#to like. their 70s or 80s or whenever they die
lecliss · 8 months
I've still been fucked up ever since I found out that(according to an actually plausible timeline), Konoha has only existed for like 90-something or whatever years??? It's not like. Fucking 200 years old or whatever. And that Madara died when he was 74 but he had himself hooked up to, fuckin what was it??? The Gedo statue?? A tree?? Whatever. In order to keep himself alive and you look at him all old and crusty and think he's like. Over a hundred at least. But no, that man's 74. He's just an average fucking grandpa!!! And Hashirama had been dead for a LONG while, so he actually died pretty young all things considered. And that also means Mito died like. Fuckin. I'm guesstimating here but in her 60s I guess???? But it's a significant thing that the Uzumakis have longer than average lifespans so like. What the fuck is the average life expectancy in Naruto for this bullshit to make sense???
#ever since i found out mada died at 74 ive been thinking those obi grandpa theories/allegations could actually be true#cuz doesnt he actually call obi his descendant at one point or something??? i mean i do think he meant that metaphorically#but at that age it actually could be possible#mada just woulda had to have a kid later than hashi did to make sense of the age difference between obi and tsun@de#and his grandma from the anime isnt canon so we can discount her in this equation#still fucked up tho over all hidden villages therefore being younger than a century#i think in my head it just feels like kages should be kages from like. their 20s or whenever the get the position#to like. their 70s or 80s or whenever they die#ya know like hiruzen made it to 68 i think??? and only died cuz of oro#but then again he did step down for mina like. 15 whatever years ago if were using 12yo nart for comparison#so going by 'they have the position for like a couple decades. maybe 2 MAYBE 3 then pass it on to someone else'#yeah it would then make sense for konoha to be on kage number 5 within a century#it just. doesnt really occur to me i guess. am i the only one fucked up by realizing this??? or has it always been obvious to everyone else?#granted when i was a kid i was ALWAYS so confused by how there could be a 4th hokage when the current guy is called the 3rd#i just never picked up on the idea that the 3rd returned to the position when the 4th died lmao#so yeah of course this has always gone right over my head#personal
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yinorathedragontamer · 5 months
Wings? [Charles Rowland x fem! alive! supernatural! reader]
a/n: this is quite the long oneshot, longer than expected, but i really enjoyed writing this! i hope you guys enjoy, and feel free to request fics such as these whenever you'd like <3
word count: around 2k.
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"Here, this will be your room, rent is weekly and that is your roommate [name]" Jenny says as she hands Crystal the keys to the room, and gestures a little vaguely at the girl standing infront of them both. "hey Jenny, i thought you said i'd get one roommate, not three?" you ask as you glance at the two boys standing behind who you now know as Crystal, one of them looking intrigued and the other mainly just confused, and Crystal tilts her head a little as if she just made a new discovery "did you forget to take your meds again [name]? there's just Crystal" Jenny rolls her eyes and turns around to leave, saying something about why she even lets you stay here as she walks back to the front of the shop. "so, uh, you can see us?" one of the boys asks, and you take a step back from the sudden startle "oh, sorry mate, didn't mean to startle you, i'm Charles, and this is Edwin" he gives you a charming smile, and you quickly look at Crystal, who, hopefully gently, jabs him in the ribs with her elbow. "Sorry about that, don't worry, i see them too, as you heard from Jenny, my name's Crystal" she holds out a hand to shake, which you slightly hesitantly take "i'm [name]..." "so, are you a psychic like Crystal or have you had a near-death experience?" the one who you heard was called Edwin asks as he takes out a notebook and a pen to write down your answer, and you notice Charles giving him a look that says 'really dude?'. "uh, well, i'm not really sure? strange things have been happening since i was a child, doctors gave me meds for it but they didn't exactly work" you answer. "hm, what kind of strange things? we're the dead boy detectives, me and Charles, i suppose Crystal here joined us recently, but we solve supernatural cases" "yeah, my demon ex-boyfriend stole my memories so, yeah, i'm trying to get them back" Crystal adds. "dead boy detectives? are you two ghosts?" you ask. "yeah, you got that right" Charles says with a bright smile, the type that you would instantly think about if you had to think about him. "right, okay, in that case..." you start to tell your story. "for as long as i can remember, i've been seeing things that others never seemed to notice, the earliest memory i have was that i went to a museum, i was quite young, and i saw someone staring at a wall, and when i got closer i saw that his entire face was cut up, like, something had mauled him, i ran away crying, but my mom said it was all in my head" you continue. "another time was a few years later, i was on the school playground, and since people said i was weird, other kids refused to play with me. i saw this dog, a real sweetheart, and started playing with it, it was only when a teacher came to ask me what i was doing that i was told there was nothing there, and when i looked back at the dog, it dissappeared". "any more recent things? something that doesn't include seeing ghosts? because that would indicate you probably just had a near death experience that you didn't realize, such as getting run over by a, what was it called Charles? a car?" Edwin asks, "jeez, when did you die?" you say with clear disbelief that he forgot what exactly a car was for a second. "he died in the edwardian era, then spent like, 70 years in hell before he got out, i died in the 80's, and stuck around with him" Charles says with a slight shrug. "oh shit, okay, so to answer your question, it was like, eight months ago, i woke up, and i had this" you take off your shirt, Edwin instantly averts his eyes to the floor, meanwhile Charles looks at Edwin instead. you turn around, and show them the tattoo of two bug-like wings going from your shoulderblades down your back. "damn, those are.... really cool"
Crystal says with a nod, and Edwin quickly writes it down. "and what's so strange about that? isn't it just a cool tattoo?" he inquires, not quite getting the strange thing about them yet. "well, i never got a tattoo before in my life, i never got these willingly, and sometimes, i have this nearly painful ache on my back, and when i do it's the worst where the tattoo begins, on my shoulder blades" you answer as you put your shirt back on, much to Edwin's relief as he really wasn't used to seeing stuff like that out of nowhere.
that first meeting? that was a few weeks ago, and you have become close friends with all of them.
Crystal has become like a sister to you, Niko has joined the team now too after you guys saved her, and even Edwin has been more kind to you, he has his charms sometimes.
and Charles? oh, where to begin.
you two are like two peas in a pod, and at first, Edwin did NOT like that, but he's been more than kind about it now.
at this point, he practically ALWAYS tells you two to go together for cases, and as close as you two are, you hate it.
why? you've fallen, and not even a little.
those smiles he gives you, the way his first concern was you when he got out of that loop in the haunted house, the way he always offers to put your stuff in his infinite bag, the accent, the looks he gives you sometimes, and it's terrible!
you swear its unnatural, to fall for a person who's been dead for decades, to have fallen for someone who probably doesn't love you that way.
nah, you're reading into things, atleast, thats what you tell yourself.
he however? he's the exact same.
the reason why Edwin keeps pairing you two up is because he figured out that Charles likes you, a lot, to the point where Charles had to make a deal with Niko for her to shut up about it too, before you found out.
no way you'd like a person who's already dead right?
when he thought of you, he thought about you making fun of his accent, your wing tattoos, the way you tried to keep his focus on solving the case and on you instead of the murderous scene when you guys were in that house, the way your grin was to die for as you asked about what the 80's were like, the way you hugged him and told him to never do that again as soon as he was out of that dreaded loop, he could swear he saw tears of relief in those gorgeous eyes of yours.
"hey Edwin, i saw 12 cats in total outside, just so you know" you say as you walk in with the groceries for the week, since you and Crystal did still have to eat. Edwin nods and quietly thanks you for helping him count all the cats, Charles walks through the wall into your bedroom before you can say anything, he wanted to tell you how he feels but, was it worth the risk? it would be rather awkward since you'd still have to talk to eachother nearly constantly.
you notice it, though, and you quickly take off your jacket before going into your room too.
"hey Charles, i need to talk to you about something" you say a little nervously, were you really going to do this? really?
"ofcourse mate, what's up?" he tries to sound relaxed, but you don't seem to notice as you quickly ramble on about something he only understands half of.
"yeahsoireallylikeyoulikemorethanafriendandicantreallyhandlehidingitanymoreandireallyloveyoursmileandialwaysendupthinkingaboutyouwhenevericantsleepandihadtopayNikooffusingmanga'stoconvincehertokeepquietbutyeahthatsallpleasedonthateme-" Charles looks at you with confusion, and you take a deep breath.
"okay, so, long story short, summery of that ramble, i really like you, i don't know how, since like, i'm alive and you're dead- wait was that rude? i didn't mean-" before you can finish, you feel his hands on your cheeks as he kisses you, and ofcourse you kiss back.
he pulls away, and look you in the eyes with a loving smile, one you have never seen before "i like you too, so don't even worry about it"
"we'll figure everything out together, yeah?" all you can do is nod as a grin finds its way on you face.
you woke up with a scream.
your back hurts like hell, and you can feel blood coming down onto the sheets.
in a panic, you quickly go to the bathroom, rushing right past a just woken up Crystal who looks worried.
once in the bathroom, you take off your shirt, though not without struggle as the pain on your back makes it extremely painful to lift your arms so high.
as you take off your shirt, your eyes widen in even more panic as you see the blood that seeped onto it, and you turn around infront of the mirror, seeing blood trickling down your back from your shoulder blades, and... two wings, covered in that same blood, they look exactly like the tattoo you had, but then real.
before you can do any more panicking you hear a knock on the door.
"[name]? you in there? what's wrong?" it's Crystal, though before you can say anything you hear more voices.
"Love? you alright? i'm coming in there if you don't answer, you sounded like you were in pain" Charles. oh no.
he can't see this?! what would he think? you look disgusting, with a bedhead and a bloody back.
"no! no, please just let Edwin in, i can't let you two see me like this.." you say as a few tears roll down your face, apparently your voice sounded like it too as Charles was ready to barge in through the wall anyway if Crystal didn't keep a hold on his arm.
less than a minute later, Edwin comes in, and his eyes widen as he sees the state you are in, and he quickly leaves again.
you stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror as he comes back with a book on... fairy's?
"it's not just about fairy's, it's also about fairy type blessings that they might give to people who went through a lot of negetivity in their life, and what type of blessings they give, clearly we need to figure out yours." he explains before you can question him.
"here it says it's a blessing of the ignored, given to someone who got ignored and waved away whenever they tried to say or convince someone of anything, and the wings were bound to sprout when you feel like you're ready for it, even though you aren't aware of what you're ready for" he explains, and he takes a good look at the 'instructions' of how to atleast clean them up.
