#tldr thank you for the suggestion LOL
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
I'll be completely honest, I suggest you watch Godzilla and Pacific rim, Pacific rim is free on YouTube and there are free to watch Godzilla movies on tubi and YouTube. They're great movies, however it's your choice and I will respect with grace =]
posting this for everyone to see just in case i can convince anyone else to watch it >:3
however (and admitting myself to be a massive hypocrite) i cannot handle another hyperfixation right now. and i mean this as such a compliment i FEAR watching a New Thing as i fear it will become something that invades my thoughts LMAO
once i have more free time, who knows, maybe i can make my family watch it so i have an excuse
#salem speaks#tldr thank you for the suggestion LOL#SUPER GIANT ROBOT BROTHERS WAS JUST MEANT TO BE A SILLY SHOW I WATCHED AND MOVED ON FROM#NOT THIS ‼️‼️‼️#ask#asks#this is also the reason i have been avoiding things like the lackadaisy comic and ramshackle. like those are 100% up my alley and a hyper#fixation waiting to happen
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LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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Do you think that you’d be willing to post your multi part fics(specifically referencing the alley drunk!danny here) on ao3? Like I don’t know what your criteria is for deciding that! But if you did I’d love to subscribe to it so if-ever/whenever you post a new part I’d get a cool little email ya know? Even if they chill out as like “2/?” chapters for years or eternity it’d be awesome!
Not intended to be pressure or anything!!!! I just really like your writing and sometimes miss updates you do in the flood of tumblr notifications, and then see that something has 2 extra parts I didn’t notice(which is always a pleasant surprise too, just like a surprise bonus part lol)
Anyway I love your writing and just wanted to ask if you might post more on ao3? And if you have like a certain line on what stays on tumblr and what you choose to cross post?(even if that line is just a “eh too much work”-which… Big Mood)
Thank you for the ask and liking the writing enough (AHDJSJDHS you like my writing!!!) to ask, you know?
I’m actually working towards putting that one on Ao3, actually! I’m hunting for a title for it lol, because just titling it Alley Drunk Danny doesn’t encompass what I have in mind for him? Anyways it might take a while but it’ll get up there :)) (feel free to suggest a title) (I so don’t want to take it from a poem again but will if I have to)
My criteria for putting up works is kind of arbitrary? It’s mostly depending on whether I have inspiration for it and which ones I have the time to put in towards editing and actually stringing together a story line instead of just grouping together relative scenes. The stuff I post on here is honestly horrendously unedited and it’s mostly written on my phone at asscrack in the morning so it’s like half fever dreams half zero-research. Like it’s post and don’t look back, right? And every time I find a spelling mistake I didn’t intentionally make (+ when it gets reposted with that mistake??) it kills me a little inside lol
Like the IOU Danny wasn’t meant to be turned into a full fix, ever, but then I got a plot idea and it moved up to the “to be cont. into a fic” list. Then Alley Drunk kind of snuck up on me so that’s also happening.
TLDR: yes, I’ll post alley drunk Danny on Ao3 soon and I adore you, whoever you are, for asking ✨
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Hey girl! you explained really well why you think affirming for others won’t help but i honestly think that if you were to affirm for me/your followers, i personally would enter regardless
also you did say that you are now wanting to help others enter the void so, that’s going to happen but if i just may add in a lil bit of suggestion, maybe you could ask us to do a couple of things like a routine and affirm that “who ever follows this routine will enter the void regardless of everything in all realities”
i think it could be fun and a nice experience/experiment cause a blogger had done this before and had many success stories! like girl if you come up with something today i’m down to do it and share my success story with you right after cause i’m that confident it would work you know?
if you enter the void easily and instantly and could be down for this, i’d be so grateful for you giving this a chance, it’s worth a try imo
(as for others who can’t enter just yet cause of their mindset or something, we know you’ve got their backs too, cause you are starting a challenge soon right so they can work on their mindset and tap in the void then!)
i know mostly everyone presses on this individualist approach that you should be the one entering on your own account but i think we all go to help when it’s required, we go to the doc when we are sick, we go to tarot readers when we need a bit guidance and etc
tldr: we go to certain experts for their advice/help when it’s required! we live in a society and we rely on others for a bit of support every now and then!
and as for me i know that you entering the void and affirming for us would be a boost that could help me enter and be done with my terrible 3D circumstances once and for all so why not try!! i’m sure many people could relate w this and be so grateful for your help too
i have been trying for the void since years atp so i just know your help could seriously change this not just for me but a lot of people who are in the same boat pretty much. Could try it as a lil experiment and then go back to your challenge of course and what you have been planning! I really hope you give this a thought! Thank you!
(also you’re really really pretty btw!!!!) and i wanna go to machu picchu too!!!
Hii! omg this was a whole persuasive essay 😱
I must say you’re very good at writing lol. I actually didn’t want to mention this just yet but since you brought it up, i have seen that blogger and was very much inspired by it (hence why i’m starting a challenge). Also my subliminals too are a part of the experience.
I know it’s not my place to decide for yall, but i know that you will very much appreciate entering on your own. I’m always here to help, and i know it’s frustrating not seeing any movement after years of trying (trust me i’ve been there). But believe me when i tell you you’re gonna be so mad at yourself when you realize just how easy tapping into the void state is. Like genuinely im not even saying this because i do it all the time now. When i first tapped in and manifested everything, I got out and felt like the biggest dummy ever (not calling yall dumb btw 😭).
The point is, yall are simply just over complicating it and i’m actually so upset that it took me so many years to realize just how easy it is cause i could’ve had my dream life a long time ago and I wouldn’t have had to go through what i went through.
With my challenge (i promise it’s coming out sooner than you expect just bear with me 🙏🏽) you’ll definitely start realizing that on your own, with a little help on my end of course. What i don’t want to do, and will not do is all the work for you. Even though it doesn’t require much work on your end, the eye opening and truly awakening experience of finally pushing through was honestly the most humbling and beautiful experience ever. Like i will honestly never take anything for granted again because i’m just so grateful that i have the ability to manifest anything I want now.
When you’re first starting out you always think about it as an escape or like “I can have anything I want”. But once you actually do and you’re able to go about life and actually enjoy it with no worries whatsoever it’s just so amazing, I have no words for it.
