#tmut update
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blehblarghblah · 3 months ago
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Hey, it's been awhile since I updated y'all!
There was one ask I got a blue moon ago about Magic Between the Moon & Sky, and I will sadly report that I do not see myself updating that series for the foreseeable future. I didn't want to be one of those authors who make a 100 oneshot series then stop, but I am just not a fan of TDP at the moment so it's hard to really find the passion to write for a fandom I'm not in anymore.
I also know a good many of you are wondering about Loyalty & Light but I can confidently say that there is nothing solid yet. Another batch of twenty chapters is a lot for me and it will take a long while for it to get up and kicking. But I am still working at it. Don't be afraid to keep asking about it or to send asks! The comments I've been getting are a great inspiration!
Meanwhile, for The Most Undoing Thing, the final two chaps are coming! Regardless of season 2, this does not change the development of the fic at all. TMUT was always set in a post-season 1 only AU formula. I hoped to finish it before season 2, but alas, I did not. That said, I am immensely appreciative of the surge of love and attention toward TMUT. I guess a lot of people are aching for some Mama Jinx after Isha, huh? ( >ヮ<).
So when's TMUT coming out? Well here's a rundown:
Arcane/Legends of Runeterra, Mama Jinx AU, multi-chapter story (Title: "The Most Undoing Thing"). Chapter 19 sometime January.
The Owl House, Lealtad Noceda big sister/beta sister AU, multi-chapter story (Title: "Loyalty & Light"). Season 2, chap 21-41 in development!
The Owl House & The Ghost and Molly McGee crossover, crossover AU, multi-chapter story (Title: "The Light and Molly McGee"). Still in development!
Halloween fics: yeah I got delayed, so I'm gonna aim for 2025 Halloween now hopefully...
Once again, all is subject to change of course. Between uni, my newfound interest with D&D, and personal matters, it's hard to find time to write. But I still wanna write! I love writing fics and I miss posting 'em. Fall sem is done and I am hyped to write. As always, if you're interested in these fics, I have a few asks or posts about them that you can find via tags!
In other news, I will officially state that I am now ceasing use of FFN or Fanfiction.Net. This doesn't mean I'll delete my account and all stories up there, but for the future, I will not crosspost anymore fanfics on FFN. With all the issues it's had over the years, and a new wave of scam mail, I'm just tired of it. I'm sad too, because I'm aware of the recent traction I've been getting on there as well, but I'm afraid I'm just too tired of it.
So, I'm only using Ao3 from here on out. Sorry to all you FFN users, but I hope you can find the leniency to at least follow my stories on Ao3!
By the way, tags with “bleh update” keep track of all incoming fic posts! And check out my Fandom Masterlist to see what I’m into! Also Here’s all my Fanfics!
That’s all for now. Stay safe and take care all!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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xx-dark-dart-xx · 2 years ago
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blehblarghblah · 2 years ago
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I am proud to announce that "Loyalty & Light" now has a date of return! Yeaaaah! That's right, we're back in business... soon. heh. Hopefully, now having a date will tide you all over.
Meanwhile, “The Most Undoing Thing” is well on its way and will follow a more sporadic update format. Meaning, it probably won’t be as frequent as y’all would like. If you still haven’t heard, TMUT is going to 20 chapters so we’ve got three left! Wooo!
But now, it's time to promote what else I got in the works:
Arcane/Legends of Runeterra, Mama Jinx future AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “The Most Undoing Thing”). Returns August 9th, uploads (somewhat) monthly basis.
The Owl House, Lealtad Noceda big sister/beta sister AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “Loyalty & Light”). Returns August 2nd, uploads biweekly basis.
The Owl House & The Ghost and Molly McGee crossover, crossover AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “The Light and Molly McGee”). Work in Progress. (not coming anytime soon).
The Walking Dead (TV series) & Telltale's The Walking Dead (game) crossover, crossover AU, Violetine, Rick meets Clem, multi-chapter story (Title: "The After"). Work in Progress (not coming anytime soon).
The Dragon Prince, Rayllum oneshot collection, multi-AU & canon compliant stories (Title: “Magic Between the Moon & Sky”). Still on hiatus! I've yet to actually even watch season 4! But it'll be back eventually!
Halloween Fics! It's early to promote now, but by October I have three oneshots of three different fandoms planned! All Halloween themed and with ships!
