#today has been a big depression day but im thinking about actually maybe writing fics
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ahollowgrave · 1 year ago
Thinking about WoL!Odette and how she found her north star so quickly in Minfilia and true she lost the woman but you can't take loved away and the compass still works.
Loving Minfilia, and being loved by her, gave WoL!Odette much needed confidence and peace as she fought fearfully through primals and political plots that she, a 21 year old nun, had no business being part of. A soft place to land, as it were. The intertwining of sun rays and moonbeams.
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kattwritesuwu · 3 years ago
Can I request a Clingy!monsterTom x Depressed!Reader? Maybe with cutting and suicidal thoughts?
I sure can!!! I LOVE angst!!!!!
Fandom: Eddsworld
Character: Tom
Reader: Depressed
Fic type: Comfort/angst
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING: This WILL heavily mention suic/de, blood, and perhaps other triggering topics, read at your own risk!!
Notes: People, I'm not trying to make depression and similar illness romantic, this is simply for comfort.
I hate everything.
Well, not everything, but the majority, y'know? Everything just...sucks. Life in general, it's all terrible.
People are terrible. Sure, I've found a few choice people that aren't the bane of my existence, but even they have their flaws.
Am I saying that I'm some heaven sent angel? Hell no I'm not. I'm just as terrible if not more! I hate everyone, including myself.
Am I lying? Yeah. Do I have a crush on someone? Yeah. Am I gonna do something about it? Nope.
Why should I? It's not like I'll be here longer anyways...
I'm planning to kill myself.
Am I scared? Kind of. But at this point I don't care. I'm always scared anyways. Always on my guard around people.
Most people don't know the fear and pain of constantly feeling...numb.
It's not like I never feel anything, it's just so rare. My most common emotion is pain. I just want to curl up in a ball and die. But all I can ever being myself to do is cry, and even that's a rare occurrence at this point.
I feel so alone.
Friends? Yeah I have a few.... they're all a bit odd in their own way. Can't complain though, they're like family to me.
My real family? Not many immediate ones, plus, I moved to England five years ago. They called me everyday for the first couple of months. Nowadays, I can barely get a text back... I get that they have their own lives in their respective country, but man, it just makes me so cold-feeling...
I guess where I was going with this, is that I'm scared. Not of my inevitable death, but everything else.
I'm scared of anything and everything now that I think about it. I don't exactly mean common fears they talk about in elementary school, I'm talking real world problems.
I'm scared of failure, not sure why. I've failed enough in my life....it shouldn't even faze me at this point.
Im especially scared of people.
My friends? Yeah them too. What if I make a fool of myself and they think I'm an idiot? What if I make the wrong move, and they hate me? They probably hate me enough as it is...
That why I won't confess to Tom. He'll hate me afterwards. There's just no point in ruining something for nothing in return.
These were the thoughts that ran through my head as my arms and legs were sliced up by a blade driven by my own hands. It's wasn't like it hurt. All it really did was sting, I'm just that used to being hurt, I suppose.
As I was wrapping up my little 'session' I heard a knock on my door,
"(Y/N)! You in there? It's dinner time! I made breakfast for dinner!" A British accent leaked through my door.
I didn't scramble around at the thought of him walking in, my door was locked after all. It's not like I'm that stupid.
" I'll be there in a few minutes, Edd." I spoke back in a raspy voice, not bothering to yell. Edd has good ears, he can somehow hear a whisper from across the house.
It takes me a minute or two to get up and walk into the bathroom that connects to my room. I stumble a bit with the loss of blood.
Once I get in there I take a quick shower, just barely long enough to stop the bleeding and make it appear as if you just took an actual shower.
Once I get out of the shower, I slip on my (favorite color) hoodie.
That was an easy part of hiding my self abuse. Everyone in the house wore a hoodie of their own designated color.
I also slipped on a longer article of clothing to go onto my legs. Couldn't let them see my thighs either.
Once I finished the rest of my cleaning up, I headed out of my little bathroom, and in front of my door. I took a deep breath, put on a smile, and walked out.
I got about halfway down the stairs before a screech startled me, causing me to trip a bit,
" (Y/N) IS HERE! YAY!" The high pitch British scream could only belong to the narcissistic ginger known as Matt.
Once I got my balance back into my feet, I continued down the stairs and greeted Matt with a wave.