"right, i'd say, take a hot shower, put on something like a... backless top or dress? i believe you have those? and we can show Charles, Crystal and Niko and we'll figure out what to do"
all you can do it nod as he leaves again, and you hear some light arguing between him and Charles before you hear Crystal interrupting them and convincing Charles to just sit down at the table and wait.
you took a good, warm shower, though you could instantly tell your wings were sensitive, but tough at the same time.
you put a towel around yourself, and luckily you have a door straight to your bedroom, which Crystal uses aswell, as then she doesn't have to walk past Charles and Edwin when she has showered.
you put on a backless top that you got a year back, but never got to wear as it's usually too cold for it, and some simple jeans and shoes.
you walk out, and see Charles instantly looking relieved as he gets up, though he can tell there's something going on as it's much too cold for that top, and Crystal walks past you in awe as she comes out of her room too, Niko also just walked in from the door with Edwin, and he nods to you to turn around.
and you do.
at first your'e nervous, but then you hear the gasps of awe and you feel Charles gently touch one of them, which makes it twitch a little.
"i did more research when you were showering, turns out the first times are most painful, but you can control wether or not they are as a tattoo or as usable wings, though obviously you must train to do anything with them at all, such as flying. i reccomend that you get more backless tops or tanktops that leave the shoulderblades free, so if we're on a case you could simply take off your shirt and free those wings incase it's needed"
you nod, and before you do anything else, you turn back around, and you spread them.
you look at the floor, but Charles lifts your head back up to meet his eyes, full of wonder. "those are awesome, yeah? we'll help you figure everything out, as always"
"i believe we've gotten a new case, huh?" Crystal says with a slight smile, and you smile back.
you let your wings relax, and without even thinking too much of it, they go back to their tattoo form.
"i suppose we do" Edwin replies.
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the5n00k · 6 months
M*A*S*H and the power of pure unadulterated sorrow
(this series is marketed primarily as a comedy! :D what a scam! /hj)
⚠️long post⚠️
I want to point out one of my favorite aspects of this series which is how different it presents its drama compared to other shows marketed as dramas that I've seen. ESPECIALLY modern film
The last movie I can remember portraying this sheer level of raw grief and despair was Hereditary. Such a powerful film about how grief can tear a family apart, it's honestly uncomfortable to sit through because of how well written and acted some of the scenes with the family are. And that's the point; tragedy isn't pretty. So many times you will see characters die on screen and the actors around them reacting to it with a single tear or burying their face into their stone cold main protagonist's shoulder. I have been craving that Hereditary level of despair from something for a long time now. That raw emotional breakdown that completely shatters the mask of a usually well put together facade.
Then my friends recommended M*A*S*H to me.
Yes you can make all the "crying breakfast friends" jokes you want about how often I latch onto a heart wrenching emotional moment in a show but I can't help it when it's so well executed. I can see a million silly Disney sidekicks die and feel nothing but this show has made me cry even on rewatch. And that is RARE for me, usually it's a one and done thing but this show still manages to tear me to pieces.
Not saying the show doesn't have any fun in it, of course it does, that's how the emotional moments hit harder. If you never saw the characters at their highest highs, seeing them at their lowest would just become numbing and unengaging.
Spoilers ahead obviously, I'm going to be talking about a lot of really important character moments throughout the show please if you are at all interested watch the show and come back. It's 11 seasons but it's well worth your time
Something that has always been powerful to me has been grown men crying. Perhaps it's because I never really had a good emotional connection with any men in my life and always saw them as stronger (emotionally) than someone who is erratically emotional like myself. Especially during the timeframe this is set (the 50's) and shot in (70's-80's) I was not anticipating the level of raw acting talent from the guys in this show. Especially once you get past season 4 and shit really starts hitting the fan
To see these grown men who take so much pride in their important positions as doctors and men and who they are just break down weeping like a scared child. It never ceased to break something in me. I cried the hardest at the amnesiac soldier who lost his brother (FANTASTIC scene it should have won 60 awards) but the two characters that have always stood out to me with this particular subject have been Hawkeye and BJ
Clearly if you've watched the entire show you understand what I'm talking about and obviously the other cast members have their moments (Winchester my beloved one day I will put you under a microscope and pick you apart) but for this subject, I'm going to use the two of them as examples because I consider these moments the most prominent to me personally
I'll start with BJ because there's a lot to unpack with him and simultaneously not a lot at the same time. Because he's so closed off and disconnected from most things happening all the time, choosing to opt out of anything whenever he can unless provoked, characters don't really know that much about him. As an audience, you're forced to pick apart his little mannerisms and priorities to see where his head's at. Some people might not like that but frankly I love it. He's a simple character on the surface but underneath, he's a terrified father and husband trying to keep his head down long enough to snap out of the nightmare that is war and wake up at home. I relate to him in that way, just trying to stay in my own corner and occupy myself until I have to wake up and do it all over again. Coping with the monotony is slowly driving him crazy
Then in Period of Adjustment, he gets a letter from his wife about how she and their daughter Erin saw Radar at the airport when he got sent home. And his thin thread of stability finally snaps. He's pissy for the entire day and doesn't want to tell anyone why, he'd rather just go through the motions and repress it just like everything else. But it keeps outwardly affecting everything around him whether he likes it or not. Then, at his lowest, he physically assaults his best friend in their own tent and destroys their only lifeline, the still they use to (poorly) make gin, and runs out.
After getting so intoxicated he can't stand up, Hawkeye finally finds him again and laughs that he's wearing a helmet to see him, still trying to make light of how much he's suffering. He tells him he's sorry for punching him and Hawkeye sits down with him. He finally is completely and truly honest for probably the only time in the entire series. He is completely vulnerable and open and tells him what's been bothering him. His infant daughter mistakenly called Radar her dad. The first person she ever called dad wasn't him. And he breaks down. He barely got to see her when she was born before he got drafted, he missed so many milestones of parenthood with her already and she ends up calling someone else dad. BJ tells Hawkeye he is furious at Radar and knows it's not his fault but he's still jealous. He even mentions how he's envious of Trapper, Hawkeye's old bunkmate from before he got there, which is still a huge sore point for him because of how abrupt his departure was. But he doesn't reprimand him for speaking badly about two people he'd considered close friends. He holds him closer and lets him cry. This isn't a single tear cry, this is a full vulnerability twisted face cry of pure pain. He can't say anything to ease the pain either, nothing he could say right now could help his friend. He just has to let him work through it.
They rebuilt the still together but BJ still remains broken. This is sort of touched on in Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen when he tries to get sent home before Erin's second birthday and misses it. It's not held on but you can obviously tell that he's still barely holding onto mental stability whenever he brings up his family. If you go into this series thinking every conflict has a resolution or closure of some kind I have bad news for you lol it's safe to assume when he went home, there was a rough adjustment period reclaiming his place in the house since Peg took on so much responsibility by herself but we don't really know what happened after everyone went home.
My next example is from Bless You, Hawkeye and I always rag on this episode with my friends but the scene between him and Sidney physically shook me. Everybody probably talks about That One Scene with Hawkeye and Sidney from GFA so I'll refrain from using it as an example here, I think this one is more appropriate for the point I'm trying to make anyways.
Hawkeye has never been mature. At all. His entire character is built on being obnoxious and causing trouble. Unlike BJ, he will share nearly anything about him when asked. Except when it's serious.
In comes everyone's favorite coping mechanism, ✨ unconscious repression! ✨
Again, a part of his character that got used again in GFA, whenever something upsets him in a way he can't manage, he buries it. He rewrites the memory into something happy or positive. So when a wounded soldier soaked in dirty water smelling of mold and musty clothing triggered a psychosomatic response, nobody knew why.
Processing scenes like this is something I remember so vividly from my first watch. Seeing all the pieces fall into place until that sinking feeling fills you is something this show is so good at.
Hawkeye starts talking to Sidney about something from his childhood; being out on a lake with his cousin Billy when he was seven. He claims Billy saved his life by pulling him out of the water but the more he talks, the more his story changes. It gets to a point where even he realizes he wasn't saved. He was pushed. Billy had to have been around 13 at the time, old enough to know how mean pulling something like that is. The way he admits it is when the gravity really sank in for me. His voice breaks, he starts loudly and violently sobbing like a scared child, he's probably been holding in this breakdown for 20ish years. In any other show, I could see them trying to play this for laughs. Oh Hawkeye, you shouldn't be so upset by a silly prank from when you were a kid! Look at this grown man break down! What a baby! But they don't treat it like that. It's treated completely seriously, it's allowed to play out and he slowly works through grief for someone he idolized in his childhood, anger, and acknowledgement. It was a permanent scar that wasn't allowed to heal.
This wasn't the first time in the series Hawkeye has cried but it was the first time he truly let it out. Every other time he knew he'd have to pick himself up, dust himself off, and keep going. I'm not certain if he properly processed anything he went through in Korea because he kept (pardon my language here) drowning himself in alcohol and burying himself in work and antics. So his eventual breakdown just. Getting it all out in one gutteral, primal cry, borderline screaming was cathartic for both him as a character and myself personally. Very rarely do I ever get a moment to have an emotional release like this so I also bury myself further into my job and hobbies until I can't feel what's bothering me anymore. His man's father better have booked him therapy when he got home because I know for damn sure this jackass won't do it himself
Overall, I'll say it again, the actors in this show are insane. None of the emotions felt cheap and the way the characters are written feels accurate to how most people approached the horrors of war and the mental health crises that followed. I'm so happy this show exists. I'm a little disappointed in myself that it's taken me this long to give it a chance but I love it nonetheless. I'll make a post about the characters specifically sometime like I said I would, I just want to make sure I do everyone justice and I'm not just repeating what everyone already knows. I want to add to this wonderful community that I'm happy to see is still active on this app/site and I hope you all enjoy my ramblings lmao there is more where this came from
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 107. brb x oc
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a/n: 👀👀👀👀
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none.
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
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@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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Beatrice tried to mask her grimace once she showed up at Marcus’ studio. It wasn’t because of him, but she was feeling really ill and nauseated from last night, maybe they shouldn’t have eaten that chili, maybe she should’ve gotten something lighter instead.
Because her stomach was making her see double, and the bright colors surrounding her were only making her situation a bit worse. She tried to hide her discomfort as Marcus explained everything, sometimes even putting a hand in front of her mouth because that nausea was intense and she feared she’d just blow at any second.