But like i said in one of my other posts, some things in life are worth working/fighting for, and although the void state is truly the simplest thing ever (i blame tumblr and shiftok for overcomplicating it), i believe it’s one of those things that you need to experience and go through on your own cause it truly is such a personal and intimate journey with yourself. I’ve learned so much about myself on a spiritual level like honestly i cannot even express it in words.
I know some of you guys have been trying for months and even years (i was in your shoes once too, before i tapped in i was 2.5 years in) but follow through with my challenge, don’t give up on yourself and i promise you every thing will change for the better!
So again to answer your question, yes I am absolutely doing that, just in my own way. It might be frustrating to hear (i would know i hated when people would say this when i was struggling but in the end im grateful for it), but you honestly need to do this for yourself. I don’t know any of you personally and no matter how much you tell me about yourself and your circumstances i will never truly understand you or have your same perspective on life, so in reality you the only person who can truly help you is yourself. Look within first before you go outside of you for help. For some of you, you’ve already tried everything and I understand your frustration but also have some patience with yourself.
I promise you won’t be disappointed with my challenge ( it is being very carefully crafted, also i’m just having so much fun making it!)
I hope this answer was satisfactory for you! if there’s anything else you wanna suggest that i add to my challenge go right ahead! But again in short; my answer is yes :)
#void state#loassumption#the void state#void success#lucid dreaming#reality shifting#shifting community#subliminals#void#void ask
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more hedgehogswap!!! some really basic sketches, but proof i am still thinking abt them lol
curious about whats going on? me too! but my tag for this AU is #spindashswap. its not its official name, but for now, its the best name the au has v_v TLDR; A lot of character's roles are swapped, with the intent being to keep their personalities intact.
The original copy, Metal Shadow is Robotnik's greatest creation, a combination of Robotnik's mechanical genius and Shadow's Life Data, Metal Shadow is Shadow's 1 to 1 in practically every way! Running off Chaos Energy, Metal Shadow is capable of using Chaos Spear, Blast, and Control, and gives Shadow a run for his money in their proficiency with them. Like most things, however, they are not immune to a kick to the head.
Iblis is a fragment of the God of the Moon, Lunares, representing the harsh light that reflects from the moon's surface, it's counterpart being Mephilis, the moon's shadow. Whilst Mephilis is the retrospective and thoughtful half, it is also content to wait, for it is inevitable that they will be released, as the Princess Elise is doomed to shed a tear eventually. Iblis, on the other hand, is sealed within a sceptre, and is accidentally released by the Ultimate Lifeform, Sonic the Hedgehog.
(Whilst I speculate that Shadow's Arc in SA2, Heroes and 06 has been about his own agency and his desire to keep his promise to Maria, Sonic in canon doesn't really have that. He's always been a paragon of his own freedom and doesn't give that away to anyone. No one can stop him in his pursuit to do the right thing, and he can't really be manipulated into it either, unlike Shadow or Silver. All this to say that I think it's super interesting that Mephiles never attempts to manipulate Sonic, and instead relies on his consistency in his plan to make Elise release Iblis. He doesn't bother trying to get Elise to become close with Sonic because it's an inevitability he can rely on. )
Iblis, instead of attempting to manipulate Sonic, instead attempts to destroy him by openly mocking his fight against the inevitable. Sonic can run at the speed of sound, but surely he cannot outrun the speed of light. He will be unable to save the world he desires to protect, and they stand in the proof of that, in Crisis City, the shrouded remains of Soleanna. Everyone that they have come to care about is long gone, and Sonic is finally (inevitably, Iblis might say) caught by GUN and sealed away. Wheras Mephilis attempts to break Shadow's will by trying to convince him that they will always be seen as a villain, and the world will betray him, Iblis attempts to break Sonic's will by trying to convince him that it is a lost cause. He wasn't strong enough to protect those on the ARK. His freedom was taken by GUN. It will inevitably happen again.
Of course, it doesn't end up working. Sonic fights anyways. There are people that are counting on him and he doesn't have time to entertain the possibility that he could let them down. Let Tails down.
As for what Iblis steals from Sonic. Maybe his reflection or something. This is a lot of word dump for a silly roleswap au.
(I am making this AU up as I go, so if you have suggestions, yell at me in my ask box if you want! Thanks for reading either way!
#sonic the hedgehog#shadow the hedgehog#metal shadow#metal sonic#sonic 06#iblis sonic#spindashswap#and some word dump about how cool mephiles the dark is as a villain#seriously i would never be able to top how ICONIC his manipulation of shadow is. but i gave an attempt anyways#i figure iblis would be able to manipulate Blaze and Silver better looking like that instead of mephiles cryptid alpha male gamer vibes#if he wanted to that is. doubt it.#didnt intend to write this much about a funny sonic au but here you go#OH I ALMOST FORGOT. SONIC ANDROIDS. WOWOWOWOW!!!!! INSUFFERABLE!!!!#“is that what i sound like?” yes sonic sweetpea. youre insufferable. and we love you for it all the same.
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It’s your gal sophie here, and I come bearing a sorta long ask. I’m going to pack a lot of things into this so it might feel a bit rambly-
You deserve it, really. The amount of time and thought you put into your fics is absolutely unfathomable, and updates literally make my whole week.
Secondly, the latest Dolce chapter has me literally spiraling, I’m so excited for the next one! (take your time btw, there’s still a good two weeks until I start rereading and making theories about what happens next)
(You’re really dropping chapters like Nico drops surprise songs tho)
I also went through your ENTIRE tumblr just now, so here are a few observations I had.
You’ve said that in the Dolceverse Silena is a singer/songwriter under the name VALENTINA. I don’t think you’ve mentioned it in Dolce, so I was thinking that you could just plop that name in there sometime.
The song ‘Free Now’ by Gracie Abrams was suggested for Will on JULY TWELFTH. It’s been half a year, and just now it’s been mentioned in Chapter 43. I would’ve forgotten it at this point
Your first post was on June 27, 2024. It’s been half a year-ish.
Lastly, I have a request. The two chapters of ‘stars, hide your fires’ that have been released are pretty lengthy, and I’ve had to read both chapters over the course of a couple days to finish them. (Still working on the second one.) Could you possibly make them shorter? I know they aren’t always going to be this length, but right now it’s really hard to start them because of the rather intimidating word count.
