#to have not one but TWO cod people playing the same Mario Kart race??
callsignserpent · 3 months
Nobody would believe me if I told em but was playing some Mario Kart mobile tonight and... LOOK WHO IT IS. 👀👀 SOAP??! SIR??! 😳🤨
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Deep Scar
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Summary: He used to be the popular kid in high school where everyone has a crush on him. He always gets Valentine's Day gifts be it presents, chocolates, homemade brownies, etc. He somehow brought his name to college where there were people who still finds him attractive. What happens when he bumps into a girl who treated him a lot different compared to others? Will he find out the truth behind her behaviour?
Theme: college au, childhood schoolmates but with a bad past
Genre: a little angsty, fluff ending though
Warnings: mild swearing (literally just one word), slight mention of harassment but nothing too crazy
WC: 4.6k
Pairing: Han Jisung x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hey hey :) I've had this in my google drive for quite sometime so my writing might not be so good here but bear with me. P.S the words in italics are his flashback, and hannie might sound like a jerk at one point but this doesn't portray him in real life because irl he's an absolute sweetheart :') Anyways, enjoy reading!
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Coming to campus every morning only to find gifts and plenty of love letters in his locker has been becoming a daily routine for Jisung. Although he has never actually reciprocated any of them, he must admit that he did love the amount of attention that’s been drawn to him since back in high school.
He was the popular kid in school where he was known for his intelligence, charming personality and of course, his good looks.
Back in high school, girls would often slot in their confession letters in his locker almost everyday. Every Valentine’s Day, his table would be filled with chocolates and homemade brownies specially for him.
But all of those gifts would eventually be passed to his close friends for them to finish it for him.
Even now when he’s already in college, words spread around the campus of his status back in Saebom High, making everyone in Hankuk College know about him. Despite this new set of attention that was being directed towards him, he managed to make friends with a few people that he trusts.
Some of them were his classmates in college, some were his friends from music class, and some were his good friends back in high school. 
That day was no different as he walked down the hall to go to his designated locker, only to find a pink paper that had been folded into a cute little heart.
“Another love letter? Dude, at this point you should really date one of them so that this whole shenanigan would stop.” Chan said with a soft chuckled as Minho and Jeongin nodded in agreement with the elder boy. Jisung rolled his eyes as he unfolded the paper and read the confession, that was pretty much the same as the other notes he received.
All of which, never got reciprocated simply because Jisung believes he hasn’t found anyone that peaked his interest yet.
After about 5 minutes, he slammed his locker shut as the four boys began to walk down the hall, not missing the constant shy giggles and whispers from every direction. Jisung simply walked with his charming smile plastered on his face, making some girls feel their heart flutter in their chest.
Just when they had made a left turn, a figure smaller than them came crashing straight into Jisung’s shoulder, causing both individuals to stumble back a step from the impact.
“Watch where you’re going, dumbass.” The girl who was rubbing her shoulder said as she locked eyes with him firmly. Jisung was slightly baffled as no other girl would even dare to look at him straight in the eye.
“Excuse me?” He said, his voice clearly confused but the girl simply rolled her eyes at him, slightly annoyed.
“You heard me. I don’t have to say it twice.” 
“Do you even know who I am?” He asked, slowly starting to feel anger boiling through his veins.
“Do you think I care?” She taunts.
“Other girls would be scrambling away by now.”
“Oh, how exciting. Next time, wear side goggles so you can watch where you’re going.” Was all she said before she shoves past him to continue her journey down the hall to go to her class.
Everyone in that hallway was surprised with their little interaction. Some of them even snickered at her for behaving that way in front of him. As far as he knows, all the girls in school never dared to speak to him in person, nor would they even look at him straight in the eyes for they would either run away in embarrassment, or their face would turn flushed red.
Jisung tried not to think much of it as he continued his walk to his class.
During lunch, the boys had gathered at their usual table. However, Hyunjin and Seungmin were running slightly late this time. They were just a few bites into their meal when Hyunjin’s voice caught everyone at their table’s attention.