Nicole was happily playing in the playpen Marcus set up in his office, something he really didn’t have to do but he adored her as much as Bea and Rooster did. He was the honorary uncle, the honorary rich stylist uncle who gave her daughter tiny brand toys he got from PR packets over the years.
The Valentino rubber teddy bear was probably the cutest thing she had ever seen…and it was the first time ever too. Black with pink eyes and a bow tie with the ‘V’ on each side, in gold thread that shone whenever Nikki moved it. Her daughter just vocalized when playing with it, she didn’t have a lot of stuffed toys - in fact Rooster’s blue teddy bear was the only one that Beatrice kept in her room since she was so young - so when Marcus said he researched what babies her age could have,Beatrice was more than honored to know that he found something safe for her daughter.
And seeing Nicole have so much fun while playing was enough for her too.
She hoped it’d make the nausea pass, but it was a bit complicated. She also was having a hard time focusing on what Marcus was saying, because she was trying to not die right in front of him. Maybe it was something they added? She never had this issue with chili before, it wasn’t like there was something that happened.
Plus Rooster was feeling so good, maybe it was something in her making her feel so sick.
Marcus, who was very observant, removed the bright colorful glasses from his eyes and furrowed his brows, “Bea,what is the matter? You appear…” he moves the frame in the air,trying to find words, “You appear…confused, or upset…or both.”
“Are you okay,darling? What’s wrong?”
“Oh, ah,I’m sorry Marcus.” she laughs softly, “I just..I think yesterday’s dinner is kind of messing with me,so…I’m okay.”
“Do you want to sit down?” his whole demeanor changed, “Tea? I can get you tea- Trinity! Bring us my personal selection!”
“W-No!” Beatrice holds her hands up, “No,no! No, water is fine, in fact I prefer it,Marcus. Please.”
The stylist narrowed his eyes but sighed, “Very well, get us the Swedish one.”
Beatrice almost told him there was no need, but chose to just sit down on the chair closest to Nicole’s highly expensive playpen, blinking when she saw her daughter playing with a Versace rattle now, “Um…Marcus.”
“Yes, darling.”
“I…could be very wrong.” she laughs nervously, ‘But um,brands don’t do baby stuff, do they? I mean,from what I’ve seen with you and from what you told me?”
Marcus places his glasses back on the bridge of his nose, pushing it up to his brows with a elegant finger, “Well, they don’t darling.” he says casually, “But I told them that I have a lovely little girl whom I adore and I’d be more than happy to see her enjoying the best in life.” he smirks at Beatrice’s face, confusion slowly turning into surprise and then absolute shock. He holds up a hand, “Ah ah ah! No take backs,darling. I adore you three, you know that.”
“Sssh, no no,” he taps her nose playfully, “No take backs,it won’t hurt me to give my favorite people gifts…besides,I don’t have nieces or nephews and since you and Evelyn will be the first of my friends to have children, why not?”
“Does Evelyn know?”
“Of course not,she’d be worse than you if she found out.” he laughs gleefully, grabbing the teal colored bottle from Trinity’s gloved hands alongside the long flute that would usually be filled with champagne, “There you go,darling.” he pours the water and Beatrice blinks at how clear it really is, she could almost see her own past with how beautiful that water looked, “Enjoy it.”
“Thanks,Marcus.” she grabs the flute delicately, bringing it to her lips and blinking at how expensive water could taste. But besides that, it did help her stomach because it slowly settled once the cold water hit it, her eyes closing as a sigh of relief broke out of her.
Marcus crosses his legs once he sits down on the velvet chair in front of Beatrice, “Better?”
“Yes, thank you,Marcus. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, darling.” he waves his hand off, rolling his eyes, “We all get sick…you said there’s something you ate,yes?”
“That and some personal stuff.” she laughs gently, placing the flute on top of the mahogany desk as she leans back on her seat, the papers filled with her own designs were fixed together almost as if it was a Tetris game, “And I got,” she moves her hand, “I got nervous I guess, and my stomach is now feeling it.”
“Oh, goodness, you cannot stress darling. You know it gives you wrinkles.” he pats the corners of his eyes for emphasis, “And makes your brain scream. We already go through so much in our daily lives, there’s no need for more.”
Beatrice smiles thankfully, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and sighing once her body feels comfortable enough for her to speak, “Well,I’m sorry about that, um…so, from what you said everything is good,right?”
‘Yes, darling.” he points a manicured finger to one of her drawings, “It’ll be marvelous and remember: there’ll be no photographers, no paparazzi,nothing, there’ll be only us having a good old time as friends and to celebrate the launch…and obviously,show you the pictures.”
She flushes a bit but smiles more, “Thank you,I know it’s not what you are used to but-”
“Darling,I’m so tired of the vultures that surround me.” he tilts his head fondly, “I am almost forty, I can decide what and who I want in my party.” he looks down when he hears Nicole vocalize and shake a shoe that looked like a small Louboutin, “I can arrange a baby area if you so wish as well.”
“Oh,no,no, she’s staying with her nonni.” Beatrice smiles, gently combing some of Nicole’s hair back when she looks up at her mother, “Plus,I don’t think it’d be such a good idea to take her there, might be too much for her.”
She says as if her daughter couldn’t handle sleeping through a storm.
Which she did. Twice already.
“Oh,very well, I’m just saying…which brings me to my other idea!”
“Other?” Beatrice blinks when Marcus disappears under his desk, his gleeful laughter being the only answer as he messed with something she can’t see, “Marcus?” more laughter and this time he pushes a small box on top of the desk, pushing it towards her, “What’s this?”
“My new plan! I was heavily inspired by the little princess.” Nicole turns her head when she hears, even if in her mind she had no idea what that word meant she knew it was used to refer to her, “And because I adore her so,I am working on my own baby and kids line!”
“Yes!Oh it’s so fun! Smaller sizes! SO small! And tiny,tiny socks!” he is elated when speaking, “And I’ve never did anything like this before, so I think it’s so fun and out of my comfort zone,I don’t know why I hadn’t tried.”
Beatrice was so surprised that Nicole, in her six months of life, managed to make pretty much everyone around her feel either inspired or happy. The Dagger Squad loved her - and she didn’t want to tell anyone, but it was obvious her favorite people in the squad were Payback and Phoenix because of how much she liked when they held her - Maverick absolutely adored that little girl to the point that she was sure he’d break someone’s arms if they talked about her. Penny wasn’t that far behind and Shells was doing a great job being the crazy wild aunt that could possibly kill anyone who looked at you wrong while Evelyn was the cool, hip, savvy aunt who knew what to give you when you least expected.
To say that their baby daughter was a light of joy was pretty obvious.
“And of course she’ll be one of the first to receive a full batch of clothes.”
“Oh, ah,” Beatrice laughs softly at Marcus, “There’s no need,Marcus, she’s growing so fast I don’t know if it’d be a good idea to…send her more clothing. I even bought some more since she’s already so big.” Nicole chews more on the rubber Louboutin and then looks around for anything else to play with.
“Oh…” Marcus frowns, then his grin returns, “Very well,I’ll save it up for the next babies.”
“I mean,” he props his chin on top of his interlaced hands, “You do plan on having more kiddos,right? You and your pilot.”
Beatrice’s cheeks flushed red, an embarrassed little giggle breaking out of her as she retucks her hair behind her ear, “Um…” she clears her throat, feeling the words get stuck in there while looking to the side, “One day,maybe. We aren’t in a hurry, Nikki is just six months too and Roos is busy with the Navy and such.”
Marcus hums, pursing his lips as he smiles, “Okay! Well,I’ll still keep them saved up for you!”
“Mama!” Nicole breaks the conversation, and Beatrice is so thankful for the distraction, to show her mother the other toy she got, “Abuuh buh ah!” it was a monkey, of course it was a monkey, from Moschino with bright colors and a huge head that undoubtedly made Nicole think of her own monkey back home.
Beatrice smiles, picking her daughter up when she crawled over to the small gate that held her back, being sat on her mother’s lap as she nommed on the new rubber primate, “Thank you,though. I really appreciate it, you don’t have to but…you know.”
‘Oh darling,you have to stop saying that.” he smirks,”I adore your little family.”
“I know…we appreciate it.”
“And I adore how in love your husband is with you, you two are a fairy tale in real life!” he clasps his hands together, “It’s adorable!”
He wouldn’t be the first one to say that either.
Beatrice just laughs again, still blushing, “Well, he does make me feel that way-” her alarm goes off and she sighs, “Oh,I gotta go Marcus,I have to meet with Penny and Shells at the bar reall quick.” she looks back at him in question, “We ah, we are finished,right?”
“Yes, we are.” he smiles, “But oh, let’s just wrap it up.” she thought he meant the papers and the meeting, but no he meant the many brand toys that Nicole played with. His several assistants just flocked into the room and started packaging everything, everything in front of them with the exception of the playpen.
“There’ll be more when you visit me the next time,”
“Sssh, darling,” he smiles, “Those are gifts for the little princess.” they are all inside beautiful sleek black boxes with large red ribbons and Beatrice could only stare wide eyed.
“I-I don’t even know how to take all of those home.” she murmurs, “I-I mean you–” the knowing look from Marcus was enough to answer, “You are going to send the ones I can’t take over to me.”
“Hmhm! “ he bites the end of his glasses while holding his arm up, then gestures to her body, “Oh I need to send you the dresses too, I know you’ll love to see them. Trinity! Please write that down! Bea needs her dresses.”
Beatrice could only watch wide eyed. Never in one million years she’d ever think she’d be here, standing next to Marcus Beverly - who is her friend now -, helping him with the new launch and being one of his models. One of his favorite models that is.
And that she’d still work at the Hard Deck and be happy doing it.
She bites the inside of her cheek to hide her smile as she follows Marcus and his flurry of assistants out of the building to her jeep. One of the male assistants even holds her bag for her as she unlocks the car, both her and Nicole watching as they put everything inside - almost perfectly aligning each box - and closing it once they are done.
They all say their goodbyes to her and Nicole, the little baby smiling happily when theirs voices get higher when referring to her. Marcus stands outside next to Beatrice, inhaling happily before turning to her, “Well, darling, you must go and so do I.” he air kisses her cheeks while holding her shoulders, “I will give you a call before the launch party, yes?”
“Yes, of course Marcus.”
He smiles fondly at her, before turning his gaze to Nicole, “Goodbye little princess.” he coos, gently kissing her tiny hands and smiling at her happy giggle, “You enjoy your time with mommy, yes?” Nicole laughs louder and Marcus drops her hands from his, “Goodbye darling, have a good day!”