Love your works, love your writing, and love your personality. Mwah<333
P.S. I know I sound like a stalker, I PROMISE I'M NOT, I’m just really invested. Plus pls excuse me for any weird grammar, I am writing this at one AM.
Hi Sophie!
First off, I love rambles—they are so fun to read and answer. Here's a ramble in exchange :)
I'm still in shock over just how many nominations I got, especially the Author of the Year nomination in my first year of posting fics! LIKE WHAT?!! Whatever the results, I'm super proud and very grateful to everyone who votes <3
The latest Dolce chapter marks the beginning of the very last act of Dolce and that is such a bittersweet feeling. (Also, I smile every time I see your rereading comments, I think you've read Dolce more than I have at this point!)
I don't mind a bit of good natured tumblr stalking, though it might expose how frequently I've pushed back chapter releases lol. Anyway...
Good pick up! So Silena (or VALENTINA) actually had a fairly big part in the secondary storyline for Dolce Dissonance that I decided to cut. So, she won't appear and there is a reason why I've chosen not to mention her at all. I do still have plans for her in the Dolce universe though (eventually).
Has it really been half a year?! That tells you how long Free Now has been sitting in my chapter outline waiting for the latest chapter to be written. Shout out to @solitaire-addict for the great song rec! <3
I started posting my fics on April 20th, 2024 which feels like SUCH a long time ago but really it hasn't even been a full year. And then it took me a few more months to get on tumblr, but I'm so glad I did, I think answering asks might be one of my fav things.
And lucky last: 'stars, hide your fires'. The chapters are intimidating to write, too. But I've been wanting to challenge myself to write a long-chaptered fic for a while now, and Stars felt like the perfect opportunity since its very action heavy. So TLDR, they're kind of intentionally long? Future chapters will continue to average around 10K. This won't the case for all my future fics, I will continue to have a little mix of everything to suit different readers. If you'd like I could post a version of Stars that splits each chapter into 3-4 shorter chapters over on my wattpad? Would that make it less intimidating? Let me know...
Also sorry in advance for when you finish Stars Chapter 2 :) Thank you for the ask and of course, for reading along x
More stories to come,
~ Sarc
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Can I ask your opinion on Endless Ocean Luminous?
Thanks for the ask anon! :D
I've been trying to get my thoughts on this game together into something that makes sense for a while now, but no better time than the present!
tldr: I seem to like it more than most people! I think this game is alright though it's still very flawed, and I'm still enjoying myself with it, but it seems very clearly rushed and it shows. I'm still very happy that the series has a third entry at all, and am looking forward to the future of the series after this game!
...okay, now I'm gonna aimlessly ramble for wayyy too long lmao (spoilers under the cut if you haven't played)
So, to get a few of my biggest gripes out of the way:
Having completed it... the plot is god awful (esp the ending, iykyk). I think I would have preferred having none at all, but Daniel is cool
The English voice of Sera isn't ideal, though this is an issue other languages (like Japanese, French) don't seem to have
The setting, character development, and lore is much more shallow, uninteresting, and poorly-explored through gameplay than any other diving game Arika has made, which is saying a lot bc EO1's plot was invented pretty close to release, and is known for also not being great
The game doesn't run as smoothly as I'd like. maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I remember a time when devs didn't feel like they could release their game if it crashes as often online as this game does
Some of this game's creature textures are far less polished than they ought to be for a Switch game. Surprisingly, most of the ones ported from Arika's defunct mobile fishing game are fine! It's stuff like the megamouth shark and bigfin reef squid that really stand out to me as sub-par
I'm not as bothered about this as some ppl seem to be, but I would have liked a little more customization freedom, ala EO2's suit cuts
Many creature descriptions are copied verbatim from EO2, which I really dislike. wasted a perfect opportunity to highlight different aspects of creatures, not rehash the same tired and basic facts
Though I love the concept of dynamic time of day underwater, it's executed very poorly imo. Could have done with some more fine-tuning (something that could be said abt... a lot of this game lol)
All of this however only detracts a little from my enjoyment of the game overall.
The fact that something like the story can be shipped in the final product with a dev team that shares many many people with the original EO games (seriously, compare the staff lists on the wiki, I genuinely teared up seeing so many familiar faces again)... suggests to me that this game was subjected to crazy time constraints, though I don't have any concrete proof. Nintendo has been known recently to be anti-crunch with some of its biggest IPs, so maybe an Arika problem? Regardless, this game shouldn't have released in the condition it's in, and definitely should not be the price it is.
I really don't like being too negative though, so I won't be! After all, and this may be controversial coming from an EO blog... but the various flaws of Arika's previous diving games made this not be the biggest surprise to me. I mean, I 100%ed EO1, including collecting every salvage and getting all gear/hairstyles! Do you have any idea how hellish that is? I eat slop for breakfast!!
I've still been playing a lot of this game with my dear friend MDB (us pictured below), and there are a lot of things I like about it!

I will, for example, drool all over this game's sound design till the day my son "dies" in a tragic submarine accident. Ayako Saso (main talent behind Everblue 1/2, EO1/2, and Luminous' original compositions and sound in general) knocked it out of the park as usual, with the menu sfx feeling really Everblue reminiscent in a way I adore, and the music easily being some of the best in the series. I know many fans are disappointed by there being no vocal tracks, but honestly? While I like the fact EO1 and 2 had them, they simply wouldn't have fit in this game. So I'm chill about it.
I think the random generation and focus on multiplayer are fun and fresh for the series! I have EO1 and 2 when I want polished singleplayer gameplay, and this game when I feel like something else. EO1 and 2's multiplayer objectively sucked, so it's a really interesting angle to take. The gameplay loop is entertaining enough for me - I like salvaging, scanning creatures, collecting tags, and hunting orbs, both in solo and shared dives. The framework is solid, but could use a little more meat.
The fact they were finally able to realize the "Ancient Sea" concept that had been thrown around during development since EO1 is lovely. Despite having been a dinosaur kid, I'm not really knowledgeable on any of the species depicted in-game, so their designs don't bother me... I'm just a sucker for human ruins overrun by prehistoric life!
