#to come back to life not remembering anything but there's this one guy who seriously deeply mourns who you were
hqbaby · 2 days
twenty-three — hide and seek
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
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word count. 2.6k content. profanity, angst, lots of emotions going on around here
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Sukuna doesn’t remember much of his high school graduation. It’s not like there was much to remember anyway. It seemed like to everyone else, the day was some big, momentous thing. The kind that he had to be fully present for, the kind he had to remember. But it was just a regular day to him, nothing more, nothing less.
He does, however, remember one thing about that day: You.
It was early in the morning, the sun was barely out. Sukuna had planned to sleep until the last minute, until the rest of your class was lining up to do the whole graduation march. In fact, he had considered just sleeping in, skipping the whole thing altogether.
But, like so many of his best laid plans, you just had to mess it up. You, climbing through his bedroom window, a complete wreck, curled up in his arms, trying to breathe.
“What’s wrong?” he whispered, running a hand through your hair as you sobbed. You looked so small in his arms, so fragile, so weak. You rarely appeared this way, always such a sure and powerful presence, never the kind to shrink into the background. “Talk to me, tiger. Please.”
Your eyes were screwed shut as you cried, face pressed to your best friend’s shoulder as your body quivered. “We broke up.”
Sukuna grimaced. “What? What did he do?”
He was your high school boyfriend. Some boy who had come in during the last two years of school and managed to woo you after you’d spent most of your life detesting the whole idea of dating someone. Sukuna had no issues with the guy. As your best friend, respecting your partner was an extension of his respect for you.
But if he had done something to you, then all bets were off.
“He didn’t do anything.”
You lifted your head and looked at Sukuna with those red, teary eyes of yours. He felt his heart break a little at the sight.
“He said he was going to go with me,” you said quietly, rubbing your nose. “He said he was going to get an apartment near mine and find work in the city.”
“What about college?” Sukuna asked.
You shook your head. “He said he wasn’t gonna go,” you said. You choked on your words as a fresh batch of tears poured out of your eyes. “And I couldn’t let him do that, ‘Kuna. I couldn’t let him sacrifice his future for me.”
Your best friend nodded in understanding and pulled you in tighter. He knew how that must’ve felt for you, to have to give that whole relationship up because it was the right thing to do, not because you wanted to. It was the kind of thing you’d do. He’d seen you do things like this for as long as he’d known you, even back when he was just watching your life from the periphery.
“What did you tell him?” Sukuna asked when your sobs had devolved into occasional hiccups.
You played with the hem of your shirt, looking away from him. “I told him I didn’t love him.”
Sukuna frowned, trying to catch your eye. “What? Why?” he asked. “Why didn’t you just tell him what you told me?”
“Because,” you said, shrugging. “He’d insist it would work. He’d tell me he could do it. He’d tell me it doesn’t matter.”
“Then you could’ve told him that it wasn’t up for discussion.”
You shook your head, taking Sukuna’s face in your hands. You looked at him seriously, and in a voice barely above a whisper, you told him, “I needed it to be over. I needed him to hate me. Do you understand that?”
Your best friend was stunned, having never seen this side of you before. All he could do was nod and say, “Okay, tiger. I understand.”
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You don’t know how you ended up here. You should’ve known deciding to play hide and seek was a bad idea, especially considering the fact that you were agreeing to play with a group of drunk college kids who take their childhood games way too seriously. You should’ve known this is where you’d end up.
You should’ve known.
But, as they say, hindsight is 20/20, and you’ve never been too good at seeing things clearly to begin with.
“If you touch me, I will shave your eyebrows off,” you say, glaring at the boy crouched down beside you.
Naoya just grins that grin of his. Never one with good intentions. “I always wanted to know what I’d look like without eyebrows.”
The two of you are in a cupboard tucked behind a console table. You’d noticed it earlier when you and your friends were looking around the house, and you’d assumed it was meant for storing valuables or things you never wanted to see again in your life. Judging by the stacks of love letters from several different people lying around you, you decide it must be the latter.
“My leg is cramping,” Naoya tells you.
You scoff. “I don’t fucking care.”
“Just let me sit down properly,” he says, flashing his best impression of puppy dog eyes. “I promise I won’t do anything dirty. Unless you ask for it.”
You roll your eyes, but scooch a little closer to the wall to give him more room to sit. You want to crawl out of your skin when his knee bumps against yours, a truly revolting touch in your book.
When he’s fully seated, Naoya lets out a relieved sigh. “Much better.”
“Can you please be quiet?”
“Oooooh.” He smirks. “I like it when you beg.”
It takes everything in you to not punch the lights out of him.
“Just be quiet,” you say. “They’ll find us if you keep running your mouth.”
He still has the self-satisfied look on his face. “Maybe you should shut me up,” he says. “You know, like you did at the party.”
You feel your blood run cold at his words. Your entire body feels like glass, one wrong move and you would shatter. Fucking Naoya.
“You promised to never bring that up again,” you say, voice coming out quieter than you would’ve liked. “It wasn’t… it wasn’t supposed to happen. You know it wasn’t.” You turn to face him, trying your best to appeal to whatever humanity this man can muster in his bones. “Naoya, I’m serious. Please don’t tell anyone.”
He clicks his tongue in disappointment. “It’s no fun when you’re all sincere,” he says, sighing. He raises his hands in innocence when you give him a questioning look. “I won’t, I won’t. Relax. No one’s gonna find out.”
“Because if Satoru—”
“I really don’t need to hear the explanation again,” he tells you, rolling his eyes. “Not that it matters though.”
You furrow your brows at him. “What do you mean?” you ask, trying to get his attention by prodding his leg with your foot.
He looks at you quizzically. “Do you really think he’d care at this point?” he asks. “You broke up with him. And in case it hasn’t been painfully obvious to you, he’s in love with Kimi now. It’s a little egotistical for you to think he’ll give a fuck about a kiss his ex had with his housemate that she keeps insisting meant absolutely nothing.”
“That’s not why I don’t want him to know!” you say, eyes growing wide when you realize how loud you just spoke.
The two of you look at the cupboard door to see if you’ve finally been caught. You haven’t. You breathe a sigh of relief.
“I don’t think he still loves me,” you then say quietly. “I just don’t want to hurt him more than I already have. Finding out that someone you once trusted betrayed you has its effects—even if you don’t care about that person anymore.”
You look at Naoya, his expression as close to earnest as you’ve ever seen it. “Just don’t tell anyone,” you say. “Please.”
He nods. “Yeah, whatever.”
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Kento has never been good at hide and seek. Not because he can’t do the whole hiding and strategizing thing, he just never had it in him to put a ton of effort into a game. It just wasn’t his thing.
That’s probably why he’s found himself with Sukuna in the kitchen, barely even hiding at all. From what he can tell, your boyfriend isn’t like Kento. He’s just terrible at hiding.
“Do you think they’ll find us?” Sukuna whispers a little too loudly.
Kento blinks. “You’re seriously trying to hide, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” the other boy says. He looks at Kento. “Aren’t you?”
Kento doesn’t know what irks him more. The fact that Sukuna is so earnest in his terrible attempts to play the game or the knowledge that this is the guy you’ve chosen over him. Not that he wanted you to begin with.
Of course he didn’t.
Kento has no interest in you.
None whatsoever.
None. At. All.
“I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you,” Sukuna says eventually. How they haven’t been found yet and how he actually still has time to start a conversation is beyond any reasoning.
Kento raises a brow. “About what?”
Your boyfriend looks at the other boy sheepishly. “I know it’s not my place to step in, and she’d probably be upset if she found out I even brought it up, but…”
“Could you—I dunno, just, not be so hard on my girlfriend?” he asks. “I know it’s probably uncool of me to ask, but I had to try.”
The question catches Kento off guard. 
It’s not the first time someone’s pointed out that he was hard on you, especially when it came to club matters, but they always brushed it off as just a product of him being him and you being you. Kento is a hardass sometimes and you’re often too kind for your own good. There was bound to be some friction.
No one’s ever tried to speak up on your behalf before though. Not even Utahime who always calls Kento out on his bullshit. Everyone figures you can handle yourself, that if you really had an issue with the way Kento acted around you, you would let him know. You’re kind—but everyone’s seen you on the court. They know you have a rougher side to you. There’s no way they’ve mistaken you for a pushover.
Sukuna notices the slight shock that passes over Kento’s features and he laughs. “I’m not trying to bust your balls or whatever,” he says. “I just… I don’t think you know how stressed out she gets sometimes trying to give everyone what they want. She puts on a brave face, but she’s actually a pretty sensitive person.”
Kento nearly wants to laugh at the thought. You? A sensitive person? Does your boyfriend know you at all?
“You think I’m crazy,” Sukuna says eventually when Kento doesn’t respond.
Kento shakes his head. “No, I don’t,” he says. “It’s just weird to think that she cares about any of the crap I put her through.”
“Oh, trust me,” your boyfriend says, nodding. “She cares. A lot.”
The kitchen door swings open and Mahito cheers. “Found you!” he says, jumping. “Come now, we have to find everyone else.”
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“Why are you here?” Maki asks Satoru. “Go be a normal person and hide in the house.”
He gasps. “You think I’m a normal person?”
“You cheated,” Nobara says. “You followed us out here.”
Satoru shakes his head. “I came here on my own volition,” he tells them, “This has nothing to do with you guys.”
The three of them sit on the roof of the house. How they got up here is an entire story in itself. All that matters is that this is where they’ve ended up. Sitting on the roof, braving the cold and the snow, trying their best to not freeze to death.
Your two friends watch your ex as he whistles to himself, sways back and forth, pretends to look over the edge of the roof. They still have no idea why he’s here with them.
“Why’d you go on this trip?” Nobara eventually asks.
Satoru perks up immediately. “Because it’s a fun trip.”
“Right,” she says. “But it’s your ex’s trip.”
He purses his lips. “And that has something to do with me because…?”
“Satoru,” Maki says firmly. “You’re a terrible liar.”
It used to be a good thing, the fact that your friends got along so well with Satoru. It helped when it came to hanging out after class or going to lunch together or inviting them to parties. You never had to separate Satoru from your friends when they all seemed freakishly linked by their love for you. Now that things have ended between the two of you though, the connection has survived. And it’s not such a good thing having it there after all this time.
Satoru lies on the roof. “Why is she with him, Maki?” he asks. “Is he why she left? Tell me that at least. I figure I’m owed that information.”
She shakes her head. “No,” she tells him. “Sukuna’s not the reason.”
“So why?”
“Satoru, we can’t talk to you about this,” Nobara tells him. “I’m really sorry, but we can’t.”
He turns his head to look at them. “We were planning our future together,” he says. “The two of you know that, right? We knew what color our kitchen was going to be. We picked out the sink for our bathroom—”
“Stop,” Nobara says. “It’s over, Satoru. She told you it was.”
“And I still don’t know why.”
Maki eyes him sternly. “You’re with Kimi,” she says. “You’re happy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but—”
“Then you don’t need to know why she left,” she tells him. “Because it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“It does.”
Satoru sits up and looks at your friends, the most solemn expression they’ve ever seen on his face. “Because I can’t let it go,” he tells them. “I don’t know what happened. It was just gone. Have you ever tried moving on without knowing what you were moving on from?”
Maki looks at her hands. “No,” she says. She remembers finding you the day you broke things off. You were lying in bed, completely still. It was like the weight of the world had been pressed onto you, like you were being crushed by every single mistake everyone had ever made in their lives. She’s never felt as terrible as Satoru feels, but she’s sure she must’ve seen it in you. “It must be hard.”
“It sure fucking is,” he says. “I just need to know.”
Nobara sighs. “We can’t—”
“She was scared.”
Satoru turns to Maki. She’s fidgeting with her gloves, focused on the way her hands move.
“Why?” he asks quietly. “What was she afraid of?”
Nobara looks at your friend, eyes full of warning. “Maki,” she says. “Stop.”
“Of you,” Maki continues anyway. “Of the two of you. Of how she was going to screw it all up.”
Satoru feels his breath catch in his throat. “Why would she think that?”
“Because she loved you. And she was scared of not knowing how to love.”
“Maki,” Nobara repeats, louder this time.
“She found out about the ring.”
“And that’s why she left?” Satoru chuckles bitterly. “She wouldn’t leave because of that. We both know it. If she really loved me—”
“She kissed Naoya.”
Satoru blinks. What? he thinks. The word dies on his tongue.
The hatch to the roof creaks open and Mahito peeks his head up. “Found you!”
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thewulf · 1 day
Igniting Affection || Dallas "Dally" Winston
Summary: Request - could you please do a dallas winston x curtis!sister where she's soda's twin. one night (at like 11pm) after a fight with darry, she sneaks out. while walking on the streets, she gets followed and harassed by a group of guys when dally finds her and saves her. they confess their feelings for each other, and then he takes her home. darry is up stressed about her and when he sees her come in with dal of all people, he loses it (gives him a black eye lol). they end up convincing darry that they truly care for each other and dally promises not to hurt her. thank you so so much!!!
A/N: Soft Dallas is my FAVORITE.
Pairing: Dallas "Dally" Winston x Female Reader (Curtis Sister Reader)
Word Count: 5.5k +
TW: Punching, threats of violence, general Outsiders warnings
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In the bustling Curtis household, you've always found a sense of both chaos and completeness. As Soda's twin you share more than just a birthday; his infectious laugh and easy charm are mirrored in you albeit with your own fiery independence. The pair of you are a fixture in the gang, equally loved and protected by your brothers and friends.
Lately though the dynamics at home have subtly shifted, especially your interactions with Dallas Winston. Dalla was always known for his tough exterior and rebellious nature and had been a part of your life for as long as you could remember. He was always there, in the background, his sharp eyes often finding yours across the room. Initially Dallas's attention was just another constant in your life, like the rumbling of motorcycles or the distant sound of rock and roll drifting through the neighborhood. But as you grew older so did the nature of his attention. It transformed, deepened. His glances lingered longer. His usual smirks were replaced with genuine smiles when you entered the room.
Darry and Soda started to notice the subtle changes too. In how Dallas stood a little closer to you than necessary, how he lingered at the Curtis house even after everyone else had left. His demeanor softened when you spoke. A stark contrast to the tough persona he presented to the rest of the world.
The gang teased him when you weren't around. Not cruelly but enough to make any other guy back off. But Dallas didn't care. He shrugged off their comments with a smirk, his usual defiance shining through. It seemed Dallas Winston, who never let anything affect him, was sweet on you and it was becoming more apparent by the day. He always liked you but as you were getting older his feelings seemed to shift from a protective friendship to something far deeper, much more tender. He'd grown to adore you and it showed not just in the way he watched you but in the small acts of kindness that he tried to hide—an extra soda by your side at the diner, his jacket over your shoulders on chilly nights.
The changes were subtle but significant. It set the stage for new tensions and old fears to collide especially with Darry's watchful eyes missing nothing.
Darry's reaction to Dallas's growing fondness for you was as expected—protective, skeptical, and a bit wary. As the eldest Curtis sibling Darry had always taken his responsibilities seriously, perhaps too seriously at times. He saw Dallas's tough reputation and the hard edges of his life, and it worried him. He wasn't blind to the subtle shift in Dallas's behavior around you or his lingering presence in your home. His disapproval was palpable. A silent tension that hung in the air whenever Dallas was around.
However, Soda, ever the peacemaker and your fiercest supporter saw things a bit differently. He noticed how Dallas’s eyes softened when he looked at you. How he always made sure you were laughing in a group. Soda pushed for Darry to give Dallas a chance, arguing that underneath the rough exterior, Dallas cared deeply. And not just about you but about all the people he considered his family. Soda’s arguments were lighthearted but persistent often accompanied by a slap on Darry's back and a grin trying to ease his brother into acceptance.
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On a bustling weekday the DX station was a hub of activity. Cars lined up for gas, the air filled with the scent of oil and the sound of chatter. You usually manned the front desk with Sandy, handling the cash register and charming the customers with easy smiles and quick service. It was a routine that brought a sense of normalcy to the otherwise chaotic life of being a Curtis and a part of the gang.
Dallas knew your schedule by heart. A fact that he kept to himself but was evident in the timing of his visits. Today he strode into the DX expecting to find you behind the counter sharing a laugh with Sandy or flipping through a magazine during a rare quiet moment. Instead, he was met with the sight of just Sandy who was busily stacking receipts.
He walked up to her trying to mask his disappointment with a gruff nod. “Y/N’s not here?”
Sandy easily recognized the thinly veiled concern in his voice and shook her head with a smirk. “Nope she took off for a bit. Something about an errand or other.”
Dallas's frown deepened and without another word he turned on his heel and made his way to the garage where Soda and Steve worked with the occasional appearance from Two-Bit. Pushing open the door he found them buried under the hood of a Chevy, tools in hand.
“Where’s Y/N?” Dallas’s voice carried a touch of irritation. His usual cool demeanor slipping slightly.
Soda popped his head out, wiping sweat from his brow. “Hey, Dal. She had to run some errands. Didn’t say much. Why, missing her already?”
Steve didn’t miss a beat, adding with a chuckle, “Yeah, Dallas, you look lost without her. Should we put up missing posters?”
Dallas scowled before crossing his arms as he leaned against a workbench. “Very funny both of you. Just wondering is all.”
Two-Bit who had just walked in with a box of spare parts joined in the fun. “Wondering or pining? There’s a fine line and I think our boy Dallas is dancing right on it!”
The group erupted in laughter, even Dallas couldn’t help but smirk, shaking his head at his friends’ relentless teasing. Despite his tough exterior it was clear to everyone there that his visits were less about the cars and more about the chance to see you. As the laughter died down Soda clapped Dallas on the shoulder, his voice sincere, “Don’t worry Dal, she’ll be back soon. And hey, maybe you should just tell her, huh? Clear the air.”
Dallas shrugged with the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. “Maybe,” he muttered. His mind already planning his next visit, hoping it would coincide with yours.
Steve and Two-Bit exchanged a look. Their teasing smiles softening into something more akin to understanding. They knew where Dallas’s heart was and despite their jokes they were rooting for him—maybe even enough to pull Darry around eventually.
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The evening had started off like any other in the Curtis household—dinner was a raucous affair with laughter and the clattering of dishes. But the atmosphere shifted palpably when Darry brought up your recent behavior. It was rare for you and Darry to clash. He was usually the understanding brother, the steady hand. But tonight, his patience seemed worn thin as you were late to dinner for the third time that week.
“Y/N, we need to talk about these late nights,” Darry began. His tone more of concern than anger. His eyes that usually warm held a hint of frustration.
You tensed feeling suddenly on edge. “What about them Dar?” Your voice was calm but underneath you felt a storm brewing.
“It’s not just the late nights. It’s everything. You’re out more, and when you’re home, you seem... distant.” Darry’s words were careful but to you they felt accusatory.
Soda, sensing the tension, tried to smooth things over. “Come on, Darry, Y/N’s just working extra shifts at the DX with Sandy or hanging out with her friends. It’s nothing serious.”
Darry shot Soda a look that silenced him. “It’s different, Soda. And you know it.”
You couldn’t help but feel cornered. “So, it’s okay for Soda to go off and do god knows what but I have to be kept under wraps? Tighter than Ponyboy, even?” The comparison came out harsher than you intended. You saw Ponyboy’s wince from the corner of your eye.
Pony hated this kind of confrontation and stepped forward. “Y/N, Darry’s just worried, you know? We all are. That’s all.”
“But why? Because I’m not just sitting around waiting for things to happen to me? Because I want something more than just this?” Your voice rose as you slapped the dining table with a mix of frustration and desperation. You were seeking an understanding where there seemed to be none.
Darry stood up, his stature imposing. “It’s not about holding you back. It’s about making sure you’re safe, that you’re not heading down a path that—”
You stood up to meet his eye, “A path that what, Darry? That you wouldn’t choose?” You interrupted. Your patience snapping. The room went silent with the weight of your words hanging heavily.
Soda tried again. His voice softer. “Y/N, just talk to us, okay? We’re all on the same team here.”
But the damage was done. You felt smothered, misunderstood, and the need for air, for space, overwhelmed you. “I need to get out of here,” you muttered before heading towards the door.
“Y/N, wait—” Darry’s call was too late. The front door slammed behind you leaving a stunned silence in your wake.
As you walked down the quiet, dark streets your heart pounded with a mix of anger and relief. The cool night air was a calm to your heated emotions. You knew you shouldn’t have left like that, but the walls of the house felt like they were closing in on you. You needed to think, to breathe.
Under the dim streetlights your footsteps echoed on the pavement. The familiar streets offering little comfort tonight. You just needed a moment alone to figure out how to bridge the gap growing between you and Darry. How to make him see you as you were not as he feared you might become.
The night air brushed against your cheeks as you hurried along the dimly lit streets of your neighborhood. The usual buzz of the city felt muted instead replaced by an eerie quiet that made every footstep echo with unusual clarity. Despite the tension at home there was a fleeting sense of freedom in being out here alone, walking where and when you chose. However, this freedom was tinged with apprehension. The shadows around each corner seeming to stretch a little longer in the moonlight.
As you continued to walk you noticed a group of figures leaning against the wall of the local convenience store. They weren’t the usual Socs you had to watch out for; these were greasers, some you recognized from around but never really interacted with. They were the kind who respected your brothers too much to ever say much to you, treating you as something akin to a community sister—off-limits and under the invisible protection of the Curtis household.
Tonight, however, with your brothers not around their demeanor shifted. As you passed by, their casual lounging straightened into something more attentive. "Hey, Y/N, out for a midnight stroll?" one of them called out. His tone teasing but carrying an edge you didn’t trust.
You offered a tight smile trying to get them to leave you the hell alone. You quickened your pace hoping to put distance between yourself and the group, but their laughter and footsteps seemed to echo menacingly in the quiet night. They flanked you loosely. Careful not to touch but making sure you felt their presence close and threatening.
"Come on, Y/N, don't be so uptight," one of them sneered. His voice a blend of mockery and veiled threat. "We're just curious why the cute little Curtis girl is all by herself tonight. No big brothers to call?"
Their words were meant to intimidate. They reminded you of the precariousness of your situation. The unspoken rule among the greasers—that you were off-limits because of your brothers' reputation—seemed thinner now. The line between respect and risk blurred by the night and their growing boldness.
Another from the group, a lanky figure with a smirk that didn't reach his eyes, leaned a little too close. "Yeah, where's Dallas tonight sweetheart? Too busy to keep an eye on his favorite girl?" He snickered as you tried walking faster. Their insinuations were clear. They wouldn't dare cross a line that could lead to a direct confrontation with the Curtis brothers or Dallas, but they found amusement in pushing you to the edge of your tolerance. You were an easy target without the usual protection of your family's presence, and they exploited that isolation.
You tried to keep your voice steady. Your fear masked under a veneer of confidence. "Look, I don't want trouble. Just leave me alone."
But their amusement only grew with your discomfort. "Aw, she wants to be left alone," mocked another. His tone dripping with false pity. "What do you say, guys? Should we give the princess her space?" Their laughter filled the air. It was a harsh contrast to the otherwise silent night. You realized then that your attempts at diplomacy were futile. Their respect for your family held them back only so much and without a tangible deterrent they felt free to torment you.
The vulnerability of your situation crystallized in your mind. You were truly alone and the protective bubble that had always surrounded you provided by your brothers and their fearsome reputations had momentarily burst. The reality of the streets, harsh and unforgiving, pressed in on you. The idea of finding a way out of this tightening circle became a desperate need.
As the tension around you escalated the distant rumble of a motorcycle engine suddenly cut through the night. The sound grew louder, more distinct, until it was clear that it was Dallas’s bike. A familiar, comforting noise in the otherwise threatening situation. The group surrounding you turned toward the sound with uncertainty flickering across their faces.
Dallas wasn’t merely out for a ride. He was on a mission. After the heated argument at home and your abrupt departure, Soda had grown increasingly worried. He knew how headstrong you could be and despite his own urge to go after you he recognized that you might not take well to him or Darry showing up. Instead, he’d grabbed the phone and called Dallas before explaining the situation and his concern. “She might listen to you, man. She’s really upset, and who knows what could happen out there tonight,” Soda had said with his voice tense.
Acknowledging the urgency, Dallas had immediately revved up his bike and headed towards your usual haunts. His instincts telling him where you might be. As he spotted the group around you his worry turned into protective fury. He pulled up sharply, the bike’s engine cutting off as he dismounted swiftly. His presence commanding and his expression thunderous.
“What’s going on here?” Dallas demanded. His voice a cold, hard slash through the tension. The greasers hesitated as they were caught off guard by his sudden appearance and the unmistakable threat in his posture.
One of them tried to play it cool, “Just chatting, Dal. No harm meant.” But the nervous glance he shot his friends told a different story.
Dallas stepped closer, his eyes not leaving yours, ensuring you were unharmed. “Doesn’t look like she’s enjoying the chat. I think it’s time you guys find somewhere else to be,” he said. His tone leaving no room for arguments.
As the group dispersed, mumbling, and avoiding his gaze, Dallas’s stern expression softened when he turned back to you. “Soda called me. He said you took off after the fight. He was worried… and honestly, so was I,” he confessed, his concern palpable.
Relief washed over you mingled with a touch of embarrassment. “I just needed some air, that’s all. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” you murmured while feeling the weight of the night’s events start to settle on your shoulders.
Dallas shook his head slightly. A ghost of a smile appearing. “No one’s blaming you.”
After ensuring the group had actually left and you were safely away from any immediate danger, Dallas didn't immediately urge you onto the bike. Instead, he leaned against it. His expression contemplative as he watched the night settle back into its usual quiet. The tension that had wired every line of his body seemed to relax slightly as he turned to look at you standing there in the dim streetlight.
“You okay?” he asked. His voice softer this time, filled with genuine concern. The protective anger had faded leaving room for something more tender.
You nodded while trying to muster a convincing smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. It was nothing,” you said, attempting to downplay the incident.
Dallas just shook his head. His gaze intense and knowing. “Don’t say it was nothing. I saw your face, the way they were around you. It’s not nothing,” he insisted, his voice firm, indicating that he saw through your façade. Your eyes even in the dim light told him the true story of your fear.
You sighed. The fight draining out of you. It was useless to pretend with Dallas. He always seemed to know how you really felt. “Alright, maybe it shook me up more than I want to admit,” you conceded with your voice softening.
Dallas's expression softened too. His concern replaced with a tender vulnerability. "I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you," he confessed, his voice low. "Seeing those guys crowd you like that... it made my blood boil."
He continued now with his words tumbling out in a restless stream. "You know, it's just... when I think about you out here, all alone, it drives me crazy. Not just tonight, but always, whenever you're out late or when you're working those long shifts at the DX. I'm always wondering if you're safe or if someone's giving you a hard time."
He paused. His brow furrowed as he tried to organize his thoughts. "And it's like, I know we've both been dancing around this… whatever this is between us. Because, what if it gets weird, right? What if it changes everything and then things with the gang get all... I don't know, messed up because of us?"
His hand gestures grew more animated as he struggled to articulate his feelings. His usual cool demeanor unraveling a bit. "And I keep thinking, maybe I should say something, maybe I shouldn’t... It’s just, you mean a lot to me, more than you should, more than I let on."
As Dallas rambled on, his expression earnest and tinged with anxiety, your initial shock at his sudden outpouring began to melt away into something softer, warmer. With each word, each fumbled attempt to express his fears and feelings, your smile grew. The tension that had wrapped around you both that was fueled by the night's earlier events and the years of unspoken emotions started to unravel.
He looked almost comical. A stark contrast to his usual stoic self, as he struggled to piece together the right words. His hands gesturing wildly before he finally paused and admitted, "Dammit, I'm messing this up." Then, with a deep breath, he laid everything out: "Look, what I’m trying to say is—I like you. A lot. More than a friend. More than just someone I hang around with. I like you a lot Y/N."
Watching the transformation in his face from frustration to bare, honest declaration, your heart swelled. When he finally admitted his feelings so directly your smile blossomed brilliantly. The warmth in your chest sparking into joyous flames.
Without a moment's hesitation you closed the small distance between you, flinging your arms around his neck. "I like you too, idiot!" you exclaimed with laughter bubbling up through the words. Your voice was light, teasing, filled with relief and affection. The moment felt like a release. As if all the pent-up emotions had finally been given permission to breathe.
As you stood wrapped in Dallas's arms, the world seemed to fade into a backdrop for this singular moment between you two. The night air, the distant sounds of the city, all fell away, leaving only the sound of your joined laughter and the warmth of his embrace.
With a tender motion that felt both daring and inevitable Dallas leaned in closer. His eyes searched yours for just a moment, asking for permission, and finding no hesitation, he kissed you. The kiss was intimate. A slow melding of lips that spoke of suppressed longing and newfound freedom to express everything that had been held back for so long.
As he pulled back a mischievous smirk played across his lips. "Did you just call me an idiot?" he teased his voice low and playful.
The absurdity and sweetness of the moment overwhelmed you and laughter spilled from you in a joyful cascade. "Maybe I did," you admitted with a grin. Your happiness bubbling over. "But you kind of deserved it, don't you think?"
Dallas's smirk broadened into a full smile, rare and striking on his usually reserved face. "Yeah, maybe I did," he agreed. His voice warm with affection and amusement.
Standing there with Dallas under the streetlight with his arms still around you, the night took on a different hue. What had started as an angry escape from home had transformed into a pivotal chapter in your story. One filled with unexpected confessions and the thrill of mutual feelings finally acknowledged. The laughter between you two echoed softly in the quiet street. A sound of lightness and promise as you both reveled in how wonderfully the night was turning out.
With a last chuckle shared between the two of you Dallas's expression shifted back to one of concern. The protective streak that had driven him to you tonight reasserting itself. "We gotta get you home," he said with a slight frown creasing his brow as he considered the potential fallout of the evening. "You probably gave Darry a heart attack, running out like that."
He then took a helmet from the back of the bike and carefully placed it on your head, his fingers deftly securing the straps to ensure it was snug. “Gotta keep you safe,” he murmured, almost to himself. With a gentle but firm hand he helped you onto the bike. His protective nature in full display.
Once you were settled he climbed on in front of you. “Hold on tighter,” he instructed with a note of concern in his voice. He had always been reluctant to have you on the bike thinking you were too precious to be exposed to the risks. An ironic sentiment considering the circumstances.
You wrapped your arms around him, holding on tighter as he had asked. The security of his presence enveloped you. The bike roared to life beneath you and as you sped away the cool night air whipped around you carrying away the remnants of fear. Riding with Dallas you felt a profound sense of safety. A stark contrast to the vulnerability of just moments before.
As you and Dallas pulled up to the Curtis house with the engine's rumble cutting through the quiet of the late night, you could already see Darry pacing on the porch. His silhouette tense against the dimly lit doorway. The moment you stepped off the bike the worry and anger in Darry's eyes were palpable. Seeing you arrive not alone but with Dallas at the helm visibly escalated his anxiety to fury.
"Dallas?!" Darry's voice boomed across the yard. His tone thick with disbelief and rising anger. "Of all people, you had to show up with him?"
As Darry's anger surged forward Dallas's response was remarkably restrained. Despite his usual readiness to fight back or stand his ground, tonight was different. He understood the weight of the moment and the emotions driving Darry's actions. As Darry advanced, Dallas's stance was defensive but not aggressive. He raised his hands, palms outward, in a clear gesture of peace.
"Darry, listen—" Dallas started, his voice calm but firm, attempting to de-escalate the tension. He didn't want to fight, especially not tonight, not over this. And certainly not with you watching, worried and tense.
But Darry was blinded by worry and anger. He wasn't ready to listen. His fist swung out, more a reaction to the overwhelming stress of the night than a genuine intention to harm. Dallas didn't dodge. He took the hit. The impact of the punch landing solidly, the pain sharp but expected. Dallas's head snapped to the side, the force leaving a darkening mark that would soon swell into a black eye.
Even as he reeled from the blow, Dallas's focus remained on trying to settle the situation without further violence. "I'm not here to cause trouble, Darry," he said while steadying himself. His voice still level. "I just wanted to make sure she was safe." As tensions flared between Darry and Dallas you were quick to intervene with your voice rising in the cool night air, laced with shock and frustration. Seeing Dallas willingly take the hit and not fighting back against Darry's sudden burst of anger, ignited your own protective instincts.
"Darry, stop! What are you doing?!" you exclaimed while rushing forward to place yourself between them, your hands pushing against Darry's chest as you faced him squarely. The sight of Dallas, holding his face, clearly in pain yet standing down fueled your words with an urgency and a sharpness.
"He was just trying to help! He didn’t come here to fight," you continued. Your voice breaking slightly under the strain of emotion. "He protected me tonight when I needed it. How can you just hit him like that?"
Your words, impassioned and direct, seemed to pierce through the haze of Darry's anger, reaching him in a way that visibly shook his resolve. He glanced from your upset face to Dallas's subdued expression. The reality of his actions settling in heavily. The tension in his shoulders eased as he took a step back. His fists unclenching as he took in the full scene—his sister defending the very person he had instinctively seen as a threat.
The situation gradually deescalated with your firm intervention reminding everyone involved of the deeper bonds and mutual concern that held your group together. Darry's posture softened, his expression morphing into one of regret and concern. Not just for you but for the unnecessary harm he had caused Dallas. "I... I'm sorry," Darry finally muttered. His voice low, directed at both you and Dallas. "I wasn't thinking straight. I shouldn't have hit you."
This conciliatory moment that was sparked by your emotional plea helped to bridge the gap of misunderstanding and tension, allowing for a more open and honest discussion about the night's events and the feelings involved. It was a raw but necessary confrontation that ultimately strengthened the understanding and trust within your family.
As Soda emerged onto the scene he quickly assessed the tension, noting the standoff and Dallas holding his eye. The atmosphere was charged but already cooling as you stood firmly between Dallas and Darry bridging the gap with your determined presence.
Seeing that the initial fury had subsided, and words were taking the place of fists, Soda's intervention was gentle but firm. "Alright, what’s going on here?" he asked. His tone carrying enough authority to ensure no further escalations.
Darry, still caught in the mix of anger and regret, glanced at Soda, then back at you and Dallas. The anger in his eyes had dimmed instead replaced by a recognition of his overreaction. "I... I overreacted," Darry admitted. His voice low and carrying the weight of his apology. "Sorry, Dallas."
Dallas, still nursing his eye but visibly calmer, gave a slight nod in acknowledgment, accepting the apology without further conflict. His gaze met yours briefly. A silent thank you for your defense and understanding. Soda's eyes moved between the three of you, his expression easing into relief as he realized the worst was over. "Let’s just take a minute here," he suggested, his voice light but carrying an underlying seriousness. "No more surprises tonight, okay?"
His casual demeanor helped to dissipate the remaining tension serving as a reminder that despite the upheaval the bonds within your group remained strong. With a brief clasp on Darry's shoulder, Soda signaled that it was time to move past the conflict.
“Let's head inside. We all need to cool off,” Soda finally said, indicating the porch as a way to leave the incident behind physically and metaphorically. This simple suggestion helped to restore a sense of normalcy, guiding everyone back into the safety and familiarity of the house.
As the tension dissipated and everyone moved inside you led Dallas to the couch. Your focus on his well-being showing clearly through your gentle care. You fetched some ice, wrapping it in a towel, and carefully applied it to his swollen eye. Dallas, tough as always, tried not to wince but the grateful look he shot you didn't go unnoticed.
Soda leaned against the doorframe, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Looks like Dally's finally found someone who can knock him off his feet," he quipped. His tone light but his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes with a warm flush spreading across your cheeks as you focused on adjusting the ice pack. "Shut up, Soda," you muttered. Unable to suppress a smile. Your blush deepened, giving away more than you intended.
From across the room Darry observed the scene, his expression shifting from concern to curiosity as he noted the interaction. Finally, he cleared his throat, deciding to address the elephant in the room. "So, what's going on with you two?" he asked. His voice direct but not unkind.
You paused, meeting Dallas’s eyes for a brief moment before responding. "I like him. He likes me. We're going to see where it goes," you stated simply, honesty in your tone. Soda's reaction was immediate and enthusiastic. He punched the air lightly, a wide grin spreading across his face.
Dallas who was caught a bit off guard by the straightforward declaration and Soda’s exuberance, chuckled softly, shaking his head in disbelief at how the night had turned out. Then, turning towards Darry, who still seemed to be weighing his feelings about the situation, Dallas spoke earnestly.
"Look, Darry, I know I’m not the kind of guy you pictured for her. But I promise you this, no one's gonna look after her better than me," Dallas said. His voice carrying a sincerity that filled the room. "She means more to me than just... well, anything."
Darry looked at Dallas, then at you, and then back at Dallas again searching for any hint of insincerity. Finding none and moved by Dallas's words, he finally nodded, a reluctant smile breaking through his initial reservations. "Alright," he conceded, "just... make sure you keep that promise."
The room relaxed into a quiet, comfortable silence, filled with new understandings and quiet acknowledgments of the shifts in your relationships. As you continued to hold the ice to Dallas's eye, a soft smile played on your lips, both of you sharing a moment of quiet connection grateful for the night's unexpected revelations and the paths they were paving forward.
In the weeks that followed your night of revelations life settled into a new rhythm with Dallas at your side. The change was subtle but profound, marked not by grand gestures but by quiet moments that spoke volumes about the depth of your connection. Whether hanging out at the Curtis house or spending time together at the DX, you and Dallas found your stride, intertwining your daily lives with ease. The gang's initial teasing faded into a background hum instead replaced by an unspoken acceptance as they witnessed the genuine care between you two.