Beatrice watches as Marcus flourishes back into the building, his clothes shining and hair still in place even with the wind outside. She gives him one final wave before the doors closed and she’s left standing with Nicole next to her car “...well…” she laughs, looking down at the little girl in her arms, “That was fun,huh?”
“Ah!’ Nicole’s vocalizations were only sounding more and more like actual words as time went by, “Come on, let’s…” Beatrice frowns when she feels the nausea again, “...not eat Mexican food again so late, oof, I feel awful.’
Rooster talked to Maverick, because he wanted to solve this once and for all. They sat away from everyone while in the cafeteria, because they needed privacy and needed to talk about things over.
It was a quiet conversation, as private as they could have, but he knew his uncle appreciated it. Pete’s eyes glazed over with tears but he was trying so hard not to cry, only offering the younger pilot a tight smile and a tap to the hand to show that it was solved, he didn’t need to worry anymore.
And things went back to normal, well, as normal as it could be.
“You are coming to the Christmas party,right?” Rooster asks after taking a bite of his pizza, while his uncle sips his soda “At Bea’s parents.”
Maverick slowly places the soda down, tapping his fingers on the table’s surface as his jaw moves, “I…I mean yes,” his nephew arches his brow at the hesitation, “I don’t know,Brad. I hadn’t…been to a Christmas party in…a very, very long time.” he licks his lips, “How many people will be there?”
“Well, let’s see.” Bradley looks to the side as he things, slowly unfurling his finger as he voices out the family members, “Her parents, her siblings, her nephews and nieces, the dogs, it’s possible her aunt will be there, and maybe her uncle Roberto with his wife and sons…so…” he counts each finger, “Around twenty-five people?”
“Twenty five?”
“You saw most of them at our wedding,Mav.” he shrugs, “Plus, you like parties. And music.”
“Twenty five people,” his uncle rubs his forehead while looking wide eyed to the side, “I…I can’t buy all of them presents, Brad.”
“I told you don’t have to,Mav-”
“Yeah, but isn’t that the polite thing to do?”
Bradley chuckles a bit, “Listen,it’ll be fine and…” he looks down at his hands, “We’d really appreciate it if you showed up…even if it’s for a little bit, you know? Bea especially wants you to go because she thinks it’d be good for you…and Penny said yes already.”
“She did?”
“Way before you.”
Pete huffed softly, in a way it was supposed to mean how annoyingly happy he was because of that woman. He just tsks, then tosses his hand up, “Yeah,well, okay…I’m going.” he huffs, “But are you sure I don’t need to bring gifts?”
“One hundred percent.” he says with a grin, “It’ll be like the first time I met them too,Mav. I didn’t bring a lot and I got…a lot…so you better be ready for that.”
‘What,wait, I am going to get gifts?” Rooster nods, “But I can’t give them back, that doesn’t make much sense.”
Rooster laughs, “Well,” he looks down when his phone starts to ring, “Well, you better get used to it and– it’s Bea,I’m going to answer it Mav. Give me a few minutes.” his uncle just looked stupefied by that, not even looking when Rooster walked away.
“Hellooooo gorgeous.” he drawls, leaning his shoulder against the wall, “You rarely call me, is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine! Well,a little,I’m a bit sick.”
“I think eating chili so late was a mistake, blegh.” she laughs softly, “I’m okay though,lying in bed a bit, just got back from talking to Penny and Shells and Nikki is keeping me company. How are you though? You okay? Did you talk to Mav?”
“I did,gorgeous.” he looks back to where his uncle was, “We’re good.” but before she could exclaim how happy she was, he cut her off, “Wait, you are feeling sick, do you need me to bring you something? Some meds?”
“Ummm…I dunno…maybe? I just hope I get better until I go to the bar. I’ve never had issues with food like this before. I’m not throwing up or anything, but you know, it’s really annoying.”
“I know,gorgeous.” he whispers, “I’m going to Rizzo’s then, get you some pastries,” she makes a noise of discomfort, “Something light?”
“I might just have juice, I’m not feeling like having anything.”
“I can–oh. Oh. Oh I had an idea.”
“An Idea?”
“I can’t tell you yet but…I will…have to stay with Nikki tonight.” she makes a confused noise from the other side, “Can’t tell you why, but I know you’ll feel a lot better once I do what I have planned.”
“...you know, you can be very dangerous.”
“Yes,gorgeous.” he laughs, “Yes I can.”
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icedmetaltea · 7 months
I'm supposed to go back to my apartment tomorrow... or at least start, it's a 9 hour drive. Considering I can't go 30 mins in a car without a panic attack, I'm guessing I'll have at least 5 a day, and considering even one is traumatizing enough??? I'm gonna fucking die I swear to god
There's still so much to do, so much to pack, so much to clean, dishes to wash, laundry to do... I've barely eaten today and I didn't even notice till now. My stomach hurts but I'm not hungry, couldn't dream of eating rn
I've had this awful choking, lump-in-throat feeling come throughout the day, got really bad this past hour, just been laying in bed trying to not swallow cause whenever I do that makes it worse. I keep coughing, trying to get it out, but nothing helps... I know it's gotta be anxiety but in the back of my brain I'm worried it's asthma, like I've had mild asthma this whole time and just didn't know it and I'm just lucky I haven't died yet
Sure feels like I'll suffocate. People liken it to breathing through a straw and yep I've sure felt that a lot. I also noticed it gets worse when I use perfume so that leads me to think it could be that more...
Nothing is helping today. I've tried staying distracted by playing games but no, ofc it's 70 degrees... is that normal in march?? I don't even know anymore. It's supposed to get to 80 on thursday. My only hope is that the conditioner my parents are lending me will work better than the shitty window fan in literally one room in my apartment.
I don't want to go back there. Realistically I know I have to, I still have a lot of stuff I'd need to throw out before I could move, and if I did move... where?? There's nowhere to go. I could move to an apartment in the state my parents are moving to but they're in the process of moving in and it could take like half a year or longer for them to fully move in, and even then I don't know if they plan to stay there or only go there in a specific season.
My sister isn't that far from the apartment, maybe 20 mins ish, but she works and I don't know her schedule, plus she has kids and will probably not be available most of the time if I have a bad panic attack or there's some kind of emergency
Everything is just so fucked right now. The economy is in shambles, women's rights are getting stripped away more and more every day, we're on the brink of like multiple wars and I'm just trying to get through my last semester and don't know if I can due to all this shit plus my dyscalculia
Even if I do... what then?? I don't have a plan for my future. I would never make it as a therapist. I would never make it as any of my other dream jobs through the years. The only thing I can think of is some computer science job but my eyes cross when trying to do that, I'm the opposite of logic-minded, I really just have no skills or passions or anything to set me apart
And my blood pressure keeps getting high for some reason. I know it's probably the anxiety but what the fuck am I supposed to do about that??? I tried therapy for half a year and it didn't help, might've made it worse bc she kept saying I should just give up and go on disability (which as we know would probably just lead to poverty) I can't get on meds because the ones I've tried make me suicidal (er) and I've tried healthy eating + exercising as much as I can considering I can't do anything more than walking and guess what??? I still have anxiety
I just want to live with my parents forever but even if I did, they're still going to die someday. Everyone I love is going to die and I'm going to be alone and/or abandoned again and again and again. It's be just like danny all over again.
Like genuinely what am I even alive for?? People always say it gets better and sure it does... for a while. Then I end up back at rock bottom. And I always will. Because I'm a failure
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captain-noir · 2 years
Your tags re: Louis and those three words is why whenever anyone tries to be smug about him not having said them to Lestat, I'm like genuinely it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how many times Louis is gonna pull "love of my life" out of his ass about Armand when he's still talking about his ex from some 80 years ago whom he at one point plotted to kill. I can't even put emphasis on how Lestat may feel about the words because I'll have to endure Louis being embarrassingly gone for this man for the entire show. Those three words not being said aren't gonna help when this man is beyond help as it is
agree but also whats there to be smug about?! louis' dead eyed white knuckle grip as he gives the most 'im off the deep end' smile like poor armand is the rebound boyfriend of the century he's there listening to louis describe sex with lestat being the best he ever had knowing armand would die for a taste and will never get it. black tar heroin multipled by miles to the rings of saturn and back is an insane thing to say i dont care how much of a cuck armand is. its been 70 plus years and louis still cant talk about lestat without crying and running out the room like they had to rehearse this version of the story and still his love and affection for that blonde demon broke through the levees theyve erected. but also i dont want louis to say those words any time soon thats his leverage in his failmarriage and he shouldnt say it if he wants to win at their mindgames like sorry maybe im too deranged but i want lestat to never ever feel secure in louis' love for him where's the fun in that like maybe once every century louis can throw him a bone and the rest of the time he has to like infer from louis emotinally witholding ass self!
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extra-v1rgin · 2 years
hey oliveoil! Hope you're having a lovely time!
I've got a fem!reader x Kishibe request for you! I made a silly vague post a few days ago about a fic inspired by Fall Out Boy's (shut up cringe is dead) "Heaven's Gate". Tbh Kishibe being any age works just fine for me, as well as either nsfw or sfw! I want to see your take on it, if you feel like it!
Thanks in advance!
first request ever wowee!!
(also for future reference, no not all hc requests will be answered, and yes I will just be doing small hcs/imagines and not full fics)
(ok edit after writing srry this shit is kinda sad)
I imagine this taking place early-mid 80’s considering the punkish vibes we (I) want (and the actual Heaven’s Gate was in the mid 70’s so it’s thematic or whatever). Kishibe is slightly younger, but not middle aged.
(I like to imagine that this is the moment where he just started growing out the gray. Shiny gray roots with black edges.)
As mentioned earlier you’re involved in the punk scene, loud and angry and so not Kishibe’s type. You probably meet him at a bar after or before or in between watching shows and rioting. You’re a bit mouthy, maybe disrespectful (Which Kishibe does like).
At first you probably assume Kishibe is straight laced, even with the piercings and scars he can’t escape looking like a haggard businessman in the suit. He might’ve drawn your attention on purpose, waiting until your leaning in his ear and making fun of how boring he is.
(Later that night he shows you how not boring he is as he fucks you over and over until you can’t even speak.)
Somehow you end up staying. He never makes you breakfast or offers you respect and you don’t do much in return. He fucks you, you fall asleep in his bed, and usually don’t wake until Kishibe has already left for work. If you’re lucky he’ll make enough coffee for two.
