#today wasn’t even an unusually happy day 😭
togethernow · 3 months
In this moment…
I am so full of LOVE!
I am so grateful for all my LOVED ONES!
I am feeling ever so WONDERFUL!
I want to give big big HUGS!
I want to scream and shout out of HAPPINESS!
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kyojurismo · 1 year
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# kyojuro rengoku
synopsis : kyojuro convinces himself that you and the others have forgotten his birthday. is it true though?
tags : gn!reader, tiny bit of angst, fluff, birthday celebration.
a/n : i wanted to post it earlier but things got in the way and i finished writing it too late 😭 but at least i posted something for kyojuro’s birthday, even if it’s 2 days late. it’s shorter than originally planned & probably a bit cringey, but anyway, enjoy <3 + new format guys !!!!
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kyojuro never meant to say to everyone when was his birthday. if they asked him, well of course he would reply. you were the one to inform all the other pillars and convinced them to celebrate it. after all, kyojuro was loved and appreciated by all of them.
this had been going on for a couple of years, and he wasn’t annoyed by the others knowing. that’s why he was confused now.
you were going on with your day as usual, you wished him a good day and then left for training. nothing else.
did they forgot?
that’s what he thought. could you really forget his birthday after the exceptional efforts you always put for his special day in the past years? impossible, ... right?
when kyojuro met uzui, he basically did the same. “ah, rengoku! flashy as always, i see. have a good day,” he smiled down at his friend before walking away.
tengen usually put kyojuro in the spotlight on his birthday, but today was different, it was odd.
did i do something to disrespect him?
the same scene repeated itself with mitsuri and shinobu too. they simply greeted him and went on with their chatting, kind of ignoring him at this point.
are they upset with me?
kyojuro spent the whole day training alone, and he found difficult to concentrate completely on the task at hand. now this is very strange. the way you and the others treated him today was unusual, especially for you and mitsuri. birthday or not, you two always expressed freely how happy you were to have kyojuro around. you didn’t even kissed him three times before exiting the house.
you usually kissed him three times every day, five on his birthday. it was some kind of habit before exiting the house.
kyojuro tried to think what happened in the past few days, to see if he actually did something to make you all act that way.
in conclusion, he couldn’t notice anything wrong in what he did or said. was it something that was fine with him, but wrong for the others then? he always tried his best to respect the others and be kind.
maybe i forgot something important…
“i feel so bad!” mitsuri cried, sitting beside shinobu. “he looked so sad!” obanai simply watched her, somehow jealous for her concern over another male, but then he remembered she was talking about rengoku.
“why are we here.. again?” muichiro glanced at the others, his expression showing that he wasn’t exactly listening to their conversation. “tokito-kun! it’s kyojuro’s birthday, and we’re preparing a surprise party for him,” you explained with a smile, showing that you weren’t annoyed for his forgetfulness. it wasn’t his fault.
“i hope he comes home soon, i’m tired,” sanemi muttered, staring out at the sky. it was getting darker and stars would start to appear soon. “shinazugawa-san, show some respect,” shinobu glanced at him.
you were a bit nervous. hearing them talk actually helped you stay put. you feared kyojuro would be too upset to celebrate, accusing you for being childish or something like that. but kyojuro wasn’t like that, was he?
when you finally heard the door open, you signalled for everyone to stay silent. your heart was beating so fast you feared everyone could hear it clearly. well, tengen certainly could.
“darling! i’m back,” kyojuro announced, his voice less lively than usual. you nervously took a deep breath before replying, “living room!”
after a few moments, you could hear his footsteps getting closer and then he appeared. he just slid the door open when everyone shouted “happy birthday!”, surprising your boyfriend.
“oh… thank you everyone!” he replied, smiling timidly. the tone was the same, but it visibly hid some embarrassment.
mitsuri jumped to her feet and ran to him, hugging him. “i’m so sorry, rengoku-san! i tried my best to ignore you but i feel so bad now!” she confessed, making the others chuckle. “no problem, kanroji-san. i guess it was worth it, yeah?” kyojuro glanced at you, smiling.
once mitsuri let him go, you walked closer and timidly kissed his lips before whispering a little ‘sorry’. he caressed your cheek before glancing more closely to the others. they were all here, to celebrate his birthday. finally, his chest felt lighter and he was relieved.
“i’m glad you are all here!” he flashed them a smile before looking at you once again, his eyes were shining. “thank you, darling,” he kissed your forehead before you felt your cheeks heating up.
ignoring kyojuro for the whole day t was a challenge for you too, but as he said, it was worth it.