“Hey guys! Is it okay if our new friend joins us? She just transferred here so me and Seungmin offered her to have lunch with us.”
At the mention of a female, Jisung whips his head around, only to lock eyes with the same girl he bumped into just a few hours prior.
“You again? Try not to miss your mouth this time when you eat.” She said as her gaze locked on Jisung, leaving him speechless.
Hyunjin and Seungmin exchanged glances at each other in confusion but decided to just carry on with lunch as they ended up sitting with her. If she weren’t too direct, Jisung could almost agree that she was acting quite the opposite towards Hyunjin and Seungmin. Maybe with the others as well. She seemed genuinely friendly and almost effortlessly bright with them. 
If he was being honest, it almost upsets him that she treated him like an outcast as compared to the rest of his close friends. Days slowly but surely became weeks as she started to grow visibly close to Hyunjin and Seungmin probably because they were her classmates.
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It was a Friday evening and they all decided to go to a pool bar where they had pool tables for people to play and also have light drinks if they wanted to.
They rented out two tables for themselves as they divided into two teams.
“Y/N! Join our team!” Hyunjin called as Y/N giggled, only for her to catch Jisung staring at her from one of the high stools beside the bar.
“I’ll join if he does.” 
She said as she nodded her head towards Jisung, only for the others to immediately drag him to Hyunjin’s pool table. The game soon started as Hyunjin served first. She seems to surprise them everytime she serves because all her shots were smooth and almost effortless. It was as if she’s done this multiple times.
“Wow, how are you so good at this?” Seungmin asked as she smiled at him, only to answer his question.
“I guess I’m pretty good at aiming.”
The boy giggled as they watched Hyunjin score a ball. All the while, Jisung was silently watching her by the side. 
Not in a creepy way but more like in a confused way. After they finished their one hour at the pool bar, they left to get dinner but she decided to call it a day for her and that she needed to go home to feed her starving kitty.
The boys bid her goodbye as she left, only for Changbin to question his friend.
“Jisung ah, you cannot tell me you’re not the slightest bit intrigued by her…”
With that, Jisung frowned as his mind came swirling back to all the times they’ve hung out with her and gotten to know her better. From all the mean comments tossed at each other like they were flat bread, to the time where she seemed genuinely concerned when Jisung nearly got run over by a speeding truck.
“No… No I’m not.”
Only he knows that it was a total lie but he wasn’t going to admit it to his friends. 
His ego was too high for him to easily admit that after all these years of girls trying so hard to win his attention, all he needed was Y/N to come into the picture and that was all it took for him to finally fall for someone.
Nobody needed to know his true feelings for her. He didn’t think it would be much of a big deal so he opted to keep his feelings to himself. It was another week into April, when Chan decided to invite them over to his apartment to hang out and chill on a chilly Saturday. Chan of course included Y/N in the list, hence the reason why she was currently standing outside his apartment door.
She was wearing a brown fitted crop top, her favourite denim ripped skinny jeans, a bomber jacket and her white converse.
She was greeted by Chan as he opened the door wider for her to enter.
She made it inside only to find Felix and Minho challenging each other in a game of Mario Kart Race. Hyunjin, Seungmin and Changbin were busy playing Call Of Duty on their phones. Jisung, Jeongin and Chan were in the kitchen, cooking up some hot kimchi stew.
Y/N took off her jacket as she went to snuggle in between Changbin and Hyunjin, watching them play an intense game of COD.
She was just laying her head on Changbin’s shoulder when he jerked forward, making her body shake as he turned to Hyunjin and high fived him after winning first place. Just then, he noticed the sad pout on her face at the loss of warmth, making him giggle as he sat back down to let her rest her head on his shoulder again before he whispered.
“Sorry baby.” She giggled as she pinched his abs, making him squeak. He laughed as he corrected himself.
“I’m just kidding.”