And after a month or however long you want to just be fucking him for, you ask for more. You’re not naive, but you are younger than Kishibe and still holding onto the idea of love. If you beg for scraps of his attention he’ll ignore you. If you bug him, desperate for anything more than rough sex, he’ll kick you out for the night. It shouldn’t be a problem because you don’t live together, you can only share his bed a few nights a week. That doesn’t stop you from crying until you can’t see and sulking back to your car.
Finally he tells you why. Kishibe is a piece of shit bastard who is definitely going to hell. You’re the angst filled young adult he picked up in a shady bar. Your idea of rebellion is yelling in the road and chucking beer bottles at buildings. Kishibe is planning government coups.
And it’s not the difference that’s the problem, it’s the fact that Kishibe is definitely going to hell. Even if you were to die (like everyone else he’s ever known) he wouldn’t see you in whatever kind of afterlife exists.
After awhile you understand that, even if Kishibe doesn’t explain it. So you’re satisfied to keep sneaking into his bed every other night and pressing kisses softer than normal against his cheek whenever you stay up longer than him (which is rare).
Kishibe might be confident that he’s going to hell, but right now you’re both on Earth, even if it’s just for the briefest moment.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hello There, Showtoonz!! I just wanted to let you know someone has talked about your post about HB and let's just say some die hard fans aren't taking it well in the comments, and saying shit like, "Oh, well Viv is much better and talented than you!" Or "Don't watch the show then" ect ect, it's like you can't criticize ANYTHING without the fans going after you for it, and also calling you homophobic if you don't like the show. Apparently, you can't talk about criticism or say one negative thing on the series, when it comes to the HB/HH Fandom. 😒
Glad the OP agrees, but I honestly don’t care what the fans think lmao. I still stand by what I said, I heavily dislike how literally like….80% of the HB fandom and the creators act like being gay and/or female automatically means you’re a good writer who doesn’t need criticism, trust me, I’m not pulling that out of my ass, I’ve seen people act like this everywhere.
However, this did get me thinking, I will admit that I think I worded that one tag wrong, mainly the problem was I didn’t know HOW to word it. Fill free to disagree with me if y’all want, but when I said “The show shouldn’t even be labeled as a “queer show”, it’s a dark comedy with gay characters yes but that doesn’t mean it’s meant for gay people I don’t get it”- in one of the tags, what I was trying to get at was that I personally don’t understand why everyone keeps labeling the show as such when the original premise and tone of the show had nothing to do with what the show seems to be now, an emotional rollercoaster about relationships, wether gay or straight. In my opinion, I only think you should label your show as a “queer show” if your MAIN purpose and premise resides on telling a story following the such. Helluva Boss’s main premise wasn’t about that, it was about demon assassins going to earth to kill humans while Stolas (a SIDE main character-ish) acted like a horny perv who had possession of the book. The reason why I said this was mainly to once again jab at the people who act like having gay characters in your show means that it’s magically inhumane to criticism. Most importantly, when I said “it has gay characters yes but that doesn’t mean it’s for gay people”- I should have said that differently, because want I MEANT was that just because there are LGBTQ+ characters in your show, doesn’t mean it’s ONLY for them. This is a jab at the fans who keep saying “But it’s a queer show, it’s for queers”- whenever we try to critique Stolitz as a couple or the other relationships. The show never presented itself on the characters sexualities and how they’ll be telling about their loves lives and personal lives, again….it was SUPPOSED to be a dark comedy about asshole demons assassins, and ever since Stolitz took over the show because Viv is obsessed with it rather than taking time to develop and expand her other characters, everyone now is acting like Stolitz is what the show stems on and what this show was supposed to be about. They also act like LGBTQ+ characters can’t be written badly as long as the creators are gay themselves, (they also act like just because it’s told from a “queer perspective” that apparently means that the writing isn’t bad, but that we just won’t get it because we’re not queer) and that’s not true?? Again, I don’t care if you’re gay or straight lmao, bad writing is still bad writing, that doesn’t make me homophobic for saying so, I’ve literally expressed multiple times how it pisses me off how Viv portrays most LGBTQ+ people, mainly her gay characters cause all they act like are hollow shallow stereotypes as if they were written by dumb men from the 70’s. Again, there are better written gay characters out there. I should also say that I don’t mind it when a show wants to dive into the romantic side of the main character, because Blitz at the end of the day still IS the main character after all, I’m just tired of fans acting like the show is only about his and Stolas’s relationship when it should be about the entire IMP crew as well. So Helluva fans, please stop saying “It’s a queer show”- whenever someone opens their mouth to critique something. I’ve seen Queer shows that have better writing than this fan fiction of a show and my sexuality has nothing to do with it lmao.
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thechaoscryptid · 7 months
It's funny to me whenever I see a post about reducing the 40 hour work week and it's filled with tags/comments about "laughs in [higher number] work week"
Y'all realize you're included in this too, right? No one should be required to work 70+ hour weeks?? Like if you want to, more power to you, godspeed, what the fuck, etc, but...
I worked several years of 80-90 hour weeks (and was working almost 40 during high school!), and it about killed me. My body was literally coming undone, and I will never recover fully from that. It's fucked me up in many multiple ways.
It's not about the amount of hours you DO or even CAN work—it's about the fact that, for a lot of folks, it's kill yourself for a job or die without one.
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spenglercore · 8 months
For the asks, fear with Vic and break with Vic, Piotr, and Ilse
Also I know I say this all the time but I literally adore your ocs so much, I would die for them 🩷
AAA ty, I'm glad you like my disobedient brain children! :3
From this list!
Fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
For Victoria, her greatest fear is abandonment. Being a GNC bisexual woman in academia in the 70s and 80s means that any community she managed to find almost always turned on her if she revealed her sexual orientation or didn't act like a 'proper woman'. Her parents were also abusive and didn't approve of her for the same reasons, to the point that when they found out she's bi, they disowned her. This is also why she's not open with her fears, being emotionally vulnerable was a punishable offense growing up so she learned at a fairly young age to do her best to wall off her deepest thoughts and feelings.
Break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
For Piotr - He's a really emotional person to start with, and the man has a heart of gold who will not hesitate to help others with anything, if he's able. He tends to internalize things both out of guilt and a sense that he needs to be the primary breadwinner for his wife and son not just because that's how he was raised, but also because he genuinely wants to provide for them.
During his time in the Army as a tank mechanic deployed in Vietnam, there is an incident where he kills an enemy soldier with a hammer in self-defense. Once he's back home after a medical discharge, the memory starts to haunt him, and he quickly becomes withdrawn and distant. Eventually, he reaches a point where he's having dissociative episodes and during one of them, Ilse finally asks what happened while he was deployed. At which point he finally breaks down and he just collapses against her and cries a lot, and goes on and on about the intense guilt he feels for taking a life, even if it was in defense of his own.
More under the break; cw for mention of self harm.
For Ilse - If she ever lost Piotr, that would break her. Not only because he's her husband and the father of her son, but because they were friends from the time she was twelve. And being that he's in the army and actively deployed in both Korea and Vietnam, she is aware that she could get a letter in the mail at any time saying that her best friend will never be coming home. But knowing that's a possibility and actually getting that letter are very different things. At first she'd go catatonic while she processes the fact that she'll never see him again. And while she does cry whenever she has to tell her son the news, she doesn't actually break down till she's alone. The full breakdown is mostly a lot of sobbing while she lays on his side of the bed in attempt to find some for of comfort amid the sense of loss and grief.
For Victoria - Being abandoned by someone she actually opened up to would absolutely destroy her, especially if it happened without warning, like they just up and left with no explanation. The breakdown wouldn't be immediate; she has existing abandonment trauma and an extremely low opinion of herself due to a lifetime of being told she's not good enough, so initially she'd try to shrug it off as an inevitability that she just has to accept. But it would only take a few days for her to hit a point where she can't keep the lid on her emotions anymore, at which point she'd just get angry. Not at the person who left, but at herself for trusting them. A breakdown for her would consist of a lot of screaming and hitting things until her hands are bloody and bones possibly broken. After she wears out the burst initial burst of anger, she would sink into a depression where she actively pushes people away from her by lashing out both physically and verbally, from a place that's halfway between 'hurt them before they can hurt you' and 'show them the monster you are right up front'.
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cybernightart · 1 year
Overwatch toxic support rant and ramble
I'm going to preface this with 99% of the players I play with are really nice, and like 80% to 70% of the time the supports do heal me if I need it, but I will go find health packs first ,and I never click that I need healing button because I'm terrified of it 💅✨
Okay anyways rant time (sorry this is kinda word vomit, so the grammar will probably suck)
I'm a new player to OverWatch, and FPS games in general, and even though now I have around 77 hours on Genji, I would consider myself okay at this point but obviously it's very off and on with whatever comp the other team plays or a million other reasons.
I only really play quick play because I'm just playing for fun so I don't know what rank I am but I definitely don't think I should be going against diamond 1 and platinum 1 players.
Which is made worse by the fact that for some reason because I'm playing Genji I'm expected to do really well and if I don't do amazing on Genji during the game because of one of the million reasons that it's hard to play him, I start getting yelled at even if I'm not doing the worst on the team or in the game.
Like a few games ago I had an ana making fun of me and telling me to uninstall the game and I shouldn't play and I should be way better than I am and that I'm throwing the game. I got someone who also plays support I can understand getting annoyed sometimes with people, but I never asked this Anna for anything again I'm too scared to click that I need healing button even if I do, I will go find a health pack but the problem this time was I couldn't get to a health pack because I would die before getting there because for some reason the enemy team would see me as Genji an instantly all jump to kill me whenever they saw me.
It definitely didn't help situations that it was my first game of the day, I hadnt warmed up, and I haven't played OverWatch in a few days and hadn't played Genji in even longer, on top of the fact I deal with chronic hand pain so my hands are hurting me A lot of the time, but I just deal with it because it's not like it's going away so I'm not just going to wait till it's gone I'm going to live my life despite my sore hands.
But even after apologizing to my team for not doing too well and even after they kept insulting me saying how I have chronic hand pain the honor just kept yelling at me saying it was a poor excuse and if my hands really did hurt I wouldn't be playing :|
I've only been playing since October, I have had maybe 10 toxic player encounters and eight of them have been supports, and from what I've seen from the community Genji seems to get hated on a lot especially by support players (supports either seem to love or hate Genji I've noticed) and it's even funnier to me the whole I need healing meme because at least now I've only ever had one Genji use the I need healing button one time in the entirety of the 8 months I've been playing. And every other person I've talked to who plays Genji is too scared to use it.
