#to you they're unrelated characters but to me they're fucked up siblings
generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Metal Sonic looking at Omega like: You're malfunctioning. (You chose.) You're delusional. (You chose.) You broke every rule. (You chose.) You debase yourself amongst inferior organics. (You chose.) You lost your purpose. (You chose.) There is no point to your continued existence. (You chose.) You broke every rule. (You chose.) You will suffer the consequences of your own actions. You will be destroyed. You will not get a choice. (I never did.)
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You know what fucks with me? The amount of times we see Mickey tear up. He wasn't even a recurring character the first three-ish seasons I can sort of count 4 times in that period.
Him teary eyed when (for unrelated reasons) Ian runs up to his door.
Him teary eyed when he regrets killing Frank after careful consideration (cough cough Ian).
Him teary eyed and almost crying as he punches and kicks Ian to the floor.
Him wretching in sobs when Ian leaves.
That's not even counting the rest of the times he cries or tears up through S4, S5, S7 and so on. All culminating in a full blown sob when Terry died (which I'll forever be salty they tried to pass it as a comedy with the stupid background music and comedic undertones.). It fucks me up cause it's just vulnerable ol' Mick, tired of putting up that survival front because his emotions got the best of him. This boy is so full of care, brought up in such a horrible house.
I can't imagine the amount of times Terry has chastised him for crying, whatever reason this small child had. Him hearing all of the stupid claims of what crying boys are, pussies. But Mickey is unable to hold back tears, no matter how chastised he's been. He has to cry.
Anyone else would probably be so emotionally stunted (not saying he isn't) that they just cannot even water their eyes. He cried in front of Mandy, in front of Fiona, a choked back voice among Lip. He is sensitive. And it just breaks my soul how such a poor excuse of a father could break down a kid like this, every Milkovich sibling.
And him just being somewhat "opposite" to Ian in that regard makes me want to cry even more.
They're each other's support system.
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thalfbloodloser · 5 months
a genuine question about the "monster falls" AU:
i've always been under the impression that - originally - the plot was supposed to be something like..."oh no! X (thing/character) (usually bill) turned everyone into different supernatural creatures! dang, this summer will be VERY weird"
was...was it not that? 'cause recently i keep seeing more and more people get really upset at the prospect of deer dipper and mermaid mabel (...which written down now makes me wonder if the species were chosen to match the names lmao) being siblings because "they're twins! they should've been the same species!"
but - ignoring the fact that this is an AU and things don't need to go 100% according to canon - should they? like...what, were they born like that? born half-animal? if yes, then how could stan possibly be a gargoyle? like, genetically speaking? what the fuck do their parents look like. is everyone in the world a monster or...?
so many questions! spicy. me likey.
but still, i would like it better if it was just a crazy spell - wether reversible or not. anyways, got sidetracked a little bit. my bad. just know that any spin on M!F amuses me greatly and i'm always VERY happy to see it around, so don't take any of this negatively.
just kinda curious: what was the original like? did we ever get some lore? a fic, a comic? do we know who came up with it? and can i kiss that person on the lips?
...completely unrelated note BUT do we know who came up with "reverse falls"?? big fan of that one too. now, before you "poser, these are things any og fan should know!" me just let me say that i was too young and too...non-english speaking to be on tumblr at the time so i just...genuinely have no idea and never dared to ask. but please. who are the authors, tumblr. tell me.
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markantonys · 10 months
also, wotseries canNOT just drop "btw we suspect luke fetherston might be gawyn" as a footnote in their article about morgase's casting!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't spring these things on me with no warning!!!!!
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i remember when they first reported that luke fetherston was in s3 and i looked him up and was like "wow that is one absurdly handsome man 😳 i wonder who he'll play" and YALL IF HE ENDS UP BEING GAWYN-
but on the other hand: no fear "what if the 'galad trakand' on callum kerr's cv was actually meant to say 'gawyn trakand' rather than just meaning galad has the trakand name in showverse" one fear!!!! he has Jock Bro vibes that i don't think would suit my babygirl gawyn at all, but luke fetherston has galad vibes (at least for how i personally picture galad, though everyone surely has very different ideas of what the best-looking man in randland looks like!) and he does look a bit like josha, so what if the casting is actually flipped?
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but then, i have an easier time picturing callum kerr (right) as a whitecloak and luke fetherston (left) as egwene's malewife than the reverse. and neither looks to me noticeably older than the other, so that offers us no clues. (they both kinda seem older than i would picture gawyn, though, but you never know how they might look in costume or with different hairstyles, etc.)
slight tangent but season 2's complete lack of reference to moiraine and anvaere having a brother, when they easily could have tossed in a mention to set up galad's arrival in s3, does make me wonder if maybe they'll cut out the trakand-damodred connection altogether and just make galad a full trakand sibling and morgase's biological son (and not related to rand). i do love galad and morgase having such a sweet and positive stepchild/parent relationship, but i wouldn't object to the show simplifying the family tree since galad being rand's half-brother never ends up mattering for shit; that connection is notoriously unsatisfyingly-handled in the books, so the show may have opted to cut it if they felt they couldn't do it justice. so, whether or not galad's actor resembles josha in any way might be irrelevant.
it is also very possible that luke fetherston is playing an entirely unrelated character (janduin or luc have been popular speculations for him given the josha resemblance) and that gawyn's actor is still unknown! wotseries has been wrong before. still, from what i can recall, they don't usually bother with such specific "we think X character might be played by Y actor" speculation in an official published article that isn't even ABOUT that character or actor unless they feel pretty confident about it...........especially since i have not once seen anyone posit luke as gawyn until now, so it's hardly like it's a popular fan theory they're just parroting...........
(and in even more important news, from a quick google search it appears that luke fetherston is queer, and i NEED to see a randwyn dynamic where gawyn is played by a queer man djkjfg the vibes would be IMPECCABLE)
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ming-sik · 3 months
Thoughts on Veronica and how most fanfics seem to blame her well... *gestures to everything about her* this because of her 'lack of education' and not how she (and her siblings) may or may not have been targeted by the Lesiegang faction due to her lineage?
Ik most fanfics make it out that she's insaine for wearing veils while in the fanfic Ahrensbach wears veils to 'protect themselves from sun's rays' and treat it like canon and for importing spices from Ahrensbach as this huge threat to the duchy because (insert 100+ medical reasons) and honestly? It reads like someone who's wanting to become a bit closer to their dead mother by practicing things her dead mother practised (and don't get me started on how yucky I feel everytime when Rozemyne superiorly tells everyone how spices are ruining their stomachs and the amounts of spice they eat is 'unsafe', conveniently ignoring how spicy South Asian food can get yet not many over there's forming stomach ulcers or on the verge of death because they smell 1 tokbokki-)
Anyways, I'd really like to know your thoughts on this!
So previously I did not know that much abt aob fanfic but.
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IMO the answer is that AOB is classist/misogynist/xenophobic and fans end up either picking up on that or being drawn to it. It's a pretty simplistic answer but it explains a lot of the really strange behavior that goes on.
