weaver-z · 1 year
I'm reading The Nice House on the Lake comics and I love Dave. He's literally me in this situation. If an eldritch entity trapped me in a pocket dimension at the end of the world, I would simply be the most insufferable specimen in the enclosure.
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iamfuturepixels · 1 year
Thinking about The Nice House on the Lake before the events of the comic is so funny, there's really a group of people like "Yeah, this is my buddy Walter, he's going to ask you for your opinions on the apocalypse but don't worry, it's just his special interest" and that goes on for almost 20 years
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celery-juice · 2 years
diversity win! the preternatural monster trapping you and your friends in a lake house while the world ends is queer!
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s38ndrawsstuff · 9 months
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Read the comic weeks ago and I had to draw something about. Details after the read more
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reindeercurt · 2 years
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I relate too much to this clingy freak
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5nake-eater · 2 months
Please bring back Walter in Nice House by the Sea I miss the poor little meow meow flesh tornado. Knowing that Oliver was in love with him even knowing he was an alien is such an interesting twist and I want to see them reunited
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thelightfluxtastic · 1 year
Color in The Nice House on the Lake
My last formal art education was Art 1 in high school so I'm sure other people have the language to make this point better than me. But even as a relative art novice I could tell the colors in The Nice House on the Lake were doing something really amazing. (Spoilers for all 12 issues below)
The best way I can put it is the more emotional weight a scene or panel has, the fewer colors it has.
Flashback scenes to college or high school tend to be fully colored. There's no overarching theme, and very contrasting colors can end up right next to one another (like Molly's red hair and blue shirt). This would look the most "normal", but because it's not the norm for the majority of the comic, it actually ended up feeling very sharp and distinct whenever this kind of scene came up.
The actual "norm" for the comic (regular day-to-day scenes at the house) tends to emphasize a handful of colors. Everything looks a bit more painted, and like there's a color wash or filter over it. There's still enough variance for there to be multiple colors (skin, clothes, hair) but there's an overarching theme. Everything is just a little bit purple-and-gold or a little pink or a little blue.
The more the intensity heightens (characters arguing, or solving the mystery of the house) the more that filter ramps up until everything is monochromatic. The apocalyptic scenes are all red, and the most variance you get is a lighter orange. The gun scene alternates between pure blue and pure pink. When Sarah confronts Walter the panels are only yellow. A lot of Walter and Norah scenes are either blue or outright pitch black.
I especially like how this is used for character emphasis. There's a scene in volume 2 where we get a birds-eye view of the party. The colors are in this radiant/halo shape- red on Ryan, fading to blue out toward the edges of the panel, where everyone else is, highlighting her isolation. There's a panel where Walter cries, and his tear is the same shade of the blue as the background, looking like a tear but also looking like his face is splitting, reminding the viewer of his (currently subdued) flesh-tornado visage. When Walter is with the others he gets the benefit of "normal" varied coloration. But as soon as the group wanders off or he's left alone, he becomes monochromatic blue.
And it's not just for scenes/pages it can be for just one panel. Walter arguing with Norah is all blues and greens until he snaps red for just one panel. The goofing-around-with-the-gun scene is primarily blue until the shot itself happens in red. And then the same happens later when the group makes their decision at the end and Ryan fires.
I'm sure this is not the only comic ever to do this it was just really clear to me and I found it very effective.
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norahjakobs · 2 months
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Norah Jakobs emote / base
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orallech · 2 years
Local Alien tasked with choosing 10 exceptional humans to serve as a stable test group to study after exterminating the rest of the human race traps 11 of his exes in a lab rat cage and asks them not to be mad
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lefthandedbastard · 2 years
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Yo mr white why are you an interdimensional alien and why do you want to trap 10 people in a fancy lake estate 😭😭😭
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cultofthepigeon · 2 years
So now that it's over, what did you think of the Nice house on the lake? I found the ending anticlimactic and sequel baity :/
I agree on both counts. Needed more oomf to fix it I think.
But at the same time i AM Looking forward to the next part. Something about the ramblingness of the narrarive really draws me in for some reason. I find Walter as a character kinda relateable and interesting too.
Idk if I'd recommend it to everyone, but I do wanna get the hard copy of these issues
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weaver-z · 1 year
The eldritch horrors from The Nice House on the Lake fucked up so badly when they let Walter be in charge of a cell. This guy got to be in a human body for a few years and became the world's most babygirlified bisexual. He has full metaphysical control over all of his exes and ex-besties and he chooses to walk up to them with big puppydog eyes all sopping wet and say guysss please don't be mad at me :(
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vanendjio · 2 years
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cultofthepigeon · 2 years
happy pride month tonallt he characters in The Nice House on the Lake
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