#tmmm season 5
charcubed · 1 year
Love Is The Opening Door –
A Midge/Susie fic
Pensacola – 1969 With no actual thoughts involved and no plan to do it, Midge leans forward and kisses her. Susie jerks back like she’s been shot. “What the FUCK?” she yells, scrambling off the bed.
New York City – 1990 For the first time in five years, Midge just spoke to her. Not about her; to her. It was more than an olive branch. It was the whole fucking tree. And Susie’s holding a piece of paper that proves she gets to talk to her again.
Rated T • 6,688 words
On AO3 here.
The parts of Midge and Susie's love story that exist in the margins, mentioned in canon but not shown on screen.
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penniedreadfuls · 2 years
The Problem of Lenny
Some thoughts about what could, or should, happen with Luke Kirby's Lenny Bruce in season 5 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Cw: for discussion of drug use and suicide
Okay, I'm probably writing this half as an apology for not having updated "All Things are Temporary" in a while. (My other writerly obligations have hard deadlines D:). And the other half is because I was peeping in on the TMMM reddit and there's some guy saying he works on the show as a sound editor, and is giving out spoilers. Ones that say "Lenny dies, eventually" (as do we all) and that a Once Upon a Time in Hollywood like ending doesn't happen.
I take those "spoilers" with a grain of salt. But here are my personal thoughts both as a fan of the show and a writer.
Show Lenny is a fictional character and should be treated as such. TMMM has never been biographical towards him. Several parts of his life have been changed to fit the show. That's fine and dandy.
We all know he was only supposed to appear in the first episode, but that Luke Kirby charm is powerful. All of his previous interactions with characters have fit within plausible deniability. But that changes once he sleeps with Midge. I think that crosses a line when using a real person as a character in a show. (As much as I loved it)
The real Lenny Bruce died of a morphine overdose in August 1966. It doesn't get discussed much here, but there is the very strong likelihood that it was a suicide. The circumstances around his death, how he was found, what happened afterwards, are incredibly sad and tragic. (If you want to know, you can read it on his wikipedia. I will warn you, it's very upsetting.)
I can't imagine The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel putting that in the show, and doing it well. TMMM is a cotton candy world. There has not been anything truly dark in it. I was not impressed with the narrative of Midge's victimhood in regards to Shy. (I didn't like her apology)
TMMM is not Mad Men, historical happenings either do not intrude much or are played for laughs (Jackie Kennedy). But if the show got further into the 60s, that would get harder to ignore. And like the above realities of Lenny Bruce's death, they would not fit into the TMMM world. I also cannot see Mei getting an abortion.
ex. The Cuban Missile Crisis, 16th Street Baptist Church Bombings. Characters would and should comment on these. So it's probably a good thing the show ends in 1961. A lot happened from 61-66, and the show has so many plotlines, I think a big time skip would mess them up. I got away with the huge time jump in "All Things are Temporary" because of Lenny's internal thoughts and I cheated and had Midge give an interview.
I digress. I fear if ASP and the powers that be have fictional Lenny die as he did in life, that they would change it to make its more "palatable" for the show. An idea that I find immensely disrespectful, since it probably was a suicide. Midge would certainly come to know the details of Lenny's death and her reaction would be heartbreaking (I know Rachel Broshanan would knock it out of the park however).
So what do I think should happen? It comes down to three options. Spare, Ambiguous, or Dies. I've already outlined my thoughts on the last one.
Lenny is one of the most popular characters in the show, sparing him would be giving him what he was denied in real life. As long as the real Kitty Bruce approves?
I personally think that the show should keep it ambiguous. It will be better for all of us fic writers :D Most of all, I just want the ending to be well written. I never watched Gilmore Girls, but I've heard that I should be concerned.
What do you all think?
One last thought. I really believe that ASP intended for Midge and Joel to end up back together during the first two seasons, and then realized the idea is not a popular one. (Are people writing MidgeJoel fic? I don't think so!) Hence we get Mei and Miami.
TL;DR: TMMM should either spare Lenny or go all out in depicting the realities of his death. To lessen it is disrespectful.
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dearvoidgoodnight · 1 year
Tess: Don’t break this promise. Since Skint died, I’m feeling very vulnerable.
Susie: Wait, Skint died?
Tess: Yes.
