futbollcunuz-18 · 3 months
Şirkette halısaha yapalım fikrini ortaya attık ılık g*tlü beyaz yakalar gelsinler skelim yeşil sahalarda abicim
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svenmantsik · 6 months
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Escapement Complex
Interactive digital experiment with the GameMaker engine (1280×720px) 2023
A group project, made in two days at Tallinn University during the GameMaker game jam on 9-10.12.2023. Our team happened to consist of just me and my two artist friends Ellis and Anni. None of us had used the GameMaker engine before, so we barely got it done. The theme we were given was “free at last.” We wanted to ask “what about after freedom?” The game story is that you play as a lab experiment who escaped and this is your freedom – unexciting life in a panel building with some other escapees, like a new prison. I designed the player character and did the pixel art direction.
Player character: (placeholder?)
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Anni: @4nnih6 They teach game making at TLÜ and did the programming for this, putting it all together. Ellis instagram: @ellis_bug He has partaken in so many game jams!! He came up with the lab part of the backstory, plus various character designs.
Here's a presentation about the game, which shows off more assets, including some things which didn't make it in. Hallmäe / Grey hill is an alternative title for the game, referencing Mustamäe and other panel building areas of Tallinn.
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Sıcaklar benim için hiç problem değil ben 42 dereceye kadar dayanabilirim 36 derecede yamulan ılık g*tlü İstanbullular düşünsün abi ben oturup çayımı içeceğim
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shadystas · 5 years
Learning Agreement TLÜ (9.02.2020)
1. Speaking about my expectations for the course, I believe that we’ll be able to learn about the digital influence/mark that electronic gadgets leave in our lives. Also, I think that we’ll be taught how to use the beneficence of technology to study.
2. During this course, I think I’ll be able to master my knowledge in how we use our laptops (means of communication) in order to look for information and just to study. Also, I think that I might improve my skills in some applications that one often uses to study.
3. In order to achieve my goals, I think I’ll need to practice a lot, as well as being active in class and pay attention. Being willing to learn something new even outside the field of your studies.
4. I think that if I want to know that my aims have been achieved the easiest and most reasonable way to know that is to challenge it with an assignment to see if it can stand the test of time.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Six new Estonian therapy dogs pass final exam, start work with children | News
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/small-pets/six-new-estonian-therapy-dogs-pass-final-exam-start-work-with-children-news/
Six new Estonian therapy dogs pass final exam, start work with children | News
Over the weekend, Luu successfully completed their therapy dog exam before beginning work at Kuusalu High School, about half an hour east of Tallinn.
“They help reduce stress,” Kuusalu High School teacher and study dog handler Reet Reinsalu explained. “If a child has a scarier assignment — performing in front of the class, reciting a poem — it may be easier to do so to the dog. As a class teacher, what I look at is if there is some topic where I see that involving the dog would be a help to the kids, then I can teach the lesson in such a way that study dog Luu is along with me and helping.”
“I learned about clickers — I didn’t know something like that even existed,” said Gerda, a student.
“I learned that dogs and people aren’t as different as I used to think,” classmate Mirjam added.
Study and therapy dog services have been offered in various parts of Estonia for nearly ten years already. According to Estonian Association of Assistance and Therapy Dogs (EATKÜ) board member Maarja Tali, it’s easier for people who need assistance to connect with dogs.
“By inviting a dog onto the team, a maybe difficult, maybe painful process becomes an enjoyable game,” Tali explained. “And these clients are often people who have a hard time communicating with other people.” She noted that among them are people with speech disabilities, very small children, and people with serious mental health issues. “It often happens that it’s easier for them to make contact and connect with an animal or dog.”
3.5-year-old Jack Russel Elli works at TegevusTe Developmental Therapy Center in Tallinn’s Nõmme District, where they and their four-legged coworkers provide support to children of various ages and with various backgrounds.
“We offer dog-inclusive therapy as well here,” said Kristi Viimsalu, an occupational therapist at TegevusTe. “I think it’s a fantastic opportunity not available elsewhere.”
Success is based on a dog’s positive relationship with their young patient.
“We have to assess the child and their needs well,” Viimsalu explained. “Do they need a big and calm or rather an active and enthusiastic dog? What are the goals of the therapy, and what should a dog know how to do, and what support can they provide the child?”
In theory, anyone can train their dog to be a therapy dog. Starting this fall, Tallinn University (TLÜ) will also be offering a microdegree program in human-animal interaction.