I don't understand what compels people to be so rude to others in general let alone over a game of quick play.
I was fortunate however that in the following games after that one I had a very nice supports, and because I was getting some help (on top of the fact I had warmed up by then) I was able to do so much better than I had in the previous game and I was very grateful for them and I made sure to tell my support and my team how thankful I was and I hope they had a great day.
even though we lost that game, just them being nice, and encouraging and maybe even supportive 👀(I'm sorry, that was bad xD), I was able to do so much better! And from that game alone, my mood had picked up from the bottom of the floor that it had been put on from the previous game to very happy even though we lost.
I'll never understand what compels people to be mean to other people in games (and outside games) but I know that I will at least continue to try and be a beacon of joy or at least make someone's day a little better whenever I can. If that means being a goofy little genji in games, I be the goofy little genji they need, or if they need positive reinforcement I will be that positive reinforcement!
If anyone actually reads this, I'm sorry for rambling ,and I hope you have a great day! Lol
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ninjastudioart · 2 years
50 Facts: Ninjago Au
1. The ninja are all college students, with their ages between 19-21. All of them aged normally as well
2. Wu, Garmadon, Misako, and Lloyd are all shinobi, not ninja. Ninja refer to the others, who are (in lack of better words) inaccurate and not based on much historical accuracy. Shinobi are based on actual ninja. The name difference is just there for viewers sake mostly. Shinobi are far better trained, but far less available then ninja
3. While Ninjago is largely based in Japanese culture, it is actually quite diverse, especially in Ninjago City. The main spoken language is actually english, but 70% of the population of the city can speak at least one other language
4. Elements are either passed down from parents, or gained when a master with no heir chooses someone before they die. If they die before choosing, the element will be passed on to a person deemed worthy
5. Of the main six, two are not full humans. One being Zane, who is a nindroid. The other is Lloyd, who is only 1/3 human, with the other parts equally split between Oni & Dragon
6. The drinking, smoking, driving, and consenting age in Ninjago is 18.
7. Despite its modern standing, Ninjago has an emperor and empress who control everything
8. Police officers are just low ranking samurai/retired samurai
9. Guns, bombs, and likewise weapons do not exist in Ninjago, at least not really. The only fire arms and bombs are based on real weapons available in fuedal Japan, as Ninjago puts little energy into designing weapons
10. Many diseases are either completely eradicated in Ninjago, or are curable.
11. The average lifespan for a human in Ninjago is 160-180. Once they reach 18 the aging slows down physically and you can have someone who's 100 looking like someone whos 50 in our world. This is due to both different versions of humans brought to the realm, and the magical undertone in Ninjago as a whole.
12. As a society, Ninjago is actually very open. Racism, sexism and homophobia were never allowed to become normalized, and the way things are made is very showing. This obviously doesn't apply everywhere, but it is largely the norm.
13. The separate areas in Ninjago are called districts, and they are less comparable to states and far more like countries. Ninjago itself is far more like a continent then a country. The emperial family rules over them all, but each place has some form of personal government
14. In terms of power, Ninjago has a hierarchy system: from top to bottom
Emperor & Empress
High-ranking officials(Shinobi/shogun)
Emperial Children/Family
District Leaders
Government Officials
15. To be a shinobi, shogun or samurai, you have to have started official training around the age of 2 (or whenever the child is able to walk independently.) Most members of these groups are born as the children of other members
16. As a shinobi, Lloyd directly kills enemies and villains. This is quite different from the other ninja, who usually just aim to harm
17. Shinobi typically function in clans, or shinobi raised closely together as a sort of family.
18. Ninjago is home to a variety of species, some from our world, some not. Some normal, some magic
19. The most common inhuman features in humans in Ninjago are pointed ears, fangs, deformed limbs (especially legs), and even small tails.
20. There are lots of "unnatural" hair and eyecolors in Ninjago that are perfectly normal in the realm
21. Despite being a society far in the future, nearly all the ninja fashion based in the past. 4 of them have 80s fashion, Nya has 90s, and Kai has a more vague look
22. None of the ninja are straight, and half of them are not cisgendered
23. The ninja are or will be in the following relationships
Lloyd x Kai
Nya x Jay
Cole x Seliel
Zane x Pixal
24. Shinobi work directly for the imperial family. While they can accept tasks for payment from other people, they serve the empire first. They cannot accept jobs that go against the empire, and are required to arrest/eradicate any who ask this of them
25. Shinobi may function as protectors or guardians, but they are trained as spies and assassins to work for the imperial families and usually function as such. They aren't paid by the empire, but get some nice job benefits so- They will use their skills for others for a high enough price
26. The "main" focus character for my au is Lloyd, at least at first lol. My au is literally called "The Son Of Garmadon", and it focuses alot on Lloyd and how he becomes one of the ninja (and their friend) and what that journey looked like
27. Garmadon was turned by the venom after managing to fight it off for years.
28. In my au Lloyd inherited some of the venom. Not enough to be like Garmadon, but enough to cause issues. Garmadon finding out 2 year old Lloyd had the venom is what made him feel the need to leave, which ended up weakening his mind enough to lose control.
29. Despite being 1/3 human, Lloyd largely acts more like his inhuman ancestors, as it sorta cancels out his human side
30. The ninja (minus Lloyd) were all friends, growing up together. Lloyd has only negative interactions with them leading up to him discovering he's the green ninja
31. Lloyd was bullied, harassed, and even "killed" due to mostly his father's actions. It was also due to him being in the wrong places, terrible luck, work as a shinobi, or even people thinking he was some monster
32. The "start" of the au's timeline happens during what I call the Revenge Arc. This time is when Lloyd stops letting people harm him and decides to essentially become what they fear. It was mostly a way for him to get people to leave him alone though, as fighting back and being an asshole meant less people hurt him
33. The first ninja to really try and make Lloyd one of the team was Kai, who regretted never standing up for Lloyd despite wanting to be his friend
34. Lloyd has more then one element, but in reality its more due to him having the golden power. He can use destruction, creation, and energy
35. Energy in my au is not truly a separate element despite being called so. Its really just a weakened and more controlled version of the Golden Power.
36. All the ninja have a variety of mental health issues, some they inherited and others they gained through trauma
37. Jay is transgender, and has had both bottom and top surgery. He was really depressed before transitioning, but doesn't have gender dysmorphia
38. Prostitution is legal in Ninjago, and the term pimp has far less negative connotations. They are basically just employers- (This is based on my own personal views, if you don't agree that's fine but don't be an ass)
39. Despite its modern stance humans do most jobs across Ninjago, with nindroids only being there if they work alongside humans
40. Mystake is a college professor who teaches history, and she owns a magic tea shop
41. Lloyd doesn't know Mystake when she starts working at the university he attends, but Mystake knows him :)
42. The ninja have the following jobs
•Lloyd: Bar/restaurant Waiter
•Kai: Stripper, prostitute, porn actor, drag queen
•Nya: Swim instructor, lifeguard, competitive swimmer
•Jay: Inventor(more of a hobby), gamer, streamer
•Zane: Professional chef, competitive snowboarder
•Cole: Personal trainer, competitive rock climber, Dj
43. While Nya lives with her parents, Kai lives in an apartment somewhere in Ninjago City. Only Skylor, his boss, and eventually Lloyd know where he lives.
44. The ninja are all in the same grades, Kai and Cole just joined school later on
45. Most of the ninja used to bully Lloyd, and they were pretty upset when Lloyd joined at first. Lloyd and Nya especially had issues, with Nya being the meanest to him and Lloyd hating her the most
46. Zane is the nurse/healer of the ninja, always having a first aid kit in his possession
47. At 17 Lloyd fell into the venoms control and joined his father, working with him for over six months. The ninja would learn his identity, as well as him learning theres.
48. At 18 the ninja blackmailed Lloyd with the fact he had worked for his father, and he spent his senior year being absolutely harrassed. The ninja would still reveal his identity before school ended, and Lloyd would end up jumping off the school roof on the last day.
49. Koko was not only the first non-elemental to work with the First Spinjitzu Master, but she was also the first non-elemental who became a shinobi
50. Koko was 20 when she started daying Garmadon, and they were 21 when they first married. She had Lloyd when she was 22, making her 41 at the start of the au's story line
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ey-there-little-guy · 2 years
Hi I have more rambles and facts about my mer au bc i got a nice comment ^_^
Leviathans start off the size of an average adult mer (couple feet bigger than an average human) and then in childhood get about as big as a van. still quite small, they fit in parents' hands like kitten. It makes it easier to keep them safe.
When they hit adolescence they have a giant growth spurt and become very long, like, ~60-70 feet, and fast as hell, they also get claws.
they don't start putting on actual mass until late adolescence/young adult and even then are still only about ~80-90 feet, 3/4 as big as a fully grown leviathan. This is where Ranboo is at 93-ish feet. - Now some human/Tubbo things:
Humans have lots of stories about leviathans, some even have leviathan scales if their ancestors fought and killed one. there's not tons of those though, since it was more likely a leviathan would escape deep underwater after the finishing hit and then die. there were still cases where a dozen or so ships could trap a leviathan at the surface for a bit that made it possible to get scales as a trophy.
Tubbo was raised on those stories, how seaside towns like his used to be a sailor's retreat and were bombarded by waves and flooding from leviathan's large movements and stubborn fishermen were attacked by just as stubborn mers. the centuries of leviathan hunting that eventually made the beach a relaxing place to go instead of a death wish.
And stories from grandparents and their grandparents about leviathans chucking ships into the sky with one throw and smashing hulls, having to aim cannons and harpoons just right and months spent making spiky nets that were just thick enough to hurt and give them that extra second to land another hit.
Tubbo was glad he didn't have to deal with leviathans in his time and that mers didn't snatch people from beaches anymore, he could wander down whenever he liked and only have to worry about drowning, not anything else, besides maybe the stray jellyfish once in a while.
So yeah most stories he heard focused on the leviathans violent attacks, then Ranboo saved him and made him reconsider the true nature of leviathans.
After all, this huge creature could hold him in one palm, easily crush him, or hold him underwater, or anything, really. But all it did was look at him with huge eyes, head half above the water, and bring him safely back to shore. It was the opposite of all the stories he'd ever heard and he wanted to know why. - Getting a bit more miscellaneous:
- Pretty early on Tubbo gives Ranboo the name 'Boo', since Ranboo can't communicate with Tubbo and Tubbo doesn't realize Ranboo is sapient yet.