So yeah, we getting busy folks! I would like to lead with that though there are schedules in place, these are subject to change in events of burnout, personal matters, or just inconveniences like tech issues. Or there may be random fics that pop up that weren't listed but I just made for the Hell of it. Keeping up with the fic tags---which is usually the fic name plus "update" at the end---is the best way to stay up to date on my fic series/multi-chapter stories.
I should state for the record, I will be returning to university this coming Fall and working part-time more. I'm going to be more busy of course, but I swear I’m doing my best to make sure I'm not overwhelmed! ᕦ( ò_ó)ᕤ
As always, if you're curious about these WIP fics I have in store, don't be afraid to ask about 'em! I'm always down to answer asks ( ^‿^).
Also, here is my ko-fi. I stated this before, but there is no pressure or need to donate (especially since I haven't been posting as much 😅). Fanfiction is a fun hobby and practice for me, but it's also out of my own free time and effort. So if you want to show your appreciation you can buy me a Coffee but the easy way would be sending me a comment on my stories or simply sharing my works. At the end of the day, I do this to spread my passion but also to entertain others.
By the way, tags with “bleh update” keep track of all incoming fic posts! And check out my Fandom Masterlist to see what I'm into! Also Here’s all my Fanfics!
That's all for now. Stay safe and take care all!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 1 year ago
I'm torn between wanting Loyalty & Light sooner vs wanting it all in one so I can read it all consecutively 😭😭😭 I guess if I had to choose I'd rather have all of season 2 done first so I can read it all as one big thing. Why DO you upload bi-weekly though, if you don't mind me asking?
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Ooh, a fair question, Anon!
Well, having the story update in a bi-weekly basis offers two things: at minimum, two chaps a month and a flexible schedule. Having at least two chaps a month is at least giving you guys some content while also giving me time to make edits if need be.
Though there hasn’t been a case of this for season 1B of Loyalty & Light, it was still a nice incentive to have as I also had time between weeks to respond to comments, asks, and DMs regarding the last chap released. Having a week gap in-between chapters is also a nice break for myself to just do other things and step away from fanfiction. While I still check in and reply to every comment, a week gap gives me a nice separation from thinking about my fanfics.
But also, at the time, I was simultaneously releasing The Most Undoing Thing. TMUT rotated with L&L every week, and that gap also allowed for my followers—because of my mixed followers of fandoms—to have a semi cohesive blog to catch up on. One week would be about TMUT and the other would be about L&L. I also still plan to release other fics and oneshots, so the gap allows for me to insert things without disturbing the attention from L&L.
It’s just something of a personal preference of mine too, as a multi-fandom blog trying to be somewhat orderly.
Until next ask,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 1 year ago
I know writing wise, I didn’t get much done outside of TMUT and L&L, but I’m still grateful for the wonderful responses you’ve all had toward my writing over this past year.
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TMUT has had some good ones too of course, but I just want y’all to know I’m happy you all like my stories. I don’t intend to do mostly OC stories, because I’m not really comfortable with having OCs be main characters toward fanfics. But I’m glad to know you all enjoyed the ones I’ve made, and that you’re all awaiting for their returns with each update!
Here’s to more stories into the New Year.
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 2 years ago
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[I'll be once again using this for the FFN cover of the story as well]
That's right, as we breach into the second half of this fic, we also get new cover art! As always, massive thanks to decydoodles (insta link) for doing this commission for me once again. Her artwork is such a great visualization of how I imagined these characters to look together, but also serves as a constant motivation out of my writer's block.
Act 2 of TMUT has begun and much more fun is set to take place!
So what's to come in the next ten chapters?
Summary: Over seven months have passed since Jinx first took in Zel and Evi, and Jinx's role as a mother is still put to the test from day to day squabbles between her kids and regular bounties to put food on the table. But as the kids grow, Jinx has to come to grips with imparting actual life lessons while also helping her kids deal with their own traumas and guilt, all while the threat of the her own past comes back into her life. For once, she's let go of it, but it hasn't let go of her...
I'm pretty sure you all can tell, that maybe... just maybe... Piltover's Finest is making an appearance? ( ¬‿¬)
So some fun stuff is up ahead! Well fun for me to write, if anything. If you're someone who's just happened on this post without knowing the whole story, you can read from the beginning here:
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38189953/chapters/95411233
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14070252/1/The-Most-Undoing-Thing
I'd like to end this note on some massive appreciation toward all of you guys who're reading this! It's so fun to see the reception but also that you're all enjoying reading it as I am enjoying writing it!