One evening as you both sat on the hood of his car, parked at a lookout point overlooking the town, Dallas broke the comfortable silence. "I never planned on any of this," he said. His tone reflective. "But now, I can’t imagine it any other way."
You smiled as your hand found his in the dim light. "Life’s funny like that," you replied. "The best things happen when you least expect them."
Dallas gave a half-smile while squeezing your hand gently. "Yeah, they do," he agreed. He looked out at the view, the lights of the town twinkling below, a mirror to the stars above. "With you, it’s different. It’s better. And I want to keep it that way."
"Then we will," you said simply. The promise hanging in the air, easy and assured.
As you both sat there with the night deepening around you, the challenges of the past seemed like distant echoes. The road ahead wasn't clear and life with the gang was never without its ups and downs, but together, you felt ready for whatever might come. In the quiet solidarity of the moment, you knew that as long as you both held on to this shared sense of understanding and respect. You could face the future with confidence.
With the stars overhead as witnesses and the gentle night breeze as your accompaniment the simple yet profound realization that you were exactly where you needed to be cemented itself in your heart.
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(Taglist Sign Up): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @guacam011y @illisea @il0vebeingdelulu @hiireadstuff @kenn-spencerswifey @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @dnfhascorruptedme 
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zurazakis · 6 months
also i think they got together post zaki death because before that it was complicated & messy but not in a like toxic way or anything it was just like obligations & sides & whatever like. zaki having been ssg for so long & his loyalty remaining to kondo first & foremost despite everything even as he worked in zura's joui faction. i do think everyone in the ssg got character assassinated when zaki died BUT rolling along with it means that the only person who saw it for what it is (as in. someone dying & the actual gravity of it) is the one guy who was committed to. this bit. this guy. the bit guy. the guy who is a bit. do you HEAR ME am i alone in here am i sensible hello
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mellowwillowy · 9 months
Yan! Lawyer Husband x GN Spouse Reader HCs
CW: mafia related stuffs
—𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 - 𝑳𝑰𝒇𝑬 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
Yan! Husband is a gentle soul to you, he can't and will never lay a finger with the meaning to hurt you! He just doesn't have the strength to do so, almost as though he was set to be so. It's another whole story when it comes to the others though, can you guess how many times he has pulled the trigger of a gun?
Yan! Husband who spoils you rotten with everything you could ever think of. Luxuries, reputations but never the forbodden knowledge he has tried so hard to keep away from you. No, he won't clip your wings. You are his songbird who gets to only fly inside the gilded cage but never in the outside world. He will create a stage of the outside world for you, but never the real deal.
Yan! Husband who paints a portrait of you whenever he's stressed over the cases he has to handle. To move the brush without any problem as your form starts to appear on the blank canvas, he has no trouble remembering you. Sculpting is no problem for him as well. He has spent all his lives honing his artistic skill just to eternalize you as pieces of art.
Yan! Husband loves you so much that he deems children as a burden and bothersome (adoptive too). He only needs you to build a family, he had no need for children to continue this lineage. His whole life revolves around you. If you pass away, he too, will pass away shortly after. That's how much he loves you to the point that death cannot separate you two.
Yan! Husband who might not look like he's able to do it but he is actually an S-rank gaslighter. He will trick you into believing that what he is suggesting is only to keep you safe! He doesn't really enjoy taking your autonomy directly unless it's needed (of course, in a way where you will not confront him about it).
Yan! Husband who will cover and remove all your bad track records (if you have any). He has the power and connection to erase any kind of dirt that is on you, you are his pristine pure lily-of-the-valley and you should not be defiled with those records. Live without any worry clouded in your mind dear, the laws will never tarnish your reputation when you have this lawyer backing you ^^
Yan! Husband who adores any sort of physical touch when it comes to you, yes, anything. Even if you hit him silly, he'd still love every moment your skin feels his. He loves hugging you the most, his face buried into the crook of your neck while taking a scent of you.
Yan! Husband who enjoys humming lullaby of yours to the point everyone's ears around him is bleeding from the repeating lullaby. Can this guy please hum something else for once?
Yan! Husband who will read for you whenever he has the time to sleep with you. He doesn't know what to say to you as his work is either foreign to your brain or a tad too shady. Childhood memories are not great too as he has long forgotten about everything the moment he pledges eternal vow to love you. He abandoned everything and lives only for you.
Yan! Husband who prioritizes you as his number one, even above his own well-being and career. He can still live even if he falls ill, his career would never fall out of track as he has the mafia under his grasp, but you can slip out of his grasp. And he doesn't want that to happen again.
Yan! Husband is without a doubt an infamous lawyer. Especially with how many times he has let the ringleader of that renowned mafia group slip out from the prosecutor and judge's grip? If you seriously think you'll be pronounced guilty of that murder, you better throw that thought out just like how he throws all the scapegoats and falsified evidence into the court. (Should I write a fic for this?)
Yan! Husband who will always make time for the two of you. While vacations are not as often as he wishes he could have, cuddles and tea parties sound nice enough for him to kill time with you.
Yan! Husband who has this cute journal that's filled with what you have been doing every day instead of his own daily stuff. Oh, your diary is almost his if you know how he reads it daily like a refreshment.
Yan! Husband who as much as he hates having to show you to the people at the official parties and events he has to attend, he just can't shake away the butterflies in his stomach as well! You are not just some trophy spouse, you are his beloved! A hand on your waist and a face that is seen whispering sweet nothings into your ear with a glass in his other hand. Oh, he looks so o-godly-handsome like a man who comes out from a romance novel!
Yan! Husband who is a man of greed, the embodiment of Mammon. Wealth is not something that he has never not possessed. So whatever the fuck you do, gambling or blowing it off somewhere in a dumb investment or stock, he won't make a fuss out of it. Instead, he'll teach you more about money management instead :/
"Do you want to learn how to invest? I know a way or two from my predecessor."
He will let you play all the money game you want and gives you the illusion of success despite all the trials and errors you made (he's the one who clean up all the mess lol)
I know that this is AFAB! oriented BUT Yan! Husband never wishes to impregnate you even once. No, he doesn't like the idea of you being in pain over a damn baby(ies) that could just take your life as well. He does enjoy fucking you without any protection on but that is after he tracks your safe day (man is literally fighting the fate of having you pregnant). He prefers you to not consume any birth control for just in case it causes harm rather than good to you. (Shots are a pass if you are scared of syringes)
He is A-OK with adopting if you are persistent enough about this matter and is B-OK if you want to get pregnant (AFAB). He just can't refuse and upset you...
So please don't imagine what would happen if darling dies during delivery :)
Yan! Husband who will always open his pocketwatch and kiss the picture of you in his pocket watch. How many times and lives had passed just for him to enjoy the solace of being your husband?
𝐀 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬, 𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫.
Yulian de Alpheus is a man of ambition. While he does share the same look as his 'father', the ambition he has is the complete opposite of Castiel. Castiel created him to seek the truth of life, Adam existed to be the Genesis of Life, Alan existed to be someone he didn't recognize and Yulian existed to live beneath the shadow of his spouse.
𝐘𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
Taglist: @vinivave @destructa1 @szde8-blog @luminous011 @ush0 @annbourbon @randomnl @cassanderasblog @maam-appreciator @lem-hhn @fanatic-fan @flesh-eating-ladybug
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golden-cherry · 7 months
deal - cl16 (20/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: There's one person that you don't want to see standing in front of your door in the middle of the night.
Warnings: angst (like, a lot), super many swear words, asshole!Charles, a teeny tiny bit of fluff, Raphael
Word Count: 3.7k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: couldn't let you wait another week after that cliffhanger. thank you to everyone who's been with me from the start. couldn't have done it without you. here's to 20 chapters and so much more to come.
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It only takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the light and you recognize who is standing in front of your apartment door. The hair, the eyes, the mouth, and as soon as you recognize the face of the person who hurt you, you push against the door with all your strength to slam it shut. 
But Raphael is quicker and shoves his foot in between. "I just want to talk."
You briefly consider kicking his shoe and kicking him out of the door frame. Something that would certainly hurt a lot barefoot. But you can't take a step back to slip into your shoes either, because Raphael would see that as an invitation. So you stand there rooted to the spot, your fingers clasped around the door handle and your shoulder leaning against the door so that at least some counterbalance keeps him from entering the apartment.
"Please, Y/N."
"What about my previous behavior makes it seem like I'm in any way interested in having a conversation with you?" you hiss hostilely in a hushed voice. After all, the neighbors don't need to hear what's going on in the hallway in the middle of the night.
He raises his hands placatingly. "I know you want to sort this out between us as much as I do."
"I want you to leave me the hell alone." You lean against the door a little more so there's more pressure on the sides of his foot, forcing him to pull it out sooner or later.
"This can't really be what you want. Please, Y/N." He tilts his head. "We both know how much you miss me. And how much you need me."
You have to stifle your laughter, even though there's nothing at all funny about this situation. "I'm not the person who keeps calling my ex and suddenly turns up at the door in the middle of the night."
"I just want to explain myself. And that everything is like it used to be."
"Then you shouldn't have been fucking other women." Your tone is icy. "Why can't you just leave me alone and get out of my life?"
Raphael crosses his arms in front of his chest as if he's offended that you're seriously asking him that. "Because I love you. So let me in, please."
You narrow your eyes. "Not a chance."
His gaze, which looked halfway human a moment ago, hardens. "Is he here? Is he listening to us right now?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Who?"
"Don't play dumber than you are. I'm talking about your fucking roommate I spoke to on the phone the other day." He puts a palm against the door and you feel his weight pressing against you. "Is he here?"
By now you're bracing yourself against the door with all your weight. Your heart is hammering in your chest. Raphael is not someone who would hurt anyone else. But his cold stare and the pressure against the door make you think otherwise. Must make you think something else to protect yourself. If he manages to walk through that door - thank God Charles is in Italy.
"This is none of your business," you try to say as normally as possible. 
"If some random guy is fucking my girlfriend, then it is definitely my business."
"I'm not your girlfriend, remember? You cheated on me and dumped me." You take a deep breath to get rid of the tremor in your voice. "So just leave me alone. I don't want anything more to do with you."
Raphael laughs. "I didn't cheat on you." When you raise an eyebrow, he rolls his eyes. "My God, so I slept with a few women, so what? I had needs. And you didn't want to." 
You're on the verge of crushing his foot. "Are you actually listening to yourself? Do you hear the complete bullshit you're talking?" 
"Don't be like that. I bet you've been sleeping with your roommate to get one over on me, too." He leans a little in your direction. "Why don't you explain to me why you slept with him but not with me, your boyfriend?" When you don't answer him, but just look at him venomously, a disgusting grin spreads across his face. "I'm telling you: because you're a little bitch." He takes his hand off the door and instantly your body relaxes a little. But the calm doesn't last long. "Did you hear that?" Raphael suddenly yells through the hallway, waking up all the neighbors within a 200-meter radius. "She's a little bitch. Come and get her. She really gets it on with everyone."
You open the door a little, but only to stand fully in the doorway. "Are you crazy? Be quiet, you'll wake up the whole of Monaco!"
His head jerks in your direction. "Why? Don't you want your roommate to know who you really are?"
If Raphael hadn't been shouting like that, you would certainly have heard the loud footsteps coming up the stairs. But all you see is a shadow and then you see familiar green eyes looking into yours. Charles is standing on the top step of the stairs, his eyes fixed on you, but before you can say anything, ask him why he's not in Italy, his gaze flits to Raphael and even from a distance you can see that Charles' body is tensing. 
Raphael follows your eyes and takes a step back when he sees your roommate standing in front of him. Charles could have been anyone - a neighbor complaining about the noise, a delivery man dropping off food - but from the way the Monegasque is glaring at your ex, there's no doubt. "Your roommate is Charles Leclerc?" Raphael runs his fingers nervously through his hair before taking a step in Charles' direction and holding out his hand. "Wow, it's an honor to meet you! I'm a big fan!"
Charles Leclerc? Honor? Big fan?
Charles looks down at the outstretched hand as if it were a venomous snake before he pushes past the man without answering and positions himself in front of you. You see his tense back muscles dance beneath his sweater as he turns to Raphael. "You should go."
"I think you've got this whole thing wrong," your ex tries to wriggle out of the situation. "Y/N is my girlfriend and we-"
"Ex-girlfriend," the brunette interjects without batting an eyelid.
Raphael scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Eh, we're just trying to sort that out. Would you please give us a moment so we can work this out?"
Charles doesn't even need to turn around to know that's the last thing you want. "No. I'm sure there's nothing to sort out. I'm not going to ask you to leave again."
Your ex snorts and raises his hands placatingly. "I don't want to argue with you. Like I said, I'm a huge fan and I watch every race. But the matter only involves Y/N and me, which is why I'm asking you to step aside so we can work this out." 
"And I said no." His tone is cool and calm, almost threatening, and his gaze is so piercing it sends a cold shiver down your spine.
Raphael rolls his eyes. "And I thought you were a cool guy. That's how you come across on TV, anyway." He takes a step towards you both and Charles pushes himself completely in front of you so that you can no longer see Raphael. "Your little girlfriend there is a slut, did you know that? A stupid little whore who-"
"Do you actually like your job? You still work in accounting at this one company, don't you? With the emphasis on 'still'," Charles asks calmly. As your ex takes a step back, Charles takes a step forward. "So if you want to keep it, I suggest you leave Y/N alone once and for all. You won't show up here, you won't call her again, you won't even think about her. And if you even think of telling anyone about this, I'll make sure you can't find a job anywhere. Do you understand me?" When your ex doesn't answer, Charles takes another step, causing Raphael to flinch and almost fall down the stairs. "Did you hear me?"
"Clearly and distinctly."
"Good." You can hear Charles' friendly smile. "Have a good evening, then." He looks after Raphael, who quickly scurries down the stairs, and only turns to you as the front door slams shut. 
But instead of asking you if everything is all right, he storms past you into the apartment without a word. You quickly close the door behind you, follow him on foot and find him in the bedroom, where he pulls a large sports bag out of the chest of drawers, which he carelessly throws onto the rumpled bed. He starts to clear out the closet.
"Charles?" you ask hesitantly, but remain standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?" When he doesn't answer, but pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and taps on it briefly before pocketing it again, you enter the room. "Charles? Say something, please."
"What do you want to hear from me?" he asks coldly, grabbing some clothes from the closet. Only when you take a closer look do you realize that these are your clothes that didn't fit in your small suitcase. 
"I don't know," you answer helplessly. "What are you doing here?"
He doesn't even look at you. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm packing your things." He stuffs one of your shirts into the small side pocket. "So we can finally move out of here."
Confused, you look at him and sit on the edge of the bed. Far enough away from him. "What do you mean?"
"Do you really think you're going to stay here one more day after your crazy ex turned up? You were going to move out anyway, so we might as well get this over with."
You had told him that you were leaving this apartment, but you never expected him to throw you out of the apartment himself. Especially not today, when he wasn't supposed to be in Monaco, but in Italy. "Are you kicking me out?"
Charles zippers up the bag before placing it next to the suitcase and pulling the next bag out of the dresser and fills it with clothes. "Didn't you listen to me? We're moving out. I'm not leaving you alone in this apartment for another moment."
Charles's change of mood almost gives you whiplash. Yesterday he threw the nastiest words at you, made you cry and hurt you so much that you were seriously considering leaving the country. And now he's standing there packing your things into sports bags because he what? Doesn't want your ex to come back here to harass you again?
Puzzled, you sit on the bed while Charles goes through the apartment and collects all the personal belongings he can find. 
Why is he here when he's supposed to be in Italy? Why is he packing your things so that you can move out of this apartment if he doesn't care about you? And the biggest question is - how does Raphael know Charles? What races was he talking about? Why does he know him from TV?
Who is Charles Leclerc?
"Here, get changed," he snaps you out of your thoughts and throws you a pair of sweatpants and the white sweater he was wearing in the bookstore. "It's freezing outside and I don't want you to freeze to death." He grabs the bags and disappears out of the bedroom to give you some privacy. 
You quickly change, pull his sweater over your head and as you breathe in his scent, you could cry. The fact that Charles is here, defending you after he treated you so badly, confuses you so much that you don't know which way is up and which way is down. After yesterday, you hate him, you want to hate him, but Lando's words haunt your mind and apparently there's some truth to them, because otherwise Charles wouldn't have driven all the way to Monaco in the middle of the night. 
But why is he here? Why did he leave his meetings so much earlier? Did he feel guilty? Did Lando talk to him? Why is he back here with you after just one day?
He doesn't even look at you when you leave the bedroom in his clothes. He just grabs the bags and your suitcase and you're about to ask him if you should carry something too, but he's already disappeared out of the front door and into the dark hallway. You quickly grab the last of your belongings and follow him down the stairs, but instead of heading for the underground parking garage, he leaves the house and heads towards the street. 
"Where are you going?" you ask, out of breath, when you finally catch up with him. Without a word, he stops in front of a black car with a red and white stripe across it. It looks expensive, much more expensive than your old Renault, which is only confirmed by the horse on the hood and rims. "Whose car is this?"
"Get in," he says curtly as he unlocks the luxury ride and starts to put the bags away. When you don't move, he turns to you. "I won't say it again. Get in the damn car, Y/N."
"Why?" you ask, confused and also a little desperate. "Why would I get in the car with you? Give me one good reason."
Annoyed, he runs his hand through his hair so that it stands on end. "Either you get in the car now or I'll make you. It's your decision."
You cross your arms in front of your chest. By now you're annoyed by his behavior. "You can't force me."
"You bet I can." He takes a step closer so that you can feel his warm breath on your face. "Get in the fucking car."
There's a twinkle in his green eyes that stops you from challenging him. Silently, you get in on the passenger side of the car and plop down on the leather seat as Charles circles the hood. A few minutes later, as you're driving along Monaco's streets, the silence between you is unbearable. 
"Where are we going?" you ask, but get no answer. The Monegasque drives the car over the asphalt with an angry look on his face, even driving too fast, but he doesn't seem to care. "At least you can tell me where you're taking me. You owe me that after you dragged me out of the apartment."
"We're going to my other place."
You raise an eyebrow in confusion. "The one Annika lives in?"
Charles takes a turn without using his blinker. "Yes."
"And how do you picture that?" You turn in his direction. "You want me to share the apartment with your ex? Are you completely insane?"
He exhales loudly. "She won't be there when we get there."
"We? What do you mean 'we'?"
"I have to stay somewhere. Now that we both can't stay in the second apartment anymore."
Your voice sounds a little shrill as you answer him. "I wasn't planning on moving out of one apartment so I could move into another with you. Drive me to a hotel or somewhere else, but I don't want to live with you."
After all, he was the reason you wanted to move out of the apartment in the first place. He treated you badly, let you down - why should you spend another night with him? Especially since he still seems angry with you?
As the car comes to a halt, he looks over at you. "I don't care what you want right now. You're staying here tonight where I know you're okay and that asshole can't get too close to you. Tomorrow you can throw every insult you can think of at me, but right now you do what I tell you. Do you understand me?"
His authoritative and commanding tone leaves no room for discussion, so you just nod silently and get out of the car. You are in an underground parking garage, similar to the other one, but there are other cars here. Expensive cars, like the Ferrari you drove here in. 
Are these all his cars? Where did Charles get the money for a Ferrari? What-
"Come on. I won't wait forever." His voice brings you back to reality and like a toddler you follow him out of the garage, into the elevator and finally into the apartment, which is surprisingly empty. You don't have a moment's peace to look around as Charles has already unlocked a room and put your things inside.
"The guest room is unused." He takes a deep breath and exhales. "I know it's not the best solution for everything here, but I can't change it now. If you want to move out tomorrow, then do so. But please do me a favor and stay here tonight." His expression is softer and his voice is a little warmer than it was a few minutes ago, but that doesn't make you forget how the evening went.
"I'll be gone in the morning," you reply stubbornly, but you can feel your heart beating fast. Charles just nods and leaves you in the hallway so that you can enter your room undisturbed and keep to yourself. 
After closing the door behind you, you take off your warm clothes and fall onto the bed in your underwear without turning on the light. It is unused, the comforter is spread out on the mattress and the pillows feel as plush as if they had just been fluffed up. But as soon as your head touches the soft fabric and you breathe in, you are completely enveloped in Charles' scent. And you can't stop the tears streaming down your face as your body finally comes to rest.
The fact that Raphael suddenly turned up on your doorstep in the middle of the night has already thrown you off course. You never expected him to have the nerve to show up at your place - a pretty stupid thought when you remember that he had already tried to find you there recently. But actually seeing him, listening to his garbage, really ruined the evening that Lando had actually saved so far. 
And then came Charles, your knight in shining armour, who stood up for you so heroically and defended you, even though he had broken your heart just one day before. 
His behavior is completely at odds with what he's doing.
He drags you out of the apartment so that Raphael can no longer find you there, but forces you to go with him to this apartment, even though he knows that you don't want to have anything more to do with him. 
He packs your things, wants you to spend the night with him so he can be sure you're safe, but is so cold and dismissive to you that you might think Charles has multiple personalities. 
And then there's the fact that Raphael seems to know him. Even his full name. And he didn't pronounce it the way you do with people you just haven't seen for a long time but happen to meet on the street. His intonation was different, as if the name Charles Leclerc carried weight, as if he was something special, as if you had to know him. But who the hell is Charles Leclerc?
Is he the man who took you in when you didn't know where to go? The one in whom you found a friend you never really wanted to miss? The one you fell in love with without even wanting to?
Or is he the man who hurt you, rejected you, only to stand up for you in a domineering and possessive way? The one who took your heart and trampled on it, only to do everything he could to keep you safe a day later?
Who is Charles Leclerc?
Your shoulders shake and your breath comes in painful gasps as you wrap your arms around your middle and press your face into the pillow. Your throat feels constricted, your blood is pounding in your ears and your heart is beating so fast it feels like it wants to jump out of your chest. And this headache. They make you blind and deaf, which is why you don't notice the door to your room quietly opening and then falling back into the lock. 
Only when you feel the mattress lower behind you do you realize that Charles is with you. You want to turn to him, scream at him and send him packing, but you don't get the chance. Your tears stifle every sound and your body is shaking so badly that you can do nothing but lie there.
You don't question it when you feel Charles' chest against your back. "I'm here," he whispers softly as he wraps his arm around you and hugs you tightly. His other hand finds its way into your hair, which he strokes gently as his touch warms you. "It's all right, mon amour. I'm here," he repeats, tangling his bare legs with yours to pull you even closer to him. Not a piece of paper, not even a hair fits between you. 
Charles' skin is soft and smooth against yours, you feel the tiny hairs of his forearm against yours as he reaches out to grab your hand and finally intertwines your fingers. It feels like they were made for this. As if you were made for him. 
You want to turn around, to look at him, but his iron grip around your middle won't allow it, so you just press yourself against him, as close as you can, to be enveloped by him. By his smell, his warmth. Him. 
"Charles," you sigh into the darkness and feel the tip of his nose against your neck. 
"I'm here, mon amour." He presses a feather-light kiss to your bare shoulder. "I'm here as long as you'll let me."
next part
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bluewhitehues · 20 days
Hug Series/ Drabble
Kim Mingyu× F. Reader
Genre: fluff,a very silly drabble, sulky gyu
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"Go to your sidechick" mingyu says teasingly when you're bickering about something. He's sitting on the couch and you on his lap.
"What makes you think you're not the one who's sidechick?" You tease him back raising your eyebrows.
His mouth opens in disbelief and he huffs sulking at you, turning his face sideways not looking at you.
"I'm just kidding you're not. Ok?" You say between laughing.
He still isn't looking at you biggest pout on his face as he huffs again.
You squish his cheeks turning his face to look at you pecking his pout "You're my soul ..the love of my life." And you're giving him the sweetest lovesick smile ever so how can he not melt right then and there.
He tries so hard not to smile at you. He's planning on bantering with you more he won't show it even if he's melting from inside he loves when you two bicker.
"Chan is my homie my bud just like he's yours." You say pinching his cheek.
"Yeah he's my homie but i don't remember having a crush on him ever." He says shrugging, the mischievous look clear on his face.
Your eyes go so wide cause you or him haven't mentioned it since you got in a relationship. You know he's just trying to rile you up and it's not a serious issue to worry about. If he had felt anything about it he would have told you directly you know that.
So you gasp getting up from his lap in flash "it was nice knowing you Kim Mingyu. Divorce papers will be sent through my lawyer." And you walk away turning back from him.
And he's laughing at you. He burst out as soon as you said that. "But baby we aren't married." He says getting up to go to you.
You stop in your track, turning back to face him."Oh I see how it is now ..no no I get what you are saying I guess I'm more serious about you than you are." You shrug
His eyes go wide at that ..even if he knows you're kidding, he'd never show himself as someone who isnt serious about you, cause come on the guy literally breaths you not even oxygen,is so damn whipped for you "Noo. Where I'd go if you divorce me ..please don't " He says now seriously giving you the puppiest eyes ever.
"I guess I can give you a chance if you promise me kisses and hugs to make up for it..also endless cuddles in bed " You say shrugging.
And he's smiling sheepishly before he runs the little distance between you two holding you up in his arms tightly.
"Now that's my pleasure baby." He kisses your cheek and then all over your face.."What about something else in bed too?" He says kissing the corner of your lips then looking up at you raising one of his brows with a smirk. "I like the sound of it." You say. And he's throwing you on the bed gently before getting on top of you to tickle you from both of your sides.
"Oh my god gyu wtf ...I knew it ah stop- gyuuu-" You say in between the laughter trying to hold his hands and kicking him with your feet to push him away from you.
"Gyu please-" You whine while giggling so he stops. He looks at you with heart eyes literally as he hovers above your face.
"I love you "He whispers and you just...melt under him. how can you not. No matter how many times he says it,it still feels like the first time ever ,his love keeps growing and he keeps showing it. "I love you too " You say pulling him down for a kiss. He smiles into the kiss causing you too smile as well. You pull him even closer making him loose his balance and fall over you. "Hey-" he says barely pulling back from your lips scolding you a little but you're giggling throwing your head back and he's laughing all over again slapping your side and then getting beside you on the bed. He pulls you so you're on your side and then he's pulling you flush against him. Claiming your lips again.
a/n: idk what did I write hope you like it.
Boyfriend mingyu missing hours are so opennn😭
Masterlist if any of you haven't read hug series you can find it here. 🫶
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johnnysuhbmarine · 28 days
What's my Problem? That's Easy, You.
Pairing: Haechan x reader Description: There’s no one on this planet that you hate more than your roommate’s best friend, Haechan, and he hates you back just the same. Though, sharing a best friend meant you had to see him all the time. When giving into one impulse desire ends with the two of you making out, it quickly develops into a friends (or enemies) with benefits relationship that the two of you agree to keep quiet about. Surely nothing could go wrong, right?  Content warnings: swearing, insults, talk about sex, Haechan in skinny jeans, Haechan’s girlfriend (later ex) is really mean to him, lots of eye rolling and head shaking, sexual harassment from reader’s professor, death (not a main character but it affects Haechan), lots of making out…taking off shirts…etc, Haechan is hot and arrogant but kind of a loser when it comes to y/n (eventually), mention of a choking kink, corpse lyrics, they have sex but it’s closed-door/SFW, Haechan makes one really poor decision, angst with a happy ending. Please let me know if I’ve missed anything. Word count: 21,108 :) A/n: Happy Haechan day! This has been in the works for entirely too long, but I’m excited to finally release a longer fic rather than one shots. This was only written because I had to do something after seeing Haechan in the ISTJ dance practice video cause he’s never left my mind since. Shout out to @fullsunstrawberry for listening to me talk about this fic instead of me actually writing it. Hey bestie, *waves* it’s finally finished :) Please enjoy, or don’t…I can’t tell you what to do. As always, feedback would be GREATLY appreciated :)
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You open the door to your apartment-style dorm room, and when you see a figure on the couch, you assume it’s your best friend and roommate, Jessica. The two of you met in a class last year and you were over the moon at the idea of rooming with her for the rest of university rather than the roommates you currently had at the time. However, instead of laying eyes on your best friend, it’s a guy you’ve never seen before, casually sprawled out on your couch. You jump in surprise and furrow your eyebrows as you address his presence. “Wha- who are you?!”
He moves his gaze from the TV up to where you were, still at the door. “Haechan…Jessica’s best friend? I’m sure she’s talked about me. Who are you?” He replies in a condescending tone, looking completely unenthused to be talking with you and, within seconds, you were beginning to feel much the same. You shake your head, annoyed.
“No, I’m the one who lives here so I’m asking the questions. What are you doing here? How did you get in?” You ask, though now just wondering how long it would be until he left. 
He looks at you as though you were stupid, like talking to you was a waste of his time. Regardless, he gives you somewhat of an answer. “Are you dense? I’m hanging out with Jessica today. She let me in before she went back to go get ready.”
You freeze, anger coursing through your veins at the audacity of this guy. “I’m not dense. God, I hate people like you.” You spit back. Haechan raises his brows tauntingly. 
“‘People like me’ as in?”
“Arrogant dickheads whose brain power is just used to keep track of how many beds they’ve been in.” You finish, rolling your eyes before moving to set down your backpack and grab what you actually came back to your dorm for - your purse. You miss the devilish smirk that Haechan bears on his face, but you don’t miss the cocky laugh that escapes his figure before he speaks up again as you cross the room.
“Strange, I don’t remember bringing up my sex life before this. It must be on your mind then, huh?” He replies seriously, getting you to pause again. You ball your hands into fists, taking a few steps so that you were back in each other’s line of sight before arguing with him some more. 
“This is exactly what I’m talking about. You think everyone is thinking about sex with you. I hate to break it to you, but you’re not that attractive.” You say, more than glad when your last statement came out firm and serious…you typically weren’t good at lying.
Haechan lets out another laugh, stretching his arms up and bringing his hands together at the back of his head. “Yeah?” He questions lazily. “You’re not that hot yourself, sunshine.”
The nickname has your blood boiling. “Never call me that again. Besides, it doesn’t even make sense. You say I’m not hot and then call me sunshine. You know the sun is 15 million degrees Celsius, right?” You remark, but instead of making Haechan feel stupid, you seemingly gave him more ammunition.
“Oh,” he says as though he just figured out the answer to life. “So, you’re a nerd. I get it.” He adds, a stupid grin on his face.
You furrow your brows. “What?”
“You don’t get out much do you? Just spend all your time memorizing pointless facts and praying someone along the way finally has to find that attractive since you know you won’t pull a guy with your looks?”
You freeze, in a deadlocked stare with Haechan, both of your gazes filled with resentment. It wasn’t a pointless fact - you were an astronomy and physics double major, but saying that wouldn’t provide him with anything but more reason to call you a nerd, and the last thing you felt like doing was addressing the part about your looks. Instead, you shake your head, then motion to the purse you were now carrying rather than your backpack. “I’m going out right now, thank you very much. God. Tell Jessica to let me know whenever you’re going to be over. I’ll make sure to never be home for it. I don’t know how she can tolerate someone like you.” You spit out, turning to open the front door again.
“Right back at you.” Haechan replies, not letting up on his glare until the door’s completely closed again, then turning lazily back to the TV just as Jessica walks out from the bathroom.
“Were you on the phone? Who were you just talking to like that?” She questions, eyebrows raised, more than curious at the identity of who riled up Haechan like that.
Haechan shakes his head. “No, I wasn’t on the phone. Your roommate came in…and then left again.” 
Jessica’s face drops from curiosity to disbelief. “You were arguing with y/n like that?!”
Haechan shrugs. “If that’s the name of your irritating roommate, then yeah.” Jessica rolls her eyes, doing the mental calculations of how long this semester was going to feel with her two best friends hating each other.
When you get back from bar and trivia night with your friends a few hours later, your living room couch is back to just being occupied by Jessica. You smile at her as you walk in and lock the door behind you, but her face when you turn back around is more grave than you think you’ve ever seen.
“We’re gonna have to talk about you and Hyuck.” She says seriously, causing your eyebrows to furrow.
“Who the hell is Hyuck?” You laugh, and Jess just rolls her eyes playfully, nodding her head to motion for you to sit down next to her on the couch.
She looks you in the eyes intently. “Haechan.” She says, and your playful demeanor drops in an instant. “His real name is Donghyuck- but that’s besides the point. Look, he’s been my best friend for more than half of my life. He’s had an extra key to wherever I’m living every year of college so far…”
“No.” You answer firmly, and Jessica sighs.
“Y/n, he’s not a bad guy-” She starts, but you shake your head.
“I don’t care if he’s bad, I care that he’s the most aggravating person I’ve ever met. I don’t want him to have a key to this place.”
Jessica raises her eyebrows. “Not even if it doubles as a safety mechanism having someone other than the two of us be able to get in here should we need help?”
Technically, that could come in handy, but you don’t care. “No.” You reply, trying your best to be dismissive of the topic, but it’s apparently really important to Jessica.
“Y/n…” She says softly, and you roll your eyes with a huff of breath.
“Fine, but he’s not allowed to just come over whenever he’s bored. You two need to have set plans for him to use his extra key.” 
“Deal!” She says as she lights up, and you try to imagine yourself in her position - you’d probably want to keep the tradition of giving your best friend an extra key, too…though your other best friend wouldn’t be as annoying as Haechan. Regardless, you liked seeing Jessica happy, and if this was what it took, then so be it.
A week later, you and Jessica found yourselves sitting on the couch watching Bones, a typical after-homework routine. It became disgustingly less typical when your attention was turned to the sound of a key unlocking the door to your dorm. You hide your groan but nothing stops your eye roll as soon as you see Haechan. His gaze passes right over you as he greets Jessica, apparently his goal today was just to pretend you didn’t exist. You couldn’t be too peeved - the last thing you wanted to do was talk to him. However, you could be mad because you don’t remember Jessica saying anything about having plans with him today, and you watch as your one guideline for him having an extra key slips down the drain. 
Jessica doesn’t think anything of it, of course she wouldn’t, he’s one of her best friends. “Hey Hyuck, we’re watching Bones if you want to join.” She says neutrally. Somewhere along the line, Haechan must have figured out you weren’t just a demon in one of his nightmares, because you had the pleasure of being the subject of his reply.
“Not if she’s still going to be here, too.” He says sternly, causing you to scoff.
“I was here first, you dick.”
At your side, Jessica sighs, seeming to know exactly where this was going as Haechan’s eyes light with fire. “Okay idiot, and I was her friend first.” He spits back, making you clench your jaw…and a fist. A multitude of insults could be thrown your way and you would’ve brushed it off, but ‘idiot?’ That gets under your skin every time. Though, because you were Jessica’s best friend, she knew that, and immediately jumped to calm you down. 
“Okay…” She says, gently grabbing you by the shoulders and settling you back down into the couch. “Y/n, you are not an idiot, I promise. And Hyuck…” she continues, moving her flat gaze over to him. “You’re not a dick - though you make it very hard to defend you sometimes.” As Jessica finished, her gaze flicked back and forth between you and Haechan. The two of you shot your gaze off towards completely different walls of the dorm, refusing to look at the other even in the slightest. Jessica waited five seconds for either of you to say anything, but when that didn’t happen, she spoke up again.
“You guys are insufferable.” She begins with a sigh. “You know it’s my birthday this weekend. I was looking forward to being able to spend it with my best friends…all of them.” Her words are soft and you know she’s serious. Your shoulders drop.
“Where are you going with this?” You ask, immediately shutting your eyes in preparation for the answer you knew you wouldn’t want to face.
“Is it even in the realm of possibility for the two of you to get along for just one night? One dinner?” Jessica asks hopefully. You and Haechan finally whip your heads around to face Jessica, a matching look of terror on both of your faces.
“Absolutely not.” You respond at the same time.
Jessica rolls her eyes, and you hate it because it meant your responses actually put her in a sour mood…and all you ever wanted as her best friend was for her to be happy. The horrible news is that she knew this, and used it to her advantage against the both of you. “If I put you on opposite sides of the table, could you at least be civil? For me.” She adds, the cherry on top of her already disheartened tone.
You and Haechan take one small glance at each other, enough to reach the same conclusion before you both respond. “Fine.” A smirk reaches Jessica’s face and you shake your head, getting up from the couch to instead find solace in your bedroom, letting Haechan take your spot without another word.
In what you thought was too little time, it was already the evening of Jessica’s birthday dinner. The dress code was fancier than you were used to, but all you had time for was one sigh at yourself in the mirror before Jessica was rushing you out the door. The two of you getting in the car must have been the trigger for her to start going over the game plan again, because the first thing she said as she pulled out of the parking lot of your dorm was, “there’s going to be thirteen of us there tonight. You and Haechan won’t be anywhere near each other, but even so, please just try and not hate him an overwhelming amount tonight.” 
You drop your head to face your lap with a laugh. “Don’t worry. You know me, you know the last thing on my mind is ruining your birthday. I’ll be good.” 
Her light laugh and nod in response let you know she believed you, and as she pulled to a stop light she looked your way for a moment. “You look gorgeous, by the way.” 
You roll your eyes but it doesn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face. “Look who’s talking.” You say seriously. Your best friend was always gorgeous, but times like these it was hard to do anything but stare. Jessica shakes her head.
