#today iam excited to be a human being i am a human being i do a good job at being a human being iam good at doing human. things.
trainingdummyrabbit · 8 months
iam getting such a good grade in human being
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hydrospanners · 5 years
How about multiples of 5 :D Please and thank you
thank you for asking i cry
(psa before you read this iam absolutely drunk and yes it’s 3pm but i get up at 2:30am so it’s really not that early for me)
5. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?I’ve been working on this one novel since I was 14 years old. It’s changed and warped and been rewritten so much over the years that what I have of it today and what I scribbled in the margins of my notes in high school are barely even recognizable as the same thing but they have the same... core...??? i guess??????? the same central themes or something just vastly different, more nuanced and (i hope) more intelligent ways of appraoching them. ive gotten better at telling the stories i want to read since i was 14 but this one is deeply important to me and for that reason my bad habit of perfectionism has been rearing its head. ive rewritten the first ten chapters like 80000 times but rarely make it past that. the reasons why are for my therapist to know and me to find out i guess.
10.do you have any kind of consistent writing schedule or just hoping for the best?i try very frequently to have a consistent schedule. for a while back in 2018 i was succeeding. and then this year i had this particular project i really wanted to finish and i sat down and made timesheets and scheudled out my time like it was a second job and id give it 10 hrs/week so i’d still have time to care for my needs and relax and whatever but...... this year has been a bitch for me fam. ive made a lot of vague posts but........ it’s been a bitch and i havent written a lot. maybe i should. maybe it would help. i don’t know but i do everything better when it’s with a consistent schedule. regularity and schedules are very supportive for the way my brain works but organizing priorities with the limited free time i have is a cahllenge. lining up my emotional/creative energy with my physical energy is a challenge. an ongoing one. sometimes i succeed. a lot of the time i dont.
15. in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?absolutely. even if it wasn’t great, even if it missed the point entirely, even if it served the values the whole story is meant to criticize.... of course. i am a vain creature and also i know how humans can take an imperfect piece of media and find so many things in it that i have never seen myself. i’m curious to know what other people would discover in the playground i have built. hypothetically.
20. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? tell us. please, tell us. I, the OP of this ask list, desperately need advice on how to focus.all the fucking time. im a slave to my moods and i always want to write pieces that deal with the feelings or the concepts that are holding me hostage at the time. sometimes im exhausted and so full of emotion that exploring any single feeling opens the floodgates to every feeling ive ever had and that feels to risky so i avoid writing altogether. usually when this happens, i write letters to people in my life that i never mean to send. it’s like an emotional valve that lets out the worst of it and leaves enough feeling for me to work with without it being too overwhelming to confront. i also have 10 million wips and i just switch focus to the one that vibes with my current mood, but that’s why i have 10 million wips and why it takes me 5 years to finish a 500 word fic. i don’t know that it’s a good strategy but it’s the one i have.
25. hey - what are you working on right now?  to be painfully honest the answer is nothing. i havent written a word in three weeks. i was working on a very absurd swtor fanfic that was kind of a pressure valve for me but then i was seized by this concept for a choose your own adventure game that i have elaborately written inside my own mind but have not put a single word to paper due to life circumstances (which is to say ive been pretty depressed for a few months and coming back out of the depression my focus has mainly been on supporting the habits and structures i need to succeed at work and i’ll figure everything else out later). anyway im pretty excited about my choose your own adventure game its good fun in my head.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Amazon Security Author: Becca Crockett
In the weeks leading up to re:Invent, we’ll share conversations we’ve had with people at AWS who will be presenting at the event so you can learn more about them and some of the interesting work that they’re doing.
How long have you been at AWS, and what do you do in your current role?
I’ve been with AWS for nearly four years. I’m a Principal Product Manager in AWS Identity. I spent most of my time covering our Managed Active Directory products, and over the past year I’ve taken on management for AWS Single Sign-On and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
How do you explain your job to non-tech friends?
Identity is what people use when they sign in to their services. What we work on is the back-end systems that authenticate and manage access so that people have secure access to their services.
What are you currently working on that you’re excited about?
