#to be deleted I think bc I'm already worried about how this will come off LOL
rosieofcorona · 1 day
hm. might need to pause on the dragon age art for a while i fear
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forbidding-souda · 9 months
Mod Souda!~ I have never requested fic before, this is entirely new territory so please forgive me if I misstep. ^_^; Could I please request HC's regarding Korekiyo x autistic S/O? I tried finding similar in the master list, alas I could not which is completely on me if I wasn't thorough enough.
A little afterword of gratitude also for your masterful works on Korekiyo in particular, the way you HC him is beautiful. He is my ultimate comfort character and your content is poignant for me. I also wish you the absolute best on finals and in life in general! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)♡ I hope you are faring well. Thank you for all that you do here
Shinguuji Korekiyo with Autistic S/O
I've had this blog since quarantine so I can't even remember if I've written anything like this so I'm happy to write one for you regardless or not if it's a repeat.
Hai guys I don't have my edited sprites anymore bc I deleted them awhile ago so here's normal souda. Also if this is ass then my bad
hashtag actually autistic btw for anyone reading, i think it's right to share that when I write these ofc
okay mod souda behavior here where I say random stuff before each story but I'm watching impractical jokers rn and I don't know how some people watch this because the secondhand embarrassment is insane I literaly have to look away PLZZZ. This took an hour to write because half way through I started watching impractical joker clips on youtube (while the show is playing on the tv)
-Mod Souda
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♥ He isn't a stickler about your interests. A good thing about being with him is that he won't make fun of you for anything you enjoy, no matter if he enjoys it himself or not. He'll never ask you to turn a movie off or to stop talking about something. He knows more than anybody else how isolating it can feel when somebody refuses to try and tolerate other people's passions; he would never put you down.
♥ He's naturally off-putting. If you experience people considering you off-putting then don't feel alone because Shinguuji is considered off-putting as well. He brushes off the negative things people thinks when it comes to himself, but when it comes to you and the negativity you face, it's hard for him to conceal how irritated he gets.
♥ I know some people have hyperfixations of like medieval torture methods so imagine how much he'd love that.
♥ ^ You also have the chance to teach him about really niche things, that's pretty sweet.
♥ ^ But I imagine that with some topics, he's gonna try and teach you about your own hyperfixation and it's gonna get annoying.
♥ He loves ur reactions to things. He gets so gushy-gushy and poetic. He likes finding what words make you smile, which ones make you laugh and which ones make you want to roll your eyes.
You stared back at him for a few seconds. He held an intense, filling gaze. The two of you were sitting on a park bench, facing the trees and enjoying the sounds of the birds. In between the conversation, there were moments of silence. Usually, he'd break them with small, unrelated sentences, but he's been quiet. "Korekiyo," you said quietly, a bit worried to startle him. To you, he was either in deep thought or, more humorously, sleeping with his eyes open. It took you to say it louder before he turned away. "My apologies," he smiled with a tilt of his head. His hair cascaded down his shoulder. His eyes went to the green leaves dancing in the wind. "We sit here in such a beautiful place, so lively. Most people would give their life away to view a sight like this." With no response, you just stared at him more, already knowing what he was going to say. He looked at you. "I've been all around the world and so I do not wish to waste my time looking at something I've seen before. You, however, do not come close to any of the beauties our world gives to us." "You love me so much, don't you?" You gave him a smile while his yellow eyes developed a look of interest: "You say that but do not realize that jests can be true words, too."
♥ If you need your alone time, he isn't going to stop you because he likes his, too. He knows that obviously you can be infatuated with somebody while also finding comfort in solitude.
♥ ^ And with that, he also has his own boundaries when it comes to where he goes whenever he wants solitude. He likes reading his books and analyzing his artifacts, all of which takes place in his study.
♥ ^ Yeah and don't touch his stuff because he is very protective of his collections. Therefore, he'd also never mess with something you own.
♥ If you're the type of person to have stuffed animals, and especially make them talk, he isn't going to pick up on that very quickly as means of a thing people still do. He'll give a history lesson as to 'ah yes, i've learned about this form of imagination within cultures of story telling, oral adventures'.
♥ Most of the time, he'll put your comfort over his.
♥ He'll stay up with you whenever you have trouble sleeping and are fully awake at 2am, no matter the cost. He is going to make sure that you know he is always there for you. He always has things to do.
♥ If you need help falling asleep, he'll do things like sing to you and let you watch videos in bed, whatever will make you most comfortable.
♥ He got some crazy eye contact btw I just want to put that out there.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 11 months
Don’t worry about answering this is you don’t want to. I know you don’t like fandom wank. But, if you feel like it, do you think someone could make those endpoints work? Bran as king and Jon at the Wall even though there’s a big old hole in it and Dany deliberately burning King’s Landing before Jon or Arya kills her, is that an ending any writer, no matter their skill, could sell to the hardcore fans? I don’t think the fandom would accept it even if GRRM wrote it.
lololol I deleted my post already anon, so for those of you who didn't read it - I was once again whining about how d&d fucked up the last bunch of seasons and every character. it's not a new take, just something I was high thinking in the shower, so I deleted it bc it wasn't productive.
But I'll answer this, because I think it's interesting.
In short - no.
(Beneath the cut for a longer explanation and just a whole bunch of my ranty thoughts. pls remember I am no asoiaf scholar and I haven't studied every aspect of the books or read every meta. These are just my opinions.)
Longer - at this point, too much time has gone by, there is literally no way George can please... probably even half of his fanbase, no matter what he does. From what I can tell, the fandom too divided and there's so much hatred between stan groups (which I do find ridiculous, but it is what it is). People have cemented their own ending in their heads after decades of the fandom existing without an official ending, and I can see a lot of them not liking that they're wrong. Some people have spent 30 years with their theories, it's sunk cost fallacy. Case in point, the show ending being written off as fanfiction by a lot of fans.
which, tangent, I get. I GET why d stans don't believe the ending, because it was so poorly executed. I truly do understand their denial, because the show gaslit the audience for soooooo long that she was the girlboss hero and then seemed to do a 180 at the end. What was that post I just reblogged the other day? I don't hate villains, I hate when the narrative tries to convince you the bad person is actually good.
now, you asked if anyone could make those endpoints work, but I don't actually think most of them are the real endpoints? I think they were D&D giving up and not trying, or going for Shock Value™. But for fun, I'm gonna go by endpoints I think are most to least likely, and my thoughts on how they could happen and how D&D fucked them up.
Bran as king: Confirmed by grrm. How he'll make this work, I have no idea. I genuinely didn't see it coming tbh. I thought the "bittersweet" ending would be Jon being forced to take the crown in KL. like it's a good ending for everyone else, but for him it's misery. I'm sure grrm has his plans, and I'd be interested to see how he pulls it off. This end point does not disappoint me and I'm not mad at being wrong, but I can see a HUGE swath of people HATING it. specifically D stans.
D&D blew this hard. They cut Bran out of an entire season, making him seem to the audience like a lesser character and not important. They made him a robot. Why am I rooting for show!Bran? Also, I will never, ever get over that line - who has a better story than Bran the Broken? I don't know Tyrion, literally everyone else?? JON DIED AND CAME BACK TO LIFE. ahem.
(as far as I'm aware, Bran as king is the only ending grrm has confirmed?? correct me if I'm wrong.)
D as the big bad: I guess grrm hasn't officially confirmed this, but... he's sort of confirmed it, riiiiight? He compared dragons to nuclear weapons. The show has her as the villain (poorly executed or not). When I gave hotd a shot, literally the opening lines were about the Targs bringing themselves down immediately after name dropping her. Seems pretty solid to me. D&D just refused to commit to her villain arc because they didn't want to alienate their audience that they'd gaslit into thinking she was the hero, and they were seemingly obsessed with Shock Value™ twists.
Dany burning KL: I think the burning of KL is going to happen, and it seems like Dany is the only one to really do it? Unclear how it will happen, I'm sure people have theories. What the show didn't have was Aegon, so who knows how he'll factor in.
Arya sailing west: I think there's a lot of foreshadowing for it. It fits her nature. I think this is very likely to happen and I guess D&D handled it ok. They did ruin her character, though, by making her a literal mass murderer. But yayyyyyy feminism I guess.
Theon sacrificing himself for Bran: Theon's was the only arc I think the show did well. They ruined it at the end by having Theon literally throw himself onto the Night King's sword, which was so fucking stupid, but the arc itself is poignant and fits his character. While he can't ever redeem himself to Robb, he can redeem himself to Robb's siblings, and considering he once pretended to kill Bran, I think this is solid.
