#tlr games
tmntkiseki · 3 months
When you have a crisis over the realization that The Last Ronin could very well be a potential alternate future for the 2003 series as well as the original Mirage comics due to 2003 taking so much inspiration from them.
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
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I'm okay no one touch me i just realized we'll have to watch these scenes
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islandofthesnakes · 1 year
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cupoteahatter · 1 year
i cant remember if I already sent u an ask but IF I DIDN'T:
Wyler WIP ask game: blood
You didn’t send me an ask before but thank you so much for this one!!
From TLR Chapter 19:
Mrs Addams let out a breath and shook her head slightly, “Wednesday, I support you running around with boys covered in blood, but the Sheriff’s son?” 
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duckdodger · 9 months
3, 4 and 7 for the tmnt ask!
i answered abt some iterations but I also will like to add The last ronin on the list for both 3 & 4 IM JUST NOT READY AAA
mondo gecko <33
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valentinesparda · 1 year
@getitfrenchship ANOTHER OLD F/O
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david nassau from the last remnant :) i keep telling myself I'm going to replay it and then I never do. I remember I wrote a 5k fic about my insert and david that I really liked and then I lost it forever
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mirainawen · 2 years
tagged by @ioannemos
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
uh. i have not finished anything in a million years. but i begin things like a madman (to provide enrichment to my enclosure), so...i'm just gonna grab most recently worked on titles (re: the last couple of years) in order:
1. all at sea // spn au: the long road
2. bringing up adam // spn au: the long road
3. getting garth'd // spn au: the long road
4. chasm // spn au: the long road
5. wrathchild // spn au: the long road
6. incendium // spn au: the long road
7. in aeternum // spn au: the long road
8. all saints // spn au: the long road
9. straw in the wind // spn au: the long road
10. benny & adam's (not so) excellent adventure // spn au: the long road
11. surface tension // spn au: the long road
12. conversations // lotr (au of an au)
13. crooked storm on carson pass // bonanza
i have no clue whomst among my followers writes fanfic as most of you are largely lurkers but if you see and want to, consider yourself tagged.
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Peace Talk (Fluff/Angst) (18+)
TLR!Donatello x reader
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A/N: I’ve had this idea for a while, so I finally decided to write. And in true The Last Ronin style, it gets angsty. Real angsty towards the end. I cried while writing that😭
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Donnie and the reader are 24.
Warnings: Long, a slight feeling of impending doom, from friends to lovers, sex, death, loss of loved ones, cry warning at the end.
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The quiet silence of the village broke, when the aircraft all you had been waiting for slowly descended down towards the open space, landing just on top of the large symbols of the Hamato clan, carved in stone and set into the ground. You felt the fabric of your clothes flap in the wind, squinting your eyes, trying to hide your face behind your hand as dust started flowing up from the ground, flying over you, your father, and all the other men and women that stood outside waiting.
Once the aircraft reached the ground, the hatch opened with a puff of air, before slowly lowering down towards the ground. And out the open hatch of the aircraft, came a pair of familiar faces. Faces you hadn’t seen for a long time, yet being excited to finally see again.
Your father greeted Master Splinter, bowing politely before him, you and all the other’s quickly following his lead.
“Master Shinichiro”, the old rat greeted your father, bowing in return. “It is good to see you and your family, my old friend. It has been far too long! You remember my son, Donatello?” Splinter turned his attention to the mutant turtle by his side, Donatello bowing for you and your father.
You felt your stomach tingle as you bowed for him. It has been around ten years since you last saw Donnie and his family. Back then you had been nothing but 14 year old teenagers, already far from the small kids you used to be, running around the Hamato village whenever he and his brothers came to visit the clan. The memories of hide and seek was still clear in your head, remembering how hard it used to be playing such a game with four ninjas in training. Not just any ninjas, but four mutant turtles with super strength and speed.
But you could still clearly remember that time ten years ago, where the first signs of maturity had started showing in Donnie and his brothers. Or most of his brothers. Leo, Raph and Mikey had found it hilarious to tease you and Donnie that summer, often making kissy noises whenever you and bow staff wielding would talk, all culminating with Donnie’s brothers trying to push Donnie into your arms by the river, ending with you and the purple clad turtle getting soaking wet and muddy. Master Splinter and your father had not been very pleased by that.
Back then you hadn’t thought much of the way the others would tease you, getting flustered when they wouldn’t listen to you and Donnie’s calls for them to quit, as there was nothing between the two of you. But now, as you stood before a 24 year old Donatello, you could not deny that you were in awe. Back then Donnie had been taller than his brothers and much skinnier, with a pair of glasses too big for his face. But now, he was not just tall but broad, the outline of muscles faintly showing through his black clothing. He had ditched the comically large glasses, opting for no glasses at all, his face ten years older with stronger features. Donnie was a man now. An incredibly handsome man. And as he stood up to his full height after bowing, his eyes meeting yours, you almost forgot how to breathe in the cold winter air, his now strong gaze holding yours, the hint of a smile playing on the corner of his lip.
