#tlovm starters
mythundermeme · 2 years
notes: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses. do not add to this list. other meme blogs, please don’t reblog.
content warning: violence, swearing, genocide, apocalypse, sexual themes
"My weakness put the realm in jeopardy."
"I suddenly feel overdressed."
"Everybody back up, slowly."
"My favorite head-chopper!"
"First fucking door that actually helped us."
"Your monuments shall fall. Your civilization erased."
"You live out of mercy. Fight or flee and you forfeit that mercy."
"It's… like the end of the world."
"Damn it, where is he?"
"Don't move, old friend. I thought I'd lost you."
"Let me gaze into your brooding eyes before I shuffle off this mortal coil."
"You're not going to die. Not today."
"At least you healed my face. That's the most important part, anyway. Well, second most important."
"Does this place have a back door?"
"I'd kiss you right now, but, you'd inevitably fall in love with me, and that would be messy. So… eh."
"Thanks for getting us out of there."
"We're still too close to the city for my liking."
"They're ancient and powerful. We don't stand a chance."
"I thought we'd stopped running from our problems."
"What if this is our fault?"
"Do you think this is revenge?"
"Fuck! Am I starting to get predictable?"
"If he's important to you, then he's important to me."
"It's… stuffy."
"No, we're not strong enough for this!"
"They've lost their damned minds."
"We're just a bunch of assholes lucky enough to get out alive."
"Town looked like shit till we saved it."
"We didn't save a town, we saved them."
"Last one in is a troll-dick!"
( HEADS UP! ): sender tackles receiver to the ground, taking damage meant for the receiver. ( NOT FOR US ): sender drags a stunned receiver away from danger. ( I GOT THIS ): sender rescues receiver from under the rubble
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g1ngerbeer · 3 months
actuallly i think trying to stab raishan is THE funniest thing percy has ever done and i love him for it
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dwueth-var · 11 months
So, so curious about how the fandom came to be, and where y’all started. I’m especially interested to see which events (start of a new campaign, TLOVM, Calamity) brought in the most fans, and which campaign most people started with.
I know lots of folks start and finish campaign in between campaigns/across many years, so please mark when you started your first campaign. I’m also not necessarily asking about campaigns you’ve finished, so if you’re in-progress, just mark your primary starter campaign!
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burr-ell · 5 months
Aasimar and bard for the CR asks!
aasimar: what is your favorite location in exandria (or out of it)
Y'know, weirdly I have to say I have a soft spot for Westruun! I'm really enjoying how the Vox Machina Origins comics and Kith & Kin have brought it to life; it has this sort of lighthearted starter city vibe to it that makes it perfect for DnD. Even though we've never seen those moments on-stream, you still get the sense of what it used to be like during the Westruun arc of C1. You feel the cast's connection to it and how palpable their horror is at seeing it destroyed and corrupted and under Umbrasyl's thumb, and it feels triumphant to see it liberated. VMO is especially great for giving us some of that backstory; we've now actually seen Loran the Bear and Margrave Atrix for ourselves, so knowing their heads wound up on spikes outside the Herd's stronghold becomes more of a gut punch. I think getting to see more of it and knowing the emotional significance it has for the party also makes Keyleth and Percy's conversation about cities, which is already great, hit even harder.
bard: what is your favorite “how do you want to do this?”
GROG KILLING KEVDAK BAYBEE. Perfect, fitting end to an already amazing combat, especially once you know what would have happened if it hadn't been Grog. The fact that Grog drops unconscious right afterward is just the icing on the cake; TLOVM adapted it all perfectly.
critical role ask game
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cultivatedmemes · 3 years
The Legend of Vox Machina a collection of my favourite sentences from the first three episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon Prime. Part 1/??? feel free to change gender specific words, pronouns,  whatever you like to make it fit your muse better!