Cersei and Jaime dying together: this was my theory even before the show ending, and I think it fits their characters. They cannot live without each other, no matter if they hate each other. They're too deeply entwined in each other. Now, I personally wanted Cersei to be taken captive and put in the black cells to be publicly burned later, and then Jaime shows up and mercy kills her and then himself bc he can't live without her.
But I guess getting bonked on the head by some avoidable rocks is also a way to do it
Sansa as QitN: I'll be honest and say I hated this ending because she ended up alone. Sansa, who has wanted nothing more than family and safety since book 1, ends up completely alone. Even Brienne, her sworn shield, leaves her. but she's a queen, so yayyyy feminism I guess.
I can see her as queen, but I can also see her ending up as queen regent for Rickon, because I'm not totally convinced Rickon dies? like in the show he just randomly shows up and gets captured by Ramsay and it just feels like that isn't his arc in the books. Maybe I'm wrong. But I could see D&D having the endpoint of Sansa as regent, but they killed Rickon off already for Shock Value™, and so they went oops! and made her queen.
Now, there is a part of me that thinks she will not be queen or queen regent, because how does one break off and declare independence from their own brother? Feels like that would destabilize his rule and not give people much faith in him. It just seems really strange to me, but I guess it could happen, since Northern Independence is such a huge theme and it would be weird if it didn't happen?? Does Bran just let her secede? And it doesn't make Dorne or the Iron Islands try.... That's the part in the show that literally did not make sense to me. Sansa was like bye, I'm taking the north, and no one else spoke up about that.
I'd be totally fine with her as queen (if she has someone!!) but I can see a gooooood chunk of the fandom absolutely hating this. surprise.
Brienne as Kingsguard: while I like it for narrative purposes, because she deserves it, I just can't see her leaving Sansa, if she becomes as close to Sansa as she does on the show? If Sansa is queen, I could see her as Sansa's Queensguard. But what does she have in KL? The south didn't ever respect her, why would she want to go back. I think D&D put this in so they could have the ending shot of her writing in the book about Jaime for the shippers
Jon at the Wall: the only reason he went to the Wall in the show was because Grey Worm demanded it? And then left. So. You know, real enforceable. So stupid. Genuinely the worst writing of all the endings, I think, the logic made zero sense there. Now, that could be because they'd written themselves into a corner, but knew Jon ended up at the Wall, and had to force it?
But to me, it's like - what was the point of his resurrection, then? In the show, he doesn't even kill the Night King (we'll get to that). He kills D, sure, but... He's also the reason she succeeds in Westeros to begin with. So what, he gets resurrected, causes havoc, fixes the havoc he caused, and then is sent away to a Wall that serves no purpose anymore? WHAT PURPOSE DOES THE WALL SERVE. The Others are defeated, there's a big ol' hole in it, and they've allied with the Free Folk to an extent. How does the Watch continue on?
I guess he could self-banish. I know the show sort of makes the implication that he goes off with the Free Folk, but in the books, he doesn't really like FF culture? He's appalled by a lot of the violence in it. I can't see him wanting to live that way.
Brai.me: don't get me wrong, I like Brai.me. I think it's cute, in fanon. In canon, I think Brienne is too good for him. I don't see their relationship going romantic or sexual. I think Brienne is who Jaime desperately wants to be (but Cersei is who he keeps being pulled back to). Them having sex was 100% for the shippers
Jo/ner.ys: I'm putting all the punctuation in that. don't need them finding me somehow. Anyway. I don't think this happens, at least not as a true romance. They're on opposite continents and there's not a ton of time left, but more than that - and I know I've said this before - I can't see Jon "hates seeing people burned alive" Snow falling in love with D "loves to burn people alive" T. Could it be a political thing? Maybe, but I also could see her having an alliance with Aegon.
I think there's 2 possible reasons for this being in the show and presented as an actual romance. 1) it was supposed to be that pol!Jon theory, but they chickened out (same with jonsa & a love triangle, I think they chickened out bc of the incest. I think now with hotd being incest central and fans loving it, they wouldn't balk anymore). 2) just the spectacle of it? people have been theorizing this for years, why not give it to them? see above, brai.me
Tyrion as Hand: bleh. I know the fandom loves him and he was clearly D&D's fave, but grrm has said Tyrion is the most morally gray character, and I can't see him letting Tyrion get everything he's always wanted, you know? People think asoiaf is grimdark, but I can't imagine grrm punishing Jon with banishment while giving Tyrion a cushy position with lots of power.
I've read the theory that Tyrion ends up at the Wall, which I like thematically, but again, WHAT PURPOSE DOES THE WALL SERVE. Is it just a penal colony at that point?? someone smarter than me, tell me.
Grey Worm & Missandei condoning/encouraging D: hated it. Take the only characters of color to have speaking lines (i'm 99% sure) in the last season and turn them vengeful and murderous (especially grey worm). Throw their characters under the bus to absolve D of blame
Arya killing the Night King: no. he doesn't exist in the books, first, and even in the show it made zero narrative sense. It was just a Shock Value™ twist. You thought it was gonna be hero Jon, hmmmmmm? WRONG. I've said it on here before, but my hope is that it's Sam that brings down the Others in the book somehow.
Did I forget anything, anon? This probably veered wildly from the point of the ask, but oh well, it was fun. (I had a jonsa section in here at first, but then I remembered this is show canon ending stuff and that was not canon sorry fellow jonsas. I obvioulsy want it to be the ending bc the shipper brainrot is real, buuuuuut...)
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one-abuse-survivor · 4 months
tbc, i'm not trying to justify abuse. if this comes off like that, just delete this pls so i don't trigger other folks but. how can i justify judging my abuser by all their abusive actions towards me and others when i don't judge everyone else for the shitty things they've done all the time?
how is it okay for me to go "ok i don't want anything to do with you bc of xyz you've done over the years" when i wouldn't want ppl looking at me and constantly going "oh it's fucked up so many times over the years, what a loser" or some shit.
like. is that me holding them to a standard i shouldn't? its not like i bring up different shit they've done all the time, even if it bothers me, but i'd hate it if someone was constantly judging me for shit i've messed up on [though, tbc, i have not abused anyone] throughout my life. is it different bc i've apologized n changed wherever and whenever i could in situations that i fucked up and they haven't? or is that me making excuses for holding them to a higher standard i don't do to everyone else?
sorry if this doesn't make sense. im just feeling a bit conflicted rn. - mc
Hey there ❤️ I understand what you mean, don't worry.
I think there's a difference between judging someone and not wanting them in your life.
When you judge someone for the bad things they've done, that can serve a purpose. For example, it can help you understand where you draw the line on what things you think are okay to do. It can help you reflect on which things you would want someone to apologise for. But judging a person can also be unfair—like if, for example, you judge someone solely based off of something wrong they did many years ago, or like if you keep a list of how many times a person has made a mistake so you can hold it against them. That is, indeed, holding someone to an unfair standard by demanding moral perfection from them.
Deciding you don't want anything to do with another person serves a different purpose. Sometimes it's about maintaining a social image, or about clashing personalities. But, in the case of abuse, it's about keeping yourself safe from a person who has hurt you, or who you know could hurt you because they've already hurt someone else. It's about prioritising your safety and well-being by setting and enforcing boundaries.
You can do both things at once (judge someone for being an abuser, and cut someone out for being an abuser), but they're not the same thing. And I do think "I don't want people to judge me for my past mistakes" and "I don't want this abusive person in my life" can absolutely coexist.
Ultimately, you always have a right to decide who you do and don't want to have in your life, for any reason. Yes, there are people out there who only want to surround themselves with people who they deem have perfectly clean moral slates. Personally, I wouldn't give my time of day to those people. But there is plenty of middle ground between that, and giving an infinite amount of chances to an abuser on the off chance you might be unfair to them if you don't.
You don't have to justify wanting to cut someone out of your life. It's your right. They'll get other chances at relationships where they'll be able to prove they've changed, if they indeed have. You don't have to be the one to give them that chance. It's your right to prioritise your own boundaries, safety, and peace of mind.
I hope that helps. Sending a virtual hug ❤️
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xiapxls · 5 months
Hey so it's been a while again, and that's because I just don't know what to do with this blog anymore. It's been so long, and we've had so many game updates, and we've had some tumblr updates, too, it's been really hard to get back into things. The thought of just deleting everything and starting fresh also won't leave me alone, no matter how many times I decide I'm not going to do that, it just keeps coming back. I just feel like all my saves are a mess and this blog is a mess. I haven't updated this blog in ages, I don't like the way I've organized things, and there's some stuff in game I also wished I'd done differently.