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Analysis of digital competence
1.1  Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content
> Level 5
1.2  Evaluating data, information and digital content
> Level 4
1.3  Managing data, information and digital content
>  Level 4
2.1 Interacting through digital technologies
>  Level 6
2.2 Sharing through digital technologies
>  Level 5
2.3 Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies
>  Level 5
2.4 Collaborating through digital technologies
>  Level 6
2.5 Netiquette
>  Level 6
2.6 Managing digital identity
>  Level 6
3.1 Developing digital content
>  Level 5
3.2 Integrating re-elaborating digital content
>  Level 4
3.3 Copyright and licenses
> Level 3
3.4 Programming
>  Level 1
4.1 Protecting devices
>  Level 4
4.2 Protecting personal data and privacy
>  Level 4
4.3 Protecting health and well-being
>  Level 3
4.4 Protecting the environment
> Level 3
5.1 Solving technical problems
>  Level 2
5.2 Identifying needs and technological response
>  Level 3
5.3 Creatively using digital technologies
>  Level 3
5.4 Identifying digital competence gaps
>  Level 3
 Information and data literacy = 13/24 
Communication and collaboration = 34/48
Digital content creation = 13/32
Safety = 14/32
Problem solving = 11/32 
Overall “score” 85/168
I am slightly disappointed in my score but luckily all the things I am lacking in are something that I can just learn to do. The part that was most striking was my lack of skills in safety and problem solving. I can help my parents with the most basic problems but even that has its limits. Safety is something I should focus more on since hacking someone’s accounts is quite easy and I definitely don’t have all the available safety measures in use.
Although I have grown up in the era of digital things, it’s not something I’ve been taught to use nor have I been taught how to behave in the internet. I also know that learning that in schools can take years to happen because most of the teacher’s aren’t equipped to do anything (at least that was the case in my school). This is a topic that should be out more in mainstream media.
At this time thought, I am happy that I know ways that I can do school work and I know how to use the different tools because even at university level, it can be a problem to some people. It’s easy to ease into thinking that I don’t need to learn to use anything else or that I should change the way use the internet and it’s tools but I’m not safe in this sense. Technology is evolving constantly and there are many people much younger than me who have far better skills than I do. I should try to stay ahead of the game and I should protect myself more because it’s just a matter of time before someone comes and attacks my accounts and steals everything I have. But this is not something only ordinary people should do, even universities can have this sort of problem which dangers all the students and their information, I don’t know what sort of safety measures TLÜ use but it is scary to know that someone can, I imagine quite easily, send a message that looks like an university message and it’s even scarier how easy we trust a layout, I didn’t get the message but I image I probably wouldn’t have thought twice about changing the password if the message had looked like a regular TLÜ email.
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semidime · 5 years
Çw÷TLü #crypto #bitcoin #java #competition #influencer #datascience #fintech #science #EU https://vk.com/id15800296
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evgenychernyavskiy · 5 years
░tLü§} #Markets #Finance #Technology #Network #weekend #software #Economy #Investment https://vk.com/id15800296
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moonseamoonn · 6 years
yazacağım dedim dedim inanmadınız bak noldu şimdhkgjkjfkahfgshjfgk neyse efendim,bunu yazacaktım.
geçen ay nerden çıktıysa aklıma ‘bir aralar witch vardı,bari onu okuyayım’ düşüncesi geldi.ben de bunu fazla savuşturmadım açıkçası okumaya başladım.ama ne okumak..bitmek bilmiyor.inanması zor ama tamı tamına 139 bölüm yapılmış 2001-2012 arası.11 yıl şaka gibi... ben 2003′te falan okuyodum bunu.birkaç sayı dergisini almıştım sonra bir daha bulamayınca öylece kalmıştı.halbuki benim yok sanıp almadığım sürede dergi sayı çıkarmaya epey devam etmiş ama hiçbir zaman sonuna kadar gitmemiş türkiye’de..çok şaşırmadım gerçi. ama italyan yapımı olduğunu öğrenmek şaşırttı!japon biliyodum ben.çizim tarzı çok benziyor ve özellikle sailor moon çakması havası veriyor başlarda.ki zaten ilk bölümde asyalı karakterimiz hay linin odasında usagi oyuncağı apaçık görünüyor.powerpuff falan da var ama zaten referansların hepsini yazmaya kalksam başka bir yazı konusu olur,buna gücüm de yok.
bir de bende lene kaberbol’Un yazdığı hikaye kitaplarından 2 tanesi vardı,cornelia’lı olanını net hatırlıyorum ama diğerini hatırlayamıyorum.cornelia’lı olanını hatırlama sebebim arkadaşımın alıp geri getirmemesiydi sanırım :( diğerininse yıllar içinde nolduğuna dair herhangi bir fikrim yok. 6.sınıftaydım bu seri popüler olduğunda ben,sınıfta tüm kızlar takip ederdi ve cornelia’yı severlerdi.şimdi öyle sarı bir çıyanı sevdiğimi söylemekten utanıyorum ama ben de o zamanlar cornelia’yı bayaa seviyordum....
bu kez okuduğumdaysa favorim will oldu.annesiyle arasındaki diyaloğun benim annemle olan diyaloğuna benzediğini söylemeden geçemeyeceğim,paso kavga ediyolar.bir de matt ile çok yakışıyolar Allah hepimize öyle anlayışlı ve kibar bir bey nasip eylesin (yani aslında gerek yok da olacaksa da böylesi olsun)
aslında elyon’u da seviyordum (hem eskiden hem de şimdi ilk okumaya başladığımda) ama ilk 12-13 bölümden sonra pasifleşti ve hatta ilk 6-7 bölümden sonra o muhteşem antagonistliği de ortadan kalktı.o nedenle şu an kendisine nötrüm.kendisini caleb’le hep çok yakıştırmıştım.aralarında tam bir sevgililik sezemedim ama bir elektrik sezdim ve bundan çok mutlu oldum (ya herkes cornelia ile yakıştırıyor ve çizgi romana bu konuda çok kırgın.linç yemesem iyi olur...)