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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writeriguess · 15 days
Fluffy Klaus Hargreeves fic where he has a crush on reader. Just some tooth rotting fluff for my favorite man 😭😭
The Hargreeves mansion was a maze of grand rooms and shadowy corners, but on this particular afternoon, the heart of the house seemed to pulse with an unusually warm and inviting energy. The usually chaotic household was momentarily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of the breeze through the open windows.
Klaus Hargreeves, the eccentric and often unpredictable member of the family, was finding himself uncharacteristically distracted. His usual carefree demeanor was tempered by a simmering affection he couldn’t quite shake. The cause of this distraction was you.
You had become a frequent guest at the mansion, a bright and charming presence that had woven its way into the daily life of the Hargreeves family. Your kindness and easy laughter had quickly become a favorite among them, but it was Klaus who found himself particularly taken by your presence.
Today, Klaus was lounging in his favorite armchair, a book in hand, though he wasn’t really reading. Instead, he was lost in thoughts of you—moments you’d shared, the way your eyes sparkled when you laughed, the way your voice seemed to bring a sense of calm and joy to even the most chaotic of days.
He had been trying to muster the courage to tell you how he felt, but every time he was on the verge of doing so, his confidence wavered, replaced by a nervous energy that was quite uncharacteristic of him. Today, however, he had resolved to at least make an attempt to express his feelings.
You arrived at the mansion in your usual cheerful manner, greeted by the warm smiles of the Hargreeves family. Klaus watched from his perch, his heart doing an excited little leap as you made your way towards him. He adjusted his position, trying to appear nonchalant, though the flutter of nerves was unmistakable.
“Hey, Klaus,” you said with a bright smile as you approached him. “What’s up?”
Klaus’s heart skipped a beat. “Oh, hey,” he replied, his voice slightly breathless. “Not much. Just… thinking.”
You took a seat on the nearby couch, your presence making the room feel even warmer. Klaus watched you, his usual witty remarks failing him as he grappled with the best way to express his feelings.
“Well, I hope your thoughts are happy ones,” you said, your eyes twinkling with curiosity. “You look like you’ve got something on your mind.”
Klaus’s mind raced, trying to find the right words. “Yeah, actually, I do,” he began, his voice wavering slightly. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
You looked at him with an encouraging smile. “What is it?”
Klaus took a deep breath, mustering all the courage he could. “I’ve been thinking about how much I enjoy your company. You’ve got this amazing way of brightening up the room, and I really, really like that. I mean, I like you. A lot.”
His confession hung in the air, his usual carefree mask replaced by a vulnerable honesty. He watched your reaction with bated breath, his heart pounding in his chest.
You blinked in surprise, then a warm smile spread across your face. “Klaus, I didn’t know you felt that way,” you said, your voice soft and touched.
Klaus’s eyes widened, a mixture of hope and anxiety reflected in them. “You didn’t? I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you without making a complete fool of myself.”
You reached out, taking his hand gently in yours. The simple touch sent a rush of warmth through him, calming his nerves. “Well, I’m glad you did. Because I’ve been feeling the same way. You make me laugh, and you’ve got this incredible way of making even the most ordinary days feel special.”
A genuine, joyful smile spread across Klaus’s face. “Really? You feel that way about me?”
You nodded, squeezing his hand. “Absolutely. I think you’re amazing, Klaus. And I’m so glad you told me how you feel.”
The relief and happiness that washed over Klaus were palpable. He leaned closer, his free hand brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. “I’m really glad too,” he said softly. “This is the best news I could have hoped for.”
You leaned in, closing the distance between you, and Klaus’s heart raced with a mix of excitement and contentment. Your lips met in a sweet, tender kiss—one that was gentle and full of promise. It was a kiss that spoke of the affection you both shared, and it felt like the perfect culmination of everything Klaus had been feeling.
When you pulled away, both of you were smiling, your faces flushed with happiness. Klaus’s hand lingered in yours, his eyes never leaving yours as he took in the warmth and affection in your gaze.
“This is perfect,” he said, his voice filled with joy. “I couldn’t have asked for a better way to tell you how I feel.”
You smiled, resting your head against his shoulder. “And I couldn’t have asked for a better person to share this with.”
The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter and shared moments, the warmth of your connection creating a bubble of happiness around you both. Klaus’s usual antics took on a new, more affectionate tone, and every touch, every glance, was a testament to the newfound closeness between you.
As the day turned into evening, Klaus felt a sense of contentment that he hadn’t experienced before. The affection and love he had been carrying in his heart were now out in the open, and he was grateful beyond words to have you by his side.
