#to quote myself from earlier in normal & innocent group chat:
sailorpants · 5 months
already I have Seen Boat in ye city of bofton. boat very good!!!
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Just My Luck (Leonard Snart x Reader): Chapter Two
Pairing: (Eventual) Leonard Snart x Reader
Words: 2254
Summary: Chapter two of Just My Luck. Chapter One left off with the reader trying to call Joe, only to be followed. This picks up there.
A/N: I do not own the gif. I found it on google, so credit to whomever made it. Thanks for reading!
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“Well this isn’t the gift shop,” I heard a voice behind me. I froze, stuffing my phone in my pocket before turning to see who was behind me. I really shouldn’t have been surprised; this was just how my luck worked.
I turned to meet a pair piercing blue eyes. Snart. I tried not to look phased; I could tell he was the kind of person that was constantly calculating everything around him. I would not let him see me startled.
“Can I help you?” I said in a sweet voice, playing the innocent thing up. “Well that depends,” He drawled. “Excuse me?” I was legitimately confused. “You’re good, I probably wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t been paying close enough attention to you,” he somewhat explained.
“I’m sorry? I’m not sure what you’re implying.” I was using what I referred to as my retail voice, you know the one; the one retail employees use with their customers to sound nicer than they actually are. “You’re a cop,” He said outright.
“I am not a cop,” I assured him, dropping the retail voice. “What are you then, reporter? Private investigator?” I thought I was concealing my facial impressions well, but he must’ve seen something. “Private investigator, yep. That must work well for you. No one suspects the pretty young thing at the end of the bar of being the one his wife hired to take dirty pictures of him and his mistress,” he sneered. This is the point in which I should have continued to deny being a PI, but I have a little bit of a temper, and he was kind of insulting my line of work.
So instead of denying it further I said, “I don’t just take dirty pictures.” I must have looked like a deer in the headlights. I should have kept my mouth shut, I knew it, he knew it. “So why is a little PI like yourself tailing a hardened criminal like myself?” he asked getting closer than I was comfortable with.
“I have no idea who you are. Yes I am a PI, but I was just enjoying the new museum exhibit like everyone else. Everyone has their hobbies right?” I smiled, trying to find my escape route. I looked around. Then I looked up and saw the museum guy talking to Joe on the second floor, thank god. “You’re a pretty good liar, I’ll give you that,” he said and then he looked up. Shit. He saw Joe. I tried to dart away from him, but he grabbed my wrist. “Son of a bitch,” I mumbled under my breathe.
“Hey, isn’t that the nice private eye you sent?” The museum curator told Joe. Joe looked down to spot Y/N, talking to Snart. How did she always seem to find herself in these situations? Joe didn’t have too long to think about it though, because Snart spotted him and grabbed Y/N before pulling out a strange looking gun and smiling.
  Back to Y/N
 “Sorry Sweetheart can’t let you go. I need some bait, and you’ll do just fine.” He dragged me out of the museum and down the street. A cop car started toward us. Snart shot at it with is weird looking gun. A layer of ice appeared on the road as the car slid over it and crashed. My eyes were wide. Barry better show up soon.
Snart dragged me into a theater. And that’s when Barry decided to show up. Snart shot Barry and he fell. I took this as my chance to get out. I used some of the self-defense moves Oliver taught me to break free from Snart and land a punch on his jaw. He looked taken aback and then smirked. “Kitty’s got claws,” he said. I looked over to Barry who was still on the ground. I couldn’t really call out to him to make sure he was okay, considering the whole secret identity thing.
“Y/N!” Barry shouted, warning me of the blow to face I was about to receive if I didn’t duck. I ducked, landing a blow to the blue eyed man’s stomach in the process. “Y/N, cute name,” he smirked. Damn you Barry, I mean I was thankful for the warning, but I did not need Snart knowing my name. “Let’s skip the chit chat,” I spoke while trying to figure a way out, Snart had me cornered, and some back help would have been very much appreciated. Barry was recovering from getting hit by Snart’s gun, so I guess I was on my own at this point. “Straight to the point, I like it,” Snart winked at me. I rolled my eyes going for another punch. He caught my wrist before I could, twisting it around so my back was to him. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I don’t want to hurt you, sweetheart.”