“Of course. Greetings to both of you!”, your father said, waking you up from your small daze, reminding you of the time and place. “I look forward to a long and detailed chat once we have concluded the business at hand”.
“Ah, yes. The business of peace”, Master Splinter said, walking with your father, leading the way to your home down in the valley. You and Donnie walked behind them, listening in on their conversation about the peace talk that would take place with Oroku Hiroto and the Foot clan in the morning. Normally, it was during this walk to your family’s home, that you would catch up with the turtles. But not a single word was spoken between you and Donnie. Instead you would glance at each other, avoiding each other’s gaze once you noticed the other was looking. You felt heat spread across your face.
You listened as your father talked with Master Splinter about the celebrations the village would hold, once the peace talks were over, welcoming Splinter and Donnie to the village once more. However, something seemed off. There was a heaviness in the air. A darkness in the horizon, and though you could not yet see it, you could feel it. As if the light the morning should bring wouldn’t come the same way it used to. Donnie seemed to feel it too, his eyes flickering from you to the big bright full moon. There was something in the air of the Hamato village.
Over dinner, your father and Master Splinter continued their conversation about the peace talk with the Foot, with your father’s counselors and the other masters around them. You sat in silence and listened, and once again, you got that strange feeling that something was off. It felt like a pit in your stomach that just wouldn’t stop growing, making the rice in your mouth lose its taste.
As you lowered the small bowl of rice, you lifted your gaze and looked over the crowd of men before you, all deep in their discussion, none of them seeming to have the same strange feeling as you did. It was unnerving, making you shiver slightly, as if the room was getting colder as they spoke. You did not like the feeling.
You continued to watch the men as they talked, before you caught the eye of Donatello, sitting by his father’s side, resting his elbows on his folded legs, listening along in silence, the food in front of him untouched. Your eyes lingered for a moment, not a muscle moving in his face. You looked away, suddenly finding interest in the rice in front of you, poking slightly at it with your chopsticks, trying to figure out that growing pit inside of you.
Disappearing into your thoughts, you were suddenly surprised to feel someone sit down next to you. You looked up to find Donnie in the middle of crossing his legs beside you, his rice bowl and chopsticks in hand.
“Hey”, he smiled shyly at you, the sight almost making you forget that you were in fact surrounded by people.
“Hey”, you smiled back, feeling the heat in your cheeks once more, and the pit in your stomach becoming smaller.
“Long time no see”, Donnie smiled, nervously rubbing his thigh with one hand. You smiled when you noticed. It was a habit he had picked up back when he was young, often during so whenever you and he would talk alone together. Though he was a man now, he was still the Donnie you had known ever since you were young.
“Were long”, you smiled, trying not to let your smile overwhelm your face, already feeling your cheeks starting to hurt. “How have you been, Donnie?”, you asked, finally happy to be talking with him again.
“You know, I’ve had ups and downs”, Donnie said, staring at his bowl of rice for a moment, before giving you a genuine heartfelt smile. “But it’s really nice to see you again, (Y/N)”.
You bit your bottom lip, feeling light air fill your lungs. “It’s really nice to see you too, Donnie”, you smiled, watching in delight as his smile grew brighter, the two of you disappearing into your own world in the corner, looking into each other’s eyes. Memories of your summers coming back. The time at six years old, where you jumped around on your futon mattress in the middle of the night, screaming and laughing at the flies that gathered outside your fly net. When you were ten and climbed the threes in the forest. When you were twelve and you laid together on the floor, reading the same book together. Or when you were fourteen, and his brothers pushed the two of you into the river…
There was a loud eruption of laughter from the men, causing you and Donnie to return to reality, watching as they continued their descustions in a light hearted manner.
The strange pit returned in your stomach, and from the look on Donnie’s face, you knew that he felt it too.
“Have you heard where Hiroto wants to meet?”, Donnie asked you, leaning closer into your space so he could keep his voice low.
“No”, you answered, leaning your shoulder against his, listening keenly to what he had to say. “Where?”
Donnie threw a quick glance at the others, his unease clear before he turned to you once more. “A resting place”.
You felt the pit widen, just like your eyes. “I… don’t like that”, you muttered.
“Neither do I”, Donnie said, poking at his rice once more. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since we got the message”.
“What does your father think about it?”, you asked, throwing a quick glance in the direction of Master Splinter.
“He calls Hiroto young. He thinks it’s because his young and a little ignorant”, Donnie answered.