Veils are pretty clearly an attempt to invoke hijab which is by itself fine, YS is actually desperately lacking cultural differences between duchies, and if that's a Lanzenavian custom that's been imported to Ahrensbach that'd actually mimic how wimples are at least believed to originate from hijab. However even the way canon treats veils is really weird. Veils shielding you from the sun is actually mentioned in p5v6 during this Detlinde pov chapter
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but since Detlinde and Georgine are veiled indoors, they're also almost definitely worn for cultural reasons. All of which is again fine... except that they're the evil duchy. The veiled characters we see are Detlinde, Georgine, Veronica, and Aurelia(Fraularm and Alstede aren't veiled, so this is presumably an optional cultural practice). Three of them are villains, while Aurelia's reason is that she's ashamed of strongly resembling Veronica and wants to hide her face, which would be an absurd thing to expect of her, except that Ferdinand never shuts the fuck up about Detlinde looking like Veronica so she probably would face discrimination for resembling someone in her family. There is not a single even neutral female character... well, in Ahrensbach, but also specifically who wears a veil except Aurelia who's wearing hers for a very specific reason unrelated to her being from Ahrensbach.
Aurelia also gets discriminated against for wearing a veil, which would've been a decent way to show a conflict where a likeable character ISN'T portrayed as the unambiguous good party except that the story doesn't seem to think this is strange. No characters really push back on the validity of this suspicion and Aurelia herself seems to accept it as a matter of course. The fact that fans have obviously picked up on the fact that veils are meant to be a strange exotic cultural practice and are writing characters that way themselves is pretty telling.
As you say, it's fine to veil. There are a lot of reasons to do it from the utilitarian sun protection to propriety to her being proud of being from Ahrensbach, which is in itself neutral unless you accept the premise that Ahrensbach is the evil duchy or you think veils are inherently suspicious.
Veronica's lack of archduke candidate education is obviously irrelevant because she managed to scheme enough to create the Veronica faction. The women had a phd in machinations and knowledge of enough archducal matters to function as the Aub's first wife, so either she got an archducal education once she was married or she just didn't need it which could be how it works because unlike female aubs, female archducal wives aren't expected to take over their husband's work when their husbands are pregnant. Even if she was uneducated enough that she struggled with handling administrative duties, how this would lead to her abuse is a problem we apparently have our strongest misogyny soldiers working on because those two things are unconnected. In canon characters outside of Rihyarda are pretty uninterested in why Veronica or Gabriele are the way they are, but most people aren't evil because they're stupid, they're evil because they have what they believe to be a completely valid motivation for whatever heinous thing they're doing, and the way YS treats faction politics definitely could've been a major source of her desperation to solidify her power alongside her stated internalized misogyny. (Her internalized misogyny isn't necessarily the story's misogyny, but it is strange that this isn't really pushed back on and the only victim who gets much spotlight is Ferdinand despite Veronica seeming to target women much more harshly.)
None of this is a defense of Veronica, I disagree with the thing where she systemicatically abused and ostracized a massive portion of the duchy and my condolences to her victims, but the ways AOB chooses to signal that especially female characters are villains is notable and by notable I mean falls into some patterns. This is mainly that damnable Ferdinand's fault because he 1) will not shut the fuck up about how everyone he dislikes is basically his mommy reincarnated and 2) hates women so much it's unreal, so the fact that he's Rozemyne's main source for a lot of characters colors that. You could argue that this is him and other characters intentionally being written as unreliable narrators, but if that's true then it's a little strange that the fandom is so united on taking his word as gospel, and when read it does not come off that way. Veronica's deal being attributed to stupidity might come from how Ferdinand treats Detlinde if I had to find a reason for it, but honestly the machinations of the AOB fandom are in some ways incomprehensible to me.
The spice thing is just straight up racist. It's racist in canon, the way that all spices are lumped together when both nutmeg and chili peppers are "spices" despite having wildly varying flavors and effects is in itself racist. We don't get a single named spice. Are they talking about peppercorns? Chili peppers? Nutmeg? Cumin? What about ginger? Even assuming we're talking about specifically capsaicin, spicy food causing ulcers is mostly pop science, and the health risks beyond short-term pain pale in comparison to, like, alcohol. Spice tolerance is a thing and Rozemyne might not like a ghost pepper, but shockingly yeah cultures with a lot of spicy food aren't pretending to enjoy it as an elaborate bit(tteokbokki are Korean but I know what you're getting at). If Ahrensbach people eat food flavored with fantasy bird's eye peppers from a young age they're not gonna experience any problems from eating spice unless they have unrelated health issues.
As with everything the defense of this is probably that the characters are unreliable narrators. I've spent a lot of time arguing with people on this so at some point I just have to say that if every sympathetic character in the story is parroting something and no conflict ever arises from the fact that they're incorrect then the story is just having a character say something that is true in universe, and the fact that Ahrensbach and by proxy Lanzenavian culture are treated the way they are is xenophobic in Ahrensbach's case and racist in Lanzenave's. Fans are Like That because they pick up on this stuff and either uncritically accept it as just a thing that's true about AOB's worldbuilding that's neutral or were already prejudiced and therefore had no conflict when the story confirmed those prejudices. Which is another thing. If these characters are meant to be unreliable narrators, you'd think the fandom wouldn't uncritically accept character testimony so often!
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rinwellisathing · 1 month
I would like to repeat a point I have made that I guess I don't make often enough and I sure as hell don't see others make often enough. Any character that you like in BG3, no matter how innocuous they are or you THINK they are, shut the ever loving fuck up about your judgments on what characters other people like. It's fiction. Astarion is racist as fuck against gnomes and is against you helping slaves. Lae'zel is racist as fuck against non Githyanki and the cult she's indoctrinated into are brutal killers and incredibly xenophobic. Shadowheart is racist as fuck against Githyanki and has tortured people as part of her religion, I'm not even going to get into Minthara because I'm gonna hurt someone...Wyll and Karlach are probably the most innocuous, but even then you can certainly make a case for Karlach potentially knowing more than she let's on about Gortash and willingly working for him until it's her on the chopping block. Orin abuses Minthara and if she gets her hands on him, Zevlor, and is also a serial killer. Ketheric is controlling of Isobel and enslaved Aylin, the less I say about Gortash the better because as much as I'm a Gort simp, he is genuinely a terrible person trauma notwithstanding. Raphael is an actual pedophile, slaver, abuser, and a literal devil, Haarlep's idea of 'consent'is dubious at best, The Emperor is part of The Nights of the Shield and I am begging you Emperor fans to please do a modicum of reading about them I love Emps, but he and Stelmane are...not good people.... The Society of Brilliance has a lot of sketch ideas and execution of ideas so even cute gay dad's Blurg and Omeluum aren't totally squeaky clean, Zevlor may have been brainwashed and he may not have been, but his actions or lack thereof cost lives that were relying on him and also he can be very manipulative (I love him and identify with him, so don't at me about daring to look at him critically), Rolan, whomst I relate to more than any other character in the game apart from maybe Astarion, will help enslave Aylin if his siblings died so their deaths weren't for nothing, Gale is over ambitious, makes a lot of excuses for Mystra, and can be pretty annoyingly smug.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is everybody has flaws. Every last character. That's why they're great. You're not better or worse than anyone else for liking or not liking a certain character. Let people enjoy things and get off your judgy high horses for fuck's sake.
Also plz read about The Knights of the Shield because I will lose my shit if one more person sits there and tells me Stelmane is an innocent victim/good person in everything... unrelated mostly, but come on, y'all. Have a LITTLE better reading comprehension than the Warcraft fandom.plz.
