#today is a good one so we’re ballin tonight
wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
okay the goal is to get the hopclair breakdown finished tonight because i have been sitting on it for way too long and lucas and el’s relationship development is starting to eat away at my brain. This cannot continue
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cloverbeaverfriend · 3 years
UNITED EMCEEZ “-Enter the HEXAGON-“ Trailer translation
Okay so I haven’t seen anything on Tumblr yet for this. Sorry it’s not that good, I just slapped this together in case anybody wants an idea for what’s going on in the trailer. I’ll actually try once the full song drops.
Disclaimer: My Japanese is *not* fluent, not even close, so...yeah sorry for any mistakes!
(Ichiro) Ey yo! We are! UNITED EMCEEZ! You know what it is! Let’s get it!
(Enter the hexagon!)
Yesterday’s enemy is also today’s rival. There’s no longer any need for the disputes of the past. The organizer in charge of Verse 1— kick it kick it! The dope rhymer! Unity—the key to the victory. Repping my hometown, c’mon make some noise with me! These 6 mics—we’ll use them to play a symphony! We’re gonna clear the way to the finish line ahead—it’s a long journey! (Kuko) I’m throwing away these 108 vices*. With my third eye I’ll distinguish lies and the truth. Completely soliloquizing zen dialogue. I’ll forget about this right here. Rock, rock on! I’ll surpass the self from one second ahead—All in! I’ve seen the goal in the far off distance. To take the shortest path—c’mon let’s get rollin’! The Bad Ass Monk and mic are always ballin’! (Ichiro) From IKB—Buster Bros!! In the place to be! (Kuko) From the West*—Bad Ass Temple’s breakthrough! (Ichiro) You see it right? The shining six-sided polygon? (Ichiro & Kuko) I’m in no mood to stop now, I’m still OMW!
(? Maybe Ichiro?) (Go louder!) (All) UNITED EMCEEZ! The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats! (Ichiro) Every day we’ll surpass the previous, with our self-cultivating rivalries. Who will reveal the outcome tonight? (All) We are UNITED EMCEEZ! The words that were scattered will link up into breakbeats! (Kuko) Your blinded eyes—forget them, don’t divide your attention. This is gonna get even bigger—can’t stay an idle watcher! (Ichiro) (Enter the HEXAGON!) (Samatoki) We’re gonna create the greatest time of the present! (Sasara) We can’t just wait for a miracle to happen! (Ramuda) Get ready! That time is here! (Jakurai) We’ve arrived at this rap game’s pinnacle!
Notes: *108 vices — here Kuko’s talking about the 108 afflictions—or “klesha” in Buddhism, said to plague humanity. *the West’s — the word used here is “Owari” as in the Owari Province, what is now the Western part of the Aichi Prefecture, where Nagoya is.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Wicked Games (Chapter 12)
I started to regret my decision only a couple hours later.
Don’t get me wrong, I was proud of myself for not giving in to her like I normally did, but it didn’t take long before I started feeling lonely. I had gotten used to having the group of girls around. Being back in my townhome also meant that I didn’t have an excuse to see Lauren everyday. In the grand scheme of things, it’s better this way, but that annoying part of me, that has a soft spot for the raven-haired emerald-eyed girl, is not happy.
I was thankful to be back in my lovely queen-sized mattress, but after last night I wrestled with myself for about an hour until I finally went to sleep. It was nothing like what I had experienced with Lauren the night before. The way her body seemed to fit just right to mine, and how soft her amazingly toned legs were..
Nope, nope. ‘We really have got to stop thinking about her’ I kept trying to tell myself. I spent most of the day watching “One Tree Hill” on Netflix or studying Neuroanatomy, but there was one topic no amount of distractions could force from my mind. Lauren, and my intense desire for her.
It got worse the next day. I went to practice, anxious to see her. The only time I was acknowledged by Lauren was if she was subbing on for me during a drill or if she was passing me the ball or if she was calling for us to switch who we were guarding on a screen. Otherwise, nada. Nothing at all.
It was a little pathetic, but I kept trying to gain her attention. I warmed up on the same basket as her, I went to the same basket as her for a freethrow drill, I stood next to her during a time when we were both subbed off, and I even tried to join a conversation going on between her, Dinah, and Normani. I ended up only talking to Dinah and Normani because assistant Coach G, or CG as we call her, called Lauren over to talk to her about something.
I hated it. I also hated how much it bothered me. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I definitely want to be the center of Lauren’s attention most of the time, and when I’m not, it drives me crazy. It’s kind of an issue that started happening about a year ago.
I couldn’t figure out what her deal was. Was she mad at me? Was she not in a good mood? Was she just trying to be extra focused today to make up for the bad game?
After practice at weightroom, I decided to discreetly broach the subject with Dinah. I was supposed to be spotting for Dinah’s bench-press set, but instead, I was staring at the dark-haired girl as she was finishing up her squat set. The girl still hadn’t looked in my direction once. It was like I didn’t even exist anymore. Was she doing this on purpose to drive me crazy? Did she even know that she was driving me crazy?
