#to be realistic i just dont think i could do a winter island right now! gonna try and see with this season and if it works i’ll post more💛
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nordsea-horizons · 8 months ago
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working on new things..☁️☁️
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pbandjesse · 4 years ago
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Another day I went home early. I wish I could just stay home. I wish they would just put us in lockdown again. I watched the Governer's press conference and it was infuriating. Said all the things that are going bad but didnt put in any more restrictions. Its ridiculous. But besides that today wasnt a bad day at all. 
I slept alright. I woke up a few times because I keep losing all my blankets and then Im cold. But it wasnt bad sleep. Getting up was just a little hard. 
I got up and dressed and while my hair was a little bit weird today, I felt cute. I packed up my craft bag and James packed my breakfast. And off I went. 
It was drizzling a little when I left but it was a pretty day. Just very cold. But thats alright. I should have worn a scarf by I had my cashmere sweater on and that was great. I just hate that it needs to be drycleaned. 
Another day with no kids. They think everything will be back to normal for the most part tomorrow. Well see. I spent the morning cleaning and writing up a plan for activities if the kids dont have access to their work but still come. But well see. A family called today but when we told them we couldnt help with the computer and so they decided to stay home. 
So I spent the morning sewing. I finished 4 frogs. I did some typing. I made my shop posts. And then it was 1030 and I was bored!!! I was alone and I wanted to go home. 
So I talked to Clifford and he said he thought he could handle the crowds of people and that tomorrow hopefully we would be back to normal. Silly man. We actually had a really nice conversation first thing this morning. He's a really nice person and really smart. 
I headed out though. And it was cold but beautiful. And so I decided I would get five guys and take a drive. And thats what I did. 
I got my food and ate in the car. Listened to a silly podcast.  It was a nice time. 
I ended up driving to a goodwill I had never been to and it was pretty good. I got another house shelf. I would start to paint that and the other one to match the one mom got for me later tonight. I also got a book about cute mobile homes and 2 adorable winter dresses. One is grey with long sleeves and the other in like a black plaid with a keyhole chest detail. Both are so cute. 
I wandered around there for a bit though. And when I was done I decided I would go home. And was back around 1230.
Lana called me and we talked about how we had no kids. And how a lot of staff had been leaving early but apparently some sites were complaining because the contract is for us to be there all day. Even if there are no kids. Which is so batshit I wasnt even going to argue. But my site isnt one that complained so Im not to worried. Like honestly who cares. Well have kids again and then I will have purpose again. 
James was still home. And he showed me some games he bought for us. I played animal crossing for a few minutes. Its december and were getting ready for "Toy Day" on the island. I am said our dog, Bones, moved, but tomorrow my new sheep will be there and Im excited for that. 
Soon James had to leave for work though. I got myself into some work. Some cleaning. I was just in a good mood. 
I decided I was going to donate all my profits from black friday to something and found that very serendipitously and then I was on a "I Dontated Money" high. Just all cheery. I love that feeling. I dont know how rich people arent always doing it because it feels great. 
 So I was in a great mood. And I did some painting of the house shelves and was in a good mood until the stupid press conference. I just want us to all get $3000 and be put in lockdown. Its soo stupid. Its so frustrating. And then I went on twitter to see reactions and morons were just upset that the new health director said we need to make masks the new normal and they were like. NEVER!!!! Ugghhh. 
I had the other half of my sushi burrito for dinner. I made sweetP a new collar. Still cant find his ID so Im looking into ordering a new one on ebay but Im waiting for a response about an engraving question I had. I did a little organizing. I put the space heaters on and I went through my closet. I put a lot of stuff away. I tried to be pragmatic and realistic about what I want to be wearing right now. Almost all black. Mostly cropped sweaters. Cozy to the max. I also decided to buy a cheap garment rack so I can more organize things. I miss my walk in closets. But I am going to make something work for me. Having less things in the closet helps make me feel better though. My storage trunk is pretty full but its basically all stuff I still really like and Im really happy about that. Doing pretty good in that vein. 
Now though I am in bed listening to breadtube and thinking about taking a bath. I want to wash my hair and then paint my nails. Just take care of myself all nice. And then James will be home and we will go to bed and tomorrow I hope to actually have students! Well see. 
I hope you all have a nice night. Take care of eachother. Goodnight. 
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chrysalisim · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @pxelbutterflies -thanks kimmy!
1. which season are you going to play with first?
well. i would love to see fall first, but my story is still taking place in late august/early september-ish.....so i might have to see summer first.
