#tobirama is done
lilshoots · 4 months
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oh-no-its-bird · 1 month
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Official office lady Tobirama cosplay post (bc I'm too poor to afford his stupid armor)
Taking this bad boy to ANYC, so if u see me in the wild, make sure to come say hello
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kankuroplease · 1 year
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Mama Senju doodles
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vohtaro · 2 years
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it’s just their dynamic
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Spirit of Retribution (Spirit of Grief)
A little sketch I did of Katsushi from Turn In Such Humanity by @simkjrs, a very fun founders era fic whose Tobirama is now my headcanon. If you haven't read it yet (and you have the time to inevitably fall down a 500k word rabbithole) I'd highly recommend it and its companion piece Let The Devil In for some wonderful platonic insanity and extra Izuna.
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tarutaruga · 2 years
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Let's fall in love for the night And forget in the mornin' 
These two have been plaguing my mind abstolutely melting my brain, it’s turning into pure disgunting goo and this is my call for help!!! I have this scenario in my head that I really wanna write down but I’ve never writen fanfic before so I’m scawed, also english is not my first language which is even scawier, I’ll get around to do it eventually but in the meantime please bear with me
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doveywovy · 6 days
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drawing izuna is the easiest thing on earth and drawing tobirama is fucking impossible. anyways pictured above is an equally besotted tobirama, he just Looks Like That.
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ladykissingfish · 9 months
I love how your writing style reads like short stories ☺️ Questiok: I don’t know if this is a ship you like or not but can you do Tobimada or madatobi?
I know you sent this quite a while ago but I thought I’d save it for Madara’s day. Here ya go!
*in Tobirama and Madara’s bedroom, early in the morning*
Madara: *reaches over and punches the sleeping Tobirama’s shoulder*
Madara: Oi, Senju bastard, wake up! It’s the most important day of the year!!
Tobirama: *yawns and turns on his side* While Christmas Eve is indeed an important day, I don’t think I’d call it the most important day of the year. Go back to bed.
Madara, scowling: Christmas Eve? Take that back before I incinerate you to ashes, you asshole.
Tobirama: Why would you do that for me stating the obvious? It IS Christmas Eve. Nothing else. Right?? Or … am I missing something?
Madara: *sighing and turning over* No, no, you’re right. How silly of me; I’ll just go back to sl —
Madara: *stops; looks at his hand for the first time. there’s a new ring on his pointer finger, a silver band with a ruby in the center, flanked on either side by a small white diamond*
Madara, sitting up and holding out his hand: T-Tobi! When did you —
Tobirama, smiling and also sitting up: When you were sleeping. Do you like it? 
Madara, softly: It’s beautiful. Red and white; my powerful eyes and your blindingly bright albino skin.
Tobirama: Gee, thanks. Anyways … *rolls over on top of Madara and kisses him* Happy birthday, you insufferable prick.
Madara: *kissing him back* Thanks, you horrible human. But is the ring all I get? Because … *slides his hands down Tobirama’s waist* I can think of something else I want even more ~
Tobirama: Ah, that might have to wait until later, Uchiha. I don’t think our guests would enjoy hearing you scream.
Madara: Guests? What —
*heard out in the kitchen*
Izuna: Senju. For the love of God, go home.
Hashirama: I can’t go home! Madara is my best friend! How would he feel if I didn’t at least make him breakfast on his birthday?!
Izuna: Relieved! To avoid the food poisoning! GO HOME!
Hashirama: Why the hell do YOU get to make him breakfast then?!
Izuna: He’s my big brother!! I’ve made him breakfast in bed on his birthday for years and years! And besides, you can’t cook!
Hashirama: Yes I can!! Look at how perfect my French toast turned out!
Izuna: It’s burnt around the edges and soggy in the middle!
Hashirama, sounding close to tears: Madara will appreciate my effort, at least. Now let me through!
Izuna: You know what? Fine! *the sound of plates being smashed on the floor* Walk over that in your bare feet and you can bring him breakfast!
Hashirama: Are you crazy?! We picked up those plates at the last flea market we went to! They’re a symbol of our undying friendship!
Izuna: Oh? Well in that case … *throws more plates on the ground* Now they’re a symbol of garbage. Just like you and your entire clan.
Hashirama: You little asshole! I should —
*back in the bedroom*
Madara: Good God … were WE that obnoxious during our courtship?
Tobirama: Well you did break quite a few glasses over my head. And who could forget that time you mailed a package of venomous snakes to my office …
Madara: Heh. I really did like you.
Tobirama: I know. *leans over and kisses him* It’s up to you, birthday boy. Should we go out there and break them up, or should we stay cuddled up for a few more hours? 
Madara: I —
*from the kitchen, the sound of Izuna using his katon to light things on fire and Hashirama screaming*
Madara: *burying his head against Tobirama’s chest* They’ll be fine. Worse comes to worse we can always get a new house.
Tobirama: Mm.
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
gonna wrap Sasuke in a bubblewrap cocoon so he can’t be a dumbass 💀 mans is gonna give me an aneurysm I stg
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All of us, Anon...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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domoz · 9 months
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Tengu au 3.5 (for follower milestone celebration 3/7)
(Part 1) (2)(2.5)(3)
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nevsclowntown · 2 years
Tobirama sexy no jutsu? 😏
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the situation was dire enough for tobirama to pull his strongest jutsu
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maphel-n-doodles · 2 years
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Got some Izuna stretches, Hashirama bothering Madara, and Tobirama having a mental breakdown for warmups today
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flawlessstriker · 1 year
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Naruto Kinktober 2023 Day 3 - Ninshu - Watersports - Immobilize
👇Bonus down there👇
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I present, a tiny Zuna being stopped by Tobi. Izuna causes Tobi more trouble than he can handle most days. A bit of an old doodle, but it's from the same AU.
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bansenshukai · 2 years
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daily 9.25.21: goodbye
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ginkgo-mist · 2 years
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got to rereading my fave arc <333
@wyrvel @simkjrs
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