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Also, how some of yall look trying to argue that your fave's warcrimes are different, actually:
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bloom-ribbon22 · 9 months
Bloom's Dinotrux HUMAN AU infodump: D-Bros + Skrap-itt
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I know I already posted them but I still wanna put em here + front facing D-Structs(unrelated note: don't usually do front faces much, I have tried it probably two times and it either ends up looking weird or just not right but I do like how it turned out this time! hmm maybe I should do more characters front facing).
anyways, I've always wanted to infodump share some bits of lore, facts, info, and other stuff of my human AU version of the Dinotrux and I kind of started with the D-bros + Skrap-itt, why? ngl they're one of the most interesting characters to me. soooooo here you go :)
-when D-Structs was born, D-Stroy looked at his parents while pointing at his new baby sibling and asked "mom, dad.... why does he look so ugly?"
-a very mischievous kid back then. he was the ultimate pranker. he pranks a lotta people that he almost lost count of them but his favourite pranking victim is you guessed it! ya boi D-Structs! oh poor poor young, bratty, selfish D-Structs... always having silly stuff drawn on his face when he was asleep and almost getting scared to death everytime his brother just jumpscares him...I'd list more but this is getting way too long lol.
-hair is l o n g and messy af. you can probably store/hide items in there idk.
-has a high tolerance for spicy food and also enjoys eating it.
-even as a kid, he always gets into fights and still does which results to him always receiving new scars/injuries. almost never minds it because with all honesty he doesn't really give a shit what he looks like. even though he is incredibly strong, he knows his limits and also knows he isn't invincible or indestructible so he tries his best not to overestimate his strength and avoid battles if he knows he can't win it.
-was already a selfish guy when he was a bratty little kid and a bit of a snitch too. when he was five and D-Stroy would do something to him, even something that's completely harmless like slightly nudging his arm this left D-Structs no choice but to use a move that every older sibling fears "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"
-heavily dislikes the taste of sweets. can't really handle it, the taste of sugar and the feeling of it melting into his tongue is just....sickening, maybe even irritating...in fact, it's unbearable....
-similarly to D-Stroy, he often gotten to a lotta fight even as a kid and still does which ends up getting himself new scars/injuries. most of these fights are pretty much his fault as most of the time he's the one that's starting/asking for it.
-"I'd rather live my life all alone until I die" that's what he thought to himself until Skrap-itt came to his life. story between them was kinda similar to the canon. it was so hard for him to tolerate this talkative and dumb lil pipsqueak but as time goes on he kind of started to get used to his company that it feels oddly weird whenever he's alone... sometimes...after all, Skrap-itt was the only one that gives a fuck about him...
-short king. you can kick him like he's a football or better yet, pick him up like he's some kind of cat and maybe even put him in a box, seal it shut, and deliver it to any random person. "your order is here"
-a cat person. he understands them, he knows they're not just annoying animals always whining for food 24/7, they are loving and caring too! they're not just, y'know, not that playful...at least..most of the time...he would adopt a cat but sadly D-Structs not really a big fan of pets in his home.
-was the weird lonely kid who often gets picked on a lot and many avoided him because, again, a weirdo and thus lived a pretty lonely life. Smash-itt, Break-itt and Lloyd are often the ones picking on him which would explain why Skrap-itt is so bitter to them when he meets them again, worse part is that D-Structs, though completely unaware of their history, """hired""" them.
that's all for now, there will be plenty more(and I may add more stuff) and of course I'll make some for Ty and the gang :) fun but not needed fact: I started to type all of this with 11 percent battery and now it's 7 percent....dang
anyways I'm coming back to school at January 3 and I'm scared af sidbdiebsisbisbsisjd-
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epickiya722 · 7 months
6 and 12 for the ask game
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
I just knew this question was coming and I'm glad it was asked because I'm gonna be real with you folks. (This one is about to get long!)
Any kind of ship has those fans that annoy the hell out of me, even the ships I ship.
It's what they do, forget the ship.
Example, people who comment and/or reblog a ship post to comment "cute, but don't ship". Not necessary, no one asked. If you don't ship it, why are you here? It obviously wasn't for you.
Another example, making a ship post about another ship totally unrelated. I hate it when people do that. If I write a Nobamaki post and it's just about Nobamaki, don't bring your ass to the post to mention YutaMaki, ItaKugi, hell, NobaMai... I don't care what ship it is. If the post is about NobaMaki, keep it about NobaMaki. Otherwise, skedaddle.
-phobic shippers. Not just homophobic, I mean any kind of phobic. Here's another scenario. If I say that I headcanon Miruko as bisexual and Burnin as a lesbian and they're my ship, I don't care to see "Miruko can't date Burnin if she's bi, she can only be lesbian herself"! Shush, quiet, turn to the exit and go through it and don't return.
Shippers who insist characters of the same sex are like "siblings", even though the context would be so weird to say so. Like... "siblings" doesn't have to be the default. "Friends" exists. It's not a made up word.
Also, if you insist that that these same sex characters have to be "like siblings", then how come for your M/F ship they can't just be friends? Why do you insist they have to be romantic? Even if in canon, the female character genuinely hates the male character or rather not date someone like them?
Oh! One more and I'm done. Shippers who are anti of a ship and yet use the same content that ship they hate and says "they're just friends, they're like siblings" and use it romantically for their own ship.
Like, I shouldn't see someone take a scene of a ship and go "see, they're only friends" and then edit that same scene with their ship and go "relationship goals". No... no...
Okay, I'm done, I'm done.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
Ooh, for JJK, Miwa. Actually, the Kyoto students in general just get too much slander for me. I actually like the Kyoto students, I don't really see them as annoying or even worth hate like that, such as Miwa who really is just a nice girl who wants to do good as a sorcerer to take care of her younger brothers.
Like, yeah they didn't fare well against Kenjaku and them in Shibuya, but did we forget who the fuck those people are?!
Kenjaku and Uraume are over 1000 years old and probably seen every kind of technique there is! Did we not just see how Kenjaku was moving against CHOSO?! Did we not just see Kenjaku dodge Mahito with their eyes closed and their back to him?!
And Uraume? They're practically besties with the damn King of Curses! Ain't no way Uraume is a weak fighter!
The Kyoto students were matched up unfairly in Shibuya! Hell, not even in Shibuya! Think about last season! Look who they had go against! The Tokyo students are some menaces, okay? You have Toge who was already ranked high in his first year and the one the Kyoto students were cautious of. Maki who is a weapons expert and caught a damn bullet. She is related to and like Toji, who the Zenin clan resented and feared. Then Toji's son who really only gets his ass beat because he holds himself back. Megumi got the Ten Shadows, a technique strong enough to take down a Gojo, and it's not like he can't handle a weapon or throw hands either. Panda, who is not even just a damn Panda. That is a Cursed Corpse with three animal cores and capable of hand to hand combat. You got a Nobara on the team who isn't afraid to get dirty and ruthless in a fight and has a technique that can she doesn't even need to touch you to damage you. And Yuji Itadori. There is a reason he is named "Mr. Left Right Good Night". Kid doesn't rely on Sukuna, just his fists and kicks and was able to stand up after Todo stomped on his head and Todo remarks how he is physically stronger than him.
Also, look at their principal! Gakuganji is a traditional guy who is a member of the Higher-Ups. You cannot tell me that he runs his school in ways only he sees fit instead of adapting to how curses and even curse users are evolving.