2. from what you’ve seen in the trailer, what are you most excited about?
holidays!!! i’m so excited for (what looked like) new years! i love holiday decorations. it’s not in the trailer, but custom holidays sounds fun!
3. what’s your favourite season irl?
F A L L. Not the beginning of fall, when it still feels like summer, but I mean actual fall. When it’s a little windy and it’s just starting to get cold.
4. what’s your favourite flower/plant?
this sounds basic, but i love roses and sunflowers. i also have some succulents that i have somehow kept alive. am i a plant mom yet
5. are you going to create a new sim/family or are you going to keep your current household?
keep the same household! i’m going to probably experience seasons for the first time with winnie & co., but i have a personal save that I’ve had since 2014 when i first got ts4.....i’m only on gen 4 of that family, but i jump in between like 20 households at this point. this is a story for another time. anyways, i’ll probably play more with the features of seasons in that save!
6. what would you like to see in this new add-on that we haven’t seen yet?
hmm.....i’m not sure i can really think of anything else, except maybe how weather will affect occult sims? pets? i’m not too sure...OH, will sims be more susceptible to illness in certain seasons/weather?
7. how do you feel about not having a new neighbourhood?
i’m fine with it. i don’t think seasons in ts3 came with a new world.......i dont remember though. i dont think you can really make a “themed” world for seasons. san myshuno was specifically crafted for city living because of apartments, festivals, etc. brindleton bay was specifically crafted for pets to be a small town, home-y place. i dont think you could do that with seasons, especially when half of them are complete opposites (summer/winter, spring/fall).
8. snow, rain, sun or wind?
depends on the temperature and where i am. if its not too hot, i like the sunshine! if i’m in my room, R A I N
9. favourite refreshing drink in summer?
there’s a place by my university famous for lemonade and their vanilla and peach flavors are the bomb.
10. favourite hot drink in winter?
hot chocolate or coffee! i’m not a big tea drinker, mostly just when i’m sick.
11. walk through the forest or by the beach?
dependent on where the forest is/how dense. being in the middle of the woods would freak me out, so i’d say beach!
12. swimming pool or ocean?
swimming pool for swimming, ocean for just relaxing.
13. where would you like to travel if you could leave right now for a week?
I want to go to Italy so badly, it’s beautiful and i’ve heard the people are so nice
14. how is the weather today?
G R O S S. it’s been so hot, and it’s been raining on and off so the humidity is through the roof. this is by far my least favorite weather.
15. what new traits would you like to see in the new add-on?
oooooo i don’t know.....maybe a new take on the loves the heat/cold traits we got in ts3....maybe a trait that marks your sims as “easily burned” if they stay outside too long in the summer!
16. do you like to play with supernatural creatures like vampires and aliens? and if so, would you like to have witches/fairies/elves?
unfortunately, no, not really - my gameplay is more realistically centered.
17. what is your favourite thing to do during winter?
we have a fireplace in my home so i like sitting in the living room with a hot drink and either a good book or a good tv show!
18. …during spring?
uh. i’m not sure...hike, maybe? OH WAIT there’s a big grassy lawn at my university and it’s nice to sit there on a blanket and study or play with dogs or smth.
19. …during summer?
um, NOTHING because I H A T E hot weather. hate it. i guess i like swimming because then im shielded from the hot fiery hell outside
20. …during autumn?
21. have you already pre-ordered seasons? and if you haven’t, are you going to pre-order it or wait until it comes out?
no. i’ll wait for it to come out and then in a few weeks the physical copy will prob be on sale at target. ive gotten every expansion for $20 at target like a month after they come out. patience
22. in which neighbourhood are you going to play first with seasons?
probably san myshuno
23. do you listen to music while playing? and if so, what are your favourite songs to play to?
no, i don’t! i usually have my tv on in the background though
24. what’s your favourite thing to do in the sims? creating sims, building, etc?
creating sims! which sucks because i create so many i want to play with but i refuse to make any new saves outside of my story and my first save, so i dont usually get to incorporate them!
25. what’s your favourite kit/pack/add-on?
hmmmm. any pack? or just game or stuff packs? expansions, city living and pets. game pack.....i think parenthood. and stuff packs....laundry day and bowling i think have my favorite cas and build/buy things
26. and finally, what add-on/pack would you like to see next?
oooooooooooooh boy. ummm i don’t know actually! university would be nice, but i think i want a tropical themed add-on more than anything! i want my sims at the actual beach. the bay is nice, but i want an island paradise kind of deal!
im sure everyone has prob done one of these by now so pls forgive me if i tag you and youve already done it.... ill tag @maxismademedoit @ali3npixls @psychoxmachia and @whiisker
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