❝ Well, you see, I don’t have any money per se, but– ❞
❝ Wonderful, we’ve got no money, no place to live, and fuck all for prospects. ❞
❝ Maybe if somebody didn’t accidentally behead the last person who hired us… ❞
❝ I don’t know, maybe– maybe we should try doing some good for a change? ❞
❝ Ethics are a luxury we currently can’t afford. ❞
❝ I’m sorry; who the hell are you? ❞
❝ So it’s coin over character? Not surprising. ❞
❝ Good luck, and please don’t… /sigh/ fuck this up, as they say. ❞
❝ I suggest we run! Right now! ❞
❝ [Name], you dumb brave asshole! ❞
❝ I only care about one word: [First name, Last name]! Ok, that’s two words, but you know what I’m saying. ❞
❝ This is why I hate traveling with holy people, they’re too goddamned good. ❞
❝ This is all very helpful, even the bullshit. ❞
❝ If we survive this, I owe you dinner. ❞
❝ All it takes is a little finesse. Amateurs. ❞
❝ It seems being a bunch of assholes has its merits. ❞
❝ Bad dream? ❞/ ❝ Is there any other kind? ❞
❝ We can’t all be aloof tight-asses [Name].❞
❝ Emotions aren’t meant to be bottled up, maybe you should cut loose once and awhile. ❞
❝ Wanna be my date? I can be on my best worst behavior. ❞
❝ How are you supposed to get drunk from these things? ❞
❝ Shit’s about to get REAL. ❞
❝ Nothing like a dragon attack to bring us all together, eh? ❞
❝ Just walk over to [Name], say hello to break the ice, and then punch them in the face. ❞
❝ You don’t understand! ❞ / ❝ Then help me understand! ❞
❝ Gosh you’re handsome. Lost my train of thought. ❞
❝ You are a curious one… and you look delicious. ❞
❝ There’s no way out tonight, my friend. ❞
❝ Would you look at that? It’s the pup that survived. ❞
❝ Step off, bitch. ❞
❝ No one kills [Name] but me! ❞
❝ You got a [weapon type]? Hey, that's cute. ❞
❝ We’re not doing terrible, right? ❞ / ❝ No, this is terrible. ❞
❝ I had them! I had them! And you let them slip away! ❞
❝ You fool. Now your soul is forfeit. ❞
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demonologue · 2 years
“sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine.”
From this prompt list.
Vax looked up at Gilmore in surprise. “No. Don’t wish that.” 
But Gilmore looked utterly unrepentant. And, what was even more sexy: completely fearless. “I’d much rather you didn’t have to hurt a total stranger.” 
It worried Vax. Because he didn’t trust his restraint anymore against the thirst. If Shaun was really offering, Vax might actually take him up on it. “Listen, I don’t like this any more than you do, believe me. But if I’m going to lose control and harm someone, I’d much rather it be some random dickhead than you.” 
“But with me, you could have stopped,” Gilmore said softly.
“You don’t know that.” And Vax wasn’t willing to take that chance. He honestly wasn’t sure if he could have stopped just because it was Gilmore. And now he was getting really upset, because the thought of hurting the man he loved made Vax hate himself and loathe what he was becoming all the more. 
“I do know,” Gilmore said gently, reaching out and touching his cheek in that way of his. That soft, supportive, self-assured way that had always turned Vax to jelly. 
“So what are you saying? That when the urge comes again, I should find you?” 
“Until we can find a better solution, yes, my love. That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 
Vax turned away, angrily. “Fuck no. I won’t do it.” 
“Vax’ildan darling, have you considered the alternative? What if the hunger comes upon you while you’re at home, and your twin and found family are the closest mortals to hand? What then?” 
Vax hadn’t even thought of that. The suggestion chilled him to his core. What if he lost control again? Was it really possible he could attack Vex? 
The scariest part was that Vax honestly didn’t know the answer. Every cell in his body was screaming ‘no!’, he would never do that; that he just wasn’t capable. 
But the protest rang hollow after what had happened tonight. He’d just killed a man in the street. And Vax had had no control at all. 
He turned back to Gilmore, gripping his wrist. “I don’t want to hurt my family. Promise you won’t let me go too far?” 
Gilmore took his hand, and it was warm against Vax’s morgue-cold fingers. “Do you trust me?” 
“Of course I do.” Did he even need to ask? 
“Then you let me worry about that, my bird. I can’t give you too little, either, or we risk your hunger getting the better of you and someone else being harmed.” 
“But I don’t want you harmed,” Vax said, taking Gilmore’s hands in both of his. Gilmore had always been too generous. He couldn’t let the man risk his own life to keep others safe. 
“I feel like we’re talking in circles.” Gilmore smiled fondly. “You should be alright for at least a day now, yes?” 