In the heart of the Hargreeves mansion, amidst its grandeur and quirks, a simple, sweet love had blossomed. Klaus’s feelings for you had finally been shared, and in that moment, he knew that whatever the future held, it was bound to be filled with joy and affection as long as you were together.
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
I really love your writing. If you are still taking requests- could you please do one where bucky and the reader both have sons and meet through their playdate and they start dating and their sons are really good friends? this would absolutely make my day! Have a good one!!
YES YES YES, this was so wholesome I loooove this idea so much, dad!bucky is just adorable 😭 Your kids would absolutely be rooting for you to get together from the get go.
Just gonna use all the baby names my bf and I have decided on for fanfics lmao sorry not sorry
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: Probably 3K+
Summary: Your son Ollie has a new kid in his class so you invite him and his dad over for dinner!
Warnings: Fluff, divorce mention, tiny injury mention mostly just cuteness though! No toxic masculinity, we ain’t doing that shit here!!
“Mommy, mommy! I made a new friend today!” Your son’s excitement was contagious as he ran out of the school gates, his oversized backpack making him look even smaller than he really was. His eyes were bright with joy and you prayed they’d stay that way forever.
“That’s great news kiddo! Where are they?” You smiled brightly, scooping him up and resting him on your hip, groaning dramatically at his weight, making him giggle. You were so thankful that even at seven years old, he didn’t think he was too cool for hugs from his mom yet. Your kid definitely wasn’t the reserved type. He talked to everyone in his class and he just seemed to make friends wherever he went. He was a little boy to be proud of, always trying to include everyone at playtime and he would share his snacks with the world if he could.
His little head whipped around, his eyes scanning the playground for the new kid in class.
“That’s him!” He squealed, pointing to a little boy being collected by a man you assumed was his dad. You didn’t recognise either of them which was unusual in your village. Everyone knew everyone here.
“He seems like a nice boy. Do you wanna invite him over? He can stay for dinner if you like?” You suggested, knowing what your son’s answer would be before you even asked. His head nodded like his neck was loose, making you laugh, setting him down again before crossing the short distance over to the young boy. Being the mom with the outgoing kid often meant you were expected to be outgoing yourself.
You could hear their little conversation as you headed over.
“Well, did you have a good day champ?” The dad asked and the little boy nodded. “You make any friends?” The boy nodded again slowly.
“Yeah, I made a friend.” He replied softly. It wasn’t hard to see the kid was shy but it also wasn’t hard to see how the dad’s heart sank hearing his son had only made one friend.
“Hey, nice to meet you! You guys must be new around here?” You smiled, reaching out your hand to shake the dark haired man’s. He took it gratefully, giving it a squeeze before letting it drop.
“Yes, we’re new! We just moved in up the road, I’m Bucky and this is Thomas.” He grinned, ruffling his son’s hair.
“Oh no way! Ollie and I actually live up that way too, you guys didn’t buy the Stevenson’s old house did you?” You quizzed, knowing that the house in your development had been sold recently.
“We did actually! It’s now the Barnes’ residence.” Bucky smiled, clapping his hand on his son’s shoulder proudly. God he was charming, his smile so happy and effortless but you couldn’t help but notice your son tugging on your sleeve.
“Mom, can Thomas and I play now?” He whined dramatically, Bucky’s heart swelling at the smile on Thomas’ face at the thought of having a friend to play with.
“Yeah, I was gonna ask you, Ollie was wondering if Thomas would like to come over for dinner? Just to give them a chance to play and I’m sure Ollie can introduce Thomas to some of the other kids in the neighbourhood, they’re all really nice. But if you would rather take the time to get settled into your new home I completely understand, we can rearrange.” You offered, having to get to the point much sooner than you would’ve liked because of your son’s impatience. Thomas’ eyes were wide with excitement, almost buzzing with joy.
“Can I go dad, pleeeeeaaaasssseeee?” He pleaded, giving Bucky the cutest pout you’d ever seen.
“I don’t know kid, you have school in the morning and it’s not fair to make this nice lady go out of her way to make you dinner.” You weren’t sure how Bucky could even consider saying no to such a cute little face.
“You’re more than welcome too Mr Barnes, and if you have a partner, bring them along too, it’s not a bother.” You smiled warmly, Thomas almost beaming, seeing you negotiate on his behalf.
“You know what, that sounds nice. It’s uh, just me though, I’m single at the moment.” He added quietly.
“So is my mom!” Ollie grinned happily, making you laugh. It didn’t take much to see the cogs turning in his and Thomas’ heads, clearly trying to pull some devious plan together. Well, as devious as it gets for two seven year olds.