He pushed me away from him and Barry grabbed me and took me to where he had moved Joe behind one of the large pillars. “How’s it going, Detective?” I smiled. “What happened to ‘no dangerous situations’?” Joe quoted me. “You know me, I just can’t seem to stay out of trouble,” I said catching my breath.  
  Star Labs
“It’s still numb,” Barry said looking at the large black spot on his abdomen. “It’s presenting itself like third degree frost bite,” Caitlyn explained. “I thought he had hyper-healing?” Felicity questioned. “It’s been slowed. If your cells weren’t regenerating at the rate they are your blood vessels would have frozen solid and the nerve damage would have been permanent. You’re lucky to be alive.” Caitlyn finished. I was torn between shocked and relieved, I mean that gun that Snart had could do some serious damage to Barry. This was not good, but at least Barry was okay.
“Snart wasn’t another meta-human. He had some kind of gun, it froze things” Barry explained. “Yeah I saw him freeze the street to stop a cop car,” I added. Felicity gave a worried look in my direction, clearly still worried about my getting myself taken hostage, even though I had assured her that I was fine over the phone the whole way back to Star Labs. “It slowed me down,” Barry continued, “Enough that I wasn’t in time to save someone.”
“According to his records, Snart didn’t even bother to finish high school, so how did he build a handheld high tech snow machine?” Felicity asked the group. “Star Labs built the cold gun,” Dr. Wells spoke up. “Dr. Wells and Caitlyn had nothing to do with this,” Cisco paused. “I built the cold gun,” I stood there in shock. How could Cisco have made something that caused so much destruction? “You did? Why?” Barry asks. “Because speed and cold are opposites. Temperature is measured by how quickly the atoms of something are oscillating, the faster they are the hotter it is. And when things are cold, they are slower on the atomic level. When there’s no movement at all it’s called-” Barry cut him off “Absolute zero.”
“Yeah. I designed a compact crio-engine to achieve absolute zero. I built it to stop you. I-I-I didn’t know who you were then, Barry, I mean what if you turned out to be some psycho? Like Martin or Nymbus?” “But, I didn’t, did I?!” Barry was clearly angry. My heart broke for both Cisco and Barry. “We built the entire structure you’re standing in to do good, and it blew up. In the wake of that, you can understand why Cisco would want to be prepared for the worst,” Caitlyn stepped in.
“I can understand that, but what I can’t understand is why you didn’t tell me what you did. I mean, after all we’ve been through, I thought you trusted me. I thought we were friends,” Barry looked betrayed. “We are Barry,” Cisco stepped towards him. “I mean if you had just told me, I could’ve been prepared,” Barry backed up further “But instead someone died tonight.”
“And I have to live with that,” Cisco said. “Cisco,” I said in a sad voice. “No, Cisco, we all do,” Barry said before walking away. I walked towards Cisco, not entirely certain of what I was going to say, but he was my friend and I wanted to comfort him.
  The Apartment
With the whole fiasco of a day I had, it was late by the time I made it home. Claire was already settled in. She was sitting in the kitchen with a bottle of wine. “So how did your day go?” she asked me. I looked at her with suspicion. “Pretty boring, you know, the usual surveillance stuff. Did you get settled in okay?” I ask trying to steer the conversation away from my day.
“Hmm… the usual surveillance stuff, huh? Nothing interesting happened?” She was using what I refer to as her mom voice, uh oh, I was in trouble. “Nope, super boring,” I said going for the bottle of moscato sitting next to her. She snatched it before I could get it.
I eyed her. “So I turned on the TV earlier and the news was on,” she paused, I was pretty sure I knew where this was going. “They played a very interesting video clip,” she continued. “Well it is Central City, it’s a very interesting place,” I still wasn’t letting up.
 “Well it was certainly interesting, because I could swear I watched a video of my best friend being pulled through the street by a psychopath,” I had definitely been caught. “Ah, that video clip,” I tried to act casual; there was no use in denying it further.
