tiikiboo · 2 months
Right now i'm building a to-do app in React, Mui and Sass. I'm feel a little bit stuck because i want to do so many things at the same time.
I will need to make filtered views like: completed, active, all maybe? And the posts needs to be edited. Well.. that is that i have struggled with all weeks. I want the post to fade out when the task is completed and move it to completed view from active.
I don't know how to plan/to think. Hehe 🫠🦆
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uxisrat · 6 months
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42/100 of Daily UI Challenge - Todo list!
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Checkout the design in Dribbble
Got a UI/UX gig? Let's chat! Hit me up for a free quote. 🔥
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ru10 · 2 years
MeisterTask - Android Project Management App
MeisterTask is a Project Management tool or to-do list management app for Android. You can use this to-do app to manage your teams, projects, set reminders, checklist, recordings and more.
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nscode · 2 years
ReactJS todo list application | Todo List App using ReactJS | ReactJS Tu...
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9plab · 7 months
240406 samstag aepfel und brot? (+kaese?) oder was anderes,…. Ohne kochen!?
Inwie weit haengt hilflosigkeit > wut und selbsmitleid zusammen, respektive was ist dazwischen, das dies als kausalitaet fuer das subjekt erscheint, vlt die in die wut andauerndes hilflosigkeit?
Meine panik vor bindungsverlust kommt aus dieser hilflosihgkeitsgefuehl/ dem fehlenden praktischen Selbstbewusstsein- da etwas tun zu koennen
Idee termin bei huf, und radikal ohne erklaerung/rechtfertigung verantortung ohne erklaerung aufmich nehmen um in erfahrung zu bringen, was aus ihrer sicht habe ich gemacht?
Dore ist so unsicher das sie diese nahe so sehr braucht um sich zu trauen ihre beduerfnisse, oder willen zu aessern- das koennte die erklaerung sein das sie
Auf diese naehe dann mit ihrem unterdrueckten autonomie beduerfnis reqgiert und diese ablehnt, was sie sich sonst nicht trauen wuerde,…..
Googlestreetviv alike in zeichnungen, bzw gemaelde(vorrangig vlt erstmal landschaftt) in der art zu nutzen wie ggstv,…. Wird das kunst?, die geschichtlich akkumulierte darschtellung der erhalten wertigkeit des ebensraums welt, andere moegen ja in den himmel/(all) fluechten
Duerch ki gesetzestexte so imbesonderen auch herachafftsbereichsuebergreifend vergleichend so aufbereitet das sie ohne not und qual zu rezipieren sind:DENN DIESE SIND DIE normative/ “SCRIPT”SPRACHE in denen das leben insofern es davon determiniert stattfindet oder sich der herschafft dessen nicht ins private zuruecknimmt POLITISCH stattfinden laesst/normativ reduziert
Jeder ist von seinen (sozio)economischen reproduktionsgrundlagen im doppelten sinne abhaengig, das dieses sonst scham[sozioe.] und vorrangig kindliche todesangst ausloesen wuerde, und im doppelten meine ich -das das zu vermeidende gefuehl der todesangst, im sinne von verschleicerung und (selbst) taeschung vvor sich selbst verborgen verden muss, um die angst vor der todesangst nicht zu begegnen, vlt findet sich darin auch die begruendung das duerch extendenzelle erfahrungen/traumatische ereignisse/ nahtod erlebnisse, diese verschleierung aufgehoben wird, den diese - ist duerch die moral sotzialisierung introjeziert, weshalb auch so schamgekoppelt /vlg schnarch: differenzierung
Vlt fuehlt sich dore so verstanden, das ihr statment: als Synonym das fuer
0das sie fuer folgendes ein so hohlen leidensdruck hat -das sie den hoechsten preis dafuer bereit ist zu zahlen
1Das es ohne Revolution nicht werter geht: sie nicht weiss was die ideologie der rev/ wie die veraenderung aussehen muesste
2Sie angst hat vor, und es ihr ebenso (wie das oben/1wichtig ist das es keinen weg in die hoelle zurueckgibt; bzw das sie sicherheit hat darueber
3 das 1&2 ihr solche panik /todesangst bereiten, das sie ab sicherung, brauch im bestenfall von mir, das das 1/2 nie mehr
3 was koennte sich dore von mir wueschen? Was ein aehnlichen aufwand wie buch duercharbeiten bedeutet?
