#tloz matchups
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vinnival · 3 years ago
I don't know if you're still doing the LOZ match ups, but if you are could you do mine?
I'm just gonna give basic stuff ig lol, but for starters I'm an aries sun, cancer moon, and sagittarius rising. My Myers-Briggs result is INFJ-A. I'd like to say that I'm more extroverted when I'm with people I care about. I'm kinda shy, but that's only around people I like like lmao. I'm also pretty competitive so yuh.
I have purple hair and blue eyes. I'm 5'4 and 1/4, which is VERY important. I'm not short, y'all are just tall. I can reach stuff myself tho so ha!
Thank you! 💛
loz matchups.... its been a while..... enjoy !
You got a match! You're matched with...
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Oh to be a lonely twili, suddenly sent to the palace for requests to receive help from the Twilight Queen <33
You awkwardly bowed in front of her, stuttering your name out
She automatically thinks ur cute
She grants you help immediately
When you didn't notice anyone coming out, you were about to inquire when you looked back at her to see her coming down the steps from her throne
"I'll help you, my friend."
Uhm uhnuhm umhm mm uhm m um um uhh uhm uh. Muhm uhm -your brain
She follows you to your island-home-thing in the Twilight Realm
You can't help but occasionally look behind you at her, to see her glancing down at you time to time as well
"I like your hair, tiny one."
Your heart flipped. Why is it doing that.
"Thank- thankyouverymuchyourmajesty,"
Her laugh sounded like chimes......
She tried to help out with whatever the problem was, but it ended up needing a bit more workers than just you and her
So she constantly visits to do a little at a time (totally not doing it bc she likes u or anythin.... hahaa)
Really liked your personality, likes your go-getter yet heartfelt personality
She eventually depends on you to help her figure out emotions, since sometimes she struggles
She loves showing off to you!! And then you get competitive and try and one up her and it escalates
Also likes teasing you by just towering over you sometimes like :)
you get pissy, again, she just wants to hold you like a lil meow meow
Over time she just straight up offers you a place at the palace
"You heard me!" She laughs
Ofc you two eventually just straight up get together, all the maids and butlers sighed in relief when yall did bc WOW the romantic tension between you two made them suffer
A short one but goodness this had to be completed bc I've spent enough time staring at this in me drafts /nm
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botwheadcanons · 5 years ago
Hello! I’d like a match up, if possible please :) I’m an INFP. I’m quite a bit headstrong, but I’m very sensitive and always try to look for the good in everyone. I value individualism and appreciate authenticity. I really like learning languages, studying different cultures, and cooking. I’m 5���2.5 (can’t forget the .5”!), chubby, with blue eyes and copper hair. Thanks! 💕
Hi there Hello! For you, Buliara .
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This was filled out and now it has vanished and what is up with tumblr send help.She would, with the peace of Hyrule want to explore with you, being able to not be so so very close to Riju all the time — she would want to teach you their language. She would want to roam around with you and learn more! 
She would find your sensitivity, lovely and valuable - a strong and beautiful trait for someone to have. Though, being headstrong would also fit well with her, a match for her spunk. And a spunk for the match that is equal partnership. 
~Mod Zelda
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nonbinaryshotgunman · 4 years ago
approaches cautiously
so I would like a platonic matchup 👀 i know you have a basic understanding of my personality but here's some things ab me:
I act very ,,, chaotic, I guess you could call it, at times
But most of the time I'm as caring as can be
AGGRESSIVE LOVE !!!! if someone hasn't eaten all day? mf they're gonna eat.
super curly brown hair :D
I love baking stuff, drawing, playing video games, and writing :]
I specifically like games with puzzles like tloz
Seeing people give positive feedback about my stuff makes me so happy
I get distractable at times, and I'm very forgetful of where I place my stuff
I occasionally talk to myself to distract myself from awkward stuff or distressing situatuons
I'll usually talk with other objects or animals even if they can't understand me
Empathetic. Very very empathetic
Compassionate as well
Im basically kindness wrapped into a bundle of chaos
Not many things get me mad but when I do get mad I get violent and I really dislike it
Omnivert, I'm an introvert or extrovert depending on the situation
I adjust my personality to fit whoever I'm talking to, but my overall personality is very motherly
Physical affection is my top love language, if someone needs platonic cuddles I will provide
hmm thats all I can think of so there ya go! I'll take anyone you offer <3 have fun !
⚡I match you with...⚡
- You met Hank before Nevada went to hell. He was appreciative of your empathetic nature, and quickly warmed up to you. You two became friends. He was prickly on the outside but you'd unlocked a soft spot in him.
- One day you got a note from him.
- "I fucked up bad. I wanna thank you for being there for me, I'll try to get in touch once this all blows over, ok? Thanks for being a friend. - Hank"
- Mere days later the improbability drives are set off. It's a long, long time before you see Hank again.
- While looting an abandoned warehouse for supplies you hear chatter. At first, you expect trouble, but then, you see him. He's almost unrecognizable but you'd know that voice and stance anywhere. So different yet still the same.
- "... Hank?"