'Boo' because Ranboo appears very spectral-like underwater, being all black and white, and they're silent like a ghost too, and certainly gave Tubbo a scare like one, so they are now Boo. Yes Ranboo thinks it's funny how Tubbo basically guessed half their name.
- Ranboo's parents were killed by one of the last generations of leviathan hunters when they were a child, they were caught and that lured their parents out. They even got a fin on their back torn off in the fight, tho it's not visible bc they have pretty long hair in this au.
that fact actually gets a bit dark bc Ranboo still stays in the same cavern that they died. they were small and terrified of being caught they didn't know what else to do but stay :( now there's just the bones.
- on a happier note, I am strongly considering making the sprites that are Ranboo's chat little creatures that like to stick to leviathans, because i think hundreds of little glowing creatures floating around a leviathan makes a really cool mental image. Tubbo could hold one and think, 'ah, so this is what it's like for Boo'
they might stick to deeper waters or not like light very much, and they'd help out leviathans and surrounding merfolk kinda like remoras? unsure. in my head they're just little glowy guys that nibble sometimes and look like they'd say yipee.
- Tubbo gets protective of Ranboo after he realizes this leviathan is just a big ol' softie. He can think of a handful of people that would be willing to hunt the leviathan if word got out.
Little does Tubbo know Ranboo has this amazing tactic called hiding underwater that works pretty effectively when it's just themself they need to worry about.
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numbugwritingblog · 2 years
The Miracle Mind of Serene: the Tale of a Girl and a Ghost (Chapter 2)
Previous Chapter
Serene swung back in her chair as she turned to face her phone, her telekinesis typing away at the computer without her even looking. “So! First of all, Mortis, I’m going to need you to gather up all of the information you can think of about Richard.”
“Well,” the phone blared out in that deep, distorted voice that it had whenever Mortis was talking through it. “He’s a bitch.”
Serene shook her head. “No, no, I mean anything that can help identify him. Stuff like surname, species, address, age at the time you, er… died.”
“Well…” Mortis paused for a moment, the only sound being that of Serene’s keyboard going clickety clackety on its own. “He was around 20, 30 years old, and… well I don’t know what his address was, but the people he brought into the United Federation arrived by boat on the South-East coast, and he’s a rat - that’s both literal and an insult.”
“Mortis, you can’t just call someone a rat like that.”
“... He’s a bitch. Is that there.”
“That’s… I suppose…” Serene turned back to the screen as the keyboard finished typing, her initial search starting. “Say, when did you die again?”
Serene stopped entirely, slowly turning in her seat to look at the phone. “... The 60s? Do-... Do you know how old he’d be then?”
“Yeah, yeah, he’d be like 50 or something.”
“No, he’s going to be 70 at the very least, maybe even 80.”
“... Fuck me.”
“He’ll be an old man who’s lived through most of his life by now,” Serene explained. “You sure you still want to find him? And not, I don’t know, find something else to do?”
“No. Finding him and drinking milk are the only two things I want now.”
“But-” Serene blinked in surprise at that last statement. “Wait, milk? I-”
“Milk is fucking delicious.”
She shrugged. “Alright, fair enough… But, well, what are you really going to do once you’ve found him and you’ve given him a piece of your mind?”
Mortis was quiet for a moment, before speaking up. “I assume I’d just fade away on the spot, like this is that unfinished business kind of deal.”
“You assume?” Serene asked aloud, staring at Mortis for longer. “Don’t you know what being a ghost even means? Maybe from other ghosts or-”
“Nah,” Mortis interrupted her outright. “I’m the only one I’ve ever known of, so I have to guess at what’s going on.’
That was when the doorbell suddenly rang, Serene flicking her head over to the approximate entrance.
“Eugh,” Serene grunted out as she rolled her eyes. “Just a moment, Mortis.”
“Why? What is it?”
“Oh, probably just a fan wanting to meet me,” she explained. “I always get some from time to time. Hard not to be famous when you’re the only psychic in the world.”
Mortis let out a huff, dropping out of the phone and following along behind Serene.
Serene immediately put on a smile moments before opening up the front door.
What she wasn’t expecting to see was a male buffalo in a suit, his I.D. labelling him as a government agent. “Serene Cirillo, you’re under arrest.”
Serene paused, her eyes slowly going wide as her smile faded very quickly. “Wh… Under what charges?” she mumbled out. Already her body was getting tense, hand clenching the door handle tightly.
“You violated your official agreement and went off surveillance”. The officer moved aside to escort Serene out.
Serene cleared her throat, holding out her hand. “Let me get my lawyer, because there’s clearly been a mistake-”
“At 9:01 PM last night you went off surveillance without approval.”
Serene glared at him, her eyes starting to have a faint white glow. “... I got approval. You can check the voice logs at 6:13 PM yesterday, the 17th.” She didn’t question how she knew the exact time down to the minute, right at this moment she knew something was wrong. Afterall, how could they forget? They never forgot.
The officer didn’t react beyond speaking further. “It likely is a misunderstanding, then, but until it’s cleared up you’re coming with us.” He then moved aside to give Serene the chance to walk out peacefully.
Serene hesitated, before seeing Mortis pass by and possess the agent right in front of her. “Mortis, no!” She held him in place, Mortis unable to even check the agent for any weapons. “Get out of him, now!”
“You know it’s bullshit,” Mortis hissed out in the officer’s voice. “There’s no way that they just-”
“Just stop,” Serene cut him off without pausing. “This is just going to make things worse. I’ll just get this misunderstanding sorted out, it won’t be long at all. Please.”
There was a long pause. Before finally Serene could see Mortis leave.
Serene then let the agent go, watching him drop to his knees as he hacked and coughed.
“I am following you now,” she explained immediately. “I am exercising my right to remain silent.”
The officer glared at her, but said nothing else as he let her lock the front door before cuffing her and bringing her along.
“Serene Cirillo.” God, even in interrogations Serene was still being asked the same routine.
“21.” Not a single thing had changed, despite the fact that it was a police officer instead of a neuroscientist.
“Can we just skip to the actual interrogations please?” Serene complained, getting to her feet. “It’s me, the psychic girl, and I can prove I’m the psychic girl real quick by using my psychic powers.”
With that she lifted herself off the ground, hovering for a few seconds before she landed back down. “Is that good? Do you believe that I’m the psychic girl now?”
The officer looked to Serene with a raised brow, but sat down in his chair all the same. “My apologies, miss Cirillo, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Serene dropped back down onto the chair, putting her hand on her forehead. “Thank you, it’s just… It’s been stressful. Today and yesterday.”
The officer nodded. “I understand why it’s so stressful, but hopefully we can resolve this swiftly. It says here that you’re under supervision due to your unique psychic powers.”
Serene didn’t say a word, instead nodding.
“And it says here you’re under arrest for endangering others via illegally interrupting that supervision-”
“6:03 PM yesterday, I rang up to organise my given week of no surveillance,” Serene repeated. “It’s in the logs.”
“I’m sorry, miss Cirillo,” the officer said with what seemed to be a genuine look of disappointment. “But the logs have already been provided, and there was no call from you yesterday.”
Serene’s eyes began glowing white again, silent as she processed this information. “... It must have been tampered with, then. I can provide evidence, too.”
The officer raised his brow again, looking back to Serene. “And what evidence is that?”
“Oh, it’s-” she paused, cogs turning in her head. They couldn’t have forgotten. And… And Mortis had to turn the surveillance off on her end… Why is she only realising now? They’re doing this on purpose. “... Actually, can I speak with Mortis first, please? He’s the ghost that’s been following around.”
The officer was very clearly trying to hold back a laugh, every fibre in his being telling him that laughter was a very poor action to take. Despite all of that, he still failed, a quick chuckle escaping his lips. “R-right,” he said, trying to regain composure - but it was already too late.
Serene blinked, looking over to the ball of fire that only she could see. “Mortis, can you hear me?”
Mortis obliged and flew into the officer, his posture abruptly changing. “Yeah, yeah, the sooner you’re done with this the sooner we can get back to business.”
Serene gave a nod. “Right. Before you even answer me, just ASAP, can you fly back home and into my phone, please? Guard it, just in case-”
She saw Mortis leave the officer’s body as he flew directly up.
At that same moment, the officer was hacking and coughing intensely, almost falling off of his seat. He slowly sat back up, eyes wide in realisation that he was just possessed for nothing more than a brief conversation. “You- the ghost- I-”
Serene nodded. “I haven’t been lying at any point in this interrogation, I promise.”
The officer let out a heavy sigh, getting to his feet. “Well for your sake, I hope you’re right. Don’t worry about Mortis, we’ll make sure the phone stays locked up in evidence until it’s time for the court case.”
With that, the officer turned and left the interrogation room, leaving Serene sitting there alone.
He turned to an officer that was waiting just outside, whispering into his ear. “There’s evidence in her phone, wipe it immediately. Don’t bring any weapons, and stick to a group of three or larger at all times. We don’t know what this ghost is willing to do, but he is real.”
Mortis had made his way back to Serene’s home (knowing full well in the back of his head that Serene’s bleeding heart was going to make him make it up for the unfortunate driver he used to get here).
The door was still locked, but that was no trouble, as he just phased through the door to get to the other side.
Guarding the phone… was going to be boring. As Mortis prepared himself for the dull task, he noticed something.
Serene’s computer was still on. And it was on a webpage. He slowly moved into the computer monitor right away, looking to see what he could.
He couldn’t scroll.
After a few awkward moments of moving between the monitor and the mouse, he managed to see what was on this webpage. Information on Richard. It looked like he founded a restaurant called the Delicious Den.
He could just go there, and linger until he found the little rat and-
Oh, he loved it so much.
… But they knew he’d be searching for Richard now, surely. Now it’s only a matter of Richard changing restaurants and he’d be back at square one. He couldn’t have that.
At least now he was getting help from that naive little girl, at least now he had a back-up if things went back to square one. So when he left the monitor, he made his way into the phone. He then lifted the phone up all the way to the roof. Might as well make it impossible to spot while he waited.
He might be able to make the machine do whatever he wanted, but that didn’t mean he knew how to navigate the web. Maybe now was the time to practice, while he’s stuck inside.