" Yeah she lives here, idiot. She's not going anywhere." A deeper voice had spoken, I turned around and Tom was there as expected. I smile shrunk a bit at his last comment.
" Sup (y/n)." You snapped out of your thoughts and responded with a casual 'yo.'
The three of us then heard a thick accent cursing in the kitchen, no doubt it was Tord,
" For jævla skyld! Just let me have the last piece!!"
Sure enough, when we walked into the kitchen, Edd and Tord were fighting over the last piece of bacon. I let out a sigh, and the two boys finally acknowledged our existence. That alone didn't stop their argument though.
I didn't even bother attempting to break up the fight, I never could anyways. Their little fuss always ends one of two ways. Edd steals the bacon from under Tord's nose, or vise versa.
I just grabbed a small portion of food, and sat down.
I knew I would be gone by the end of tonight...but I wanted to taste Edd's cooking one last time.
Something interesting happened, instead of one of the two boys getting the bacon, they halved it and sat down. Of all my four years living in this house with these people, they've never shared their bacon.
Dinner wasn't as talkative as it usually was when we all ate at the table. Usually we'd all have a big group discussion about our day, or week. Tonight was quiet, giving me an opportunity,
" Hey, guys?" Each one of their heads turned to me, and Edd signalled me to continue,
" I just wanted to say, thank you." Their brows furrowed but I held out a hand to tell them to let me finish,
" You four have helped me with so much over the past few years. From when you let me live here when I couldn't find proper housing situations, to letting me borrow the car. I just wanted to formally tell you all how grateful I really am. You are truly the kindest people I've ever met." As I went on talking, I realized how bad of an idea this actually was.
I mean, will they get suspicious? I'm just showing gratitude right? It shouldn't sound like a cry for help or anything...
As I snapped out of thought for the fiftieth time today, I notice that all of the boys have some type of smile on their face, even Tom!
Edd was smiling like a proud mother,
Matt was smiling giddily,
Tord had a smug, 'cool guy' smile,
And Tom had the smallest smile that made my heart melt.
I awkwardly continued my fake smile, and sat down.
Conversation continued on as would on a normal night, with the topic being past pleasant memories.
I volunteered to wash the dishes, it was the least I could do. There was only one problem. For some ungodly reason, Tom had insisted on helping me.
I couldn't figure out why at first, untill it dawned on me that he probably needed something from me.
So as I scrubbed the forgetten food off of the ceramic plate, he rinsed and dried them. We did this in silence, aside from the running water. Tom's the first one to break the tension filled silence,
" So, how have you been?" It was such a simple question, I could have simply faked a toothy grin, and said that I was great. I could have thanked him for asking. I could have asked him back.
But I only did one of those things.
" I've been doing just as good as I always do." I reply with a small sad smile. I tear my eyes away from the dish water," How about you? You've been awfully quiet tonight."
He chuckles lowly," Just had a lot on my mind, trying to face some of my problems, that's all." I stop what I'm doing and look over at him,
" Do you want to talk about it? I think the others are asleep already."
Normally when Tom is having any type of problem, he comes to me for advice, or even just for someone to listen to him rant when he's drunk. I even gave him a spare key to my room if he ever needs me while I'm asleep. He's offered the same for me, but I told him that I have a counselor. I try not to lie to my housemates all the time, only when necessary.
He simply shakes his head in response," Nah, this is one I have to deal with on my own," I sigh,
" Alright then, but keep my offer in mind. Just try to remember to see me before I go to bed, I'm...going to bed early tonight. I have something to do tommorow." He nods in understanding.
After we finish the dishes, we say our goodnights,
" I'll see you in the morning, (y/n)." I give one last fake smile,
" Same to you, Tom. Sleep well." I see him nod and walk down the hall as I close my door and lock it for the final time.
I walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror. All I see is a monstrosity of a person glaring back at me.
The bags under my eyes had only gotten worse after the sleepless nights I spent writing my suicide note.
I decided to skip reading over it one last time, I want nothing that could alter my decision at hand here. If I read my dying love letter that's written to Tom, I might stop myself in some kind of silly hope that everything could be okay again. It was too late for all that now.