Wow, it’s hard to pick just one. So, I’d say I’m most excited about the work that we’re doing so that customers can use identities that they already have across all of AWS.
What’s the most challenging part of your job?
Making sure that we deliver the most important features that customers want, in the right sequence, as quickly as possible. To do that, we need to focus on the key pain points customers have right now and resolve those pain points in ways that are the most meaningful to them. We also need to make sure that we have the right roadmap and keep doing that on an iterative basis.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
I get to work with some really incredibly smart people inside and outside of Amazon. It’s a really interesting space to be in. There’s a lot happening at the industry level, and we’re trying to sort out the puzzle of how we bring things together given what customers have and use today. Customers have all of this existing technology that they want to use, and they have a lot of investments in it. We want to make it possible for them to use those investments in new innovative ways that make their lives easier.
The AWS Identity team is growing rapidly. What are some of the biggest challenges that teams face during rapid growth?
One key challenge is hiring. How do we find great people? Amazon has some pretty high bars, and we need to find the right people that can ramp up quickly to help us solve the challenges that we want to go fix. The other thing is making sure that we stay on the same page. There’s a lot of work that we’re doing across a lot of different areas. So it’s important to stay in coordination so that we deliver the most important things that solve our customers’ current pain points.
What advice would you give to people coming on board the AWS Identity team?
Make sure that you’re highly customer focused. Dive deep because we really need to understand the details of what’s going on and what customers are trying to accomplish. Be a really effective communicator by breaking things down into the simplest terms. I find that often, people get so caught up in technology that they get lost in the technology. It’s really important to remember that we’re solving problems that are very visceral to human beings. In order to get the correct results, you need to be able to communicate in a way that makes sense to anybody.
Which Amazon leadership principles have you relied on the most in your own career at AWS?
Certainly Customer Obsession. That’s absolutely imperative. Dive Deep of course. Learn and Be Curious is huge. But also a less popular principle: Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit. It’s important that we have healthy discussions. This principle isn’t about being confrontational. It’s about being smart about how you synthesize the information that you learn from your customers and bring forth your ideas and opinions in a respectful way. It’s important to have a healthy conversational debate about what’s right for customers, so that we can drive important things forward when they need to be done. At the same time, we must recognize that not all ideas or their timing are right. It’s important to understand the bigger picture of what’s going on, understand that a different approach might be better in that particular moment, and commit to moving forward as a team after the debate is finished.
What’s the most common misperception you encounter about AWS Identity?
I think there’s a huge amount of confusion in the Active Directory area about what you can and can’t do, and how it relates to what customers are doing with Azure AD. We probably have the best managed active directory in the cloud. But, people sometimes confuse Active Directory with Azure AD, which are completely different technologies. So, we try to help customers understand how our product works relative to Azure AD. They are complementary; they can work together.
Another area that’s confusing for customers is choosing which AWS identity system to use today. AWS identity systems have grown organically over time. We’ve listened to customers and added features, and so now we have a couple of different ways of approaching identity. We started out with IAM users and groups. Then over the past few years, we’ve made it possible to use Active Directory identities in AWS. We’ve also been embracing the use of standards-based federation. Federation enables customers who use identity systems like Okta, Ping, Google, or Azure AD, to use those identities to sign into AWS. Due to this organic change, customers can choose between managing identities as IAM, create them in AWS SSO, bring them in from Active Directory by using AWS SSO, or use SAML federation through IAM. We also have the Cognito product that people have been adapting to use with IAM federation. Based on the state of where the technologies are now, it can be confusing for customers to know which identity system is the right one to use right now so they are on the right path going into the future. This is an area we are working hard to simplify and clarify for our customers.
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the identity space right now?
I think it’s helping customers understand how to use the identity system that they have now—broadly, across all of the applications and services that they want to use—and how to provide them with a consistent experience. I think that’s one of the key industry challenges. We’ve come a long way, but there’s still a lot of road ahead of us to make that all possible at the industry level.
Looking to the future, how do you think the authorization and authentication landscape will evolve?
