#tmnt misfit family au fic
lartiel · 4 months
Chapter one for a little taste of what this is.
Tmnt misfit family au
Chapter 2 will be the first episode on the show ( most likely )
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drdone · 7 years
1, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 54!
1. Favorite place to write.
Hmmmm right now it’s at my desk, which is currently in the living room. It used to be the table, which was also in the living room lmao. Or my bed, or the couch. I also enjoy writing while at the library.
3. Least favorite part of writing.
Currently it’s world-building. My novel has changed worlds three times, and I’m revamping it yet again.
But oh, my god, also, revision. Oh my fucking god. I hate it. it’s good, it’s necessary, but I hate it.
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.
God, this question. So here’s the thing: a lot of time, I’ll read something I like and I’ll try out stuff from that author’s writing style and incorporate it into my own. Sometimes it fails and sometimes it stays. And for the most part, it’s from fanfiction. You’re one of them, prelude - I have fun playing around with the way you phrase things, and you’ve definitely taught me to work on the themes of what I’m writing better. KouriArashi is one - they write Teen Wolf fic and are a major part of the reason that I write in present tense for the most part. I also have fun with Scifigrl47′s stuff - she writes the Toasterverse, which is Marvel fics. The way she writes the team interactions is a lot of fun to fuck around with. Also, @taizi‘s TMNT fics, the way she writes the turtles interacting influenced how I’ve been working with the Tracy boys. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
8. Favorite trope to write.
Found family. Big group of misfits who find each other and are assholes together. Preferably ones that fight crime or have to learn teamwork or whatever together. Hell yeah. That’s my shit.
13.How do you deal with writers block?
Screaming. Nah, uh, I’ll read. If I’m writing fic I’ll rewatch/reread the source material. I’ll get a prompt or something, drink some tea, eat some chocolate, take a shower, go for a walk. Meditating, sometimes. All that sounds like a healthy way to do it, so I’ll admit that I also watch and rewatch vine compilations and Achievement Hunter videos and fuck around on tumblr. Yeah. Yup.
21.Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s.
“Let’s do this, then,” Scott says.
(The Stranger Things AU, which I will eventually get done with revising. Oh God, kill me.)
34.Handwritten notes or typed notes?
Both. For the most part, I do typed notes, but if I have to do an overhaul of a plot or timeline or I’m really stuck, I get out a notebook and just go throughout the whole damn thing.
54.Any writing advice you want to share?
Oh, man. Write. Just write. Do a lot of it. Write for yourself. I got asked recently how much of the fics that I write that I don’t share and my god, so much. Sometimes you’re just like ‘oh hey I wanna write this thing but others would think it was weird.’ Write it anyway. Oh, my god, just write it anyway. Just write. I have an AU of Thunderbirds where Alan goes to college. I’ll never ever share it because it’s a whole bunch of self indulgent stuff, but writing that stuff has helped me learn. I don’t have to share it. I have a TMNT ‘verse that is filled with like 20 OCs that two of my friends and I have just gone to town on. And now those OCs are the major players in my original stuff.
Seriously, just write. All of it. Any of it. Don’t delete it. Move it to other documents and rewrite, but one day you’ll look back and be like ‘holy shit I wrote so much’ and maybe you’ll read through it and hate it but then you can tell how much you’ve learned! And sometimes you’ll read through it and be like ‘holy shit this is good shit’ and find something you can work on, or a line you want to use, or just something to make you smile. And yeeee.
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