Vax tried to think how long it had been since the feast. He’d seen daylight for the last time two days ago. And before that… Gods, it had been the last time he would see the sun, and he hadn’t even known it. It was hard not to be melancholy when Vax thought about what he was now. “Do you think I’ll be like this forever?” he asked, gloomy. 
“Of course not,” Gilmore said, cheerful as ever. “Once we do away with Lord Briarwood, you should return to normal–or so the research indicates.” 
Vax looked up at him, confused. “There’s research about vampires?” 
Gilmore smiled brightly. “Of course there is, silly boy. There’s research about every creature that exists.” How was Gilmore always so optimistic? No matter what happened, he was ready with a smile and a reassuring word. He seemed to radiate light and joy at all times. Maybe that’s why Vax had been drawn to him from the first time he’d laid eyes on Gilmore. They were polar opposites both in humour and disposition.
“Well, I feel…not smart.” Not that he’d really paid much attention to their tutors in Syngorn. Vax plopped down in the chair in front of Gilmore’s vanity, scaring himself when his reflection flickered in and out of existence. 
“Nonsense,” Gilmore said. “I’ve spent longer than you’ve been alive collecting bits of information on the rare and fantastic. You’ll have time to learn such things. Besides,” he leaned down to give Vax that certain look. 
“You’re so very pretty…” When Gilmore kissed him, Vax could taste the pulse in his lips, but the kiss made his eyes slide shut and began to melt his brain, just as Gilmore’s kisses always had. “I think you’re allowed to be a little…uneducated.” The sorcerer finished with a smile, playfully booping Vax on the nose. 
(nsfw below the cut)
“I’ll show you uneducated!” Vax said, leaping from the chair at Gilmore and insistently pushing him back toward the bed. 
“Oh? I didn’t know you were planning to spend the night,” Gilmore said, pretending to be surprised that he’d gotten Vax all riled up again. 
“Well now that I’m full, I thought I could do you the same favour.” When Gilmore laughed, there was no way Vax could resist smiling back, though it was a far more pointy-toothed grin than it had been last week. At least he didn’t have to look at it in the mirror. 
“How very thoughtful of you, Vax’ildan,” Gilmore sighed, reclining on the bed and watching with interest to see what Vax would do. 
“I can’t turn into a bat or anything, but I bet I can still transform into a naked boy just as quickly.” 
Gilmore smirked, and his ebony eyes beckoned. “Of course, I can’t simply take your word for that…” 
Vax had his clothes off before Gilmore could finish the sentence. “Now that is impressive,” the sorcerer said, his eyes taking in every inch of Vax, greedily. 
“I love the way you look at me,” Vax said, climbing into bed on top of Gilmore with a grace that was less lithe panther and more horny adolescent.
“Even if I’m looking disrespectfully?” Gilmore asked, sliding warm umber fingers down Vax’ildan’s back. 
Vax grinned, leaning forward until Gilmore lay back beneath him. “That’s the best part.” 
“Well, feel absolutely free to perform this transformation for me any time,” Gilmore purred, twirling a strand of Vax’ildan’s hair around his index finger. 
“It’s a deal,” he said, kissing Gilmore enthusiastically–but not so enthusiastically that he drew blood. It was going to take time getting used to his fangs. But Vax was determined not to bite Gilmore until it was absolutely necessary.
(now accepting fic requests here)
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mercy-misrule · 3 years
matt even mentioning the possibility of an animated mighty nein series has made me feral.
like, im enjoying tlovm, but the m9 are the light of my life and i would do anything to see them on the screen
man, if tlovm does well, and they get to make enough seasons to finish the story
i can't imagine that they would have to kick-starter an m9 series, because surely they would have proved they were a sure thing.
so yeah, i find myself even more excited for tlovm because of what it means in the future, but also now for just seeing how the story plays out.
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strytells · 3 years
@ichorcd​ said: ❝ Wanna be my date? I can be on my best worst behavior. ❞ // otto for rook TLOVM Starters // ???
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          “Ooh, is the charlatan attempting to woo me with fancy words~?” Rook couldn’t help but laugh, his best worst behavior huh~? Oh Vil would ABSOLUTELY loathe the creature beneath Ramshackle’s dorm but him? Oh no no, he found him an absolute DELIGHT.
                    It was an HONOR to call him his own.
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       “I suppose the best answer for this would be oui, I’d love to be your date, Roi de undead~! Do tell me the plans for the evening, I’m DYING to know!”