“Doesn’t sound wrong”, you muttered.
“No, it doesn’t”, Donnie said, resting his shoulder against yours while looking at the large group of men. “But I still don’t like it”.
And those words that Donnie spoke, which would stick with you in a way you had never thought possible…
That evening you tossed and turned on your futon bed, unable to fall asleep. Over and over you kept thinking about what Donnie had said. A resting place. Was Hiroto really ignorant that he would want to have a peace talk at a resting place? A resting place for the dead? It did not sound right. And the thought of letting Donnie, Splinter and your father leave in the morning with the other men made you feel uneasy. So uneasy that you ended up getting out of your futon bed, wrapping yourself in your warm night time kimono, feeling the cold winter air sweeping through the shoji walls.
Slipping out of your room, you slided the shoji shut, before walking down the narrow hall in your bare feet. You quietly passed your father’s room, continuing on past Splinter’s room, continuing til you came to the room Donnie was sleeping in. The same room he and his brothers used to share when they came to visit…
“Donnie?...”, you called out softly, hoping he could hear you. “Donnie, are you awake?”
You heard the sound of light footsteps against the wooden floor, before Donnie slided the shoji door open, rubbing his eyes with a tired expression, his night time hanging loosely onto him and his muscular form. That sight had you caught by surprise, staring a little too long.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?”, he asked.
“Uhm, yeah, sorry…”, you said, shaking your head back to reality. “No, sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I’m a little nervous about the whole thing tomorrow”.
Donnie looked at you for a moment, his warm and friendly eyes taking in your features. A friendly yet tired smile making its way to his lips. “Wanna come in and have a sleepover?”, he asked. “Just like the old days?”
You smiled softly, nodding happily at his suggestion, remembering how fun it used to be, having sleepovers with him and his brothers when you were young.
Donnie moved from the door, letting you in, before sliding it shut behind you. It was strange being back in the room with Donnie without his brothers. Normally there would be four smaller futon mattresses scattered around on the floor, usually with a fifth one in case all you had made plans for you to spend the night with them. But now there was only one in the room. One large one, that proved just how much Donnie had grown over the last ten years.
Donnie noticed your quiet demeanor and the way you stared at the mattress, fearing that you were growing uncomfortable.
“If you want, I can go get another mattress for you?”, he offered, but you stopped him before he could go anywhere.
“No, no”, you said, not wishing your childhood best friend to go through any trouble for you. Especially not with tomorrow waiting for him. You shot him a smile, letting him know that you were in fact okay, also with the sleeping arrangement. “I was just caught up in my head for a moment”.
You went over to his large futon mattress, pulling back the covers in order for both of you to slided under it, getting comfortable in the mattress facing each other. It was like the good old days, when you and Donnie would go to bed before the others, laying beside each other with a book.
You looked at each other for a moment, before the two of you broke into a smile each, chuckling and giggling like you used to do, the position you found yourself in bringing memories from your childhood back like it was yesterday.
“Do you remember the last time we had a sleepover?”, you asked, your voice soft and low, not needing it to be higher with the small distance between you and Donnie.
Donnie chuckled with a nod. “Yes”, he smiled. “It was the night before the river”.
You laughed at the way he said it, enjoying the way his smile made it tingle in your stomach, with butterflies fluttering everywhere, making the pit of anxiety disappear. “I was so mad after that. So mad that I would stay in the same room with them the last night they were here”.
“I remember”, Donnie smiled. “I’ve never seen someone make them so scared just by yelling. They were terrified!”
“I was not that bad!”, you laughed, shaking your head.
“Not that bad? You even made Raph run and hide!”, he laughed, instinctively reaching out for you under the covers, letting his bag hand rest on your arm. “Even Mikey fell into the water when you started yelling”.
“Okay! Okay! Okay!”, you laughed, tapping a hand against his chest in a playful push, not moving his large form an inch. “Maybe I was that bad”.
“Yeah”, Donnie hummed, looking at you for a moment, his smile still genuine. “But I still liked it. It was fun”.
“It was”, you chuckled, thinking back on how you made Raph jump into the arms of Leo, before you and Donnie chased all of them back to your home, where your father and Master Splinter was enjoying tea outside.
Silence fell over the two of you for a moment, your hand still resting on his chest, in the open spot his loose kimono had created, showing you just how large and broad his plastron had grown. Broad and hard, almost in the same shape of a human man’s chest, with small dips and curves, along with scars from many battles. With your soft index finger, looking so small against his chest, you felt the old slashes, not noticing how your touch made Donnie tense up for a moment.
The thumb on your arm started to stroke your skin through the kimono in tender motions, as Donnie got a thoughtful look on his face, taking in your features while your soft warm finger moved over the lines on his chest.