She smiled as she nuzzled into his shoulder while they were all occupied with doing their own things. A few minutes later, the 3 boys from the kitchen came back to the living room with the pot of kimchi stew and a rice bowl. 
However, Y/N didn’t miss the subtle frown on Jisung’s face when he saw her leaning her head against Changbin’s shoulder.
The 9 of them began eating diligently as they fit in almost any possible topic they could think off. After they finished their meal, she offered to wash the dishes since they were all busy. Chan told her not to trouble herself but she insisted on helping him.
She was scrubbing the second last bowl when she heard Jeongin’s voice calling from the living room.
“Noona! Come join us after you’re done washing the dishes okay? We’re gonna play truth or drink!”
“Okay Jeonginie.” She sang in a sing-song tune as she could hear some of them chuckle in the back.
As promised, she joined them after she was done with the last bowl, only to sit in between Minho and Seungmin. They went in a circle starting from Chan. It was in a circle until it reached her, only for Changbin to eagerly raise his hand.
“Oh! Oh! I have a good one!” Changbin said as his inner corner of the lips curved up into a cute smile, making her giggle.
“If you could go back to your past, what is the one thing that you would choose not to do?” His question was good. It was theoretical but good.
Suddenly, her eyes just instantly found Jisung’s soft brown ones as she told them her answer.
“The one thing I would choose not to do? Probably allowing myself to think that whatever people said to me was true.”
The guys started to frown as they asked if something bad happened to her back then but she simply shrugged them off and told them to continue the game. It went on until it was Jisung’s turn, only for Y/N to speak up.
“I have something I wanna ask him.”
This came as a surprise for the others but they let her do the honours anyway.
“Do you remember the girl who confessed to you back in high school?” She said. His eyebrows began to link together as he frowned at her sudden question.
“The one where you rejected her confession by humiliating her in front of the whole school?”
“What are you talking about?” 
“Think harder.” She said.
Suddenly, memories start to flood in his mind like a flash flood.
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“H-Hi. I made these for you. I hope you like cupcakes. I k-know a lot of other girls do this for you too, b-but… I-I just thought maybe I should give you something too. I- umm, I like y-you Han Jisung.” The girl confessed as she held out the box filled with her homemade cupcakes that she took time to bake for him the night before.
She bit the inside of her cheeks nervously as she diligently avoided his gaze. Just when she saw his arms reaching out to her thinking he was going to take the box from her, he forcefully smashed the box down making it slip out of her hands.
The students around them began to laugh as Jisung lifted a brow at her.
“Did you really think I’d accept your confession? Look at you. Who would date a girl who ties their hair in pigtails, have her tummy sticking out of her uniform shirt and constantly push the bridge of your spectacles up every 5 minutes? Have you seen yourself in a mirror? Nobody will ever fall for you.”
With that being said, he kicked the metal box away to reveal the fallen cupcakes as he went ahead and stepped on them like it was an insect.
The whole school laughed at her as she ran to the girls bathroom and locked herself in there as she cried her heart out. She was only 13 so it was slightly depressing for her to go through this terrible rejection.
Not only did he reject her in cold blood, he also humiliated her in front of everybody in the process. However, what made her even more upset is the fact that he didn’t seem to feel the slightest bit of remorse for saying those things to her.
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That memory was as clear as day as he winced at the thought of how immature he was back then. Nevertheless, he didn’t forget the question he got from Y/N as he went ahead to answer her.
“Yeah… Yeah I remember…”
“Do you remember what you said to her?” Her voice softened as she kept her eyes on him while the rest of them had their eyes trained back and forth between Jisung and her.
“I said… I said she should look at herself in the mirror and that no one will ever fall for her.” 
The boys were shocked by how harsh he was to that said girl. Y/N could only smile sadly to him as she slowly continued. 
“Do you feel bad saying those things to her now?” 
Without much thought, he replied something that broke her heart.
“Why should I?” With that, she tried to hold back her tears as she looked at him dead in the eye before saying these next few words.