“Well, you know. ‘Dress to impress’ and all that.” She replies, and you whip your head towards her, your words coming out as though you were frightened.
“Who are you trying to impress? Please don’t tell me it’s Haechan. Oh my God. No. I can stand the two of you being friends but you cannot date him or I might die.” 
At this, Jessica rolls her eyes, taking time to laugh rather than save you from your worst nightmare. “Y/n, how many times have I talked to you about guys in a romantic sense? Has any of it ever been about Haechan? No.” She answers for you. “It’s always been about…” This time she drags off and leaves you to fill in the blanks yourself. You finally get over the horror that could have faced you and your mind clears, causing you to light up.
“Mark! Wait, Mark is coming?!” You ask excitedly, making her laugh some more.
“Yes, Mark is coming. We are really good friends, after all. I’m just thinking if he sees me all dressed up, he’ll finally realize he has to ask me on a date sooner than later or someone else will. I’m getting tired of waiting for his dorky ass.” She replies, and you raise your eyebrows - you know she would wait forever for Mark, not that she necessarily should, but she would.
The two of you arrive at the restaurant to find out you were the first ones there for the party and start on checking in for the reservation. Then, as you both turn around from the host stand, you’re greeted with Mark and Haechan walking in together. You’re sure Mark looked great, but you would be lying if you said you even took one look at him. Instead, all of your attention was on Haechan, his white button-up tightly hugging his body, the look complete with rolled-up sleeves. You did your best not to stare, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyways, he wasn’t paying any attention to you. Instead, he was now entirely engrossed in conversation with Mark and Jessica. You don’t even know if he knew you were here, and in that moment you realized tonight was going to prove a lot harder than you originally thought, because you hated Haechan an overwhelming amount. 
Thankfully, the rest of the party arrived soon after and you were all quickly seated, Jessica in the middle with you and Haechan at complete opposite ends as promised. Instead, you got to sit and talk with Winter and Jisung. Overall, you really couldn’t complain. Winter was one of the first friends you made on campus. On the other hand, you and Jisung had been partnered for a project one semester that saw the two of you sharing way too many 2:00 am coffees as you tried to squeeze the semester project into the span of two weeks - your friendship with Jisung feels more so like the result of trauma bonding, but you wouldn’t have traded it for the world. 
That being said, dinner went pretty smoothly. After eating your main course, you excused yourself to use the bathroom, but you didn’t even make it ten steps before you realized you were being trailed. As you step into the hallway where the doors to the restrooms were, you turn around to face Haechan. “Really? You couldn’t wait until I was back at the table?” You ask plainly. Haechan furrows his brows.
“I didn’t plan this. I didn’t even realize you had gotten up from the table. I wasn’t paying any attention to you.” He remarks, and you roll your eyes.
“Right, all you ever do is pretend I don’t exist. How could I forget?” You say sarcastically.
Haechan scoffs, shaking his head. “Well, all you do is hate me for existing, so I feel like it’s a pretty even balance. Besides, every time I acknowledge your existence, it ends up like this.”��
You pause for a moment, glaring at Haechan. Was it truly easier to pretend you didn’t exist rather than deal with the fact that you do. “I hate you.” You finally say. Haechan feigns surprise, moving a hand over his heart as if he’s just been shot. Though, his face neutralizes in an instant.
“I hate you, too. Can we get on with why we’re actually here now?” He asks, nodding his head towards the men’s room as he looks towards you with disinterest. You clench your jaw, not bothering to give him a verbal response as you walk into the ladies room, where you finally let yourself breathe again. 
The rest of the dinner party went by quickly, and suddenly it was just you and Jessica back in her car. “Well, that went really well!” She said, beaming. You could hardly match the enthusiasm, though.
She chanced a look over at you, eyebrows furrowed. “Did it not go really well?”
“It was fine.” You reply softly, shaking your head. You didn’t want to ruin the night now after appearing to have successfully made it through dinner.
“You two weren’t even around each other.” She says, her underlying tone letting you know how confused she was.
“We ran into each other by the bathrooms.” You say, shrugging in your seat.
Jessica grimaces. “Didn’t go well, I’m guessing.”
You let out a heavy, defeated sigh. “I don’t understand what his problem is.”
“He doesn’t have a problem.” Jessica replies with a light laugh, and you shoot your gaze over to her in question.
“Really? So, he’s just always a dick?” You ask, trying your best to keep your tone light while also letting her know that, if that’s normal Haechan, you were harshly judging her choice of friends.
Jessica smiles, a small laugh coming out that’s more so just an exhale. “No…but maybe the issue is just the fact that you hate him. Maybe if you were a little nicer to him, he would calm down, too.” She says, doing her best to be convincing, but you just shake your head.
“I don’t want to be nice to him. Not ever.” You say firmly, and surprising you, Jessica just shrugs lightly.
“Well, I tried.”
You frown, looking over at her in the driver’s seat. “Sorry…it was a really fun birthday party, though.” You say, hoping she knew that Haechan didn’t ruin your day and praying that in turn, you didn’t ruin hers.
There seemed to be no reason to worry, though, because at the mention of the actual dinner party, Jessica lit back up. “Oh, you don’t need to tell me. I had a blast, and you and Haechan took care of all your fighting off-screen. Doesn’t bother me any.” She replies with a laugh, getting you to lighten up, too. Creating cause for excitement in itself, conversation for the rest of the drive back had nothing to do with Haechan. Instead, you learned that Mark did, in fact, figure out that his window of opportunity was closing and now he and Jessica have an official date tomorrow. In other words, the two of you squealed the rest of the way home.
It was close to a week later when you next saw Haechan again. It took Mark and Jessica one date to realize that they wanted to make things official, so you ended up seeing Mark around much more often than Haechan for a little bit. Though on Friday, the familiar turn of the key in the door was heard while you and Jessica were watching Bones in the living room, and you knew your mortal enemy was making his comeback after six days. 
Jessica paused the TV and you immediately got up from the couch, bringing your empty bowl of ramen to the kitchen so you could start on cleaning it. Then, Haechan finally made his way through the front door. You don’t bother looking up to greet his presence, he never did for you anyways. However, in an instant, Jessica was off the couch and grabbed Haechan by the wrist, stopping him from sitting down. 
“You look like you’ve been crying.” She says as Haechan turns to look at her.
He shakes his head solemnly. “No, I’m fine. They just wanted me to try a new brand of contacts since my other ones got discontinued, but these irritate my eyes. I just haven’t had the chance to go back and switch brands again, and I’m not really in the mood to pay for more contacts and waste all the money I just spent on these.”
“Take them out.” She replies instantly, and Haechan lets out something of a forced laugh.
“Well that’s the thing, these are weekly contacts, and I don’t have a case or solution with me to store them…and I don’t want to buy all that just for me to possibly switch back to daily contacts again soon.”
Jessica lets his wrist drop, seemingly understanding. From the kitchen, you shake your head, not remembering when you became so invested in the first place. In an instant, you finish with your bowl and head to your room without a word. 
You lasted in your bedroom doing homework for about an hour, which, everything considered, you thought was pretty good, but then you couldn’t stand the constant noise anymore from the other side of your bedroom wall. You threw all of your things into your backpack, getting up and storming out of the room.
“Agh! I hate his guts! I’m going to the library.” You proclaim loudly as you step back out towards the living room. 
On the couch, Haechan looks over at Jessica. “She talks about me a lot, doesn’t she? I didn’t even do anything this time.” He says with a laugh, but you just glare at him.
“Grow up, not everything is about you.” You spit out before heading towards the door.
Jessica waits for you to be completely gone before she ever answers Haechan. “Ha, she’s actually talking about our neighbor on the right. Their bedrooms share a wall and he has an unrivaled sex drive. I think she was traumatized the first time she heard…it. Though now, it’s just extra noise and it irritates the hell out of her when she’s trying to study.” Haechan’s jaw drops in surprise, the corners of his mouth wavering as he tries not to laugh. Jessica shakes her head, a smile coming onto her face. “It’s a little bit funny.” She says, getting Haechan to finally break into a smile too before continuing their conversation from before you left. Though, with it being a Friday, it wasn’t too much longer before they themselves were out of the house, though their destination was the bar instead of the library.
The next few nights came and went, until suddenly it was Tuesday again, when Haechan and Jess typically grabbed dinner together. You were doing homework at the coffee table, figuring a change in scenery would help you focus - that and the fact that your neighbor on the right was having another fun night. Jessica was still getting ready in her room when Haechan walked in through the front door. From the couch, you move your gaze towards him, figuring out he’s been holding out on you when it comes to his clothes. Today, he showed up in a black t-shirt, totally normal and fine, though said shirt was tucked into blue skinny jeans, not totally normal nor fine. 
“You’re staring.” Haechan says, bringing you back to real life. You shake your head, finally meeting his disinterested eyes.
“You don’t need to wear skinny jeans ever again.” You say flatly, and Haechan just scoffs before letting a smirk cross his face.
“My girlfriend wouldn’t take kindly to you telling me what to do.” He replies, and the news of a girlfriend only shocks you for a second before you snap back.
“Girlfriend? Wow, maybe you’ll get less annoying now that you’ve found someone willing to suck your dick.” You say, your face lighting up, although your tone conveyed how little hope you actually had in that happening.
Haechan narrows his eyes at you, his smirk turning evil. “Oh, I have a long, distinguished list of willing volunteers. Have you found anyone willing to suck yours yet?”
“Very funny.” You reply monotonously. Haechan just rolls his eyes, about hitting his limit of words spoken to you for the day.
“Where’s Jess?” He asks, his typical disinterest when it comes to you now back in his tone. You shake your head before nodding it in the direction of her room, not wanting to bother with actually talking to him anymore, either.
The next week, a casual Thursday night that you and Jessica thought you had to yourselves was disrupted with a soft knock on the door, and Jessica moved from the couch to open it, promptly stepping back to let Haechan inside, and you hate the fact that his loophole to not using his front door key unless he actually had plans with Jessica was just to knock instead. He walks in normally, but Jessica grabs his forearm with raised eyebrows. “Why aren’t you wearing your glasses?” She asks, considering the conversation from a little over a week ago.
You watch from the couch as Haechan visibly gulps, dropping his head to try and cover up his saddened expression. “...she doesn’t like when I wear them.” He states, and immediately you and Jessica both know he’s talking about his girlfriend. Despite never meeting her, you hated her guts. Ever since she got with Haechan, all she’s done is be toxic. You know so, because Haechan ends up at your dorm basically every night seeking comfort from Jessica after his girlfriend spends their dates degrading him the entire time.
You immediately pop up from the couch and storm to your room, slamming the door behind you, though that was more so accidental. How Haechan’s girlfriend treated him was none of your business, and not worth you getting worked up over, but his constant need to decompress in Jessica’s presence meant you had to see him a lot more than you would have ever liked, and that’s where you started having problems. If his girlfriend was actually nice and cared about him, you probably would have never had to see him again because he’d be spending so much time with her…it was your luck that the opposite happened. 
Almost two weeks passed of seeing Haechan every single day, and you started just strictly staying in your room any time past 5:00 to try and avoid seeing him completely. Though, when the next Tuesday rolled around, you were the one to open the door in response to the firm knocks. You knew Haechan and Jess were going out to grab dinner tonight, it was a weekly thing, so you didn’t understand why he couldn’t just use his key. In an odd turn of events, the first thing Haechan says as he steps through the door frame is ‘thank you.’ You stand there in shock, and he takes it as a sign that he needed to elaborate. “Sorry, I didn’t come from my house so I don’t have my extra key to this place.” He explains, but now you’re hardly listening to his words. Instead, taking the proximity provided by neither of you leaving the doorway to study his face with a frown. 
“Are you wearing makeup?” You question with furrowed brows. Surprising you, Haechan ducked his head, and his voice was weaker than you’ve ever heard as he responded.
“She said I have too many flaws on my skin right now and it was embarrassing her.” Your eyes widen. His girlfriend. His girlfriend, the reason he’s stopped wearing glasses and apparently the reason he has foundation and concealer covering his face right now. Your jaw clenches involuntarily. This is where you draw the line.
“Fuck that.” You spit out, grabbing Haechan’s wrist and dragging him to the bathroom with you.
He glances towards your physical contact before looking back up at you with scrunched eyebrows. “Y/n, what are you doing?” He asks as you place tons of different items on the counter.
“Taking off your makeup.” You reply sternly, and his eyes go wide.
“No, you can’t. Please.” He begs, and your heart chips a little. Your hand freezes above the water tap, sighing deeply in place of turning on the sink.
“Did you want to put it on or did she make you?” You ask softly, and Haechan’s face drops once again.
“She made me...” He replies in defeat, and you immediately turn the water on, much to his dismay. “You can’t take it off! I’m seeing her again tonight for something at her sorority!” His plea falls on deaf ears as you let the water warm up and start rubbing cleanser onto his face. You finally finish with your typical skin care routine for him, taking a step away to hang the washcloth to dry and start on putting your products away.
“If you want to wear makeup, that’s fine. But don’t ever come over here in makeup she’s made you put on again, or I’ll give you a reason to need concealer.” You say offhandedly as you finish and walk out of the bathroom with Haechan in toe.
“Did you just threaten to punch me?” He asks, a scoff accompanying it.
“Of course I did. I despise you. You’re an annoying prick, but I don’t need you feeling bad about yourself for any reason other than that…especially for something like this.” 
Haechan stares at you bewildered, trying to figure out if your words just meant what he thinks they did. “Y/n-”
“Have fun getting dinner with Jessica.” You cut him off, not giving his curiosity the satisfaction of an explanation. “Don’t worry about your girlfriend after…she won’t even notice. I gotta go do homework. Jess should be ready in a minute or so.” Then you were behind your closed bedroom door, fists clenched at your sides as you let anger run through your body. It wasn’t long before you heard Jessica come out of her room and start up a conversation with Haechan, and that was when you finally let yourself relax a little. 
Haechan was the one to start intentionally avoiding you after that. You figure you probably crossed a line that enemies don’t, but you don’t regret it. You and Haechan weren’t friends anyways, so it’s not like him now avoiding you really changed anything - it just made your own efforts to avoid him even easier.
So, about a month passed of you and Haechan avoiding each other, and when that wasn’t an option, sending each other nasty glares and rude remarks. You tried not to start anything, seeing as his girlfriend was doing enough damage to his mental health in the first place, but you still couldn’t back down and let him win if he started anything. Nevertheless, it was your birthday today and you were determined to make it as great as it could be, starting with not having Haechan anywhere near your thoughts. Instead, you were more focused on the three classes you had today, almost all of your brain power going towards making up scenarios for how your conversation with your last professor would go. 
As always, Dr. Choi never let your class out early, and you’re thankful you didn’t have a class following this or you would never get the time to ask him questions after. From your seat in the middle of the lecture hall, you made your way down to where his desk was set up, completely going against traffic as the rest of the students rushed towards the exits. As your footsteps grew closer to him, he looked up from his desk, a smile flashing across his face. 
“Ah, y/n. You look…” He starts, and you freeze as you withstand his eyeing you up and down. You should’ve known better than to imagine a case where this conversation went any differently. Dr. Choi habitually let his gaze linger on you too long, even if you were in a big t-shirt and jeans, but now here you were dressed up for your birthday. “Are you here to ask for extra credit?” He continues, and you slightly cringe in disgust. You were too used to it to have a bigger reaction, and you knew that if you didn’t play it cool, he would be uncooperative anyways.
Instead, you just shake your head lightly as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “No, I was wondering if you could open up the exam again so I can see which questions I got wrong.” You reply seriously. You got a 96 on the exam in question, and you’re sure no one who gets a 96 on a quantum mechanics exam ever takes the time to care about those 4 lost points…but it almost bothered you more than if you failed. You weren’t unprepared - all that a 96 shows is that there’s something you genuinely did not know, and not being able to look at the answers after grades were posted wasn’t helping you figure out what that was.
Dr. Choi’s reply is fast, monotone…deliberate. “Depends on if you open up your legs.” 
“Dr.-” You start flatly, but he’s quick to cut you off as his eyes light with fire.
“Into roleplay, are you?” He asks with a smirk, and if you were any less used to his behavior, you would have thrown up. Instead, you roll your eyes.
“No, Dr. Choi. You have a doctorate, so I’m being respectful. Is there any use in getting you to let me see the exam again?” You ask, staring him dead in the eye. His face loses its passion as he turns stoic, though maybe you could sense his disappointment in your dismissal.
“I told you my requirements.” He says somberly, and you just nod your head.
“Great. Thank you for your time.” You reply. Your walk out of class is natural in manner, but immediately once you get outside, your shoulders fall as you drop your head into your hands. You stand like that for only a moment to regain your composure, and then start up on your walk to your dorm. You had to get over it quickly and act like nothing was wrong. You still haven’t told Jessica about this professor. He was one of the heads of the physics department, so you’ve had to deal with him all the way up to now, and you’d have to deal with him after this course. You didn’t want Jessica to get all angry if there wasn’t anything you could do about it. So instead, you place a light smile back on your face and let yourself relax, knowing the rest of your birthday consists solely of time with your best friend - no vile professors, and no Haechan.
Another week goes by without a hitch, and so on Friday, you had spent most of the evening on the couch watching Bones. You had no homework and Jessica was out on a date with Mark for the night, not planning to get back until after 11:00. So, you figured you would occupy the living room rather than be huddled inside your bedroom hiding from Haechan if he had no reason to come over anyways. Though, it was only a little after 6:00 when the door to your dorm began to open, and you instinctively roll your eyes, knowing the only person it could be. “Jessica isn’t here, and frankly I’m gonna have to talk to her about you having an extra key-” You start as he opens the door, but then you finally see the state he’s in and worry begins to overtake your annoyance. “Haechan?!” You question, his tear-stained face a completely new sight to you.
His gaze has yet to be picked up off the floor, as he stands in complete defeat, his body shaking with sobs. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know if she would be here or not, and I couldn’t take the time to text and ask.” 
You’re immediately up off the couch, though you’re still frozen in your spot a few feet away from him. “You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” You ask, trying to make your voice sound calmer than you felt in an attempt to get at least some control of the situation.
Haechan shakes his head. “No, you’re right. I shouldn’t have barged in. I shouldn’t be here.” He states, turning around to walk right back out of the door. He’s stopped though, by your firm tone.
“Lee Donghyuck, what is wrong?” This time, your question comes out more as a demand, and it’s enough to make Haechan freeze in his spot, dropping his hand that was reaching for the door knob. 
“My dad got in a car accident. He didn’t even make it through the ambulance ride.” He says, his words cut up by his cries. Your world stops, and you just stare at him. You were already really bad at comforting people, and this was the last thing you were expecting to hear, not to mention the last person you expected to be confiding in you.
“Hyuck…” You begin, but all you can do is fumble for words you know won’t come. Haechan gives you the pleasure of cutting you off.
“I didn’t know where else to go.” He replies, now fully crying again as he brings his hands up to cover his face. His sobs only silence for a second as he registers your touch. He brings his hands down to actually get visual confirmation that you were hugging him. You were standing in your living room and hugging your worst enemy, but you couldn’t just do nothing anymore. Your face pressed into his chest, you mumble out the best response you can muster.
“Here is just fine. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, and I’m sorry Jessica isn’t home to be the one to comfort you. I’m sorry it’s me, instead. I know you probably have other friends but…I’m watching Bones if you want to join. We can watch, like, an entire season if you want, and I’ll order your favorite food. If you want. I just- don’t really want you alone right now, and I’m scared that if I kick you out, you won’t ever find your way back out of your bedroom.”
At your words, Haechan seems to settle a bit more into the hug, using one sleeve of his hoodie to dry up his tears before replying. “Bones sounds good. What season are you on?”
You pick your head back out of his chest, staring up at him with a weak smile, hoping it conveyed just how grateful you were that he accepted your offer. “Just started season four. Come on.” 
You let go from the hug and motion for Haechan to find a place on the couch while you headed for the kitchen. While Haechan had been over more than you would have ever liked, your constant avoidance of him meant you had no clue what he actually liked. Instead, you stared at the open pantry with a frown before deciding to just grab all of your favorite snacks to share in hopes that he, too, enjoyed at least one of them. 
You place them all down on the coffee table in front of the couch, but suddenly you feel too awkward to say anything. So, you just make hesitant eye contact with Haechan for a second or two before he breaks away to actually look at everything you brought over. Though, because you’re still staring, you manage to catch the faint “thank you” that left his lips as he reached for a bag of chips. Despite yourself, the corners of your mouth perk up in a soft smile as you finally move to sit down next to him on the couch…a few feet away, but next to him.
It would have been completely quiet had the show not been on. Apparently you and Haechan were still really bad at being even acquaintances. Though, with the introduction of a new character, you quickly found your in.
“God, she’s had like, two minutes of screen time and I already hate Agent Perotta.” You say with a slight laugh, trying not to let it show how nervous you were to talk to him. Instead of glaring at you or pretending your input was the last thing he needed, though, he nodded a bit, smiling.
“Thank God you said it, because I hate her, too, but as a man I feel like saying it out of the blue would be distasteful.” He replies, and before you could stop it, you let out a heavy exhale of laughter. Immediately, your hand reaches up to cover your face, but Haechan had already whipped his head towards you. “Did you just find me funny?” He questions, the smile on his face growing.
You quickly shake your head, though your face wears a matching smile. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. This conversation is about Agent Perotta.” You say, looking back at the TV.
Haechan flashes his eyebrows up for a moment before redirecting his attention back to the show as well. “Yeah, I hate that bitch.” He says flatly, getting you to nod.
“I think this is the first thing we’ve ever agreed on.” You say, letting the shock factor show in your voice.
Haechan shakes his head, smiling in disbelief. “Should’ve known it was going to be about hating someone. Pretty sure you hate everyone except Jessica. I mean, what are we at now?” He teases, beginning to count them off on his fingers. “Me, Agent Perotta, your neighbor on the right, your professor who makes sexual comments about you…”
Immediately you jump up from the couch, staring at him with the widest of eyes. “WHAT?! How do you know about that?”
You watch as Haechan just shakes his head quickly, as if his previous statement would erase like an etch-a-sketch. “Oh, sorry. He’s on my list of people I hate. Mixed them up.” He replies like it’s nothing, and you don’t know how he’s being so nonchalant about this.
“Hyuck, we don’t share that class, how do you know about that professor? I haven’t even told Jessica.” You ask again, the panic beginning to seep through your words some more. You didn’t know how he knew, you didn’t know if he was going to tell Jessica, you didn’t know if it would change the way he viewed you, you didn’t know why Haechan’s view of you mattered because it was already shit anyways…all of it made you anxious. 
Haechan hangs his head back, staring up at you from where he still sat lazily on the couch. “Please don’t worry about it. Forget I said anything.” He responds, his orders strict but his voice calm. You just shake your head once more.
“Hyuck-” You start, but this time he rolls his eyes, finally getting fed up with the conversation.
“I just wanna watch Bones! Can we make this day about me again? Hello, I’m sad and in need of a light-hearted distraction in the form of crime-solving.” He says, his volume already much louder than it just previously was. Typically, his whining would just make you want to punch him, but he was right, at least a little bit. He was the one with the bigger stressor, and while it wasn’t a competition in the first place, you did want this to be a comforting time for him, not one where you grilled him over his knowledge of your personal life.
“Agh, you’re so difficult!” You shout back, though placing yourself down on the couch again anyways.
Haechan flashes a quick smile in response. “Great! You hate me, we hate Agent Perotta, we’re back on track. Press play.” He says, moving his arms out towards the TV in a showy fashion that you hated. Though, with Agent Perotta back on screen, it did bring up another truth.
“...I hate you less than I hate her.” You say quietly, but with your focus back on Bones, you miss Haechan’s smartass smirk falling into something softer in response. Then, Bones is the only sound to fill the dorm again.
A few hours and entirely too much takeout later, the front door opens again as Jessica walks through. 
“Hey y/n, I’m home-” She starts, locking the door, but then she finally turns around to the living room and her jaw drops. “Hyuck?!”
“Hey!” You reply as though nothing were amiss. Jessica looks back and forth between you and Haechan more times than you could count, her eyebrows furrowed.
“You two are hanging out??” She questions, and Haechan just shrugs.
“I had a bad day. Needed some comfort.” He replies neutrally, but Jessica’s eyes just grow wider.
“So you decided to hang out with y/n? Who you typically can’t stand to be in a room with for more than 0.5 seconds.”
You shake your head with a small laugh. “Jessica, he came over to see if you were here.” You say, stating the obvious. It doesn’t help Jessica’s shock.
“But when he saw it was just you, he stayed?” She asks, and you’re pretty sure you saw the mania start to set in behind her eyes.
“We’ve been watching Bones.” Haechan says with a smile.
Jessica shakes her head in disbelief. “And neither of you find this strange?”
“We hate Agent Perotta.” You reply with a smirk, and suddenly a wave of clarity washes over Jessica.
“Ah, common ground. Makes more sense.” She says calmly as she starts making her way to the couch as well. “Well, mind if I join-” She starts, but then Haechan’s phone begins to ring and he’s up off the couch in an instant.
“My mom is calling. I have to go.” He says, and the sadness and worry that you had managed to kill over the past few hours reappears in his voice in no time.
“Hyuck?” Jessica questions, but he just shakes his head in dismissal.
“I have to go.” He restates, and then makes his way to the door. You watch from the couch as he starts to leave, probably to go drive to meet his mom - this late at night…driving. Panic erupts in your system.
“Haechan,” you cry out, scrambling off the couch. He whips his body back around to face you rather than the door. Without thinking, you wrap Haechan in a hug, speaking softly into his shoulder. “Be safe, okay?” 
Haechan lets out a small sigh, knowing exactly where your mind was at. Gently, he places his arms around you, as well. “I hate you less than I hate her, too.” He says softly in place of replying to your last statement. You freeze in his arms and he’s the first to let go, his phone beginning to ring again and reminding the both of you he had somewhere to be. He’s quickly out the front door, leaving you to just turn back around towards Jessica on the couch. 
“What was that?” She asks, completely confused again. You just shake your head.
“It’s really not for me to tell you. Haechan just…got really bad news today. But you’re his actual best friend, he’ll tell you as soon as he can, I’m sure. Then you can take over my role and do a much better job at comforting him or so help me God.” You reply, a small laugh accompanying the end of your sentence before you continue. “I’m gonna go get ready for bed, if you don’t mind. I hope your date with Mark went really well.” Jessica just nods from the couch, a little dumbfounded by your behavior if you had to guess, but you couldn’t bring yourself to explain any further. 
Within the following week, Haechan had told Jessica about his dad. However, he also told her another piece of news, which Jessica immediately relayed to you once she got back from hanging out with him. 
“Hey, just thought I would let you know that Haechan and his girlfriend broke up.” She says after entering your dorm. You look up at her from the kitchen table, eyes wide.
“What?!” You question with more emotion than you could have imagined, but with the situation with his dad, was this really when she had to break it off and hurt him further. Jessica doesn’t answer your question, probably because it was incredibly vague. Instead, she moves on to her actual point of telling you.
“So, he might be over even more often than before.” She says carefully, trying to gauge how pissed you were gonna be at that piece of news. You just shake your head.
“Did he say why they broke up?” You don’t know why you asked, you didn’t care, but Jessica didn’t seem to think any of it was out of the ordinary.
“No, but he’s pretty torn up about it, which sucks because we both know how horrible she was to him.” Right, regardless of what horrible timing this was because of his already sad state, his girlfriend, or ex, probably wasn’t helping anyways while they were together. You figure Haechan dodged a bullet with the relationship ending sooner rather than later. You nod in response, speaking through a sigh as the past memories and stories about his ex replayed in your mind.
Jessica seems to be doing the same, but she shakes out of it quicker than you. “I think I’m gonna take him out to the bars next weekend or something. I don’t have a lot of free time right now, but I figure he could use a night out.” She says neutrally, and you nod, letting her know you probably couldn’t come up with a better idea.
Then two weeks later, you were telling Jessica to be safe as she left for the bars with Haechan. She extended the invite, but you figured Haechan probably had enough of you trying to support and comfort him, so you just told her that you’d stay home and to call if they needed a ride back. At one in the morning, that call came, but it was from Haechan rather than Jessica, and as you pick up, you forget the entire reason they went out tonight, your mind running on autopilot once you see his name light up your phone screen.
“What do you want?” You ask, your disgust at his call hardly hidden in your voice. You immediately feel bad though when he responds and his tone is much gentler than the one you used for him.
“Hey, Jess was the one who apparently needed to unwind tonight, so I let her do all the drinking at the bar…too much, apparently. I was gonna drive her back to your place but she was concerned about ruining whatever image she thinks you have of her in your head, so instead of her getting sick at your place, I let her get sick at mine. She just got in the shower, but I gotta be honest, now that I’m home, I’m pretty exhausted. Do you think you could come grab her?” He asks, and for a moment, you smile softly. You could tell Jessica had been stressed the past few weeks, truly probably needing the night out more than Haechan, and it was comforting knowing that he didn’t drink so that he could look out for her at the bar and back home. 
You nod your head before realizing he couldn’t see it, and then you speak up, much softer than before. “Yeah, I’ll be there soon. Send me your address.” You say, then hanging up and grabbing your things to head his way.
Haechan opens the door in response to your knocking, the familiar bored expression back on his face. “You got here quicker than I thought you would…Jessica is still in the shower.” He states, as though your early presence was a huge inconvenience. You don’t pay attention to his tone, though. Your mind focuses on his clothes as you unintentionally scan his body up and down.
“Skinny jeans, huh?” You question with a straight face, meeting his eyes again as he smirks down at you.
“Well, I knew there was a high probability I’d see you tonight so I thought it would be fun to torment you-” You don’t know what came over you, but surely it wasn’t your fault. You told him not to wear skinny jeans ever again, and he did so just to spite you. Somehow, it all made him really hot, and you find yourself cutting off his words as you press your lips to his. You pull away quickly, shock covering both your faces as you simply stare at each other, eyes wide and breath heavy as you process what you just did. 
You swallow hard, trying to remedy your suddenly dry throat. Your courage to look him in the eyes diminishes within milliseconds, and you drop your face towards the floor, which seemed to irritate Haechan to no end because as soon as your gaze met the floor, he walked the one step back over to you, grabbing your jaw to the point where it almost hurt and forcing you to look his way again. Then he kissed you harshly, and you fell right in line. 
There was no romance in the kiss. Instead, something like lust had your tongues fighting for dominance with each other as your hands tried to memorize every part of Haechan’s body. The two of you moved with intensity, stumbling around the room because you couldn’t possibly stay still with the amount of passion embedded in this kiss. The first time you remember breaking away wasn’t so you could take a breath. You were fine never needing oxygen again. Instead you broke away to pull his shirt up over his head, discarding it to the side without much care. You immediately press your lips back onto his, but he’s quick to pull back this time, looking at you with a shake of his head as his eyes move back and forth between your two bodies.
“No fair!” He complains, causing you to roll your eyes before removing your own shirt to reveal your black lace bra because the universe was apparently on your side when you got dressed today. You watch his adam’s apple bob up and down as he takes you in, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. “No fair…” He whispers before rushing to close the distance between you two again, but this time, his lips don’t land on yours. Instead, they find your chest as his hands squeeze at your waist. You throw your head back in response, giving Haechan the ability to leave a trail of kisses from your chest up your neck, stopping in the middle to nip at somewhere near your collarbone before his continued exploration, and you thank God that Jessica has the shower running to cover up the moan it produced from you. He kisses up your neck and jaw before eventually finding his way to your lips again, and you waste no time getting your tongue back in his mouth. Before you know it, he’s picking you up, just to throw you right back down on the couch. Your eyes open in surprise, but then the sight of him on top of you has you unable to function. For some godforsaken reason, he’s able to read you completely, chuckling as he looks at your breathless expression. 
The sound of his laugh gets you to break out of it, and you rush to connect your lips with his again. Your hands trace up and down his bare back, your nails sending goosebumps to his entire body as they claw at certain spots. Your hands get caught in his belt loops, causing a smile to cover your face and impeding your ability to kiss him, but you couldn’t help finding humor in the fact that his skinny jeans caused all of this. You shake your head, pulling away from the kiss for a moment and making Haechan pout before he moves to suck on your neck again.
“God, you have such a slutty waist for no reason.” You spit out in feigned anger, hands resuming their roaming over his figure. Haechan pops up so his eyes could meet yours. A playful smirk on his face covering up the split second glance you got of him looking ready to devour you.
“You love my slutty waist.” He responds confidently, and while you would love to prove him wrong, you can’t bring yourself to. So, you open and close your mouth, fighting for words that would never come out, and for a moment, Haechan looks down at you with something resembling fondness written over his features, though you were positive you were making that up. He shakes his head softly with a smile before leaning back down to kiss you, and once his lips were on yours, his entire demeanor was coated with a certain roughness and desire again that had you weak.
The only thing that pulled the two of you out of your bubble was the sound of the shower turning off, and suddenly your background noise was gone, making everything feel more real. Haechan broke out of the kiss with wide eyes, rushing to get off from on top of you as he grabbed your shirts from the floor, throwing yours over to you as he fumbled to put his own shirt back on. 
“Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” He says sternly, running a hand through his hair to get it back to somewhat normal. You rush to put your shirt back on, bounding off the couch before Jessica could walk out of the bathroom.
“I wasn’t planning on it.” You reply in kind, refusing to acknowledge the pit in your stomach that formed as Haechan gave an uninterested eyebrow flash and went to busy himself in the kitchen, preparing to act normal for whenever Jessica eventually walked out so you could take her home. 
It was only three days later when you saw Haechan again. More excited than usual for their Tuesday dinner, Jessica opened the door before Haechan could even use his key. “Hey!” She greets with a smile which he reflects right back. 
“Hey!” He replies, actually stepping into your living room. 
Jessica immediately starts talking about how she’s not even close to being ready yet but was swamped with homework and couldn’t wait for the forced study break that came with dinner, even though she had to go make herself look presentable first. Haechan nodded along, but you’re not sure he was listening at all, because even though Jessica was right in front of him, his gaze kept wandering over to you on the couch before he could noticeably snap his focus back to Jessica. You tried to stay natural, that way if Jessica actually followed his gaze over to you, she wouldn’t immediately suspect something. Though, when Jessica did finally go back to start getting ready for dinner, you jumped off the couch and dragged Haechan by the collar towards the corner of the room furthest away from hers. 
“You have to stop being so weird around me. Jessica is gonna know something happened.” You say sternly, though you kept your voice at a near whisper just in case you weren’t as far away from Jessica as you thought. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked over Haechan. He had never been this uncool before. 
Haechan shakes his head, keeping his volume low though his words were more frantic than yours.  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” You take a small step back in surprise, finally letting go of your grip on his shirt. That was probably the last thing you were expecting him to say, but you would be lying if you said it didn’t make your heart jump up in your throat. 
“So…” You start, begging for clarification on what that meant.
Haechan moves his head down so that he’s able to make better eye contact with you, so that you could see the seriousness in his gaze. “So can we maybe see each other when Jessica isn’t getting ready in the next room?” 
You swallow hard at the question. “That sounds like a lot of sneaking around.”
“It’s worth it for you.” He replies instantaneously, making you freeze again. He was saying a very right thing under what felt like the wrong context, and despite yourself, you try to remedy that.
“But- does it have to be all sneaky? I mean, couldn’t we just-” Though, that’s as far as he lets you get before he cuts you off, shaking his head with a small laugh.
“Y/n, be real. We don’t like each other. This isn’t something emotional, it’s physical. Yeah?” Right, this was your mortal enemy you were talking to. You guys didn’t like each other. An actual relationship would be the worst idea in the world, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he looks like a dream in skinny jeans…and you’d take what you could get.
“Yeah- uh, yeah. Let’s do it.” You reply, and Haechan flashes you a killer smirk before breaking away and settling himself on the couch to wait for Jessica to get done. You don’t join him, already feeling dizzy from the conversation. Instead, you just find refuge in your bedroom until they leave, but that night didn’t end without a text from Haechan, already making plans.
You and Haechan quickly fell into routine. The first time you went over to his house under the guise of you going to study at the library, you hardly said two words to each other. Instead, Haechan opened his door to your presence and immediately pulled you inside by your arm, pushing you towards the general direction of the couch so he could get on top of you.
The next time you came over, he opened the door to see your bright smile. “Hey, Hyuck-!” You could hardly get your words out before he pulled you inside and pinned you against the now closed door. Through heavy pants in between harsh kisses, he speaks. 
“I love it when you call me that.”
You involuntarily smile a bit as you do your best to look at him with raised eyebrows. “Your name?” You ask sarcastically as he sucks on your neck.
He pops his head back up so he can look you in the eyes as he replied. “My name that the people who I care about call me.” You freeze, chills running through your entire body at his words, and in that moment, you knew you were fucked, because this was not just physical to you. Haechan was naturally flirty - a sweet talker. That wasn’t hard to deduce from his looks alone. He was hot and he knew it, which also meant he knew how to get whatever girl he wanted for the time being, but the idea of being a ‘time being’ girl of his began to make cracks in your heart. That night, you left with a spare key to his house and instructions of coming over whenever you wanted, for physical purposes, of course.  
As soon as Jessica said she was going back home for the weekend, you immediately texted Haechan to let him know, and not even five minutes after Jess closed the door to your place, you opened it back up again to Haechan’s presence. “Hey, y/n.” He says with a smile you can’t help but reflect back to him. 