“I’ve really missed you, (Y/N)”, he muttered, avoiding your eyes as he spoke. “So much has happened. Raph… That still hurts sometimes”. You felt the pain in your chest as he mentioned it. You still remembered the day you and your father got a message from New York City, telling you that Raph had been killed by the Foot. That had been a dark day in your life, but you could only imagine how dark it had been for Donnie and his family. “But seeing you again-”, he continued. “-it makes everything better again. It’s like being young again. Young and happy”.
“You make it sound like you’re in your last days”, you chuckled.
“Might as well be”, Donnie smiled, shaking his head at you in a playful manner, poking at you like he used to do when you were younger, making you laugh as it tickled. “24 hits hard”.
“Oh, how nice it was!”, you said in a dramatic manner, falling against Donnie in an even more dramatic way. “To be young!”
“Young and in love”, Donnie finished, freezing up the same way as you did when he said those words out loud. There was a long silence, before you dared to ask him what he meant by that.
“In love?”
Donnie let out a small unsure laugh, thinking his words through before he spoke. “Yeah”, he chuckled. “You didn’t notice?”
You bite your lip, shaking your head. You never noticed. You never noticed how he started to look at you when you were 10, how his brothers would tease him when you were reading alone, or that they decided to push you and Donnie into that river, in the hopes that it finally would bring you and Donnie the last bits closer. And just to tease him in general.
Normally Donnie would get flustered in a situation like this. He would try to hide, divert your attention, or maybe even try to tell you that he was just joking. But he did not. Instead he chuckled, slowly slipping his arm around you, pulling you a little closer, making your heart melt.
“Well, now you know”, he said. “Only took me, what, 14 years to tell you”.
You giggled, letting him pull you closer, continuing to trace shapes on his hard plastron. You could not deny that you had always found Donnie a little interesting, with his sweet personality absolutely charming. But it wasn’t until you saw Donnie step out of that aircraft that day, that you noticed how attractive he was. He had grown a lot over the past ten years, just like red wine. His strong jaw, his strong yet caring stare and big arms that hugged you closely. It made butterflies erupt in your stomach, warmth spreading through your body.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?”, Donnie asked in a low voice, watching you for any negative reactions, even as you were giggling.
“No”, you smiled, smiling up at his face. “I could never get mad at you, Donnie”.
Donnie bit his lip with a happy smile, feeling his confidence grow at your words. The arm wrapped around you dared tracing shapes on your hip and the small of your back, creating goosebumps under your kimono.
Silence fell upon both of you once again, as you were looking into each other’s eyes, enjoying this peaceful moment together, finally coming to grasps with the developing feelings that have been growing over several years.
Donnie’s head moved a little closer to you, and you found yourself leaning in, your eyes flickering between his eyes and his lips.
“Can I kiss you, (Y/N)?”, Donnie asked, his heart beating through his plastron and into the palm of your hand, his voice almost sounding like he was out of breath.
His question almost made you shriek in a happy surprise, but his close proximity to your face had you in a trance, with his deep brown eyes staring into yours. All you could do was nod with a small “yes”, almost forgetting how to breathe when he started closing the distance between you.
Donnie’s lips felt soft and warm against yours, as he met you in a tender and sweet kiss, your lips lingering for a moment, before you dived back in for another. And another. And then another. Soon you and Donnie found yourselves wrapped up in each other’s arms under the covers, your lips and tongues moving together as the kiss slowly became more and more heated.
A satisfied hum espaced Donnie, as one of your hands slided down his front, loosening his already loose night kimono in the movement. This caused him to pull you firmer against him, making you hike your leg up over his hip, feeling the fabric around you getting loose as well. Donnie let out a small rumble like growl, when he noticed how your chest was now almost revealed for him. A big three fingered hand made its way from your hip and up to your chest, sliding his hand under your kimono and grabbing onto your breast, making you moan against his lips.
With the hand on your chest, Donnie slowly pushed you backwards, until you were laying flat on your back. From here he sat up on his knees, towarding up over you, the cover following with him. From his position he looked down on you with an intense look, making heat flow straight to your core, the sweet scent of your arousal reaching his nose. With a small smile he started to undo what little of his kimono still clung to his body, before letting it drop onto the floor beside you. Excitement built up in you at the sight of Donnie towering naked before you. The toned muscles you had expected to be hiding underneath his clothes, flexing under your gaze, traveling over his body. Shoulders, arms, hands, thighs, torso and his now leaking cloaca.
