pottdplant · 3 years
redact letters you wrote to yourself 😌 go insane in front of 2 fbi agents 😌 self care
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Drive (6x02)  |  The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat (11x04)
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myassbrokethefall · 4 years
Your tags on tlaofs got me. Big time. Like I have not properly watched s11 yet and I wasn't sure why. Because your tags now I know. I dont want those 300 last minutes to be over. Mostly bc I know they will never be what I wanted them to be at the end.
This is old as I’m the queen of losing track of asks...
Yeah, TLAOFS for me...I was in “I’ve been anticipating this season with every fiber of my vibrating, hyperfocusing being for 2 years, and it’s just getting off the ground, it’s finally happening IT’S FINALLY HAPPENINGGGG” mode, and Darin comes in all “ahhhh the x-files, you can’t go home again and why would you want to but, great memories, sometimes I can still hear its voice” mode and the AV Club is like “this should be the final episode, let’s just call it quits right here? we good? ok sounds good, next show” and I’m like NO WE ARE NOT IN THE WIND-DOWN STAGE YET BY GOD NO NO NO RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT *THROWS PUNCHES*
I do feel it would be different now to watch it out of that context, and I know I would appreciate it more. I will rewatch it one of these days, I truly will. 
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xgurl07 · 5 years
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11.04 - The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat
I want to remember how it was. I want to remember how it all was.
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dangerscully · 6 years
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The “ATTHS camera pan” hard at work in season 11. 
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theogfiles · 6 years
HOT TAKE: Dr. They erased Mulder & Scullz memory of their wedding hence they are currently dating while being married AF.
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scull-dog · 6 years
Because @biscully said Mulder owes Scully an orgasm for every time he says parallel universes and @mrsfoxmulder said it should be a fic. Written hella fast on my phone.
"You owe me dinner," Scully announced as she and Mulder retreated to their SUV. "I had to throw out half of that lo-mein from the other night.
Mulder slid into the passenger seat and buckled his seat belt. "I suppose that's fair," he responded. He was silent as Scully started the car and drove them out of the parking deck. She glanced towards him, noticing that he was deep in thought. Mulder turned towards her when he felt her eyes on him. "I feel silly," he admitted, "I'm almost embarrassed that I jumped to parallel universes before something more logical."
Scully huffed. "If I have to hear you say parallel universe one more time, I'll-"
"You'll what?" Mulder teased. He flashed a smug grin in an attempt to call her bluff. A mischievous chuckle surprised him.
She patted his leg and purred, "I'll tell you when we get home, Foxy."
Mulder, distracted by Twilight Zone knockoffs and questionable gelatin desserts, had almost forgotten about their cryptic flirting.
"So ah," he began, "do you have any other memories from parallel universes?" The face Scully made worried him for a moment. Suddenly, she was in his lap, and he wasn't worried about much at all.
Between kisses, Scully mumbled, "what did I tell you in the car?"
Mulder's arms found their way around Scully's waist and settled on her hips "You didn't, remember?" Whatever his punishment would be, he had a feeling he wouldn't mind it one bit.
Instead of answering right away, Scully placed her hands over his and guided them up her body until they cradled her breasts. She leaned towards his ear and whispered, "you're gonna make me come until I can't tell this universe from the next one."
Mulder was still for a second, but quickly leapt up with Scully wrapped around him. She shrieked in delight as he carried them both upstairs, making a mental note to herself that he'll probably need a few asprin later.
Once in their bedroom, Mulder walked towards the bed and loosened his grip on Scully, allowing her to roll onto her back in the middle of the sheets. "Get to work," she said, pulling the hem of her shirt towards her head while Mulder worked her pands down her hips. "As of right now, you owe me two stellar orgasms."
Mulder's head popped up from behind the foot of the bed. "All because I said 'parallel universe' one too many times?"
"That's three," she added.
He grinned and moved between her thighs. "You're gonna remember this in about five different parallel universes."
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agentelmo · 6 years
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Spotnitz Sanitarium? lol...
It’s funny because I was thinking of Frank when Reggie gave his little speech at the end of the episode, about how the real truth is finding each other.  Which is something Frank said a lot about Mulder and Scully after the show ended.
So is this making fun of Frank a bit? lol... Also, I noticed their use of the Mulder and Scully love theme from I Want To Believe in that end scene.
Seriously, someone here is throwing shade lol!
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benwyattforcongress · 6 years
With every episode, I don't think Mulder and Scully could be more married, but then there they are, video tapes scattered across their floor and Scully begging Mulder to spout his latest conspiracy theory during dinner cuz girl needs to eat.
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foxanddanapetrie · 6 years
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This is sexual
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spookyfbi · 6 years
Ok so I think I've figured out why we're seeing that small potatoes scene again. This episode is all about how people remember certain things differently to the way thinly actually happened, so I'm guessing that one or both of them remembers that scene differently. Maybe Mulder remembers Scully actually making out with fake Mulder rather than just their faces getting really close, idk...
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pottdplant · 3 years
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7,000 seems on the low side for Mulder and Scully.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (June 10, 2018)  |  The X-Files: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat (11x04)
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myassbrokethefall · 6 years
In the BTS footage for TLAOFS, they show the index card where Scully talks about wanting to remember how it all was, and, written at the top, someone wrote "Daggoo barks at it." !!!!! What a lost moment! That's how it happens in my head now. Scully, Mulder, and Daggoo are all living at the UH by this point.
I saw that!!! Oh, Daggoo. I think he’s just running free in the fields around the UH. Making friends with bigfoots, living off the land, chasing squirrels. Coming home sometimes to spend a few nights curled up in a comfy dog bed, then hearing the call of the wild once again. And running, running, running across the meadow to...a bigfoot’s cave where he also has a comfy dog bed (made of leaves) and he gets a second dinner. Oh, Daggoo, what a little con artist. Living his best life. 
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xgurl07 · 6 years
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One of my favourite scenes where Mulder is looking gorgeous!
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dangerscully · 6 years
Whenever I go to type out TLAOFS, my brain tells me it’s The Lost Art Of Forehead Sex.
And forehead sex is a lost art on this show. We’re deprived.
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