! who kidnapped the dear civilian!! and together with his sidekick, fuyumi. and the house would be filled with lots of screaming and laughing from the four of you — it was a very chaotic sight to see.
and touya would be seeing all of you in the living room in a pile trying to save you from the grasp of natsou and fuyumi. and his little brother who seems to be wearing little parts of his hero costume that he left on that day. a smile creeping up to his face, as he announces his arrival, joining all of you to your little play. with him as a bigger villain, trying to steal you away.
and shoto's smile couldn't even get any bigger. as he plays his role to be up against the big bad terrible villain. he would be copying some of his moves. he really loves his big brother :((
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dira333 · 21 days
Part of a Family - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Don't look at me, I'm in my Baby Era - tagging @shoulmate
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You’re not surprised to find a warm weight settled against your ribcage when you wake up, the golden morning light drawing patterns into white hair.
“Hey love,” you drag a hand through the mess. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Your son grumbles something under his breath, his hold tightening.
One look at the other side of your bed - empty and perfectly made - tells you everything you need to know.
“Did Papa wake you when he left?” You don’t miss the sniffle, no matter how well it’s hidden.
“So you found him gone when you came in this morning,” you guess, rubbing a comforting circle over his back. “Did you know he always checks in on you before he leaves?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Shouji whines, “Didn’t see him..”
“Neither was I. We can’t always be awake when he has to leave. Sometimes I think it’s better we’re asleep. You know we often make him late.”
You let your fingertips dance over the soft skin at his sides, smile when he fights the giggles trying to spill out of him.
“How about we make breakfast, huh? We can make Papa a Bento Box too. You wanna bring him his Lunch?”
Shouji considers it for a second before nodding. But he’s not that eager to get out of bed yet, climbing into your lap the moment you sit up.
You sigh, but you let him, curl your arms around his small body as he sinks into your embrace.
Shouji’s small for his age, and almost an exact replica of his father. Only the sides are reversed, leaving his hair white on the left side instead of his right. 
It’s no wonder that Shouto’s family is obsessed with him, no doubt trying to right some wrongs of the past.
“Momma?” Shouji asks, snuggled into you. “Can I get freckles?”
“Freckles?” You blink. “Why?”
“Can I?”
“I don’t know. Your Papa doesn’t have any. But we can draw some on if you want some for today.”
“You can draw them on?” He asks, astonished by this possibility. “Can I look like Uncle Deku?”
You laugh, swaying him left to right. “Sure. But I draw a line at green hair.”
He giggles as you pepper his head with kisses, blow raspberries against his cheeks.
“That tickles!”
“Look!” Shouji points at the banner across the street. “Uncle Tsuki!”
You nod, taking in the giant version of Hero Dynamight. “What do you think of his suit?”
“‘s ugly,” Shouji comments, sucking on his thumb. You’re trying to make him stop it, but so far to no avail. “Too much orange.”
“Hm? What colors do you like?”
“Blue, like Papa’s suit.” He thinks for a moment. “Purple’s nice too.”
“Yeah?” You brush a hand through his hair, mix up the white and red. “You like Purple? Do you know someone who wears purple?”
“Uncle Toshi,” he counts on his fingers. “Uncle…” You can tell he’s searching for the name. “Noru?”
“You mean Minoru? Yeah, he wears purple too… Now, do you wanna take my hand as we cross the street?”
He grabs it, his small fingers curling around yours. “Can we get ice cream, Momma?” 
So he has noticed the little ice cream cart sitting at the corner. 
“Maybe on our way back. We’re eating Lunch with Papa first.”
You watch as he bites his lip, considering it.
“But I want ice cream now.”
“I know Honey. Up…” You let him hop up onto the sidewalk. “But if we get ice cream now, we’re going to be late for Lunch. Papa’s waiting for us. And what will he say if we come in eating ice cream?”
“None for me?” Shouji asks, his eyes big and round.
“Yep. None for me. But we can ask him if we can come out and get ice cream together. Is that an idea?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Papa can make the ice cream stay cold longer.”
“That he can do.”
“Look, I don’t have-” Shouto stops midsentence as he spots you in the doorway, the frustration on his face washing away. “I’ll call you back in an hour. Thank you.”
You doubt the person on the other end could get any word in before he ends the call, getting up from his chair.
“What are you guys doing here?” He asks. His smile is warm, and as always, a little tentative. It’s been years but he still doubs sometimes that this is all real.
“We made Lunch!” Shouji declares, pointing at the bag over your shoulder. “I cut the sausage!”
“You did? Amazing!” With one swift motion Shouto has picked him up, hoisting him up so that he’s sitting comfortably in his arms. “Hey there, Shouji. Couldn’t get my Good Morning Kiss today.”