Though there are some categories of sea creature that I'm a little sad not to see anymore, like seadragons, sea slugs, and many marine mammals... I don't mind this game's different roster. I like the creature variety, because imo, it would have been a little boring and predictable to have the roster just be every creature that was previously in EO, plus some new ones. This system avoids the kind of problem Pokémon games are currently having, where they have so many critters that they can't possibly put them all in one game, but fans are upset not to have the entire dex ported, y'know? It's like playing EO for the first time again!
I've seen several people theorize that the series was "intentionally sabotaged with a bad new game, so that they have an excuse not to make any more EO games", and... I mean... all I'll say about that is that there's no use killing something that's already dead lol. There'd been no games for over a decade, and very little demand for one - why would a game company looking to make money put so much effort and money into marketing, development, pre-order bonuses, and My Nintendo rewards in order to create hype for a game that's bad on purpose... when they could have kept the series dead for free? Nintendo clearly believe the concept of diving games has legs (or fins ig), with a staff team who love the ocean and dive irl, and are trying new things to see if it sticks better than the previous four games they've made, which collectively sold worse than Luminous did.
It may not all be great, or even good, but experimentation and trying unconventional things is what made EO such a special series in the first place baybee! We just remember the parts of it we liked, and forget the really dumb stuff. The EO team has never been perfect, and I can see their smudgy fingerprints all over this game... I mean, these are the same devs who didn't notice a crash so bad it had their game recalled, and repeatedly yoinked copyrighted material without permission to use in their games... but that's a long post for another day lol.
Soooo yeah! Those are some of my thoughts! Feel free to express your own thoughts on the game here - I'd be curious what other people think, and I'd be more than happy to answer more asks on specific elements of the game, or just getting me talkin' about this game, or any other game in the series for that matter! Any EO questions at all, ask away~!
Thanks for reading, hehe! >( ')
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15 people, 15 questions
I got tagged by @telomeke (the link to their post is here). Thanks for the tag! 😊
1. Are you named after anyone?
I came from a predominantly Catholic country so it is common to name babies after saints. Ironically, despite my saintly name, I was a real Tasmanian devil to my parents, teachers, and peers 😅
2. When was the last time you cried?
The last time that I sincerely cried was when my Dad passed away. I was eleven. After that, every event that made me "cry" barely wet my eyes 😅
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't plan to have any. I like kids - especially when I can hand them back to their respective mothers 😅 I don't have anything against motherhood, but I can barely support myself. Under the circumstances, it is not wise to bring another life into this world that I cannot support.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Oh boy. I used to do track and field, basketball, and soccer (football) when I was still in elementary (grade) school. However, my conservative home country deems these sports as too "manly" and therefore not appropriate for a growing 'lady'. So, they made me switch to cheer dance😤. Well, let's just say I have never danced again ever since lol.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Let's just say that sometimes, using sarcasm is the only way to retain my sanity 😅
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
The tone and shift of voice when they talk. Not entirely sure why though 😅😅😅
7. What’s your eye color?
Hazel brown with hints of darkest grey.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings. I will not subject myself to torture by watching horror films/series no matter how critically acclaimed it is. That's because I have a very vivid imagination and I really love a peaceful sleep 🥲
9. Any talents?
Does mixing chemicals and formulating new adhesive products count? 😅 I can play the keyboard, and write poems and short stories (although, it's been a long time since I wrote my last one). I also do embroidery during my spare time.
10. Where were you born?
Funny story. I was born on the eve of our town's patron saint's day. Before the feast day, the town's roads are closed in preparation for the upcoming festivities. Unfortunately, my mum's water broke during an intense cleaning session of our house on the eve of the feast. Since the roads were closed, my father and grandma (my mother's mum) were forced to call a midwife and perform a home birth. Curiously, I did not cry as my mum pushed my small baby form out of her womb. Fearing that I was a stillbirth, the midwife had put me near an electric stove to help warm me up. It was only then that poor baby me started to cry (to the relief of everyone around)😅
TLDR: I was born at home but only showed a definitive sign of life in our old family kitchen.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading books, scrolling through various socmed (Nowadays, though, it's mostly Tumblr and Reddit), and listening to some brand new music.
12. Do you have any pets?
When I was still living in my home country, I used to have dogs. However, moving to Australia, I was forced to leave them behind with our trusted relatives. We still Facetime though, so there's that.
13. How tall are you?
Sadly, I'm five feet flat, I am still hoping for some (miracle) growth spurt even in my thirties lol
14. Favorite subject in school?
I love history. I love reading about the beginning of things. I also had high grades in literature simply because I am an advanced reader (that is, I have already read the books on my teacher's list even before they have released them to the class).
15. Dream job
Somewhere where deadlines are a mere suggestion lol
Onward tagging (I know some of you have already done this, but give this poor hungry bear a break, I'm running out of people to tag: @lost-my-sanity1, @sparklyeyedhimbo, @imlivingformyselfdontmindme, @waitmyturtles, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @plantsarepeopletoo, @actually-yikes, @dribs-and-drabbles, @ablazenqueen, @alan-apologist, @ellasaru12, @queersouthasian, @lamonnaie, @rei-the-head-shaker and anybody else who wants to play😊
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Hello, hope your having a great day!!
Do you have any tips regarding stylising slugcats in different ways?
HI thanks, i am indeed having a good day thanks for asking!
as for your question, im not entirely sure how to go about answering it, however i can give some tips for developing a style, just in general
do you have any artists you like? im sure a lot of you guys have heard the "take what you like about your favorite artist" speil, but i find its a little more that that.., a lot of times what i find myself doing is taking an image that i like, and well, trace it (its not just tracing work with me here lmao)
alternatively i draw against it, if that makes sense, like use a reference, which is also really helpful because im not relying on the image that much (especially because i cant focus on looking at the drawing and the picture at the same time, so usualy i just look at it and draw from memory, would suggest, sorry for the tangent tldr use reference sometimes too! dont just trace lol back to tracing though ig lmao)
for this im going to be using this image

and the program i will be using is firealpaca (its a nice free software i like using for digital art, but thats not important right now)
i start off with this generally, as you can see, the image is lower opacity, on a separate layer, and although its not rainworld, its the first thing i saw mildly interesting on pinterest lol
alright now i have the iddy biddy bits done, i traced over the general pose, and now im ready to move on.
here is where its a little more than tracing
i turn the original picture off, and lower the opacity of the traced version, and then just, draw over it i guess.