But I do actually like my saves so I don't want to complete get rid of them. So when I say 'delete everything and start fresh' I actually mean I would like to reboot them. The 100 baby challenge especially, but also SuperValerie. Though I kinda dread the idea of starting that over bc I've already done so much and the thought of doing it all over again is kind of a lot, I still kinda want to do it.
I also feel kinda shitty thinking about doing this after I just did the bachelorette challenge and got some amazing sims from members of the community. I know community challenges like bcs end up getting canceled and going nowhere all the time here, but still. I feel bad about it. Now I also know the common advice is just don't worry about it, just do what you want, this is just a hobby after all, but the problem is I just don't know what it is I want. I keep going back and forth between continuing where I left off and starting over, but I genuinely don't know if starting over is what I really want or if I'm just obsessing over some minor things that don't matter and I should just keep going.
That said, if I do end up going down the reboot road, I probably wouldn't delete anything on this blog bc I personally don't like it when simblrs actually do that. What I would do is probably make a new blog and keep this one around as an archive.
So, yeah, that's where I'm at right now. I'll be back when I figure this shit out, though I have no idea when that'll be. I suppose at some point I might try starting a little SuperValerie reboot and seeing whether I like it or not. I'll let you know how it goes. Whatever happens I won't just disappear and delete everything without warning, that I can promise you.
TL;DR I'm considering rebooting my saves. I'll let you know what I've decided when I've decided.
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cat-boy-tits · 2 years
Hey bro, idk your politics (and I'm not asking don't worry! None of my business!) so maybe you already know this, in which case you can just ignore this ask.
But I thought you might wanna know that on that post about the FBI robbing a bank, the inital tweet is from a far-right comics artist. The main post 'explaining' how bad it is was also by a hard right blog. Elizabisme's sly aside at the end about 'everything else the fbi is investigating' is a reference to the FBI investigation of stolen classified documents recovered from Trump's place, which Elizab believes is a sham secret trial that the FBI (who she thinks are violent leftist antifa rioters) are faking to sabatoge the American right.
I did a little digging bc I didn't feel right saying anything without having any other info, and it looks like the raid on the safe deposit boxes did happen. The Beverly Hills company that was raided has since pled guilty to money laundering, but idk whats up with the boxes. Anyway, point is that the post itself is far-right propaganda.
I'm letting you know bc I would want to know, and I suspect based on what I know of you might want to too. I don't expect you to post this or reply. I'm not trying to get you to do anything, and I don't plan to follow up or anything. Zero pressure, 100% just for your information.
thank you anon friend!
i am not immune to propaganda.
i will try to find the post and delete it. hopefully everyone else who got it from me will see this ask.
thank you again.
come off anon in my dms, if you want. i really appreciate this.
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angelkittycore · 5 months
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me when i lie.
i dont even care that fucking much, forgot you had ever sent me a selfie, i do not "go nuclear" and your rsd is on you to control. we already had a discussion about that event where i did in fact apologize, multiple fucking times. also i softblocked you because you accused me of lying about being your friend and doing shit on purpose and i decided i didn't want to be in contact anymore.
if anything i'm more scared of YOU doing something weird with MY selfie bc you're an unreliable narrator and are emotionally unstable.
if i "drained" you so much then why didn't you cut me off beforehand.
you just wanted to use me as validation bait. whereas i wanted an actual friend.
n the only reason i approached you about the er*sermic stuff was because you were being extremely vitriloic towards the other character, the ship itself, and the fandom. and i was worried that it would ruin our friendship and blow up badly if you knew that outside of selfship that i liked the pairing. (which again, didn't know you added it to your dni bc i followed back when you selfshipped with the villain.) i trusted you to be mature and you weren't.
i wasn't even saying that i didn't support your se.lfship, bc i do, even if i think your understanding of your f.o is rife with mischaracterization. just trying to essentially say "hey i enjoy this pairing when i go out of my way to engage in fandom media related to the source, i hope that's okay."
you could've just been like "i'd prefer you don't talk to me about that" or "i think i want you to unfollow" instead of trying to go after me with shit that triggers ME. you didn't think about how your words could affect me, whereas i was very aware that there was a high chance of upsetting you, but i wanted to be open and honest because i value that in friendships. i do not play mindgames with people, and i do not like it when people try to play mindgames with me. if i am upfront about something its because its very serious and matters a lot, and i'd rather discuss it civilly than having it bottled up to the point of explosion. again, i thought you'd be mature enough to realize this.
i valued you as a friend despite our rough moment(s) and believed we could work through it come to a compromise. i was mistaken. i should not have trusted you with this blog, my selfie, or anything else.
as i said before in a now deleted post i do not think basing your attraction to your f/o on who many people follow you or validate you is healthy. it weirds me out, i do not want to be a part of that, and you are not much better than haven so i find it mildly ironic that you dislike them too.
please focus on your mental health instead of misunderstood happenings and statements about such which can be easily unproven if i so much as wanted to unblock you and peek at our dms.
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zombies-aliens · 6 months
Man. I'm down bad rn. I'm attached to a fucking girl bruh. It's so. Fucking. Dumb. I don't even wanna get into it. I'm so tired of worrying over nothing meanwhile she's probably not even worried an ounce about me. And why tf would she I'm literally ONE DUDE while she has an ABUNDANCE OF FRIENDS. I have close to zero she's got like the whole damn community at work in her corner who tf do I got again? If I leave nobody cares. Okay okay they'll pretend to miss me, then in a couple minutes I swear to God they'll be laughing it up with friends I promise you!! And boom just like that I'm forgotten and I'll eventually forget them too. Bc they got friends they got people to make them forget and feel better. Good for them unfortunately I don't have that luxury. I'm a lone wolf that feels like an outcast everytime I'm around people. Like look man I know it everyone knows it I ain't shit. It's the sad truth. How can I not see it. I'm a lame. It's the sad truth. Whatever. I'm attached to that person bc they are the only friend I talk to on a daily basis consistently. My dumbass went and got attached because there's literally no one else I do this with. There's nobody else who really made me think I'm actually friends with me back instead of it feeling like I'm their friends and I'm hoping to God they're still friends with me the next day. Oh but they check on me and ask if I'm okay bruh how dumb do you think I am you think I don't know words are just words? Words don't mean jack shit man. All I know is I'm attached, I care way more to an unhealthy extent apparently, and I don't know what else to do but to ghost once I move away to another state. They'll never find me again we'll never see each other and yeah I know it must come off as a shocker for them... maybe?... but as I said they'll be laughing it up with friends in a few minutes I'm not kidding too. They won't miss me that much if at fucking all they do. They'll probably all go drinking the same night and there you go. Fun times restablished. Matter fact fun times were never impacted by me anyway. So idk when I leave to another state and I'm about to leave the store I'm idk bc I know it's proper to put in a two weeks notice but fuck that store I'll tell them in a week they can kiss my ass they don't love me anyway. All I will say is thank you T for hiring me. But idc anymore. When I get the call that's it's time to go (sounds grim but it's a job position I'm in a queue for basically. Its already mine just a matter of time but hopefully it's very soon. Like even next week would be perfect. Just take me away from my attachment man) I'm probably delete her from my snap without notice. Maybe with notice. Still figuring it out. Might say "hey im so so sorry this was fun but its been bad for me.. I need to move on. Everythings okay. None of this is your fault. ooo 🫂
And I think I'll wait a month max before I do it. Bc say I get let go for whatever reason and I go back home where they're at. Now that would be painful for me. Awkward for everybody. But even still they wouldn't give a fuck. They probably think, "idiot"
I'm only doing this because I don't wanna be attached anymore. It's a one sided attachment and I'm tired of how I overthink and it's happening because of this attachment. So I have to break it off from me to fucking get a breath of fresh air.
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spoops-screams · 3 years
| Short MC
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Character(s): Muriel, Lucio
TW: Self doubt (?)
