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tommysparker · 6 months ago
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sofiart22 · 5 months ago
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I am no good nor evil, simply I am
Madi on tiktok //The Magnus Protocol S1ep30 (Jonathan Sims and Alexander J newall)// i'm not a good person (Pat the Bunny)//Problem Area (Last Sext by Melissa Broder)//The Magnus Protocol S1ep30 (Jonathan Sims and Alexander J newall)// A Bad Weekend in Three Parts (Clementine von Radics)//Julius Caesar (dr. by Joseph L. Mankiewicz)//The Magnus Protocol S1ep30 (Jonathan Sims and Alexander J newall)//The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
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magpiegrove · 2 months ago
WATCH IT NOW ON YOUTUBE! I'm really happy with this one, can't wait to see what all of you think!
Content warnings available in the video description.
(Please reblog if you enjoy!)
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viideo-kidd · 9 days ago
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Transmutation (human) -/- Isolation (urban)
"Just one boring night. Is that so much to ask?"
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grimogretricks · 6 months ago
The Magnus Protocol 30- season finale
A gut punch of a season finale ! My thoughts on this, and how the relationships between the characters set this up, below.
Found myself exclaiming CELIA!!! out loud at this one! Genuinely, in retrospect, I think the dynamic between Sam, Celia and Alice was set up very well for the utter gut punch of this season finale ending.
At the start, Alice had the upper hand, she was the one in control, cracking jokes for every occasion, taking nothing seriously, very much by design. She overstepped boundaries at times with her jokes, and wasn’t all that respectful of Sam. At every turn she disapproved of him looking any deeper into things, and Alice’s constant insistence that they should NOT investigate anything was quite wearying. It was easy to sympathise with Sam wanting to investigate more and more, so we could get more information as to where the plot was going.
As it went on though, and Sam established his relationship with Celia and got an ally in the investigation, and finally it felt like, yes, here he was getting somewhere.
But we all know, from TMA, that the urge to investigate, the urge to actually go prying into mystery, is a double edged sword, made of many fears, ready to drag a person into a complex web of fear in which ‘knowing’ in itself can feed a dark power. The ‘somewhere’ that you can go, is not a good ‘somewhere’.
At the back of our minds then, whenever Alice says ‘don’t!’ we sympathise with Sam’s need to know, but at the back of our mind, know that Alice is right. Even if it’s also true, ignorance at this point couldn’t save them.
On the personal level as well, it’s easy to sympathise with Alice losing, as Sam gained, in his relationship with Celia, and hard not to cringe at Alice’s jealousy on the matter.
The way that alienation has been building between Sam and Alice, all that awkwardness around his relationship with Celia, all that Alice pushing too hard and too constantly for him to listen to her, for him to stop prying into things, stop investigating, for everyone’s safety, all that came together for that perfectly painful denouement.
 Sam, no longer heeding Alice’s warnings, Alice, panicked and having to let everyone ELSE fall by the way side (and maybe die.. I don’t think things look good for Colin or Teddy, they both had incredibly ominous send offs), desperately trying to get through to him, but she’s already said it too many times to be anything but too late. He’s stopped listening, and he’s followed Celia, right to the centre of Hilltop road, right to where he believes, something terrible will happen. In some futile belief that somehow, to go there is to be able to stop it.
And in doing so, he draws ever closer to the horrible truth of things, that won’t reveal anything good, that will only consume him, that has only awful secrets. That will take him to that somewhere, that is nowhere good.
And ahhh, Celia’s voice, the way, as they got closer, the way she started to show how she knew the answers to the questions, the coldness in her voice, the distance, creeping in. The way she spoke of the balance she needed. The revelation, of all that she’d been getting close to him for. That he was the sacrifice, she’d make, to keep herself from having to go back. That final confrontation, between her and Sam, interrupted by her statement. Powerful and painful!
So, yes, in retrospect, painful as some of that interpersonal conflict has been between Alice, Sam and Celia, I do think that it did a great job of building up to the crescendo of this moment.
And then, in the wake of it all, there’s Celia, having the gall to play innocent and say Sam played the hero.