i like to try to think about how the body would, idk, fit there, like if i was there how would i look? would i be stiff? relaxed? so on and all that. the goal here is to learn from tracing it, not just trace mindlessly if you get what i mean. be mindful about what your drawing
anyway heres the next stage, as you can see i wanted to deviate from the original image, that way im not making a carbon copy of the image. i do think the image is pretty good for practice though, as its a pretty dificult pose (at least for me) and i can use the (albeit very little) knowledge i have on foreshortening on the arm, idk man its a really cool image and i like how challenging it is, i really had to struggle to make it look right.
i wont be adding any more detail to this, but its generaly how i go about learning and tracing art
side note, im sure you've heard of this before, but dont post art you traced as yours, and if you do, add the original image before your drawing, and give a disclamer
awf man i lost my point, but i put too much effort into this to delete all of it
anyway im gonna be making something else to make up for this im sorry lmao
#ask received#thank you for asking anon!#im gonna cry in my shower now#then im gonna work on how i draw slugcats as a conterpost#i will say my style has and will evolve#so none of this is definitive or reflective of how i will be in like#a month#i also dont entirely know how to draw slugcats but i know a tiddle bit#i hope this helped#false rainworld posting
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i am guilty of not remembering muchhh bc of my short term memory 🤓🤠 so i skimmed the previous chapter and was refreshed hehe ANYWAYS wow it really has been a while since the last chapter but while reading blooming and starting palette,,, i felt this sense of familiarity with them and it's hard to describe but it's so good!!! It's like fav dramas/series/books that even when you forgot some details or a lot 😅 u have this instant bond/happiness and u still have these amazing feelings for the characters and the story!!! I'm not sure if ur getting me Rid aha it's the yapper in me but i guess the tldr is that i felt that "WE ARE SOOOO BACK MY BESTIES" like i REALLY felt it lol. And i was really happy to read cmi again ❤️🩹
While I do agree with others that this is also my new favorite chapter,,,,, I think that's also not true for me??? bc every chapter is my fav!!! It's really really really literally the whole story since then and everything u write is a favorite 💜
Aside from all the fluff that i loveeee, so much love for this chapter which included their friends and in a trip setting bc it's so wholesome and in relationships esp if ur the type to always go out with friends, it's fun to see everyone getting together 🫶🏼
Nowww some of my fave lines:
His attention is directed towards Jimin, the main organiser of your trip; everybody’s been posing questions today as if he’s studied the town and journey to the tiniest detail. Jimin rubs a palm over his tired eyes, sighing before he speaks. this is so funny bc MOOD
“People climb mountains, watch the world from above, need to see forests to figure out how good life can be. And that it can be worth living,” he says, his voice velvety soft. “But I feel that way with you every day, you know? I do… I do love you so much.” 🥲🥲🥲
“Huh?” he breathes out, moving to look up at you. His eyebrows still suggest slight pain, but there’s something so loving in his worn voice when he says, “You want kids with m—” I LOVE HIM PLSSSSS
And a lot more but those are what I instantly copy pasted lol. Also the "fight" at the end starting with jimin was so chaotic and funny to me lmao. It was all just so real + with oc and jk sorting it out in the middle of the road lol.
Anywaysss wow i think it took me 2 hours + to read and im not complaining bc i had fun savoring every word. I think i always say this but i (and i know the others too) am really thankful that you're here and continuing to share your ideas and writing with us 🫶🏼 the writing is always topnotch, its crazyyyy, good crazy 😇 and ig in behalf of us who aren't always here and even from the silent readers, thank you!! You'll always have our heart and support. I hope that during times that it gets quiet here (and i hope it wont) you remember that there's a lot of us who adore you 🫂
kAT 🫂 it's okay lmao even i forgot a lot and had to reread 😭 there's just a lot of info in those 370k words. and yeah, i totally get that… time may pass, but once we return to the fictional world we love, it feels like coming home. i was so relieved, too, once i dove into cmi again 🥺 and pls yap away, i vibe so much with yappers 😂
yes, ikr!!! i was so damn excited to write this chapter bc of the new dynamics and deeper friendships. this trip really brought them a lot closer. and babe, your favourite lines plsss 🥹 the mountain one has my heart… i think i wrote it literally months and months and MONTHS ago :') and i see, the kids one is really affecting people 😂 the fight was skfajksdf she was just so tired and it affected her mood and then jimin's just an idiot, too lmao 😂 ty for literally copy pasting lines??? this is always so flattering to a writer 😭
2 hours is still pretty fast, tbh!! it took me days to edit the chapter, so hahaha :') thank you so so much for providing me with this much love and warmth, kat. i appreciate your words to bits, like :( the last paragraph, i'm gonna sob 🥹 i adore you sm, too, ty for always being here, love 🤍
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okay ❤️ yay ❤️ thank u @janfraiser
if anyone has not seen the post I am elaborating on, you can find it here. it's important to note that this is literally just me indulging my silly little headcanons. but also I'm right <3
this is going to be long so I'm putting it under a cut :)
anyway. in 5x02, Crockett said he's "fourth year". he did not specify what he was in his fourth year of (to this day I'm pissed that the writers did that to us), but it's safe to assume that the four years have been spent in one place (there is nothing to suggest he moved to Chicago at any point before during the four years). if 2019/season 5 is his fourth year in Chicago, this means he moved there in 2016/end of season one or beginning of season two (2019 is fourth, 2018 third, 2017 second, and 2016 first)
Sarah left at the beginning of season four (2018) which means there was at least an eighteen month/two year overlap when they were both at med
we only saw her do one night shift, but that doesn't mean it's the only one she did the entire time. it's entirely possible that she crossed paths with Crockett on more than one occasion. in fact, I'd be surprised if they didn't know each other
she broke up with Joey in April 2017 (2x19, Ctrl Alt), which gives us over a year when she was single and both she and Crockett were at med
there is literally nothing in canon that goes against the idea of Sarah and Crockett sleeping together. we know that after Joey, she didn't want to date Noah, and that could have been for any number of reasons, including but not limited to her having some sort of relationship with Crockett. or maybe it started later, in season three, and it really was just a quick little fling, or a one time thing
as for the pregnancy aspect, as I have mentioned in previous posts [x] [x], I think that the most likely way for Sarah to become a mom is a cryptic pregnancy. which, again, there is nothing in canon to prove that she didn't experience

obviously she is not pregnant here (she would be approx five months for it to line up with lolly's birth) (I literally only included these because I love her and I miss seeing her. also sorry that the first pic is such poor quality that's my bad)