“Well that’s perfect then! Give me half an hour to tidy up around the house and then come on over, we’re in number 27.” You couldn’t help but feel quite excited at the thought of having some adult company for a change. Sure, you had your friends and the ladies in your book club but it had been ages since you actually had a man over for dinner, even if it was in the most innocent context.
“Please don’t go to any trouble for us doll, honestly.” Bucky insisted, clapping a gloved hand on his son’s shoulder. You couldn’t say you had noticed the glove until now, especially since you had shook his right hand but you didn’t question it.
“It’s no trouble, we’ll see you soon!” You smiled, you and Ollie heading towards the car.
Ollie ran up the stairs to get changed as soon as you got home, leaving you to tidy up the living room, dropping his toys into the basket, straightening the cushions on the sofa, plugging his iPad in to charge and running around with the hoover quickly to get all the little crumbs. You just had enough time to lay out a tray of cookies before the doorbell rang, Ollie dashing back downstairs so quickly you were surprised he didn’t give himself a nosebleed. Opening the door you saw Thomas and Bucky, Bucky holding a lovely bunch of flowers.
“Hey! These are for you, just a little thank you for having us.” Bucky smiled sheepishly, reaching them out to you. You could smell the big pink lilies straight away, smiling to yourself that he had guessed your favourite flowers somehow.
“Oh my goodness, you had no need to do that, thank you Bucky. Gosh, you told me not to go to any trouble and here you are, turning up with flowers.” You teased, inviting them in so you could find a vase.
“There are some cookies and juice in the kitchen, you boys can help yourselves. Can I get you anything Bucky? A coffee or lemonade or some juice?” You asked, filling a vase with water and arranging the flowers inside, deciding you could just sort them out later.
“A coffee would be great if you don’t mind.” Bucky smiled, making himself comfortable on your sofa, taking in all the photos scattered around the room. Most were of you and Ollie through the years, but there were a few of Ollie on his own too, all smiling and happy. He couldn’t help the warmth that spread through his chest at such adorable family photos, seeing how you and Ollie had grown together and still remained so close.
The boys seemed to have taken the opportunity to dart outside, playing soccer together on the grass. Their contented little laughs filled the afternoon air as they clumsily tried to tackle the ball from each other. You handed Bucky his mug of coffee, settling in beside him on the sofa to watch your sons play through the sliding glass door that separated your living room from your garden.
“I haven’t seen Thomas this happy in… Well, ever.” Bucky admitted quietly, taking a sip from the mug.
“He’s always been so shy. We, uh, moved around a lot these past few years so I guess he didn’t really get a chance to get settled in any of the schools he’s been to before.” It almost seemed like he felt guilty, like he was responsible in some way for his son’s reserved nature.
“He’s a good kid Bucky. Give him time, he’ll come out of his shell. Ollie will make sure of that.” You laughed quietly, knowing your son’s outgoing personality would probably force Thomas to adapt very quickly.
“You know, I think Ollie is exactly what Thomas needs. Thomas is just so shy, especially around kids his own age. I’m really surprised at how well he’s taken to Ollie.” Bucky actually seemed relieved that his son had made a new friend in Ollie so quickly but his worry made sense. Moving house alone is stressful enough but with the added pressure of uprooting your child in the process, especially a child as reserved as Thomas, you realised Bucky must have lost sleep over this for weeks.
“He’ll fit right in here, I promise, all the kids are so lovely. By the end of the week you won’t even be able to remember all his new friends’ names.” You promised, Bucky huffing out a little laugh, hoping that you were right before a wail from the garden distracted you both. Instinctively, you both shot up, running outside to see what all the fuss was about. You made it out first, Bucky following close behind you to find Thomas on the ground, nursing a skinned knee, tears streaming down his little cheeks, probably more from shock than anything else.
“Oh Tommy, what did you do?” Bucky asked softly, cradling his son’s face in his huge, ungloved hand.
“Dad, I fell!” Thomas sobbed with a little whimper as he looked down at the angry red patch on his knee, pricked by little specks of blood and caked in dirt
“It’s okay buddy, c’mere, let’s get you cleaned up.” Bucky soothed softly, scooping his little boy up effortlessly, carrying him inside.
“Here, pop him up on the counter, I’ll get the first aid kit.” Bucky did as you asked while you retrieved the little kit from the top shelf of one of your kitchen cabinets that was dedicated to miscellaneous junk, Ollie following quickly on your heels, concerned for his new friend.
You set the kit on the counter, pulling out an antiseptic wipe and a plaster large enough to cover the graze while Bucky pulled the glove off to wash his hands in the sink, getting ready to save the day. You noticed his hand was a metal prosthetic but didn’t say anything, just taking a second to admire how fluid each of the joints were.