With a smug smile, Donnie’s firm hands grabbed onto your thighs, spreading them apart as he pulled you closer to him with a small yelp, making your kimono ride up when he scooted you towards him, exposing your most intimate parts to him. A deep churring vibrated from his chest, his eyes scanning your face and body. Your lips plump and red, eyes blown wide with lust, and blushing cheeks. Covered with nothing but the remains of your night kimono around your waist and arms, your breast out in the open, your legs open wide, giving Donnie a full view of your slick flower, glistening at him.
Donnie leaned down over you, his face getting close to yours once again. “You’re beautiful, (Y/N)”, he whispered, before his lips met yours once more. You hummed into the kiss, meeting him with eagerness, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
One of Donnie’s hands moved down your side, reaching for your core, smiling into the kiss as you lifted your hips in order to meet his hand. He kneaded the skin of your thigh, before letting his finger slide between your slick folds, before slowly letting his thumb rub your clit in small light circles.
You pulled from the kiss with a pleasured sigh, looking down at what Donnie’s thumb was doing to you. It was an erotic sight. His large thumb on your small pearl, sending small waves of pleasure through your body, only getting stronger with every circle he formed on you.
“That feels good, Donnie”, you whimpered, spreading your legs even further for him, giving him even more space to work with.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined you saying that”, Donnie said in a low voice, his lips meeting yours again, his fingers moving from your clit and down to your entrance, gathering your wetness on the way. Once at your entrance, he slowly pushed his finger into you, stretching you out over his thick digit. You gasped out loud, grabbing onto Donnie’s shoulder as he pushed into you.
Placing a kiss on your cheekbone, Donnie rested his forehead against yours. “You okay?”
“Yes”, you breathed out with a shy smile. “Your finger is just big”.
Donnie chuckled, placing yet another kiss to your forehead. “If you think my finger’s big, just wait for what else I have waiting for you”.
Before you could ask Donnie what he meant, he started moving his finger in and out of you, making you whimper. The wet noises of Donnie’s finger moving in and out of you only made you even more excited, thinking of you the situation you were in. You were laying in the guest room of your childhood best friend, with your legs wide open for him while he fingered. You were being fingered by Donnie. That thought sent another rush of heat to your cure, with Donnie’s heightened scent picking up on it straight away.
“You smell so good”, Donnie groaned, hitting his face in the crock of your neck, pressing kisses over your skin. You moaned when he started nibbling at your skin, making you squirm under him.
“Please, Donnie…”, you whimpered, your hips chasing his finger as you felt the small pressure build up inside of you.
“Please what, (Y/N)?”, Donnie asked into your ear, his voice low and raspy, making your head spin, unable to speak for a moment. “Use your pretty words, sweetheart”.
That new nickname made you whimper once more. You felt Donnie push out a puff of air against your skin, most likely in a chuckle at your reaction.
“Please, Donnie”, you whimpered. “I want you inside…”
“But I am inside of you”, Donnie chuckled, leaning back to look at your face, clearly enjoying having you whimpering under him. Curling his finger inside of you, he watched your finger contort in pleasure. “Or do you want something else inside of you? Tell me, (Y/N)”.
Your walls clung around his finger, every time he said your name. It was like you were high, with his words only bringing you higher.
“I need your cock”, you blurted out, making Donnie smile. You should have been flustered, and maybe even embarrassed by your words. But instead you found yourself desperate for Donnie to fill you up, even more than his finger was already doing. “Donnie, please”.
Donnie retracted his finger from you with a playful smile, before placing a passionate kiss to your lips. “Anything for you, (Y/N)”.
Positioning himself between your legs, wrapping them as far around his hips as they would go, before pulling you in for another passionate kiss, your tongues dancing together once again. Rubbing his cloaca up against your soaked folds, Donnie lined up with your entrance, getting ready to drop into you.
Taking one of your hands in his, Donnie placed them down on the mattress next to your head, stroking your hand with his thumb, looking deeply into your eyes.
“I love you, (Y/N)”, he whispered, his hot breath fanning over your face. “I always have”.
“I love you too, Donnie”, you whimpered, grinding yourself against him, chasing his lips. “And I will do so for the rest of my life”.
Donnie gave you a bright smile, before connecting your lips once again, moaning as the two of you continued to grind against each other. It didn’t take long before Donnie dropped into you, his large member stretching you out much further than his finger ever did. Your moan way loud against Donnie’s mouth, your nails digging into the skin of his shoulder. Donnie in turn groaned as he made his way between your tight walls, hugging him in a way he never thought possible, making his head spin in happiness, his churring getting louder.
Once Donnie was sure you had adjusted to his size, he slowly began to pull out of you, making you moan as he pushed back in.
“Fuck, you feel good, (Y/N)”, Donnie groaned, slowly spreading up his thrusting, making you hold onto his shoulders for dear life.
“Faster, Donnie”, you whimpered. “Fuck, please, Donnie”.