“I was asleep!” Shouji points out, leaning in to press his lips against his Father’s cheeks. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too. Think I can give Momma a Good Morning Kiss too?”
“Yeah,” Shouji nods and waits until his Father has leaned in to kiss you to burst out with the news.
“I’m Uncle Deku now.”
“You are?” Shouto leans back a little to squint at him. “How?”
“I got freckles!” Shouji points at the little dots covering his nose and cheeks. “Momma made me Uncle Deku!”
“Are you as strong as him too?!”
“Yes!” And you watch, chuckling to yourself, as little Shouji proudly flexes his small bicep.
It’s a show, watching them interact. 
Most of the times it’s hard to tell who loves who more. Shouto his son or Shouji his father.
“Oh,” Shouji blinks up at his Dad. “Can we get ice cream?”
You clear your throat and Shouto blinks an apologetic smile in your direction. “But Lunch first.”
Shouji’s sitting on the ground in front of you, explaining to a flock of disinterested doves that he’s got a lot of Uncles and Aunts and all of them are Heroes.
“There’s Uncle Tsuki, he makes boom. Uncle Jirou makes himself hard, like… like a door! Unkle Denki fights with Ele-Ele- with Ticity. Uncle Tenya is funny, because he’s really fast. But he’s very strict, he never lets me eat ice cream before Lunch! Aunty Chako makes me float! All the way up until I touch the ceiling! And Aunty Tsuyu pulls me back with her tongue, it’s sticky and wet and it tickles…”
“Can we have another one?” Shouto asks, right in the middle of that, his hand curled around yours, his thigh pressed against yours. If you could sit any closer - without sitting on his lap - you probably would. 
“Another one?” You ask, pretending not to understand. Shouji’s too lost in his monologue to listen.
“Another kid? He’s getting bigger by the minute. Soon we’ll have to Quirk-Train him. Then he’s off to school. I can even take a day off per week if you need it.”
“Stop,” you ask, your voice soft. You reach out to cradle his face in your hands, watch him lean into the touch with that vulernable look in his eyes.
Shouto’s learned to ask for things, but that doesn’t mean he excepts to get them just like that.
“I’m already pregnant.”
You watch as it dawns on him, little by little and then all at once.
His lips are on yours before you know it, half-cold and half-hot, meeting right in the middle. His kisses are burning though, elated and anxious, almost forgetting where you are.
“Papa?” Shouji asks in the middle of that, pulling you apart with his confused voice. “Momma?”
“Everything’s okay,” you explain, pulling him up onto your lap. “Papa’s a little excited, that’>s all.”
“About what?”
“About you being a big brother.”
“A big brother?” He considers that for a moment. “What’s that?”
“Like Uncle Natsuo,” Shouto explains, his voice thick with emotion. “Or Touya. They’re my big brothers.”
“Oh,” Shouji blinks. “Okay.”
And Shouto laughs, carefree and open, pulling Shouji onto his lap instead.
“More than okay,” he promises. “It will be great.”
- - -
“Momma?” Shouji asks, leaning into you. “Why is her face so weird.”
“She didn’t have much space in there,” you explain, pointing at your belly with your free hand as you cradle the little girl in your other arm. “So she was a little squished in. It will smooth out soon.”
“Oh, okay.” He leans in further, one curious finger booping the tiny nose.
“Hi Shouko,” Shouji whispers. “I’m your big brother.”
Should I make this part of the Baby Series? Where you can ask for more updates?
Part two is up Baby Series
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cozzzynook · 1 year
If the todoroki family hadn’t gone through such pain I believe they would’ve won over everyone with how loving and sweet their family could’ve been.
The ‘what ifs’ of it all hurt the most when thinking of how good their life could’ve been.
Touya could’ve been the older brother who terrorized his siblings for fun and Shouto would’ve matched him every step of the way. Those two would’ve been so close and had such a special bond.
Fuyumi could’ve gotten her dad in princess dresses and had tea parties with him proudly holding the tiny cup in hand and doing whatever she asked while Natsuo could’ve been playing soccer with his mom watching him from the front lawn knowing she’ll be carrying him to bed when he’s all tired out from playing.
They could’ve had it all.
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fluffyf0x · 2 years
Shoto Todoroki
I'm brainrotting because of season 6.
Shoto wasn't all very err- excited about the idea of you joining in the war. Yeah, you were a hero along with him and such, but like- it's a war. He would ask Endeavor to let you sit out for the war. But you decided against it and still joined the war. You couldn't sit around while everyone was risking their lives.
It was a hard pill to swallow for Shoto that Midoriya left U.A. not to mention, his own supposedly dead brother is a villain and everything was a mess.