“No dad! Want Ollie’s mom to do it!” His request startled both of you but after Bucky nodded, giving you permission, you stepped forward, washing your hands before starting to tend to the cut.
“This is gonna sting a little honey, okay? You gonna be brave for me?” You asked quietly, Thomas’ tears subsiding already, soothed by your calm voice. The way he gritted his teeth and nodded made you smile a little, doing his very best to be brave.
You could tell the wipe stung as you dragged it gently over the broken skin, little cries escaping Thomas’ lips but he was mostly silent as you worked.
“You’re doing so well, you know that?” You offered with a little smile, noticing how the edges of his own lips turned up too, despite the pain.
“Just gonna give you a plaster, okay?” You asked, dropping the wipe into the bin and unwrapping the plaster carefully before pressing it to his knee.
“There, all better?” Thomas’ little nod was timid but agreeable, reaching his little arms out so you could help him down from the counter.
Bucky’s heart was melting, crumbling in his chest watching how gentle and considerate you were with his son, treating him completely as your own. He didn’t want to admit it, you were his only friend here after all, it wouldn’t be wise to try to pursue anything romantic with you yet but his fatherly instincts were telling him you were nothing short of perfect.
He couldn’t help how his mind wondered to images of your families blended together, stealing kisses from you on hot nights while your boys kept each other company, thoughts of birthday parties and family holidays, thoughts of your house filled with more children the two of you had together. God, he was getting so ahead of himself but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this about someone so quickly, relationships were so much harder as a single father but knowing you would understand his situation was even more comforting. You were just so effortlessly beautiful that he found it so hard to tear his eyes away from you. But you couldn’t possibly feel the same way about him, he needed to get the idea out of his head. You were just being a good neighbour.
You had hunkered down to Thomas’ level, giving his hair a little ruffle before he attacked you with a hug, almost knocking you backwards onto the tiled floor.
“Thank you Miss.” His voice was small but at least he seemed to be in better form now, his little face buried in your shoulder.
“Oh honey, don’t be silly. You’re so welcome. You feel all better now?” You laughed softly and he gave a big nod.
“You wanna go play again Thomas? I can show you my PlayStation instead.” Ollie offered brightly, glad to see his friend had recovered. Thomas practically shot out of your arms, the pair of them racing down the hall to the games room, Thomas’ bad knee clearly forgotten about.
“Thanks for cleaning him up. He’s really taken a shine to you.” Bucky smiled, helping you tidy up while you washed your hands again.
“It’s nothing, don’t even worry about it. Sometimes they just need a pair of gentler hands.” You smiled softly, nodding a little to his prosthetic.
“You… You don’t mind my hand?” He quizzed, a little taken aback. He had always kept it hidden in the fear that it would cause problems or scare away neighbours or give the kids at school a reason to bully Thomas. He didn’t want to be singled out as different any more than was necessary.
“No? Why would I mind your hand? It’s really impressive actually, I’ve never seen a prosthetic so cool.” The little smile you offered Bucky as you spoke had him falling head over heels. You didn’t care. This was his biggest physical insecurity and you thought it was cool. He had done his best to keep it covered since making the move to suburban life but he never thought he could possibly embrace it. So with that, his jacket came off, his whole arm now on display given he was wearing a t-shirt.
“Oh wow, Ollie is gonna love it, he’ll be absolutely obsessed! You mind if I touch it?” You asked quietly, taking in the beautiful dark metal, lined with gold along the ridges. As if this dark, handsome stranger couldn’t get any more attractive, now here he was with an awesome prosthetic.
“Knock yourself out doll.” Bucky chuckled at your unexpected request but loved how your fingertips ghosted so gently over the metal, how reverently you examined the arm, half out of curiosity, half in awe. He was so used to feeling like a lab specimen or like an exhibit in a museum but right now he felt cared for. Like your interest was borne from a place of innocent wonder rather than malice.
“I’m sorry, that was probably really weird.” You laughed sheepishly after a moment, noticing how close you had got in the kitchen.
“It’s okay sweetheart. I’ll tell you the story about it some day if you’d like.” He offered quietly, his eyes trained on your lips, willing himself not to lean down and take them in his own.
“You’re really single?” You breathed out, almost from nowhere, his intense stare at your lips emboldening you, knowing he was thinking exactly the same as you.
“Yeah sweetheart, free as a bird.” Bucky’s own plump lips were pulled into a little smile as you leaned over tentatively, giving him a little peck. That quick peck wasn’t nearly enough for both of you since now you had started, you just needed more. Glancing up at Bucky, you knew he was thinking the same.