Die ungeheure erkenntnis im kontext pki-todoapp
Das die motivation bzw praesenz eine beduerfnisses nicht rational mit der SEHNSUCHT korreliert sonder sehr vil davon abhaengt wie sehr man daran glaubt es erreichen zu koennen
/ gaebe auch vlt die moeglichkeit die APP stump erstmal nach bodoschaefer bzw dem zettel den ich in meier tasche herumtrage,……zu machen und den metapychologische teil nach und nach
! Vlt ist SEHNSUCHT ein schnittstelle zu dore!
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ralfbachmann · 8 months
Superlist Todo-App
Kleine Umfrage: Wer hat bereits Erfahrungen mit 'Superlist', der neuesten Todo-App von den Machern von Wunderlist, gesammelt? Wie unterscheidet sie sich von MS Todo oder Google Keep?
P.S.: Ich habe natürlich schon Artikel dazu gelesen, aber ich bin an persönlichen Erfahrungen interessiert. #Superlist #TodoApp #Umfrage #followerpower
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codehunter · 2 years
What is workflow of the React
The code below is from React, which updates the DOM dynamically. I used the tutorial by Facebook react but did not understand the whole code, i.e which part of the code executes when and how it triggers the rest of the parts in the code. Please kindly help me in understanding the code.
var TodoList = React.createClass({ render: function() { var createItem = function(itemText) { return <li>{itemText}</li>; }; return <ul>{this.props.items.map(createItem)}</ul>; }});var TodoApp = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {items: [], text: ''}; }, onChange: function(e) { this.setState({text: e.target.value}); }, handleSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var nextItems = this.state.items.concat([this.state.text]); var nextText = ''; this.setState({items: nextItems, text: nextText}); }, render: function() { return ( <div> <h3>TODO</h3> <TodoList items={this.state.items} /> <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> <input onChange={this.onChange} value={this.state.text} /> <button>{'Add #' + (this.state.items.length + 1)}</button> </form> </div> ); }});React.renderComponent(<TodoApp />, mountNode);
The above code is used to dynamically update the DOM structure. This code is referred from http://facebook.github.io/react/ so please help in knowing the work process of the code.
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julia3838 · 2 years
Dayoko. To-Do List with Soul For Creators. Looking for information on this subject on the net? Can't find? Can you tell me where I found it! Interesting ? If yes ? Then follow the link, you will find out everything there #simple_todo #simple_todo_app #todo_app #todo_lists #simpletodo #simpletodoapp #todoapp #todolists https://dayoko.com/
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shafihasan58 · 2 years
Dayoko. To-Do List with Soul For Creators. Looking for information on this subject on the net? Can't find? Can you tell me where I found it! Interesting ? If yes ? Then follow the link, you will find out everything there #simple_todo #simple_todo_app #todo_app #todo_lists #simpletodo #simpletodoapp #todoapp #todolists https://dayoko.com/
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aleksejvlasov · 2 years
Dayoko. To-Do List with Soul For Creators. Looking for information on this subject on the net? Can't find? Can you tell me where I found it! Interesting ? If yes ? Then follow the link, you will find out everything there #simple_todo #simple_todo_app #todo_app #todo_lists #simpletodo #simpletodoapp #todoapp #todolists https://dayoko.com/
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ticktickblog · 4 years
The 4Ds Framework: How Task Nesting Helps You with GTD
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What is Task Nesting?
Commonly used in Computer Science and Informatics, Nesting usually means where information is organized in layers and locked up with hierarchy. Following the same concept, Task Nesting here simply means task hierarchy. This means, different tasks can always be logically connected rather than sparsely scattered in your to-do list. A complex task can also be split into multi-layer subtasks (up till 5 layers including the parent task)! In general, it’s like a “family tree” that all the tasks can find their own place. 
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Task Nesting vs. Check Item 
Some of you might already be wondering, “Did the Subtask feature already exist, which you could access in the task description? Why is there a new Subtask feature?”
The previous Subtask (now renamed as Check Item), lying in the task description section, functions more like a checklist. You can split a task, e.g. packing for a trip, into multiple subtasks, and also set reminders for each task. However, what you could not do in there is sub-dividing it into more grades, or setting priority and tags for subtasks. Therefore, we have renamed it as “Check Item” and it still remains in the task description.