Susie: Your husband, my brother-in-law.
Tess: Yeah, last week.
Susie: And you didn’t think to tell me?
Tess: It was natural causes, so there was nothing to tell. 
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absurdiststances · 1 year
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And if she’s got what it takes, she’ll bounce back.
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aflawedfashion · 1 year
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Midge & Susie | The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 5x09
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lovepollution · 1 year
“It’s five seasons of television, so hopefully, the relationship has evolved. I do think he loves her. I mean, I don’t even think he loves her. He loves her, duh.”
Luke Kirby on Lenny's feelings for Midge [x]
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incipientdreamer · 1 year
Godd that final scene when Midge looks at Susie at the end and Susie has her hand on her heart...just perfection
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"It's a good joke!"
"I'm not saying it's a bad joke. I'm saying we can't use it because it insults the guest star."
"Please, he'll think it's funny."
Gordon whirls around on her. "And you know what Lenny Bruce thinks is funny."
Midge shrugs. "There were a couple of choice dick jokes he liked when he peeked at my notebook at the bar one afternoon."
"Yeah I bet he peeked something, alright."
Lenny can hear them before he catches sight of them, and Midge had mentioned how she's treated at this place over the phone.
Piece of meat indeed.
"What's the commotion?" He asks.
Gordon waves him off. "Don't worry about it, Lenny. Just my girl writer having an issue. But she always does."
Lenny smirks wryly. "The only thing I've known Midge to be fussy about is her hair. What's up?"
"I wrote a joke about you for the opening monologue," Midge interjects before Gordon can. "He thinks you'll be insulted."
Lenny shrugs. "Let's hear it."
Gordon puts up his hands, realizing too late that he's lost control of the situation. "Lenny-"
"Lenny Bruce is on the show tonight, and while we're grateful for the California weather he's brought with him, we're hoping he left the LAPD at home," Midge recites.
Lenny smirks behind his hand. "But we've got New York's finest on standby just in case," he adds.
Midge beams. "There's a trail of donuts leading to Lenny's dressing room to make sure they don't confuse him with every other white guy in a suit wandering around the studio."
Lenny gives that short, loud laugh that Midge loves so much, and Gordon pinches the bridge of his nose.
Lenny pats Gordon on the shoulder. "Use the joke. I've got thick skin, you can check with my moil."
"We can't use that, it's too Jewish," Midge teases.
"So is my nose, but you're still having me on the show," Lenny volleys back.
Midge tries hard not to laugh at that.
Gordon looks from one to the other. "Okay. Clearly I'm a third wheel here."
"If you wanted a date, all you had to do was ask," Lenny teases. "You're not my normal type, but you do have a nice tush. I'd make an exception."
Gordon closes his eyes. "Mike!"
As he stomps off, Lenny turns to Midge. "Drinks after the show?"
"You're on."
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
prompt: midge takes lenny for chinese food sometime between 1961-1965
May 1961
"You know when you said someday I'd be the one paying for the Chinese food, I didn't expect it would be when we were celebrating me."
Lenny smirked at her from across the table. "We're celebrating your success. Seemed like as good a time as any."
Midge smiled softly in return, admiring the pink flower she'd tucked into his lapel on their walk over.
She'd found him in the 30 Rock lobby shortly after the show, arguing with a security guard about letting him in to drop off a bouquet in her dressing room, even though he wasn't on the list. 
Pink and green. Just like always.
She learned that he was back in town for a friend's wedding. That Dinah had serendipitously called the bar they were having said friend's bachelor party in to tell the bartender about her set and they'd overheard, promptly deciding to move the party to the studio after a quick stop at a flower stand.
They got caught shortly thereafter trying to sneak in while the cameras were still rolling. The slow runners were a fun bunch but they lived up to their name.
Had her parents not asked her to walk them out after the show (they'd gotten lost on their way in with all the excitement), she would have never known he was there in person and not just in spirit via the little fortune tucked inside her dress, next to her heart.
It was good to see him. To know he'd really been there for her big break, even if he had to watch on a little monitor in the lobby. He was there. And it felt…right.
In the same way the past several months without running into him had felt wrong.
She'd been keeping herself so busy, trying not to miss him. Trying to keep her promise not to blow it.
She'd thought she had for a while. With her career and with him. 