“Fuck it.” He growled, losing every semblance of self control that he ever had and giving you a real kiss. His tongue sliding over yours, both your eyes closed, metal hand holding your neck. God, he made your knees weak with that one kiss, pouring all his longing into it.
When you finally pulled apart, you couldn’t help but feel mortified.
“Shit, we shouldn’t have done that.” You whispered softly, running a hand nervously through your hair.
“Why not angel? We’re both grown ups.” Bucky tried his best to ease your guilty conscience, not wanting to make life awkward for Ollie and Thomas. “No harm in a kiss, doesn’t ever need to happen again.”
“But what if I want it to happen again?” You asked, cheeks burning red.
“Oh angel, all you gotta do is ask.” He beamed, pressing his lips to yours once more, resuming the kiss with the same burning passion as before.
“MOM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Ollie’s giggle came out more of a shrill, excited scream. You and Bucky separated so quickly, Thomas laughing uncontrollably behind Ollie.
“Nothing honey, do you need something?” You asked, trying to change the subject and save yourselves any embarrassment.
“YOU WERE KISSING MY DAD!” Thomas shrieked, while Bucky buried his face in his flesh hand.
“DOES THAT MAKE BUCKY MY DAD? THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!” Ollie began, his brain clearly going far too fast.
“You’re getting way ahead of yourselves, boys.” Bucky chastised with a hearty laugh. “Is this a bad time to ask you out on a date?” He chuckled quietly in your ear.
“It sounds like the boys would have no objections.” You giggled to yourself. “Sure Bucky, I guess a date would be nice, before the boys start wedding planning.” Bucky’s heart thumped excitedly at the thought of a wedding, reaching down to squeeze your flesh hand in his metal one.
Life with kids was messy but at least it kept you on your toes.
@sebsbrokentoe @harrysthiccthighss @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123
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Safe and Warm
Based on an anonymous ask box prompt from September: "I LOVE your recent Mando fic 😭 Is there any chance we can get a part two for sicktember prompts 24/25 (sneezing/sick at work)?" Also inspired by this post. 
Anon, my answer is yes, you can get a part two! As long as you can overlook the fact that it was posted 4 months later and all 😅 
"Human Touch" (for the aches and pains prompt) was one of my favorite Sicktember fics and I'm thrilled that at least one other person also enjoyed it. I've been intending to write a follow up for a long time. Happy to finally do so!
For those that didn't read the first fic, (it's not necessary to do so), this is written in first person POV, narrator is Mando's blind friend/crew mate who lives with him on the ship.
I woke at my usual time and began to get ready as always. Even after sitting up with my sick shipmate half the night, I wasn't keen on sleeping in--had never been in the habit. As I began my daily tasks, I wondered if or when Mando would emerge. I wasn't sure what to expect, having never known the Mandalorian to fall ill. I fussed around for a bit, but soon my curiosity got the better of me; I wanted to find out how he was doing, for I hadn't heard a sound all morning. Making my way to his hammock, I was startled to find it empty. A quick exploration of the rest of the ship confirmed what I had sensed since waking: he was gone. He had taken his equipment as well, so it wasn't going to be a short absence. It wasn't like him to leave without informing me, though. A knot of worry pulsed in my heart. I did my best to brush it aside and returned to my tasks, as there was nothing else I could do. He was a grown person and he could take care of himself. Likely he was feeling much better today, and had to run out quickly after getting a good tip--or so I tried to convince myself. 
He didn't return until the next morning, more than twenty-four hours after I first found him gone. This wasn't unusual of course, and I had found ways to pass the time as always, but there was more worry in the back of my mind than usual this time, especially since it rained steadily for the entire day of his absence. Therefore, when I heard the door of the spaceship open as I was cleaning up my breakfast, I ran to greet my shipmate. Coming around the corner, I stopped short as I heard his breath hitching warningly.
"Hehh'dzz-IHHH'shoo! Heh'KIHHT'shoo! Kihhh'IHHTchoo! Hihh'GEHH-CHOOF!"
I grimaced, trying not to imagine the inside of his helmet after those wet sneezes. In the beat of silence that followed, I heard water dripping off of him, tapping into the metal floor.  
"Welcome home, my friend. How do you fare?" I said.
A hoarse groan was his only reply, followed by a thick sniffle.
"You were gone a long time. How were you able to work in this weather?"
A bitter chuckle, then: "I wasn't, really. I tried. Didn't make much progress. But I was restless here. Couldn't sleep. Nightmares. Wanted to accomplish something," he croaked through chattering teeth
I nodded, understanding. Still, the obvious needed to be stated: "You accomplished at least one thing anyway... you've certainly made your cold worse."
