garfunklyy · 5 months
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Lynel doodles + daruk ^_^ I drew these during school so no ref and pure brain strength sorry if they're odd erm ANWYAY about my recent lynel post❤ I wanna expand on it a bit soo I wanna start on their culture a little bit!! Basically I feel like they're really big on courage and pride, so they tend to praise scars and such! Because of that, it's a big reason why the lynels in hyrule are where they are. They wanted to prove themselves mighty by battling in unknown lands and against powerful creatures (ofc this backfired because guess who got a huge spoonful of the calamity 🧍‍♂️). It also kinda works as ranking in tribes to some extent. I like to think that lynels travelled in small groups (up to 10 lynels in a little tribe but that would take a long time. Their families also tend to be small because they don't mate unless they're absolutely sure they can trust the mate so it takes a while.) So like the group leader often has big scars n markings because it makes them seem powerful and mighty ^_^ That also makes the practice of really young lynels battling rlly common because they have to kinda prove themselves as a lynel. It's different for every group of lynels but it's very common for them to do that or some sort of practice for new born lynels yea 💪 ALSO if they don't scar their child up, they do give them some sort of jewelry (earrings, septums, just general piercings usually) because it holds a similar rank to scars. Septums are common, but it's not limited to that ❤ Piercing n jewelry practices are done when the lynel is more young, around 6-15 months old , the battling is done when they're like 3 years old. They do train for it before they battle so dw they're not getting thrown there w a sword like "yeah ur done gl" 💪 Talking about age, I feel like lynels have a big lifespan. Considering the lynels from the calamity are still there, I feel like they can make it well over 100+. Probably like 200,but that's for normal lynels. (Also might be pushing it a lil). Lynels affected by the calamity probably have less of a lifespan because malice would probably damage their bodies. YEAA they're oldies 😔 not sure about the whole age labeling yet tho. Anyway, I think that's all I have for that topic.. So ermm a little on the Gorons because daruk was here ❤ (I lab daruk)
Gorons are made of many different rocks, such as volcanic rock, sedimentary rock, maybe even gemstones or such. (Also, that makes them be distant cousins of the talus species! Not so distant but yk) it's more common to see the type your average hyrule goron is because they all come from death mountain, Gorons that are from different volcanoes can be quite different, making the Gorons actually pretty diverse. That doesn't mean Gorons in hyrule are exclusively just like the ones in death mountain, there can still be different types, it's just more common! Either way, Gorons are very different from one another, death mountain or not. See, have you noticed how daruk actually looks quite different from the usual goron NPCs? That's because he's a grittier, rougher type of rock. It's why he has so much hair, and also why in my personal head canon he has patterns on him ^_^ it's usual to see patterned Goron's because of the whole diverse rock thing blah blah blah!! Also, they're not very symmetrical (be nice guys 😔). Some gorons can be chiseled to look symmetrical, but it's very rare for a goron to be all smooth and perfect when they're fresh out the bakery volcano!! ALSO! Their hair is different from hair that of a hylian or gerudo, it's actually kinda like tiny ropes! It's because they have different scalps, which makes hair harder to grow. It can be different for every goron, (for example Daruk) but it's just common to see them with little hair because it's really all they can do. For some gorons, their hair can work like hedgehog spikes! It really all depends on how the goron was made yeaa ^_^ also I like to think that they have tails because it helps balance their body weight and also balance themselves because I don't think they can balance on their stubby legs dude have you SEEN them zawg they CANNOT stand 😔 anyway yea sorry if any of this doesn't make sense I really wanted to talk about this ❤ teehe expect more in the next blue moon! Flies away like a fairy
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