I think we’ll start to see more convergence on interoperable technologies for authentication. There’s some evolution already happening between the SAML model of authentication and OIDC (OpenID Connect). And I think we’ll start to see more convergence. One sticky spot in the industry right now is how to set up federation. It can be complicated and time consuming to set up, and there’s work that we’re doing in this space to help make it easier. We did a technology demonstration at identiverse last June using the Fast Federation standards draft to connect IDPs and service providers together. In our demonstration, we showed how Fast Fed makes it possible to connect AWS SSO to Google in a couple of clicks. That enables customers to use the identities they already have and use AWS SSO as their AWS integrated permissions management tool to grant access to resources across all their AWS accounts. I think Fast Fed will really help customers because today it’s so complicated to try and connect identity providers to tens or hundreds of applications.
What does identity mean to you on a personal level?
When I think about identity, it’s about who I am, and there are different contexts for that, such as who I am as a consumer or who I am as an employee. Let’s focus on who I am as an employee: Today I may have different user identities and credentials, each to a different system. I also have to manage my passwords for each of those identities. If I make a mistake and use the wrong sign-in or password, I get blocked, and I might get locked out. These things get in the way of focusing on my job. Another example is that if I change my role within a company, I need access to new resources, and there are old resources that I should no longer be able to access. It’s really a pain today for people to navigate getting my access to resources set up correctly. It can take a month before you have all of the different permissions to access the things you need. So when I look at what I want to do for customers, it’s about “how do I make it really easy for people to get access to the things they need without compromising security?” I want to make it so that people can have one identity to use, and when there’s a change to their identity, the system automatically gives them access to what they need and removes access to what they don’t need. People shouldn’t have to go through all the painful processes of going to websites and talking to managers to get them to change group membership.
Will you be doing anything at re:Invent this year?
I’m involved in a few sessions.
I’ll be talking about our single sign-on product, AWS Single Sign-On. It enables customers to centrally manage access to the AWS Console, accounts, roles, and applications using identities from their Active Directory, or identities they create in AWS SSO. We’ll be talking about some exciting new features that we’ve released in that product area since the last re:Invent.
I’m also involved in a session about how enterprises can use Active Directory in the cloud. Customers have a lot of investment in their Windows environments on premises, and they’re migrating their workloads into the cloud. As they do that, those Windows workloads in the cloud need access to Active Directory. Customers often don’t want to manage the Active Directory infrastructure in the cloud. The operational pain of doing that detracts from what they’re trying to do, which is to get to the cloud and actually convert into server-less technologies where they get better economies of scale and more flexibility. AWS offers a managed Active Directory solution that customers can use with their Windows workloads while eliminating the overhead of operating Active Directory domain controllers in the cloud.
What are you hoping that your audience will do differently as a result of attending?
I would love to see customers realize they can take advantage of the services we offer in new ways, and then go home and deploy them. I would hope that they go back and do a proof of concept—go play with it and understand what it can do, see what kind of value it can bring, and then build out from there. Armed with the right information I think customers can streamline some processes in terms of how to get on to the cloud and take advantage of the cloud faster.
What do you recommend that first-time attendees do at Re:Invent?
There’s so much amazing content that’s there, you won’t be able to get it all. So, get clear about what information you’re after, go through the session list, and get registered for the sessions. Sometimes these fill up fast! If you’re coming with a team, divide and conquer. But also leave some time to learn something new in an area you’re less familiar with. Also, take advantage of the presenters. Ask us questions! We’re here to help customers learn as much as they can. If you see me there, stop me and ask your questions!
If you had to pick any other job, what would you want to do with your life?
I would probably want to be in food safety. I used to not care about food at all. Then, I went to an event where I made a life decision that made me think about my health and made me think about my food. So I started understanding more about food. I began realizing how much happens with our food today that we just don’t know about. There are a lot of things that I really don’t align with. I would love to see more transparency about our food so that we could have the ability to pick and choose what we want to eat based upon our values. If it wasn’t food safety, maybe politics.
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Ron Cully
Ron Cully is a Principal Product Manager at AWS where he leads feature and roadmap planning for workforce identity products at AWS. Ron has over 20 years of industry experience in product and program management of networking and directory related products. He is passionate about delivering secure, reliable solutions that help make it easier for customers to migrate directory aware applications and workloads to the cloud.