“Yeah, that- Why are you acting so casual? Are you in shock?” She had concern written on her face. “No, it’s just that it’s kind of a normal day at the office for me,” I replied. “Being taken hostage by a mad man with some sort of freeze ray gun is a normal day at the office for you?” She looked at me like I was insane.
“Like I said, Central City is a very interesting place,” I repeated.
“That’s a bit of an understatement,”
“I may have left some stuff out when telling you about my time here,” I admitted.
“You don’t say? How about we start with this apartment. How do you afford this place?” She questioned looking around. It was a fair question, these were definitely nicer digs than a normal PI could afford. “I have a rich client that foots the bill,” I answered. I mean it wasn’t a complete lie. I was technically working for Oliver, by helping Barry.  
 Before she had time to say anything in response my phone started to ring. I looked at it, it was Cisco. “What’s up?” I answered it. “We found a way to track Captain Cold,” Cisco said before I’d even finished my greeting. “Captain Cold? You mean Snart. Dude you need to cool it with the nicknames. Haha, cool it, you get it? Sorry, continue.”
“We found a way to track him, and Barry went after him alone and turned his comms off,” Cisco continued. “He did what now?!” How could Barry be so reckless? “We are going after him, we’re gonna swing by your place on the way, so be ready. We’re only a couple minutes out.” He explained. “I’ll be right down,” I said in return hanging up the phone.
“Duty calls,” I told Claire. She shook her head, “Try to stay out of any hostage situations this time will ya,” she joked. “I make no promises,” I retorted with a laugh before running out the door. I knew I’d eventually have to tell her the reason I got into all these dangerous situations, but I was glad that I didn’t have to worry about it at the moment. Besides, I had bigger fish to fry at the moment.
  I walked up to the train crash with Cisco, Caitlyn and Felicity. “Thank you,” I heard Snart’s voice. “For what?” I heard Barry ask. “You forced me to up my game, not only with this gun, but with how I think about the job. It’s been educational,” now we could see them. Barry was on the ground, and Snart had his gun pointed at him.
“Drop it,” Cisco commanded him, while starting up his fake cold gun. Snart turned his head to look. “This is a prototype cold gun, four times the size, four times the power,” Cisco bluffed. “I was wondering who you were talking to,” Snart said to Barry. He then noticed me there. “Y/N, how lovely to see you again.” He winked. “Hey. Unless you want a taste of your own medicine I’d back the hell up,” Cisco warned.
“Your hands are shaking, you’ve never killed anyone,” Snart said gun still pointed at Barry. “There’s a first time for everything, Captain Cold,” Snart smirk at the nickname. “I will shoot you,” Cisco repeated.
“You win kid. I’ll see you around,” Snart started to back away. “Hey, leave the diamond,” Cisco spoke up. “Don’t push your luck,” Snart continued to walk away. Once he was far enough away, Cisco turned off his ‘cold gun’.
“Couldn’t shoot him if I wanted to, this is actually the Star Labs vacuum cleaner,” he laughed before adding, “With a lot of LEDs,” I smiled and shook my head.
The team headed back to Star Labs, but I had them drop me back at my apartment. I was completely exhausted.
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The Walk
Pairing: Misha x reader
Prompt: 500 miles by the Proclaimers
Words: 1950ish
Warnings: none, just a lot of fluff and a lot of walking
Beta: Thanks to @sassy-losechester for betaing this one shot! 
A/N: This fic is written for Kari’s RPF Song Challenge by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing. It’s in support of @wayward-mirage RPF Appreciation Day 2017. I hope you guys enjoy it! Feedback is very much appreciated since I’m trying to improve my writing and I want to push myself so any critique is welcome :) A/N 2: I actually did some research in hopes of getting most details right and making it realistic. I have no idea where Misha lives right now so I went with Los Angeles. Also, I know it won’t play out to be 500 miles, but by the use of google maps and the internet I decided it would be quite inhumane.  A/N 3: Also the gif fits the story perfectly in my opinion! Because there’s no way Misha would take the easy way. :) 
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“You guys ready?” Misha exclaimed through his megaphone, eliciting excited screams from the crowd in front of him. “I said: you guys ready?” The people gathered around the table he was standing on shouted in unison. “Alright, let’s get going then!” With those words Misha pointed to the road ahead of the group and jumped from his made up stage. He rushed to the front of the crowd, setting a steady walking pace, leading the way. As he looked behind him, he saw the San Diego Comic Con sign becoming smaller and smaller, all while a sea of people marched right behind him.