“Hi, Hyuckie.” You reply bashfully. You watch as his eyes widen a bit, his smile now reaching the rest of his facial features. Without spending much time thinking about it, he leans in and gives you a quick peck on the lips before instantly retreating back and facing the floor. You laugh as you step back and actually allow him inside, figuring that kiss was probably too domestic for him to handle. 
Since the two of you hadn’t commenced this whole operation at your place before, Haechan waited for you to take the lead on deciding where he could have you. You watch his idle presence, laughing a bit, much to his confusion, before shaking your head. “Come here.” You say, nodding your head, and he’s quick to follow.
“Um, y/n?” He says as you turn into the room. “This is your bathroom.”
“I know.” You say, bending down to grab something in one of your cabinets. Haechan just stares at you bewildered, even more so when you pull out a lens case and contact solution. You smile at his expression. “Go on then. I know you still haven’t switched contacts and I know you brought your glasses with you.”
“What?” He asks with wide eyes. You shake your head fondly, placing a gentle hand on his cheek.
“Your contacts irritate your eyes. You look cute in glasses. Please take out your stupid contacts and put your glasses on.” You watch as he dismisses your words, shaking his head as his eyes glaze with fear rather than confusion. You bite on the inside of your cheek, beyond pissed that his ex turned him into this. “Hyuck, you’re the hottest person alive. I don’t care about whatever your ex-girlfriend said. I understand if you get self-conscious and want to wear your contacts out in public, but you don’t have to with me. All I want is for you to be comfortable, and I know you’re not in your contacts.” You watch as he nods his head slowly, and you leave the bathroom with a soft smile as he gets close to the mirror to start taking his contacts out. 
You sit on the couch as you wait for him to come out of the bathroom, scrolling idly on your phone. You pop your head up to meet him when you hear his footsteps cause the floor to creak. He looks small, his arms crossed, gaze aimed at the floor, and his glasses on. You smile warmly. “My pretty boy, come here.” You say, standing up with open arms, but Haechan freezes.
You don’t know what he’s confused about until you trace back over your words, eyes going wide as you try and remedy the situation. “I- I didn’t mean to be so possessive, calling you mine and everything. I know you’re not…mine. I mean, this is purely physical. I wasn’t trying to be like- you know. It just slipped out. I’m sorry. Please come objectify me and make things normal again.”
“Y/n, you know you’re not just a body to me, right?” He asks softly, a skeptical eyebrow raised. You raise your head to look at him through narrow eyes. 
“I’m not?”
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “No, of course not. I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.”
“But then- but this is just physical…you don’t- I mean we don’t like each other so I don’t know how-” Your stumbling words are cut off with a kiss that you melt right into. Haechan pulls back finally with a tired expression on his face.
“You seriously talk too much. Yeah, we don’t like each other, but that doesn’t mean I act as if you’re just some body for me to use. You’re y/n, which means you’re my favorite person to hate. And you hate me back, which is great because you always look so hot when you’re pissed at me, it gets right under my skin in all the best ways. And I get the pleasure of knowing what you taste like? Do you know how big a flex that is? I mean, come on. You’re the hottest nerd around, and instead of the other nerds who probably have the biggest crush on you being the ones to kiss you like this, I’m the one who gets to know you use dragon fruit chapstick.” 
You’re able to let out a soft laugh. “You know it’s dragon fruit?” You ask in response, and Haechan raises his eyebrows, a smirk covering his lips.
“We kiss a lot.” He replies. You toss his words around visibly in your head.
“I don’t know. I don’t think we do it enough.” You say back, and Haechan just licks his lips. 
“You don’t know how badly I want to make you eat your words.” He says through his teeth, and you just throw a taunting grin his way.
“Then why don’t you?” You ask, and Haechan audibly laughs before grabbing you by the waist and crashing his lips onto yours.
You break after who knows how long when your stomach starts feeling like it’s caving in on itself. Haechan wastes no time in moving his lips from your own to your neck, guessing you probably just needed to break for air. You roll your eyes with a smile. “Hyuck.” You say monotonously, making him pop his head back up to your joyless demeanor.
“Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry. I just-”
“Hyuckie,” you laugh, and he seems to calm down a bit. “I haven’t had anything to eat yet today. I’m starving. I can’t physically kiss your pretty face anymore.”
Haechan shrugs. “Okay, let’s order a pizza.” 
You look at him, bewildered. “What- I thought- you’re not just gonna…I thought you were gonna go.”
“And why would I do that?” He questions, making you scrunch your brows down.
“Because then it would be like us hanging out while we eat. Not…this.”
Haechan laughs again. “I know. Let’s order a pizza. We’ve watched Bones on your couch before. You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna leave you so soon.” 
The shyest smile crosses your face as you reach for the phone to call the pizza place. You stare down at the number entered on the keypad - all you had to do was press the call button. Instead, you turn your gaze back over to Haechan, holding your phone out towards him. “Can you do it?” You ask shyly, and Haechan’s brows furrow.
“What?” He asks with ample confusion. You drop your head in response.
“I get really nervous when I need to order something over the phone.” You reply, your words hardly audible under your embarrassment. Haechan shakes his head, but the biggest smile comes across his face.
“You’re so fucking adorable. Give me the phone, you go get the TV ready.” He says, and you snap your gaze back up to him, a small grateful smile of your own painted across your lips as you move towards the TV. “Just a large pepperoni pizza, yeah?” Haechan continues, and you turn back to him with a nod.
You immediately turn Bones on the TV for the two of you to watch while you eat, and you’re pleasantly surprised to find a normal activity such as this didn’t feel awkward at all with him anymore. Haechan finished eating before you did, and he frowned at the space between the two of you on the couch for only a second before sliding over and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You will your face not to blush at something as stupid as this, and you don’t even know if it worked. Regardless, there was still twenty minutes left on the episode when you finished eating, too. So, you made yourself more comfortable against his body.
Haechan started rubbing his thumb up and down your side where it had laid, incredibly too domestic for your liking. You try and shake it off pretty successfully, until his thumb moved ever so slightly to caress your covered breast. You sigh, turning to face him with a raised eyebrow. “You’re an idiot.” You say monotonously. 
He doesn’t look away from the TV, but he grins widely. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He replies. Though, his attempt to feign innocence is completely ruined when he straight up grabs your boob.
“Okay, that’s it.” You huff, switching from your position laying at his side to instead straddling him on top of your couch. Haechan looks at you as though he has no clue what you’re doing there, though his hands immediately latch onto your thighs, pulling you as close as possible to him. 
“You had enough to eat yet?” He asks with a smirk.
You give a minimal shake of your head. “I don’t know, you look pretty tasty.” You hardly get through your words before your ability to speak is taken from you. Haechan kissed you with a passion that couldn’t be rivaled, as his hands left your thighs to grab your waist, trying his best to pull you even closer to him. You knew you messed up when you started moving your lower body against his, making him break away from the kiss immediately. 
“Fuck, y/n!” He says loudly, but his grip on your waist only encourages you to speed up. As he tore his lips from yours, you moved to suck on his neck, another thing you shouldn’t have done. “No, no, no! That’s my job. Need your pretty neck.” He huffs, doing his best to remove your shirt. You let him, and then Haechan has a field day with your neck and chest as you still grind against him. Somewhere along the way, you managed to rip him from his shirt as well, your fingers lightly tracing his abs and making him go crazy. He eventually started dipping his fingers beneath the waistline of your pants. “Y/n, tell me to stop.” He breathes.
“Do I have to?” You reply in between kisses. 
“Yes, y/n. I- You don’t know how badly I need you.” 
“Show me, then.” 
Haechan pulls back from your lips, staring at you intently. “Y/n, I refuse to let this be something you regret.”
You laugh a little, shaking your head in dismissal. “I won’t. I promise.” 
Haechan looks at you as though he’s holding back his own laugh. “That sounded so certain. I would hate to be the guy that has you sure this won’t be as bad.” He replies, and you suddenly understand his interpretation of your words, causing you to duck your head, moving your attention to your hands that were currently fiddling with Haechan’s fingers.
“Oh, no. Hyuck, I’ve never…” Your words taper off, and Haechan looks at you with wide eyes.
“Oh my god, y/n. I can’t be your first. I mean, that’s a big deal, you know? You deserve-”
“Hyuck, there’s no one I trust more than you for this.” You say, cutting him off and getting him to render still. He licks his lips in contemplation, sighing heavily before he looks back up at you.
“You might end up bleeding - that’s okay. I don’t want you to worry about that or feel embarrassed at all because of it. I’ll clean you up after. If at any point you get uncomfortable, you tell me right away. I do not care what point that is, you tell me and it stops immediately, no questions asked. I will do my best to not hurt you, but you gotta tell me what feels good, okay? I’m gonna need you to be vocal and I mean it literally. I wanna make this about you, yeah? Tell me what you want and what feels good. And if you’re not 100% sure, I need you to be honest about it right now because-”
“Hyuckie.” You say gently, cutting him off. “I’m sure. You don’t have to worry.”
“Yes, I do!” He rebuttals. You just roll your eyes playfully, leaning in to give him a quick kiss before making eye contact again.
“It’s okay. Look, all you have to do is wrap your pretty fingers around my neck and we’ll be good to go.” You say plainly. Haechan looks at you in disbelief.
“A choking kink? You’re kidding me.” He says, adding on a dismissive chuckle. Though, you just raise your eyebrows at him expectantly, letting him know you were serious, and he turns slightly shy.
You watch as he sucks on his lips, eyes darting down from your own as he fights back a smile. “Like, is this good?” He asks, wrapping one of his hands around your neck lightly. His face contorts as you audibly laugh.
“Absolutely not. Come on, choke me like you hate me, Hyuck.” 
His eyes go wide as he pulls his hand from your neck. “You know, I don’t know if I want to take you to the bedroom anymore. You scare me.” He remarks playfully, but you send a pout his way and he instantly folds, picking you up from under your thighs and making his way to your bedroom. The two of you spend an ample amount of time just making out, exploring each other’s bodies. Then, with another check of assurance from Haechan and a rip of a condom packet with his teeth, he gave you a glimpse of heaven. 
Afterwards, Haechan got straight to work on his promise of helping you clean up. “Alright, beautiful, do you wanna shower?” He asks, but you don’t answer his question.
“Don’t call me that.” You say instead, watching as he furrows his brows. You sigh, dodging his eye contact. “Too domestic…” You add on, and you can hear him sigh.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t call you that, but really, do you want to shower?” He asks again, and you nod. He immediately scoops you up, carrying you bridal style to the bathroom. 
“I can walk you know?” You say playfully before he sets you down on the bathroom floor.
“Yeah? Guess I need to go harder next time.” He replies with a smirk, but your playfulness falls into genuine happiness. 
“I’m glad there’s still a ‘next time’ after all this.” 
Haechan drops his shoulders, taking the opportunity provided by the fact that you were staring at the floor to look at you with a softness in his eyes. “There’s always a ‘next time’ with us.” He says, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead before moving to start up the shower for you. Standing frozen, by the time you realize you had to tell him that forehead kisses were also too domestic for you to handle, he was already out of the bathroom. 
When you walk back into your room wrapped in a towel, you’re shocked to see your bed stripped to just the mattress. You move your gaze to Haechan, a questioning look on your face. “Your sheets are in the washer right now. Do you have another set I can throw on your bed? If not, you can sleepover at mine. I’d just want to make sure we get your bedding in the dryer before we leave to go back to mine.” 
You’re quite honestly dumbfounded, and a smile takes over your face as you shake your head. “No, I don’t have another set. You didn’t have to do all this.” You say softly, but Haechan snaps his head back to you in an instant.
“Yes, I said I would. And this isn’t about me. How are you feeling?”
“Good.” You answer truthfully.
“Can I get you anything?” He continues, and you shake your head.
“No.” You reply. There was a beat of silence, and you lick your lips. “Actually…” You drag off, staring up at him to make sure he actually didn’t care about you making requests. “Could you just- can you just hold me for a second?” You ask weakly, and Haechan’s eyes widen.
“Yeah…yeah! Come here.” He says gently, and you take the few small steps right into his waiting arms. You don’t hug him back, your arms instead at your chest, holding up the towel that was still covering your body. Though, if Haechan minded, he didn’t let it show. His arms wrapped around you tightly, his embrace comforting. Then, without being able to really explain why, you began to cry in his arms. Haechan didn’t seem shocked. Instead, he just ran one hand gently up and down your back, though not letting up on his tight hold of you. 
“I’m sorry.” You say hoarsely. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” 
Haechan kisses the top of your head. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s okay. You’ve had an exhausting day. I’d rather you cry in my arms than alone.” 
You dig your head out of his chest, using one hand to wipe away the remaining tears on your face. “You can’t be this nice to me.” You say seriously, and Haechan sighs.
“Okay, no more being nice to each other…after tonight.” He says, and you find yourself nodding your head in response, getting him to relax again. “Do you still want me to hold you, or do you want to get dressed and head to mine?” He asks, truly not caring either way. 
You pull yourself out of his arms in response, facing the floor. “I’ll uh- get ready.”
The drive over to his place is quiet, with you staring out the window the entire time. Though, as soon as you walk through his front door, you find your words again. “I don’t regret it.” You say seriously. “And I won’t regret it when I wake up tomorrow. Or any time after that. I know I’m acting weird, but it’s not because of that. I promise.”
Haechan looks your way with a fond smile. “You aren’t acting weird, y/n. I put you through a lot today. I get it. Just come crawl into bed with me. I’ll hold you some more.” You don’t hesitate to give into his offer, though, you add it to the list of things that probably shouldn’t happen again if you don’t want to fall in love with Haechan. 
You ended up spending the entire next day with Haechan, under the reasoning that this would be the most time you guys would be able to spend together without Jessica getting suspicious. The two of you were walking back into your dorm Saturday night so that you could put your bed back together and hang out some more, figuring Haechan could just spend the night here and leave in the morning before Jessica gets back. That plan is instantly ruined when you open up the front door and see Jessica moving around in the kitchen. As quickly as you could, you shove Haechan back into the dorm hallway with one hand and slam the door behind you, praying he got the hint that Jessica was here and you didn’t just suddenly turn into a bitch. 
At the sound of the door slamming, Jessica shoots her gaze your way with a smile. “Hey, y/n!” 
You force your legs to start walking, moving towards the living room as if everything was normal. “Hey, Jess. I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow afternoon.” You say, wondering why the hell she was already here. She waves an uninterested hand in the air.
“That was the plan, but I have so much homework and my parents had a brunch planned with some of their friends so there was really no reason for me to stay another night.” 
“Ah.” You reply, trying to just sneak away to your room without any more complications. You had nearly gotten away with it, but before you can step through the open door into your room, Jessica speaks up again, making you turn back to her.
“Oh, yeah. Where are your bed sheets?” She asks, curious, and you wince.
“Uh, they’re in the dryer. I washed them.” You say neutrally, but Jessica raises an eyebrow.
“You? Washed your sheets? You never wash your sheets.” She says with a laugh.
“Yeah well, you know. Just seemed like they needed washed.” You reply, trying your best to sound normal. 
“And uh- would that have anything to do with the hickies on your neck?” She asks, and you freeze on the spot, eyes wide as you make contact with her knowing expression, praying to God she didn’t know the all of it.
“Uh- yeah you know. I might’ve hooked up with someone while you were gone.” You say, fumbling through your words. You watch as Jessica lights up.
Your throat turns dry, and you start fiddling with the rings on your fingers as you find someone to pin this on. “Johnny! You know, the kid from Chicago who takes the least amount of credit hours a semester as possible so he can spend as many years at college parties as possible? Him.” You look back up to meet Jessica’s bewildered face.
“Wow.” She replies, seeming to be incredibly amazed by your ability to pull Johnny, and you can’t even begin to imagine what she would look like if you told her you actually pulled her best friend, instead. 
“Yeah, so- I’m just gonna go grab my sheets from the dryer and go to bed. I’ve had quite the weekend and we still have all of Sunday to get through.” As soon as you finish talking, you dart to where the washer and dryer were before rushing back to your bedroom and closing the door, immediately grabbing your phone to text Haechan.
Jessica is back early! I’m sorry for slamming the door in your face, but I didn’t know what else to do.
His response comes a few minutes later, finally letting you relax again. Don’t worry, I figured that was the case. I’m already back at my place…
Though you were glad he wasn’t still outside your dorm, because he definitely couldn’t come in now, your heart struggled with the idea of him already back at his house…without you. I wish we could’ve had our extra night together. I miss you, Hyuckie.
You watch as his text bubble appears and disappears. You bite on your bottom lip, opting to start putting your bed back together to keep your mind from running. After putting one corner of your fitted sheet back on, your phone dings and you instantly move to grab it and read his message. I thought we weren’t supposed to be nice to each other.
A small smile spreads across your face. He was making fun of you. You were the one who set those boundaries in the first place. You glance from your phone to your bed and immediately know how to respond. Don’t worry. I only wish you were here so you could help me make my bed like you said you would.
There’s my y/n. You read his text over and over again. Surely he just meant it in regard to your typical personality with him, the y/n he knew. Though, the more you looked at his text, the more you knew you didn’t want him to mean it in that way, you wanted him to call you his. That’s when you knew there was no way you could respond to that message. So, you continue the task of making your bed so you could go to sleep, trying to ignore how empty it felt without him. 
Two days later, you walked back in from class to see Jessica and Haechan hanging out in your living room. Your breath hitches at the sight of him, and you quickly turn around and act like you were still fiddling with the door so you could take a moment to fix a neutral expression on your face…and prepare yourself to scowl at him once you turn back around. 
“Hey, Jess. I’m home-” You start, moving to walk towards the living room. “-oh great. You’re here.” You continue with a roll of the eyes as your gaze lands on Haechan. 
His deadpan stare looks you up and down as his nose scrunches in disgust. “Yeah, cause I was told you weren’t.”
You flash your eyebrows at him, unamused. “Well, don’t worry. I won’t be bothering you.” You state as you start on your walk to your room. Haechan calls out after you.
“You already are, sweetheart.” He says condescendingly. 
“Yeah, fuck you.” You reply back, closing the door to your bedroom and giving yourself the ability to actually breathe again.
On the couch, Jessica rubs her forehead. “You know, I thought things were actually gonna get better between the two of you after you watched Bones that one day.” She says with a small, but defeated, laugh. Haechan clears his throat awkwardly. 
“Sorry to kill your spirits, but y/n and I are not meant to be friends.” He replies in kind before quickly getting the two of them back to their conversation topic from before you walked in. 
You were getting through some homework when there was a knock at your door. Assuming it was Jessica, you throw the door open, though shock courses through you when you see Haechan, instead. He leans in to give you a soft kiss before standing straight up again, as if that type of thing was normal between the two of you. “Jessica is in the bathroom.” He says softly, and you look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s great, but I don’t think that gives us enough time to fuck.” You respond with a laugh, though Haechan’s brows furrow.
“What? I didn’t come here for that. I came to tell you I’m sorry for being mean to you when you came in.” 
Surprise runs over your face, but it soon drops into a gentle smile. “Don’t worry about it, Hyuck. We’re supposed to hate each other.”
He rolls his eyes. “I know, but it didn’t feel good this time.” He responds, riddled with defeat, and you can’t help yourself from getting up on your tiptoes to lightly kiss him again.
You pull back quickly, facing the ground. “Hyuckie-” That’s when the sound of the bathroom door opening fills the air, and you immediately jump to lean uninterestedly against your doorframe, arms crossed in front of your body as your face falls flat. “Homework! So, can you stop annoying me just because Jessica is gone for one second and you can’t annoy her?” 
As predicted, Jessica quickly finds her way over to the two of you, eventually coming to stand at Haechan’s side. “Can’t believe I come out of the bathroom to find you talking with y/n.” She says with genuine surprise. You make concerned eye contact with her.
“Talking? More like tormenting…” You say in response.
Jessica turns to look at Haechan, nudging him slightly. “Hyuck, I would be careful about pissing her off, now. She’s got some big men on her side that can come beat you up. I mean, she hooked up with Johnny Suh.” 
Your face becomes painted with shock. “Jessica!” You yell, causing her to put her hands up in defense.
“Look, it just came out.”
Haechan makes eye contact with you, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Hooked up with Johnny?! Really?” He responds, playing his part of not believing you pulled him exceptionally well.
You flash your eyebrows at him, doing your best to try and act all powerful now because you apparently hooked up with Johnny. “Yep! It was one hell of a first time.” You reply, and a soft smile is quick to adorn your face as you continue. “Not to mention he took…really good care of me after. You could learn something from him about how to treat women.” You add on, looking back up at him with a smirk. Almost all of Haechan’s body language could lead anyone to believe he hated you, didn’t give a damn about who you slept with, could hardly bother himself with this conversation at all, but his eyes were filled with fondness as he looked back at you. You inhale sharply, thankful when Haechan starts talking again to remind you of the environment you were in.
“Yeah? I’ll be sure to ask for lessons on how to tolerate you first.” He responds with a smirk of his own. Jessica finally gets fed up, rolling her eyes and grabbing Haechan by the arm to drag him away from you before you could argue any more. You almost instantly throw your homework back in your backpack, walking to the door to leave as you turn around to face them again. 
“I’m gonna head to the library since I obviously can’t get any work done here. I’ll be back later tonight.” You say with a smile aimed in Jessica’s direction. She threw a thumbs up your way along with a ‘be safe,’ and then you were out the door. 
You had just gotten to the library when your phone lit up with a text from Haechan.
I’ll pick you up from the library after Jess and I eat dinner.
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you, though really, you’re beyond glad he could see how much you wanted him tonight. I’d be pissed if you didn’t :) 
His response is instantaneous. Yeah, yeah. Go do your homework before I fuck you dumb <3 
Around an hour and a half later, you get a call from Haechan and you immediately stuff your laptop back into your bag before picking up the phone. “Hey, where are you sitting? I’ll come pick you up-” He starts, but you cut him off in an instant.
“Absolutely not. We cannot be seen in public together.” 
“Y/n, this isn’t some big scandal.” He replies lightly, but you shake your head, regardless of the fact that he couldn’t see it.
“You’re wrong. Everyone knows we hate each other and everyone knows Jessica is our mutual. If they see us together, it’s getting back to Jessica in an instant. Tell me where you’re parked and I’ll come to you.” A small laugh accompanies your words, even more so when Haechan pouts on the other end and you can imagine it vividly.
“Fine, but you’re never allowed to complain that chivalry is dead when you’re the one causing it.” You roll your eyes, stepping out of the library and immediately seeing his car anyways. You hang up on the phone and open his passenger door to slide into your seat. “Finish all your homework like a good girl?” He asks with a smirk and you send a glare his way.
“Shut up. I finished all but one assignment. I got a little distracted.” You drag off, and Haechan lights up.
“Oh my god, did you touch yourself in the library bathrooms?”
“No!” You reply adamantly before sinking back into the passenger seat a little. “But I would’ve if I had to wait any longer. Dinner took a long time, Hyuckie.” You add with a frown, and Haechan just shakes his head in the driver’s seat. 
“God, it is taking everything in me to not throw you in the backseat and have you right here right now.”
You roll your eyes, more than aware that you couldn’t have car sex in front of the library. Instead, you place a hand on his cheek and kiss him deeply. He didn’t complain, figuring making out with you in his front seat was enough to hold him over since he couldn’t fuck you in the back seat. You let an entire song play through the radio as you indulged in Haechan’s taste, finally pulling back with a heavy breath before you could forget your morals. “Um…Please drive now so we can go home and you can undress me. I need you.”
 Haechan tries to hide his smile as he shifts into drive and places his hands back on the wheel. “Yeah, yeah. Next stop…home.”
You stumble your way inside his front door, passionate kisses getting in the way of actually walking. The second you get inside, Haechan is sliding your shirt over your head. He keeps his kisses as consistent as possible until everything actually registers in his mind and he pulls back to look you up and down, absentmindedly licking his lips. “Y/n, goddamn.”
You look down at your chest just to laugh and fix your gaze back on him. “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I did some shopping.” You say offhandedly, as though your new lingerie set wasn’t killing Haechan. He finally brings himself to look back at your face, not bothering to hide how pissed he was.
“On the couch, now.” He orders, and you just roll your eyes playfully, grabbing him by the neck of his shirt to bring him along with you. In no time flat, he’s completely on top of you, kissing what seemed to be every inch of your body. Though, the second his lips land on your neck, you remember the new boundaries you had to set. 
“Hey, you can’t leave marks on my neck anymore.” 
“Oh, but Johnny can, huh?” He teases as he props himself up to make eye contact with you. 
You roll your eyes. “He was the first guy that came to mind.”
Haechan shakes his head. “I’ll make sure you can never think about another guy again.” He says with conviction, and for a moment, you forget how to breathe.
“God, you’re so hot.” You say through an exhale, and Haechan just laughs before moving to suck and nip at your neck again. “Hyuck, that didn’t mean you could still bruise me, baby.” 
He hums against your skin, finding a way to respond without putting too much space between your two bodies. “Can’t help it. You look so pretty, all marked up as mine.” He mumbles. You sigh, running a hand gently through his hair as he works on your chest instead. 
“Hyuckie, I’m not yours.” You say softly, trying to make sure the defeat you felt while admitting that didn’t show. Haechan freezes immediately, and when he finally finds his ability to move, it’s just to press a lingering kiss on your lips.
“Just for tonight. Be mine just for tonight.” He says, though it comes out more so as a question. You let out another small sigh, shaking your head before moving to connect your lips to his again. 
“Jessica knows I don’t do any homework past 10:00.” You tell him as you break apart. Haechan takes a moment to glance at his watch, reading the time before nodding his head softly. 
“I’ll get you back by then. Don’t worry.” From then until 9:45, Haechan spent all of his time making sure you were his that night.  
It was about two months into whatever it was that you and Haechan had gotten yourselves into. You were currently sitting in the living room. You knew Haechan was fully aware that Jessica wasn’t home, so now you were just waiting for him to burst through the front door at any moment. When he finally does, he walks to put his keys and wallet down on the counter before making his way over to where you were sitting and placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Hey,” he says smoothly, causing blush to cover your face. You still weren’t used to the days where he would be more gentle with you, not that you were complaining, but it was unfamiliar nonetheless. You smile back at him, about to respond when he finally moves his gaze to assess what you’ve been up to. “Are you playing Mariokart?” He asks, and you laugh from slight embarrassment. 
“Yeah. Had to kill time while waiting for you somehow.” You say as you hit the home button to exit out, but then you notice the smallest traces of sadness cross his face, causing you to smirk. “Did you want to play?” You ask, and Haechan shoots his gaze back over to you, looking more like a boy than ever. 
“Of course I want to play!” He replies, and suddenly your laughter isn’t from embarrassment anymore. You move to grab another remote for him so the two of you could play together. You spent the next two hours playing Mariokart with him, trying to perfect all the circuits so you could collect all the best trophies, and though today’s physical touch went no further than celebratory kisses, playful shoves, and your head on his shoulder, you wouldn’t have traded it for the world. Though, it brought about a fundamental truth - you were not having passionate sex with your enemy. No, you found that you liked being around Haechan. 
The two of you had finished a quick dinner before the realization hit that Jessica would be coming back home from her night class soon. With a shared glance, you and Haechan both knew he should probably head back to his place. You reluctantly walked him to your front door, hand reaching for the knob to open it when Haechan’s hand grabbed hold of your own. You look up at him, confused, but he just stared down at you with a grin before leaning in to kiss you. “We can do this more often, too.” He says softly as he pulls back. You raise your brows in question. 
“Kiss?” You reply, trying to figure out what he was referring to. 
Haechan laughs, shaking his head and making his hair fall messily around his eyes. “No- well, yes, I always want to kiss you, but I’m talking about just hanging out. You know, playing Mariokart and all that…if you want! We don’t have to, I can just come over and immediately undress you and I wouldn’t mind that either-”
“Hyuck,” you say with a laugh, cutting him off. “We’ll hang out more, don’t worry. Besides, we still have the 200 cc circuits to beat.” 
You watch as he smiles brightly back down at you before leaning back in, this time to kiss every inch of your face and turn you into a giggling mess. “I’ll see you soon.” He says smoothly, and then he’s finally out the door and leaving you blushing profusely because you think Haechan just admitted to enjoying being around you, too. 
A couple of Fridays later, Haechan lets himself into your dorm as casually as ever when he comes over to actually hang out with Jessica. At the sound of the door closing, Jessica walks out from her room to greet Haechan, who already had his attention occupied by the new addition to your kitchen table. “Flowers? I didn’t know you could keep things alive.” He jokes as he turns around to face Jessica. She just rolls her eyes with a laugh.
“They’re not mine. Y/n bought them, and for your information, I can actually keep flowers alive way better than she can, thank you very much.” She replies, and Haechan turns back to study the bouquet again, trying to memorize them before Jessica could catch onto his actions.
“Should’ve known y/n bought them - these aren’t the prettiest flowers by a long shot.” He says with a scoff. 
Jessica shakes her head. “You should be glad she isn’t home right now to hear you say that. The bluebells in there are her favorite flower in the world.” At this, Haechan shoots his gaze back towards Jessica.
“Really?” He asks, furrowing his eyebrows after the fact to try and cover up the genuine curiosity that painted his question. Jessica seems not to notice as she just nods her head, but that’s when you finally come in through the front door, and they both turn their attention towards you.
You didn’t know Haechan was going to be at your place right now, but you probably should’ve guessed with it being a Friday - if Mark and Jessica weren’t going on a solo date, their friend group typically hung out and bar hopped all together. Regardless of the fact that Jessica was there, you couldn’t bring yourself to put on a look of disgust once you saw Haechan. Instead, you were radiating off a sort of empty feeling - you weren’t really sad, just hollow, not concerned enough to fake-hate Haechan. You don’t say a single word in greeting as you just go to your room and start getting things ready for a shower. 
Haechan turns back to Jessica with raised eyebrows. “Where did she just come from?” He asks, wondering what the hell had you looking like that. 
“Ummmm, today’s Friday, right?” Jessica asks, then looking at the time. “She just got back from quantum mechanics.” She answers, and that seems to calm her worries - she would look dead every time she had to sit through quantum mechanics, too. On the other hand, Haechan’s hands balled into fists. He knew that class was with your dick of a professor, and he could only guess as to what disgusting things he threw your way this time that had you feeling so dirty you had to shower right away. 
Haechan wanted to barge into your room, wrap you in the biggest hug, and let you cry in the comfort of his arms, but he couldn’t - not with Jessica here. With every muscle in his body tensed up, he thought about the consequences of his actions should he go wrap you in a hug anyways, but that wouldn’t be fair to you. You were a part of whatever relationship the two of you had going on, and you both agreed that relationship stayed hidden. He couldn’t ruin that now without your consent.
Instead, he just looked back at Jessica flatly, flashing his eyebrows in recognition of the answer, and then quickly moved along. “Do you wanna head out to meet up with the guys?” He asks in return, and if there was any desperation in Haechan’s voice conveying how much he needed to get out of your dorm before he cracked, Jessica didn’t pick up on it. She nodded, grabbing her things, knocking on your door to let you know they were heading out, and then following Haechan out of the dorm.
Before you knew it, six months had passed since Haechan lost his dad, and you decided to surprise him with his favorite meal. It wasn’t like the two of you weren’t planning dinners/hangouts/hookups basically every day anyways, but you still wanted this one to be more lowkey, more intimate in an emotional, rather than physical, way, and a surprise dinner would do just that. You picked up his favorite takeout for the both of you before driving over to his place, pulling out your spare key to his house with excitement overtaking you as you walked in.
“Hey, Hyuckie. I’m here with din- Oh god.” Your face, along with the bag of food in your hands, instantly drops as you turn back from the closed door to his living area, only to notice him on top of another girl…his ex. Tears immediately sting at the back of your eyes, and you’re using everything in you to not let them fall down your face.
Haechan pops up as soon as you had started speaking, his eyes wide as he turns to look at you over his shoulder, and his body still straddled over his ex. “Y/n!” He yells out in shock.
His ex moves to prop herself up on her elbows, giving her a clear view of your frozen state at the door. Then, she rolls her eyes with a laugh. “Oh, I forgot she was the one getting my sloppy seconds.”
Your brows furrow. In any case, this could have been two friends grabbing dinner together. There was no way for her to so confidently say you were hooking up with her ex without him saying so. You face Haechan with betrayal covering your entire being. “So much for not kissing and telling, huh Haechan?” You spit out before walking back out of his place and slamming the door.
When you were finally outside, that’s when you gave yourself the chance to bawl your eyes out. You knew you wouldn’t be able to drive home safely without letting yourself cry beforehand. What sucked is that it gave Haechan time to fling the front door open. “Y/n-” He starts, grabbing your wrist to stop you from walking. You do your best to face away from him entirely, yanking your wrist out of his hand and cutting him off.
“Don’t touch me, Haechan!” You choke out, and he lets go immediately, regardless of the desperation on his face.
“Look I-”
You stop him again, his voice alone sending more tears down your face. You finally turn to him, slowing your words down so your voice doesn't crack, or at least, you tried to. “How long has it been going on?”
Haechan’s face and shoulders drop in unison. “This is the first time she’s been back over since the break up.” He replies softly.
You shake your head, none of it making sense and all of it hurting you. “Why…?” You had more of a question prepared, but that was all you could get out. You watch as Haechan sighs.
“I ran into her at a darty today. She approached me and started conversation. I tried not to involve myself in it, but she laughed and told me I was stupid for not wanting to talk to her because she said no one else will ever love me. And when I went to refute, I accidentally mentioned you. And she- she laughed again, telling me that I was dumb for thinking you would ever care for me, cause you hate me. And I couldn’t think of anything to say in response. And so then we ended up here.” The more he spoke, the more enraged you became. You shake your head in disgust.
“Fuck you!”
Haechan’s eyes widened. “What-”
You make sure to maintain eye contact with him as you begin to speak, though your words were broken up by your intense sobs. “You couldn’t think of anything to say against her point?! Who was the one washing off the makeup she made you put on? Who was the one telling you that the last thing you needed to do was cover up your stupid pretty face in the first place? Who was the one with a contact lens case in their bathroom so you could take them out and wear your glasses while you were over because you’re more comfortable in them? Who was the one you came to for comfort when you lost your dad-?”
“I went over to find Jessica!” He yells, cutting you off, but you don’t take any of it.
“But you stayed when you saw it was just me! Haechan-”
“Can you stop fucking calling me that?!” He pleads, tears now running slowly down his own cheeks. 
All you can do is shake your head again sadly. “I don’t understand how you could go through all of that with her and then go back to it. Do you know how idiotic I feel?! Sneaking around and lying to Jessica because I’m hooking up with her best friend, who everyone thinks I hate, by the way, behind her back. Being so euphoric from your touch that I want to tell the world but I can’t because you told me I couldn’t tell anyone, and I wasn’t gonna break that promise because I wanted to be able to keep seeing you- would do anything to keep seeing you. Thinking that maybe there was the smallest chance any of this was real to you, too. To be so upset over something I have no right to be upset about because you were never mine.”
“Y/n-” He says as gently as he could given both your states. You lose the courage to look him in the eye, instead dropping your gaze to the floor as you respond.
“I feel like an idiot, Haechan.” With that, you turn to get back in your car and go home, and Haechan doesn’t stop you. 
You continued to cry the entire drive back home, but you managed to stop the debilitating sobs, and instead soft, insistent tears just rolled down your face. You unlock the door to your house, your voice cracking as you announce your presence.
“I’m home.”
“Y/n-” Jessica starts excitedly, but then she sees your state and instantly panics. “-are you okay?! What happened?!” She continues, running up to where you stand defeated at the entryway.
“Is everything okay?” A male voice adds, and you sigh as your cries get more intense again.
“Mark is here. Of course Mark is here. Cause you guys are together and happy.” You say in a snarky response, and out of your peripheral, you see a frowning Mark take two steps back from the hug you and Jessica were encased in.
“Y/n, what is going on?” Jessica asks, more confused than ever because you’ve never been anything but happy for her and Mark. You shake your head rapidly in response.
“Nothing. You would hate me.”
Though your face was buried in her chest, you can sense her rolling her eyes. “I can assure you, I wouldn’t.” She states plainly, and though you knew she definitely would once she actually knew what was up, you took her words for what they were worth and your explanation tumbled out of your mouth.
“I’ve been hooking up with Haechan behind your back.”
Jessica immediately pulls away from the hug, making concerned eye contact with you instead. “WHAT?!”
Mark glances between the two of you, feeling incredibly like he was intruding, even more so because Haechan was his friend, too. “I’m uh- gonna go grab food!” He interjects before dashing out of the door behind you. With him gone, you continue with your explanation.
“For months, Jess. And we agreed not to tell anyone because it was just a friends with benefits thing, or enemies with benefits I guess. But it was more to me. It was real. I love him, Jessica.” The words just tumbled out of your mouth, but they were true, you knew so the second you said it. You loved Haechan.
Jessica looks at you with a frown. “So why the tears?” She asks gently, and you immediately drop your gaze to the floor, embarrassed, ashamed.
“I went over and unlocked his door with my spare key because we were gonna have dinner together.” You say slowly, your words finally coming out more even.
“Yeah?” Jessica probes when you had seemed to stop talking completely. You swallow hard, squeezing your eyes shut to avoid more tears from falling, but then you just spit it out.
“He was with his ex. On top of her. On the couch that knows my imprint.”