So, I grabbed my blade that had served me well over the years, and stepped into the bathtub. I didn't cry, I didn't shake in fear of what I was about to do. I sadly smiled instead. As I took my hoodie off, revealing a tank top that no one knew I owned. I set my hoodie softly onto the floor, and turned on the hot water.
I took a deep breath in, and sigh, grabbing my blade and getting to work on my first artery. It took me a couple tries to find it.
But once I did, it started the red tint in the once clear bath water. I took in a shaky breath, adjusting to the dizziness of loosing so much blood so quickly.
At this point I couldn't even hear the bathwater running, everything was muffled.
I reached to turn it off, and a hand was placed onto mine. It takes me a good second to register that there was someone next to the tub, yelling my name right next to my face.
I try my best to focus on who could have caught me. Yet it's so difficult to take in my surroundings at this point.
So as I stare at the person beside my bathtub with fading eyes. I feel pressure on my wound, and see something being wrapped around it.
I start panicking, trying to say no, to let me die.
But I just can't. I just watch as my life is saved against my will.
Suddenly I can see that I'm moving, I can't figure out how until I notice the arms carrying me bridal style to a soft surface. That's when I lost consciousness for the next hour.
I didn't exactly 'wake up' more like fazed into existence. It's like I just gradually became aware of what was around me.
I became aware of the sobs coming from my bedside, and of the pressure squeezing my hand.
I forced my eyes open and tried to sit up. Yet I instantly regretted my decision, pain shot throughout my body. I glance over to my hand and up the....purple arm....
Who is this? Or perhaps I should say, what is this?
It's some kind of...monster? Hybrid? It looked kind of human... I could only see the torso and up. Even then, the arms grew bigger the farther down the arms stretched, and turned a deeper and deeper shade of purple. Horns poked out of the head laying slightly onto my shin, poking me a bit.
" Am-" I hold my throat. That hurt. I clear my throat of the mucus and start again as the unknown monster wakes up,
" Am I dead?"
The monsters head shoots up, and I can't help but recognize the 'eyes' that I've grown to love.
" T-Tom..."
He tries to smile for me, but it twists into a sad frown as his black orbs start to water,
" (Y/n)....(y/n) you're...y-you're okay! You're okay..." He said this over and over again as he cupped my cheeks with his transformed hands.
I grab onto his forearm to steady his shaking. This was starting to scare me.
I had never seen this man shed a tear in front of me, yet alone bawl into my shoulder like he was doing now,
" Tom, it's okay, I'm right here." I whispered this, and many other reassurances into his ear. Confirming to him that it was going to be okay and that, to my displeasure, I wasn't going anywhere.
He seemed to get angry after a few minutes, he ripped himself away from me and took hold of my shoulders,
" WHAT IF YOU WEREN'T RIGHT HERE? WHAT IF I HADN'T OF WALKED IN!! WHAT THEN HUH? YOU WOULDN'T BE RIGHT HERE!!! YOU'D BE GONE!! I would have...lost you..." He slid down the side of my bed as he finished his outburst. He sat crying into his knees.
I didn't know what to do. Is he mad at me? But despite the questions, I acted without thinking.
I began to run my fingers through his hair, almost brushing it. He seemed surprised at first, before he leaned into my touch.
" I'm sorry Tom. I didn't think it would effect you like this..." All was silent for a few moments. Until,
" Why..?" He sniffled a few times before I could respond.
" Why? Why what?" He looked up to me,
" Why would you try to leave me?" I couldn't even bring myself to say anything after that. Tom seemed to sense the frog in my throat, and continued,
" You don't realize, (y/n). You don't realize how special you are. To your family, your friends. I mean bloody hell (y/n)! What about us?! Edd would be heartbroken! And how are we supposed to explain something like that to Matt?" I avoided the possible eye contact and twidled my thumbs in my lap,
" What about me (y/n)? How am I supposed to go on living with myself if you, the love of my life, killed herself?" My mind went blank. He took my hand in between both of his,
" I know this isn't the greatest time for this, but if it'll boost your self esteem even a little bit, I don't care about embarrassing myself. (Y/n) (L/n), I am deeply in love with you, and have been since you moved in. I've loved you since you helped me to bed when I came in drunk all those years ago. I've loved you since you beat my Pac-Man score at the arcade, I acted so mad, but you were just so cute so excited like that... (Y/n)... Please let me help you love yourself by loving you..."