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Go to Source Author: Becca Crockett AWS Security Profile: Ron Cully, Principal Product Manager, AWS Identity Original Post from Amazon Security Author: Becca Crockett In the weeks leading up to re:Invent, we’ll share conversations we’ve had with people at AWS who will be presenting at the event so you can learn more about them and some of the interesting work that they’re doing.
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How-To Stop Getting All Sport Encourages On Fb
Today inside the upper hand corner that is right you are going to see an Enjoy button, engage about it. This will auto-develop a match for that sport using the friend you've selected. That is 169 a 3DS, plus 100 for your activities off the eShop, and you also aren't presenting any of it for your competitors (Apple and Android) or possibly a middleman. http://labeaute-sauvage.info 's always been noted that the human body influences but if you utilize these products that were superb limited to emergency, next these are certainly a blessing. Collaborate to recognize the identity that was main element rigging functionality had a need to service our game-play experience that was primary. Nostalgia goggles allow me to lower a great deal of slack to this type because the artwork that is first is featured by it, nevertheless you might prefer an alternative Area Invaders-impressed sport from this time, such as Galaga or Defender, which also provide iOS ports. The money that can be tapped while in the mobile industry is currently going to be unavailable for them unless they create an item that interests participants all over the world. They are not the ones who're doing this; we talk to coders regularly who would like to steer clear of the cell stigma on their game. Always a variety are of Nokia cellphones depending and also available on one's desires a phone can be picked up by them. If the recreation got included along with your macintosh, you happen to be out of fortune because GarageGames does lose most IPs to the Marble Blast series a few months before (megabytes Cellular regarding iPhone, MB Extra regarding xbox360, megabytes On-Line at, and MB Silver for Laptop). The amount turned known for a herd of strolling -wielding bovines that got greater and better using every update of the overall game. The most profitable activities inside the Appstore have been those that have now been constructed especially for playing about the iPhone. Truthfully, I'd appreciate for Adobe to deliver on its claims and obtain Thumb functioning effectively on portable. And guaranteed the overall game is tap tap touch but a terrific portable unit sport defintely won't be passed over a silver platter my buddy for you. But SQEX, place in contemporary system terms and Game Center, and I'll've little choice! For example versions that arent facing a person shouldnt be packed sufficient reason for that it will increase the overall game. This sport wasn't revealed by Nintendo, it wasnot made by Nintendo, and it's not connected to Nintendo's private drive previously this year into mobile games, which unveiled with Miitomo. Dark Spirits THREE, Massive Break, Ratchet & Clank, and Alienation are typical May games. In any event, this is simply not expressing that Enderis Recreation is inherently bad. I simply don't think as itis chipped around be it's as excellent of the guide. Yet another game movie” that is movie likewise quantities up the reaction to Warcraft, possibly the game that is biggest -to- letdown thus far. If you go-to any community, or whatever about any recreation you are going to see-the same task. However, they're additionally enclosed by enemies, including the Skeletons along with the specifically extreme Orcs & Goblins, and will find it quite difficult to endure early areas of the game. Numerous system-design activities have found it difficult to turn to portable since they need a delicate joypad, therefore the monitor is blocked by your thumbs. Exciting report, one of many motives we remaining TA was because currently I take advantage of the system that was android. Phones and Samsung mobiles from Nokia Indian are devices internet-enabled companies, that provide leisure, mail facility, social-networking plus a host of additional technically positive attributes. So the sweet wallet creatures being skyrocketed back again to the headlines of the general public mind can only just mirror effectively onto it. And also the fresh experience may possibly increase revenue of the Nintendo- posted 3DS games Pokémon Sun and Moon later this year. Initially we must established it-up. Available the options app on your Android in order to find ' dialect & feedback' around the list. No method of informing for sure, but we consider Arya will return to Westeros in 2013. The games on portable may also be not mainly blame and-or 0.99-2.99 and so are not often total encounters. They'll certainly be emailed an invite, if they do not curently have Sport Core. HTC offers today announced initial benefits for the Q3, producing a web loss of NT$2.97 billion (around $101 