So it's not that the Kyoto students are weak. When you really think about it, they're not allowed room to grow. Todo is an outlier in this because his mentor is Yuki Tsukumo.
Okay, that got long, I am so sorry.
Choose Violence Ask Game
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makerkenzie · 8 months
That's not how any of this works.
There's this Martaryen apologia that keeps coming up. When I point out how the Targs screwed the Martells, the response is that of course the Martells don't dwell on how the Targaryens mistreated their family because the Targaryens died. Whereas the Lannisters are very much alive and benefitting from Tywin's war crimes, so they're the ones who need to be punished.
The more I think about this argument...the more nonsensical it gets.
As an explanation for the Dornish subplot, this is a non-sequitur at best. We're not reading a story in which the Martells "hate" the Lannisters and "don't hate" the Targaryens. We're reading a story in which the Martells are trying to restore the Targaryens to the position of the ruling family of the realm. They are putting themselves in mortal danger, and setting the realm to war---another war!---in order to orchestrate a regime change in favor of the Targaryens.
That requires a more positive relationship than just "we don't hate them because the ones who mistreated us are dead."
I've written on this before: the family connection either matters or it doesn't. If Tywin's been leasing castles in the Martell-Sands' heads because he got his daughter married to the king, then, what the fuck kind of sense does it make to install the Mad King's surviving children to the throne? Why would Prince Doran want to get his own children married to Prince Rhaegar's younger siblings?
Especially Arianne with Viserys! Here's to Viserys Targaryen, the third of his name, Lord of Ain't Shit Mountain, Embarrassment to the Realm. And to the gold Khal Drogo dumped on his head. Arianne is her father's heir, his only daughter, and she's gorgeous and healthy. Why the fuck would he squander her on some exiled prince who brings nothing to the table? How many times in the text does Viserys even mention the Martells?
Without his status as the Mad King's surviving son, why the fuck would Prince Oberyn be trying to rally support for Viserys as king, starting just after the rebellion when he was just eight years old? With his status as the Mad King's son, why the fuck would the Martells want anything to do with him?
Furthermore, if Aerys and Rhaegar's shittiness to the Martells doesn't matter since they died, then...why are the Lannisters still Enemy #1 after Tywin and his goons have all died? Revolting as she is, Cersei wasn't involved in the killing of Princess Elia and her children. If we're not punishing the children for the sins of the father, then what is the Martells' beef with the Lannisters now that Tywin and the relevant household knights are dead?
Shit; even the Martells wouldn't try to hide behind this "it doesn't matter what the Targs did to us 'cause they're dead now" excuse. Go to the characters and ask them to explain their support for Targaryen restoration, and they would answer that they had a great thing going with the Targs. Especially with Rhaegar. Ask them about Rhaegar being a craptastic husband to Elia and a failure of a dad to their children, and they would refuse to hear it. Rhaegar was totally their best friend! Everything was fine until Tywin ruined everything. It's all Tywin's fault! He's the bad guy! Let me tell you about 60 Unrelated Reasons why Tywin Lannister is Evil. That is, if Obara hasn't disemboweled you already.
The answer is that the family connection absolutely matters, in the same way that Family is Destiny to the entire Westerosi noble class. They want to restore the Targaryens to power because they want to restore themselves to a favored position which they never had. They want to believe the Targs love them and the Lannisters hate them. (Maybe even, the Lannisters hate them because the Targs love them.) They're not about to let some ugly facts get in the way of that beautiful story.
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kingofdinosaurs · 1 year
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feel free to answer however many of em you want for any media you're into (that I actually know)
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sorry, unrelated, I just found out they let you DM people images now? What the fuck?
no yeah you can send people images now it rocks thank you for the bridge. going through all of them because im airport bored
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ok well the worst one EVER was someone saying they thought potemkin should have died in xrd IN THE TAG which was. fucking rude and also totally stupid. honourable mention to that time so long ago i barely remember how it happened when i saw a pokespe fan assert that "wally could never have done what emerald did!" hey why do you think that. when wally was literally in the oras version of the battle frontier (I know oras was out because that's how i was a fan of wally. is it because he's disabled. i want you to fucking say it.
6. already answered!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
hmm... idk if it's even a common thing anymore because i avoid it like the plague but if i ever have to see "the knight doesn't have a mind or will" arguments again I'll like find whoever started it and put them in a jigsaw trap fuck you fuck you fuck you did you even play the game??? the delicate flower quest alone should be enough to prove you wrong. if the knight can't have its own agenda why the fuck would it go out of its way to do this small unnecessary kindness? also the narrative itself doesn't make sense if you assume the pale king is right about the knight, both in terms of "what was the fucking point then?" and because of the fucking. REASON THE KNIGHT CAME BACK TO HALLOWNEST. BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO HELP THEIR SIBLING. idk if this one is even common anymore but it was frustratingly common back in the day
9. worst part of canon
for persona there's so many choices i feel paralysed, as with blazblue, so I'll go with a wild card: dead cells! anyway anytime when someone acts like the beheaded is just cut and dry easy peasy The King like it can not be that fucking simple that's fucking stupid. he's literally the ship of theseus but a slime piloting around a headless corpse. like at this point you're just giving annoying youtubers ways to be more annoying quit itttttt
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
SYSTEMMMM i love system so fucking much I'm crazy about her. nobody gives a fuck about her because she's a relatively easy boss in a fighting game many people do not like (a crossover, no less!). but she fucking rocks so hard!!! she's so funny in every scene she's in, i really appreciate that about her. she's kind of like queen from deltarune if that helps anyone. it's not even hard to go watch like cross tag story mode it is literally all on youtube everyone who hasn't go meet her! she deserves some attention!
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
actually i can't lie i just like don't have it in me to trawl the fanfic mines anymore so idk what they're doing right now like it is No Longer my problem
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
oh god i have no clue. i don't get involved in arguments like this anymore for my health so i have no clue
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charbunnies · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRIMMY MY GOOD FRIEND GRIMMY you should talk about your unhinged ff7 au
OUHH MIMI MY FRIEND MIMI YOU FOOL. you have opened pandora's box and unleashed the eldritch beast that is my ff7 au. god where do i even start
this is going to end up so long i'm ACTUALLY going to put it under a read more. it's also (mostly) stream of consciousness so sorry if it's a bit disorganized :)
lllllet's see. i'll establish like, baseline weird character relationships because the valentine family is a mess.
here's a family tree to make this more readable LMAO
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vincent is the (world's first absent transmasc) father of reno, sephiroth, and aerith. sephiroth is half siblings with reno and aerith but reno and aerith are full siblings. the way that this happens is kind of convoluted because of course it is, nothing with me can ever be easy, but basically: reno eldest brother, sephiroth middle sibling, aerith little sister.