For a little more fun, you can look here to compare this cover to Act 1's old cover art!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 3 years ago
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[I'll be using this for the FFN upload cover as well!]
Summary: Several years after the Split, Piltover and Zaun’s symbiotic societies are on the cusp of prospering. With a bright future on the way for many Pilties—and even some Zaunites—Jinx is left with nothing but wonder for what her future entails. But what’s she to do when her path leads down to the pair of orphaned Zaunites: bombardier Zel and pickpocketer Evi? Simple: do better.
MASSIVE shoutout to decydoodles (insta link) for doing this commission for me! The second I thought about doing an Arcane/LoR fanfic I knew who I wanted to do the cover art and sure enough: she delivered beyond expecations. ( ^‿^) Be sure to check out her work too!
So what else does this future fic entail? Well... feel free to ask about it! For now, I'll say I've taken heavy inspirations from the Legends of Runeterra lore and many a future Jinx AUs. I also wanted to explore a side of LoR, especially the card game's multiple stories, and pulled characters from the game!
Zel is the Boomcrew Rookie card and Evi is the Zaunite Urchin card! They're some of my favourite follower cards in the game. I've taken voice lines, trivia, and all the likes to really get a grasp at these characters while also making them my own.
To get into a bit of the nitty gritty of the writing, this is actually really exciting as this is kind of my first dip into a more... "Mature" fanfic rating. Nothing sexually explicit or graphic is gonna exactly happen, but the canon-typical violence/cursing we see in Arcane is a factor here. So I have to emulate that across an aged up Jinx and well, you get the picture. You can expect the same amount of dumb jokes and innuendoes you usually see if you're familiar with my work, but now the M rating is just less... restrictive toward some of those lines.
Also, I did something kind of new with the narrative writing and I'm excited to see what y'all think of it when it comes out...
The première for the first chapter of TMUT goes live April 20th, 2022! And after that, it shall continue on a biweekly basis. EDIT: It’s out now!
If you have questions, go ahead and ask! I'm always down to chat. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Until next one,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 2 years ago
TMUT Update!
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So! It's quite possible that we won't be having another TMUT update for a little while. Lots has been going on, and I really want to write more for my other fic series (another separate update post is coming in) but basically, as I divert my focus to other things I also recognize we're entering the last three chapters of TMUT.
Now, I've been proud of the work I have put out and the manner I've done it, but as we enter these last few chaps I want to make sure they're as good as I planned them out to be and not rushed in any way. Which essentially means I cannot, as a writer, proceed with my current pace unless I take a step back.
The last three chapters don't necessarily connect like the recent arcs we've gone through, but I want them to blend and to flow consistently. So, I need to take some time to make sure the last three really come out the way I envisioned before I just churn them out carelessly.
So sorry for the delays everyone, but I hope you all stick with me by then! ( ^‿^)
but to clarify, this is not a hiatus. I mean, by definition, it is, but not in the way I know some of y'all will be thinking! I swear!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 2 years ago
TMUT Update!
Sorry guys for the massive delays these past few weeks and the lack of transparency. I've been doing fine, even been handling that seasonal depression pretty good! This next chap is just such a doozy and is honestly one of the longest ones yet. It's going to be delayed to tomorrow night but most likely this coming weekend instead.
This is one of the most important chapters yet, and I wanna get it right! But, I've also just been living my life and such so it's not as fleshed out as I'd like in certain parts.
Thanks for your guys' patience, you're all amazing! ( ^‿^)
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 2 years ago
TMUT Update! (and L&L Update!)
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Sorry again! Another delay coming in! I've been kind of distracted these past few days writing for Loyalty & Light. Lots of stuff being done for my TOH AU! By the way, an announcement of the return date for season1b will be coming soon! Probably late Jan to early Feb.
But in terms of The Most Undoing Thing, these next few chapters require lots of synergy between each other so I'm doing my best to make sure they line up!
It won't be coming out tonight, so the most I confirm is around Wednesday, January 11th, maybe later.
Sorry again for the delays! Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 3 years ago
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What time is it? UPDATE TIME! *DJ airhorn sounds* "Another one so soon?" Yuuuup. So now that I successfully posted my MBTMS prank fic, we've gotta talk more scheduling!