"Can't… deny that," he coughed.
Sensing something amiss, I reached out to grasp his arm. He swayed where he stood. His soaked, freezing sleeve gave me chills, and now I felt as well as heard him shivering. I grasped his other arm with my other hand to stabilize him a bit. 
"Go get yourself changed and cleaned. Lots of hot water. You need to warm up."
He grunted in what I thought was assent, but didn't move immediately. The sound of dripping water from his cloak was beginning to irritate me, so I slid my hands up his shoulders and unfastened it. He started as the heavy, wet weight was lifted, and I felt him grab at it even as I bundled it up in my arms.
"Wait," he croaked faintly, "Don't take that… Need it for a blanket…."
I furrowed my brow in concern. "I think you're confused, my friend. You're home… in your ship. We have plenty of other dry blankets. I need to wash this." I pushed him gently in the direction of his room. "Go take your wet things off, then get in the 'fresher. You're exhausted."
He grunted again, but seemed to comprehend this time, for he released his cloak and finally began to head in the direction of his quarters with shuffling steps. 
I took care of the cloak and listened for him to make his way to the 'fresher, but he never reemerged from his bunk. After giving him plenty of time, I went to see what he was up to. The sound of a wet sneezing fit greeted me before I could even cross the threshold:
"Heh'ZIIHHH'shuuh! Huhh’REHHSHHHoo! ESSHHHyoo! Kuh-hh-HUSSHHHoo!"
"Bless," I said, entering the area.
A weak groan was his only response. Tracking the sound, I gathered he had collapsed on a bench against the wall across from his hammock. It seemed he was just sitting--something I'd never known him to do. 
"What's up, Mando? You should be getting cleaned up."
He grunted again. It seemed in-depth conversation was not to be the order of this morning. Still, I could sense he wasn't to be rushed, and simply needed some time just to be. That much I understood well, and nodded in response to his non-reply. Feeling around, I found there was space beside him, so I eased myself down, our arms brushing together as I sat. The rest of him was as cold and wet as the cloak had been. He leaned toward me immediately, drawn to any sort of warmth I supposed, letting his weight rest against me with a weary, sighing cough. His shivering vibrated the whole bench. I imagined he would have laid his head on my shoulder, if not for the helmet. I just pressed against him all the firmer.
 I let him lean on me for as long as I could stand, sensing he just needed to be supported for a time. However, I was quickly becoming as damp and cold as he, which wasn't ideal. Finally I stood, suppressing my own shivers. "Let's get you dried off. You'll catch your death in those wet things." 
Without waiting for a reply (since I didn't sense one forthcoming anyway), I unfastened his pauldrons and breastplate and helped him shed them, moving on to remove all his beskar until he was left in just his shirt, trousers and helmet as he had been two days before. I faced him with my hands on my hips, the armor set aside. 
"Can we take off your helmet so we can get your shirt off as well?"
"... Let me," he sighed. He removed the final piece of armor quietly, pressing it into my hands. The first breath of unfiltered air after it was off immediately caused him to sneeze: 
The sneezes were wet and miserable, and the coughing fit that followed was even more so. Before it ended, I was at his side to rub his back, wanting to give him any comfort I could. As he finished, I peeled off his shirt without bothering to ask. His skin was icy under my fingers. 
"C'mon, let's get you warm," I said decisively. "You've been cold for way too long." I pulled him to stand up and began to propel him toward the 'fresher. The blind leading the blindingly ill, I mused. I gently pushed him into the little room, shutting the door behind him. 
"Take off the rest of your clothes and turn on the water," I instructed. I heard him begin shifting around, and soon the water was running. 
"Get in and stay as long as you need. Clean up really well." I went to fetch him some warm, clean clothes and placed them inside the door, telling him they were there as I did so. That done, I slid down to sit beside the door and wait for him. It felt odd to be telling Mando what to do and doing such simple things for him, but since he'd returned, he'd had an air of someone lost and in need of direction. 
"How are you doing in there?" I called out after a while.
" 'm fine," he mumbled. A moment later, a gasping breath preceded a series of wet sneezes. 
"Bless," I called out. 
"Thangks," came the congested reply, dripping with weariness.
"Do you… need any help?" The image of him losing consciousness in there had been haunting me since he shut the door, and the increasingly sick sounds he was making were not helping.
He was in the 'fresher much longer than usual. After more time had passed, I called out again: "What are you doing now?"
"Washi'g mby balls at the mboment. Thangks for aski'g," he said wryly, and I heard the hint of a smile. 