reno is the only one who escaped the vincent experimentation era fucking-up but, yknow, still half ancient. vincent takes lucrecia's place with the mid-pregnancy experimentation thing but like entirely against his will, and also lucrecia is still sephiroth's mother (she and ifalna are both transfem because I SAID SO), so sephiroth's completely unrelated to hojo. but yeah, vincent ended up with jenova cells and monster fuckery and more trauma and it's all fine and good (it's not. sorry vincent)
AERITH ended up especially fucked up, though. not only is she half ancient, she was also born like, YEARS after vincent got fucked up so she's got some of his monster fuckery too (she has a little bunny tail and glowy cat eyes and fangs among other things) and a little bit of jenova cells for good measure. she hears jenova whispers AND the voice of the planet and has learned to deal with that a loooot better than sephiroth did but yknow, still not fun! she hates jenova like crazy <3
reno basically ended up in an orphanage through mysterious circumstances when he was like 2. vincent entrusted him to a friend to look after him for a few weeks while he was out on a mission and came back to find his friend missing and reno with them. oops! so reno grew up in an orphanage in midgar hearing voices and being accidentally gaslit into thinking that the voices of the planet were just his internal monologue. he and rude grew up together in the orphanage and fell in love as they got older :) also when reno meets aerith and talks to her about her ancient stuff (she trusts him a lot) he's like "huh. weird. that sounds like what i have all the time" and she looks at him like he grew another head. he treats her like a little sister long before he knows she's his little sister. they're really close and it makes me wail
as for sephiroth... he's mostly the same, except for having known aerith and ifalna when they were being kept in the shinra labs and having a sibling relationship with aerith when they were both little. he broke ifalna and aerith out of the shinra building when aerith was 7 and she was tormented by having left him behind for the rest of her life until, yknow, *gesturing* they met again. they love each other so much though, even though it's kind of a messy relationship. a really messy relationship
when vincent and aerith meet in shinra manor, he almost immediately recognizes her as his kid (she looks just like ifalna, with vincent's fucked-up-ness) and babies her like crazy in the most vincent-y way. by which i mean lets her hide in his cape and hovers near her and lets her cuddle him despite him not letting hardly anyone else near him. vincent, sephiroth and reno all baby her and she likes it so much (autistic who loves physical affection)
i'm still workshopping whether or not i want ifalna to still be alive, because seb and i have talked about it extensively and i have Feelings about it but also it throws off the timeline a lot so Who Knows! but i'll talk a little about it laaaater :)
i promise this is all important information. it's not really but it's important TO ME. anyway.
this is very close to an everyone lives/no one dies au. zack, aerith and sephiroth all live. as to the circumstances of that, WELL!
zack narrowly survives getting shot a bajillion times because cissnei finds him as he's dying and brings him back to shinra hq just in time for *drum roll* hojo to steal his dying body and stuff him in the drum and keep him in a coma for another two years! cissnei and tifa go on a years-long search for him and come up empty! vincent finds records of him being kept there while sorting through turk documents after advent children (they hired him) and aerith and cloud go break zack out. zack started turning into a mako monster over those last two years from more severe experiments and now he has a big ass tail that he has Mental Trouble about. i will get into him later because ouuhhhhghhghghghg grabs him. chews on him
anyway. aerith lives because she limit breaks when sephiroth stabs her and keeps herself alive. she then proceeds to drag his ass out of the lifestream kicking and screaming by reminding him of their childhood in the shinra labs together and offering to help him. after slapping the shit out of him, of course <3 this was not how i initially intended it to happen HOWEVER mimi and i wrote it so well i felt like i was going to die and therefore i changed it <3
suffice to say, that's why sephiroth lives. aerith rehabilitates him LOL he's extremely fucked up and overprotective of her to the point of practically hissing and spitting when anyone so much as comes within 5 feet of her. he gets over it (somewhat) over time but she has her work cut out for her for real. he's also extremely overprotective of zack but that's later.
i think i need to make a powerpoint about this au actually. that's beside the point. ANYWAY
how long until i start talking about zack, cloud and aerith. not long i think
i will mention genesis first though. they find him around the same time they find zack, stuck in stasis in the basement of the destroyed shinra building, and sephiroth (alongside vincent) goes to get him out. they have some Unfinished Business (by which i mean a bad breakup that destroyed both of them that they REALLY need to resolve) to work through but admittedly they both still love each other and try to work it out. even though. they are both deeply traumatized and socially inept individuals. aerith has to play couples therapist. it's kind of a nightmare and i'm still working out how the hell they end up married but they do! and the remnants are their kids (eventually) :)
oh let me also explain how, like, the ending of ff7 goes because meteor still happens. basically despite the fact that sephiroth gets ripped out of the lifestream and everything, it's after sephiroth gets his hands on the black materia. which means jenova got her hands on the black materia. and essentially in this au jenova just casts meteor her damn self. the final boss then ends up being jenova herself, and midgar ends up destroyed the same way as in the original, but without the plot of advent children afterward because. aerith and sephiroth put together manage to eradicate jenova and therefore. no need for remnants, no geostigma, etc. aerith still summons holy/the lifestream and it eradicates the last of jenova and meteor and everything's (mostly) fine after that.
the two years after that are dedicated to building edge and tying up shinra's thousands of loose ends and trying to restore the area around midgar and just mostly. rebuilding. everyone trying to find or make lives for themselves after everything. i care the most about this part because i enjoy reading about and writing about interpersonal stuff and the struggle of finding a new life in the ashes of an old one and stuff like that. what happens After the hero's journey, yknow.
OKAY. NOW i will allow myself to talk about zack/cloud/aerith because ehhehehhehhe... bisexuals who make me feel insane.
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(seb's art refs for them which i stare at lovingly too often <3)
so obviously zack and aerith don't die. which makes everything initially very complicated wrt their relationships with each other and cloud. because zack and aerith were dating prior to zack's disappearance and zack and cloud were like... in the couple of years of pretending like they're just friends and zack openly flirting with cloud and going on dates and stuff and just acting like it's normal bro stuff and it was quickly turning into like, Actual Dating right before nibelheim. (aerith was aware of the fact that zack is poly and is fine with it, no cheating, i hate that and zack would never do that). so both cloud and aerith were in love with zack and didn't know each other at all and cloud forgot all about zack so when they first met they didn't really. have any fucking idea.
and cloud and aerith fell in love because of course they did (wails and wails and wails) and tried to move on for real while zack was "dead". and then cloud remembered. and they had to talk about that LMFAO but it was fine, if anything it just made them closer because it was like "oh. same trauma *handshake*" (despite cloud still having a LOT of mental health issues and only getting worse when he remembered zack and everything that happened with that. he still has a lot of the same problems he has in advent children, just no geostigma and no weird estranged marriage with tifa)
AND THEN. two years after, when aerith and cloud have started building a life together, they find out that zack's NOT dead. that he's actually alive in stasis and he had been right under their noses all this time. and they rush to get him back of course, dropping everything to go break his ass out of the drum, and then... have to figure out the logistics of their relationships all of a sudden. because they were both in love with him. zack was in love with both of them. they have a life set up and zack just woke up after seven years of being in a fucking coma pretty much. so it's. complicated. they settle on just bringing zack into their relationship in general because like. they all still love each other. they intend to work it out.
zack moves in with aerith and cloud in their apartment they set up in edge. he has to take a long period of rehabilitation because 1. mako fucked up, 2. years of muscular atrophy, 3. severe ptsd. he gets like, visibly depressed and has to go to doctors all the time to make sure he's stable and not, yknow, going crazy from mako exposure because, you know, He Has A Tail and they want to monitor him. he has a lot of insecurity issues because he worries he's intruding on aerith and cloud now because they've lived their lives and suddenly he waltzes back in on it (despite the fact that they're both just extremely happy and grateful to have him back at all). he gets better through aerith coaxing him into talking to her and his friendships with tifa and cissnei, but he still has a lot of problems with feeling like a monster and dealing with the trauma of being a child soldier and also being experimented on and losing his formative young adult years (he wakes up and he's twenty fucking five! he was 18!).