For the first hour of the hike the actor chatted with his fans who joined him on this crazy adventure of his. The small talk died down just like the number of people walking with him. Every now and then a small group would join them, picking up his location from his twitter messages. But when night fell Misha was left on his own. His only companions were waiting for him at his first night’s checkpoint. Encinitas, California. If he was lucky, they would have checked into the hotel already, everything ready for him to just face plant the mattress.
What was he even thinking? Misha laughed to himself and shook his head when he remembered the original idea. If there was anyone around, they’d probably think he was a madman for laughing for no apparent reason. His initial plan was to walk 500 miles and literally fall down at his girlfriend’s door. On one knee specifically, pulling out a ring and asking you to marry him. After just one day, Misha thanked the gods that his friend Darius talked him out of that idea.
“Try to walk from San Diego to Los Angeles first, big boy,” he had said. After researching some stuff, Misha quickly adjusted his plan. Twenty days of hiking was a little crazy, even for him. It would have been one hell of a proposal though.
Misha smiled when the city lights greeted him on the horizon. He quickened his pace, the promise of sleep and a warm meal giving his sore muscles a boost of energy. His calves burned, but he ignored the pain and marched on towards the booming city. The closer he got, the more people joined him again. His fans cheered him on as he walked the last few miles. Every few turns he checked his map to find the right street, making sure he was going the right way.
The hotel sign greeted him and so did his friends at the entrance. Darius grabbed his friend while someone else took over the backpack. “Thank you, guys, for walking with me and I hope to see you again tomorrow,” Misha smiled. With the last remnants of his energy he waved at the little crowd and stumbled through the hotel entrance into the lobby, his body heavy with exhaustion.
A quick meal later the actor collapsed on the bed. The moment his head hit the pillow, he was knocked out, his eyes heavy with sleep. His mind blocked out his friends strolling around the room and the noise they made. As sleep washed over the actor, every thought that passed through his head revolved around you. Your smile, your laugh, the little lines etched in your skin. Even in his dreams you were the only thing on his mind. Memories of your relationship made Misha smile in his sleep. Predictions for the future had him feeling euphoric. He imagined mini versions of you and him running around, the wedding ring you would wear leaving a tan line because you would never take it off, having you by his side forever. And if you said yes in a few days, that dream would start to become reality.
Misha’s eyes fluttered open when his alarm buzzed next to his head. He was pulled abruptly from his happy dreams, pushed back into reality where you hadn’t even said ‘yes’ yet. Without a conscious thought he pressed the snooze button on his phone. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the morning sun, an empty spot next to him. Oh how he wished you were right beside him, all cuddled up against his side. He could have taking a flight home from San Diego, but Misha wouldn’t be Misha if he would do it the normal and easy way.
The actor stretched his arms and legs and he felt the ache settling into his muscles already. Four more days, he thought to himself. Four more days and you would be in his arms. Hopefully his fiancée by that time and not just his girlfriend anymore. Misha had told you this whole trip was some outrageous promo stunt for GISHWHES. Personally he thought it was the perfect excuse for a seemingly random five day walk and after talking with Jensen and Jared about it, they unanimously decided it was the most plausible lie.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” Darius grinned down at his tousled friend. Misha grunted something back as he climbed out of bed, his legs stiff and painful with every move. “How you doing? Can your old body still handle it?”
The actor glared at his best friend. “I could use a massage,” he threw back with an innocent smile. Darius grimaced and shook his head, scurrying out of the room. Misha jumped under the shower to fully wake up. The warm water relaxed his muscles and relieved some of the tenseness. He quickly got ready and packed his backpack for the day. It would be a long walk today and the earlier he left, the more breaks he could take. With his bag slung over his shoulder he closed the door of the room behind him and made his way towards the restaurant of the hotel.