By the time he was done with his speech, I was in tears, a small frown on my face. He seemed to get the wrong idea as he instantly dropped my hand and got up,
" I got the message, I'll just uhm... I'll just g-" I grabbed his hoodie strings and pulled him in for a kiss.
We could both tell that there would be many more to come.
I'm sorry if it's extremely long, I just love to write angst haha...
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eunwoonii · 7 years ago
because titles are original
ok so i’m probably going to put a “read more” because i’m about to get emotional over astro and i don’t wanna ruin anyone’s dash either jlkfgdfjlkgf, pls be aware it’s midnight and i’m emo
I’ve discovered ASTRO on aug 2, 2017, by a friend (kis ily) who shared me their famous “catching cicada” video (and tbh I laugh more to this than anything else even now). Last year then, I got interested in them and thanks to friends I was able to know more about them, which members, etc. and I had that massive crush on Dongmin that I still have, he’s my UB and no one will ever make me think otherwise,,,,
So by their CSC comeback I had listened to their singles and they weren’t really part of my life, I loved them a lot so I listened sometimes to their songs but that was most of it, I had school & a bunch of other stuff going on and I was 14, I didn’t know stuff about kpop and so I had no idea of how comebacks worked. On november though, like the 1st of november, I saw their Music Bank CSC comeback and oof was I amazed. Like I think I sat in front of my TV for 5 minutes because I wanted to know if they were going to do it again jgfdljdg
So CSC became one of my Favourite Songs Ever and I got more into astro from then, knowing more about them, their past, their dramas, and all that kind of stuff, their famous memes (hi dongminion) but it wasn’t that much still.
In january 2018, I had a twitter acc that is now suspended but i saw their ISAC and I had finally downloaded most of their songs, plus I had kpop friends in my class and I was like pls stan them i love them and that allowed me to know more about kpop in general (I only stanned astro and knew some other groups but that’s all), and so it was the nicest moments, listening to astro while getting back from school, before sleeping, and because I loved them so much I decided to try and learn korean so that I could say something cool if I ever met them (plot twist: im bad at it). I would celebrate the members’ birthdays and I started my first and probably only one at this point binu fic, and I fell in love with Dongmin even more I guess.
I don’t really remember the date but in march something the fantagio drama started and oh boy was I worried, I legit cried a lot during that time because I was worried and couldn’t sleep properly, because they had brought a lot of positivity for me and hope, I’ll get to that later but yeah you have the point.
And then, I got really confused with school, friendships, dealing with that kind of stuff was complicated and my twitter acc + first tumblr acc got suspended for no reason apparently, so even though I kept on listening to astro I wasn’t really aware of what they were doing, I had some news but there wasn’t any comeback and with what was happening it would’ve been hard to see one. From march to june, I had exams + personal stuff and shit was hard to deal with, so like some people in the fandom who had personal things I didn’t hear much from astro except for big news. I still don’t understand the whole fantagio drama but I was already lost in my life.
When I learnt they would have their comeback in july, on the 24th, I cried, when I saw Always You for the first time, I cried, and well I cried while listening to all of the album that’s not a surprise. I was so, so, so, so, so, so happy they could perform again, that they didn’t disband, that they were there, I could see them, their hard work, the lyrics to their songs that made me cry even more, I’m a crying mess but I was honestly so happy I kept on screaming for 8h that day. 
Which brings us to now, it’s the 15th of august, and that chronology would be a perfect way to sum up how astro led me to who I am now, if I didn’t talk about the emotional aspect.
Last october, I turned 15, and at this time I questioned myself on so many things, gender identity, sexuality, my future, and I was so confused about everything and I kept it all to myself and wasn’t able to be happy. So on that nov 2, 2017, I think I had given up on understanding anything at this moment, I saw their Music Bank CSC comeback. My thought while seeing Dongmin, all of astro while they performed? “That’s who I wanna be. I wanna be like them.” There’s a 0% chance I will end up becoming Dongmin ofc but I had found a model for my life, someone to get attached to so I wouldn’t be depressed anymore, or I would get happier and be able to live properly. Which I did, I was really happy and even though times weren’t the simplest, that’s when I aspired to become someone astro could be proud of, that’s still my goal today.
