#tldr: oliver sweetie im so sorry
evansboyfriend · 2 months
Why did they have to shave off Oliver's sideburns? He doesn't even look like himself anymore! I hope it's just a temporary time jump or something, because right now it's a tie for worst hair together with season 4 fluffy sides/flat top, at least according to poor little me. 😟 (Sorry if you like it, Oliver!)
it definitely looks weird! I'm just so used to the sideburns. now it looks very.. Abrupt? honestly im wondering whether it was an actor choice or hair&makeup choice. how much say do actors get over what their hair should look like? because i kinda think that they should get to have a say over their hair. and facial hair. with exceptions of course. like canon is real picky about LAFD rules but i *understand* why beards aren't allowed. im not mad, just disappointed...
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