Donnie did as you asked, adjusting his hold on you, before thrusting into you at a rabbit speed, causing the sound of your skin slapping together to echo through the room. For a moment you feared that anybody would hear you, but all those fears disappeared when Donnie hooked one of your legs over his arm, continuing his attack on your sweet spot deep inside you.
You cried out in pleasure, feeling your climax getting closer, begging Donnie not to stop as your walls continued to close in around him.
Much to your displeasure, Donnie suddenly pulled out of you, but before you could complain, he quickly turned you over, placing you on your stomach. Lifting up the back of your kimono, Donnie laid himself on your back, wrapping his arm around your neck, using the other to slide under you, in order to lift your hip up off the floor, before reentering you from behind, nuzzling his head into the back of your neck, breathing directly into your ear.
Moaning you clawed onto the arm around your neck, your legs and toes curling as Donnie continued where he left off, thrusting into you at rabbit speed, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“I’m gonna cum”, you whimpered against his big muscular arm. “Fuck, Donnie, I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it, sweetheart”, he breathed into your ear, his low voice making you shiver. “Cum for me, (Y/N)”.
It only took a few more thrust before you came with a cry of pleasure, forcing Donnie to cover your mouth as he continued to fuck you through your high. His thrust became more and more frantic, before he came too, emptying himself inside of you.
With his last thrust, Donnie placed a kiss on your cheek, before slowly pulling out of you. You whimpered at the emptiness between your walls, as Donnie rolled over onto his shell, resting beside you, before pulling you in for a warm hug, pulling the covers back over both of you.
You snuggled up against his broad chest, feeling warm and comfortable in his strong arms. Donnie placed a hand on your face, tilting your head up to meet him in a sweet tender kiss, making you smile from ear to ear. But then he asked you a question that made your heart skip a beat.
“Do you want to come with me to New York once all of this is over?”, Donnie asked, holding his breath in anticipation as he waited for your answer.
You let out a shriek, not caring if you woke up your father, Master Splinter or anybody else for that matter. Throwing your arms around him, you pulled Donnie in for a happy hug, showering his face with kisses.
“I would love to, Donnie!”, you yelled, placing a long happy kiss on his lips, through his chuckle and laughter.
That night you and Donnie fell asleep in each other’s arms, dreaming of a life together in New York City. A life where you could be happy together, with no Foot clan or clan wars. Just you and him, enjoying the last of your youth, building up a life together. It was a dream you would never forget.
You waited in anticipation, watching over the snow covered landscape, waiting for the moment the men of the Hamato clan would return. Your father, Master Splinter, and most importantly, Donatello.
It felt like an eternity had passed since they left. That morning, you and Donnie had woken up together, hugging and kissing for as long as possible, before the two of you finally had to get up and get dressed. And now, as you waited for him and the others to return, you wanted to do nothing more but hug and kiss him once again.
The pit in your stomach from yesterday had disappeared, and now you were filled with happiness, waiting for the moment Donnie would come back, so the two of you could break the news to your father, letting him know that you would be moving to New York with Donnie.
You were excited. A life with Donatello. Your childhood best friend, and the love of your life. And you were more than excited to tell your father, knowing he would be happy that you had decided to get together with a member of the Hamato clan. But the waiting was killing you.
With the sun standing high in the sky, you finally saw movement in the forest, followed by men walking out between the trees, following the path that led from the forest to the Hamato village, pulling wagons and horses behind them.
Excitement flowed through you and many other people of the village. You were quick on your feet, running down the path to meet the men as they came. You were quick to notice your father in the front, but no signs of either Donnie or Master Splinter. But that did not stop you from running to your father with a big smile, excited for the news you and Donnie would be telling him in a short moment. But first you needed to find Donnie.
“Where’s Donnie?”, you asked your father, trying to look over his shoulder for the large mutant turtle. But your father did not answer. Instead he grabbed a soft hold of your shoulders, making you stand still on your feet, his glossy eyes looking into yours. Your shoulders tensed, a horrible thought trying to spring up from the back of your head, and the pit returning to your stomach once again, this time much stronger than before. “Dad, where’s Donnie?” But your father still did not answer you. Instead he swallowed, his mouth opening and closing with no words, as if they weren’t able to form.
With your father not giving you any answers, your fears started swirling in your head, the pit starting to burn a hole inside of you. You pushed past him, running through the men, looking left and right for your childhood friend and his father. Then you saw the wagon, covered with a mat, a large form underneath it, dark red blood dripping from the wagon and onto the white snow underneath.
With your cold breath forming clouds as you breathed, you slowly walked to the wagon, ignoring the distant calls from your father. At this point you could not hear them, with the fears lingering in the back of your mind. With a shaking hand and breath, you held onto the mat, pulling it back in a small yet jerky move.