“Looks like you’re still that same cocky bastard huh?”
She soon got up from her seat on the floor, only to grab her things to leave when Jisung stood up to grab her wrist, stopping her from taking any more steps further.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, now genuinely confused as to what was going on.
“You’re really dense for someone as arrogant as you.” A scoff left her lips as her eyes bore into his, hoping he understood what she meant. After what felt like forever, Jisung finally realized as it was as though his life just flashed before his eyes.
“Wait… that was you?!” His voice was loud as it was laced with confusion and slight disappointment.
“And what happens if I say yes? Are you gonna ask me if I’ve looked into the mirror and realize that no one will ever fall for me?”
Her words stinged like venoms as he winced yet again but this time, at how hurt she seemed. She didn’t realise this but her tears were no longer held back as a few droplets rolled down her cheeks.
“Your words hurted me back then. So I tried to ignore it and move on. But when you said your answer just now, I realized that maybe you really are just an arrogant jerk.”
She finally pulled her arm out of his grasp as she left without sparing a glance to the others. Jisung has never felt so utterly remorseful, today was the first time. He mentally scolded himself for saying those words back when he was young and immature.
He has never felt so fucked up before, this was definitely the first.
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A few days went by, Y/N hasn’t talked to either of the boys, not even Hyunjin and Seungmin. Every time Jisung tried to reach out to her, she would always successfully avoid him. It has been almost 2 weeks since they last talked to her as the boys agreed to go release their stress by going to the downtown club.
They had booked a booth for all 8 of them as they sat in there with some girls coming back and forth to try and get laid with either one of them.
Just then, Jisung’s eyes seemed to scan the room only to see a familiar figure dancing freely on the dance floor. He frowned as he rubbed his eyes to make sure they weren’t playing tricks on him.
He double confirmed that it was in fact Y/N, as he got up and left the booth ignoring the boy’s calls.
Right when he was about to reach the dance floor, he saw her deliberately get dragged through the sweaty, intoxicated humans and towards the back door. He followed them close behind as he saw her struggling to free herself from the man’s hold.
The minute she was out the back, the man pushed her against the brick wall as he attacked her neck forcefully.
“Stop!” She begged.
The man ignored as he started to caress her waist and moved up.
“Stop it!” She tried again as tears started to roll down her cheeks desperately.
The minute she managed to put a distance between herself and the man, the metal back door swung open harshly only for her to lock eyes with Jisung as he rushed down the steps, only to land a solid punch to the man’s jaw.
The man fell to the ground drunkenly as he struggled to stand back up.
“What the fuck man? Get your own girl!” The man said as he grabbed Y/N’s wrist and was about to pull her when Jisung roughly shoved him off again.
The man threw a few drunk punches to Jisung and soon they were both in a fist fight. The two males were starting to have blood clots and bruises all over their bodies and faces when Hyunjin and Changbin came to stop the fight.
“Jisung! Jisung! That’s enough!” Hyunjin yelled as they both grabbed Jisung by his arms and pulled him back.
“Don’t ever touch her again.” Jisung growled as the man stumbled back into the club.
Y/N frowned as she visibly hugged herself, only to see Hyunjin and Changbin give Jisung a subtle nod before they both went back inside, giving privacy to Jisung and Y/N. Once they were alone in the dark alley, that’s when she spoke up.
“Why did you come? Afraid someone might fall for me?”
“You clearly weren't comfortable with him.”
“So what? Why do you care? It’s not like he would fall in love with me. Who am I for someone to even like me? Right?”
Jisung frowned as he called out her name softly but she was quick to intercept.
“I didn’t go to Hankuk to get back at you for what you did to me. Never in a million years did I think I’d even see you again. But now that you’re standing here in front of me, that very day comes back to haunt me again. Because of your words, I have been so afraid of falling for someone, even just a tiny crush. That’s what you did to me Han Jisung and I don’t think I can ever forgive you for that.”