however! cryptic pregnancies do not leave you visibly pregnant. and also you yourself do not know you're pregnant. all this to say, once again there is nothing in canon that says she didn't sleep with Crockett and get pregnant, then moved to Texas and gave birth to Lolly
she has only been mentioned once since she left (by Elsa in 4x10), and that's it. Crockett joined the show in season 5, by which point Sarah was long forgotten. he hasn't mentioned her, but that doesn't mean he never knew her, especially if things were very lowkey/almost secretive between them. it's their business what happened, not everyone else's. no point bringing her up, or people will just ask questions
and as for Sarah not telling him about Lolly? she's living almost a thousand miles away, and they both have good careers (I'm hoping she does now lol). he would drop everything in Chicago to go and be Lolly's dad in Texas, and I don't doubt that Sarah would know that. would she want him to give up his life? and what if things didn't work out between them? their relationship in Chicago could have only lasted 16 months, but even though she appeared to be the one who ended things with Joey, she was still obviously upset by the breakup afterwards. I can't see her immediately moving onto Crockett without a second thought
the other option, which is a little more unrealistic, is that Sarah Did tell Crockett about Lolly, but insisted he not give up his life in Chicago. again, if things were very lowkey between him and Sarah, he's not going to suddenly announce that he has a daughter with her. he's the type of guy that would be willing to keep the secret for her
anyway. tldr. there is literally nothing in canon to suggest that Sarah and Crockett didn't have a fling in season three that ended with her having a cryptic pregnancy and raising Lolly alone in Texas. I'm autistic about this show (and especially about Sarah and Crockett) so if there was anything, I would know about it
thanks for reading if u are as insane as me and got this far <3
#chicago med#sarah reese#crockett marcel#having a bad night tonight and writing this out helped lol#thank u autistic special interest for doing your job 👍
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hi! I think I asked this before but ask was closed but what canvas size do you typically use? For your art pieces or would you recommend to begining artists oh and dpi size again sorry it's a lot thank you for opening the box again ☺️
HELLO i am so sorry for avoiding answering this ask for so long. i don’t really have recommendations for artists in terms of canvas size because the way i draw is. well. unreasonable (my most recent painting was 726 mb large).
tldr at least one of the dimensions on my paintings are 3000 px at all times (can’t explain this part, it just feels right to me lol). dpi is usually between 300-500 for me, but i suggest just sticking with 300. i don’t think dpi matters too much unless you’re doing prints
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When did you first get into yugioh? I hope you're having a nice day! <3
thank you for your well wishes! i too hope you had a pleasant day!
let's see... to answer your question... it's a little bit of a long story, so i'll make a read more! (there is a TLDR at the bottom if you want)
in late 2017, twitch was broadcasting a marathon of Duel Monsters. at that time, my partner, Jamie, was getting really invested into it, since he had mentioned how he liked it when he was younger. for me, i had heard of YGO on TV when i was younger too, but i felt like i couldn't get invested in it, so i never kept track of it. i was vaguely aware of YGO's continued spin-offs, but i never gave it a chance.
so, after a few weeks, his passion about the show and how much he loved Atem made me want to try giving it a shot, too. because of Megumi Ogata's Yugi Mutou, i was interested in starting from the Very Beginning with the Toei season (season 0). i was curious how subbed YGO might be.
so, we watched all of the Toei season together. i came to really love Yugi the most, as he is a very kindhearted protag (my favorite type of protag) as well as Jounouchi and Kaiba. i was surprised at how the story was about our connections with others. i really loved how different it was compared to what i expected or remembered about the series from the past. the focus on games in general as a medium for the story was really good.
i was hooked on it and respected it. i finally understood the appeal. i wanted to jump into Duel Monsters (sub) right away. and we did! we watched it all together, starting in early 2018.
it took several months to watch, and i enjoyed it! i remember feeling shocked and kinda sad that "the shadow realm" wasn't real, lol. i didn't realize it had been a show that was censored like that. we even watched the DSOD movie after. it was really cool... Yugi really is a character i adore!
for about about a year or so after, i was really invested into puzzleshipping. i didn't draw very much at the time because of my severe untreated carpal tunnel though, so there aren't much past works from me, nor did i ever make any ship art.
Jamie got invested into the spin-off YGO and started watching VRAINS while it was airing after seeing a post about Yusaku/Playmaker on here. i gave it a few episodes, and immediately gravitated to liking Ai. but, i was going through a tough time personally and felt a little fatigued (in general) and of YGO because it was such a long series. i didn't think i could do another 150+ anime. so, i dropped it after 3 episodes and did other things for a few years.
he would talk to me about how much he loved how VRAINS was going and about datastormshipping, and i happily listened even though i didn't understand. it was nice to be a support at the time when i felt too tired and stressed to participate. this went on into 2019 as it finished, and well after into 2020. though, it shifted into aiballshipping, but he kept me safe from spoilers.
on a whim, in the middle of 2022, i suggested we watch VRAINS together because i felt up for it again, and i wanted to watch an anime together. i was excited to learn about Ai more, as i saw some vague spoilers here and there about him. i immediately grew to love Yusaku and Ai a whole lot! i was excited every weekend we could watch together. it only took 3 months to watch all 120 episodes because i was that invested. i again felt like a fool for not continuing in the past...
...and you know the rest. it's impacted me a lot. i haven't stopped thinking or talking about them for nearly a year now. i'm even more impacted by their story than the Toei season or DM. i like the characters and story a lot more for VRAINS, so it's my favorite. i even picked up Duel Links because i wanted to learn how to play (i'm kind of bad at it). i'm currently in the middle of ZEXAL now, but i want to check out all the others eventually, too. exciting!
i got into it in 2017 because of my partner's influence. watched season 0, DM, and DSOD and loved it. fell off for personal difficulties in real life and fatigue with long series. picked up VRAINS again in 2022 after dropping it in 2018 after 3 episodes. am now insane (positive) and invested in YGO because it's so fun and good. i'm happy to be here and hope i can be for a long time
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For someone that has never ever been on a roller coaster due to fears and anxiety, do you know of any types of roller coasters that might be good for someone that's never gone and/or do you have any interesting safety facts about roller coasters?
thank you for your time and consideration I hope the question is not too big :)
Omg yes!!!! Thank you for asking!!!!!! I will always always talk about roller coasters when asked!! I love talking about them lol thank you for the opportunity to!