trillion) on whole income of NT$47.52 billion ($1.6 thousand) — the veteran cell maker HTC's first ever quarterly reduction. Total War: Warhammer mingles the realms of Activities Class wargame Warhammer Fantasy Battle with the famous domination video game of Full War. You obtain more pickaxes at quadratic times while you perform more games—a sixth after 100 activities, yet another every after 400, 900, 1600, and 2500 games (Iam between your past two to ensure thatis all we've observed). Given that media applications like this presents a lot of disparate details, it is important to attack a balance between text sizing and design. Regrettably, TDKR features a few problems that are not relatively epidemic to third person activity games using touch controls. After all it is a gap but exactly what do basically be achieved that is especially noticable is yet another thing, significantly the vast majority with this genis system entrepreneurs but it will be unnecessary the distinctions between the way the activities run using the beds base designs is going to be what concerns to all these gamers. As games inserted the Net along with the networked years turned more prevalent, socialization was a clear next thing. Warcraft may not be coming to mobiles any time in the future, but another recreation-HearthStone-will undoubtedly be unveiled on Android and iOS in 2014, the programmer established today. Elsword and Elsword: Evolution are hardly same - but equally very enjoyable - manga-style video games. Android 7.0 Nougat is coming available to Nexus 5X, Nexus SOME, Nexus 6P, Nexus NINE, Nexus Player, and Pixel C equipment. Rather than informing us they are able tonot doit, they explained it was laser burn, that it could not be fastened, and advised that I deal the game in, obtain a $30 credit, and spend almost $40 (including levy) more for a new duplicate of the sport. I am locating it difficult to believe that a-game using voxels could search so extraordinary, nonetheless it may. The runs starts from telephones, to flip phone to slender mobiles and wise phones and the checklist moves on and on. This can be a game you must have if youare an RPG lover and if you're not, it is a recreation that'll properly produce you one! The largest shock in the research arrived within this tiny nugget of individual conduct information: Despite its title and meaning, 44 percent of participants play cell games” to the couch versus enjoying in … really any out-of-family area location, including time spent traveling or waiting,” the study says. I donot assume however considering that the activities were not really mounted from your manufacturer it'd be much distinct, - they certainly were merely keys to obtain in the Perform Retailer. The simplest way to acquire cheap phones that are mobile is to utilize specified strategies that are obtainable give by system manufacturers. Though EA and PopCap include tweaked how players enter into these activities the most common multiplayer happen to be cut back to the game. The handsets, which operate v12.1 of Cyanogen, are manufactured by a new, U.K.-based entrant in to the smartphone creating space, termed Wileyfox, albeit the devices themselves are in fact produced in China — in order with different such online retail Android merchant attempts it is primarily an exercise in branding, using a few customer company flourishes cast at the top to try to be noticeable (such as European-based call centers for after-sales companies, plus a substitute display service to get an annual price). Sure, Samsung's private characteristics nowhere-near obviate the necessity regarding products and Yahoo's services, but not do every other OEM 's outside China. That is without doubt one of many absolute best features within the game, also it will come in convenient irrespective of how excellent your crew is. Is this: any player that's a few months or less  and is within the era of 23, on the agreement, might another club without the need to have the gambler's team. Should they might merely layout a piece of hardware that might wrap the iPhone as being a game scenario around so to speak and provide that for let's say dollars that are MONEY79. I do believe that cellular games is handled the same activities on Android, at the least for IOS and also really equipment also. You can get the facebook application from the App Store, in case your unit helps iOS 7 or over. The primary bout of year SIX offers apparent exemplory instance of the presentis fresh things: the coup in Dorne. I do believe the sport is extremely effortless and easy-to win and easy in case you enjoy many hours and several combats to acquire figures. Possessing caught using Mike & Optimum and The Walking Dead, we bailed on Revealing's activities two symptoms into Sport of Thrones, when a mix of regular aesthetic stutters (on the PC that could manage The Witcher THREE wonderfully) plus a save game irritate that cleaned my advancement received myself understand this is simply not worth it”. It would be won by the last word underhanded gamer of the game of thrones, ironically, by authorized means.