As for the new Subtask feature -- Task Nesting, I’d like to call it the real Subtask, because each subtask here is empowered with all the functions that a parent task has: setting tags, priority, reminder, assigning to others in a shared list, and etc. 
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Then, the confusion may rise, “Why do I need two Subtask systems?”
Like what was mentioned above, Task Nesting and Check Item function differently in many ways. In one word, Check Item is a lightweight version of Task Nesting. Put it in a more funny way, the former is like a “toddler”, while the latter has come into “adulthood”. Keeping both is actually allowing you more flexibility tailoring to your own needs of whether just a checklist with reminders could be enough or a whole subtask foundation with its own reminder, priority et al., is what you need.
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How can Task Nesting helps with GTD (Getting Things Done)?
As David Allen’s theory in his book Getting Things Done, breaking a planned project into actionable items allows your attention to be focused on taking actual actions. Cutting a complex task, especially when it’s related to a big goal, e.g. an exam prep, or a product launch, into more digestible slices, is especially helpful for those who suffer from procrastination. 
Not only being able to split tasks into smaller ones, a bigger advantage of Task Nesting is it brings a clear-cut structure showing the bonds between different tasks. This means tasks can be well sorted and organized based on their inner logic. Following what makes sense to you, the previously scattered tasks in your to-do list will no longer be single and can always be sensibly accommodated and grouped together. Therefore, you can not only know what needs to be done at what time, but also stay aware of the relationships between tasks (division and belongingness).
Task Nesting also makes the task arrangement more convenient, because every subtask incorporates the functionality of the parent task, which means it is able to maintain its own activities with separate contexts. It can also be put into different time blocks in your TickTick Calendar (Note: Subtasks will show without hierarchy in blocks.) More importantly, assigning different subtasks to other members also becomes simpler and more straightforward too, which makes team collaboration just a breeze if you’re all in a shared list.
Take Away: The 4D Framework
In summary, Task Nesting in TickTick helps you with GTD in terms of: 
* Dividing tasks into subtasks
* Defining subtasks’ context
* Distributing subtasks to time blocks
* Delegating subtasks
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QnA Time
1. Will the List Panel become messy if there are multi-layer Subtasks?
Not at all. You can choose to display or hide the Subtasks of a parent task, or even decide to only hide Subtasks in specific level(s), and display the rest. Anything as you like, really.
2. Is Task Nesting a premium feature?
NO NO NO. We love you all despite you’re using a free/premium account.
3. Is it mobile-only?
Nope. Available on all platforms:)
4. What else should I consider?
Seriously nothing. Download/Upgrade TickTick to help yourself getting things done with Task Nesting!
Other platforms
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sajinasulthan · 4 years
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ToDo is a CRM & task management system in web & mobile apps that makes your daily work life simple and easy. ToDo helps organizations to increase sales, improve service, processes & automate business reporting. 
To get more information click the below link
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untiedblogs · 3 years
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7 Amazing ReactJS project ideas for beginners 💯💯 . . If you want to clear your concepts start developing projects that really helps you. . . I hope this post helps you . ⏩TO GET FULL INFORMATION REGARDING PROJECTS⏪ . . 📍Link in the bio Hastags #reactjs #reactjsdevelopment #reactjsdeveloper #reactjsproject #projects #frameworks #javascriptframework #react #coding #code #programming #languages #weatherapp #ecommerceapp #todoapp #imagecompressor #calculator #app #untied_blogs #postoftheday #supportgoodpost (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUxdaEXM6mT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ru10 · 2 years
Focus To do - Android Task Management App
Focus To Do is a Android Task Management app. Use this app to organize all your day to day tasks or project management tasks easily.
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fuzzybearings · 4 years
Another Todo Tracker
I've decided to build a todo tracker.
I've tried this before. I've read the articles. I know everyone's doing it. But at the end of almost every day, I find myself longing for some sort of application that organizes my work the way I need to see it.
We will misstep along the way. We will change course. One day at a time. One feature at a time. One story at a time.
So if you're interested in the ride, join me! I'll be posting here regularly ... until I finish (or give up). Cheers!
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todocrm · 4 years
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#hiring multiple openings , Apply Now at [email protected] also do share to your circles. . . #jobs #tech #jobsearch #job #jobseekers #naukri #online #kingslabs #todocrm #php #angular #salesjobs #marketing #todoapp #developer #developerlife #android #androidjobs https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSPqLeJuBB/?igshid=5tigiz0unhxn
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