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softheartstm · 2 years
I know I cut a lot of my testing muses and I'm not caught up in Any regards with cr or even tlovm but uh
Memes/liking the starter call for K.eyleth, V.ex or S.undry S.idney would be dope of y'all
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mythundermeme · 2 years
notes: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses. do not add to this list. other meme blogs, please don’t reblog. content warning: foul language, sexual themes, death
"Gods! I hope she catches us!"
"The landing's gonna be a bit rough."
"I'll save our asses with some butt stuff."
"Before I met you, I would have found this very upsetting."
"I mean, she was so vague!"
"Remember, we're not here as tourists."
"I'm sure it happens to all the nobles."
"Yikes, lots of temples and no brothels."
"You have our sympathies and our hospitality, but that is all."
"If you turn your back on this, more will die."
"Options? Oh, didn't realize painful death was an option now."
"Friend is a generous term."
"Get some yum-yum in my tum-tum."
"Your mind is clouded with weakness."
"Not the first time I've been wanted, if you know what I mean."
"You're not as charming as you think you are, _ You never were."
"This isn't about money. This is about saving lives."
"We're trying to save the fucking world!"
"At least they can't murder us down here."
"You depended entirely on your sister."
"You, hopelessly seeking your father's love."
"Why would I listen to the cursed heir? Who wallows in self-pity, begging to be trusted again."
"Fleeing from your duties again,_?"
"You don't have to call out my shit, okay? I know I can be kind of annoying."
"Would you sacrifice your life just to prove a point?"
"Big fan of mating over here."
"Guess I'm quite charming, after all."
"Relax, it's just coffee. I think."
"And don't blow yourself up!"
"It kind of felt like our home."
"We have to be careful around here."
"Wow, you guys suck."
"She won't let her treasures go so easily."
"Where'd you pick up that beauty?"
"Do not go far from me."
"You've been saying that our whole lives."
"You are nothing but a mistake."
"Don't you dare talk to her like that!"
"Keep your eyes sharp. There will be traps, and they will be deadly."
"I'm not helpless, you know."
"Stop telling me what I need!"
"I don't need rescuing, and I don't need you."
"Last one's always the toughest, but don't worry, I'll save you."
"You impressed? 'Cause you fuckin' should be."
"I was gone for 30 seconds, what the hell happened?"
"You left me. I was lost."
( SUPER THICK ): a platform the muses are standing on begins to fall apart. ( TREASURES ): receiver tells sender about a special item they (receiver) own. ( VALUE ): sender mocks something receiver possesses. ( HEIRLOOM ): sender breaks/ruins something important to the receiver.
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mythundermeme · 3 years
Note: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses.
Other meme blogs, please don't reblog.
( content warnings: violence, drinking, slurs, swearing, sexual themes )
"Well, that was... something."
"All of our mercenaries slaughtered like lambs."
"I propose we attempt to capture the beast and use it as a weapon against our enemies."
"_ wins. Again."
"Why do we always play drinking games with a guy twice our size?"
"Didn't you only have one ale?"
"Watch it, bitch."
"Hey, you watch it, dicknose!"
"We don't waste our time on talking assholes, remember?"
"Let's keep things civil, friend."
"Everyone knows you're a bunch of pathetic losers who can't get a fucking job."
"_, love, can you try to stay out of the way?"
"Why does this happen every time we go out drinking?"
"Oh, bollocks."
"My lady's rose I will pluck. My love, it's time for us to fuck."
"The hell, man. If you want to join in, you got to ask first!"
"Could you put on some pants and help us?"
"You got to be shitting me."
"Goodness, such a mess. Absolutely dreadful."
"We've got no money, no place to live, and fuck all for prospects."
"Well, perhaps if someone didn't decapitate the last fellow who hired us."
"Ethics are a luxury we currently can't afford."
"They only care about themselves."
"_ just wants to murder everyone."
"_ barely wants to be seen with us in public."
"They must be warned of these attacks."
"I promised that you've never met a troop so qualified."
"You can't be seriously considering them for such a crucial task."
"Well, they do have a bear."
"What exactly are we killing, and how much are we making?"
"Can you mind your business for once?"
"This mission sounds kind of deadly."
"Nobility and heroism is fine and all, but we're in this for the money."
"Please don't, oh, fuck this up, as they say?"
"Okay. I'm sure you will survive these trying times, so, good luck"
"Are you sure you're a holy person?"