Jessica’s eyes widened impossibly. “Y/n-”
“Why the fuck would he do that, Jessica?” You practically shout, your rage finally mixing in with your sorrow.
Jessica just shakes her head, sucking on her bottom lip. “I don’t know.” She replies softly, and then she just holds you in silence until your tears finally stop and you move to lock yourself in your bedroom. 
Two days later, when there’s a knock on your door, you assume Jessica is there to try and get you to eat something again. You slump over to open your bedroom door, already preparing how to tell Jessica you still couldn’t imagine stomaching food yet, when instead, it’s Haechan’s worried gaze meeting yours. Your eyes widen, stinging with tears already, but you can’t bring yourself to close the door just yet - maybe it was the fact that he was in his glasses, goddamned skinny jeans, and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. “Y/n, it was the worst mistake of my life.” He says sincerely, and you drop your gaze to the floor.
“What? Getting together with me or her?” You ask with venom.
His response is instantaneous. “With her. Obviously!”
“You sure? You sure she doesn’t love you more than I do?” You spit back angrily, daring to look him in the eyes once again just to glare at him.
The sadness in his face neutralizes in an instant, and he stares back at you with wide eyes. “You- do you- do you love me?” He asks hesitantly in response, and the tears you’d been holding back fell freely now.
“I’m not fucking putting myself through this.” You respond defeatedly, and you immediately close the door in his face, running to bundle up in bed in a mess of tears. 
When you finally step out of your room again to grab a water bottle, you’re met with the bouquet Haechan had in his hands now laying on the counter. You walk up to it, reading the sticky note now attached. 
This was the only bouquet they had with bluebells…I know they’re your favorite. Coincidentally, one of their meanings is forgiveness (according to the flower shop guy, at least). There’s nothing I want more than your forgiveness. Y/n, I messed up so bad, I know, I’m sorry. I never should have done that. I don’t know why I did that, not when you’re everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m sorry I never made you mine when I really had the chance. I was terrified you didn’t feel for me the way I do for you, but now I know how stupid that was. You’re the only one to ever care for me the way you do, and if you decide that what I did was too terrible, just know you’ll forever be my standard…my beautiful, incomparable standard.
When Jessica walked in through the front door after grabbing lunch with Mark, she found you still standing there in the kitchen, looking down on the now tear-stained note as your body still shook with sobs. 
She walked over to the counter, silently sliding the note away from where it laid in front of you to read it herself. From your right, you hear her sigh and she’s quick to put down the note and wrap you in a hug instead. You stay crying in her arms for what you felt had to be too long, but she never said a word about it if it was. 
Your days quickly started to blur, all of them feeling the same as you would drag yourself to class and then back home, with no extra plans to ever keep you occupied or active. You were currently on the couch, sweats adorning your figure, Bones on the TV, and a pint of ice cream in your hands. You had given up on trying - no longer caring about nice outfits or makeup, hardly eating anything of actual substance. As long as you had enough energy to sit through class, you considered it a win. It was after dinner time when Jessica got back from one of her dates with Mark, closing the front door to turn around and see you as her face falls. 
“Hey…how are you?” She asks lightly, walking over to where you sat in the living room.
You don’t move your gaze away from the TV, or more so, the ice cream you were eating. “Fine. Why?” You reply monotonously, and Jessica looks at you defeatedly.
“Because sweetheart, it’s been two months and you’re still devouring pints of icecream at a time on our couch.”
“I don’t like life without him.” You spit out in reply, though your voice is weak, and the more you thought about how true the statement was, the closer you got to tears. 
Jessica reaches over to brush some of your hair back from where it covered your face, making sure the two of you could make eye contact. “I know. He feels the same way, you know?”
“You’re just saying that.” You snap back instantly, but Jessica shakes her head.
“No, I’m not. I wouldn’t do that to you. Every time I go over to his place, he looks almost exactly like you do. He keeps beating himself up, saying he should’ve stuck to his plan for your birthday, that everything would’ve worked out perfectly if he knew you at least tolerated him before he indulged in your physical attractiveness.”
This finally gets your attention, and your face fills with confusion, feeling something other than sadness for the first time in two months. “Wh- what do you mean his plan for my birthday?”
Jessica seems surprised at the question. “Oh, I thought he would’ve told you. He was gonna pick you up from class and walk you back here so he could wish you a happy birthday.” 
In an instant, all of the color drains from your face again. “Why didn’t he?”
“I don’t know. He never told me.” Jessica answers seriously, now cementing the idea you had in your mind of what happened, everything clicking into place.
You finally speak again after what felt like forever of silence, your brain going 100 miles an hour. “...Do you know where he is now?” You ask seriously, and Jessica doesn’t hide her shock at your change in behavior.
“No, but I can find out. You okay?” She asks, and you just shake your head.
“No. No, not at all.” You reply, and you’re already up off the couch, rushing to put the pint of ice cream away and change into nicer clothes as Jessica texts Haechan, who just so happened to be at home…because his daily routine practically reflected yours over the past two months.
You knock harshly on his door, pacing back and forth as you wait for him to answer, nerves coursing through your entire being. After what felt like a lifetime, the door cracks open, and all of your movements pause. At first, it’s hardly open enough to see him at all, and you gulp back your awkwardness. “What do you-” He starts quietly, but he quickly recognizes you from the tiny view he allowed himself, and suddenly the door is swung wide open. “Y/n?” 
You stare up at him, heart melting at the sight. He was in a big hoodie and wearing his glasses, making the corners of your mouth perk up in a smile. Though, the smile quickly drops as you take in the rest of his features. Jessica was right, he looked as bad as you. To be fair, he was still the most attractive man alive, but he had dark circles around his eyes, and he looked as though he hadn’t seen the sun in weeks. 
You lick your lips, which were now noticeably dry, building the courage to speak as you did so. “You were gonna pick me up from class on my birthday?”
His eyes go wide as he moves his gaze away from you for the first time since he opened the door. “I-”
“Hyuck.” You cut him off, staring up at him intently and getting him to crack with a huff of breath.
“Yeah…yeah I was. Jessica said it was your birthday. And we still weren’t friends then, but I would’ve felt bad not at least wishing you a happy birthday. So I texted Jessica to see where you were and decided I would just walk you back from class. And I-” He breaks off with a faint laugh as he recalls the memory. “I put on a pair of skinny jeans beforehand because I figured even if you hated me, you found me at least a little more tolerable in skinny jeans. Then I went to go pick you up. When you didn’t come out with the rest of your class, I went inside the lecture hall to see what was up or if I just missed you somehow. That’s when I saw you talking to your professor. That’s when I heard his comments. You weren’t even in anything close to scandalous anyways. You just dressed up for your birthday. You were pretty. That was it, so I figured it wasn’t a one-off thing. How you handled it made me think it wasn’t the first time for it to happen, either. You could barely see your wince. The same couldn’t be said for me, though. I was mad, fuming. I got out of there as soon as I could so that I’d be out of sight by the time you got out. If you saw me and started a conversation, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from bringing it up. God, I was so angry, and I figured that wasn’t what you wanted on your birthday.” He faced the ground while he spoke, but you studied his figure the entire time, your eyes finding their home as they landed on Haechan again after all this time. You hardly let him finish his last word before you speak up.
“Tell me you want to kiss me.” You say, and Haechan finally whips his head back up to face you, eyes wide in surprise. “Tell me you want to kiss me and have it mean something outside of these walls.”
“What?!” He responds, visibly thrown off. You don’t have the patience for it.
“Hyuck!” You say, and Haechan seems to come back to the moment, nodding his head rapidly.
“I do! I want to kiss you. Always.” 
The biggest of smiles overtakes your face as you press up on your tiptoes to finally lock your lips with his again. One of his hands immediately flew to your waist, while the other placed itself lightly on the side of your face, holding you as though one harsh movement would cause this moment to break, this dream to end. When you pull back for air, Haechan wastes no time. “Y/n, please be my girlfriend. Please be mine. Please let me tell the entire world that you’re mine.” He says, his intonation practically making it a beg. 
You nod your head before digging it into his chest in a tight hug. “I’m yours.” 
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thaliagracesgf · 4 months
i get a boyfriend
part two of the casual series! (requests are in progress, i just churned this out because it is my baby)
warnings: making out and luke being cocky asf
wc: 1.2k
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the sun streamed through your eyelids in the morning. you shifted in bed, cozying up in rebellion. you really did not want to get up. you felt luke behind you, starting to move, and you closed your eyes. you knew he wouldn’t be able to wake you up just yet. 
his head finds the crook of your neck, and his curls brush against your face. you’ve never felt so safe. 
“jesus christ,” you’re rudely disturbed. you keep your eyes shut. maybe beckendorf will leave. 
a knot grows in your stomach as luke grumbles from behind you. “fuck off, man. i was sleeping.”
“yeah. i noticed.” 
“what are you doing here? this isn’t your cabin,” he said, sleep evident in his low voice. 
“yeah, isn’t hers either. so are you two a thing now? you finally hook up last night? what’s the sitch here, because silena needs her update.”
with that, luke pulls himself up. “shut up, man.” he looks down at your ‘sleeping’ face, hoping you didn’t hear. “have some respect.”
you did hear, of course, and at first it did make you feel gross, but the ‘finally’ catches you, and you remember that luke wants you. he isn’t jack, who just wanted to fuck somebody, he’s been waiting, and yeah, the older kids at camp sometimes fuck. it’s relieving to realize that beckendorf doesn’t know about last night— he would never had said that if he did. besides, luke’s attempt at a defense, though hampered by his sleep-addled brain, is adorable. 
“i’m just saying! don’t act like you haven’t thought about it. every person in this godforsaken camp can see it, ’cept maybe her.” 
“can you seriously fuck off? i’ve got my girl, don’t make it my problem that you’re scared of yours.” 
you laugh softly at that one. you don’t open your eyes, but you can feel luke freeze behind you. beckendorf doesn’t notice, but your gig is up anyway. 
“your girl?” you mumble, a smile crossing your lips. beckendorf stifles a laugh. 
“alright, i’m heading out! good luck with this one, man.” you open your eyes, and even as they’re adjusting to the light in the cabin, you swear you can see him wink. you’re not sure which one of you it’s to. 
“die,” luke calls after him, throwing his head back on the pillow, but pulling you into his chest. 
“hi.” you say, still facing away from him, and he tucks his head into your neck again. 
“hi.” luke says. 
you turn yourself over to look at his eyes. they’re such a deep brown. he tilts his head forward. you smile. you let his lips graze yours. 
it’s exactly like it was when you were fourteen, and a million times more. he’s soft and gentle, pulling back between each kiss. your arms move around his neck, his wrap around your waist. you’ve never felt so secure in your life. 
but you have to pull away. “i— i…” you start. 
luke sits up. “i’m sorry,” he says. “i’m so sorry. fuck, that was so stupid of me. i’m so sorry, gods, what was i thinking?” he ran his hand through his hair. it was adorable. you reach out to his arm. (gods, he’s jacked). you wish you had allowed yourself to stare sooner. you’d been depriving yourself. 
“it’s okay, luke. it was…it was really nice.” it seems like such a cheap thing to say, and by the look on his face, it wasn’t all that convincing. “i’m not… this is just a lot to process.” 
“in what way?” he probes. you aren’t used to people asking questions. usually hannah just stares you down until the words come out of your mouth.
“i mean,” you try to word it in a way that won’t set him off. “it would be kind of shitty to jump into anything, right? after what happened with jack?”
luke gives a contemptuous look at the mention of his name. “no,” he scoffs. he’s still sitting up, looking down at you lying in his bed. you figure it might be a bad time to tell him how badly you want him to kiss you again. 
“well, i don’t know. doesn’t it look like i’m just hopping around from guy to guy?” 
“ok. first of all, i’m pretty sure there are only, like, four people who know about you and jack. second of all, at the risk of sounding like an absolute dick, aren’t you supposed to be in love with me or something?”
you gasp. “what the hell?”
he grins. “it’s just what i’ve heard. you know what the camp gossip mill is like.” 
you groan, hiding your face in your hands. “this is so not fair.”
and he laughs, he really laughs. “how is it not fair?” 
“you are such a dick. this is so embarrassing. i’m going to kill you.”
“you seem pretty content under those blankets for someone plotting a murder.” you look through your fingers. his smile is so, so, unbelievably cute. “how is this not fair?”
“because you totally know everything and i don’t know anything.” 
“okay. what to you want to know?”
“shut up. die. i hope you drown today.”
“are you really going to make me say it, jack-jack?”
“i hate you.”
“i like you.” you go quiet. “i really, really like you. i think i’ve had a crush on you since we were fourteen. and i fucking love you. not like we already say everyday. like i think i’m actually fucking in love with you.”
he lays down beside you. you’re facing away from him, so he traces swirls on your shoulder.
you turn to face him, and for a second he has the decency to look nervous. 
you narrow your eyes at him. “so how do you really know i’m not just in this for the sex?” and he bursts out laughing. and before you know it, you’re laughing with him. and he loves the way your eyelids almost close when you do. 
“i wouldn’t blame you if you were,” he grins.
“well, who are you hooking up with these days? i’ll have to see if you have good reviews.”
“good luck with that, it might be difficult.”
“what, like you’ve never hooked up with an aphrodite girl after a bonfire.”
he shakes his head, and you’re honestly stunned. luke castellan, the most gorgeous boy on long island, is a virgin? 
“i mean,” he starts. “it’s not like i haven’t had offers.” 
“oh, shut up, you asshole,” you try to turn away from him, but he wraps his arms around you, and at his next words you freeze. 
“but i was holding out hope that it would be with you.” 
fuck. that was really hot. 
you look up, into his eyes. “i hate you,” you roll your eyes.
“i love you,” he murmurs, his eyes on your lips.
this time when he kisses you, you’re never letting him go. you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him atop you. it takes everything in you not to roll your hips into his, but you don’t stop yourself from reaching down his torso to find the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head, and running your hands along his stomach. fuck, you think for the second time that morning. he’s jacked. he smiles into the kiss, and you know you’re stroking his ego right alongside his abs. 
“so,” you say, biting your lip as his trace your jaw and neck. “what was that about ‘your girl’ earlier?”
you’re expecting a sly remark, a grin, or something. instead, he doesn’t hesitate—“be my girlfriend,” he almost moans. “please.” 
and you don’t have it in you to leave him waiting. 
“okay,” you whisper.
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boydepartment · 3 months
⊹ ࣪ ˖🍩₊˚⊹♡ so what do you recommend? nishimura riki x gn! reader
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250ish words- riki being a loser- engene reader working at a donut shop - masterlist
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you stood at the counter waiting for your name to either be called to the back or for someone to come in. the chain you work at was supposed to be closed today but your manager asked if you could come in for this specific store as you guys decided to be open
to be honest you didn’t mind, you liked your job and it’d keep you distracted from the fact you couldn’t make it to a concert you desperately wanted to go to. you had the money to attend just not the means to get there, who seriously has a concert mid week? and in a place where they already go to every tour? it wasn’t that far but just the hassle of getting there and work. ugh it was just a mess. you really wanted to go too… you loved k-pop and concerts. especially hybe groups and especially enhypen.
unfortunately the cards just aren’t in your favor this leg of the tour.
you sighed as you watched out the window as people walked by the store, wondering who was going to walk in and ask for a donut. you looked down for a split second picking at the bandaids that covered your fingers from earlier in the day.
when the little ding came up you perked up. smiling at the two boys who walked in.
“hi welcome in! how can i help you?” you leaned against the donut case in front of you. the two boys looked at you and then at eachother. you took a quick note of the apparel
one was shorter than the other, denim vest, chain, a backwards hat that looked oddly familiar. when you took note of the taller one your heart stopped for a moment.
there was no way this was happening to you at work…
the taller one wore the absolute ugliest jacket and jean combo you have ever seen in your life, and he wore the ugliest baseball cap to accompany it. the unfortunate part was, you’d recognize that ugly outfit combo anywhere.
“um hi sorry about that- can i get-“
okay y/n play it cool.
the taller one who you assumed you knew to be none other than nishimura riki, hit the shorter one and stood closer to you.
“i’m sorry he’s dumb-“ the taller one spoke, “we have never been here before actually-“
the taller one waved him off and kept his attention on you. the closer he got to the case display, the more you could see the little mole under his eye.
“ignore him.” he said quickly, you couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped you. he leaned against the counter next to the case display and looked at you.
“so what do you recommend..?”
was he trying to hit on you?
you put your hand under your chin and looked at him, throughly enjoying this and thanking the universe if this was real and not just delusion, “definitely anything with crème but you cannot go wrong with a strawberry donut.” you smiled at him. you heard riki giggle under his mask and his friend(who you guessed was jake) groaned, probably embarrassed.
“i love strawberries actually. i’ll get both though.” he said and you started to bag them up, you looked up at his friend.
“anything for you?”
jake walked closer to the counter and apologized quietly, “can we just get two dozen of the signature donuts too..?”
you nodded and grabbed the ready to go boxes behind you.
“actually can i pick the-“ riki spoke big jake interrupted him.
“MAN STOP MAKING THE WORKERS JOB HARDER JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK THEYRE CUTE!” he shoved him and got shoved back. you started to giggle again and gave them their total.
jake paying and trying to apologize for his friend’s behavior.
they quickly grabbed their donuts and headed out, riki wishing you a good day before running into the door and getting laughed at by jake.
you felt yourself look down smiling.
part of you felt like you were being delusional until you saw a little piece of paper near your sticky notes that you used to remember restock…
‘be back tomorrow by MYSELF- hope ur working-
my name is riki :)’
your jaw dropped slightly before you pocketed the note and was called back by your manager to help in the back. you quickly scurried to the back of the house and tried to hide your smile.
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spidybaby · 21 days
hi! pls do something where reader is xavis daughter and shes helpin' him with water and other things at the trainings because shes like grounded but not everyone knows shes his kid and she and pedri become closer and he defend her when one of the team say something cruel to her pls
Sorry my english is not the best is not my first language
Water girl
Summary: The team doesn't know you're Xavi's daughter until Pedri and you begin a relationshp and everything comes to light.
Warnings: cursing, physical altercation, slut shaming.
A/N: This is long, I kinda got inspired and wanted to share something with you. Hope you like it ❤️ love you✨️🌸 @gadriezmannsgirl hi 😛❤️
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"You have to be kidding me. There's no way in hell I'm spending my vacation like this." You yell, hurrying upstairs.
The thing about being the kid of an elite football player is that you're not faster than them. They will always win.
You tried to close your door, but Xavi managed to stop it before it closed. "Go away, oh my God."
"That's the good thing about being your father, mi reina. You obey what I say, not the other way around. So go change and meet me in the car."
He slams the door on his way out. But the door is opened again, this time by Nuria. "You better hurry up. He's going to come back and take you to the car even if you're in pajamas."
"Nu, that's totally unfair." You whine, walking to your closet. "Are you seriously allowing this?"
"Don't forget to put on some sunscreen." She waves you goodbye and close the door.
You grab a leggin, an oversized t-shirt, and put on your Jordans. You did put on some sunscreen, not wanting to do anything with your hair, only putting it up.
"Bye, if I die, this is on you guys. Hope you know that." You told your stepmother on your way out. She laughs at your annoyed behavior.
Xavi is waiting on his car. He has this big smile on his face. To you is like he's laughing at you. You walk slowly to the car, making him raise an eyebrow.
"I'm the boss, I can be late if I want to, so don't worry. No matter how slow we are still going to make it." He says as you open the car door.
"Papi, please."
"Let's go, reina."
Having no other option, you hop up. He was giving you a talk about life and having goals. The talk continued until you made it to the training camp.
"Your uncle Oscar is waiting for you. Please go to my office." He says, handing you a "staff" card. "This opens the doors."
You obey, walking the way you already know. The long hallway that only staff members are allowed to be, and different offices, some for the technical team, some for meetings, his office.
You knocked before walking inside, your uncle was on his phone, writing something he was reading on a board.
"Hola, reina." He smiles, leaving what he's doing to get close and hug you. "So happy to see you again."
"Hola, I missed you so much." You hug him back. He was patting your back. "Please help me, I don't want to do this."
The sound of the door opening and laughs saved the moment for you. It was your dad with a blonde lady.
"Oh hello! It's so good to have you back."
"Hello." You smiled, not the best at picking conversations.
"Gosh, Xavi. Your daughter is so big. I remember when I last saw you at your father vows renewal, you were so small."
"This is Martina. She's the boss of the interns and some social media people." Xavi says, you smile again but this time nodding your head. "She will be your boss."
"Your father tells me that you wanted to get something to do now that you're here in Barcelona."
"Yes, something to do." You say sarcastically, Xavi gave you a look. "I'm happy to be here." You lie.
"Well, I need some help in the recovery training. They need someone who helps with the water."
"Like a water girl?"
"Si, you're going to be their water girl."
You nod, eyes on your father, who's smiling in a particular way that's making you angry. "That's great, let's go."
Martina guides you to the little room with coolers, some freezers with ice packs, a bunch of stock of Gatorade, water, and water bottles of the sponsor.
"So, we already fill this one with Gatorade and some wattle bottles from prime, the players who are in recovery have a more private training, so you're with them."
You let her explain to you the training hours, the days the social media girls were there to film and that day you had to bring the prime bottles, the Gatorade thing that makes squishi drinks and how to fill it.
"I want to ask you something."
"Whatever you want, yes?"
"I don't want anyone to know that I'm Xavi's daughter, I want just to be like an intern, maybe?"
Martina nods her head. She gets what you mean, not wanting to be favored. "We can do that." She smiled. "Also, we have these t-shirts for interns to change into, so before going to the training camp, you can change."
You went to the nearest bathroom and changed the oversized t-shirt. Leaving the old one in the little closet because Martina said so.
You grab the small cooler, walking with Martina, who was explaining to you who you were working with. You had to be there the whole training and offer the player some water every two series of exercise.
"You're today with Raphinha and Pedri. So it's going to be easy, they're nice and friendly."
She led you to the training camp, Oscar was helping the two players to warm. He waves you happy, and you return the wave.
"If you need a pointer, Pedri likes blue Gatorade and Raph likes the red one."
"Which one is Pedri?" You ask confused, not really knowing who was who because you weren't used to the team.
"The one without tattoos. I have a meeting with some interns, see you later, hun."
"Okay, have fun in your meeting."
The training was boring, nothing new. They were making a smoother training because of their injuries.
Oscar stands next to you, almost at the middle of the training. "Your dad once brought you to the training. You made everybody do push-ups. He went home super proud about you liking football."
You smile at the story, not really remembering about it. "Uncle Andres used to say I was going to be playing as a forward."
"Nah, you have more as a midfielder."
"What position do they play on?"
"Pedri is a midfielder, Raphinha is a right winger." He points at them once he mentions their names. "Venga chicos, take five and we continue."
You get up from the bench, walking to the players. They were chatting and making jokes.
"Hola, tengo agua." You say awkwardly. (Hi, I got water)
Raphinha laughed at how uncomfortable you look, more used to interns or water girls who were ready to flirt with them.
"First day?"
"Is it that obvious?" You shrug your eyes.
"A little, just used to other type of treatment." He jokes, moving his eyebrows up and down.
You don't know what face you made, but Pedri laughed at your facial expressions.
"Te mandaron a comer papilla." He laughs, hitting Raphinha on his arm. (You were rejected)
"I like you. Can you pass me the red Gatorade?" Raphinha looks at you up and down.
You get both colors, passing one to Pedri as well. He thanked you and smiled a little with you. You go back next to your uncle.
Training was quick. It wasn't like the first team due to their injuries.
You can't help but feel something weird about the job. You haven't been on a training or stadium since you were a kid.
"Hola, oye, puedes darme una botella de agua?" (Can you pass me a bottle of water), he whispers, noticing that you're distracted.
You go back to reality. Nodding and handing him the bottle of water.
"Is it fun working here?" He asks.
"Considering this is my first day like you figure out, I think it's good." You say, half smile on your face.
"Bueno, not all first times are good." He shrugs, smiling at you.
You wanted to laugh, but you just smile and nod. "Yep, that's true."
"Thank you." He hands you the bottle again. Walking back to the field.
The next days were easy for you. Even when you didn't want to say it, you did enjoy watching them train and do other activities than be home.
You got assigned with the recovery team as long as there were players training.
"For how long are they training like this?" You ask curious.
"Until the medical team tell us that they can train and play with the first team."
"What happened to Pedri?" You say, eyes fixed on his back. He was doing some penalties practice.
"He injured himself a long time ago, and that same injury is coming back now." He says, you nod in response. "Frenkie, don't skip that part, I'm watching you, son."
They do another five rounds until the next break. Pedri walked over to you again. "El calor está." He wipes the sweat with his hand. "How can you look so fresh? It's like hell fire."
"I used to live in Brazil, this is fresh for them." You confess.
"Wow, Brazil." He smiles. "Can I have some water?"
"Two euros per bottle." You joke, handing him the bottle. "And five per Gatorade."
"I don't have change on me, but if I found you after the training, I'll make sure to pay my debt." He smiles, throwing the bottle back in the cooler.
"I'll take that as a promise." You say, returning the smile.
"Maybe you can tell me about Brazil." He says, going back to the middle of the field where Oscar is explaining something to Frenkie.
You check your phone while the training finishes. You texted Nuria what you were doing with a picture of the cooler.
"Reina, go back inside. The weather is crazy hot, and we're almost done. You can leave the cooler."
"You sure?" You ask, leaving your phone. "I can wait."
"Do me a favor, this are notes about today's training, take them to my office and you can go do some other thing."
You nod, leaving the little cooler there and asking him to take care of it, saying you will be back for it.
You walked back to the office. You still have your dad's card from the first day so you can enter every place.
You wanted to stay inside and relax in the air conditioner but you wanted to do a nice job as you were charged.
You go back to the field to collect the cooler and take it to its place. Stealing a Gatorade for yourself while you walk back inside.
"That would be five euros, or do you have a discount?"
You turn to find Pedri smiling. He has a prime bottle in his hands. You smile back, sipping on your drink again.
"It's the payment for our job." You say, sassy teasing tone.
"I thought interns didn't get paid."
"We don't?" You ask, confused. "Well, that's sad."
You pout at the thought of it. He finds that funny because he thought the first thing they told the interns is that they're not getting paid.
"So I own you seven." He jokes.
"Make it twenty, I have to make a living." You shrug smiling. Thing that makes him smile back.
"Twenty and a talk? Or those come with an extra charge." The tone of his voice and the way he's closer than before got you thinking not so good things.
You were about to answer, but a voice calling your name from behind makes you turn back.
"How was your first day?" Martina asks. "Pedri, hola."
"Hola, I was returning the bottle and saying a little thank you for helping with the water today, especially with this weather."
"Super hot." Martina laughs. "So good you had a nice day. Let me help you with the little cooler, and you can follow me."
"Sure," you whisper to her. Turning back to the black hair boy. "See you around." You wave your hand goodbye, following Martina.
She guides you to a room with three other people, all boys. They were seated around a little table talking.
"Hey boys, this is Y/n." She introduces you, you smile waving at them. "She's new, just came and she's our new water girl."
"Hey, that's my job," a blonde guy jokes. "I'm Marcus. This is Pablo, and this is Carlos."
"Hi, nice to meet you all. Sorry about the job, by the way."
"Please explain to her the time slip and Marcus, don't worry, I'll find you a new thing to do."
She left, saying her goodbyes. You stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do know.
"Take a sit, we were chatting about the next game." Carlos pat the chair next to him. "Are you a barca fan or just here for the experience?"
"Here for the experience." You say. "Are you barca fans?"
"Carlos is a Madrid fan but don't tell anybody."
"I'm not, I just said I like Ronaldo more than Messi."
They kept doing jokes about football, you check the time slip on the wall, to your surprise you are on it.
Most of the "soft training" was assigned to you, only two days for the "regular training" that was with the whole team.
"Hey, new girl."
"We have a fifteen minute break. We usually sneak in the kitchen and stole some food."
"I'm in, let's go."
You helped with ordering the equipment for the first team, putting the cones in order and taking out the bands they used to exercise in duos.
You finished positioning the equipment, leaving the field as the players began walking upstairs.
"Hey, come here." Xavi calls you. You walk over to your dad slowly, noticing him getting impatient. "Can you hurry?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Can you go help your uncle at the gym?"
"Doing what?" You ask funny, "holding the weight while he works out?" You smirk.
"Don't be a smart-ass, reina." He tries not to laugh. "He's helping Pedri and Lewandowski. He needs help with something, I'm not sure."
You nod, walking downstairs and to the gym. After getting into the wrong place for the second time, you knew you had to ask someone.
"Are you lost?" Pedri asks.
You smile at the dark-haired boy in front of you. "Yes, this place is too big."
"Trust me, we all got lost the first week." He laughs at the thought. "Where are you going?".
"The gym, Xavi assigned me to help Oscar."
He points the direction with his head. Making you walk side by side with him.
"Oye, don't think I forgot you own me fifty." You joke. Hitting his shoulder with yours.
"Why is the price increasing by the hour?"
"Why not?" You laugh with him. "But don't worry, after the fifty the talk is free."
"It better be," He jokes back. "Well, here we are."
You walk over to your uncle, asking him how can you help him. He instructed you to help him take time and to write down the weight the players are lifting.
You sat in a machine with a notepad and a chronometer. You were timing every round to help with consistency in the training.
"Be nice with me, please," Pedri says, getting ready to start. "If I fail, you lie and say I'm the best, okay?"
"Don't," Robert interrupts. "If he sucks you can say it outloud. Please."
"Lewa, go away."
Between laughs and jokes of the two players, you finished the rest of the day, Robert and Pedri were easy to be around.
When they finished their work, you got sent back with the other interns, saying your goodbyes to them.
The three weeks of helping at the club were easy.
You helped the injured guys with the water.
You helped the social media team, and you did a lot of things.
Xavi was impressed that after the first week, you wanted to keep going. He was hoping you would beg him not to take you, but instead, you were waiting for him to go first thing in the morning.
"Y/n, you will be with the first team today. The boys are helping with a project, so you will be alone."
You nod, giving her a thumbs up.
"First time alone with the big team." Marcus says. "If you want advice, do what the Mister tells you. He kinda screams at everybody when the players won't do what he says."
"I'll be frustrated, too." You say, honestly. "I mean, half of them can't even create an opportunity, and when they got an assist, they won't even do anything."
"Yes, but I think Xavi plays a big role into that. Maybe the rumors about him leaving aren't that bad after all."
You shut your mouth, not wanting to say something offensive to him. Your dad gave his heart to the team during very bad times when they could barely afford the players.
"I'm going to the field."
"Don't get defensive," he laughs. "I mean, I get that as a cule you love the old players, but Xavi is a little bit out of date. Like go home, with your wife and your perfect kids."
"Do you ever shut up?" You ask, laughing to make the situation less tense. "Let's not talk about him when we don't even know what his home life is like, and maybe don't do this at work."
"Wow, you're so uptight."
You scuff, walking with the heavy cooler to the field.
When you make it to the stairs, you notice that maybe being alone wasn't that cool. You got to get the cooler upstairs on your own.
A cooler with more than twenty bottles of water on a very large set of stairs. Great idea.
"Do you need help, new girl?"
Raphinha and Fermin got closer. A few of the players behind them.
"Hola. Yes, thank you.
"Raph, grab that side." Fermin says, lifting the left side of the cooler. "Why do they even let you get here all by yourself?"
"I think they didn't think about this part." You shrug.
The two boys helped you. You stayed a little behind due to the social media team filming them doing it.
"Y/n!" Pedri says, grabbing your shoulders. "Hey, thank you for that show recommendation. My brother and I saw it last night, and now I can't wait to go home and see more of it."
You smile at his words. Two weeks back, you exchanged numbers. You were getting closer by the day so you trusted him.
"Well, Pedri." You say, funny tone. "Hello to you too, nice evening. I'm doing so great. Thank you for asking. How are you today?" You smile.
He blushed, he knows you're joking but still feels the blush spreading onto his face.
"I'm doing good." He answers, hands intertwine behind his back. Clearly nervous. "Thank you for asking."
You wanted to keep the conversation, but you two heard Xavi calling the players to warm up.
"Venga, let's go. If not, we're both getting in trouble, me for not hydrating the team and you for not warming up enough."
He liked the way you joke, how your face had the right expression for your feelings. He liked how you treated him like a normal person and not like the footballer.
"What are you doing this weekend?" He asked, making you stop halfway on the stairs. "We have the day off. So I thought that maybe we could go out. I know this place to eat thats amazing and I think you would like it."
You can't help the smile that's on your lips. You liked him, maybe more than you care to admit.
"Looks like now I have a plan." You turn around after that, walking the remaining stairs. Little did he know that you did that for him not to notice your red face. "See you this weekend." You whisper, loud enough for him to hear.
You can tell Pedri is happy. The way he kept looking at you and sending you smiles is something else.
"Hey" you feel someone pocke you in the ribs.
When you turn, you find Marcus. Honestly, he was the last person you wanted to see. After the way he insulted your father, you didn't even want to cross words with him.
"Hey, you guys done with the project?" You ask, eyes watching the other players.
"Yeah, Martina sent us to different places, and I was sent here." He sits at the edge of the cooler. You didn't move, not wanting to have him next to you. "So, the boys and I are doing something this weekend, we were thinking about going out for some food. Would you like to come?"
"I actually have plans, but have fun." You say, very dry tone. "And let's get up, they're almost done and I need to get them some water."
Marcus was that one guy that hits on you and gets offended when you don't even look at him. But he keeps trying, trying again, and trying again.
The other boys were fine, they joke with you, they share stories, they are teammates. Marcus was just not it for you.
"I can help you with that, let me do it." He says, pulling the cooler to the middle of the field without waiting for your answer.
Xavi waved at you to get your attention from one side of the field. You walked to him, eyes turning back to the field to find those brown eyes looking at you.
"Hola, papi." You say, smiling at him. "Do you want some water?"
"I'm fine, reina." He smiles back. "Hey, meet me in my office after practice. I need to talk to you."
You nod. Not thinking much of it. He always had this mysterious behavior about talks, and in the end, it was him asking you to make a reservation at some restaurant or asking you how to send a link to Oscar.
You walked back to the team, Marcus was chatting with Raphinha, leaving the cooler abandoned.
You can't help but exhale exasperated. He was acting like he was everyone's boss. The boys tolerated it, but you didn't have to.
"Oye! I forgot to give my bottle back." You heard, making you turn. "Sorry, I was chatting."
"It's okay, are you done?"
"Actually, I wanted to ask if you have more. I threw half at Pedri." He laughs.
You laugh with him, Ferran was so comic to you. He always messed with other players. Specifically with Pedri, to the point of them not being called out when he did something to him.
"I think we have some extras." You say, checking the cooler and handing him a new bottle. "Just don't shower anymore players."
Ferran was about to answer, but a very entitled Marcus walked by and rudely asked if he was finished.
"She's waiting for me, don't worry." He says in this particular tone that makes you smirk. Marcus just shrugs and leaves. Walking down the stairs. "Is he always like that?"
"Sometimes, I think he thinks that just because he named himself the boss he actually is."
"So we don't like him?" He asks, eyebrow lifted.
"We did, but I don't think we do anymore."
"We good then." He says, making this funny expression. "Thank you. By the way, what flowers are your favorites?"
You were taken aback by the question.
"I think I don't have a favorite set of flowers." You say, thinking about an answer. "I like lilies, but they're not my favorite tho"
"Okay, good to know." He nods. "I have to get back, thanks for the water." He hands you the bottle and runs to where Pedri is.
You can't help the little smile that creeps your face. He was bringing you flowers.
You spend the rest of the training with your eyes sticked to him. The little smiles he sends you and the way Ferran notices and mock him.
When you finish with them, you decide to walk to the little room the club gives to interns. You feel the effects of the new weather coming.
"Why are you here alone?" Marcus asked you. "If you don't have anything to do, I can find something for you to do."
"No need, I have to help Misted Xavi with something." You close your little locker, trying to walk out of the room.
He grabs your arm, stopping you from walking out. "I was thinking, maybe we can hang out some time."
You kindly removed his hand from your arm, smiling so you don't seem rude. "I'm going to be honest with you." You sigh, knowing this was going to be uncomfortable. "I'm not interested. You're not my type. And no, I don't want to create a friendship with you."
The way the smirk he had is now erased from his face, making you want to laugh. Not to be mean, but he was that kind of dude that believed he was above everyone and everything.
Walking out and to your fathers' office, happy about finally letting your feelings out about the whole Marcus situation.
"Well, hello, Mister Xavi." You say, opening the door. Oscar and him are sitting on the couch of his office, Xavi with his head on his hands. "What's wrong?"
They look at each other, but Oscar decided to speak. "Nothing, we wanted to tell you that you can go home early."
You narrow your eyes, that was not something your father was used to do, having a free day? An early out? Noup.
"Papi, are you okay?" you ask, just to make sure you're good to actually go.
"Si, go before I change my mind." he half smiles. "and pick some milk on your way home". He throws the car keys on your way.
"Yes sir, see you later."
You walk fast to your locker, happy that you can leave early. You tell two of the boys that you were let go for the day and said your goodbye to Martina.
You were too busy on your phone to notice Carlos getting something inside his car trunk.
You open the car, sliding into the seat and picking a Playlist. Three bangs on the glass made you let your phone go.
You pull the window down, finding a very smiley Carlos. "Is the Uber available?"