Notes: Gender neutral MC || Short (like 4'11 or sm) mc bc it's really not that hard to be shorter than these two ;-; || I am going to kill someone if I'm stupid enough to delete my post again I swear- I spent only like 10 minutes on the other one but still, it was good 😭😭
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You think he was scared of accidentally hurting you before? Now he's down right terrified
There's an almost two foot difference between the two of you and it's so painfully obvious to him which he would find adorable if not for the fact that it was mortifying for someone like him who hated the very thought of hurting someone accidentally it without reason
He's aware of his own size and his own strength so he feels as though he might accidentally injure you without meaning to since he's both large and has more strength than he already looks to have which makes being around you down right terrifying to him
He doesn't want to exist too close to you because he feels as though any wrong move and he'll swat you like a fly so just about everyone can see how he's basically walking on eggshells and treats you like you're a fragile piece of glass
Once he realises that he won't accidentally squish you like a bug, he actually finds it really adorable
Absolutely had a heart attack whenever Inanna goes and smothers you but even he can't resist seeing you and the wolf cuddled up with each other what with you being practically hidden amongst the wolf's fur and size but he does make sure that they don't out too much pressure on you
He's just worried about you, please help him
Oh you poor soul, he is not going to let you live it down
He absolutely will exaggerate the differences in your height to get in your nerves, that's guaranteed, as if you're both children, he actually finds the difference between your height and his hilarious
"You're practically only half my height."
Throw the whole man in the bin, he's so cocky about it
Initially he only sees it as another way to exert his status and power over you, practically towering over you with you not even being able to reach his shoulders which he no doubt uses to intimidate respect for him into you, magician or not, thanks to his ego and pride
He does come to very much like your height later along the line
With his height in comparison to yours, he finds it so easy to protect you and hide you, he actually starts finding it endearing
He's still absolutely insufferable though
Do expect him to use your head as an arm rest, that's just how this man is, but he's the only one that's allowed to bully you (affectionately) about your height
He will definitely join a Melchior and Mercedes in a cuddle pile if he ever manages to find you
In that moment, your height is the biggest disadvantage, the three of them are massive and you absolutely will not move, completely hidden from everyone
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Tags: @rurifangirl bc I feel rly bad for deleting the other headcanon before you could even see it 😭😭 I WILL DO SOMETHING TO FIX THAT THOUGH!
If you want to be added or removed from any of my tag list, dm me, send me an ask off anon or comment under this or any post (please specify which tag lists you would like to be added to i.e Arcana, mlqc, specific characters etc...)
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Do not repost, edit or claim. Only reblog 💕
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also! since I'm here, would you write a one-shot about Zane and memories? Maybe something like he's deleting old files he doesn't need and accidently deletes something important to him?
*dances in* WE HAVE IT, WE HAVE IT
and its mostly zane and jay bc that duo is iconic and we need more of them. ngl, more fluff than angst because I felt like doing fluffy stuffles today.
hope you guys like it, and send me more requests like I need things to write really whatever you can come up with please— set whenever you want, preferably after s11.
TW: (Slightest) Memory loss, anxiety, panic.
Zane clears a important memory from his database by accident, breaking down under the stress he's been pushing away, thinking he does not need to handle them as a nindroid. Jay is convinced otherwise.
• • •
If there is anything Zane prides himself on, it is his organization. Whether its fulfilling the unending need to do laundry for the team, or defusing a bomb, he is automatically known as the most responsible person in the team.
What else can he be, as a nindroid?
It is a early June morning when it happens, a peaceful day. Zane sat on his bed, clearing out the unneeded information kept in his data, as even a robot has a limit to storage space, like Cole said.
He smiles, mildly amused by the sounds of crumpled paper they make as he deletes them. Probably a update by Jay sometime, and in that moment of distraction, something seems to fall in his heart, and he gets the odd feeling off missing something. Shaking it off, he returned to work.
And there is another sound of crumpling paper.
• • •
After finishing the cleaning of his database, Zane looked around, blank eyes scanning his surrounding. Perhaps one of his brothers would be in need of assistance, he considered, standing up from his seat on his bed.
Walking along the hallways, a blur of blue and brunette ran into him, tackling him to the floor.
"AgH- Sorry, sorry-" Zane blinked in surprise, untangling himself from the surprise attacker. Smiling, he starts to greet the lighting ninja-
"Hello,-" The name does not automatically insert itself, his mind more empty that it has ever been. Already, his systems are racing to scan the foreign unnamed face, but his memory finally returns as he looks into the light blue eyes sparkling with excitement, reminding him of lighting crackling across the dark skies.
Jay. Jay. How could he forget his brother's name? Nindroids did not forget. They were not built to forget such important information-
"Zane? You okay?" A voice broke him out of his thoughts, and he realized with a start he was still sitting on the frigid ground, staring at the ground.
"I-I cannot." He stuttered a reply, not knowing what he was saying no to.
"You- what's wrong?" Jay asked, worry filling his voice.
"I forgot your name." Zane gasped out, and Jay's expression turned downcast for a moment, then even more anxious.
"Pfft, don't worry about it. Everyone forgets something once in a while." Jay reassured him, bending down to his level. He patted his shoulder, starting again. "Really, it's oka-"
"I don't." Zane was taken by surprise at how cold his own voice sounded to him, metallic tones grating on his ears. Jay winced slightly, and he could guess it did not sound very friendly. "I don't forget."
Jay shrugged, blue hoodie shifting slightly. "Everybody messes up once in a while, it's nothing-"
"I am a nindroid. I was not built to...fail."
The lighting ninja's expression turned sterner, and he plopped down cross legged on the floor properly. "You didn't fail at anything. And nindroids are still part of 'everybody', aren't they? Now tell me exactly how you forgot. Maybe it was a glitch from the last time I updated you."
"I-It was-" Zane paused for a moment, running through his memories. "I cannot remember how we met."
"Oh, that's easy. We were meeting after Sensei Wu introduced us to each other. You tried to shake hands with me, and I thought it was a fist bump, but, like, you went along with it anyways." Jay recaps, brow furrowing in concentration.
Zane notes this down like he always does, but this time there's no flash of recognition at the memory. His breath catches in his throat as a thought suddenly occurs. "I was cleaning out my database earlier, could that have- I wouldn't- Not- I would never clear something so important."
Words fell over each other in the hurry to get out, extremely unlike the normally put together Master Of Ice.
"I know, I know. It wasn't your mistake, stop blaming yourself." Jay reassures him, and hesitates.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, brother." Zane says, facade only holding for a few seconds before crashing down around him, expression shattering away. He hadn't known he could cry.
He did not know he could feel, like this.
Sobs wrack his body, and he suddenly wishes he wouldn't need to go through this. Like he has been hanging precariously over a ledge, needing only the slightest bit more pressure and he would drop into the dark crevice below.
And it's like a hundred tons of stress has collapsed into him from nowhere visible, weaving into his every thought, every part of him, and he doesn't know why he is breaking down like this.
"Breathe, Zane." He hears ,and looks up, tears blurring the vision of the lighting ninja looking at him, light sky shaded eyes filled with worry. His heart races at the thought of someone seeing this vulnerable, this fragmented version of himself. "I am sorry."
"No! Stop being sorry." Jay cuts in quickly, shuffling closer on his knees. "Don't apologise, it's fine, everyone has their bad days."
"I am a nindroid—"
"You're not just a nindroid, Zane, you're a person, a real one with feelings just as real as ours!" Jay exclaims, throwing his hands up in frustration. He nods slowly, not wanting to argue.
"It's okay to be stressed, it's okay to be worried, but it's not okay to push it all away. Which is obviously what you've been doing." He continues, indignation fueling him.
"No buts!"
"Fine." Zane digests the information he's just received, still doubtful. He doesn't quite believe it, and he knows Jay can see that.
"You know what you should do?" Jay says, eyes lighting up with an idea. Zane waits in silence, knowing his answer isn't probably right. Which was to finish doing the laundry.
"Do something fun, something you like doing!" Jay says, smiling. "Reading, drawing, scrolling on tiktok—You know, whatever you want, let off some stress."
Zane raises his eyebrows in surprise, shrugging. "I do not know what to do today. Does laundry count—"
"Fine, do you know what we could do?" The lighting ninja intercepts, and Zane decides the answer would've probably been a solid 'no'.
"What?" He asks cautiously. Jay is infamously known for having pretty bad ideas, sometimes. Not that they'd ever say anything to him about it, though.
"Watch a movie!"
And that is how Zane finds himself caught into the ungiving hook that is the Marvel Universe franchise, something Jay has been begging for him to watch forever.
He should've seen it coming, really.
An hour later, they're almost done with the movie, and he has already figured out a list of the possible ways they can defeat the villain through Jay's rambled theories, but Cole plops in halfway from wherever he has been, flinging himself across a entire couch.
Zane figures another show can't hurt.
Then it's been two hours and forty six minutes, they're well into the third movie, and the whole team has made their way onto respective places in the living room, absorbed into the fantasy world of superpowers and magic portals.
Like they can't control literal whole elements for themselves.