he works for tifa at seventh heaven fixing tables and learning bartending from her sometimes. he picks up various skills working with his hands (repairing things, woodworking, metalworking, stuff like that. he makes weird stuff just to have something to do) and also sometimes helps cloud with his delivery service. he helps out at a vehicle repair shop and works on the sds fenrir for cloud when it needs stuff. he has his own motorcycle and he and cissnei go out on rides sometimes and sing bad mid 2000s pop music as loud as they can over the wind. they're best friends btw and mean everything to each other and also to me <3
cloud has his delivery service but isn't so gone-all-the-time about it. he also picks up painting/photography as an outlet and aerith will sit still and let him paint her all the time :) he needs therapy and also to talk about his feelings more so bad but aerith and zack are both like, trying to pry him into talking about it. he's a bit better now that zack's around, but still like, that doesn't solve years of trauma lmfao.
as for aerith, she runs a little flower shop on the ground floor of their apartment building and no one knows how she keeps it so well stocked (cheating with magic <3). she's terrible at cooking, keeps plants everywhere, and loves jokingly ordering her boys around (they'd do it even if she didn't ask). she still wears her ribbon, but she tore it at one point and cloud bought her another ribbon to mend it with, so it's half pink, half green :) cloud and zack keep buying her more ribbons as presents but they sit there collecting dust because she loves her original one so much. wails about them forever and ever
i mentioned earlier that i would talk more about the potential ifalna lives part of this. we talked about her having mostly lost her memory and ending up in cosmo canyon, where she then meets aerith again when the party comes through and regains a lot of her memory over time. she and vincent were married (see: sort of courthouse marriage except it's hardly a legal marriage) prior to her and aerith getting yoinked by shinra so she's like :( "my husband". she joins the party—we discussed her being a dancer/white mage combo type class, so a support party member—and then shortly after, they find vincent in the basement and ifalna's like "MY HUSBAND!!! :)" and aerith is gagging. gentle friendly flower woman ifalna like "this is my husband!" and vincent, scraggly ass ran-over-by-a-car vampire freaklet who sounds like he smokes 10 packs a day standing next to her like "this is my wife" with the smallest smile because he doesn't know how to smile properly. they're cute i like my funny little rarepair
SPEAKING OF RAREPAIR. cissnei/tifa my friends :) the other canon ship in this au. they fall in love while they're spending two years hunting zack down together. lesbian road trip where cissnei tries to get tifa to talk about her problems and accidentally presses the wrong buttons sometimes but then tifa gets scared of ghosts and hides behind cissnei who is smaller and vastly less built than her and cissnei's like "oh. you are so cute". i feel like this is a separate post in and of itself but I Like Them So Much and have been intending to write them for a while
lastly, and on a completely separate note, i wanna talk about cloud and tifa because ouhhh they make me insane.
in my au, they were not even close to friends as kids. they in fact didn't really like each other at all. like, neighbor who kind of annoys you but who you've spoken to a total of like 10 times and not for very long. there wasn't the weird crush thing, cloud just kept to himself and tifa had her little friend group and they were both fine with that.
fast forward to the beginning of ff7 when tifa finds him fucked up at the train station. she looks at him and sees an opportunity: someone else from nibelheim, who can vouch for its prior existence, who can relate to her suffering with trying to cope with shinra covering up what happened to nibelheim. she wants someone who will give her a shoulder to lean on, someone who she can talk to, someone who experienced the same thing as her. but then cloud starts saying things that aren't true, things he shouldn't know, starts casting doubt on her memories of the story of what happened. and so they start fighting. constantly. they fight like cats and dogs and barret has to break them up and scold them like children. tifa gets mad at cloud for telling the wrong story (accuses him of lying A Lot), cloud gets mad at tifa for getting mad at him and because he doesn't understand, and it's just a downward spiral. it gets to the point where they can hardly be in the same room as each other.
it isn't until they go to gongaga that tifa realizes that there's just something Really Wrong with cloud. it's not that he's lying, it's that he genuinely has a memory problem. when he says he doesn't remember zack when the story he's telling is exactly what happened with zack, tifa gets pissed, but then when cloud comes up to talk to her and there is GENUINE confusion in his eyes, she stops being mad at him and instead just pities him. she feels bad for him. and she starts acting like a big sister, protecting him when he gets in hot water. she lets him do whatever, knows he can mostly handle himself, but if he gets into a fight with a guy way bigger than him, she'll step in the way and kick the guy's ass.
by the end of the og ff7 story, they're inseparably close best friends, going from nearly tearing each other to shreds to sleeping on each other's shoulders and saying that as long as they have each other, they'll be okay. it makes me sob for real. it's worse in the "zack and aerith actually die" version of this because it turns into them thinking that the next logical thing is for them to get married because they're the most important people to each other that they have left, but then they grow to hate each other from trying to love each other in a way that isn't right for them. and just end up divorced and miserable. and it makes me extremely sad. i think about it so much. i think about cloud and tifa in my au for too long and i explode
OKAY I THINK THAT'S EVERYTHING... or maybe not everything but a lot of it. most of it. i love this au so much it makes me sooooooooooo insane <3 the weirdest part about it is definitely the valentine family dynamic but you'll just have to accept this about me that i like mashing characters together that shouldn't ever really be in that kind of dynamic and making it fun. my crossover ship days will never truly leave me
if anyone actually reads all of that i hope you like my meowmeows <3 i put all of them in my mouth and chew on them like bubblegum
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maxdurden · 2 years
3, 5, 6, 7, 13, 17, 25, 26, 28, 30!!!!!!!!!! or as many as you want i just realized this is a lot of numbers!!!!!!!
3 Biggest self-insert OC?
definitely wes, it's not even a competition. sometimes self insert next gen au ocs for your favorite media can be something soo important to a teenager coping with untreated mental illness. but i also think i project at least a little onto every oc i make. i just think embuing the little guys that live in my head with a bit of my soul makes them more fun, sue me
5 What are some of your OCs biggest fears?
this is a hard question!! i think my ocs are consistently coping with the fear of being unlovable and alone. but also my ocs are very often super afraid of heights, which is definitely projection. wes is afraid of sharks and the ocean in general! that kid grew up near gotham harbor and you wouldn't trust large bodies of water if you'd grown up near that shit either!