With that being said, she turned in her heels and left. Jisung stood there like an idiot as he cursed himself for letting her walk away yet again. 
If this happened back in high school, he would probably laugh at her. But now that he was actually starting to like her, he has never felt so upset and disappointed. This was probably even worse than a break up.
She refused to speak to him for days after as she avoided everyone in the friend group.
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It was a gloomy Friday night as she was laying on her couch sideways, watching a sappy romantic movie to drown her sadness. She was wearing a loose sweater that made it look like a dress on her. Her calf high socks and a pair of shorts she always wore to sleep.
She had just thought about what she could get for supper when there was a knock on her door.
“Who the hell comes at a time like this?” She thought to herself as she went over to her door and opened it without checking the peephole first. She almost stumbled as she locked eyes with the same pair of brown orbs that she’s been trying so hard to avoid for the past few weeks.
“Jisung? What are you doing here?” She asked, genuinely shocked at how he knew her address.
“Y/N, can we talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
“Please just hear me out. I don’t need you to say anything, I just need you to listen.”
She fell silent for a moment before she opened the door wider for him to enter. Once inside, he followed her to her living room, only for them to sit 3 feet apart. She urged him with a slight nod as he took a deep breath and soon began.
“Look. I know whatever I did to you back then was horrible. It was my ego talking. I didn’t know any better. We were so young… How could I possibly feel bad at the time when all I thought was to reject you?”
Just then, she cut him in by saying something that made him rethink his choices.
“You’re telling me that everything you said to me meant nothing to you just because it wasn’t you who received it?”
“I… I wasn’t thinking. I was young-”
“Bullshit. Even a 5 year old kid knows what’s nice and what’s hurtful to say to others. Don’t pull the young card on me.”
“Y/N please-”
“Get out. If you’re still gonna be the same arrogant, highly egoistic jerk then get out. You’ve said things that left a deep scar in my life and here you are saying it doesn’t mean anything? Get out.”
“I said get out!” She finally screamed as her chest was heaving, her tears streaming down her face in anger but she didn’t care. She got up as she dragged him to the door, while he tried to fight back. The minute he was out, she slammed the door behind her only to lock it as she found herself sliding down the door, only to sit on the wooden floor.
Her cries were soft, but they were filled with so much pain. On the other side of the door, Jisung could hear her cries as he too kneeled on the ground with his hands against the door.
He could hear her loud and clear as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He couldn’t bear to say a word to her as he remained quiet.
The next morning, Y/N woke up suddenly wanting to get herself breakfast to clear her memory from last night. She got out of bed, took a warm shower, got changed into her sweatpants, a big hoodie and a cap. She unlocked her door and had just taken a step outside when she jumped at the slight of Jisung seated on the ground beside her apartment door.
Since he was a light sleeper, the sound of her door opening, woke him up as he quickly got on both feet.
Before she could re-enter her apartment, he pressed his palms against the door to prevent her from closing it as he spoke up softly.
“Y/N, please, please let me explain.” He begged as she wasn’t sure why but she decided to let him in. Once he was inside, they didn’t even bother to go anywhere further into her apartment as he stood by the door and began to explain himself.
“Y/N, please listen to me. I know what I did was bad. At the time, I didn’t realise how humiliating it was for you. But now that I’m an adult, I realized that my actions were extremely horrible and I would never, ever do that to anyone now.” He paused before he continued on.
“I know that whatever I said and did back then, I can’t take any of it back. And I don’t blame you for not forgetting or forgiving me for it. I admit that I deserve this from you. All I ask is for you to give me another chance to start over. But I understand if you want nothing to do with me.” He said with a tiny hope laced in his voice although he wasn’t so confident that she would forgive him this time.
She knew he felt guilty for whatever he did back then so it wasn’t wrong for her to give him a second chance right?
“How would I know you’re not just acting this way to set me up for humiliation again?” She asked.
“Would I say all those things and bring my ego down just to prove that I felt like utter shit after everything you told me, only to humiliate you even further?”