- "<Y/N?>"
- Man oh man is it a happy reunion!
- Hank isn't that good at taking care of himself, so he'd appreciate your insistence on him doing so, even if he doesn't know how to show it.
- Hank loves watching you play video games, and he plays some himself! While he boasts about playing games like Hatred and Postal, he's actually never touched a copy of either, his favorite games are all soothing ones, like Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, or Bugsnax.
- He thinks it's super endearing when you talk to yourself or objects/animals.
- And did you say platonic cuddles? Because this dude needs platonic cuddles.
- He MELTS into any affection you give him. Feel free to tease him for it, he knows hes a dork. He's just happy to have the good snuggles yea?
⚡I hope thiz iz to your liking!!!⚡
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vinnival · 4 years ago
hello!! so sorry to bother you, but i was wondering if i could get a legend of zelda matchup from you! if not, then that is okay too!!
i’m mags!! i’m 5,3, female, bisexual and i use she/they pronouns! i’m an artist and a mom friend! i have pale skin, short blonde hair and blue eyes, and i wear glasses!! i’m a bit weird, but i’m an optimist and although i go through some rough things i’m always a happy soul! my love language is physical touch, and i like to be kind and comforting to others! i’m a bit of an insomniac due to nightmares, and I’m sensitive to loud noises. but i love weird things and giving hugs!
thank you for your time, and i hope you have a lovely day/night! 💕💕
MY FIRST MATCHUP ASK! Bae thank you so much for the request ill happily match you <3
Congrats! You got a match! You matched with...
BOTW Zelda
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You've grown up as a servant in Hyrule Castle, your parents being higher-up servants and close to the Royal Family.
Thus, the King let you play with his daughter from time to time! Zelda was already struggling with her 'power' situation, and you went with her to different springs and such while she prayed.
Whenever her powers still refused to show, you just held her while she cried
She loves petting your hair, and she ADORES staring into your eyes!!
Maybe 100 yrs later she cut her hair short in your honor 👀
You betcha she's ordering you the best goshdarn glasses in all of Hyrule.
AND ART MATERIALS TOO!!!!! She loves it when you paint, draw, etc., and 100% frames your work in her room no matter how much you protest. She especially freaks out (in a good way) when you draw her.
She loves your weird personality, it cheers her up when she's depressed about her power situation. She also is grateful for your optimism!
"Don't worry, Zelda, it'll come eventually. The right thing just has to happen. Maybe the Spring of Wisdom will awaken you!"
"...Thank you, Mags. Thank you." She smiles a little brighter after that.
You and Impa are good acquaintances as well, she'd talk with you while Zelda was praying sometimes.
One night when you still couldn't sleep, you got an idea to go to Zelda's room and come to find out that she couldn't sleep either! She's up and studying and combing through ancient Sheikah texts she acquired from the Library.
She begged you not to tell her father. You only chuckled and sat next to her, leaning against her and trying (but failing) to comprehend the complex scripture.
When you get nightmares, you talk them over with Zelda while walking to springs. She reassures you the best she could while holding your hand.
Sometimes you get anxious over the loud Sheikah Tech work that's going on nearby and outside of Hyrule Castle, but Zelda notices and hugs you, then takes you out to Castle Town (in disguise) and shops with you.
When Link swings around, you lose most of your alone time with her, but she still loves you.
Emphasis on "love"
She found herself thinking of you one night and then her thoughts strayed to you kissing her 😳
She caught herself, turning over in her bed and groaning.
"It can't be true... do I really love them? Do I really love Mags?"
Oops! She should've stayed quiet, because right after she said that, she heard choking outside her door and you barged in, staring incredulously at the Princess.
"I LOVE YOU TOO, PRINCESS!!!" You whisper-shouted.
You two were secretly dating after that, poor Link lmao
I wanted to include the Calamity but that's a whole other 4 page essay full of angst HSJSJA I hope you like this !! Thank you for requesting it's so fun writing these <3
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vinnival · 4 years ago
hey baes I'm completely willing to write LOZ matchups if anyone is interested.......
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botwheadcanons · 7 years ago
I see these are open and I've been waiting for them!! I hope this isnt adding to your workload but I'm excited aaa To start, i'm pan, 5'6, medium length wavy brown hair, blue grey eyes, and glasses but I'm getting contacts soon. I am shy around strangers and people I don't know well but outgoing around my friends because I trust them. I love science, to draw and to play video games ( this is obvious why am I writing it ) and spend 99% of my free time doing it. This is all I can fit, sorry! 👀
Yo Sweets; For you; Revali Revali might be able to see past himself for long enough to accept you being shy around strangers, before inevitably deciding instead he’d prefer your being outgoing to be a more commonplace thing. Still, he’s not a total case of non-understanding and would still appreciate you for you, and the things you love.Revali would, in time start wanting to adorn your hair with his feathers, proud of you, proud of himself he’d want you to be shown as his and his alone in a gentle Rito sort of way, feather adornments that is.[His feathers]  ~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 7 years ago
Can I get a matchup? I'm asexual panromantic, and I'm a girl. I like talking and reading... a lot. I'm a Cancer if that helps.
