#today I had one mutual being harassed and another being legitimately scared to post things after accidentally bumping into some anti fucker
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zeroducks-2 · 2 years ago
I feel like a lot of folks who insist that the rampant purity culture in fandom spaces is "not a real problem", and something "an adult with a job" shouldn't deal with, fail to realize that if you simply engage with a certain ship or a certain trope you are exposed to cyberbullying in the form of insults, death threats, rape threats, suibating, self-harm baiting, attempts at doxxing, loss of your livelihood.
Your traumas will be stepped on if you have any, and/or treated as a joke. Your coping mechanisms will be deemed wrong, bad, harmful to yourself and other people, and you will be shamed for having them. The work you have been doing for your mental health, regardless if you dabble in the hobbies you like because of past traumas or because it's just a past-time you have, will be kicked into the dirt because someone is grossed out by them and they arbitrarily decided you cannot express your interest in them.
It is a real problem. Being an adult with a job doesn't give you an "exempt from this" badge that will protect you from harassment if you engage with anything that antis deem immoral.
And there are no "two sides of the same coin" and "two versions to hear" when it comes to this. I don't care if you think someone liking something is "unhealthy", that's none of your business what another person likes. Antis do not "have a point", they never do, their reaction to seeing a dark trope or an "unhealthy ship" are never justified. Hurting real living and breathing people over fictional content is never justified!
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exos-prteam-blog · 7 years ago
How Kpopmeetblackwomen/kmusicblackwomen Got Popular
Omg so I always said I'd make a post regarding the history of that controversial tumblr and so today is the day! I was there when ole girl first made the tumblr and dipped when things got a little weird to me but I know why she got fans in the first place and how she's kept them. This is gonba be long so get Ready for some bulletpoints and tea!! (Cold old tea lmao)
* 2014-15 kpop tumblr was....rough...especially for black fans. Like kpop was as problematic as ever but people were coming for each other's throats for liking problematic idols, like people were acting like parents and police when it came to this. You reblogged a picture of Chanyeol??? You had atleast 2 people in your inbox wanting to know why you reblogged his picture. There were these headass "most unproblematic member in each group" lists going on lmao and there was this one person who said you were a "Baekhyun sympathizer" if you still liked the problematic lil fellow. Baekhyun has said some trashy shit HOWEVER making that parallel was doing the absolute fucking most, when someone says sympathizer you know you automatically think of Nazis. Oh! And there was also this trend of people subposting other people, telling them they don't love themselves and when they'd get called out on it, they'd backpeddle. Those people are just now admitting that the shade they threw was towards specific people.
* With that being said, the dominant black kpop tumblr was blackkpopfans and during that time it became less of a place where you could find out updates on comebacks and such and more so a place where people could list out their justified grievances towards antiblackness in kpop. The issue with that however was, it came to the point where people where beating dead horses and the environment there was very negative. Like it was multiple anons going on about how they hate gdragon or zico, which is fine, but it was 80% anons like that and 20% actual kpop content. And I think it got to the point where people were thinking like....well why are we even into kpop if it's gonna be like this???
* So that was the state of blackkpopfans and some reached out to the admins to say they didn't think the atmosphere was right and that it was really negative to which the admins replied it's not negative here, this is what our anons have to say. Which is where I side eyed the admins cuz they weren't being genuine nor truthful and they acted like the atmosphere was something they couldn't help which they most certainly could especially since they were the ones responsible for posting information about comebacks which for a while they hardly did and they often posted anons daily that literally said the same thing, like I'm telling you people were running over dead horses:old, old receipts. Also the black and teal or green color scheme was depressing and just made everything worse, it was so not appealing lmao but maybe that was just me. I personally think, if the tumblr was a black kpop fans anonymous tumblr, like the one we have now I believe, I'd cut the admins alot of slack but they called themselves a place where black fans could gather, get information on debuts and comebacks, and discuss a multitude of things good and bad, so that's why they get a side eye.