Astro had helped me during that time, and I didn’t know that but they would help me a lot. There was a super interesting twitt thread on how kpop/biases are models and lift people’s spirits up, and I think that happened to me. Since I’m depressed, I had many low times, and guess what musics would I listen to during those times? Yeah, you got it. Baby or Breathless are songs that instantly make me feel better, most of their songs do actually, but that helped me so much, I could dance (plot twist: im bad at this too) to their songs freely, I can’t learn the choregraphies properly but just dancing to their songs is incredible.
That’s what, with a lot of positivity in early 2018, helped me be someone reasonable, I was proud of myself, I loved astro, my friends, my boyfriend, etc. I was really happy and I got to know more people because of kpop too (I got into nct, got7, exo, and a bunch of other groups) so that really was a good time.
I was so, so afraid when the fantagio drama started, and I don’t really know what happened at this point, things are still confused in my mind but I still listened to astro whenever I could, whether I was in a good mood or in a bad mood. And then, in april-may, I did things, that I’m not proud of, and thanks to a lot of help and astro I was able to get together better. All of this because “I can become someone astro would be proud of, I don’t owe them anything but they’re what’s keeping me in shape somehow”, and just jamming to their songs is the perfect feeling.
I love and love astro more than any other kpop group, because I learnt their hard times, their best moments, their fears, and when they had their comeback last month, I felt relieved. I had been maybe at my worst in april/may/june, but with them, I found a new reason to smile, because I couldn’t just drop them after all the fears, stress, obstacles they’ve been through for their comeback, even to just work. “If astro went through it, I can go through it so that I’ll be able to be a better person”. It seems harsh but it’s surprisingly a motto I still have, I don’t seek on making things difficult and worse for me, but I was somehow more able to separate the real difficulties for me from things that I shouldn’t take care of.
On aug, 2, 2018, I did the thing i’m not proud of again, maybe some of it have guessed it but that’s not the point. I know I’ll forever regret it, because I did it after being clean for 2 months, and on my birthday-of-knowing-astro, astro which has been the group to help me the most during last year and this year, and it’ll take time for me to fully assume my actions and their consequences. Even though I got support from friends, especially from two really close to mine (kis and nicole ily), I won’t be fully capable of not hating me for having done this.
But I know, at the end of the day, that I’ll be able to go through it. Why? “Because I can still be someone astro would be proud of”. It’s naive from me to believe astro would even care about me particularly, but I don’t care and if this helps me to get better, then so be it. I have no contract or deal with astro that tells me that I have to have them as models, but I will continue to admire them.
Astro has probably been one of the hardest-working groups I’ve ever seen, I’m not saying other groups are lazy but they’ve had already a ton of comebacks, events, astroads, fanmeetings, kdramas, events, mc duties to be in, and I’ve never heard bad things about them. Ofc haters are a thing, and a lot of kpop groups have hard work, but they are the only group that I know that have put all their time and energy for that, and most importantly, they kept on smiling. They’re the group I love the most, because they don’t complain, they’re all talented in their own ways, my bias may be Dongmin but let me go to hell if I say that I don’t like any of the other members. I could quote their qualities forever, they’re not perfect of course but they put dedication, time, love, work, their own fears, doubts, or happiness into these albums. Plus, they’re always excited as puppies for everything, they’re all cute, visuals, if I see a picture of them I can’t stop smiling for 3h,,,
So astro has been a really important part of my life, yes. Whatever astro does, as long as it’s not harmful to people, I’ll be by their side, I like to hear from them, see them, support them in any way I can, reblog, like, tweet, whatever I can do to be someone they would be proud of, even if they don’t know me.
Through all the things they lived, and did, I was able to live too, that’s why astro is and will forever be my UG, and Dongmin is my ideal man, wait no all of them are my ideal men, in terms of who I want to be. If they chose us, arohas, if they’re always going to choose you, then I will always choose them.
It’s now 1am, almost 2, and I haven’t stopped writing since midnight,,,, I’m tired help me
TL;DR: I’m very proud of ASTRO, they have That Power of making me happy, I said I didn’t owe them anything since they don’t know me but I owe them my life. I will always, always, thank them all for what they’ve done. Maybe I’m being an extreme fan but I don’t really care as long as I don’t turn into a harmful fan. They led me to a better life already, and I’ll forever be thankful to them, even if they don’t know me, even if they don’t know that story.
you can reblog this or like this, i don’t rlly care, i felt like i had the need to explain that today (it’s a special day for me too!!) and if yall leave replies ill be the happiest man on earth tbh. ty to those who read the whole thing, yall know about my life with astro and im glad if it helps you know me better! 