Dinah finished her set and returned the bar to the rack without any help from me. She stood up and I went to the side of the bar to adjust the weights to get to my weight. I started off freshman year being the scrawniest person on the team. With hard work and determination (and a little better diet), I became one of the strongest on the team. Not too far off from Dinah, who was, without a doubt, the strongest. Not too far off as in thirtyish pounds, but everybody was at least that or even weaker than her so I didn’t feel too bad about it. I wasn’t super macho or anything, but I wasn’t scrawny anymore, which was all I wanted. Being scrawny gave me all kinds of problems freshman year. I was pushed around and had trouble keeping hold of the ball on my drives as stronger defenders swiped and beat at my arms. It became a crutch. My weakness was my weakness. I made it my mission to change that, and I was proud to say that I did. I still wasn’t nearly as strong as Dinah, but I wanted Dinah as my weightroom partner to push me harder and to make sure I continued to progress and not regress.
As Dinah went to the back of the rack to get ready to spot me, I decided to speak up. I nodded in Lauren’s direction, “What’s her deal?”
“Lo, she’s acting weird,” I said, gazing longingly at Lauren’s ass as she squatted. I had no shame at the moment.
“She seems fine to me,” Dinah shrugged.
“Really?” I turned my head to look at Dinah, starting to wonder if it was all in my head.
Dinah creased her eyebrows in thought and looked at me then at Lauren and then back at me. A knowing smirk spread across her face. “Awww, are you two having a lovers’ feud?”
“What?!” My mouth popped open in shock. What the hell does that even mean?
“It’s gonna be ok Mila,” Dinah teased, while patting my shoulder sympathetically.
I knocked her hand away, “We’re not lovers,” I growled, “It was one time!” I affirmed a little too loud.
Dinah cocked her head to the side, “Really? Just once?” Then she started laughing. “Oh come on Mila, you finally got some, and you’re not trying to get more while you can?”
I shook my head in disbelief, “Dinah Jane, if you don’t shut your ass up right now..” I threatened.
Dinah put her hands up in defense, still laughing, “Alright, alright. Stop stalling and do your set then.”
I laid down on the bench. 'Guess she is mad at me then.. or just specifically ignoring me’.
We finished up the workout, and Lauren still didn’t approach me or look at me for that matter. I tried to smile at her once, but she continued walking past me, not paying me any mind.
If she wasn’t going to talk to me, fine, I’ll just talk to Emma.
I got home and called her up after I took a shower. Patting my hair with the towel, Emma’s familiar voice came over the line, “Hey! I was going to call you later.”
“I beat you to it then,” I smiled. “You wanna have a skype date?”
“I would love to,” she chirped.
We ended the line and I grabbed my laptop from the desk, bringing it back to my bed.
When I opened my Skype app, I was already receiving a call. After a few moments of blurriness while my internet adjusted, Emma’s kind face appeared in the screen. She beamed once I came into focus. She was still gorgeous to me. Bright teeth were the first thing I noticed. Light brown hair surrounded her light face. I looked into blue eyes like the sky. Faint freckles trailed across her cheeks. Everything about her features emphasized light and comfort. 'Hm, I guess I have a thing for brunettes with pale skin and colorful eyes’ I thought to myself, realizing it for the first time.
“I’m so excited,” she cheered. “I have been dying to see what happens next!”
Currently Emma and I were in the process of watching “Orange is the New Black” season 4 together. We didn’t get a chance to watch it over the summer since.. we were having issues then.
I chuckled at the look on her face because Emma wasn’t exactly the most patient person and it took a great deal of effort for her to wait for the next time we could skype together to watch the next episodes. I made her promise though and so far she had been keeping her promise which meant a lot to me. Slowly, but surely she had been regaining my trust over the past couple months.
As soon as the show’s theme song started to play, we both broke out into ridiculous dancing. The song wasn’t even that good, but I always wanted to dance to it and it made us both laugh like crazy. I moved my arms like imaginary drums to the beat, while Emma feigned like she was holding a microphone, singing along extremely dramatically. When the song finally ended and you heard the sound of a jail cell closing, me and Emma both broke out into uncontrollable giggles. I kid you not, we do that every single time we watch this show. It’s basically tradition at this point.
“I am so ready,” I commented, leaning back into the headboard of my bed, as the episode started.
I cupped my mouth with my hands and shouted “Ballin’!” when a character named Luschek shot a piece of trash like he was shooting a basketball, making Emma giggle.
A little further into the episode, the camera panned to reveal a character we hadn’t seen in awhile. “NICKY!” we both shouted at the same time.
“She’s alive!” I yelled.
“It’s a Christmas miracle!” Emma rejoiced.
“..it’s not Christmas doe..” I mumbled.
“Fine! It’s just a regular miracle!”
We both chuckled and regained our focus on the show.
It sucked not actually having Emma next to me, but the best part about watching these shows was the commentary between us. We could do that no matter if we were across the country from eachother or not.
I spent the rest of the night watching OITNB with her, laughing endlessly. With Emma, things were easy. We had a very similar sense of humor so we not only got eachother’s jokes, but could easily add onto them, making everything ten times funnier.
It was around midnight when we both started yawning, and had to put an end to the date. I sighed once I had closed my Netflix and smiled softly at Emma. “Thanks for tonight,” I spoke sincerely.
“You are more than welcome. I’ll talk to you later, ok?”
“Ok..” I said, hesitating. I wanted to say something else, but I wasn’t sure if I could or if I should.
Emma beat me to the punch. “I love you,” she said quietly, but genuinely.
I slowly exhaled the breath I had been holding in. My heart thumped in my chest. It had been awhile since we shared that three-word phrase. “I love you too,” I replied.
Emma gave me a small smile before she waved and ended the call.
I went to sleep with a smile on my face that night.
wattpad: munkeytutu
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