But tonight seemed to be full of second chances, if she was brave enough to take them.
The check was placed on the table with a pair of fortune cookies on the tray.
"I'll take that," she teased, plucking the cookie from his hand as he began to break his open.
Lenny opened his mouth in amused protest but she held up a finger.
"My turn to pay, my turn to read," she insisted.
He propped his elbows on the table, covering a smile with his hands, nodding for her to continue.
She stared down at the slip of paper in her hands, and as she scanned the text, she realized she needed to be brave at least one more time before the night was over. 
Say what she should have said months ago…
"Your chance at love is waiting right in front of you. All you have to do is let yourself accept it."
She glanced up briefly, gauging his reaction.
"If you do," she continued, "you may finally know yourself as you are seen through the eyes of love…Someone not to be worshiped as a comedy messiah, but treasured as a friend, delighted in as a lover, and respected as an individual with the utmost decency of character, despite what any of the court documents or tabloids may say."
"They will see you as someone never to be pitied or something to fix because they've never once considered you to be broken. Just someone worthy of support. Of care. Of mutual adoration, sometimes including the occasional show corset."
Lenny smirked behind his hands, staying silent.
"This love is not without it's fuck ups but it is genuine," she promised, keeping her eyes on the slip in front of her. "And it's yours for the taking."
He exhaled thoughtfully as she folded her hands on the table.
"It says all that, hm?" he murmured finally.
Midge nodded. "I've gotten very good at reading fine print since we were here last. Gotta practice for all those contracts they want you to sign when you're famous."
Lenny shook his head, sliding the fortune over to his side of the table.
"Your lucky numbers are 46, 24, 11, 6, and 5." 
"Well…" Midge shrugged, pulling out the fortune she'd tucked into her dress and laying it beside its twin.  "I've heard it's all in how you read it."
He stared down at the papers quietly.
"You kept it?" he wondered.
"I did."
He nodded, glancing towards the window, letting the simple admission speak for the more complicated things they'd left unsaid until now.
"What are the odds it starts snowing?" he asked absently.
Midge smiled. "I dunno… I kind of like our chances though."
He turned back to her, hesitant but hopeful.
"I'm having a good night. Call me optimistic," she replied.
He smiled softly, his hand tentatively finding hers on the tabletop.
"As long as we're calling…"
"I think we could figure it out."
They made a point to revisit that booth regularly. First whenever they both found each other in New York, then on a monthly basis when he moved back to the east coast.
Until finally they decided to rent out the entire restaurant on the twenty fourth of November in 1965, where they celebrated their wedding reception with forty six of their dearest friends and family.
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atlasshrugd · 1 year
I think the flash forwards are a way to distract people/misdirect them. For them to show the negative outcome of Midge’s success story so early in the show sets it up to be subverted/overcome by the end of the show. Otherwise, what are people sticking around for? There obviously has to be more to the story, the ending can’t be spoiled at the beginning. I bet the writers have something up their sleeve when it comes to the flash forwards.
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charcubed · 9 months
someday, ages after the show’s been finished, I’m going to roll up with a post compiling a bunch of screenshots of moments where Midge Maisel was subtextually queer. and I’ve just accepted that by the time I ever get around to it no one is going to care (especially since very few people would’ve cared in the first place) but that’s okay. I think the world needs it anyway. eventually. just so it’ll exist somewhere.
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dearvoidgoodnight · 1 year
“I’m not the one who’s supposed to teach her about snow. That one’s squarely on you.”
-Susie Myerson
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absurdiststances · 1 year
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“I’m veering toward cliché, but that feeling that you get when somebody’s present and available, that you don’t really have to do much to conjure anything…being in a room breathing with someone can be a very tender thing and can really stir up so many different degrees of weather within you.”
- Luke Kirby on working with Rachel Brosnahan, interview by Savannah Walsh for Vanity Fair [x]
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aflawedfashion · 1 year
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Midge Maisel | The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 5x08
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lovepollution · 1 year
“I’ve always felt like their affection was true and real, but his life was obviously becoming subsumed under all of the incessant litigation that was so damaging, coupled with how he was opting to treat his pain. And so, I imagine him as getting more enmeshed in that reality. But the nice thing about true love is that it never fades.”
Luke Kirby on Lenny post the 5x01 airport scene [x]
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