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thechampagnelovers · 4 years ago
Okay is it possible that it was SUPER early when you replied to that ask? Are you sleeping well? 👀
Happy to hear you are catching up with the fam! Since I don‘t really live near an ocean I always get that nostalgic feeling when I think about it so I guess that is why I asked... it‘s quite cool you have that opportunity semi-easily to just go there. I‘ve never been to South America but ever since I‘ve been writing to you I have looked it up a bit. Man it does have some beautiful places! I know you said you‘d like to live in London one day (I always wanted to too, or maybe Oslo, god I love Norway) but tell me more about what you love about your roots and your country!
And that story about your brother... oh no! That‘s just shitty luck. :// It must have been so stressful in that moment I understand that it felt like a big deal then. Just happy nothing went wrong!
Well you can be proud of yourself for buying it then! And when you spend your own money on stuff it is just that much sweeter, right? I can‘t wait to get a job when the covid situation has finally calmed down a bit again. The numbers are starting to finally look a bit better but we are nowhere near less restrictions. I am not that depressed by it anymore though or at least today... today is a good day! I am trying to really enjoy that. Put on some cute (but comfy) clothes, read a bit of my book (finally reading The Giver, it‘s like a children‘s book actually but it is so good) and doing some self care...
Sorry went way off there! Don‘t worry about the edit, it will happen when it happens and now I am just excited for it! So happy to hear you have been doing this like writing and painting and reading of course. Balance is important and stuff and I am going nowhere. x
P.S OMG YOU JUST POSTED THE FIC (or a chapter at least) I AM SO EXCITEDDDD! My good night story hahaha xxx
i think it was midnight lol jfjkds i’ve been sleeping okay i guess, i go to bed around 2 and wake up at 11 am so dkjjksdllkdf im sleeping for sure
OKAY BUT THATS SOOO CUTE???!?!?!?! beer nony you’re awesome. argentina is just such a beautiful country, i haven’t been to every province but i’ve travelled a lot of it, there are cities, rainforest, mountains, snow, beach, rainfalls and woods and lakes and rivers. my favourite part of my country is probably the patagonia, i love visiting during whale season in september, but i also really like living so close to the city too
i knoooow fjskjfs all my fam assumed he was with me, but still, they couldn’t be sure and he’s only 5 so its not fun, but luckily nothing happened
ughhh dont talk to me about work, i need one asap but until we have classes back in campus i wont be able to get one, everything is so uncertain here :/ and i get it, everyday in quarantine can be full of ups and downs, so its nice when you feel happy <3 i love your self care plan, sounds exactly like mine! lol
i will make you something, but idk inspiration comes in waves, sometimes im more in the mood for editing, sometimes for writing, others for painting or reading, yk how it is
OMGGGG I KNOOOOOW its chapter 1 of 3! i finished chapter 2 now, and until thats done beta-ing, ill be done with chapter 3 (which i’ve been writting a little today) please tell me your thoughts on it when you’re done! 
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feverhalo · 8 years ago
A Quiet Day (FMA)
FMA Exhaustion!fic/Sick!fic
Sick/Exhausted!Ed, A+ Brother Al, and Parental Roy and Riza caring for the two of them awww
Basically some minimally edited (i read through it twice) indulgent shit because I had a sad and wanted to write something vaguely comforting.
1914 words long, and dreadful tense abuse im sure. No real warnings needed, but there is passing mention of their mom and kind of like that semi-depressed funk of exhaustion (or at least thats what it was supposed to be)
Ed laid with his head pillowed in his arms. He sniffled back the congestion causing his face to throb and felt it gather in the back of his throat. He kicked his good leg out from under the covers with a groan, and Alphonse found it hard to keep quiet.