"Thanks for the update," I chuckled. He sounded a bit more like his old self, so I let him be for the duration. He finally emerged, coughing, I assumed from the steam I felt surrounding us. Or perhaps simply from the nasty cold.
"You're going to bed immediately," I said firmly. "I don't need to see you to tell you that. I'll bring you whatever you need there. Some hot food and herbal tea for starters. 
"Boss's orders," he agreed, turning away. I listened to be sure he was headed in the correct direction before heading to the kitchen. Tea and broth were ready in short order, so I was soon joining him in his quarters. His miserable coughing and sniffing made him easy to find, bundled into his hammock. 
"Drink some broth," I said, pressing the mug into his hands. "It may ease your chest and throat a little."
"Breathi'g would be ndice," he mumbled, struggling into a sitting position. He quietly sipped the beverage for a while, with only the sound of his hammock creaking and his faint snuffling to break the silence.
"Thangks. For the broth, I mbean. Helps," he grunted after a while. 
"Anytime, my friend. So how are you feeling now?"
"Like I have a cold. And a fever," he coughed.
I pressed my hand against his face and neck to confirm. He leaned into my touch wearily.
"Can't argue with that," I said. "Your glands are huge, biggest I've ever felt."
"Mbost painful they've ever been, too," he mumbled, lying back down. As soon as he was prone once more, his breathing became audibly labored, and he started coughing immediately. I heard him shifting around, trying to get more comfortable, but to no avail it seemed, and sniffing pathetically all the while. 
"Sounds like you probably shouldn't be lying like that," I said. "That cold has definitely settled in your chest now." 
"Serves mbe right for worki'g sigck," he muttered. "But how else amb I supposed to sleebp?"
"I have an idea. C'mon." I took his hands and helped him out of the hammock. He leaned against me wearily once he was standing, overly warm and shaky. I pressed the mug of tea into his hands, then propelled us both to my sleeping quarters, a bunk bolted into the wall rather than a hammock, and overflowing with pillows and blankets. 
"I'mb ndot taki'g your bed," he said flatly.
"You're not taking it, you're sharing it." I clambered onto the bunk, arranging myself so I was leaning against the wall at an angle. "Join me," I said, holding out a hand invitingly.
He was silent for a moment and I sensed his hesitation.
I beckoned again. "You need to sleep propped up. Plus you'll be warmer sharing body heat. Just let me help."
"But… I'mb sigck…." 
"And? We live on the same ship. I'm not expecting to avoid this either way."
"Din." My hand was still outstretched. I beckoned once more. "Just come here."
A moment of silence, then the bunk shifted as he climbed up beside me. I rearranged us so he was lying against me, propped up but still reclining somewhat, while I leaned against the wall. He kept mumbling apologies or protests, but I ignored him. Eventually he gave in, and I felt him relax against me. We lay in silence for a while, getting used to the unusual situation.
"I'll bet you never expected to get this level of service when you hired me," I teased after a few minutes, sensing his continued hesitation.
"True." He chuckled hoarsely, then coughed hoarsely. 
"Drink your tea," I urged. 
"Didn't realize you were my parent now," he mumbled peevishly, even as I felt him take a long sip. 
"Everyone needs to be parented a little when they're sick," I soothed. "Even fearsome Mandalorian bounty hunters."
Another rasping chuckle. He let his head fall back against me limply, and I sensed his deep weariness. His hair, so rarely uncovered, was tickling my chin, clean and still damp from the 'fresher. I instinctively began to run my fingers through it as I had two days before, letting my nails massage his scalp. He groaned softly in pleasure, continuing to sip his tea. 
"Breathing better?" I murmured. 
He grunted in affirmation. "You were right."
"I'm always right."
"KEHHPT'chh! GHHNXT'cchhf! HIIHHG'nxt! … Sorry," he mumbled thickly, blowing his nose productively, followed by an equally productive coughing fit. "Sorry I'mb so disgusti'g. And you're probably boili'g alive with how warmb I amb."
"Your skin is very warm," I agreed, returning my fingers to his hair. "But you have nothing to be sorry for." A wave of fondness washed over me just then for this man, my brother, as he settled against my chest again with a sigh. I wrapped my arms around him in a quick, tight hug. "I'm just glad you're safe, and glad you're here. You were nearly delirious with fever when you got back. I don't want to think about what could have happened to you alone and working like that."
"I know," he sighed. "I'mb sorry for that too. It won't happen again. You're stuck with mbe until I'mb recovered."
"I think somehow I'll survive." 
We said nothing further that night. Over time his head grew heavier and heavier against me, while I continued to play with his hair, until finally he dropped off to sleep.
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