Through a rather boring scene, Jay leans over to him, cocooned in blankets. "You know, I'll watch a movie with you whenever you want, Zane. Really, watching a movie is a great way to get rid of stress and stuff."
He smiles, promising to call the lighting ninja for these events more often. Even though he can think of a hundred other ways to spend his time more productively, something about the normalized feeling of just sitting and watching a movie, doing something normal and common, gives him a warm feeling that he cannot explain.
He looks at the clock absentmindedly, knowing he can pull up the time in his scanners in half a second, but wishing to do something normal for once. It reads 7:48, and they have completely missed dinner.
So Zane pauses the movie and announces the news of ordering in, which results in half an hour of everlasting debate over Chinese or Western, and Cole ends up calling seven different places to find something for all of them.
But settled in less than a hour later with a steaming bowl of noodles, Zane decides the movie marathon idea wasn't that bad at all.
Until he has to console a sobbing Green Ninja over a certain character death.
"H-he died! How does that make anything better?"
"The whole world would've died without him, though—" Jay pipes up, which leads to Lloyd crying even harder, and chorus of 'Shut up, Jay.' from the other ninja.
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Hello! Your answer to that last request absolutely ruined me (in the best way possible)
If you'd like to leave it completely ambiguous that's fine, but I was wondering about an Impulse POV of what goes through his mind when he wakes up and sees Tango? Depending on whether the game ends immediately after that, whether him and Brody have to do something extra to end the game, or if you want to go full bad ending and have the game carry on in that broken state forever.... It could be very different each way, but I'd certainly love to read that aftermath if you would enjoy writing it (because obviously I'm not in enough pain already :D /s)
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this is a sequel to this one :D very glad that two of my favourite requesters liked it enough to ask for a follow up!
I also love my Patented Vaunna Uncertain Endings (as Shade put it lol) bc it leads to at least one person yelling at me and at least one follow-up request demanding to know what happens (/pos ofc i love all you guys’ requests)
also yes i’m so sorry Raven i only just realised i wasnt following you asdfghjkl i thought i already was
Impulse opens his eyes. Letting out a groan, he sluggishly pushes himself into a sitting position. His head feels like it’s being clamped in a vice, but he has enough wits to register the scene in front of him.
Tango is lying in a pool of blood just a foot away from him, arm outstretched towards him as if trying to reach him.
He can’t stop staring at his best friend’s body. Tango is clearly dead, and Impulse remembers causing it. So why hasn’t the game ended? It should have ended when Brody killed Endless, but it didn’t. Now the only two people left on the ship are the two imposters. There’s literally nothing else that can be done to end the game, except…
Impulse glances down at Tango’s tablet, then at the upload panel. At this point, he’ll do anything to end this game, even if it means losing.
So he picks up Tango’s tablet, ignoring the almost painful tingle shooting through his hand. The game’s code is uncomfortable with him picking up a crewmate’s tablet. And even though he can’t see the screen, he knows what the last task is. So he hopes that the game will let him complete it. There shouldn’t be any protocols in place to stop this; after all, when would an imposter EVER want to do a crewmate’s task?
“What are you-?” comes Brody’s voice suddenly.
Impulse turns to find Brody freezing at the sight of Tango’s body.
“We’re the only two left,” Impulse confirms. “We gotta finish the last task, even if it means we lose. Otherwise we might be trapped here forever.”
Brody slowly nods. He and Impulse are in an odd state; the imposter bloodlust is slowly starting to wear off, leaving him with an uncomfortable mixture of satisfaction and horror at the sight of his old friend’s dead body.
“I think I might throw up,” he groans, turning away and doubling over, hands pressed to his stomach.
Impulse just keeps going with the task, his heart starting to beat faster. He hopes this will work. If it doesn’t…
...he can’t think about that.
As the upload finishes, he squeezes his eyes shut and holds his breath.
He feels something shift around him…
…and when he opens his eyes, he finds himself back in the lobby.
But only one other person is there with him.
Impulse and Brody slowly look around the room, registering their situation, before simultaneously meeting each other’s gaze.
“This is really bad,” says Brody after a moment, stating aloud what they’re both thinking.
Impulse nods, trying and failing to suppress the feeling of cold terror rapidly growing in his stomach. “Y-Yeah. Where are our friends and why aren’t they here?”
Recalling Etho teaching him how to access the code, Brody pulls up the admin screen. Impulse anxiously watches him tap away at it.
“Is it possible to go back to that exact game?” he asks hesitantly.
“I think so. Gimme a sec.”
After a tense few minutes, an open doorway appears in the side of the lobby. Through it, Impulse can see the Skeld cafeteria.
“I’ve altered your code slightly so you should be able to see and hear ghosts,” Brody says. “Go see if you can find out where our friends are. I’ll stay here and make sure you don’t get trapped there.”
Impulse takes a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Good luck, my friend.”
“I’m gonna need it.”
Impulse carefully steps through the door, half expecting it to vanish behind him. But to his relief, it doesn’t.
Where the heck is he supposed to start?
After a moment, Impulse goes into admin. But the admin table tells him nothing except his own location. Next, he rushes over to security. Again, however, the cameras yield nothing useful.
Time for Plan C.
“SKIIIIIIIIIZZ!” Impulse shrieks, running madly through the hallways. “TANGOOOO! ETHOOOOOOOOOO!”
For a worrying minute or so, there’s no replies at all.
He skids to a halt in the hallway between weapons and shields, his head automatically snapping round to face the direction he heard the voice yell his name from.
That’s when he sees two ghosts flying towards him from navigation. “Tango! Etho!”
“Impulse, you can see us?!” yelps Tango. “And hear us?!”
Impulse nods. “Yeah! Oh my gosh, a-are you two okay? I’m so sorry!”
“This isn’t your fault, Impulse,” Etho says firmly. “You were just playing the game. And don’t worry, I’ve managed to save everyone else.”
“What?” Impulse’s heart skips a beat. “How?”
“I was able to access their code and send them back to their respective servers. Skizzle, Joker, Astro, Mrs Tango, Endless, and Evil are all safe.”
“Oh, thank God,” breathes Impulse. “What about you two?”
“I couldn’t manage to access Hermitcraft’s code,” Etho responds. “So I couldn’t send us back there. I think it’s something to do with the firewalls X put up a few years ago.”
“Damnit. What’s going on, Etho? Why’re there so many glitches?”
“I don’t know. But if we get out of this alive, we should definitely give this game a break for a while until it’s fixed.”
“I’ll second that,” Tango mutters. “But wait, how did you get here?”
“Brody managed to open a door here from the lobby. Oh, wait! Maybe you can come through it with me!”
He takes the ghosts to the cafeteria, where the doorway to the lobby is still shimmering.
“Brody, I found Tango and Etho,” Impulse reports to his friend. “Everyone else is safe. Can they come through the doorway?”
Brody hesitates. “They should be able to. Come through first, quickly.”
Impulse goes through the door again and turns back to face his friends.
“Will it be safe for us to come through in ghost form?” Tango asks nervously.
“Ah…” Brody grimaces. “It should be fine.”
Tango is not encouraged by his friend’s tone. “Are you sure?”
“I’m not,” admits Brody. “The likelihood that the game will either glitch or not let you through and delete you forever is worryingly high, but… I think this is the only way. If we don’t give it a go, you’ll be stuck in this weird purgatory forever.”
Tango shoots a glance at Etho, who’s gazing at the doorway anxiously, and makes a quick decision. “I’ll try it first. Then you’ll know if it’s safe for Etho or not.”
“What?” Etho glances sharply at him. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. 100%. I’m terrified outta my mind right now, but there’s no way I’m watching you go through that thing and disappear forever. No way in hell.”
Not daring to meet Etho’s eyes, Tango turns to the doorway and takes a deep breath.
“Tango, wait.”
Tango pauses and turns back to his friend. “Yeah?”
After a moment, Etho grabs him in a hug. “If we never see each other again, I want you to know that I’ve cherished every second with you and I’m honoured to call you my friend.”
Tango blinks, a lump rising in his throat. “D-Don’t. You’re gonna make me cry.” But he hugs his friend back. “I love you, buddy.”
Finally, he releases Etho and turns to look at Impulse through the doorway. Their gazes meet and Tango sees his own fear reflected in Impulse’s eyes.
“See you on the other side,” he says, his voice cracking audibly. “One way or another.”
With that, he steps through the doorway.
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nat-20s · 2 years
isn’t the not donating if you have depression thing there for a reason? maybe it isn’t something you should do if you know you have depression even if you haven’t been officially diagnosed?