I wonder what shall happen, in the wake of all of this! I hope we stay in the OAIR world, and not back to the post-apocalypse for too long, but I am not sure, considering where Sam went.
Overall, I think The Magnus Protocol made a solid start to its season, and I’m definitely invested. I’m surprised how enmeshed in TMA it actually turned out to be, although  at the same time, a lot of people seem to be trying to make it into something that’s more different from TMA than it has reason to be: The fears came here from the TMA universe, there’s no reason to believe that they are, in essence, different, even if they might manifest in slightly different ways. I believe that the difference of this world is that manifestation of the fears and efforts to keep them in balance are being more consciously pursued via alchemy and the endeavours of organisations like the OAIR on one side and the Magnus Institute on the other. But now we have inter-dimensional balance also to consider. And now the archivist from one world has gone through to the other, creating, presumably, a new imbalance.  
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lu8naa · 6 days ago
it messed me up how after tmagp30 the advert says “hi it’s me Celia, from the magnus archives” -after protocol ends. “from the magnus ARCHIVES” not “from the magnus protocol” SCREAM
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isagnesalive · 6 months ago
i typically check the tumblr tags to see what the patreon pre-viewers have to say every tuesday. i dont think i will this week. i am genuinely looking forward to agnes montague crumbs in tmagp30.
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alchemicalnightshade · 4 months ago
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So I was reading the TMAGP transcripts, as you do (I couldn't get to sleep and I have to be up early in the morning so why not), and I come across these descriptions of the receptionist and a patient at the clinic - and they simply *have* to be Jon and Martin.
Pretty much Jon's only canonical physical description is that he looks older than his age - and 'city miles' is a slang way of saying that. Meanwhile, Martin has been described as "roomy" by NotSasha (so he's probably plus-sized); and he stammers and stumbles over words because of nerves all the time in TMA, especially in the first season.
With all the multiverse stuff going on - and with the reveal of the dimensional rift in TMAGP30 - my theory is that the guy from the statement, and by extension this Jon and Martin, are from another universe other than the TMA and TMAGP ones, and he got unlucky, but not before catching sight of our boys living their best AU lives!
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buildoblivion · 6 months ago
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gwen post tmagp30
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babyprime · 5 months ago
the end of tmagp30 was HUGE for us heterophobes
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tommysparker · 6 months ago
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I’m sure this won’t have any lasting consequences on Alice’s conscious whatsoever
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inessencedevided · 6 months ago
Just listened to tmagp30 and oh they got us GOOD
Should've known something was up when Jonathan Sims and Alexander J Newall put a romance plot in the centre of the very first season ...
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sims-jonathan · 6 months ago
relistening to tmagp30 [yes, already] and celias fuckingg. "rest up. we're safe here." on the train feels SOOO DIFFERENT THE SECOND TIME AROUND.
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mothy-graves · 6 months ago
unrelated to TMAGP30 cause I still can’t fully wrap my brain around that
y’all fuck with disabled Sam?!
I have fibromyalgia and my pain levels have been… something… lately and to cope I like to try to shove my struggles onto characters! and this time its Sam cause it makes sense in my brain!
Sam is weak, as we’ve been told a lot, which is my main thought of why Im latching onto him for this. cause Im also weak due to my pain and I feel like Sam could be the same.
so he also has fibromyalgia and chronic pain because I said so!!
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v10l3t-jpg · 6 months ago
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mindnumbing-brain-candy · 4 months ago
Weirdest of ideas but... what if Celia(then Lynne), back in tma100 (guess you had to be there) ran into the Distortion who was known to just keep stalking prey (see: Mackenzie father/son, human!Helen), in its attempt to get Robin (the dog walker), just like in the building
This is why she's eerily reminiscent of Michael's Distortion talk, of the Who ripped from What, before being saved... (" I knew nothing, nothing but the dream of things that sliced my who from me with claws like scalpels… They would hunt me and toy with what it meant to be me peeling away my layers first my name then my memory and then" tmagp30, Dead End Job)
And that's why she sought out Helen. Subconsciously.
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