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"
"I suggest we run. Right now."
"_, you dumb, brave asshole!"
"We're in serious trouble here."
"Did I just make it worse?"
"So... this is what rock bottom feels like."
"We're alive because of you."
"Hold still, old friend, I got you."
"Alright, fuck_ and all of this."
"We didn't sign up for certain death."
"Oh, who gives a soggy anus about the council?"
"What have those fuckity-fucks ever done for us?"
"They need us. We can't just run away."
"This is why I hate traveling with holy people. They're too goddamned good."
"One of them might be working with that monster."
"They wiped them out. All of them."
"Shit! No, I can't do it. I'm still too weak from before."
"We could have stopped this. Should have."
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified out of my mind. But I'm in."
"Now I'm feelin' things, on the inside. They don't feel right."
"That was... actually well stated, _."
"You all realize we're going to die a truly horrible death."
"We'll die gloriously."
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mythundermeme · 3 years
note: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses. other meme blogs, please don’t reblog. (content warning: slurs, violence, sexual themes)
"The darkness lingers still."
"We'll try this again in a few hours, when you've regained your strength."
"Do not indulge madness out of desperation."
"If you won't aid me, than I'll do it alone."
"I've wanted to do that for longer than you can imagine."
"Need pressure on the wound before the spell can hold."
"Oh, the joy in watching _ meet a painful end."
"We're all sons of bitches,_! You in particular, from that bitch who bore you."
"Aw, did I poke a sore spot?"
"You didn't know your parents like I did."
"This revenge is mine."
"Not if you're dead. We're in this shit together."
"This will teach you not to shoot my friends."
"Pin the bitch down!"
"I realize it's a long shot, but... any chance for a private lesson?"
"Uh, if you're not dead down there, we could use some help."
"Um, which one can I kill?"
"As much as I loathed having to teach you, I'll relish watching you skinned alive."
"Having trouble there, _? Because it looks like you're having trouble."
"I hate your face so much."
"You look like you need killing."
"How would you like to kill your friends for me?"
"I was trying so hard to find you."
"We're your friends, remember? We love -"
"Stay out of his range. There's no reasoning with him while he's charmed."
"Why is he only after me?"
"Faster! Kill them faster!"
"I want you to know how you died. And who did it to you: your friends."
"My parents never recognized my potential and clearly missed yours as well."
"A talented mind needs time to cultivate, to think, to work out all the angles."
"Flattery will not prolong your life."
"We trusted you."
"We would've done anything you asked."
"You betrayed us when we needed you most."
"You're the face I saw when murder entered my heart."
"When we escaped, I saw you fall. I thought you were dead."
"You musst have wanted to escape."
"Running away was never MY strong suit."
"Kind of terrified, kind of impressed."
"I'm not lying to you, I swear."
"I lft the righteous path. I was drawn to depravity and violence."
"Oi! You fellas got room for a third?"
"Of course it's zombies. Yeah, because fuck me, that's why."
"Maybe we shouldn't have announced ourselves with such... flair."
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mythundermeme · 3 years
note: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses. other meme blogs, please don’t reblog. (content warning: swearing, death, violence )
"You've ruined our banquet, assaulted political allies, and risked the security of the realm."
"Throw them in irons."
"We did nothing wrong."
"That is a considerable accusation. Do you have proof?"
"A minor inconvenience, my love."
"Get your filthy hands off my instrument!"
"If you attempt to escape, you will be executed."
"I know we have a lot to talk about, but I'm not turning into a vampire, am I?"
"Let's fuck up these guards and bust out of here."
"It's some kind of fucked-up evil diary."
"For a start, what the hell happened back there?"
"You never thought to mention that _ killed your family?"
"I wasn't aware that you were owed information about my past."
"When your past comes to kill us, I'd say we deserve a heads-up."
"What we saw was you shooting an innocent kid."
"The boy knew nothing! He was terrified."
"They slaughtered us in cold blood."
"They know I'm alive now, and they are not in the habit of leaving loose ends."
"You take me to the nicest places."
"Your group clearly can't be trusted, so we're separating you, like children."
"Hey, I don't take orders from you, asshole."
"I shouldn't have listened to _. He's out of his mind."
"Well, I mean, when people can't hear me, I just shout louder."
"Do you think she's mad at you?"
"Maybe you should just say sorry."
"We didn't ruin his entire dinner, just dessert."