I debated how to answer this for awhile, whether to just delete this or reply with something sarcastic like the "don't worry I have a permit: I do what I want" image, but I'm going to take this in good faith as an actual, fully curious and open-minded question.
If you are asking why I, personally and specifically, feel ethically and morally okay about potentially becoming an egg donor even though I am someone who has struggled on and off with depression my answer is: for the same reason, while I'm not currently ready, I feel it would be morally and ethically fine to have and raise a child of my own. Which is to say: I don't think my genes are inherently "bad". My dad's side of the family has had ZERO deaths from cancer across the board, and my mom's direct family have all been pretty healthy. Every grandparent I've had has already made it to their 80s, and the two that have passed made it to 90. Also, all the donation places I've looked at don't actually say "no history of mental illness", but rather that I can't be on any psychoactive drugs and need to be psychologically healthy. "But aren't depression and psychological health fundamentally opposed?" Yes, but also no. The real answer is: sometimes! But for me personally, I'm in a pretty good and stable mental place, and I would consider myself overall more on the side of psychologically healthy. I would say that to me that requirement is more about the potential physical and mental demands that come with the fertility treatments that some immutable part of yourself, and I genuinely believe I can handle those, and that I'm not making a poor decision in trying for this.
If you're asking, in general, should people that have dealt with depression and/or other forms of mental illness be able to be egg donors, my answer is generally, yeah. I think it will be person to person and case by case and it's definitely something you should think on first, but yeah. And here's my number 1 reason why: Genetics are a fucking crapshoot. Genetics when it comes to mental illness are ESPECIALLY a fucking crapshoot. I’m gonna talk about specifically depression as an example for the rest of this, bc that’s what I know more about, but some of it can probably be applied to more widespread mental illness. While I think saying that you can’t be on psychoactive drugs during the donation is fair, as they can very much interact poorly with the birth control/fertility treatment/egg itself, I think “depression=no donation” isn’t because like. The physicality AND heritability is...complex and not very well understood. Certain traits tied to the endocrine system seem to be highly genetic and others seem to have almost no genetic link at all. Whether the depression itself is the result of a physical symptom or environmental or both is hard to parse out (hence why trying to figure out anti-depressants can be a rough and exhausting procedure. There is a somewhat increased risk of depression in a child if the parent also has depression but a: it’s not like. THAT increased B: the studies I could find on it were for children being raised by their genetic parents, and holy fucking shit does nurture have a HUGE impact of the development of depression, so again, I’m not sure how much of that is actually an inherent genetic risk. TLDR: the general risk of inheriting mental illness that the qualifications are trying to screen against are likely exaggerated and not all that helpful, and if you feel like you’re in a mentally well and stable place that means you can handle egg donation, I think that’s enough to qualify you as a mentally well and stable person for said egg donation.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Oh lore?? I read your post on Dainsleif and BOY it gave me a lot to think about dsfjgkd
Along the same vein, what do you think of the relationship between the unknown god and Kaenri'ah? In Albedo's trailer they seemed to reference two new elements (time and being) and if perhaps the unknown god is the god of time, then does Khemia make use of "being" in its creation of life?
In Mihoyo's other game (honkai) they introduced a new "type" about halfway through the story which seems to me to be similar to the abyss in Genshin. The quanta type is independent of the three types that were present from the beginning of the game and it's tied to an abyss style region called the Sea of Quanta. Maybe I'm reading too much into it and they don't plan to imitate what they did in Honkai but?? Time and being as new "elements" introduced a few years into the game seems possible at least?? Maybe they're exclusive to delusions bc there's only the seven Archons at this time so no one can grant time/being visions lol
Djfkdj I hope this was at least slightly understandable I love looking into lore especially for things I write about!! I'll end this now before it gets too long lmao the new tumblr asks give me too much power XD
Major spoilers for Khaenri’ah and minor spoilers for the unknown god
:DD I’m glad you read my word vomit haha. I love talking about lore so much, ty for enabling me. 
What do you think of the relationship between the unknown god and Khaenri’ah?
The logical side of my brain thinks:
They either have nothing to do with each other and Mihoyo really likes using the same star for everything and Khaenri’ah just happens to live in the void or sky so the easiest way to distinguish citizens from there is the star (or it was just hot to put star pupils in and you know what, they were right). 
Or there’s some sort of connection between the Eclipse dynasty that ruined Khaenri’ah and the unknown god. Since genshin really likes to do that (see Zhongli and everyone calling him Morax before 1.1 dropped). 
Re-watching the prologue cutscene and “we will be reunited” (Gonna refer to this a WWBR) Aether drew the same two stars into the sand which makes me believe that either a. stars literally have nothing to do with anything and Teyvat only knows how to draw one star (which doesn’t hold up well considering Mona’s outfit and pin) or b. there’s some kind of connection there. The way Paimon phrases her question she says: 
“But when you wanted to leave and go onto the next world your path was blocked by an unknown god?”
It implies that Aether and Lumine have already travelled through Teyvat since we see two yellow stars travel over Liyue and Mondstadt. I know Aether was sent into some sort of deep sleep and only now awoke and met Paimon (since in the trailer we can see the lantern festival and the genshin upload was in march (chinese new year is in feb) but I’m not super sure on these details but I’m pretty sure it’s canon that this happened based on WWBR). 
Then when the unknown god appears and the same 3 red stars appear [tumblr throws a fit when I try and upload this]
She refers to us as Outlanders and calls herself 
“The sustainer of heavenly principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now.”
This could be a reference to “being” that was in the Albedo trailer while Dainsleif is “time” since time is "not something he lacks". If we’re going on the theory that Dainsleif is actually a god then maybe they are fighting? Or in some type of push and pull war. It would make sense since the Unknown God believes in heavenly principles (so the rules either set by Celestia or Gods themselves) and believes mankind is arrogant and wishes to either destroy it or remove it entirely. The complete opposite of Dainsleif who believes in mankind and hates anything relating to the Archons.
Or dainsleif has nothing to do with the unknown god and is just a final challenge to the player who will then face off against the Unknown God. 
In Albedo's trailer they seemed to reference two new elements (time and being) and if perhaps the unknown god is the god of time, then does Khemia make use of "being" in its creation of life?
In this theory, this would make the Unknown God the god of time, which is also equally as valid. Since she does talk about time and how the arrogation of mankind ends now. I think it’s right to assume that Khemia makes use of being in its creation of life since we see Albedo talk about chalk and turning things from “nothing” (it’s not really nothing, he’s still using something or the “being” in order to transform it) to something. 
If Dainsleif uses Khemia or even created it then taught it to the people of Khaenri’ah to help them survive in their archonless land, that could be a valid reason why he believes in the strength of mankind. Since the unknown god’s power seems to consume the person trapped within (as we see in the prologue). Plus in WWBR we see first hand how destructive that power is. This could also be the time where Dainsleif lost faith or hated the celestial beings. 
In WWBR, according to the wiki it states that our sibling was taken to another point in time, in an unknown location. But this event leads the sibling (Lumine) to become the leader of the Abyss Order. 
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Lumine says: 
“But until the abyss has engulfed the thrones, my war with destiny will see no end.”
Lumine seems to know about the archons and the abyss mages follow her so it’s safe to assume that the “abyss” she refers to is either something entirely new or the red blocks we see here. It seems as if she’s trying to change destiny which could be why Dainsleif wants to save her. 
I will say right now, I really hope the theory that Paimon is secretly the unknown god doesn’t come true. I know it’s funny and I would enjoy seeing our emergency food pull a turned table on us but unless there are more instances where it’s hinted or it’s handled really well I would not like it. I just finished a manga and I felt like I was watching 20M plot twists happen in the span of 3 pages. I would totally be okay if the unknown god and paimon were somehow related (I can understand that) but I unless it’s handed really well or as the story progresses and we get more info on paimon. it would just be really out of left field. I haven’t seen any theories on this and I honestly try and stay away from lore posts until I’ve finished mine because I feel that might make my ideas biased.
The “everything must be connected into some kind of plotline or I will make it a plotline” brain thinks:
Now, this is just be spit balling and making up my own headcanons with no lore to go off on. This is pure indulgent stuff with no research to back it up besides very loose threads. 
I’d like to believe that since the Eclipse Dynasty was the last dynasty before Khaenri’ah fell. That might be what is being depicting above in WWBR. Perhaps khemia backfired or the unknown god turned against the people for their arrogance (I’m not sure if people know the myth but in short terms, a giant stole fire to help the people who were cold. He was punished for going against the gods and saving the people, this could be similar to Dainsleif). 