en sevmediğim karakterse kesinlikle irma.ki ben su elementine kendimi yakın hissederim (toprağa havaya ve özellikle de ateşe çok aşırı uzağımdır diğer serilerde bu güçlere sahip sevdiğim karakterler olmasına rağmen) dolayısıyla su gücü olan karekterlere biraz çekim duyuyorum.bu irma düşman başına bir geri zekalı.komik olduğunu sanıyor ki değil,koca g*tlü,lapacı bişey (kendim de şişko bir insanım,kiloyla dalga geçme niyetinde değilim lakin bu bastıbacağa ne kadar kin kussam az) erkeklere salak salak davranıyor sonra ‘neden bu bana bakmadı,neden benim sevgilim yoğğğkhh’ diye ağlanıyor.ıslak odunla döv resmen amk karısını.
taranee ok’tur.kavruk bir bacımız.giydiği tribal şeyler,saç boncukları falan çok yakışıyor.hay lin de serinin uzakdoğu kültür elçisi gibi olduğundan ona da ok diyorum.büyükannesine çok gıcığım onu söylemeden geçmiyim...ikisi de elementleriyle çok bağdaşıyor,taranee sessiz sakin görünümlü ama kızdı mı fena patlıyor,alev alev.haylin’inse aklı bir karış hava’da,dalgın,dikkatsiz.
cornelia da toprak olduğundan,gerçekçi ve gerçekten çok ayakları yere basan birisi.bir barbie bebek kıvamında ve elit kültürü temsil ediyor (ailesi çok zengin çok lüks bir evde yaşıyolar,buz pateni yapıyor,çok tarz kıyafetler giyiyor) ama ı-ıh.kendisine irma kadar gıcık olamam nolursa olsun.
çizgi romanı orjinalinde italyancaymış,ben de onu aradım yanlış/kötü çevriden bir nebze de olsa kurtulma adına. japonca bilmediğimiz için (hele o alfabe yok mu benden uzak olsun...) fanmade translation’lu mangaları okuduk yıllardır ve kah anladık kah anlayamadık. neyse bunun birkaç sayı italyancasını buldum.ama tamamı yoktu ben de yarım yamalak ingilizceyle idare etmek zorunda kaldım (internetteki ingilizce versiyonunda ana hikaye tamam,ama ekstralar,o dergideki testler falan yok)
çizgi roman konusuna daha sonra devam edeyim,çünkü tembelim.ve yoruldum. ha bir de çizgi filmini izlersem,ondan da bahsederim...
herkese hayırlı 14 şubatlar (evet çok manidar oldu)
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farmasilove · 7 years
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Dr. C. Tuna Vitalizing Çörek Otu Saç Bakım Serisi ile Gözalıcı Saçlar %100 DOĞAL ÇÖREK OTU YAĞI 💗Saç Bakım Yağı 44.99 TL 💗Tüm saçlar için besleyici şampuan 18.49 TL 💗Tüm saçlar için besleyici bakım maskesi 20.99 TL 💗 Çörek otu yağı sabunu 8.99 TLü Çörek otu içeriği ile saçlarınızda mucizevi etki yaratacak! ❤Ücretsiz kargo (110 TL üzeri sipariş) ❤SMS ile Ödeme ❤Kredi Kartı 💳 🔖Stoklarla Sınırlıdır Ⓜİndirimli Online Alışveriş için 1)www.farmasilove.com 2)Farmasi Love &shop mobil uygulamamız 3)farmasilove facebook mağazamız 4)Profildeki link #farmasi #farmasilove #saçbakımı #çörekotu #şampuan #bakımyağı #bakımmaskesi #sabun #kadın #makyaj #makeup #bloggerkesiftagi #indirim #kampanya #bayan #güzellik #sağlık #estetik
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someofthemart · 8 years
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“Mare” from a series of paintings for my bachelors degree
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minuelueestis · 11 years
I got into the summer school - hello, Chinese 3-week course :)
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aaghht · 12 years
Hey does anyone wanna join my university's women's choir? If you go to my school (Tallinn University) and like singing (it's hard work sometimes..... you gotta like it) you will also get 3 credits for it. We need new members right now, as some of us don't have time for the choir anymore...... but you don't even have to be part of the school if you really like singing or such. We have a lot of beautiful songs in our repertoire and we take part in this year's Songfestival as well, so I think it's well worth it, if you're a lady and want to join a choir but don't have any to join.
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someofthemart · 8 years
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“Nova” from a series of paintings for my bachelors degree
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someofthemart · 8 years
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“Astra” from a series of paintings for my bachelors degree
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someofthemart · 8 years
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“Ursa�� from a series of paintings for my bachelors degree
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