 “Do you need medicine, brother?” Al’s shoulders slumped with a creak of the cold metal. Ed had been laying in bed like this for hours, not answering past head shakes or something so muffled Al couldn’t understand. “Can I at least take your temperature? We still have a thermometer somewhere…”
 Ed sniffed again and swallowed before shaking his head. He rolled to his side to look at Alphonse before rubbing at his watery, red-rimmed eyes and swiping his wrist under his nose. His head was so stuffed and felt so thick, and he tried to just wrap up in a blanket and sleep it off, but the stubborn lack of a fever made it feel silly. He stretched his arms over his head and felt his back pop and his heavy muscles pull. It almost felt good to sit up and stretch a little, but that energy would fade soon.
 “Are you going to finish getting dressed?” Al looked over to where Ed had dropped his night clothes, and managed to get his pants and one sock on before flopping back into bed. He hadn’t moved much until now, but somehow his loosely-tied hair was even more of a knotted mess.
 “I guess,” Ed’s one eye crinkled as he swallowed after speaking, arm brushing up under his chin before being used to push himself up.
 “Why don’t you just get back in pajamas? Pajamas are more comfortable, even Teacher let us have pajama days.” Just like mom, Ed straightened, more defiant at the unspoken comparison.
 “She’s not here.” He cleared his throat, grabbing the previously abandoned shirt and pulling it on. He eyed his red coat, and threw it over his shoulder before walking out.
 Alphonse sighed and got up to follow. Ed swiped at his nose again, sniffling before coughing into his elbow. The congestion was awful and, though it was only a few coughs the combination was enough to loose a few stray tears. Ed grumbled and wiped them away too before turning and stomping quickly down the stairs. Alphonse locked their door and followed, lighter on his feet and caught the door as it was swinging shut behind his brother.
 The brisk walk through the late-afternoon sun was quiet. Ed clearing his throat now and again, and Alphonse following behind. Anyone else walking on the street gave a wide berth or crossed to the other side. Ed would have likely bowled through them if they hadn’t, focused on moving forward. The steady thud and clang of his mismatched footsteps, the glint off his exposed automail arm, and the set glare on his face; with or without the tell-tale Fullmetal-Red cloak bunched up and slung over his shoulder it was surprisingly intimidating.
 For as listless as he had been all day, once he got to the military HQ, Ed seemed to have more of his energy back. Running on pure spite again, brother?  
 Mustang’s office doors were left slightly ajar to allow better airflow through the summer, and Ed just planted his foot and kicked it open as usual. He cleared his throat once more, and Alphonse noted the brief tensing across his older brother’s shoulders immediately afterwards.
 “Well. You’re here late,” Havoc blinked up at Ed from where he had been working.
 “Well, I’m here.” Ed threw his cloak onto one of the couches. He crossed his arms, forgetting for a second about how warm the automail would be after being outside in the summer sun in just a short-sleeved shirt, but he ignored the bite of the heat at the inside of his arm.
 “Alright,” Havoc held his hands up in surrender. “Hawkeye is out for a minute, but you’ve got some stuff on her desk there. Its all clipped together with your name on it.”
 Ed walked over and picked through some of the piles on her desk, and upon finding his name took that pile and dropped himself into a sitting position on the couch by the door. He tried to clear his throat again but it turned into a single, harsh, cough. Havoc kept to his work, and Alphonse eased himself down beside his brother.
 “Its empty in here today,” Al noted. Havoc chuckled and nodded.
 “It’s a bit of a ghost town, Falman is on vacation, Furey went with Hawkeye, the Boss is squirreled away in his office as usual- and I think Breda is still on the tail end of his vacation from last week actually. Its kind of that time of year where you take it or lose the chance until mid winter.”
 Ed zoned out, reading his paperwork or using his leg as a table to fill in the bits where he was required. As much as he’d prefer being out and researching with Al, and as much as he was teased or suspected of not being able to handle the military work because of his age, Ed could get it done well, and quickly.
 Usually, anyway. The package today seemed endless. He heard Riza and Fury return, and waved when he realized he was being spoken to. A heaviness was settling in across his shoulders and down his arm and into every inch of him again. He hadn’t felt particularly unwell, or dizzy, but this feeling came and went all day. He had nearly hit the floor getting out of bed late this morning because of it.
 Ed scratched at his head, undid and redid his mess of a ponytail, and reread the same page for a third time. He started to read it for a fourth, see if anything would sink in, but just sighed quietly and let himself slump into the high arm of the couch. The heaviness got too much and sapped everything when it hit, so he let it. He shut his eyes and let himself relax for a few moments.