Since then, it seemed like he's been more clingy to you than usual. As if you would leave him too anytime soon.
"can you not leave?" He would ask while the two of you are cuddling. Holding you tight while burying his face into you shoulder. You chuckled, hugging him before running your hands through your hair.
"Sho, I need to change the thermostat, it's cold. I'm not going anywhere else."
Shoto wouldn't say anything and you could feel his left side heating up a bit. You smiled.
"I won't leave you Sho. I'll be right beside you. Always. I promise"
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nimmie-nugget · 1 year
Hii! I have a request for Mha ✨️
What if Fuyumi adopts a kid? And they can go out and do a bunch of fun things like playing at the park and getting ice-cream. :D
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~Fuyumi x Child Reader~
Reminder: drink water and eat a full meal! Turn on dark mode if it’s currently night where you live~ wouldn’t want ya eyes to hurt right?~ —go to your profile and press the icon that’s on the VERY right, then click “General Settings” and scroll down a bit till you see “Color Palette” and there should be a few options for ya there!—
Note: AHHHHHHH MHA SHALL NOW BE INTRODUCED INTO THIS BLOG!!! 😆 I’m gonna be honest- I got so excited while writing this! 🤩 Enjoy! <3
P.s Fuyumi might be ooc considering this is my first time writing her 😓
Edit: guys it’s been like months how r ppl liking this 🤯⁉️ but u do u 😼💪
(this is more of a FNAF blog now, tho I’m on a hiatus for a few more days but if u into fnaf and u like seeing C.C art then YUPPPYYYYYYY)
Main Masterlist+Introduction
Fuyumi=Red, Y/n=Pink, Teacher+Ice cream worker=Black or White (depending on your Color palette)
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it’s been a while since Fuyumi has adopted you. She was always busy with work and other things you did not need to know but she still made room for you, but half of the time it’s either your uncle Natsuo, Shoto or your grandpa babysitting you. Usually ends up with Natsuo. You’ve visited your grandma at the hospital one too many times and you wonder why she’s there, she isn’t hurt or anything right?
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You were currently in school playing with your friends until your teacher made an announcement “ok everyone! Y/n will be leaving early today so say your goodbyes!” The teacher beamed, all that was heard were ‘awes’ and ‘bummer’ and ‘lucky…’ eventually everyone got over their little tantrums and said their goodbyes. You were guided towards the office as Fuyumi came in sight, you ran towards her wrapping your arms around her torso with your head buried in her stomach and you felt soft hands touch your head as you looked up making eye contact with Fuyumi “Hi mom! How was work?” You say excitedly. She smiled at you as she ruffled your hair “Y/n, sweetie! Can you give me a few minutes?” “Ok!”
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Time passed by and Fuyumi was done talking with the staff. Both of you got in the car as you questioned“Mom, why did you pick me up from school early?” Fuyumi smiled at you again. “Well~ I though maybe me and my cute precious daughter can have a day out with just the two of us!” There were stars in your eyes showing you were indeed excited but you also got embarrassed at her statement of ‘my cute precious daughter’ “mom!!!” Fuyumi giggled as it seemed time passed by so fast that you two were already at your destination. Fuyumi and you got out of the car and we’re walking towards the play ground.
“Ahah! Mom come play with me!” You tugged at Fuyumi’s shirt wanting her to go down the slide with you. “Ok! Ok!” The both of you giggled as you were placed onto her lap, you put your arms in the up as you and Fuyumi slid down “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Let’s go again!”
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Now both of you were getting ice cream.
“Y/n which one do you want?” Fuyumi said pointing to a bunch of popsicle flavours displayed onto the ice cream truck. “I want chocolate!” “One chocolate ice cream with sprinkles please!” You beam at the fact that she remembers you like ice cream with sprinkles “alright one chocolate ice cream coming right up! Anything for you ma’am?” You proceed to chant the word ‘chocolate’ as the other two speak. “Ah! Yes I would like vanilla if it’s not a bother!” “One vanilla ice cream coming right up!” Fuyumi paid for the ice creams and you guys went for a short walk.
“This is the best day every!!!” You laughed and Fuyumi joined in the laughing with you. “Be careful with your ice cream! It’s melting!” Fuyumi said as she wiped your mouth with a tissue as you just smiled towards her.
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Both of you were finally back home as you were being carried in Fuyumi’s arms “mom?” Fuyumi hummed in response. “Can we ever go out like this again someday?” You say getting sleepy by the time Fuyumi responded you were fast asleep. She giggled and kissed your forehead “of course.”