You smile, hand on your chest to calm your heart. "Hola, what do you mean uber? You gave me a ride to the mall the other day." You joke with him.
He became your friend, he was funny and very respectful. He even shares his snacks with you. "Dude, I love your car." He takes a look at the car. "Can I drive it?"
You laugh, knowing you barely even drive it because your dad takes care of it more than he takes care of you.
"Maybe later, I have to go. I got let go."
"You got fired?" He asks, not understanding what you meant.
"No, I mean, I'm going home early. Don't throw me out just yet." You laugh. "Have fun, and don't listen to Marcus."
"I won't, drive safe." He waves as he walks away.
"Should I wear this or this?" You ask Nuria. She was helping you with your hair. "Or maybe another color?"
She laughs, noticing how nervous you are. "Can you calm down? You will look beautiful and this mystery guy will fall on his knees." She pats your shoulders.
"I just haven't had a date in so long. I'm rusty." You joke, changing your outfit in the closet while she organized your hair tools. "Okay, opinions." You say showing her your full outfit.
She takes your hand, making you turn. "Hermosa." She hugs you. "Maybe to make it a little casual some white sneakers?" She suggests.
You agree with her. Talking while putting your shoes on. You take a last look on your makeup and hair.
"Can you tell me who the guy is? That way, I won't be nervous about you out with a stanger." She smiles, passing you your jacket. "Or can you share your location with me? I won't tell."
"I'll share the location." You say, grabbing your phone to do it. "Plus, I'm taking your car, so if the date goes downhill, I'll come back."
"Take care, and please call me if anything. Also, don't hesitate to use the pepper spray I bought you. And have fun." She rambles, making you laugh.
You sent her a kiss as you walked out the door. You texted Pedri that you were on your way, and he texted back saying he was almost there.
You were nervous about the date, not because of Pedri but because you were scared of messing up. Plus, he didn't know who you really are.
You park, walking to the host and telling her Pedri's second last name, he uses that name yo avoid people finding he's there. Even tho you'll only need to know the barca team and recognize him.
"Hola." You say, hands on his shoulders. He jumped a little. "Sorry, didn't meant to scare you."
"You didn't, hola." He hugs you, turning to grab the bouquet of flowers. "This is for you. Hope you like them."
Just like you told Ferran.
"Thank you, this is so cute." You smile. When you grab the back of the chair to move it. He does it for you. "Gracias, Pedri." You smile at him.
"You look preciosa." He thinks outloud. When he notice the blush on your cheeks and how you are avoiding his gaze. It's when he notice he said that and not only thought it.
"I like your hair today, I like it when you don't blow dry it." You joke with him.
You two joke a little, ordering some food. He recommended you a dish a d a drink, you let him do the ordering.
"This is so good."
"I knew you would like it." He smiles. "How is your dish?"
"Delicious, want a bite?" You ask, and before he could answer you, you grab some of it with your fork. "Open your mouth."
"Fuaa." He says, head thrown back. "That's great. Taste mine."
He repeats your action, feeding you with his food for you to taste it. "Yummy." You smile.
You two talk a about your hobbies, your music taste. Random things you would talk about, nothing crazy.
"And my parents have a restaurant, so mom cooked the croquettes for me all the time." He tells you the story of his favorite food. "And now I miss it cause I want it but I can't have it like I used to."
"I never had croquettes in my life." You confess. "I like seafood. In Brazil, I used to eat a lot of shrimp and fish. Loveeeee fish."
"Why did you come back?" He asks. "Or are you from there?"
"I was born here, actually." You began the story. "But my parents separated when I was seven, and my mom took us to Brazil two years later."
"So you spent most of your life in Brazil?"
"It's complicated. My dad and mom got into a custody battle, and I was with her from nine to fifteen. Then I was forced to come back but only for a few months cause I was sent to a boarding school in Switzerland."
"And how did you end as a intern imfor Barça?"
"My dad forced me. He was teaching me a lesson. And he knows Martina, so it was easy."
"Oh." He says. He was speechless at how crazy your life sounds. "If I can say something, I'm glad you are here."
You smile, "Thank you, I'm happy I'm back, and I'm happy to be here with you."
It's his time to blush. He really likes you. Without Ferran's encouragement, he would have never asked you out. He was nervous and awkward about it.
"Do you want dessert?" He asks, noticing you finish your drink. "Other drink?"
"You want me full tonight, sir." You laugh, making him laugh. "I'll have some if you do."
"You are making me break my diet." He laughs. "Fine, let's get those desserts."
The rest of the dinner was fine. You two had fun talking and telling stories of things that happened to you as kids.
"Are you sure you don't want to split the bill?" You ask one more time.
"Not at all, it's on me, you did your part whe you got pretty for this." He smiles.
The blush that creeps into your cheeks is crazy. You can feel your whole face burning up from the feeling.
"Did you drive here?"
"Yes, don't worry. Thank you very much for this." You hug him. "Can we do this again? I really want to see you again."
He's taken aback from your honesty. He likes that. "Si, I want that too." He smiles. "Do you like going to the movies?"
"Love doing that."
"Want to go to the movies to see this new Ryan Gosling movie?" He walks you to your car.
"Si, text me the details." You hug him again. "Popcorn is on me," you say, kissing his cheek. You enter your car. He was kinda petrifie. Hee wanted to react. "Pedri," you call him.
He comes back to the real world. "Si, bonita?"
"Tell me when you are home." You say, pulling up your window.
He waited to be in his car to freak out about how you kissed his cheek and how you asked him on a second date.
He drives home happy, ready to call Ferran and tell him all about it. How you liked the lilies, how you enjoyed food, and how you even have a second date.
When you got home, Nuria and you went to your room and you told her everything, showed her your bouquet of flowers and even told her that you have a second date with him.
Your situationship with Pedri was better than you expected. It's been an ongoing this for a few months now. It's the perfect time to get to know him and for him to get to know you.
You two meet up after club hours. You even began going to some of the games to support him.
As a joke, Ferran gave you a shirt with his number. Making you and Pedri laugh. You use it because it makes Pedri smile every time he watches you there, knowing you follow Ferran and his crazy idea.
Carlos knows about you and Pedri. He's your friend, you trusted him with the information and he asked you in exchange a bag of gummy bears to not tell.
He wears Pedris number for you. And he became friends with Pedri and Ferran. You four are like a nice group.
You were organizing the water closet with Carlos. Talking about music and about this new show that he's seeing.
"And this girl, she's the starting." He explains. "She has a secret romance with one of the higher-ups. Just like you." He pokes you.
"Want me to give you a speaker so you can say it louder?" You hit his arm lightly.
"Are you going on a date with him tonight?"
"I am. We are going to watch something, probably."
"If you watch the movie I recommend you. Please do a review without spoilers for me tomorrow." He says, passing you a bottle of Gatorade.
Marcus was hearing the conversation. Martina sent him to grab you for a quick meeting. But he couldn't help but hear your conversation.
"Are you coming to the game this weekend?" You ask. "He wants me here, and I don't want to be alone."
"Are you getting me popcorn?"
"Yes." You say, laughing and rolling your eyes. "I dont know if I'm nervous because this game can get us La Liga or because his family may be there."
"Maybe both?"
"Si, maybe both." You say, finishing with the work. "We are done."
Marcus hears this and walks like he just got there.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. Martina wants us to have a quick meeting." He smiles. "I thought you were organizing the equipment."
"No, we are here today." Carlos answers. "Let's go."
Marcus was curious. Who was the person you were "dating." Probably someone married if you are talking about his family being there.
After the meeting, you got a text from your dad, asking you to come to his office to talk about something.
"Hola pare, em necessitaves?" (Hi dad, did you need me?) You speak to him in catalan.
"Hola, Reina." He hugs you. "How's work?"
"Good, I restocked the water closet. We have fresh water bottles. And I had a meeting about a thing Martina wants us to do."
"Great, that's fine."
You squinted your eyes. He was up to something. "Dad, anything you want to ask me or tell me?"
He rolls his eyes. "Can't a father make conversation with his firstborn?"
"Promise me you won't be mad at Asia."
You know what is coming. You heavily exhale. "Go on."
"A little bird, named Asia. Told me you are dating someone."
"Dad, this is work." You laugh. "Plus, I'm not."
You were honest, Pedri, and you weren't dating. You were acquaintances who happened to enjoy each others company.
"Okay." He laughs. "We can play the we are at work thing."
You don't notice how the door is open, thinking everybody is doing something more important than walking around.
But Marcus wasn't. He was walking around trying to find Oscar to talk to him about being able to go to the game for free as a part of the club workers. But when he heard your voice and Xavi's, he stayed.
"I wanted to tell you this when we were at dinner, but I feel like I can do it. I'm going to the game." You tell him.
Your dad loves it when you come to his games. It makes him think of you as a little girl wearing his jersey.
"Nuria and the kids are coming too."
"The kids too?" You ask, confused. "Don't they have to go with their grandparents?"
Marcus raises his eyebrows. His wife and kids are coming. You and him will have dinner together.
Then it clicks, you were talking about Xavi. And Carlos knew about you and him.
"Anyways, I have to go." You say, getting up and walking to his mini fridge. "I'm taking one of your special drinks. After all, I earn it."
You two laugh, you hug your father. "Back to work. I don't want my father to find out I'm not working." You joke.
"I'm sure he won't mind. You are with the Mister, he will understand."
"Yeah, you don't know him." You tease him. "But you'll like him, maybe we can arrange a meeting, sir."
"Go to work, reina." He laughs, shaking his head while he does it.
Marcus hides in an office, waiting a few minutes before going out. He was mind blowned, you were having something with Xavi.
He walks back to the comune corridors. Not paying attention to his surroundings, the only thing in his mind was this new information.
For you, it was all flowers, dreams, happy days.
You get to see the person you like every day, you get to spend at least a little bit of time with him.
"Stop, you need to train." You say to pedri, who's too busy kissing you and hugging you. "Pepi, stop it." You giggle.
"Why?" He pouts. "One more, and I'm leaving."
"No, guapo." You try to push him. But he brings you back to him. "You are going to be late." You say.
He grabs your cheeks, kissing you goodbye. You hug his body. Loving the way this feels. The way his lips dance with yours and the way your tongues mix just makes sense.
When he separates to take air, you place your hand on top of his mouth. Blocking him from kissing you again.
"You have to go." You whisper breathlessly. "The Mister will be mad at you."
He kisses the top of your forehead. Eying the clock on the wall. He really needs to go. "I'll see you tonight?" You nod, still catching your breath. "Okay, I'll see you then" He kiss your cheek and pulls away.
You wait a few minutes before coming out of where you two were hiding. Walking to the interns room.
Marcus was there. He eyed you from head to toes. "Hello." You say. He only smiled. He still had a bone to pick with you from the way you rejected him.
"So, are you coming to the game?" He asks.
"Yeah, I got tickets. Are you?"
"Don't know, still deciding."
You nod, not wanting to keep the conversation. You walk over and find Carlos waiting with the coolers with you.
"Can you be more late?" He plays with you.
"Shut up and work bitch." You joke.
"Hmmm." He shakes his head. "Says the one who was tonguing her boyfriend on the janitors closet."
"I hate you." You side eye him. He laughs and walks away with a cooler. "And he's not my boyfriend." You whisper to him as you enter the field.
"Okay." He pauses, thinking. "Your fuck buddy?"
"He's not my-" You hit his arm. "He's not my fuck buddy." You whisper.
"So you haven't fuck him?"
You blush at the question. You did sleep with him, but he wasn't your fuck buddy or anything like that.
"So you did fuck him." Carlos laughed. "If he is not your boyfriend then you are fuck buddies until he asks you out formally."
You stayed quiet for the duration of the training. Until it was time to offer the guys some water. Carlos was right. He wasn't your boyfriend, but you were having sex and doing things couples do.
"Let's go."
You walk over to the guys with the vest. It was easy that way, since they all stayed together to plan a strategy.
You are thinking still. They players are grabbing their waters and talking to themselves. You turn your head to the other part of the team.
Pedri was looking at you, you smile at him. Ferran sees this and decides to tease him. The others think it is just him playing, but it was more than that.
"Distracted much?" Raphinha asks, smiling at you. "You okay?"
You nod. "Just thinking." You say honestly.
"Don't tire your mind." Lewandowski says.
"Easy for you to say, you can take your thoughts away by playing."
"A piece of advice, if it can be solved then you don't have to worry about it. Think about how you are going to solve it and do it."
"And if it doesn't have a solution?" You ask Lewa.
"Then don't think about it." He smiles again. "If you can fix it, learn from it and move on."
You nod, thanking him for the advice. "More water before I go?" You ask, hearing Oscar blow the whistle.
"Noup." He throws the bottle back into the cooler.
You go on with the day, not thinking much of the situation. It has a solution, and you can resolve it.
You sit next to your dad for dinner. Texting pedri carefully that as soon as dinner is over, you will meet him up.
"I can't wait to see you at the game. I have a good feeling about it."
You smile, letting him and Nuria do the talking. You eat some pieces of your food, feeling nauseous and tired.
"What's going on with you?" Xavi asks. "You are not the type to leave food."
Before you answer, Asia decides to intervene. "She has the love syndrome."
Both Asia and Dan decide to make kiss noises and throw jokes at you about your love life.
"Stop it, kids." Nuria laughs. "Are you okay?"
"Si." You nod. "Just tired. Maybe I'm coming with a cold." You lie.
"Then take a seat next to the dog because I don't want to get a cold too." You dad jokes. Getting up to take his plate to the sink.
You roll your eyes. "Can I use your car? I want to visit Karlie." You lie again.
"No drinking and driving." He says, stern tone. "Please don't come back at like three in the morning." He throws the keys at you.
You nod, taking your plate to the sink and going upstairs to brush your teeth. You fix your hair before going back down. "Bye, I'll be here in a bit."
You arrive at his house. You two meet up there because you haven't revealed that your father is Xavi Hernández.
He kisses you hello and takes you to his room. He has some candy and Amazon Prime open for you to pick any movie you want.
The movie goes unnoticed by you. The words of Carlos and Lewandowski are taking all your mind. You grab the controller, pausing the movie.
"What are we?" You ask, very straightforward.
Pedri chokes on his gummy bear. "Qué?"
"What are we?" You repeat. Louder this time.
He's trying to think about what to say. He doesn't even know what you two are. You have no labels.
"Are we just fuck-buddies?" You ask.
"No." He quickly answers. "You are more than just that." He says.
"What more?"
He tries to find the right words. He doesn't want you to feel scared if he confesses all his feelings for you.
And he also doesn't want to run when maybe you want to walk. He wants to make you feel comfortable.
"I want us to be more than just friends." He says.
"We are." You say, serious tone. "We fuck, we kiss, we cuddle in bed while we watch a movie, you introduce me to your brother."
"Listen, Y/n." He sits. "I want more than that. I just thought that maybe you would be more comfortable like that."
"Huh?" He's confused. What do you mean why?
"Why did you think that?"
"I'm a footballer." He spat. "And to be honest, a Google search will show you that the media thinks I'm a fucking womanizer. Girls here and there when, in reality, I don't even go out to get groceries."
You smirk at that. He was a very home orienteded guy. "I don't believe in rumors, I believe you."
"And I'm happy about it." He grabs your hand and kisses it. "I like you a lot. You are not just someone I have sex with and then leave. I do want more."
You grab his face, kissing him. You wanted more than just friendship too. You wanted to move forward with the relationship.
"Ask me then." You smile.
He laughs, if there's something he loves about you is how straightforward you are. You are not afraid of saying anything.
"Y/n, preciosa mía." His arms hug your waist. "Will you honor me by letting me be your boyfriend?" He smiles, eyes shining.
You smile too, watching every detail about his face, the way his smile is reaching his eyes, the way his hair looks, the way he smells.
"Let me think about it." You joke, making him pull you down to the bed with him.
"Preciosa, venga, no bromees." He kiss you.
"I will honor you." You say, smiling like crazy. "I really like you too, and I'm happy right now." You laugh, grabbing his cheeks and kissing him.
You two spend the rest of the movie like that, kissing here and there, paying more attention to each other than to the movie.
"Wear my jersey to the game." He requests. "I want my girlfriend to wear my number on her back. It will be like a motivation."
You nod, smiling at him. You were planning on wearing it anyway. You wanted him to notice how much support he has on you.
You checked the time, it was past midnight. "I have to go. My dad will be pissed if I don't."
"No." He hugs you, getting on top of you. "Stay here."
You laugh. "Pepi, if I don't get home as soon as possible, I don't think I'll be allowed to go to the game anymore."
He sighs, kissing you quickly before letting go. He walks with you to your car. "Call me when you are home and drive safe."
"I always do." You say cocky, making him smile. His head gets in the car for him to be able to kiss you. "Adiós."
The game wasn't as good as you expected. The team lost, and with the loss, they gave Real Madrid the Liga trophy. Now there's only hopes for the second place.
Xavi was mad, you can tell by the look on his face and how he stormed out to the dressing room.
You knew this was a bad moment to the players. They all look sad and stressed. But you can't blame Xavi. They don't even work as a team anymore.
Carlos and you walk into the tunnel. You had access to those areas due to the security guys recognizing you from working there.
You wanted to wait to at least talk to Pedri, check if he's fine in person, and not over text. "I'll wait here. If you want to you can go."
"Okay, see you tomorrow then." You kiss his cheek goodbye.
You sat in one of the benches at the corridor. Checking your phone to see what people are saying on X.
You feel angry at how people blame your father. He wishes to be able to go into the field and play for them but he can't.
After all, he was a barça legend, and they are just teenagers and adults acting like five years old who can't make a team with the others.
Goundogan and Araujo fighting. Ter Stegen is saying Xavi doesn't need to call out players after losing a game. It was a shit show.
You heard the dressing room opening. Your father walks mad, his belongings in hand. You stand up and try to talk with him.
"Not right now." He says, deep mad voice.
You only nodded, taking a seat at the bench again. You want to do more, but you can't even begin expressing how much you this situation hurts you.
Some of the players began leaving. Some waving goodbye to you. Thinking you are there as a job and not just to watch the match.
Ferran walks out, head low and earphones in. You grab his shoulder. "Hey." You say even tho he can't hear you.
He takes his earphones out to greet you. "Hey." He sighs. "What a shit show, isn't it?" He laughs.
"It's okay, it's just a bad moment." You hug him and say goodbye to him.
"Pedri is inside, he's taking a shower."
You text him telling him that you were waiting for him. You walk to the interns room to pick something from your locker.
After all, that was one of the only rooms that didn't have a lock. You walk and see Marcus and Raphinha talking.
They both look at you, but Raphinha's gaze was a weird one. You can't pick it. Maybe it was his humor after the lost.
"I just want something from my locker." You walk quick and open it. "Sorry about the lost, Raph." You say, pulling the item and closing the locker door. "Bye."
Pedri texted you to meet him at the parking lot. He was out of the dressing room and walking over there.
You do as he told you. Meeting him there. He was inside his car, doing something on his phone.
You knock on his window. He opens the passenger seat door for you. "Hola." You whisper, not sure how to approach him.
"Xavi told us he's leaving." He confess. "And my family couldn't come."
"Pepi." You sigh. Hugging him and kissing his cheek. "I'm so sorry about today. If it makes you feel better, I think you played better than anyone else." You kiss his nose. Making him smile.
"Thank you for being here." He poses his head on your shoulder. "Want to go get something to eat? I feel like having something bad." He laughs.
"Whatever you want, guapo." You kiss him. Hands squishing his cheeks. "Let's go."
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"I feel like this season is just too much for us." He says, eating his fries. "We are falling apart."
"The whole Ronald and Gundo thing is just dumb, I will take Gundo's advice. He was in ManCity and they are champions."
"But I can't blame him. Maybe the delivery wasn't the best." He says, thinking about the situation. "And I think Xavi and Oscar weren't doing their best."
"What are they doing wrong?" You ask curious. He was one of the few playes that did what Xavi and Oscar asked him to do. "I mean for what I see at the training, he is giving instruction, explaining how to create opportunities and then at the game Lewandowski and Raphinha do the opposite."
Pedri wasn't surprised at your football talk, he find it amazing when you first gave him advice, and now he asks for feedback.
"You have the most assists this season of La Liga, and the majority of those were lost opportunities. At this point, the only thing that can save you guys is if Oscar and Xavi get in the field with you during the games."
"Bueno, if you put it like that, then yes." He scratched his head. "That water job of yours is giving you too much to fight me for." He laughs
"It's not my fault I can take the instructions better than your teammates." You laugh back. "But I know Xavi thinks you are one of the best elements of the team." You say, head over his shoulder.
You weren't lying. Your father was happy with him, maybe wanting to correct little things, but seeing the big picture, he was the perfect successor of Andres."
"I'll believe you." He kisses you. "Want me to drop you home?" He says, finishing his meal.
"My stepmother will pick me up from your home, she's just a few blocks away."
You still have to tell Pedri about your dad. When he told you that Xavi announced the possibility of leaving, you already knew.
He talked about it with Nuria and your siblings. Letting you know before anyone else, LaPorta, the players, the press.
"Why do I feel like you don't want me to know where you live?" He asks, curious about why his house was the only place you two meet.
"I do, it's just complicated."
"You dad doesn't know we are together?"
"He knows I'm with someone, but right now, he's dealing with work issues." You didn't lie. He was. Pedri knows but he doesn't know he knows.
"Okay, I trust you." He says, resting his hand on your thigh.
You texted Nuria, letting her know that you will be at his place in about five minutes, for her to pick you up.
Just like Pedri, Nuria didn't know the reality of your relationship. She thinks he is someone you met around, maybe at a party. Not a player from your father's team.
When you get the text saying she's outside, you stand up, ready to leave. "She's here, adiós, guapo."
But he has other plans. He stood up, grabbed your wrist and walked to the door with you.
"I want to say hi." He says. Walking hand in hand with you, happy to be able to meet someone from your life.
You stop, he will recognize Nuria if he sees her. "Pedri, no." You pull him to you before he reaches the door. "My stepmother is kinda delicate."
"Y/n, be honest." He frowns. "Tell me if you don't want me to meet your family. You know my brother and I want you to know my parents."
You think for a moment, you do want him to meet Nuria and your father. Not like his trainer, just as your father.
"The thing is, I'm planning a dinner with my family and you. And I want it to be perfect and for you to meet them calmly and not at the street."
"You promise is that?" He pouts.
"Let's do this. You have three days off for the next match that is on Friday. Let's do the dinner on Saturday so you don't stress about the game. Deal?"
He smiles, nodding excited about the idea. "Deal." He says, hugging you. "I was so scared of you being embarrassed of me or something."
"What?" You laugh. "Eres tan tonto, it's not that. You know that now."
He nods. Kissing your lips. "Go, she will get mad from waiting."
You kiss him again. Telling him a quick goodbye. When you get to the car, Nuria is watching you all smiles.
"What?" You ask her.
"Nothing I just love seeing you so happy, I'm a fan." She laughs, making you laugh. "I need you to tell me when are we meeting him."
"You are lucky, I invite him on Saturday, so your job is to keep my dad happy." You joke.
"Well, I have all morning to make him feel less angry if the game goes downhill."
"Let's hope it doesn't." You beg.
You can't deny you will miss working at the club when the season is done. You learned to like the job and you have fun with the guys, even with Marcus.
"I'm going to miss organizing this and stealing Gatorade." Carlos says. Drinking the last bit of the drink.
"Can't you get one at the store?" You joke.
"It will not be free. Duh!"
"You want to know what else is free?" You ask. When he nods you get close to him. "Our labor here." You whisper.
He laughs so hard that some of the players that are walking past to the camp turn to see you. "I want to know the joke, tio." Sergi jokes. "Also, if you can pack a purple Gatorade, I'll really appreciate it."
You pass the training talking about random things. Pedri was looking at you from time to time.
He told you how a little anxious about meeting your family. You were too, you hoped he would understand your reasoning.
"I don't know how you two haven't been caught. He can't keep his eyes away from you." He says, noticing how the canary looks at you every five seconds. "But to be honest, when we first started every player was looking at you."
"Maybe that's why they don't allow female interns." You laugh.
You finish the training between jokes. The few last trainings were always the best. The vacation spirit was hitting the players.
You returned both coolers. When you were about to leave, you saw Raphinha reclined into the doorfr. "Hello to you too, kitty girl."
"Hola." You say. "Do you want something?"
"Can't a man just get a talk?" He jokes.
You nod. "How are you?"
"I can be better." He walks closer, maybe a little too much for your liking. "I want to ask you something." When you don't answer, he decides to keep talking. "I got told a little story about you. And I'm interested in it."
You narrow your eyes, nodding your head to indicate him continue with the story.
"I know how hard it must be to work as hard as you do, with all this ahit show, organizing stupid bottles. Look, I don't blame you for what you do here. But someone as pretty as you can get better things from someone like me. No need to fuck old flesh for some cash." He says, posing his hands on your waist.
You push him away, "What the fuck are you even implying?" You have a stern tone. "Don't ever touch me again. You are disgusting."
"Such a prude now, huh?" He laughs. "We all know what you do. It's no secret. I'm just taking my chances to be the next one in line." He tries to get closer again. "I can fuck you better than him, let's be honest."
Your hand hurts from how hard you hit his cheek. Making his face turn. "Você é uma pessoa nojenta, fique longe de mim." (You are such a disgusting person, get away from me), you say, pushing him to get out of the room.
His hand grabs your arm. Pulling you back. "Você age como uma puritana, mas você é uma prostituta." (You act like a prude but you're a whore)
"You have a wife and a child." You remind him. "And you are here accusing me of something I don't even know about. You are disgusting."
"I'm not the one fucking someone from the club." He laughs. "You are."
"I held your son while Natalia, your wife, was using the bathroom. She was telling everybody how happy she was that she was visiting. And you act as if she's nothing. You dont deserve her." You say, taking his hands off of your body, "I'm telling you this only once. So you better listen. Don't mess with me because I'm not the one. You have no idea the kind of power I have. Stay away from me, or I'm telling everybody what you did."
He lifts his hands. Looking at you with a mad stare. You feel like crying, but you won't in front of him. "Move, deixe-me ir." (Let me go)
He moves to the side. You run, wanting to go home. You go to the interns room, searching for you things in your locker.
Your hands are shaking. You can't even get the key into the lock. Three knocks on the door got unnoticed by you.
"Hey, Y/n?" You heard Ferran's voice. "Are you okay?"
He walks over to you, and he places his hands on your arm and back, but you back up. "Don't touch me." You shout at him, moving away from his touch.
You don't mean to do it, but you can't even think straight. "It's okay, deep breaths." He says, hands motioning you to take a breath. "Yeah, that's it. Do it again." He says, he backs a little from where you are.
You take a few breaths, feeling yourself calming down. You hated the feeling of being uncappable of defending yourself.
"That's it." Ferran cheers you. "Here, I have a napkin on me. Don't ask." He hands you the napkin. You smile at his joke.
"I'm sorry for shouting." You say, voice shaking. "I just, I want to go home." You whisper, feeling the tears fill your eyes.
"Can I come closer and give you a hug?" He asks, you nod. He hugs you, one hand on your shoulders and the other on your head, pushing it against his chest. "I don't know what happened, but if you need a friend. I'm here."
You hug him back. You really needed a hug. "Gracias." You say, "Where did you get the napkin, tho?"
"I hide a cookie." He confess. That makes you laugh a little. "Hey, you laughed."
You separate from him. "Thank you, Ferran." You smile. He asked you for the key to the locker, opening the lock for you.
You grab your things. And he locked it again. "Do you need want to go? I can call you an Uber, I don't have my phone but it's in the dressing room. In my station."
You smile. Shaking your head. "I just need to find Martina and tell her I'm leaving." You say, walking to out of the door with him. "Hey, you wanted something. Can I help you before I leave?"
Ferran feels sad. You grow a friendship with him. You are someone very calm, and he can tell something might have happened for you to react the way you did.
"Don't be silly. Let's find Martina."
"It's okay, I know where she is. Thank you for helping me. I'll go by myself."
"You sure?"
You nod, giving him one last hug. "Bye."
You walk to the office where Martina is, she's always there with the social media manager. You knock to see if she was there.
"Come in."
You open the door, finding Raphinha talking with her. Both of them laughing and joking about something.
"Hey, is everything alright?" She asks when she sees your red face. "What happened?"
You lock eyes with Raphinha, he has a smirk, like if the situation was funny to him. You want to grab your bag and hit him.
"Si, I just want to know if I can leave early. I don't feel well and I want to go home."
"Oh honey, is there something I can help you with?"
"Si, can we help you?" He asks.
"It's just an allergy reaction, and I feel like I should probably rest a little." You lie, looking at Raphinha while doing it with a disgusted face.
"Go home and rest, if you want to, don't come tomorrow. I have those reactions, too, and it's the worst."
"Will do, thank you for understanding. Goodbye." You wave at her, walking outside the door, but you turn to say something."Oh, Raphinha."
"Lembre-se do que eu lhe disse. Fique longe de mim." (Remember what I told you. Stay away from me.) You smile. "Been practicing my Portuguese." You say to Martina, who smiles at you, not understanding anything you just said.
You went home, thankful that Nuria was out at an event, and you can cry in peace in your room. You turn your phone off, not wanting to deal with anything and just staying in bed until you have the strength to get up.
Ferran told Pedri what happened, the way he found you. He called you five times and texted you another few more. But nothing. You were mia.
He spent the rest of training worried about you. He wanted to know what happened for you to be crying and left early.
Once he's home, he can concentrate on anything, checking his phone every minute to see if the message was delivered.
That's when he remembered, you sent him over text your address for the dinner with your parents. Telling him that you did it because later on, you would forget.
He grabs his keys and drives over to your house. He didn't care if he looked imprudent. He needed to make sure you were okay.
"Y/n, are you sure you don't want to talk?" Nuria asks again. She can't help but wonder why your eyes were puffy and you were sad. "I won't tell."
"It's nothing." You answer. "I'm just taking a shower, just in time to eat dinner with you. Deal?"
"Okay, if you need me, I'm here." She hugs you. "I'm going to get some takeout, I feel like that will make you feel better."
You nod, thanking her and closing your bathroom door and taking a very hot shower. You needed that. You bring your alexa to the bathroom and ask her to play something while you shower.
Pedri was impatient, the traffic was making him bounce his knee. He wanted to be able to just drive over all these people.
He tries to call you one more time, with no answer. Your phone was still off. He wanted to know if you were okay. Just that.
"Y/n?" Asia asks, knocking on your door. "When mom returns, we will make your favorite brownies to make you feel better."
You smile, you know they want you to be okay no matter what happened. "Thank you, A. I'll help you. Just let me change, and I'll go to the kitchen."
You change into some bikers and a plain shirt. Or as you like to call it, your lazy outfit. You dry your hair, not wanting to deal with the freez later.
While your blow dryer is on and alexa is playing something in the bathroom. Xavi and Nuria got home.
"Marcela told me that it was an allergic reaction. That's what she said."
"I think there's more. Plus, she looks fine, not a single red mark on her face from allergies. Maybe talk to her later."
You finish with your hair. You wait for Nuria to be back or call you to go down. You charge your phone even though it's off.
You put your hair in a ponytail, completing the lazy look with your sleepers from a hotel that you went to a few years ago.
While you wait in your bed, Pedri drives into the community where you live, the security guy recognized him and asked for a photo.
He let him go past the gate since he was a known person. Thing that makes him laugh. He follows the gps to your street.
He parks in front of what he thinks is the right house. He walks over to the door and ring the doorbell.
"Xavi, please open the door. I'll go get the kids." Nuria says, walking upstairs.
Xavi walks to the door. When he opens it, he finds Pedri. "Pedri, tío. What are you doing here?"
Pedri is as confused as his trainer. He doesn't understand what happened and how he ended at Xavi's house.
"Hey, Mister. I think I got my gps confused. But it's nice to see you. Sorry about the press thing today. We were all confused and mad."
"It's okay, you guys worry too much about me." He laughs. "Venga, come inside." He moves for the midfielder to get in. "Are you hungry? We are about to eat."
"I don't mean to bother." He smiles. "I think when Lewandowski sent us the address to your home for lunch, it got overlapped with the one I was looking for."
"Happens to me all the time." He laughs, making Pedri laugh. "But you don't bother, honestly. Have some dinner with us."
Pedri agrees. He thinks this is a bad coincidence, but he will use it to maybe talk with Xavi before he leaves. Thank him for everything.
"Pedri, this is Nuria, my wife." He introduces him to his wife. "Nuria, this is Pedri. He's number eight. A good kid. I invited him over."
"Hola, that's so great. Please take a seat. Our kids will be with us in a moment."
"I'm sorry about coming without notice. I got the address wrong. I was looking for someone who lives in the same neighborhood."
The sound of children interrupts the talk. "Mom, did you get the brownie stuff?"
"Asia, come here, baby. This is Pedri. He is a football player at the club." The little girl waves.
"Do you work with dad?"
"I do." He smiles. "He's the best, you are lucky yo have such an amazing dad."
"He's cool." She says, looking at xavi. But he's not allowed to make brownies with us. He burns them."
"Are you making brownies?" Pedri asks. Trying to make conversation with her. "That's yummy."
"Yes, it's for my sister. She's feeling blue."
"That means you are a very nice sister. I have a brother named Fernando. When I'm blue, he hits me in the head." He makes the little girl laugh.
"My other two are somewhere in the house." Xavi explains. "Actually, how old are you?"
"I'm twenty-one."
"My oldest is twenty. Almost the same." He passes the plate to Pedri. "You probably recognize her. She's helping at the club."
"Really?" He asks, confused. "Didn't know that."
The laughs of a boy can be heard. Pedri is trying to remember if he knows who Xavi's daughter is.
"Reina, come here." Xavi says, waving you to come over.
You have your brother in your arms, laughing with him. "Yes, sir?" You ask, laughing.
Pedri feels how his body tenses at the sound of your voice. And you stop laughing once you see him sitting at the table.
"Pedri, this is Y/n and Dan. She works as an intern. She helped us with the water and stuff. "Y/n, I think you already know Pedri."
"I do." You say, putting your brother down, your eyes never leaving his. "Hi, Pedri."
"We know Pedri, he plays for barça." Dan says, making Pedri smile at him.
"Well, everybody got food. Let's sit down and eat." Nuria says, leaving the salad on the table. "Hey, you feeling better?"
You nod at her question. You wanted Pedri to find out about your dad but not like this. Not after the day you have.
"Y/n, take a seat." Asia asks
The only plate left was in the seat next to Pedri. You sit down, he looks at you. You are not sure what the emotions his eyes are showing are.
Xavi asks Pedri different things, talking about his family. He met Pedri's parents during one celebration at the club.
"So you two know each other?" Nuria asks Pedri and you.
You look over at him. "We do." You answer. You can see his smile. "When I got to the club, he was training after an injury, and I was assigned to be the water girl for that training." You smile.
"Yes, she was very shy and weird the first day." He laughs, making you laugh. "When she got moved to the whole team, the first times she just left the cooler and moved."
"I did not." You say. "Ferran and him were throwing water at each other." You say to Nuria. "I was scared of getting wet."
"I can admit I once used her as a shield." He laughs. "It was funny."
Nuria looks between you two. The way you smile at each other and they way you look at him.
The dinner went well. Pedri and Dan clicked in a way that any other guest at your house ever did. Asia invited him to make the brownies with you. Uninviting Nuria from the equation.
"Y/n, can you help me with something?" She calls you. You were searching for the ingredient.
"Si. Dan, please help me with the ingredients, okay baby?" You gave him the list of things.
Nuria and you walk into the laundry room. "Okay, confess." She says. Looking at you with narrowed eyes.
"What?" You asks, confused about what she's talking about. "Context, please?"
"I have a theory." She began. "Is that you are overly friendly with Pedri, and you are ten times more clingy and needy with your boyfriend. Or that we are going to see Pedri again at the dinner this Saturday, but not as the Barca Player but as your boyfriend."
You stayed quiet. Your silence was all she needed to confirm it. You just blush at how obvious you were.
"I also think it's important for you to know that he didn't know until today that Xavi is my dad."
"Y/n." She says, eyes widening. "How?"
"I asked Martina to omit the fact that my last name is Hernández because I wanted to just not be Xavi's daughter for once. I wanted to be me."
"I get it, believe me." She hugs you. "Oh my God, I'm so happy, you two look amazing together."
"You think dad would flip if I tell him that he is my boyfriend and that the job he got me to keep me occupied worked, but my occupation is not only being an intern but having a boyfriend?" You ramble a little.
"Why don't you tell him now?" She asks. "He's here. He likes him, and to be honest, I don't want to get all dressed up for something we already did but didn't know we were doing."
Nuria and you debate a little about the whole telling your dad thing. She encouraged you to tell him now that he is in a good mood.
"Hey." You say, walking back into the kitchen. "Can I talk to you? Nuria will help them." You guide them to your backyard. Seating on the couch you have there for parties. "I'm sorry I was gone all day, I just had a rough day and wanted to come home."
"Something happened?" He asks, worried. "You don't usually turn your phone off and walk out of the club."
"I don't want to talk about it, don't worry. I'm better now." You smile. "I'm sorry about not being fully honest with you." You say, referring to your family situation. "I honestly thought I was getting out of that job in two weeks, but I grew a like for it."
"And you stayed." He finish your sentence. "You tend to do toxic things. Have you noticed that?"