He tried to use this fancy schmancy search bar to find something to watch.
a… c… t… i… o… n… space… m… o… v… i… e… s…
Ahah, that worked!
… What is all of this rubbish? Why does it look so fake? And why’s this one called volume 2? Guess they just can’t make movies anymore…
Serene was confident that she’d come out of this court case with a success. Her lawyer was unusually incompetent, and the prosecutor was a clear expert, expertly weaving his words into compelling nothings. By all accounts, anyone would think this was a complete disaster.
But thanks to Mortis, she knew that her phone was safe.
And right she was, as when it came time to present that phone to court, the evidence that she had made the call was right in there, time and everything. Even despite the prosecutor trying to argue that the audio was faked, there was nothing he could say to throw it away as evidence.
So she was rather pleased with herself as she walked out of court as they pronounced her innocent, even managing to successfully argue for a full month of no surveillance. It was while she was walking out that a grizzly bear stepped out, wearing a government suit. It was the person in charge of her experimentation, General Thomas.
“Congratulations on the court case,” he spoke warmly, extending a hand. “I hope there’s no hard feelings, miss Cirillo.”
Oh, there were plenty of hard feelings. But Serene didn’t share any of them as she shook his hand. His grip was unusually fierce, her hand even hurting a little from it. “It’s okay, General. But I will be making sure the surveillance is actually off from now on. Hope you understand.”
He looked her right in the eyes with his good eye as he ended the handshake. Behind the smile Serene could see something focused, calculating.
“Of course, you can never be too careful. I’ll likewise be making sure that this embarrassment doesn’t happen again.”
Serene nodded, stepping to the side. “Well then, I’ll be seeing you for your next scheduled experiment in a month. Might even ask for two hours in exchange. Bye bye~” As she continued walking, she briefly twirled around in order to wave at him, smiling wide. Now it was a simple case of making her way to the bus stop.
An ear piercing, high pitched screech rang out from her phone, immediately followed by an annoyed huff from Mortis’s hellish voice.
“Wait for me, why don’t you?”
Serene let out a small giggle, turning the voice speaker off before putting the phone to her ear, as if she was making a phone call rather than talking with her ghost friend. “I did, I was talking with the man who was probably behind all of that. The big grizzly bear.”
“Oh him? He was angry as fuck, definitely trying not to swear in public.”
Serene let out a sigh, slowly shaking his head. “I really can’t believe they’d do this. I spent my whole life trusting them, and… eugh. I’m so glad I can trust you to help me out when I need it, I don’t know what I would’ve done with somebody.”
There was a small silence before Mortis answered. “Of course you can trust me.”
Serene smiled wide. She knew she could trust him, she had made the right call. It was then that the bus arrived. “Just a sec,” she said before lowering the phone.
Once she was on and seated, she brought the phone back to her ear. “And back.”
“Thank god, I was dying of boredom.”
Serene rolled her eyes. “Now that that’s dealt with, we’re going to continue looking into your reunion, aren’t we?”
“Sure am, while nobody was at your house I quickly checked what you left open on your computer. Richard was apparently the founder of some Delicious Den place.”
“Right, but…” Serene briefly pauses to look around, noting that around half of the bus has noticed her, some giving occasional looks, some trying to avoid eye contact entirely, and the few kids that are on the bus staring at her in awe. “... I can’t go as Serene. And besides, I’ve just gotten a big success, I really want to spend the night celebrating.”
She heard the long, drawn out groan from Mortis. “Fine, fine. But we’re going there tomorrow, no matter what.”
General Thomas was slumped in his office chair, his grip on his mug unusually tight. He was glaring at the files, just knowing what the week’s papers were going to say.
Psychic Girl Found Innocent Thanks to Supernatural Intervention!
All of his plans with experimentation on this psychic girl, ruined because of this stupid little ghost! This was going to set him back years if he can’t find a way to control the situation! Where did he even come from?!
No, no, he couldn’t let failure distract him, no matter how much it humiliated him. He had to figure out why Serene had searched up information about this ‘Richard’ individual, and why this ghost is helping her. Hopefully his employees have already-
“Sir.” He didn’t move, but his eyes glancing up to the agent that entered his office told that he was paying attention. “We’re in touch with Mr. Richard, and he’s asking for our protection in exchange for his information.”
At this, Thomas looked up to the agent, a brow raising. “Protection? From what?”
“From Mortis, sir. Claims that they knew each other.”
General Thomas paused, his frown slowly fading away. This could be the key to solving this little setback. “Very well. Let’s hear him out.”
Next Chapter
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apoptoses · 1 year
"Stumbled into Armand’s bathroom and washed his face, brushed his teeth with the toothbrush Armand had purchased out of habit over a decade ago. He’d been so used to shopping for Daniel whenever he moved into a new home that he’d picked up all the things a mortal lover would need and put them in his medicine cabinet despite the fact that Daniel had been gone from his life for years." In a chapter full of lines that made me INSANE, this one sent me to my grave. Of course Armand would keep getting all the stuff mortal Daniel would've needed, and would keep it in his bathroom unused for years, despite the fact that Daniel was neither mortal or actively involved with him at the time. And of course Daniel would find it there during his first night back in Armand’s bedroom in over twenty years. I’m fine this is f i n e 🥹
Armand avoding the word "dildo" and then Daniel being like "I know what you're trying to say pls stop trying to sound so formal" lmfaoo peak characterization moment 😮‍💨 if you ever decide to expand on this, please know that I'd be there in a second. It would feel extremely in character for them to continue exploring each other's (now both immortal) bodies in every way, shape and form after their reunion. Picking up right where they left off and all that.
Also, whenever I finish reading a chapter I usually read through the comments and nod my head in agreement all the way through and this time I noticed you mentioned Fareed's drugs in one of your replies and I was like 👀 I know it’s a popular trope in the fandom these days (and with good reason too lmao, Anne really did that huh) and I would LOVE to read your take on it some day if you're feeling up to it. It’s specially interesting when it comes to these two because there are definitely some vampires who’ve never explicitly expressed sexual desire for another or even the need to have a sexually intimate connection with their partners. It’s sensual/romantic without being overtly sexual and Anne was particularly great at writing that. But I don’t think it's the case with Daniel and Armand who were very explicitly erotic with each other and whose intimacy was one of the main driving forces of their relationship (and their relationship most likely suffered a great deal when they lost that element). And lbr neither of them would pass on the opportunity to smash like god intended them to. Even if only for old times’ sake like Daniel said. Armand would probably get sanctimonious about it for like two seconds and then would jump right into it. They're not NOT taking turns in fucking each other is what I'm trying to say lmao but I'll stop before I'm horny on main again!
Perfect chapter as usual, can't wait to see how you wrap it all up xoxo DA ❤️
Dungeon anon, I was wondering where you went!! 🥹
You're welcome for the suffering! Old habits die hard and idk i love to hurt over the idea of Armand still buying Daniel's favorite soaps and shampoos and stuff in the hopes that he'll come back to him one day and be comforted by seeing all these things. And Armand using them in the mean time as a way to feel close to the man he misses. I'm fine everything's fine I'm not miserable over this at all
I would LOVE to do a fic of them trying Fareed's weird ass vampire viagra out, like it's deifnitely on the list because you're right, Armand and Daniel do have a physical component of their relationship that seems to transcend typical vampire relations. Armand says over and over in TVA how much he believes in the good that is found in pleasures of the flesh, he's a carnal being and I see him hopping all over any new physical ways he could bond with Daniel.
(also not to get off track, but sometimes I do wonder how much of the intimacy seen in VC books is a deliberate choice about what happens when one becomes immortal, and how much of it was formed by 'it's the 70s/80s if you write mlm sex scenes that go beyond kissing these books will be hard to sell'. Because Anne had no qualms about that stuff in the sleeping beauty books, and finally in the late 90s started pushing that limit in VC with some of the scenes in TVA but. Anyways. Side bar over.)
But! As far the ~implement~ goes, just wait, it makes an appearance before the end of this story. And they are definitely flip fucking- everyone gets their turn in this universe, thank you very much 😌
(and please, DA, I think I speak for all of armandblr when I say you being horny on main is always a gift haha)
The last chapter should be out this weekend and I really, really hope you enjoy it ♥ I just gotta finish editing it.
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somebody has written in red on the side of the highway: 
“horseman of the apocalypse” 
i wonder who wrote it, why they wrote it, if it is a warning or a taunt, if it is some inside joke for an intended audience i am not apart of. 
i wonder who will remove those red words, what they’ll think of it, if they’ll think about it at all or if they have better oddities to ponder. 
traffic moves forward & i inspect other views from the window of the passenger seat. 
i hate rehashing the details of our deal because it forces me to decide whether, in this exact moment, i love or hate You
i’ve pushed You into the Unthinkable quarantine of my mind, where You exist as one fleeting satin idea, never to be pulled apart, inspected, or written down 
i get sick whenever i think about You
my limbs get hot and my breath comes quick and i start coughing up spider lilies
their petals crowd the floor like blood
& i can’t decide, at this exact moment, whether that is a warning or a taunt or an inside joke 
the word “repent” follows me everywhere : 
booming from the mouths of street preachers 
carved into the emergency exit sign on the bus
uttered in the christian commercial i see squashed between a 
Pepsi ad and Suicide hotline psa 
i take the remote & i turn down the noise
i regret & regret, & still— things move forward
i ponder the chances i’ll get hit by a car
i watch TV, drive down the highway, don’t think 
i walk towards nowhere : i wait to Die
my Grandmother recently turned 80. It’s incomprehensible to me how complete She is
Her idiosyncrasies, Her opinions, Her tastes (Her four Neil Diamond cds in Her car, in the passenger side door cause She never drives Herself) 
Her house filled with Her memories (She used to have parties, my mom says all Her friends looked magical with their flowing 70s dresses) 
Her experiences, which led to other experiences, which led to other experiences
which led to ten people in Her kitchen on a humid summer night, all of them rifling through birthday cards, all of them in love with Her
my Grandmother watches TV & drives around, & I wonder if She is waiting for Death or if 
death is waiting on Her
if you are standing at the end of a very long road, abiding, carrying spray paint & a lavender bouquet 
i don’t hate you
i don’t want you
i walk & i walk & the black paint on the sidewalk says “DON’T BE SAD”; so I don’t 
So I inspect the view of the setting sun, and the heart beats faster—i know that tomorrow i will wake up feeling sick
But, in this exact moment, the lungs keep refilling, abiding 
And I walk & I walk & I walk … 
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