The sound that escaped you made the birds fly from the trees, and the men jump in fear. Donnie’s limp body laid in the wagon next to his father, arrows covering every inch of their bodies, with their clothes soaked in their red blood. You clung onto Donnie, screaming and crying, tapping his cheeks as if there were a change it would wake him up. But nothing happened. No matter how loud you screamed his name, nothing happened. His cold body stayed lifeless next to Splinters, only Donnie’s arrow infested bo staff rolling out of the wagon and onto the snow covered ground, due to your rocking of his body.
You continued to scream as your father tried to get you away from the wagon, tears rolling down your cheeks in streams. You fought against your fathers arms, clinging onto the cold ones of Donnie, screaming as if you were in pain.
“I’m sorry”, your father tried to say as he finally managed to pull you away from the wagon, even though you fought to get back. He sniffled, a tear rolling down his cheek as he pulled you into a hug, letting you cry and scream into his chest. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). Hiroto tricked us. I’m sorry…”
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queensqueercourt · 9 months
sending you an ask as i have reblogged that one ask game post from you: do you collect anything?
Film cameras!! ive got about 6 in my collection, 4 being SLRs, 1 point and shoot, 1 TLR, and a 8mm home video camera!!
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I made this graphic forever ago for a design class I'm in, but i forgot to post it here!! its slightly outdated tho, ill need to get on editing it.
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hawkeykirsah · 26 days
WIP ask game
Tagged by @starlightvld! Thank you <3
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
It's not that many at the moment.
TLR, Ch. 62
ME x CoD crossovers
Codywan Bowerbird/Home Decor AU
Under Twin Suns, Ch. 7
Both Mass Effect x CoD crossovers are in one file, so you have to specify 1 or 2 if you want to know about either of those.
I'll tag @barbex, @adiduck, @vorchagirl, @kellskbells, and whoever wants to play!
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ilovebeingaturtle · 11 months
4, 10, 12!
It is very hard to steer me away from a version of tmnt as I’m endlessly curious and happy to experience weirdness, but….I am kiiiinda avoiding Mirage. I just don’t find primarily darker toned tmnt stories that personally interesting, also I’ve heard about some yikes things that happen in it that-yeah SHAJS, I probably won’t delve into the original for a while because it seems like most the elements of tmnt that I’m drawn to aren’t in it. I’ll still give it a shot one day!! But ye, I just don’t expect it to really click with me. I’d probably rather watch the turtles Christmas album again AHAJAHA
I also think I’m just never going to read the last ronin. I’m sure it’s good!! It’s just again, not for me. The concept just isn’t the type of story I ever want to read (…that said, if the game is really happening I for sure want to play it. So I guess I will still experience TLR eventually!)
For turtle merch, I have my beloved 87!Raphael pillow pet!! I also have a offbrand Raphael keychain, and two t-shirts! And badges of the 87 turtles, AND! Custom 87 turtle pizza plates in the shape of a pizza! This has made me realise I actually have a lot more TMNT merch than I thought I did AHA
My favourite turtle across generations is probably Donnie! I know, I know, I’m the 87!Raphael guy, but when it comes to the turtle I’m most consistently am drawn to overall, it’s probably Donatello. He’s my favourite turtle in 80% of versions AHA
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busygirlgcttagc · 5 months
[ actually sitting down and write down what, exactly, is canon for each verse she has
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which. mostly means saying which game is canon and which isnt lfandsmg ]
VERSE-CANON GAMES: any game in the blog-canon timeline up to the Last Revelation, including of course everything told in Chronicles
she got caught by the Entity with Set after the ending of the Last Revelation
technically set between the ending of TLR and Chronicles, with Von Croy still looking for her and everyone else thinking she's just missing; time is the Realms, so while it's been just a few weeks on Earth she could've been stuck in there for longer, never aging
if she ever returned to Earth, escaping the Entity, everything would return to the proper timeline with her meeting Putai and forgetting everything about the Entity
VERSE-CANON GAMES: any game in the blog-canon timeline, of course set in a Pokèmon world, and featuring her Team
she's from Galar, the Fiamma Nera cult is from my fanregion Eteria, any encounter with T-Rexes involve Pokèmon battles between her Team and particularly aggressive Tyrantrums, her encounter with Set involves instead a powerful Legendary from some Egyptian-based Legendary and so on. Just Pokèmonize locations and events and you should be good generally speaking
rather than ending up in the Floating Island and in Avalon, Lara ended up in the Ultra Space via Wormholes created by the Fiamma Nera and Amanda; she's a Faller, and I consider that private knowledge
she actively helped with the SWSH post-game events and still tries to track down both the SwordShield brothers and Rose, and had run-ins with Calyrex