L&L shall continue its biweekly scheduling, as I've stated previously, until episode 10! For its mid-season hiatus! I have gotten some inquires about how long the hiatus may be and all I can say is it depends. I ideally like to get out a decent some of the chapters before uploading so I'm ahead, so it may take a couple months before L&L will be back. But that's not for awhile, so let's not fret!
If you recall from my last "bleh update", I had two slots of To Be Filled Later (TBFL) oneshots that I said I was open to suggestions for! Weeellll, no ideas exactly came forward---and that's fine---but since I had the vacancies I decided I'd pursue fic ideas I'd been mulling over awhile and well...
The Owl House, Lealtad Noceda big sister AU, multi-chapter story (Title: “Loyalty & Light”). Chapters upload biweekly basis. [ONGOING 'TIL EPISODE 10, THEN MID-SEASON HIATUS]
Arcane/Legends of Runeterra, Mama Jinx future AU, multi-chapter story (Title: "The Most Undoing Thing"). Upload date: April 20th, 2022. Uploads biweekly basis.
The Owl House & The Ghost and Molly McGee crossover, crossover AU, Oneshot (Title: "The Light and Molly McGee"). No date available. [ ]
The Dragon Prince, Rayllum oneshot collection, multi-AU & canon compliant stories (Title: “Magic Between the Moon & Sky”). Update: Chapter 62, College AU, April 10th. [ ✔]
TBFL Oneshot (?) [ ]
I know, I know.... "How'd you go from having two empty oneshot spaces to writing another fic series?" Boredom and inspiration, really. Both the Arcane fic series The Most Undoing Thing (or TMUT) and the TOH & TGaMM crossover, were fics I've had in my head since January but I think now's a good time to promote 'em! And yes, I still have a TBFL oneshot but that may change or might just be a short one, who knows! Still up for any suggestions by the way. ( •‿-)
Man, my writing high is surging, huh? And don't worry, I'll try not to burn myself out. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
By the way, tags with “bleh update” keep track of all incoming fic posts! And check out my Fandom Masterlist to see what I'm into! Also Here's All My Fanfics!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 2 years ago
TMUT Update!
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Okay so yeah, this chap kinda got away from me 😅. I'll be honest this is entirely on me. I watched Black Panther Tuesday, got into a new (but not really new) game over the weekend, and just rewatched Maze Runner last night with one of my sisters who's never seen it.
Basically, I kinda got distracted from finishing and editing this week's chap! Sorry all! Expect it either really early Saturday morning to late Saturday evening, so basically sometime during Nov 19th!
Appreciate the patience y'all have though!
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 2 years ago
TMUT Update!
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Sooooo some more personal stuff came up and I had a bit of a mini burnout? I don't know, but yeah personal life stuff kept piling up and that unfortunately meant this week's chapter was mega delayed.
So I decided to push chapter 11 to September 28th at the earliest, but the window of its release will be between the 28th to the 30th! I know that means y'all basically had two weeks of waiting, but fret not! I'll do my best to get chap 12 up and ready too, so while the schedule will still follow a biweekly format the rest of the chap updates technically moved up one week!
(i.e., chapter 12 would've come out the 19th of October but is now coming out on the 12th--hopefully--which basically means everything else moved up)
Sorry for more delays, but trust me when I say fun stuff is ahead!
( ^‿^)
Until next post,
- Bleh
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blehblarghblah · 3 years ago
TMUT Update!
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I swear, I had no idea today was Wednesday until I saw my queued Tumblr post go up. I deleted it because I realized I hadn't finished editing today's chap! Sorry everyone, it'll come out tomorrow instead!
This is all on me guys, I done goofed!
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blehblarghblah · 3 years ago
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I have like four different endings to The Most Undoing Thing. And While I am a bit of a tragedy guy, and I think happy endings are cliché, I also think that of the small variety in Mama Jinx fics, they deserve more wholesomeness.
Basically, I think my Mama Jinx AU is gonna be happier than even I anticipated. I think we good use some sweeter stories...
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blehblarghblah · 3 years ago
TMUT Update:
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SORRY! Tonight's chapter will be delayed unto tomorrow night! So July 28th!
Editing and such has taken a bit longer than I would've liked! This one is also another big one, so I promise it's worth it. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Until next post,
-- Bleh
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