"I may never see my family again."
"I'm just saying, I know you think you're alone. That we don't know what you're going through. But... you don't have to be."
"And for the record, I think you're damn worthy."
"There's a world of difference between your struggle and mine. Whether you succeed or fail, your family is still alive."
"Everybody up! Creepy shit incoming!"
"Five of my men are dead. If you didn't kill them, who did?"
"Aw, that sucked."
"You creepy fuck!"
"_, it's time. Prove yourself."
"Where did those foul things come from?"
"Look at me, I'm a snack."
"We're all with you, but... no more secrets, all right?"
"I think I need to tell her sorry."
"Oh, but what if I need you?"
"You can always talk to me. Even if I'm not around, you'll feel me there with you."
"You're their light now."
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mythundermeme · 3 years
Note: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses. Other meme blogs, please don't reblog. content warning: ( swearing, drinking, sexual themes, violence, slurs)
"It was so funny, father!"
"Why is she yelling?"
"I never agreed to this stupid game."
"We can't all be aloof tight-asses."
"I'm simply suggesting you could all benefit from some well-practiced restraint."
"Emotions aren't meant to be bottled up."
"Ugh, fucking doors."
"Hope you didn't feel the need to bring a housewarming present."
"Finally. A proper evening of protocol and civilized conversation."
"Want to be my date? I promise to be on my best-worst behavior."
"We appreciate the gravity of the situation and will present ourselves with the utmost dignity."
"I shall brief them on royal etiquette and manners."
"Remember what we practiced. Be reserved, be charming."
"How is anyone suppose to get drunk from these things?"
"You want to get freaky with me? Sir, I don't even know you."
"You are a libertine and a cad! And I like it."
"Those fiends took everything from me."
"What do you want us to do?"
"In case of trouble, we should have a safe word."
"Somehow you guys look worse every time we see you."
"Ooh, shit' about to get real."
"He's just staring like a perv."
"I say you walk up to _, say hello to break the ice, and then punch them in the face."
"I must confess I was rather curious whether you would come. Our messenger did not return."
"We concocted that tale to protect their legacy."
"They got bored of ruling."
"They abandoned their people to rot."
"It was a lovely dinner, we especially enjoyed the company. So refined."
"_, darling, what did we say about emotions?"
"They murdered my entire family."
"Finding the boy was unexpected. Our circumstances have changed."
"Oh, gosh, you're a handsome couple."
"I've tried to tell many over the years. No one's ever believed me."
"You look delicious."
"Come here, fuckstick."
"There's no way out tonight, my friend."
"Would you look at that, dear? It's the pup who survived, all grown up."
"Step off, bitch."
"No one kills _ but me!"
"Had him right where I wanted him."
"Oh, shit. That ain't good."
"You got a sword. Oh, that's cute."
"So, we're not doing terrible, right?"
"No, this is terrible."
"Ooh, I bet that hurt."
"This little one is entirely too much trouble."
"Your gods can't help you now."
"Come visit us sometime,_. You're always welcome back home."
"No! I had them! Had them. And you let them slip away."
"Why were they here? What were they after?"
"They were invited, like you."
"Why here? Why now?"
"What the actual fuck?"
"Holy shit, _, what are you doing?"
"Please. I-I'm only a servant. They-They don't me anything!"
"Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me!"
"You fool. Now your soul is forfeit."
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mythundermeme · 3 years
note: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses. other meme blogs, please don’t reblog. (content warning: abuse, violence, swearing, death, sexual themes)
"It's not working! We're losing her!"
"We failed. It was too soon."
"There's nothing to be done. _ is gone."
"The fuck are you talking about? _ is still breathing!"
"We're not done with you yet."
"Easy, I got her from here."
"You controlled me for years. Now it's your turn to suffer."
"He denied me. Abandoned me."
"I'll gladly send you to him."
"You've taken my husband, and any hope of getting him back."
"What more could I lose?"
"No, your pain will linger."
"Oh, okay, _. Taking this a little far."
"Your suffering will be merely a taste of the pain you inflicted upon my family."
"It's some sort of curse."
"I thought she meant he was just depressed."
"Something has possession of you."
"If it gets what it wants, I don't think much of _ will be left."
"You're going to shoot me too?"
"I know you're in there."
"Darling, take off the mask."
"I don't know what else to do!"
"Nope. Do not like."