Perhaps Lumine and Aether had stopped this event from happening and as they were about to leave, the unknown god appears and separates them for their arrogant actions against the Gods and sends Lumine back to the past. Without her brother she ended up failing in saving Khaenri’ah. Or, the image we see is actually the future and she goes back in time to try and prevent that event from occurring, still trying to beat destiny but this time in the future. 
Or another idea, Lumine has only seen the evil that’s depicted and hasn’t personally met any of the archons. We actually got to meet Venti and Zhongli so we obviously want to protect them from Lumine’s point of view, that might not be the same so she aligns with the abyss order that tries to control Dvalin. So her goal is to somehow defeat the archons and that could be why the Cyro archon is trying to collect them all in her war of peace. 
Honkai and quanta
It’s kinda funny but there’s no reliable wiki source for this sea of quanta like there is for genshin, or at least I couldn’t find anything. I think they might nod at certain things between the two but I think it’s totally fine to believe they might do some sort of crossover and take some inspiration. We have Mona who was able to read the stars and Scaramouche who said the sky was a giant hoax so I think time and being becoming new elements is very possible. But I don’t really know a lot about Honkai so I can’t really say too much about it haha. 
Yep no worries, it was fun talking about some more lore and if you have any more I’d love to hear them. Haha, honestly pop off I love getting long asks. As always, it’s nice seeing you again catty 💕💕
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yyxgin · 4 years
stray kids as girl group songs because i can't sleep on a monday night
series of the few girlgroup songs i know bc i only stan boygroups and mostly listen to just that,, followed by a short cute scenario inspired by that said song bc it's the middle of the night and i can't sleep 💫💓❣
all of the blurbs are like 100 words at most, no warnings i think ?? yeah :') mostly fluff. enjoy.
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bang chan as really really by cherry bullet
okay but the lyrics to this are so cute and so chan 🥺🥺 like there's a line that goes like "even my insecurities turned into confidence" and if that doesnt scream channie to you then i don't know what will. like the song sounds just so cute and warm and like a warm hug in spring 💫☁️💓
"i really, really like you." you hear chan say, making your mouth hang open in surprise.
"me?" you ask.
"yeah, who else?"
"n-no, that's- i'm not that likeable-"
"stop it, y/n. you are the most likeable person i know and you bring me so much happiness and comfort every single day. so stop doubting yourself, you silly, okay?"
minho as not shy by itzy
you feel the blush on your cheeks deepen as he deletes the space in between the two of you, enveloping you in a tight hug. you see a butterfly fly around, much similiar to the ones in your stomach, making you softly giggle. "i like you too, chan."
okay is it just me or do itzy songs just scream minho energy ?? we stan confident queens. also their dance--- queens. okay. well, this song captures minho's confident attractive side the most i feel like 😎 like imagine a confident confession by our boy minho over here ??
"what do you even want, minho?" you furrow your brows in frustration and confusion all at once, waving your hands in the air.
"i want you." he says, gazing deep into your eyes.
you are left with no words in your mouth, breathing quickening at his gaze, his aura capturing you in a way you didn't know it could before.
your words are soon cut off by his mouth on yours, but you're glad, because you didn't really have anything to say anyway.
changbin as witch by the good girl cast
this song is a whole ass vibe my girls jiwoo and jamie snapped in this 🥵🥵 it's just has that badass dark vibe changbin radiates at all times (except from when he's in his soft zone lol) and like some good mafia aus can be written with this vibe but i don't do those so yeah here's a little something confusing
"what did i do?" asks changbin in the arms of the police, a deep smirk sitting on his lips.
"oh, you already know, young man." spits the policemen, bringing him into the car, leaving you watching him with eyes fierce, insides burning. this again?
"wait for me, babygirl, yeah?" yells changbin your way, his blonde locks falling into his eyes.
you ignore his calling. "i'm gonna come back. as always. yeah?" smirks changbin.
he's not the bad guy. or is he?
hyunjin as psycho by red velvet
ummmm- are we even surprised ?? no. he owns the psycho cover and i watch it at least 3 times a day for good luck and clear skin 💫😎 but like this song is about someone coming to ruin you and like be honest did hyunjin completely ruin you or are you normal
you dry the tears off your cheeks, a sad smile coming onto your features, feeling like a psychopath again, falling for his games and for his tricks, just like every time.
"you just love me too much, right?" smirks hyunjin, placing a hand onto your cheek, rubbing small circles onto it to comfort you.
you sniffle, scoffing. you are pathetic. so, so pathetic. but you're never going to change.
because you're never going to stop loving him.
jisung as fancy by twice
okay are we even surprised part 2 ?? he ate that shit up, like that 💫💓dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely☁️💟 lives in my head rent-free 24/7 and i listen to the fancy cover literally every single day (while aggresively skipping wooj*n's face) and i am not even joking at this point. and the VIBE ?? the VIBEEE ?? jisung and you being your each others first love and dhskskdn omg my heart-
"i like you so much." mumbles jisung into your neck, planting a soft peck on it in the process, making you giggle.
"i know. you tell me every single day." you say, looking into his eyes, feeling like you see the whole entire universe in them, gazing into them as if they answer the questions to everything there is in the world.
"okay. let me change it up a little, then," giggles jisung, pecking your lips, "i love you."
you stare at him in awe, euphoria of hearing him say those words for the first time taking over you, a wide smile appearing on your mouth. "i love you too."
felix as hip by mamamoo
okay are we even surprised part 3 like ummm that boy ate the choreo up 🥵🥰 umm yeah but hip and mamamoo in general are so cool and so is felix lmao (btw hip is the song that got me into kpop this march 🥺🥺) and like hip is about being who you are and respecting and loving someone with everything they are 💓💫
"sometimes i even wonder why you're dating me in the first place." you mumble, your hair greasy and your loose t-shirt falling over your hips.
"what? why would you think about something like that?" felix furrows his brows, confused about your sudden confession.
"well, a girl like me is no fit for a boy like you. you're all cool and stuff and here i am with my oily hair and loose clothes..." you gesture to your body, feeling embarrased by even bringing it up.
"you're cool too, stop that. i love you just the way you are." he smiles, pecking your lips, suddenly making all your worries dissapear.
seungmin as lovesick girls by blackpink
okay i don't know what it is but this song just screams seungmin to me,, like the idea of knowing you'll get hurt by love but still wanting it nonthless, needing love and desiring it... also,,the vibes of like the evening summer city just sit so well with seungmin in my opinion
you put your legs out of the window of the going car, singing at the top of your lungs, passing the lamposts and counting how many of them are on the long highway.
you turn around to look at seungmin on the driver's seat, humming the song with you, looking at you once in a while, his heart beating fast at the presence of you in his car this late at night. he promised himself he's not going to fall in love again, but you weren't making it any easier for him. he was born to be alone, but you make him feel like loneliness is not the answer.
"i never want this moment to stop." you blurt out, amazed by the empty highway.
"yeah," sighs seungmin, watching you for a just a few seconds to still drive safely, feeling his heart combusting at the way your hair blows in the breeze, "me neither."
jeongin as la di da by everglow
retro vibes and jeongin = 💫💫💫 yes yes yes. anyways, umm idk this song just makes me think of like the hated couple walking along the night city when it's the carnival or something and everyone's just staring at you and gossiping bc they are jealous,,but you two don't care bc you just love each other too much 🤪❣
you turn your head to kiss him in the line for the carousel, seeing the disgusted faces of your classmates gossiping somewhere in the distance.
"people are staring again, jeongin," you whisper, looking to the ground.
"they are just jealous, baby. let's go, it's our turn." he giggles, taking you by the hand and pulling you to the carousel, making you laugh in the process as you get on and get prepared to yell your lungs out on the ride.
yeah, jeongin was right.
they are just jealous. let them know how much you're enjoying yourself.
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icharchivist · 3 years
I have finished winter troupe debut episode! It was very dramatic lmao. Was enjoyable though. Winter troupe all had very interesting characters and It's nice to see a troupe that is all adults.
Since I complained about spring troupe issues being solved by not talking about it. I have to talk about how winter troupes issues were solved by literal outside forces trapping them or letting them read peoples minds.
I'm guessing they did this because unlike the teens who are more willing to be open about themselves and pester others,,,, adults are a lot less likely. (Before winter the adults were, sakyo, and itaru? cause the uni students aren't really adults yet. sakyo opens up to Izumi because he knows and trusts her. Itaru. Hasn't really opened up yet but he's getting there.) Whereas winter troupe is a group of strangers and the two who know each other literally are in the middle of massive misunderstanding/fight?/idk mutual disappointment.