0 notes
cyberdayze · 7 years
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CyberDayze It's been just over one year now, that I began this odd, interesting Mission of mine. And, to this day, I have no clue as to what you, on the 'other side' of the WorldWideWeb view me as, other than this odd woman with a strangely interesting writing style who is known to go on YouTube flings and post buckfuls of peculiar music all over Twitter, Facebook and her blog sites, speaks frequently of some weird 'possession' she calls 'The Words' and shares oddly entertaining snippets about her many Intangible friends she's met along the way. And. All are correct. But my primary purpose for being here lies in a book I came across named The Cyber Effect and how it's impact upon me has moved me to an unexplainable Mission to promote the Message that the author, Mary Aiken PhD shares in it's pages. She is a pioneering cyber psychologist who explains in detail what needs to be addressed concerning the WorldWideWeb and what we do in it. It is more than uncanny how my book, CyberDayze, is actual PROOF of the theories she explains in her book. And. The Message is extremely important. To EVERYONE. I am merely the messenger. My goal is to get the word out to as many as I can, and hopefully, along the way, can introduce the Mission to one who has the expertise to make change happen. I have been tweeting and tagging Oprah, Ellen, Dr. Phil, Jenny and Howard daily for months, full well knowing that my chances of being heard by them are almost nil. But. I feel that this Mission is extremely important, and thus continue my daily tweets tags and email to now only one-Howard Stern. I firmly believe that he is the only one who wields the talent, experience and expertise to make things happen. It will be no easy task, thus I recognize that Howard would have to have the same devotion to The Cause as I and Ms Aiken. Impossible odds? Probably. But. I just feel like I am supposed to carry on in this odd Mission of mine. I don't know why. And it's not my business to know. It's my business to Do. So. I Do. I share my emails to Howard with you in my quest to get the Message out to as many as I can. I feel it's THAT important. To: Howard Stern Subject: WhereIsMyMind https://youtu.be/nOYgZ75aRVY Howard, As usual, here is today's Blog, wherein your name is mentioned in comment. I have decided that I need YOU in charge of this extremely urgent Mission of mine that WILL and MUST change the way we know things to be today-forever. I realize that you have already made an incredible legacy of your name. And. That's why I humbly beseech you to look seriously into what I am RELENTLESSLY requesting you to do and make it your Personal Challenge. Because it is going to take tremendous heart and belief in The Cause as is my own for you to meet your Challenge. It's not going to be an easy job. But it is an extremely important task. The Cyber Effect by Mary Aiken PhD is what I am talking about. PLEASE. Read it. And join us in-quite literally-saving future mankind from blindly stumbling into becoming humans ill equipped in social behavior and development-as we are currently headed. It's that big, Howard. If you would please take the time and seriously contemplate the Message Ms Aikens shares in her book. I firmly believe that YOU are the ONLY one that has the skill, talent, connections and power to head this in the direction it MUST go. The book also talks about another very important topic-the need for governing laws to be introduced to the WorldWideWeb. Very controversial, is it not? And controversy will surely prevail since big businesses who are currently enjoying making any claims they want about their product when marketing in the WorldWideWeb will adamantly oppose the idea of laws governing behavior in the www needing to be introduced and upheld. Extremely big topics Ms Aikens discusses. Please, Howard. Take this as the serious matter that it is. I am NOT just another shmuck looking for fame and fortune garnered by you. Far from it. I do not seek the limelight. I am merely the messenger. Today's Blog: CyberDayze Well. I was able to sleep maybe two hours last night, after succumbing, once again, to a three day freeforall those pesky ‘Words’ of mine always enjoy once 'They’ finally take over me-and then 'They’ commence to writewritewrite and playplayplay with 'Their’ Work. You just don’t know what I go through with those pesky 'Words’. It’s exhausting. Now, as I slowly regain control, my next step- usually accompanied with surprise and/or shock-but, I must admit-most often with the thought of 'Brilliant’!!