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fluff-n-cookies · 14 days
Thinking about yandad Dabi and his child who's now around 9-11 years old. Your writing has absolutely captivated me <3
Dabi starts getting more possessive, more protective, and certainly more assertive. He's your dad, after all—you HAVE to listen to him, no? It's too dangerous to go outside without him keeping an eye on you, you're still so tiny and fragile. He'll be damned if his kid steps foot out of the apartment without his say so, no ifs or buts.
After a long day of setting people on fire and committing various crimes, Dabi just wants to scoop you up into a bone-crushing hug and plop down onto the couch to snuggle his baby, paying no mind to your complaints.
While he's soft and affectionate towards you, it's a completely different story when it comes to others. Dabi is ruthless and aggressive, destroying anyone and anything that may try to take you away–much less harm you. It doesn't matter how small, Dabi will turn it into ashes without remorse. If you somehow figure out about his actions and try to make a run for it? He'd be crushed, obviously–Dabi can't stand the thought of you fearing him. Rest assured, he'd track you down and bring you back home, suffering you in cuddles while scolding you. He's your dad–you need to listen to him.
(Btw sorry about how long this became didn't realize I was ranting)
omg hi???? thank you for gracing me with this masterpiece??? wtf???? (lovingly)
and this is all so fucking true. I plan on making a longer fic on this (sorry to say that I haven't drafted it yet, I'm working on overhaul posts)
but he's so paranoid, so utterly terrified 24/7, he dead bolts all the doors and windows at night and only lets you go outside between 11 AM and 5PM unless it's for school.
speaking of which, he hates them for giving his baby so much homework and taking away from their time together buuttt he genuinely believes you need to get your education, don't skip out on highschool like he did.
and he does this thing, this god awful thing, after dinner, after your daily shower, and after getting you all nice and snuggly for bed and into your cat pajamas. he'll do this thing where he'll hold you tight to his chest while he flicks through the news channel.
now normally this would be fine, perfectly fine, if I weren't for the fact he either goes to true crime channels where they display the horrific acts of villains (himself included) live. he tells you that the world is a horrifying place, that that's how he burned himself, how painful it was, the scorching flames. he doesn't mean to traumatize you, it's just to warn you!
either that, or he'll go to news channels covering endeavor's problems, scandals, recent missions, interviews. please don't ask who that strange man with eyes like yours is. he'll hold you tighter and say in the lightest voice possible. "he's a bad man, don't you dare go near him, he'll hurt you like he hurt me."
don't say anything else after that.
he's just tired, so tired, and you're there, right when he gets home after running "errands". you're his reminder of what he's working towards, this future with no heroes and no pain that he's trying to build. the revenge he longs for and the aftermath where you thrive. really, you're the reason he gets up in the morning these days, the reason he stopped smoking in the house, the reason why there's no more beer in the fridge, only tenderly made lunches that he makes every Sunday to prepare for the week.
you're like this stress ball, this hit of Serotonin and Dopamine and what not. every time you smile he can feel his heart clenching. when he looks at you, he sees the boy he once used to be, happy. you're so happy, so pure.
he refuses to let you go out much, his reasoning being that the world's a terrible place. when you ask what's his job, what he does at "work" every day, he only chuckles.
"Oh baby, I'm trying to makes this world a better place, my job is to try and stop all the bad things from happening. I'm a type of... Freedom fighter, really."
and he so, so, so so so so so so sweet to you. you have never known Dabi, ruthless arsonist and serial killer. you have never known Touya, a boy lost in his own insanity and deprivation of paternal love. both are vicious, people, downright insane. one's a criminal the other's incapable of ever recovering from his own madness and fury.
the only person you know is your Dad, Dad's a nice guy, he plays doll house and dress up with you and watches cartoons with you every morning before school. he lets you wear his jacket when you're cold and left yours at school in your cubby, and he takes you out for donuts or ice cream monthly. sure, he doesn't have money, he can't buy you that many toys and sometimes they turn the light off because he missed too many bills, but he loves you. that's all you need to know.
Dad is a kind person, he's not Dabi or Touya, he's definitely not a hero. he's your dad.
And Dad does the best job of gas-lighting you to hell and back. you want to go outside after 5 or before 11? welp, he's not coming with you, sorry honey, maybe tomorrow. what do you mean you'll go anyway? the boogeyman'll get you! (it's him, he's the boogeyman, he knows you won't last a second out in the real world with your loving father's help and he's going to exploit it the moment you start to show independence.)
but it's very unlikely that Dabi would ever even get the chance to do this when you're 9-11 years old, you know why? because you'll be in Endeavor's custody by then. I refuse to elaborate since then I'll be spoiling the plot of Part 3 and I don't want that.
P.S. you wanna be tagged?
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