* So overall, things weren't "fun" over at blackkpopfans. It was actually getting boring too cuz like I said all the repetitiveness and lack of new information. And so guess who toostie rolls onto tumblr in 2015??? That's right, Kpopmeetblackwomen. And guess what, people FLOCKED to her why? Cuz it was like a breath of fresh air.
*Now in the very very beginning, Kpopmeetblackwomen wasn't "bad" persay. The admin, at the time, like I know she's a lil dust bunny now, but INITIALLY, admin came across as very very sweet. She was nice to all her visitors and when people asked her why she created the tumblr she said she just wanted another resource/outlet for blackkpopfans to have. She didn't think it was good that blackkpopfans was all there was especially considering what was going on over there. I think, in the beginning, she wanted black kpop fans to still have a place to enjoy themselves, cuz in the beginning she didn't bother blackkpopfans at all. So you know, everything was innocent and nice enough in the beginning. The theme was pink, white, and a lil bit of yellow? Nice and bright, the layout was attractive, things were tagged properly. People talked about how excited they were for certain groups comebacks. Comeback info for groups was actually posted. It was just a welcoming place. Along with discussions of new releases there were also fans submitting legitimate fanaccounts, and alot of them came with video or footage. And that aspect was fun too, it was nice seeing black fans interact with their favorite groups, especially at the time where I think alot of us were kinda scared due to the known antiblackness and the subsequent environment on tumblr. So people posted how they met so and so at the airport or restaurant and posted selfies and I swear no one was being cringe, we, the fans, were just enjoying thus exchange of information. Also, there people actually were still discussing the problematic behavior of some idols, some people said outright they didn't like a certain person and it was cool, so it felt like a good balance. Though there were one or two situations in the beginning that made me sideye a follower, I brushed it off cuz the comment seemed silly and extra at most..lmao if only I knew.
*So where did things go wrong? From my point of view...I'd say after like the first 6 months???? Maybe, but after a while the fanaccounts dried up, naturally so cuz groups don't come to the u.s or Europe that frequently anyways. But when the submission of legitimate fanaccounts dried up, the admin and some of her followers began to act a little weird. Not only that but she stopped talking about new kpop and I think that's when the atmosphere legitimately shifted for the worse. Yes were there some people I sideyed before it yeah but I can pinpoint exactly when that space went to a point of no return: when the fan submissions were few and far between and the discussions became less relevant to kpop and more so to how (insert kpop idol or group) just looooves him some chocolate. Yeah it got really messy really quick.
* So after that shift I kinda bounced cuz I just wasn't comfortable interacting with her or her tumblr when I saw what it became and I actually think a good bit of us left after a while. Lmao after I left tho, everytime I popped my head in to see what was going on, things just kept getting worse and soon the admin and her minions started attacking not only blackkpopfans admins but also girls who contacted her requesting their fanaccounts and/or pictures be removed due to the blatant fetishism going on. One prominent incident was when those two sisters, can't remember their names, but they were being harassed after they asked the admin to take down their video or pic of them meeting Zion T.
* I haven't checked on her at all really after those incidents that happened but I still see that she's still up to no good and she's as delusional as ever. Oh! Wait another thing she'd do is write fanfic fanaccounts but then not tell people it was fanfic so people were being tricked to believe those were actually fanaccounts until someone made her clarify. Whew chile. Now I see she's still busy with making bad photoshop edits.
* Overall I really hope she snaps out of it but I don't think I can truly forgive her for preying on the insecurities of young black girls and women who obviously were/are in need of validation. While I understand the desire to be desired, that's not the way to go and it ultimately ends up with hurt feelings and an even worse self esteem. I am glad black kpop tumblr is in a better place now where there's room and acceptance for laughter and lighthearted fangirling or what have you while also room to have tough discussions.
**side note- okay lil shade, not directed to any of my mutuals though, but lol some of yall who be dragging sis be knowing ALOT about what's going on over there lmao and I'm always wondering how you stay up to date on a person who's content you don't fuck with. Like I don't like ole girl and I hardly hear about her unless something really extra goes viral. Do you though, it's all love, I'm just teasing you lol**
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