After breakfast Misha resumed his quest. A few dozen of people had shown up and together with them and Darius he marched the first few miles of the day. People left and people joined, all for the good cause of GISHWHES. The part of the wedding proposal Misha wisely kept to himself. The group stopped in Carlsbad for lunch where Misha’s team by car had set up a picnic area. The break didn’t take all that long and rather soon than later the actor and his following were back on the road. A few hours and a couple of stops later Misha arrived at the camping site he would stay at for the night. Sleeping in a tent wouldn’t be as comfortable as a good old hotel bed, but any form of rest and comfort was good enough after the walk from today.
And so the days went on. Waking up, eating, walking, more eating, more walking, more eating, sleeping. Repeat. It wasn’t until Misha entered his neighborhood in Los Angeles that he came back out of his trance. His mind had been high with focus, the endless roads eventually hypnotizing his thoughts, his feet marching of their own accord, automatic pilot on. Even though the sun had gone down, Misha found his way home down the dimly lit roads. He easily recognized his street by the horrendously ugly letter box of Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Oh and let’s not forget their neighbours obsession with garden statues. It was hard to miss those.
But the thoughts of the ugly mailbox and the creepy statues all disappeared when his eyes landed on your house. He was home, finally. Misha’s fingers slipped into the pocket of his jacket, tracing the outlines of a small velvet box. His feet marched through the front yard and up onto the little porch. He didn’t have the time to ring the bell, the door swinging open before him.
And there you were. All the pain and tiredness of his body was forgotten the moment the actor laid his eyes on you. Your smile beamed up at him and you threw yourself into his arms. “God I missed you,” Misha whispered into your neck, pressing kisses on your skin.
“I missed you too, baby,” you grinned as you pulled back. You shared an intimate kiss, standing in the doorway for what seemed like forever. “Let’s get you inside. C’mon.”
Misha intertwined your fingers and pulled you back to face him. You furrowed your eyebrows, silently questioning what was wrong. He took a deep breath before sinking down on one knee. He pulled the red box out from his jacket and looked back up at you, his beautiful girlfriend. You stood there with confusion in your eyes, tears already forming and the hand he wasn’t holding clasped in front of your mouth. And he hadn’t even uttered a single word yet.
“Y/N,” he started off his speech. “When I wake up, I know I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you. When I go out, I know I’m gonna be the man who goes along with you. If I get drunk, I know I’m gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you. And if I haver, I know I’m gonna be the man who’s havering to you.”
You were already shaking your head at his words, a fond smile tugging at your lips. He was quoting that damn song. Misha grinned up at you and chuckled out the next words. “When I'm working, I know I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you. And when the money, comes in for the work I do, I'll pass almost every penny on to you. When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you. When I'm dreaming, I know I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you.”
The first tears had started rolling down your face and Misha gently wiped them away with his thumb. “When I come home, I know I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you. And if I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you.” You laughed as he took a deep breath, making him grin in return. He opened up the jewelry box, revealing a gorgeous ring. “Y/N, will you do me the honor of marrying me so I can do all those things I just rambled?” Even though Misha saw the pure happiness on your face, he couldn’t help but feel anxious as he waited for your answer.
“Yes,” you uttered. “Yes, I will.” Misha slid the ring on your finger and pulled you into his arms, kissing you passionately. “Now get in, you silly goose.” Misha snickered at the nickname as he stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. The both of you plopped down onto the couch and you cuddled up against your fiancé’s side.
“Misha,” you said, pulling back from him a little. “Did you seriously just quote 500 miles by the Proclaimers?”
Misha nodded sheepishly and you grinned in response, pressing your lips against his one more time. “If I hadn’t, the walk would have been kind of dumb and meaningless.” You shook your head at him as your fingers played with the little hairs at the nape of his neck.
“How far did you actually walk?” Misha replied with a simple 124 miles like it was nothing.
“I was thinking about walking circles around our house but that would have just been ridiculous,” he scoffed with a smirk.
You smile up at him, noticing the tired but excited look in your fiancé’s eyes. “We will walk the other extra miles together,” you promised him. “We’ve got a lifetime to do so.”
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Misha Tag List
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