"Eres un tonto." You say. He opens his arms to you. You fall into them and snuggle your face on his shoulder. "Don't be mad?"
"Am not, I was shocked when your dad opened the door. I thought I was going crazy and that my car gps was failing." He chuckles. "Then I see you walking as he says you are his daughter, and all I'm thinking is now it makes sense why you know so much about football."
You laugh. "And all those things I told yo about him liking you more than the rest because you listen to him? You now can actually believe me."
He hugs you tight. He was so worried all day about you. "Ferran was worried. He didn't even bother me during training."
"You are welcome." You joke. "I was thinking, maybe we can use this opportunity to tell my dad about us."
"Don't you think it's enough off a surprise that I knocked on the door without an invitation?"
You were about to answer when a voice makes you turn. It was your dad on the balcony right above where you are.
"Creo que ya me lo han dicho sin decirme, chavales." (I think you told me without telling me, kids) he shakes his head. "Pedri, not only as your trainer but as the father of the girl you are apparently with. I think it's time to go home and rest for the game."
"Si, Mister." He shyly smiles. "Thank you for the food. See you tomorrow." He separates. "See you tomorrow, Guapa." He whispers as he walks back inside the house.
"Dad, that wasn't nice."
"Bring me a brownie when they are ready, we need to have a chat." He winks at you. Going back inside.
The game went amazing. They won second place on La Liga. It wasn't the worst, after all. Pedri scored two goals, giving a very nice almost end of the season.
"It was a good game." Carlos says. "I'm going to miss this so much."
"Me too, I like some of the players already, and I'm going to miss seeing you steal Gatorade for the gym."
"Shhh, I can't get caught." He jokes. You walk over to the interns room. "Wait, I'll go to the bathroom. Can you pick my stuff for me?"
You nod, opening your palm so he can give you his locker key. When he does, you walk to the room. You walk inside, grabbing your bag and Carlos things.
You text Pedri congratulations, and you tell him where you are. He asked you to wait for him there. Ferran and him will meet you there.
You heard the door slam closed. You turn and see Marcus. He has this smirk on his lips. "Hey, did you enjoy the game?" You ask, going back to your phone.
"I know what you are doing." He says, sitting at the table. "You can stop pretending."
"Qué?" You ask, confused. "What are you talking about?"
"I heard you talking with Carlos, telling him about your date, how his family was going to be there. And then I saw you walking out of that shithole, after being with him."
"Okay?" You smirk. "Why is that your concern?"
You didn't mind if he saw you and Pedri sneaking out here and there. You weren't going to hide it. Season is about to finish, and you won't be back.
"So you admit it?" He asks loudly. "I mean not that you are hiding it. Look at that Miu Miu bag. A girl like would only dream about it."
You look down at your bag. Bag that was a gift from your grandparents. "Why are you so mad if I wear designer or if I date someone from the club?" You were about to walk out, not feeling like listening to his crap.
"Raphinha was right, you act like a fucking prude but in reality you are nothing but a slut."
You turn to him. Was that what Raphinha talked to you about when he attacked you? "What did you just say?"
"And now you are deaf." He laughs.
"Is this about me rejecting your invitation?" You ask mad. Was he doing all that because you told him he wasn't your type? "Marcus, this is fucked up. Did you even know what Raphinha did to me?"
"Whatever it was, he probably paid you enough to get something nice, huh?" He says, getting closer. "Did you enjoy it?"
You back off, trying to get away from you. "Don't don't even know what you are talking about."
"You rejected me but decided to fuck a forthy year old dude?"
You don't understand nothing at this point. What he thinks you are doing. "You are confusing things, I'm not doing any of that."
"You just admitted to do it." He yells. You back a little more. "A married guy with kids, fucking slut." He yells.
You feel like you were about to start crying from the anxiety this is giving you. "I didn't do that." You yell back.
The door opens up. A frowny Ferran and Pedri walk in. Seeing the scene and how you are almost cornered up.
"What is going on?" Ferran asks. "Are you okay, Y/n?"
Pedri doesn't even care about answering questions. He walks over to you and shields you with his body.
"Back off." He warns. "No sé quien carajos te crees pero no tienes ningún derecho a gritarle, imbecil." (I don't know who te fuck you think you are but you have no right to yell at her, asshole) he's the one getting closer now, doing the same he was doing to you.
"Obviously, you two are defending her." He laughs. "Did he sucked your dicks too?"
Pedri doesn't need to hear anything else. His fist impacts Marcus. Making him fall over. "I'm not going to let you talk about her at all. You watch your fucking mouth."
Ferran grabs you by the shoulders, taking you out of the room. You don't want Pedri to get in trouble.
"Can you make sure he doesn't punch him again?" You ask Ferran. "I don't want Pedri having repercussions because of him."
Ferran nods, going back inside. You can hear Pedri yelling at Marcus. He was mad and the adrenaline from the game was giving him the attitude.
He was a calm dude. It's not easy to pass him off, let alone get physical with him. But today was Marcus lucky day because Pedri was not taking any shit.
Ferran drags Pedri out of the room. Mad face softens when his eyes lay on you. "Guapa." He hugs you. "Are you okay?"
"I am. Thank you for saving me." You kiss his collarbone. "I'm so confused about why he was yelling at me."
"He won't even dare to even come back after the break. And if he does, Ferran promised him that he would run him over."
You smile. Extending your hand to where Ferran is. He grabs your hand, and you pull him to the hug between Pedri and you.
Carlos, who is just coming back from the bathroom and sees that scene, joins without saying much.
"Why are we hugging?" He asks after a few. Making Pedri, Ferran and you laugh.
"Two goals, baby." You say, hugging you very sweaty boyfriend. "You did amazing. I'm so proud."
He smiles like crazy, his first goals with the national team, and you surprised him by coming to see his game.
"I played too." Ferran says, watching you and Pedro hug.
Pedro scuff. "Maybe get a girlfriend, capullo."
"Excuse me? Y/n, let me tell you that without me insisting that he asked you out, you wouldn't even be here right now." He leaves, pretending to be mad.
You laugh when you notice Pedri blushing at Ferrans confession. "Well, let's thank him." You say, kissing his lips.
"We can also thank a very straightforward girl who asked me what was the status of our relationship when we were cuddling in bed and watching a movie."
"A smart mind, in my opinion."
You two walk over to the interview side. Since he scored two goals, some news channels wanted him to give the exclusive after the game.
"I'm very proud, I can't wait for Germany." He says to the camera.
"How is your support circle? Will you have your family and friends at maybe one of the games?"
"I have amazing support, my parents, my brother, my girlfriend, my friends, and the fans who always motivate me to be better."
"Girlfriend? Wow, lucky girl. Imagine that the start of today is your boyfriend." The interviewer laughed.
Pedri locks his eyes with you. "Actually, I'm the lucky one." He says.
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gingersxng · 4 months
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pairing: f!reader x Mingi
Summary: from being an only child living with her dad and his new wife to the next day having your new stepbrother rearranging your insides
Genre: smut 18+
Notes: stepbrother mingi, dom!mingi, sub!reader, lots of kissing, cursing, fingering, oral m.receiving, big dick mingi, unprotected sex (always be safe), cum eating, cream pie, bulge kink, may have forgotten something I wrote this at 3am
Words: 1.7k
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you were just a normal college girl living a kinda normal life at home with her father and his new wife. you had pretty good grades but didn’t have a lot of friends so you usually spent most of the time alone. it was always a relief to come home to your room and crash down on your bed.
you had fallen asleep as soon as you came home and woke up two hours later by a gentle knock on the door and your dad telling you to come down for dinner. you rubbed your eyes and stretched out your body before you sat up and did a fast check on your phone, your dad had tried to call you several times and sent a text message telling you to put on some nice clothes and then he had a surprise waiting for you. you furrowed your eyebrows wondering what it could possibly be. well maybe you should get your ass up and put on some clothes. as always you opened your wardrobe and just stared for a couple minutes because you never had anything to wear. after a while you remembered you got a new black skirt and your paired it together with a black top and some silver accessories. you took one last look in the mirror before you headed downstairs. you were met by your dad, his wife ofc and a guy.. you felt your heart drop down to your stomach. “there you are y/n! we’ve been waiting for you sweetheart” your dad greeted you. the tall blonde guy in your hallway gave you a little smile which made your cheeks blush. “this is Mingi, my son” your stepmother said patting him on the back. “you’ve never met each other yet so we thought it was time” your dad looked at you with a big smile on his face. you gave Mingi a shy smile and went into the dining room along with the others.
your parents talked the most of the time while you and Mingi were quiet, you could feel his gaze on you and it gave you butterflies. your dad never told you his new wife had a son so this felt so strange somehow. Mingi were one and a half year older than you and you would lie to yourself if you said he wasn’t cute cause omg. “Mingi’s gonna move in with us” you almost choked on your water when you heard what your dad just blurted out. “t-that’s great” was all you could say. you felt your cheeks getting hotter and the butterflies went crazy now. you’ve only known about your so called stepbrother for an hour and had now become a blushing mess.
after dinner your parents went into the living room to watch some late night tv and Mingi went to grab some of his stuff. you had went back to your room trying to take in the new information and you seriously didn’t know what to think. you were sure things would get easier when you got used to all this but right now it felt like your whole life had changed. you could hear someone walking up the stairs and you knew exactly who. it was Mingi and he went by your room and into the room across yours to unpack. he raised one eyebrow at you before he disappeared. gosh isn’t he dreamy you thought to yourself. you decided to remove your makeup and change into your sleepwear before heading to bed, you couldn’t stop thinking about him and it bothered you like crazy.
the next day you woke up around 1pm and you’d got a message from your dad. they had went to some friends and would be back in a few hours. you put the phone down on your nightstand and went to the bathroom to wash up. when you got downstairs you heard a deep voice from the kitchen. “morning” you almost jumped a bit cause you had completely forgotten that you weren’t alone anymore. Mingi sat at the kitchen island eating a bowl of cereal, he’d just woken up too. “good morning” you said a smile forming on your face. there was some awkward silence for a bit, you sat yourself at the opposite side of kitchen island facing Mingi while you ate your breakfast. yet again you could feel him watching you and your heart skipped a beat. “sooo.. y/n huh? that’s a pretty name” his deep morning voice vibrating right through you. “well, thank you” you blushed. “doing anything today?” he asked as he gave you a little smile. dang that smile could make you melt like a popsicle. “nothing special, I guess I’ll watch some tv” you replied while putting your dishes away. Mingi couldn’t help but sneak a peek down to your ass that was covered up by a pair of very short sleeping shorts, your ass cheeks falling out of them.
you put on your favourite show and made yourself comfortable on the couch. Mingi decided to join you cause he didn’t have anything better to do and that would be a good excuse to be with you more. you were watching an adult romance series on Netflix, you loved those kinds cause it always gave you butterflies. Mingi was sitting beside you and he was on his phone almost the whole time. you felt yourself heat up when a hot scene came up on the screen. you tried to keep yourself calm but you couldn’t help but press your thighs together a little. a loud moan came from the tv and caught Mingis attention. “what the..?” was the only thing he said. he turned to you and couldn’t help but notice your state. cheeks flushed, thighs pressed together and bottom lip between your teeth. a smirk formed on his lips looking down at your thighs. “you like this show huh?” he whispered into your ear. you pressed your thighs harder turning to face him. he placed a hand on your thigh giving it a light squeeze earning a little whine from you. his hand travelled to the place you needed him the most, he began to rub small circles on your clothed clit. your eyes shut tight at the sensational feeling. your wetness were leaking through your grey sleeping shorts, Mingi licked his lips at the sight. “damn so wet already” he chuckled. you bucked your hips onto his hand to get some friction. he pulled his hand away and you whined at the loss of contact. “I think we should continue upstairs since our parents could come home anytime” he said taking your hand and dragging you upstairs.
when you got into your room and locked the door you pushed him down on your bed climbing on top of him. you smashed your lips onto his, you opened your mouth welcoming his tongue inside. his hands grabbed your ass cheeks giving them a hard squeeze making you moan into his mouth. you started to place kisses down his neck then lifting up his shirt to place more kisses onto his torso. his low groans made you clench onto nothing. Mingi watched as you went further down to the waistband of his pyjama pants, you brushed your hand over his bulge earning a moan from him. you pulled down his pants revealing his big cock leaking precum at the tip. your eyes widened seeing how big he was. he smirked at your reaction. you didn’t waste any time and got down on him starting to lick up and down his length before putting him into your mouth. the tip hit the back of your throat making you gag, he brushed your hair away from your face. “fuck, just like that” he threw his head back into the pillow. you used your hand at the base of his cock while licking the tip. Mingi fought the urge to fuck up right into your mouth at the feeling. you could feel his dick twitching in your hand so you stroked him faster and put him into your mouth. he let out a cracked moan as you felt him release down your throat. you went up to his face to kiss him letting him taste himself.
he pulled down your shorts and dragged his fingers up and down your folds collecting your juices, never breaking the kiss. he pulled out his fingers and rolled you over onto your back placing himself between your legs. his tip teasing your aching hole. “pls Mingi..” you whined. “so needy darling” he finally pushed himself inside slowly to give you time to adjust. you could literally feel your eyes roll back into your head. you arched your back letting out a long moan, you’d never felt anything like this before. as he began to thrust faster and deeper into you your moans started to sound like something from a porn movie. you put your hand over your mouth to keep quiet cause you wouldn’t want to take the risk of your dad hearing his daughter being fucked by her stepbrother.
Mingi watched as his cock went in and out of your wet pussy. he pushed down his hand on your lower abdomen feeling how deep he was in you. he hit your g spot over and over again and you could feel yourself clench around his cock and a knot building up in your lower belly. Mingi sped up his pace feeling how close he was too. “damn…fuck” he threw his head back, his big adams apple bulging out as you felt him paint your walls white. not long after your knot loosened and you milked all over his dick. he leaned down to give you a kiss, cock still inside you.
“guys we’re home! and we got takeout with us!”
“we better get down there before they suspect anything” you said smiling. Mingi pulled out grabbing a towel to get you cleaned up. “since we can’t date I guess we’ll continue to fuck instead” he said with a playful smirk on his face. you just rolled your eyes at his comment. you both put on some clothes and went downstairs.
“what have you two been up to today?” your stepmom asked. you felt yourself blushing yet again. “we’ve been talking and got to know each other a little better” you said looking at Mingi. “well that’s great! I hope you’ll get close soon” she said proudly.
oh if she only knew.
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bubblegyu00 · 4 months
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riize as boyfriends !
riize x femidol!reader
a/n: currently in my rum pum pum pah talk saxy era 😋
• shotaro
boyfriend shotaro and idol shotaro are basically two different people. the members have mentioned that shotaro is a bit stern and serious during practice. but all of the frustration leaves his body once he sees his girlfriend stopping by after practice. goes from leader osaki shotaro to clingy baby taro in a millisecond.
is such a happy pill to you, but when you go without seeing him for more than 24 hours, then you suddenly become sad and depressed.
his favorite pass time is to talk about you, and he has proven that many..... many times. the members always get annoyed when the room is silent he and suddenly groans " man, i really miss my girlfriend ". but the poor boy can't help that you're always on his mind 😕
he definitely loves to annoy you, but only because he knows that you won't get angry at him. he thinks that you don't get angry at him because you basically let him do anything he wants ( which is true ), but it's really because even though taro likes to tease,, he never crosses the line.
if you would ever be at an awards show together, he wouldn't even try to hide your relationship — meaning the boy is quite literally gushing over how good you look. pokes you in the side and giggles quietly to himself as he watches you stiffen and try not to flinch.
" shotaro! what was that?! we were live! "
" it was so funny! "
• eunseok
boyfriend eunseok may seem nonchalant and tsundere ( yes i used that word, what're you gonna do about it 😛 ), he actually cares about you so much.
is on the verge of tears when he's cleaning a wound for you ( it's literally a paper cut ). will help you do everything for the rest of the day like you just got out of the ER or something.
makes you laugh all the time because he just wants to see you smile. his life goal is to protect you at all costs, and treat you like an absolute princess.
loves loves lovessss when you play with his hair or scratch his back. he can put up the tough guy act all he wants, but the minute you offer to rub or scratch his back he'll lay right on your lap and won't get up for another hour.
and even though he isn't as expressive, he gives you compliments like no other. he praises every little thing you do, and compliments you on every single piece of clothing you wear.
" you look so good baby "
" i'm literally wearing pajama pants and a tank top seok..? "
" i stand by my earlier statement "
( are my daddy issues showing yet? )
• sungchan
boyfriend sungchan is so cute i want to throw a rock at him. alright that made sense in my head.
he's so so so in love with you i don't think he could possibly put it in words. he probably wants to throw a rock at you too.
like you could literally glance at him for one millisecond, and that's a kiss in his book. he still gets giddy over the little things like holding hands and hugging and it's just so endearing 🙁
sometimes he forgets how handsome he is, and only remembers when he gets a scolding because he didn't know a girl was hitting on him.
no but seriously sometimes the fact that he is so insanely attractive leaves his brain. and the amount of girls that mindlessly flirt with him — even though his girlfriend is right there — double the amount when he's at the gym.
so he dosent leave for the gym until he gets sprayed with a bunch of your perfume, has a picture of you two in his phone case, a scrunchie on his wrist, and a pink bow around his arm. ( the last one is just cus... why wouldn't you try to tie a bow around sungchan's arm?? )
" maybe i should buy you a shirt with a picture of me on it "
" or i could just act like i'm gay when girls come up to me "
" oh my gosh yes! "
• wonbin
boyfriend wonbin is the beginning of the sassy man apocalypse. i say this from the heart wonbin 🤍
no but it's really a good thing because you needed someone who would overdress everywhere with you 😋. he still has never overdressed you ofc, he knows his limits 😼
most people thought you guys were just this big glamorous couple who slept glamorously, went on big glamorous dates, and just breathed in glamorous air.
this, however, is a big lie. most of the time you had dates at home, in bed, eating takeout, and watching horror movies.
although wonbin is very very very very hot in every way, most of the time you just saw him as a guy who was born to be a cutie patootie, but was forced to act like the mysterious hot guy.
wonbin only let's you see the soft side of him because he can really open up to you, and you understand him so well.
if wonbin is ever having a bad day and won't open up to anyone, the members call you immediately since they know that you'd be able to calm him down in five minutes tops.
" go away "
" binnie, baby it's me. you can open the door "
• seunghan
boyfriend seunghan most definitely was best friend seunghan before you "accidentally" made out one night
your love language is annoying each other and pissing one another off <3
you two are most definitely the couple everyone brings over to have a good time. the both of you together is quite literally is the best combo you could put together for having fun.
seunghan will annoy you, but make it up with the dozens of gifts he gives you for no reason. you showed him something online? he bought it. you thought something was cute at the mall? he's already whipping his credit card out.
he's not necessarily clingy, but will be touching you most of the time just to make sure you don't disappear. whenever you're at a party, or in public, he'll have an arm around your waist just for reassurance. he does in fact think you'll get kidnapped if you're not in his line of vision.
boyfriend seunghan most definitely calls you the most out of pocket nicknames just for fun. he thinks it's gold comedy.
" i'm home cucumber! "
" how was your day tissue? "
• sohee
boyfriend sohee makes me want to go into a cuteness aggression not gonna lie to you. the biggest simp out of the seven.
has you as his lockscreen and homescreen, has your photo card in his phone case, your birthday is his phone password, and his password for all of his accounts is the day he asked you out. ( he's a bit obsessed ngl )
sohee is usually very smiley, but he never ever smiles as wide as when he's with you. you're the only one who gets to see his fully pearly white smile
is still really shy around you, but it's so endearing. like if you say "i love you" he'll say it back but his neck, ears, and face will be a shade of red. or if you kiss him it'll still take him a minute to calm down because he has the reddest face ever right now.
like shotaro, sohee talks about you too much too. but honestly he only does it sometimes to make them mad or annoyed, but sometimes he really does just to talk about his perfect girlfriend.
will make sure you NEVER eat alone. he just thinks it's so sad that his girlfriend would eat alone when she could be eating with him.
" have you already eaten? "
" yes "
" aw, i wanted you to eat with me "
" oh, i haven't eaten yet, what do you want? "
" but you just- "
• anton
boyfriend anton makes me want to skip around my room and sing " look at the grass, the dirt! just like i dreamed they'd be! "
he gets really shy when you compliment him, but will compliment you on every single thing you say or do. like he'll literally say you look perfect when you're in sweatpants, and it makes you wanna do cartwheels and swoon over him.
he will so lose it every time you dress up at all. like he's literally drooling with goo goo eyes and he will NOT leave your side.
he feels so small next to you even though he's literally a whole shaq o'neal 2.0. he still can't believe how he pulled a bad bitch like you.
his love language is physical touch, but he is too shy to make the first move. for example, when you're sitting on the couch, about to watch a movie, he'll keep his hands to himself even though he wants to lay on your chest and have you play with his hair so badly.
people figure out your dating because when he's on live he'll bring you up every chance he gets. like every time he reads a comment, he somehow finds every single one to have something to do with you.
" anton what's your tmi? "
" um, my tmi for today is that i watched y/n's performance at mcountdown in person today and oh my god- "
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lesservillain · 6 months
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alpha!eddie munson x omega!reader
cw: omegaverse, soul bonding, scenting, knotting, unprotected piv, breeding, semi public sex, pregnancy
an: part of the school days universe.
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Five days.
It’s only been five days since you started your newest substitute teaching job at Hawkins High School.
Well, scratch that. It’s only second period, so you can really only say it’s been four days, barely 9 am even, but it’s already been just as hellish as the rest of the week.
Monday started with you not being able to find a parking spot, having to park down the road and run into class. Turns out you were trying to park in student parking and weren’t aware of the back lot for the teachers to park in. 
Tuesday you dumped your coffee that you waited way too long in line for all over your notes from the teacher you were subbing for. Thankfully it was only the current week's curriculum and you were able to decipher the notes enough to get the gist of what you needed to be doing, but it was still a pain in the ass.
Wednesday your tire went flat on the way to work. Thankfully one of the other teachers, Mr.Harrington, just happened to be driving by and gave you a ride the rest of the way. You were able to call a tow truck to take your car to a nearby body shop that you walked to after work. You’re pretty sure the guy overcharged you for the tire but you were too exhausted to argue.
Thursday, oh Thursday, your students in your second period class decided that they weren’t going to take you seriously, making rude noises and disrupting class with unrelated questions, and randomly scenting just to get under your skin. This period was heavy with new alphas, and if you hadn’t been warned ahead of time, you could tell by the way they all behaved. The teacher you were subbing for was able to reign them all in somehow, but you were struggling with getting them to listen to anything you had to say.
So, naturally, this would be the class that would see your Friday turn into the worst day of the week so far. 
There was only 10 minutes left in the class. There had been some rowdiness, but not nearly as bad as the day before. You were so close to moving on to your easier classes of the day when a water pipe decided to burst directly above you, breaking the ceiling tile and completely drenching you in cold water. 
Everything was still for a single beat, until the silence was cut by the boisterous laughter of the 22 seniors who watched the incident happen in real time. After the initial shock, you yelled at them to be quiet, more stern than you’ve ever been in your life, and told them to read the chapter on their own while you called the office.
As you turned to go to your desk, you caught your reflection in the window and were instantly reminded that you were wearing a white shirt today, the deep magenta of your bra very visible now due to the state of your top. 
Embarrassment is one thing, but when you remember the morning you had, it just pisses you off more than anything. You had initially put on a blue top when you woke up this morning, but, on top of everything else you were dealing with this week, you were also having to take care of your fiance, Dave, during his rut as well, which was a job all on its own. 
He insisted that he wouldn’t be able to wait for you to get home with the pain he was in, so you let him get in a quickie while you were brushing your teeth. He also refused to wear a condom, telling you the pain would subside for longer if he could feel you. But, you weren’t falling for his tricks, and as soon as you felt his knot starting to swell you pulled away from him, ending up with his spend all over the back of your shirt.
Which led you to now, where you sit at your desk with your head down and your arms crossed over your chest trying to hold back tears as you wait for the maintenance guy to come look at the ceiling. You could hear the snickering and teasing whispers from your students but were too defeated to tell them to do their work. Only when you got a faint smell of cinnamon spice and warm smoke did you finally speak up.
“Whoever is scenting right now, knock it off before I write you up.”
Low murmuring and a voice quietly saying “it wasn’t me” to another student's accusation were the only response you received. But the smell only got stronger. 
Stronger to the point where you felt your body shiver for a moment. It made your body heat up in a way you haven’t felt in a while, your thighs rubbing together subtly under your desk. 
You lifted your head to yell at your students again, but was interrupted by a knock on the classroom door before you could speak. The scent was so strong now that there was no way it was from an immature alpha. that you felt dizzy when you turned your head to see who was entering your classroom.
As your vision settled on the figure before you, you felt like your breath had been knocked out of you. A tall man with beautiful curly brown hair and big, brown eyes took a few steps into the classroom. He was silent, gawking at you in the same way you must be looking at him. 
“H-hi, I’m Eddie,” he stuttered, being the first to speak once the giggling from the students brought him back to reality. When you hear his name for the first time, you swear you can hear bells ringing in the distance.
 “I’m here to check your pipes.” Another round of laughter fills the room, causing you to run your hands over your face and down to the back of your neck. 
“Guys, please—”
“That’s enough.”
The scent surrounding you peaks as a weight falls over the room. The students fall silent, but your head reels as you feel your body heat up. It felt like the beginning of your heat, but it was nowhere close to being due thanks to your suppressants. 
After a beat, the tension was interrupted by the sound of the bell. And just as quickly as it came, the thick hold on the room was gone. Your students quickly grabbed their things and exited the room without a word.
You fan yourself as you feel the fever begin to dissipate. Eddie walks over to your side, concern sewed into his features as his eyes searched your face.
“Are you okay? I didn’t think I had scented so strongly…”
“Gosh, yes, I’m sorry,” you say, shaking your head to get back into your professional mindset. “I’m fine, just a little stressed.” You introduce yourself to him, extending a hand to him out of habit. You see his eyes go wide before darting to the side, his cheeks tinted pink.
You suddenly remember the state of your attire and quickly curl into yourself again, spewing apologies in an attempt to save any respect that he may have for you.
“Hey, it’s cool,” he laughs your embarrassment off, eyes still on anything other than you. “Do you, uh, want something to wear over that?” He’s pointing over his shoulder, taking a few steps back towards the door. Before you can really respond, he’s gone, almost running into a group of students as they begin to fill your class for the next period. 
As your third period class enters, you tell the students to take their seats until you can figure out how class is going to go. A few minutes later, Eddie returns with his hands full and pushes a mop bucket into the room. He places a wet floor sign in the middle of the room to free his hands before he’s handing you a black sweater. You thank him quietly when you take it, vision drawn to the chunky silver rings on his…really thick fingers.
You pull the sweater over your head and are immediately dizzy with the strong smell from before, mixed with a faint smell of cigarettes and sweat in the collar. The well worn sweater with frayed cuffs was soft and warm, the Metallica logo in dark gray letters displayed across the front covers your shame, allowing you to finally leave your desk.
As you rise to your feet, you catch the way Eddie is staring at you out of the corner of your eye. Was he thinking about your wet shirt under his sweater? Why do you hope that he is?
“Thank you,” you say, subconsciously pulling the fabric to your nose for a moment. Eddie stares at you for a moment, sucking in a deep breath of air before nodding wordlessly.
“Yeah, no, uh, no problem,” he murmurs, breathing out with a huff, a small smile tugging on his lips. The second bell rings to signal the start of the next period, making Eddie jump and look around. “Oh, yeah, um, when is your free period?”
“Not until fifth period.”
“Okay,” he says, bouncing his head as he looks at the water still puddled on the floor. “Do you want me to mop this up now, or do it when I come back? I don’t want to interrupt your class.”
“That’s okay,” you say with a wave of the hand, “My next two classes are taking a test today. So as long as you’re not giving them any answers, you won’t be a problem.”
Eddie nods and gets to work, doing his best to stay out of your way while you get through your two classes. You do your best not to let yourself be distracted by him, keeping busy with grading papers and prepping your chalkboard for your last classes of the day. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t take little glances at him as he worked. Maybe you noticed the way the sleeves of his shirt hugged his biceps when he carried his ladder in between classes. Maybe you let yourself indulge in the flash of his toned stomach when he lifted his shirt briefly to wipe his brow. Maybe you stared at his ass while he picked up the broken ceiling tile pieces off the floor. 
In the back of your mind you knew you shouldn’t be looking, especially when you have a fiance waiting for you back home. You’re not even the type of person to ogle someone the way you are right now. 
But something about Eddie’s presence was making you feel…different. Domestic. Like there was a misplaced pride in his ability to do his own job. You wanted to praise him for being a big strong alpha—your big strong alpha.
One of your students hesitates at your desk as she drops off her test, pulling you out of your fantasy. She’s one of the more quiet students, so you ask her if she needs anything as she continues to hover next to you. 
“Um,” she pauses for a moment, looking over at Eddie just as he walks out of the room. She says your name quietly, leaning in a bit to whisper, “Are you and Mr.Eddie dating?”
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth to suppress the laugh that naturally pulled from your chest at the question. 
“No, we are not,” you answer. You tilt your head inquisitively, “Why do you ask?”
“Because you’re wearing his sweater. Usually people wear their boyfriends sweaters when they’re dating…”she comments as she points at the offending garment.
You smile at her, “I’m just borrowing it. I’ll be giving it back at the end of the day.”
She’s quiet for a moment, and you think that maybe the answer was enough for her. But she leans in to whisper again, “But why has he been staring at you all of class?”
A warm feeling washes over your chest at her words. Has he been keeping an eye on you? How did you not notice? Was he just keeping an eye on you or was he checking you out?
Before you could answer her, Eddie walks back into the room and your student hurriedly made her way back to her desk. You can’t help but watch him as he adjusts the tool belt that sets on his hips, a screwdriver being held between his lips as he does. As he grabs it from his mouth, you catch him looking at you for the first time. You wait for him to shy away like he did before, but instead he winks at you—fucking winks at you, before making his way back up the ladder.
The butterflies you felt in your tummy make you feel like a teen again. You don’t even know who you are right now. Have you just been so miserable in your current relationship for so long that you’re just happy to have another alpha’s attention? That can’t be, because you hate the attention that other alphas give you when you’re out on your own.
You’re not sure what it is, but as your classes end and your free period rolls in, you ask him if he wants to eat his lunch with you, giddy when he agrees.
“Is that seriously all you’re eating?”
Eddie pulled his ladder up to your desk and sat on one of the steps with a single large can of snack pretzels in one hand and a can of off brand cola in the other. He looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights as you scold him for not bringing more to eat.
“Here,” you hand him a container of some leftover mac and cheese you made from the night before, “eat this please. I think I have a granola bar in my bag, too.”
“Woah, there, sweetheart,” he laughs as you start rifling through your bag. “I don’t need you to feed me. This has been my lunch since I was in middle school, so I’m set.”
You frown at him, not satisfied with the lackluster lunch he wanted to partake in. “What if I made you a lunch? Would you eat it?”
The rosy tint dusts his cheeks once again. A toothy grin spreads across his face as he gives you a shy side eye.
“I mean, I wouldn’t want your food to go to waste, but you really don’t have to worry about me.”
Wrong. The more you’re around him, the more you feel like you need to dote on him. You want to touch him, put your head on his shoulder, hold his hand. You want to go home with him and cook him dinner and wash his hair and have him hold you while the two of you sleep side by side in your shared bed. Every sweet word he says to you pulls you in like a fly to honey.
And when your hand accidentally brushes his, you both take in a deep breath at the same time, and you know he felt the same surge through his body as you. His gaze meets yours, chests raising and falling in anticipation as the two of you wait for the other to say something—do something.
But something doesn’t come, because the bell ringing once again makes the both of you jump, not realizing how close the two of you had gotten. Eddie jumps up from his seat on the ladder, grabbing his pitiful lunch and booking it out the door.
His sudden absence makes you sad, missing him more than you reasonably should. And as you sit alone, with the shuffling of feet outside your classroom creating a white noise that lets you slip into your mind, you can’t help but think about your life with David. 
He’s supposed to be your alpha. The one you’ve been with since high school since you both presented around the same time. He’s the only person you’ve ever been with, never really desiring anyone else but him before. He works a good job, bought a house for the both of you, and wants to have a family with you, the latter being the only thing the two of you never agreed on, not wanting kids despite the natural instincts of your second gender.
But, as you think about the man you laid eyes on this morning, who has made you feel more in the 4 total hours that you’ve known him than you’ve felt in the last decade with David, you think you’d give everything you have up to be with him. It scares the shit out of you to feel that way. It’s as if something has taken over your brain and completely rewired it to be all about Eddie. 
Maybe the afternoon away from him would give you time to clear your head. Putting all your mental effort into your remaining senior classes, you manage to keep your mind occupied for the most part. You swear that you can smell his scent every once in a while, but convince yourself that you’re just imagining it. 
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As the final bell rings for the day, you plop down in your chair and just let yourself decompress. You begin to think maybe this job was something that was more than you’d be able to handle, that you’d bitten off more than you could chew. You’d been subbing for a year now, but this was the first time you’d ever been this overwhelmed after just a week. You could always go and talk to the principal now and let them know you wouldn’t be back on Monday. Someone else could deal with—
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. You roll your head to the side to find Eddie in your classroom's doorway once again. 
“Come to finish the job?” You ask tiredly.
“That’s one of the things I’m here for,” Eddie says with a nervous chuckle.
He takes long strides to your side, his hands in his pockets as his feet shuffle beneath him. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just…I just wanted to know if, maybe, you’d like to go out with me sometime?”
 You’re completely caught off guard by his request. A warmth blooms in your chest before promptly sinking into your stomach, forming into a solid rock of guilt and confusion. 
“I…I’m sorry Eddie, I can’t.” You should probably put more effort into sounding sincere rather than disappointed. But your heart was truly distraught at having to turn him down. 
“Oh, yeah, no, it’s cool,” he stutters, trying to play it cool as he takes in your rejection. “I didn’t mean to—I mean, I just, um, I just thought we had some chemistry or something…”
“Well, you wouldn’t be the only one who thought that. But, I have a boyfriend— a fiance, rather, and I—”
“Hey, it’s cool, I understand,” he waves you off as he takes hurried steps backwards towards the door. “Just forget I asked. Um, I’ll see you around I guess.” He gives you a weak smile before backing out of the classroom and into the hall again. 
“Yeah, see you around,” you mutter to yourself. 
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Before you could even fully turn the lock on your front door it was being yanked open, David standing on the other side of the door panting like he had just run a marathon. Without warning, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you inside of your shared home and something immediately feels off. 
The first thing you notice as you cross the threshold is that you can’t smell anything. The house has smelled like nothing but David’s musk since his rut started on Sunday, but now it just smells like your normal house. It doesn’t make sense, because he’s clearly going through it just as he was this morning. 
David’s nose scrunches when he finally gets close to you, almost immediately stumbling back against the wall to get as far away from you as possible. 
“What the fuck?” He scowls, looking you up and down with wild eyes. “What the hell are you wearing?”
Oh fuck. 
You were still wearing Eddie’s sweater. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you say as you scramble to pull the sweater off, sneaking one last inhale as it lifts over your head. “I had an incident at school and one of my coworkers let me borrow his sweater.”
“You took clothes from another alpha?” David’s voice was uncharacteristically stern, likely from the adrenaline of his rut. He’d never been an angry man, even with his natural alpha tendencies, but the way he was looking at you right now made you feel real fear. 
“I needed something to cover myself—“
“You fucking reek,” he says hand flying over his nose to shield himself from the lingering smell of Eddie. 
The fear quickly turns into annoyance at his insult. You weren’t about to deal with this attitude he was giving you, so you rolled your eyes and pushed past him, making your way straight to the bathroom to get cleaned up. 
After taking your sweet time to wash away the stress of the day, you emerge from the bathroom feeling refreshed. You’re surprised to see David sitting on the edge of the bed, face buried in his hands only to run them through his hair as you enter the bedroom. 
“I’m sorry,” is the first thing he blurts out, “I shouldn’t have acted like that.” You can tell he’s being genuine, and you can’t help but feel bad yourself. “I just, with the rut and everything, it makes me feel like the hulk when any little thing sets me off. And I’ve been feeling like shit all day while you were gone, so when you came home smelling like another alpha…”
“Shhh, it’s okay,” you coo as you take his face in your hands, the warmth of his fever hot against your palms. “I didn’t think about how it would have bothered you. I was going to give him the sweater back at the end of the day but—“ 
Thoughts of your day spent with Eddie floods back into your mind. The way that his presence made you feel whole, like a part of you that was missing all these years had appeared right in front of you and changed how you think about everything. It makes you realize that the sympathy you’re having for your fiance right now isn’t out of love, or guilt that you may have betrayed him. 
Rather, you feel as if you’re tending to a child that’s fallen on the playground. It’s nothing more than your natural instinct to nurture, to protect. Even more so, you realize it’s not love. 
“But…something came up and he left before I could give it back.”
He nods his head in your hands, letting out a small okay. You feel him pull at your hips, bringing you closer for him to rest his head on your stomach. You run your nails over his scalp, and he lets out little muffled moans against your towel in response. 
When he looks up at you, his pupils fully dilated and filled with hunger, you let him pull your towel from your body to gather around your feet on the floor. 