6 Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
yeah! i have shelves full of ocs that i made in a blind haze and now they sit and collect dust in the broom closet of my mind. and honestly? who knows, but probably not. a bitch can barely write fanfic, not to mention a competent original story
7 What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
my favorite relationships are always familial!!! i fucking,,,, LOVE exploring family dynamics in fiction i'm so normal about it. it's why peisistratus has basically the same amount of interaction with his brothers as he does with telemachus in bbyhr (and i think i should get to count AT LEAST echephron as an oc because i showed that man more love that homer ever dreamed of). but!! i had a superhero oc named jaime and their relationship with their dad (xander) was really fun to mess around with! the aforementioned wes has relationships with a lot of canon characters and their relationship with dick is sooo fun to think about (good relationship dynamic to squirm to, even).
i also really like really close friendships! like the kind where two characters just exist as their entire messy selves around each other because they're so close that it doesn't matter. wes was good friends with the xander i mentioned earlier and their dynamic was Ride Or Die, but then when they fought they were absolutely brutal to each other. very sibling-like ig lol
13 Which story has the most lore?
LISTEN i also don't do lore because i'm not a nerd. but if i did lore, it'd be the story that wes comes from. it was technically a dc related universe? i think it could generously be called an au, but it got so out of hand we ended up calling it the councilverse. it had enough of its own lore to justify being a whole ass other world. there were gods and sirens that had insane and deep lore completely unrelated to dc comics. not to mention!!! all the backstory for all the characters (i could not come close to giving an exhaustive list of all the characters. by the end of it there were roughly three or four generations, and three alternate universes within this one overarching concept of the councilverse. she was,,,, messy)
17 What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
most common character dynamic has to be Messy Family Dynamics. from parental issues to weird estranged siblings vibes, i simply cannot be stopped. swallows in the windless field is playing up the menoetius and patroclus drama, and braved by your hearts resolve is just a love letter to daddy issues lmao. i think i'm a big fan of slowburn tropes like yearning and obliviousness. and the power of friendship? is a trope you'll have to pry from my cold dead hands
25 What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read?
lately i've been REALLY into writing historical fiction. i've enjoyed all the research i've gotten to do for bbyhr. but i also enjoy writing fantasy stuff maybe more! fantasy is by far my favorite thing to read, but i can be picky about historical fiction stuff. i also really like reading superhero stuff, but writing it makes me nervous (i do it for myself but idk that i'd ever publish it for fear of it not being that good and also for fear of dc comics fans [source: i am one and they are scary])
26 What are your favourite books?
i mean,,, i OBVIOUSLY have an unhealthy fixation on the odyssey and the iliad. so, ya know. we are the ants is a book that had a huge impact on me when it came out, it's kinda sci-fi ish but very fun! and i do, i think technically, have to give credit to the song of achilles and circe for being as formative as they were.
i've also been reading A LOT of comics lately because i realized you can get that shit for free on the internet (pls pls pls don't ask why it took 20+ years for me to figure this out i'm just an incredibly lil guy with not a very big brain). so i've recently revisited the red hood and arsenal run that rewrote my brain chemistry as a teenager. but also favorite comics could be a whole other conversation so maybe i should stop there lmao
28 Favourite songs at the moment?
ahh!! i have so many. i've been listening to a LOT of phoebe bridgers and boygenius. so smoke signals and icu are probably two songs that i spend the most time listening to rn.
but also! against the kitchen floor by will wood (i can finally listen to songs OTHER than this one now, though, which is great)
nightstand by dev lemons!! is really good
body to flame by lucy dacus
and!! the kingdom is within you by gang of youths (fun fact: listening to the gang of youths album angel in realtime. and day dreaming about fridging batman for the sake of drama between the robins is a very good pastime)
30 How are you doing? <3
i'm doing good! my birthday was yesterday :3 so that's neat. i am in desperate need of motivation to write (and a cure for the temptation to write jayroy fanfic)
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bugcatcherwill · 1 month
if i had a nickel for every time rezek has been conked right in the nose by a solid object i would have two nickels which isn't a ton but it's funny that it happened twice
ooHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so excited for the lynel arc fuckin g hell man I LOVE LYNELS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lynels and wizzrobes and gibdo are like.... peak monster to me i love them all a lot
I kind of wanna see rezek beat the shit out of the lynel that tried to kill yeates sahpira and deferneh
and YAYAY SIDON;S BACK i fucking LOVE GAY PEOPLE I love that interaction between sidon and rezek they're so cool CAN YOU TELL REZEK IS MY FAVORITE
so excited for lynel inclusion and a part of me is really excited to see them interact with wizzrobes in specific my aus are consuming me [i have a zelda au where two of the more minor antagonists are a lynel and a wizzrobe who may or may not be in evil gay love and i'm remembering them now and it's making me REALLY EXCITED for lynels in ratc now JDKFJHDLJHKJF]
also unrelated because it took me a week to find the image
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I'm totally drawing parry over this
LMAOOO YES THANK YOU it was so funny drafting that scene because I was like "how do I break up the scene- wait what if Rezek got hit in the head with a blunt object again" jhaksdflkjh
Had to make it a running gag
AND YEAH I'M REALLY EXCITED TO WRITE THE LYNEL ARC the entire setup and conclusion has been something I've been planning since like...............nearly the very beginning of this fic. I just felt like I had to establish enough victories for the monsters that would warrant the Lynels contacting them. And what better timing after they've gathered everyone across Hyrule in their little Outings With Link Where Everything Will Inevitably Go Wrong?
And it's funny that you mention the Lynel that the Wizzrobe trio had to deal with...because that also wasn't the first time any of my characters had to deal with one of those, either >:)
Your AU idea tho yoooooooo I fucking love evil gays we love to see it
AND YEAH can you also tell that I love writing Sidon jhkasdkfhjl LIKE ESPECIALLY when you can tell that he's trying so hard to be the older sibling Mipha was for him AUGH
And lastly omg PLEASE I'm dying hklajfdh speaking of Parry I can't wait till I get to actually show him fighting because hoo boy that'll be fun to write,,,
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gcldfanged · 4 months
If you slip in a little 📃 I will discuss one scenario that had been living in my head rent free [ACCEPTING]
Aerith: -Jae and Aerith kind of having a deal/agreement that he looks the other way and lets her sneak out of the Cetra Babysitter Squad's (Turk Edition) range to get up to shenanigans. He's actually well known at the Leaf House and acts like he hates kids, but is really good with them since he doesn't treat them like they're simple. He's definitely taught the bullied kids how to throw down. His greatest achievement: Being called "cool" by the orphans but Aerith doesn't let him show off in front of them with his weapons, like his handgun (Jae: IT'S NOT EVEN LOADED! COME ON, THEY CAN PASS IT AROUND-).
He thinks Tseng's one-sided crush on her is hilarious, but he'd never say that to his face ever <- good blackmail material, Aerith *COUGHCOUGH*
Cloud: Two guys who honestly just fucking HATE each other, Jae is well aware he's not a SOLDIER and recognizes him from a Before Crisis timeline escort mission which puts a damper on Cloud's 'I'm the Main Character" act.
Jae is not at all interested in Cloud, but makes faux-flirtatious banter with him anyway because the way Cloud reacts is funny as fuck.
Sephiroth: Idk man, like just DESTROY Jae- Kick him like he is the football!! I never get to write Jae getting the shit kicked out of him, it's fun.
Tseng: Big Bro and annoying younger sibling energies, but make it between Team Leader and Coworker. They talk shit about each other all the time, but as soon as someone unrelated makes a disparaging comment, they're like "HEY, PAL- ONLY I GET TO CALL THEM STUPID NAMES".
Zack: OOOH, OOOH- Jae was there and stayed behind to destroy evidence of the Nibelheim Incident with Verdot, Zack could remember seeing Jae and Veld before he passes out and associates them with Shinra baddies/maybe gets angry and tries to fight him when they meet up in remake continuity?
Dion: Bahamut, King of the Gays meets weird little scrungly assassin man who works with The Undying, Jae is totally the one who kicked his soldier through the tent entrance- Joshua is too Nice(tm) for that.
Jae doesn't have to be Leviathan's dominant in this AU since idk how the DLC is gonna fuck it up, or we COULD go with that and have fabulous laser dragon + twink water snek whombo-combo fighting together against Ultima and his weird Oedipus-complex himbo goth, Barnabas.