in the same way she's not seen in a good light in Paris, she'd much rather avoid Kalos after she had to deal with one death cult involving immortal beings; the least she knows about Flare, the better it is for everyone
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VERSE-CANON GAMES: any game in the blog-canon timeline
she went through all her adventures but everything is set back a few years to fit in the TF2 timeline, including her birthdate
this means that in this verse she was born in early-to-mid '30s, and reaches New Mexico in the late '60sm with everything in the timeline taking place in those years
not really on either side, but she seems to have better interactions with the REDs so far. once again, she only plays for sport
VERSE-CANON GAMES: only the games classic Lara went through, so from Tomb Raider to Angel of Darkness
any classic games retelling or remastered except Anniversary are canon, since she's some sort of "videogame actress" à la Wreck it Ralph in this verse
the 10th Anniversary edition is canon
any app that uses classic Lara like Reloaded or Go are canon
her presence in TV spots, Fortnite and Call of Duty is canon
she went through the adventures but she's aware she's a videogame character, and normally is chill in her own manor when she waits for people to restart the games
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
I'm working my way through every TMNT media I can get to, so I'm gonna use this as a way to document what I've completed, where I am in the media and add anything new! I thought it'd be fun to publicly document it :]
Watchable Media TMNT 1987: season 4 TMNT 1990: watched! TMNT II: watched! TMNT III: watched! OVA: not watched The Next Mutation: not watched TMNT 2003: season 6 TMNT 2007: watched! TMNT 2012: completed! TMNT 2014: watched! TMNT 2016: watched! ROTTMNT: completed! Batman vs TMNT: watched! ROTTMNT movie: watched! TMNT Mutant Mayhem: watched!
Comics Eastman and Laird's TMNT: not read Usagi Yojimbo: not read Tales of the TMNT: not read TMNT Adventures: not read The Mighty Mutanimals: not read Wild West C.O.W: not read TMNT 03 comic: not read TMNT IDW: issue 5 TMNT Animated: not read TMNT New Animated Adventures: not read TMNT Amazing Adventures: not read TMNT 30th Anniversary: not read Batman/TMNT: not read TMNT 2012 comics: not read ROTTMNT comics: not read The Last Ronin: completed! TLR The Lost Years: completed! TMNT Saturday Morning: not read
Games NES game: not played First Arcade game: not played Fall of the Foot Clan: not played Turtles in Time: not played The Manhattan Project: not played Manhattan Missions: not played The Hyperstone Heist: not played Tournament Fighters: not played TMNT 2003 games: not played TMNT 2007 the game: not played Turtles in Time Re-Shelled: not played TMNT Smash Up: not played Arcade Attack: not played 2013 games: not played TMNT Training Lair: not played TMNT Danger of the Ooze: not played Mutants in Manhattan: not played Injustice 2: played! TMNT Shredder's Revenge: played!
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amevello-blue · 1 year
Look before I say anything; get it, Wayne Grayson, please, absolutely wreck our hearts,
That being said, I won't be able to play the game. The Last Ronin contains too much stuff I just cannot handle emotionally ghdkjhgf which... might sound weird coming from me with GitS under my belt, but I know it's a happy ending, and that's a big difference. Especially when I know how TLR ends. :')
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cupoteahatter · 1 year
For wip ask game: smirk
From TLR Chapter 19:
Her Father’s smirk widened into a smile, her Mother’s eyebrows raised themselves.
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
I really want an adult TMNT cartoon I also feel like that's something TMNT needs it has to go to more matured audience I'm not saying going all murder I'm just saying that the story's in TMNT are really dark and was always meant for adults and the kid rating is obviously holding the show back from being able to go in more depth with the Characters You can even tell that some of the show runners are annoyed they can't go darker with he series.
i feel like the closest we have to an “adult version” of tmnt would probably be the comics (meaning idw and the last ronin) — they can be pretty heavy hitting and have more serious plot lines with more serious consequences which is fun.
but oh man would i love to see either a show or movie adaptation of those !! (ik 2012 was HEAVILY inspired by idw and they said it was almost a side by side adaptation but just removing some of the grit)
i know we’re getting a last robin game which i am SUPER excited for (even though i realised i don’t own any of the consoles to play it on lmao) but there’s actually a short film on youtube based off tlr which you might enjoy! i’ll link it here!
a more adult and gruesome version of the turtles would be super interesting! i love horror and angst and that kind of stuff. it’s one of the reasons why i’m writing my own version where it’s just. messed up to hell. it’s fun to just make everyone and everything miserable lol
but yeah i totally agree, anon! tmnt has always had hints of that darkness in their shows and movies - i just hope they push for it more and more, whilst still keeping it fun of course. i just love me some suffering haha
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