Starting with the Safety Rant!!! My obsession with roller coasters actually stems from my obsession with Tragic Freak Disasters. A few years ago, I started researching roller coaster accidents and why they happened. I ran out of accidents to learn about. I ran out because they're so few and far between. So I started learning about why they don't happen often! I used to be so scared of roller coasters, because I'm a very anxious and paranoid person. After taking a deep dive into how they work and why accidents happen, I realized I genuinely had nothing to be scared of.
A lot of roller coaster accidents in media are highly exaggerated — for example, out of all the roller coasters on the planet, only ONE has ever gotten stuck upside down on a loop. And the infamous Final Destination scene has been TORN INTO by roller coaster enthusiasts & engineers (I highly suggest watching any video that dismantles why that scene is ridiculous!). You've probably seen a lot of media telling you that roller coasters are dangerous and risky, when that isn't the case in the slightest!
Roller coasters seem more dangerous than they are because the few accidents are so highly publicized. When people are scared of something, they'll feel validated when something confirms they were right to avoid it. So journalists dramatize the shit out of the very few accidents that happen. In reality, they are the safest way to have fun. They're inspected thoroughly daily, and even more thoroughly weekly. You're statistically more likely to get hurt on the drive to the amusement park. You're statistically more likely to get struck by lightning standing in line! Ask any roller coaster designer or operator or maintenance person, and they'll tell you there are literally failsafes for the failsafes. I think they call it layers of redundancy because nothing is likely to go wrong in the first place lol.
Even if it's just about the roller coaster looking scary, and not about how they're generally viewed as dangerous, learning how they work will be an incredible help. Like, knowing that the lap bar is actually supposed to make you feel like you're gonna fly out will make airtime feel a lot less scary. Knowing how block zones work will eliminate any fear of crashing into something on the track. I suggest Coaster Bot on youtube for this type of thing!
TLDR for the safety part: Roller coasters get a bad rap because they're scary-looking, kind of like snakes and spiders. Learning about the dangers of them will miraculously make them seem less scary. You'll quickly find that accidents are super super rare, and that you're perfectly safe from the moment you're strapped in to the moment you step off the ride.
As for which roller coasters are the best for first-timers – I'd look at the amusement park's map to see what the smallest one is! Not a kiddie coaster, but a tamer Big Boy Coaster. Most places with roller coasters have some kind of thrill rating next to every ride on the map, and you could start with the smallest/least intense one. Then go for the second smallest, and so on! Wooden coasters tend to have much tamer layouts, but they're more rough and jerky. Steel coasters are much smoother, but their layouts can be a bit more intense or go upside down. Wooden vs. steel just depends on what you think sounds less scary.
I'd also recommend doing a launched coaster first (if your park has one)!! You can't get super scared on the way up to the first drop if you don't have the time to get scared. It's IMMEDIATE fun without the pants-shitting anticipation of the lift hill's click-click-click. Just try not to look at the other launches before you get on!!!
or, if you immediately want to get over any fears you may have... ride the biggest one first. Just spot the biggest one in the park and make a beeline for it. Don't even let yourself think about it. starting small works, but it makes every new coaster scarier than the last — if you ride the biggest one first, none of the other ones will be NEARLY as scary! It takes a lot of balls but it's worth it!!!!
No matter which route you take, just make sure to remind yourself: these are specially designed to be scary, but they're also specially designed to be FUN. The worst thing that can happen to you is nausea afterwards, and even then, it goes away after sitting down for a while!
I also suggest taking friends with you that'll peer pressure you into riding something lol. All I needed to get over my caveman brain anxiety was a little bit of bullying! It really does help.
TLDR for the First Coaster: Anything that doesn't look too intimidating! And if they all look too intimidating, go for one where you don't have the time to psych yourself out of it. Or just ride the biggest one and stop being scared forever! Just keep reminding yourself that they are fun, they're designed to be fun, and that you will have fun!!!
Sorry if I went on for too long or if I come off as Insane Fucking Crazy! I'm very passionate about roller coasters and emphasizing how safe and fun they are. Good luck, and have fun!!! Drink a lot of water and bring something to put your loose belongings in!!
#julian talks#asks#roller coasters#btw if you're going to king's island let me know and i'll give you a detailed review of everything i've ridden there
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Saw you mention ADHD inattentive? And I had not heard the specific kind of adhd but what you described sounds true to me (also can’t do a diagnosis right now). But I’d consider myself a very creative person. I want to create freely like I did as a child, improve, and excel but I struggle with the motivation. I end up scrolling on my phone or watching tv. How do you manage that or deal with it without being hard on yourself? Thank you for your time!
So I've been looking into ADHD more seriously in the past three years. I've had bouts of anhedonia and the most recent one last for two years and it got to the point where I couldn't even watch or read two-seconds of anything without it feeling utterly painful and I had no idea what the hell that was about. But I at least had the awareness after it happened often enough that my attention span was fucked and I genuinely didn't seen to latch onto or enjoy anything anymore and I thought 'Wow, guess this is adulthood for me, sheesh'.
I also thought back to myself as kid growing up, some things I knew I did and some things I did that had been told me. Apparently my dad thought I might be autistic when I was 4, but never followed up on that. Nobody cared that I was a good test taker but rarely ever turned in homework. Oh, ooh, she must just not care, wah. My mom told me stories as an infant that align with me being an HSP baby, and I def have Rejection Dysphoria which is kinda getting better but sometimes still results in petty Splitting spirals. 😅
Sorry, none of this has to do with your question but maybe it'll useful to someone else. 😅
So the funny thing is, I am not addicted to social media. 😭 I barely use it. So I don't have anything personal I provide about that, but you could try going minimal on your phone. Just dummy the hell out of it. Remove apps, etc. I know companies be breaking how their shit works on mobile browser, at least for me, the site gets app-blocked basically. "Open in App", "Get our App", ugh. 🙄😮💨 But when you make distractions harder to get to, you can readjust your reliance on it. Backtracking slightly, I used this method to cut off my 'addiction' to Reddit. I still rly don't get hooked on socmed otherwise. 🤔 I always bookmark stuff or keep the tabs open, and say I'll get to it later. 😅 I'm always accruing things for myself or some creative endeavor. I kinda relate to Markiplier in that way, that the only time he hangs with his friends or makes friends is if it's during a project. His whole life rotates around the next idea and the next idea. 😅 Forgive me, I'm rambling quite a bit.