“Nobody knows what your ego is capable of.”
“If my words won’t convince you, would my actions do?”
“What if you do it, only to leave and tell on me to everyone else?”
“I can’t seem to get your trust now, can I?”
“Try being in my shoe and you’ll know.”
“Y/N please… I know I left a deep scar on you emotionally and mentally back then, but please… I beg you, please just… let me start over. I need you to trust me just this once.”
“Fine. But if you abuse my trust, I’m never speaking to you again.” 
“Believe me, you have no idea how fucked up I felt that night at Chan’s.”
Right after he finished his sentence, he didn’t waste anymore time as he reached up to cup her face in both hands and soon kissed her. She instantly melted against his body as he pulled her closer by the waist. His kisses were so gentle, as if he was afraid he would break her again.
His touch was soft as he slid his hands under her shirt only to draw random patterns onto her waist.
Just then, he pulled away from her lips but it was so addicting he couldn’t help but peck her lips one last time before he spoke up.
“I’m really, really sorry Y/N for everything back then. I couldn’t help but feel like complete shit after that night when I found out that was you. You don’t have to forgive me, I totally understand.”
Y/N just smiled as she gently tangled her fingers in his hair at the nape of his neck before she spoke up.
“Would I have let you kiss me if I was still mad?”
He remained quiet as she then continued.
“Besides, I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself so please, don’t take advantage of this.” She warned gently.
Jisung kissed her for slightly longer before he pulled away and whispered against her lips.
“I promise.”
With that, she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest while he snaked his arms around her smaller figure. 
Ever since then, Jisung did everything he could to redeem himself for what he did to her back in high school. She slowly began to fall for him as she gave him a solid second chance and she could see how genuine he was now whenever he did something nice for her. Even if he didn’t say it out loud, she knew that he really tried his best to win her heart. And it worked.
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am-game-zone · 5 years
AM:GZ News #10: Fallout 76's Power Armor Helmets Has Health Hazards!
Who knew that the fantasy dangers in Fallout 76 would be brought to the real world! GameStop has recalled the Power Armor Collectible Helmet - Nuka Cola edition due to health hazards. This story and more are part of our news lineup. Let us get into what is happening in the geek and video game world.
  Geek News
  Kevin Feige and Star Wars
Marvel's Kevin Feige is rumored to produce his own Star Wars project. It seems that he will be part of the new wave of projects to be set in the Disney Star Wars Universe. Feige has met with Kathleen Kennedy and studio co-chairman Alan Horn and Alan Bergman. Feige has also declared that he wants Bree Larson to star in the next Star Wars project where he is the producer.
  Wakeen Phoenix's Joker Controversy
Wakeen Phoenix's Joker is just around the corner, and the internet never disappoints in drumming up controversies. Different groups are declaring that the movie will be a rallying cry for different groups to enact violence. Jon and I find the claims ridiculous. This movie is a piece of art and should be allowed to explore important topics. The topics of mental health and how we treat other people are topics that have profound relevance in our society. What pushes a man to the breaking point? What could we do for our neighbors to prevent what happens to Wakeen Phoenix's Joker? These and other questions we should be able to explore in films. 
  Ninja on Masked Singer
On Masked Singer, the ice cream mask is revealed as Ninja! He performed Old Town Road as he rode out on a lawn mover. An impressive performance from the career video game streamer! It amused us that he was introduced as a prominent Twitch streamer. Either this show's recording was before his transition to Mixer, or they improperly said where he currently hosts his channel. It is nothing major but enough to make us chuckle.