HeyaFor you; PayaPaya would be an easygoing, well-meaning and sweet partner. All as well she could be easy to talk to, and a very good listener after comfortable with people. Reading, too. She’d be one to want to discuss materials that were read -- though sometimes not quite making sure she keeps them spoiler free.~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 7 years ago
Can I get a matchup? I'm a nice and friendly person but I can get mean really quick if you do something to piss me off. I can get pretty sassy if you keep arguing with me too. I bottle up my emotions so the only thing people usually see from me is happiness and sometimes irritation. I'm insecure and I have trust issues due to several reasons. I also like exploring and learning views on different topics.
Hey babins.For you; Saki. Saki would be amicable and well matched with you, and not keen to bring you to arguments, not wanting to argue but instead always work things out well. She’d also be quite keen and happy to go exploring with you and help teach you about the Rito’s ~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 8 years ago
Imagine if your matchups became your realities
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botwheadcanons · 8 years ago
Matchup? I'm a girl, Straight and I'm a Gemini. I'm very feisty, sassy but not that confident. but I'm also very calm and only lash out or get angry when it's needed. I love drinking tea or hot things. I play violin and guitar.
Hi there Sweets
For you, I say Revali.
Oh boy oh boy this sassy snobbish glory bird would require you as well to be a glory bird. Sass all you want, be feisty.. he’d always be willing to jabber back and forth with you. 
All as well, with his love of cold he has a little known sweet love of hot drinks and would enjoy sipping tea with you. 
Music too, you’re skill would be appreciated. 
~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 8 years ago
Hey! Can I get a matchup please? I'm a 5'4 bi fem, I absolutely hate silence and I love it when people speak their true minds! I'm honestly pretty weak emotionally so I need someone who can support me and be there for me! I'm pretty stubborn as well. I absolutely adore guitar and play whenever I have the chance. I'm truly a softy, I love flower crowns and bunnies to the limit. I have a hard time opening up, especially about my old habit of cutting. I also love snow and the cold! Thank you!!!
Hey there babsicle!
For you, Teba! 
Teba is not the most talkative really, but for you, he would let his tongue slide on and on to keep the air full of his words, your words and the generally comfortable melding of speech. 
Weak, emotionally... Teba would be your boulder, your shield, your emotionally stability and comfort. He also speaks his mind with the MOST SPUNK! This Rito has absolutely no qualms about being honest, straightforward and generally quite blunt.  He’d be stubborn, too. And you’d be stubborn and any headbutting would simply be part of the relationship but always approached well! 
MUSIC! Teba, A Rito at heart and a rito by feather would adore music, and the music you play would be his favorite! 
Flowers hold some importance to the Rito’s, Teba might find your love of flower crowns a touch weird.[But, all as well he’d try to sneak in special Rito Feather and Flower garb for you] 
SNOW AND COLD! [Perfect things to love for to be with a Rito!]
Teba would never force anything out of you, letting you open up at your own pace.
~Mod Zelda ▲
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botwheadcanons · 8 years ago
Matchup?? I'm 5'3, bisexual & I like talking with people but I prefer to be alone. I love listening to any type of music, unless it's very boring. I love to draw as well, I'll draw anywhere if I get the chance, also a huge cat lover :3 (love the match up things you do, there so nice to read)
Hey there sweet-stuffs!
I thought quickly of Link.
Oh this sweet hero would be a gentle presence with you, a gentle, soft, loving soul. He;s not much of a talker, but he’d love to listen and would always understand if you needed to be alone. 
Drawing! Oh, Link would be infatuated with your artistic skill, as not much of an artist himself. 
Kitty meows! Oh, he’d so much love kitties too. He’d enjoy talking about felines with you! 
Link had spotted you sitting on a stump out in the woods by the Riverside Stable. Peace had come to the lands, at least mostly and he enjoyed watching you from a distance.. though soon the Hero slunk about to you, quiet as a deer in the brush he wrapped his arms around you. The gasp that escaped from you was a few parts fear/surprise, a few parts relief, and a few parts confused. Normally, he’d announce himself to you, but this time he wanted to surprise you, just a sweet reminder that with Hyrule saved and free he was but your Hero, and your Hero alone. And.. well, he tended to always be nearby, a watchful eye. 
~Mod Zelda
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botwheadcanons · 8 years ago
So, matchup for my OC Wildfire! He's 36, 6'5", muscular, and Irish. He's an anarchist with a vicious temper and holds a nasty grudge. However, he's always grateful to healers and will always repay kindness given to him. It's also worth noting that he can breathe fire and hates the cold. He also watches Steven Universe and quotes both Jasper and Ruby once or twice.
W-OAHHH Hellll-oo!
Wildfire, burning within for him I see Urbosa on no whim!
Urbosa would love the temper, the grudges, the strength of him. All as well she’d always be kind to him, giving, and generally entirely his-- of course while also demanding he be hers entirely. 
Disliking the cold is also quite useful for a Desert dweller! 
Fire breath, and lightening /Lady-- a perfect combo of power. strength and utter true love.
~Mod Zelda
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