-will now surface as I 'discover’ what those pesky 'Words’ of mine had been up to in my three day absence. That’s how I 'discovered’ CyberDayze, by the way. But. 'They’ have a new project in which 'They’ are EXTREMELY excited-it’s all I heard about in the recess of my mind during my three days’ grace -was what 'They’ are planning. Which comes down to-what I will be doing for 'Them’ in 'Their’ new adventure. And. It’s a BIG ONE, folks. I have my doubts that I will be able to come through for 'Them’ on this excapade of 'Theirs’. But. Somehow-I always do. Remember Howard Stern? Yes, I still tag, tweet and email him daily, along with Oprah, Ellen, Jenny and Dr. Phil, But. 'The Words’ have 'Their’ hearts set on Howie. And. 'They’ are correct. He is the ONLY one fit for the task those pesky 'Words’ of mine have assigned to me. And now-Him. He just doesn’t know about it yet.[smiles] I tried to remind 'Them’ that I was still quite busy, working on 'Their’ current project named CyberDayze. But. 'They’ were quick-and adamant-in 'Their’ arguement that this is a continuation of the same project. And. 'They’ are right. This time. Oh, 'They’ can be tricky with 'Their’ 'reasons’ on why I should let 'Them’ win 'The Battle Of Send’. Because that’s the one I most always win, to 'Their’ dismay. Because. Oftentimes 'They’ share too much information. Thus I forever ban 'Their’ Work to 'The Words Cemetery’-most commonly known as an Email draft folder. My decision ALWAYS makes 'Them’ very unhappy. Well, off I go, to do my usual blogblogbloging tweettweettweeting and postpostposting across the seeming entirety of the WorldWideWeb. But after that, I have to begin what I’m now deeming Step 2 in this strange, odd journey that fell upon my doorstep naming Me 'The Chosen’ in carrying out this behemothic venture. Not to worry-I WILL keep you-and the world-abreast of my ?delirious? Plan. Remember Tyler Durden? He came to mind quite often in my three day haze. There. That’s a hint for you. GG. You must think I’m crazy. [Iam] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8m_kPU53ow&feature=share CyberDayze.com Gina Davis [email protected]
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cyberdayzegina-blog · 7 years
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CyberDayze It's been just over one year now, that I began this odd, interesting Mission of mine. And, to this day, I have no clue as to what you, on the 'other side' of the WorldWideWeb view me as, other than this odd woman with a strangely interesting writing style who is known to go on YouTube flings and post buckfuls of peculiar music all over Twitter, Facebook and her blog sites, speaks frequently of some weird 'possession' she calls 'The Words' and shares oddly entertaining snippets about her many Intangible friends she's met along the way. And. All are correct. But my primary purpose for being here lies in a book I came across named The Cyber Effect and how it's impact upon me has moved me to an unexplainable Mission to promote the Message that the author, Mary Aiken PhD shares in it's pages. She is a pioneering cyber psychologist who explains in detail what needs to be addressed concerning the WorldWideWeb and what we do in it. It is more than uncanny how my book, CyberDayze, is actual PROOF of the theories she explains in her book. And. The Message is extremely important. To EVERYONE. I am merely the messenger. My goal is to get the word out to as many as I can, and hopefully, along the way, can introduce the Mission to one who has the expertise to make change happen. I have been tweeting and tagging Oprah, Ellen, Dr. Phil, Jenny and Howard daily for months, full well knowing that my chances of being heard by them are almost nil. But. I feel that this Mission is extremely important, and thus continue my daily tweets tags and email to now only one-Howard Stern. I firmly believe that he is the only one who wields the talent, experience and expertise to make things happen. It will be no easy task, thus I recognize that Howard would have to have the same devotion to The Cause as I and Ms Aiken. Impossible odds? Probably. But. I just feel like I am supposed to carry on in this odd Mission of mine. I don't know why. And it's not my business to know. It's my business to Do. So. I Do. I share my emails to Howard with you in my quest to get the Message out to as many as I can. I feel it's THAT important. To: Howard Stern Subject: WhereIsMyMind https://youtu.be/nOYgZ75aRVY