  Video Game News
  Mario Kart Tour Microtransactions
Mario Kart Tour has released on mobile devices. It is a time for celebration! Or is it? The game is fun and entertaining, but the microtransactions are steep. The 200cc, the game's fastest mode, will cost the player five dollars a month subscription. The subscription also includes gold gifts by racing in tours and badges from challenges. Mario's name is in the game, so he is one of the main playable characters, right? Wrong! He is behind a paywall. There are two ways the player can acquire Mario. The mobile game has a 20 dollar Mario pack. The pack includes Mario, Mario's kart, and other specialty items. The other method to acquire Mario and other characters is through their premium currency. Their top rupees option at 135 rupees will cost the player 70 dollars. The player then pays with the rupees to utilize the "Warp Pipe" to fire off characters, karts, and other items. One fire cost five rupees, and ten fires cost forty-five rupees. Will this monetization model be able to compete with the other options on the market? Only time will tell.
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
The next Call of Duty is just around the corner, and it appears that some familiar faces will be greeting us again. This Modern Warfare will be a soft reboot of the 2007 release. The 2019 CoD: Modern Warfare will bring back well-known characters and voices back in the game, but the story will be updated to reflect the times. Every CoD has a core focus on multiplayer, and it looks like the game is here to impress. The developers have put in a new "Realism" mode that removes the HUD. In the match, the player can breach doors for ambushes and utilize night vision goggles on nighttime maps. Two new modes will be coming to this title. A 2v2 mode called Gunfight and Groud Wars, which sets large teams against each other. The developers went out of their way to emphasize that Ground Wars isn't a battle royale and that they had no plans to implement such a mode into the game. As of right now, PlayStation has a year-long exclusive on the Special Ops: Survival Mode.
  Google Play Pass
Apple Arcade made a splash in the mobile market by providing premium quality games for five dollars a month. To our surprise, Google is joining in this mobile model. Google is releasing Google Play Pass. The service will be 5 dollars a month, and it will include a wide selection of games. Part of the game collection includes Stardew Valley, Limbo, Old Man's journey, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. If you are interested in trying this service, then their free trial might be a great deal. They offer a 10 Day Free Trial. Then after the trial, the first year is charged at 2 dollars a month. 
  Hearthstone Pro Caught Playing Two Games At Once
Lihn "Seiko" Nguyen competed in the Grandmasters League match, but he decided to play this game a bit differently. Instead of giving the game his all and demonstrating is real prowess at the game, he tried to play Hearthstone and Auto-Chess at the same time. People on the stream noted that he looked distracted, looking from his lap to the screen regularly. His made a misstep during that game that turned out to be his undoing. He played the Legendary Minion Shirvallah the Tiger which is an excellent source of healing. For the current meta of the game, the proper play is to play Shirvallah and then use the Baleful Banker card to shuffle a copy of Shirvallah back into the deck. He missed this step which sealed his loss. The Hearthstone commentators and communities were upset and outraged that "Seiko" took up a Grandmaster spot from players who would have taken the match seriously. Ultimately, his heart and head weren't where they were supposed to be. The Grandmaster League is the pinnacle of Hearthstone, and it is disrespectful to the Grandmasters, and it is rude to those who want to be in his position. On top of it all, the audience watches these matches to see the top players in the world compete. If Esports is supposed to be taken as seriously as regular sporting events, then these expectations are not out of line. Honestly, at the level, you are a professional and should conduct yourself as such. 
Fallout 76 is the gift that keeps on giving. However, this time, it doesn't look as if Bethesda is directly responsible for this debacle. A recall issued for the Power Armor Collectible Helmet - Nuka Cola which was sold by GameStop due to the helmet being a health hazard. Reports say that mold can be present on the fabric insert inside the helmet. This mold can lead to respiratory or other infections with compromised immune systems or damaged lungs. At this time, no incidents have been reported. Though the manufacture was Chronicle LLC, of Irving, Texas, the helmet was manufactured in China. If you have this helmet, then go to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. We will also leave the consumer contact information for GameStop.
Consumer Contact:
GameStop at 800-883-8895 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, email at [email protected] with "Product Recall" as the email subject, or online at www.GameStop.com and click on the "Recall" link at the top of the page for more information.
  Thank You For Listening!
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  Visit us on our website: https://armstrongsmusings.com 
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