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lassie-farce · 8 months ago
whatever you think of the west wing you have to agree that there were very gay things going on in that campaign bus there
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thxngam · 4 years ago
Do you have any favorite Sam-centric fics? (For any ship or just gen) I live for your rec lists!
Yeah! I hope you like these :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15105275--Nowhere by S. N. Kastle: a rather sad, angsty look at Sam during the ep “Take This Sabbath Day” (at least that’s what I think that ep is called). During that episode it’s clearly obvious that Sam’s temper is at a boiling point and also it’s a really good look at Sam’s inner monologue about the death penalty, how he feels he fits in with the rest of the Bartlet staff, and generally his outlook. I’m sorry that’s kinda confusing lol but it’s a really good fic!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14782985--Crying by Anna-Maria Jennings: I'm not sure this counts as sam-centric? it features sam and his thoughts pre-Bartlet when he was debating entering DC or the private sector and his thoughts during his time with Gage Whitney. Josh is pretty heavily featured but since a lot of it is Sam reflecting, I’ll include it. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23770--Excerpt from Vanity Fair: The Candidate by wearemany: an outsider’s perspective during the 47th! presumably somebody would’ve profiled sam when he was doing this long-shot race. this was a good look into sam, his career, and also it’s just a fun read. like the author includes all these quotes from the characters we know and stuff sam “says” too, which is really interesting. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15105950--Fifteen Minutes After Midnight by Simba: another “Take This Sabbath Day” fic! post-ep, Bobby Zane and Sam chat. And that means Josh and Sam chat. Just a look into why Sam cares so much and a little look into Sam’s line that’s something like “sometimes, Leo, we are absolutely nowhere”. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14793422--Sunshine Days: Five Things That Never Happened to Sam Seaborn by cgb: a series of subtle moments that change Sam that never happened. As sam-centric as you can get really. the selection of things that author chose from is really interesting lol and it such a wide variety. super interesting!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9376514--it's no stranger to you and me by runandgo: pretty sam centric! sam’s thoughts on his sexuality and it’s like law-school sam, so his view on like...life. and what he’s gonna do. josh features pretty heavily too lol but sam’s inner monologue is soo good that I think it qualifies to be here lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14794082--Against the Dying of the Light by coupdepam: an AU. sam gets poisoned and though technically he’s poisoned so a lot of josh and toby talking and reflecting bc sam is out of it, etc, it is about sam, so it goes here. also, almost all of this author’s fics are sam centric, and i’d rather not link them all, so if you like this (or even if you don’t and you just wanna see what else there is if this doesn’t appeal to you) definitely go through the author’s works!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19081936--Handle With Care by Lily_Padd_23: Sam has OCD and Josh helps him come to terms with his mental health. Very very cute, and so well written. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19468840--An Open Letter to the Man Who Loves Him Next From the Man Who Loved Him First by Lily_Padd_23: one of my all time FAVORITE fics. so cute and such a good look into sam’s character from josh’s pov. it’s literally SO SWEET 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2258--Like a Bright Exhalation in the Evening by raedbard: completely sam centric! not always written from his pov, but tobysam (not something I really ship, but I should list it here anyway and I still enjoyed the series). the author has such a unique writing style, this series is so beautifully written and very interesting. 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/26474--Iowa by pocky_slash: an AU! many years post canon, sam basically has a mental breakdown and moves to Iowa, where will, equally burned out, is. its a series, and very interesting and it’s (sort of) being actively updated, but it’s so good! i regularly come back to reread some of this. even if you don’t ship will/sam it’s so interesting. some of the fics in the series are more will centric, but for the sake of this list, there are plenty of sam-centric ones too.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6394639--Becoming by humanbean: an AU! snapshots of ainsley and sam at Hogwarts. so so good! obviously it features ainsley, but it focuses on her relationship with sam and stuff, so here it goes. really good!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27349585--Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ultimate_Optimist: so good! I'm not gonna reveal technically what happens bc spoilers, but sam-centric, and very good. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29063208--moonrise avenue by myrmeraki : I DONT HAVE WORDS FOR HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS. so so good! a look into sam and josh during the campaign but it is sam-centric. both sweet and kinda heart-breaking?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29199942--Directive 1304.26 by myrmeraki: BREAKS. MY. HEART. sam’s thoughts on DADT and his personal stake, and how he reveals that to the senior staff, sort of. tw for suicidal ideation but it’s not heavily featured.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/728751--The Air Stings Like Autumn by ELG: an AU! sam’s running for congress again and gets kidnapped but its so so good omg i love all the relationships and its a perfect balance of humor and fluff and angst wow
ok so this is 16 fics and I'm pretty sure i have more so if you want a part two, just ask! but this is getting rlly long so yknow...i’ll leave it here. don’t forget to leave a kudos and a comment! it’s easy and it makes fic writers so happy :)
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