Tldr; make distractions more inconvenient, lol.
If you feel like your symptoms are unmanageable, their could be other disorders that you need to take care of. Some ADHD-havers need stimulants and others need anti-depressants.
I'm a stimulant-type. I started taking a $30 B-complex supplement when I noticed that Monster energy made me feel better. I get high caffeine blend plus 2 shots of espresso from my preferred gas station. As a female, I had to pay attention to my PMS symptoms making me sleepier than ever. Some shit got out of balance and I was a goner for the following two weeks.
Your next question about not beating yourself up. My suggestion is trying meditation, maybe getting an ONO roller or something like it, something to make your hands busy when you're trying to devote your attention to something. Just focus on clearing away the background processes of anxiety in your internal task manager and try to visualize how you'll feel when you get that thing done.
Like, I still procrastinate on folding the laundry. It'll literally take me 20 mins or less and I can watch videos while I do it, but I just don't for rly no good reason. 😅 But it's better to feel guilty while doing the thing you've been avoiding, then feeling better after becuz it's done. And then maybe the guilt lessens becuz you've created this routine and positive association, 'Hey, I can do this thing. Hey, this actually takes no time at all.' You know?
I'm no expert and everyone's experience is different. But I recommend looking into it more for yourself. The HowToADHD channel is a pretty good one to start with. They are like the definitive channel for sure. I know that Dr. K put out smthn a couple years ago as well, but all in all, you can only do your best and try to retrain how you do things. There's stuff too like the Pomodoro Effect... 🤔 Just try to find what works for you! Even rn I'm so distracted with writing that I haven't been drawing at all, so I'm just managing myself, pretty much just scraping by. 😅
Oh yeah, I started opening all the cabinets to make putting dishes away easier. Idk if that's useful to you, lol. ADHD requires quirky solutions, haha.
Sorry this turned out so long! I'm wishing you all the luck! 🙏🤗
#personal#adhd inattentive#adhd in women#undiagnosed adhd#some maybe good advice for anon lol#forgive my longwinded answer 😭
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hey it's len! (again). hopefully things go better this time around LOL. anyway... links:
like this to plot, and my old tldr under the cut for a quicker read
— bio
easton cho, born in canada and lived in his korean-canadian household pretty much right until starting uni. in his last year of compsci – thank god, because studying is so damn boring.
had the most amazing & supportive father, which almost made up for missing a mother. almost. neither parents had an anomaly, so after he was born his anti-anomaly mother couldn’t cope with trying to care for a baby she couldn’t see and dipped. it’s okay though, he doesn’t remember and doesn’t feel like he needs to.
grew up in a small port town, locals didn’t hate him but they didn’t love him. he had trouble learning about his anomaly at first. so they teased him by calling him a ‘ghost’ because of certain aspects of his invisibility that people could catch on to. like the faint shadows, footsteps, his form getting caught on camera.
but that didn’t bother him. he caught on from a young age that keeping his cool kept his visibility in check, too. he grew up to be pretty apathetic. not because he’d learned how to forgive and let go and all that peaceful stuff, but he realized it was just too hard to care for so many things all the time.
there was one thing he cared about though.
video games. why else would he pick a tedious, awful major like compsci. east was pretty chill most of the time but when he played video games he was a different person.
his favorite was league of legends. make of that what you will. bro gets tilted. it’s honestly refreshing to see him show some emotions when that happens.
later on his father suggested sua and east couldn’t find it in himself to argue or look for another promising school.
so off he went 👻
— personality
he is so chill. too chill. like when you get mad at someone because they just seem like they don’t care about anything– that’s east. be careful. if you missed your exit on the highway he wouldn’t tell you.
things just seem so easy for him because he doesn’t take anything too seriously. got a test tomorrow? no worries. he studied for 80 hours already and can lend you his flashcards if you need them. he just does what he’s gotta do. because if he doesn’t finish that first he can’t play video games. and his goal is to play the games.
90% of the time he’s like this. just living life. but there is the 10% where so much has built up he just explodes. in a good way or a bad way. nothing can hide forever, and emotions are no exception.
so… he grew up in a male-only household. yeah. he doesn’t really know how to talk to girls. not in a misogynistic way you know but he’s pretty damn awkward at first. in fact, he’s probably awkward as hell to most guys too. he spent most of his social development years screaming at his teammates on league.
please try not to cry in front of him. he really doesn’t know how to make you feel better. a pat on the back? or like… offering you a tissue? he’s pretty apathetic, which doesn’t bode well for most of his past friendships, but he can’t help it. this doesn’t mean he’s ill-willed though. he does have morals. and tries to be a good person. but he’s probably not the best you’ll ever know.
— ability
he is kinda like a ghost sometimes.
sometimes he’ll stand really still and try to make the couch disappear with his intense focus. this has never happened though. but he won’t give up.
switches in and out of invisibility pretty often as it’s gotten easy for him. and will probably forget which one he is if he doesn’t look down to check.
but honestly he feels most comfortable when no one can see him. probably something to do with his pretty lonely past.
sometimes he’ll photobomb normal human’s photos for fun. it is especially effective when they happen to believe in ghosts.
i’m not gonna lie invisibility is pretty self explanatory and simple. so to recap things that are different about his invisibility: only visual. can still be sensed with touch, smell, hearing. still emits body heat. still casts faint shadows in light. can be captured by cameras, infrared, etc. heighten perception can detect his presence too.
— plots
well of course gamers. someone who finds out just how tilted east can get.
study partner
maybe someone is in trouble and east holds their hand and now boom no one is there to be in trouble
east being a little creep & watching someone but they happen to have higher perception so they’re like wtf???
someone causing the 10%. east has never felt so many emotions in his life but your muse just pushed him over the edge
a ~romantic interest~ east is bi. but it would be interesting if he is in denial about the men part of it. not homophobic but maybe more self sabotaging.
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