"Don't hurt him, he's not in control."
"Fuck that, he's got _!"
"That thing can't bleed, but _ can."
"If it's inside his mind, his soul, only he can stop it."
"She belongs to me!"
"Shall I take over?"
"Which is more powerful? The desire for revenge, or the ability to forgive?"
"I'll kill you all!"
"I was only gonna chop him a little."
"You look pale, boy. Like you've seen a ghost."
"Stop. Not again."
"Not again! I won't let you take them!"
"So we just wait for him to kill us?"
"The hate. Embrace it."
"You have failed us, son."
"A family slaughtered, a legacy lost."
"You must avenge us!"
"Fuck, that burns."
"Listen to us, you must fight this!"
"One well-placed shot and the pain disappears."
"What are you doing to me?"
"You know exactly who I am. You summoned me."
"Your torment and thirst for revenge called me to your side."
"I gave you the means for revenge."
"You gave me souls to feast upon."
"You're his sister, reach him."
"It's who I want to be."
"Yes, hate feels good. It drowns the pain. I've seen how easily it consumes you."
"If you reclaim yourself, you won't hurt the ones you love."
"You did this to me! And you'll pay."
"Don't forfeit your own soul."
"I won't let you!"
"Yes, well, thank you for not dying."
"So, that was the most fucked up thing I've ever seen..."
"Even in your moment of triumph, you still managed to fall short."
"You had the chance to kill me and you failed miserably."
"You're as spineless as your parents."
"Losing one's family is a wound that cannot be mended."
"I'm glad you forgave her, brother. But I could not."
"What? You mean we have to leave this delightful place?"
"You know how much it cost? How bloody long it will take to make another?"
"Hey, how'd you know that demon was still in there?"
"My entire adult life has been driven by fear and vengeance."
"Of all our family, you were the bravest."
"They will see you as a survivor."
"I worry we'll meet her again."
"You need to get punched in the face now and then to know you're alive."
"Darling, you've got this."
"Okay, I can't really breathe, so..."
"This tale is far too great for a lousy book."
"Glad to see you alive and wwith all your... extremities intact."
"I relied on my best judgment to meet these threats. But sadly, that judgment was greatly corrupted."
"I allowed strangers into our midst, entrusting them with power they never should have had."
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mythundermeme · 3 years
note: feel free to tweak details to fit the muses. other meme blogs, please don’t reblog. (content warning: swearing, violence)
"Don't play dumb. It won't end well for you."
"Please, I told you. I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sadly, that may leave a mark."
"What are you doing? She's unarmed."
"They kept her alive for a reason."
"Mind telling us who the hell this is?"
"And here I thought you were the intelligent one."
"I mean, you are legit fucked up."
"It's been getting worse."
"Something is clouding your soul."
"But if something is wrong with you-"
"Your concerns are appreciated, truly, but we must press forward."
"I swear on my family's name."
"And why am I not simply shooting you, heading to the throne room, and doing the same to them?"
"I don't trust a word she says."
"We're only sparing your life because you're useful to us."
"Never thought you and I would work together."
"I recall you having more digits last time we saw each other."
"How are those wounds?"
"I've survived worse."
"Your mind is unlike any I've come across."
"Oh, god, you smell like shit."
"How long's he gonna stay like that?"
"You still think you can do this without me?"
"I'm not what you should be worried about."
"I have more than enough worry to go around."
"You are so mighty and I am so weak. However can little old me survive without you?"
"You don't trust anyone."
"Hey, uh, just to point this out before we go get ourselves killed, we do have evidence now."
"Tell your sister to quit taking the piss before I forget my manners."
"You did this to yourself,_. The day you left me lying in the snow, choking on my blood like a hunted animal."
"I have a new family now. One that transcends death. One that will never leave me."
"A delight that you've gone and gotten yourself recaptured."
"If you value your lives, you'll let my brother go!"
"I'm afraid life is far more valuable to you than it is to us."
"Don't fret, we'll take excellent care of him."
"Wake up! It's me! Wake up!"
"Snap the fuck out of it."
"We came here risking our lives for you. Be here for us!"
"What's the point? She's gone again."
"We will never abandon you."
"If we're to have a chance of saving them, you have to save us first."
"Since I helped out, don't you think I earned my freedom?"
"If you're lucky, you've earned another hour of life."
"The ritual requires a blood sacrifice."
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