Howard, As usual, here is today's Blog, wherein your name is mentioned in comment. I have decided that I need YOU in charge of this extremely urgent Mission of mine that WILL and MUST change the way we know things to be today-forever. I realize that you have already made an incredible legacy of your name. And. That's why I humbly beseech you to look seriously into what I am RELENTLESSLY requesting you to do and make it your Personal Challenge. Because it is going to take tremendous heart and belief in The Cause as is my own for you to meet your Challenge. It's not going to be an easy job. But it is an extremely important task. The Cyber Effect by Mary Aiken PhD is what I am talking about. PLEASE. Read it. And join us in-quite literally-saving future mankind from blindly stumbling into becoming humans ill equipped in social behavior and development-as we are currently headed. It's that big, Howard. If you would please take the time and seriously contemplate the Message Ms Aikens shares in her book. I firmly believe that YOU are the ONLY one that has the skill, talent, connections and power to head this in the direction it MUST go. The book also talks about another very important topic-the need for governing laws to be introduced to the WorldWideWeb. Very controversial, is it not? And controversy will surely prevail since big businesses who are currently enjoying making any claims they want about their product when marketing in the WorldWideWeb will adamantly oppose the idea of laws governing behavior in the www needing to be introduced and upheld. Extremely big topics Ms Aikens discusses. Please, Howard. Take this as the serious matter that it is. I am NOT just another shmuck looking for fame and fortune garnered by you. Far from it. I do not seek the limelight. I am merely the messenger. Today's Blog: CyberDayze Well. I was able to sleep maybe two hours last night, after succumbing, once again, to a three day freeforall those pesky ‘Words’ of mine always enjoy once 'They’ finally take over me-and then 'They’ commence to writewritewrite and playplayplay with 'Their’ Work. You just don’t know what I go through with those pesky 'Words’. It’s exhausting. Now, as I slowly regain control, my next step- usually accompanied with surprise and/or shock-but, I must admit-most often with the thought of 'Brilliant’!!-will now surface as I 'discover’ what those pesky 'Words’ of mine had been up to in my three day absence. That’s how I 'discovered’ CyberDayze, by the way. But. 'They’ have a new project in which 'They’ are EXTREMELY excited-it’s all I heard about in the recess of my mind during my three days’ grace -was what 'They’ are planning. Which comes down to-what I will be doing for 'Them’ in 'Their’ new adventure. And. It’s a BIG ONE, folks. I have my doubts that I will be able to come through for 'Them’ on this excapade of 'Theirs’. But. Somehow-I always do. Remember Howard Stern? Yes, I still tag, tweet and email him daily, along with Oprah, Ellen, Jenny and Dr. Phil, But. 'The Words’ have 'Their’ hearts set on Howie. And. 'They’ are correct. He is the ONLY one fit for the task those pesky 'Words’ of mine have assigned to me. And now-Him. He just doesn’t know about it yet.[smiles] I tried to remind 'Them’ that I was still quite busy, working on 'Their’ current project named CyberDayze. But. 'They’ were quick-and adamant-in 'Their’ arguement that this is a continuation of the same project. And. 'They’ are right. This time. Oh, 'They’ can be tricky with 'Their’ 'reasons’ on why I should let 'Them’ win 'The Battle Of Send’. Because that’s the one I most always win, to 'Their’ dismay. Because. Oftentimes 'They’ share too much information. Thus I forever ban 'Their’ Work to 'The Words Cemetery’-most commonly known as an Email draft folder. My decision ALWAYS makes 'Them’ very unhappy. Well, off I go, to do my usual blogblogbloging tweettweettweeting and postpostposting across the seeming entirety of the WorldWideWeb. But after that, I have to begin what I’m now deeming Step 2 in this strange, odd journey that fell upon my doorstep naming Me 'The Chosen’ in carrying out this behemothic venture. Not to worry-I WILL keep you-and the world-abreast of my ?delirious? Plan. Remember Tyler Durden? He came to mind quite often in my three day haze. There. That’s a hint for you. GG. You must think I’m crazy. [Iam] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8m_kPU53ow&feature=share CyberDayze.com Gina Davis [email protected]
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