 “How has today been Alphonse? Busy?” Riza looked up from her work now and again during their conversation, and seeing Ed break for a nap, she thought it would be a good time to ask.
 “Um,” Alphonse thought for a moment, “No more so than usual, I guess.”
 “You boys aren’t doing anything special for the summer?”
 “We thought of visiting Teacher, or maybe going to see Winry for a few days, but it just hasn’t felt like the right time I guess.”
 Nobody flinched anymore when Ed fell asleep, he was still young and working demanding hours, and on top of that had automail and other burdens too big for anyone to worry about. It wasn’t uncommon and work life continued around it. He’d usually have a quick ten minutes and wake up and get right back to what he had been doing, or on more trying days or days with heavy rain, he’d excuse himself for a few hours to sleep off the worst of his tension and exhaustion.
 Sleeping for a few hours sitting up, then staring at his leg in the twilight darkness of half-past nine at night was less common. Riza stayed behind with Roy when it was clear Ed was needing more than his usual bit of a rest, and it was just the four of them now in the dim office. One of the desk lamps was left on, and Alphonse was sitting on the other side of the room now with Roy and Riza.
 As Ed became more aware, he realized his coat had been draped over him and his paperwork moved to the desk a few feet away. He shifted a little, still feeling very heavy on top of sore from the slumped position.
 “You awake now, Fullmetal?” Ed cleared his throat and hummed in response to Roy’s question. “You don’t look awake.”
 Ed straightened and lifted his arms in a stretch from underneath his makeshift blanket. He yawned and rubbed at his eyes, before returning his head to the arm of the couch and staring across the room to the other three.
 “Can I finish that tomorrow? I feel really tired,” he pointed to his abandoned papers. Roy laughed through his nose.
 “I’d say so, you’ve been sleeping since four. If you’re that tired you don’t have to come in, Ed. We won’t be unreasonable.” Ed had shut his eyes again and just nodded. Everyone lapsed back into the quiet murmur of getting things put away for the day they had been in before Ed woke up.
 “I don’t feel well,” his cracking voice broke the silence a few minutes later. When he opened his eyes again everyone had moved and were getting ready to leave. “Can I just sleep here for the night, I don’t think I can make it back to our dorm. Sorry, Al.”
 “Don’t worry about it, we’ll drive you back.” Hawkeye sounded much closer now, and Ed felt her hand press to his forehead. There was no heat, but his face was so pale the lack of a temperature offered little comfort. “You just get home and sleep.”
 Ed dragged his eyes open for a second then nodded. He scrunched up his face against a stinging in his eyes before giving a quick cough and pushing himself up to sitting. Alphonse stood nearby, and Ed leaned against him every now and then on the short walk to the car.
 By the time Mustang had pulled up to their building, Ed had fallen asleep again. His breathing was leaving little puffs of mist on the side of Alphonse’s armor. Alphonse eased his way out of the car, going slowly and in short bursts trying to keep down the clattering noise he made.
 Mustang and Riza had exited the car as well, and Ed remained peacefully asleep. Alphonse had leaned down to wake up Ed, but Roy carefully moved his hand through Al’s line of sight to tap his shoulder.
 “I’ll take him up, if you and Hawkeye could hold the doors and show me where to go.” He rolled his shoulders before sitting in the car and leaning across the seat to ease Ed onto his back. “He’s a pain in the ass, but you two are a worthwhile pair of, well, just you, I guess. That was a lot less eloquent than I was trying for.”
 “Thank you, sir,” Alphonse stepped back and tucked into himself. Roy could imagine him as a boy like Ed, blushing in gratitude and slightly indignant at an adult interfering. Riza cleared her throat and pulled open the first door. The hour was getting late, and Ed was still just dozing in his t-shirt in the night air. It would be no good if he got a chill and a fever started.
 “Don’t worry about it. Just make sure you call us if you need anything, and try and keep him from making himself too sick.”
 Roy was quick to put Ed down, and to usher himself and Riza out. No need to over stay a welcome, and no need to work Ed up into a fit, he supposed. Alphonse was thankful for it, because it meant there was nothing he was going to be made to do out of obligation. He wanted to be ready if Ed needed him, and if he didn’t, he had a nice little stack of fiction novels to pass the night with.
 Ed slept.
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