(Also misumi just getting trapped in random time loops???? Holy shit is he ok???? Like he was able to figure it was tsumugi and tasuku this time but what if he doesn't know the people? I have so many questions)
Ok rant over. I have accepted that magic exists in a3 and all it wants is for people to get along and understand each other. But yeah once I crawl through the events and next act I have to rewatch spring hahaha. I definitely wasn't fair to them.
Homare oh my god. Just. Holds gently. I want to protect him. No one deserves to be called a broken cyborg :(
Gahhh all of winter troupe I just want to protect.
Also I saw fuyupoly is a thing? Because I'm excited to see the troupe develop more.
(you said you had a Google drive of the inbetween acts events :eyes: should I message you or something?)
And yeah tbh when you talked about Spring having communication problems my first thought was “oh BOY you haven’t seen Winter yet” DLKFJDLFKJDFLKJDFLK
I. think about Winter much more than i should but yeah, pretty much it’s the fact they’re adults and strangers and just. are extremely conflict avoidant, all of them, for various reasons. Tsumugi because of his crushed confidence, Tasuku because he struggles to convey his feelings and he lost Tsumugi in the past, Hisoka because he litterally has no past and it freaks him out (Homare was spot on when he said Hisoka knew he couldn’t defend himself), Homare because he’s scared he’ll mess up again, and Azuma because he spent his life keeping people at armlength.  They’re all adult and agreeable people, and they are also all pretty understanding in some way, so they let some conflict pass by hoping it will be over soon. Some of them like Tsumugi, Azuma and Homare are also pretty analytic of people on a psychological way so they can try to navigate with what they know. 
But in the end without communication it’s not going very far, but they don’t really know how to do it when all of them are adults who have got used to it. 
so yeah, like you said it’s really that they’re adults and that unlike the youngest ones i think it’s just. they’re all used to compromise and compromise a part of themselves as well. 
but yeah the magic being the thing solving it cracks me up all the time i’m just. Like. okay. Okay cool okay. Normal. Like. Thematically wise i think it’s because Winter is a season that’s so cold and sad but there’s a bit of magic in it (like the magic of christmas) and i think that’s what it is meant to echo but that’s. so out of the blue DLKFJDKLFJDLKFJLDF that said once that just accepted i really love the way the three magical events reflects the characters (Tasuku and Tsumugi needed to reconnect and find back the comfort they had with one another and plushies are considered comfort items that helps transition into a safer place, it’s also linked to childhood and those two are childhood friends. Homare and the loupe are pretty straight forward, he needed to see closer, deeper. Azuma and Hisoka both were locked into a room, isolated, just like their past (or in Hisoka’s case what his flashbacks implies) make them feel isolated, having experienced loss).). I am FASCINATED with Winter. i just. akjhfkdhfkdjfmldjfmd?? sljhfjldk.
but aah i’m glad you enjoyed the ride so much i’m so happy!!
and god yeah please someone check on Misumi i worry for him wtf
and Homare’s arc yeah!! yeah!!! his arc is one of my fav arc i just. really love how it all plays out. It’s really rare to see a story goes “here’s a character with low empathy: and he’s the most loving and kind character you can imagine”. The way he struggles from it, how sad it makes him, this way to see himself, everything makes me want to cry for hours. I want to hold him so bad.
Fuyupoly is definitly a thing yeah. Fuyupoly my beloved. I adore Fuyupoly so much 😭 but Winter is honestly a slow burn, especially in comparaison to the rest of the teams. 
I actually didn’t think much of them at first read (Azuma and Hisoka were already my favs though, i’m so soft for them)(also i say that but i know i found back screenshot of me crying about fuyu on first read so i did feel a lot but it didn’t hit me until late, how much i actually cared), and now i legit can’t stop thinking about all of them. I don’t know how much it says about their slowburn or what it says about me but; Winter.
ANYWAY congratz on finishing the main story of act 1 :3c and yeah, i’d prefer if i could share it in private (bc it’s, a lot of content and if i provide it in public this is clearly piracy and DLKFJDF i know a3 tends to take down some of this content and i’m trying to be stealthy).
Though if you don’t want to come off anon, you can tell me in another anon’s ask, i’ll link you my drive, then you’ll need to send me an ask to tell me you got it so i can delete the post, if you prefer?
anyway the drive is up and ready anytime. i just didn’t update some of the latest act 2′s events but act 1 is filled and that’s the priority. so you know also this drive includes 1) Story events, 2) the songs linked to each plays (which tells the story of the plays, def recommand it), 3) All the backstages from limited time cards i could get. Backstages linked to specific events are inside their specific event files, else the cards which didn’t come in an event are in the “Scouting file”.  What’s important to read plotwise is the Event stories. The backstages are very good and i def recommand it but it may be overwhelming so you can skip them and come back later for them DLKJFLDKFJFD it’s really just the main plot of each event that you should watch.
(also i should mention only the first two events are fully voiced, the rest are just with some voicelines here and there, but i still recommand watching it bc of the mood with the music and the sprites and all)
so yeah ready to send it anytime you want  !! :3c
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moonshineboyz · 3 years
Is everything okay? Well... 👀 I'd like to say yes but not really. *Warning; this is going to get deep so grab some tissues 🤭* I get ever so insecure when I write smuts, it's so absolutely awful that I'm not just able to write something, edit it, post it & be content with it. For most people, that's where it stops. But for me, I do that process then I re-read it over and over again, finding more things wrong as I go over it, I worry that no one is going to like it, I worry it's a bad idea or if it's poorly written. Almost to the point where I beat myself up for it. Well, Im trying to be completely honest so no, not almost, I do. For fluff, it's the easiest thing in the world to write and I'm able to be happy with it, and I can re-read it without cringing (which is rare for me.) Angst is kind of in the middle, sometimes I'm satisfied with it but other times I'm like "This is so bad, there are people out there that are so much better than me, why do I try?" I wished that this wasn't the case but it's exactly how I feel. Smuts.. are horrible for me. I can't go writing one sentence without thinking that I'm useless, worthless, etc. I just have a terrible time trying to write them 🤦‍♀️ Basically, that is my situation right now but don't mind me! It's literally taking all of my beings not to delete myself from this planet but- I'm super lucky to have you 💌
Yes, not at me lowkey wanting to go on another hiatus because I suck at regular posting ✌😙 Taking breaks will probably be the one regular thing for me from now on 😔 I mean, underneath it all, everything is fine it's just my insecurities getting the best worst of me 🙃 Thank you, that does mean a lot I hope you know ☺ I love you too 🥰 You are the best & the sweetest! 100% just talked your ears off lmao
Okay, maybe another one...🤫👀 yes okay Nope! Not the moonbae one, I highkey forgot about that LOL- I totally did not just go & count BUT, I have 9 tbz smuts (including the three Im talking about) So, since you want to know 😏, the plot is like a movie night marathon with the boyz and it's a horror movie the first night & you find (the member) super handsome even tho he's just wearing a sweater and sweatpants and you basically secretly fuck(under a blanket) but you guys get caught at the end 🤐 so since I'm not outright telling you the member I'll happily give you hints!
1. He is a dancer (part of the dance line obviously)
2. It's not Juyeon LMAO
3. I haven't written about him yet 🤣
- Love, Kate
first of all, i'm so sorry i took so long to answer 😅
okay so, i'm sorry that you're feeling this way, darling, i understand :(( i honestly think it's natural for us to feel a bit unsure about our writing bc we get anxious to know what other people will think of it, or at least that is what happens to me too in some way. i know that it's easier said than done, but don't overthink about it and you're surely not useless nor worthless, you do get some really nice ideas to write, i love them. i understand that it's not like you're uncomfortable in writing smut or something of the sort and i don't know if i'm the best person to give advices about this or what exactly i should tell you but... first of all, keep in mind that you're NOT worthless, everyone has their own writing style/strengths and that doens't mean you're less than anyone else so don't compare yourself with others. second, there's always room for improvement if you feel like that'll help. you can search for writing tips and advices, how to improve and vocabulary. but don't overwork yourself, go at your own pace and don't force yourself to write, if nothing comes out that's okay too. and you know that i'm always here for you 💕💕
aw honey, it's totally okay not to post so often, everyone has their own rhythm to write, as well as personal life, don't care about it too much. and you can always take breaks when you feel like it. you're the sweetest too, i love talking to you 🥺🥺🥺 ewsduijk that's not a problem at all, you can always vent at me
9???? i'm dsjknefmdsjk see? you have so many ideas!! omg the plot is already amazing >>>> okay so, could it be sunwoo or changmin? 🤔
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