Jill: Maybe Jae helps Clive save Jill and is a Gav-like rogueish companion as they travel? Can be Levi dominant or not, but I think that's funny because they'd be the elemental trio of "fire", "water", and "water, but like, really cold bruh". THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! j/k
Sleipnir: I just like the idea of them being totally obnoxious at each other since they have similar-ish personalities, like Clive and Barnabas are fighting all macho manly man beeg swordboner style and then you have the two fucking smarmy twinks strutting around and Shady Lady-ing at each other.
Terence Bellerose: If we're roping in @phoenixshards, then I can see Joshua and Dion having tea and calmly discussing the threat at large while Terence and Jae glower at each other from across the room all "OH, HE'S PRETTY... PRETTIER THAN ME?!" style over their respective boyfriends. THE SHIELDS ARE FIGHTIIING-
Or idk Terence is a little weirded out Joshua has a literal criminal as his Shield and Jae's underworld funk vibes get up his knightly snoot. He's a man of honor, Jae is the exact opposite- Sparks may fly?
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transjarlaxle · 9 months
13-25 raestoril
HELL yeah raestoril
raes is raenir's gay minstrel younger brother. i do not have content for him yet. consider this content
the rest of this list !
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along? oh we would get on like a house on fire. we are both gay youngest-sibling musicians who live to do fuck all
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters? he wants to be a light in the darkness, but not in the sort of self-aggrandizing knight way, or even like the quietly reliable dunedain - he just wants to bring a smile to the faces of those who need it, whether by his music or his presence
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who? at the moment he doesnt - and i feel like if he did then raenir would have to, and i dont think im gonna do all that lmao
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like? very low. which is why he's half a healer and half a ranged support. do not touch him he has glass bones and paper skin
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise? the worst ive personally put him through (outside of the events of the second age and the war of the ring) is just the entirely unnecessary sibling drama. he lost his brother, and shortly after his parents (who withered from the despair of the loss), and then after three thousand years he got his brother back, but it did absolutely nothing to solve his complicated feelings
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal? he's definitely very personable, but it's almost a front. he's very easy to talk to and he's a great listener, though <3
19. How does your OC behave when enraged? his rage is the polar opposite of his brother's - whereas raenir's is a cold rage, haunting and unrelenting, raestoril has a short, fiery temper, but he's very quick to get over it. he'll yell and bitch and moan for a few minutes, and then he'll be fine
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest? only of his brother. he's easygoing and fickle until raenir's around - something about him just drives him crazy. the fact that raenir was so important to the last alliance, and that his loss drove their parents to valinor despite the fact that raestoril was still around and still needed them, any time raenir does pretty much anything it's guaranteed to wind him up.
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it? OKAY yes i was thinking about this but. as a minstrel, raestoril's specialty revolves around dissonance and driving harmful magical effects through his music, and as such i'm certain his hearing is fucked. he's attuned moreso to the magic and the vibrational patterns of his music than anything else and has spent three thousand years training himself to be able to lipread most spoken languages so a lot of people don't even notice unless they're approaching him from behind or watch him closely in combat
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be? somewhere between neutral and chaotic good, certainly
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express? his sorrow, definitely - it's the one emotion that doesn't pass through him quickly, it settles in and drags him down, and he just doesn't know what to do with it. simultaneously, he struggles to express it, especially when it comes to complicated situations, like his family
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions? there was a part of him when he was young who thought he needed to compete with raenir, and follow him down the martial path. he probably would have become a hunter or a champion, some sort of ranged support dps, but he would have hated it. his place isn't on the battlefield.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC? he's my emotional support gay minstrel. already. he's nice. he wants to help people. he's just like me. i like him <3
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
What's a datapack au
It's a world building and oc specific Deltarune AU I made, this other ask post is a good starting point,
it's also a lie and not just the basics and is too complicated even when it is TECHNICALLY just the basics - just overexplained ! enjoy my two writing styles on these two posts, by the way !
for stuff i havent explained there, i can go briefly over the main story (tho there's side stories, characters unrelated to the main story etc.)
it follows blank, an addison who lives with his best friend and adoptive sibling, berry. together they co-own a library/bookstore/movie stuff store! it's a chill place, and stands out from the rest of the cyber city aesthetic by being.. well.. more chilled out! it is a safe place that berry wants to keep that way for anyone who may need it. they're also next to a cafe, owned by a swatcling named mocha (owned by a friend). she is their adoptive sister.
maddison is another important character, he's the adoptive gamer bro to all of them. they grew up raised by mocha's parents, alongside with mocha's sibling, tired swatchling. yes. their name is "tired". are they tired? yes. but they're in the background, back to the main point
blank is.... more outgoing and has bigger dreams, and berry is comfortable where they are at and... well... severely neurodivergent coded after yours truly (so is blank. you fool. all of the 3 main addisons are just different parts of me projected on advertisement people)
he goes out to cafes, and he even performs stand up comedy! he always had dreams working in theater, but he's an addison. they sell things and have a natural urge to do it. (berry lacks it)
he becomes besties with spamton! they promised to each other that they'd be by each other's side together, as the underdogs. they'd help each other out... and one day they will be BIG! Together! and together they can help those around them!
well.. that's not what happened, did it?! not gonna go into detail, but hee hoo, spamton and the addisons mutually pretty much abandon each other and. blank has a mental breakdown. slowly! over time! one day he snaps at berry and... UH OH! turns out he has friends tied to the cyber city black market, and mafia, essentially! he goes on to buddy ol' clambert, the big bad boss of it all, and requests to buy a swatchling mask. maybe that will make him great, right? if spamton can cheat it, SO CAN HE!
well clambert is an asshole and sold him one thats badly corrupted on purpose! he literally wanted to kill blank with it! while walking back, in the middle of the street near to the library, blank puts it on and passes out, glitching and transforming as the fucked up mask does it's job. berry happens to walk by and sees it, and does te number one no-no of datapacks/swatchling masks - never EVER take it off from someone who's undergoing "installation". they tried that and it made things worse! they run off for help... but when they come back, blank is gone. he retreated back into deep dark cyber city to live there alone, to not let anyone especially berry see him like this. also going even wackier over spamton's fame, because this happens while spamton is still famous, before his own downfall
looksie where blank's own greed and disregard for others brought him, huh ? well. this isnt forever ! things happen afterwards. years later he is "found again" and theres a process of him meeting his old friends (and new ones as well)
together they plan tot ake clambert down, as he is genuinely pure filth and only cares for money and power. he ENJOYS bringing people down to make himself feel better and more powerful. he wants people under his control, and he wants to see them suffer. he keeps selling out these horrible corrupted masks and other things. . also blank just wants revenge he is angry and rage-filled basically 24/7. if it werent for the rules of the au, he WOULD have a body count
so that's ! a short view on the story
oh yeah also spamton gets the fanfic treatment and does not go with kris after the neo fight, he stays and is found and taken out of the basement. and so begins his very, very painful path to recovery and eventually meeting his old friends.
after all these years, him and blank are not that different are they? very different, yet the same in many ways
but also blank is now a 8'7 tall monster that wants to attack everything on sight and has pet rats in his hair. would you believe me that even that beast of a guy is still based on me ? yeah !
so um yes. datapack au. can always ask me for more details !
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