Your back hits the mattress and David is on you moments later. His kisses are soft, his gentle hands touching over all the right places that he’s grown to learn over the years of your relationship. 
He’s doing everything right, and yet you can’t help the nauseating feeling that curdles in your stomach with each passing second. Everything feels wrong. His touch is like poison, and your body is screaming at you to get as far away from him as possible. But you fight it down in hopes that this feeling will go away. 
It’s only when he aligns himself with your entrance that the feeling becomes too much. You pull away from him as quickly as you can and book it straight to the bathroom to empty your stomach contents into the toilet.
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The bell rings out just as you finish up with your fourth period class.
“Don’t forget your first drafts are due at the beginning of class tomorrow!” You call out as the students collect their things and make their way to the halls. 
The loud rumbling in your stomach has you quickly taking your seat at your desk, opening the bottom drawer to pull out your lunch. Over the last month you’d come to understand that eating in your classroom was the best option for your sanity, because if any time you left the safety of your room, you were immediately overwhelmed by the scent of Eddie. 
The two of you had barely talked since you turned him down. You kept trying to return his sweater to him, but it seemed like he was actively avoiding you, even if his scent lingered on everything he touched in the whole school. 
You felt bad that things had become awkward between the two of you. There was nothing you wanted more than to talk to him. You missed him in a way that you still don’t understand. 
“Hey, there’s cupcakes in the break room if you want one.” Steve’s voice pulls you from your sulking. The mention of sweets has your ears perked. 
“Oooooooh, really? What’s the occasion?” You ask as you rise from your seat, excitedly meeting him at the door to walk with him. 
“Teacher appreciation week,” he says with air quotes. You both roll your eyes, just thankful to be getting something. 
As you make your way to the break room, the two of you talk about your classes and what your plans are for spring break next week.
“We’re finishing up the baby’s room,” he says with glee when you ask. “We picked a really nice green color the other day when we were out. Did I even tell you about that whole ordeal? How we ran into her ex at the department store?”
“What? No! What happened?”
You welcomed the distraction of Steve’s story as it helped keep your mind off of Eddie. After a month you’d thought that it wouldn’t be so strong, or that maybe you’d get used to it. But every passing day it seems like it gets worse.
Before you could follow Steve passed the threshold of the teachers lounge, Eddie’s scent becomes amplified to the point it stops you in your tracks. 
“Woah, are you okay?” He asks, taking a step towards you. You hadn’t even realized that you’d stopped moving, your arm outstretched against the wall to steady yourself.
“Y—yeah I…” You feel yourself sway, a sweat breaking out as your body temperature begins to creep higher. “It’s probably just a hot flash or something,” you say as you fan yourself with your hand, “Had to switch my suppressants recently and they said that feeling hot could be a side effect.”
“Shit, let me get you some water or something—”
Before you can process what’s happening, you feel your body being lifted off your feet. When you look up to see who has swept you off your feet, you’re both surprised and relieved to be matching the gaze of two beautiful brown eyes, pupils blown out and almost swallowing their irises whole. You wrap your arms around Eddie’s neck instinctively, burying your face in his neck to inhale his scent. He shutters against you as you exhale into him.
You’re so overcome by his scent that you didn’t notice he had taken off with you until he’s shifting you in his grasp, holding you with one hand as he fumbles with his keys until he’s kicking open the door to…a closet?
He locks the door behind him and plops you down in a chair that sits in front of what you presume to be his desk. All around you are shelves of cleaning supplies, tools, and other random supplies that you’d not be surprised to be in possession of a custodian. On the wall behind the desk are a few band posters and a cork board littered with post it notes and work safety sheets.
“I can’t do this anymore.” 
Eddie’s frustrated statement grabs your attention as he stands in front of you, leaning back on the desk with a hand running through his hair. 
“Are you, like, punishing me for asking you out? Were you so repulsed by me asking you that you’re punishing me by driving me insane?”
It takes a moment for your brain to properly dissect what he’s asking you, the statement so bewildering to you that you honestly think he’s joking at first. But the hurt look on his face has you shifting forward in your seat, practically on the edge as you look up at him. 
“Eddie, no,” you plead with him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wasn’t offended at all…I don’t understand how I’m punishing you either.”
He scoffs, rolling his eyes before meeting yours, “You’re joking. You’re telling me you haven’t been scenting around the school to get me worked up? I swear I can still smell you in my clothes when I leave at the end of the day. I figured that since you and Steve have gotten all buddy-buddy that you knew he was mark bonded and wouldn’t be able to smell you, so you’d just been freely scenting to fuck with me for the last month.”
“What? If anyone has been free scenting it’s you! I try not to leave my classroom if I don’t have to because I can smell you everywhere. Every day I have to book it straight to my desk because it’s so strong it makes me dizzy!”
The two of you are quiet for a moment, both huffing after yelling at one another, you still feeling like you’re in a haze in such close proximity to him now. He curses under his breath as he stands, pacing back and forth in front of you as he thinks.
“You’re making me nervous,” you state as you watch him move in front of you.
He stalls, turning his whole body towards you but keeping his eyes down. 
“I don’t understand,” he grits out, “I’m definitely not scenting, and you said you’re also not scenting, but I swear you’re the only thing that has any sort of effect on me anymore. The smell of my coffee in the morning isn’t as strong, the smell of the oil leaking from my van didn’t bother me when I fixed it. Hell, I cleaned up puke the other week and your scent made it easier to keep my own lunch down.”
“It’s the same for me…” He looks up at you. “All the smells, I’m going through the same thing…But something else has changed for me, too.” You think back over the events of the last month, “I don’t know why, but ever since that day…I can’t get you off of my mind. These little fantasies run through my head with everything I do. Like when I go to the store, I think about what foods you might like, or when I clean around the house I think about you coming home and telling me that I did a good job. Little things like that, that I never really even thought about with my ex. At least, not in the same way I think about you.”
The tone of his voice has goosebumps running down your arms and legs. The room begins to feel heavy, similar to how it felt that day when he took control over the classroom. It felt like the air was being sucked out of your lungs and replaced with him. And every stride he took towards you felt like a bag of sand dropping on your back until you were struggling to look up at him as he moved in front of you, crouching down to eye level.
“What happened, sweetheart?” His voice is smooth like honey, pulling you in with his sweetness in a way that made you feel vulnerable. You couldn’t lie to him. Not Eddie.
“I couldn’t…he made me sick,” you start, “Every time we tried to…”
“Tried to what? Use your words.” The mix of his scent and the way he was talking to you was making the heat in your body travel straight to your core. 
“Anytime we tried to have sex, I would get sick. Even if I wanted to—”
“Did you really want to, though?” His head tilts to the side as he questions you, “Or were you just trying and failing to get me out of your head?”
Your body sways, his words have you feeling dizzy because he’s right. All of a sudden your clothes felt too tight, and the room was too hot, and you just wanted those big, strong arms back on your body. 
“Answer me.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, whenever I was with my ex, I wished it was you. But—but, not enough to make me sick. I don’t know why, it’s like my body was rejecting him.”
It’s silent besides your heavy breathing for a moment. Eddie stands once more, towering over you as he places his palm gently on your cheek. You instantly lean into his touch, humming in satisfaction as his leaves gentle caresses on your skin.
“I’m, uh, having the opposite problem,” he says with a hint of embarrassment. “I feel like I can’t…satisfy myself, but I’m constantly worked up whenever I think about you. Fucking my fist multiple times a day wishing it was your pussy instead.”
His thumb glides across your cheek, landing on your bottom lip and pulling it down before letting it snap back into place. Your lips part slightly in response, an open invitation for his thumb to push its way in, which he gladly accepts. He pushes it as far in as it can go, watching as you hollow your cheeks and suck on the digit before he pulls it out with a pop. 
“F-f-f-f-fuuuck,” he breathes out through gritted teeth. He grips your cheeks, not too rough, but enough to make your lips pout as he tilts your head back to look up at him.
Eddie searches your face for any signs of discomfort, but is only met with the half lidded, fucked out look your giving him through your lashes, brain completely empty as you wait for him make his next move.
Fireworks erupt under your skin as his chapped lips crash into yours with enough force to push you back in your chair. Every cheesy rom-com that you’ve ever watched finally made sense as you felt the electricity light strike in your abdomen and back through every vein in your body. This was what you’d been waiting for in every other kiss that you’ve experienced in your life. 
And, all at once, the sparks peak, before surging straight between your legs, a wave of slick gushing from you and soaking the seat below. 
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie breathes, looking at your lap with a pained expression. Meanwhile, your eyes are locked on the ever growing bulge in his work pants, drool pooling in your mouth as his blue jeans strain from the size of him. 
He lunges towards you, mouth agape to meet with yours before the sound of the bell stops either of you in your tracks. You hear a crack next to your head that makes you jump. When you look you see that Eddie has cracked the wood of the chair with his bare hands, muscles and veins popping from the strain. 
“Don’t go,” he begs, his voice low and gravely, “I can’t let you go again. I need you.”
He sounds so pathetic. All the still working parts of your brain start to go hazy at his groveling. He needs you. And you need him. 
The shrill sound of the phone ringing on his desk pulls Eddie away from you with a huff. His eyes don't leave you as he picks up the receiver, growling “what” to whoever was on the other line. 
As he listens, though, Eddie’s brows lift in surprise, followed by a Cheshire grin. “Consider us even then,” he says into the phone before he slams it back down. 
“W-who was that?”
He lets out a chuckle. He sauntered over to you with a dark look in his eyes, leaning in until he’s barely an inch from your face. 
“That was our good friend, Steve. He said he let the principal know you had to go home sick and got someone to cover your classes.”
Your breath hitched. Your mind was a whirl of everything Eddie you had almost forgotten that you still had classes to teach. You try to take a mental note to thank Steve later, hoping it doesn’t get lost in your mind.
“If that’s what you want, anyway. Could always go back to class—”
You surge forward, lips meeting his in a fevered kiss. “No, no,” you murmur against his lips, fingers tangling in his curls, “want you, Eddie. Don’t make me go back.”
What you don’t expect is to feel his hands grip you under the fat of your ass and lift you up from the chair. He turns the both of you around, using one hand to knock the things off of his desk before placing you on top of it with a squeak from you on impact, all the while his lips glued to yours. 
His hands make quick work with the buttons on your blouse and he moves down your neck, leaving kisses and little bruises across your skin. 
You feel him slotting between your legs, your pencil skirt riding up so his hard length could press against your clothed pussy. The denim of his jeans turn dark as slick continues to soak through your panties, your hips bucking against him as the familiar ache of your heat senses what you need only a few pieces of fabric away. 
As soon as Eddie opens your blouse, he’s ripping the cups of your bra with a force that causes your whole body to move, making your tit bounce in recoil.
“Of course they’d be perfect,” he groans, pulling back, completely enamored at the sight of you before him. His big hands grab and kneads at the flesh, taking your nipples between his fingers and rolling them. Your back arches as the sensation, and the drag of your sensitive clit against the denim only makes you moan louder.
Eddie pushes himself into you more, reveling in the feeling of you grinding against him and soaking his leg. He takes a nipple into his mouth and sucks, letting his tongue swirl around it. 
It’s all too much, your head spinning as everything seems amplified under his touch. Your hands scramble to grab the hem of his shirt, pulling the black polo and flimsily attempt to pull it off of him. You feel him grin against the skin of your breast before pulling off with a pop. 
“Impatient, aren’t we?” Eddie asks as he pulls the shirt over his head, as if he isn’t using every ounce of self control to keep him from completely devouring you. He wants to sink his teeth into you and never let go, but he can’t scare you off, not when he’s finally got you exactly how he wants you. 
Your mouth drops as his body is revealed to you. His slim, but built frame littered with tattoos you would never know he had unless you were to get him like this. Your eyes trail down his chest, his abdomen, all the way down to where his happy trail leads beneath his jeans. The urge to run your fingers through it takes over, your pointer and middle finger dragging from his belly button until they catch on his belt buckle, his stomach flexing under your touch. 
You grab at his belt, pulling him towards you until you can get a good enough grip to undo it, pulling down his pants until they drop to the floor with a thud. The boxers that remain sport a very large tent in them, and you swear you can see him twitching under your gaze.
His head falls back as your hand gently glides over him, rubbing the fabric into his leaky tip more, expanding the wet patch that was already forming there. Eddie watches you bring your fingers to your mouth to taste the sticky mess that you collected, your body going boneless when it hits your tongue. It’s like nothing that’s ever graced your taste buds before, making your eyes roll back in your head as your body craves for more. 
Watching the way you react to him is Eddie’s final straw. His vision tunnels, completely focused on you as the primal part of his brain takes control. Suddenly, he’s pushing you back down into the desk, manhandling you as he tears through your pantyhose, ripping your panties in half until your bare pussy is on display for him. 
Ducking down without warning, he spreads your legs apart and runs his thick, long tongue through your sopping folds. He inhales your scent, the bulb of his nose bumping into your clit in a way that sends zings of pleasure throughout your body. The tip of his tongue pushes its way into your hole, the thick muscle reaching as far as it can to lap up your sweet nectar from the source. Your hands fly to the top of his head, gripping tightly in an attempt to anchor yourself to this plane of existence while your orgasm rips through you. His name falls from your lips over and over as your vision goes white, blinding you with pleasure.
When you come back to your body you feel his hot breath fanning across your cheek, wet lips pressing into the side of your neck as he whispers sweet words into your ear.
“There she is,” he says once your eyes flutter open, “That feel good, pretty girl?” 
You nod your head dumbly, making him chuckle. 
“Can I make you feel like that again? Wanna make you feel so good on my cock, sweetheart. Don’t think I can hold back anymore.”
You feel the way he’s rubbing his tip through your folds, hand gripping at the base with all the self restraint in the world. The precum leaking from his tip mixing with your own slick creating a sticky mess between your lips. 
“Pleasepleaseplease,” you beg, canting your hips to match his movements, gasping when his head catches on your entrance.
That’s all Eddie needs to hear. Lining up with your entrance, he pushes his way into you. The stretch is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. David was an alpha, so naturally he was big, but this? You could feel every ridge and vein of Eddie’s cock as he buried himself deeper inside you. The way his tip pressed against your cervix sent a fresh wave of arousal through you and all over Eddie’s desk.
There was barely time to adjust before Eddie was pistoning in and out of you. His hands white knuckle the skirt still sitting at your waist, using it as leverage to keep you in place while he fucks into your tight cunt. Your hands scramble to find something to hold on to, ultimately settling on Eddie’s forearms as your whole body shakes with each thrust. 
“Ohhhh fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” you moan in tandem with every movement. Your brain gone, completely replaced with Eddie and never wanting this to end. 
“Fuck, Eddie, please.”
“What is it, baby girl? What does my girl need?” 
Hearing his voice, the way he calls you his girl lights a fire in your belly. You’d take anything he would give you right now. Anything he wants from you, you’d give him. 
“Want yo-o-o-o-ou,” you pant, “Oh, fuck! Want you so bad!”
“I’m right here, sweetheart.”
Eddie leans down, his lips pressing into yours tenderly. You wrap your arms around his neck, pinning him to you until he gets the hint, letting his body weight press into you until you’re chest to chest. His tempo slows down to a sensual drag in and out. One hand grabs at your leg, bending it forward to open you up for him more. He feels impossibly deep inside of you as his head bullies that spot deep inside you.
“Is this what you needed, princess? Just needed me to get closer to you?” His face is pressed into your cheek, eyes threatening to close as he feels his resolve lessening with each passing moment that he’s inside you. But he needs you to come undone on his cock one more time before he can let go.
“Yes, thank you, thank you, Eddie, mmmmm,” the words fall from your mouth with no thought, your only focus on the pleasure that’s building up inside you. Your walls clenching around Eddie’s cock like a vice as you get closer and closer to the edge. 
But, in tandem with your imminent orgasm, the dull ache inside you grows as well, blooming with a need that’s almost painful to bear. 
The breathy, desperate tone in your voice has Eddie pulling back just enough to look at you. A picture of almost pure lust, say for the concerning pinch in your brows. 
“I know, you’re so close, baby. Can feel you gripping me so tight,” he coos down at you. But you shake your head, trying your best to meet his eyes as you try to speak, willing him to just know what you want.
“Want it. Want it. Want it,” is all you can muster out.
“What do you want, baby girl?”
“Knot. Knot, please.”
Eddie’s movements still immediately, making you whine. He straightens up completely, looking down at you darkly, his frizzy curls a wild halo around his head as it blocks the light above. 
He takes a deep breath in, nostrils flaring on the exhale, “You know what’ll happen if I do that, right? I’m not on anything that would stop—”
“Yes!” You cry, too frustrated and needy for him to move again that you begin moving on your own, fucking yourself on his cock. “Eddie, I want it so bad! Please, wanna be your girl. Want everyone to know I’m your girl.”
Before you can react, Eddie is grabbing you and flipping you over on his desk, almost knocking his computer down in the process. Only a moment later do you feel him pushing back into you with one quick thrust. His hand wraps around the back of your throat, not tight, but enough to keep you pinned down for him as he fucks you. There’s no purpose to his thrusts other than to chase his own high, but the brutal fuck and anticipation of whats to come is enough to finally push you past that breaking point. 
The sound of your slick hitting the floor beneath you and the impossible grip your cunt has on his cock has Eddie following not far behind you. Just as you feel his hips falter, you feel a pressure building inside you, pushing at your walls until they’ve reached their limit. It’s painful, until it’s not. Quickly turning into an overwhelming pleasure, you feel yourself cumming again in quick succession as you feel the hot ropes of Eddie’s spend hit your cervix, filling you with an endless stream and then some. 
The pressure of Eddie’s body folding limply on top of you feels amazing, the skin to skin soothing you as your still hazy mind craves him. You feel his lips on your shoulder, trailing kisses across your back until he reaches the center, just below the base of your neck. You fully expected him to continue on, simply loving on your body as you wait for him to fully finish.
What you weren’t expecting was for his teeth to sink into the skin of your scent gland. The feeling of his teeth on you is startling, and for a moment you think about your high school health class, where your teacher told you that when you bond with an alpha it would feel like the chemistry of your brain would change. There would be an instant shift that would change everything and, and…you feel nothing.
Well, not nothing. Being wrapped up in Eddie feels like being wrapped up in a blanket by a fire on a cold winter night, like warm water on sore muscles after a long day. It feels like the pieces of the puzzle have all fallen into place. It’s not big or loud, rather, it feels like home. He feels like home. 
“Are you okay?” Eddie’s voice comes out muffled against your skin, his lips still pressed against your neck before he starts to rub his face over the gland. 
“Mhmm,” you purr, moving your hand to lace over his on the desk, the cool metal of his rings a stark contrast to your hot skin. “M’back’s a little sore, though,” you say as you can feel your body starting to ache from the position you’re in. 
Eddie pushes off of you quickly, almost pulling you with him as his shaky legs threaten to fold from how quickly he moved.
You push off of his desk like a cat stretching after a nap, shivers running down your spine as the shift presses Eddie’s still hard cock further inside you.
“Does it hurt?”
You look over your shoulder to see Eddie mesmerized on the way his knot has you over stuffed, feeling the resistance when your bodies tug apart. 
The wide eyed look on his face lights the flame in your belly again. Eyes still on him, you start to rock back and forth slowly on him. You’re barely moving with your limited range, but the way he sucks in his breath at the feeling only fans the flames in you more. 
“It doesn’t hurt,” you say in a sultry voice, catching his attention now. “Have you never knotted anyone before, Eddie?”
Brown curls bounce as he shakes his head. He swallows thickly, “N-no, I haven’t.” 
You moan out at his confession, clenching down on him. And he whimpers, eyes clenched shut as you continue to gently rock against him.
“H-have you ever been knotted before?”  He’s panting now. Standing completely still as he watches you fuck yourself on his cock. 
You lean against the desk in front of you, the edge hitting your clit just right as you start to grind against it. “Only once,” you say between huffs, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge again. “It didn’t feel this good, though, fuck.”
“Oh, god—“ Eddie’s hands grip at your hips to still your movements, and you can feel a fresh wave of his cum spilling into your already stuffed cunt. The pressure pushes you over the edge with him, a silent scream on your lips as your body shakes in his grip. 
He’s panting like he ran a marathon with a bruising grip still on your hips. It takes a moment for him to catch his breath, but when he does, he’s wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him. 
You yelp as he sits back in the chair and situates you in his lap. You’re able to turn your body on his knot, curling into him so your face is buried in his neck, breathing him in. Calloused fingers run up and down your thigh soothingly, leaving tingles in their wake. 
“Eddie?” You’re the first to break the silence. His head shifts your way, but his eyes are still trained on where his fingers dance on your skin. 
“When you bit me, did you feel…anything?”
The corners of his lips curl into a smile, like you had just told him a joke or something. 
“Nah,” he said with a chuckle. You almost felt as if he was making fun of you, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout. 
“Oh, what’s this face for, hmm?” He grabs your face and pretends to bite at it, making you laugh as you turn away from him. 
“Stoooop,” you whine, but your cheeks start to ache with how hard you’re smiling. “Are you making fun of me?”
“What? Why would I make fun of you?”
“Because I was being serious when I asked you about the bite! They always told us that it’s this huge deal to bond with someone so I thought it was going to be like New Year's Day in my mind or something!”
“Are you saying I didn’t totally blow your mind just now—OW!” 
You bite Eddie's shoulder playfully, giggling and kicking as he tries to get his revenge by tickling your side.
“Okay! Okay! You totally blew my mind! I give!”
“That’s what I thought,” he says as he lands a quick peck to your lips, making you feel giddy at the contact. “But I promise I’m not laughing at you. I’m just…” 
He looks down for a moment before meeting your gaze again with a look a lot less playful than just a moment ago. 
“Okay, I’m going to need you to hear me out on this, alright?” 
You nod, giving him your undivided attention as he speaks.
“So, like, I don’t know if you would even remember, but that day when we met, when I first saw you I heard these, like, bells ringing in my ears. And not like when your ears ring after listening to loud music, but, like, little chimes or something. At the time I didn’t think anything about it, but when I talked to Steve and my friend Nancy about it later, they told me that they heard the same thing when they had marked their partners.”
Your eyes go wide, heart fluttering in your chest.
Because you remember hearing bells so clearly when you saw him, too.
But how could that be?
“I know,” he says, reading the disbelief on your face, “It didn’t make sense to me either. So, Nancy, she’s really smart by the way, you’ll love her. She went and found some older books on, like, alpha and omega couples that talked about this thing called soul bonding? It’s supposed to happen when two people that are meant to be together like, imprint on each other and basically they can’t be with anyone else—” 
His voice trails off, coming to the same realization as you. 
“Do you think—”
“Yes,” you respond without a second thought. “It makes so much sense. The smells, everything with David, why I can’t stop thinking about you—Fuck, I’ve only been able to get myself off if I’m wearing your sweater!”
Eddie twitches inside you again, his face a bright red at your admission.
“You’ve been wearing my sweater?” He teases with a raised brow. You nod, not seeing any point in lying about it now.
“I like to sleep in it,” you say as you snuggle into him more, “It feels like I’m sleeping with your arms around me.”
“Mmmm, I think I could do you one better. How ‘bout I let you experience that first hand?”
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“You don’t think this is too soon, do you?
Eddie places a box labeled “work clothes” on top of his nightstand, reaching a hand out for you to hand him another hanger from the pile on top of his bed—now both of your bed, as he continues to hang your clothes for you.
“Sweetheart,” he sing-songs to you, “how is this going to be any different than the last two months?”
Since your first encounter in his office at work, the two of you have been attached at the hip ever since. You’d spent almost every night at his trailer, only staying at your parents house once to watch their dog while they went out of town for the weekend. 
The chemistry between you and Eddie felt unreal at times, like you were going to wake up from a dream and he would be gone. Outside of his work clothes, some may say he looked a little intimidating, but he was the biggest sweetheart you’ve ever met. And when you got to meet his uncle, Wayne, a few weeks ago, you could tell where he got his chivalry from.
“I know, it’s just all so new for me,” you sigh, falling back onto the bed with a huff.
“It’s new for me, too, but in a good way.” You could hear his smile even with his back turned to you. “Besides, this place could use a little feminine touch.” 
He turns to face you, taking one big step to bump his legs into yours.
“No kidding, it looked like a college dorm in here,” you say with an eye roll, thinking about the mismatched furniture and band posters he had taped to the wall.
“Well, this college dorm is about to graduate, move on to bigger and better things in life.”
“Like being baby proofed?”
Eddie hums, lowering himself down onto his knees in front of you. You prop yourself up, shifting your legs apart so he can settle himself between them, arms wrapping around your middle as his head rests on your tummy. 
“I’m glad Wayne talked me into getting a two bedroom when I was looking around. I thought all I’d ever need was enough for me, but I guess the universe works in mysterious ways,” he says the last part with exaggerated mysticism, and you tug at his hair playfully at his unseriousness. 
“Mmm, baby do that again.”
“Oh, my god, whatever.” You roll your eyes, thinking he’s being playful, but the bedroom eyes and parted lips say otherwise. 
And soon after his hips are rolling into yours. Sweaty bodies intertwined as he splits you open, your heightened senses from the pregnancy hormones making it so easy for Eddie to keep you cumming for him. 
“Come on baby, you got one more for me?”
“Can feel you squeezin’ me.”
“That’s my good girl.”
And you cum again and again and again, losing track as Eddie’s thumb works on your clit in sync with his thrusts. 
He wishes he could do this forever. Watching you fall apart on his cock has to be the greatest thing he’s ever witnessed. His eyes land on your non-existent bump, imagining how big it's going to look in just a few months with his baby inside you.
“Can’t wait til you get all big, sweetheart. Gonna show you off everywhere we go,” he picks up speed, his rhythm starting to falter, “Want everyone to know you’re mine, always. Gotta keep you like this. Keep you pregnant so no one— oooooooh fuck! So no one takes you from me.”
“All yours, Eddie,” you babble out, completely brainless, “Love you. Only you.”
“Haaaahh, shit,” his head rolls back, and you can feel him cumming deep inside you. His hips slow down to a stop before he’s pulling out and landing on his back next to you.
You’re immediately cuddling up next to him, your head raising up and down against his chest. His arm curls around you, pulling you into him more so he can kiss the top of your head.
“I love you, too, by the way.”
You snap your head to look at him. “What?”
“You said “love you,” and I’m saying I love you too.”
“I did?”
“Did you not mean it?’
He looks down at you expectantly, waiting for your answer. But you don’t really have to think too hard to come up with the answer.
“Yeah, I love you.”
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thank you for reading.
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Random steddie thought of the day:
Eddie is shocked to find out that when Steve turned eighteen whenever his parents weren't in town, he'd go to the nearest big city and make out with guys. He wouldn't call it sex, though he did get off a lot, but nothing went into any holes so he doesn't think it counts. He's always super careful, he knows there is a pandemic going on.
But he doesn't go as Steve, he goes as (insert middle name here, I went with Linus) an alter ego of his. The rich preppy clothes are gone, the expensive hair products and anything thing that might scream STEVE HARRINGTON is gone. He slicks back his hair and wears a baseball cap.
All his clothes are thrifted, even down to the watch and shoes. He borrows Robin's parents' car so no one recognizes the Bimmer.
He wears cropped tops and booty shorts, he does everything he can to become someone else.
So when Robin tells Eddie this, she tells him that Steve doesn't date these guys, he's never wanted to allow them into his life and the fact that he's is seriously considering it with Eddie is a HUGE deal.
Only Eddie is a little hung up on a guy he met in Indy. So beautiful and funny. He doesn't remember the guy's name or if he ever got it. But he fell in love with this guy just a little bit.
So to cover up for the fact that he's an idiot, he tells Robin there is no way that Steve could become someone else. He's just too Steve.
So one night when the older teens have had a little too much to drink, a little too much weed, Robin convinces Steve to become Linus to prove to Nancy, Jonathan, and Eddie that Steve isn't the dumb jock everyone says he is.
So Steve drunkenly stumbles away to go get ready and the other teens get a little more stoned, so Eddie might be a little excused when he freaks out when Steve steps out as his dream guy.
Everyone else is laughing and cheering Steve on, but Eddie is instantly sober. And he has very mixed feelings about this. Because on the one hand, he knows who his dream guy is and the real person is every bit as wonderful as he remember, if not more so. But at the same time he feels disappointed Steve didn't remember him, didn't remember the night they shared together. And that hurts.
Steve notices that Eddie isn't laughing and tugs at the hem of his crop top nervously. And that shatters something in Eddie. That this beautiful boy just wants to be loved and fucking hell, he can do that. He walks up to Steve and runs his fingers through his hair to fluff it back out again so that it's Steve again.
Steve gasps at the motion and his eyes meet Eddie's. "Baby?"
This time it's Eddie's turn to gasp. "You do remember?" Baby is what Eddie would go by when he was just looking for a hook up. When men would ask his name, he'd tell them they could just call him their baby.
Steve chewed his bottom lip. "A little. I won't lie and say that a lot of that time didn't just blended together. But I remember how safe I felt with you."
"God damn it, Stevie," Eddie cursed, "you are my high school crush, the man of my dreams, and my rescuer and protector, what chance did I have against all that? I love you."
Steve leans forward and they start kissing. It's a while before they come up for air, but when they do they find that the other three had gone home because they didn't want to witness what will most likely come next.
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arcadia345 · 1 year
Astro notes💋🥀
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Just my observations :)🔞
♡ Scorpio mercury or degree is the definition of elephant in the room, it’s like they try their best to make you uncomfortable with their words , on the brighter side I love how deep their minds are
♡Saturn in the 6th/2nd could go a long time without eating and not even notice
♡ One of my friends had a baby today(Aries moon) and she’s already threatening people not to play with her child💀 cute tho
♡ I feel like the only Libra placement that doesn’t try to be likable is Libra moons, their personality is so lovely for the most part☺️ I’ve only met men with this placement and WHEW they are sooooooo charming🥴
♡ I’ve noticed guys with Venus conjunct their sun can come off a little ✨ even if they’re not they’re just in touch with their feminine side. Also guys with Venus conjunct moon could have this energy as well just more subtle
♡ Aquarius in 7th will always give black sheep energy, no matter how “popular” they are it’s always something that differentiates them from everyone else, could be known for doing questionable things
♡ Taurus season I see lots of people getting lip piercings but lots of new tats and piercings in general
♡ 11th house has to do with hopes and dreams, mars is your passion and drive, having mars in 11th synastry with someone with someone could mean having fantasy’s about them,being fwb, or being friends with someone but wanting to be more. Me and my friend both have this synastry and the tension is HIGH especially with her Jupiter conjunction to my mars🥴
♡It’s not surprise Saturn babies look soo good in slicked back hairstyles since it rules hair and restrictions
♡Also they weren’t joking when they said prominent Saturn placements could make you a pothead😳 I thought I was a smoker but whew they SMOKE 💨
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♡ Aries moon moms are so PUSHY. They’re always trying to dictate your emotions like your not your own human then get insecure when you cut contact with them. And she never takes your emotions seriously till you act out of character, It’s like she never wants you to rest so draining. Also they can be intimidating/scary in a way especially from the stories the Aries moon child shares about them😅 did they lie tho?
♡ Scorpio moons could also resonate but I feel like with Aries moms(sidereal Pisces moon)there’s a innocence to it like they truly don’t recognize their toxic traits until you confront them about it but with Scorpio moon’s mom (sidereal Libra moon) they KNOW exactly what they’re doing when they manipulate. And other people could easily alter ur mother’s perception of you, very wishywashy. They type to be jealous of their kids especially if they have a daughter
♡ Chiron in 12th could get accused of things they didn’t do allll the time , it gets to a point where they don’t even try to defend themselves anymore cause it’s like no one listens why waste your energy 😭 a good example is Micheal Jackson
♡ Gemini moon children have moms that don’t hold back🥴 very blunt especially with some Aries energy added
♡ I giggle every time I remember Park Jimin has a Gemini moon I just know he has the best comebacks and inside jokes😂 (Jimin if you’re seeing this let’s be friends plz😆)
♡ I’ve noticed with Virgo moons children may see one parent more fit to be a parent than the other at some point in their life. Doesn’t mean the other is a shitty parent or anything but if they had to decide to live with one of them they’ll already know who😹
♡ Also Virgo placements why do y’all constantly complain about something you could easily solve? I see this more in undeveloped Virgo placements
♡ Leo moon children could have mothers that are selfish in one way or another, wheither it be their time, money, or love
♡Jupiter in 3rd (natal and transit) what is home? I’ve been to so many places in my city that I didn’t know existed, I also got a 🍕 delivery job so I’m on the go all the time, but since my natal Jupiter is in my 8th it’s kinda a darker transit for me- I literally hit and ran two people in counting 😭 (I’m not even a bad driver they happened on the same week!🙄) communication especially over the phone has been vile omg the amount of times I’ve been cussed out by strangers otp is crazy. Also I’ve lost old friends /gained new one
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That’s all for now💋
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erwinsvow · 15 days
ive been rereading ur bitchy reader stuffs n pleek do more of the pope cameo.. HER SAYING DICK APPT WHEN RAFE COMPLAINED ABT HER HAVING POPES NUMBER MADE ME GIGGLE OUT LOUD pretty please give us more of them 🤲
i imagine her being pissed off at rafe so she keeps giving him the cold shoulder and when he asks something she’d just go “maybe i should’ve gone to heywards instead he wont treat me like this 🙄” BUT ITS SO FUNNY KNOWING SHE DOESNT LIKE POGUES !!!!
LMFAOOO THIS IS KILLING ME!! one thing about my readers, their secret pogue crush is always gonna be pope <3
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one thing you had in common with rafe—despite the glaring differences that were so hard to ignore—was that you both didn't care much for pogues.
that was putting it lightly, rafe despised them and you just didn't like them. but some were more tolerable than others—for example, the maybank boy who seemed to you the equivalent of a toddler with sticky hands versus pope heyward, who used to tutor in math. you don't know why or how they're friends, just that you like pope enough to be friendly, or rather polite, and you definitely don't like maybank enough to even think about him.
rafe didn't like any of them, and you didn't really care. you weren't in the habit of defending pogues, and certainly not when you were constantly trying to remind sarah to stay away from them, even though she never listened.
but seeing how angry rafe seemed to get at the mere mention was enough to give you some ideas. when you had jokingly—although now you remember you hadn't really ever clarified—said that you had pope's number because of dick appointments, rafe had gotten so angry it had resulted in the best sex of your life.
you were curious to know what else you could get out of it. unfortunately, your curiosity didn't last for very long. rafe pissed you off just as much as you pissed him off, and though these thoughts were often in one ear and out the other for you.
like today. you had been waiting for twenty whole minutes at the club for rafe, who had insisted he would be on time even though you knew he would probably run late since he was coming from barry's—all the way across town.
all he had to do was admit it, and you would have come later, but instead he had told you to show up at noon and that he wasn't going to be late.
normally you would show up at half past and just tell him to fuck off, but if he really was on time you would never hear the end of it. so you showed up on time and waited... and waited.
rafe finally shows up about forty minutes later, and you stare at him with your signature look—eyes rolling back, an i-told-you-so expression with arms crossed. you could make it more withering if you wanted, but right now you just wanted to hear rafe admit he was wrong.
"shut the fuck up," he says, taking a seat the table. your half drunken diet coke has left a ring of condensation, and you move the cup towards you, wondering how you'd become the kind of girl that waits forty minutes for a guy to show up.
"first of all, i didn't even say anything. second of all, you shut the fuck up. i'm the one who was forty-fucking-minutes late."
"it took longer-"
"longer than you thought? yeah, i said that. yesteday."
"well m'here now, so just order."
you huff, scanning the menu and not sure exactly what retort to use. instead you settle for shutting up entirely, not speaking to rafe the entire time. the waitress comes and goes, the food comes and goes, and you look up when rafe speaks but don't say anything back.
rafe thinks you'll give it up once lunch is over, but you grew up in a household where an hour of silent treatment is child's play. so the car ride to tannyhill, throughout the movie you put on and when you walk away to make popcorn, you haven't said a word.
while the movie credits roll, you look down at your phone, waiting for your apology and deciding when to leave if you don't get it.
"are you seriously gonna ignore me the entire day?"
you stare at rafe, not answering. this is your withering look.
"fine, princess. your choice," rafe shrugs. "finally got you to shut up for once."
you take a moment for his words to really hit you. like any other girl in the world, that comment from your boyfriend hurts a little. it even stings. you don't like the words in the air and you can even tell it left a bitter taste in rafe's mouth. he looks like he's just realizing he overstepped a little. then, for the first time since you saw rafe that day, you speak.
"you know, it's a good thing i didn't delete heyward's number from my phone. times like this i realize how handy it can be."
"what the fuck is th-"
"i mean, really, rafe. even these pogues you hate so much would treat me better than you do. i should go call him up now-"
"okay, princess i get it-"
"bet he'd probably fuck me better than-"
"okay, enough. jesus, i get it. m'sorry, okay? can you knock it off now?"
"i'm not knocking anything off. and you can go fuck yourself if you can't apologize for a little thing like being late-"
"i'm sorry, okay? now can you stop talking about pope fuckin' heyward?" you huff, finally a little pleased he apologized.
"thank you. was that so hard?"
"oh shut up-"
"you shut up. and don't be late again. or i'll show you fuckin' heyward-"
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